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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  August 17, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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that. see you all on "the five." have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> doug: in cairo, a place of prayer is now a fortress filled with gunshot and bloodshed. a sign of how rapidly stability in egypt is deteriorating. almost 200 people have been killed as protesters between supporters and opponents of the muslim brotherhood become increasingly violent. the egyptian government is vowing to "quite terrorism through security measures." leland vittert is following the situation from our mideast bureau now. leland? >> reporter: doug, there is no question the muslim brotherhood protest becomes nothing short of a full armed insurrection inside of cairo.
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the muslim brotherhood on one side. the army and many civilians who have taken up arms against the muslim brotherhood on the other. the latest video coming from a mosque near where the muslim brotherhood tried to storm a police station. you can just see a never-ending string of automatic weapons fire coming out of this mosque. that's where the gunmen have taken up the position in the minerette. police are trying to fight their way inside to get the gunmen out. the number of people injuried in the last couple of days inside the mosque. it's turning in to a bloody weekend. inside of cairo. tankses and the army imposed martial law and promises continue the crackdown on the groups. part of the crackdown is possibly outlawing and declaring the muslim brother hood a terrorist organization. this person, mohammed al-zawahri. if the name sounds familiar, his brother ayman al-zawahri is the leader of al-qaeda.
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i sat down with him in an interview in cairo about a year ago. there he told me the unrest in the middle east, especially in egypt was providing the jihadist groups a whole lot of opportunity. the problem for the army right now in egypt is thaw are trying to arrest their way out of the problem by cutting off the head of the muslim brotherhood. they are finding that it's like the creek snake, the hydra, the greek mythology snake, the snake of multiple heads. they cut one head off and two more are growing in its place. the brotherhood is experiencing a ground swell of support in a number of people. taking up arms here against the army inspired by people like al-zawahri and the other leaders inside of egypt. it's a car bombing. this may be the first opening
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salvo of what could turn in to a much larger armed insurrection. a car bombing. some kind of civil war starts to brew inside of egypt that can destabilize the country. the most populist. >> doug: we'll follow this all day. thank you. joining us now to discuss the ongoing situation in egypt, fox news analyst walid. the "washington post" reporting that two weeks before this military crackdown on the muslim brotherhood that the u.s. was close to striking a deal with the muslim brotherhood and egyptian military, they would strike down their encampments in exchange for promise of nonviolence by the egyptian military but it apparently fell through when the leader of the egyptian military rejected it. your reaction? >> it's amazing. i just heard the speech of the
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advisor who rejected this and said the muslim brotherhood rejected the solution because the only plan they have is return morsi to government. i'm not sure who got it right here. >> what is the strategy right now? >> leland said exactly the muslim brotherhood moving from the demonstrations, which was the case a few weeks ago to urban jihadi insurgency. to create spots inside cairo. the bigger story is not in cairo. it's across egypt. we know in the past 27 hours 62 christian centers have been destroy and burned down. police stations have been attacked. what the brotherhood are trying to do is create pockets across egypt. what the army is trying to do is as he said also, to cut off the head of the brotherhood in cairo and move to the provinces. >> doug: there is a growing chorus of voices in the united states for the u.s. to side with the egyptian military. do you concur with that?
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why should we, if we should? >> the military is trained. but it's really fighting at a terrorist not just in cairo, but in sinai. what concerns me is the jihadi connected al-qaeda allies inside sana'a. if they control the part there, they could draw egypt. so the second priority is encourage egyptians for political reconciliation, encouraging those nonviolent to join the process. >> doug: there is a growing chorus as well of anger in egypt against the obama administration from both sides. what are they pushing for? >> i'm not surprised 20% is influenced by the brotherhood and islamists. they are angry against the administration because of the political side they had with washington.
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the bigger concern i have is for the 80% egyptians who consider that the united states endorse the brotherhood and let the brotherhood do what they have done. there could be work in cairo and united states to bring back the friendship that existed before. >> doug: it appears that the entire middle east is a powder keg. what is the tipping point? what is the flash point for broader war? >> the battle of egypt is it. wherever egypt goes, the rest goes. we put pressure on them. and saudi arabia said i will be funding the egyptian government. kuwait. and i am with the egyptian army now. this is a message to washington. be careful. when you side with the muslim brotherhood you could lose half the region. >> doug: a tough balancing act. thank you for your expertise. i appreciate it. good to see you, sir. new revelations leaked by snow don't the "washington post"
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shows nsa violated privacy rules thousands of times. the n sa says they are mistakes and minuscule if you look at the information that it collects. some lawmakers are calling for a closer look at the issue. jennifer griffin has the latest revelation. jennifer? >> the may 2012 internal nsa audit shows thousands of privacy violations in one year alone. in some cases the nsa was monitoring the phone records of residents of washington, d.c. whose area code 202 is similar to that of egypt. nsa compliance director john delong says the violations were not willful or malicious and represented as you pointed out a "minuscule percentage" of nsa surveillance activity. the fsa whistle-blower edward snowden provided the newspaper documents months ago. former house speaker nancy pelosi called the revelations disturbing. the democratic senator bob ley said he plans -- pat leahy
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plans to have hearings to investigate. >> the nsa has become a menace. the constitutional rights of americans are under a broad assault here. fourth amendment right to be free of search and says sure and freedom of speech are under attack. >> 2,27 incident of privacy violation occurred in one year from 2011 to 2012 under the administration. the audit found nsa personnel were told to water down report to the justice department and congress. the chairman of the house and intel committee continued to defend the program. "the majority of the compliance incidents are therefore unintentional and do not involve any inappropriate surveillance of americans." but leading critics of the nsa program, senators udall and weiden say the latest revelations are the tip of the iceberg. republican lawmakers who
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propose legislation to defund program last month believe their legislation would have passed if the new revelations had come to light then. doug? >> doug: jennifer griffin. thank you. the nsa violates your privacy and claim that mistakes happen. have they stopped it? or are our fourth amendment rights being abused? former arkansas governor and host of "huckabee" on fox joins us. mike huckabee. should we believe our government? >> it's hard to. we have seen them being dishonest with us. i.r.s., and the benghazi scandal, the fast and furious scandal and now we're asking to believe 2800 different infractions were nothing more than accidents. any of us who try toing may that as an excuse, 2800 mistakes on the taxes, 2800 mistakes speeding when we know we were going over the limit, it doesn't wash.
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i don't think americans are ready to buy something that needs serious look by congress. they have oversight responsibility and they need to exercise it. >> doug: this is a sound bite from the president, and what he said recently trying to reassure americans about the surveillance programs. listen up. >> america is not interested in spying on ordinary people. what you are not reading about is the government actually abusing the programs. and you know listening in on people's phone calls. or inappropriately reading people's e-mails. what you are hearing about is the prospect that these could be abused. >> doug: i want to contrast that with what the "washington post" reported. in the "post" today said, "the documents include a level of detail and analysis that is not routinely shared with congress or the special court that oversees surveillance."
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what do you make of that? >> well, and the president just said something i found interesting. he said the person people aren't reading stories that say that there is in-depth spying going on. actually, we. it's not coming as disclosure of the government but from a leak of the 29-year-old contractor leaking this out as result of what he believed was his disgust. i'm not defending everything snowden did. if it weren't for snowden, most miles per hours would haven't any clue the extent to which they as american citizens, guilty of nothing, had phone calls e-mails confiscated by the federal government of the united states. i believe in an unconstitutional manner. >> doug: that raises another interesting question about the fisa court. it's not adversarial body. it's -- i suppose swa akin to grand jury, where that old expression you can indict a ham sandwich exists. do there need to be changes
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there? does it need to be an adversarial proceeding or more open? >> it needs more scrutiny by members of congress. we don't need to have every decision the fisa court makes on the front page of the local newspaper. but i think it has to be some accountability back to citizens and member of senate and the house. there has to be unfettered way in which our elected officials the request make sure the programs are not tramplalling all over the constitutional rights of americans. many of us believe they are. all in the name of national security, which we all want. but we have allowed ourselves to be frisked and searched at airports through tsa. i don't know that anybody can tell us one time when the tsa has caught a terrorist at the airport check point. hot dog vendors in times square caught more terrorists than the thousands of the tsaing agents have. >> doug: good point, governor.
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lastly, shift gears entirely. this friday we learned that the rnc on a unanimous voice vote agreed to ban nbc and cnn hosting the 2016 republican debates. here is what the reince priebus had to say about that. listen up. >> we're done putting one this nonsense. there are plenty of other news outlets. we will reach voters, maybe more voters. but cnn anchors have to watch on their competitors' networks. >> doug: does it help or hurt the rnc and the republican party? >> i think it helps. because it serves notice that the republican national committee is not going to be a patsy and just come to whatever dog food trough the networks put forward. they want to make sure the message is framed in a venue that is not unfriendly. it doesn't have to be promised friendly. it's not supposed to be friendly. it's supposed to be neutral. there hasn't been neutrality. the rnc needs to put a very
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deficit position on not only how many of the debates will happen; who the moderators and the questioners are going to be. but the time allocation among the candidates. which frankly sometimes the network make the decisions. who are going to be the winners and the losers of debate giving six or seven times the amount of attention to a candidate they consider to be the front-runner? as i well know, sometimes you are stuck in back of the pack and maybe you get one little question, 30 seconds to answer it and they essentially thank you for showing up and being a stage prop for the others. >> doug: governor. great observations as always. we look forward to seeing the show tonight. "huckabee" 8:00 p.m. on the fox news challenge. good see you. thank you. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> doug: president obama uses his weekly address to say he will do everything he can to make sure the new healthcare law works. he criticizes the republicans who want to eliminate funding for the law or shut down the government over it.
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who would the public blame if the government shuts down. elizabeth prann joins us with more on the fight over the healthcare law. >> that is right. good afternoon. lawmakers have not given any indication there is a resolution on the horizon to alleviate the pressure of the federal debt. but failure to compromise could lead to a partial government shutdown and therein lies the blame game. both parties in their weekly addressed mention it. republicans say the states will experience the sticker shock in the next coming months. companies could be forced to lay workers off. americans would experience raise in cost, loss of jobs and reduce access to plans or doctors which is why they say the house passed bipartisan legislation that delays the individual mandate to further bring relief to the average household. >> because you an your family deserves the same relief that the president gave to big businesses by delaying the employer mandate. it's more than fair when you look at how the law is raising costs, hurting jobs. reducing access to the plans
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and the doctors you like. >> of course, two sides to every story of then the other hand, the democrats backing the president and say the implementation is well on its way. americans are getting protections under this law they didn't receive beforehand. such as discounting prescriptions. contraceptive care. as well as the ability to compare plans and even tax credits. they also say it's better protecting those two couldn't find coverage beforehand. >> if you are among up to half of all americans who have been sick or have a preexisting condition, this law means beginning january 1 insurance companies have to cover you. they can't use your medical history to charge you more than anybody else. >> well, the president's approval rating waned and congress fared worse. lawmakers, as you know, are back on the hill next month. doug, back to you. >> doug: indeed they are. elizabeth prann, thank you very much. there is concern for even more flooding in the southeast this weekend as the heavy rains are expected from the florida panhandle to carolinas. columbus, georgia, saw flash
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flooding this week when it got six inches of rain on wednesday and inch-and-a-half on thursday. all of that has it feeling like fall in the south. atlanta set a new record with a 67-degree low yesterday. that is if dog day of august. one above the coldest and record summers on record for georgia. ♪ ♪ >> doug: check that out. the ground shook near one of the most dangerous fault lines in the country today. but it wasn't an earthquake. it was the implosion of that 13-story cal state university building near the hayward fault. it was expected to send out shockwaves similar to magnitude 2.0 earthquake. scientists are using it to map out where the ground might shake the most when and if the big one ever hits. big problems for the big apple. the mayor says new could be the next detroit. coming up next, what he says
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could put the city on a path to bankruptcy. and her husband made the ultimate sacrifice. why the wife of an arizona firefighter killed in the line of duty is fighting for benefits. any last requests mr. baldwin? do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet?
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they all deserve equal treatment because they all made the same ultimate sacrifice. >> doug: another widow whose husband lost his life battling a massive wildfire in arizona is speaking out about being denied benefits. roxanne's husband billy is one of the 19 granite mountain hotshot firefighters who died in the wildfire in june. she says she was told she was not entitled to benefits because she and 12 others are seasonal firefighters who do not work full-time. the arizona legislature is set to vote on a proposal to retroactively provide benefits to the family, but she wants governor brewer to call a special session to make it happen more quickly. ♪ ♪ could new york city become the next detroit? mayor michael bloomberg says it's a possibility that the big apple could follow the motor city down the road to bankruptcy. fox news correspondent david
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lee miller has more. >> in little more than three months new yorkers will elect a new mayor. warning from mayor michael bloomberg to his successor reverberate around the city. bloomberg says pension and healthcare cost for city workers contributed to the detroit financial ruin threaten new york's economic stability. most new york city employees and retirees pay nothing for $6.3 billion in annual health insurance. workers pay little for pensions that have taxpayers on the hook for $8 billion this year. >> new york city has right now 10,000 police officers, retired, who under 40 and collecting pensions and they will technically collect the pensions for the rest of their lives. >> contracts for almost all 300,000 city workers expired three years ago. the next mayor will be under pressure. to win concessions. >> the unions have tried to wait it out. they don't want to negotiate request mayor bloomberg because he is a tough
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businessman. >> many new yorkers remember 1975 when the city almost went broke after president ford said no to a bail-out. since then, a state financial control board oversees the city budget. the editor of the chief, a newspaper for the city workers calls bloomberg's warning about a detroit style bankruptcy fear mongers. >> it's partly a scare tactic and it's partly about spin looking to deflect any blame for basically having abdicate ed his responsibilities as mayor to negotiate timely contracts with the unions. >> new york mayor bloomberg says all u.s. cities can learn a lesson from detroit's bankruptcy. across the country, state and municipal mentions are underfunded by more than $ 1 trillion. >> doug: bloomberg is also catching heat for idea he threw out in radio appearance and he suggested the public housing residents should be fingerprinted to get in their buildings.
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the city isn't working on that yet. several candidates say program echoes that of the stop and frisk policy. a federal judge ruled that policy unconstitutional because it unlawfully targets the blacks and hispanics. the city is appealing. well, if you can't beat them, go around them. that is the obama's take on the environmental policy. still to come, fair and balanced debate on the green energy initiatives. are they taking executive power too far? >> first, it's your turn to choose the news. we will show you colorful stories that caught our attention. you can hear what you want to hear? is it hempfest where cop provide dory toes? or she is panhandling for cosmetic surgery. or alligator acupuncture? we find out why an alligator needs weekly acupuncture
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therapy. to vote go to our home page. we'll read the one you pick at the end of the show today. geoff: i'm the kind of guy who doesn't like being sold to. the last thing i want is to feel like someone is giving me a sales pitch, especially when it comes to my investments. you want a broker you can trust. a lot of guys at the other firms seemed more focused on selling than their clients. that's why i stopped working at my old brokerage and became a financial consultant with charles schwab. avo: what kind of financial consultant are you looking for? talk to us today. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. and the more i focus on everything else, the less time i have to take care of me. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. glucerna products help me keep everything balanced.
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>> doug: egypt is in political disarray as the muslim brotherhood starts a week of from test. today the violence centers around a mosque filled with protesters. it's the bottom of the hour. the violence in egypt leads off the top story. about 700 people have been killed in egypt since wednesday. the egyptian government announced it's considering disbanding the muslim brotherhood altogether. the security forces storm that mosque which supporters of ousted president mohammed morsi were using as a field hospital and a morgue. more than 1600 homes near sun valley, idaho, are being evacuated because of a massive wildfire. the fire started from a lightning strike on august 7 and high winds are expected to make it worse. in ten minutes we'll have a
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live report about the thousands of firefighters who will join the effort today. investigators say the pilot of a ups plane that crashed in birmingham, alabama, received two low-altitude warnings. preliminary results show no signs of distress from the pilots or any kind of an engine fire. a homeowner in texas is thank. for her not so scary guard dog today. the lap dogs scared away a gun-toting burglar. the would-be robber kicks the gate if her house and ran away when the dogs went after them they chased the suspect down the street. they bite is worse than their bark. those are the top stories right now. the obama administration has bet and lost heavily on greed energy. think of solyndra for example. that has not stopped it from pushing on to ways that some evade congressional oversight.
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>> for the first time, the solar panels are going up on the roof of the white house. part of a mandate as part of renewables for the government. and symbolic gesture that the president is plowing ahead with the green energy agenda. >> he said he wasn't going to wait for congress. he had administrative authority and time to utilize those more effectively in a more concerted way. >> the obama administration is being strategically brilliant by doing this behind the scenes. they are going to achieve everything that the u.n. treaty, cap and trade and carbon taxes could have achieved through the invisibility of the federal regulations. epa regulatory battle against global warming encountered a head wind. in a suit brought by the landmark legal foundation a federal judge ruled epa responses to the alias e-mail account used by the epa administrator lisa jackson and others, "contained numerous
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inconsistencies and reversals which undermined confidence in the truthfulness." he ruled that land mark could now depose senior ep ab officials about the alias e-mails. >> a day later, two republican lawmakers, darrell issa and viter wrote her relating to the duties and they were concern it was a deliberate attempt to circumvent congressional oversight. this comes with what some believe is administration intolerance for any dissent in the global warming debate. evidenced by these comments -- >> hope there are no climate change deniers in department of interior. >> they say if you are a global warming skeptic and you work for the obama administration by appointee or career zil service, keep your mouth shut and don't express your views. >> doug: by dissent is growing.
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due to skeptics that say temperature averages stalled for the last 50 years. some scientists from russia predict a new mini ice age on the lack of the sun spot activity. here to talk about this stuff is hogan didly, former communication director for rick santorum. chuck rocha from solidarity strategies. welcome to you both. good to see you. >> thank you, doug. >> doug: chuck, start off with you. >> thank you for having us. >> doug: why have the epa been evasive when it comes to the foia request. and evasive when it comes to congress asking for science behind the clean air regulations? science that some opponents believe is politicized. why? >> the biggest complaint in washington, d.c. is nothing is getting done. when the epa tries to get something done because congress won't do anything, people are throwing up a roadblock after another. if the administration and the epa will do things to make us less depep don't on foreign oil to make the water clean and the air pure, i'm all in for this. >> doug: hogan, do you want
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to respond? >> it seems like every federal government acronym with any relationship with this president or the white house is in some type of scandal. the problem the nsa, i.r.s., epa, each scandal is based on political motivation, trying to put forth a radical agenda that nobody wants. they want you to think the green energy is around the corner. if it were, the solyndras of the world were pumped with billions of dollars of federal money could be going gangbusters instead of bust. the problem is this is great. we're all for conservation. i want green energy. but the problem is it's really far off. we'd see quicker advances and a quicker turn toward it. if it were around the corner as they have them believe.
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>> doug: in the piece that aired from the website climate depot, describes the obama administration regulatory strategy as a stroke of genius. i can achieve the goals u.n. ippc, and all the goals of the cap and trade. without the impediment of congress. what do you make of that? >> sure. what a stroke of genius is, is how the president figured out how to put solar panels on top of the white house and stick with us the bill. that is what is amazing here. by their own admission, this is 97% cheaper than carter administration attempt to put solar panels on its white house. wen the 97% savings, it won't pay for itself for eight years. which means once again, another bill to taxpayers that he is sticking us with. this is a bigger deal for the white house. if they accomplish in addition, they will clean up the scandals. chances are it won't. for all intents and purposes
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that is a lame duck president moving forward. as we talk about the bigger things in upcoming election, take 30,000 view at this. it's difficult for democrats to run on a bigger government platform, when it seems like at every turn, the government is embroiled in scandal after scandal that is hurting the nation, bankrupting the nation. frankly eroding the trust that people have in their elected officials. >> doug: chuck, i want to throw another question your way. you know, the very foundation of science is skepticism. challenging assumptions and precon zeed notions. if you -- preconceived notions. historically, some of the great scientists,ca they turned accepted wisdom on its head. yet, the obama administration seems to demonize people who are skeptical of the climate change. why do they do that? why do they reject the process of the science as being skeptical as its nature? >> you are right.
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it is good to question. but when you have 99, 99.5% of all scientists who says planet is getting warmer, when your documentation shows last year was the hottest year on record. when we want to clean our air and keep the water clean is not a political issue. it's about common sense. sure, challenge evening you can challenge. when the facts hit you in the face, you can't run away from the facts. president obama said he wanted to take an all of the above approach. that's whey they are putting solar panels on the white house. that's why the oil production in this country is at the highest it's be and gone up every year while he has been in the presidency. we have to do everything we can as americans to become less dependent on foreign oil and also protect our planet. >> doug: chuck, you get the last word. thank you. hogan, thank you, too. great to see you. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> doug: 1600 homes in idaho evacuated and more coming. more high winds are expected in idaho today. where a thousand firefighters will join the 600 already battling a blaze near sun
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valley. dominic di-natale has the latest. >> reporter: hi there. this is a resort region to names of the famous like arnold schwarzenegger and tom hanks. bruce willis has a house there. no indication that the celebs are about to lose their homes but the private insurance sent in their own crews to provide structural protection to those homes that are valued in the multimillion dollars. only one structure destroyed so far, though. this is a big wildfire. beaver creek fire as they call it. 100 square miles among the big zost far this season. typical of the season, strong winds and dry timber turning the sun valley to a powder keg. it's got son bad that the ski resort there, turning the water cannons across the slope to protect the lodges and chair lifts. another thousand firefighters expected overnight. west of the town of hailey. extending north of ketchum in central idaho.
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>> if you have issued a mandatory evacuation order, please leave your home. if you have been issued a preevacuation order for your area, please be prepared to leave your home. please abide by all almost officer orders. >> they are quite serious about it, with 60-tons at risk. not the only big fire in hide he they have this week. another one they have got they got a first-hand look at the daniel from the elk fire. that is 670 miles east of -- 70-mile east of boise. >> it's contained and there is another big one. 225 square miles. it's a bad wildfire season, doug. back to you. >> doug: thank you very much. we urge all the firefighters to be extremely careful out there. so risky what they are doing out there. thank you.
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your tax dollars spent on hotel for illegal immigrants? still to come, why border patrol agents put people up who cross illegally in hotels. more and more people living under someone else's roof these days. what is keeping more adults from stepping out on their own? how it could impact you a your family. hey linda! what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support gularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'.
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leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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that's when i decided to switch. now that i'm on verizon, everything moves fast. with verizon, i have that reliability. i'm completely happy with verizon. verizon's 4g lte is the most reliable and in more places than any other 4g network. period. that's powerful. verizon. get the nokia lumia 928 for free. that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients, then carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts. we're golfing now, buddy! i got it! belvita.teady energy. all morninlong. [ female announcer ] and now introducing new belvita soft-baked breakfast biscuits. made with delicious ingredients and whole grains, they'll give you 20% of your daily fiber... and a new way to get nutritious morning energy. available in mixed berry and oats & chocolate. >> doug: still living with mom and dad? you are not alone. new research shows nearly 2.5 million americans are living in somebody else's
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home. it's not just college grads. brian has more on this. it's hurting the housing market but the economy in general as well. brian? >> hey, doug, mom and dad's couch is looking more comfortable these days. the number of adults and seen yours living in their parent's home are doubled up with roommates is up this year by 4% according to a analysis by tru will beia. of the 2.4 million people who would have been homeowners prerecession but are now living with others 57% were 18- to 34-year-olds and the rest are split between the ages 35 to 54 and those 55 and above. economists say the so-called missing households are driving the overall demand for housing down. it's especially true for young people. many of them lacking the down payment and the credit history ies to qualify for mortgages, leaving them stuck at home.
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>> especially as team's job security is getting better, the cost of renting is going up. that will make others wait longer than otherwise before going out on their own. >> people like 26-year-old tera, marketing major living in her parent's home with her brothers in long island new york. why? >> she says it makes sense. >> it's move out, move in the basement or somebody else's apartment. i don't know why they would do that, when they could live at home and stay home for a few years to buy a hem of their own. >> doug, another survey released says most parents are okay with the children living at home for up to five years. after finishing college. back to you. >> doug: that does not apply to me. i would not be okay with that. a lot of people would have a tough time with that. new trend. i'll say. the feds are picking up hotel tab for illegal immigrants? that is right. after the break, we find out
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members of congress from both sides of the aisle want some answers from the department of home land security after hearing it spent $13 million on new homes for border agents in arizona. no surprise this is one of the most popular stories on fox right now. the homes apparently cost the federal government about $600,000 apiece. and get this, most homes in that remote border area sell for far less, about $100,000 apiece. republican senators john mccain and jeff of flake as well as democratic congressman ron barber are all demanding an explanation. >> another story trending, a bakery in oregon that is the target of a state investigation for reportedly refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. the state is looking into whether the bakery broke a 2007 law that protects gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people against discrimination. the law does make exceptions for religious organizations but not private businesses. >> honestly, the way that i
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think and feel is that it's not in my hands, it's in god's hands, and it's not many my control. so whatever is going to be is going to be. >> melissa kline, the owner of sweet cakes by melissa, says same-sex marriage is against her religious beliefs. and finally, a chinese zoo has been busted for trying to pass off a dog as a lion. visitors were shocked when the african lion, quote unquote, started barking. the head of the animal will department says the actual lion is at a breeding facility. you can check out what else is trending at and get ready now for some viewer outrage. hundreds of illegals staying in hotel rooms on your federal tax dollars. fox news correspondent william lodge aness explains why. >> reporter: illegal immigrants aren't typically treated to taxpayer-funded hotel rooms. but after 550 mexican immigrants claimed asylum in one week near san diego, armed agents were forced to escort an overflow of
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families to hotels. two border patrol agents outside provided round-the-clock security. >> this clearly has to have been orchestrated by somebody. it's not -- it's beyond belief that dozens and dozens or hundreds or thousands of people would simultaneously decide that they should go to the united states and make this claim. >> asylum is available to anybody who has persecution, has been persecuted, or has a well-founded fear of future persecution. >> reporter: asylum claims essentially stop any deportation proceeding. among mexicans such claims are rare and historically 91% are ultimately denied. while legal, critics say these claims are meant to overwhelm the system and win an immigrant a temporary release, pending a hearing for which fewer ever show up. >> we have a long history of people absconding from immigration hearings of one sort or another. they just blend back into the
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community. >> reporter: documents obtained exclusively by fox news show immigration agents transferred 30 illegal immigrants to this hotel and 70 others were released to addresses in california, texas and florida, to wait for an immigration hearing. the administration claims it is simply following the law. an immigration official told us, quote, the legal threshold for credible fear is broad and low to ensure individuals who may face a significant possibility of persecution have the opportunity to have their case heard before an immigration judge. >> last week the administration stopped the deportation of nine mexican nationals after they claimed fear of prosecution. some believe that provided the template and precedent for this flood of new claims. the viewers' choice winner, coming right up. and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want.
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just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet?
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it's time now for the story you at home picked -- i emphasize you picked it, we did not -- begging for breasts, a story we found on the "new york daily news" web site. apparently this florida woman is panhandling for bigger breasts on the side of the road in pensacola. i kid you lot. the daily news has shots of the woman with a sign that said, not homeless, i need boobs. passing motorists apparently are generous to her cause. >> i just want bigger boobs because i'm not happy with the ones i have. i figure this is a good way to
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do it. people put out signs that they're homeless. i'm not. so i'm just being honest. >> that she is. don't worry, if your favorite story was not picked, we'll post all the stories on the web site. the fox news alert on the growing chaos unfolding in egypt. just this morning, security forces storming a mosque in cairo after a 24-hour standoff with hundreds of islamist support hes who had barricaded themselves inside. hello, everyone. i'm kelly wright, welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> pleased to have you with us. the situation is quickly unraveling. take a look at there video out of northeast egypt. hundreds of people are on this bridge, and they are literally ducking and running for their lives, as the shots ring out. the death toll has been


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