tv FOX and Friends FOX News September 13, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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the bad. a cat trying to pull a fast one on a dog stretching out its paw there to get its paw in some food. finally the ugly. united airlines accidentally giving away plane tickets five bucks. airlines blame a computer glitch but says they'll honor them. >> "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day. >> bye. >> good morning. it is friday, september 13, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for seven years of sharing your time with us. we begin with a fox news alert. an american consolate under attack this morning. terrorists setting off several car bombs opening fire on americans in afghanistan. we're live overseas with the breaking details for you. >>steve: another fox news alert. we are followingçó dozens of businesses just rebuilt after hurricane sandy last year, now a pile of ashes after fire tore across a famous jersey shore boardwalk. we are live on the scene in moments. >>brian: a school
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assignment on 9/11 is sparking outrage. >> she told me, mom, the teacher wants us to write a letter like we were stuck in the towers or on the plane. then she showed me the paper. >>brian: start debating kids. these students were asked to pretend to be 9/11 victims. what do you think about that? we'll examine and look at the controversy because "fox & friends" first hour of three, we believe, starts right now. ♪ ♪ >>steve: the first of three hours, you believe? i'm pretty positive. >>brian: i like to tease. >>gretchen: the unpredictability is what made this show so fun for me for seven years. today is my last day so a big thank you to the two men sitting on the couch with me. we're going to look at some things that happened over the last seven years. i do want to say, however,
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thank you for that sound effect, that i do think it is somewhat of a good thing that i never once overslept. [applause] >>brian: fantastic. >>gretchen: not that i always looked good every morning. >>steve: you always look good. >>gretchen: or not that i always felt good every morning. but three alarms set every night, and somehow i always made it here. and thank you so much to all the vi there. >>steve: as billy crystal said on "saturday night live," it is better to look good than feel good. >>gretchen: trust me, there were many mornings that was true for me. fox news alert breaking news overnight. taliban terrorists attack a u.s. consolate in afghanistan with guns, suicide vests. all american personnel luckily are safe. at least two afghans were killed, though, after two car bombs went offer. taliban taking responsibility. we're live in london with the latest. >> the u.s. consolate in herat was one of those
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closed protectively amid security threats last month. the attacks came this morning between 5:30 and 6 a.m. and it was afghan security personnel killed. no american counselors would have been at their offices at that time. there are conflicting reports about what happened. the state department believes the suicide vehicle and the attackers came up and the gunfire started before theç explosions. the afghan security forces on the ground say that the bombs went off first and then the fighting happened. there were two car bombs involved, two afghan police officers and the attackers were killed. a state department spokesman says -- quote -- "we are grateful for the quick response of the afghan and isap security forces who secured the facility andñi kept our personnelçó safe. herat is in western afghanistan, vewtçó close to iran. it is a prettqi well developed city and hasñi been relatively calm until now.
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increasingly it is the entire country of afghanistan that has been attacks ah.d withdrawal of u.s. forces next year and taliban spokesman -- taliban having claimed responsibility for this attack -- said that american targets are always the ones that we are after. gretchen, steve, brian? >>steve: thanks very much. i wonder if initially the intended target date could have been september 11. something went hey -- went haywire, they had to delay it a day. >>brian: could have been. >>gretchen: to another fox news alert, a massive fire destroys at least six blocks of a new jersey boardwalk, a community hit hard by superstorm sandy and still struggling to recover. amy earhart on the scene. >> we're being told the fire is under control at this point. you can see the fire fighters and truck behind me. they're still trying to
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douse the fire with water this morning, andçó we're being told that's to prevent the hot spots or thexdçdireñi from flaring up again. we've noticed they'veñiçó focused on the end of this building here. this is where it all started. this is seaside park. it started here at 2:30çç5 yesterday afternoon at a custard shop on the other side of this building. it spread north about two mtv reality showñi "jerseykoñió shore" was filmed. thisçóxdñi morningñiñi áqatñiçór ñiñrjzçó açyóñr september, there's been a hugeçó fire. and we'reñr being told thatñr uúkxdr destroyed here. the governor wasñiixc3z oef2 hi decd)$%9 emergency and that he physically became ill when he learned of this. he talked to his staff last night. 12 fire fighters are being treated with smoke inhalation. no serious injuries there.
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one of the fire fighters happens to own one of the arcades, and he said last year we got the perfect storm. this year we got the perfect fire. last year that storm rolled through october 30, the night before halloween. and it looks like this halloween they're faced with rebuilding all over again. back to you, steve, brian and gretchen. >>brian: an exasperated governor christie. thanks so much as ainsley scrambled quickly to be there. he was speaking again from the heart. and i cannot believe we just helped rebuild this place. after all the blood, sweat and tears that went into it to get it standing up again, and it's all burning up. >>steve: that's the same area where the roller coaster famously went into the water last year. they were able to open this summer 15 of the 19 rides on the casino pier. the fire was so big -- and keep in mind the water mains there still affected by sandy. they had to pump water out of a bay to fight that fire
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yesterday, and they continue today. >>gretchen: more headlines. in the news today, a montana newly wed accused of pushing her husband off a cliff a week after tying the knot free pending trial. she will be under house arrest and will have to undergo a mental health evaluation. one of her friends said the young bride was having second thoughts about marrying cody johnson and that's what they might have been arguing about before he died. we learned at his funeral she was texting the whole time apparently. while you were sleeping thousands of people forced to evacuate their homes in boulder. overnight water backed up at the mouth of boulder canyon, debris and mud coming off the mountains. another missing in the colorado flooding. the rain not expected to let up any time soon. last night president obama signed an emergency declaration freeing federal aid and allowing federal emergency management agency, fema, to coordinate disaster relief efforts in
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that state. this is not a game. those words coming from secretary of state john kerry as he meets with russia's foreign minister to figure out how to disarm chemical weapons. he rejected president assad's request for a 30-day period to turn over information for a chemical stockpile. >> expectations are high, high for the united states. perhaps even more so for russia to deliver on the promise of this moment. this is not a game. >>gretchen: the united states says it has overwhelming evidence assad's forces did use poison gas to kill 1,400 people. u.s. reports will be released monday. >> last night kate made an appearance since becoming a mama. take a look. their baby, prince george, was home with his nanny. the 71-year-old is the same nanny who looked after
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william and harry when they were boys. that is really special. those are your headlines. >>steve: meanwhile let's talk about controversy down in alvin, texas. >>brian: are you talking about fair view junior high? >>steve: apparently one of the arts teachers gave an assignment for september 11. it was a homework assignment where you essentially pretend you were in the twin towers or on a plane; you were not going to make it out alive. the exact quote was if you knew you were about to die, who you would to be the last person you would talk to. write a letter to that person. what would you want them to know? please give a lot of thought to this letter. a number of of the parents, like kate right here, upset. >> they were supposed to pretend they are in the twin towers or on the plane and not going to make it out. this is their goodbye letter. it was almost like reading a letter like -- almost like a suicide note. she said the teacher wants us to write a letter like
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we were stuck in the towers or on the plane. she showed me the paper and i thought it was ridiculous. >>brian: the school says we sincerely apologize to any of our families -- see the full screen. of any of our families. they found this activity to be insensitive as educators strived to meet the individual needs of students. what they're saying is it is insensitive for 9/11. it was a teacher trying to get kids to be reflective even though the parent interviewed said i don't want her to lose her job, but we've got to be aware this is outrageous. >>gretchen: it has to do, i think, with the age of the kid. seventh grade. i don't know about all the other parents out there. but from time to time i have difficulty getting my kids to sleep. they have nightmares. they're concerned about school things. they're nervous. they have anxiety. to add this to the mix, i can only imagine if this came home to my house i would have two kids who weren't going to bed at night because there would be so many unanswered
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questions. there's a way they could learn about 9/11 and not learn about it in this way that they personally feel like they're going to die. >>steve: that is a great point of view. the other point of view might be these kids are about to go into high school. a lot of these kids weren't even born at the time of 9/11. i know for all of us and our generation, we all lived through it, it is still a raw thing. you know, i remember an assignment like this in high school. we had assignments like this in college as well. i think maybe it's okay for kids to be reflective of something bigger than themselves. it teaches them compassion and it allows them to -- >>brian: what you're saying, if the assignment said pretend as if you knew you had a terminal illness and you had to speak to one last person for one last time, who would it be and how? you would not have had a problem with that assignment? >>gretchen: pretend like you're going to go away to another land or something like that. i just think with young kids it brings up -- they're scared of death to begin with. >>steve: sure.
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adults are scared of death. >>gretchen: even my kids seeing 9/11 talked about over the last few days had a lot of questions. was i born when that happened. mommy, why did that happen? why do they hate america? >>brian: why do you think we're not learning the teacher's name? >>steve: i didn't see it. i would be curious. i would love to read my kid's letter. i would love to read the letter they wrote if you were, you know, as they reflect upon the lives that they had led so far. because they weren't born or, like gretch, you talked about how your kids had questions about were you alive and stuff like that, it would almost be -- a parallel would be tell the story. let's say it's pearl harbor day, december 7, back in the 1940's and you were on one of those ships. if you had a chance to write a letter. now some people have a problem with the fact that it was on september 11, the actual day. i kind of get that. but what do you think about it otherwise?
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>>brian: tweet us because gretch is now tweeting. >>gretchen: it is my last day tweeting for "fox & friends." gcarlsontv. >>brian: peter strong armed you. you can write us through the whole show. tell us do you think the teacher should be fired? do you think she should be given a raise? 0r do you think the parents are overreacting. >>steve: at what age do you say it is appropriate for kids to be talking about this stuff. meanwhile, 13 minutes after the top of the hour on friday the 13th. the white house convincing union leaders to tone down complaints about obamacare by offering sweetheart deals and special subsidies. is that fair? stuart varney, i've got a feeling, is about to say no. >>brian: and hopefully more than just no. >>gretchen: it's an accident out of hollywood. nicole kidman knocked over by a bicycleer.
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but this was no accident. coming up. ♪ ♪ssed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. for our so slimming jeans. meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. slim, smooth, flatter. the so slimming collection. only at chico's and before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page... before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time... before he could even think about planning for his daughters' future... mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. that's the wonder of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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for a body in motion. >>brian: after rallying for obamacare unions are having a change of heart. the afl-cio slammed the plan saying some workers might not be able to keep their coverage and doctors because the agency's implementation plans will be highly disruptive substantially changing coverage available for millions. the white house offering unions special dealings to keep their support. stuart varney is here to weigh in. where was the union when they rolled this thing out and they just blindly supported it? >> the unions were vigorously supporting obamacare. they loved it. richard trunka on tape saying this is on tape. we pushed for this. we want this. total reversal. watch out. there is a meeting this afternoon. 3:35 eastern time, the roosevelt room at the white house. the president is there, the
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vice president is there, trunka is there, labor leaders are there. closed doors. no press. this is a very big deal. >>brian: the president made it clear to the leadership of these unions, trunka in particular, i don't like the criticism coming my way. do something about it. >> the background here is that the unions are getting really messed up by obamacare. >>brian: because it is a cadillac plan. >> they are going to tax generous health care plans. obamacare taxes those nice plans. unions offer generous plans. they're going to be taxed. that's going to hurt their membership. they're already declining. obamacare could kill some of them off. so they come out and the unions say this is highly disruptive. we want changes. so now there is a big meeting in the white house this afternoon. watch out, brian. this administration has a habit of dumping unpopular decisions and unpopular information on to the media late friday afternoon, right before a weekend hoping it is going to be missed. what's going to come out of this meeting at 3:35 eastern this afternoon?
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>>brian: as you taught me look at the big picture. for obamacare to make sense they need revenue to give those 30 million who don't have insurance, insurance. that is from the cadillac plans in this case. it is from the personal mandate or the mandate for businesses. we keep putting things on hold or getting rid of them. where's the additional revenue coming from? >> that, i don't know. that has not been answered. it is entirely possible that this afternoon the president will try to placate the unions, offer them some kind of exemption from some part of the plan. or maybe suggest we're going to delay the individual mandate for another year, like they've delayed the employer mandate. this is a crucial time. the unions are building up to the 2014 elections. they traditionally supported the president. are they going to give the same support to an administration that has not come through for them, and which may ruin them with obamacare? >>brian: i say to doctors complaining and to unions up in arms, where were you two years ago when experts
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were pointing out these problems were coming down the pike. nobody wanted to hear that. partisanship. you don't want to hear president obama successful. >> queue nancy pelosi's sound bite. you have to pass this bill to find out what's in it. we found out what's in it and they don't like it. the labor unions said if you can't fix this thing, repeal it. that's from a leading labor union leader. >> not from senator ted cruz. this is stuart varney, varney and company coming up at 9:20. often times friday is the best show. >> is that right? >>brian: that's what i find. >> thanks, brian. >>brian: all right. ten minutes before the bottom of the hour. a victory for one of wisconsin's largest school districts. how they escaped the teachers union. more botox approved by the f.d.a. but can it leave you with a frozen face, cher? myths and facts of plastic surgery next. [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil.
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>>steve: quick friday morning headlines for you now. nasa hacked. nearly a dozen websites were broken into on tuesday, and some are still down. a brazilian hacker group is claiming responsibility and says this was done to protest the n.s.a. surveillance program. soon you'll be able to own a piece of twitter. the company announcing via tweet it's going public. twitter's value is estimated to be about $10 billion. it's the most anticipated silicon valley debut since facebook which was valued at $104 billion before going public.
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twitter would likely hit the stock market with its i.p.o. in early december. >>gretchen: sound like good news. botox officially approved by the f.d.a. to treat crow's feet, those pesky wrinkles -- do we need to describe them? we know what they are. we see them on other people, exactly. before you consider any cosmetic procedure, how do you know if it's right for you? joining us with the myths, the facts behind plastic surgery, fox news medical a team dr. marc siegel. is botox considered plastic surge? >> more determine -- more dermatological. people have been doing it off label for a long time. now the f.d.a. is approving which may mean that insurance will cover it more often. >>brian: let's talk about something i see a lot. botox sometimes can freeze your face. is that because you had a bad surgeon or --
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>> it's absolutely true it can do that. it's rare it would stay for awhile. usually if your face stays frozen for awhile you've used too much. it is blocking neurotransmission to the muscle and the muscle freezes. if you do too much it is going to stay frozen. it should reverse almost 100% of the time. you've got to watch it. >>steve: your face winds up stuck until it wears off? >> absolutely. and people say i'm never having that again. for most of the time given in the right doses it works. >>gretchen: myth or fact? the earlier you start with plastic surgery, the better. >> absolutely a myth. plastic surgery causes little scars. the more you do that, the more the scars build up. the harder it is going forward. if you have beautiful skin when you're young, don't mess with it. have plastic surgery when you really need it. >>brian: breast implants can make your breasts droop even more?
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>> gravity is a person's worst enemy, let's just say that. as you get older. and there's 300,000 breast augmentations done every year but 20% to 40% of them are redone within eight years and this is one of the reasons. as you get older your breasts can droop whether you have implants or not. >>gretchen: i'm so glad the three men were talking about that one. >> waiting for you to weigh in. >>gretchen: i know about gravity. thanks a lot. when you have liposuction, the fat is gone for good? >> a myth. a study out of colorado shows the next year the fat appears somewhere else. usually your arms, shoulders are upper abdomen. you've got to lose weight, not have it taken off. >>steve: there is somebody famous in the news we've been talking about, probably had botox and fillers. that prompted this question. fillers are just cosmetic. they really aren't risky, are they? >> they can be risky. that's fiction.
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they can cause scarring also, but mainly you worry about allergy to the filler, which is collagen. it is ao protein you can be allergic to. i think fillers work great and i'm not telling people not to have them. but everything out there is a risk and fillers can cause an allergy. >>steve: does the stuff stay under the skin forever? >> it gets absorbed and kind of rebuild the area under the skin so it can actually look so good. >>brian: that person in the news a lot is -- >> i'm talking about -- >>gretchen: all right. >>brian: i wanted to break the story. >>steve: are you with the n.s.a.? >>gretchen: they knew about it a long time ago. >> this is someone we've seen and is known for plastic surgery. >>gretchen: thank you very much, doctor. carl and james are coming after you. you are dead. this is stunning. billionaire executives getting a special deal on fuel that isn't available for others. we'll tell you about the free ride they're getting
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on your dime. >>steve: then jimmy kimmel does fashion week. >> this is a men's collection. the models are sent down the runway with watermelons on their heads. >> it's called fashion. look it up. ♪ ♪ wder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups.
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to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? and now today, i see this in the news. once again, centrum silver was chosen by researchers for another landmark study. this time looking at eye health. my doctor! he knows his stuff. [ male announcer ] centrum. the most studied. the most recommended. and the most preferred multivitamin brand. the choice is clear.
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bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? [ crows ] at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in
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♪ ♪ >>steve: it's your shot of the morning, and we've done some highlighting here. one giant leap for frogkind. this stunning image confirmed to be authentic. we've done a little spot check. see the glowy thing kind of halfway up right there on the left side. this is a frog. it is seen flying through the air spread eagle launched by the nasa rocket as it takes off. it is unclear if the frog made it or croaked. >>gretchen: oh! was it flying up in the air because of the impact of the rockets going off? >>steve: a concussion. >>gretchen: sorry froggy. let's do headlines. a big winñr for taxpayers in wisconsin. the third largest teachers union is done. the kenosha education association decertified after 37% of its voters voted to raugts.
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teachers -- reauthorize it. teachers won't have to pay dues, the largest teachers union to disband since governor walkers act 10 was signed into law limiting union rights. >>steve: billionaire executives getting a special government deal on fuel that isn't available to others. but now it's over. at least for google founders larry page and sergei brinn. the pentagonñi says the company will not be getting discounted fuel for its fleet of corporate jets. the company had been paying about a per gallon below average because they agreed to run special flights for nasa. that deal was canceled when officials found out google was using the fuel for nongovernment flights and is now being audited. way to go. >>brian: actress nicole kidman pressing charges against a paparazzi photographer after he crashed into her while riding his bicycle. look at this -- knocking
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her to the ground. she actually falls on to the ground. i don't care if you take their picture but i don't think you should hit them. kidman returning to her hotel after catching a show at new york's fashion week when the photog got too close. witnesses say the actress didn't appear to be injured but was shaken. he was ticketed for riding his bike on the sidewalk. >>gretchen: jimmy kimmel using whacky styles to prank people. >> this is a men's collection. models are sent down the runway with watermelons on their heads. >> it's called fashion. look it up. >> if you think it is part of the design, i don't mind that. i don't mind seeing that. >> maybe he did that because he wants the
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attention on the suit. >> on the institute >> -- on the suit? >> yeah. >>gretchen: the segment is part of his weekly lie witness news where he convinces people that what he's asking them is really real. it looks like those people bought the water melon heads. >>steve: mr. kilmeade, lots of football to talk about>brian: we had a busy wtaz. you want to see the end of the jets and new england game but can't stay awake. here we go, first quarter tom brady, aaron dobson, patriots up 7-0. could this be another ugly jets game? fourth quarter, jets trying to make a comeback, geno smith, three i.m.t.'s, his last. patriots hold on 13-10 in an ugly offensive game. the patriots have a long way to go. we knew about the jets but the patriots are missing a lot.
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is roger goodell softening his stance on the washington skins game? in a radio interview he says if one person is offended, the nfl has to listen. this as some skwrurpbts -- journalists sports illustrated started saying washington football team. rogers says it is ultimately the owners decision. the owner dan snyder says he will never change the name. i remember they used to be the st. john's red men in new york. under pressure from the olympics committee lance armstrong returned a bronze medal after he confessed to using performance enhancing drugs. the committee vacated his win in january. the hits keep on coming. the man doesn't have ó job, no longer any trophies. by the way, coming up in the one hour shortly on "kilmeade & friends,"
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jonathan walktell live. then melissa francis will fill in the final two hours because they couldn't meet my salary demands. >>steve: you'reñi hot. >>brian: making a stand. attention second floor, i mean it. >>steve: meanwhile wild weather in colorado and maria molina is here in new york city to tell us what's going on out there in the rockies. >> good morning. unfortunately not good stuff going on across parts of the rockies, especially across parts of the state of colorado where in boulder, colorado, we've had reports of extreme flooding. you can see the video here on your screen. incredible flooding. some areas reporting up toñr 11 inches of rain. a slow-moving storm system has been responsible for pumping up into parts of the rockies. a lot of this moisture, and we've been seeing being very slow moving, lasting for days. unfortunately the forecast does not look good. we're talking about more rain possible today, saturday and also into sunday. so we do have a number of
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flood watches in effect and several flash flood warnings as well because that flooding is still ongoing right now across sections of colorado. three people have been killed by a lot of flooding across parts of colorado. you can see parts of new mexico, utah and even into the plains do have also some flood watches in effect because that rain has been falling across several other states as well. take a look at the forecast for boulder, colorado. rain through sunday for the potential for more flooding. temperature wise we have flooding across the northeast after yesterday's rough weather in the northeast. >>steve: it looks by your map it's going to be dry weather out in college station, texas, for the big alabama-texas a&m game tomorrow, one of the biggest in college history. >>brian: everyone is talking about it because of the rematch from last year. how much are average tickets? >>steve: on the secondary market close to 800 bucks. >>brian: it's been seven
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memorable years and now our very own gretchen carlson seated to my very right eight inches away by court order is saying goodbye to "fox & friends." in honor of her last day on the curvy couch, she violated our probation. let's watch this together. >>steve: we're just going to start from scratch. >>gretchen: good morning. this is "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ for once i get to do it. ♪ ♪ >>gretchen: brian! ♪ ♪ >>brian: another great accomplishment for all involved. ♪ ♪xdñr >> gretchen carlson takes us behind the scenes of her big screen movie debut. >> look at her. >> i know she just
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celebrated her first holy communion, so you are a family of faith. is faith the only thing you can hold on to right now? >> well, i can hold on to the wonderful, the nine beautiful years that i had with my daughter. i know she's going to do great things in heaven. maybe that's where she was needed. >>gretchen: will president obama thank president bush tonight during his speech for the success of the surge? >> that is the fourth time -- >>gretchen: you get three strikes and you're out. you've had five chances to answer the question. >> i had the chance because george was president, to get to know our military so well. ♪ ♪ >>gretchen: they finally let me on the segway, brian. watch out. ♪ ♪ >> she's very attractive,
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professional, who is also a musician and a fine woman, and i feel honored to work with her. >>brian: watch gretchen in front of the green screen. she becomes invisible. finally. >> i might have to change my dress, though. it's not every morning that i have somebody looking at my thighs and my annñr kelgs. -- and my ankles. viagra. take a few sips at night, and your man -- ♪ çóñi >>brian: women are everywhere. we're letting them play golf and tennisçow. it's out of control. >>gretchen: you read the headlines. ♪ ♪ >>steve: is that normal? >> i don't know, but this is better than prozac. ♪ jolly ♪ christmas ♪ it's the ♪ best time of
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♪ the year >>gretchen: i deferred my responsibility of throwing out the first pitch to my son. take it away, buddy. >>brian: this woman has it down. >>brian: we have to get the scientific answer. why is it that you talk so much, gretchen? >>gretchen: because i can. >>brian: because she can. ♪ ♪ñiñ'i >>steve:ñi fantastic. >>gretchen: it's been a wonderful time here. i can't say thank you enough. i mean, to put together a morning show is so difficult. there are so many people responsible for doing a fantastic job here on a daily basis. the crew, i love you guys, and all the producers, to you too. to the people, the who else am i forgetting? hair and makeup people. they put me together on many days when i wasn't able to be put together.
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>>brian: look at your diversity. the serious stuff to the fun stuff. it's a slice of life. >>steve: the tribute. now you're going to be doing it in the afternoon. >>gretchen: i am. i'm looking forward to it. all right. we'll be right back. mexican-style chicken tortilla. if you think campbell's 26 new soups sound good, imagine how they taste. m'm! m'm! good! a a the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day.
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we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at apply cold therapy in the first 24 hours. but not just any cold. i only use new thermacare® cold wraps. targettemp technology delivers a consistent, therapeutic cold to stop pain and start healing. new thermacare® cold wraps. a better way to treat pain. starts with freshly-made pasta,
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and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. >>gretchen: the united states on track to hit the debt ceiling next month again. but experts claim our financial mess could be fixed if our kits were performing -- kids were performing better in school. the percentage of high school students proficient in math. at the top singapore. the u.s. significantly lower with only 32%. before education is linked to a poor economy, how can we catch up? here is the coauthor of "endangering prosperity." good to see you, paul. >> good morning, gretchen. congratulations on your new show. >> thank you so much. let's talk about math. i happened to have lovedçó this subject in school. but when you look at the u.s. and how well we're
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doing, we're -- we kind of stink? >> we're number 32. 32% of our students are proficient. and we're number 32 in the world. that's the magic number, i'm afraid. it's a pretty bad one. >>gretchen: when we look at proficiency in high school across the board, singapore 30%, canada 14, germany 13. the u.s. 7. this is in advanced math proficiency. what do we need to do to improve math for our kids >> statistics on the advanced are really important because a lot of people think the problems of education are in the inner city, but they don't realize that schools across the country aren't doing the job. even our top-night students are trailing the top-flight students in canada, germany, korea, around the world. we're number 30 this. what can we do about it? i think we just have to have a nationwide commitment. we have to start with the students. students need to be challenged in high skaofplt
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they're -- challenged in high school. they are not being challenged today. we need to give parents a choice. we need to give teachers reward when we do a good job. we've got to rethink the system. >>gretchen: what is the connection between having a higher proficiency in math and having a better economy? >> we know that if you get better educated, you're going to earn more money. that's true for countries too. and the way we figured it out over the next 80 years throughout the rest of the 21st century, we could have $80 trillion more if we could put our educational system up to the level of the canadians. just up to the level of the canadians. that's about a 20% increase in salary for workers. it doesn't come right away. it comes over the long run, but it's really worth the effort. >>gretchen: there is an interesting connection there. you can learn more about it in paul peterson's book, "endangering prosperity: a global view of the american school." thanks for the book. next on the rundown, not
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>> brian: quick headlines. two former bernie madoff staffers get break in court. lawyers agreed to crop their mug shots to make them more flattering to the jury so they wouldn't be prejudiced against them. good luck. wal-mart is turning to the expert when it comes to pick holiday toys. they have children play with the toys and pick their favorites. the favorites. it include has hugging elmo and
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a barbie dream house. aren't they all dreamy, chris chulo said. steve? >> steve: thanks. in repeat yerkes, political enthusiasm from young voters has dropped. some millenials are not giving up yet. in the last month, at least four super pacs have been created by people under the age of 35. here is the president and founder of one of those super pacs called pass the torch, sarah pond joins us live here on the curvy couch. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: when you think super pac, you think karl rove, you think guys in politics in washington, d.c you're up in new england. you're in business, you're a million miles from politics. >> absolutely. i think that's why we wanted to get involved. we've seen the system as a lot of people believe it's only political insiders, it's only people with a lot of money who can start this type of thing. we realize there is definitely a need for regular people to come in in a grassroots way.
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>> steve: you have run a business and the reason you got into the super pac business is because there is so much government red tape and you figure if we're going to get rid of the red tape, we've got to affect politics. >> absolutely. the biggest reason we got involved was because of our business. we had a platform as entrepreneurs. we had a lot of recent college graduates and said i would love to start my own business. we've seen a disparity between what they seem to want in life and how they vote. so we basically said, if you want this independence, i read a statistic up to 70% of people under 30 want to start their own business. >> steve: but there is so much red tape. what's your plan? >> our plan is really to engage them in a more interactive way. i think you hear the word politics and turn it off and say not interested. we want to show real people real stories, people like us who started a business, no connection to politics and now we feel like it's our duty to be involved. >> steve: you say when people hear, i'm a republican or a
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democrat, you feel that somebody is going to start preaching to you? >> right. you don't want to be talked at, i guess. you want it in a more interactive forum. that's our plan with pass the torch is get involved with people under 30 and say, these are the real issues. this is how it affects real people and you need to start speaking up and voting the right way. >> steve: exit question of the candidates out there of the next cycle, who do you like? >> we haven't endorsed anybody yet. but i definitely like rand paul. he has the ability to ignite that same passion that obama did in 2008 in young people. he definitely has that freedom, that sense of don't tread -- >> steve: you identify yourself as a republican, but lean to the libertarian? >> yeah. >> steve: if people would like more information? >> >> thank you. >> steve: a teacher gave this
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common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about e only underarm low t treatment, axiron. >> gretchen: top of the morning to you. it's friday, tgif as well. september 13. i'm gretchen carlson. we begin with a fox news alert. thanks for sharing your time. here it is, an american consulate under attack this morning of the terrorists setting off several car bomb, opening fire on americans in afghanistan. we're live overseas with all of the breaking details. >> brian: another fox news alert. firefighters still on the scene out of a massive blaze that destroyed the iconic jersey boardwalk, or portions of it just rebuilt after super storm sandy. we are live on the ground with the latest. ainsley is there. >> steve: that's right. in other news, parents get a tip about their child's abusive baby-sitter from an unlikely source. >> we started noticing that our
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dog was very defensive of our son whenever she would come in the door. he was very aggressive towards her and a few times we had to physically restrain our dog. >> steve: aha. meet the hero dog, didn't know about that, did you? "fox & friends" hour two for wednesday -- friday starts right now. >> steve: do you have to be careful what you do around your dog. >> brian: good point, steve. >> gretchen: i thought you were going to say you have to be careful saying yippy skippy, whenever i said that and then it became the phrase that our audio guy always loved to play. thank you for doing that because it always put me in a good mood. >> brian: i'm still trying to get rid of him. >> gretchen: really? >> yeah. i'm kidding. where did that come from? >> gretchen: yippy skippy? >> brian: yeah. >> gretchen: i have no idea. i just like it. i say yippy skippy. >> steve: one of the reasons
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we're looking back today is because today is gretchen's last day with us here at "fox & friends." starting on monday, we have elizabeth hasselbeck and gretchen is going on to an exciting assignment in midday, the afternoon. >> brian: i'm learning something about your show. there will be a segment called yippy skippy where people call in. is that true? we're working on the graphics right now. >> gretchen: brian, you're on to something. 'cause you know what? there will definitely be good news throughout the day in my show 'cause i think that's important. >> brian: really? >> gretchen: yep. maybe we'll call it yippy skippy. >> steve: i just got a tweet from our friend greg norman, the golfer. gretchen thanks for starting my week days the way you have with doocy and kilmeade. good luck with your new gig. >> brian: you don't know if he's talking to you from his plane, from his pool, from his winery. i'm very curious. where is he? >> steve: he's a mogul. >> gretchen: you never know. >> steve: he's a great friend. >> gretchen: he's watching us.
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more memories throughout the show. we have a fox news alert. u.s. consulate in afghanistan attacked by taliban terrorists using guns and suicide vests, all american personnel are safe. at least two afghans were killed after two car bombs went off. amy kellogg has the very latest. good morning again. >> hi. why now? that is the question people are asking. i just got off the phone with an afghan news director who said that quite possibly this was just simply a desperate move on the part of the taliban to grab some headlines. there have been massive street demonstrations in the last few days because afghanistan had won a big soccer championship and effectively these demonstrations were seen as anti-taliban protests because lots of people had been saying, we don't want to go back to the bad old days. so in terms of what happened today, there are some conflicting reports between the state department and afghan security officials. afghans say the attack happened 60 yards back from the main gate at the consulate.
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state department says the attackers got right up to the main gate and were firing weapons before those suicide vehicles blew up. there were two car bombs involved. two afghan policemen were killed. a spokesman said, quote, we are grateful for the quick response of the afghans and the international security forces who secured the facility. it's in western afghanistan, close to iran. it's pretty well developed and has been relatively calm until now. increasingly, it's the entire country, which has become victim to these sorts of attacks ahead of the withdrawal of u.s. source. gretchen, next year. this attack happened when the embassy wasn't open yet. between 5:30 and 6:00 o'clock in the morning on a day when the consulate is not even open for business. i asked the news director and he said they're not interested in necessarily killing americans. they're interested, the taliban,
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in making a statement, grabbing headlines. in fact, the state department pointed out, it was afghan blood that was ultimately spilled on afghan soil. gretchen? >> gretchen: all right. amy kellogg reporting live in london. thanks so much. >> brian: when you let out half the prison population in afghanistan, they tend to be a little angry. >> steve: they do. five minutes after the top of the hour. now another fox alert. about 100 firefighters still on the scene of a fire that destroyed 80% of a new jersey boardwalk and many businesses as well. the community there already hard hit by super storm sandy, still trying to recover. ainsley earhart is live on the scene this morning as the sun is coming up and devastation is awful! >> it's awful. we drove in this morning, it was still dark, but you could see the firefighters out here working, see the gutted businesses. it's heart wrenching because you know the blood, sweat and tears poured into the businesses.
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local families own them. lots of kids were planning on going to the arcade yesterday. families taking their kids to the beach yesterday afternoon and in just a matter of hours, that changed. it's been 16 1/2 hours since that fire roared through the boardwalk behind me. look at the devastation now. i'll get out of the way so you can see. the sun is coming up. investigators looking at the damage, determining the cause of this fire. fire crews are still spraying water on the hot spots so that it doesn't flare up again. the fire chief says there were a few spot fires caused by the flying embers. four blocks of businesses totally lost this morning. it all started right here on this side of the boardwalk, on seaside park. then it moved up two blocks into seaside heights through the boardwalk where the mtv reality show "jersey shore" was filmed. in its path, it took out 50 businesses, one owned by a local firefighter who said he was flooded by sandy, said it would have been nice if this fire had just hit a block away.
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that way, i quote, wouldn't have lost everything that god left me. that's the real story here. the residents are saying it's a one-two punch, that sandy gave that first blow last october. now not even a year later, the fire is another knockout for this beach community. only about 80 miles outside of new york city. governor chris christie was out here last night declaring a state of emergency. he said, quote, just unthinkable. when he found out, he felt sick to his stomach. gretchen, steve, brian, last year the perfect storm. last night, people are saying, the perfect fire. just devastating. >> steve: thank you very much. they called firefighters from seven different counties to respond to it. in fact, it was because of the 40 mile-an-hour winds they wound up taking a 20-foot wide trench on the north end of it so it wouldn't wipe out whole town. >> brian: amazing, too, the scene. >> gretchen: devastating there. now the other stories making headlines for friday.
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this is not a game. those words coming from secretary of state john kerry as he meets with russia's foreign minister to figure out how to disarm syria's chemical weapons. he rejected the 30-day period to turn over information about its chemical stockpile. >> this is not a game. it has to be real. it has to be comprehensive. it has to be verifiable. it has to be credible. it has to be timely and implemented in a timely fashion. >> gretchen: the united states says it has overwhelming evidence assad's forces used poison gas to kill 1400 people. the u.n. inspection report will be released as early as monday. thousands of people in boulder, colorado, forced from their homes by historic flooding. three people have died. another person is missing. the water starting backing up the mouths of the boulder canyon by mud coming off the mountain. the creeks are at dangerous levels, but students at the university of colorado went
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tubing -- watch this video. these are kids tubing in the items on campus. newly wed accused of pushing her husband off a cliff a week after getting married is free until her case goes outroll. 22-year-old jordan graham now under house arrest and will have to undergo a mental health evaluation. one of her friends says she was having second thoughts about getting married. we also learned at his funeral, she was apparently texting the entire time. this dog now has a home thanks to a woman surfing the web. a woman in l.a. noticed him on google maps street environment she called an animal shelter. the local business owner says the dog has been on the streets for ten years. she's now with a foster dog family. those are your headlines. >> brian: here we go with obamacare again. we have a debt ceiling looming on october 1. the word is if we don't come up with a deal, the whole government shuts down. are we going to raise the debt ceiling?
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republicans say yeah, if you go show me the cuts you're going to put into play, therefore, eventually balancing our books and not precontinueding as if we can afford to spend the way we are. >> steve: a republican from georgia has kind of a hard line approach, some are characterizing it as, where you tie the government's spending, the debt limit, to a one-year delay in obamacare. it's no secret there are -- and 43 other republicans have signed on with him. that's a problem for jane who are is trying to keep -- john boehner who is trying to keep his coalition together. this is more than double that. but how many times have the republicans tried to defund obamacare? rand paul and charles krauthammer had some observation last night here on the channel about whether or not that would be futile. >> people are realistic. we know we can't win every battle up here. but we should use that leverage to try to make obamacare less bad. all the news reports today are
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talking about low income people having to provide insurance for their families and being penalized. even bill clinton is talking about this now. there are so many unintended consequences of this bill, it's going to be a disaster for the country. >> you can not govern from one part of one half of the congress. the law passed and yes, they were elected to go and defeat obamacare, but they're two years late. >> what's the out? >> the only out is for these people to realize that they're in a suicide caucus. the way to win this thing is to let it go into effect, which it will, because obama controls the veto. let it fall apart on its own as it is. let all the contradictions be exposed. let unions and democrats oppose it. when the election next year -- win the election next year and then attack it and that night work. >> steve: what will they do? stand by. >> brian: john boehner does not have control of his caucus.
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the leadership has dissatisfied constituency, republicans are going at republicans and democrats can sit back and say wow, these guys can't get their act together. >> gretchen: why do we have the same discussion every year? why can we not come up with a budget that doesn't put us in a situation where we're constantly voting on continuing resolutions instead of continuing solutions? get with it, congress! >> steve: maybe it's because we're spending a lot more money than we take it. >> gretchen: yes. but it seems like a broken record that we keep coming up to this debt ceiling and coming up to the debt ceiling. >> brian: the sequester is way too unfair to the military. hopefully they'll reform that. coming up straight ahead, did america get played in a big russian game of world politics? we may now know what vladimir putin wants in return from president obama. >> steve: the government offering teachers free lesson plans on climate change!
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details straight ahead, live from new york city on this friday the 13th ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box.
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>> steve: fox news alert on this tri morning. talks still underway to reach diplomatic deal over syria's chemical weapons and we have russia to thank for the deal. did america just get played? let's ask somebody who has dealt with the russians for many years, former aide to president ronald reagan, roger stone. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: you know, the world community is looking in. here you have barak obama saying, we got this red line. you can't cross it. then he g okay, we're going to do. then he g okay, congress. you vote on it. now congress, don't vote on it. the world community sees him vacillating all over the place. what does that do for us? >> history tells us that the russians respect only strain.
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the president has shown vascillation, weakness. he can't bring along the american people. he can't bring along the congress. and today you see the soviets exploiting that. one, by taking the lead in syria, pointing out that there are no small democrats involved. this is a civil war in which we have no friends and secondly, this is very important, offering the iranians a missile defense system and a second nuclear reactor. they're doing this because they see impotence from the united states. >> steve: the other problem is, i think the president seems to forget as many people do, that syria and russia have a mutual defense pact, just as we do with other countries. so if we attack syria, you can expect russia to go ahead and retaliate. this could drag us into world war 3. >> if the russian attacked a nato nation, we would be required to respond. yes, obama was flirting with
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world war 3 and doing so over a teeny tiny little bombing plan that won't last very long, but allows us to check the box to show the american people we're tough. but achieves nothing in terms of regime change or promoting democracy. here is where putin is right about two things. there are no democrats in the region. and secondarily, the opposition is al-qaeda. these are not our friends. we will be arming our enemies. didn't we learn anything in afghanistan? >> steve: you know what? as you look back at the last week or two, putin has had a really good week. on the world stage, he looks like the guy who is trying to get things done so we don't wind up blowing up parts of syria's air space. >> you can see him typing this out with his super bowl ring right there on his typewriter, yeah. >> steve: what would reagan have done? >> reagan understood that the soviets only respected strength and they didn't respect weakness. this is demonstrated twice. in the cuban missile crisis, they sensed weakness on kennedy's part and moved in to
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cuba. in afghanistan, however, reagan pushed back. they sensed strength and in the end, they were defeated. now the question is will we step into the same trap that we set for the soviets in afghanistan by getting embroiled in syria? >> steve: we'll see what happens. roger stone, always pleasure. >> great to be with you. >> steve: thank you. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. every parent wonders, what happens when you leave your kids with the baby-sitter? this family right here experienced their worst nightmare, but guess who saved the day? their dog! you got to hear this one to believe it. good dog. and is the family worth your money? the movie, "the family." our movie critic kevin mccarthy is next. he saw it. does he love it? stick around.
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over 20 million drivers are insured with geico. so get a free rate quote today. i love it! how much do you love it? animation is hot...and i think it makes geico's 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. this is some really strong stuff! so you turned me into a cartoon...lovely. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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>> gretchen: the last time i get to do a little math on this show. news by the numbers. yippy skippy. first, ten. that's how many days the f.b.i. was forced to shut down next year in order to cut costs. during those days, only a skeleton crew will be on hand. ten bucks. that's how much minimum wage is now in california. it's now one of the highest rates in the country. and finally, zero. that's what some people pay for tickets on united airlines. the reason? a glitch in the tickets program. wow! wish i could have capitalized on that. that's some good math there. robert deniro has been a good fellow and michelle pheiffer has been married to the mob, but are we going to do this segment? >> steve: yeah. >> gretchen: while i was reading, we've got kevin mccarthy. >> brian: do the mobsters deserve your money? >> steve: we turn now to fox news contributor and a guy who
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is paid to sit in the dark and watch movies, the founder of kevin mccarthy. we've seen the commercial for this movie. it looks hilarious. what do you think? >> "the family" is interesting because it's directed by the guy who did" the professional" and "the filth element." this is dealing with a mafia family who locate to do normandy, france under the witness protection program and tommy lee jones is overseeing the operation. robert deniro, michelle pheiffer playing the parents. and it's just great to see deniro back in a great role. last year he had a huge role. for those fans of "good fellows," his character cyst sits down and watches it. i love seeing that in the movie. it finds an interesting balance where it's a dark comedy, like a "pulp fiction" where you find
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laughing at scenes you wouldn't necessarily laugh at in other films. it finds a tone where you really are involved in the story, but very funny, like you mentioned. it's very well acted. i thought robert deniro was great. i gave it 3 1/2 out of five, only because some of the character decisions didn't make sense toward the end. robert deniro, since i was 15 years old, i've been waiting to ask him this question. knowing that i would one day sit down with him hopefully, there was a very famous sequence in a movie called "heat" where he and pacino meet. that was the first time they ever met on screen. "godfather 2" they were in two different time periods. in this scene, michael mann never show has double shot of the actors on screen at the same time, which led to conspiracies that they were actually not sitting there together at the same time filming the movie. so i went right to the source, talked to mr. deniro and i got my answer. check this out. >> you guys were there? >> oh, we were there.
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yeah. we were there, in fact, michael -- after one or two takes, there was a lot of scenes. my favorite scene was the only scene we had. he wanted to turn the -- rearrange us so that the stuff we had shot wouldn't be good. but then he changed his mind. thank god. >> cleared up right there, one of the best scenes ever. if you haven't seen it, check it out. >> steve: you're telling us that was on your bucket list? you had to get the answer to that and now you can check that off? >> i was practically sitting this tearing up. it was unbelievable watching him talk about that scene in front of me. that was my ticket stub. i didn't ask him to sign that. i handed him my "heat" stub from 1995 and he signed it randomly. >> brian: how much would it take for someone to get that off you? that's what this is really about. >> priceless. that is a priceless moment for
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me, man. >> brian: $9.1 million. >> gretchen: let's talk about insidious chapter 2. >> this is a sequel to the film that only cost a million and a half dollars to make and made $97 million world wide. a huge film. if you haven't seen the first one, it's a family whose son goes into a comatose state and while there, he enters a world called the further. basically the father goes there, tries to bring him back. while he goes there, he brings back an evil entity with him, of course, any horror movie does that and deal with the complications that it has on the family. first half, not as good as the second half. it is better than the first one. but i would say i would wait for the matinee. don't pay full ticket price. it has very scary moments, but three out of five. >> steve: all right. thank you very much, kevin. anything else before you go? >> i have a little surprise. gretchen, i want to mention, it's been an absolute honor being on the show with you every friday here on "fox & friends." absolute honor. i wanted to give you a nice
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going away flowers and congratulations to you on your show. >> gretchen: thank you, kevin! >> i also want to mention, in the flowers, you'll find a movie gift card. >> gretchen: wow. >> now that you don't have to go to bed every night at 4:00 p.m., you can take your kids and your husband out to a movie on me one night. so congratulations on your new show. i hope to interview you for your new movie. i'll review your new movie as well. >> gretchen: thank you. i hope you give it five stars, my friend. thank you so much. my favorite date night with my husband is a movie and my favorite activity with my kids is a movie, too. kevin that, is so sweet. look at these beautiful pink roses. >> brian: if your husband is away, he's away a lot, would you take kevin? >> gretchen: of course! if he would have me. >> it's date night for us. there we go. >> gretchen: okay. check it with casey first. kevin, thank you so much. you're so sweet. you really are. i really appreciate this. >> great working with you. >> gretchen: hopefully you'll join me in the afternoon.
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you could do reviews in the afternoon. >> i would love to. >> gretchen: thanks. >> steve: it's now 28 minutes after the top of the hour on this friday. coming up, are kids more likely to be bullied in schools with anti-bullying programs? >> brian: what? >> steve: you got to see these numbers to believe them. >> brian: give bullies ideas. plus, how you can drive away in one of these classic cars. >> steve: you're all choked up about it. >> brian: i can't wait for the segment. >> steve: all right. then go outside. they're next.
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>> putin, the russian president, he wrote an op ed piece for the "new york times." putin said he wanted to reach the american people directly. that shows you how little putin knows about america. okay? if you want to reach american people, you don't put it in the newspaper. you go on "dancing with the stars." i remember when vladimir putin came to the white house. he actually indicated that president bush fired dan rather because he wrote that bad story about him. >> steve: because they can do that in russia. >> brian: they do do that in russia! >> gretchen: and much more. >> brian: right. so he really thinks we're like that. i don't know -- it turns out they make up a lot of stuff. >> steve: didn't george w. bush have the nickname pooty potato potato -- poot?
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>> brian: these on the cover of time magazine. so that should get him a lot of dates. you never know. government offering a teachers free lesson plans on climate change. yep. the epa tweeting, want to teach climate change? check out these free lesson plans. the agency compiled a taxpayer funded web site with interactive lesson plans geared toward middle school students. topics include sea level on the rise. >> steve: sounds great. >> brian: kind of gives away the ending. >> steve: are anti-bullying programs doing more harm than good? according to a new study, students attend ago school with the anti-bullying initiatives are actually more likely to be victims of bullying. researchers say some kids may actually be learning how to bully through the language they pick up in the anti-bullying programs. the study suggests schools adopt more sophisticated strategies
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'cause it sounds like it's not working. >> gretchen: that's disheartening. a dog is a man's best friend and baby's too. a very loyal pooch in south carolina helped alert his owners about a bad baby-sitter. >> about five months into her being our baby-sitter, we started noticing that our dog was very defensive of our son whenever she would come in the door. he was very aggressive towards her and a few times we actually had to physically restrain our dog from going towards her. >> gretchen: the parents then hid a camera in the couch, caught the baby-sitter cursing at their 7 month old son and slapping him. the 21-year-old baby-sitter now charged with assault. wow. what an amazing story. >> steve: the controversy this morning over a september 11 homework assignment for 7th graders in texas. language arts teacher asked the students to write a good-bye letter as if they were going to
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die that day. >> they're supposed to pretend they're either in the twin towers or the plane and they're not going to make it out. it was almost like reading a letter that she was -- almost like a suicide note. she told me, mom, the teacher wants us to write a letter like we were stuck in the towers or on the plane and then showed me the paper. i just thought it was ridiculous. >> steve: so that mom is upset. but not all parents are and the houston school board is saying this: we sincerely apologize to any of our families that found this activity to be insensitive. as educators, we strike -- strive to meet the individual needs of our students while maintaining a high level of sensitivity. we asked you what you thought. from jamie, i think this assignment is appropriate for 7th grade. the kids need to understand what happened that day and why it affects all of us. from brian, i would demand the school make the teacher write a letter as if she was being fired today. what do you think about it?
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e-mail us. >> gretchen: let's head outdoors. i think it stopped raining. it was pouring when we came in. maria molina will fill in the picture for us. good morning. >> good morning. it was pouring rain here in the overnight hours across new york city and other areas in the northeast, like parts of new jersey, parts of massachusetts and connecticut. it was a very slow early morning commute. but that cleared out. now we have sunshine and keep in mind that temperatures behind the cold front that moved through in the overnight hours are going to be much cooler. we're going to talk about temperatures being below average. highs only in the low 70s for many cities along i-95 cor consider. inland, 60s and even 50s for some areas. let's head to colorado because we've been talking about extreme flooding that has already claimed three lives out there. you can see that video here on screen. a lot of water. it's been raining heavily over the past 48 hours. we've picked up more than 11 inches of rain in some areas. of course, the big issue here is that we do have the rocky
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mountains and we do have other areas of higher elevations. once that waterfalls on these areas, it goes downhill and accumulates and that's what produces this extreme flooding in many of these areas in colorado, specifically boulder, colorado impacted. aurora, and also colorado springs. we're expecting more heavy rain. a number of watches and warnings are currently in effect. we're talking rain not just today, but even as we head into saturday and also into sunday. that will be a story that we'll continue to track. now i'm with brian. >> brian: i know you love the weather. but do you love cars? >> i love cars. >> brian: all right. because many of us dream of being able to cruise down the road in a classic model car. perhaps even one of the four cars right there, one of which brought maria to work. if it's catching your eye, your lucky day is here because they're about to be auctioned off. >> here with the details is the ceo of the auction. >> brian: you have special news
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because fox sports one and two will join the network of people airing your auction. >> that's right. we've been on fox's speed channel for 17 years. that got converted into fox sports 1. we're now sharing across fox sports 1, fox sports 2 and for the first time ever, we're going to be on national geographic. people can go to our web site, we have a channel finder for all those loyal viewers. that's how to find out where you can catch it. >> brian: maya's birthday is coming up. i want to get something for her. maybe this is the ticket. >> this is a mercedes. this could be the highest priced car of the auction. this could bring a million five to a million seven. i've sold a couple of them for $2.2 million at our scottsdale auction. >> brian: i've always wanted to close a door like that. can i do that? >> what's this called? >> a gold wing. ferrari 330 gts.
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these have really gone up in value, as all the ferraris have. just a few years ago, these were just 2, $300,000 cars. now this is anywhere between 5 to 750. one recently sold for $900,000. so it's -- these are very popular. >> brian: people bid on these? >> it's also, you come to the vegas auction live. it's a lifestyle event. it's 22 hours of live tv. it's automotive festival. this is a maharaja's car. it was built to go tiger hunting. this is where the guns are stored. it also has a wagon. we took all the guns out 'cause we were coming to new york. it comes with all the period guns that he used in this car and one that was on a trailer behind it. it had an elephant hunting gun on it and tiger hunting gun and bird hunting gun.
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>> a lot of history. >> brian: what would maria pay for this? >> anywhere between 600 to 800,000. a million. one of these cars has sold as high as 3 million. >> brian: because if you go tiger hunting, you got to have the right car. what is this and how much will this cost us? >> this is a 2005 ford gt, now, this is 165,000. and it's very limited production. these are now trading anywhere from on the low end, 250 to 400,000. this one has not been driven. it is new in the wrapper. it has 54 miles on it. climate controlled garage. this should bring 350, somewhere in there. >> brian: the good news is, some of it goes into your pocket? >> we get a small piece of it for putting this together. >> brian: follow craig jackson, ceo of barrett jackson, on fox sports 1 and fox sports 2 and. >> nashville geographic.
4:42 am, fox created a channel finder so you can find us. >> brian: right. bid on the car and pick us up 'cause we want to go for a ride. thank you. >> gretchen: brian, you're bidding on one of those for me for my last day, right? >> brian: it was going to be a surprise, but now i got to come up with something else. >> gretchen: that one there looks pretty good. >> brian: 54 miles, i'll talk to him. see what i can get him down to. back to you guys. tell me what's coming up. >> gretchen: one law maker trying to make a deal with the president, saying if you want my vote on striking syria, you need to restore the sequester cuts. how is that going to work? >> steve: has he gotten a response? congressman buckley key onhere next with brian. plus, one sneaky cat figures out a way to snag some extra food. meow, meow. >> gretchen: i love that. first the aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1966, it was a very good year, this mother of 19 is featured on a hit tv show. be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer.
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[ female announcer ] you've got finding time for what matters, down to a science. you're the reason we reformulated one a day women's. a complete multivitamin that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy. energy support for the things that matter. that's one a day women's. okay, who helps you focus on your recovery? yo, yo, yo. aflac. wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. pays you cash when you're sick or hurt? [ japanese accent ] aflac. love it. [ undehis breath ] hate it. helps you focus on getting back to normal?
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>> gretchen: a look at some videos that are trending today. south korea building the first invisible sky scraper. they will use led lights and cameras to reflect the area surrounding the building and from a specific angle, it will seem to disappear. that's freaky. they hope to have it built by next year. magical news for harry potter fans. j.k. rowling taking us back to hogwarts. she will be writing a screen play for a whole new series of movies set in the same fantasy world as the harry potter books. the movies will take place 70 years before harry potter is born. and check this out. sneaky cat. watch as it pretends to stretch into the dog's dish.
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but when the dog isn't looking, the cat steals the food. way to go, kitty. brian? >> brian: all right. fox news alert. over the past five years, the president has cut the defense budget three times. three separate times for a cost of $1.2 trillion. with u.s. warships still sitting off the coast of syria wait o'clock for the order to strike or not strike, what kind of condition will our military be left in as that -- or whether that order comes down or not? with us a man whose job it is to be concerned about this, the chairman of the armed services committee, buck mckeon. congressman, you made it clear that hey, syria or not, we need the money back in our armed services. are we more apt to get somebody listening at the white house? >> i really hope so. i think -- if you ask people out in the heartland, ask them if they think they're safer now than they'll be in ten years, i've heard a recent poll frank luntz did that said 83% feel
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they'll be less safe ten years from now. if that's the case, why are we cutting our national security funding so much? $1.2 trillion. all of the chiefs, the former military leaders, we held all kinds of hearings on this and they told how serious it would cut our capacity to defend ourselves and our interests around the world. this puts us in great jeopardy. that's why i told the president, we just can't be going off willie nilly on different missions if we don't restore the funding. >> brian: and i hope they snap out of it, even in congress, and get rid of the punishing military for the sequester. but let me ask you, congressman, how much does it cost roughly to keep those warships in the mediterranean standing ready to strike? >> about $30 million a week. that's the task force and the destroyers that are there. >> brian: wow. that's interesting. now let's talk about how the talks are going in geneva. it turns out assad sat down with
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moscow tv reporter and one of the things he said is that yeah, we'll get rid of our chemical weapons when israel gets rid of their nuclear weapons and the u.s. has to promise not to strike us and sign off on it, and by the way, the only reason we're coming to the table is 'cause russia asked us to and you better not arm the rebels. doesn't sound like a guy who is very contrite. >> no. i think they're playing games with us. i know secretary kerry yesterday said this is not a game. i guess there was a reason he said that, because it appears to most of us that it is a game. and they're just kind of playing with us. i would hope that something could come of this. it might be a little far fetched to think that it could. but it would be great. if not, i visited with two ambassadors yesterday that are very concerned because they're in the region and they said when we lose credibility, it hurts them in the region. so it's a serious problem.
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it's been like a comedy the last couple of weeks where they change positions on the run. i think it's something that we really need to pay attention to, obviously. >> brian: yeah. we're all going to be watching it because it's going to affect you and end up right back in congress. we're going to be watching. i know you're not going to have many days off. thank you for giving us quality time. >> thank you. and congratulations, gretchen. >> brian: yep. that was to you. >> gretchen: thank you so much. >> brian: i'm sure you just got yourself booked in the afternoon when she's on. good job, chairman. >> thank you. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, accused killer freed after a juror friends one of the witnesses on facebook. what happens to the case now and is this a dangerous loophole? arthur idala up next. and then "upside down" by diana ross was the number one song. i never get tired of hearing it. let's listen together. ♪ ♪ boy you turn me inside out
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>> gretchen: answer to the aflac question of the day, michelle dug goes gar. a juror's facebook message to an expert witness in a murder trial could give a convicted trial a get out of jail free parks or at least a new trial. william darryl smith was convicted in the murder of his roommate and sentenced to life in prison in 2010. but a failure by the trial court to hold a full scale investigation into that juror's e-mail caused the tennessee supreme court to force a new hearing. if the lower court doesn't hold that hearing, smith could get a new trial. with me is fox news legal analyst arthur aidala. good to see you. this is social media, coming now into cases. what happened here? the judge made a mistake, right? >> this is the biggest problem with jury trials is the access to information that they didn't
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have beforement what used to happen before, every time a jury would leave a courtroom like at the end of the day, the why would say don't read the newspapers, don't look at magazines or watch tv. now that's been extended to, don't google it, don't yahoo it, don't facebook it or twitter it and you know what? people don't have the self-control. you're in the middle -- they don't. you're in the middle of a trial, in the middle of a case, you're the jury, you're hearing prosecutors and defense attorneys saying, objection. and the judge says sustained, which means jurors, you can't hear this. they want to hear it. so they're going on-line and they're basically going around the system. >> gretchen: this juror had a facebook communication with one of the expert witnesses. but the judge knew that that happened and allowed the jury to come up with a conviction. >> basically what was supposed to happen -- look, everyone makes mistake. this judge made a mistake. what was supposed to happen is the judge is supposed to call the jurors in, all of them, one by one, and say, did you hear about this communication that
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went around the court? what effect did it have, if any, on your verdict? most likely, they would have said none. none, none. and then the conviction would have held. but instead the judge said, i'm telling the defense attorneys and the prosecutor, there was communication behind all of our backs, between a juror and the expert witness. just letting you know. i'm sentencing you to life in prison. that's not how to works. >> gretchen: what's going to happen now? >> that was an interesting sound here in the studio. are we safe? something just blew up right over here. am i wrong? it's geraldo's heart break because gretchen is leaving. there is a weird sound. >> gretchen: there is. and it scared the bejesus out of me. i thought it was something that somebody had planned on my last day. i thought it was a whoopie cushion. before we go -- >> i love you, too. i can't wait to hang out with you in the afternoon, i hope i'm invited to the party. >> gretchen: here comes geraldo.
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all right. >> all rise! [ applause ] >> i've had a crush on her for a dozen years. >> gretchen: thank you. we'll be right back i love having a free checked bag with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] havg a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s.
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. tgif, it's friday, the 13th, september, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for sharing seven great years with me. we begin a fox news alert. an american consulate under attack. terrorists stormed the building wearing explosive vests. the latest on what happened and who may be behind this strike. >> steve: another fox news alert. firefighters on the scene still of what was a massive blaze on the new jersey boardwalk. dozens of businesses rebuilt after super storm sandy, burned to the ground this morning. we're live there with the very latest. >> brian: who thought this was a good lesson on 9-11? >> she told me, mom, the teacher wants us to write a letter like we were stuck in the towers or
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on the plane. then she showed me the paper. >> brian: kids pretending to be victims of a terrorist attack. we're reading your e-mails. get your take on that because "fox & friends" on this final hour, gretchen's last day until she gets to sleep in, starts right now. >> gretchen: all right. good morning, everybody. it is my last day today. but it's not really good-bye. it's good-bye to "fox & friends." but coming up in a little while, i'll be starting an afternoon show and really, really looking forward to that. i have to say before get into a bunch of thaws, somebody just e-mailed -- i remember gretchen's first day on "fox & friends." she gave the answer to the trivia question. [ laughter ] are you sure it wasn't brian? >> brian: right. it's true. >> gretchen: see, i didn't know the format. okay? i learned over time. >> brian: the question -- i remember the question was, who is the sexiest anchor on fox news? the answer was geraldo rivera.
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>> steve: oh, look who happens to be here. >> i can have no objection to that. [ laughter ] >> brian: gloria esteban as a tribute to you will be here live. in fact, she's here live. she was working out this morning. didn't she sound great? >> steve: are you talking about because she's going to sing "i've grown accustomed to his face" and in the green room right now. >> gretchen: i heard that you like twitter and since -- [ laughter ] >> here, let me whip this out. >> gretchen: since i started my own twitter account this week -- i know, i'm behind times. so maybe i should learn some lessons about how to tweet. >> first of all, don't do it after 1 a.m don't do it after two tequila drinks and don't take off your blouse. [ laughter ] >> gretchen: oh, darn. >> steve: only two drinks geraldo. come on!
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>> brian: i don't want to miss one of the rules. >> i'm going to miss gretchen. >> steve: she's going to continue right here on the channel with her own signature show in the afternoon. we want your take geraldo on this, fox news alert. u.s. consulate in western afghanistan attacked. people with suicide vests, car bombs. what's going on? >> i was there in september of 2011 when the embassy in kabul was attacked. we were trapped inside with the ambassador. the embassy and consulate in afghanistan is a full blown war what is distressing about this particularly, the good news is no american personnel were hurt. the embassy -- consulate wasn't open of the the bad news, this is in the western part of afghanistan on the iranian border. this is the safest part of afghanistan in terms of the war. so we've never really had one in the west or in the north. now increasingly we're having more. so the taliban is demonstrating that as the u.s. pulls out,
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they're going to be launching these attacks. as i said, the bottom line, the best part about it, is that there were no american personnel involved and none were wounded. i want to give myself a plug, saturday we are going to discuss the benghazi attack, which came a year after the embassy attack in kabul that i witnessed. the benghazi attack, i'll show exactly not only how it happened, but how, if the president wants to use military force against syria, how he could have used military force against the militia leader who perpetrated the benghazi consulate attack. we must punish these attacks on our state department facilities. >> brian: let's go to geneva for a second and talk about what john kerry and his counterpart, the foreign secretary accomplished and didn't accomplish yesterday. some things that came out, assad is not contrite. he's saying i'm giving up my chemical weapons 'cause russia asked me to. and i'm going to give up my chemical weapons only if the u.s. promises not to strike and israel gives up their nukes. not something that's feasible. >> yes. but i think that what is being
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overlooked is this is a process. the united nations has a process. it's a force to that process. they have locked us into a process that renders us impotent in this regard: the first process is syria joins the chemical weapons convention. that has happened. >> steve: that's a good thing. >> they have announced it. the second part is they have 30 days automatically once they declare they're part of the convention, you get 30 days to give the inventory, your stockpiles, et cetera, that's the period we're in now. so the united states cannot, without violating the u.n. regulations and charter, cannot attack during this month. they've tied our hands. third is you invite the u.n. inspectors. and the fourth part is you begin the process of destroying in country or abroad the chemical weapons stockpile. so unless and until assad uses chemical weapons again, legally speaking under the international charters, we are now part of, we can not attack.
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so we have been outmaneuvered at least based on -- >> gretchen: is that good -- is that good news for president obama is what i meant to say? because this takes him off the hook yet again. now he can -- remember he left himself wiggle room without congress' vote to still do the attack. now he doesn't have the vote and now he can attack. >> i think that people can have different opinions about the political impact on barak obama's career or his legacy, all the rest of it. but just flashback seven days and how opposed to the attack on syria i was and i shared it with you passionately. we didn't need involvement in another war. there is no such thing as a limited attack. once the cruise missiles flew, then there would have been a second strike. >> brian: you mean the unbelievably small attack? >> the unbelievably small attack would never have been. it would have been an extended involvement in that awful and anarchist country and i was opposed to it. so the bottom line is, i am glad
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that it is -- i hate the fact that vladimir putin looks like a hero in the international celebrity contest, but that is less important to me than the fact that we will spare american g.i.s exhausted by 12 years of war. >> brian: i tell what you scares me, the process in which we got here. when the secretary of state and president were clearly on different pages -- >> steve: one gaffed! >> brian: the president badly misjudged the congress congressional support and decided to go on that trip rather than stay home and work the room, and then how he looked militarily where a gaffe gives the russians an opportunity to raise their profile. >> senator rand paul had it exactly right. i would rather be lucky or i'd rather my president be lucky than smart. barak obama is very lucky. rand paul got it exactly right. it doesn't matter to me because the bottom line is, we didn't bomb syria. we didn't get involved in yet another sectarian civil war. >> brian: we're guaranteed that
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assad stays. >> i don't know about that. i think -- we'll see. >> brian: we're going to let him go? >> who knows who could blow him -- who knows where -- what mosque he goes to -- i don't think anything is certain in that violent country. the only thing that is certain right now is that for the next 3 1/2 weeks, the united states will not be bombing in syria and that's not a bad thing. >> steve: who is applauding russia this morning? the country of iran. geraldo, thank you very much. we'll be watching you this weekend and listening to you on the radio. >> the iranian president is coming to new york at the end of the month and i think i will be meeting him. >> steve: fantastic. >> i will report with great vigor what that conversation is. >> steve: that's great. >> gretchen: thanks. >> gretchen, good luck. >> steve: a fox news alert. live pictures coming in of the aftermath of a big fire on a new jersey boardwalk right along the atlantic. firefighters just held a press conference and said it looks like a bomb went off down there.
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joining us from seaside park, ainsley earhart. ainsley? >> the fire chief said he did a walk-through earlier. looks like a bomb went off. debris everywhere. just charred remains. look back here, this corner is a men's and women's apparel shop. next door is three brothers pizza. all these fire crews out here just making sure all the hot spots are put out. you can see back behind me, men in -- on top of this ladder spraying water down on the fire. just to make sure that there aren't any flames inside that are trapped in the roof or in between some of the walls. the fire chief saying 80% contained at this point. confident that it's not traveling any farther. said business owners very sad for these business owners. they're losing their dreams, watching those dreams go up in flames. says that the fun town pier, a lot of people were asking about that. it's a place here that a lot of families have grown up taking their children to. that was left remaining here at the pier
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and unfortunately, that is gone. take a look at it being just withered away by the flames and the reaction of the crowd. >> there it goes. oh, no! >> just heart wrenching video to listen to the people as they watched their memories. he says as far as injuries are concerned, firefighters have very, very minor injuries. smoke inhalation coupled with the hot weather yesterday. did a walk-through, says it looked like a bomb went off in one of the worst fires that he has ever seen. as far as the cause, he says he doesn't know at this point that the ocean county prosecutor's office is handling that and we'll keep you posted as soon as we get word on that. back to you, steve, gretchen and brian. and gretchen, on another note, you will be missed in the mornings. but i'm very jealous that you get to sleep in. but i love you and i appreciate your friendship over the years. you're awesome. >> gretchen: ainsley, thank you so much. and the same back at you and i know that you're going to be getting up early.
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but you do a fantastic job. thank you for your kind words. >> thanks. >> gretchen: she's a class act. other headlines now, this just in, another colorado community evacuated as flood waters continue to rise. video of fort collins urging residents of three neighborhoods to leave. overnight late night calls went out in the boulder and village of el dorado springs after a gulch collapsed. look at the city. despite the danger, students at the university of colorado went tubing in the tunnels on campus. riding bikes. >> brian: lemons, lemonade. >> gretchen: the newly wed story accused of pushing her husband off a cliff a week after getting married. she's free until the case goes to trial. 22 year old jordan graham now under house arrest. will have to undergo a mental health evaluation. one of her friends says she was having second thoughts about getting married. we also learned that at his
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funeral, she was apparently texting the entire time. another white house -- the white house confirming gene sperling, one of the president's top economic advisors, leaving the post. he's stepping down to accept a job in the private sector. the movie "up". jonathan at that pointp says he'll do that in real life. he want to be the first person to cross the transatlantic by balloons. he lifted off maine with more than 300 helium filled ambulances. he's no stranger to the stunt. in 2010, he used balloons to cross the english channel. new journey is expected to take from three to six days, depending on the wind.
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now, that's courageous. >> steve: courageous is the guy in the lawn chair. just the lawn chair. remember him? and to control going up and going down, he had a bb gun. so when it was time to go down, he just would shoot some of the balloons. >> gretchen: coming up on the show, we told but this. a teacher giving young students this assignment. pretend you were doing on 9-11 and write a letter saying good-bye to everyone you know. your e-mails are pouring in. >> brian: jimmy kimmel does fashion week. have you seen the melon head fashions? >> steve: they're fantastic. >> this is a men's collection, the models were sent down the runway with watermelons on their heads. >> it's called fashion. look it up. >> you're okay with it? ♪ secretly shaping
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dresses, skirts and pants. slim, smooth, flatter. the so slimming collection. only at chico's and with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page... before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time... before he could even think about planning for his daughters' future... mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. that's the wonder of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
5:15 am
and now, there's a plan that lets you experience that "new" phone thrill again and again. and again. can you close your new phone box? we're picking up some feedback. introducing verizon edge. the plan that lets you upgrade to a new verizon 4glte phone when you want to. having what you want on the network you rely on. that's powerful. verizon. upgrade to the new moto x by motorola with zero down payment.
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>> steve: fox news alert. syrian dictator al assad took to russian state-owned television to issue an ultimatum to the united states. drop all military threats or they'll keep their chemical weapons in syria. this after putin's attack on american exceptionalism in the "new york times" on the op ed page. has this been all part of a russian set-up? fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. thinks yes. >> yeah. america and our president have become the mark and have been played in a russian big, big sting. now mr. assad is saying, well, no, we're not going to admit we did anything. the russians are saying there can't be chapter 7 sanctions under the united nations, which are the toughest sanctions. we don't know if we're going to the security council on this issue. on top of that, mr. assad issued a threat to our president saying that we needed to stop providing
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weapons to terrorists. >> steve: the united states? >> yeah. it's become this move that in a few derek the united states will be blamed for poison gas. >> steve: absolutely. you watch. >> to kill thousands of syrians. now the president, whether you agree with him or not issues is saying we have a moral responsibility to act in syria to stop what assad is doing and now the russians and syrians are getting together and saying, you guys are the real supporters of terrorists. we're not going to admit to anything. on top of that, it's going to take years. so good luck. >> steve: i'm sure you were listening to geraldo a little bit detail about how our hands are tied now behind our backs ever since we've gotten into this deal with the united nations, which means we're in the time out room while vladimir putin gets on the world stage and looks great. >> we're in the time out room big time. what's happening, and i don't know whether mr. putin wants to do it or not -- but he's provoking a lot of americans into a position that maybe,
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maybe they should be in agreement with the president's decision to strike syria. we're national solidarity and national interest takes light over any political or any objections to a syrian strike is being ineffective. if they keep it up, then they will push america to the brink of a syrian attack. i don't know whether that's the intended consequence, but that will be the effect because in the end, americans, whether they disagree or agree with their president, they're loyal to this country and loyal to the office and they will stand up behind our leadership in this country against foreign threats. >> steve: i tell you what, every day vladimir putin pulls a different robert out of the hat -- rabbit out of the hat. let's see what he does today. >> wake up, america. >> steve: stunning billionaire executive getting a special deal on a gas that isn't available to people like us. we're going to tell you about the free ride they are taking on your dime.
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many of our heros coming home from war with physical and emotional wounds, so how can you help them? well, the woman who wrote the book on it comes up next [ female announcer ] you tweeted, posted and cheered about yoplait's fall favorites. so we brought pumpkin pie and apple crisp back for a limited time. see? you really do call the shots. ♪ yoplait. it is so good. ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle. need a little kick? (announcer) scottrade knows our and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help.
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>> brian: headlines now. nasa hacked. nearly a dozen web sites are off line after the cyber attack on tuesday. a brazilian group is claiming responsibility and says it was a protest of nsa surveillance programs on them. a special government deal on fuel for private executives is over. google founders, the company had been paying about a dollar less per gallon because they agreed to run special flights for nasa. they were apparently using it for nongovernment flights as well. amazing how the other half live.
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gretch? >> gretchen: they fought and defended our country overseas and many of them have scars to show it. but for american soldiers with invisible scars, how can their loved ones help them cope? joining me with the details is ellen, author of "the healing heros book." good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> gretchen: it's nice chatting with you before we start the segment because you started off this series with the healing book, which is really a book to help kids face the death and celebrating the life of someone you love, right? it's so wonderful because they can write down memories of the person that they lost and tell me how you came then to the second book. >> the first book really showed me how much not only the children need a way to express their feelings and have an outlet, but also how much parents have difficulty navigating difficult transitions with their children. that book was so useful that it really made me realize the importance of the style of the books. around the same time i was approached by some amazing
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leaders at the pentagon who asked me to write the sequel to support the military community to fill an unmet need, which is the fact that while their wounded warriors are going through a transition, the acknowledgment that these children really need to understand what's going on and their parents really need a tool to help them do it. >> gretchen: this is the tool. let me tell you. how do you cope with the wounds from war? you have some suggestions. the first one is to encourage questions. sometimes that's hard to do. people just kind of shut down, don't they? >> absolutely. and part of the book is an actual way to help kids express themselves. whenever we ask questions, they're usually our deepest fears and concerns. so prompting your child to actually get it out and ask it is a really good way to comfort them. >> gretchen: also help them express their feelings, which is the next step after you ask the question, right? >> and again, parents give permission to do that. in the book, there is places
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where children can draw, write down their thoughts, interview their parents. it really prompts the kind of dialogue we need because when we get -- we all know families that hold things in. children are watching their parents. they get permission to express their feelings from their home environments and letting them express then selves is important. >> gretchen: you also say to just let them be kids and also allow them to ask for help. what do you mean by let them be kids? >> you know, we all grieve differently and at different paces. whether it's grieving a loss or the navigating the challenges of facing family member with visible or invisible wounds, we need time to relax and play and children need structure. they need outlets. they need to have fun in the midst of moving forward in a healthy way to cope and learn healthy coping skills. >> gretchen: i know so many people out there, even if it's not a military member, they've lost somebody.
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i have a dear friend who lost her mother this morning and i want to send her kids the healing book today. where can people get your book? >> they're available from the publisher, which is watering can press. in addition, we have, which is just amazing, a lot of nonprofits and corporate clients that share big supplies with their communities, their employees, and their nonprofit partners. >> gretchen: amazing. i will tweet that so people can look at that and know your web site. thank you so much for filling this void. it's an amazing venture. >> thank you. i really appreciate it. i think that we all owe an amazing debt of gratitude to these service members and realize that it's not just the soldiers that serve our country. it's their children serve, too. >> gretchen: so well put. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> gretchen: your e-mails are pouring in on this one. a teacher giving young students this assignment: pretend you
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were dying on 9-11 and write a good-bye letter. we will read your e-mails coming up next. then, what does california do? hike up the minimumwait 'til yo. right back what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s. ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal.
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piece. it was unusual because it was written by russian president vladimir putin. putten is taking his case on syria directly to the american people. i like that he thinks we read the "new york times" op ed section. unless he had it published in the crossword section, 99% of us will never even see it. >> brian: that's really what jay leno said, too. he thinks he got some traction there. >> steve: he went right to the "new york times" to avoid the filter, the media filter. >> brian: it would have been nice if the "new york times" wrote a counter editorial. i don't mind that they accepted it, but wouldn't you think they would feel compelled to give a counter america might be exceptional, or whatever they want to ad lib? >> gretchen: yes. that would have been a great idea. they do that frequently. should we do some headlines on your friday? let's do it for the final half hour. al-qaeda's number one man issuing these threats against the united states. a new video released calling for sporadic attacks on american soil aiming at collapsing our economy. >> steve: meanwhile, it's the
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brokest state in the nation. what does california do? hike up the minimum wage, of course. the state legislature passing a bill late last night that raises minimum wage to ten bucks an hour. making it one of the highest rates in the country. the change set to happen gradually over the next three years. >> brian: controversy this morning over a 9-11 homework assignment for 7th graders. a texas teacher asked students to write a good-bye letter as if they were going to die on 9-11. >> they're supposed to pretend they're in either the twin towers or on the plane and they're not going to make it out. this is their good-bye letter. it was almost like reading a letter that she was -- almost like a suicide note. she said mom, the teacher wants us to write a letter like we were stuck in the towers or on the plane and showed me the paper. i thought it was ridiculous. >> brian: the alvin school board says we sincerely apologize to any of our families who found this to be insensitive. as educators, we strive to meet the individual needs of our
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students while maintaining sensitivity. we asked you what you thought. here is what you said. jackie says this: schools need to stop teaching our children emotion and start teaching grammar and math. jim says, this lesson seems to be aimed at teaching actions and consequences. learning responsibility at any age is not a bad thing. >> gretchen: from new york position week, known to produce whacky trends. how about this? watermelon heads. really? >> the models are sent down the runway with watermelons on their heads. >> it's called fashion. look it up. >> you're okay with that? >> i love it. >> the concept of the design, i don't mind that. i don't mind seeing that. >> maybe he did that because he wants the attention on the suit. >> on the suit? >> yeah. >> so maybe it would be great by covering up the faces? >> yeah. >> bring the eyes to the suit.
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>> gretchen: well, don't worry. that didn't really happen. it was all just part of a prank by jimmy kimmel and his weekly lie witness news segment. those are your headlines. >> steve: all right. now mr. fashion plate himself, brian kilmeade with sports. >> brian: thank you very much. i'm going to show you some leg at the end, so something to look forward to. thursday night football, the jets visiting new england patriots, usually bad news for new york, then a rebuilding year. tom brady, who has to be 51 by now, connects. bunch of roomy receivers, 39 yards out. i thought it would be a new england blowout, but in the fourth quarter, the jets are three points out. under a minute to play, smith, a rookie, interception number three. patriots win an ugly owe financessive one 13-10. under pressure from the international olympic committee, lance armstrong finally returns the bronze medal he won in sydney. the ioc demand it back because he cheated. that's a quick look at what's happening in the world of sports. here is what else is going on. this may be the best goal ever.
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[ cheering ] >> brian: this happened. down the road in hacken sack, new jersey. a flip throw for extra distance and scores because the goalie touched it, it was not enough. the comets lost 2-1. that's a quick look at what's happening in the world of sports. on radio, we're going to find out what the latest is on the u.n., fox news radio app, kilmeade and >> steve: my kids went to the high school that beat them. >> brian: amazing thrill. the goalie would have let it go, it would have counted. >> steve: let's turn to maria molina who joins us from the streets of new york city with a preview of what's going to happen today weather wise.
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hello. >> good morning. good morning, everyone. that's right. we're talking weather here. it's a beautiful day today in store for the northeast and the rest of the region, including parts of the great lakes. it wasn't so nice yesterday across the great lakes or the northeast. we had severe storms rolling through some of these areas. we want to show you this video. if you're doing anything, getting ready to head out to work or school, make sure you actually take some time to see this video. come to your screen right now. we have twin water spouts that popped up out of nowhere yesterday over lake michigan and the two later merge into one giant water spout before split splitting into two again. there was no damage and no injuries reported out of that. so just an incredible sight to see those water spouts and we also had reports of damaging winds across parts of the northeast. again today, much nicer. temperatures are going to be below average across the region. 70s and 60s, very widespread. across parts of colorado, we've been telling you we've been experiencing flooding out here. absolutely heart breaking, three people have already lost their lives.
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we do have more warnings and watches in effect because more heavy rain is in the forecast not just today, but also as we head into saturday and sunday. parts of new mexico and also the state of utah and nevada also has a number of watches because heavy rain is forecast in their area as well. let's head back inside. >> brian: as a floridian, how excited to you that gloria estefan is here? >> i'm going to see here. >> gretchen: she's right in the studio right now and she'll be performing coming up. thanks. >> thank you. >> steve: check this out. celebrity knocked over by a guy with a camera on a bike. but it was no accident. we got details coming up. we'll tell you whose celebrity butt that was. >> gretchen: gloria estefan here. she performs for us live next. >> brian: we promise so what can i get you? we'll take something tasty and healthy.
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jim, i adore the pool at your hotel.ver had to make. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotels' robes are fabulous. i have twelve of them. twelve? shhhh, i'm worth it& what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty. plus members can win a free night every day only at we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance... affordability... adaptability... and when the world asked for the future. staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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>> coming up this weekend on "fox & friends," football season is underway. we'll show you how to be a superstar with your tailgating party. hey kids, you think your parents are embarrassing? look at this, the dad who wore daisy duke shorts to teach his daughter a lesson. that's all coming up tomorrow on "fox & friends" and gretchen, my love, you will be missed here on "fox & friends." i'm sorry i didn't get to run over there and give you a big hug good-bye. >> gretchen: next time i see you, i want to see new the daisy dukes. >> steve: i don't. >> brian: you and tucker can wrestle over them as you usually do. >> gretchen: two former bernie madoff staffers are getting a break in short. prosecutors agreed to crop their mug shots so the jury wouldn't be prejudiced against them.
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nicole kidman was visibly shaken by a paparrazzi who hit her with a bike. she rocketed to time singing conga and carrying her latin sound across the globe. >> brian: gloria estefan is a luting the music she first listened to in her latest cd. it's called "the standards." >> gretchen: joining us to perform, music superstar gloria estefan and a fan of the show. great to see you. >> great to see you and i'm glad i'm here to serenade you on your way to your new adventure. >> gretchen: thank you so much. i remember when we did the conga with you and did the dance. you led the way and you're leading the way again. this is your 27th soul album. >> so i'm told. i've been busy. but like you said, the music is what i grew up listening to. the reason i wrote some of my ballads is this is the first i listened to. >> steve: you call it standards because it's standards we all grew up listening to. one of the things, during the sound check this morning in the 5:00 o'clock hour, you were
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singing a bunch of songs. we were all singing along 'cause we know all the words. >> he everybody knows them all, except our wedding song that was in spanish that i translate to do english 'cause i think we need a wedding song in english. >> steve: what are you going to do for us now? >> i'm going to sing from gretchen to you, boys, "i've grown accustomed to his face." i think it applies very much. >> brian: good luck. >> thank you. i'm singing it for my hubby, too. >> brian: he's in the audience. ♪ i've grown accustomed to his face ♪ ♪ he almost makes the day
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begin ♪ ♪ i've grown accustomed to the tune he whistles night and noon ♪ ♪ his smiles, his frowns, his ups, his downs ♪ ♪ are second nature to me now ♪ like breathing out and breathing in ♪ ♪ surely i could always be that way again ♪ ♪ i've grown accustomed to his look ♪ ♪ accustomed to his voice ♪ accustomed to his face
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: awesome! >> thank you so much! >> steve: i know you want to do look at his face, your husband, who is right over there. >> that beautiful face. he still looks 22. >> gretchen: he does. that was beautiful. >> steve: very nice. download her new cd, it's called "the standards." thank you very much. >> thank you. >> steve: when we come back, gretchen's best morning moments. don't miss it. ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light.
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100-calorie progresso light soups. ♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy. ge is revolutioning power. supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software. using data predictively to help power entire cities. so the turbines of today... will power us all... into the future. ♪
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about the dangers of video games. new research on that as we send it back to you guys in the studio at "fox & friends." >> steve: all right. thank you very much. it's been seven memorable years and this morning gretchen says so long to this coffee soaked curvy couch. >> brian: no inn honor of her last day, we take a trip down our seven-year memory lane. >> steve: we're going to start from scratch. >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. this is "fox & friends". ♪ >> gretchen: yes! yippy skippy! for once i get to do it! brian! i beat you! whoopsie daisy. >> brian: it's another great accomplishment for all involved. peter, you get over here. >> brian: gretchen carlson takes us behind the scenes of her big
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screen movie debut. >> i'm going to look at her and say your majesty. >> gretchen: i know that she had just celebrated her first holy communion. so you are a family of faith. is faith the only thing you can hold on to right now? >> well, i can hold on to the wonderful, nine beautiful years that i had with my daughter. i know she's going to do great things in heaven. maybe that's where she was needed. >> gretchen: will president obama thank president bush tonight during his speech for the success of the surge? that's the fourth time you asked me that question. >> gretchen: you haven't answered it. >> let me give you the same answer. >> gretchen: in baseball you get three strikes and you're out. you've had five chances to answer the question. >> i had the chance, because george was president, to get to know our military so well. >> gretchen: they finally let me on the segueway, brian. watch out!
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[ laughter ] >> brian: she's very attractive and professional who is also a musician and a fine woman and i feel honored to work with her. >> how much? >> brian: watch gretchen in front of the green screen. she becomes invisible. finally. >> i'd like another weather forecast. >> gretchen: i might have to change my dress. it's not every morning that i have somebody licking my thighs. and my ankles. it's a puppy! okay! it is turkish viagra! take a few sips at night and you're a man. >> brian: women are everywhere. we're letting them play golf and tennis now. it's out of control. >> gretchen: you read the headlines. >> steve: is that normal or nuts? >> i don't know.
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but this is better than prozac. ♪ holly, jolly christmas ♪ best time of the year >> gretchen: i deferred my responsibility of throwing out the first pitch to my son. take it away, buddy. >> brian: this woman has it down. >> gretchen: yes. >> brian: we have to get the scientific answers. why is it that you talk so much, gretchen? >> gretchen: 'cause i can. >> brian: because she can. ♪ >> steve: a lot of talking from the curvy couches. >> gretchen: you know, as you can see, we had a whole heck of a lot of fun. that special thanks to the people on the couch who have made this such a great seven years, to brian, you know i love you. to steve, thank you so much for all your insight and intellect and maria, to the newest member of the team, gloria, to your
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beautiful song. i got it thank my alarm clocks. thank you for always going off. >> steve: throw them away! >> gretchen: i will. thank you to hair and make-up, to the crew. you guys are fabulous. i've loved having a few -- kicking a few back. >> brian: even ted? >> gretchen: yep. all the producers. the show is so hard to put together. thank you so much to all of the executives. also my 25th anniversary of being miss america. so this week has been very overwhelming for me and i'm looking so much forward to moving on to my new show. but i will miss, miss, miss all these wonderful memories. >> steve: we will miss you. you're a real pro. good luck with the new show. we've got a special surprise. three minutes away. it's not for gloria. ♪ d 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family.
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they slim, smooth, and shamelessly flatter, exactly where it matters. the so slimming collection. so fabulous. only at chico's and trust your instincts to make the call. to treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18
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or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased d blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. >> steve: i hope you're hungry. >> brian: you better be. do you have a knife?
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>> karate chop it. >> gretchen: thanks, guys. >> steve: good luck in the afternoon. >> gretchen: thanks. thank you. >> brian: good luck. >> gretchen: thanks so much. martha: we start with this fox news alert. thousands of people have been urged to evacuate because of the serious flooding we are seeing in colorado. we start with these new pictures and they are incredible. gregg: i'm gregg jarrett in for bill hemmer. that evacuation includes all 2,000 people in lions, colorado. martha:
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