tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News August 24, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> uma: thousands of people are gathering at our nation's capitol this weekend to mark the anniversary of the "i have a dream" speech and the famous march on washington. that pivotal moment in history signaled a turning point in the nation's civil right movement with a quarter of million people marming for equal rights. as it was back then, many are getting set now to speak out on dr. king's dream. and the movement. the march begins shortly down independence avenue, passing the new martin luther king memorial and winds up at the washington monument. that is where doug mckelway is standing by on what is a gorgeous day in our nation's capital city. hi, doug.
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>> it is a gorgeous day. a spectacular day for the event today. the march on washington in 1963 was the single largest gathering of people in washington up until that time. i'll let the ambulance pass by here. join me as i step on the curb here. all right. there we go. there have been largeer crowds sincebe that day but up until that time it was the largest crowd. the national park service stopped measuring crowd size since the million man march because they were criticized to overestimate size crowd by some groups and underestimating the crowd sizes by other groups. this is a huge crowd. i can say that for sure. easily over 100,000 people. we're at 15 and independence now. the route of the parade will come this way, toward the camera. but there are still tens of thousands of people moving in the other direction toward the lincoln memorial today. i tried to speak to a few people here and there. i purposefully sought out older people were if not at
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the marge per se in 1936 old enough to remember it. i found two fascinating brothers who came here with their brand kids who were living in mobile, alabama, in 1963. told me some fascinating stories. listen up. >> i went to segregated school, naturally. at times i would walk home from school, i would have things up there at me and stuff like that. just trying to be a regular person. it was hard. this is the reason why this whole movement is afoot. >> reporter: his brother simon with whom he came to the march today told me that segregation and racism was not exclusive to the segregated south. >> down south, if you are hungry, they will tell you to go to the backdoor. in new york city, they will step over you. >> reporter: in the south, segregation was enforced ruthlessly for those who tried to defy it. it illuminates to me the
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absolute courage of many of the people who embark on the march on washington. the organizers of this event. here is jesse jackson. >> two things. not one dream. the dream unfolded. but the day he gave the speech, on the racial anarchy, not a black elected official in the south. from texas up to maryland, we can use the public toilet. my high school class couldn't take picture on the capitol lawn of south carolina. we were away then from the american promise. >> reporter: it might have been given those circumstances, it might have been understandable if martin luther king preached retribution. but he did not do that. some members of the civil rights movement then criticized him for it. malcolm x refused to come to the march on washington. he called it the farce on washington. king, as we all know now was all about nonviolence.
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listen up. >> one of the things that my father was really trying to say not just 50 years ago but 50 years ago, 49, 48, 47, all the way, 45 when he was as isnated, he was really speaking to us about our humanity. and understanding our interconnectedness and interrelatedness. that is why he talked about sitting down at the table of brotherhood. in other words, us understanding that we are one huge human family. yes, there are a lot of different races but we are a human family. that is why he talked about not judging by the color of the skin but the content of the character. >> reporter: just as interesting as the march itself in 1963, was the anticipation in the city of the march. washington was really a city on edge. a personal aside, i am a native washingtonian. alive and well, i was nine years old when the march
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happened. back then, it was a deeply segregated city. still largely segregated but it was deeply entrismed back then. in my neighborhood, northwest dc in the dog days of summer before the school started. running around the neighborhood woods barefoot with my friends there was talk about what might happen in washington. what parents were preparing to do to leave the city, if someone came in their neighborhood, if they would be prepared for that. that reflected the official washington sentiment as well. the metropolitan police force was called out in force. everybody was on duty. the national guard was called up. j. ed guard hoover succeeded in planting moles in the civil right movement. he was convinced there was a communist influence and had evidence it was communist conspiracy. president kennedy refused to meet with member of the civil rights movement in advance of the speech that day. he did meet them as the march was ongoing. he was afraid if he met with
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them in advance of the march, they would put demands on him. that was the atmosphere in washington at the time. quick aside for you, uma, the night before the march, civil rights organizers had succeeded in getting a really good sound system. which you needed for a crowd that size. on the night before the march, the sound system was broken apart. it was vandalized. walter fon taberoy, later became -- walter fonteroy, later became the delegate to congress approached the government and said you need to get the sound system prepared because we don't know what will happen if people cannot hear the speeches from the lincoln memorial. he pushed and prodded the federal government to repair it. that night the army corps of engineers prepared the sound system and the rest is history. back to you. >> uma: wow! fascinating reflections on this pivotal moment in history. doug mckelway, thank you very much. >> yeah. >> uma: this note for our viewers. you can see all of today's march on washington event streaming live on the website.
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check out for the latest. and later this evening, anchor kelly wright will be hosting a special program called "beyond the dream: how far have we come?" he will talk to folks like reverend jesse jackson and martin luther king's daughter bernice king and the others for the race for america on the 40th anniversary. you can see it here on fox news later today at 5:00 eastern time. coming up, other news, with continuing concerns over new chemical whens attack in syria. president obama is meeting with the national security team at the white house. looking at options on what can be done to stop the syrian government from killing its own people. defense secretary chuck hagel saying warships in the mediterranean are being repositioned. for more on what may lie ahead, molly henneberg has the latest on this story. molly? >> reporter: uma, the white house says president obama wants to hear from a united nations investigative team on the ground in syria.
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trying to determine if the chemical whens were used this week. before the president makes a decision about how the u.s. will respond. but the president has said that reports about a chemical attack are "very troublesome." in the meantime, the president has asked the pentagon to come up with strategic plans. in case the u.s. decides to go forward with some type of military action in syria. possibly airstrikes or missile attacks. defense secretary chuck hagel traveling in asia, told reporters yesterday "the defense department has a responsibility to provide the president with options for all contingencies. and that requires positioning our forces, poxing our assets to be able to carry out different options. whatever options the president might choose." meanwhile, the united nations secretary general ban ki-moon is pressing the government of syria to allow the investigative team to go to the site of the reported chemical attack to do its work. he said the images that came from the site of the attack are "heart-breaking" and
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"sickening." >> any use of chemical whens, anywhere, by anybody, under any circumstances, would violate international rule. such a crime against humanity should result in serious consequences for perpetrators. >> reporter: the u.n. disarmament chief arrived in syria today to talk to the syrian government about the mission of the investigative team. syria said the allegations it used chemical whens on the own people are "absolutely baseless." uma? >> uma: molly, thank you very much. now in egypt, the growing violence in that nation led to attack on the unrest and has lead to a weigh of attacks on the coptic christian community. the pro-muslim brotherhood are leading to instruction. the staggering violence against the churches for example is being described as the worst since the 14th
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century. joining us now to talk more about incredible brutality against the coptic christians is the hud institute -- hudson institute samuel and author of the book "motherland loss." welcome. great to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> uma: let's put this in some per sective now. we have understand there are 47 attacks against churches there. two people have been burned alive. the islamists are shouting death to the christians. we have an orphanage that has been burned down. where is the world outrage on this? why have we not seen the world condemnation of this act? >> there has been unfortunately very little attention given to a plight that has been continuing for some time. the egyptian regime has changed. the plight of christian continued under all the regimes. mubarak regime, they were suffering from discrimination.
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under the military, massacre. then under the brotherhood. coptic cathedral. now the horrific attack. this is really unprecedented in the egyptian history. you have to go back 700 careers to find an event -- 700 years to find scale of attacks on churches. >> uma: the muslim brotherhood saying it's not inciting violence but yet on the website as i understand it, it is saying things like the church is declared war against islam and the muslims and saying it's okay to burn down these churches. >> first, the muslim brotherhood on christian is problem matt nick the past and continued. the official website of the muslim brotherhood blame christians for the removal of president morsi. citing frustration of the coptic folks and the impact as the reason behind what they term of course a military coup. this violence on the official
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website and the other group led to this attack on the ground. this is continuing. this has been attacked since 30 of june and a repeated attack to burn christians and attack home and businesses. >> uma: i know you have a lot of contacts on the ground. you are monitoring this closely with the folks reporting to you about the devastation in that area. why hasn't the egyptian government, the military here worked on trying to stop the violence against the christian s? >> that is a question that the christians are asking at the moment. the military failed to protect the christians. anybody could have told you that the attacks were likely to take place the minute we heard about the attack on the muslim brotherhood in cairo. it was not that the christians would be the scapegoat, they were spurred by the attack. the church, we also knew well
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in particular the government of egypt, these were likely to be the places, that christians would suffer the most under. it's to everyone's surprise the egypt government failed to protect the churches. the military currently offered to rebuild the churches. where so far nothing is done to protect churches. no one has opened investigation. >> a very tough situation, as i understand it. one of the churches there decided not to hold prayer service for first time since the year 1600. unbelievable. thank you for joining us today. appreciate your insight. >> thank you for having me. >> uma: back in this country , the manhunt continues at this hour for the second suspect in a brutal death of a world warii veteran in spokane, washington. they believe 16-year-old trying to rob 88-year-old delbert belton. the 88-year-old was sitting in
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a car at a parking lot outside local fraternal order of eagles log when he was attacked. one teenage has been arrested and charmed with robbery and murder. another senseless murder continues to make news with the former teammates of the murdered minor league baseball player chris lane. raising money to help pay for his funeral expences and the cost tied to sending his body back to his family in australia. the online fundraising effort has brought in close to $150,000 in donations so far. from donors around the world. lane, you may recall, was fatally shot in the back while jogging last week. the three teens have been accused of killing. you can donate to the special fund by going online to go well, you could call at it kind of texas-size showdown gearing up. it promises to be a big fight. with attorney general eric holder now that holder plans to sue the lone star state over the new voting i.d. law. texas will be fighting back.
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texas governor rick perry iscalr politic, if his words. joining us now to defend texas, texas attorney general greg abbott. welcome, sir. great to have you here today. >> uma, great to be back with you again. >> uma: you know, eric holder is saying the voter i.d. laws are a racist plot in his words to disenfranchise the minority voters. what is your reaction to that claim? >> that comment on his part is stunning because the very week that the eric holder administration and barack obama came to tect to sue texas, to pre -- came to texas to sue texas to prevent volter i.d. days before that they arrested a woman in for the worth, texas, for voting illegally five times in the very same election. so the reality is voter fraud if state of texas is real. the united states supreme court already upheld the constitutionality of the voter i.d. as one of the ways to prevent voter fraud like that from taking place.
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>> you know, the texas law requires a government issued photoi.d. before you can vote. i have to show my i.d. at the airport, at the bank when i cash money and when i want to travel between countries. why isn't the a.g. office claiming the instances of showing your i.d. could be deemed racist as well? >> well, uma, you could not be more correct. the double standard is worse than that. because at last year's democrat national convention, everyone who wanted to go inside had to show a photo i.d. were the democrats being racist at that time? of course not. when people want to cash a check, a bank requires them to show an i.d. is that racist? of course not. when people vote and they have to show i.d. is that racist? of course not. don't take my word for it. they ruled voter i.d. is nondiscriminatory way to
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prevent voter fraud taking place. >> uma: you believe in his view, that the attorney general believes that the voter fraud that is taking place in some places around the country is worse in texas? >> it's hard to say whether it's worse in texas. we have have seen disastrous result from voter fraud. the easiest example from the most profound way recently senator al franken was elected illegally because of voter fraud. he won by a few hundred votes. it's well known there were 1,500 votes cast for him illegally. had he not been elected, obamacare would not have gone in effect. we don't need the illegal election of al franken and a repeat of the bush versus gore. in texas we don't need repeat of the lyndon johnson being elected questionably because voter fraud is taking place if south texas. the last thingly tell you is i
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personally prosecuted more than 50 cases of voter fraud across the state of texas, including people who cast vote for dead people. they are registering for nationals to vote illegally. voter fraud is real. they recognize voter i.d. as a way to prevent voter fraud. >> uma: it is shaping up to be quite the legal fight. we'll monitor it closely. thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you, uma. >> uma: good to see you. all right, he was one of dr. king's closest confidants. today, jesse jackson celebrates legacy at today's march on washington. later in the show, his daughter will be joining us and shares her reflection on what this special day means for her family. plus, a big story out west. wildfire is consuming yosemite and now threatening a major metropolitan center in california.
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dominic di-natale is there. dominic what can you tell us? >> reporter: uma, one of the fiercest wildfires california has seen in 26 years is threatening the power and water supply of the city of san francisco. california's governor has declared a state of emergency. i have the details just a second. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's
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>> uma: welcome back, everybody. take a look. we have live pictures of the celebration continuing in the nation's capital as thousands gather to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the now famous march on washington. the day began with prayers and speeches. end with a march past the martin luther king memorial. you can see, we have speakers who are talking to the crowd. so far, we have told that
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attorney general eric holder, along with jesse jackson and others have spoken. we will continue to monitor the festivities and go back to the parade route. all right. after burning for a week on the edge of the park, a wildfire crossed in the park. the fire's impact could reach up to 150 miles away to the city by the sea. san francisco. state governor has declared a state of emergency in that area. dominic di-natale is joining us live near the fire with the latest. dominic? >> reporter: uma, this is turning out to be one of the fastest moving and one of the biggest wildfires we've seen since 1987 in california. '87 was the worst year for wildfires on record. today, the city of tuwanams the focus of the stretch to contain the fire. the city under advisory evacuation at this time.
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just behind us is a rig -- ridge beyond the city where the fire is coming from. there are efforts by the fire crews today to prevent it from reaching. six other communities in the area, highway 108, under an advisory as well. they think icould be mandatory in the course of the day. the sheriff department i spoke to earlier expecting they have to ask the residents to leave at some point. they think in the afternoon. the fire will get particularly worse. talking to the forestry service yesterday. they were saying that really, the residents here need to be aware of what the dangers are. >> the fire has been extreme in the growth and the behavior. we talk about the homes at risk, we are talking about the precautionary measures. we want people to be aware as far as there are evacuations that are occurring. we want people to be careful, paying attention to the fire and keeping themselves safe. >> as he was saying, it's
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really not what is happening in the area of yosemite. it's how it is affecting the city of san francisco. the city of san francisco and also the county of san francisco. water and power supply are expected to be disrupted. that is because of the fire hitting the hetch hetchy area of yosemite, where the city of san francisco gets 85% of the water. we understand this power lines have already been taken down off the grid. that is because some have been damaged. jerry brown, the california for was saying look we expect more damage to hit the power friday and also the water supply. they are not indicating how long it will go. we know the city of san francisco is being powered by external power as the grid was taken down. quite to the extent of the daniel will be, we'll hear later from the for's office itself or the -- the governor's office itself or the fire service here. they expect it to grow in size. it's only 5% contained at the moment. expected to get worse this an. >> uma: challenging situation, indeed.
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dominic, thank you very much. you know it's been nearly a year since the brutal attack on the consulate in benghazi and we don't have any arrests. this as we learn more disturbing news about the team task to find the suspect. what fox news now knows coming up next. plus, the rev red planet jesse jackson's family has deep ties in the civil rights movement and martin luther king junior. coming up, we talk with betina jackson about the impact of today's anniversary of the march on washington. stay with us. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. ♪
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u.s. intervention in syria. in libya, fox news the large portion of the group tasked with finding the suspect killed four americans are now leaving the country. this is two weeks after the obama administration -- [ inaudible ] the mother and brother of 16-year-old anderson, the body of christina and keith anderson were found inside the burped-out home. a new addition to the national zoo. the female giant panda giving birth yesterday to a new baby. the tiny panda born last night as people watched on the zoo's online panda cam. the baby is absolutely adorable. quick look at some of the top stories making news right now.
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you are taking a look right pow at independence avenue where martin luther king iii speaking to a group of thousands of people who gathered to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of the reverend martin luther king junior march on washington. as you know, one of closest friends and confidant in the civil rights movement is rev vie jesse jackson. his daughter, who is also a fox news contributor, joining us in the studio live. welcome. nice to have you live today. >> thank you. pleasure to be here. >> uma: so many people are taking the day to offer reflections on the pivotal moment in history. what goes through your mind as you look back? >> it's important to pay homage to the man that started the march on washington movement. a. phillip randolph, the founder of the first black labor movement. he started to push for jobs and justin, which is the march
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on weigh in 1963 did as well. african-americans were not earning living wages. we did not have fair employment practices. so in 1941, he moved that forward to 1963. then you had a. phillip randolph joined by sammy, who was in jail that night, dorothy height and whitney young. he's important to call these names. it wasn't reverend dr. martin luther king alone. it was his speech was all the way at the end of march. many people thought there would not be enough people there to hear this wonderful, wonerful speech. there was a list of demands presented by the march organizer calling for fair employment practices. calling for a living wage. calling for dc statehood. out of this marm came the civil rights about of 1964. the fair employment act. so that you would not discrimnate on the basis of
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race, gender, religion or national origin. i'm giving you that history because today this march is happening within that context. i'm hoping that today we will go away, the commemoration, the motivation, inspiration, to real legislation, because americans still do not have living wage. dc residents still don't have statehood. >> uma: let me ask you. you mention people from the past who served as the real leaders and inspiration for people. who served as a model for black youth today in your opinion? >> i think it's not just black youth. i mean this is a human rights struggle. in america, we see this as a black march, joined by some white laborer members. some white feminists and some white clergy. much more than that. many america we racialize it. but around the world, they globalize it. they see this as a march for jobs for justice, for freedom. i think that it is the people are not as important. because that changes over time, right?
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i remember i i was at the march in 1983. you had rev red planet jackson there. my father is there today. you had john lewis there. in '63, '83, in 2013. and you have ben ellis, reverend sharpton who has done a wonerful job organizing the march today. mark moralle, but nameless, faceless people. dream defenders in capitol in tallahassee, florida. they are here today. these are young kid we did not know about more than a month ago. but now they are stepping up to the plate. you have a lot of people from occupy who are here. i think you might have a tea partier or two here. really is a wonderful american celebration that shows how far we have come. all the work we have to do. we know that the father -- >> uma: we know your father was a close friend to dr. king. >> and staff member. >> uma: right. >> he worked for him. obviously you grew up with that, your childhood.
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as a children you need to move forward and carry the torch? >> it was not a burden. our parents wouldn't allow it to look at us this way. we inherit ore legacies whether your parent are known or unknown. we have to improve, that is what the mother and father -- not just my dad because my father was gone a lot. it fell to my mother to explain his work. they help us to understand we have been given special gifts and we were to use the gifts not to aggrandize ourself but to lift other people. >> uma: not a bud. a responsibility. >> it got heavy at times but
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that's okay. we bump in to people who tell us about the wonderful things, the great waves and the small ways of which the people work impacted our lives. that makes it good. >> great on the anniversary. >> great. 50 years later a lot of work is done and remains to be done and hopeful for america and the world. >> uma: terrific. great to see you. thank you for joining us with your insight today. >> joy to be with you in person no less. >> uma: thank you. pleasure to be with you. just how far have we come in country since the march on washington? tonight, kelly wright puts the question to several key member of the african-american community, include santita's father, reverend jesse jackson. tune in tonight, beyond dream how far have we come? a controversy over a cross. why the religion symbol was ordered to be removed. solution that congressmen have come up with.
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>> uma: welcome back. the massive wildfire burning in yosemite national park forced california governor jerry brown to declare a state of emergency for san francisco. that city is 150 miles away. the city gets 85% of its water from yosemite. at this hour, there is big concerns over that state utility grid. so is there any way to fight relief? meteorologist is standing by the fox weather center with more. janice dean, what can you tell us? >> i wish i could tell us the moisture from the tropical system in the pacific will make its way to yosemite. but we are dealing with sunshine and dry conditions. not too gusty of winds. look, the fire is only 5% contained.
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they are dealing with the obstockal -- obstacle. we have moisture from the tropical system. there is the where yosemite is. they are not going to get the rain. so it will be a dire situation. for the next several days. the heart and prayer goes out to the firefighters and the residents that live in the area. we will keep you posted. there is a 25-foot cross dedicated to honor korean war veterans in 1954. the ninth circuit court of appeals determined that the cross is unconstitutional. that is decided in 2011.
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it gives appearance that the government is endorsing religion. they want it given to a private youth. this has a lot of you talking it felt world of social media is fired up about the news that the director of the batman movie picked ben affleck to be the caped crusadeer. he will join the ranks of michael keaton, val kilmer, george clooney, christian bale who have all take an ride in the bat mobile. we received a lot of tweets about this. richard is writing robin has done his time and served the batman well for many, many years. my vote is robin for batman. joe is back. i like ben as a caped crusade er. vote from a list of the stories that catch you are our attention. first up, the underwater birthday bash. a 100-year-old beauty, you
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would never guess she is that old. she just ages very well. or kid free flying. if you are tired of the long flight with the crying kids this is for you. lastly, don't a cow, man! find out why students at one ivy league college are pretending their are cows. no jokes, folks. this is the truth. to vote log on to our show page and we will read the winner. two music legends unite. awesome blue grass event you won't want to miss. bruce hornsby and ricky scaggs. don't go anywhere, because ricky scaggs will be joining me next about the latest project. stand by for that! >> bruce hornsby, ricky skaggs. ♪ ♪ the kyocera torque lets you hear and be heard
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capital to march the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. it began a while ago. it will go back the memorial before ending at the washington monument there. a number of speakers including dr. king's children will be speaking as well. we will keep you posted on all the events as they take place this afternoon. ♪ ♪ >> uma: all right. two grammy winners and the music legends uniting again, this time for a live bluegrass album. ricky skaggs and hornsby with several albums from the tour. one of the men, 14-time grammy award of those men ricky skaggss joining us from nashville with more on his new project. his brand-new autobiography. good afternoon and great to sigh, ricky. >> thank you. thank you for having me back on
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your show. i really appreciate. >> it it is great to have you on. i know that this book means so much to you. so much to your fans because it is -- a lovely book. it is one that really focusses on faith, family and music. >> that's the building stone for my life somehow. you know. and -- i think it is -- i think it is -- it is -- building stones for most people. you know. you have to have a good solid family. i think that, you know, all here's going on today, really -- will is such a big break down of the family and that's a big cause of what has happened, you know in the last few years with the teenagers and with our kids. they just don't really have good solid family. thank god i had a wonderful mom and dad and praying mother. a great dad in music all the time. we didn't have time to get in troub
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trouble. we had work to do on the farm, chores. music was huge part of it. >> you mastered the mandolin at the age -- started playing at the age of 5 and mastered it by the age of 6. many people may not know you were doing it well and taking it seriously at such a young age. >> i was taking it seriously. there is month doubt about that, on the front cover of the -- autobiography on the book. you can see this little -- determined 5-year-old standing there with a mandolin and you could see my face. i'm so focused not on the camera but i am focus as a player and got a chance to play with bill monroe, my hero, 6 years old. i got to do a -- television show with lester on their show in nashville when i was -- when i was 7. so -- it was -- it was a great way to grow up. you know. get to play with my heroes that encouraged me so much. >> what do you want people to come awas with after they read your book?
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>> i think that -- i would hope that they would come awas with -- the fact that faith played such a role, you know, in shaping my louisville. but hard work and determination, you have to work and make these things happen. it doesn't just come to you. the talent and the gift is from god. but i mean, what we do with it is left up to us. you know. i think we have to really work hard and i tell young kids to, you know, turn the tv off and -- lay down that -- the video games and get an instrument and really focus on it and spend time with it because you have to spend time with anything to get to know it. >> wonderful advice. and certainly pearls of wisdom from you to our young people today. i know you got -- lots going on with the new projects. i wish you the best with that. thank you so much for joining us and i appreciate it. >> thank you. i appreciate being on today. thank you. >> great to see you again. thank you. you still have time to reply show producer. logon to our show page to pick the story you want to hear.
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at least 30 people have been injured. it is time for a story you at home picked as you play show producer. you pick underwater b-day bash. happy belated birthday to the little mermaid. fans around the world celebrating by dressing up like mermaids nearly 1 million visitors paying tribute to the statue that honors the fairy tale writer hasn't christian anderson. if you had a chance to visit the statue it brings alive a story of a sea king's daughter that pauls in love with a prince. don't worry if your favorite wasn't picked. we will feature all of them on our web page. that will do it for me in d.c. we will have more from new york. special coverage of the 50th anniversary of the march on washington continues throughout this day on the fox news channel. we invite you to stay tuned for 5:00 p.m. for a very interesting
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special, "beyond the dream." it is hosted by kelly wright. we leave you with a live look at the steps of the lincoln memorial. al sharpton, martin luther king iii, reverend jackson. stay with us. a moan tuesday occasion on beautiful clear day in our nation's capital. right now thousands of people marching from the lincoln memorial to the martin luther king jr. memorial before ending their march at the washington monument. marking 50 years since hundreds of thousands of americans descend order the national mall to hear the reverend dr. martin luther king deliver one of the most famous speeches in american history. some of the thousands in washington were actually there on august 28, 1963. as we take a look at the scenes
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