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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  September 7, 2013 11:30am-12:01pm PDT

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graduates, these kids unfortunately are probably making a rational decision right now. >> thank you, dan. that's it for this week's show. thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching. i'm paul gigot. hope to see you here next week. president obama facing an uphill battle trying to sell a skeptical congress and a war-weary america on a military strike against syria. after two days of intense lobbying, the president left the g-20 summit with limited support. now the question is, will the commander in chief authorize military action even if congress says no? hello, i'm heather childress and welcome to "america's new headquarters." >> secretary of state kerry saying president obama is keeping all his options open and
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that he has made no decisions about waiting for a u.n. weapons inspectors report on chemical arms in syria. >> reporter: good afternoon. it may be a tough sell in congress. just today arkansas democratic senator mark prior put out a statement saying he is not onboard for the president's plan of a military strike on syria. the white house sent out information on the president's day today. before he left to play golf, this afternoon the president received an update from his chief of staff on the administration's latest consultations with members of congress. the president will make additional calls to members of congress this weekend." at the same time, secretary of state john kerry is hearing from his european counterparts that they want to wait for a report from united nations weapons inspectors before deciding on any kind of action against syria. will the u.s. also wait for the u.n. report? here is what secretary of kerry
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said about that today. >> the president of the united states made no decision and i will return to washington. obviously, this will be a point of discussion, we take that decision under advisement. the president has begin up no rights of decision with respect to what he may or may not do. >> at home, democratic leaders are trying to shore up a vote. minority leader nancy pelosi wrote her fifth letter in five days to colleagues today urging them to take note of the president's comments on syria this week. she said she looks forward to continuing, "this critical debate." there is a lot of skepticism on both sides of the aisle. some want to hear more clearly what the president's goal is. >> the president has not made a case for what his military objective is, strategies how we would accomplish that and exit strategy for doing it. one of the things many of us
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know is you don't get to pick the number of days you're going to be at war. when you launch a war and say we will only be there 48 hours, nobody can guarantee that. >> top senate democrat harry reid says he thinks he will have enough votes in the senate but it's a, "work in progress." back to you. >> molly, thank you. for more on this, let's bring in charlie herd. opposition to and support for a military strike. it cuts across party lines. even this week's successful committee vote which sent the resolution to the full senate sent deep divisions. it passed on a narrow 10-7 split. what do you think will happen in congress? >> i think it's anybody's guess at this point. i would say it's very unlikely, especially in the house that they'll be able to round up enough votes to actually get
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anything passed. president obama has kind of turned the whole politics both here and around the world completely on its ear. you have any time you have nancy pelosi and howard dean clamoring for war you know something is screw ball going on. honestly, the last time when i looked at these people and hear john kerry and hillary clinton and joe biden martialing the troops for war, i'm reminded the last time was 2003 when they made these exact same impassioned arguments for war in iraq. remember, that didn't end very well with them. within a year or two, they had all turned on it and began campaigning against the war that they had voted to authorize. i think a lot of republicans are very skeptical listening to them, these exact same people say we need to go and launch a war against syria. i think a lot of republicans are like, gee, i remember what happened last time when we went along with you on something like
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this. it didn't take long for you to turn tail and run when it goes unpopular. >> the american people seem to remember that. president obama doesn't just have to sell this to congress. he has to sell it to the american people. overwhelmingly, they are against military action. poll after poll, the most recent one released yesterday from gallup questioned adults nationwide. would you favor or oppose the u.s. taking military action against syria in 2 order to reduce that country's ability to use chemical weapons? 51% say no. this president definitely knows what the polls say. given that, what do you expect to hear from him tuesday night when he is scheduled to make a statement about it? >> honestly, i cannot make heads or tails of it. i don't know what he's after. i don't know what he's doing or thinking. it is one of the strangest things politically we have seen in a very long time. remember, as it stands right
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now, we have no idea with any certainty that bashir al assad actually gassed his own people. those are the claims made but we don't know that for sure. one thing that there is no doubt about, and that is that saddam hussein did gas his people in iraq. by the justification president obama is now using, that should mean the war in iraq was perfectly justified. it makes no sense, heather. there are very cynical arguments being made on the hill what president obama is trying to do is divide the republicans into this rand paul group versus main street republican group. if that's what's going on here, i can't imagine the president would be so cynical as to do that. if that is what's going on, we have reached seriously a new low in politics in this town. >> everyone knows we have midterm elections coming up. how will votes be impacted by
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that? >> i think -- if it starts out this unpopular, it's not going to get -- we may have a blip, a surge in favorability right at the moment that it happens because any time americans turn on the tv sets and see american troops in action, there is sort of a burst of enthusiasm. if it starts out this unpopular, at the end it's going to be even more unpopular. we don't have the money for it. >> i was going to say that. the toss of president obama's proposed military strike could run very quickly into the tens of billions of dollars, at the same time pentagon bracing for a $20 billion reduction in funding next month, calls for squelching sequestration for the case of the syria strike have begun. a lot is on congress' plate when they return, the budget, obama care, debt ceiling.
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to try to secure votes in favor of military action in syria, how are all these other agenda items being affected? >> i think that all of it serves to do one thing. that is undermine support for any sort of military action in syria. i think that -- first of all, law makers would far rather deal with some of those other issues than to get into something like this. the other point is the issue of costs. another important point molly brought up in her report about the fact that you don't get to choose how long a war is. you don't get to choose a cessation of military action. only your enemy gets to choose that. if syria decides to go to war against us or if iran decides to get involved and start firing missiles at our troops in the mediterranean, are we not going to respond to that? of course we are. these pledgees -- they are not even real pledgees. they are quasi-pledgees about no
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boots on the ground. you don't get to choose that. if you launch war on a country, you have to be prepared for all possibilities. >> charlie hurt, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> the debate continues. the refugee crisis in syria and the region getting progressively worse and the human toll is staggers. today more than 2 million people crossed the borders with many more expected to follow. an estimated 5,000 syrians leaving their homes every day. more than half of the refugees are children under the age of 17. another 4.2 million people are displaced within syria itself, meaning they've been forced from their homes. they are still inside that war-torn country. now the syrian people are considered the most displaced people on earth. major developments out of egypt, as well, as the military
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launches the largest and most violent operation against militants. a military official says helicopters and tanks are attacking insurgents in villages near the border with the gaza strip in israel. dozens have been killed. the assault two days after a failed assassination attempt on the country's security chief. federal teams will soon begin assessing the damage at environmental threat from a massive wildfire burning in and around yosemite national park. meanwhile, firefighters continue to battle the flames there which threaten san francisco's water supply. meteorologist janice dean is leave in the weather center. any help from mother nature expected? >> unfortunately, it's going to remain hot and dry. we are not getting the moisture we need to help firefighters and temperatures will remain warm. winds not as gusty as they have
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been, but it is so dry out here, extreme to exceptional drought across portions of california. there is the satellite radar imagery. much of california not getting in on the moisture from what was a tropical system out in the pacific. we are getting some heavy rains moving into the southwest though. it's just unfortunate we can't get some of that moisture into yosemite to help firefighters. forecast rainfall, they could get two, three to four inches of heavy rain in this desert area. that could be a problem. flash flooding will be an issue. also looking at the threat for flash flooding across the northern rockies and northern high plains as well as threat for severe weather. we could see large hail, damaging winds, heavy down pours, isolated tornados. the other big story, doesn't feel like september. feels like summertime across much of the country. the central u.s. in some cases 15 to 20 degrees above average. look at some of these daytime highs we are going to see across the central u.s. 98 in dallas, 94 in omaha, 94 in
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bismark. we are going to sill see these high temperatures throughout the weekend into early next week. across the northeast, very september-like, very cool. we'll take it. i'm sure these folks would love to cool off, as well. that will happen eventually this week. back to you. >> thank you so much, j.d. it is picture-perfect weather here in the northeast. >> beautiful in new york city. i'll order more. coming up, former basketball player dennis rodman meeting with north korea's leader again. what we are learning about the controversial visit. growing concerns about potential fallout from a u.s. strike in syria. the new intelligence that suggests iran may already be plotting its revenge.
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about yoplait's fall favorites. so we brought pumpkin pie and apple crisp back for a limited time. see? you really do call the shots. ♪ yoplait. it is so good. police in london arresting twoe men for a suspected break-in at buckingham palace. we are told no members of the
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royal family were at the palace at the time. former basketball player dennis rodman is back in the u.s. following his second controversial trip to north korea. rodman says he spent time with leader kim jong un whom he described as a friend for life. back to the crisis in syria. new information suggests iran may be planning to take revenge on the u.s. for a possible strike. a senior military source tells fox news u.s. officials have intercepted an order from iran urging iraqi militants to attack the u.s. embassy in baghdad if there is a strike. joining me now dr. wally ferris. doctor, good to have you join us today. in your briefings to congress and the european parliament last
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year and this year, you projected there would be regional counterattacks if the u.s. were to strike the assad regime. so why would the iranian regime in the first place be risking a confrontation with the united states and the west if this strike is directed against syria? >> i actually insisted on the fact that it is a strategic decision made in tehran. this is a result, number one, of the strategic alliance between the syrian regime and iranian regime. we have nato. they have a series of treaties between themselves. defense treaties that include hezbollah. if one is attacked, all others will counterattack. that is something to be taken seriously into account. the most important reason is that the iranian regime will lose everything regionally if they lose syria. if we look at the map, the bridge between the iranian regime through iraq and syria and to hezbollah goes through damascus, goes through the syrian regime if it goes down or is weakened or attack, expect
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the iranians would attack. >> what would they gain from a counterstrike against u.s.? hezbollah could attack our u.s. embassy in beirut. >> if a strike is really limited in the sense it does not weaken the regime, there is a chance that the iranians and hezbollah and syria will absorb it. they will issue a lot of statements, do more operations in syria, but will try to avoid general confrontation with us. but if the strike designed by the administration is to increasingly escalate in syria, we've got to expect the iranian regime is going to escalate with hezbollah against the attempt, this report they will be attacking one embassy, i expect many embassy. they will attack in the gulf against our allies. let's keep an eye on how iran
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could respond us to. hezbollah has one of the largest networks of organized terrorism. maybe al qaeda is wider in numbers, but hezbollah is more dissident and organized and has the report of syria and iran. i'm not talking about our interest in the middle east but also in africa. hezbollah is present in western africa, in this hemisphere, in south america and also here at home and in europe. when we touch in syria that nerve, we've got to expect at least expect reactions all over the world if they decide, if iran and syria decide to go for strategic attack. >> there is hezbollah that could use missiles against israel in retaliation for anything the united states chooses to do militarily. >> that is the most expected answer experts in the region have a consensus all hezbollah and iran have to do is shell israel with rockets and shifting the whole conflict between arabs and israelis. >> is it better to do nothing? >> it's better to have a comprehensive plan.
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if you want to do limited strikes, we can expect much more bigger strike against us. we have to have a much bigger plan for syria. >> wally, thank you always for your >> for more on syria, make sure you don't miss fox news on sunday. dennis mcdonough is going to weigh in on the tough vote facing congress. that's tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. stick around for media buzz at 11:00 a.m. eastern on fox news channel. we will be right back. when you realize you need to switch to verizon, it's a reality check. my reality check was when i started losing customers. i couldn't update them where my truck was. i missed a video chat in my own house. i couldn't download my music. i couldn't watch movies, and i couldn't play games. so it was time to switch. life with verizon now is excellent. we rely on verizon entirely. i love veriz.
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for many kids around the country, it was back to school week whether they like it or not. they probably loaded up on the basic pens and paper. for many kids here, that means new ipads and computers, too.
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in some parts of the world like south africa, kids are not thinking about ipads when they don't have the most basic thing at all, a level surface to write on. we found someone trying to fix that. >> reporter: these south african children have something to
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celebrate today. they are getting gifts at school. not ipads or kindles, they are getting desks or book bags that double as desks. 95 million children across africa don't have desks in school. >> you sago outside. you are going to do experiment. they need to observe something and write. usually, they write on their lap. >> reporter: some of these kids live in shanties without tables or desks. the bags made of durable, recycled material are handy for homework, too.
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imagine how they taste. m'm! m'm! good! hello, everyone. i'm healther childers, welcome to america's new headquarters. >> brand-new images of deadly violence in syria as the president make as flurry of calls today from the white house trying to win support for a military strike. >> plus, the brand-new push to defund obama care in congress as one of america's blue chip companies says the president's health care law is forcing it to push more than 110,000 retirees off their current plan. >> blast off. america's space agency heads for a brand-new mission on the moon. >> but, first, a fox news alert on the mounting crisi


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