tv Red Eye FOX News September 6, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> dam. no kidding. they have parties like we do? they have a ball that comes down? >> no one parties like you, robert. all right, that's it. thanks for watching. thanks for watching. welcome to "red eye." it is like the young and the restless if by young you me young and restless you mean rolling around in the trunk of my honda. andy levy is off doing something jewish. and tilling in for him is tom shillue doing something not jewish. his latest cd is called "impossible." oh there he is. he has the pre game report. >> hi, greg. coming up on tonight's show the naacp and the kkk meet in wyoming. the surprising thing, the meeting appeared to be more cor cor -- cor jill than vladimir putin and obama. and how would you like to zip
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through the airport? the tsa will let you if you get fingerprinted and pay them $85. tsa, i would be willing to pay you $885. and you can still pat me down which i never had a problem with. and miley cyrus has broken her silence about her vma performance saying she was not out to offend. she was out to make history. making her impression because we obliged. >> what does that mean? >> it means having fore knowledge. >> thanks for that o'reilly. let's welcome our guest. she is cuter than a care bear stabbing a my little pony with a knife made of rainbows. i am here with dana perino, white house press secretary and one of my co-hosts on "the five." she looks thrilled. and if hilarity was smoke rings wealthy men with blow him at smoke clubs. it is dana small. >> hash tag red eye.
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>> and call him with direction tots nearest bridge. my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. what is that? >> and if musical genius was math homework i would do him on the bus every morning. it is ariel pink and he is drinking something. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. [inawed -- dash. >> it is peace at hand with the ku klux klan. last weekend in a mind exploding -- exploding development. what am i reading here? they met with a kkk organizer in wyoming which anyway the president of a local naacp chapter asked for the sit down. the first ever apparently. after hearing reports of klan literature around the town of gillette. he said, quote, it is about opening dialogue with a group who claim they are trying torm .
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the qkk guy in-- the kkk guy paid $50 to get their insight and views into the news. he said, quote, i don't know if we accomplished that much. it is about proud to be white. >> finally somebody says it. >> you know who else is proud to be white? this dot. >> isn't that a metaphor of today's society? the white man being chased by a giant dog? >> -- sherrod, i go to you for no particular reason. >> i knew. it i was at that meeting. >> would you have gone? >> i would have gone. good eats. ribs potato salad. >> why do you think the naacp did it? >> because they don't matter anymore. being a local president of the naacp chapter is almost
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nothing, right? >> i thought you were talking about the kkk. >> both of these groups and it is like, what? >> in gillette, wyoming. >> i thought it was boston. didn't gillette come from boston? the kraft family owns gillette and they are in boston. it is a white thing to be, swedish. >> dana, try to pull this segment into whatever confusion we went into. you created your own hate group. do these meetings work where they are opposing sides? i don't believe this is an opposing side thing. the naacp is respectable and the kkk is not. >> one of the key things to do if you are going to have a hate group learn to do great self-promotion which i think is what ended up happening here. this is gillette, wyoming. this is not far from where my grandfather's ranch or great grandfather's ranch is. >> that proves it. >> it is a big mine.
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there is a big mine there. there are jobs and development and growth. it seems bizarre that there would be this kind of a meeting, but it didn't hurt anybody. >> didn't it? >> it hurt the nation of islam. >> well, isn't that who it it is? the nation of islam versus the kkk? >> the naacp is different. >> bringing up muslims is an attention getter. >> great thing to do on "red eye." >> what about the west burrow baptist church? >> where are they in all of this? >> they are awesome. they are cool. >> why are they cool? >> i want to become a member of their church. >> why? >> they are the most hated people on the planet. they need love too. >> do they really? >> of course they do. lawyers need love too. >> i started a hate group. we just hate you.
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>> i get more and more feedback from your group on twitter every night. >> why would the naacp agree to do this? >> i think they thought it was a joke. i think they thought the ku klux klan didn't exist anymore. the reason i don't think this is real is there is no member of the ku klux klan that could afford the add meetings fee to get into the naacp. their sheets aren't even clean anymore. half of them are dirty. >> somebody was passing outletter or literature and promoting hate and nobody knew. >> they said they would hurt a black man if he dated a white woman? is that why this happened? >> sounds right. >> the whole point was the ku klux klan wanted to get away from having bad publicity as a group. then disband the group. >> there is another way to stick around for another year. make peace with the other -- >> stick it out for one more year. >> it gives gillette, wyoming
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a reputation it doesn't deserve. that's a great place. people are wonderful there. they have very good skin hygiene there. >> i probably will go to gillette and get a free lunch and dinner. >> wow. >> you can make a black gillette shaving cream. >> doesn't the kkk ride on free publicity because we don't know how many they are because they always wear masks? there might only be 10 of them. >> they are anonymous. >> they are anonymous. it is anonymous. that means you don't know. they might not even exist. there could be 5. >> which makes them the bravest hate group out there. >> the more you hide, the more you have my respect. >> when you look like a bleached traffic cone i have a lot of respect for you. >> last question to you. what do you think they were talking about? the whites going we think you are inferior and do you want to have a beer? >> i don't like you.
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you don't like me, but we both hate these kids. >> they are going to kill us all. >> let's do another race story. that worked so well. from meetings to greetings. was her fail beyond the pale? a pastor in north carolina recently e-mailed volunteers asking white people greet services in an apparent bid to increase diversity. she happens to be black and she wrote they were expecting an increase in visitors because first impressions matter the freedom house church wanted, quote, the best of the best on the front doors. after the ensuing uproar a spokesperson said the e-mail was a, quote, attempt to emphasize our greeting team reflect the racial diversity of our congregation. she admitted it was a mistake and sent an apology. for more let's go live to this cat under a table. >> we will be limited and brief. just a prediction though.
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it is a review of military strikes so they have severe and unintended consequences. >> i think that person was watching fox. i could hear it. i don't know who it was. >> it was wolf blitzer. sorry will that be sensorred? >> no we'll leave it in. sherrod, she obviously made a mistake, but wasn't she doing what advertisers do? that's like oh we need to increase our diversity so let's have different people in front. >> you keep that e-mail in house. when i say in house your own psychopathic mind, dumb, black woman. >> allegedly black, come on. >> it was the wrong e-mail to send out. there are different ways of saying what i think she was trying to say, but lord have mercy. >> they did studies where the kids actually trust white people more than they trust the black people. so it is a scientific fact now.
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>> that study was only for this country, right? i'm sure in jamaica they had different results. >> dana, you haven't been to church in decades. it is a place where you go to worship god. wasn't the poor lady trying to get people in and she did it in a silly way? >> i suppose. i can't imagine what she was thinking. if what they were looking for are different volunteers, why didn't they just say i am going to take over the volunteer coordinations. nobody has to worry about it. she assigns people. >> that's right. she doesn't have anybody to make excuses too. excuses to. who is she talking to? >> i don't know. >> i think she is just confused because her name sounds like a bond villain. >> and it has an e on the end. cookie. >> is it that bad? >> the bond names are the coolest. >> bill, you used to be a greeter at the homeless
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shelter in exchanging for not being murdered by everybody who hates you. don't you unite people by their own hate for you? >> i pretended to be the greeter. they just wouldn't let me in. sorry, homelessly challenged. this person, i don't understand understand -- the only thing in this story is probably her favorite character in "django unchained" and i have no idea how this is an actual story. as the only african-american on the panel i am offended we put two race stories in a block. they wouldn't have done this if i wasn't here. >> i agree! >> if it was just you guys we would not be doing this story. >> it is me. >> it is racist because we are both blonde and we get the theme here. it is racist both ways. >> where am i? all of this? >> you are the rasist. you are the racist. >> you are catholic. >> how did you know i was catholic?
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oh i told you. she just did the opposite of what is being done elsewhere, right? isn't that her mistake? >> what do you mean the opposite? >> people are trying to get minorities into businesses and she was trying to do the oppositement. >> get them out of them? >> no, trying to get whites into her church. i think that's what she was trying to do. i don't know. >> she went about it the wrong way. >> what about saying bye to people? isn't that more pornts? more important? >> y'all come back now. >> y'all come back now, ya hear? >> and bring whiteys. >> have i no idea what that means. from prayer to plain. would you pay for an easier way? the tsa announced it will soon accept payment from passengers to avoid having to remove shoes, belts, liquids and computers from the carry on. it requires fingerprinting and a thorough background check and will be available in a hundred airports by 2013. the tsa boasted in a press released they are continuing to, quote, move away from a
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one size fits all approach to transportation security. speaking of one size fits all. >> hey, jumper. have fun. have fun. >> disead, push. >> that's the hairiest kid i have ever seen. >> i know why you don't come to me on that story. >> i travel. >> you usually travel by greyhound. >> it is the chinatown bus. >> what are your thoughts on this? i find this class less. the more money you have the less hassle you have. >> it takes about an hour to process your check or whatever. so it is actually not convenient at all. they take you aside and make you stand there while everybody makes fun of you. all of the black people. >> we do like teasing.
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>> this was supposed to be the nonrace story. psa, not kkk. >> dana, aren't they essentially charging us to be treated normally? like this is how we used to be treated when we were traveling and now they are saying if you wnt to go back the way it was you have to pay for it. that seems unfair to me. >> the tsa is not responsible for terrorism. the terrorist caused the need for the security in the first place. >> think of the things you will spend $85 on. if you travel a lot then it is totally worth it. one of the big problems is you have to fill out this form where you have to go back like 30 years and all of the different places you have lived and provide a reference. that would be really hard for you. >> bill would be under a bridge. behind an applebys. >> you do the same thing for the extra pieces of luggage.
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you have to give a cosiner and all of that stuff. >> are we still talking about the tsa? >> what were you thinking? >> i heard cosine expire thought we were talking real estate. i don't know where i am. >> sherrod, is this something you would take part in if you everful trayed? >> anything that would put me in another club where i can go and look at other people who can't afford it and point and laugh. >> that's my point. >> i am down for it. >> think about all of the stuff that the airlines do now to make you feel different than the people in coach. they offer 6 inches in the main cabin. >> oh yeah. >> i mean of leg room, dana. >> what did you think he was talking about? >> she was right to think it. >> i can't believe you. what i was talking about -- is that a phone? they are offering so many things to separate you from
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-- >> oh it is the "red eye" band. come on in, guys. >> i'm glad that's not me. white man's phone. >> thank god it is at the bottom of your bag. >> i like it. it is like game show music. >> who is it? who was it? >> first time ever. >> 323 -- that's california. >> that's a debt collector. do not answer that. >> how dare you call? >> who ever is watching right now. >> if you don't travel that much then spending an hour going through security going every six months or every year it is not that big of a deal. but if you travel once a week or every two weeks -- >> it is a no brainer. >> people make more money. >> that is true. >> it is true. >> his friend texted him that. you can't phone a friend on the show. if you do it be more subtle.
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when andy texts me things in the show i have it on vibrate. i don't want you to know about it. >> i don't have any friends. >> you are my friend. >> i am for now. bill, do you even know what a plane is? >> yes, it is a flat area in the midwest. but there are also things that are gray that fly and i have been on them. i will pay this $85 for the exact same reason you said. i hate waiting for anything. although i would like to know if i pay my $85 will i get the watch back that disappeared between security and my american airlines flight a year ago in jfk. that's what i want to know. that's a true story. >> i want to get back to my point i was trying to make. everything is about paying. a little extra leg room, snacks, it is a class system on a plane. when you are flying coach and you have to walk through first class they let you know it is first class. when you are on first class when people are walking
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through coach you let them know. >> american airlines if you go to like air new zealand it is all first class. >> somebody is special. >> i fly to san francisco on air new zealand. >> he takes the long way to san francisco. >> you are nuts. you are completely out of your mind. my point is going no where. >> i think it is the beginning too. after they save the $85 so many people doing that well here is another one for $150 and then $500 and before you know it it is $1,000 before you get the ticket. >> they need a rule that prevents people from crowding at the entrance. what is that about? why do you need to get there? there are no pillows, no blankets. >> you need the overhead space. that's the thing. >> then solve that problem.
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>> you can't retrofit the plane. >> then you have all of these people sweating and angry about getting in and it is like a scrum. >> it should be the ones who are at the back of the plane go on first. >> southwest airlines does that. >> they need a rule where you are not allowed to wear sweatpants. a lot of those guys they don't wear underwear. >> you mean the sweatpants with the elastic at the ankle? >> girls can do it. >> i have to go. is it important to have a passion in life? dana perino discusses her new book "i throw rocks at children in the park." i am not surprised. and was this handshake a business mistake? as a devoted huger i say so.
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he met the bear with a glare. president obama arrived in saint petersburg, russia for the g-20 summit. the g standing for gary. he shook hands with vladimir putin. the russian leader hampered plans in syria and gave asylum to edward snowden so uh bow ma let his eyes do the talking. one reporter called it a death stair. people do die when they look into it. relations are so f-ed up, they arranged the seating chart for the dinner so they would be further apart. meanwhile things are tense for another pair of world leaders. those actually weren't world leaders. they were animals.
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sometimes they get confused. >> did you feel the need to clarify that? >> i did and the clarification wasment to be a joke. you know what, i don't even know why you are here anymore. you dealt in world politics. does it matter if leaders like or dislike each other? they are there to fight for their own interests, correct? >> business. in a way it is personal. what putin has done is despicable. i like the death stair, but it was the right thing to do. he will have to deal with him. he can't just go to his room. >> with who? >> obama has to deal with putin. >> not the other way around. >> you are the foreign policy expert here. how would you deal with putin? >> i mean, i -- i would shake his hand and look him in the eye. >> that's it? >> you would just be nice. you talk about sports. you talk about -- i don't know. what do we have in common?
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we are short. >> you can talk about sports, but don't show him any rings. we will walk -- he will walk out with that. >> we know what happened the last time a black man went up against a russian. apolo creed. >> oh. but they seated them apart, was that a good idea? >> you don't want them getting along too much. you don't want them to become good buddies. like dennis rodman and kim gung gung -- and kim junk ill. the leaders voted unanimously to have children from around the world to come together and kick you in the groin repeatedly until you die. this was something everybody agreed upon including putin and obama. that is special, don't you think? >> i am world famous. i knew when they got together they would vote for something and something bad would happen. i was counting on it.
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he is anti-gay. he is anti-free market. he is anti-press. he is a horrible, horrible fake democracy leader and of course we have to be giving him a death stair and giving him a grip. maybe he is from the kgb. >> i thought you were talking about obama. >> terrible, sir. we need to give him the death stair. we have to give him the death stair. >> st. petersburg though, beautiful. >> very warm in the summer. >> it is better than regular russia. regular russia, thumbs down. >> agree. agree. >> st. petersburg, beautiful. >> i am not a fan of eastern black architecture. it is very plain, very gray. no imagination. columns. i don't know what i am talking about.
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i will keep doing this the rest of the show. >> do we have time to talk about the tweet or do we have to move? >> of course we do. >> this is kenneth cole who tweeted this about syria. i can't read that though. boots on the ground or not let's not forget sandals, pumps and loafers. >> that's what kenneth cole should be saying. >> go shopping! joy i am trying to gin up some outrage, but nobody is biting. >> give me some gin and i will start biting, sir. it is not even friday you little scamp. >> you are an ass, an absolute ass. >> first comes the gin and then comes the ass. that's what he is saying. >> the biting is later. >> coming up, what is the best way to get around town? dana perino has a skateboard
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pal to astronauts on long missions and the droid has a message for the world. >> later he seemed less upbeat. >> oh my word. >> that's weird. we must discuss shall we in the -- >> lightning roooouuuuuunnnnnnnddd. >> lightning round. >> you kill me. >> somebody has been smoking too much. >> that was longer. >> no, it wasn't. >> dana, you were saying in the green room you find little robots sexy. that's weird.
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>> here is the thing. i am the only woman on the show tonight and women don't care about space or robots. >> how about space bots? >> nope. >> you must like the -- you are a woman. you must like the little vacuum robot with the round thing. >> i don't like this kind of woman/man. >> the only space -- the only thing in space was muppets in space you know,. ♪ pigs in space. ♪. >> women only like robots that vibrate. >> that is awful. >> is she still looking at me? >> they were talking about smartphones. >> what are you doing with that thing? >> oh my gosh. >> japan is first in space. who didn't see that coming? >> that's adorable. why did they insist on making
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everything cute? >> look at nasa. >> the more human it looks the creepier it becomes. >> like aliens. >> yes, exactly. >> that's why you get girls involved in space and math and science. >> have you -- have you performed in japan? >> no, i would love to. >> you would be huge. >> literally. i don't know why nobody saw that coming. >> godzilla when i come through. >> no, they just call the cops. >> it is officer godzilla. stop and frisk. unless you are in my neighborhood. how do you feel about this? i am giving an open ended question. >> you don't even bother -- i think this is highly over rated. >> this is unacceptable.
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gyro boughts -- a -- robots, a cute robot in space. >> it is smart to do it to get kids involved in science. >> people have -- some people like row -- robot exphz some like teddy bears. whatever it takes for you to go to outerspace i ab do indicate. >> it is a perfect time to bring up the president obama end of the space program. >> that's right. putting it on obama. >> that's racist. >> she should be impeached. he should be impeached. >> he should be given a pooh etch to say thank you because i am sick and tired of putting money toward nasa. all they gave us was tang and nobody believes in the moon landing garbage. and as far as teddy bears and robots are concerned, we have seen that come together in an evil hybrid that was teddy ruxpin and he was history's greatest monster. and nai, that's right. >> i learn something new every day. a group of marijuana advocates
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are asking the nfl to quit punishing players. they put up a billboard outside the sports authority field in denver before the season opener. it says stop driving players to drink a safer choice is is now legal here. one of denver's star players has been suspended for violating the substance abuse policy. sherrod, i go to you first. other than that you are probably high. >> baked. i am baked right now. >> it is legal right now. >> players should not be punished for smoking pot. it is not a performance-enhancing drug. you ain't enhancing any performance. >> it is like steroids are illegal. >> exactly. >> way to get in there. >> stop banning -- stop suspending players for that nonsense. >> and driving too.
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let them drive. >> i don't think there is a ban against driving, but that's a good point. >> they kill people. >> they do. that is true. they happen to kill people. anyway, where am i? dana, you are from denver. this must concern you. >> the thing is, i don't understand the pot thing. i drink wine so i am coming around to the whole idea of so if you are going to choose a vice and maybe this is -- i just wonder, did you know there is more medical marijuana dispin satisfactories in denver than starbucks? that's incredible. >> and cheaper than starbucks. >> but there is one advantage. starbucks has a clean bathroom. >> and food. >> they have food at the december pens res. you can buy brown knees and suckers. not that i know because i don't do that. bill you operate a nonprofit called send me free weed .org. have people been as generous as you expected. >> i have to go through the
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mailroom first, but this is a great campaign because the amount of painkillers football players are on destroys their insides and their minds and hurts them in the long run. they keep talking about this one guy, miller who was busted. he got busted for anphetamines. i get that because that would affect your performance in a good way. pot, you will take a touchdown -- >> you will be paranoid eventually. >> it would be a peaceful game. >> you run faster when you are paranoid. >> for practice purposes, pot is good. you practice on pot and then you perform not on pot. >> but you won't remember any of the plays. >> the pot is like wearing extra weight. when you stop smoking pot and then you play whatever sport you are --
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>> did i dream this? >> it makes sense when are on pot. >> and it doesn't look good to the opposing team when you are giggling that much. >> that's because they are jealous. >> i was going to finish my point. >> we have to take a break. don't leave now there is more to talk about. get "the joy of hate" autographed copy, g it is a a beautiful book about life. >> u ariel who got eight.
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>> madonna has done it, britney has done it, anyone who performs. you are wanting to make history. me and robin the whole time said we are about to make history now. three days later and people are still talking about it. they are over thinking it. you are thinking about it more than i did when i did it. >> i listen to that and i -- she is only 20, but that voice is 40. >> phyllis diller. but she sounds -- the point she is making about everybody is doing it, everybody is doing it. like it is something original. we are making history here people. >> that's true. she basically sacrificed her career to help mtv, dana. that makes her special. >> i really -- you know, i was away when this all happened. >> where were you, dana? >> i was in frankfurt actually in the airport lounge. this is like the big news.
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i don't care what she does. >> that's the easy way out. >> you could not -- you would have -- even under torture i would not break. i cannot feel anything about miley cyrus. >> i feel really -- i automatically want to come to her defense. the people that criticize her for whatever, for looking bad or whatever they are sex -- sexualizing her. >> i know i am. >> i saw o'reilly today and he was condemning this. he condemned it so much they ran about five minutes of that tape and he soundly condemned every inch of it. do you see that part right there? he showed that 10 times, greg. tell america how much he was against it. >> and she is still young to boot. society is like making -- that's not a lady. that's gross. >> it is so bizarre when
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people said i liked her when she was hannah montana. >> right, when she was pretty. >> that's not a real person, america. wake up. >> i like marcia brady when she was marcia brady. but hannah montana has to grow up at some point, right? >> i guess we all do. >> grandmas are heart to. >> it is a mixture of flo from "alice" remember, kiss my grits? and the psychic from "poll tour guys." >> at 20 you can't smoke that many cigarettes to get that voice. >> that is like a good female trucker voice. coming up, the post game report from tom shillue. stick around.
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it is time to go back to tom shillue for the post game report. hi, tom. >> hi, greg. how are you doing? >> pretty good. how are you doing? >> great. it is great to do the post game report. i can sit back and watch the entire show. >> you should get talking about it. >> i feel like you are killing time which leads me to believe there is not a lot to talk about. now to sherrod since it was naacp and kkk. >> i was a member of both groups. >> i figure go to sherrod because i think white people tend to be nervous if you don't go to the black guy first. we want to get your opinion out of the way. >> i agree with mostly what he said. >> sherrod, you seem to be -- you were suggesting that the naacp may be kind of irrelevant now? were you saying that? >> on a national level, no. locally, like some local thing that happens, that's not national news. >> i see, so it is the local chapters. >> that's a fair distinction to make. that's what i thought you
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meant, but youment the little one -- but you meant the little one in wyoming. >> this guy was able to give him the between -- the benefit of the doubt. >> meet with everyone. talk with everyone. i don't care what group you are in talk it out. if you can get $50 off a klan member, go for it. sthaz rep paw -- that's reparation. >> dana you seem to be concerned about this town. you said the people are wonderful there. kimberly will -- wilkerson miss wyoming, from gillette. >> my cousin is miss wyoming. >> this is not her first podeo. that's an interesting last name. it sounds made up. >> i love how you can take any story and relate it somehow to your personal life. that's amazing. >> i thought about naming
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jasper wyoming. >> it seemed a little confusing about the groups. naacp and the nation of islam and the kkk and the west burrow baptist church. west burrow and the kkk and the nation of islam classified as hate groups by the southern poverty law center. >> what about feminists? >> they are fine. >> i got maced the other day. >> was it the spray or an actual mace? >> it was a gun. >> what did you do? was it a fan? >> no. >> in fairness you were spraying the feminist, but it was backwards and hit you instead. >> i did everything right. that was the most offensive thing to her. >> story two, white people as the church greeters, sherrod you had sympathy for the pastor.
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she is an african-american pastor. >> i know. she is ridiculous. and people are ridiculous. >> let me ask, dana, you seem to be treating this as a communication issue. you said why doesn't she just say i am taking over and hand out the job assignments? >> right. >> do you think this was really -- do you think the issue -- it is not bad to want your church to have a racial mix. she got in trouble because she wrote the wrong kind of e-mail. >> here is my roll as a communication advisor. i don't care what you did. i can tell you how you said it or you can fix it. >> i don't know how these churches work. >> people gather and say a few hymns. >> i go to a catholic church in the bronks.
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>> their issue is they love jesus. >> unreal. >> i used to work in the theme parks. i worked in a lot of theme parks. a person high up in the theme park world, a vice president told me this is a big concern in theme parks. they need their -- basically if a theme park goes black it does president go back. >> wait, what? >> sherrod, i heard this from the inside from the high ups. if the racial mix of a theme park gets above like 50%, then white people stop going there. >> so it is like the mall. >> this is not just the theme parks. magazines have the same issue if they put a black model on the cover they say oh my god. is the new purchaser going to
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mistake -- >> that is called racism. >> it is. i accuse you of racism. >> it is a thing. you are agreeing with me here. this is a thing in the marketing world that no one talks about. they talk about it in the back room. it is a communication thing. you can't put it in the memo, but they whisper it it. it is out there. >> you can't have too many freak shows because if you go corny it is blarney. >> we have less than two minutes left. story three. i guess i am used to the half time report where we only had a few stories to deal with. story three, tsa is an interesting story. bill, you said i would gladly pay the $85. isn't this the problem? they should make it more expensive. if everyone does it the lines will be as long in the express line as well. >> i feel like you are making this about race as well.
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>> tsa went too black. >> what good is the express line . >> i see where it is going. >> it should be free. why are we being charged -- >> for something we used to get for freement. >> we live in a capital lissist lissist -- capitalistic society. >> it is a service you pay for. they have to fingerprint you and you are getting clearance. you are paying for the service. >> like the cleave wrens to a passport? >> greg, you said all of these people are sweating and angry on these flights. the planes are too hot. they have to turn up the cooling. men sweat and women are chilly. gliff -- give me a blanket. >> they are always cold because they are, you know -- >> we should separate men and women on planes. >> they have to chill the plane down. >> separate but equal plane. >> and women should not vote!
12:57 am
1:00 am
you hear what he has to say about prospects of war. the o'reilly factor is on. >> their air ability. you want to make it difficult to continue the war. >> president obama did not draw the red line. humanity drew it. >> strange, strange bedfellows over syria. tonight we will run down prominent rib brails and conserve -- liberals and conservatives and what they are saying about syria and why. what will michigan state university do about a professor indoctrinating students with political hate lettering? we will talk to a student in that professor's class.
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