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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 30, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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baby. >> we will have to leave it there. thanks for watching "the five." "special report" is coming up next. he will get on that breaking news out of the house of commons. welcome to "red eye." it is like "back to the future" if by future you mean gym because my trainer hates when i neglect my quads. that's his favorite muscle. he tells me that at breakfast. due to andy levy's sudden death, there is no pre game report. let's get to it and welcome our guests. well, she is so bright, her reflection wears sunglasses. i don't even know how that works. i am here with ann coulter. she is a political commentator, author and columnist. her latest book "mugged" just came out in paperback this week. it is about her decade long affair with hot cocoa. filling in with andy levy is guy st. cloud.
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guy 1* crashing on my couch until fall of 2017 due to a miss print on his visa. he has athlete's foot and a third nipple he keeps in his wallet. and he has tried to sell his own arm on ebay, bill schulz. and i would pump him in my garage regularly. sitting next to me is larry o'conneller -- larry o'connor from somewhere. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. [inaudible]. >> i didn't even hear that. >> should you wait to text a mate? if you message a person you know is driving, and they get into a collision, yes you, the person who text the driver, could beheld responsible. the case involved an accident where a teen girl was texting her pal moments before he smashed his truck into a motorcycle. the couple on the moke --
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motorcycle lost parts of their leg. they sued the driver and the texter, the person texting the driver. why am i explaining this? i am explaining this because i am outraged. the court left the girl off the hook, but in future cases the text sender can be blamed. i believe we have tape of what can happen when a drive is distracted. >> i saw this video so i am not surprised. this video blows my mind. basically you could be sued -- i mean you could already be sued for doing nothing wrong, but in this case, they are saying like it is almost like you are a car accident drone. you are control -- you are
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sitting there and your phone now becomes a drone. >> i know. i am outraged too. in fact it demands more explanation. have you ever had a spouse though that blows a gasket if you don't respond immediately? that is more dangerous than a car accident. i just respond "k" just so they are not angry. should we get rid of the amber alert signs because they #r* meant to distract drivers? or how about the billboards with the sexy ladies that distract me. >> i like how you put lady people know like ladies. >> the text will come on the screen and then -- >> on your google glasses. two-part question. should obama be impeached or should obama be impeached? >> yes, and i think this story illustrates why.
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and why because the video you showed illustrates why. i was soft on this story at first because i think people who text while driving should get the death penalty. but then i realize exactly what larry said. there are a million things that distract you. this is a gift to trial lawyers and not to those of us who want to murder people who text while driving. >> it is astounding, andy. i am trying to workup -- i have my own outrage. the thing is, new jersey is really tough on texting and driving. >> as they should be. >> yes, as they should. >> obviously somebody will not be driving as safely as somebody who doesn't, but what about the other person? >> here is the thing, greg, i like to say about the other person, how do you prove intent? it can only be when the person knows that the other person is driving and would prove that? i think from now on i am
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sending out my text and e-mails and adding a signature line that says do not respond if you are driving. >> you know, i can answer that. you say with lots of depositions from well paid lawyers. >> there is one way to go through the person's text and you could see, well, is it obvious one person is driving and the other person kept texting? or you would have to prove, oh they were just together and then the one -- like the guy took off and so the girl knew he was in a car and she was texting him anyway. this whole thing -- >> all that will matter is how much the person texting is worth. how much the company with the billboard is worth. >> what about criminal justice? couldn't you intend to murder somebody with this? >> was there a law and order episode? >> she is driving up a narrow road on the mountain. >> i am going to ask for her recipe of meatballs. >> it has been on foryears. the answer is yes. >> i want to get bill into
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this. these two teens, they send each other 62 texts that day. i guess this disproves your theory that teens don't like texting. >> that and the teens are against twerking. if you give them the option to twerk and not to twerk they will take not twerking jie. is it a right to twerk state? >> i support minimum ages. it is at 18 and above. secondly, welcome to chris christie's new jersey. secondly it is almost as if they are begging the supreme court to rule on this and the fact that it is a civil case rather than a criminal one, that of course means it will be minimum -- you can do minimum amount of damage for them and pay a lot of stuff for them. i did not get that from remi spencer. you can look at my e-mail. somebody put that in. >> i just want to say i completely agree. you said texting while driving is horrible. i will twerk and that should
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not be a crime. >> we will have to pay you extra to do that. >> i think we destroyed this story. >> why don't you put up some words? >> very slow this week on the teleprompter. are you having a rough week? it is the dog days of summer. does using private school mean you are cruel? according to a writer at, they have them there, quote, you are a bad person if you send your children to private school. allison benedict says every parent needs to put their kids in public education so that the schools improve. she admits that this improvement could take generations and that your kids might get mediocre education in the meantime, but who cares? she maintains it will be worth it for the eventule common good. they always say that, communist scum. >> and what about parents who send their kids to private schools for religious reasons
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or because their school district sucks or their kids have behavior issues? benedict says none of these are compelling reasons. well i'm convinced. all i know about life i learned from this video. >> they suck the brains out of that cat, the cat would still be smarter than the person who wrote this. >> i think that is -- >> that is troopers i think. that's how the bugs would get the human brains out. >> i had no idea. >> excuse me. this is the most important story of the night. it is an achievement for slate. the whole point of this article is to get traffic to slate. it is so outrageous and also to get on the highest rated
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show in the nation which is "red eye." they have achieved it. they have actually won. the story needs to be discussed, anne, because i couldn't believe you said you loved it. >> i loved it. i genuinely did. i was halfway through it before i realized it wasn't a joke. i seriously thought it was you writing it because it appears on the list. the idea that if more people would use government services they would get better. this proves -- this is proved by the entire history of the universe. it has never, ever, ever happened. it happened then public bathrooms would be fantastic. >> long before we had fed ex and ups we had no choice but to use the post office. look how great that turned out. >> you are right this is an example of public schools.
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it produces morons. >> she said her only education was drinking with the nearby trailer park teen. this is key because it establishes her with a white trash mentality, but letting even know that she wasn't in the trailer park. but she went down to the trailer park and partied with them. she was benevolent. she is slumming. this article in a way is an intellectual version of slumming. >> there are a couple points. nobody and pointing out how racist she is. president obama and mrs. obama send their kids to private schools. clearly they are bad people and by her saying that is my understanding that anytime you criticize the president it is racist. she is a racist. also the last line of her article was great. i can't remember exactly, but it was something along the lines of don't just listen to your liberal guilt, act on. you have to give slate credit for knowing who their readers
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are. they are racked with guilt. >> i disagree with that. i hate to interrupt because i know it is somebody else's turn, but i want to make this one point about liberals. they say they feel guiltiment they are arrogant. they want us to feel guilty because they are such good people. it is never a mea-culpa. it is a they-a-c lo pa. >> that's who ombuds the only buds man. >> we don't have it anymore. >> aren't you thrilled we got a liberal to make a condemnation of anyone? yes it was because people want to make their kids have a great future and give them the best they can give them, but at least there is a moral condemnation there. >> it is a moral condemnation of smokers. >> liberals always condemn libertarians and conservatives. anyone who does president
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agree -- >> they are against us taking on showers or having the shower heads that, would. >> the problem with the public schools is all of these kids aren't there contributing. it is only 10% of the kids in america and aren't women who abort their babies, aren't they horrible people too? they should be in public schools right now. so if you really want to help the public schools, stop aborting your children. >> and i should stop [bleep]. >> please don't stop that. >> i want to ask bill this question. you wept to high school at mrs. huh kens academy for sequential hemaphrodites. and this is what bugs me. she left out one obvious esh you. how do you comply to her beliefs? you have to punish people who did not go to public school. you have to pesh them. you have to force them. >> mrs. hop kins is now mr. hopkins because she was a dean and a former student.
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secondly the big problem -- sequential, that's how they do. it is not just for frogs. >> secondly, the fatal flaw with this is none of it is mumbo jumbo. >> it was the fact that she was expecting the moms to do this for the future children. these helicopter moms today, they are only interested in the stuff they crapped out. >> it doesn't work that way. it comes out of the womb. >> i don't read your by yule gee gee -- biology books. i find them godless. do what i did. i took my i will legitimate daughter expiz said no to public school and i said no to private school and i said yes to putting dip near -- dip -- diptheria into the woods. they learn to talk and grow a nice coat and i am assuming central pork has wolves and that's where -- central park
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has wolves and that's where i put them a year ago today. >> you can make good arguments for why parents should send their kids to public school over private. >> i think you do get life experience at a public school you may not get at a private school. i think stuff like that can be helpful later in life. the idea that you are a bad person and even using the phrase, you are a bad person, these are the same person that mocked george w bush for using the phrase evil doers. you are a bad person. like i honestly -- like you said you thought it was a joke. i thought it was written by a high school student. >> she admits she doesn't have an education. she said she read one book. >> and by the way, to make your point, the best argument foregoing ahead and sending -- for going ahead and sending your kid to private schools, but the private schools suck too. they compete with the public schools. >> gavin said that. he said it is getting worse in
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the private. >> the real competition for private school is home schools. >> nope, raised by wolves. >> raised by wolves goes without saying. >> thank you, yes. >> i even bussed them to central park. >> it is important to get them to different parks. >> not enough needles here, girls. >> the worst thing about the busing is the bullying of the wolves. >> i had a couple of the wolves trying to drive off into the hudson. turns out they cannot drive. >> did you see the viral video of the wolves beating him up? >> by the way, this kind of thinking is funny, but it can only be done by force. >> everything with the government. >> we have to move on. do we have time for this story? no, we don't? okay. i'm okay. >> you bruised your paper.
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>> we are skipping a story? >> we will get rid of the other story. >> let's talk about this during the break. >> no, i want to hash this out. >> we are on the air. >> let's make story 4 story 5. >> coming up, ann coulter discusses her surprising new book on why i am voting for godzilla in 2016. and what does the inventor of the foam finger think about miley? let's just say he raised another finger. his thumb. he is a big fan.
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yes, her grill made him ill. focus on me here.
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shush. the inventor on the foam finger, you know, the i'm number one guy, has fennelly weighed in -- has finally weighed in on miley cyrus' performance. i guess we know what that means. that's like at a gay club in a newsroom. >> isn't that right, larry? >> how would i know? >> at sunday's vma's the aging teen used a foam finger on herself and robin thicke. the finger had to be destroyed. steve who first put the fun in we're number one over 40 years ago tells fox sports that she took an icon seen in sporting venues venues and degraded it. the 59-year-old created the crowd please neither 1971 as a way to cheer for his high school team. who cares? other tw re king -- twerking
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news, miley tweeted this, if i had a foam finger i would have done the same thing. he said "thang." >> you are a bad father. >> i believe we have tape of an act that mtv cut due to time issues. >> i don't like that. i think they were putting string on the back of the dog. do you think it is an acrobat dog? >> yeah. >> that's all they have. >> how can we criticize miley cyrus -- oh don't show it again. >> let's get to the story. >> you are going to love the headless cat segment. >> yes, let's show some headless cats. please. oh my god. w45* is going on with this
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show? >> i am told they are getting hit in the head. >> we will have cats being bludgeoned coming up. this kills the miley cyrus segment because i am criticizing something she did. >> e block, hamster cannonment it is going to be good! >> let's talk about the foam finger. you know what i try to find interesting? i try to find a way to get away from that horrible video. the guy that invented the foam finger didn't make a dime. >> and he lost out at a shot at the mcarthur award too. he had it in the bag. >> it is amazing to me, bill, that somebody who put all of that time and effort into a finger and it didn't payoff. >> indeed he did it for his high school basketball game. i don't know how he found the foam in the 60s. the thing of it is, his argument is off. have you seen how they have -- what they have done to the foam fingers lately? you can buy a middle finger
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foam finger. you can get a dane cook shocker finger. i won't explain what that is. don't google it. secondly he talks to fox sports. this is an agency that should have a foam finger and i will tell you why. fox sports 1 is number one in drama. it is number one in buzzer beaters and it is going to be number one in sports before you know. it fox sports 1 it makes espn look like number 2. >> how much did they pay you for that? >> they didn't, but i do have a review coming up. it is all under the same umbrella. new york post, number one. >> it is my space. >> by the way -- fsx. >> when one x ain't enough. >> when "red eye" -- when we
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were sharing an office space with my space what a bunch of [bleep]. >> now we can talk about it. >> they would pu the refrigerator. you have a kitchen on the floor. was that the 13th floor? you had a shared kitchen. we are working there and we work very hard. we are my space. we are my space. and they put a sign on their refrigerator that says please do not eat our food. this belongs to my space. >> guess what we did? >> i am thinking of writing a tell all. >> all of those people were protesting at union square because they want to get paid double. >> i want to get back to what we were talking about. >> milely. go to the video again, hurry. we can't condemn miley without playing it 10 times. it is terrible. >> i just want to -- bill asked where you got the foam to invent the finger. it was made of paper mache and cloth.
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somebody saw that and then they invented the foam finger. to get to a point you made and i agree with you, he talks about how this degraded it. really? have you seen it? you couldn't degrade something more than these people are doing. >> an interesting angle to this story which i'm sure you don't have an answer for except for a weird awkward flirt, miley cyrus' boyfriend was in the movie magnificent 12. his friends are telling him to distance himself. won't it be the opposite affect? >> i am disturbed by the whole thing. and even the fact that she has a boyfriend. what about the father? billy ray and his achy breaky moral compass? how could there be any other response other than to punch robin thicke and throw a robe
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over his daughter. >> you know what, i have been watching "red eye" every night this week, probably for a couple weeks. >> i'm so sorry. >> did you know this is the only story you talked about for five nights in a row? presidential elections, every night you are hitting on miley cyrus. this is the first time that i have been able to talk about it. i want to complain about her performance. it wasn't all the secondsule stuff and i have seen twerking and this was bad. you want to see good twerking, come to the fox christmas party and those guys know how to twerk. more on miley tomorrow night. >> yes, we are going to keep going and bury this story into the ground. you know the one thing about this whole foam finger thing that nobody talked about is how it really is kind of intolerant or insensitive to people with oversized hands.
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there are a lot of people who suffer from giant handitis. if you walk around with a giant finger like that you are saying, ha, ha, look at your giant hand, man with giant handitis. >> you know who is really sensitive? apple. >> i have fat fingers and i can't do the touch screen. people with hands like, this impossible. >> greg i have a tip. write the theory for slate. >> i have really big hands, if you know what i mean. >> somebody disinvite this man. can we edit out that joke? good. we willed dit out that joke -- we will edit out that joke. coming up, you're once, twice, three times a lady and i love you. not a story, but one in a series of suggestive e-mails. how many times do i have to tell you i am not a lady and you are no gentleman. but first, what is in burger king's new french fry burger? we'll get to the bottom of it
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and by that i mean absolutely nothing.
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his friends are nil. his campaign is ill. according to the new york post which is owned by our parent company evil space gin jaws ,inc -- space ninjas inc. anthony wiener has been paying for phony campaign supporters. some of the pro wiener crowds are including those at a recent parade and it included
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actors who were paid $15 an hour by the california firm crowds on demand. wiener's camp denies it. that's so wiener's camp. and they claim, quote, we have always had the biggest and most fired up crowd. that's news. yeah. the other campaign just can't buy. let's look at reaction to wiener arriving at a mall in queens. >> wow. it does seem a little fake to me. larry, will this finally put the nail in the wiener campaign coffin and try to respond without the hacking humor. >> nothing will stop wiener. he is getting $4 million from the city of new york and they believe in public financing. the real outrage here that no one is talking about is he is a nonunion actor. that is not sag. that is not equity. this is new york city. they are full of triple
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threats. have you seen those kids? why aren't they out there and paying union deuce? >> that's another good point. good answer. surprise. you were saying in the green room that you admire wiener's dedication to whatever it takes to win. >> i do. i do. he fought so hard and accomplished so much in congress. what i like about wiener is because other democrats don't like him, everything is being revealed about him that all of them do. in my book they hired black people to come to their rally because weird enough they were not drawing the crowd. it happened before. >> i read most of them. >> name one. >> i am driven so i get a lot of research done. that's why i am up until 3:00
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a.m. >> i read the one with the one-word title. >> the picture of a sexy dress? >> andy, should this be against the rules or is this just a genius idea gone wrong? >> first of all we have to reiterate that wiener denies this is true. since he has never lied before i think he should get the benefit of the doubt. it is not a genius idea. guess what, it is not working. he has done 8% and he is in fourth place or fifth place. if it were a genius idea he would be leading the race. so it is not working at all. i would love to have the campaign. they deny the story and then they say this is enthusiasm that other campaigns just can't buy. no, it is enthusiasm that other campaigns chose not to buy. >> bill, you worked as an unpaid side connection for almost 7 years now. you understand their plight. >> they are not getting paid. i don't know what plight means, but i bet they got it.
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they must use the talent. these people were former interns. identify that. give them signs and they say i work for anthony wiener and he never sexed me. i work for anthony me and he never touched me. help me i have plight. >> this isn't entirely surprising. there were rumors that anthony wiener was paying for a fake wife the last couple years. i am just saying. >> i am glad brooke goldstein wasn't here or it would go right to the muslim brotherhood. >> did you know there is a company out there whose job is to provide crowds? >> that's incredible. >> it is a great idea. i don't know if we can pan over to our audience right now, but we can use some. >> we have no paning ability. >> it is actual crowd sourcing. >> this is no different than clubs, hiring people to go and find -- people to fill up their club. joy they get girls. -- they get girls. they are called promoters and they go and find girls and
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they say okay, you go to the club and we will pay for your -- >> those are called prostitutes, greg. >> for your birthday what if we called this place and just hired leak 30 people to follow you around all day as you walk down the street. >> that's a great idea. let's do that. i wonder how much that would cost? $50 an hour. >> i will find out tomorrow. >> you pay them $200 to stop after five minutes. >> that's fantastic. >> a nasty way of getting back at an ex-- i am hearing music. >> it is a rock and roll story. we need the soundtrack. >> what is going on with you people? the story, we are doing it next. it is a nasty way of getting back at an exand it could be illegal in california which i am told is a place. revenge porn is the practice of posting nude pictures on-line without someone's consent. lawmakers are debating a bill that would make it a misdemeanor, punishable by a year in prison and a $2,000
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fine. the aclu had initially objected and arguing it would apply to constitutionally protected material, but since they backed off the idea is stupid and i can't talk. larry, what is your feeling on this. on this? >> all of the threats bill schulz has made, they are empty now and he can't get away with what he was planning on. >> they were positive in a way. after i cutoff your appendage i would return it. >> the lesson here is don't let peck tours or videos of yourself be taken at all? if you are stupid enough to let that be taken you deserve it to be out there. >> andy, the key point of the law is it applies to people who consented to posing for nude pictures. but you -- do dumb people deserve that protection? >> yes. i disagree with larry. i think p people are with whom they trust and they let someone do something like this, it is a little close to
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blame the victim if that picture is used in a way they didn't expect it to. >> what about a love letter? what if you send something roveny in an -- raunchy in an e-mail. >> everyone is talking as if this applies to -- like if you took a intoed -- a nude selfie and send it to somebody. it is for people who photograph or record the image of another person. >> it is not a selfie? >> if you take a picture and send it to somebody else, that's not covered. >> so geraldo can't sue any of them. >> i don't understand that. >> it is your own fault if it is a selfie, but if somebody else took it, it is not yours. anne, what do you make of this unusual problem? >> first of all, let this be a warning to you young, stupid people. don't get a tattoo and don't let someone who is the love of your life at age 18 take a picture of you totally naked.
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i am against this law because i don't know how poor bill living on plights is going to make a difference if he can't sell his photos to larry. >> i am living with plight and not dyeing from it. it is a big problem with our community. >> is plight the name of the hobo? >> plight is the reason that carl is no longer with us. >> i have a great idea. you should released naked pictures of yourself and then blame it on a fictitious ex. >> i am dating somebody that looks just like me. >> you blame them for leaking it. >> i said i will follow. >> did you go to bub school? >> i was -- did you go to public school? >> this is why he needs to sell naked photos. >> you are saying i should date erin moran.
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billy gene king? >> i will let this die out to an awkward silence. >> sew lay moon fry. >> now he is shouting nonsense. >> she looks just like me. >> why is everybody shooting nonsense? >> it is definitely time to take a break. more stuff when we come back. "the joy of hate", autographed copy. g buy 500 of them.
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he put the exin execute. kim jong-un's ex-girlfriend was one of those people put to death by a firing squad last week. the south korean newspaper reports that she and others were arrested for violating the laws against pornography.
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all were members of musical groups and they were accused of making and selling videos of themselves having sex. a source told the paper, quote, they were executed while a key member of their band and the families of the victims looked on. the ex-girlfriend was known for singing a bunch of patriot tech songs and had a hit. in 2005 it was called excellent course-like lady. north korea continues to be a concern for america. all right, i will throw to something. they went and they talked to dennis rodman because rodman was kissing his ass forever and he always chums up to a dictator. this is him asking if this is true or not. >> does it say he did it? every time you see him on tv he is never talking. he can't control that stuff over there.
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we just can control over here. he is just a friend of mine. we don't talk. i don't worry about what he does. >> first he says they you talk and then he says they don't talk. i don't trust dennis rodman. >> at first i thought he was a murderous dictator who killed a bunch of artists. this drives me crazy is that these are artists. everybody thinks -- nobody s in hollywood isn't saying anything and dennis rodman is technically an artist. >> you think everyone in hollywood is saying let's stay away from this 1. >> are you not on the e-mail chain? >> this is like gays not saying anything about muslims being killed. they do all the time. i have three or four editors that i know write articles about this all the time. >> i don't see the articles. >> that's because you go on "daily caller." >> how do you know what i do?
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>> i see the stories to the guests. >> you don't know what i read. >> because you don't acknowledge the fact -- >> you don't know what i read. you don't know what i read. apologize for assuming i don't -- >> greg can't read. >> i can't read. they are not against it. >> kennedy made a good point. why are we focusing on syria? it is an acute atrocity. they have been doing this horrible stuff for years. why not go after north korea? >> it is china's problem and not ours. they already have nukes so you want to take them out before they have nukes. ie, iraq. the countries you want to contrast is iraq and syria. what assad has done is
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one-10th of what they saw saddam hussein do. >> it is true. >> it is not true. >> there were big women's movements. >> we are just going to ignore him. >> and they never talked. >> it is the most important part of the story and it is not his you are relevance. i am upset you brought this story up. i had front row seats i was going to try to sell to bill and now i can't. >> am i the only one who has lost faith in dennis rodman. i don't want to take the blame from kim gung u.n. kim jong-un. maybe his wife had something to do with it. >> if you have a girlfriend and then you are married to a murderous dictator? you can go to the -- oh i saw
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your exon tv singing in the band. what is her name again? oh that is good you remembered. here is what is going to happen. and here is what happened. >> she was also in the band. his wife. she knew her from way back when. >> i can get tickets if you want to go. >> you mentioned china. the only reason north korea exists and continues to do these things is because of china's protection. why let china off the hook? >> because we like our toys. >> i like my iphone, shut up. >> if there is a place that deserves 5 serious pounding -- if you are going to oust a regime it is north korea. we don't because of china. i have a feeling china wouldn't mind. >> no, no, no. it is china's problem. china doesn't like north cor we yaw -- north korea. why should we deal with it
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when china is more concerned. it is literally their backyard. >> uh pearntly it was seen in china. in north korea stops the porn -- >> i don't know if you were following the story, but there was no porn. >> thank you, bill, for adding nothing. >> do you have a comment on the show 1234* e-mail us. do you have a video of your animal doing something go to fox eye and click on is up mitt a video. we might use it. coming up, another story. yes, one more.
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don't forget a new "red eye" will air on saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern time. this is my favorite story. fast-food just got faster. your fries now come inside the burger. in an effort to compete with the mcdonalds dollar menu, burger king is introducing the french fry burger. it will be available on september 1st through the fall and then after that you will have to make it yourself. the new burger costs $800. that's too much. andy i go to you first. i love fast-food. i believe they are the space
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program, but anybody can do this. >> the idea is for a buck and not $800, but for a buck you get some burger and fries. the point is they are not trying to be creative. they are trying to be economical. there are those of us who can only afford a dollar for our meals. and this way we get a burger and we get fries. >> bill, a dollar would get him a week worth of food. >> well not food. i make my own, fingernails toe nails. >> look atta co bell. at taco bell. they are the picasso of fast-food. every week they come up with a n could trappings. let's make a taco burger and shape it like an arc. that does president make any -- that doesn't make any sense. burger king should be more creative. >> no, they are the whopper and i love the whopper.
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who is doing this? >> burger king. >> oh, it is burger king. not only is it not $800, but it is $1 and a really good deal when you consider you get a defibrilator with it. >> i can't say that word. larry, i love -- >> you are wrong on this. it is brilliant. first of all, they did market research and my kids do this already. they put french fries on their hamburgers. >> they are imaginary kids. >> four of them. count them of the you say anybody can do this, but there is a genius to the person who does the thing that everybody can do. look at andy warhol and the painting of a can of soup. anybody who -- can do that, but he actually did it. he made a lot of money out of it. >> i wanted you to theng -- i thought you said you wanted us to literally look at him. that is morbid. >> i guess i should go to
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bill. this has has to be the deal of the century for you, right? >> it doesn't make sense. yes, for $1 you get the burger with the fries. most with pay extra to buy the fries and do it themselves. think about the extra money you will have to spend on retraining your staff to not just put the regular things on the burger. they have to reach over there to get the frys and put that in there. >> can i ask when this whole thing started? i have never done this. >> i used to put chips in sandwiches. >> people are weird. >> you know what is great? mcdonalds fry in the chocolate shake. >> in the shake, that's awesome. >> and by the way, i don't know why they don't make a combination shake french fry thing. it is connected to the side and you can buy it -- >> what it it was a giant fry, but hollowed out and filled with shake? >> that's what i was getting at. a taco ball. >> it would be like a wrap. >> and you made fun of this
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little dollar fry thing. >> we have to go, anne, larry, andy, bill, that does it for me. i'm greg gutfeld. see you next time.
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>> the o'reilly factor is on from boston. tonight. >> i have not made a decision. i have gotten options from our military. i had extense itive discussions with my national security team. >> bill: the world waiting anxiously to see if the u.s. will syria for using chem cam weapons. we will have the latest on this important story. >> still too much apathy when the lives of people of color are too often valued less than the lives of white people. >> is that true? does the establishment in america devalue the lives of minorities? we will discuss that provocative question with laura i can gram. >>


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