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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  September 8, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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as for the name a car dealer said the company was being stinky. he compared the company to scotland who had a penny pimpblingpimpbl ing -- pinching repudiation. scotch tape. now huckabee. >> tonight on huckabee the president making his case for military action in syria. >> the assad regime brazen use of chemical weapons is a threat to global peace and security. but is the rebel opposition any less of a threat? >> these folks are carpenters dentist, not professional fighters. >> is the president sure about that? do we know what we're getting into in syria? plus sex ed in kindergarten? >> i'm okay with it. >> i think your culture dictates you can't start early enough. >> where do we draw the line. governor's take on america's culture crisis.
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ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ applause ] >> thank you. thank you very much. great studio audience here and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. these are some strange times we're living in. republicans like john boehner are siding with president obama on syria. while democrats aren't. charlie rangel said he was embarrassed of the president on this. you know things are really weird when david letterman says something like this -- >> well it looks like we're getting ready to teach syria a lesson and president obama is now saying that he never used the term red line. remember when he was talking about if we find out they used chemical weapons in syria that that would be crossing a red line and if they crossed that
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red line by god we had to go in there and get them. that would be a violation of the red line. he drew a red line. had a red line every where. now the president is saying he never used the term red line. he's saying the world used the term red line. so, it's taken him five years but finally the guy has learned to bull [ bleep ] >> well, you know i think dave might have a point. while congress is calling witnesses and debating whether to strike syria does president obama want to go to war. this red line business has been wondering. he said the red line back in 2012 when he >> we have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region that that's a red line for us. and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing movement on chemical weapons front or the use of chemical
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weapons. that would change my my calculations significantly. >> this week he changed his tune. >> didn't set a red line. the world set a red line. >> right. [ laughter ] >> when it comes to global concerns the president's language is important. and messages are, shall we say nuanced. so to make sure we know exactly where president obama stands we turn to the director of the committee for american syrian studies dr. robert paine. [ applause ] >> dr. paine thanks so much for joining us today. deliked to have you here. >> thank you, governor. i'm a very busy man these days but since you obviously cannot understand complicated world issues, here i am. >> i appreciate that. but i want to say, everybody in our audience self included we all heard president set this red line back in 2012. he said if chemical weapons are used that's a red line for us.
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did you hear that? >> no. i was not in the room but i do know this and that's what we've seen so far -- >> dr. paine i don't think i understand what you're saying. >> oh, what a surprise. >> dr. paine, the president just needs to send a very clear message to the american people and the rest of the world. so, did the president, did he or did he not draw a red line? >> oh, i don't know. i don't know how i can be much more clearer what the president is saying is this. all of the -- be something we see -- even further to wherever you go there you are. hello. don't you under that governor? >> no, i really don't. i really don't. [ laughter ] let me ask you this, then dr.. paine. >> be quick please i'm missing a very important game, meeting.
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[ laughter ] >> i'll be quick. but dr. paine this week put called john kerry a liear. what's happening in syria. >> i don't know. i do think that there's one thing i know for sure is this. if you -- to what we've seen -- that's exactly what i -- take that to the bank. [ laughter ] >> i'm sure i could. dr. paine, that's what i was afraid of. appears you have been coaching the president on trying to explain it that i understand. by the way, everyone, this is really not dr. robert paine. would you please welcome back our good friend mr. double talk. [ applause ] ? >> thank you. >> thanks for being here. great to have you back. well i am glad that a strong
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contingent of both republicans and democrats see the foley of military action in syria but sad there are those that think lighting the fuse to release the military just all the looks the united states for an undefined noise an unknown outcome with an untrustworthy administration could make any sense. only way president obama has been as transparent as he promised is the transparent duplicity which he's governed without any hint of shame he takes whatever position suits his political ambitions at the moment. as a senator in 2005 he railed against the government snooping on citizens. but as president he defends the unconstitutional actions of nsa towards innocent citizens. he allows the irs to become a gestapo-like rogue agency. back in 2008 candidate obama said his christian faith was the reason he opposed same sex
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marriage but by 2012 he not only supported it but he treated it as if it was a civil right the same as race. gee, i didn't realize the bible was rewritten during that four year span or president obama had the authority to make the revisions. he said he wasn't going to take away anyone's gun and believed in the second amendment. then has spontaneity lot of his presidential energy fight law-abiding gun owners and seeking to restrict their weapons, ammo and access. he once called our national debt and borrowing from china unpatriotic. then he doubled the national debt and has gone from opposing raising the debt ceiling to saying that not giving him a higher credit limit was unacceptable. he said that the use of executive power was abused by those before him and that he would respect its limits and he's proceeded to act as if the executive was the only branch of government and treatmenting congress as if they were some kind of junior high student
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council having mock government day. he told us our taxes wouldn't go up, our health care costs would go down. they are a warm pile of the aftermath of a bull's breakfast. [ laughter ] [ applause ] he said he wouldn't tolerate the abuse of irs towards citizens but he's not only tolerated it he hasn't done a thing to end it much less hold accountable those who have used government power as if it were a personal power tool. and now after thumbing his nose at congress and saying he can go into syria without congressional authorization he abruptly made a full out of his secretary of state who trotted out on a friday afternoon and gave us the urgent need for military skbr vengs. and the president without involving congress had an about face 12 hours later and said well maybe we should talk to congress and besides there's no hurry. now he said there was a red line
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then claimed he didn't have one that congress did. he wondered if the real reason he's going to congress to get congress and ultimately blame them should the whole illegal endeavor blow up in his face. he claims his credibility isn't on the line. and on that point, you know he's right. you can't lose what you don't possess. and the president has no credibility. even the comedians are mocking him for that. >> well despite what the critics say president obama says the lack of response to syria so far does not threaten his credibility. you know something he's right. the economy, benghazi the spying scandal that threatens the credibility but this other stuff no not at all. >> the prophets of the comedians. i have a message to members of congress who are seriously thinking of voting to give obama a loaded gun. why would we believe he'll send a military force to save some
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syrians when he wouldn't even send our own military to benghazi to save americans who were being slaughtered by terrorists. [ applause ] president obama will be addressing the nation on syria live in primetime on tuesday night and joining me now is former it's deputy under defense, who also commanded the green beret, president of the islamic forum for democracy and terror analyst. [ applause ] well, delighted to have all of you here. i want to begin with general boykin. you've been involved in major military conflicts this country has bean part of for four decades. should the united states get involved in syria? >> well, governor first of all,
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good to be with you. and your other guests both of whom are good friends. my short answer is no. if we started two years ago we could have built a coalition among the free syrian army as well as the christians and the kurds that i think would have been pro western. at this point i'm adamantly opposed to it for a variety of reasons but one of which is these, this coalition of islamists are already persecuting christians they are attacking christian village, burning church and this will only be worse if they ultimately wind up in control in all of syria. >> there's been a lot of mixed messages coming out of the pentagon. originally the pentagon was saying there was not a good outcome that would result from an intervention. it would require a significant number of boots on the ground. what's going on? is it politics at the pentagon?
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>> well, of course, it is governor. this is politics at its best. if you noticed, chairman of the joints chief of staff the other day when he was testifying with secretary kerry, you could tell from his body language that he was not comfortable being there because he's gone online before in opposition to this. and i think that any professional military that looks at this strategically and realistically realizes there is no guarantee this will either lead to boots on the ground a larger conflict or lead to a catalyst like world war i that starts a regional but maybe a global conflict. so i think that the military is against this. >> why didn't they say it? why didn't they just come out and say look we can't in good conscience tell you this operation the way it's being planned is valid. >> well, one of our fundamental temperatures in america is civilian control of the military.
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in fact i think you'll find we're really the only democracy that has never had military control and we believe in that. the military supports that. what you're seeing is you're seeing pressure from the administration to bring the military leadership in line with this and i think this is foolish. i think this is about preserving the credibility of the president who got off his teleprompter, made a very foolish statement when he drew a red line and i think the military is now being forced into supporting this thing which i think they have a visceral opposition to it. >> with all the budget cuts that we've had, the sequestration plus many cuts and the expenditure of a lot of our resources through the two wars in afghanistan and iraq do we even have the resources to take on yet another battle operation? >> governor that's a good point. we're grounding about a little over a third of our airplanes over a third of our ships are staying in port.
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and our army and marine corps now don't even have the money to maintain a robust training program or repair their equipment. they don't have ammunition. at the same time we're talking about expending millions if not billions on an enemy we can't define. i've never seen an operation going in how we can do the least amount of damage and that's the marker the president has put down. this is not the time to be expending resources from our military when they are already at an all time low. >> i know you heard what the general said and think we should go into syria. i'll ask you why and bring eric back into conversation when we come back. stay with us as we continue this discussion on syria. >> i would like to hear from you. go to my website tell me what you think. or sign up for my facebook page
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and follow me on twitter. you can find at that link to that and more at [ female announcer ] a classic macaroni & cheese from stouffer's starts with freshly-made pasta and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family.
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does breathing with copd weigh you down? don't wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. >> welcome back. i want to get . welcome back. i want to get straight to the doctor. you're one of my favorite people in the world. but this is very personal to you and in understand that. you have family in syria so it's not an abstract thought. if we go into syria what do you believe we would accomplish? >> i'll tell you. i served 11 years in the navy and i don't take it lightly to send our sons and daughters in like. syria is in a cross rods. it's not a syrian civil war it's about our interest, appeasement of iran versus containment of iran. to the nothing be al qaeda
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jihadists have been empowered. there's a vacuum. the narrative is not about al qaeda versus assad. the majority of syrians millions that have risen up in damascus and aleppo, these are millions that want to do neither of the fascism of islamism. so we're basically by saying we don't want either side we're ignoring the millions, the millions in egypt that want rose up against the military regime of hosni mubarak and the millions that rose up against the brotherhood. if we want to defeat islamism and see the freedom agenda of president bush continue to rise in the middle east who else, a post-american world where we let the darwin doctrine of the most vicious weeks degade and give the opposition. there is bad folks: but the majority of them are syrians that are diverse.
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>> do we trust that the administration would do what is necessary to make sure the operation was a successful and he's never defined what success looks like. that is the concern i have. if he had gone in two years ago and built a international coalition and it could have been limited. i am not sure it is limited based on the scope of what is goin been limited. >> governor, i don't think so. there's a lot of potential for ou this to get out of control. when we talk about iran, if you want to weaken iran go the head lities of the snake and weaken iran.ost target their nuclear facilities. number two with vacuums.r when we talk about voomsacuums, whened there's a power vacuum it's been filled by islamists and my concern here is with a limited on strikeou're not putting boots on the ground.oes, okay. chaos after assad goes who fills that vacuum? is it islamists?
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look the most ruthless, most organized forces in syria are the jihadists al qaeda and their ilk. and do they fill that vacuum. we saw it in afghanistan libya and elsewhere. >> general, we keep hearing from secretary kerry and the ro president there will be no boots on the ground.omely it is realistic to say we can have a limited strike go in pop a few missiles get out, we're done nothing else will than help and it won't stir up more than it solves like kicking a big mound of fire ants out too?s and >> no. stop and think about the fact we have russians and iranians ss f we inside supporting bashir al assad. what if we do hit one much their targets. this is a tinderbox. fo i want could ignite a larger conflict which would draw u.s. forces in to this in a much deeper way and to be very honest with you. i don't think that there's
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anybody in this administration ppr that has a real appreciation for the dangers that we're dealing alled with here with this so-called limited strike. >> how possible it would be to tty build the coalition which we ould don't have now basically it's us co and france is offering to send a basket of wine and cheese and that's about it. [ laughter ] if we go it alone there's no the guarantee we'll be anything other than the scorn of the world and the scorn of the is united nations. should we wait until there's a case made and a clear strategy? >> no because waiting has radicalized the syrian population. there was no al qaeda in syria sy except the ones in the prisons that were let out to give this o narrative before 2012. the longer it goes on the more radicalized the less options syrians have.16 if you want a solution, look at egypt 60 years of iron fisted dictatorship thrived and fueled the the brotherhood. one year of opening up the
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society destroyed the eat infrastructure. same thing will happen in syria. has if we have a vision we as promoters and advocates for liberty have to be the ones to d give the majorities that room. this very different than iraq. in syria you have an uprising of the majority 5 to 10 million ad. syrians are part of the movement to get rid of assad. this is not just about 10,000 al qaeda. >> eric, if we go in and do something that stirs it up, do we not invite the iranians then to go ahead and launch something against israel to stir up the entire region, get everybody in a way that i don't know what eat that solves. assa >> governor, a few things. that's a great possibility. if assad if his back is againstut in the wall, does he go out in a he h blaze of glory. this is a guy who has the stock largest chemical biological fire stockpile in the middle east.ssiles does he fire missiles at israel and stir that hornet's nest. and that's one factor. another factor post-assad does ike
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sya become anwe al qaeda magnet iraq. like we saw in iraq. again that vacuum. it was filled in iraq by iran. by al qaeda.agai my fear is we'll see that in syria again. in egypt, look yes egyptian rsi people did overthrow or lead to e, the overthrow of morsi and the n muslim brotherhood regime but look at the damage done in that year and egypt is now in chaos, disarray thanks to the muslim brotherhood. >> thanks to all of you for being here. again, complicated issues to say. the least. i we'll be talking about the implication of the strike on syria syria and how that might affect is israel a little later in the >> program. but first at what age should earn a kids be learning about the birds and the bees in school? also, john mccain is playing video poker during a senate earing committee hearing on we got a little lesson for him.imagin that's coming up next. see, he special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels to trap some carbs to help maintain healthy blood
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>> with poll numbers showing
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seven percent of the new yorkers supporting poll numbers showing 7% of new yorkers supporting him you would think disgraced mayoral candidate anthony weiner might have a little attitude adjustment but earlier this week weiner once again showed he just can't stay away from the headlines. here's what happened when he got confronted by a voter in a brooklyn shop. >> okay. so maybe the man was being rude but personally having been on the campaign trail i've been confronted by hecklers and best thing to do is issue a simple response and walk away. but weiner couldn't help himself. >> are you a perfect person? you're mio. what rabbi taught you that.
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what rabbi taught you that you're mio. >> stay out of the public life. >> that's not up for to you judge my friend. i don't take my judgment for you >> you're a bad example for the people. your behavior is deviant. >> note to anthony weiner when you're talking to voters, you are talking to the judge. they judge you. [ applause ] guesses are they don't judge you very well right now. it's back to school time across america and chicago public schools have anticipated something new to their curriculum mandatory sexual and health education for kindergarten classes. that's right. kindergarten. here's one chicago mom's opinion. >> i'm okay with it. i would like to believe that it's not necessary, but i think that our culture the way things are going dictates that you can't start early enough. >> really? i mean i thought we learned our colors and our numbers in
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kindergarten. not body parts for gosh sake. look, i understand we are living in a different culture but i'm not sure it's a better one in which we'll have mandatory sex education for kindergarten kids? this one old dad and grandpa is mute. during tuesday senate foreign relations committee hearing on syria john mccain had his mind on something else. he was caught playing poker on his iphone. now the senator to his credit laughed it off and tweet this. he said scandal caught playing iphone game at three plus hour senate hearing. worst of all, i lost. well before he plays poker again maybe senator mccain taught take some tips from this guy. ♪ you got to know them when to hold them ♪ ♪ know when to fold them ♪ >> finally it's not a quote but
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awfully great news from the huckabee family. leapt me introduce you to little caroline grace huckabee. and she's two weeks old as of this weekend. that's not caroline grace you lousy people in the production room. i know where you live. actually this, is the shot that we want you to see. [ applause ] this is my sweet little granddaughter, grandchild number three born to my son david and his wife two weeks ago this weekend, and just precious pictures. no. thank god she will never look like me. that's the good news. hopefully she will look like her mother and she's awfully cute and we couldn't be more excited about her and i got home just in time to hold her and see her for the first time when she was presented to the family. by the way, one other little thought. she was born on my birthday. august the 24th.
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[ applause ] so what a considerate young lady to have thought to make her grandfather so very, very pleased. we welcome you little caroline. the president will speak to the nation on tuesday. he'll be talking about syria. you can bet the people of israel will be listening very carefully. the stakes couldn't be higher. so why has israel stayed so quiet on the issue? it's deputy defense minister answers that question when we return. aistband the best protection looks, fits, and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try for yourself. [ male announcer ] centrum has been a leader in multivitamins for over 30 years. and it's now the most doctor recommended, the most preferred and the most studied. so when it comes to getting the most out of your multivitamin the choice is clear. centrum. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the distances
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live from america's news headquarters. right now intense lobbying no doubt going on at the vice president's home the u.s. naval observatory. the president has decided to join joe biden and a group of republican senators to talk about his military attack plan for syria for a dinner there. as we've been reporting congress reconvenes after summer break tomorrow. they are expected to vote later
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this week on whether to authorize a military strike against the assad regime in syria over chemical weapons use. secretary of state john kerry and his british counter part are set to meet tomorrow. president obama is stoet appear on a half-dozen network interviews including with fox news channels's chris wallace airing tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. the president's media blitz continues with the nation address on tuesday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern. back to huckabee. so far biggest ally in the mid east has not taken a position on sir jan intervention. danny, israel has not taken a position on whether the united states ought to launch an air strike, the silence has been significant. is there an israeli position as
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to what the united states should do or could do? >> governor we do not get involved in the decision of the american leadership, but we are counting that the leaders in washington will reach a moral decision. you have to understand it's not only about syria the people in iran are watching what's happening today very carefully i syria, watching what's happening in washington. we have to bear in mind that whatever the other societies do in siryria it will have an effect in iran. >> whatever happens in syria could light a fuse in iran and could directly impact israel? >> well, in our region everything can happen, but we are continuing with our life. today we celebrate the new year of the jewish holiday of rosh hashana. we're very happy and safe and we can't think about what will happen tomorrow. with our neighbors the only
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stable thing in the region is instability but we're worried if nothing happens after what assad did in syria, the relationship in iran we can understand they well use weapons of mass destruction against civilians and nothing will happen to them as well. >> i know that israel has had not exactly a warm and fuzzy relationship with syria and with assad. but if assad were to be deposed from power whether by the united states or rebels, do you have any indication of what kind of leadership would replace assad in syria, and whether or not it would be better than assad? >> frankly speak being we cannot anticipate the outcome in syria. we saw what happened in egypt and other countries in our region. we don't have the capability to determine or dictate to our neighbors what will happen with their own internal issues. we're monitoring our borders.
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we're capable to defend our people but we can't get involved with internal issues of our neighbors. >> there's been widespread distribution of gas masks in israel. is that a matter of just precaution or do you have any concern that there's an imminent threat of some type of chemical or nerve gas that might be launched into israel? >> actually, there is no special need for any mask for civilians in israel but because of the news and people are watching the news, people went and took the gas masks but we are used to do it as part of home front security procedures. we have ordinary lives in israel. no emergency call. i can understand people want to get the gas masks but officially they don't have to do it. >> also the iranian chief of staff has made the comment that if the united states were to launch some type of air strike into syria, that would probably
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result in iran going after as he called the zionist. what kind of pressure, what kind of anxiety does that create in israel knowing that anything happening in syria could have implications that have nothing to do with israel but everything to do with israel and iran? >> governor, we are used to threats coming from iran. it's not news for us here in israel. we're not very worried about it. what we're worried about are the actions of iran about the fact they are continuing to build their reactors in iran, achieving the nuclear capability. that action is what we're worried about. delaration, threats we got used to it. every morning we hear another threat against the u.s. or israel. we don't care about that much. >> danny, do you feel that israel is prepared for whatever may happen in the region. you're about the only stable country right now in the region. are you prepared and do the
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israelis have every reason to feel safe and secure in their own country right now? >> israel is prepared for ever scenario. we're capable to defend our citizens no matter what will happen. we're very trained towards it. we don't want to get involved in the conflict. but if we have to do it we're capable to defend ourselves. we proved it in the past. if we need to do it we'll prove it in the future that we're capable and strong to defend our nation. [ applause ] >> our thanks to deputy defense minister speak being to us from israel. clearly, a lot of confusion about where does israel stand. and the truth is as you just saw they have not taken a position. the lobby group aipac is sending 250 people across washington to put pressure on washington to back a military intervention. that does not necessarily represent the views of the israeli government and most certainly doesn't treatment best interests of the israeli government.
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because there's a very good likelihood going into syria now and stirring assad and all of his allies up could have a detrimental impact on israel and that's why i think a lot of us who are strong supporters and defenders of israel because it's the only place of peace and stability in the entire middle east are very concerned that a misstep in syria could be a misstep that could bring the rest of the world into a battle that nobody is ready to have. if we really want to take a fight let's make sure that the iranians don't get nuclear capacity. that is something we need to get done. well, you know fox's janice dean as janice dean, the weather machine. but you might not know while she's letting us know about the forecast she's also battling a potentially debilitating disease. she also just wrote a children's book. how does she do it all? she will tell us next.
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[ applause ] ♪ if you wanna go and twist it you can twist it good ♪ ♪ and if you wanna go and lick it i believe you should ♪ ♪ don't need to play that basketball to dunk it ♪ ♪ don't need to play an instrument tounk it ♪ ♪ and if you don't have any milk then there's no milk to spill ♪ ♪ there's just a little sandwich cookie and it's wonderfilled ♪ i can't always keep my kids' socks clean. but at least i can help keep their underwear clean. ttvwkun+og#wvs#q'ppu;v?ñkñ0k9%"@nkgi@ 42,d that's why there's charmin ultra strong. tt>fd@m!÷#-3w9"qqú a'pvas& ú=/0 ttvwkun+og#wvs#q'ppu;v?ñkñ0k9%"@nkgi@
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4sl i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less ttvwkun+og#wvs#q'ppu;v?ñkñ0k9%"@nkgi@ 4o08 than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that's soft and more durable to help your kids get clean while still using less. ttvwkun+og#wvs#q'ppu;v?ñkñ0k9%"@nkgi@ 4zn$ and its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. tt@l"bé8qkm@ wow, you cleaned up a lot! tt@l"bé8qrqh you did too, pal! [ laughs ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing. like test testar flush [ flush space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] they say it was during an arm wrestling match that mr. clean realized the way to handle bigger, tougher messes
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through satellites or looking at extreme weather, blizzards and all that stuff she's busy raising two young sons at the same time struggling with multiple sclerosis. janice has a brand new book that helps kids learn about the weather and it's called freddy the frogcaster. >> this is such a treat. this audience is fantastic. >> they are great. >> see, now i know i'm addicted. i want them all to come while i do the weather. i do it in the back of the green screen. every time i give a good forecast you can -- >> when you predict rain or blizzards they will boo you. >> they can go boo. >> this bunch will. >> it's interactive. i love it. a lot of people don't understand that you are one of the happiest just upbeat people i know. why everybody loves you. everybody behind the scenes is loves janice dean. many people don't know that you
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have an incredible attitude about life despite the fact that you do battle multiple sclerosis. >> knock wood identify been flare up free for a number of years, and i'm thankful for that. i was diagnosed back in 2005. sometimes i think because i was diagnosed with an illness maybe that's why i have a sort of a better attitude like live for today. you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. and i'm fortunate i have wonderful support group. i have an amazing husband. you've met him before. i have two beautiful children matthew and theodore who sometimes in think they saved my life. you know i had them, obviously, being diagnosed with something like multiple sclerosis you think your life is over. but when you have a support system like do i. i a great workplace. an unbelievable husband and two beautiful children i get to go home to every day and know i'm
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home when i get to see their faces. i'm very blessed. >> we're all fortunate you wrote this great book that in got a copy for my grandchildren already. >> we have many copies for your grandchildren. >> i have to buy a bunch of them. you know, what made you say i think i ought to write a book. >> i've been here, can you believe it, a decade, ten years. i started when i was 14. >> that's right. >> but over the years i've had people say to me you know my child, my grandchild, my niece, nephew, very interested in the weather. wants to know what's going on outside. do you have any recommendations for books for kids. die my research. there really wasn't anything out there. there was a plat tropical storm florence. then my 4-year-old matthew one day in the tub took a wash cloth and squeezed it out and water came out and went mama, that's a cloud. i went that's a smart boy. but i also realized they have an appreciation at a young age for
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weather. so what i wanted to do with requested freddy--off. what else what i wanted to do with the book educational which i don't think we get in a lot of children's books. >> the old saying by mark twain everybody talks about the weather but nobody does
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>> this marks 12 year since our nation was shattered by cowardly attacks on innocent civilians by islamic jihadists who flew airplanes into lands marks and forever changed where we live. that moment will be frozen in time as we remember each detail we saw unfold before our unbelieving eyes. only the kennedy assassination comes close to having been such a moment in which our national soul was so universally punctured. within hours we learned the attackers were muslim radicals so we knew their evil and godless deeds were coordinated by al qaeda led by osama bin laden. we committed our nation to remembering the victims and bringing justice to the plotters and killers. a year ago on wednesday another act of islamic terror occurred in benghazi libya. four americans were murdered in
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a planned and orchestrated ambush of our diplomatic out post there. unlike the clarity of our resolve following the attacks on our home land the fog of benghazi was created largely because our own government lied to us and diligently fought to cover up what really happened that night. it is impossible to cure any disease if you aren't honest. in the case of benghazi it wasn't just that the government failed to tell us the truth, rather that they went out of their way to manufacturer a ridiculous story about a video being the reason for the attacks. president obama implied in another controversies were phony scandals that the attack in benghazi left four americans dead was not phony. our insistence that as surely as we promised to find bin laden we would get to the bottom of what happened that night in libya. i hope we never forget
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september 11th. for as much as it showcased the coward december and animalistic behavior of the terrorists it also showcased many wonderful americans firemen, police officers first responders and volunteers who gave their lives. if you wonder why terrorism can hurt us but never kill us, september 11th is going to be remembered as one of america's worst days, but yet in the rubble of the twin towers and the pentagon and shanksville pennsylvania we also saw americans at their best laying down their lives for others. as we reflect and remember this week, let's not dwell on the monsters who don't deserve the attention, let's focus on the true heros who do. from new york, this is mike huckabee, good night and god bless. new alka seltzer fruit chews. they
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ck here soon on hannity.
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>> he was one of the country's most horrific serial killers suspected of killing at least 11 people across ten states. then he made a mistake using his victim's atm card and finally being captured in a deep east texas town. >> i think there will be a lot of crime only israel keys will know about. he will take the crimes to his own death. >> on december 22nd, 2012, after months of interrogation he committed suicide in his alaskan jail. >> i know i don't have any rights. all i have is information. now you are upset with me i
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