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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  September 9, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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tragically, it's great to see the officers and tactics result in a peaceful conclusion. good job broward county sheriff's department. you get the video of the day. that's all the time we have left this evening. thanks for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. greta van susteren standing by to go "on the record." thanks for being with us. obama wants stalemate, not victory. if you're not fighting for victory we should never be involved in a war. >> we are not talking about war. we are not going to war. >> the minute one of the cruise missiles land there, we are in the syrian war. >> this is an act of war. little wars start big wars. >> the american people aren't persuaded. right now members of congress just getting back still have questions. >> will there be attacks against american base ifs there is an air strike? >> you should expect everything. >> including chemical warfare?
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>> that depends if the rebels or terrorists or any other group have it, it could happen. >> we will be able to hold bashar assad accountable without engaging in troops on the ground in a very limited, very targeted, short-term effort, unbelievably small, limited kind of effort. >> did you ever see stupid ti like we are doing now? we're going to attack you now. a light attack, not much. >> that's going to scare assad. folks, this is who liberals are. these guys think huffing and puffing, drawing red lines and flexing muscle will scare assad. >> they have no viable plan for success. this attack is not based on defending u.s. national security.
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>> you declare this overwhelmingly threatening evil nerve gas, weapons, chemical weapons, and then you come back but we're not going to do uh much. >> we are taking sides with the rebels, many of whom are still associated with al qaeda or oh other groups that mean to under mine us. >> the russians stay they are going to push syria to put chemical weapons under international control. >> i think we should explore and exhaust all avenues of diplomatic resolution of this. the question is can we construct something that allows the international community to have confidence that these terrible weapons will not be used. >> the strikes like the administration's middle east policy of the last four and a half years lack coherence and fail to support a long-term strategy. >> that unbelievably small
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remark by secretary state john kerry just about set john mccain on fire. he blasted out a tweet calling secretary kerry's statement unbelievably unhelpful. here is alan west. nice to see you. >> pleasure to be with you. >> john kerry -- secretary kerry saying unbelievably small. senator mccain thinking that's unbelievably not helpful. i don't know if that's off the cuff but everything secretary kerry says is looked at worldwide under the microscope. >> absolutely. you have to understand -- i was an artillery officer. we looked at what we call effects-based targeting. when you tell me as an artillery officer you want something limited, that's proportional, short, not long duration, unbelievably small, that doesn't help me in planning any type of strike, any type of operation. what we have to understand -- >> sounds like a cap gun to me, by the way. if it's small i'm not worried if i'm on the receiving end. i think, okay -- >> you telegraph. >> get into a bunker.
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>> absolutely. you talk about degrading his ability to deliver chemical weapons. you talk about taking auh way artillery systems that deliver chemical weapons. multi-million launch systems, rocket systems, missile systems. they are mobile. all of the talking, those things have been dispersed. they have been put into neighborhoods probably where the risk of high collateral damage will be happening. tomahawk cruise missls can't go after these mobile targets. the only way to go after mobile targets is if you have someone on the ground lazing, tracking the target. you can attack a chemical weapons stock pile and probably most of the stuff has been dispersed as well. you have to look t a this. is it possible that the rebels could have used chemical weapons, turned them into improvised explosive devices? that's a possibility as well. folks were talking about bombing and cratering airfields and
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shelters and things of that nature. you're going to tip the balance. then the rebel forces mostly aligned to al qaeda will get the upper hand. it's a convoluted strategy no one understands. >> when secretary of state john kerry made the statement, i think he's trying to convince the american people and members of congress that this is something a smart international interest and the right thing to do. i think he forgets that at least we assume syria is listening as well. >> yeah. everyone is listening. >> in his egg eagerness to persuade the american people of the president's plan i think he forgets that. that's why senator john mccain was upset. >> let's look at israel and how they contended with it. think about when they went in against hussein and his nuclear weapons systems capability. they have been in syria before. they have gone and struck a supply train for hezbollah. they don't announce it. they used their intelligence to track it, hit it. no one says a thing. that's the way you have to do it. >> would you have been in favor of this had the -- the chemical
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weapons were set off august 21. if on august 22 unannounced which means the president didn't go to congress, unannounced, he gave the order and we went over and did essentially what we'll do now if we attack? >> that would have shown decisive action. to say we already have the resources in place and we have launched an attack because we don't believe it is in the good interests of international stability and also humanitarian beliefs that we should have chemical weapons launched and this is the action i took. end of story. i think people will understand that. when you sit back and you have this decision-making by committee, i can do it but i'm not going to do it. i will go to congress and get approval, that doesn't show decisive action. look what happened in libya. this is my concern. the unintended consequences.
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we went into libya. didn't have congressional approval. look what happened. >> i know there is objection to the president going to congress. i think it was the right thing to do, the constitutional thing. it's interesting though secretary kerry says it is not war. i consider it war. >> it is war. >> if i had missiles lobbed at me that's war. >> it's an act of war. if you take that action, you have to expect, as you saw bashar al assad say to charlie rose, there will be a reaction. are you prepared for the counter action to it? that's the decision matrix the administration should be going through and what the american people are looking for. when you look at libya and the fact that we went there, toppled gadhafi but now have radical islamists all over. we lost an ambassador, had an attack on an embassy and terrorists are being trained to fight in syria. >> we have a minute left. president vladimir putin stepping in and taking a remark
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by secretary kerry and what seemed like an aside. now that may be a way to wrest away weapons from assad. >> the kgb guy now looks like the only adult in the classroom. if you really want to take away the ability to use chemical weapons again, you have to secure the chemical weapons stockpiles. if russia wants to continue to have a warm water sea port in the mediterranean, it is their problem to solve. i don't think putin wants to see syria fall into the hands of radical islamists or wants us to become engaged there either. >> it's good news vladimir putin is stepping in. >> good news, but it makes us look bad because he stepped up. >> assuming he can carry it out. >> i think he will if he wants to. first he'll embarrass our oh president. >> congressman, thank you. >> thank you very much for having me. senator rand paul is against military action in syria and just a short time ago asked his senate colleagues to join him in blocking the u.s. from entering syria's civil war. senator paul joins us. good evening, sir. >> glad to be with you. >> before i get to the letter you have written to your senate colleagues let me ask you about the news today that the russians, president vladimir putin and syria may be considering putting the chemical
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weapons, the stock pile under international control. do you think that's a serious movement or do you think that's being played and it's just a delay? >> it's good news. i think diplomacy, if possible, is always better than going to war. but, you know, diplomacy is partly trust and partly verifying. so we'll see. i think it is a step in the right direction. >> senate majority leader harry reid put the vote off in the senate. does that not sort of -- if the whole strategy is to put pressure on syria by putting the vote off does that lift the pedal from syria? >> yes and no.
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i agree with putting the vote off because i think that the pressure is out there. in fact, this is really an argument why we shouldn't have rushed to do the bombing three weeks ago. now we are giving diplomacy a chance. the answer to many riddles in the middle east, to so many riddles in north korea are getting diplomacy, getting us to work with china and russia for our mutual benefit of trade and prosperity. if we can get china and russia to work with us, we can resolve a lot of the world's problems. >> your letter is forcefully opposing a military strike in syria. i'm curious if tomorrow when the president addresses the nation, is there anything he could say to change your mind that a military strike in syria, even a limited one, would be a bad idea? >> you know, i think once again announcing in advance that it will be limited is like anoupsing, well, it won't be effective. that doesn't sell me. the other thing i asked myself is which scenarios are more likely or less likely if he bombs assad? the chemical weapons are a big
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problem. if the chemical weapons loose and uncontrolled and end up going into the hands of al qaeda, everybody thinks that's a bad idea, myself included. if we destabilize assad, is it more or less likely that al qaeda may come into contact and in possession of chemical weapons? is it more likely or less likely that israel will be attacked? is it more or less like hi that will will be more refugees in jordan, an attack on turkey, our ally? i think those scenarios are more likely if we destabilize assad. i'm not sure it's a good thing. nor am icon vinced being an ally of al qaeda is a good thing. >> what happens in response to the letters you have written? have you had a response from senate colleagues and do you have a sense if the vote did happen, it's been put off, but do you have a sense whether it would pass the senate to have
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military strike or oh not -- a limited military strike? >> a week ago i would have said it was a fait accompli because i didn't think there would be much debate. but the longer the debate goes on i'm surprised more republicans are coming out oh and more democrats. the democrats may be afraid it appears partisan. there is always bipartisan consensus to be overly aggressive around the world. it would be nice to have a bipartisan consensus showing constraint. >> how do we get are you uh shah and china on board. you mentioned russia and china. they have never been on board on this one. >> we have had too many what i call show votes in the security council like what we do in congress. we get so polarized on an issue that democrats put up something and we defeat it. then the republicans put up an
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alternative and they defeat it. nothing gets done. quiet diplomacy, trying to convince russia and china that our trade to them is so important and the benefits of being our friend is probably greater than the benefits of supporting a guy using chemical weapons. i think that could be done quietly and i guess if you box people into a corner they feel they have to save face. if syria is an ally of oh russia and we force russia to feel like they are being told what to do by a super power they feel boxed into voting against us. if we could convince russia it's in their best interests not to have chemical weapons go into the hands of al qaeda or other terrorists maybe they would be for trying to and what they are saying now is having international control of the
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chemical weapons so they don't fall into the wrong hands. >> what's in the best interest of our ally in that region israel? israel is right next door. they have a lot to fear and they have a lot of enemies. >> you know, i think an attack on israel is more likely to happen if we destabilize assad. if we lashes out in desperation he's likely to send missiles and maybe gas towards telaviv. it destabilizes the position and makes it riskier for israel. some have criticized me and said these israel -- pro israeli, american israeli groups say they have to attack syria. my point is that opinion in israel is more plural i didn't say -- pluralistic than that. not everybody has the same opinions. they are pluralistic like america is. a good healthy debate about an attack helping or hurt hing israel, i defend israel but attacking assad makes it more likely israel would be attacked and more likely israel would be
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drawn into a regional war. it's better not to get involved in the civil war. >> there are a lot of worst case scenarios we could go through, whether we act or don't act. if we don't act, and assad uses chemical weapons on his people then what? >> in all likelihood he's done that already. he also killed a hundred thousand people through conventional warfare. we have to decide when we get involved in any country and to me there has to be a multi step analysis. we have to decide are american interests involved even if there is tragedy. we agree there is tragedy. would it be better if the islamic rebels took over? i'm not sure the christians in syria are excited to have people take over who will eat the heart of their enemy or chop the head off priests with a machete . we had antioch and orthodox priests beheaded by islamic rebels in that country. we had an islamic rebel on the news eating the heart of a syrian army soldier. i'm not sure who the good guys are.
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i can't ask my son, your son or anybody else's kid to fight in a war where i'm not sure the victors will be a friend of america. >> senator, thank you, sir. >> thank you. there are members of both parties objecting to military strikes, even limited strikes. iraq war veteran and democratic congresswoman joins us. >> aloha. >> you came back a week early for briefings since i pounded the congress for not coming back. i tip my hat to you. are you for or against military strikes? >> very strongly opposed. i was deployed a couple of times in the middle east. i understand the importance of our national defense, the importance of national security. it's because of that importance that i am coming out in opposition to these limited military strikes because they are not only not acting in our national interest but they will be harmful to our national defense. >> tell me what happens. we lob cruise missiles, 150 of them or so, into syria. after the cruise missiles hit the ground and 24 hours later
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the dust settles what to a see happening? >> that's a great question. that's the line of questioning that i have had over the past few days as i have gone through the briefings and hearings speaking with officials. i think there are two things to be concerned about. of course i look at this from a military mindset. when you take military action, you have to have a tactical objective that's achievable. a clear strategy to execute. re sources to execute and an exit plan. the criteria is not there with what's being proposed. the objective that's been stated, i think, is not achievable when the limited strikes occur i don't think assad will be deterred. i think that goes to the unintended consequences. what happens next? a couple of things could happen that sent us down a dangerous path. we could be launched into and committed to a larger regional conflict and civil war. when you take action against the
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syrian re jet stream you have an air force that will be strengthened. dealing with the possibility that al qaeda and other terrorists could be having access to chemical weapons where they have expressed directly their desire to harm the united states is an outcome we cannot afford. >> you know, national security to me is like, all right, i can make an argument. i think whether i want to do something and come up with national security, make it legitimate. i could say national security is that israel is our ally. a danger next to them. they could have chemical weapons that they could somehow export to oh the united states. i can come up with that one. i'm satisfied. but i'm curious. i take it you have seen video of people who have suffered the chemical weapons? that's not enough? i mean when we see what's going on should we look the other way? >> the images are disturbing on so many levels.
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it sickens all of us to see those heinous actions being taken against innocent people. i think it's our responsibility, our moral responsibility to channel the moral outrage to take action, but to make sure it is effective action. effective action that will achieve the necessary objective of prevent ing another chemical weapons attack. >> got an idea how? >> first of all looking at the military strike taking action just to take action should not be the case when that action can cause greater damage and greater harm. what we have seen today with the developments, we have seen russia making statements, moving to the direction of saying let's bring the international community in to take control of the chemical weapons in syria. that's the appropriate direction we need to look. >> nice to have you here. i appreciate it because you have done service so recently. i like to hear from the people who have been there, done that.
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i pay special attention to what they have to say. i appreciate you being here. >> thank you so much. >> now to our hot button issue. does vladimir putin stepping in to broker a deal make president obama look strong or weak? vet on now. and michele bachmann back. from egypt. she says a strike on syria will make things worse. a live report from the middle east coming up. plus, oh, brother, miley cyrus at it again. you will see more of this bizarre video . first tell us what you think using #greta. stay tuned.
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representative representative michele bachmann is back from the middle east. she joins us, nice to see you. >> thank you, good to see you. >> syria, of course, is one of the main issues, obviously. you have been quoted as saying if we do a military strike limited, it will make matters worse. >> it is impossible to have a limited strike. there is no such animal. we can't completely calculate what the other side will do. it isn't just assad. it is also iran, russia. there is a lot of players involved. turkey may have a role to play. qatar may have a roll to play. if assad takes missiles and they hit turkey, at that point you're talking to a nato partner. this morning i was just speaking with the nato ambassador in brussels. we were meeting with general breedlove, head of nato, on the weekend. article 5 of our nato charter
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says if there is an attack on one nato ally then it is up to the united states and the other allies, we have to go and protect that ally. so if there is an attack on turkey, then we are in it. >> that's for a limited strike. no one's discussing it. are you suggesting a more aggressive strike, a more definitive strike, a regime change strike though someone does get right into the weeds over there in terms of this civil war, are you suggesting to do that or do nothing? >> no. it's a disaster on every level. the administration has made -- this is not partisan. they have made almost every wrong foreign policy move they could make. they have been consistent though in the world view. i will give them that. they have been consistent. any time in any nation they could choose the side of the muslim brotherhood, they have chosen the side of the muslim brotherhood, whether it is in tunisia, libya, egypt, now in
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syria. they are taking the side of what would be ostensibly the muslim brotherhood. the free syrian army, we heard on more than one occasion from heads of state across the middle east that the free syrian army, so-called good guys that we are getting be hind in syria -- >> the ones senator john mccain likes. >> they are associated with the muslim brotherhood. it's bizarre. you can't believe it. >> interesting, odd, bizarre, whatever term you want to use. secretary kerry made an aside today saying that the only way the limited strike won't happen is if assad gives up his chemical weapons to the international community. oddly, that's now morphed into our foreign policy. now we are having -- we're having president vladimir putin almost broker some deal to try to get rid of the chemical weapons. we have gone from punishing and deterring to some sort of negotiating thing off an aside remark. that's our new foreign policy. >> it's a political solution but
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it is playing out here on the table, kind of moment by moment. actually having vladimir putin involved isn't a bad thing. president putin is actually not a fan of the muslim brotherhood. this is a violent organization. >> but he's a fan of president assad who has managed to kill a hundred thousand people. >> sure. it's a complicated situation. the muslim brotherhood and their world view says jihad is our way, dying in the way of our law is our highest hope. this is a death-worshipping cult, essentially. president putin opposes having islamic jihad or the muslim brotherhood present in russia. he's shot a bad guy to broker a deal. >> is it akin to putin supporting assad because he's better than the muslim brotherhood though he killed a hundred thousand, is it like us propping up mubarak because he was better than what would come
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down the road? >> mubarak was better than the muslim brotherhood. >> but he was certainly not ideal. he was someone who answered to us because we supported him. >> you have to choose among what's available. >> do you want assad at 100,000 dead or the muslim brotherhood, right? >> you don't want the muslim brotherhood. i guarantee you do not want the muslim brotherhood, al qaeda or sharia or any of these. you don't want them. >> therein lies how this is so twisted. the choices are lousy. >> they are lousy. i sit on the intelligence committee. months ago when senator kerry was in front of our committee, i actually offered to him how about this solution of the international community? i said, look at what we are looking at? this is months ago. he said, oh, i don't think that would work. i don't think that would happen. that is the way to go. here you have the united states, russia, various big countries involved.
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we could put the pressure to bear because -- >> if we get those countries. >> our interest is the chemical weapons. >> we have to get the e.u. involved, the uk, everybody involved. >> i don't know if you have to have everybody. there are enough big dogs on the block. if we can re move the chemical weapons, it isn't our fight whether sunni or shy i can't rule in syria. that's not our fight. our concern are the chemical weapons and making sure they aren't used on americans or innocent people across the world. >> representative backmann, welcome back. >> thank you. >> coming up, which members of congress could shake up the syrian debate? rick klein has the list. plus, the latest vote breakdown on capitol hill. and miley cyrus just can't stop. this time a bizarre dance with little people. more of the jaw dropping behavior straight ahead. you can't miss it. polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan.
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reacting to the plan to solve the crisis. they know president obama is planning to address america and the world in hours. here's the latest from jerusalem. connor, what's the latest? >> reporter: as you know this is a part of the world where talk is cheap. leadership across the middle east is measured by deeds and action, not talk. there is a lot of skepticism already about this putin plan and what the assad regime may do. the fact is leaders in israel and countries like saudi arabia, jordan and turkey don't trust bashar al assad, vladimir putin, anything that comes out of tehran and the iranian leadership there. a rot of skepticism about what the plan may involve and what actually may be produced. right now it's seen as a diversionary tactic. it is giving the leaders in the middle east a chance to regroup, re think. things started to get out of control here with the imminent strike. nobody knew what was going to happen.
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there seem ed to be dais connect between american policy and what the middle east was expecting. now there is a pause, a re set. there is september simple about what is actually going to happen in terms of dialing back the sort of pressure on the assad regime and rev moving some of their chemical weapons. it's a wait and see for now. as the world debates what's happening in syria and what to do about chemical weapons, the fighting is raging on and the ancient town of mahalula is an illustration of why syria is difficult. this is a christian community, one of the oldest in the world. they still speak aramaic there which jesus spoke when he was in the holy land in this part of world. they are under the protection of the t assad regime. christians in syria really do support assad in the current regime. in the past few days syrian rebels which the united states supports turkey and jordan supports, they have taken over.
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the rebels in this ancient christian town, they are affiliated and connected with al qaeda. so you have this weird dynamic where the rebel s support is linked to al qaeda while christians in this town really are are connected to the assad regime. it puts into context how difficult the situation on the ground in syria is. >> connor, thank you very much. well, there are always lousy options when it comes to war. many members of congress are struggling with what to do now. meanwhile some have emerged leaders and are forceful. abc news political director rick klein is here. nice to see you. >> hey, greta. >> what does it look like for a vote on capitol hill? >> the senate vote was postponed in part because of president obama saying he welcomes what the russian leadership said. this is about saving face. that would lose or at least put members in a difficult spot that
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harry reid, the majority leader desided, let's not do this. they have put it off. they know this is going to be a tough sell to members. they don't want to go through it for a symbolic gesture. >> on the house side, dead in the water? >> no question. we tallied it up and have been calling every member's office we can. we have 243 who say no or likely that they will oppose this. that's a margin of oh about 25, 26 that would have to change their minds and support a mill the tear strike for it to have a chance of passing, not to mention the undecideds. the president doesn't have the public on his side. definitely doesn't have congress on his side. that's a big factor, i think, in what the president's new openness to the this russian gambit is. >> you talk about saving face. the president saves face in this works. in fact, i was re-reading the transcript from diane sawyer who works abc. her interview with president obama. he says in response to her questions, i don't think we would have gotten to this point
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unless we maintained a credible possibility of military strike. when i read that i assumed he was really banking on this working out and almost doing a victory dance that this will work out that assad will hand over his stockpiles to putin or somebody. if this goes belly up, this is a worse problem for him. >> half victory dance, half rallying cry. he needs congress to get in on this and wants to push for the vote eventually. i'm not sure the vote will happen at this stage. i think this buys the white house time. they were in a bad spot politically at home. clearly this move he made in going to congress was either a miscalculation or a misunderstanding of where congressional leadership and the congressional rank and file were. a week went by. members of congress heard from constituents and didn't like what they were hearing so the president had to reassess the strategy. >> it seems what the goal is
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to get the stockpile out of assad's hands, get it away. it seemed to me and correct me if i'm wrong, a week ago we were discussing punishing him. have we now changed our goal or am i reading it wrong? >> i think there is a slight shift in that. part of it is the fact that they realize punishment would have had to be about influencing behavior going forward. they have been trying for decades to get assad to rule out chemical weapons. they can see it as a victory. this was not going to change the course of the civil war regardless. it was not going to be the administration's intent. the point was to slap assad's wrist, this is a way to guarantee it won't happen again if they are able to get chemical weapons in the hands of international authorities. >> always nice to see you. rick klein, abc news. >> thanks. >> coming up, assad says to expect every action in response. you will hear from assad himself in a few minutes. and more trouble for george zimmerman involving his ex-wife, a gun and a call to 911. you will hear it in two minutes.
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george zimmerman dealing with more gun drama weeks after being acquitted of the shooting of trayvon martin. his soon to be ex-wife and her father. listen to what shellie zimmerman told 911. >> he continually has his hand on his gun. he keep s saying step closer. he's just threatening all of us. >> step closer and what? >> he's going to shoot us. >> okay . >> he punched my dad in the nose. my dad has a mark on his face. his glasses were on the floor. he accosted my father. took my ipad out of my hand, smashed it and cut it with a pocket knife. >> we want to know. did george zimmerman's recent run-ins with the law change your opinion of him -- yes or no? go to greta wire to tell us what you think. you think. we'll be [ male announcer ] in your lifetime,
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president assad is warning america. here's what he said to cbs's charlie rose. >> will there be attacks against american bases in the middle east if there is an air strike? >> you should expect everything. you should exp president assad is warning america. here's what he said to cbs's charlie rose. >> will there be attacks against american bases in the middle east if there is an air strike? >> you should expect everything. you should expect everything. if you strike somewhere, you have to expect repercussions somewhere else in different forms, in ways that you don't -- >> are you suggesting that if, in fact, there is a strike there would be repercussions from your friends in other countries like iran, hezbollah or others against america? >> as i say, it may take different forms. >> former assistant secretary of defense to the reagan administration bing west joins us. good evening. >> good evening.
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>> president assad said you should expect everything. how do we know if that's an empty threat from a man who is under siege because his military is fighting with rebels or whether we should be concerned? what can he do? >> well, i heard you uh saying that this is a rough night. it is with all the zig zags of president obama . i think mr. assad had it exactly right. you can expect anything and we have certainly heard it tonight. president obama's war appears to be over. that's the good news. the bad news is it now looks like president obama has conceded the power to president putin of russia. that's not good news. our objective towards syria had always been to re move the assad regime so that we cut the link between iran and the greater middle east. the first thing putin will ask for is our guarantee that we
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keep assad in power. assad can't turn over chemical weapons if he's not in power. already, putin has checkmated president obama. i think that's a shame. >> i think there is something -- i don't know what the exact words are. here we have president putin, former kgb head, trying to keep us out of war and we are depending on him to do something, to be the one to broker the deal. for some reason that makes me very uneasy like he's the wrong guy. he's the only one who can apparently do it. >> ironically president obama's experience was as a community organizer in chicago. so we have a kgb fellow dealing with a community organizer. unfortunately, i have to bet on the kgb guy. >> what if at the g-20 meeting president obama pulled president putin aside and this was engineered or directed by president obama in some way? would it change your mind if he were more involved in this go between assad and putin? >> i think that was a perfect
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illustration. the g-20 became two sets of g-10. ten of the nations went with putin. ten went with us. now putin is throwing a lifeline to president obama and is going to ask for something in return. he's going to ask to be a major player in the middle east which he hasn't been so far. so i don't see this as an international community. i see this basically as rivalry. we have always had this rivalry with russia. right now, russia has the upper hand. >> isn't that russia's only base in the middle east is in syria? the only russian base? >> well, exactly. but also they are keeping their pledge to their ally, assad. we are not keeping our pledge to jordan, saudi arabia and turkey who stood with us. i would bet if we are in the capitals of those countries they are angry about how this is going down. no wonder it's a weird night. you never know what president obama is going to do next. >> we have 30 seconds left. where did assad get the chemical weapons in the first place? >> for the last 20 years, he has
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been accumulating them. we have been watching him. we have objected to many countries in the world that international community, but he buys a little bit here, a little bit there. no one was willing to turn their backs and say, i won't take his money. it was like one of your guests said earlier. you can always procure the ingredients for chemical weapons. this doesn't stop chemical weapons at all. it does make putin a major player in the middle east. >> thank you, sir, for joining us. >> thank you. >> straight ahead, tim tebow. what a great athlete, but he needs a job. lucky for him, legendary rock band kiss has a job offer. what's the job? you're going to find out next. ty is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc,
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>> here's what some of you are tweeting about the video. little people, fine. miley, yuck. and david tweeted, the little people may never be taken seriously again. thanks for being with us tonight. good night from washington. t throughout the show. let us know how you feel tomorrow. hello, everyone. i'm kimberly gill foil. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is "the five." we've got a jam-packed show for you tonight. less than an hour away from a brand-new interview with president obama on syria. make sure to stay tuned for that. tomorrow night, the president will address the nation. a special programming note, set your dvrs. for a special 11:00 p.m. edition of "the five" tomorrow with reaction to his speech. >> boo. >> wow, immature. now, today's developments on syria. it was all hands on


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