tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News September 8, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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failing to respond to this breach of this international norm would send a signal to rogue nations, regimes and terrorist organizations that they can develop and use weapons of mass destruction, and not pay a consequence, and that's not the world that we want to live in. >> when you look at those videos of those children heaving for breath, unable to move spasming, their lives stolen from them or their parents' lives stolen from
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them by gas in the middle of the night when they should have been sleeping comfortably at home in beds. instead, wiped out by a man who has no conscience what he does to his people. are we supposed to walk away from that? >> still saying no to war in syria. there are no good guys, just brutality and hate. as more horrifying video released showing syrians, civilians, including little children secretary kerry was referencing and as president obama and the secretary of state push hard to get congress to authorization this short sharp strike against syria, many in congress and around the world worry that once america chooses upsides in one of the conflicts, there is no such thing as a limited civil war in the middle
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east. >> our response based on my discussions with our military is that we can have a response that is limited, that is proportion l, when i say limited both in time and in scope but that is meaningful and degrades assads capacity to deliver chemical weapons, not just this time but also in the future and serves as a strong deterrent. >> we got bad options and worse options. what i fear the most about syria, that the chemical weapons being used in syria today will come here tomorrow and if we don't control who gets these chemical weapons, we're in trouble. >> we're not putting an american boot on the ground. i want to promise you, there should be no american boots on the ground, and then bashar al-assad will negotiate his departure. >> with all due respect to them and retired general david petraeus who came out strongly in support of the president, everyone remembers iraq and the
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outrage about saddam hussein, another dictator that gassed his people. it started in march of 2003 and ended with the whimper eight years later. by then a trillion american tax dollars were spent. more than 4,000 gis and tens and thousands of iraqis were dead. and for what? shou sure, we got hussain and his but they are still killing in iraq every day and sometimes in big piles and everyone from the pope in st. peters square to anti war demonstrators across this country is asking the key question, why do we think syria will be any different than iraq? for that matter, we're going to start punishing nations for commenting war crimes, what about libya? >> it breaches norms recognized far longer than norms against use of sarin gas and including
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the ambassador mass cured in benghazi and could be in terror groups that they can do this and that we may not respond forcefully. >> so the president says america has a duty to punish the syrian regime for it's use of poison gas against its own people, but the question is if it's fair to launch a punitive strike against syria, why is the congressman, asks, hasn't the united states launched a punitive strike against libyans that killed our ambassador in benghazi. we know who one leader is. we know where he is. and two dear friends of mine are ask pg thoing those questions. they are aside from being a couple, powerful washington attorneys who represent the two state department whistle-blowers who testified before congress about the tragic events in
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benghazi last september 11th. delighted to see you both. >> so nice to be onset with you. >> here you are in person. we've known each other for more than 20 years. so let's get to it. what about the basic question asked by the congressman and me, if we could do a punitive strike as the president wants, why not a punitive strike against the criminals in libya? >> we all ask that question. why is it that the president hasn't done squat about the perpetrators in benghazi? oh, what he did. he did a fake indictment. that's what he did and in doing so, the president announced that he had a sealed indictment. that's a violation of law. >> so you want more. if there is going to be this muscular approach to syria, committing crimes against their own people, why not a muscular approach -- >> geraldo the president can't act on benghazi because they can't say what he was doing that
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night hour by hour the night of the attack. this is so embarrassing since september the 11th, 2012 the white house has refused to release an hour by hour chronology of everything the president did that night and the reason they can't release it, they won't release it is because they can't. because he didn't do anything. he stopped talking to people so early in that tragedy, in that mass to mass cure of americans, they would be embarrassed. if he were a real president, he would have had that guy who led this assassinated. you don't have to have a full scale war. we are now allies of libyans. we can work with them, find them, arrest them, or -- and take them which he doesn't want to do so that means they have to be try in american courts. they can't do that because they don't have enough evidence. that leaves one option, kill them. he won't do it because he has to
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explain why it had to be done and he can't explain what was being done that night. >> to both of you, is there a double standard? >> absolutely. four americans are dead from libya. the u.s. ambassador and real americans, heroes, nobody is dead in syria that's american and we'll go to war? this is ludicrous. the comparison is stupid. >> so do you call on the president then to be even handed if he's going to have a muscular approach, same in the other? >> we're calling on the president to say what he was doing and why certain things occurred. do you know why the ambassador was in benghazi? >> hillary clinton directed him -- >> hillary clinton, that's not the information -- >> of course not. you got false information. the arb report that was supposed to be so great had a false statement. it said the ambassador went there independently of
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washington. chris stevens went there because the day he was sworn in hillary clinton directed him to make it a permanent out post and the first few months he couldn't do it because he had other commitments and he had to do it in september because he had to ask for money in the year. so he went to benghazi at hilary's direction. >> you remember the last time we were on your show. i said that it would be proven eventually that the accountability review bored that was headed up by ambassador was a coverup and everything that we have learned since then shows that it was. they didn't interview hillary clinton. now how can you hold accountable the department of state, when the one person responsible for all it's activities was never interviewed? >> what do they do? they discipline four under lings who had absolutely nothing to do what happened that night in libya. it's really quite embarrassing. >> how do you both respond to a double question, john kerry
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mocking representative duncan when he brought up benghazi and number two we're talk sog much about syria nobody mentioned bengzi or obamacare or the irs scandal or anything else? >> we're talking about benghazi tonight and that's important because the main stream media refused to say why the ambassador was in benghazi for example. has repulsed to talk about the lessoning of security. >> the mocking of the congressman's question by secretary kerry is an insult to the memory of the four americans who died that night in benghazi. it is remarkable to me that someone who is as smart and allegedly as smooth as the secretary would allow his anger at a republican congressman to sully the memory of four great americans and remember, the one question the secretary cannot answer is what was the president doing the night of september the
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11th, 2012? that's all i want to know. give me an hour by hour chronology, mr. carney, mr. anybody, mr. national security. what was the president doing hour by hour every detail, and they won't do it. the question for america is, why are they afraid to say what the president was doing hour by hour that night? >> joe, victoria, nice to see you both again. kwe the questions asked on the table now. >> thanks for having us. a metal of honor recipient urges the president to stay out of syria and craig
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russia. if he goes it will be a defeat for iran syria and russia and the weight inside the region will swing back towards the united states and our interests? >> the former key aid to former president george w. bush taking the side of president obama and urging congress to authorize military action and may be the first time him and my next guest agreed on anything. joined my elliott, councilman so nice to see you. >> thank you. >> we know assad or the regime or somebody used poison gas. i don't think that that is at all a question. what we don't know, though, is who authorized it. was it assad, an official action? it some mid level commander or the rebels who used it? >> well, i have no doubt in my mind it was assad who used it.
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i have no doubt he sanctioned it. nothing gets done in syria these days asent. that country is run like the mafia, like it's owned by the family and there is no doubt in my mind. it wasn't the rebels. there is so much evidence that it was him. all the gas was used in rebel held areas. it wasn't used in the stronghold for the government. there is no doubt in my mind. >> why not congressman, why not wait for the united nations investigation? >> well, because the united nations is not investigating who did it. they are only investigating if gas was used. i mean, it will be the biggest surprise, i'm being sarcastic, obviously, when they come out and say yes, gas was used. it's almost a joke the united nations is not looking into who did it but whether or not gas was used. we know it was used. we saw children foaming at the mouth and diving and people on
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the ground. it was used and assad used it. >> if the evidence is so compelling, why doesn't the rest of the world join with the united states? >> i think other nations are not jumping forward because they have the attitude let the united states do it or have their cake and eat it, too. you're absolutely right. it is a disgrace that we're not getting asent from other countries. i think the president is right on the money here. this is the united states of america. we have a moral obligation to enforce these things, and we cannot sit by when gas is used. it's a war crime. >> just us, though? just us -- a war crime, a crime against humanity but only the united states of america. >> well, we have a problem. first of all, in the united nations, russia and china are blocking anything that we would want to do. assad is almost a client of russia. russia has it's naval base in syria and so russians have been bad players and visit towing everything.
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so we can't get everything into the united nations. we'll have a lot of countries, france of course agree, turkey. the president is putting together a coalition of countries that support us. but we have the where with all to do it. other countries don't have the firepower we have. >> will the president's own congress agree with him to do it? >> that's a question. i hope so. i think it would be a shame. i do agree with the quote, i think it's clear to me that assad is iran's proxy in the region, that assad was losing the civil war until the terror organization marched into syria and turned the tide. we can sit back and do nothing, allow people to be gassed. the iranians are watching us. they will see what we're doing. when we say to iran we won't allow you to have a new clear weapon, iran will believe us or
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not based on what we do in syria. >> the video of the children being gassed is deeply disturbing. i'm a father of five. but isn't it equally disturbing to see the video of the rebels, the people we would be helping if we were to intervene against assad, the rebels executing the sierran soldiers in another war crime? >> of course. that's why there are no good choices in syria. the worst choice is to do nothing. there are rebels who are well-vetted. the free syria army under the general. these are the ones we should be helping. there are bad rebels, and we know who they are, and that's what makes syria so complicated. but i think that it is more here than just humanitarian reasons. humanitarian reasons are very important and the fact that they have gassed their own people and it's a war crime, it's united states credibility in the region. we've said something, and i think for us not to follow it through would be catastrophic. >> congressman, i appreciate it. good seeing you. >> good seeing you. up next, he was awarded the
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for conspicuous in 2009 that claimed the lives of fellow marines. the next guest was awarded the congressional metal of honor. he has strong feelings about the proposed military action in syria. very honored to have you on the program. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for your service and everything you've been through during, you know, and after. i know you've had sometimes a rough patch. so here you are and you're
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contemplating as the rest of the country is, the president taking military action, another war in syria. i feel very strongly about it, but i want sergeant, for you to tell us what you feel. >> we don't have the basic questions filled out, who, what, why, when, where, how? with the supposed chemical warfare. if we don't have exact details, we could be running into the same thing again. it's an international issue. it's not just a u.s. issue. we don't need to be the ones fronting the bill for this. we need to worry about our economy. it like asking russia and china to take care of the mexico border for us. it doesn't make sense. if we need to be a supporting role, if we find out russia and china and other civil countries want to go in and do something, maybe we support them in someway but we got to stop running to
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even's aid to help out if we can't help ourselves and get ourselves back on track, we can't help anybody. >> it is surprising for a combat dad, to take a political position. what moves you so strongly, sergeant? >> i see the effects of the war on our country as a whole and on vets and, you know, it's a -- we live in the greatest country on the face of the earth by all means, but it's just this is something that we need to stop focussing on miley cyrus for a second and focus on what is about to happen with the country. stop for one second and know this is going to affect all of us. >> you see the video, though, you see the video of the people, the father with two dead children, one in each arm has to move you. >> it does. it does. something needs to be done. the only difference, the difference in children dying there and all over the world is that there is cameras focused on it. if you don't believe that, then, it's -- you're really living a shell. >> the rebels, do you trust that
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the rebels are really our friends? >> no, i mean -- that's the other issue to the whole side is who do you go help? who do you help? do you help the rebels? do you help the government? who is it. >> what about the exhaustion of our forces? you served for so long and so bravely, you know. i did 12 assignments in afghanistan, 12 in iraq. i can't imagine bringing those -- the national guard and reservist and the over extended regular unany particular ti units into a war. how do you feel about that? >> our country is tired of war. there is probably not too many service members like myself if called up again we would go do it. but, you know, what is our end result? is the success before we go in? let's label that first because, you know, it's like with the iraq war, the afghanistan war, the vietnam war, we never labeled what will be a success for us. in a war, nobody wins.
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they don't give out first place trophies. so what is going to be the success? is success if we want to win this and make a decision to get involved? >> that's a great question. again, i thank you for your service. how are you doing? >> good, good, thank you so much for having me on. >> i appreciate you speaking out. i think it takes a different kind of courage but again, thanks for everything. >> up next, as the president asks congress for permission to punish the syrian government as the sergeant says, are we really sure it was the syrian dictator that used poison gas against his people, could it have been the rebels? craig investigates after this. c.
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sprying charges. now back to geraldo at large. all right. we didn't have the audio there. that's vladimir putin, the russian president significaugge has absolute proof it was the rebels that used poison gas and not operatives from the rashad regime in syria. if we discredit as proaganda, putin's property began to, his allegations that it was the renren rebels who used the poison gas,
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you still have to understand the president of the united states has yet to show the world hard evidence that it was, indeed, assad and his criminal regime that did it. craig investigates. >> reporter: the video is powerful and revolting and proves beyond a shadow of doubt that poison gas was used against syrian civilians, including little children on august 21st in a say burr b of damascus. there is not clear evidence linking the attack directly to the syrian dictator or his inner circle. critics of the pending punitive strike against the regime say the attack could have easily been launched by a road commander in the as ssad forcesr the rebels in a ploy to drive the united states into war. former president hopeful ron paul. >> we're not really positive who
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set off the gas. i mean, the group that's most likely to benefit from that is al qaeda. >> did president bashar assad gas his own people? not according to a group of step ticks, including alex jonow whoe chemical attack but all the evidence leans towards the rebels having the motive to do it and russians put out a new report saying they have proof the rebels did it back in march of this year. >> all right. so what kind of proof is there that the rebels would do this? i mean, the rebels supposedly are supporting the people of syria, they would actually sacrifice their own people to draw america into this war to start world war 3? >> well, look, the rebels are made up of jihad, al qaeda. they have been wiping out whole christian villages, so i don't think the rebels represent the
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syrian people. >> in the brittle 2.5 year-long civil war against the syrian regime, a number of rebel groups clearly established ties and in some cases were taken over by extremist groups, including al qaeda. retired general supports the fsa, a more moderate fashion of the free syrian army. he was there the day of the gas day tack. >> i was with the deputy commander of the free syrian army and we were stopped at the border by the turks and not allowed to go in, and every five minutes, colonel malaky was getting reports from his cell phone by units in damascus saying they were being attacked by the government in a district in damascus, and those reports kept coming in for the next four hours, and the next day we did get in across another check point and then went into where i fete with the fsa brigade commander and of course, they
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were still getting reports of casualties from the attack. >> reporter: they believe the rashad regime is responsible for the gas attack. he told me a former syrian general who recently defected from the rashad regime confirmed. >> he was head of the military police. when he defected, they had plans from the government once they got pushed into a corner to launch chemical attacks against anybody that was uprising. so that plan was in place. second part of that was an operation, inception operational then to blame the opposition or others for that attack. so that was part of assad's plan. >> reporter: during the g 20 summit russian putin reportedly offered world leaders a 100-page report detailing it was the rebels, not forces loyal to assad behind the gas attack. the russians warned the united states and allies not to conduct
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a military strike against the regime until the united nations completes the own detail scientific study of the august 21st attack. >> i know you're a conspiracy theory but don't you want to see evidence before blaming the rebels and saying assad is innocent of killing his own people? >> come on. ocbama said i have a red line oe year ago. now he says me never said that. kerry said no boots on the ground and now says we need them. is questioning known liars a conspiracy theory? >> i don't understand why obama is doing it, to be honest. this isn't republican or democrat. this is an american thing. if we don't get out of the war now, we will get stuck. >> do you think this information is coming out because people really think this is a conspiracy, or are people just getting sick of war? >> i think people are sick of
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war, and look, libya, i mean, look what happened there. that was clearly a setup to put al qaeda in charge. >> as horrible as it may seem, whether or not president bashar assad ordered poisonous gas against his people may be irrelevant who after a decade of war don't want to see american troops sent to another foreign country. >> thanks. i think you're right about that. i'm sure we'll see and hear more of the president's proof when chris wallace interviews the president monday night at 6:30 on special report. okay. okay. up next, two we've completely redone the house. it's hard to find contractors with the passion and the skill, okay. up next, two and that's why we use angie's list. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time with honest reviews on over 720 local services. i want it done right. i don't want to have to worry about it or have to come back and redo it. with angie's list, i was
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over 1400 people were gas d gassed. over 400 of them were children. this is not something we've fabricated. this is not something that we are looking -- are using as an excuse for military action. as i said last night, i was elected to end wars, not start them. >> see, my concern is when you look at what happened with libya, no one considered the consequences there. so now we have radical islamist
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over that country and shifted the balance there. we have islamist being trained by al qaeda and muslim brotherhood to go to syria and fight and be very careful able stepping into syria and tipping that balance, as well. >> former congressman allen west and a colonel retired in the united states army and making an emotional plea saying the militariry response against syria is designed to detour and degrade the dictator's ability to use poison gas against his own people. i'm about to ask two distinguished veterans whether that's a clear enough objective. they are general west lee clark who was brilliantly the supreme nato commander. i saw with my eyes and general robert scales, the analyst who wrote a critique of the administration's propels. gentlemen, i'm honored. general clark, you fist, is this
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objective detour and degrade. is this a punitive strike? will it succeed? >> i think the strike will succeed. whether it detours or not depends how saddam interprets it. can you degrade? of course you can. it's enough. the pentagon knows what it has to do. they have to pick out 50 or 100 targets and strike them hard. they have to make sure they were hit. they have to be military significant in the context of what assad is doing. it's enough. it's not a long-term occupation and it's not any occupation right now. so, yeah, i think it's adequate. >> but general clark, i have to ask you before i go to general scales, let's say it's 100 or 50 targets and knocks out the defense ministry and bridges and puts holes and runways and takes out aircraft. so what? two weeks later, nothing will have changed. the russians will resupply assad
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with, you know, whatever he has lost. why do it? is this just to punish? is this just to show that because the president said cross this red line i'll smack that that we can indeed smack someone? i'm not sure just as a war correspondent who the objective is here. >> well, i think that it may be true that some of this damage will be repaired. but -- and hopefully the congress will vote to authorize the strike. so you'll have the political body of the united states saying it's unacceptable to use chemical weapons, and here is what happens, that's the first strike. doesn't mean there won't be a second strike or worse to come. it doesn't mean the next strike couldn't go all the way to takes a sad aassad and his forces dow completely. this is about enforcing international law. all these nations signed protocols and treaties that prohibit the use of chemical
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weapons. this is our american global system. we created this system after world war ii. the u.n., the body of laws, decoration of human rights. this is our world. it not russia's. it's not china's. they are living in our world. if we want to keep it and the advantage is brought to the united states and to many, many other nations. then we're the leaders, and this is about leadership first and foremost. don't get lost in the technicalities of the strike. believe me, 50 to 100 cruise missiles makes a statement. that's the point. it's a statement. >> general clark, i'll come back to you because i have some questions and some deep misgivings that i'll share. but general scales just on a military level, haven't we sacrificed the element of surprise? isn't the element of surprise one of the crucial military doctrines? the president says surprise doesn't matter. is that true? >> of course, this violated
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virtually every principle of war, surprise, mass. most important the principle of the objective. every military operation has to have an objective or has to have a strategic end. when you do military planning and campaign planning as my good friend west knows, you start off with the instate. where do you want to be after this is over? then you back up to the launch point and you make sure you have a steady path from beginning a war to reaching your cupoint at the end and as wes said a couple minutes ago, we don't know where this is going. we don't know if it will be one strike, two strikes, three strikes, if it's going to be general war. we don't know what it is. look, i am just as upset about those pictures of the use of sarin as anyone else. i'm absolutely convinced that assad did this. but america credibility or the credibility of a president is
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not a legitimate reason to put our young men and women in harm's way. and when someone says that this is a no-risk endeavor that will be bloodless and quick. we said that. same thing october korea, vietnam, afghanistan, iraq. when does all this end? i frankly don't see it. >> we're not trying to concur a country. we're not fighting an opposing army. we're administrating a strike. we're not trying to save a president's reputation and saying just because he said it, we got to do it. this is an international law. it's a very important protocol. it's part of our system of the way the world works. we either believe in international law and treaties and the obligation to uphold them or don't. the russians and chinese don't. if we do, we have to take the lead. this is about leadership. i heard a lot of criticism of
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president obama on libya, whether he made statements about leading from behind. there is no leading from behind on this one. >> i don't think -- i don't think we would have gotten involved in libya if the french hadn't hid the libyans first. that's another matter. >> that's right -- >> this is -- >> okay. general scales, do you see it that way? is this leadership or politics? >> it's a mistake. let's go back. i don't want to do any comparison from war to war. that's irrelevant. this is a civil war. in the hierarchy, this is the most bloody and intractable warp that two sides can start. it is an internal conflict between contending sides inside of syria. and the syrians are not the surds. they are a group of killers that have nothing to lose if they lose this war.
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this is going to be a protracted war and last perhaps for decades, and i can't see how 160 cruise missiles fired from ships offshore at the end of the day is going to make a lick a difference. if you worry about losing credibility with the iranians, look what we've done so far. good grief, wes. you don't think the iranians get the message already? is it going to take -- >> all right. general robert scales and wesley clark -- >> we need another session geraldo. >> i know. i thank you both. two wonderful american patriots and so wise in the difficult matters, difficult times. thank you both, gentlemen. coming up, let's meet my next guest in the highest regard, retired general david@sú
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back live, there was a time, as you know, when general david petraeus seemed to walk on water. he was the architect of the surge in iraq, of the counter insurgency in afghanistan, he's the man who quit his job as the cia director after getting caught in the extramarital affair. now general petraeus has resurfaced to voice his strong support for the president's use of force in syria. my next guest, lieutenant schafer is not happy. why not? >> no. first off, you know, we're not anti-war. we're anti-stupidity. now unfortunately petraeus has
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sided with the unknown potential results and he's a military strategist. he's supposed to be the man that thinks these things through. there are second and third order consequences that he's willing to ignore for political purposes. this is my opinion only. let's be very clear on this, as much as those scenes that we've seen of those children are tragic, i don't want to see us go about degrading the command and control system of assad that he can no longer attack his own people but can no longer control those chemical weapons. i don't want to see those things repeated here at lafayette park or sometimes square becautimes because that's what we're going to see here. >> don't you think general petraeus knows that, colonel? >> does he? apparently he doesn't if he's not thinking this through. i've heard this time and time again from the number of folks supporting the white house on this, we're going to hit assad
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until he gets the message. general tony who had to deal with this situation back in the late '90s that one of the balanc balances acts they had to balance was we didn't want to destabilize him to the point that he lost control of the things he had. that's one of the things here we have to consider. the syrian free army and all of these other folks are hoping that we destabilize them to the point where the country falls into chaos. we have to be smarter and not push assad too far and then not look at what our national interests are regarding our long-term interests regarding what should be coming out of any military action for that region. >> give me 30 seconds, if you will, before i run out of time. what about the clearing assad a war criminal, making him a fugitive of the world, seizing whatever assets he has, arresting his family, as tom
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friedman said if he lands at any airport, big guys when you get them outside of syria, grab them. do you think that would work? >> do it all. do it all. but don't go to war until we're ready to state our objectives up front. put pressure on the russians to get the weapons back that they gave them. cut a deal with putin. use that. we need to be smarter here. we have all of these things left to do before we have to use military action. i think petraeus is selling him himself and us short if we're not careful. >> lieutenant colonel schaffer, thank you. >> thank you, geraldo. the syrian children dying from that poison gas, that's hard to watch. we're human. it makes my skin crawl. the syrian dictator are baby killing gas poisoning monday store. he's a war criminal. but just as hard as it is to watch that video of the gas
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attacks, it's just as hard to watch the video of those syrian rebels torturing and murdering assad soldiers in cold blood. now, these are the people we'd be helping if we attack assad. many of these rebels are al qaeda, they hate us, they hate freedom, they hate israel, they hate syria's own christian minority. many of these rebels aren't even sea syria, for goodness sakes. i don't want these people in control of syria. syria is right in the heart of syria is right in the heart of the middle east. any last requests mr. baldwin? do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a few taps,'s taken care of.
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that is it for fox reports. huckabee starts now. tonight on huckabee, the president making the case for military action in syria. >> the assad regime brazen use of chemical weapons is a threat to global peace and secretary. >> is the rebel opposition a less of a threat. >> they are car peppeders and black smith and dentist. >> is the president sure about that? do we know what we are getting to into syria. >> back in kindergarten. >> i am okay with it. our culture dictates that you can't start early enough. >> the governors take on america's culture crisis.
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