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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 19, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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you answer. go to let us know what you thought about tonight's show. good night see you tomorrow night fox news channel. do that, the whole industry is down. hello, i'm kimberly guilfoyle, with bob beckel, dana perino, brian kilmeade, eric bolling. it is 5:00. this is "the five." the debate over racial profiling in america was reignited with the trayvon martin case and the uproar over stand your ground laws. now another law is coming under intense national scrutiny and that is stop and frisk. last week, a federal judge banned new york police department from using the crime fighting tool, saying it targets minorities, yesterday, trayvon martin's mother and the head of the naacp got in support of the
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ruling. >> i think you have to give not only civilian but you have to give the police officers the right direction. you can't yield people in authority the right to stop somebody because of the color of their skin. >> just because there are more murders in our community doesn't mean that you can treat all of us like we are guilty. >> and why commissioner ray kelly argues it is minorities in danger without stop and frisk. >> the losers in this, if this case is allowed to stand, are people that live in minority communities. 97% of the shooting victims in new york city last year were people of color, black or latino. also issued a warning for why the rest of america should care. >> this happens throughout
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america in any police jurisdiction. you have to do it. officers have to have the right of inquiry, if they see suspicious behavior. and this case has to be appealed in my judgment because it will be taken as a template and has significant impact in policing throughout america. >> i agree with ray kelly, bolling, what's your thoughts? >> i did a ton of research for real. i had the top ten most popular cities in the country, new york, l.a., chicago, houston, philadelphia, and matched it against whether they have stop and frisk. then matched it further against what their violent crime rates were. on friday, i was in favor of stop and frisk. i have to tell you something, some of the cities with the highest violent crime rate have stop and frisk. i took the top cities, most dangerous, flint, michigan, detroit, memphis, stockton. turns out that crime is more
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tied to economic activity, to find jobs, have jobs, than it is to stop and frisk. i can't make the leap that says stop and frisk is the reason for a lower crime rate in new york city and they're trying to. honestly, i have to tell you, you can't. there's no one or two cities that say look, when they instituted stop and frisk, crime rates went down. it did go down in new york, but it wasn't because of that, because of economics, the city got stronger. >> but how can you just parcel that out and not say it wasn't part of the overall picture? >> because the most dangerous cities in the country have the highest crime rate. >> part of the model that worked here. >> i can tell you, 4.4 were stop and frisked in ten years, a minuscule number were arrested, minuscule. there was nothing about -- very few had guns on things like that. 4.4 million, you get a tiny number of people arrested? it is logical.
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look at it. it is a step beyond the fourth amendment. 4.4 million people, don't stop any crime. >> bob, it is not stepping on the first amendment. they agree it is legal, constitutional. >> all of you people are for stop and frisk, show us where it brought crime down specifically. >> exactly like the jobs saved argument, when president obama said we're going to show you how many jobs we saved, you can't actually show jobs saved. you can't show the number of crimes deterred. there are three important words out of the debate yesterday. integral, behavior, deterrent. integral, part of policing. behavior, meaning it is not racial profiling, it is behavior, and then the third thing, deterrents. i have to say, i lived in washington, d.c. compared to new york city, bob, i would much rather be in new york city, much safer place than d.c. >> what is integral. >> are you kidding me?
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integral. you have to have it. >> i didn't know. >> remind us not to partner with you in scrabble. >> i don't even play scrabble. >> i played this weekend. >> did you? >> i did. >> first off, the reason why new york works and the other cities don't is because new york is better at it, they're not profiling nationality and color of skin, doing behavior. what they're doing is when you stop 5 million people, only have 10% result in arrest, good job. because what you're saying is you are deterring people from walking out with a piece because they could get stopped. they could say i am not going into that building, i don't like the behavior leading up to that. nypd will get in your face, say excuse me, can i talk to you a second. they will talk and search. real quick, rudy giuliani got us on the way, unbelievable progress, i witnessed it, 42nd
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street looked totally different. there wasn't even litter. people worried bloomberg came back, it would stop. when bloomberg came to law enforcement, he kept it on the downward slope. when you look at the areas, they're not positive areas. >> brian, brian, brian, wait a minute. you have to -- before you can say that definitively, i get back to the point of the people that were arrested, virtually none of them had guns, virtually none of them had any long records, and most of them walked away. >> where are the complaints? salutations for their effort? and they're better than chicago. >> hold on. nypd, they don't do it in oakland and don't do it in chicago. >> they should. >> they should. but that's not where the highest crime is. highest crime across the country is where poverty rates are the highest. flint, michigan, 41%, detroit, 41%, oakland, 27%, memphis.
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that's where the tie is between violent crimes and poverty rates. let me give you an example. new jersey has stop and frisk. have 33% per 100,000 murder rate, highest in the country and have stop and frisk. >> i don't think this is -- >> jobs, poverty? >> i think jobs and poverty are key to everybody's success. that's not the police department's job. and i don't think it is determinative to take numbers like that like bob is doing, saying they weren't arrested. well, how do you know how many crimes they didn't commit because they were deterred? >> exactly. >> some of the highest -- >> success rate with mayor bloomberg with this than anybody else not in law enforcement who maybe had been a victim of a crime. >> what are you referring to. >> loss of people.
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>> i am serious, dead serious. do the research, not depend on other people's flow charts, pie charts, awesome. this is where i like to add to the whole thing. you talk about race and nationality playing a role in whether to stop and frisk, they go with -- just so happens, many of those areas is where more crime happens. economics is tied into criminal behavior. >> part of the puzzle. >> that's the focus. throw out the race aspect, which we saw trayvon martin's mom brought up. >> police department says you are supposed to have reasonable suspicion. do you think there was 4.4 million reasonable suspicions? >> yes. >> come on. >> in this aspect, i differ with bob. i don't think the police are doing anything wrongdoing it. when you look for causal effects, reasons behind murder rates, violent crime, rapes, et cetera, it is more tied to economic availability, ability
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to find work. >> there's bad people out there, there's criminals. they don't want to work any place. that's the problem. or gang members, et cetera. this is a vital law enforcement tool and you'll see what happens. >> give guilliani credit for cleaning up new york city, continued a policy of stop and frisk which was in place prior to him. >> give credit for that cleaning up. >> it was continued. solid job. continued with greg kelly at a level nobody has seen before. >> it was done before guilliani came to office. >> worried about racial profiling, hold on, bloomberg signed a law in 2004 banning that. there are safeguards in place. the supreme court said it is legal. it is not a violation of the constitution. it works. it is an effective law enforcement tool and it does, does operate as deterrent. when you have high volume of police officers on the streets
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and you know you're going to get a pat down, you are going to think twice. >> 4.4 million people had suspicious -- >> why are we doing such a good job with terror in new york city? why have we been able to prevent a terror attack? >> how do you know? >> proactive and we have strong presence in new york city of cops with boots on the ground to make sure they know we're here, we're watching and paying attention. >> you put boots on the ground in times square, did the broken window issue -- those are the reasons why businesses came back to the city and people got jobs in my opinion. i am not disagreeing with you. i am not saying they shouldn't be doing it. i'm saying if you want to look at the reasons behind crime rates in places like new york, look at the jobs.
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>> boots on the ground when the car drove his truck into times square and had a bomb in it. >> disturbing, but doesn't diminish the great things they did. >> it doesn't. that's why people feel safe when they come here. this is something interesting to rile you up more, talk about cameras and cops wearing them, take a listen to this. >> the body camera issue opens up certainly more questions than answers. when do you have the cameras on, when do you turn them off, do you have it on during a domestic dispute, do you have it on when somebody comes to give you confidential information? all these issues have to be answered. >> that presents a problem. you think of the practical impact of cops wearing head cameras, when do you turn it on, when do you turn it off. defense lawyers, et cetera, say this is a violation of rights. let's suppress the evidence, case thrown out, you have gang members, murderers, et cetera. it is very confusing.
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i don't see what benefit you get from that. >> do you want to live in a country where cops, think about it, cops have cameras on their head taking pictures? who the hell do they think they are. >> do i need to give you "the miracle" for christmas? i said i'm against it. >> oh, okay. >> thanks. >> i am for equipping the police with anything, any tool they need to protect us and i am not for taking them away. i look at all of the mayoral candidates in new york city, ray kelly said this isn't going to just effect new york city, it is integral to policing across america. one of the judge's suggestions was maybe instead of stopping and frisking, there should be cameras. that was the liberal judge's contention, that's what she suggested. >> enjoy your experiment.
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have a nice experiment in new york city, enjoy yourself. crime goes way up. >> the hypocrisy and inconsistency of that kind of argument from the judge. one hand, stop and frisk, that's bad. more cameras, more cameras. >> stop and frisk shouldn't go away, she simply said you have to train police officers prior to the stop and frisk. >> civil rights activist. >> so what? >> that's her piece, that's her deal. >> i think she's in line with -- >> i am going to visit kimberly in new york city. >> dana is for all this. she's from the wild, wild west. >> here is the thing about the cameras. the cops say that lapd, i saw columns from cops, i can't lights out on the camera, i was accused of police brutality,
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nypd says they don't want any part of it, it doesn't give the picture of what they're experiencing on the street. domestic dispute, barging into the house, you have to make sense of a camera on your chest. >> exactly. >> what was his name, the guy that was using the broom when he got to the precinct? >> oh -- >> my a block was so good. i got beckeled. is the nsa spying scandal dividing the gop? some say it is reaching a boiling point. that's next on "the five." ♪ could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald
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was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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where do you want to take your business? call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ ♪ "the washington post" blew the nsa snooping scandal wide open in a scathing expose', they implicated obama administration, so embarrassed, obama administration leaned on "the washington post" to pull back the story. listen to rand paul call out the
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government for overstepping, correction, illegal data mining, innocent americans. >> i think the president fundamentally misunderstands the constitutional separation of powers because the checks and balances are supposed to come from independent branches of government. so he thinks if he gets some lawyers together from the nsa and they do a power point presentation and tell him everything's okay that the nsa can police themselves. i think the constitutionality of the programs need to be questioned and there needs to be a supreme court decision that looks at whether or not what they're doing is constitutional or not. >> now listen to an old school republican congressman from new york trying to defend a big government invasion of your privacy. >> i fully disagree with what senator rand paul said. that was a bag grab of misinformation, distortion coming from him, and his whole tone of snooping and spying, i think it is horrible. it is a distortion, a smear, a slander of good, patriotic americans. >> that was rand paul defending the constitution, you know, the
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document, this document the republic was founded upon. two schools of thought on the nsa. brian, interesting the obama administration pushed back on "the washington post," saying don't run that story, at least let us talk about what you're breaking. i find that fascinating. >> so many moving parts to this. here's the thing. i am fascinated by the fact peter king and michael hayden have to further define the program, as soon as pushed by "the washington post" or telegraph, it is unbelievable. they point out as michael hayden did, if you look at the amount of work the nsa is doing with the percentage of mistakes and they all agree, it is human error, it is not some problem with the system, he's saying it is 99.9% accurate. what i have a problem is not being transparent to the fisa
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court. >> last year, 3,000 mistakes? >> out of 240 billion? >> no, no, no, no, no. that's one instance of one office, of one server they picked up 3,000 errors. kimberly, bob, do you want to weigh in on this? >> i am scared of you today. >> me, too. >> yes, by the way, well -- >> don't. >> listen, this thing from the beginning has been in my view unconstitutional. we need a debate on this. peter king, i don't know what time of day that was, i didn't quite understand everything he said. >> he has been consistent. defending the program. >> i don't know whether he got this information after he went on and said those things, but the point is that rand paul, hate to say this, i think he has legitimate points. we need debate and the supreme court needs to decide it. they have not decided it, by the way. >> bob, they had stop and frisk. >> kimberly, will we know about
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the things the feds know from whistleblowers? >> i am not a fan, i don't think what he did is right. if you have concerns, address them in the proper form, proper way. not leave the country, go to russia, china. that to me is a no go from the beginning. there's a way to go about it. he didn't do the right thing. i don't want to encourage others to do that. as far as peter king, he has been consistent on this issue. what he's saying is that we shouldn't be engaging in blatant smearing of our program without having specific evidence they are being used in an abusive manner. >> 3,000 from one server, there you go. >> i am reiterating the point he is making. >> can we focus on how and why the obama administration would -- they knew this "the washington post" story was coming out. "the washington post" blew it open, said the white house told us not to run with this. >> well, it was august. they were busy up in martha's vineyard. there could be lots of different
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reasons. what i don't understand, why is everybody coming down on the republicans and asking them to defend themselves. do you really believe in the constitution, like i am sure peter king doesn't believe in the constitution. give me a break, of course he does. why aren't democrats being held accountable. republicans aren't in charge of anything except the house of representatives. >> they get the blame. >> the obama team knew this "the washington post" report was coming, why didn't they get out in front of it when president obama talked about the reforms. remember the press conference before he left for martha's vineyard, about reforms, more transparency to the nsa program. they knew this was coming, that would have been a good opportunity to have talked about it and got it out. then it all would be out in the wash. >> important to keep in mind a majority of the house republicans voted to defund the nsa. >> what about the democrats, bob, seriously? >> do the democrats give a crap about anything? do they care about anything anywhere? >> they only care about one thing, we're going to talk about that in the next sentence.
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integral or integral. you can say it both ways. >> i didn't, never heard it that way. integral. >> honestly? >> integrity. >> you're a lot smarter than i am. leave it at that. is hillary clinton threatening president obama's second term agenda? some say she will make obama a lame duck. i say hard to make him any lamer of a duck, of course. ♪
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♪ okay, that was a rip roaring commercial break, wish you could have seen it.
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it was a good one. integral, integral, both can be used. we're going to talk about hillary clinton, return to the spotlight last week with a speech on election reform, then she announced there would be many more speeches to come next month. so is it ever too early to start a presidential run? former white house press secretary robert gibbs thinks so. take a listen. >> as a strategist, fairly floored she decided to enter the public fray so quickly. she could do the foundation work, do issue work, build a campaign, she could develop a message without having to be so far out front there. >> nbc's chuck todd chimed in, says with more than three years left in president obama's second term, hillary could be getting in the way of his agenda. listen to him. >> more she talks out, the more you start seeing a gravitational pull towards hillary. this hurts the current president of the united states, her coming out early i think speeds up that
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lame duck process of barack obama in the democratic party. >> brian, that's perfect because if clinton starts hurting obama's agenda, then the obamas can blame the clintons. when she goes to run for office, has to inherit the mess, clintons can blame the obamas, it will never end. >> sources say there are problems between the two. i have a problem with what president obama did. she will be forced to do that. clearly his policy comes out with the 42, 47 approval rating when this is done. there was a message sent. robert, take this to "meet the press," to nbc, chuck todd, i have a source tells me the president is upset. why don't you trump that. >> i think it is instinct. kimberly, do you think it is too early to be running? there's a lot of room for mistakes. >> no, run for it, run. you have to get ahead of it. she has been waiting and waiting, that's why she has been getting along, everything with obama.
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>> i thought she was so tired. >> where do you think -- i'm sorry. where do you think -- sorry. >> you're the rodney dangerfield, not me. this is integral to my point. what i'm trying to say, i think hillary wants to establish herself to show the supporters that listen, this is for real, i have waited, i've been patient at the plate, now i'm ready to go. >> that's smart. what do you think, eric. >> bob, you're going to clean this up. >> leather i ct eric go. then i'll clean it up. >> i think anyone thinking of joining on the democratic side, get them out of the way, everyone realizes you have such a lead, foolish to do. i think they're starting now because they're going to have the biggest war chest in the history of politics, period. they might get $2 billion just hillary alone for presidential
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run, if you start now. we know they could raise money, clinton foundation has proven they can raise the money. >> bob, i was with somebody this weekend close to me that said do you think hillary clinton will run, i said yes. she said in the elections next year? i said no, we have three more years. it does feel early. >> this is hillary clinton, after all. it is very difficult for her to hide. she will have opponents in the primary. i will guarantee you that. she will not -- >> real opponents or puppet opponents. >> nobody in history has ever taken an open seat, not had an opponent, nobody. >> who would show up? >> vice president biden? >> it could be. everybody laughs about barack obama last time. let me tell you about presidential politics. nobody goes wire to wire. >> throw in a name. >> cory booker.
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>> can i make another point here? the idea that somehow hillary clinton is going to step on the president of the united states' message is silly. >> why would you say it? why would president obama? >> this is politics, one of the few things i know. it doesn't make any sense. >> i disagree. i think what robert was saying, from a press secretary messaging standpoint, you wake up every day, president obama is trying to push his agenda. if hillary clinton is out there having to distance herself from president obama, that's going to lead t that's what happened with mccain and bush in '06. it was a little later, but i think from a communications standpoint, it has an impact. >> you rudely interrupted me. >> i had to get a word in edgewise somehow. >> the more i think i'm right. >> unusual for you. >> i know. i do think he is on vacation
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playing golf, why can't we get on track second term and get anything done? we get shot by our own -- >> do you think hillary clinton -- >> they can control hillary clinton. >> they ask these questions. >> the subtle guy shot across, like all right, clinton. >> you have to worry about robert gibb or the other dude said? >> nevertheless, communication went out. figure it out. >> i am defending chuck todd. i think he was right. i want to talk about maureen doud that writes for "the new york times," became a popular writer during the clinton years. she wrote the clintons have a wiley coyote problem. when they're supposed to float above it all on go good leading into 2016, pop, pop, pop, little explosions go off, reminding us of the troubling connections and values they drag around.
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>> i don't always agree with her. i think there's something there. it is true for some reason the clintons cannot go for six months without some kind of controversy. >> isn't it awesome? i love it. >> having said that, best pound for pound politician in the united states. >> but she isn't. >> no, she's not. that's why she's going to have opponents in this race. >> but he is going to help her. >> can he hurt her, kimberly? >> i think we can put this segment in a time capsule, see what happens. eric's prediction of hillary clinton raising $2 billion. >> if she wins, call bill clinton the first man? >> he will be integral to the presidency. ahead, tensions hit a fevered pitch. so much about baseball. we're going to revisit it. the game last night with a-rod stepping to the plate.
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hit by a speeding fast ball, he says it was not an accident. new developments in the steroid scandal next on "the five." ♪
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♪ the passion, bob. high drama last night as bitter baseball rivals, boston red sox and yankees faced off at fenway. a-rod was hit by an intentional fast ball in the second inning, triggered a near all out brawl. for some reason did not become one. joe gerardi went off the chart, almost punched the umpire. dempster stays in the game.
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>> that was unprofessional and silly. a silly way to get someone hurt on the team as well. >> the last laugh, yankees are revitalized, pumped up, made him a sympathetic figure. dempster, while he gave up a hit, got revenge on him the best way possible. >> deep fly, straight away center field and gone! >> win by 9-6. take two of three. this franchise was dead two weeks ago. alex rodriguez has been part of revitalization of the yankees. i tell you, i am extremely upset that ig teg r-- integrity -- he has the resources.
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>> let me say something about this. i don't defend a-rod, should be socked, get off, out of the way. that pitcher should have been thrown out last night. that was clearly, clearly he was after him. >> what does it show you. shows you the union the fellow players want. >> but that umpire, to throw out the yankee manager, not throw out the pitcher, umpire better go back to little league umpiring. having said that, players don't want a-rod around, yankees don't want him around, nobody wants the guy around, he is hanging on because he has the legal right to do it. all it is doing, come back, have you looked at the standings lately? the yankees are not dead, they're comatose. >> extra wild card now for the players. joe tacopina was on another morning show this morning, representing a-rod. he says major league baseball doesn't have a leg to stand on against his man. listen.
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>> he shouldn't serve any suspension. i know the evidence against alex rodriguez, i will tell you it will never stand up in a court of law or arbitration or courtroom. >> alex has yet to answer the most important question, whether he used performance enhancing drugs. are you prepared to answer that question this morning? >> here is what i am prepared to answer. alex admitted in 2001 and 2002 that he had used performance enhancing drugs as a member of the texas rangers when it was not banned. he says since then he has not. >> went to questionable doctors without the yankees's perfect mention that use performance enhancing drugs. what's joe tacopina doing? >> winning. >> what do you mean? >> he is going to win the case. >> how? >> you look at the evidence against him, it is the common belief that a-rod -- they have to have specific proof besides statements. i think it is going to be difficult. i think he has a good case for
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appeal. mark my words, bob, he is going to prevail. >> it is not u.s. law that dictates, it is major league baseball. the burden to prove, in this case, this guy is so guilty. >> he has a right to appeal and defend himself. i support if with anyone. i was a prosecutor but support people getting good defense, make their case. >> it will end up in a court of law because it will come down to $50 million whether the yankees pay a-rod 50 million for the games or suspension period. again don't run away from anybody. the reason this is going on is because they made steroids illegal. let people do what they want to do in baseball. you're going to say they're cheating because he used steroids. who is checking the pitchers? they're just as big as hitters. >> they are. >> and roger clemens -- >> these are not the real athletes. >> they're littered with pitchers and hitters in the record books.
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>> eric. >> stop it. get over it. >> eric, these are not the players you're talking about. these are enhanced performance drugs making a player -- >> let the man with the best win. i pour one beaker into another, got a super human. >> you have to ask dana what she thinks about this. >> he or she with the best plastic surgeon wins in front of the camera. >> can you ask dana, she can tie it all together for us. >> dana, does this impact the way you live? >> no. i really don't know. i pass. >> we will see. he is now a sympathetic figure since he got hit, and now starting to hit. >> bring the heat. >> what a great topic for break! let's bring up the music and go to break!
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16 years after princess diana's death, new information on the crash that took her life. what we think next on "the five" what we think next on "the five" and dana speaks, i promi [ male announcer ] at montrose pet hospital,
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anarchy meets order. working with at&t, doctors set up a broadband solution to handle data and a mobility app to stay connected with their business. so they can run the office... even when they're not in the office. where do you want to take your business? call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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. eric warned me not to blow it. would you believe they're investigating princess diana's death. scotland yard is investigating new information about the car crash that killed the princess, her driver and companion, dodi fayed. they allege she was murdered by a member of the british military. not bad. >> well done. >> we have 13 seconds left in my block, what do you think? >> i think it is interesting they're bringing this up 16 years later. i think it is time to let it go. let it go. god rest her soul, she's gone. >> don't you think this has to be serious stuff, scotland yard wouldn't have done this -- >> i think there's a high bar to reopen any sort of case, for scotland yard, probably had tips and leads called in over the last several years, i was reading some of the conspiracy theories today, they're long and
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detailed. i think there could have been something here. i found most of them ridiculous. this one might turn out to be ridiculous as well. i think scotland yard is a pretty legit organization. >> i was so drunk, i don't know how you get past it. everybody says he was triple the alcohol level. if they were trying to kill, this guy was in a suicide pact driving around the princess, talking about the drive. reading the same story how the u.k. is out of money, having a hard time making ends meet, social programs being cut. they're going to spend $10 million to reopen it. >> but if it is true -- >> do you think it should be reopened? >> i think the point dana made, scotland yard wouldn't be reopening unless they had something compelling to work with. it is such a long time, it is difficult for the boys and family to constantly have the
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questions. they blame the driver, alcohol, et cetera, combined together for that fatal ending. >> i'm with you and dana on this. let me also point out the night that diana was killed, greg gutfeld was near that tunnel. >> oh, my gosh. one more thing! ♪
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time for one more thing. this is an exhausting show. okay. brian. >> last night, colts against the giants, they're about to play before the game. pam oliver on the sideline, then this happened. backup quarterback to the colts chucked the ball, passes wide receiver, look what happens to pam oliver. later we find out she's okay. watch. >> here it is. backup quarterback chandler harnish throws, and pam oliver, wham. toughest person in the stadium. showed her toughness. >> harnish felt terrible. the camera operator behind him, a nice hug. a moment between pam and chandler. thankfully pam is okay.
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>> she's okay and tough. she did actually fall to the ground and had to be helped. how hard is that. >> very difficult. it has gone on way too long. >> she's really good. she got marsha brady. with the nose. >> who is up next. >> everyone is looking at you. i want to talk about host of npr, peter sagel, big trip. he asked everybody along the route if you had any suggestions where he might go for a hamburger. my burger place one. it is in new castle wyoming. he said it was the best one on the trip. gu to his twitter page, see all of the pictures. went from sturgis to the pacific northwest. >> why couldn't we incorporate
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that into the first segment. should have brought them here. >> looks great. >> all right. bolling. >> remember vanessa riddle, she was a two time cancer survivor going through the treatments. look at the picture posted today on facebook. back to school. first day back to school. vanessa riddle beating cancer twice, god bless her, and all the people that prayed for her during treatments. she wanted us to say thank you. >> very sweet. >> you have been keeping good track. very good. >> credit for keeping this going, eric. you do this a lot, that's great. for a poor kid from chicago that turned out to make a lot of money, you know, he grew up dirt poor and reached out to help people that need help. i think that's very admirable. >> bob. you used that for that. >> no, i haven't. u.s. energy is on a roll, thanks to the obama administration.
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we export more energy than we import, first time in 15 years. congratulations, mr. president. >> bob, you realize that's ridiculous. >> you interrupted my one more thing. i knew someone would. >> bob -- >> we're hearing her life story if you kept going. >> you must yield the floor, mr. beckel. >> thank you. >> to me. all right. come on. >> i am not going to say anything else. rodney dangerfield. >> there's always tomorrow. quarterback second. dana will like this. you know how much she loves jasper, america loves jasper. like a sibling or grand parent, people would save their dog or pet over even like a distant relative or stranger. can you believe that? >> it is like your child. >> going a whole show without
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mentioning the dog, you had to do it again. >> spoiler! >> thanks for watching. see you tomorrow. "special report" is next. >> don't forget "fox and friends"! welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue filling in for greg gutfeld who is doing something besides hosting "red eye." don't even think of changing the channel because there is a guest host. my latest comedy is calledden vogue. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> thanks, tom. will joe biden throw his hat in the ring for the 2016 presidential race? some say no, but others say please, please, please, please, please yes. and should kids be banned from playing organized football? some say no, but europeans don't even know what sport i am talking about. is it soccer? and finally does an 8-year-old


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