tv Red Eye FOX News September 27, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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a very nice moment and then had to call republicans ugly. i've got 10 seconds. why bother? >> you're out. >> >> welcome to "red eye." it is like the man with the golden gun if by golden gun you mean a troubling medical condition. due to andy levy's tragic death of suffocating under a lounger with 30 pounds of cat hair there is no pre game report. let's welcome this merry band of jerks. she is so hot that easy bake ovens call her for career advice. i am here with fox business network anchor lori rothman. and filling in for andy levy is swedish glass blower henrick vaughn sam you sen. he makes replicas of bowls and blown thousands of male models. and my repull sills --
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repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and if hilarity was a cross word buzz swrel i would do him in bed every sunday. sitting next to me, joe devito. >> a block, the lede. that's the first story. hey, greg, the mayor of munchkin land called and he is missing his reading glasses. >> nice. i will take that. her message is poignant and her dancers double-jointed. some thuption get better with age and then there is madonna. it is 17 minutes of film dedicated to anyone who suffered from persecution, a noble effort. if you have to ask why, you will never understand. have a look, fans of looking. >> economic markets are collapsing. people all over the world are suffering and people are afraid. and what happens when people are afraid? they become intolerant. >> it is as bad as it is not good.
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more please. >> i keep telling everyone that i want to start a revolution, but no one is taking me seriously. if i had black skin and an afro would you take me seriously? if i was an arab waiving a hand grenade would you take me seriously? >> what does that mean? somebody has to clean the tub. >> i still want to start a revolution. >> we live in a very scary time or should i say we don't at all. >> mind is blown. stop playing the clips.
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>> a great american in whose symbolic shadow we stand today. >> i enjoyed that. call me, double-jointed dancer. what do these cats think? >> economic markets are collapsing. people all over the world are suffering and people are afraid. what happens when people are afraid? they become intolerant. >> screw those cats, joe. some people will say that film, madonna's film was too self-serious. i don't think it was self-serious enough. i think that if there is a -- an oscar ceremony for 17-minute films she is a shoe in. it was great. >> i say 16 minutes too long. it is no shanghai surprise. >> it is brutal. if i was black man with an afro would you take me
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seriously? if i was an arab with a happened happened -- hand grenade would you take me seriously? did she really just compare the two? we haven't taken her seriously since the cone bra. >> that was the golden era. >> there are people who died with the hand grenade. how would you raise the film on a scale of one to banana bread. >> it is bough banana bread. you guys have such short memories. this is what madonna does. she puts out this junk, this stuff that is all horrifying to us, but then we revisit it and call it ground breaking. it is like a prayer of "like a virgin." >> there was "like a prayer" and " like a virgin." >> there was one that offended the catholic church. >> both. "like a prayer" and" like a
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virgin." >> we say how could she? but because she is 55 years old and she has been around this long we say she started something. she was on to something. >> it is amazing she is 55. she doesn't look a day over 54. >> it is the lighting. >> andy, you called the film moving and important. can you elaborate? >> it moved me to the bathroom where it was important i bang my head against the mirror over and over until i forgot i had seen the film. that was good. it is good she dedicated the film to the vehicle times of persecution -- to the victims of persecution. >> i wrote that joke down for myself. you used that joke. >> this is one of those things. it is a weird combination of pre teption -- pre tension and childishness. they started to sound like college freshmen. we had a multimillionaire singer talking about how tough it is to be an artist in this world. it just doesn't cut it. >> does she have a clue about
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what people are going through? >> bill, you are actually the manhattan president of the madonna fan club. you are also disgusting. >> not needed. >> do you care to respond to these attacks on your hero? >>- q. i a -- >> a slow clab. >> brava. the fact that you didn't get at me worked. it is called secret revolution project and not secret revolution project. secret revolution project is one word. have you heard of that? i vntd. i haven't. second of all, would you take someone, perhaps an arab, with a hand grenade seriously? >> i think you would. >> and who makes the 17-minute music video without music? the answer would be of course no one apart from the material
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girl. truly i have seen the joke and it is all of you guys. >> she seems like she is trying to keep up with lady gaga who has been for about 18 months now. madonna has gotten away with a lot over her 60-year career, but she can't afford to be boring. if i watch more than 30 seconds of that it is painful. >> 6 minutes and 45 seconds i made it through. >> she should relax as being the elder states woman. it is like the hillary clinton of pop music. that's what she could be -- just relax. enjoy. it -- she can still record. she still has a voice. and lady gaga has taken it over. you have miley cyrus who is working her way into the rotation. >> i love the way -- ma madonna has spent most of the career selling sex. and now she is upset she is not taken seriously because
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people think about sex when they watch her. >> that is so true. >> i don't like that, greg. >> you know what it does? it smacks of huh poke craw see. >> and it smacks of boredome. >> are you board when you have to think. well played, m madge. >> at least she wasn't twerking. it would have sounded like bubble wrap. >> with his condition dire they put it higher. a chinese man's sniffer was was bad de damaged and doctors decided to grow a new nose on his forehead. a warning, this image is graphic. if you have any children in the room i suggest you move them closer to the tv so you can see it better. it will eventually replace the original asking hem to regain the gift of sniff. doctors used his forehead skin because it is close -- it is
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the closest match of the skin on its nose and it is funnier. they took card lig from the rib to give it structure. more of a concern is what they will do with his blurry face. as for his old nose it will be caisson to chris cattan. for more we will go to the senior red eye medical correspondent. i just want to know how he paid for it. >> i have nothing against him. he obviously didn't pay for that. you know there are makers and takers. he is definitely a taker. it is part of obama's america and that is -- i don't even know what that was. >> i think it is down to 43%.
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>> we were just joking. >> we don't need your facts. >> your facts mean nothing on "red eye." this is a magnificent advancement. they are like salamanders and they can grow new heads. >> it is fantastic technology and there will be appendages growing out of all parts of your body it is fantastic. did you know that "twilight zone" episode where the woman's face is ban -- bandaged up. the doctors have these hideous faces. >> how did that happen? >> it is a new element of beauty that i think -- >> i am talking about "the twilight zone." >> at first people were pretty. >> they look like pigs. >> how did their face look
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when they were look at her? everyone on the planet looked like pigs and they thought she was hideous. >> she was beautiful in the beginning. oh my goodness, that is a twist. now i don't even have to see that. that "twilight zone" show it is all twists. >> you know what my favorite is? "to serve man." >> it is a cook book. >> what about the one with the twist and a chubby checker cameo. crazy. >> joe, after lori potentially ruined the segment by talking about another show, growing body parts, okay, i believe that like plastic surgery, it was a medical necessity for deformities and burn victims and then it was part of a cosmetic movement where people get breasts and nose jobs. this will go that way. i believe it will be like body art where people will have an ear on their back and eyeball on their chin and penis on the neck.
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>> i like how they picks sill lated his -- pixilated his face. oh, you mean the guy with the nose on his forehead? >> it may be the other guy with the forehead on his nose. >> i think the doctors are doing trick shots joy do you think the story is real? >> my chinese is not great, but -- >> give it your best shot. >> [speaking chinese]. about the man with the nose on his forehead. and that is a translation of how does he smell? terrible. >> i thought you really knew >> that is actual chinese. >> can you read chinese? >> no, i got that off google. >> by the way, i am glad -- >> it is like some comedians you didn't actually do a chinese accent when doing that. >> well, take back the unhackiness.
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>> if you could be done you can have cat whiskers. do you want cat whiskers? >> i do now. >> i hate these stories. it is great that the doctors are able to do this, but i can't look at pictures of things that are wrong. it is in a sense of look -- of looking -- >> it is a baby with two heads and a dog with three legs and barely 5 foot 5. it makes me absolutely nauseous and disgusted and i can't look at them. i feel pity for them mixed with anger and a lot of sorrow. but i shouldn't be subjected to that. >> the whole point was to rag on me. >> you are fine with chicks that are 3.2. >> i don't know what that means. >> you are 3 foot 2. those are still let toe heels ssments. ssments-- there is oneg though. you could literally have eyes
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on the back of your head. >> with your massive cocaine habit, think of the time saved you could do two lines of coke. >> there was a time we glossed over that. >> there are only so many times you go back to the well. it was not for that reason which was absolutely a lie. it is a character. but i have broken my nose three times. i have one more break from having something that will not bounce back. i like the idea of having a possibility of having another nose i can put on my face hole. then i saw the nose. and it is not good. their arms look like their old arms. that one looks like something ziggy would wear. >> curious side point, why was your nose broken three times. >> i was in a lot of fights. >> why were you in a lot of fights. >> red sox fans don't like white sox fans. >> it is fair to say when the
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cartilage has been weakened throughout your life it is easier to break. >> when it is hit a lot, yes. hi, mom. >> i think this is fantastic. that man is brave for putting up with the ridicule and the humiliation. i think you are a hero. i want to grow a node on my head . just a node that -- i am 5 foot 5. just to get me up to 5 toot 9. i want a four inch node on my head. >> you want to look like a snork. >> yes. that way you can say how tall are you? 5 foot 9, 5 foot 10. and you could change the node. >> i think this is promising technology. organ generation. >> it is fantastic. >> there was a sumo wrestler who was under the height requirement so he got silicon stuffed under to give him a lump on his head. >> that's sickening. >> it is amazing and
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depressing for people like us who will be dead -- everyone will have their own extras. it is like when you buy a doll and there is extra stuff, all of the people will have extra stuff to pick and choose from. >> like mr. potato head. >> yes, everybody will be mr. potato head. once they figure out how to cure alzheimer's so you don't get demented it will be 250, 300. >> that is a twilight zone. you will have an extra person to harvest everything with. that person will be miserable. bill, you could be that person. >> it was a bad bruce willis movie. >> he had bad hair. the worse bruce's hair is. >> what about the one he wore a hat a lot? >> that is the return of bruno. >> the one with sarah jessica parker. >> they are in a boat with philly? >> the revenge of the coast
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guard. >> i think it is revenge of the coast guard two. it was called "the returning." >> the rec coninger. >> we missed the next story because of it. coming up, where should you invest your money? lori rothman discusses her latest book, i learned everything i know from a wise turtle. and why did an entire high school football team get suspended? do they need a place to stay? i need a foldout.
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jerkies. they were all suspended for bad off the field behavior. after a loss on friday night, union high skipper told the squad to turn in their uniforms. he said the season would be off unless they earned their way back on to the team. it sounds like the beginning of a weird movie. you have to earn your way back. anyway, -- >> that was the name of the movie. >> earn your way back. he was upset over reports of his players skipping class and pulling bad grades and cyberbullying a student. let's listen to the coach. >> it is an honor to put on your school's jersey. i think we lose that fact that in this world of me, me, me, we are representing the whole school and the whole community. >> good for him. this is the only fall sport i actually care about.
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>> inside that ball is andy dick. >> that was a giant ball. >> it was a giant ball. >> it is amazing. that will be going on tour shortly. joe, all week the team has been doing community service. they have been attending study hall and going to classes on character development. i think this is a good -- a great idea. >> i think it is a good thing the coach did. i think it is good student athletes learn at the high school level that bad grades, bad behavior and poor sports man ship, they have to address that. that's not tolerated at the collegiate level. they will not put up with that. >> you know, what, he is doing them a favor. as anybody knows kids in high school playing sports they think this is how it will be for the rest of their life. they can get privileges and leave class early. and then all of a sudden they realize when they get to a real college that they are not 1% as good as the people on
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the team. then they are gone and sitting there and they don't know what to do so they go to a junior college and hang out there for awhile. >> not to sound corny, but i think that's what athletics is supposed to teachers and you things like, woulding hard and applying yourself -- working hard and applying yourself and you don't learn it is something you don't have to do any of those things. >> bill i assume you disagree with this coach? >> i do. he isn't called nice guy joe green. he is called mean joe green. they like to do charity and they are the monsters of the midway. if you play football that is your god given right to act like a jerk in every other part of your life. >> those are the professionals. >> yes, they get paid. these kids are not getting paid. >> they are going through the hell of practice. they are getting beat up by bigger guys and they are allowed to take it off on the classmates. that's part of the deal. >> you are terrible.
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his argument is football players are supposed to be jerks off the field of the. >> they are allowed to be. they don't have to be. the ones that aren't are the quarterbacks and they are gorgeous. >> the ones that don't are fat car sales men. if you are one of the few who make it to the pro level, you can be a jerk and murder people and it is fine. that's not a problem. but most of them can't do that. the thing is here, this guy is basically saying football is a privilege and not a right. in earning this privilege it is being a decent human being. it is fantastic and all of the team members will be model citizens, and it is his upcoming 0-10 season. >> i would like to apologize to our fat car car -- carl sales men? >> not carl. >> well, even car sales men. care, not everybody can be just like you. >> cal worthington just died. he was not fat.
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>> i will take this -- i will take this from the coaching position. i think it sounds too good to be true. swrear row tolerance is great. tough love is fantastic. but from the parenting perspective if i tell my kids, if you mess up or if you don't behave or kick your sister and we are not going to disney land. they do it anyway and then i am caned of stuck like now i shelled out all of this cash and now we cant go to disneyland? >> you take me and bill to disneyland. >> the difference here is your kids don't respect you. these players that look like they respect the coach. >> what good is that? you know what they were doing instead of practicing? community service. you know what will happen on friday? they will get shut out. he had plans that week. >> this happened after a loss. maybe if they had won.
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>> if football players were bullying somebody and they are tired of that stuff, that is an important thing to do. >> all of the parents backed up the coach which is phenomenal. >> but the team did not do these bad things. a good portion of the team could get a collegiate scholarship. guess what happened when they missed a couple of games. they are not. >> i am saying there is a good portion of the team that could get college scholarships. every once in awhile you will get a kid that does. >> he went from a good portion to every once in awhile. >> i have established there are no good portions. they are all mean and tough. >> most of the kids are back on the team. >> can i add before i go i am sticking behind the idea of it is a great idea for a movie where -- it has to be college aged where the coach says you
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are all off the team expru to earn your -- and you have to earn your way back on. >> and germans don't noah lot about american football. >> they say what does this entail and then the music starts. >> we are a family show. >> what is better to invest in? gold or silver. lori rothman discusses a new book. i put all of my money in a bucket i buried down by the creek. >> way to tell everyone. >> i didn't say what river. how much money did the irs lose from an obamacare fund? does it matter at this point? this country is going to hell in a hand basket. i love a hand basket.
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they took 67mil from the til. >> very clever. i am giving you complements. >> it is just a rhyme, lori. >> i want to hear more of this. there was a small amount of money that was a slush fund to implement obamacare. it totaled 1 billion and used forren morse meant procedures. according to an audit by the treasury general, the irs
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didn't keep track of where it all went and why would they? it is not $67 million of our money. >> lightning roooooouuuuunnnnnnn d. >> lightning round. >> lori, when something is called a shrub fund what does it mean -- slush fund and does that not invite corruption? what government agency which is our money, what is it about having a slush fund? >> you read that the irs used this money to prove work spaces or something like that along the lines? what else could go wrong with the irs. this agency lost all credibility. the fact that the money was to go to implement obamacare which is yet another disasterous law, it is just -- it is not a surprise. >> andy, these are the people in charge with enforcing
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obamacare. how can we expect them to keep their books straight and why should we trust them when they are auditing us. we can't figure out where the money is. >> i am so sick of your bias reporting. who among us hasn't misplaced $67 million? let he who is without something do the something. i love the title of the inspector general's report here. tracking of health insurance costs could be improved. and then they say specifically they did not account for or attempt to quantify $67 million. basically they didn't save their receipts. >> that's it. >> if there is one organization that should be saving their receipts, probably the receipt owners of america or the irs. >> this is the thing. every year they come and tell you how much money you owe. it is not much of a problem -- >> a writeoff. >> your entire life is a writeoff. except for the wonderful
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pocket squares. >> don't we have a legitimate action against the irs to say i am not paying my taxes because i don't trust you? and you could win that argument. >> good luck with winning that mrg ept. argument. it shows that that's why a lot of people don't want government intrusion in their lives because it is incompetent. isn't slush fund a secret word? oh a slush fund. and also you can't -- how do you not manage a slush fund? isn't it by nature a loosey goosy kind of thing? >> a slush fund is $35 and five's and one's. >> it is petty cash. somebody needs to get asprin or a hot dog at 7-eleven and you go to the petty cash and you always pay it back. >> slushy fund. >> you know what, i missed the joke. >> i am now being told in my ear you will probably not win that argument if you don't pay
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your taxes. >> how are you getting this great stuff in your ears? i am not getting anything. >> you should get them cleaned. bill like the feeling in your arms and legs, i don't think they will ever find this money. >> that was ad-libed. >> here is the bad news. if the government shuts down on october 1st, guess which agency will still be running. that's right, the irs. that makes me as sad as the fact that the traffic controllers will not be working. that's not true. they will. >> they will be there. >> we had a point to make. >> maybe irs could divert the funds to investigating a nonprofit. >> ladies and gentlemen, joe devito. >> it is to protect lois lerner. >> she is out.
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>> she is a comic book character. >> next topic. a comedian was arrested after punching a dude who disced his act on twitter. he was performing at the funniest celebrity in dc contest. daily beast columnist was tweeting about it. rogin said he was funny until he dusted off his 2005 jokes in a gwb impression. a few minutes later he said his umteenth joke about how asians can't distinguish between the letters l and r. election, erection, we get it. after the rogin tweet, i was just punched in the face. not a joke. he hit him three times. he was arrested for assault and also for a really bad act, i guess. >> allegedly. >> joe, isn't it sad that a comedian is checking his tweets? >> i am writing the election,
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erection joke. >> this is a tough one. >> tough one is a fellow comic. >> you know what is great about this? he punched somebody on twitter. how many people would like to do that? >> somebody writes you suck and the guy is right over there and punches you in the face. >> then you are justifying if somebody doesn't like the joke. that's not the way mature people handle things. i think when he did tweet you could put not a joke after anything involving him. i can't have this platform and not advise everyone. it should be between him and the comedian. google him and google the name of another comic named jl -- jlcauvan.
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that will give the background you need to know. >> are you suggesting something? >> i don't know what the legal rams are. you know i am not giving a hyperbole, but a bone-fied looney tunes is a phrase i am tossing out. whatever comedian code there is not to talk trash, but do a little googling and that will give you whatever context to make -- >> i think you punched the code in his face. >> should he have ignored the tweets? >> you know what drives me crazy about this story is the tweeter. it is the fact that he got punched and he tweeted instead of socking the guy back. >> that's a good point. >> who does that? >> it was so bad he cooperate tweet. but the comedian -- he should have a thicker skin. you couldn't take teasing. >> what do you think?
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>> andy, it sounds like his jokes were outdated. you did he deserve the twitter heckling? should a comedian be lessons tiff? >> this was not a regular comedy show. i saw comedians after the story broke. they were not defending what he did, but they were saying if you are in the audience, don't live tweet it. we can see you doing that. i pointed out that this is the celebs thing and that is totally different. it is the only claim to fame and he was profiled in the new york times because he bought hundreds of thousands of twitter followers. he had like 700 something followers. he now has -- i think it is 400,000 and he bought pretty much all of them. >> doesn't that defeat the purpose? >> there is a disconnect between how popular i am and
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how few twitter followers we have. >> can we please stop talking about him? >> last word to bill. >> it is killing me. >> isn't it better to have a silent heckle on-line? i feel like it is the next evolution. it is better than a drunken bachelorette party where when they say something it is like -- ah. the thing that is bad about heckling, but they are interruptiing the show. is someone doing it through tweeting it is not heckling. if you see people sitting there typing on their phones. >> i don't know if the guy was even in the audience. >> he was. >> i mean visible from the stage. he may have been in back -- >> but that is a different story than -- do you get annoyed if somebody is playing with their phone during the show? sure. do you punch somebody because they don't like your act? those are two things. >> you know what i didn't
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like, there were a couple of other reporters there that saw it and they were just reporting on observing it and there was one preference where it says, so, josh just got hit in the face. >> i hate -- this just happened. >> and there is that. and then there is this. stop it. >> we have to take a break. >> the joy of hate written by somebody at fox news and
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of star trek and found a way to make protons. i don't do these stories. i don't do boring sci-fi-crap. i don't dough them and you know that. i am leaving. >> seriously? >> sweet. i will do. it until now it has been the stuff of science fiction. unlike laser beams which just pass through each other, these molecules push against and deflect each other like freakin light sabres. how cool. we will all have them. >> they are not that cool? i think this is a waste of time. hear they are developing lightsabers and we are not devoting the proper resources. >> we can use the laghtsabers
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to cut the ears off. >> here is the problem. by cutting off the ears they will not bleed to death it will sodder and it will not be bleeding. >> we will cutoff their nose to spite their face. lori, this will be the end of sword companies. who wants a plain old swort when you can have a lightsabre. >> you have not been to a swort showed lately? >> define lately. >> luge sword swapping. >> huge what? >> swords. amazing. i think this is cool and i am totally with you. don't you think it will open up another gun control debate? last i checked he is not a
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laser gun. >> you can use them to chop off the appendages. if he doesn't like how it comes outlooking -- >> when the lightsabers ar outlawed it will be the nerds who have them. >> we need to do more stories like this. >> and rumor has it that episode seven, might be an -- might be in imax. catch you on the early pay line. >> any thoughts as to what the name of the movie will be? >> episode 7 a newer hope. >> greg, anything? >> no. >> what other cool sci-fi stuff would it be great to have? >> one of the coolest things is i am one of the least nerdy guys on the panel. >> look whraw doing with your -- look what are you doing with your thumbs and answer that again. >> you guys and your
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i will be on the o'reilly factor on friday at 8:00 p.m. eastern. bill will be on huckabee. i am a little scared. and don't forget a new "red eye" will air on saturday. we have jed jedediah jedediah bila on the left and constantine, the gorgeous man on the right. talk about a before and after. saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern and 8:00 p.m. pacific. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> cute. a uk zoo, is there any other kind, has banned visitors from wearing animal print clothing because it confuses the
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animals. stupid animals. the safari park lawfned the new attraction -- lawfned the mu attraction where they wear off-road vehicles into the fields. a spokesperson says the enclosers have been designed to rep replicate the face in the wild. it is no wonder they are getting confused when they see what looks like zebras and giraffes driving in a 7.5-ton truck. this is why we eat them. they are dumb, joe. they are just dumb. they are dumb, stupid animals and they can't tell the difference between another zebra and some hot lady in a zebra print. >> they say if you wear animal prints they make you put on a gray jump suit. how does that go over near the elephant enclosure. hey, hi. >> a kate moss elephant. joy they think the animals --
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>> the animal sees the people wearing animal costumeses and it agitates them. oh they look like the people who kidnapped us and keep us in captivity. i don't know if they are doing it correctly. >> maybe it is better it they wear the striped stuff so they don't see it is the people who captured them. i am speculating. you are a business person. i never watched the show. >> great public relations on the part of the zoo to advertise how close the zoo lets you get to the a animals. >> actually somebody wrote it for me. >> here is how i come down on the issue. i will not wear animal print. i don't want the zebras humping me. i don't need them that close. >> when did you get over that problem? >> this weekend when i was camping out at the bronx zoo, no joke. i was with the fam and the tent and the pouring rain and the sea lions barking.
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we were roughing it. >> on blow up mattresses no less. >> does it make you sad that all of your clothing has pictures of cats and you can't go to the zoo-fari or that magical cat farm your parents told you about. >> you were often responsible for having them sent there. >> unlike lori i will be wearing see bra striped print to the animal park. but this seems unfair. maybe the animals should be asked to stop wearing the animal print. why should the humans have to adjust? when we go down to the velt or whatever it is called in africa we have to wear camouflage and stuff like that. we have to adjust the way we live. if these animals want to come to london and live in london they are the ones who should adjust their way of life rvetion.
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>> or go back. this is our country. >> they go to places like the london 1k3* -- london and the bronx zoo and take jobs away from american animals. i don't think so. >> have you ever seen a chimp wearing a suit? it is funny. >> i am picturing andy scurrying around the zoo with a zebra suit and a bull's eye on the back. >> bill, last word to you. will this really hurt the zuba industry? >> you can wear zuba because everything is black or white. did you seat picture? >> we have to go. >> there is never a woman dressed like that. the one time tony soprano had sex with her in the gorilla
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♪ it's a story >> the o'reilly factor is on. >> fox news has a big base and they know it is carefully done and it is done to polarize the country. >> is that true? does fox news really polarize the usa? we will have a report on president clinton's analysis. >> 30 days in jail. due think that is an appropriate sentence, judge. what if that was your daughter. >> the child rapist who received 30 days in jail for his horrendous crime. now on the streets of montana. we will have a follow-up report tonight. >> you and the rest of the dying breed of republicans should take note there is a
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