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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  September 10, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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he was given a breathalyzer test after cops found beer on him. the ugly, the puppy needs to learn how to catch. catching cheerios proved too hard for sophia. her friend max is a pro. >> everybody have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> good morning. it is september 10, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. we start with a fox news alert. russia with a big announcement on syria's chemical weapons and president obama preparing to address our nation after a series of tv interviews that weren't always comfortable. >> the white house has done a bad job in explaining that this has been a mess. >> okay. that was a long question. let's see if i can keep the answer shorter. >>gretchen: will he take any responsibility for not getting the support that he wants. is the message going to cleaning after russia
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enters the equation? >>steve: a new meaning to till death do us part. a newly wed facing murder charges one week after her wedding. she pushed her husband off a cliff. that guy? wait till you hear this story. >>brian: doesn't sound good. country legend vince gill confronts the westboro baptist church. >> vince gill, what are you doing out here? >> i came to see what hate looks like. [bleep] >>brian: it only gets better from there. "fox & friends," by the way, starts now. ♪ ♪ >>steve: whatever they are paying john kerry, they should double it. that guy comes out with stuff. something sounds so crazy, next thing you know, he solves everything. >>brian: are they going to have a policy or do they
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dim the prompter and swing it? >>gretchen: it doesn't seem like we have a very set strategy right now for syria. >>steve: they're making it up as they go. >>gretchen: that should be a little disconcerting to people watching this morning and people all around the world for that matter because yesterday john kerry said any kind of an attack would be unbelievably small and a lot of people had a problem with that. >>brian: we thought that was the headline. >>gretchen: now it turns out president obama may be backing off its own red line because russia entered the equation. >>brian: all because of secretary of state kerry. >>steve: made a gaffe. he said something off the prompter. >>gretchen: a montana woman behind bars accused of killing her husband one week after her husband. prosecutors say jordan graham had second thoughts about tying the knot when the two went camping at glacier national park. that is when she reportedly shoved her husband off a cliff. graham has a different story. she claims the two got into
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a fight. he grabbed her arm. when she fought back he fell off the cliff face first. the only problem? it took her five days to report the accident. overnight an escaped prisoner who led police on a manhunt throughout tro*eut -- detroit is locked behind bars. investigators believe he was found trying to hitchhike to florida. he escaped earlier in the day as he was being escorted to court to receive a 15 year sentence for carjacking. he stabbed a deputy with a comb. that deputy was not seriously an ohio man who confessed on an on-line video to killing a 61-year-old veteran will be arraigned in court. >> my name is matthew cordle. on june 22, 2013, i hit and killed vincent canzani. this video will act as my confession. >>gretchen: the 22-year-old is expected to
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plead guilty to a charge of aggravated vehicular homicide. that carries a maximum sentence of eight and a half years. many believe cordle made that video hoping honesty would lead to a haoeurt sentence. the -- to a lighter sentence. the judge said no. >> this afghan translator targeted by the taliban for saving an american's life is moving to america. the man known as hafez was officially granted a united states visa. dakota myer lobbied on behalf of of the 35-year-old afghan man who had been tied up in bureaucracyic red tape -- bureaucratic red tape for the past two years. >> i can't tell you how many times an interpreter has probably saved lives. you keep doing this and people are going to stop helping you. >>gretchen: hafez could arrived state side as soon as next month. those are your headlines. >>steve: that is good news. the president of the united states tonight at 9:01 and 30 seconds is going to
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address the nation to talk about what's going on with syria. 24 hours ago we thought we knew what things looked like until john kerry, our secretary of state, gaffed and essentially changed the u.s. policy. what he did was he inadvertently bailed out mr. assad. he was asked is there anything syria could do to avert an attack, and he said they could turn over their chemical weapons to the international community. then the state department was asked, that was a gaffe right? the state department said no, it was rhetorical. it was a hypothetical situation. next thing you know the foreign minister of russia calls him on the phone mid air and says we like that idea. suddenly the ball is moving. >>brian: 45 minutes later. but the state department knew he made a mistake. that is why they came back and said quote it was a rhetorical argument about the impossibility and unlikelihood of assad turning over chemical weapons he denied he has used. the russians said that is a good idea. let's see if they'll give it up. it turns out the syrians are warming to the idea of
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giving up chemical weapons. would they actually do that? >>gretchen: no. >>brian: would you be able to get chemical weapons out there without a massive -- >>steve: syrians say they don't have chemical weapons. >>gretchen: why do we assume this was a gaffe? why do we assume it's a gaffe? now president obama says yeah, by the way, i was having those discussions with vladimir putin at the g-20 summit. >>brian: they tried to walk it back first. >>gretchen: the reason i'm asking the question is will it actually ever turn up as a gaffe because it's my belief that this takes obama off the hook. this totally takes president obama -- what is president obama going to say in his speech tonight? does anyone know? e-mail me or tweet me if you know what president obama is actually going to say in his speech tonight because the story is ever changing. now that john kerry said what he said and now that russia is involved in it, to me, it takes president obama off the hook. he can come off his red line now and he can say hey, let's work on
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diplomacy instead of striking. >>steve: i think i know what the president is going to say. he's going to say something like he said last night in one of or two of the interviews where he cast this new development where the john kerry gaffe has suddenly allowed the president to turn lemons into lemonade. and the president is going to say this development is a combination of power, threat to use military power along with what i have spoken to vladimir putin about in the past. it's a win-win for vladimir putin because he looks like he is taking the initiative on this and it is a win for the president of the united states because now he doesn't have that embarrassing loss on the floor of the u.s. house and maybe the united states senate as well. >>brian: you can use chemical weapons and you can kill a bunch of people, but as long as you promise to give them up after is what we're supposed to learn? listen, he's lost all momentum in the senate. the house is going to be an embarrassment. neither one is going to vote on it because it will
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be a rejection. the world has said there should be some type of response but they're not for a military response. so vladimir putin through his foreign secretary has capitalized on again a nonprompter moment for this administration, a biden-like gaffe, and said this is a good idea. do you really think there should be a strategy to get the chemical weapons out of there? in his speech he should say we heard what happened. this is where we're at right now. you have ten days, two weeks to put them on trucks and get them out. if you are unable to do that, if they are not on the u.n. trucks in that much time we're back to exactly where they were? or is he going to say if they continue on the pathway to reducing the number of weapons, caches they have in their arsenal that will be the ultimate weasel way out? >>gretchen: i don't think you can trust assad -- >>brian: or putin. >>gretchen: neither one. now have we handed the power back over to the shirtless putin?
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here's bing west on his assessment, former assistant secretary of defense to ronald reagan. >> the bad news it now looks like president obama conceded the power to president putin of russia. the first thing putin is going to ask for is our guarantee that we keep assad in power. and assad can't turn over these chemical weapons if he's not in power. already putin has checkmated president obama. >> ironically president obama's experience was as a community organizer in chicago. so we have a k.g.b. fellow dealing with a community organizer. unfortunately i have to kind of bet on the k.g.b. guy. >>brian: at a press conference for secretary of state kerry, in describing the type of attack on assad should it go ahead, unbelievably small and limited kind of effort. wow. what are you going to do give him a verbal lambasting? >>gretchen: do you think they orchestrated
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everything together? the american public by 80% to 20% said they did not want to strike syria. that is why john kerry said any attack now will be unbelievably small. i'm not so sure that wasn't planned. >>brian: the white house immediately walked back kerry's gaffe. president insisted any attack will be significant. the u.s., quote, does not do pinpricks. our military is the greatest the world has ever known. >>gretchen: really? because the administration has not made a decision in the last three weeks, so there doesn't seem to be -- i don't know that is the policy today or yesterday. >>brian: unbelievably small, limited kind of effort is not something you would want out. >>gretchen: the president probably had a good night of sleep last night because he is officially off the hook starting today. >>steve: and he was on the hook because the american people did not like his plan. when putin says i'm going to bail you out, he's going okay. harry hudini couldn't have done a better job than putin did. here is how you feel about how the president handled
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syria. right now 29% of you approve of it. 60% disapprove. 11% are unsure. that's one of the reasons why tonight the president was going to say, look, i haven't done a very good job selling you on it. now he's going to say, look, because we've been forcing russia and syria's hand, now they are back to the negotiating table and we're going to go forward with that. the big news is harry reid in the u.s. senate where it is starting to look dicey as well, harry reid said after this kerry gaffe, there is no reason we need to have a vote right now. let's see how things pan out. >>brian: he lost six democrats already. >>steve: france and germany are on board with this gaffe-tastic solution by mr. kerry as well. >>gretchen: an escape hatch. let's look at another poll. is the u.s. more or less respected around the world today compared to 2008? this is fascinating. more respected? only 14% think that's true. less respected? 48%. the same in 36%.
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compare that to 2012 where it was more respected with 29%, less 37%, same 36%. >>brian: six networks sat down to the president of the united states. he said i'm going to try to convince the american public with my greatest asset. my convinceability so i'm going to sit down with six network anchors including chris wallace. here is what he asked including whether he took responsibility or not when it comes to this. here he goes. >> for two years you said we did not have a direct national security interest in syria, talked more about what you're not going to do in syria than what you are going to do. today john kerry said any attack would be unbelievably small. the chairman of the house intelligence says you have done -- the white house has done a bad job in explaining that this has been a mess. >> the american people are right not to want to have us entangled in a sectarian civil war inside of syria. but i have also been
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consistent in saying that the ban on chemical weapons is something that does affect our interest directly. that has been a consistent position. i have not changed it. and i think that there's a tendency to say if we are going to solve the chemical weapons ban, then that must mean we also have to take on and own the entire syrian conflict. i reject that proposition. >>steve: what's he going to say tonight? tune in. bret baier will be anchoring our coverage 9 p.m. eastern time. the president of the united states addresses the nation on syria. it will be interesting to see because what he was going to say yesterday might be completely different. >>gretchen: stuart varney is on his way to the studio. he's talking about a connection to obamacare and syria? stick around. it's going to be very interesting as well. [ male announcer ] even ragu users a. ♪
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well, you've found delicious! ♪ ♪ must be the honey! ♪ it is so honey swagalish ♪ so much crunch, can you handle this? ♪ ♪ the party in the bowl don't stop! ♪
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♪ must be the honey! >>steve: john kerry's gaffe on syria gave president obama an out allowing him to avoid political damage. and it looks like his luck is about to get even better as well. >>gretchen: the congressional budget office better known as the c.b.o. releasing a report that says delaying obamacare's individual mandate would save $35 billion over ten years. will the president use that now as an excuse too to further delay any kind of of implementation. stuart varney can hardly wait to talk about this. good morning, stu. >> president obama has been thrown a life line on syria. now the government's bean counters have thrown him a life line on obamacare. they said if you delay the individual mandate -- that's the demand that
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every single person in america have health insurance on january 1, 2014 -- if you delay that, you will save $35 billion over ten years. fewer people signing up for medicaid, fewer tax credits going out there and you'll still collect all those extra taxes for obamacare. you save money. >>brian: i thought the goal was to give everybody health care? >> that's the goal but now we face chaos. so along comes the c.b.o. and says if you delay it, you could save $35 billion. you could avoid the chaos and maybe you'll offer the democrats a way out of the mess in 2014. >>gretchen: but i also thought obamacare was supposed to save america money. >> yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. now look at the reality of this moment. chaos is coming. obamacare is wildly unpopular in the country and along comes the c.b.o. and says got a way out for you, mr. president. got a way out. here you go. delay it for one year just like the putin -- >>gretchen: was that also a gaffe or was the c.b.o. planned? >> no. this was a study in
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response to a republican bill which wanted to delay the mandate for one year. this is what the c.b.o. says will be the financial result of that. >>brian: and the republicans can say they're getting what they wanted because they say if you give a break to businesses you've got to give a break to the everyday guy. >> i don't know what the obama administration is going to say about the $35 billion savings but it is a life line chucked out there at a critical moment because those exchanges have to start october 1. >>brian: half the states have not set them up? >> 21 states have not set them up. >>steve: stuart, if you look at the big jigsaw puzzle, which is obamacare, there are a whole bunch of big puzzle pieces that will never go into place. >> that is why i'm saying it is chaos. >>brian: also we have the debt ceiling coming up where republicans are saying, many in the house are saying we're not going to finance obamacare. we're just going to finance the country. >>gretchen: one thing
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that's for sure, 9:20. >> we will be covering it. that's a guarantee. >>brian: in that shot it looks like you're turning your back on your own show. i don't like that shot. >> the same necktie i've had for about 15 years. >>brian: it looks good. >>steve: he is a handsome man. thank you very much, stuart. coming up, a shocking statistic. half of breast cancer deaths are women under the age of 50. so when are you supposed to get a mammogram? dr. samadi on the case with a new number. >>gretchen: an admonition from howard stern's sidekick, the reason why robin hasn't been in the studio for more than a year and a half. ♪ ♪ she's always had a playful side. ♪
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>> quick headlines for you on this tuesday morning. one man is missing after a house explosion in indiana. the blast so powerful it set a nearby house on fire, as you can see right there. police and fire fighters are on the scene trying to figure out what went wrong. george zimmerman's wife says she won't press charges against her husband after first claiming he threatened her with a gun. when cops responded to her call, they never found a gun. gretch? >>gretchen: thanks a lot. one in eight women in the united states will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. now a new study suggests guidelines for mammograms need to be changed again. so what age should women start getting mammograms? here to weigh in is fox medical a team dr. david samadi. it seems to change.
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what is it at now? >> over the age of 50. we're talking about somebody who finds a lump and has to get a mammogram. we're talking about screening. this screening has been a big controversy for the age of 40 to 50 for breast cancer and prostate cancer. this debate has been going on. we know screening helps and that saves lives. you see the mortality reduced over the last few decades. so screening absolutely helps, and we want women and men to go for their screening. what we're talking about here is a study coming from harvard and they looked at about 7,000 women, followed them for about seven years. out of the ones that died from breast cancer, a majority of them, almost 70% of them never had mammograms. out of that group, a lot of them were under the age of 50. what we're trying to say is when you diagnose breast cancer in women between 40 and 50 they are very deadly and aggressive and screening saves lives.
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critics are saying if you go for it you may find cancers that may not kill you so there is overtreatment. the answer to that is that knowledge is extremely important. overdiagnosis doesn't have to mean overtreatment. that is why you need to talk to your doctors to find out what is best for you. >>gretchen: i've had mammograms for years even though i'm not 50. i found something. now every year i automatically go. i see that as a good thing. why wouldn't we suggest that women get mammograms? is it a cost issue or is it radiation? >> that's a great point. certainly cost plays a big role over here which goes back to what i was trying to say. when women want to go after their screening they're very aggressive. guidelines will tell you you should not do screening until you're age 50. look at yourself, you went on because of family history or your own reasons. i compliment that. we have the same exact problem when itdoms men and screening and -- when it
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comes to men and screening. this month september is prostate cancer month. people should go for screening. >>gretchen: if a woman is 30 and says i want to get a baseline, will insurance pay for it? >> they won't pay for it and i don't think you should necessarily get it at the age of 30. age of 40 is the first time you should get your mammogram. get a baseline. if there is family history, do it every year. if not, talk to your doctor. i think that is extremely important and you find cancers that may or may not be treated but having that discussion with your doctor is extremely vital. >>gretchen: dr. samadi, thanks so much. watch as vince gill confronts protesters from the westboro baptist church. >> vince gill, what in the world are you doing out here? >> i came to see what hate looks like. [bleep]. >>gretchen: we'll play the rest of that tape with the bleeps and all. what in the world is
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he went to north korea for a second time to meet with his friend kim jong un. i don't know how this keeps happening. is it possible that kim jong un thinks dennis rodman is president obama? >>gretchen: it even got more ridiculous because dennis rodman said he's going to bring back former nba players and help field a team for the north korea olympics. >>brian: they're going to write a book together. that american being held there against his will said i'm not into that. that's not me. >>gretchen: my daughter saw dennis rodman on the screen on tv and she goes mommy, what's that? i was trying to explain the piercings. >>brian: it is going to take another generation. >>steve: to understand dennis rod man. and decipher his brilliance in diplomacy. we've got headlines for you at 28 minutes before the top of the hour. released gitmo prisoners on the battle field.
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the director of national intelligence quietly releasing details. 100 gitmo inmates reengaged in terrorist activity and 74 are suspected of returning to terrorism. that is up from the last report about six months ago. >>brian: howard stern's long time sidekick robin has been battling cancer for the past 15 months but now she's back. >> about three months ago i go into my doctor's office. she looks at everything. she goes you're cured. >> totally cured? >> you're done. she goes you're cured. >> the 61-year-old had a tumor the size of a grapefruit in her pelvis which spread to several organs. she is doing better after months of radiation and chemotherapy.
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>>steve: great news for her. >>gretchen: she has been a guest on this show. all the best to her. fans at a baseball game in canada captured what looked like a u.f.o. at the game. a local newspaper called it a cosmic intervention. after it was spotted the home team went on to win the game. skpwerts say it was probably a light-up kite or even a small drone. >>steve: it does kind of looks like jiffy pop popcorn. >>brian: that makes a lot of noise. >>steve: it does. this is no sound on the tape. any way, in space no one can hear you pop. did you see this? vince gill confronting protesters from the westboro baptist church prior to his recent concert in kansas city, missouri. >> vince gill, what are you doing out here? >> i came to see what hate looks like. >> what importantly what are you doing with another man's life? don't you know [inaudible]
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jesus christ says that. he said -- >> he said a lot of stuff about forgiveness, about grace. you guys don't have any of it. >>steve: the country star split with his first wife in 1998. he's been married to singer amy grant for the past 13 years. good job. >>gretchen: a look at sports action with brian. >>brian: let me tell you what's happening in sports. sports illustrated will publish findings of a ten month investigation that alleges everything from paying players to helping change their grades in classes. the university of oklahoma's athletic director says he's very concerned. while you were sleeping last night a barn burner in san diego. the chargers looked like they were running away with an upset against the texans. the texans tie and win it with five second to play. good from 41 yards away. even houston said we didn't deserve this one.
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in washington, d.c., rg3 came out rusty playing for the first time since his a.c.l. tear in january. the eagles came out running, very impressive. they got to a big lead and held on. michael vick looked like he was 21. now to tennis, rafael nadal , djokovic in the men's final. two different players with one goal. djokovic match point, djokovic with a forehand to the net. his 13th grand slam title. nadal with a tremendous season. >>steve: the queen of pain was in the audience last night. >>brian: i asked her to go because i could not attend. on "kilmeade & friends," joe manchin will be life, bret baier, gretchen carlson, if we can book her and jennifer griffin with the latest from the pentagon perspective
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because five war ships are sitting in the mediterranean wondering what john kerry just said. >>steve: meanwhile, 25 minutes before the top of the hour, now to an extreme weather alert. tropical storm humberto strengthening. it is heading towards bermuda, isn't it? >> no. we have two storms. humberto is not heading towards bermuda and not heading towards any country. it is in open water. but it is gabrielle. remember gabrielle? that's the storm heading towards bermuda. we have two storms in the atlantic and gabrielle formed more than a week ago. it formed over the last several days and actually dissipated. it was no longer a tropical storm. but gabrielle is back. it reformed. showers and thunderstorms started to organize and now it is a tropical storm system and it is heading towards bermuda. there are a number of warnings that have been issued. we want to focus on
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humberto because we have not had a hurricane so far this atlantic hurricane season. as we head into later today and early tomorrow morning we think humberto will be a category 1 hurricane and it is forecast to continue to strengthen. the good news is it is not forecast to hit anyone. it is going to stay over open water and eventually over the next several days dissipate. i want to look at the temperatures across the country because we have record-setting high temperatures forecast across sections of the midwest. today's high in chicago, 97 degrees. guess where the heat is headed today and tomorrow? to the northeast and mid flick. we're talk -- and mid-atlantic. middle 90's for washington, d.c. tomorrow. factor in humidity and it will feel hotter. a cooldown coming soon with another cold front. by friday chicago only in the 60's. >>steve: maria, is it going to rain here today? lawn doctor did power seeding in my house yesterday and i need rain.
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>> we have showers already happening right now. a little bit of drizzle, some clouds. by thursday we could have severe weather. >>steve: good for the grass. maria, thank you. >>gretchen: you heard about this two million muslim march that is going to be happening in washington, d.c. on 9/11 on the 12th anniversary. now there were bikers who wanted to get together and have their own kind of bike ride to honor the day as well. but washington, d.c. has apparently denied the permit for the 9/11 bikers because of, i guess, red tape. but now the planners say they're going to move ahead any way. the only thing, the bikers are going to take longer now because they're not going to have escort and the ability to go through stoplights and that sort of thing. >>brian: they tried to get a permit but they're going to do it any way despite not getting a permit. they said we don't need no stinkin' permit and we have constitutional rights. they are apologizing to the residents of washington,
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d.c. ahead of time. they say they are going to obey all and street signs but they are coming through. it's going to be loud and it's going to stop traffic. but they're americans and they're coming through. >>steve: one of the reasons the police said you can't do it is simply manpower. if you have a ride-through, it will take an hour or two and it takes a lot of police officers and apparently they're tied up with many, formerly known as the million muslim march and now it is known as americans against fear rally. the bikers have 56,000 likes on their facebook. and the formerly known as million muslim march has 141. >>gretchen: coming up, the candidates for new york city mayor have one thing in common. none has asked for a briefing on terror. really? >>brian: they all want to
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get rid of ray kelly. we're doomed in new york. >>steve: the judge is on deck. what if the president only gets senate approval for a strike on syria? can he forge ahead? is it legal? all rise. judge napolitano is in the house. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] you tweeted, posted and cheered about yoplait's fall favorites. so we brought pumpkin pie and apple crisp back for a limited time. see? you really do call the shots. ♪ yoplait. it is so good.
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♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy. ge is revolutioning power. supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software. using data predictively to help power entire cities. so the turbines of today... will power us all... into the future. ♪
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>>brian: today is primary day in new york city and not one mayoral candidate has a terror plan. that according to the nypd's top cop ray kelly. he says the threat of terrorism is, quote, great if not greater today it was before the world trade center attacks and that none of the hopefuls requested a terror briefing from his department. that is scary. run for your lives new yorkers. at 1 p.m. eastern apple is
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expected to unveil its newest batch of iphones. the iphone 5s and 5c. the new phones rumored to have a better camera and battery and possibly a finger print scanner for security. that is about it. no bigger screens. where's steve jobs? steve doocy, we have you. >>steve: that's right. one of the phones is supposed to be much, much cheaper. a fox news alert. president obama getting ready to deliver a prime time speech on syria at 9 p.m. eastern time but now congress seems split on authorizing military force. what happens if both chambers can't agree on green lighting a military strike? let's talk to fox news contributor judge napolitano. we're going to talk about how john kerry undid a bunch of stuff yesterday but first white house aides said the possibility of a strike against syria still not off the table? >> even the president indicated it yesterday, that it's still not off the
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table. but the president needs to understand that it would be a violation of international law for him to do so. syria, as vicious as the assad regime is, has every right to defend itself from rebels, just as obama would have the right to defend himself if people on the streets were shooting at the white house. and the united states has no legal right to interfere. we haven't been asked to interfere by the syrian government obviously. the syrian government doesn't present a threat to us. they haven't attacked us. they're not about to attack us and the u.n. has not authorized us to punish them for their supposed use of chemical weapons. why does the president want to go in there? because of a stupid mistake he said during the political campaign when he was running against mitt romney a year ago, and he's too thin-skinned to say i was wrong then, forget about it. >>steve: the gaffe then was about the red line. and then the gaffe yesterday was john kerry answering a question at a press conference where, is there anything that assad could do to avoid a strike? and he said, yeah, he could give up all his chemical
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weapons to the international community. next thing you know russia is on the phone, we like that. you're going to do that; right? they tried walking it back. now that's on the front burner. that gaffe may have changed diplomacy. >> john kerry should remember the old one liner: remember what you ask for because you might get it. john kerry has been beating the drums for war with the president's red line statement. now suddenly the least peaceful person on the planet, vladimir putin, who sometimes kills his opponents, has the upper hand here and he looks like the nobel prize winner because he's saying barack, bashar, we could do this through diplomacy. we don't have to drop bombs. that is the direction it seems to be walking today. meanwhile john mccain and lindsey graham are in john kerry's camp saying we still need to pass that resolution. we still need either to bomb or make them think we're going to bomb. >>steve: but harry reid said yesterday given everything that's happened
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thanks to john kerry's boo-boo we're not going to vote. >> this is another side to this. that is if president obama is not given the congressional authority to bomb syria, it will be the first time in american history that a president has asked for war-making power and the congress has said no. i think the president knows that at least the house is about to say no, and he wants to avoid that. >>steve: it was probably a gaffe that he asked for congressional approval but here we are now. come back tomorrow. who knows what we'll be talking about. meanwhile, 11 minutes before the top of the hour. the list is out for the top universities in the country and last year's winner got bumped. sorry. he's one of the funniest comedians out there. >> i don't want kid -- i know a lot of you are bombed out like i would have liked to have had a kid with this guy. >>steve: this he is live. kirk fox is starting a new adventure. he's putting regular people to the test.
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approach the couch, please. ♪ ♪ ♪ before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page... before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time...
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before he could even think about planning for his daughters' future... mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. that's the wonder of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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>> everything that can save our lives is behind glass. [ laughter ] what good is that? it's like break the glass. get the fire extinguisher. now your fighting the fire with buddy knuckles. maybe if it was in a pinata, i'd be more inclined to fight a fire. get that pinata! fire it! just crawl through the candy. >> gretchen: comedian kirk box from his shows like "communitys" and and the host of a new show
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called "the test" where americans face everything from lie detectors to dna tests. he's our guest. good morning. >> yes, i am. i am your guest. >> gretchen: good morning. >> "fox & friends" could actually be kirk fox and my friends. >> brian: right. we could be your sidekicks. we could be your robins. >> we could do it. i can drive the van, you three could be in the back and we fight crime. >> gretchen: i don't know if we want to go on the road. >> i say how far we go on the road. >> gretchen: tell us about the test, 'cause would we want to come on the test? >> maybe. you might want some truth about something. you might think one of these gentlemen is lying and we could find out which someone actually telling the truth. >> brian: how? >> lee detector, blood test, definitive medical examination. you come on the show, you need an answer and you're -- >> brian: you bring science into it. >> of course. this is real. >> steve: that's like the morry show on steroids.
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>> and i'm in the middle. you drop a comedian. both shows are more about the conflict. we have conflict, but then we'll get some resolution. >> brian: right. shear an example. michael and dina lohan, evidently there is conflict, i had no idea. let's listen. >> at the end of this, we're going to clear the air. so don't even worry about it. >> clear to me. >> let's go. >> we don't have to wait 'til the end. we can clear here and maybe the end will be -- n let's go on with the questions. then at the end i'm going to shock all of you. [ applause ] you're going to love what i have to tell you. you're going philosophy it all. >> steve: did they love it? >> there was love, but not a lot of love between those two. it was tough in the middle. it was dangerous in there. >> steve: why would the the lohans come on? each have staked out publicly positions so vividly and with
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your show, you could say, one of you is a liar? >> with so much to lose, you have nothing more to lose. so maybe it's time to get the truth out and a lot of things have been said in the press and they wanted to clear the slate a little. we ask everything that has been in the news, everything that you wonder about, we hit it. we went at it. >> gretchen: why is a comedian the best host for this show? how do you bring humor into it and why is this important? >> i think humor can defuse a serious conflict. >> steve: surely. >> i've always used comedy to get out of dangerous situations and some of these conflicts, they get high intensity. i'll use that laughter to give me space so i can run. >> brian: how many comedians got out by using laughter? here is the other thing. you have tan mom on. >> we're going to find out if
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she really did put her child in that tanning bed. we ask her a lot of things. but it's mainly just people. just human beings. >> brian: getting to the bottom of it. there is too much lying. get to the bottom of it. >> we live if a world where we think everybody is lying. if you could -- >> brian: you thought secretary of state -- >> last week i got four new tires. i'm pretty sure i just needed air. >> steve: you would have loved to wire up the guy at that store. did i really need these new tires? >> i got a new mattress because they just said it was filled with bed bugs and dust mites. >> steve: and you bought it. >> i bought it. >> brian: you should have bought a microscope and gotten to the bottom of it. >> steve: the new show called "the test." check your local listings for show times. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> brian: we could have -- that offer is out there. >> i'm in new york for a day. we can shoot a whole new show. >> gretchen: thanks. coming up, a law a straight up
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controversiment should the legally blind be allowed to get a gun permit. >> steve: then a new season of "dancing with the stars" is about to get underway. so who are the ones to watch? judge carey is here with heram picky i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. we're gonna stop beating ourselves up about our weight. we're not gonna give up what we love. it's not gonna happen. and when the pounds still come off... we'll be like, "whoa!" one night we'll even eat a cupcake like it's our job. just not the entire cake. that's part of the weight watchers plan.
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♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ with our new, improved peanut butter chewy bars. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's tuesday, september 10, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for sharing part of your very busy day with us today. president obama preparing now to address the nation after a series of tv interviews yesterday that weren't always so comfortable. >> the white house has done a bad job at explaining this has been a mess. >> okay. that was a long question. let's see if i can keep the answer shorter. >> gretchen: this morning, the president might be taking a life line now from russian president putin. this story taking yet another turn. we'll get you caught up on all the -- where do we stand on syria today? >> brian: the wife is accused of pushing her husband off a cliff one week after getting married.
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this morning friends and family are saying they're not surprised. >> steve: just seconds before the first race of the america's cup finals, an accident you have to see to believe. >> fell off the boat. would you believe it? there is a man -- there he goes, a man overboard incident. >> steve: oh, my goodness. we're going to tell you what happened to him straight ahead. "fox & friends" hour two for tuesday starts immediately. >> gretchen: i fine will he gave in. i am now officially on twitter. >> steve: excellent. >> gretchen: for years, i think brian would say to me, when are you going to be on twitter? and anyway. so now i'm on of the it's gcarlsontv. somebody stole my real name, gretchen carlson. that's not me. they don't tweet. but unfortunately, i can't get that handle.
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so it's gcarlson tv. >> steve: somebody stole mine. i'm s doocy and you are? >> brian: no one is approaching me to steal my name. i would love for someone to have enough interest in my career to steal my name. i would love a court battle. it's at kilmeade. don't make it positive. you'll stick out. if you're having a good day and you want to be brought down, check twitter. >> steve: 'cause he can talk directly to the phone in our pocket. >> brian: and then go back into the closet. >> gretchen: i've been tweeting for "fox & friends" for the last few years. people are not always nice. but whatever. we have to start, fox news alert, brand-new information about syria's plan to give up its chemical weapons. this morning russia saying it's already working with the country to make a concrete plan for putting the weapons under international control and keeping america from striking. what's really going on here?
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leeland vittert live with the very latest. has israel responded to any of this? >> not publicly so far, gretchen. the israelis are keeping very quiet about this. obviously there is a lot of moving parts going on. they made themselves would like to see the syrians give up their chemical weapons would make it less of a strike against israel in terms of a retaliation. we are a long way from a deal actually being done. the devil is always in the details with these kinds of plans as they come along. remember that the israelis have estimated the syrian chemical weapons stockpile at about 1,000-tons, all that hazardous material, even under the best of circumstances, peacetime, it is hard to dispose of these weapons. a civil war, it's all about much more dangerous. the other issue is whether the russians and the french and the americans and for that matter, the syrians can agree to a resolution that would put some teeth behind making sure the
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syrians abide by doing what they say they will, by using the analogy it's only over when the fat lady sings. she's only starting to warm up. we'll see if she does. >> brian: i heard overt weekend in israel there is pressure from the white house, for netanyahu to get behind the proposed strike by the president? >> there have been reports about that, that the president of the united states asked prime minister netanyahu to get the lobby group in the united states to rally support behind this strike. it seems really calm in the context of what's going on with iran, with the israelis and iran and syria -- syria is the test case to see if there is a credible u.s. military threat and whether that will make a difference in the region when it comes to iran giving up their nuclear program giving forward. >> brian: thanks so much. volatile region. >> steve: no kidding. at 9:00 o'clock tonight, you'll be watching the fox news
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channel. the president of the united states will address the nation to talk a little bit about syria. what he's probably going to say is okay. now we're talking once again with syria and also with russia. it looks like the strikes are off the table for right now because the united states has stood strong and it looked like we were going to strike. so now they're back at the table. plus i was talking to putin at the g-20, he's going to spin it something like that. just keep in mind, the current, you know, life line that the president has been thrown was thrown inadvertently by john kerry who, at a press conference, was asked, so there is anything assad could do to avert the strike by the united states? he said yeah, they could get rid of all their chemical weapons and turn them over to international inspectors. well, the state department immediately started walking it back saying that was hypothetical and it was a rhetorical statement.
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next thing you know, people in the administration are saying, we don't know what he's talking about. but then the foreign minisr of russia gets on the phone, calls him and says let's talk. we think it's a really good idea. now the president of the united states says that plan, which was a gaffe, could be a breakthrough. >> gretchen: what's the salary for secretary of state? >> double it, 'cause he's really work hard. >> gretchen: quadruple at least because whether or not it was a gaffe and let me know if you think actually was or not, it is a lifeline no doubt for this president because he was in a pickle. we discussed this for the last couple of weeks. and especially so with the american public because that had continued to go up, the number of people who do not want the president of the united states to go ahead with the strike on syria. and members of congress who also it appeared, were going to vote it down. now he has an easy out. it's an escape hatch. whatever john kerry did, whether it was planned or a gaffe or whatever it was, it's an escape hatch for this president. >> brian: he's in london and he sat there and takes a question. is there anything that could
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stop an attack by the u.s.? well, he says yeah, if they give up all their chemical weapons. they all have to be accounted for, but they're not going to do it. then within hours, the state department realizing what's gone out, was forced to walk the new red line back when they claimed he was making a rhetorical argument. but their foreign minister says it's not rhetorical. it's great idea. i called syria, they're into it. we're warming to the idea of giving up all our chemical weapons. this is a country who was shooting at weapons inspectors 2 1/2 weeks ago when they went to check out a chemical attack. so right now if they all of a sudden say take my chemical weapons, there is still no hell to pay fort chemical deaths they put on those 1400-plus people, including as the president says, all the time, over 400 children who we saw convulsing on the dvd's that they released over the weekend. but no one wants war and is looking forward to this attack n. congress, he's not going to pass in the house. it's not going to pass in the
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senate. >> steve: the president of the united states, you can see why he would want to get out of this situation. what exactly is in putin's best interest? to take this deal. why? here is karl rove on with billow last night. >> think about this. putin says to his -- who is a sponsor of syria, says to his ally, assad, give me control over these weapons. we'll guard the stockpiles for you. you really don't need them to stay in power. we and the iranians are supplying you everything you need. this allows you to put the united states out of the region. it takes a little bit of the air out of the opposition to you. do this and i look bigger. you look bigger. you won't face the united states military. you won't have your forces degraded. you can go on killing the opposition with conventional weapons and i'm happy to supply you. >> gretchen: stay with me on this for a minute. i know we're saying it's a gaffe by john kerry. but is anyone else suspicious of why the president would then come out and say that he had been discussing this with putin
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at the g-20 summit? that was before the press conference. >> steve: generally. >> gretchen: is that the cover part of it, or was this -- you know you're going to get asked a question. if you're john kerry, you know you're going to get asked a question about how could syria get themselves out of this? >> steve: i tell you what, given this particular administration's foreign policy, which they really don't have a strategy for anything -- >> brian: like the red line that got us into this mess. >> steve: now another gaffe got him out. i'll bet a dollar it was a gaffe. >> gretchen: i'll bet awe million it's a life saver for president obama. >> brian: senator lindsey graham says russia is playing us like a fiddle. senator levin says don't get your hopes up. shear what allen west said. >> the kgb guy now looks like the only adult in the classroom. the good news, but the thing it, it makes us look very bad because he has stepped up. >> assuming he can carry it out.
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>> i think he will. but i think first and foremost he's going to embarrass our president. >> putin is throw ago lifeline to president obama and putin is going to ask tore something in return. he's going to ask to be a major player in the middle east, which he hasn't been so far. so i don't see this as an international community. i see this basically as rivalry and we've always had this rivalry with russia and right now russia has the upper hand. >> brian: right now there has got to be a deadline passed and a procedure outlined by the president in the speech. if he just builds off his interviews yesterday and talks generally, it will look so obvious that he just wants out and for this to go away. >> steve: you know what? mitt romney was right. a year ago when he said russia was our greatest geopolitical foe, he was right. whether it's ed snowden or syria or many other things, look at us now. >> gretchen: the speech writers were up all night 'cause they were massively changing what he was going to say yesterday. now the other stories making heads lines.
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a woman behind bars, accused of killing her husband one week after their wedding. friends say no one is shocked that this happened. jordan graham reportedly had second thoughts about tying the knot with cody johnson. the two went hiking, when graham reportedly shoved her husband off a cliff. graham has a different story. she says the two got into a fight. he grabbed her arm and when she fought back, he fell. no word on why it took her five days, though, to report the so-called accident. overnight, escaped prisoner who led police on a 15-hour manhunt through detroit is behind bars. police caught him after given a tip he was seen walking. investigators believe he was trying to hitchhike to florida. he escaped earlier in the day while being escorted to court. he was about to receive a 15-year sentence for carjacking. he stabbed a deputy with a comb carved into a weapon. that deputy was not seriously hurt. later today, the ohio man who confessed on-line to driving drunk and killing a 61-year-old veteran will be arraigned.
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>> my name is matthew cordle. on june 22, 2013, i hit and killed vincent kinzani. this video will act as my confession. >> gretchen: the 22-year-old is expected to plead guilty today. he faces a max sentence of 823456 years behind bars. many believe he made that video hoping honesty would lead to a lighter sentence. but the judge has said no. a terrifying accident seconds before the first race of the america's cup finals and the whole thing caught on camera. >> one of the crew members fell off the boat. would you believe it? there is a man -- there he goes, man overboard incident. >> gretchen: american billionaire larry ellisson's team usa took a quick turn and the sailor couldn't hold on. there was no time to pick him up. so the team competed with ten sailors. they came in second place and it looks like from the video, he's eventually picked up and is
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okay. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, dozen minutes after the top of the hour. we showed you senator john mccain's heated town hall. one man who was there, a native syrian, says it's not assad's fault. it's the rebels. he has some advice for our president coming up. >> brian: here is what not to do on a scooter. cut off the school bus. wait 'til you hear what big-time hollywood actress was behind the wheel heart healthy, huh?! ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute! [ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. show-stopping glamour.
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a little leopard, a lot of roar. our most fabulous jacket collection. only at chico's and before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page... before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time... before he could even think about planning for his daughters' future... mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. that's the wonder of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's l. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. >> brian: with congressional support waning to say the least, is president obama reconsidering a military strike on syria and instead, embrace ago diplomatic solution? >> i fervently hope that this can be resolved in a nonmilitary way. but i think it's important for
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us not to let the pedal off the metal when it comes to making sure that they understand we mean what we say about these international bans on chemical weapons. >> brian: albert is a native syrian, now an american citizen and residents of arizona. he wrote senator john mccain and was at his big town hall meeting expressing his concern about a possible strike. albert, do you believe the senator has read your letter? >> i'm not sure. he told me he will read the letter on his way to tucson. >> brian: what's the message you want to relay to the senator? >> i just like to relay to him that mr. senator, we support you and appreciate your efforts in arizona. but at the same time, as a syrian american, bombing syria is not the solution. bombing syria will make the situation on the ground much worse. it will support the al-qaeda, who is really the same people who did september 11, same
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people who are slaughtering the syrian people. this is not the solution. the diplomatic solution is the solution for syria. >> brian: you're more worried about the refugees and how they'll survive in lebanon, turkey and the bordering countries. >> that's exactly. the situation is much worse for refugees in lebanon, jordan, everywhere else. this situation has to be stopped and the syrian government, bashar assad, is not gadhafi. he is not saddam hussein. they can sit down with him. it's a very complicated situation and this cannot be resolved by just bombing syria. >> brian: keep in mind, assad is no prince. he looked at those protesters and started killing them. shear a little bit about what's in your letter to senator mccain. extremist groups are al-qaeda are waiting to prey on any weakness in the syrian government and infrastructure. the result of a bombing would be another step in the
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extermination of christian presence in the middle east. that's from you. real quick, why are the christians in the line of fire? if anything, both sides should be leaving christians alone. >> unfortunately, that's not the case. as you know, in one of the most religious cult, where the christians still pray, it has pretty much raked by al-qaeda. christians slaughtered. they believe the christian is infidel and those equaled fanatic muslims are terrorizing the country. >> brian: there is a free syrian army, are they people we can count on? >> i don't know how to identify them. it's very difficult situation. i'm pretty sure there is some people who are decent syrian who would like to have a change in the government and work with the
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government, but unfortunately, now those are minority, in my opinion. and according to my communication with my friends and family back home, they don't know who they are. mostly what they hear about, that atrocity of the al-qaeda, what they are doing, i can tell you recently how the conversation was. by brother-in-law, he's telling me that four villages have been totally -- >> brian: destroyed, of course, because they represent assad. >> exactly. they are alowit, they are slaughtered. the women kidnapped. there is some pregnant women cut their tummy and they take the fetus out. unbelievable. >> brian: we've all seen the video of the barbarism going on. you like john mccain, but you disagree with him here. thank you for joining us. hopefully we'll get a peaceful solution. >> thank you. >> brian: straight ahead, a law stirring up controversy this morning. gun permits for the legally
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blind? should that really be allowed? we report. you decide. we'll debate [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box.
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>> steve: time for news by the numbers. 23,117,000, number of households now depending on food stamps. the number has nearly doubled in the last four years. next, $920,167. that's how much somebody bought james bond's submarine car for. that one right there. remember that? it was one of eight cars used during the movie. by the way, it doesn't actually work. you would think for a million bucks, it would turn on. and number 1. that's princeton university. the ivy league school in new
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jersey was ranked the top college in the united states by u.s. news, beating out harvard and yale. stanford, gretchen's alma mater, came in fifth. which is great. >> gretchen: did you know that female veterans are some of the hardest hit in our nation's military community? they are actually four times more likely to become homeless versus male veterans. so cheryl casone is outside now with more on giving makeovers to get them ready for the job hunt. i love this segment. hi. >> hi. yes, it's from transition from fatigue to fabulous. limb show you our three ladies in their fatigues. we've got a picture of them serving their country and working so hard. let's show you them this morning as they get ready for their job hunt. let's bring them all done. andrea berg, in the air force. carolyn, u.s. navy.
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and our third job search candidate, nancy. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> i want to start with you. you just got out may of 2013. you're going back to school for business development. what type of job do you want to have now that you served your country? >> i'm really looking for something in the business field. project management, anything where i can showcase unification and team leading and working together to propel the team forward. >> we should say, when you were in iraq, you managed $80 billion in assets. you were someone that was in charge of organizing. >> that's correct. >> field, troops, everything. okay. let's move over to carolyn. you were in kosovo, by the way. you got out of the military in 2001. you married a lovely military man, next thing you know, you're back. what happened? >> well, i married my husband and he wound up, followed his career. so we wound up moving every two, three years. we wound up going on reserve,
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into the reserves. then he got recalled and went to afghanistan in 2009-2010. so i think for a lot of military spouses, having a career kind of goes to the back burner. so now that finally life is settling, i'm able to pursue my career. >> i want to say, you're look for something in pr or communications. i want to put this out there. i'm going to post all your resumes on my blog. and finally, carolyn, you served in kosovo. you also did training, basically you were g.i. jane, i guess we should say. correct? >> yes. >> all right. now you're working with fatigue the fabulous to help your fellow female veterans transition into the work force. why is that such an or not organization? >> females are so prominent, especially in these conflicts these days that it's hard for when they come home, the difference between the males and females. so this gives them a place where they can go and get those make-up tips and those resumes and get those tips to go out there and work in the work force
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and reintegrate smoothly back into civilian nice. >> nancy, i want to say, you're going to mercy college right now. >> i am. >> you like working in a nonprofit field. correct? >> i love it. >> all right. ladies, i think you all look fabulous. again, fatigues are fabulous. i wish you the best on your job hunt. it's a wonderful organization. i'm glad you're able to join us today. it is new york fashion week. i think you look better than any model. thank you so much. there you go, gretchen. that's the thing, not only is it tough to come back after serving your country, but then unemployment at 7.3%, it's even worse for veterans. it's a struggle. i think these gals are all going to get amazing jobs after this. >> gretchen: what a wonderful segment. thanks so much. keep us posted. >> you bet. >> gretchen: a stunning admission from howard stern's sidekick. the reason why robin hasn't been in the studio for more than a year and a half? then a new season of "dancing with the stars" is about to get underway. who are the ones to watch?
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judge carrie ann nava here with her pick. i like her shirt. very colorful ♪ ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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jim, i adore the pool at your hotel.ver had to make. ♪ ho ho ho anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotels' robes are fabulous. i have twelve of them. twelve? shhhh, i'm worth it&
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what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty. plus members can win a free night every day only at "i" formation! "i" formation! we have got to get the three-technique block! i'm not angry. i'm not yellin'. nobody's tackling anybody! we got absolutely... i don't think this was such a good idea. i'm on it. if we can't secure the quarterback center exchange... you're doing a great job, coach.
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well they're coming along better than i anticipated. very pleased. who told you to take a break? [ male announcer ] want to win yourwn football ntasy? just tell us. then use your visa card for a chanceo win it. >> in his weekly radio address, president obama said u.s. military involvement in syria would have a definite time limit. really? you buying that? huh? we still have troops in germany!
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what was that? 1941? [ applause ] the 100 years war is only supposed to be for the weekend. did you know that? [ laughter ] >> steve: they do wind up stretching into a little longer term. >> brian: but that was the original gaffe, secretary of state kerry said this is going to be a little thing. a very small thing. >> gretchen: unbelievably small. >> brian: which the president had to go walk back. >> steve: he did. >> gretchen: i believe that was a gaffe, but not the other one. now to the stories making headlines at this half hour. a law stirring up new controversy this morning. in iowa, the legally blind can legally get a gun permit. all thanks to a state law that took effect in 2011. three people were granted permits and that has reignited the debate. some say denying them the right to carry firearms in public violates the americans with disabilities act. >> brian: stunning admission on the howard stern show. robin has been battling cancer for 15 months.
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now she is back. >> three months ago i go into my doctor's office, she just looks at everything. she goes, you're cured. >> fully cured? >> you're done. she goes, you're cured. >> brian: she had a huge tumor, pelvis, spread to several organs. howard stern was quoted as saying he didn't think she would make it. she went on months of radiation and chemotherapy. she only missed two shows throughout the ordeal. she's been co-hosting from her home, which makes it seem like she's right next to him. >> steve: she's the definition of a real trooper. meanwhile, in other news. george zimmerman's wife deciding not to press charges after her husband after admitting he never a gun. >> he continually has his hand on his gun and he keeps saying, step closer. he's threatening all of us with the firearm. he's going to shoot us. >> steve: shelly zimmerman called 911 after an argument escalated between her, george,
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and her father. she just filed for divorce last week. police never found a weapon. what was she talking about? >> gretchen: shocking video has gwyneth paltrow facing serious criticism. take a look as she cuts off a school bus after pulling out of a park spot. the bus driver forced to step on the brakes. behind her? her daughter, apple. those are your headlines. >> steve: and her husband was just behind them on another vespa, all caught on video by the paparrazzi. >> brian: i will say this in her defense, she was very good in "spiderman". >> steve: but a little -- >> gretchen: wreckless? >> brian: "ironman," excuse me. i forgot which super hero she was very good with. >> steve: i just trusted you. haven't they had like nine? >> brian: they've had three or four. >> gretchen: who was in
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"spiderman"? was it claire danes? >> brian: i think that's right. >> gretchen: kirsten dunst. >> brian: i don't know where i came up with that. my mind continues to shock me. >> steve: she's claire danish. an extreme weather alert. tropical storm gabrielle reforming in the atlantic and heading toward bermuda, farther east. there is another storm named humberto, could become a hurricane later today. >> it's forecast to become a hurricane. that's also looking a little iffy. i'll show you why. right now in the satellite picture because we actually have dry air trying to make its way towards the center of that storm system. that's right off the coast of africa, to the south and west of the cape verde islands. looking at dry air trying to work in and that could help weaken the storm system. we do have tropical storm gabrielle heading towards bermuda. we have tropical storm warnings in effect across bermuda, locally up to six inches of rain will be possible. right now that storm system has maximum sustained winds at 40 miles per hour.
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but humberto, off africa, that is forecast to become the first hurricane of the atlantic hurricane season. so it is very late in the season to not have seen one hurricane. if this system doesn't become a hurricane by tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. eastern time, we could actually be setting a record for the latest that we haven't had a hurricane form in the atlantic hurricane season. but something to keep an eye on. but it is forecast to become a hurricane later on today. otherwise high temperatures across the country. midwest, it is going to be a hot day. 97 for your high in chicago. widespread 90s as well across the rest of the area. tomorrow that heat expands eastward. across the northeast, new york city tomorrow forecast to reach 94 degrees. steve, gretchen, brian, you factor in the humidity, and it will feel hotter than that. so summer is back. >> gretchen: all right. >> brian: let's take our shirts off and go outside. >> please don't. >> steve: thank you, vladimir. >> gretchen: speak for yourself. this is a dress. then it would be problematic.
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>> brian: maybe it was the spirit of the moment. i apologize to the people at home. she's a very bubbly judge on "dancing with the stars". >> you are a beast! i like this. woo! girlfriend! [ cheers and appuse ] work it! >> gretchen: what do you drink before that? >> i don't know. >> steve: everything. >> gretchen: i'd like some, too. all right. now the hit dancing competition back with its 17th season already and a brand-new cast, which was just announced. >> yes, it was. >> gretchen: joining us to spill all the details, careee ann nava. >> brian: are you still pumped up? >> i am always pumped up. >> brian: you guys come on the scene, you beat "american idol." >> we're doing pretty well. we're doing some changes to keep the audience happy. >> brian: no dancing? >> no dancing at all.
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the changes are actually one night a week. so monday night it will be all inclusive. so we don't spread out the elimination for a two-hour show on tuesday night. we'll do it at the end of the monday night show. >> gretchen: really? >> the first week, no elimination. then the second week, we combine the judges' votes from the last week with the audience votes, the new judges' vote. it's kind of confusing. but it's what we did the first season, but it worked. so we're going back to that. >> steve: you got a great line - up of dancers this time. >> yes, we do. it's an interesting cast. i was surprised by some of the bookings. we've got valerie harper. i was really surprised at her. >> brian: she's in remission now. >> i know. i'm so happy for her. i think she's going to set a great example for a lot of people. >> brian: you got snooki. i heard she slimmed down. >> gretchen: wow, look at her face. >> i can't wait to see her out there. she's with our little dancer, who used to be in our dance troop. i think it will be a fun season. >> steve: bill nye, the science
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guy is a dancer? >> well, we shall see. >> gretchen: what about bill engvall. >> i think there is a lot of interesting characters that maybe had some hidden dancing talents and maybe some who may not. >> brian: forget about the champions. who do you think made the most improvement throughout the season that really astounded you? you saw them in week one and then you couldn't believe it. >> in the past, kelly osborne was one of my favorites because of that. i love people that have no dance ability and by the end have this incredible confidence. that's what's important about dancing is it teaches you confidence. there has been a lot of people who had that, especially kelly osborne. >> brian: now you got her brother on. >> yes, we do. >> steve: tell us about your personal struggle with arthritis and you're helping out helping hands? >> yes. i'm helping with massage envy. they have partnered with arthritis foundation. they're raising money to help find a cure for arthritis. i'm very excited about this because i also suffer from
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arthritis. it's one of the leading disabilities or causes of disabilities in america. so it's a big cause. >> steve: it's not just grownups. people as young as two it cost have it? >> yeah. i think now there is 50 million people in america that suffer from arthritis. and it's all different age range. >> brian: what works for you? >> massage. it's one of the best ways to stay healthy and it's all part of my wellness routine. massage envy on september 18, if you book a massage, it's affordable. ten dollars will go right back to the arthritis foundation to help find a cure. they raised a million dollars in the last two years prior to this. so this year our goal is to raise 1 million in one day. so september 18, go to, book a massage and feel good and help people like me would are suffering from it. >> brian: can i ask you something personal? when you get a lot of massages? >> yes. >> brian: do you guys take your clothes off? 'cause i have no idea if -- >> you know what? you can ask them. sometimes you can take them all off. you go on your comfort level.
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make sure you're comfortable. that's the whole point. >> brian: if you're not comfortable naked, we shouldn't get naked. >> you can keep your briefs on whatever you need to keep on. >> steve: my father had a massage and he kept all his clothes on. >> all of it? [ laughter ] >> gretchen: oh, my gosh. >> steve: afterwards, he said i never felt better. [ laughter ] >> brian: did the oil get on the shirt? >> yes,. >> gretchen: and in the air. apparently brian's theme today is clothes off. >> are you taking your shirt off? >> gretchen: come on! >> steve: i'll give you $25 not to take your shirt off. >> brian: in petty cash? >> they're waiting. >> brian: i was hoping for a bigger crowd. >> steve: thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: don't forget to mention us during the season. >> gretchen: president obama now considering not striking syria and working with putin of russia to control syria's chemical
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weapons. but can we really trust russia on this? congressman michael mccall has strong thoughts on that. he's coming up next. >> steve: plus, heavenly announcement from victoria secret. it was just sent from heaven, reportedly. >> brian: first on this, it's time for your aflac trivia question. born on this day in 1949, this fox news tv host is an author who held the number one and number two spots in the "new york times" best seller list at the same time. be first. happy birthday, jon scott. >> gretchen: no okay, who helps you focus on your recovery? yo, yo, yo. aflac. wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. pays you cash when you're sick or hurt? [ japanese accent ] aflac. love it. [ undehis breath ] hate it. helps you focus on getting back to normal? [ as a southern belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. you're on in 5, ck.
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[ male announcer ] when you're sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. find out more at for our so slimming jeans. meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. slim, smooth, flatter. the so slimming collection. only at chico's and backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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>> steve: a big turn of events unfolding about the crisis in syria. president obama now considering not striking syria and working with putin, the president of russia, to control syria's chemical weapons. but can we really trust russia and putin? joining us is the chairman of the homeland security committee and the ranking member of the
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committee on foreign affairs, texas congressman michael mccall. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: okay. so john kerry, whatever they're paying him, double it, 'cause he's a problem solver. everybody knows that this was a gaffe that he came up with this yesterday. but now putin's behind it. the president says this is a breakthrough. what do you think of it? >> i think this came up at the g-20 summit. remember the president went to the summit of all world leaders and was essentially snubbed. he set no leadership in the international community. with putin, he's putting forward an idea that could avert military intervention in syria. having said that, we're all very skeptical of the russians. we don't trust them normally. but i do think there is one country that can influence assad and syria to stop using these weapons and turn them over to the international community to be secured and destroyed. it's really putin. so it's in his hands to some extent. i think we should look at that issue.
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i think the president's brought us to a failed foreign policy in the middle east. he's brought this disaster to us and to a vote in congress. but i do see this as an interesting development that could possibly bring a good outcome. >> steve: i think it's curious, the president of the united states had been saying, look, we're going to have to strike syria, although mr. kerry said it would be an unbelievably small strike. the president said we'll have to strike because we've exhausted all diplomatic avenues. now fast forward 24 hours, wait a minute. there is another diplomatic avenue right over there. >> remember little wars start big wars. and unbelievably small step could be unbelievably big and disastrous and a really bad idea for america. so the idea -- the way they have this set up is once we attack and once we strike, we don't know what the consequences will be. we know cables we've intercepted from iran indicated they will attack our u.s. embassy in iraq. hezbollah will light up and at
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the same time, who are we arming here? who is our friend in this conflict, the rebel forces are hardly our friends when we know between 25 and 50% of them are constituted radical islamists jihaddists. last time i checked, we're on the eve of 9-11. i thought they were the enemy. >> steve: yeah. i saw one of the spokespersons for one of the opposition groups in syria said, forget about what they're talking about with the russians. the americans should just go ahead and strike anyway. okay. so this is obviously great for putin. he looks fantastic on the world stage. it's good for the president 'cause it gets him out of a jam. but it's good for a lot of your fellow congressmen, senators and congressmen who were going to vote -- not only is public opinion against this, but the president didn't have the votes in congress. now if this works out, they're not going to be on the hook for that. >> i think it's clear he doesn't have the votes in the house. i don't think this would pass if
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it was held today. but i do think if we can avoid a military intervention, it would further inflame the region and not be in our interest and put us in the middle of a sunni-shiite conflict supporting rebels or jihaddists, that may not be a bad option. the thing we have in common with russia and not a whole lot, but the thing 2003 is i truly don't think they want to see these chemical weapons used and the second factor is they despise these radical jihaddists. they fought them in afghanistan. they fought them in chechnya. and they fought them as a proxy in syria. so we do have some common interests there that could help in terms of negotiation. but i don't have a lot of confidence in our administration. i hope we can work something out. >> steve: let's see what the president says tonight, 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on fox. congressman mccall from texas, thank you very much. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: all right. straight ahead, you may recognize these faces. they are killers who gunned down innocent victims in cold blood.
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but there is another terrifying link. each one, addicted to violent video games. dr. keith ablow here with information every parent needs to here. first, back in 1966, this was america's number one song. ♪ it's a game of give and take ♪ [ male announcer ] running out of steam? ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle. ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page... before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time... before he could even think about planning
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for his daughters' future... mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. that's the wonder of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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>> gretchen: answer to aflac, bill o'reilly, winner, katherine savage of san antonio. congratulations. important information for all parents watching now. brand-new research suggests there is a terrifying link between video games and violent behavior. joining me, dr. keith ablow. round two. we tried to do this yesterday, we had a signal problem. you're from the fox medical a team. great to see you again. >> good to see you. >> gretchen: so let's take a look at this link between these recent teen killers and video games. the columbine shooters, virginia tech shooter, the arizona shooter, the norway shooter,
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aurora, newtown. what do you make of it? >> well, if you see anything, you start seeing, is there a link since all of these folks were addicted to violent video games. and then you pile on that during august, we heard an eight-year-old boy played grand theft auto and killed an 80-year-old woman. then you have to ask the question, is there an actual link? that question is now being asked and beginning to be answered in the affirmative that there is a link between video games that are violent and violence in the real world. >> gretchen: so you do this for a living. would you believe that you would suggest that there should be a warning, a surgeon general warning on these types of games? >> well, i do think there should be a surgeon general's warning on these games and the surgeon general, the ama, the apa, every massive medical organization has come out and said, we think there is a link. now, when you have that kind of
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data, along with a recent study that showed 130,000 people across various studies that were then looked at collectively that showed watching violent video games increases aggression and decreases empathy. that's the key. if you don't have empathy, you are free in a terrible way to do very violent things. i think it is time for that warning. this is no different than any other drug. some people are more susceptible. you could argue there are outliars like the shooters we mentioned who are affected in a special way. but that's true for any drug and everyone is at risk. >> gretchen: that's why this whole issue is so much more complicated than just gun control. there are so many other factors, mental illness, video games are just two of them. thanks so much for your time. have a great week. >> it's a pleasure. you, too. >> gretchen: coming up, president obama not getting the support he needs on syria, especially from his fellow democrats. why? we're going to ask senator joe manchin next hour. plus, it's a situation every father and daughter can relate
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to. >> what do y'all think? >> i love it. >> it's perfect. >> does she look pretty? >> dad? >> is that all of it? >> gretchen: "duck dynasty"dn't daughter here with her approved dress line [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. i knew that i could smoke for the first 7 days. i knew that i wasn't putting nicotine back into my body to try to quit. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, sp chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away
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if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. if i could describe being a nonsmoker, i would say "awesome." [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant (announcer) at scottrade, our clto make their money do (ann) to help me plan my next move, i take scottrade's free, in-branch seminars... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy. and my local scottrade office guides my learning
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. today is tuesday, september 10, 2013. each gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day with us. moments ago we learned syrian government has accepted a russian proposal to turn over its chemical weapons. really? can we really trust either of those countries? we have every angle of this story covered for you this morning. >> steve: they were only married a week. this wife under arrest accused of pushing her husband off a cliff. why the family says nobody is surprised. wait until you hear this. >> brian: situation every father and daughter can relate to. >> what do y'all think? >> i love it. it's perfect.
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doesn't she look pretty. >> is that all of it? >> brian: that's the "duck dynasty" pause. sadie here with her new dad approved dress line. she'll be taking fashion week by storm. here in manhattan. "fox & friends," final hour, unless you know something different, starts right now. >> steve: we kick off this hour with a fox news alert. 13 hours before president obama addresses the nation tonight at 9 eastern, syria has just announced they will accept russia's proposal to hand over chemical weapons. wendell goler is live at the white house with this development. wendell? >> the word comes from syria's foreign minister. it's unclear whether al assad has accepted the plan, steve. there are still enough undecided votes in the house and senate on
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the president's proposal for military action to swing the outcome either way. mr. obama is having separate lunches with the democrat and republican caucuses in the senate today. vice president biden meeting with republicans and the house. both indicate the president not only has to persuade members of congress, he still has to persuade the american public and though most people believe that the president doesn't need congressional authority to act, he suggests to chris wallace yesterday he's willing to take some time to try and get that authority. >> there was no expectation that this would be the -- the congress would be finished with its deliberations over the next week or so. i mean, clearly it's going to take more time. partly because the american people aren't convinced. >> the president suggested that time could stretch if the syrians appear to be going along with the russian proposal and put their chemical weapons under international supervision and as you said, syria's foreign minister reportedly accepted the plan today.
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but the president may say he's not going to give up the push for authority to conduct a military strike because they feel that's what's pushing the syrians and the russians, for that matter, to the bargaining table. as for the russian proposal, the president quoted ronald reagan and said trust, but verify. steve? >> steve: all right, thank you very much. >> gretchen: time to bring in laura ingraham now. i can't wait to hear what she thinks. >> this is good. >> gretchen: you need note cards to keep up with all the developments that have happened in the last 12 hours, from john kerry saying it would be an unbelievably small attack, to then saying, hey, syria can get out of this if they just give up their chemical weapons, to russia getting back into the games, to syria saying yeah, we'll give up our chemical weapons. the bottom line is the president has an escape hatch. right? >> we'll see. think of henry kissinger's shuttle diplomacy in 1973, 1975. we now have shuffle diplomacy, or stumble diplomacy.
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we stumble into these scenarios where kerry is asked a question in london yesterday and he kind of freelancing it, you know, not on a teleprompter obviously. and, well, yeah, i guess there is some scenario. and the russians are really smart. they're not our friends. they're our adversaries still, but really smart. and so when putin can pump himself up, both at home and globally and his prestooge is on the rise here clearly, he steps in and says, get this done for us. step in, i can be the hero. maybe i can even wrestle that nobel prize away from obama or they can give it to me. and suddenly he's the man of the moment. i mean, i really am trying to say this is not a partisan, because i'm not thrilled with the republican party, as you know, now for many years. but if you look at this objectively and -- if this was a product rollout for a fortune 500 company and this was your job, to sell this new product and you had performed as these people have performed over the
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past 11, 12 days, you would clearly have been fired. so my question is, why do we still have the same foreign policy team in place if there is this incompetent across the board? it's a stunner. >> brian: we just hired them. the secretary of state is brand-new to the job and we know his stumble describing the attack as so small john mccain would probably have an aneurysm. then we find all of a sudden that a little later, the state department walks back his statement -- >> of course. >> brian: he walked back his statement when he said that if they gave up all their chemical weapons, then that would be one way to avoid the attack. and then in come the russians in between. the president's got six network interviews lined up and his first answer is, it looks like i have a brand-new topic sentence. >> right. a new topic sentence, and the president at the same time has to confront all the questions and wallace asked again last night, your public support is not only not building, it's eroding. so the more kerry goes out, the more you have the testimony on
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capitol hill, you send out poor general dempsey and susan rice. >> brian: and hagel was way out of his depth. >> great choice. it's embarrassing! >> gretchen: john kerry should get a quadruple raise today because whether you believe it was a gaffe or not or planned, he's taking president obama off the hook! now president obama can come out tonight and say, you know what? i rethought this whole thing. i did discuss this with putin at the g-20 summit. i can only reveal it to you now. what we discussed and we're going to go with diplomacy instead of a strike. takes him out of the hands of congress, giving him a big fat no and it takes him out of the hands of the american public, 80% to 20. >> the president's approval raiding today is under water, obviously. he's lost huge ground and just his rating on foreign policy. this is an example of what happens when a community organizer who is used to doing the razzle dazzle with oprah and all of his celebrities thinks by
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just through the shear force of personality and magnetism, he can somehow change the chess pieces on the board. when you're dealing with someone like russia, it's a great world power, even with all of the struggles or china, this is not something that you can just stumble into. this is something that has to be incredibly well thought out and from the beginning it was not. this lifeline that they're getting from putin, i don't know how real it is. i don't know if we want to trust this. it does not do anything to rescue obama. i think he would like it to, but i think he looks ridiculous. >> brian: one thing, in the syrians were shooting at the weapons inspectors two weeks ago. now they're going to welcome them in to take out their tons of chemical weapons? >> steve: it's over there in the barn. >> brian: the reason we were attacking them is because they used them. not because they had them. when they had them, we didn't say anything. they used them was the problem. so we take them out because of the threat of military force. are we to believe we're going to get all of it?
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are we going to believe the u.n. will get all of it? >> again, with great sadness, this is so heart breaking for a world power like the united states of america to have a foreign policy team in place led by a president who is i don't know, otherwise occupied or just not that interested in this, i don't know. to have stumbled into the crisis with the red line, then deny you said the red line, then to stumble into a solution? i guess we could say this makes obama look good, but i think that -- >> gretchen: i'm not saying it makes him look good. i'm saying that for this moment in time, it takes him out of a huge problem of having congress vote this thing down. >> steve: i tell you what, and we kind of got a taste of it last night when he did the round robin with all of the network anchors. >> that was really convincing. >> steve: it was. he made it clear that the reason we're where we're at, even though we know we've stumbled into this, is because the threat of force by the united states and what he has done with his
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personal relationship with putin, which is really funny. anyway, here is chris wallace with the president late yesterday talking about how the president now essentially is trying to take credit. >> this is something that is not new. i've been discussing this with president putin for some time now. the last time we were at 9 g-20 meeting in loss coo boase last year, i suggested the need for the united states and russia to work together to deal with this problem. it doesn't solve the end of the line syrian conflict. but if we can solve this chemical weapons issue. >> steve: here this comes on where they had this new solution where let's talk about this on the same day that assad threatened repercussions and i've got allies who are going -- if you do anything, america, this is going to happen to you. same day. we just look silly. we look weak. >> well, i think, again, the president, i guess that's all he could say is look, vladimir and
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i have been talking about this for a long time. in fact, when i mentioned that added flexibility we were going to have after the election, this is, in fact, what i meant, that in a situation like this, i'd be flexible and nimble and would be able to move with the times and get ahead of the story. i guess you could sell it that way. maybe, i don't know, jeffrey katzenberg will believe that or oprah. i mean, that stuff you say in the movies. >> brian: joe biden just called in to the show and said to secretary of state kerry, be more careful. >> when you're making assad look like he's really well-spoken, i mean, he's not the brightest light in the drawer. and then putin looks like the peace maker, i mean, the world is upside down. i'm agreeing with dennis kucinich these days. this is wild. >> brian: his therapist will refuse tsee you. >> i got to get an extra appointment. >> gretchen: what do you expect the president to say tonight, because the speech writers are on overdrive. >> get rid of the draft! >> gretchen: they were up all
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night. i think the president had a good night of sleep because he's off the automatic, in my mind. what do you think he will say? >> i think he'll say look, things are changing quickly.s ud tough action. we have the greatest military on the face of the earth. we are going to continue to lead the global community and talk to all the players. but ultimately i have work to do and i think he's going to concede he lost public opinion, which he did kind of yesterday. >> brian: i think he'll thank both senators for their support and the two house members. >> he's going to do a shout out to mccain and lindsey graham and maybe he'll look out and say, hey, guy, maybe next time we'll be able to use that military force. sorry about that. >> steve: laura, sorry we had nothing to talk about today. >> a slow day. >> gretchen: now the other quick stories making headlines. woman behind bars accused of killing her husband just one week after their wedding. friends say no one is surprised. he had second thoughts with tying the knot. the two went hike not guilty
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montana after the wedding when graham reportedly shoved her husband off the cliff. graham has a different story. she says he grabbed her arm and when she fought back, he fell. no word on why it took her five days to report the so-called accident. overnight, escaped prisoner who led police on a manhunt through detroit is behind bars. officers caught him after getting a tip. investigators believe he was trying to hitchhike. he escaped earlier in the day while being escorted to court. he was going to receive a 15-year sentence for carjacking. he stabbed a deputy with a comb carved into a weapon. that deputy was not seriously hurt. afghan translator targeted by the taliban for saving an american soldier's life is moving to america now. the man was just officially granted a u.s. visa. he's charged into enemy fire to help dakota myer rescue a wounded soldier. myer wound for the afghan man, tied up in bureaucratic red tape for two years. >> these guys have done so much,
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i can't tell you how many times an interpreter has kept me out of a bad situation probably saved lives. so i mean, you keep doing this and people are going to stop helping you. >> gretchen: he could arrive state side as soon as next month. those are your headlines. >> steve: we're going to take a quick time out. straight ahead, democrats in congress running fast from the president's plan to strike syria. one of them, senator joe manchin, he is live when we come back. he'll chat with gretchen. >> brian: and did you see this? watch. as vince gill confronts protesters from the westborough baptist church. >> i came to see what hate looked like. (bleep). >> brian: it only gets better from there. we'll explain and play it. ♪ as your life changes, fidelity is there r your personal economy, helping you readjust along the way, refocus as careers change
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can we actually trust this deal? russia, syria? anyone? joining us, democratic senator joe manchin of west virginia. good to see you. >> how are you? >> gretchen: well, my head is spinning because this whole syrian situation keeps changing. you need note cards to keep up with it in the last 12 hours. where do you stand on it now? i know you were against any kind of strike. you were going to submit some kind of a bill, along the same lines of what's now happened. right? >> exactly. we drafted it, myself and heidi heitkamp, senator from north dakota. drafted it last thursday. we kept looking for an option. that's all we asked for. we had no option. it was either vote for the strike or not vote for the strike, which basically could have the ultimate effect of weakening the office of the presidency and the united states. we didn't want that. an option was diplomacy. if chemical weapons was a core factor of we are at the brink of car, shouldn't we try to secure the weapons? the strike would not secure
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them. no boots on the ground, so you can't secure them. but if you give them a reasonable period of time to comply, to sign and start complying with a chemical weapons commission and our resolution says 45 days, if you don't, then the united states government has the result to use whatever power it has. >> gretchen: senator, we know from past experience, when you look at iran and the united nations has done that many times and you look at iraq and what was going on there. they say they're going to do it, but come on, can we really trust syria to do that? >> i'm not saying we trust syria. basically if you have the international community, we were trying to go it alone. we had nobody else with us. even this morning, france said they were going to introduce a resolution to the u.n. and start that process. so we didn't have them. so we have to reach out to the international community. the chemical weapons commission has 191 countries that are cosigners. so why not use that force of the international community to put the pressure on? don't just let russia or count on russia taking the lead. >> gretchen: and a lot of people are wondering that today.
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did we hand the ball to russia in this? >> no. >> gretchen: what is president obama's political strategy on this? do you know? >> first of all, i applaud president obama for coming to congress. can you imagine the pressure he's had on him to strike and do what you want to do and do what you -- >> gretchen: that's why he's president. senator, come on. that is why he's president of the united states, to take decisions like that and to come to congress, you know, we can debate whether or not that was courageous, the right thing odorant. but it looks like he was going to get a big fat no from congress on this vote and now he's been given a lifeline by a supposed gaffe by his secretary of state. how do you see it? >> let me say this, a super power is more than just someone who has super military power to do whatever you want in the world. you have to have super negotiating, super diplomacy. you have to have super patience and most importantly, you have to have super humanitarian aid when needed. >> gretchen: does this administration have that? >> i believe so. they showed that right now, gretchen, by basically not doing what all these guys have told him to do. i believe that we need to have a
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resolve to this and get chemical weapons, this horrible, horrible weapon, off the shelf and get it away from syria. this is moving in that direction. why are they going to say they're going to do it and then not do it? >> gretchen: that's exactly what the president did. the president said he was going to strike and then he changed his story, then he said he was going to go to congress. then he changed his story and had john kerry, gaffe or not, say we were going to ask them to give up their chemical weapons. and now many americans might actually watch the president tonight to see what is he going to say? what do you think he'll say? >> here is the thing. this can't be made political and shouldn't be partisan right now. i days agreed with it, the approach they took. i disagreed openly. i looked for a better option. i looked across the aisle to my friends on the republican side and democrat side. put america first. put politics to the side. we tried o do that and have a great resolution right now. i hope that he listens to congress. he sees he doesn't have the support. i had 4,000 phone calls in three days. >> gretchen: you and many others. >> only 40 people supported it. >> gretchen: i know. and senator, you're trying to get something done up there on
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capitol hill. all the best. we'll wait and see what the president has to say. >> thank you. >> gretchen: thanks. the situation every father can relate to, sadie is going to be here with her prom dresses love, warmth. here, try this. mm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. down to a science. you're the reason we reformulated one a day women's. a complete multivitamin that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy. energy support for the things that matter. that's one a day women's.
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and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family.
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>> brian: fox business alert. apple unveiling the brand-new iphone today. wonder if it will be any good. and fox's robert gray is scrambled at apple headquarters in california. what's going to happen today, robert? what are we going to see? >> brian, the event is entitled, this will brighten your day. they're hoping it will brighten their bottom line as well. in 4 1/2 hours time, the iphone 5 will be, well, so last year. they're coming out expected to be the iphone 5 s, an update, not necessarilyúukgrade. it will have a new operating system, more memory, all
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expected at theçó same prices. that's been the case thus far we've seen with apple and upgrades and refreshes every year so far.ñr you're also expected to see a less expensive version known as the 5 c, in the press anyway, for cheap, also forñr china. it will be lessñi expensive. plastic instead of metal and have moreçóñiñiñr colors. hence the name of the tile, the 5 s may have fingerprint sensoró on the home8ñ button. that would allow you maybe to notñi remember so many passwords out there. help you with some secure shopping as well and other payment systems. we'll have to wait andñi see. it's all going ám happen behind me atñ few hours. brian, back to you. >> brian: they'll tell you and we'll whisper it to the rest of the country. thanks. >> we will. >> gretchen: for many parents, what their tantsçó lead to a heatedñr debate. >> say you got nominated for homecoming court and i couldn't be prouder. she's really following in her old man's footsteps. >> okay. what do y'all think? >> iymñri] love it.
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>> it's perfect. >> doesn't she look pretty? >> dad? >> is that all of it? it's just my daughter is dressed up like she's 13 going on 20. this looks a little short to me. >> gretchen: sadie robertson fought that battle with her dad on the hit show "duck dynasty." >> steve: sadie is here today to introduce her own line of prom dresses. they debuted last night in new york's fashion week and down at the end we have sherry, the designer. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> steve: was it like that where your dad says where is the rest of the dress? >> yes, sir. it's always like that. has to be daddy approved. >> brian: so you have to be an entrepreneur and you took action. >> yes, sir. >> brian: what did you come up with? >> me and sherry came together and we made a daddy approved prom dress line called -- the theme is live original. >> steve: so these are all willie approved? >> they are. >> steve: how does si feel about them? >> you never know what si feels. >> gretchen: we saw him yesterday. we're still trying to figure it
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out. sherry, you've been doing this forbears and years, making gowns for pageant contestants and proms. was this more of your style mixed in with sadie's or was it her designs? >> sadie came into our showroom one day and went through the entire line, it probably took us the whole day, trying on dresses, choosing her favorites, and sort of put her stamp on them. >> steve: we did bring a couple of -- here you are last night. >> brian: wow. >> steve: the show at trump tower. beautiful. so it is fashion week. so in addition to last night's show, you're going to put on a show for us right now. we have three lovely ladies with dresses. sherry, tell us about our first contestant. what's she wearing? >> kaitlyn is wearing a cocktail dress, lace and toulle. the little surprise here is that it is backless, but very decent. >> steve: let me talk to a fellow father on the set. brian, is that daddy approved to you? >> brian: as long as you can give it back on.
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i'm only kidding. that looks fantastic. >> steve: thank you very much. >> gretchen: the next dress, i saw this on the runway from last night. is it in now to sort of have the big toulle skirts again? n this is a original line. we do 300 gowns per line. every girl has her look. this is one of the looks that girls are choosing. >> steve: that's your sister, isn't it? >> that's trial my best friend. >> steve: finally? >> i love this dress. one of my favorites in the line. it's so cute and it's so different and so original to me. >> brian: what went into this one? >> this one is chiffon with lace and embellished the bodyice. >> steve: i don't know. >> brian: that's what i thought. >> steve: you know, to me, that looks like it could almost be too short. what level do you say, that's too short and that's just right? >> we have to check with willie on that. [ laughter ] >> steve: he's watching right
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now. i can bet you a dollar. >> brian: sadie, i don't want to give you ideas, but maybe next year, pocket. >> yes. we do have some dresses with pockets. already on it. >> brian: all right. >> gretchen: he thought he was stumping you and you got it. >> brian: i was ready to be co- designer. >> gretchen: let me ask you about the print. are floral prints on a big surge? >> lace, floral, everything very feminine. girls want to be pretty for the >> steve: where can we buy these? >> at stores across the country. they're listed on our web site. >> steve: ladies, thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> gretchen: good luck! coming up, bikers planning to honor those who lost their lives on september 11, turned away. they couldn't get a permit. so what they're doing about it coming up next. >> brian: then an accident you have to see to believe. >> crew members fell off the boat. would you believe it? there is -- >> brian: wow. so did the team leave him behind? did he have a life jacket on? did the team end up winning? so many questions. we only have 30 minutes to answer them
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having what you want on the network you rely on. that's powerful. verizon. upgrade to the new moto x by motorola with zero down payment.
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high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good! >> man, you are eye candy. [ laughter ] whoa. you're the prettiest woman i've ever seen. are you a model?
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>> nope, i'm going to be right here with you. you eat the cracker. >> who are you? what's your name? >> my name is candace. i'm your wife. >> you're my wife? >> yeah. >> holy (bleep) [ laughter ] >> steve: it is your shot of the morning, call it love at second sight. doped up apparently on too much morphine after surgery, this guy didn't even recognize his own wife. the video proving to be a big hit on-line as he tries to appear -- it appears, pick up his wife there at the hospital. i wonder what he's on. >> gretchen: morphine. >> steve: got to be something else. >> gretchen: yeah. kind of scary, actually. kind of creepy. okay. i hope he was okay after that. let's talk a little bit about what's going on in washington, d.c. tomorrow because it is, of course, the september 11 anniversary and there is going to be the million muslim march, which has been renamed to something else and so some bikers wanted to honor 9-11 in
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their own way. but they were not allowed to get a permit because it would have tied up a lot of police officers being able to take them along the path. they're going to do it anyway. >> brian: yeah. they're going to go and say sorry, it will make a lot of noise and take a lot of time. we're going to make traffic even worse. we're going to follow the lights and signs, but we're going right to washington, d.c. and honor those onçó 9-11. >> steve: if youñi monitor the internet, you know there is"q outrage over this becauseñi peoe are going across the country, wait a minute. why did the once upon a time known (g the million muslim march nowñr known as the million americansñi against fearñr rall, why did they get iñr permitñr d then the 2 million bikers to dc rally did not? apparently, and there is one of the things theyñrñrñrçó putñfi i don'tñiñi need -- you can read t along. >> brian: we don't need no stinking permit. we have the constitutionalñr rit and wexd shall ride. because you can't stop people from riding a motorcycleçó throh the capitol of the country. they're going to do it.
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be a manpower thing. it takes a lot of cops to be able to stop traffic every single stoplight and stop sign for these rallies and one did get the permit. the other did not. if facebook likes areñr any indication of how many peopleçó are -- >> brian: that's how i decide what to do. >> steve: for the formerly known as million muslim march, they have 141 likes on-line, whereas the 2 million bikers to dc has 56,000 likes. more people like that on facebook.çó >> brian: right. muslim march onñi 9-11. hard to get momentum behind that. >> steve: yeah. >> gretchen: the other stories making headlines, this one has d loázof people questioning how one dad could be in trouble with the law. facing charges after heñr beat autopsy man who was peeking into his daughter's bedroom in new mexico. and get this, he could get a longer sentence than the man who did the peeping. the dad faces third degree felony charges, could could land him in jail for up to three
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years. the intruder may get one to two years. crazy. >> brian: we've heardñ)rj before and it's still happening. release gitmo prisoners back on the battlefield. yep. they decide not to go to rehab. they go right to pick me autopsy gun. the director of national intelligence quietly releasing these stats. 100 out of the 603 former gitmo prisoners reengaged in terrorist activity. and 74 suspected of returning to terror. that's up from the last report, six months ago. so for those who say why not let them go, that's why. plus people lose their lives apprehending them. >> steve: that's right. stunning admission on the howard stern radio show. howard's side kick of 30 years, robin quivers, has been battling cancer for the past 15 months. but she is now back and she's explaining where she's been. >> about three months ago i go into my doctor's office. she just looks at everything and goes, you're cured. >> fully cured? >> you're done, she goes, you're cured. >> steve: what good news.
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the 61-year-old had a tumor the size ofçó a grapefruit in her pelvis, which spread to several organs. she underwent months of radiation and chemotherapy. she's been co-hosting from home the entire time. but because they had fiber optic line at her home, it sounded like she was right there in the studio with howard. she wasn't. but she will be soon. >> gretchen: did you see this? vince gill confronting protesters from the westborough baptist church before his concert in kansas city. >> vince gill, what in the world are you doing out eie? >> i just came to see wh(k hate looked like. >> more importantly what, are you doing with another man's wife? >> i came out to see what hatred really looked like. >> don't you know that divorce is adultery. >> he said a lot of stuff about forgiveness and grace. you guys don't is any of it. >> gretchen: the country star split with his first wife in 1998. he's been married to singer amy
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grant for the past 13 years. those are your headlines. >> steve: let's switch gears. let's talk about some football. there was a bunch of it last night. >> brian: yeah. two games of monday night football to kick off the first week of the season. chargers and texans, they went at it. they have been saving for the best for the last week. i tell you what, because the chargers jumped off to a 21-point lead against the texans. heavily favored. into the fourth quarter, houston comes all the way back. this 41-yarder to break san diego's back and leave the chargers fans crying. houston wins. 9 big game, washington, d.c robert griffith iii decides he can play again despite an acl, taking on the eagles. eagles with the brand-new offense, look fantastic. they open up a wide lead and held off and held on to beat the redskins 33-27. now to tennis. raphael nadal in the men's final. it was a great one. fourth straight time these two were facing each other.
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a short rally. nadal wins wins in four sets. this is his 13th grand slam title and the second one this year. terrifying accident before the first race of the america's cup final. the whole thing is caught on camera. >> one of the three members fell off the boat. would you believe it? there is a man -- there he goes, a man overboard incident. that is joey newson right there. if you missed it. here he goes. >> brian: how would they do without him is the big story? larry ellisson is rich and owns oracle. he sponsored the team. they had to compete with ten men. they came in second in the race. >> steve: sailing is dangerous. an america's cup crew member was killed a couple of months ago. >> brian: it's expensive, it's dangerous, and rewarding. >> steve: there you go. >> gretchen: coming up, take a look at this. what in the world is that flying over the baseball game? it is not the goodyear blimp.
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>> steve: is president obama about to declare victory in syria? what? peter johnson, jr. will explain how he could do just that tonight.
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>> gretchen: a look at videos trending. fans at a baseball game in canada spotted what looked like a ufo. a newspaper called it a cosmic intervention because after it appeared the home team went on to win the game. experts say it was probably just a light up kite or something more mysterious, like a small drone. this puppy proving the art of catch doesn't come naturally. finding it nearly impossible to catch cheerios in her mouth. the world's largest lingerie
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show coming back. angels ready to strut their stuff in december. >> steve: fox news alert, syria now accepting russia's proposal and agreeing to give upñi contrl of their chemical weapons. does that mean president obama will declare victory in tonight's prime time address? maybe, says fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. >> good morning, steve. i think he will declare victory. i don't think it will be a well-won victory because this has been an accidental foreign policy at best. the presidentñr improvising, thn seeking to bring american force to bear. congress, the american people, basically saying no. the vote put off. putin and russia then step in and saying, oh, no, no, we can help you out here. the same people that are providing billions of dollars of weapons to syria are the same people that have been defending them in the u.n. for years, the same people blocking u.n. activity for years have now become the world's savior in terms of peace. what the president will do
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tonight, i believe, is reaffirm republican principles, republican presidential principles in foreign policy. he will really invoke the spirit of bush and reagan tonight.çó peace through strength. american exceptionalism and moral superiority in the world and the revolutionary spirit of 1776 where we go to the side of rebels, where we go to the side of the oppressed, where we stand up and they will claim that their conduct caused the u.n. now to intervene and step back. the truth is, we won't know for years about these chemical weapons and we won't be able to determine whether they've been stopped. the own thing stopping them is russia today saying to assad, back off, assad. >> steve: sure. putin looks like, okay, he's the statesman. he's got the diplomatic solution. all i can say is if you're right and if the president does quote reagan and bush, he's in a lot of people if he's doing that. >> unfortunately, he is in a lot
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of trouble in terms of the perception of the american people. we want our president to be strong and america to be successful. now he stepped out on this speech in which he says he was going to be going to congress and the american people seeking authorization to enter into war. and today he has the speech. what does he say? he needs to declare victory, in my mind, and go back to the principles that americans do believe in, american exceptionalism and peace through strength. he can't say that he claimed the moral superiority high ground and kind of dissed the american people, but he's going to go in there as really as if nothied ao start all over again and because of their conduct, the u.n. is acting. it's a big, big accident. i think the american people are probably -- have a big sigh of relief this morning because they were not for this war. democrats and republicans. >> steve: that's right. and even though it was a gaffe, it sounds like, i'm sure the president is going to take credit for it. you watch. by tomorrow. >> as long as america stays
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strong, that's what we care about. >> steve: peter, thank you. by the way, the president's address will be exactly 12 hours and 12 minutes from right now. what happens when cops and firefighters hit the football field? we're about to find out when we meet the finest team. first, we got a fine team that takes over at 9:00 o'clock eastern time every day. oh, is hemmer part of it? >> steve, we have an unbelievably big show today. >> steve: after our unbelievably long three-hour show. >> listen, good morning to you. what in the world was happening in the world? the syrian story is changing by the hour. the latest on a terrific group of guests to take you through all of this today. also a 22-year-old man drives drunk, kills a man, confesses on-line. today he enters a plea. we'll talk to his attorney about that. mitt romney said it was 47%. he was not too far off, folks. we'll explain that when martha and i join you at the top of the hour, just 11 minutes away [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil.
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>> brian: time tired of talking about the nfl and people getting paid to play a game that they absolutely love, but become millionaires. time to reach people and talk to people who do it for the love of the game and love of the police department, the fire department. they are called the finest. that's what they do for a living. they are with the nypd, but also play in a great football league and this football league is -- they do it for free, represent the fire department. joining us now, the featured guests on being the finest documentary, fox sports 1, tony hernandez, pete lazar. welcome to awful you. >> thank you. >> brian: you look like players, but first and foremost. >> police officers. >> brian: police officers.
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pete, why play this game for free in your spare time? >> i mean, it's a brotherhood that we have, camaraderie and i love playing with everybody on the team. >> brian: in this documentary, mike, we get a chance to see what? >> you get to see the sacrifices that everybody makes to be a part of this team, whether it be changing your schedule at work, rearranging your home life. you get to see the dedication that each member of this team shows. >> brian: the big game every year is against the fdny. >> fire department. >> brian: here is a clip of the documentary. you voice this over. you're the general manager of the team. let's look. >> when loved ones pass on, traditionally people drop off flowers. they send mass cards. they call and say, you know, we're sorry. joe was our brother. he was our family. we're cops and we're football players. we don't send cards. we don't send flowers. we hit like freight trains.
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we tackle and make the ground shake. >> brian: that is joe. what happened to him? >> he was tragically killed in a car accident at the beginning of our season. >> brian: he was on your team? >> he was. he was one of the members of the finest. he played for us for five years. this would have been his sixth season. we preach family on this team and he truly was one of our brothers. still is. >> brian: wow. you guys truly do it for the love of the game and you have tony, joe. fox sports put their finest with the finest. what's that like? >> very exciting. our team has never been a part of something like this. it's great that -- no one around the country knows that there is even a national public safety football league. so it's great that they started following us and everybody gets a taste of what we get to do. >> brian: coming up on 9-11, pete, i remember we flipped a coin at giants stadium, the old giants stadium when the fdny played the nypd. what is it like for you, especially what tomorrow means?
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>> it means a big deal. my friends are excited and my family is. i know the whole team is excited. this is a big deal to us. everybody gets to see the team and how we play and what we stand for and how we represent the city, first and foremost. and our fellow comrades and co-workers on the department. >> brian: we'll be watching on new york 1. the next great sports network, it will be tonight at 9:00 o'clock. mike, you've seen a preview. tony, you voiced t. what was it like? >> amazing. they did a great job. they depicted the team very well. >> brian: got to watch. they still do it for the love of the game. being the finest is the name of the documentary. fox sports 1. thanks for coming down. pete, i'm going to wrestle you in the after the show show. is that all right? >> come on. >> brian: all right. back in a moment is this the bacon and cheese diet?
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lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. >> steve: tomorrow is an historic day. september 11, to me on this program, ray kelly will be joining us live. top police officer in new york city. rudy guiliani, who was mayor that day. and gene simmons, who in addition to being a great musician is a patriot as well. >> brian: right. in the after the show show, you'll hear more about the finest. great documentary out and these wonderful football players do it for the love of the game and for the pride of the police department. right? pete, if we have time, do you want to try to tackle me? let's pretend it's open field. we're out of time? what a shame. >> gretchen: you got 30 seconds. >> brian: okay. wait, maria blocking me.
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ready? go ahead. >> steve: you're using her as a human shield. >> gretchen: take him! you're dead. have a great day, everyone. see you tomorrow. >> brian: i got to go. bye, guys. watch the documentary. bill: morning everybody, 9:00 here in new york. fox news alert. there has been a sunning turnaround in the syrian crisis by the hour, every hour for the past 20 four hours and from talks of military force to possible diplomacy. only moments ago, syria says it accept as russian plan to put its chemical weapons under international control as president obama gets set to address the nation later tonight in prime time. our heads are spinning. you're not alone. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to "america's newsroom." how are you doing, partner? martha: very interesting. very interesting. good morning, everybody, i'm martha maccallum. moments ago the white house is saying the president will still use this opportunity tonight to


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