tv Red Eye FOX News September 20, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> greg. greg. >> i have 20 seconds left. here's what i'm going to do for 20 seconds. i've got 8 seconds. i've got 8 seconds. welcome to "red eye." it is like tomorrow never dies if by tomorrow you mean the f nu gus like the state of michigan on my big left toe. i will let it be. due to andy levy's tragic death in a german sex film, there is no pre game report. so we will just welcome our guests. whoa, she is so hot that her face doubles as a griddle. i am here with author, columnist and fox news contributor, jedediah, you should see the back of that dress, bila. filling in for andy levy is the chin chill law parmer --
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>> that's a good question, weird man. >> they said hooray to gta in a big way. but is that okay? on tuesday, grant theft auto v set sales records for a video game with $800 million worldwide. that's more than any hollywood film has earned so far this year with the exception of ironman 3 and house party 36. the game lets players plan and execute a heist and dabble in activities like arms trafficking. critics say it is too violent and point to a scene where one
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character has his teeth pulled out and is then electrocuted. here is another typical scene from gta5. >> i don't get what the fuss is about. chris, welcome to the show. you look great, as always. i wish i knew how you kept so young. but maybe i don't because then it might be disgusting. what does this mean for hollywood? $800 million in one day. it takes like a whole weekend of movies to make like half of that. all of that work they did phon lone ranger didn't payoff. what does this say to hollywood? >> now you have actors and actresses who are playing the role in video games, and they are actually dash dosh know, they are such character development that these are roles. the actors are jumping in and trying to make money on it. >> and i hope the characters don't need the actors
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anymore. if the characters from video games end up imigrating illegally perhaps into movies, so you no longer need actors and actresses, because they will just be better. jedediah, a movie lasts for two hours. you get 40 hours of this game. i know you love to play. >> i have never played the game. so thank you for inviting me to provide my expertise. i have dated many a nerd and i have been told that this is a fun game. it is interact tiff, that it is exciting. i don't have a problem with the violence because this is for adults. it is not for kids. it is not market cked to kids -- marketed to kids. i am not one of those ban violent video games or movies. that's why parents exist for kids, and that's why normal people should behave normally. >> i think it should be for kids. it should be for as young as six months. as early as six months. >> in the womb. >> i am kidding, america. i think it is disgusting.
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andy, you play these video games often against your cats. how do you feel afterwards? do you feel sad and coating? loathing? full of self-hatred? >> i am trying to figure out what the characters immigrating to movies is about. >> i am saying these games are so good is you can't recreate anything that good in a movie. >> that's absurd tee. >> that's not even a word. >> that's something a rhino would say. the games i play -- like video games, but i like the games that involve picking out costumes for my characters. i am a gamer. i like to play games. i am not a gta fan because it is open world as they say and i don't like that. i don't want choices. i want a lynn yir game -- a linear game that tells me where to go. i don't want to think when playing the tbaim. development is about $250 million. it has already made an
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unbelievable profit the first day. i don't have anywhere to go with that. i just want to get that in. >> this is not fbn. >> i would buy rock star game stock. >> is that your pick? >> that's my pick. >> we have 17 more guests to get to. bill, you often poke fun at the video game crowd, but it is $60 per game and that is only eight or nine beers at the bar which you drink in an hour, so who is the real loser here? your answer is limited to yes, it is me and yes, yes it is me. >> what if i say one of those things in esperanto? >> as long as it is yes, yes, i am the loser. very good. >> i cashed out after supermario brothers. i was never into video games. i like to be outside where i can drink my 19 beers. i have a friend though that got the game immediately. he is part of the cult. last night he was sending me random texts of what he was
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doing in the game. and i think it will give you insight of what goes on in grand theft auto. in no particular order. just killed the ceo and the grand unveiling of a new tablet. his stock is plummeting. nows i'm gonna do some day trading and maybe kill a pedestrian on the way. just bought a new outfit exclamation point, [bleep]. there is a commercial for medical cocaine. ha, ha, ha, ha. and he goes on with ha, ha, ha. this is 5:00 in the morning. he has not slept for 48 hours and he has a daughter. >> so did hemmer ever go to bed? >> he did, but the game went on without him. >> you know what this is? i finally realized what gta is. it is lucid dreaming. lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming and you realize you are in a dream. you go oh my god, i can do
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anything i want and get away with it because there is no morality involved in a dream. you can kill somebody, you know, or do whatever else you might do in a dream, chris, which we won't get into here because it is a family show. the fact is that's what this is. it is lucid dreaming. >> it is complete anarchy. you have the choice of radio stations in the car with actual kenny loggins at one of the dj's. there are actual kenny log begins -- loggins song. heaven. but you can mow down anyone you want. it is anarchy. >> it is like creating a life you wish you had, but don't in a way. >> you want to kill people, jedediah? >> no, but you get to step in another world and live in another reality. it is like instead of watching a movie you are living a movie. >> i said this before on "the five" i don't do that with grand theft auto because it is like stepping into my normal life. you don't play me and 25 cats,
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the game anymore. >> don't get it. >> well, you should. did you know that surveys found that video games, what they replace some somebody's life, the thing it replaces the most are board games. >> who is playing 40 hours of board games? >> lonely people who play board games. but tv -- it goes board games and then tv and then i don't know sports or something. >> i don't buy that. >> people are staying up all night playing board games? >> did you ever play a good yatzee? >> no. >> you know what grand theft auto hasn't replaced? cocaine. i am told that indeed they go hand a in hand. >> that would explain why you were up at 5:00 a.m. getting the text from your friend. >> i was woken up when i was dreaming about the charity work i did in real world. my dream is bill schulz doing good things. >> shut him up right now. with games in guns are thugs
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now inspired? and a month after the federal judge said it violated the rights of minorities, shootings in new york city went up 5,000 percent. actually 13%. as gun seizures dropped 17%. is this a coincidence? according to the new york post which is owned by bath and body works there were 140 shootings in those weeks compared to the previous period last year of 128. said a source, quote, shootings are going through the roof because perps are not afraid to carry a gun. a perp i believe is a tiny bird. it is adorable that they are carrying guns. another source said cops are no longer being pro active with stop and frisk because they fear being sued. you know who is sometimes too pro ago a tiff? pro active? look at him run away. such a rhino.
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>> and he has a camera installed in his bathroom. >> pill it on. >> he is the chuck berry of cat videos. >> that wasn't water. >> you may as well google chuck berry in videos. >> do not do that! don't do it! >> chris, are you a new yorker. you are a new yorker. even though you don't like the idea of stop and frisk, you like the idea of stop and frisk because you want to be safer, right? >> every new yorker has that struggle. if you don't you haven't thought about it. the thing is i have not experienced gun violence and i have not experienced being profiled in that way. for me to make an educated -- i can't make an educated comment about it really. >> i think you can. i make educated comments about stuff i have nothing to do with every day. >> you make comments about stuff. >> i make nonsense cal comments about things i know nothing about. this i know because i live
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here, jedediah. is it too soon to draw conclusions or not soon enough? >> you won't want cops being afraid to do their jobs. i don't want police sitting on the sidelines and waiting for something to happen and then violence happens and it ensues and you say why? cops were afraid to do anything beforehand as they were afraid they would get sued. it is a huge problem. it is partially a politically correct problem and partially people being afraid of infringing on somebody's constitutional rights, but now it is a fear that cops have that if we sort of step outside this little box we have been placed in, we can be stigma tiesed and it will lead to a more violent society. >> andy, a panel of law professors has been selected to monitor stop and frisk which you say is a great idea. i was surprised by that. >> i think it is absolutely a great idea. first, stop and frisk has not been retired. the judge didn't say you have to stop using stop and frisk. she said it has to be conducted in a manner consistent with the constitution which is great news for conservatives because
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conservatives love the constitution. >> where is your copy, andy? >> i don't need a copy. my copy is in here, lady. none of the changes to the stop and frisk program that the judge mentioned have gone into affect. but it has lead to an increase in crime because they haven't taken effect. >> the cops are dialing back because of the fear. the criminals are becoming, i guess, more fearless knowing that no one will stop them. >> i will concede that argument. >> then i won! can we go to a break? we can't? >> let's get to what is being said. if you stop a police force from exceeding its authority and acting unconstitutionally crime may go up. that's true. if you gave them a lot of power we could get the crime late lower. do you want to do that? >> well then you are crazy. >> police conduct random searches of people's houses the crime rate will go down. >> but there are police
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officers that will never exceed their authority and they will step back because it will be still ma tiesed. >> eventually it will work itself out. we will have law professors telling them what they can do which is great. >> cops are not doing stop and frisk. how many people got shot and were in the neighborhoods neighborhood where stop and frisk first happened where minorities got shot. >> 17. >> that's a good point. bill, you actually proposed a stop and terrorist -- a stop and trist program where people would stop and make out with you. have you gotten permission about this idea? >> he said the bull's eye i was wearing was a bit much. everyone is a critic, greg. to andy's point, we can do even more things that would make us safer. we can go to the neighborhood and arrest everyone there. there will be innocent people in jail, but the problem is it
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is not constitutional. a terrible judge has ruled this is unconstitutional. >> a terrible judge! >> but there are certain people that cherry pick the constitution like the bible. they will cherry pick the bible -- >> i don't cherry pick anything. >> you don't like the fourth amendment, but you love the second. >> you do pick cherries out of your teeth and other areas i won't get into. that's why they call you dingell cherry. it is not a word. don't draw a context. let me finish! >> you are finished. you are finished on the dingell berry line. >> i said dingell cherry! >> actually a cherry is red and so it is a red line. obamacare beware, two new ads are encouraging people to opt out of the insurance exchanges starting october 1st, the spots produced by generation opportunity or gen h of op and
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quite intriguing. >> i see you are in need of obamacare as well. >> i saw the ads and thought why not? >> take your pants off. >> see, the first one reminded me of a specific weekend i spent with the burger king guy. it was amazing. he has a huge head. the second one, a bit creepy, jedediah. gen-op is partially funded by the koch brothers.
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they have to be evil. >> it is a marketing fail. if anyone wants to know whatnot to do in an ad look at these. i think they were trying to cater to the youth and trying to get us to laugh, i guess, and make young people pay attention. instead we are left uncomfortable. and what is bad is they say they wanted to focus on the cost that young people will have to deal with. there is no mention of that. it is an odd, creepy sort of chucky meets some sort of other -- >> i wasn't creeped out at all. the first one titilated me. the second one, not interested at all in that. they should have focused -- what they were trying to get at was that obamacare may require doctors to ask specific questions about your sex life. that was the story that came out a couple weeks ago and then it flew away. you don't get that from this, do you? >> there is a moment -- if you never had a sex nightmare before you will have it. >> are there people who never
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had sex nightmares ? >> a sex nightmare is when you are having sex with something or somebody and then it changes into something else. all of a sudden it is like the head of your chemistry teacher. >> i have never had one of those. >> at the beginning of each of those ads there is a moment where like the nurse or the doctor finds out the kid signed up for obamacare and gave a slightly judgey look. and then they don't get to what the problem is. that's where you need to insert the language and then have the sex nightmare. >> i don't think it is as creepy as people say. i just think they didn't articulate the message. by the way, andy, they didn't articulate the message because let's face it, they are new at this. it is not like the left who have been doing this for 30 years. >> first of all, i think they did articulate the message. the ad with the girl is a little rapey. her legs are shaking and you can hear her screaming. >> that's not good.
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>> if their message was the government shouldn't be in charge of your body, then i think that is the message you get from that as creepily as it is portrayed. i think they got that message across. especially the girl one, but they shouldn't have done that. >> the girl one -- you know what, it shouldn't have been that kind of an exam. they could have come up with a different exam. i am not a doctor. anyway, bill, the insurance exchange starts on october 1st. there is a 50/50 chance you won't even be alive by then, but you do have thoughts on this. >> my glass is half full. i think i will be. there is a 50/50 chance. you know how money can't buy taste? it can't buy production value. that was a creepy look into the koch brothers life. they have weird eyes wide shut parties where people wear masks and lab coats and pass
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words and then people remove their clothes under a weird penalty. that was all in that ad. i could tell. >> the koch brothers didn't have anything to do with the ad. they are one of the organizations that gives money to this company. >> they didn't produce the ad. >> they said i have less than a minute. coming up, greek's -- greek? greece's finance minister says the economy is heading toward recovery after it sought growth in the second quarter. wait, we have a stripper story. sorry, greece. that was great acting by me i think. tremendous work, greg. a church devoted to saving strippers. a church devoted to saving strippers. that's how you do a tease.
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we are poorer than beforer. the census bureau, whatever that is, released its annual report on incomes and poverty and one take away is troubling. as the "washington post" columnist points out the typical american family makes less than it did in 1989. the year i first tried pineapple. back then the median household made about $51,700 in current dollars whereas in 2012 the number is about $51,000. we have gone down. this isn't a lost decade for economic gains for america. it is a lost generation. speaking of a lost generation.
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>> yes, that cinder block is so adorable. get that ugly dog out of the way. who isn't with mow when you see a good, hard, cinder block. nice. jedediah, the amazing fact about the economy, is there someone in particular you might blame whose name could rhyme with barac hussein obama from kenya? >> i can't fully blame him. i want to, but i can't fully blame him. this has been going on for a longtime. i think he made it worse. people don't understand prosperity. the problem is for a longtime we have been taxing the people up here to try to save the whole economy. we have this philosophy where if you take from one person and you give it to another somehow that helps the economy at large and it helps everyone. >> i am italian.
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>> that looked naughty what you just did. >> something happened to me in greece. >> you were making a tremendous point. >> barack obama has taken it to a new level with this redistribution of wealth. this is bush's fault. >> ba, ba, ba, ba. >> we willed dit that out, of course. >> now you are doing the editing out jokes? >> does this make you envy the median american households of 1989? >> we are at the same spot. i was 8 then. it feels nice to be able to say that and to feel young. but it is amazing to look at the chart with -- against like the s&p. it just doesn't even match the chart in any recognizable way. it is the take away you were saying. >> was i 26? how old was i in 1989? >> i was 5. you were 7.
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>> 20. i was thinking about doing a show called do the math where people sit here and just work out math problems. great idea. >> it would be one problem and none of us would figure it out. >> somebody comes here and it won't even be the same math problem. it will be five different ones so you can't even repeat. bill, fox news now just pays you in twizzlers, yet in 1989 you probably would have gotten more twizzlers. that has to upset you. >> it did. i have a game show. you have to go around and figure out who you can have sex with who is in math. >> that's idiotic and a waste of time. in my opinion the economy goes up and then goes down. >> wow, that was something of the. >> i agree with you on that, bob. >> thank you. >> i also have proof and that's why i love numbers and charts.
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this story is right in 1989 the median income is high you -- higher than it is now. can we focus in on this chart? if you look at 1993 and 1994? i will circle that. >> that's actually lower than it is now. so in the last 20 years, the median family income has gone up. we are worse off than we were 24 years ago. i feel good while the rest of you feel awful and there -- therefore i am smarter and better than all of you. >> that's an interesting point i didn't actually read. it pisses me off. there is one interesting thing about this story. even though you think your lifestyle -- or your life is not making us much money, your lifestyle is indeed better than in 1989 because you didn't have all of the cool
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stuff. >> as a country we are not in the same spot. we funneled a a ton of money byway of stimulus to fix this. as a uh sigh tee we have gone downhill. >> i was funneling a lot of beer in 1989 which i cooperate do now. >> that was helping the country and not hurting it. >> and we are coming out of a very bad rescission. a year ago 8.1 unemployment. last month, 7.4. now it is 7.3. that's good. >> that's because people left the labor force. that's why the number is going down. people stopped looking for work. >> think about -- talking about stimulus, think about all of the money that has gone to the government and how much different the world would be if it it didn't go to the government. >> you can't rely on the government. you have to rely on the private sector. the problem won't be solved. none of the politicians want to do the hard work. do the hard work or stop complaining. >> what chris was saying in
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the green room. >> that she overheard. >> and then i repeated. coming up, should obama be impeached because he hasn't been impeached yet which as you know is an impeachable offense? we investigate jedediah bila's latest book "50 new casserole recipes." and it is a party to end all teen parties. looks like a weekend at my second home. it is a hollowed out storage container i buried in the woods.
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can she turn strippers on to script tour? the wife of a tennessee pastor started a ministry to help exotic dancers turn their back on exposing their backs. erin stevens launched strip church, similar to what i launched many years ago. following a 20-day fast during which she explained i felt the lord say to me, go feed the strippers. strip church is a worldwide organization with 60 ministries that reach out to strip clubs in cities like denver, miami and chicago. reach out. sounds like a job for -- >> lightning roooooouuuunnnnnddd. >> she has gotten one 20-year-old mother of two to stop striping and smoking and pursue a criminal justice degree. how can that be bad?
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>> who said it was bad? >> i don't know. i was hoping you did. >> i have nothing against it. >> it is wonderful. >> it seems nice. god told her to go and feed the strippers as a commandment. feeding the strippers seems like an interesting choice. helping the strippers. >> this is the one thing religion does great is takes risks. jedediah, you said you wanted to leave the church and become a stripper and go in the opposite direction. >> i did not say that. are you trying to get me piered? fired. i think it is a good idea because mostly she doesn't go in there and preach to them. she offers advice and offers a support system which they may not have and perhaps she has something to better than about it too. some have had families to support and a you rough up bringing. >> every stripper had a bad
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dad or a bad relationship with a dad. >> it is a coincidence. my daughters are stripper. >> that's true. one of your i will legitimate daughters works at the rack shack. do you want a strip minister to come and counselor her? >> i thought it was a rib rack shack. aliwicious come home, but bring the cash. i always find it fascinating that the visions come after 21 days of not eating. it is never between lunch and dinner. >> that's why she wanted to feed the strippers. >> feed yourself. >> get a strip steak. andy, what about the jewish strippers ? >> what. >> can you save the jewish strippers ? >> there are a fair amount of jewish porn stars, so there are probably a fair amount of jewish stripper. >> are there really? >> yes. >> how do you know this? >> i did research before the show.
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i do love that she said i felt the lord say to me, go feed the strippers because i too hear that. i get where she is coming from. what are you going to say bad about this woman? she is doing great work and she is trying to help people -- >> i am not going to say anything bad, but i would be real interested to know what the ratio of women in this organization versus men. it is also interesting that they don't help any chip and dale strippers. >> you know why? they are in an organization that is not seedy and they have -- i think they have catered lufns. >> good dads, over protective mothers and amazing abs. this is more like missionaries. i like people who go out and do stuff. not people who talk about church and religion, but don't
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do anything. these people try to do stuff which is something that i don't think you see as much anymore. >> i don't think anyone can go to a church and light a candle and then turn around and not do anything helpful. it takes a lot to help people less fortunate and not as lucky as you are in life. and lend them a helping hand. >> let's move on, shall we? >> i would like to add something. >> no. more than 300 teens held a party at the home of a former nfl player and trashed the place. now he started a website to publicly out them. brian holloway who played for the patriots, which i believe is a football team, came back from a trip to find graffiti, broken windows and a urine -soaked carpet. they posted pictures on facebook and twitter that are now featured on the site. he says the site called, help
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me save 300" is a way of preventing the kids from heading down the wrong path in life. that is a smart move. do you think he is trying to locate them to help him or when they show up he will punch the [bleep] out of them. >> i think he wants to help them. i want him to not mean it and it is a hilarious way to turn themselves in with the same poses and the women and the girls all have the duck face .cc;'.t/ó;=;tz?çççvf ñk]i-'çó%
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>> they should go to a girty bathroom and clean the [bleep] out of the bathroom with their bear hands. i said they should actually do community service. >> jedediah, the parents of the kids are ticked off about the fact this guy is posting the kids' pictures on the site. aren't those parents -- shouldn't they be blamed as well and be forced to clean public bathrooms ? >> the parents' attitudes show you how they wound up that way. the parents don't understand accountability. if that was my dad he would want me to be humiliated. he would say you do this.
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i would be the guidance for that woman. a nice, long path. they should be humiliated and you have to teachers and accountability. they should have to do something grotesque. ii don't even think that is good enough. >> maybe teachers and them accounting. >> it has to be harder than that. >> bill, your daughters were at the party. was it as good a time as it looked in those pictures ? >> i apologize about the urine. they inherited my bladder. the one thing i have heard today is there has been a lot of, kids today, oh kids today. well, this is a good thing about today. kids always sucked. kids did horrible things. now we have the worldwide web and now we can catch them. they are just as dumb as they were 30 years ago and just as mean as they were 30 years ago. they didn't have a venue where they could be like look how awesome i am dancing on this guy's desk.
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send to everyone. we have that now and we can catch them. >> that's true. it is hard to be a racist these days. everything gets filmed or taped and it is like you can't be who you really want to be, jedediah. >> that's true. i agree with you. kids are the same, but i think parents are different. i think parents have become more lax days cal. they are more stand offish and don't care. when i was younger i remember parents not afraid to get humiliated. learn your lesson and be embarrassed and go to school and let the teacher yell at you. let your classmates make fun of you. now it is like, let me protect my baby and that's messed up. >> they also don't know half of the interactions. >> they should because it is all over the internet. >> they don't see it in front of them. >> how did they know that house was empty? did he say i am going on vacation? >> he did one of those pictures where you can seat
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feet and it sis chillin in cabo. >> don't tell people you are on vacation, ever. or if you do talk about how you have some huge guy staying at your place which is usually the case with me. >> you are not on vacation when that happens. >> i am not at all. >> are you chillin with scott. >> it is time to take a break. don't think of leaving now. there is more stuff to talk about. by the way, if you have not purchased "joy of hate" you are probably the anti-christ. amazon .gov, autographed copy g and you will be sad if you haven't ordered it in the next 10 seconds.
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the big screen, don't hold your breath. the women like the movies as much as the guy. we don't have to knock ourselves out to find a female. why knock yourself out? that hurts your face. never understood that comment. doesn't stanley have a point? females have never cared of any type of lead. i have no evidence to back that up. but i don't feel i need it because i am a man. >> they will tbet to the point where they #r* scraping the bottom of the barrel with the super heros we have never heard of. >> the bottom scraper. >> at a certain point, when we will stop knowing who these people are, you want a hot chick fighting crime. that's how you will get people in there. >> what's her face -- who is she ? she makes a lot money. >> it is computer generated. lucid dreaming.
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>> jedediah, are you a comic book nerd. do you believe a female marvel movie will ever come? >> black widow is not a lead. she is a supporting character. >> what is her favorite power? >> she can't hold a movie. if you look at the dc situation with wonder woman, they can't even get wonder woman off the ground. it is someone much more recognizable. if you look at the comic book sales, oftentimes these -- like she-hulk for example or these female-lead story lines don't sell well. they don't feel motivated to do that. with that being said i want to say i love stanley and i want to marry you. >> he is almost dead. >> he is adorable. >> he is 90 years old. >> he is the closest thing to peter parker that i will get so i'm going with it. >> i will marry stanley.
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>> you agree with everything he said? >> absolutely. from a business perspective he is right when he says they don't have to do it. it is also crazy to think guys wouldn't go see a female super hero movie. the article even pointed out you have "the hunger games" and the under world movies that did well at the box office. this is the same guy who said it would be confusing to have a black actor play spider-man because people would be confused because they are used to spider-man being white. >> and remember the time he said it would be confusing to have a spider play shaft? >> no, i don't remember that. >> the thing is, i don't think he is sexist and i don't think he is racist. he is 90 years old. why is it okay to have two white guys play spider-man a in the span of two or three years. what difference does it make if he is black? >> i have so much more to say. >> bill, last word to you and make it less boring than what
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andy said. >> i found what andy said offensive. i blame the plugs. they are bad. he has to upgrade. >> i want a ms. marvel movie. >> oh yeah! >> ms. marvel the pre warrior. >> mighty issis, i loved her joanne gnaw something. remember that on saturdays after shazam? anybody? anybody close to the age of 50? cameron is waiving his hand. mighty issis was played by joanne gnaw martin or something like that. i had the hugest crush on her. anyway. >> i liked wonder twins. >> that's what you call your nipples. we have one last story to discuss. stay right there.
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they acquited a 65-year-old man who was charged with sexual assault after pleasuring himself near the water at a beach. but the court ruled that since he wasn't masterbating to a certain person or people, just to a beach, no offense had been committed. well gee since the beach can't be offended this makes sense. this is crazy talk. >> i love that the law is now at a directional point. we need to worry about what direction this person -- i think the pervs can handle multi directional master because. masterbation. >> andy, any thought to the house you bought in sweden? >> and the key is excellent peripheral vision. they cannot bust you. and it helps to be turned on by large bodies of water. >> this is disgusting. even though this is in sweden, isn't it somehow president obama's fault? >> and it is the fault of all men.
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why is it always men? do you think you would read a story about this and it is a woman doing this? no, that would not happen. this would only happen from a man. it is assault. my eyes feel assaulted visualizing that. >> that is slightly sexist. bill, as someone who lives in an alley you must hope that american courts follow sweden's lead. >> no, i don't, greg. remember, i am a father and i have a half swedish daughter named gluten. i wanted her to go back to her homeland and get some of the roots and everything, but i'm here to say i don't think i want her to go to sweden anymore. or as i told her in her mother tongue -- >> can we talk about the facts? >> i am not done! she's watching. >> cut his mic. you know what i am talking about. go to bed. >> can we talk about the fact
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this guy was 65 years old? >> no. >> i did not expect you to say he was 65 years old. >> this is bizarre. it is exposing yourself and molesting people's eyes. >> or as they say in sweden -- malooging people's flouvin. >> what if you do this in an ikea. it is technically like sweden? if you were in the ikea in new jersey you could get away with it, right? >> no, you are right. ikeas are like embassies. it is swedish law inside ikea. that's why they killed the monkey. >> all behavior is now permissible. that's what is haming. we are going to hell, world. i am just disgusted by it. i might go out and protest at a local beach. >> free gluten. >> gluten free. >> go to bed, gluten. >> tune in on saturday.
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for now give me six seconds to factor. "the factor" is on. tonight. >> i think the guns are right there next to their bottles. i'm not sure which they find more important to them. >> once again, the far left demonizing republicans as fundamentalists who cannot think clearly. this is part of some warfare in washington is getting almost hysterical. we'll tell you what's going on. take a look at this cartoon by another far left guy who tries to push an agenda off the navy yard massacre. we'll have thoughts on that. also tonight, laura ingram on cyber bullying. adam corolla on a 9/11 desecration in vermont. and an
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