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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 27, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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>> all right. is everybody there? today? >> if i'm listening to you or rush limbaugh. >> that was not intentional. again tax cuts were there, 50 years ago. remember the one in the middle. i am andrea tantaros, with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, eric bolling, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." 50 years ago tomorrow, martin luther king stood on the steps of the lincoln memorial, told the world about his dream. >> i have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. we will will able to speed up that day when all of god's children, black men and white
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men, jews and gentiles, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old negro spiritual, free at last, free at last, thank god almighty we are free at last. >> five decades later, the first african-american president will stand on those steps to mark that defining moment of the civil rights movement. president obama will likely note racial progress made in the last 50 years. some people aren't satisfied with the current civil rights leaders in america. here is liberal journalist margaret carlson. >> we've gone from martin luther king to the reverend al sharpton. as a leader as he is trying to be this weekend, it is very d disspiriting. >> probably time for everyone to take crop of where civil rights stands. i asked juan this question as well. do you think he represents the
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african-american community well, al, that constantly backs the wrong horse? do you think he does them a disservice? >> no, i don't think he represents well. the idea of comparing any black leader with martin luther king is nearly impossible. this was in my view, this is the greatest american maybe since abraham lincoln. i just don't think you can take al sharpton and martin luther king in the same sentence. i know people are dissatisfied. the black community is diffuse whatever it is in the country, usually in pulpits. are blacks better off? some ways they are, some they're not. >> some, greg, don't believe if martin luther king were alive and watching the current civil rights leaders giving speeches, he would be too impressed, one is our own, bill o'reilly. >> how would dr. king see the current racial situation in america? he would be appalled. would he accept the broken
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educational system in many poor precincts. no, he would not. would he be happy with the rap industry and other entertainment aimed at the young. i do not believe dr. king would be happy about that at all. finally, would he approve of a civil rights movement that continues to blame american society for problems encountered by blacks, rather than encouraging personal responsibility as a way to achieve individual success. >> you know what, he makes a lot of good points. i think when you think about it, you look at martin luther king and look at al sharpton, it is like going from caviar to cookie dough. the reason is we keep wondering, we keep asking which side has the right prescription to fix america and to fix the communities. that question is the actual problem because it is too ideological, the civil rights movement has been coopted by the academic leftist race drivers, not just sharpton, others, you
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need new voices that aren't political but cultural. they may not be in the pulpit, may be in pop culture, may be hip-hop artists, there are a few out there that are really smart, they're going to bubble up at some point, i hope so. we talk about obsession with the voting rights thing, i think you need to worry less about blacks being idded at the voting booth and more worried about them being identified at the morgue. gang violence married to traditional achievement and values is killing communities. the black voting right thing is a small issue. >> why don't you think, kimberly, both parties don't exactly make a huge effort, really a big effort toward the african-american community and issues that face them. why do you think the republican party, party of lincoln and party of the civil rights act, when they passed that, they did it because it was the right thing to do. whenever you have this issue
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that greg brings up in one community, regardless of skin color, it is a travesty. why don't you see more politicians getting involved? >> i don't think it should be a political issue, it further polarizes it. what we need to do is focus on the same values and ideals that work for whites and blacks in america, values, families, education and jobs, and the economy being improved. those are a prescription for success regardless of skin color. but that isn't politically expedient to focus on those. you get more political capital and goodwill if you race bait, gin up this resentment to say we haven't come far when i think we have. to make a further point, president obama has a unique opportunity, a defining moment the next three years of his presidency to focus on what's going right in the country and try to bring us together. >> i agree with kimberly, i think it will be a defining moment not only of the next three years, a defining moment
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when president obama takes the podium tomorrow. i did a lot of homework today. over the last 50 years, since 1963, since martin luther king's speech, let's see where we are in the black community. socioeconomics in the black community. they're six times more likely to be incarcerated than whites in federal prison. 25.8% of african-americans live below the poverty line, more than double the white population. if you're african-american, you're six times more likely to be a victim of homicide in america. under president obama's four and a half, five years so far, youth unemployment among african americans went from 34.5% to 41.5%. much worse, food stamp participation off the charts. recent study by "the new york times" shows income of black families has declined almost 11%. the point is this. bill o'reilly a long time ago, couple weeks ago, month ago, said the decline in the black american family is to blame, and he is right, 72% of american
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babies, african-american babies, are born to nonwed mothers. but you can't point at education. more blacks by percentage with high school diplomas than whites. we point at education. bill is right about the family part but not the education. >> i don't know where to begin after listening to this. first of all, greg, why we pay attention to voter registration is because there's a bunch of crackers in the south trying to -- >> oh, bob. >> that's your problem. >> if you think i trust somebody in texas. >> it is not the '60s any more, bob, wake up. >> excuse me. do me a huge favor. >> shut up, let me get to it. >> i'll shut up if you take back the cracker comment. i know you didn't mean it. >> that's not nice, bob. >> take back that part, then answer. >> can i answer that? in the counties in certain parts of texas and north carolina where these new voting id laws
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will disenfranchise blacks, they're crackers. >> why are majority of blacks -- >> i didn't say everybody in the south, i said people in the counties. >> you didn't need to use that term to begin with. >> anybody that's for voter id is a cracker? is anybody? >> what do you mean for voter id. >> for voter id, are they crackers? that makes a lot of black people crackers. >> i said when the supreme court -- >> i can't believe we're saying that over and over. >> what is so offensive. >> it is like the "n" word, bob, trying to give you an out here. >> you're trying to give me an out. >> yeah. >> first of all, nobody expects me to say -- >> bob -- >> don't try to save me. >> i am going to try to save you, i want you on another issue. bob woodson for neighborhood enterprise says the democratic party has foregone issues, the most important issues, black employment. eric listed the stats. do you, bob beckel, think the
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most important issue is the voting rights act? not any of the things that bolling picked on? >> there would not be opportunity for blacks to get the unemployment they have, education they had, if not for voting rights. and what eric gave you, if you look at virtually any demographic group, they're doing worse in terms of economics in the last ten years. the question is -- >> that's not true. >> do you believe blacks in this country are worse off than they were when martin luther king gave that speech? the answer is no. >> one out of four african americans according to a new pew research poll believes they're worse, bob. that's coming from the black community. my question to you, bob woodson says days of immigrants have been input before the black community, congressional black caucus said the same, cornell west said the same. will you, bob beckel, say the same. >> i think in and of itself doesn't make sense as a statement. number one. number two, look, everybody has a constituents.
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gays have a constituency, they argue for legislation to protect themselves. what i don't need is a constituency here, you're all friends, i know you love me, trying to protect me because i made a statement about that. and i am going to continue to say this. i know this issue quite well. and my dad as you know worked in this movement and was there the day dr. king gave that speech. if you believe that without voter registration, any impediment on it to voting by blacks is a substantial foundation for black success in this country. >> bob, you're acting like people are trying to stop voter registration, they're not. they're talking about giving out free id. the suggestion that that's a hurdle for blacks is as racist as you can get. you can assume that a black person doesn't have the means or mentality to get an id. to me that's more bigoted than anything. >> first of all, if you take the state of texas, there are counties in texas to register
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and vote, you have to cross-over to three counties to get there. >> they will help you get the id. >> they should have transportation to get the id. >> do you really believe the legislature in texas -- >> that's not an argument. >> somebody has to prove who they are so we have honest, fair elections. >> why don't you stop. >> you have to equip yourself with the facts. >> the facts are simple. >> the supreme court doesn't agree with your facts, bob. the supreme court said your facts are out of date. >> who said that? >> the supreme court. >> this supreme court is out of date, to begin with. >> when they came down with a couple of rulings you celebrated. >> the rest i think are -- >> kimberly, our co-host juan williams asked this, where is the march against drug dealers, the march against bad schools, where's the march against 50%
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dropout rate. i am not wastinme. >> where is the outrage about facts producing these situations. they don't want a dialogue about that because it is not politically popular. it won't get money in their pocket for elections, they want to twist the facts like someone we know because that works. that's the angry rhetoric that in flames the situation and takes us back instead of forward. >> can i also follow up on what kimberly said. juan is right, where are the black leaders calling out the injustices going on in the black community, not because of any policy, because we're not focusing on jobs, we're not focusing on unemployment like we need to. rev. jesse jackson, gave him props for weighing in on the shooting in oklahoma, but what he said i believe yesterday is of the most racist things i've ever heard in my life. he said the tea party is the resurrection f the confederacy. he believes republicans oppose
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obama strictly because the president is black. i don't know anything more racist going around now. tea party, taxed enough already. >> you talk about sharpton or jesse jackson? name five civil rights leaders in the country. name five. >> eric holder, al sharpton. >> what about jesse jackson, al sharpton. you keep talking about -- >> jesse jackson is wrong. tea party can't be the new confederacy, the confederacy are democrats. >> by the way it is probably fair to say on civil rights, a lot of republicans were there, higher% that voted were democrats not republicans. >> i watched some of the coverage of the martin luther king memorials over the weekend. they had a panel of women, they do this to women all the time, kimberly, you'll love this. biggest issue according to terry o'neal, women can't get access
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to the family car any more to go and vote. i felt like i was in a time warp. >> so out of touch. >> all these arguments, i hate to say, racial nostalgia. outdated. >> as naive a statement, listen, you believe in 2000 where blacks were disenfranchised in florida -- >> there's also places with whites, bob. >> where? >> i can give a list during commercial break. >> this law in texas and north carolina will make it worse. >> all right, bob. >> and it is not the biggest issue in the black community. >> it is not going to solve the problems, but what may happen, those people may vote in the state, get rid of some of the republicans elected. >> it is all politics. >> it is not about roe -- about vocation, it is about votes.
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>> in one of my previous questions i said republicans haven't done as good a job as they should have. you were busy using slurs to quote what i was saying. >> don't say it was slurs. >> sorry, bob, you did. >> i didn't say the state of texas. i said certain people in the state of texas. >> you hit southerners, florida. >> where are the republicans tomorrow? they weren't invited to speak? >> conservatives republicans were left out. you say it is not about politics. next, a reaction to miley's performance at the vmas sunday. blan the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime.
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two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet?
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♪ all right. miley cyrus left a lot of people shocked and awed after her sexually explicit show. >> when the vma started, madonna
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helped put it on the map, we helped her put it on the map. watched britney spears take the torch, had a great relationship with her. you're a fan of britney. >> they pass the torch, passing the tongue. >> you about to show us some tongue? >> i think we got better in store for you guys. it will be crazier than you think. it is part of a movement i am about to create. my fans have really been a part of it. >> all right. her dad, billy ray is so proud of his little girl, telling entertainment tonight i'll always be here for miley, she's still my little girl and i am still her dad, regardless how the circus we call show business lays out. i think back to remember the vanity fair photos, she was half naked with her dad. you knew things were getting weird then. >> i watched the performance before the racy performance when she was by herself, it was unwatchable, it was terrible. i think this is what we call the
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hoochy card, when you can't rely on your talent, you play that card. >> take that back. >> i am not. i danced for 12 years competitively. that was hard. this is not hard work. >> you marched in the civil rights, i danced. >> so she has nothing else to rely on, trying to sell the album, it has been done before. the problem is girls in america watch this, want to replicate it. this is the dance routine version of what liberal feminists tell girls today in college across america. dance, embrace your sexuality, lead with your sex, have sex like a man. see how well it works, girls. guys don't respect them, now they can't find girls to date. it is called the hook up culture. they're told to use their sex, have sex like men. lead with their sexuality. this is what girls are doing.
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>> can i point out the obvious thing? somebody has to tell miley cyrus it is not an achievement when people are looking at your 20-year-old body. at 20, you're supposed to have a great body. it is not an achievement to be hot. when you walk around half naked, you aren't re-inventing the wheel, you're only drooling on it. i agree. her dad said there should be more love, less hate. he is almost as adolescent as she's, he calls critics haters. it is not hate to bemoan something that comes off as crass, tragic, gross. it is further proof we have to stop railing against single parent households, go after double parent households because he bailed. >> yesterday, kind of said i can't believe mtv allowed them to air that, let them do that. they could have shot around it with cameras, sometimes you shoot around bob a little bit. >> oh, my god. >> and rush limbaugh, saying
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don't you understand they did it on purpose, knew it was coming, put it up there, they're getting what they wanted. get all of the talk shows talking about it, morning shows through the evening shows talking about it. they're right. they're selling a product, selling a brand. you may not agree with it. change the channel. >> what i can say about this, my son that's 19, he and his friends taped it and watched it all night long. they could have easily have gone to cable and watched pornography but they watched that. >> it is all relative in the beckel household. >> what i am saying, it is so outrageous. >> i got it. >> in five years, can you take that back? >> take what back? >> just your assault of me like that. >> what assault? >> in five years, what miley cyrus did will be seen as quaint. there's a 15-year-old right now who at 20 will be doing live sex on the mtv music awards because simulation is so outdated.
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they call it shock value. it is not shock value, it is shock without any value. there's no truth in what she's expressing. >> something they could have done, gave us a warning. >> they weren't honest about that. they're not being honest about it. you rehearse many times to do a performance like this. they knew it was coming, they set it up, they're happy to reep the rewards for the sensationalism. >> x-rated movies, seen them many times. >> she's happy about it. sent out tweets. my vma performance had 3,000 tweets a minute, more than the blackout or super bowl, #fact. like i own this, creating a movement. she looks ridiculous. >> quarantine that finger. >> that's grossing me out.
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>> never mind. >> a little girl on that disney show, you figured that out, bob. >> she turned into that? >> she was one of the waltons, too. >> and mickey is covering his eyes and ears now. coming up, want to know the best place to work if you think your spouse is cheating on you? here is a hint, in fort meade, maryland, and that's next on "the five." ♪
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♪ a few weeks back, the huffington post ran a piece on a mom whose child was attacked by a large white southerner in
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walmart. don't say it, bob. he was wearing a pink bow. put him in a head lock, said the child would die for such behavior. huffington post gulped it without chewing. not me. there was a long, detailed blog after the attacked by a homophobe in a walmart in the south. didn't seem right because for the left it seemed completely right. did sean penn produce this for al jazeera? they looked at the cameras. although mom was there, the incident wasn't. it was a hoax. the huffington post removed it hoping no one would notice. i was upset and no one got punished. a student was nailed for hate crimes at oberlin college that created a fire storm in the press. now it turns out he was in trouble. even though the actions are fake, the school says it doesn't matter because the fear it caused was real. what do you do with hoaxes?
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should they do time or pay for police time wasted. i say yes to both. where they commit their own hate crimes. knowing the assumption of a liberal lazy media, hoaxers assume they can get away with such krud. if that's not a crime, i will wear a pink bow in my hair at walmart. >> don't you already? >> sometimes on weekends, catch me there between 3:00 and 4:00. this guy put the "n" word and swastikas and what not. when they caught the guy, found it wasn't a conservative. these actions were real. the fear and disruption they caused in our community were real, while oberlin college takes great pride in its historic and on-going commitment to diversity and inclusion, it is not real, they're saying it is real. doesn't matter if it is a hoax or not. that's baloney. >> it is. >> kid was expelled. >> he should be. a lot of that goes on.
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how many times during political campaigns do you find the other side, bob, you admit bad stories about the other guy, good stories about your guy, it happens a lot. when you catch it, you have to punish it. >> that's the problem, andrea. when a hoax is revealed, it doesn't get the same level of reportage as when it started. may be because someone is mentally ill or -- >> the walmart mom is claiming she was mentally ill, you can't throw her in jail, she's cloaking herself in that, that's an excuse for her, whether it is real or not, who knows. the laws, you question why haven't people been punished? they haven't caught up with the internet. people use it. ashton kutcher got rich off punked. people think i could get it to have people sympathize, gain attention. your point about the media, they don't vet these stories, and the
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academia want them to be real so badly. they assume they're real somewhere. instead of the girl on college campus that had herself in a blanket someone said looked like a kkk member, you think somebody is out there in a kkk robe, that's why we're going to make this. >> that is the point, bob. they often say the defense is even if a crime was a lie, these things happen anyway. so it raises awareness. >> you know, i am reminded of the blogs on the right who said that hillary clinton was responsible for vince foster being taken up and shot in a park. that was actually printed. you make this indictment of all of the left, lazy left media, i agree these things should not go on. did i use them in campaigns? yes. not like this. said the guy was a former, well, he was on a list. >> you know what else -- >> what the clintons alone from the right have taken the abuse they've taken, lies printed by right wing press is unbelievable. it is not just liberals that do
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this. >> who started the barack obama was a kenyan lie. oh, it was hillary clinton. >> 2016. and in other things, people that do the hoaxes, there should be criminal punishment. >> the cops have to run around and find it -- >> balloon boy. the hate crime, hold folks to a different standards. >> law enforcement costs for that. >> balloon boy was one of the best. >> exactly. whatever happened to them, huh? the producer, one of the producers of "the five," talked to the police about this hoax, mommy hoax because nobody else would do it. huffington post didn't follow it, tommy did. >> it is amazing they would take that, not check it at all. send it in -- >> they're not checking that, what else aren't they checking. >> says something about taking
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something raw like that and putting it up. taking anything out of republican national convention. >> all right. coming up. new nsa spying revelations, some workers at the clandestine agency admit their snooping has extended to their love interests. that's romantic. who hasn't done this. eric hacked twitter for pickup lines which he will unveil just ahead. ♪ >> technology
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>> i haven't read everything he leaked, you know, but he certainly seemed like a very conscientious guy, and these revelations are pretty incredible and pretty shocking and fly in the face of public statements of all these, you know, these officials have made, so you know, on balance, i think it is a great thing that he did. >> government officials promised they weren't violating civil liberties, then found out they were looking, reading, listening, now the nsa has gone too far. these clowns have used massive government pipes, infrastructure, to snoop on love interests. i asked my twitter pals to weigh in. first one tweets i would ask for your number but i already know it. another, i had that guy i went
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out with last night declared a national security risk. how about dinner? and rick, i'm one of those guys that will really listen. and tim says girl, you da bomb. and another we had you at hello. if they saw someone they like -- >> this is the first thing. you and i have been consistent, think the nsa violated the constitution. this is one place they showed creativity. i am for it. >> you would do it in a second. >> i do. >> kimberly, i want to let you know the clicking noise in the dressing room turns out to be a lost cricket. >> not a camera, or the framed photo you gave me of yourself. >> cover the nsa in the green
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room, are you thinking of leaving "the five" to go work there? >> what's the point of spying if you can't spy on exes or crushes. >> you go ahead. >> i would say that women have been spying on men for so many years that women could master the nsa techniques. they have been doing it a long ti time. >> my wife hired a private detective. >> jaw dropper, bob. >> two hours on the job? >> hour and a half. >> it is so obvious. i opened it. >> don't get into it. >> probably listen to their own employees. >> you know what this is, you find this in any place where you have power. police officers, not impugning all cops, but girls do, you'll get a phone call, that guy got your license plate, ran it through, thought you were cute.
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cops do that. i have three older sisters, i have seen it happen. >> pull you over, too. >> not to say all cops. then if you get caught, you get punished. >> on a more serious note, the nsa said a lot of other stuff that happened was a mistake. now when it gets to this, it raises questions how serious they are, whether you can trust them. >> the point is what do you do, close it down? then you have to close down the police department for incidents of abuse, shut down secret service because of prostitution, shut down the military for sexual harassment because there are thousands, shut down "the five" for all of the facts you get wrong. >> i'm sorry, i get wrong. i see. >> we're laughing about this, but this is exactly what we warned about. >> they reported it. they reported it. >> can i agree with matt damon with one thing in the history of matt damon, he said edward snowden is not a whistleblower,
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he is no longer considered the traitor. >> bowing at the altar of matt damon. >> did you see me bowing down? >> try to get him -- >> the most awkward answer. >> we are all seeing would be wonderful. >> more from miss philippines usa contestant, and lee majors. stick around. ♪
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♪ going to be a short block. pakistan, 97% of the population is muslim, she faces death sentence after being convicted. what was the crime? drinking from the well as a muslim woman on a hot day. these come from her memoir she dictated from prison. want to get it in quickly. what do you think of this. >> you have to stop calling the middle east the middle ages. the flintstones are more
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progressive. >> this is one issue where right and left can come together on treatment. instead, it is a republican war on women. when president obama made a cairo speech, talked about shared history of tolerance between the two religions and two areas of the world, that was also a bunch of crap. that's all i have to say. >> eric? >> we do these stories a lot. would like to hear what you have to say. you're very passionate about these stories, i appreciate that. for me, it is the same question. where are the muslims that frown on this, where's care? you never hear -- >> not going to find it. >> -- look how terrible it is, shouldn't be going on. >> this is a place where partnersh bipartisanship should come together. stop this suffering, call for an end to it.
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this is a very disturbing story, unfortunately all too familiar story we've heard. >> that's the most important point. i am not blowing up on this. simply going to say i am not going to yell. i would just repeat what eric said. every time we see one of these things, particularly directed at a christian and woman, why moderate muslims don't stand up and say something is beyond me. you told us all that the extremists were smart part of your religion. if they are, stand up and say so. what i don't get, this woman drank from the well. she was thirsty. you are going to put her to death? if that's what your religion is about, i think you better relook at it because it doesn't make any sense. please, would you please either stand up and speak out or shut uh-oh! guess what day it is?? guess what day it is! huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is??
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ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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test test
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♪ time for one more thing. i am going to kick it off. today is my first day back after being away since my little brother passed away. i want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone around this table, my five family, the viewers, the fox news channel. every one of you that wrote a tweet or e-mail with condolences, thank you so much. to the people that cared for dan, thank you. his teacher, best friend. i have a very heavy heart, but
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it is so full, so full, thanks to all of you. i never wish for a different brother than dan. he was special needs, but the only way to describe him was uniquely special. he taught me more lessons than i could ever teach him, my older sister and brother were blessed to have him. he made us who we are. whenever you had a bad day, you had to think of dan, everything was put in perspective. he had a way of just prioritizing things that were worthwhile in life. even though he didn't speak, people joked. he speaks enough for the both of you. i am going to post on twitter, read about the jobs he had. life is never going to be the same. i am very sad for all of us, but i am very happy for him because he is with god now. a five fan from enseed as, california, wrote an e-mail to greg who was kind enough to forward it to me, said he, too, knew the sacrifice of having a
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special needs son, he has one that's 26 years old, also the joy. he said the level of love you allow yourself to reach for a person of unfathomable innocence is far beyond any love than most people already know in their lives. that he wrote is their greatest gift. indeed. that was dan's greatest gift to me. he taught me to love and my family. for that, i am truly grateful. >> good for you. >> our prayers are with you. >> thank you. >> mine. i'm up. look, in our audience, a big five fan, lee majors, six million dollar man, his lovely wife faith. he even knows the hand signal. he is a big fan of the five. a lot of us grew up watching six million dollar man. big fans of yours. >> it is an honor to have him
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here today. very exciting. big thing when we got the e-mail, we hoped you were showing up, you didn't disappoint. th is the most everyone has been excited. >> you were the most excited. >> i was more of a fan of oscar goldman. but i'll take steve austin. i remember when he fought the seven million dollar man, and also big foot. >> who was the bionic woman. >> lindsey wagner. >> what's wrong with you! >> now that i see the pictures when he was younger, that's what you're trying to look like. >> i hope, look at him, he is awesome. still the six million dollar man. like a billion dollar man in today's dollars. >> so a little bit to follow up on youth and the importance of giving back, mentoring with young people, which is really important. made it part of my life, there's a great group i wanted to
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highlight, the international youth fellowship, iyf. their flagship event, world camp, christmas contata, andrea speak, did an incredible story about her christian faith, keeping children involved in the right path in life. these are the future, children we want to mold into leaders of tomorrow. you can check out their website, >> i don't like singing kids. >> you don't like kids, period. >> i don't like singing kids. does it bother you in movies when they start singing? it bothers me. >> i am reluctant to bring this up, but i have to because it is pretty funny. i was a peace corps volunteer in the philippines. this is miss philippines usa
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contest from 2013. listen to the answer of one of the finalists. see what you think about this. she was asked a question. >> what do you prefer to have if you could only have one. >> i would take seeing. seeing is the best we can ever see, seeing is believing, and believing in what you see is perfect. out of all the senses, seeing would really be wonderful because -- >> thank you so much. >> speaks for itself. greg? >> i have a bad phrase. instead of doing the bad phrase, i am going to defend that beauty contestant. those questions are just idiotic. somebody asks you what kind of sense you want when you're up there. what are you going to say?
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i say good job. >> that's it for us on "the five." thanks for watching. see you back here tomorrow. "special report" with bret baier "special report" with bret baier welcome to "red eye." it is like toddlers and tierras if by toddlers you mean me and bill hemmer every day after the help goes home. andy levy is recover frght scratching post accident. he appreciates your cards and letters this evening. filling in is fox business network and america's baby-sitter, liz mcdonald. she has our pre game report. >> thanks, greg. were the founding fathers dangerous extremists? some say no, but jonathon hunt says yes. stupid brit. and whose behavior at the video music awards was worse, miley cyrus or robin thicke? it is the most important question of the year.


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