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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  September 22, 2013 9:00am-11:01am PDT

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our home page. we are back here next sunday morning at 11:00 eastern. join us for the latest buzz. a fox news alert. there are reports of new gunfire at the mall under siege in kenya as the violent standoff with islamist terrorists holding hostages goes into a second day. reports kenyan security forces were going to storm the building . some four americans are believed to be among the wounded in the attack on an upscale mall in kenya. as the death toll rises to almost 60, the west gate mall is in the heart of high row be and and -- nairobi and militants launched the attack with assault rifles. the group al shabaab making it clear they were targeting
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nonmuslims. welcome to a new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> it does appear to be a life and death standoff right now. those islamic terrorists are said to be cornered. at least 10 to 15 believed to be inside the mall holding a number of hostages at this moment. it is frequented by westerners and kenyan elite. it is almost loik any mall -- like any mall in our country and we are learning more about those impacted, injured and killed from nearly a dozen countries across the globe. it is becoming clear why these terrorists chose such a high profile target. a survivor shopping yesterday wounded in the attack spoke of the horrorring scene as he dodged death while sadly others did not. >> i am fortunately where i was. the security guard door was next to where i was. he was shot in the head and died instantly. he shot at me and the bull leet leet -- the bullet, there
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was a graze here. he shot at my head, but luckily it hit the wall behind me. that's when i nearly blacked out. i had three or four of those shots. >> authorities stormed the mall and will this continue past 26 hours. connor powell is live in our bureau with the latest. >> right now kenyan troops are in a fierce battle with somali militants who are still in that west gate shopping center in nairobi. the sound of gunfire rings out throughout the entire city and it appears there are things on the ground that are moving and happening that we don't really know what is going on. a lot of conflicting information coming from kenya right now. authorities believe they are holding hostages, but we don't know how many. the red cross says 49 people are unaccounted for, but it doesn't mean they are all hostages. they have started an assault on the shopping center, though these are unconfirm i had.
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unconfirmed. there is a lot of information that leads us to believe that some type of assault is imminent or on the way.more thae have escaped the mall in the past 24 hours. some earlier this morning. 24 hours into this attack al shabaab gunmen stormed the shopping center with ak-47's and it is a confusing scene. attackers are said to be attacking nonmuslims and even ordering muslims to leave the area before they open fire. the death toll is 59 people, but the number could easily increase as we get more reports of what is going on in the shopping center. we will keep you posted. >> we will come back to you and have the latest live video with the latest developments. so just who is al shabaab? they took over most of southern somalia in the second half of 2006. its senior leadership is affiliated with
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al-qaeda. the state department put them on the list of foreign terror organizations in 2008 and as of 2011 the house homeland security committee reported that al shabaab recruited at least 40 or more americans. and now to iran. the iranian president arriving here in new york today for this week's up come journalist assembly at the united nations. the country wants to now negotiate with the u.s. and our allies over its disputed nuclear program. but there are new questions if this offer is for real or as critics say, yet another iranian delay. on twitter they raise the possibility of some of even a potential meeting at the united nations with president obama even if that encounter is not orchestrated or could
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be informal. peter doocy with more in washington. hi, peter. >> hi, eric. the obama administration says if the iranian president wants to sit down with president obama, then tehran needs to start backing up some of the more moderate rhetoric you just mentioned. experts say it may be a bit of a stretch to know iran's new leader will be any different than the old one. >> do they want relief from economic sanction? sure. are they willing to make few cosmetic concessions to get that? yes. will they do anything that compromises their nuclear weapons program? absolutely not. he is bringing with him the pt barnum doctrine. that is there is a sucker born every minute and he is hoping there is one in the white house right now. >> the white house national security advisor said that a nuclear armed iran is unacceptable to the united states, but bilateral discussions between president obama and iran's president are
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possible if the discussions can advance american objectives, and that right now the objective is to make sure iran meets its international obligation, with that obligation being staying away from building a nuclear weapon. here in washington, lawmakers are saying they want to proceed with any diplomacy very carefully with the safety of israel as a primary concern. >> we need to make our decisions and consultation with israel. it is in fact israel that they threatened to wipe off the globe. it is important we stay locked with israel as we approach these new signals from iran. >> the white house says the president has no plans to meet with iranian president in new york. >> they are walking around the hallways together and there is a lunch with the secretary general where they could be in the same room. remember a couple years ago hugo chavez walked up to our
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president and we will have to see what happens. thanks so much. >> and there is new reason for concern over israel's safety. oi ran today is showing off 30 medium range missiles in a military parade. this is the first time the rogue nuclear nation has put so many on display. it is especially alarming since they have all of the range that could strike israel. he is a former israeli am ambassador and good to see you this morning, sir. >> thank you, good to be with you. >> good. so in theory those missiles could hit u.s. bases in the gulf as well as israel. at this point how do you expect israel to react or should netanyahu do anything at this point and what does the u.s. do in response as well? >> well, i think the fact that iran chose to parade those missiles just as its president is stepping off the plane for
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the u.n general assembly is very symbolic. i think what this is saying to the world is don't listen to what the iranians are saying. watch what they are doing. look at their actions rather than their words. words and talk are cheap in the middle east. this iranian president is trying to create the impression that following:00 ma din gnaw gad and mother theresa was chosen to serve over iran. by the way, i would like to take this opportunity to express my deep, deep condolences of the victims of this horrible terror attack in kenya. this is just another man fess station of what an ugly, horrible world we live in and this world will be uglier, and much more dangerous if iran acquires nuclear weapons. therefore i think israel is watching this cautiously. israel is watching the clock
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carefully and will not allow iran to become nuclear. we hope the united states will stand by its word and by saying unacceptable will mean unacceptable and make sure that this rogue nation does not acquire nuclear weapons. >> and of course, ambassador, thank you for those needed and kind words that you just expressed there. okay, so here he comes. he is in new york and he is saying that, yes, those missiles are there, but remember, guys, those missiles are just for show. keep in mind our uranium enrichment program is for energy and research. we are not trying to -- this is defensive purposes only. and now that i am here in the u.s. and seems like -- rouhani this is, i will do the diplomatic dance and wear a soft shoe as opposed to clogs like am ma din gnaw joked. while i am reaching out this
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hand of diplomacy, i want to make sure you under oath vow not to attack iran's nuclear program. a lot of stuff happening here. what do you boil it down to, ambassador? >> well, first of all, i think you agree with mow that you can run much faster with soft shoes than clogs and iran is running toward a nuclear weapon and iran has said it wanted to wipe them off the face of the map. it wants to de stria civilization as we know -- destroy civilization as we know. it what happened in kenya may not have the fingerprints of iraq, but most of the terror has the fingerprints from buenos aires to europe and to other places around the globe where iran is the main perpetrator and harborer and financier and executioner of terror. this is not just a rogue regime. this is a terrorist regime. you have to be careful of this
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charm offensive which this new president is trying to bring with him to the united states. he will be on tv shows and he speaks to the u.n and pretends to be what he and the reining regime are not. they are not peace seeking people. they are terrorists. >> in the meantime, ambassador, they are supporting assad with the civil war going on in that nation. >> well, they are support august sad. they are particularly the only supporters of assad. not only are they supporting assad, but assad and syria as well as hezbollah in the north and hamas in the north are the proxies of iran. they are the bloody tenticles on the long arms and twisted moindz of that -- twisted minds of that regime and the world has to understand it. iran is a master of deceit, a master at fooling the world. they are very good at negotiating. this president represents a softer face and softer shoes,
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but one must not be fooled. behind it is an extreme autocratic fundamental list regime that defies human rights with its own people and puts people in prison and threatens the rest of the world including israel. we must not be come complaisant and taken in by words. we must watch the actions. iran is iran is iran and terror is terror is terror. the united states should understand it and should not fall prey or victim to this drama offensive. and i hope the president will not fall for it. >> i apologize for jumping in i would love to keep talking about this. i am out of time, about you thank you very much, ambassador. i'm sure everybody heard your strong words and we will all watch to see what happens as this next week unfolds as he is here in new york for the u.n general assembly. thank you very much, sir. >> thank you.
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and to capitol hill now where the obamacare battle is heating up. raising the threat of a possible federal government shutdown as both sides fight over funding for that program. the next stage of obamacare is brought out and look at that calendar. it is going to kick in, ready for this, in like eight days from now on october 1st. it also happens to be the day nonessential government operations will shutdown if a budget agreement cannot be reached. what is going to happen? steve is listening in from washington. hello, steve. >> cr the crisis looming, the senate will take action on a controversial house bill that funds the government and de funds obamacare. here is what we expect might happen. harry reid may envoke closure to block a filibuster, but then use another rule to change the bill by a simple majority and taking out the measure that would de fund obama square.
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obamacare. here ised it cruz. -- here is ted cruz. >> any vote that would add funding for obamacare with a 51-vote threshold, a vote for closure is a vote for obamacare. they will speak side by side and listening to the people and stoping the train wreck that is obamacare. >> the hopes of de funding obamacare are given little chance of success even by other high-profile republicans. kentucky senator rand paul said we probably can't defeat or get rid of obamacare. and president obama himself speaking to the congressional black caucus, said de funding the health care law, it is not going to happen. others say they are pushing to eliminate a central pillar of their own budget. >> here they are running around the country on the one hand saying let's get rid of the affordable care act. and yet they passed a budget that only comes to balance because of it. that's misleading and that's a
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hoax. they should explain that to the american people how you are trying to do two things at one time. >> the next stop in this high stakes debate over government funding and a possible government shutdown comes this week in the senate. >> we will be watching. arthel? >> stay here on fox news for the latest breaking developments out of kenya as security forces try to free the hostages held by al-qaeda-linked terrorists. >> plus, the u.n security council resolution in syria chew befalling apart. did you hear what the russians said? they accused us of black mail over the threat of force. coming up, our exclusive interview from syria with the top rebel general who has this blunt message to the security council. if the resolution does not include the threat of force, the russians are fighting that, as you know. is that acceptable to you or must is u it have the threat of force? >> it must have the threat of force and this regime don't
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understand any other language.
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syria, they are lying and hiding, so says the commander of the syrian army is and the
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chemical weapons list sent to the united nations yesterday. they are reviewing the list of the opposition leader. he tells us, don't trust assad. and as for syria's reported bid for a possible peace talks in geneva, the general says, no cease-fire. i interviewed him from inside syria over skype. >> the deputy prime minister of syria has said that neither side can win. they call the fighting a stalemate. they are calling for peace talks in geneva. do you intend or would you surrender or give up and meet with assad? >> we are not going to have any cease-fire with the regime and the prime minister and the deputy of the prime minister are lying and i am sorry to tell you that because the regime is still using the airport and the air jets and the scud missiles and all kinds of weapons to kill people. i think when they are
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serious to have a cease-fire they stop killing, they stop destruction. they are playing games in the community and on behalf, we will not go to geneva if there is a very clear signal that bashar will leave the power. that is our condition. without that we will not go to geneva. >> the united nations security council will take up a u.n resolution on syria and the chemical weapons. what would you like to see in that resolution? >> everything is clear in that resolution. there is a war crime and there is a criminal regime and there is a criminal president who gives the order to use chemical materials against the civilians and citizens.
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what about the criminal president? should he stay free? he should be brought to justice. >> if the resolution does not include the threat to force, the russians are fighting that as you know. is that acceptable to you or must it have the threat of force? >> it must have the threat of force. this regime doesn't understand any other language. >> this morning the russian foreign minister accused the u.s. of blackmail for insisting the threat of force be included. the u.s. is, quote, exploiting this crisis. joining us from washington, the spokesman for the syrian support group. dan, what happens at the united nations this week if the russians get their way? >> it is very important that any resolution include the use of force. the regime is not going to come to geneva for meaningful negotiations unless the regime is backed into a corner militarily. whether this comes about as a
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result of strikes or as a result of the u.s. supplying weapons to the moderate opposition to change the balance of power on the ground, i don't think we can expect the opposition or assad to agree to negotiations before that happens. >> assad has been defiant. he had that interview with fox news. what happens? the deputy prime minister claims it is a stalemate, or is that just talk? >> i think that is a stalemate. i think there is a stalemate on the ground, however i think the russians are basically seeking to delay the amount of time between the attacks actually occurred and when the international community chooses to afnlgt the more time that passes, the less people care chemical weapons were used and the less the american people want to intervene. >> so you think the russians are playing out the clock and waiting for this to go uh 2008 and nothing will -- go away and nothing will happen next week? >> correct. i don't think we can expect the assad government to follow international ease resolutions or legal restrictions to move their chemical weapons out of the country and destroy them.
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>> asking about the holocaust and what happened with the nazi, america and our allies rose up against that and the refrain was never again, yet it has happened again. do you think the world whether it is the white house, the u.n, the world has done enough to help the syrian people? >> i don't think so. the international community after world war ii said never again and never again after rwanda and n bosnia and i'm sure they will say never again after syria as well. what the opposition really needs, they need training and weapons and what the political opposition needs is more money and more support from the international community to enable it to go inside and start setting up government structures and start gaining support for its structure inside syria. >> and they also apparently need a resolution that they may not get this coming week. we will see. thank you so much for joining us on this sunday. >> thanks. >> great perspective there, eric. thank you so much. the siege at the shopping mall
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in kenya continues as military forces there try to root out terrorists holding hostages. we will bring you the latest information as it comes into fox news. plus, relatives of those killed in the benghazi consulate attack are pleading for answers of what happened that fateful day. what testimony came out of capitol hill? that's straight ahead. >> one question i have is every time i see this on tv, i see these bloody fingerprints crawling down the wall of the benghazi place and i keep asking everybody, do those belong to my son? nobody has told me anything.
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welcome back. this past week in washington we saw heated testimony and hearings on what went wrong in the benghazi terror attack that killed four americans
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including our ambassador, chris stevens. there was gripping testimony from relatives of the victims. pat smith, the mother of sean smith is pleading for answers. she said she was promised by the obama administration more than a year ago. >> i was told a few things and they were all lies. obama and hillary and panetta and biden and susan all came up to me at the casket ceremony. every one of them came up to me and gave them a big hug. i asked them what happened? please tell me. every one of them said it was the video. we all know that it wasn't the video. even at that time they knew it wasn't a video. so they all lied to me. what they said was i will checkup on it and get back to you for sure. you know how many times i heard from them? none.
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i don't count. people of america don't count. the only thing that counts is their own selves and their own jobs and the people that are involved in this get suspended for a short time, paid the whole time and then rehired or whatever it is they do. i want to know what happened to my son. why can't these people tell me this? >> republican congressman john micah cysts -- sits on the government reform committee, the committee that heard the wrenching plea for the truth. the florida republican joins us now. congressman, good morning. >> good morning and some riveting testimony we heard this week. >> we did. and ms. smith says she has been left in the dark. has any light been shed on to what happened following thursday's hearings? >> well the thursday hearings we heard from again some of the families of the victims. the main purpose of the
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hearing was to hear the state department report. this is an accountability review board. most of the people were uh .ed by secretary clinton and they gave that report to congress and our review that day was primarily about that report. >> and so then i ask you, sir, what does the house oversight committee do with the emotional testimony? what would you like to happen from the -- with the information collected by the accountability review board and how can that information be put to -- give me a second here, be put to use toward getting answers, sir? >> well, first of all, we have to wait for that review to come out. we also have a crail -- we also have a criminal investigation. the review report i consider sort of an inside job, again those conducting it were promoted and appointed by the secretary for the five members.
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it really didn't hold anyone accountable. as you heard mrs. smith testify, no one was held accountable. no one has lost any pay. some were even promoted. no one has been arrested in the case. the review is pretty much a whitewash. lower people were sort of thrown under the bus, but no one has been held accountable. it is frustrating for members of congress and also for the families of the victims. >> and the state department had no comment about thursday's testimony. representative darrell issa says this was obviously not a gotcha panel because nobody was gotchad. and now some will recommend better security practices. is that enough? >> well, mr. issa and i, we have actually visited the middle east. we have made sure that some
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things are in place that the state department didn't do so this doesn't happen again. but we want people held accountable a and responsible. we have one mother and other families asking for answers. it is our job as members of congress to find out who is responsible, hold them accountable. it is the administration's responsibility and the president's responsibility to go after and bring those people to justice who have committed these crimes. whoa know who some of them are and we even have videotapes and pictures. this is a year later and we still haven't gotten to the bottom of this, and we will. we will pursue this. we heard this report which everyone termed the whitewash. >> sir, you believe there is a possibility to get to those people who were responsible for those attacks? that's who you want to be held accountable? >> absolutely. absolutely. the review board never interviewed hillary clinton. they never interviewed the under secretaries.
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the review board never interviewed the national security advisor who hillary clinton testified before the senate that she was in constant contact with. where was the president of the united states? admiral mullen said he is responsible for the military to make that decision. from 9:45 when these attacks started until 5:00 in the morning we had plenty of time to get people there. the two seals never should have died. we need to find out who is responsible for the whole fiasco. not having the proper security at that post which goes right to the secretary's office and other high level people who made that decision. again the report just covered the whole thing up. >> and sir i do have to leave it there. i know you have a lot of questions you want answered and i appreciate your time. >> we'll get them. >> of course, sir. congressman john micah, thank you very much. >> thank you.
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arthel, we used to treat generals with respect. norman schwarzkoph, but look what happened when david petraeus walked down a new york street. >> are you a war criminal! you are a war criminal! there is a war criminal right there! >> well, the general well he jaywalks right across central park west. he tries to escape the curses and the taunts. now for a look beyond this news here is the commentary. >> if those pictures of general david petraeus mean anything, it is, one, the radical student protesters think it is still 1965 and, two, the disgraced general and the cia chief is not about to let a lost war and a little adultery slow down his career. there he was on the streets of
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a big city alone, no entourage and no waiting limos or jeeps, no circle of warriors with ready trigger fingers. it is a mean return to reality for a four-star general. and yet even in the midst of those shouting "war criminal" the fall and rise of petraeus continues pace. he is now teaching in new york's public university system at the university of southern california and yale. nothing toon dash too, honorous, of course, things that should add to his rehab funds. energizer bunny he is, petraeus is also heading a new global institute. it is sponsored by one of wall street's blue chip investment firms. all of this between speaking engagements per formed at undisclosed fees and lawyers
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hired to choreograph his post military reconstruction. this highly touted commander of iraq and afghanistan fame who managed to convince the entire fourth estate and two administrations that he was an all purpose genius is on his way back from the land of the chastised. to where? big speculation. you may remember that in pre scandal days his adoring press confided that they were tantalizing presidential material. if you are tempted to rule out that ambition, just thank anthony wiener and elliott spitzer. one can always try especially if you have commercial appeal. mr. petraeus, the warrior scholar who proved to the world he can cheat with the best of them is a hot product. the fact that he came up a loser in iraq and afghanistan doesn't seem to matter.
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the respectable new york historical society knows this. it selected petraeus to be the featured speaker at their annual black tie gala in december. it is a fancy fundraiser. does he appear in public with his loyal wife? does he come alone? will he wear his medals? will he read from his infamous counter insurgency field manual that was supposed to ring victory from defeat. some of new york's cultural elite have already frowned on the choice. the historical society chairman stood firm and telling the new york times, quote, very few people say this was someone who was a genuine american hero. oh really? i know a few. as part of his staged come back, mr. petraeus has waded into the americay waters of president obama's foreign policy.
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he started out by urging congress by backing the president on syria, declaring that a military strike against the assad regime is necessary to deter other potential enemies such as iran and north korea. four days later in a question-and-answer session after a speech at duke university he told an audience for diplomatic negotiation is worth a try. no one reportedly there or anywhere else asked the questions about his affair with his by yoking graw fer -- by yoking graw fer. she too debuted as a speaker at the rotary club of charlotte. subject? veterans affairs. they are usually accepting of the idea that all of the citizens deserve a second chance. the public's verdict on petraeus and the scruffy kids
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are harassing him to the obvious. he may sell particular kits, but the high-priced public relations cannot grant him the respect he so sorely craves. at west point they used to call it honor. >> and coming up, the masacre in iraq is targeting the iranian exiles opposed to the leaders in tehran. >> and coming up, the latest from kenya islamic militants killing people in the horrific shopping mall assault that is going on. right now we are hearing reports of huge explosions and more shots. we will keep you updated throughout the hour.
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well, have you heard about this, there is growing outrage and questions about the masacre of 52 iranian exiles in iraq. the attack is taking place
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september 1st north of baghdad. the spot is called camp ashraft and it is for those opposed to the regime in tehran. some say it is a crime against humanity and calls for the u.s. to step in. joining us now, the attorney general and thank you for coming in. we have this horrible situation in nairobi with the attacks there and chemical weapons in syria and this uh paisht masacre -- this apparent masacre that hasn't gotten that type of international attention. >> this is the latest of the uhing tays -- latest of the attacks. >> do you think the iranians are pulling the strings? >> it is clear they are in connection with some of the attacks the victims -- those who survived reported that some of the attackers spoke farci. it is clear that iranians are involved. >> it is horrible when you
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have the descriptions of those who survived. they said men were handcuffed and shot in the head and this sort of thing. it was a total slaughter. the iraqis say they don't know who did it and they deny they were involved. >> well, the u.s. general who actually supports these folks and has -- was in charge of the camp during the period of the united states were in iraq says he has seen videos and has u.s. provided boots on the troops who attack them. when you look at the video of the attacks in 2009 and 2011 they are driving american humvees. they were involved and they are doing what they did before which is lying about it. >> they are lying and what do we do about this? >> what the white house ought to do up until now regrettably is nothing. and unfortunately the administration is a little concerned about offending the iranians now that we are supposedly trying to come to some sort of agreement. these people provided
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intelligence on the iranian nuclear program. and it is clear why they want them out -- why the iraqis and the iranians want them out of the way. >> it happened this month, 71st before they come to new york where he is coming tomorrow for the nuclear negotiations do you see that connection? >> i think it is pretty obvious. these folks have contact in iran who can provide information when the iranians don't do what they are saying. so they say to eliminate them. >> for many years they were on the terrorist list and taken off it and the critics faulted the group. what about that? should that have a a sense of faith? >> they were put on a list on an attempt to please the iranians. they were kept on a list for fear the iranians would do us farm in iraq which they did anyway. they were taken off the list as a result of a court case they brought and there was no evidence to keep them on. they have been friendly to the
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u.s. they stand for a democratic, nonnuclear iran with equal rights for everyone. the head of the organization is a woman which drives them crazy. the thing to do now is to airlift them out. if only the u.s. could get just -- just forget about the investigation and airlift them out of iraq. >> why can't we save them? >> we can. what is lacking is political will. >> from where? >> from the united states. we provided these people with a written guarantee assigned by the u.s. general in 2003 when we invaded iraq they would be treated as protected persons. we have gone through -- >> we have gone through this with the holocaust and other populations. it would seem we are at that point today where we should be able to do this if warranted. >> there is a photograph that i have here that shows one of the victims, one of the 52 people killed a woman and her protected person card. regrettably it wasn't bulletproof. >> iran is praising what happened. let's look at suppressed tv.
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that's the iranian news outlet. iran is calling on the country supporting the terrorist group they say to stop their financial and split -- political backing. it is the relatives of those martyred that joined forces with saddam hussein in 1991 to crush the uprising. they say the iraqis who stormed the camp want these they call them terrorists as they can see expunged. your view? >> my view is if it is coming from the iranians it is false and that is a perfect example of why we ought to get these people out. the pressure is not going to relent. >> thank you. we will see if anything at all happens at the united nations. and we have just gotten word that president obama has called the kenyan president over is that horrible attack that is going on now in nairobi at the west gate shopping mall. the latest details and more updates on that horrible terror situation as the hour
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continues. we will be right back. gns and ts
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at the world maker fair in new york and it is the greatest show on earth.
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brian is following the live action in queens. hi, brian. >> hi, arthel. welcome to the fair in queens, new york city. it is a gathering of sciencen enthusiasts and do it yourselfers of all ages who are about new innovations and enjoying the simple joy of making things. behind me we have kids that are literally on top of four quad bicycles and there are attractions for everyone. we have a giant life sized mousetrap. we even have people on their own souped up go cart. it is part of the world maker fair. it is a hands on affair for children that are launching their own rockets and the homemade robots and it is creating music out of homemade items out of a golf club and the self-made quad bicycles. it is 60 to 70 people who have come out and to see people's homemade innovations in the
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hopes of inspiring children to think outside the box and encouraging hands on learning as kids explore the new passions. outside of the box as kids explore new passions. it's all part of the world maker faire as a movement. it started in california six years ago and now it's been here in new york city for four years. there's about 60 to 70,000 people and it's a fun time. it's gone worldwide to rome andy tokyo. back to you. >> great job.s. perfect weather. we'll be right back. th. and your immune system. now there's new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. from the brand doctors recommend most.
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and thank you for watching. stick around, shannon is up live next in d.c. dozens dead, more than 100 injured and a tense standoff with hostages caught in the middle as an al qaeda group takes responsibility for an attack. we took action that will keep the government open, control spending, and defund obama care. >> to defund or not to defund, can the gop defeat obama care? house republicans did their job, now with just eight days until a government shutdown, the
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spending battle shifts to the senate. my exclusive one-on-one with the congresswoman is next. and sarah palin has words for the gop establishment. she joins us live to talk about so-called backstabbers and what she believes is the obama's administration war on domestic energy. we begin with the deadly hostage standoff in nairobi where a kenyan mall is under terrorism. connor is live from the middle east. connor? >> reporter: we've been getting reports of gunfire at the mall and it does appear that kenyan
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forces have begun an assault on that shopping mall where we believe that between 10 and 15 somalian militants are holed up there. they are in one area and holding hostages. we don't know how many hostages are being held. the red cross says there are 49 people unaccounted for, though that doesn't mean that they are all hostages. more than 1,000 people have safely escaped from the shopping mall, including some earlier this morning. but it 4 hours after al shabaab stormed a mall with ak-47s, it's still a chaotic scene. they were targeting nonmuslims and westerners, even ordering them to leave a food court area. they have sent a special team to nairobi to help with the standoff. the israelis are only there to help and assist in a strategy. they are not taking part in any
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assault. there are conflicting reports about what is going on on the ground there. the death toll right now stands at 59 but the number could easily increase with this assault that we think is now under way and also with the number of hos stetages there. it's a very chaotic situation and one that's been a bloody and deadly situation all day long. shannon, they fear that it could get much more deadly as the night wears on. shannon? >> connor, thank you very much for the update. joining us for reaction of the developing situation in kenya, joining us is ted poe. and congressman poe, thank you for your time today. >> thank you, shannon. >> as the time continues to unfold, al shabaab is taking credit for this attack. 60 dead and 100 more injured.
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>> al shabaab is very strong. as you said, they are from somalia. this is retaliation for kenya's involvement in somalia a year ago. it tells us that al qaeda is still alive and very active in north africa and other parts of africa and al shabaab is one of those terrorist groups that is retaliating and killing folks in the name of radical religion. >> i want to shift to another topic that you've been involved with. several meetings involving benghazi. i want to play a snippet of a hearing. >> it would seem to me that the president should be just as concerned about americans dying in libya as syrians dying in syria. >> congressman, do you suggest or believe that the president is not as concerned about what happened in benghazi and getting
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to the bottom of the truth? >> the proof is in the actions. the president said right after the attack and murder of the ambassador and three others that this was a priority and yet nothing has happened. no one in the administration has been held for their incompetence in leaving four americans behind and just as important, nobody has been captured. and the leader can be interviewed on our television by reporters sitting in a hotel in benghazi and we can't go get this guy? so it shows that the credibility of the united states in capturing people who murder americans is very weak with americans. so let's hold people accountable. and the administration and the state department and, more importantly, go after the bad guys. this court can ntry can do it. >> the president did mention what we believe was supposed to be under seal or secret to some extent the fact that the justice department has indicted specific suspects in this particular case. is that for you at least a sign
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of moving forward? >> it's a sign of knowing who did it. now let's capture the terrorists from sharia who took credit the next day and let's capture those individuals working with the libyan people, whatever it takes to capture them. so we know who did it. why aren't they in custody after a year? >> are you encouraged by the fact that your counterpart, your gop colleague announced that he's going to subpoena two state key department employees in an effort to get their side of the story? >> well, yes. benghazi is not going away. no matter that people say they want to move on down the road, it was a long time ago, i think that was the word from the administration, members of the house and other committees are going to continue to pursue benghazi till we get the truth and we hold people accountable, both the killers and people who showed, i think, incompetence in
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our own government. >> congressman poe, we thank you very much for your time. we'll speak with your colleague elliott engel across the aisle shortly. >> thank you, shannon. authorities in pakistan say at least 75 people, including children are dead. hundreds others injured after a suicide bomber targeted a church during services. the blast actually went off as hundreds of worshippers were coming out of their sunday services there. a member of the pakistani taliban has claimed responsibility for that attack. the latest fight over obama care is headed to the senate from the house where defunding the president's health care law has successfully been tied to a funding bill that would prevent a government shutdown. does that member have a fighting chance when it lands in the
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senate? hi, steve. >> the chance is not looking good at all. harry reid plans to kill the bill through procedural moves and republican senator ted cruz says it's democrats threatening to shut down the federal goc government. >> i believe we shut stand our ground. look, the house voted last week and hairy heed shut listen to the american people, open the government, fund the government, but don't fund obama care because it's hurting the american people. it's not working. >> even high-profile republicans, like senator rand paul of kentucky, are not predicting a victory in the senate or in their overall efforts to defund obama care. they said we probably can't defeat or get rid of obama care. the president himself speaking to the congressional black caucus saying of the gop effort to defund obama care, quote, it's not going to happen.
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other democrats are also confident obama care will survive in spite of polls showing a majority of the american people oppose it. >> economy not surprised there's a lot of confusion. these guys have been defunding and the next move is up to house republicans all with that deadline for a government shut down looming. it's just days away, shannon. >> steve, thank you. on friday, right after that vote over in the house, i spoke with republican congresswoman from washington state, kathy mcmorris rogers, about what happens next. a big day for house republicans and you were joined by a couple of republicans on this vote? >> that's true. it's an important vote. it's one that keeps the government open as well as
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controlling spending and defunding thezt care law and it's cheer thlear this work is unified and they took this action. we feel good about sending this bill over to the senate and having the debate in the senate. >> and you know it's going to be a tough road over there. i want to read you a couple of reactions and your reaction to that. >> yes. >> we have senator patty murray, the chair of the senate budget committee saying today, it's an irresponsible exercise in tea party pandering. >> well, she needs to listen to the american people and over the last few weeks members were home in their districts all across this country and we heard the stories from individuals, from families that are almost panicked over how they see this law being implemented and whether it's access to the doctor, to the hospital, premium increases and they are not sure how they are going to pay for it. i have counties where they might
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have the insurance card but yet the local hospital, local doctor doesn't accept that insurance card. it's being seen more and more as unworkable and we need the senate to listen to the american people. the american people see that this law needs to be repealed, replaced. >> okay. you have some folks over there, gop senators who have gotten together in a very organized effort. now ted cruz, mike lee, they will be joined by others, apparently, really trying to rally the troops for the gop. john mccain spoke out saying it's not rational to think that you're going to have success on the senate side. do you think there's momentum for others to work on the efforts of cruz and lee? how do they coalesce? >> if we're going to be successful on behalf of the american people that see these laws as being unworkable, we need the senate to have that
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debate and republicans and democrat senators need to take very seriously, i would encourage them to listen to the people that they represent in their hometowns, their home states, even the president has acknowledged that so many portions of this law are not ready for primetime. he was the one who made the recommendation that the employer mandate should be repealed or delayed. if the employer mandate is not ready, shouldn't we be delaying the individual mandate? and there's other portions of the law that we have actually repealed, got on the president's desk, whether it was the class act, the 1099 provision. there's growing recognition that this law is not ready. it's not workable and we need the senate to take action. >> and what a lot of people don't realize, when you mention getting those things to the president's desk, he signed some of these things. >> that's right. we've heard about the other
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votes, leike the employer mandae and the problhibition of the ir to hire 15,000 employees for consideration. >> how does the gop deal with the fall being placed on the gop for essentially, quote/unquote shutting down the government? you know the public perception is going to be there despite the way this is structured, what do you do with this perception? >> the republicans do not want to shut down the government and the house acted today and just because the senate hasn't done its job, doesn't mean that the house shouldn't do its job. western we were unified today. we came forward and took on these tough issues and took action that would keep the
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government open, control spending, and defund obama care. >> well, we'll see how it plays out in the senate. thank you for your time. >> thank you. good to be with you. still to come, an update on a story very close to our hearts and yours as well. you've been asking about it. in just days, it's going to be a year since pastor saeed abedini was thrown into a jail for his christian beliefs. that's next. and tell us what you really think. former republican vice presidential candidate does not mince words. sarah palin comes up live. tweet us questions at @anhqdc or @shannonbream and we'll answer them on the air. dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars.
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. the search is on for five crew members aboard a u.s. navy helicopter to crashed in the red sea today. a navy stateman says the night hawk went down while operating with the destroyer the "uss william lawrence." the search is still under way. locked in a hostage standoff with islamic extremist, at least
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59 people have been killed. al shabaab, a militant group and li linked to al qaeda is taking responsibility for the attack. jordan, great to see you today. we know you have an affiliate there in nairobi. what are you hearing? >> it's based right downtown in nairobi, a bishop that we're associated with has a large surge affected. this has sent shock waves through november al qaeda-linked group who has said that we're taking the fight that you took to somalia and bringing it to kenya. they are facing the war on terror in a new way. >> they are. also word today of an attack we covered moments ago in pakistan. >> that's right. >> more than 75 people, p
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parishioners at a church there bombed on sunday. >> this is the single largest attack on christians in pakistan's history. we think about a country where there's constant attacks on christians. this is the largest. 75 dead at this point. pakistan taliban has claimed responsibility. a link here. al shabaab is linked to al qaeda. for a world that thinks al qaeda is on the run, they are very active these days. >> something we hear from our viewers a lot, pastor sae saeed abedini, this week will mark a year that he's been held. >> that's right. on thursday, september 26th, there's going to be a vigil. some members of congress will be there right outside the white house. that will mark one year in prison only because of his
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christian faith. we hope that a precondition, if any of these reports are true, that our president may sit down with iran's president, that a precondition should be that saeed, another american who has been held and bob levin sson fb they must be returned home before we sit down with iran's president. we've launched a new letter-writing campaign. 75,000 people have joined. saeed wrote a letter to the iranian president. we want to make the goal 100,000 by thursday. this week, one of our viewers, donna, wants to know,
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what's the latest on detroit's financial situation and are there other u.s. cities getting ready to file for bankruptcy. donna, here is the answer. detroit is still the largest u.s. city to ever file bankruptcy. the city is buried under roughly $18 billion in liabilities. a federal bailout has been ruled out but the obama administration is sending officials to travel to detroit to see if there are other ways that they can offer help. detroit is not alone. other cities struggling financially include chicago, baltimore, and st. louis. all right. if you want to hear about stories or get updates that you'd like to know more about, tweet us @anhqdc and we may feature you in our update next time. the finger pointing, no surprise, has already begun. unless a compromise is reached, the federal government is facing a shutdown in just eight days.
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chris will share his thoughts on what that could mean for republicans if it actually happens. and former governor sarah palin joins us to answer your questions. she's coming up live. dad! dad! katy perry is coming to town. can we get tickets, pleeeeease??? tickets? hmm, sure. how many? well, there's hannah, maddie, jen, sara m., sara b., sa -- whoa, whoa. hold on. (under his breath) here it comes... we can't forget about your older sister! thank you, thank you, thank you! seriously? what? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. can i come? yep. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. to apply, go to
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because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. . we are getting brand new news. the hostage standoff that we've been watching that has been very deadly at a mall in kenya could soon be over. local security forces are inside the mall. they are exchanging gunfire with the radicals who carried out this deadly attack. the islamic extremists are said to be holed up in one section of the mall. joining us to talk about that and more, elliot engle, thank you for coming in today. >> thank you. >> your reaction, you know, it's
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an al qaeda-linked group taking responsibility for this act. your reaction to what we've seen play out? >> well, obviously these are murderers and thugs, typical of al qaeda. they are technically annoyed at the kenyan government because they have been cooperating with the west and anti-terrorism efforts and part of the peacekeeping force in somalia from the african union. this is a way of trying to get back at them. pure terror, pure and simple. and they won't succeed. they can kill people. it's a terrible tragedy, and it is, but ultimately they won't succeed. >> well, we know that their president has come out strongly to say that, if anything, this reunites the efforts to crack down on terrorism. president obama has pledged u.s. support as well. i want to tissue to something that you were involved in this week and those are hearings in benghazi as we look for answers
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there. your colleague ed poe, was on earlier. we talked about the review board and whether it was truly independent. what is your confidence level in the arb and what we learned from that? >> i have a high confidence of it. you're talking about two individuals, ambassador pickering and jim mullen from the joint chiefs of staff. they are both impeccable people. mr. pickering worked in government administrations. they are not going to whitewash anything. they are trying to get to the bottom of what happened. for me, benghazi is not so much of where we can assess blame. it's to make sure no benghazis ever happen again while realizing that there are terrorists all over the world that want to do us harm and they rear their ugly heads. it's happening today in kenya. for me it's to make sure that we don't have any more benghazis. there's a report that they
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issued of 26 recommendations. hillary clinton adopted all of those and i'm satisfied with it. i mean, some of my colleagues seem obsessed on heads rolling or trying to point the finger at hillary clinton to soften her up because she's doing so well in the polls for a potential to san francisco potential 2016 run. knowing that in full well, high-risk areas, these things going to happen. >> what about the doj that has indicted people but no one has been arrested. should there be more pressure from our white house, from our president on the libyan government to help us in that effort? it's been a year later and families are waiting for someone to be accountable for four americans dead. >> well, i want someone to be arrested. i'm just as frustrated as anybody. but we're told that they are going through actions to try to find the people that did it. i think obviously someone should
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be arrested, whoever perpetrated this heinous act but i don't want to see it politicized. democrats and republicans have equal charge in finding out what really happened and i don't want it to become partisan finger pointing. i have faith in admiral and in the ambassador. i don't think that report is whitewashed. hillary clinton had i mplemente all 26 recommendations and then some and let's make sure that the congress plays its part and puts forward money to make sure that our brave citizens that are all around the world and in harm's way are protected. we need more money for embassy security. i'd like to lead that charge. let me say that in the foreign affairs committee, we are trying to come up with ways to ensure that panels in the future are less controversial. but i have amazing confidence in
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these two gentlemen and i have no reason to doubt anything they say. >> congressman engel, always good to see you. >> thank you. all right. she's not a woman pulling any punches with her own party. former vice presidential candidate writes, "in the fight of obama care, woman up, stand your ground a fight like a girl." hello, peter. shannon, pope francis is taking on big business. today he had harsh words for a global economic system that he says puts money before man. the pontiff spoke off the cuff to thousands of people, many of them unemployed, on the italian island of sardania. the 12 people killed at the navy yard shooting location will be remembered. the service is closed to the
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public but we'll have live coverage of the memorial starting at 5:00 p.m. here on fox news. after days of cleanup and repairs, drivers are back on the road in flood-ravaged parts of colorado. six state highways now reopen and that's easing up congestion and allowing some people to get back to their homes. and will it be "breaking bad," downton abbey? is those are the top stories, shannon. >> peter, thanks very much. open the government, fund the government, but don't fund obama care because it's hurting the american people. it's not working. >> all right. many republicans agree with senator ted cruz but the latest move by the house to pass a temporary funding measure contingent upon defunding obama
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care is going nowhere joining me is chris, host of how are you, sir? good to see you. >> dynamite. >> ted cruz has ticked off a lot >> but there are a lot of folks who say, we're proud of him, he's doing the right thing and they believe there is some way in the senate for this thing to work. >> well, to work to what end is the question. rand paul gave the game away a little bit when he was speaking up in michigan saying that he didn't think that the health law was going anywhere but this was a negotiating tactic. it's no more unreasonable for senate republicans to say that they think the president's health law should be defunded than it isát3ñv when the presid goes out and campaigns and says that he thinks taxes should go up, spending increase, and the debt limit be raised unconditionally. you can understand the frustration among republicans that they would like an opening
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bargaining situation. but it's complicated when senate republicans are going to have to cast these gut-wrenching votes in the days to come. >> do you make anything about the fact that the gop leadership has called out the democrats in red states, begich, landrieu and the fact that they could in any way be cajoled to come along with the efforts of the gop and the senate? >> they aren't coming. >> that's pretty blunt. >> why would they go? the gop has made it clear this isn't really going to happen. this has been a half-hearted measure and that's because the minority of the mean north in congress has decided to push forward their plan as opposed to have unified republicans. both sides come together blaming each other. it's going to be really dicey. it's going to be from moderate republicans, jim demint, former
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senator is fou a vea very power conservative pact. for the moderate senate republican who is would make like to not have to do this, jim demint has succeeded in his former senate colleagues to have to cast these votes and it's going to be painful. ted cruz said, a vote for cloature is a vote for obama care. >> good to see you. thanks. former alaskan governor sarah palin is calling capital cowards being put on notice in a scathing new op-ed, she said the capitol hill cowards are rushing to anonymously denounce senator cruz to any reporter. good to see you today. >> thank you so much. glad to be with you and the fox audience.
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>> all right. we'll chat about the fight over the obama care and questions for you next. stick around. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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stage stlthree is next week. the next step may end up going back to the house and i fully believe the house will continue the fight and if we take this to the american people, i believe the next step after that is starting to get red state democrats. >> our next guest suggests senate republicans get on cruz control, as in senator ted cruz and mike lee and their efforts to end obama care by stripping away its funding. governor sarah palin joins us live. governor, you wrote a blistering op-ed for britebart funews. you wrote, "we'd like to believe
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that the gop establishment would applaud the way these bold leaders have rallied to the cause. but, no, such praise would require a commensurate level of guts and leadership. a reminder to senators up for re-election in to 14, moose season ends soon allowing more time on one's hands. so we'll be watching your votes very carefully this week." governor, you said a lot in this one piece that's gone viral today. what got you so fired up? >> well, first, some day i'm actually going to tell america what i really think about gop elephants that would actually turn on a senator who is fulfilling his campaign promise, the same promise that so many gchl gop candidates made and that was to defund and repeal and replace with something more economic to repeal with obama care. we finally have a tool to repeal
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and that's unfunding obama care and that's what senator ted cruz and mike lee want to do. the gop elephants that would turn on some one trying to fight for the will of the people and economic justice, if you will, to have those turn on him, it's extremely disappointing. it's not surprising, though. what is surprising, though, is my dad who is a science teacher and natural history teacher. if you're out of moose camp and you're home, you are a teacher and you never told me that elephants were canibbalistic. >> senator coburn said today, we don't have the mit cal power to do this, to act on what the senator has given them. mccain says, to defund obama care in this way is not rational. we can't succeed because we don't have the gop votes that we
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would need to override this if it got to the president's desk and he vetoed it what would you say to those who say this is a fool's fool's er rand? >> we ask that they give in to the liberals and those who want the socialized program in our health care nation. we don't want that. it's unaffordable. it's not going to work for america and as more of us dig into what obama care encompasses, more of us say, enough is enough. let's undo this and implement something that's patient-centered and market-based and something that will make sense for our country to provide better health care cover r coverage. don't want to wave the white flags. good, strong republicans who are strong fiscal conservatives and know what it is that we need to do to fulfill the campaign promises. when you see the lies,
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deceptions, distractions, that means the mischief is going on. other big things are going on in the world that obama would like to see distracted our minds away from, things like oh perhaps he'd like to lob missiles into a foreign country's civil war with never having those missiles impact the outcome of that war. that is distracting away from the country's solvency. obama care is a huge part of our nation's solvency. >> we're going to head to break. we have a twitter question that says, do you think the strategy of defunding obama care will help the gop gain control of the senate 2014? what do you think the impact could be? >> i think the impact could be positive. the legislative branch holds the purse strings. it's the one tool that they have
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whether they are going to fund a program or not fund a program. they could even make individual funding requests and allocations for our individual programs that we need to keep rolling in government, like our military, national security. we don't have to shut down government, which is the hysterical cry of the left at this point if we are to undo, defund one program, obama care. >> governor, we'll ask you to stick around. we've got a lot of questions from viewers. they want to ask about personal and professional things. a lot of you want to know about the governor's political future. we'll ask her short term and long term. stick around. that's coming up. y at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies,
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an update now on that deadly massacre and now hostage standoff in kenya, local security officials are now inside that mall and exchanging gunfire with the islamic extremists. they took over the mall 24 hours ago killing dozens of people and injuring more thmore than 100. we'll keep you updated. all right. we're back here with sarah palin. here is a question. we need her in the senate. will she ever run? the seat held by mark begich is
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up in 2014. there's a lot of talk about the gop primary, who is in and who is out. >> ted cruz and more of those good guys need reinforcements in these midterm elections. they need help to undo so much of what the democrats are doing. look at the things that we need to undo. look what came around the pike, the coal industry, despite the fact that 40% of our electricity comes from coal and we'll be importing from countries that don't have environmental or worker safety regulations, it's coming down and even thwarting congress and their laws via barack obama's mandates with these regulations. they need reinforcements, the good guys do, that will make our country bankrupt and less free. i think we need someone who has
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the stomach and the patience necessary to live in that ness pool that is washington, d.c., and i have children and i want to keep them secure and it would be a tough environment for them. >> it's an interesting place to live. interesting is the word that i will use. if you don't get in yourself, would you endorse anyone in the gop primary or wait until there's a gop nominee? >> i wouldmeone. i've never been one to shy away from calling it like i see it and putting my money on some one who is willing to serve for the right reasons, do the right thing and not do a typical to go along politician. certainly never a rhino. >> looking past 2014 to 2016, we have a question from greg. he says -- excuse me. from michael. this one is, ask sarah palin what she thinks of hillary clinton and her role in benghazi. do you think it will have an impact if she runs for 2016?
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>> if she's a candidate and doesn't have an impact, i will be disappointed. because anyone that would throw away our military fos and leave men behind in benghazi to be murdered, no, this person should never be considered to be commander in chief. i'm so grateful for congress to be pursing what happened in benghazi. it stale make as difference what happens in benghazi, who our commander in chief will be, will they support our military, will they defund our constitution and republic. anyone who doesn't understand that and dismisses it as being indifferent, they should not be our commander in chief. >> governor, always good to see you. thank you for weighing in on many hot topics today. >> thank you so much, shannon. the federal government in washington is out of control. now they want to run our schools. the know-it-alls in washington
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think they know better than our parents. >> a recent ad by bobby jindal firing back at the justice department. it calls on parents to sign a petition to keep the federal government out of its schools. it's in response to the lawsuit attempting to shut down the school's state voucher program. jindal says he's fighting to keep obama care out of louisiana and out of its school. ted cruz is holding firm on repealing obama care but it may be easier said than done. what senator rand paul says republicans might be able to do instead. that's next. support heart health. and your immune system. now there's new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. from the brand doctors recommend most. ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute!
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[ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. surprisingly bold flavor have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on [ coughs ] i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. hmm? [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. thanks for the tip. [ male announcer ] no problem. oh...and hair products. aisle 9.
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[ inhales deeply ] oh, what a relief it is. ♪
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he wants to get rid of obama care but now senator rand paul admits it might not be possible. >> i've got it right here, shannon senator paul conceded that republicans probably can't get rid of or defeat obama care but it may be the starting point for lawmakers that want to get rid of some part of obama care. >> so just a negotiating tactic. >> yes. and this is crazy. medical mystery gives the term beer belly a whole new meaning. a texas man went to the e.r. because he felt dizzy. doctors thought he was drunk. after all, a test showed him he
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had over five times the legal limit. he hadn't had a sip of alcohol. he has too much yeast in his stomach that can turn the sugars in the foods he eats into alcohol and someone tweeted, shannon, jim, i can think of worst things being wrong with your stomach. burp cheers. >> that is really gross. i don't know what else to say. so he eats and he's not drinking but he has a brewery inside the stomach? >> yes. >> it's auto brewery syndrome. >> i'm looking that up. you know, if it's true, there will be a lot of people out there trying to self-infect themselves. >> i would hope not. because it sounds like maybe one time? i would imagine there's a hangover that comes with this, right? >> that's true.
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he's clearly got it. thank you, peter. interesting. that's it for us here in washington today. fox news sunday and chris wallace's exclusive interview with ted cruz coming up and senator claire mccaskill's response coming up. remain proud and fearless. i'm chris wallace. the house passes a budget bill but ties it to defunding obama care putting the government to shut down in just eight days. >> our message to the united states senate is real simple. the american people don't want the government shut down and they don't want obama care. >> any bill that defunds obama care is dead. dead. >> and right at the center of the debate, republican senator ted cruz who's threatening a fill buster. >> i will do everything necessary and anything possible to defund obama care


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