tv Huckabee FOX News September 14, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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im harris faulkner. and eli will so you halfway through huckabee. and remember the governor sits down with septemberor lindsay graham and they talk big picture syria and whathead. don't miss it. tonight on huckabee, the u.s. and russia reach a deal on chemical weapons and will assad complay? senator lindsay graham reacts. >> the woods family deserve answers. >> does the wood's family expect answers soon? >> plus. >> if god is good why is there suffering. >> why was the trailer blocked from facebook and youtube? . >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee.
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(applause) >> thank you. thank you very much. and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. look, i thought long and hard and was trying to find a way to take a movie that would illustrate the astonishing events in the past week. fail safe with henrow fonda wouldn't work because it was a very serious president who painfully understood the consequences of making mistakes with world power. >> you are responsible for what happens to us. today did we learn from it? >> what did we do mr. chairman? what do we say? >> and i couldn't use air force one about a president who personally fought off a plane full of terrorist to save his
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family and the world. get off my plane. and all right. no. none of the great films about presidents role or if i canititional. and the way president obama and his team handled the crisis in syria. i had to reach deep in the vault to find a classic movie to work to illustrate the leadership we have seen from the white house. >> it is a live one. and they were considered the clumsiest desparaddos that graced the old west. >> maybe that would fit, okay.
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>> the president preempted re- runs of here comes honey booboobecause he wanted to attack syria and he pretended that the bluff tossed out by secretary of state john kerry in london was his master plan and he had discussed weeks earlier with russian president vladimar putin. if you believe that, i was the one who urged president kennedy to boldly declare we would put a man on the moon when i was five years old. and scene from the twilight zone, john kerry saying, if we took military action in syria it would be small. i wished my father held that vow of discipline when i was a kid.
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i would appreciate small rear blistering instead of the ones i ended up getting. my father laid on the stripes and i saw stars. . and if the doctor's strange quality of bungling was not enough. we had this in the new york times by the russian president. i guess the new york times ran out of old commies to write editorian and they enlisted the ref repped putin who preached brother hod and equality by admonishing to get over the heresy of exceptionalism and accept to being med iocre and invoke his holy exoration and closed with these words. >> but when we are all
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different. we ask the lord blessings and must not forget that god created us equal. the old kgb commie got a large dose of religion and shares the athiestic foundation of his past to declare the nations are equal and ask the lord's blessings. reverend i am afraid i will not be singing the ha llel uja h chorus. i don't accept all nations as the same. ones that murder their open citizens with gas or bullets and bombs and they call for the a nilation of all jews and christians are not equal for those who attempt to functioned as a nation of laws. forgive me reverend putin. i believe america is a exceptional country and refuse to believe that it is dangerous to believe that. we learned this week, the danger is when we stop believing we are
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exceptional and have to call on russia to rescue us. >> secretary of state john kerry and foreign mippister la vror had an agreement that syria has to submit the detailed list of chemical stock pile in a week and called for the entire arsenal of chemical weapons to be dedestroyed bite middle of next year. will bashar assad play ball? lindsay graham supported the strike before the deal was made and joins me now. it is great to have you back. appreciate you being here today. (applause) >> thank you, for a baptist proacher, you are very witty. >> you might have made all of the baptist mad thinking they are not funny as they are.
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>> i am one, and i know we are not funny. >> and i want to ask you, you are supportive of the action going into syria and then, it just got really, really out of hand. and now today there is an agreement. do you trust the agreement and the parties that are putting it together? >> absolutely not. it is a blind alley and a box canyon for america. putin led us down a road where there is no good out come. without the threat of force the agreement means nothing. i wanted to strike assad and punish him and change the tide of battle. mike, what happens if assad said no, you can't go there? without a chapter seven resolution which the russians are threatening to veto and allows the use of force it means nothing. this is a debacle. >> and where did this whole
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thing unravel? >> i think when the president came to congress. right after the redline was drawn a year ago. why would assad do it after he was told by obama not to? from benghazi forward, we have been sending a signal that we are weak and a paper tiger. they killed our ambassador and three other americans and a year later nothing happen to anyone. every radical jihaddist is on steroids and assad sized up obama and i will do what i need to to protect myself. and challenge this guy. and the russians and iranians and syrians won the contest and we lost. i worry about what is happening in iran. the only reasonable they are not dancing is because they don't believe in dancing. >> you believe if we don't get the situation in syria resolved
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we'll be dealing in six months something far more serious been iran and israel. explain to me what kind of serious situation we'll face in six months? >> iran is the biggest ally of assad. they are linked to the help and russia is helping. and anything we are doing in syria is sending a signal to the iranians. i believe they are building a nuclear weapon and not a nuclear power plant. >> i absolutely believe that. >> look how we handled the chemical weapons threat in syria. if we duplicate that to iranians they will march to the nuclear weapon. our friends in israel will have to take the iranians on unless the united states sends a clear signal to iran unlike we is not to syria. mixed message can't be repeated when it comes to iran.
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here's what i will do. i will get a bipartisan coalition together and put together a use of force resolution and allow our country to use military force as a last resort to stop the program and make sure they get a clear signal that call of this debacle called syria doesn't mean we are confused about iran. we may be confused with the chemical weapons in syria, but not to do with the program in iran. i mean, republicans and democrats and libertarians and vegetarians all believe that the iranians can't be allowed to get a nuclear weapon and we have to send that signal and i will draft a resolution allowing force to be to stop the nuclear. i need your help and every friend of israel needs to rally. and i will sunday a signal to israel and tel aviv and to the a
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yatollas. you march to a nuclear weapon all options on the table including military action. >> you are going to seek a preemptive approval to give the president a loaded weapon so he feels the freedom and support of a bipartisan congress to take action including military against iowa ran to prevent them from having nuclear weapons. >> that's right. if they get nuclear weapons. every state will challenge the nuclear ability. i am afraid they would share the technology to terrorist. you are on the rod to a rma getton if they get the nuclear weapon. i will offer a resolution allowing the use of force as a last resort and let the president know all options on the table including military
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option that congress grease with them. i am not asking him to come to us. mike fwe don't do this soon, this mess in syria will lead to a conflict between israel and iran. the iranians have to believe that america is not serious about the nuclear program after the way putin has led us in a blipped canyon in syria. >> strong stuff. stay with us. last wednesday marked a year since four americans were murdered in benghazi. and senator graham will speak to the survivors about what happen that night. will we ever find out, i will ask the senator when we come back. >> i would like to hear from you. go to my web site and tell me what you think. and sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. you can find a link to that at [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker.
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(applause) >> on wednesday, state department spokes person faced tough questioning from a p reporter matt lee on request for house oversight and chairman darril issa, to make the survivors of benghazi attacks available for questioning by congress. >> do you see the contradiction here? when he complaining that you are not making people available to him and you say that is not thorough. you are and then you say people are not being made available, that is a problem. >> what i would say to him, we don't understand why anyone would do going to jeopardize the process. >> okay, it is factually correct though then, that the state department or the administration is preventing people specifically the survivors from testifying.
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>> i don't have. >> for whatever reason it is just true. >> we are back with senator lindsay graham. and we were talking about dancing. i thought jim was mimmicking ginger rogers. why will not we hear from the survivors from benghazi. >> i think charles wood size one of your next guest. i want to tell mr. woods and every family member who lost a member that losted a loved one in benghazi. we'll get to hear from the survivors. it is a year since the attack and congress is the independent oversight. can you imagine if this was bush how our democratic friends would act. i will stop every nomination and a ponement until the state department agrees to make available to the house and senate those who survived the debacle called benghazi.
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we need to hear from them what happened and not told by a spokesman what happened. >> how come we are pushing over and over and not begin the answer. they should know it is going to come out. why would the stall continue like this? >> i think the narrative that bin laden was dead and al-qaeda on the run was destroyed by the attack in benghazi. the attack request for security. chris stephens said we can't defend the consulate. and al-qaeda flags are flying all over the place and why for eight hours no one came to their rescue and how did it start as a protest gone bad spawned by hateful video. i looked at the evidence. mike, there is not one communication from tripoli or benghazi suggesting that there was a protest outside of the consulate. the ambassador went to bed at
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9:02. it was a fabrication by the administration. mr. woods and his family haven't been told the truthment survivors are going to speak and all hell will break out between congress and the state department and ciowa a. we'll not let state department be putin and we obama. we'll push back. the americans need ton what happened to the four brave americans and get to the bottom of it. >> i appreciate your tenacity on this. the american people and the families of those four who were murdered deserve an answer. thanks for standing up for them and pushing back hard. great to have you here. >> thank you, mike. >> senator lindsay graham from south carolina. and when you come back, charles wood will be with us. father of tyroen woods one of the four heroes we lost in benghazi. we'll be right back.
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navy seal toy roen woods was one of the americans killed in benghazi on september 11th, 2012. he ignored orders to stand down and went to the consulate to try to save those in peril. he fought to his death. his body was found slumped over the machine gun. he was firing to his last moment on earth. with us is charles woods and ty's younger sisters, joy, faith and hope who are in the audience with us and we are delighted you are here with us. >> charles, there are 30 survivors from that night in
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benghazi. they saw firsthand what happened and experienced it. many of those people are alive because of your son. and because of glenn. have you had contact with those folks? >> right after the funeral there was an individual who e-mailed me, his name was peterson and he was an information officer in benghazi. he was basically relaying the distress calls and telling the powers at be what was happening there. he is not a touching e-mail and he said your son's sacrifice saved my life and i would like to talk to you. >> we did. >> what did he tell you. >> unfortunately at the time, i believed the official story and so i didn't know what questions to ask. i wished i had the opportunity to contact him again. i have tried to contact him, he is apparently outside of the united states, and somehow i
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can't contact him at his e-mail or phone number he gave me. >> what were you told. what he would tell you was different than the official version. it was what? >> the first official version i got that was reicized was from hillary and that was before ty's funeral when the bodies were shipped back to andrews air force base and the famous statement, we are going to prosecute the person that is responsible for the video. >> she talked about the youtube video. >> i had heard about a video in egypt that was the first mention of any video in libya. now she said she was going to get you the truth. did the president also speak to you? >> i spoke with the president and he was grabs and nice for him to take time to come visit with the families.
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he went to each family group and he came over and shook my hand and i shook his hand and i put my hand on his shoulder and i said thank you for your service. i was at peace with my son's death even though i grieved quite a bit and i still cry when i think about it. but i told him that you know, my view of reality was this, was that it was ty's time, that god could have prevented that but god anyhow what was best and i think i made a statement that some good will come out of this. did he tell you that you would get the truth or did hillary or anyone tell you that. >> generically the president did offer to reach out to the families, and so far that has not happen. i decided recently to initiate
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contact and so i did send the president a letter saying there are several questions that i would like to have answered to bring closure to my family. >> but no contact from the white house, the state department. >> none. none. that's why i initiated contact and i am sure he will. he's busy with syria, and i am sure when his plate is more empty he will respond to that. >> i don't care how full his plate is, you deserve an answer. and the rest of america deserves an answer. and the president should make time to give you and the country as to why your son died. >> it si little late for that. i wished he had taken time the night of september 11th not to go to bed and not to prepare to collect money in las vegas. i wished he had taken time then,
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to watch more of the video of the lifetime ambush attack of the embassy and i wished that he had is not the troops that everyone knows were available to rescue those. it is always the policy of our military to never leave anyone behind and always rescue. (applause) >> that is a question that we also have. >> in this case there was no rescue attempt or planes and ty's body was left on the tarmac for three hours and there was not even an american plane to rescue or take his body home. they had to commander a libyan plane and they didn't know where to be taken in order to remove his body from the tarmac. is that the way to treat an american hero? >> it most certainly is not, charles. that's why all of us in this
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ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪ the joint is jumpin' ♪ it's really jumpin' osteo bi-flex® helps strengthen your joints.° like calcium supplements can help your bones,
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deaths so far. in the u.s. and russia giving syria one week to give a list of chemical weapons. it is called ambitious arms control in history. the deal will be in by november. it calls for all chemical weapons in syria to be destroyed. now back to huckabee. >> we are back with charles woods, father of navy seal ty woods. jeff duncan held up a photoof ty while questioning secretary of state john kerry on the house hearings in syria. >> this is a picture of toy roen woods a navy seal, the woods family deserve answers and he was killed in benghazi. america deserves answers. before we send americans in a civil war and no clear
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indication that there is no imminent threat to the united states. >> powerful moment. there is other congressman and septemberors who attempted to get answers. jeff duncan and others pushed for answers. >> i want to tip my hat to jeff duncan. i have spoke ep to him three times. once in his office when i gave him a picture of ty. >> and you gave me. >> thank you. he called me twice. once last spring and he said i appreciated visiting with you and i want you to know that i have taped ty's picture to my computer so that i will not forget. and then right before the anniversary of ty's going home to be with the lord, he called me again, and said i want you to know that i still have your son's picture taped to my computer so that i will not forget. there are really awesome people
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in d.c. not all of them are there for the wrong reasons. he's one and other one is jason. we have talked a half dozen times. he even gave me his personal cell phone. and last january, i called him and he happen to be packing up his kids to go to disneyland and he took quite a bit of time out of the schedule and we talked and he mentioned to me, i believe it was october 28th. he went back to libya with general ham. and this was the statement he made to me. he said "gentleman ham told me that he told the joint chiefs of staff that he had assets available immediately in the area, but he was not given
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permission to use those assets. ". so many times officials say no assets available and there was not an order to stand down. but there was assets available, but tyrone was told not to go and get engaged in that battle. >> three times, ty and those with him were told to stand down. and there could have been, we don't know for sure, but ambassador ste feps -- stephens could have been saved if he was not denied three times. if he had gone immediately it could be possibly no loss of life. >> your son is a true hero. he could have stayed put where he was safe. he ran to the sound of the guns and as a result there are americans who are alive because of him, and i hope we'll be able
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to hear from. and i also hope we will not forget and i appreciate you giving me a copy of the picture of your son ty. i appreciate it. i, too, promise you, charles, i will not forget. thank you and god bless you. >> thank you. (applause) >> well, the united states and russia whose president has the better leadership skills. we'll grade the performance of barak obama and vladimar putin when we come back. (applause) [ male announcer ] when it comes to doing what you love,
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droid does. in the new york times this week, russian president vladimar putin made a plea to the american people. this is how he reacted to president obama's address to the nation on tuesday. i would rather disagree on the case of american exceptionalism simply that the american states policy is what makes america different and it is what makes us exceptional. it is dangerous to discourage people to see themselves as exceptional whatever the motivation. joining us is ely mitchell and retired gunnery certainly. jesse did you have. and president and ceo of freedom marks matt kiefy. >> we'll do a little school
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work. grade vladimar and president obama and see how they did. first of all vladimar putin. give hymn a grade on his leadership ability this week and we'll ask you to make the grade and hold them up and we'll so what you want to say about it. here we go. hold up your grade. a munus and matt and kgb from elle. and i don't remember getting that grade in school and probably glad. >> you are playing movies for our president. i think putin is like kha n in the star trek movies. we'll trust him a little bit and he will turn on us and we have to be ready to blast him. >> i think that is right. jesse, you gave putin a bminus. >> it was factually incorrect. i didn't want to go in the details of that. he was inconsistent with saying
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he was supporting democracy and of american exceptionalism. you usually fail the class for lying and that is what is ultimately going to happen. >> take them down and look at president obama and give him a grade on leadership this week. he's certainly had his moments in the sun to say the least. well, wow.
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tough school. elle, i start with you. question. is that incomplete. >> his semester is not over yet. i think that the president is trying to keep us out of war. i don't know if he will suck sowed or the plan great. it is like the hokeypokey. putting our drones in and troops out. and shaking it all about. i don't pretend to fully understand his plan. >> he don't either. it isoc. >> it is not true it yes and premature to be grading people. >> matt fmenus? >> on and test you can't give multiple answers to the same question. and so in that accepts he didn't get it right and he tried to skip the glass completely by going around congress and happily the american people insifted he do that. >> jesse jane. >> i look at it like a marine.
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my leadership is inconsistent and not showing fortitude or logic or why would we do this. i want leadership that wants me to make hungry to commit. we had almost five warships in the mediterranean when he stated ita is a national emergency but we'll wait a week until congress gets back. that is not leadership. he needs to go through boot camp and learn the leadership traits. >> we'll show you a video. general david petraes. look. (chanting)
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(chanting (chanting) well, the one guy almost got creamed by the bus and not paying attention. general petraes is not used to that treatment from a bunch ever college kids. he spent his life dodging bullets and bombs and i found it incredible. what is your grade for david petraes. excuse me the students. we'll grade the students. good thing. i would say. matt a cminus. >> i teach community organizing for living and the first rule is to show up.
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they get a cminus for showing up to class. they were so rude and obnoxious i think they made the case for general petraes. and if they want to go after war criminals. go after the guy who hired him twice can promoted him twice he lives in 16nd pennsylvania avenue. nhaving been a marine i found it, the eligible ate sand and devoted his life to service. however, what they were doing is what we defend freedom of speech and i have to understand that. i was very torn with this and watching the tape, there was an outrageous display that made them lose their message and looked like they were on the verge of assault. and they looked like jerks and they missed the opportunity to be successful. >> elle. >> i have a low grade. the point of college is figure out how to take your debates and
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make them strong. if i yell boo, like you are in yankee stadium. it is a low grade for the ipt lengthualism. if they have a point they should make it but screaming at people. but i am a easy grader. >> what they did was kid stuff. thanks to all of you for your grades and make this point. to these kids and hecklers, if you are going to scream at four star general. it is general and not david. and he earned those stars and whether you like him or not you have an obligation to respect him. i don't agree with president obama. but i called him mr. president. and he will be mr. president until the day he dies. i can krietize him kwh which is my american right. and for a four star general. respect him.
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offensive and unsafe. they took it down. now i want you to watch that trailer. and i'm going to let you see what facebook thought was offensive and unsafe. >> i want you to come on this journey with me to discover the answer to this age-old question. if god is good, why is there so much suffering? why all the pain? why does he allow evil in a world when he could stop it? ♪ but here i come all you monsters better run from me ♪ ♪ you can't buy my silence i came out with my faith stronger than before. >> would you please welcome back to the show my friend kirk cameron. kirk. how are you, kirk? >> great. >> great having you here. >> thank you.
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>> this was a really inspirational and encouraging film that you're going to have. now, the pressure of people who heard about this got facebook to repent. >> well -- that's one way of putting it. yeah. you know, it was amazing to me what happened. and i think that what we don't understand as conservatives, or people of faith, is that we are a sleeping giant. we're big, strong, powerful, bold, and sometimes we need to get kicked in the teeth before we wake up and use what's available. we're awake now. >> yeah. >> millions of people locked arms and spoke to facebook and youtube who also stopped the content, and said we don't want you to stop unstoppable, we want this. and they put it back up. >> this has given publicity to the film that it wouldn't have gotten. maybe what was intended for harm is good. tell us what we're going to see
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with the film unstoppable. >> like i said in the trailer, this is the most personal project i have made. based on the true story of my friend matthew who died of cancer this year. i know that god is good, but i had a gut-wrenching question, god, where are you? this is a good boy from a good family? why didn't you stop it? it is my personal journey and i take you with me, not only to south dakota to his funeral where his fool team is lowering his casket into the ground, but heaven's balcony to give a view of the history of the world and show you that in god's story of humanity, there's evil and suffering and pain since the beginning of the garden of eden. it's a nail-biter from beginning to end. we are in the story, but when we understand that the author is faithful, our tragedies are
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important, and it will be a great story. >> a lot of people think you'll be rich, healthy won't have enemies if you love god. but it doesn't pan out like that. >> it didn't pan out that way were jesus. >> no. >> he loved god. >> he did. >> he was good and innocent, and he was crucified. but what we know that they didn't know the day they saw him on the cross was three days later the story is written for victory, right? and so we know there's victory in the end, we have to hang on and wait until we get there. >> and the film is going to be september 24th. you can see unstoppable tuesday september 24th. it is a live one night event. to find the theater near you, go to unstoppable the that's unstoppable the what a pleasure to have you here. thank you. >> thank you. >> i hope that more people will
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see the film as a result of the controversy. that would be terrific. >> thank you for helping make that happen. >> thank you for joining us from new york, this is mike huckabee. good night and god bless. fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! your modefy gravity.ything. new alka seltzer fruits chews. find hidden treasure. make rainbows appear. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. comfort keepers can help you help her. our professional caregivers are carefully chosen and highly trained to provide a variety of in-home services while truly engaging with your aging loved ones so they can stay happy at home. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. ll comfort keepers now to arn more.
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