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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  September 21, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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and calling out to kill nonmuslims. a mostly western popular shopping mall. we'll follow it and we'll have the update on huckabee which starts in three seconds. >> tonight on huckabee, >> the american people don't want the government to shut down and don't want obama care. >> house republicans push to te fund obama care. the exchange program hires novis navigators. do you want them handling your private information on the internet. >> it is people in the house throwing a party. nthrow hundred teenagers trashed his house. he might get sued now. brian holloway gives a look in the damaged home. >> plus.
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five for fighting with a brand new hit. ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. (applause) >> thank you. thank you very much. great studio audience here and let me tell you welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. this weekend marks our show having been on fox news for five years. that's right. (applause) >> we want to say thanks to you, all of you who have been loyal viewers. our show has been the most watched cable show in all of cable news. more weekends more people watch this show than all other cable news combined in our time slot. (applause) and as we get ready to start our sixth year, we thank you.
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even if the government shuts down, we don't plan to any time soon. (applause) and speaking of a government shutdown, if congress can't agree on a budget by the end of the month. here is a word of counsel to my fellow republicans. why would you rescue the democrats from determined destruction. they own obama care completely and totally. not one republican in the house or senate voted for it and repeatedly tried to repeal it and replace it and get rid of it. but every time they get blocked by harry the henreid who sits on legislation like a henon an egg except the henwants to hatch the eggs. harry wants to make sure the senate continues to transition from the world's greatest deliberative body to the world's most dysfunctional body. i completely appreciate the
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efforts by many in the senate and house to protect our nation from the disaster of obama care. it is it already driving costs up and costing americans jobs and health coverage and even the labor unions realized it is poiseed to did destroy a 40 hour work week and full- time employment. but the plan to tie funding of obama care to passing of the budget, it might sound bold and daring, but only serves to give democrats cover from defending this monstrosity from an american public who doesn't want it and suffer because of it. if it were mathematically for the defunding plan to succeed. dam the torpedos and full speed a head. passage in the house this week required almost every republican housemember to vote yes. in the senate that would require 60 votes and the republicans have 46. they need 14 democrats to come
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on board, not likely. but even, even if they could get 60 votes, they still don't win, the bill would be vetoed by president obama. that is one of the few promises that he made that he would actually keep. and if he vetoed the bill it would take 67 votes to override the zeto. the republicans would need 21 democrats to thumb their nose at the president. it is more likely that i will be in the next miley cyrus video than that happening. on the other hand, as obama care grinds the americans to poverty, the republicans have a clear message in the 2014 elections where they would be in a strong position to preclaim the senate
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and white house. but one way to kill that is change it from obama care to the acts of the government shutdown. and republicans just want to fight. take on the president for wanting to borrow more money and plunge us deeper in debt. after all in 2006, he said doing that was irresponsible and unpatriotic. if it was, then it still is. and if he said it isn't now, ask him which time he was lying to us? it is hard to start a fire and not smell like smoke. the president and the democrats lit the match ofñr obama care a so let them defend it. why hand them a hose and they are determined to burn their own house down. no need to burp ours do-- burn ours down too.
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obama care changes are less than three weeks from now. the law provides experts that are called navigators. many received 20 hours of training. and they are going to have access to your personal, medical and financial information. what could possibly go wrong. we'll ask form lieutenant governor of new york. author of beating obama care. >> thank to join you. >> looks like you brought your copy of obama care. affordable care act. >> you probably have gotten strong arms from lifting that thing around. >> i sure have and i want to talk about seconds 13 len under which americans will be exposed to the dangers of navigators. >> when you talk about the
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dangers of navigators, a lot can go wrong. how first of all are prepared to turn loose the information to the navigators. under section 13len hundreds of millions are pouring in community activist groups and unions and community health plans and involve rights groups and immigration rights groups all over the country and they are asked to hire navigators to do what otherwise government employees would do which is walk americans through the health exchanges and show them the choices and collect all of their financial and personal information and help them to enter into it a data wide. >> these are contractors? >> they are people hired off of the streets and in fact, one of the regulations said that they should match the ethic and
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racial on composition of the neighborhood they are working under the proposorrous that a hispanic can help a hispan ache. that is one of the regulations. but no background checks. >> i am hearing this is not enough time and that is the excuse. except are navigators that have social security numbers. >> your irs information, your address and lots of other personal information. and so one problem is a background check. some states, florida and texas and ohio simply insisted that there will be background checks but in other states they said there will not be time. here is common sense, right? insurance brokers always been finger printed and background check. why shouldn't these people. but they were supposed to get 30 hour was training and now down
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to 20 hours and some of the community overings haven't hired the navigators even though it is supposed to launch in two weeks. >> say they hire someone out of prison because he was there. >> very mrausible. he needs a yob and here is one waiting for him. >> credit card information and social security and what is the penalty. >> not in this law. seconds 14 and len. you shouldn't steal identity but no penalty. how outrageous is that. and in addition to the risks of identity theft, you have the federal data hub that will collect information from the irs. the department of health and human services and homeland security, state agencies tis all in one hub and the government watch dog said that is not ready for prime time and they have no idea if that is essentially
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tested to guard your information. >> instead of navigators we need fumigators. >> always insightful to get the word. on the rowdy party hearty teenagers broke in a house and trashed the place. >> parents of the party animals are furious but you will not believe who they are mad at. we'll take you to the scene and speak to the homeowner, former nfl line min brian holloway. coming up next. i would like to hear from you. go to sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. can you find the link to that and more at rrn
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crazy time kind of party and causing 20,000 worth of damage. rather than apologize for the kid's behavior, several parents are threatening to sue former nfl star brian holloway for posting teen's photos and names on a web site he created after the party. brian is joining me. brian, thank you for being here today. >> thank you. this is an important conversation. >> it really is. you found out about this your 19 year old son got tweets from your home? >> yeah. he started getting tweets. >> what were you finding out as it was going on? >> it was hard to believe it was happening. we realized right away we needed to document everything. and it was like i can't believe we are in the house and broke in and i never been this drunk before and greatest night of my life and let's wreck the mansion
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and oh, my gosh she is so drunk. i can't wake her up either. why is she sitting there naked. we have drugs and alcohol. this is the best ever. and oops the cops are come and this sheriffs are here and run out in the woods and we are busted. it doesn't matter it is my greatest day of my life. >> you are down in florida in your other home and helpless to do anything about it. and you get back and the place is trashed. there is a hole that y got in? >> one of the places they broke in over there and they came in the room and took a ladder and came up through a window upstairs and they also kicked in a window and came through. and so they partied hard. you can tell they were at a whole different level whether drugs or alcohol or meth or
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cocaine or crack. you just don't get that outrageous in my mind. maybe i am oldiw$lschool. we raised eight kids and i nev seen this. but taking it to the level they did, let's us know that there is something bigger operating here that we have to wrap our heads around as a community and parent. >> anything broken can be fixed and things stolen it can be returned. but throw hundred lives areñi heading down a dangerous path. >> that's the point. you put their own tweets and pictures that they took and built a web site. they are mad at you. >> i know. ñi >> the parentsñi are mad at you i don't get that, what is that about? >> i don't understand. if my child was in your house stealing and breaking the law and doing drugs and you put on
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sight a picture that your child put on sight through twitter and that allows me to identify what my child is doing, i would thank you for saving my child's life and that son would be over there or daughter with a toothbrush the next day and they would clean that place up until it was done and only then would they return to school and if they had to miss out and fail a grade because of, trust me, they would. nbrian, 300ñi kids thatññi tras the place, how many came back to apologize and how many came back to help you clean it up? >> well, they have been asked three occasions to come up and the first time no one came? why, they needed an opportunity to bring everyone together including the partners to talk about the issue. ñi
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no one showed. i used on line to talk to them and then one person and one parent showed up. that sent a loud message and sometimes words unspoken shout. and that shouted. and so, this was an opportunity today, we are having a party for recognizing the military personnel and veteran and air-borne. come up and serve them and you will be around real heros and be around people who are great models for all of you. (applause) and i just found out a couple of them did show up. >> brian, i just can't imagine and i want to say thank you for being here. i hope that charges are pressed against the kids and more importantly thank you for being willing to let us see what happened to your home and i hope it gets cleaned up again. we appreciate you joining us. >> it is time for all of us to
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take a stand. >> it really is, i am going to say, as angry as i find myself at 300 kids, what is worse is what happens to parents and people who let their kids do this and instead of angry at their kids, they are angry that the kids could have consequences from animalistic behavior. guess what, mom and dad, your kid deserves consequences for doing this to this man and if it keeps him out of college, thank you for not foisting your monster on the rest of us. i know what would have happen in my day if i did that and i can't describe it on television. nancy pelosi is going to explain why she thinks the roton republicans are critical of her beloved president. it is not only the gop ripping in to the president. we'll have the quotes of the week. stay with us. why do people count on sunsweet prune juice to stay fit on the inside?
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>> it is one thing for politicar oppons toçó critize the preside but whenñi members of his own party do it that is a different story. when it is his former defense security, president obama might have problems. this is leon panetta talking about how badly the syria situation was handled. >> it is the responsibility and the authority go%& with it for the commander in chiefçéñr to t action. so my view would have been once the president came to that conclusion that she should have the world thatçó when we draw a line and give our word, dar# it, we back it up. çó
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(applause) >> what else can youñ amen? if we make a promise or a considered a threat or çó whatever. ái we either do it or we lose our credibility altogether. i say leon paneda kept his credibility. recent americans don't approve of the way president obama handled syria or the economy or their health care, but nancy pelosi, she thinks it is only the republicans who are critical and so she's standing up for hei man. >> he's brilliant and he has a vision for our country, and he's brigiant and has knowledge of the issue and judgments of what the right path would be. and respectful of other people's views. that is a package that they don't like. it is effective. looii at me. i am effective and i am a target and i am not the president and so it doesn'tñi matter. >> for a while i thought she was
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talking about me. i really did. and i realize no she was talkini about president obama and how effective he is. and then she was talking about how effective she is. maybe not effective maybe affected would be a better way to describe it. finally, there is a journalism professor in the university of kansas named david gusz. he tweeted out this message in the wake of the navy yard shootings and i quote. the blood is on the hands of the nra. next time let it be your sons and daughters, shame on you. may god damn you. respiratory the university of kansas put guttingçó onñi administrative leave and many others are calling for him to be fired. (applause) >> you know, i believe in academic freedom and get all of that. but it is one thing to have academic freedom but fuare paid
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by the taxpayers of kansas to wish deaths upon the people of the nra. i am 0, i don't think the taxpayers of any state have an obligation to help put food on the table who wishes to take feet from under the table of people who believe in a organization. i, too, am a member of the nra. does that moon you want my children and grandchildren to die? you are one sick person. don't give me a liberal tripe of how compassionate they are people like you make it hard to believe. >> what do mitt romney and michelle obama and merrill strep and leonard skinnard and willie nelson and elizabeth hasselbeck all have in common? i will tell you when we come back. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's endless shrimp.
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>> i am harris faulkner. the latest in the ongoing attack in kenya, terrorist attack involving americans. armed gun men released five hostages from an upscale mall in nairobi. it is not known if they are american or how many citizens are hurt in this. the al-qaeda linked group al-shabaab is claiming responsibility for the attack. it happen in a crowded mall where children's events were going o. one of the terrorist told all muslims to leaveñi and targeted nonmuslims. 39 people dead. the attacker is still inside of the mall andñi kenyan authoriti at one point they used shopping carts to wheel away the wounded
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to shaft. now back to çóhuckabee. as i mentioned in the top of the show, this week marks five years since our first show on fox news. here is the memorable moments over the past five years. >> hi, i am chuck norris. i want to give you a chuck norris fact. if you don't watch huckabee, i will hunt you down. >> it is his way of saying i believe something and i will stick with it. and thanks for coming on today. >> i am happy to be here. congratulations on the show. when women raise their roy voices they get higher like this and shrill and try to make sure point and you are in a big room. i am familiar with this.
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>> this is what is weird. bradley cooper, a cool guy plays a stand up bass and i play jimmy hendistricts. >> american people are witnessing the greatesty lie that is cleverly chester nimitzed by president obama and his whole administration. >> your government lied to you. the idea of it coming from a you town video is irerational. >> those who survive benghazi we need to hear from them what happened and not from a spokesman what happened. >> my son received a traumatic brain injure wound in afghanistan and suffers from severe stress disorder and president obama's administration cut his benefits. sir, will you look me in the eye and tell me he will be taken care of? >> i can't tell you how much i am moved by your experience and what debt the country owes to
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your son and others like him. >> tonight, our special republican presidential forpum live from fox news headquarters featuring the republican candidates for president. >> vidone this before and there is a reason to believe i can get to a balanced budget. >> 6,000 people worked in the budget. and now it is empty. and all of those jobs are gone. in tonight's forum, we'll ask the republican candidates for president how they plan on addressing unemployment. >> tonight on a special huckabee, where is my job? >> i don't expectçó the person o hires me to take care of meñi i every aspect of my life. th industry and industry colleaguei t the obama care legislation was the nail in the coffin. >> wednesday october 1st can be let's go to chick fil a day. >> that is a massive crowd in
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houston, texas. folks turns out to show support for chick- okfil- a çóday. >> when wednesday august 1st americans ate chicken and celebrated the freedom to believe and speak. >> we are live from the iowa straw poll on the campus university. the story of the day is congressman michelle bauchman who won in a substantial way. >> las vegas, nevada, entertainment capitol of the world it is a special edition of huckabee. >> barney cannot pronounce twister. of my face. >> what one word sums up american's feeling about the american government. >> sucks. >> is sucks one of the top three words amber.
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>> that is our number one answer. >> and i need a good costume for the white house halloween party. i got it. i will be a king. if congress will not pass my plan. it( will bypass them and talk action. perfect, king barak. ♪ ♪ (singing) ♪ ♪ i'm crazy. ♪ crazy for feeling so blue. ♪ ♪ i am a soul man. ♪ i'm a çósoul man. ♪ ♪ (singing) (applause) oh. it is a lot of fun looking back
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at fantastic memories that we have had over the past five year accident. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. >> wow. (applause) >> thank you so much. >> well, mr. president. this is an unexpected and very pleasant surprise. thank you. >> governor, i know you are always one of my biggest critics. >> yeah. >> i wanted toçó personally com down and congratulate you on five years of my favorite network, the fox news channel. >> glad to hear that. thank you, mr. president. >> i am notñvdone. there is one peace that you didn't show and that is my favorite all- time clip-on your show. >> really. >> it is when you announced you were not going to try to take my job. >> i remember that. >> show the clip. >> all of the factors say go. but my heart says no.
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and that is the decision that i have made. >> just between the two of us. i wish you would have run. >> really. >> you might have actually beaten me. the whole presidency thing is pretty rough and i am having a hard time. >> your mik is on. >> what? oh. y yeah. first ofñi all let me be clear. i didn't just say ñrthat. and this presidency thing is a peace of cake. i have time to handle everything and fit in some golf which reminded me, i got to go. >> certainly, mr. president, have a good time out there on theçó course. >> congratulations, god bless you. thank you so much. >> ladies snf gentlemen, the president of the united states. (applause) >> you never know who is going to show up out here. >> comma cooper is a program concieved by largely republican governors and facing a storm of
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opposition. coming up. i will explain how it should work and talk to a leader of the education group that oppose its. that's next. [ male announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. ♪ introducing at&t digital life... ♪ ...personalized home security and automation... [ lock clicks ] ...that lets you loser to home. that's so cool. [ male announcer ] get $100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. limited availability in select markets. ♪ limited availability in select markets. trust your instincts to make the call. to treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant
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other states and we worked to create a program initiative called a chief and set standards for grammar and math. it was called common core adopted in 2010. there is critics most of them conservative and said it nationalizes education. one of the critic system kyle olson. thanks for coming and talking about common core. >> thank you. >> a lot of people think that i was going to the devil because i was supportive of the basic notion. what is the biggest complaint of common core. >> there is severalñr complaint as conservatives and parents we want high standards and accountable schools but this goes beyond. that one of the biggest is data minding. the federal government is recommends that states collect
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over 400 sets of data on students. so it is not just. >> that is not common core. common core was math and language and it was not curriculum. it was standards and agreed the federal government or state local government can call it common core but that was not what it original was. >> it is now. and the data mining holds it altogether. i believe that technology is a good thing in schools and i believe that assessing where kids areçó at is critical. but some of the points they are reextending that schools collect include religious affiliation, medical results, voting history, things that go well beyond how a child is doing in the classroom. and when the democrats were in
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charge of the congress in 2010. they changed the student privacy law that gives the federal government and private companies access to the information. so what is happening, they are setting up our kids to have all of this information released to the parties, that frankly i don't believe it should have it. >> i totally agree. that shouldn't be mined or shared. that is common core of data that is not common core the standards which is a state initiative and they are two different things. >> but they are all going together. that's the problem. you can't have the standards without the other things because erno duncan ask the nga and all of the other groups promoting this will not let that happen. look at what arny duncan is doing. going in states like california and telling them what they can or cannot do and it all involves
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around common core. i agree we should have high standards and expectations for students and teachers, but there are better ways to do it. it is implied that common core is the only way to get there and i disagree with that. >> common core is not a pathway, it is it a goal. arny duncan has his own agenda. but common core is a state initiative and the feds don't control it but the states do. the way i explain it. common core is like the rules of football and 100 yards from one way to the other. and the way you play the game is up to you. you can pass or run. but the rules are and you have a goal. how you get there is up to you. common core doesn't tell you how to score and this is what it should look like in the end of the game. >> sure, but the trouble is how it started but that is not the way it is going.
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i believe when they put common core in the stimulus and offer stimulus money for states to adopt common core, at that moment, the whole process was corrupted and in my opinion that is the moment when conservatives should have said this is an obama thing and i am not saying that simply because of president obama, but it is a federal initiative and pushed by the federal government and corrupted and we should look for something else. >> we should hope that the governors have a responsibility to take this back. >> that's right. >> and take it over and get it back what it was intended to be. kyle, thank you very much for being here. >> we'll be right back. stay with us. ♪ ♪ (singing) ♪
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hit songs like "superman" and "100 years" helped five for fighting sell albums. they have a brand new cd and called "bookmarks." please welcome five for fighting. john is five for fighting and first of all, you know, i have had a time understanding. where does the name five for fighting come from? >> any hockey fans here? all right. a few from the -- there's one out there. there we go. back in the '90s they said no one can pronounce aondrasik. i said how about five for fighting? here we are. >> five minutes of penalties for five. >> five-minute penalties. >> i wonder where that came from. >> congratulations on your fifth
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anniversary show. >> perfect. >> see how i did that? >> you are good. >> thank you. >> keep that up and you'll host the show. you do a lot of stuff with troops, as well. why is that important to you? >> there is no america without the troops and the families. it is -- i think sometimes we take for granted the liberty we experience and for me to sing a few songs, shake some hands and say thank you in my little way is truly an honor. >> well, it is an honor for us to have you here. you have a brand new album out. >> why. >> tell us about it. >> "bookmarks" is amazing to still do this and every record i'm surprised that i'm doing another one. the first single is "what if." what if you were me, what if i were you? i think if we could maybe share each other's experience more, we could understand each other better and rise above some of the petty differences. >> you make some great music. let's hear "what if." >> thank you,
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good. ♪ i'm in line ♪ you don't get it then you don't get it ♪ ♪ you made your mind up before you knew me ♪ ♪ you don't care to bend ♪ you don't care to know for a minute imagine it's over ♪ >> what if i had a choice ♪ ♪ if you walked in my shoes ♪ what if i was you what if you were me ♪
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♪ ♪ had a dream of a new tomorrow ♪ ♪ if you don't get it then you don't get it ♪ ♪ i took a step up and you might follow ♪ ♪ if you don't get it then you don't get it ♪ ♪ take a chance for a minute ♪ jump in it imagine if you ♪ ♪ asked yourself for a minute ♪ what if i had your heart ♪ what if you wore my scars ♪ how would we break down what if you were me and what if i were you ♪ ♪ what if you told my lies ♪ what if i cried with your eyes ♪ ♪ could anyone keep us down what if you were me what if i were you ♪
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♪ do the ones who make it better find to get out got to touch the other side ♪ ♪ what if all that it took to save our lives together was to rise up ♪ ♪ rise up ♪ what i had your heart what if you wore my scars ♪ ♪ how would we break down break down ♪ ♪ what i were you what if you told my lies ♪ ♪ what if i cried with your eyes ♪ ♪ could anyone keep us down ♪ what you were me what if i were you ♪ ♪ what if your hand was my hand ♪ ♪ could they hold on or let go
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♪ what if your life was my life ♪ ♪ ♪ could they love what we don't know ♪ ♪ what if your hand was my hand ♪ ♪ could we hold on or let go ♪ what if your life was my life what if i were you ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> thank you. >> five for fighting. thank you so much for being here. and just a reminder, the album is called "bookmarks." we hope you'll get it and enjoy it. i'll be be right back with some closing thoughts in a moment and once again five for fighting. ♪
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read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. as we close tonight, that is reminder that some of your fellow americans in colorado have been ravaged by massive floods that are taken the lives of at least seven, left hundreds missing and resulted in billions of dollars of damage to homes, businesses, roads, bridges, water and sewer systems and land. of the many types of natural disasters i dealt with as a governor, floods are about the worst. the damage that one sees in the worst of a flood doesn't tell the story. the ultimate damage of a flood won't be known fully for months as electrical systems will start to fail, foundations start to crumble, support structures weaken and homes and businesses become uninhabitable due to mold. let's not forget our friends and neighbors in colorado with our prayers and our donations to the
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red cross, salvation army and other charities. until next week, thanks for joining us on this fifth anniversary. we hope we'll see you every week and until next time this is mike huckabee from new york, good night and god bless. this is the fox news alert. islamic gunmen are holding an unknown number of hostages at an upscale mall in nairobi, kenya. at least 39 killed. hundreds injured. the u.s. state department confirming that americans are among the injured. we'll have much more on this breaking news in just a moment. but first -- who celebrating the anniversary of a financial crisis? the fiscal collapse of an economy. i don't know about you, but when i was a kid, we celebrated christmas, thanksgiving and an occasional president's birthday. well, actually, only the ones that got us off from school. hello


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