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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  September 7, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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>> we worry about what they think of us. america should protect you? your son killed us. why would you give the criminals an advantage over know an unarmed citizen. get the hell out of your elitist egghead tower and put on your big boy pants. >> from the people who brought you the fantasy about the despicable video that caused the benghazi massacre. who used the irs as a weapon to go after their political enemy. the ones who chip away at our first, second, and fourth amendment rights.
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we need to trumpet their rights to height behind the fifth amendment. the latest to come out of the obama administration is a little slap at syria. really, mr. president, now you want the american people after all they have been through to take you at your word and blindly follow you into yet another middle east conflict? hello and welcome to justice. thanks for being with us tonight. this week the obama administration seeks congressional approval to strike syria. the narrative? we go in for a couple of days and do a quick military slap. no intention of regime change and then call it a day. we'll show them. right now russian and american destroyers in an untold number of submarines are lining up off the syrian coast. iranian fast boats are already
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in the persian gulf where other american won ships their position. since we have given them fair warning because of your latest indecision, our enemies in the middle east have been moving assets and preparing to retaliate. it is teed up. once we start the bombing, the syrians will call on their allies. iran and russia. let me see if i understand this. we are looking to bomb syria because of an alleged chemical attack risking a face off with iran and russia in a move that will ultimately benefit who? al qaeda? mr. president, why for two years did the united states and the world stand silent as the civil war unfolded in syria. well over 100,000 casualties, women and children. victims of bombings and shootings and missile attacks
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and executions. dismemberment and decapitation. now 1400 of the over 100,000 are believed to be victims of chemical weapons. now we need to engage in a dust up with syria? mr. president, why is killing one way more heinous and worthy of our response than another? and why now? we know you don't like bb, but don't you have an obligation to not put our allies in harm's way? and your reason? >> i didn't set a red line. the world set a red line. congress set a red line of when it ratified that treaty. my credibility is not on the line. the international credibility is on the line. >> that's just not true. it's another one of your false narratives. >> a red line for us is we start
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saying a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around and being utilized. that would change my calculus. >>a i lie is a lie is a lie. he said it and the world heard it and they gave you a line and did it anyway. by the way, if you didn't draw a red line, why are you going in? we have done this. why draw red lines with everyone knowing your red lines are nothing more than green lights over and over again. i got to give you one. your credibility is not on the line. with all due respect, mr. president, you have no credibility. to be credible must be clear and confident and actions must be
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swift and certain. you lost credibility when you led americans on the roof top in benghazi to go to your las vegas fund-raiser. that was a clear signal to the world that it's open season on americans. even including an ambassador. by the way, whatever happened to we are going to bring them to justice? it's been a year. where is the justice? now you want to hide behind congress. blame them for your inaction. maybe you will go in anyway? what's that all about. it's amateur hour in washington. american lives weigh in the balance. we are a war-weary nation. even you admit that. we are tired of filling the blood of young american men and women in a part of the world that despises us. to add insult to injury, you
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don't even take care of the vets when they come home. many with fewer body parts and more demons than when they left. if you are so dead set against the killing of children that you are willing to send us into yet another conflict, will you guarantee that the thousand pound tomahawk missiles that you heap on syria won't kill children? or are they your collateral damage. will the murders of those children be less significant than those we go to avenge? tell us, what is the american strategic interest? what is the end game? did you think this one out? or is politics so much a part of your calculus that it's all about you? a shot class the bow to hold us all accountable and the greatest capacity to carry out future
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attacks and the behavior of the future. do you really believe after this man killed over 100,000 people that he is afraid of you? and since you don't intent to take assad out and expect him to weather this, you make the united states look weaker. the attacks by the most militarily powerful country in the world. at least we were until you showed up. whose side are we on anyway? take a look at this. these are the syrian rebels whose side you want to take. they are killing young men execution style. it's theus of chemical weapons is violating standards, why isn't the international community standing shoulder to shoulder with you? for the first time since 1782 have refused a request for
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military action by their prime minister. nato has rejected your call. the european union yon has rejected your calls. the un of course still investigating. and the italians? they are too busy dancing with burlesconi at one of his parties. your good friend putin had to give you a little lecture on international law. >> translator: only the un security council can sanction the use of force against a sovereign state. any other method that justifies the use of force against a sovereign state is inadmissionable and can only be interpreted as aggression. >> it's sick in the eye of the tiger and expect the tiger to not react. the rebels you want to support are al qaeda. you remember them. they took down the wednesday.
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you remember them. they massacred four americans from benghazi and the muslim brotherhood. you remember them. you threw off mubarak under the bus for them and it since worked out so well in egypt. by the way, no americans were massacred in syria like benghazi. we should go to war for you to save face after making a dumb statement you now thought you didn't make. have you thought this through? your foreign policy tie your imwith your hands. even dianne feinstein agrees with you. >> once the administration made this call, there is a real need for us to back it up or america becomes a paper tiger. >> mr. president, in the past when american was respected and feared, no one would care think of crossing an american
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president's red line. remember you said you wouldn't go to war unless there was imminent threat to national security. what case have you made? last i checked, assad has never attacked us. by the way, didn't you get elected as an antiwar president? didn't you vote against the last war in iraq? is here we are five years into your administration and american men and women are still on the ground fighting afghanistan. they will return to their tribal enclave as soon as we leave. your iraq withdrawal thing hasn't worked out so well either. senator mccain, we all respect you for your service and the sacrifices you made for this country, but in the end, maybe you're right. maybe it's all just a game. mr. president, can you understand why americans are so dead set against this. will you look at wars in the middle east through the prism of
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iraq and the lies of false narrative of benghazi. you want us to trust you, but you are not credible, clear, or concise. why should americans take it on faith that what you are saying is even true. there is no end game and we can't afford nor do we want a world war 3. speaking of that, didn't you win the nobel peace prize? yes, you were the one. give it back. coming up tonight, we will get inside information on how congress is going to vote on the approximate the's proposal and use them to cast votes themselves. our special coverage of the massacre in benghazi. why year later is there still no justice for the four americans who were murdered? the four
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>> the answer to whether i should put additional support for the opposition, yes. the authorization will support the activities in addition responding to the weapons of mass destruction. >> i don't know how the resolution will evolve. >> but what you are seeking. >> i can't answer that. what we are seeking. >> wow. congress returns next week to a choice. authorize war with syria or tell the president he is on his own. this week we learn the pentagon was asked to revise the plan to strike syria more than 50 times. that's right. 50 times. it seems like the decision is
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getting easier by the day. with me now, former arizona senator john kyle and former ohio congressman dennis kucinich. both are fox news contributors. you wrote an op supporting a military strike. why? >> one of the things you said, our respect and credibility are on the line. you are right. your significant indictment of the president, i will stipulate to except for two things. you don't believe that un action is necessary for the united states to act. i would drop that count. it is not at all the case that we will be aiding al qaeda. >> you tell me who are we aiding? >> the we are the united states of america, judge. >> the head of the joint chiefs said he doesn't know what the end goal was. how can we go there?
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he doesn't know. >> as you said, the credibility is on the line. that's what we are aiding. unless we follow the action that the president asked for here, not with standing the fact that i don't like the way he went up to this point. unless we do that, we will be the paper tiger that senator feinstein said and we will loosz with respect to actions with regard to iran and north korea and russia and with regard to china. our allies in the region won't have anything this this anymore. our enemies will not fear us. is that where we want it to end up? >> who are we aiding and what do we gain? >> it's generally understood that al qaeda is the heading edge of the attack on the assad government. just as they were involved in
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libya. over benghazi, we have to be concerned about al qaeda taking advantage of this. being in a leading position in the region as a result of what we might do. i don't think there is enough caution being shown here. quite cautious. we owe it to soldiers and air men and navy to be very cautious. we have u.s. personnel in the region already. we cannot be so incautious that the idea of saving face becomes more important than avoiding the calamity for our country and for the region. >> all right. >> the death of innocent people. >> senator kyle, let's assume we go in and do this flap and don't want to take us out. they hit us back and we get them again. is it all out war? why isn't syria doing anything about this?
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>> i don't think that syria or iran or russia for that matter are going to start a war with the united states. that's fanciful. the freedom fighters who are in it the country right now of syria and the majority of people are not al qaeda. that's a limited number. most people imagine how they feel after the united states has assures them they were going to take action and we did nothing. if you want to get rid of assad, you have to be able to support the people who were fighting against them. most are not al qaeda. >> with all due respect, hasn't the president said he is not looking for a regime change? you said you want to get rid of them? >> he has said that and that's why the former colleague made it clear he would not support the resolution unless there was language that integrated the strategy of the bombing or missile strikes with a strategy
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of trying to bring a resolution to the civil war that is occurring that would result in the assad regime going. i know that the president is trying to walk a fine line with assuring people on the left will not be starting a third world war and assuring people there will be an integrated strategy and he follows through with the commitment. >> congressman kucinich, you focused on the eye of the tiger. what happened? >> here's what i'm worried about. i saw a report well air assets being sent, we will have people in the air and in the sea right now. are they in effect going to be sitting ducks and being put out there in order to basically abate and once they get attacked, that's the justification for wider war? that's what we have to watch out for. you don't think your program was
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very well put. there so many unanswered questions. yesterday we had these -- >> congressman, i would love to have you back. thanks for being with us.
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>> that's not my business to trust -- >> it has to be because you are making decisions to go to war and put american lives at risk. it's a simple concept you either trust or do not trust. if you do not trust, we don't call these people our allies or support. >> who are the syrian rebels we are looking to support?
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when the terrorism expert gabriel and terrorism analyst jonathan chancer. i will go to you first. who are the rebels? do we even know? >> they are a collection of islamic radicals that bond and came from all over surrounding countries. even countries including russia and the caucuses. they are coming from libya and lebanon and egypt because this is an opportunity for them to establish an islamic state. there nine different collections of terrorist organizations right now forming the rebels in syria. seven out of the nine have good relationships with al qaeda. >> do you know what she just said? >> i would agree, but i would try to add a few points. the syrian army is not necessarily all jihadists or
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muslim brotherhood. most of them are muslims, but that doesn't mean they have an islamic outlook. they are individuals that really have not been able to follow a chain of command. from there you have islamists that make up about a quarter to a third of fighters. they represent another 10% or more. >>. >> i don't mean to interrupt, but the viewers don't know the difference between the shiites and the sunnis and all that. here's the thing. you are going in on the side of people who we are now hearing and seeing are literally executing the syrian army and ignoring the je this negeneva c. these guys you can tell they have been tortured. look at their backs. they are being shot by the rebels. how do we know who is going to
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come into power if assad is taken out? >> we don't. we don't have good options in the war. one of the reasons why the administration tried to ignore it. it knew all along that if we were going to be dragged in, they would have difficult choices and even if assad is gone and this man is a butcher who killed 110,000 people, there could be worse people that come after him. that is what we are struggling with. there no good answers. >> why haven't the neighbors come in and tried to help them? what you just described was the neighbors coming in to fight a holy war that has been going on for 1300 years. >> exactly. we are looking at the shiites and the sunnis. if we go into syria, that's always the jordanians and the sunnis, we want to establish a base in syria.
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they know iran is establishing a strong shiite base to sonker the sunnis. they want shiites in the middle east. they do not want that. that's why they agreed to fund the war with the mercenaries to fight their shiite brother and their enemy and do their dirty work for them. we shall be smarter than that to fight a war for them to make sure they can maintain themselves against iran. >> jonathan, what do you think the reaction from assad will be with the limited strike? >> this is what i have been warning against. you go to war or you don't. if we want to stay out, let all the factions kill each other. it will be hard to ignore that 110,000, but at least we would have an objective. or go in all the way and get rid of assad and begin to dismantle the network that is spreading
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across the middle east. you go in in the half hearted way and we will get drawn in whether from hezbollah or syria. i would be very surprised if they didn't try to draw it further. >> thanks so much for your expertise tonight. coming up, our special coverage of benghazi a year after the massacre. will we see justice for the four americans killed? and vote in tonight's poll. why does o ba bama really want strike syria? s ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
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behind last month's chemical attack that killed more than 1400 people including hundreds of children. in the international olympic committee choosing tokyo to host the 2020 summer olympics. others in the running were madrid and istanbul. they had concerns over riots that caused trouble for turkey. they said tokyo has the fewest risks. tokyo hosted the olympics in 1964. back to justice with judge janine. >> my biggest priority is bringing the folks to justice. the american people have seen that's the commitment i keep. >> really? here we are a year later and nothing. where is the justice?
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is this the obama version of justice? i'm just not buying it and neither should anyone else. the facts have never been clearer. the wrong has never been greater. the lies have never been more absurd. the ambassador knew he was in trouble. he repeatedly asked for help and he was repeatedly turned down by his friend, had illary clinton. you put americans in harm's way in a consulate that did not meet minimum safety standards and you don't avenge their deaths? you leave americans alone on a roof top with our enemy dragging an ambassador through the streets and never issue the order to defend them? and then you send your crack fbi to investigate a month later. the local police department in any small town in america could have solved this one.
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you literally have a video of the crime. i'm starting to think make you don't want it solved. they didn't bother to sbu hillary. ab solved everyone. four people are suspended from the state department. only to be quietly reinstated. the whistle blowers are the motive and the guy who was there begging for help. demoted to desk duty and one year later, no one in custody. you use the irs to go after your political enemies, but can't use the fast military power at your disposal. those who massacred americans and those who don't hesitate to put their lives on the line for all of us. you say the american people know that bringing those
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responsibility to justice is the commitment you will will always keep? mr. president, not only have you not kept that commitment to the american people, but the family of those that you left behind deserve better than your false promises and your faith narratives and the slang over their loved ones' coffins. joining me now is a woman who knows the president is yet to live up to his promises. the mother of one of the four heroes killed in benghazi. one of the author ares on of under fire, the untold story of the attack in benghazi. pat, it's been a year. you haven't given up. you are at washington hearings. what if anything have you learned since that horrific day?
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>> that's curious because when i was there in washington, when all of this started, the fbi had her in the room to me what they were doing. they were about ten of them sitting around the table with the attorney and teverybody involved with the fbi. they said they were going to follow this up until they got the guys who did this. they showed three guys that they say they suspected and wanted to question and bring them in. the same three guys never were questioned and i saw the same three questions and they are still looking for them. i don't have too much faith in that. the fbi said all they were interested in doing is finding the terrorists that were involved in this. that's all. they were not involved in
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anything else. >> samuel, you have the book, the untold story of the attack. what did you learn that you can tell us? >>. >> the untold story is the story about the benghazi attacks told through the perspectives of security services. the five special agents who were stationed there the night of the attack. we cover the history from these attacks throughout the world from the 70s and 80s and 90s and the last years. how in reality such attacks are nothing new at all. they have been going on for a long time. >> here's the thing. forgetting about the attacks on the past, you have got the mother of shawn smith. it's been a year. no one has told her what happened. do you know what happened? >> we have details. we have expeditionary diplomacy
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when things happen quickly. we here try to catch up and we locate ourselves in governments and the nation that is post revolutionary and postwar. there is not a time -- >> let me ask you this. did the president issue the border thrd order and say send in the fast teams and everyone else? did he do that? >>. >> there is a big misconception. i always use the attacks that flow down to the real response. you have to muster the forces. >> hog wash. there forces all over the world that are on the ready. this was a danger zone. the ambassador said he wanted help. >> they were not ready to respond to a fluid attack. >> what were they going to do?
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the enemies will hit us static? >> the forces are not designed to respond. >> you know what, i am sure you know more about this than i do. this is the united states of morning. pat, i will go to you. what you heard -- talk to me. >> talk to you. the government is not doing what they should do. everybody knows it. everybody knows this. they lie to you and tell you what they want you to know. may or may not be correct. in my case it's always been lies. from the very minute. >> can you understand why she is saying that? my condolences over the loss
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of shawn, but i am trying hard to explain in the real world, not the world of television, things move slowly. in 1983, a hezbollah master mind. >> no. i don't want to go there. we were ready and we wanted to go. nobody gave us the okay. >> i was told the same thing. >> we have to go. great book. i did read the back. hopefully we will see you soon. coming up, we continue coverage of benghazi and we have military analysts who want to respond to this. vote in tonight's poll. why does obama really want to strike syria. facebook or tweet me. ♪
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this week will mark year since the attack on the benghazi consulate and the american people have no answers on why e enforcements were set. why americans had to design. military analyst and the former commanding officer of the u.s.s. cole. you just heard the segment we just did with the gentlemen who
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said that samuel castor was under fire and they said they couldn't have gotten there in time. what did you think of that one? >> first of all, judge, nice hair. >> thank you. >> the guys are saying look. i appreciate the history. you just shake apart what she represents. no response to what happened. it would have been a military response which we could have had within four hours and had the president of the united states given an order. two, no one has been held accountable for what happened. it has been over a year. and now you want to go to syria. now everyone believes they have enough evidence to go to a third war in 12 years. it makes no sense and you have to look at this through a failed
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government response to people who are dying. >> all right, and commander, you were the head of the u.s.s. cole when it was hit in 2000. let's talk about the administration. since that time, has anyone been held accountable for the killings on the u.s.s. cole? >> no one has been held accountable from this administration. while they were in this individual, he is scheduled for a commission next september. mark my words, judge. it won't happen. right before the election, do you believe this president and his attorney general who fought for over four years to close guantanamo bay and tried to delay military commissions that returned will allow a death penalty case two months before 2014? i don't believe it will happen. >> u.s.s. cole was in 2000, right? >> correct. almost 13 years and yet no one
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has been held accountable. >> i want to go back to you. the people and senator kyle office and he talked about how we have to be people of our word. we haven't gotten anybody from benghazi in 2000. this is not even about our word, but our actions. shouldn't we avenge the deaths of americans? >> yes. it's like why it took the public ten years to get bin laden. why we did not respond within four hours to benghazi. in this administration, they had done. the cruz missiles are one thing.
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they did not even talk. it's not correct. >> gentlemen, stick around. we will be right back and this is your last chance to vote in tonight's poll. why does obama really want to strike syria. tweet me or facebook mack after break. facebook or tweet [ whispering ] uh! i had a nightmare! the house caught fire and we were out on the streets. [ whispering ] shhh. it's only a dream. and we have home insurance. but if we made a claim, our rate would go up... [ whispering ] shhh. you did it right. you have allstate claim rate guard so your rates won't go up just because of a claim. [ whispering ] are we still in a dream? no, you're in an allstate commercial. so get allstate home insurance with claim rate guard... [ whispering ] goodnight. there are so many people in our bedroom. [ dennis ] talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] ...and let the good life in.
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. two of the four men were killed in benghazi. former navy s.e.a.l. who died protecting others were engaminged in a vicious firefight with the attackers stationed on roof tops. my question, gentlemen, in light of the lack of retaliation and
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the lack of anyone even being arrested in benghazi and the lack of anyone on the u.s. poll from 2000, how does this affect us as we talk about going into syria. >> it's everything. you have to be able to trust your government. they refused to act the same way. then lied about it for up to two weeks. we have to realize that that government knew within minutes what was happening on the ground. as far as the two weeks about some movie. the same administration now says no, no, we have to go to war in support of hezbollah and russia. in support of al qaeda. who are opposing hezbollah and russia. it makes no sense and we can't
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trust an administration who did not trust the lie and then lie about it. >> what do you think the reaction of the prior behavior of this government will be as we ahead at to talk about going into syria? >> in order to execute a serious and credible policy, you have to have capability and credibility. the biggest problem you have right now, we don't have the military in place around syria to deal with an expanded conflict. we will go in with punch. i think the colonel had it right. this administration lacks the credibility given their previous issues to deal with from benghazi going back to when they came into office. they are not credible in how they want to deal with it. it's a political decision. it was the president's red line when you lock at how he expanded to be the world's red line. that is a chance that is not realistic and true. the capability and credibility is questioned.
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the credibility of the president is at stake. >> what does one do? we will show them. if you smack syria, they get to smack back with hezbollah and hamas. and there is a thing called iraq and iran. unintended consequences. it's a useless gesture and should never be policy and another way again, a third war put in 12 years. >> can we even afford it? thanks if are being with us this evening. now to the results of our poll question. why does obama really want to strike syria? most of you think it's to deflect from the scandal at home. heather said to save face. he made a fool of himself and he
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wants to blame congress like everything else he does. the second most common vein that he has no reason. donna said i don't think he has an idea. he will get out of it boy blaming congress or bush. it's a convenient way to draw iran into i conflict and gives the u.s. a perfect pretext from going to war with iran. barbara said to install a leader in syria just like he did in egypt. a lot of people think that the president should focus on the problems that we are having here at home. barbara says he should go to chicago and straighten it out. with the crime and murders there and stay out of syria. then there was brian. the lone voice, ladies and gentlemen. the lone voice in favor of intervention. brian said i bet everyone would be asking for justice from obama if your family was stabbed to
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death. i feel ashamed for all you americans who are so selfish. i don't agree with that one. thanks for joining us. the last time we had a show, i promised you a surprise. remember to follow me on twitter. aaah! jessica! whoa! your friend's a rate sucker. her bad driving makes car insurance more expensive for the rest of us. try snapshot from progressive. snap it in and get a discount based on your good driving. [pop!] stop paying for rate suckers! try snapshot free at
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