tv FOX and Friends FOX News September 27, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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600,000 sienna minivans from 2004 to 2009s because of a shift out of park that happens. >> have a wonderful weekend. thanks for joining us. we'll see you 5:00 monday morning. "fox & friends" starts now. >>elisabeth: good morning. today is friday, september 27. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a showdown in the senate hours away. will republicans be able to approve an obamacare delay. president obama already placing the blame. >> you don't have to take my word for it. if you talk to somebody who said i was watching fox news and they said it's horrible. >>elisabeth: we're going to let you hear both sides so you can decide. >>steve: we're the problem. >>elisabeth: yeah, we are. >>steve: while you were sleeping an airplane forced to make an emergency landing when one of the pilots almost died halfway
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through the flight. developing details ahead. >>brian: many americans outraged at the football coach who dumped his entire team to teach them a lesson days before homecoming but his character building exercise just might have worked. this morning they earned their jerseys back. at least some of them did. and wait until you see how. "fox & friends" final show of the week unless elisabeth gets her way and we work through the weekend, starts now. >> hi. this is peter frampton here. you're watching "fox & friends." >>steve: welcome aboard live from studio e. we've got this brand-new furniture that we've been taking very good care of. >>brian: been scotch guarded. >>steve: brian suggested we put the plastic --
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>>brian: like grandma. >>steve: exactly. i mentioned the fancy furniture because later today, remember scenes like this? >>elisabeth: i loved this show. i always wanted to wear knee pads and goggles. this is like a dream of mine. >>steve: there is a new book out that talks about the history of nickelodeon. >>brian: a tell-all. >>steve: we brought in the slime machine. >>elisabeth: a dream come true. >>steve: elisabeth hasselbeck tried to kill us in her first week. at the conclusion of her second week, looks like she's going to slime us. >>elisabeth: go back to the 90's. >>brian: the behind-the-scenes look you've never seen before. they bare all. >>steve: in the meantime, a senate showdown on capitol hill today. >>elisabeth: can republicans come together to defund obamacare?
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we're live in washington with the details. >> good morning from capitol hill where at high noon we will indeed witness a showdown of sorts. that's when the democrat-controlled senate will hold a key procedural vote on whether to shut down debate on proposed changes for the government funding bill that the upper chamber received from the republican-controlled house of representatives earlier this week. the change that the democrats want would strip that funding bill of language that serves to defund obamacare. >> the american people don't want the president's health care bill and they don't want the government to shut down. republicans are listening. we passed a bill last week that would do just what the american people have asked. it's time for the senate to listen and pass the bill that we sent over there. >> for his part, president obama using a bully pulpit of the presidency in suburban married there at a raucous event on a community college campus, the president ridiculed republicans for trying to use the current crisis over
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funding the federal government and prospect of default over our debt to try for perhaps the 50th time to derail obamacare. >> eventually ronald reagan came around to medicare and thought it was pretty good and actually helped make it better. so that's what's going to happen with the affordable care act. and once it's working really well, i guarantee you they will not call it obamacare. >> all of this political jockeying means we will likely see the legislative action spill over into the weekend with a very real possibility the federal government beingçforced to shut down temporarily, perhaps as early as tuesday, unless of course things come to a head here on capitol hill and the slime machine solves all. >>brian: james, you always -- one thing about you, you've got the etiquette thing down. you always say the right thing at the right time. at this point, though, i want to give you an opportunity to say officially hello to elisabeth and welcome her. you didn't do it at the
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top. should i give you that opportunity >> that is very charitable ofñr you. i am so happy that elisabeth is with us. this is -- you've heard of that thing the law of attraction where if you just wish something fervently enough, it will actually happen. it wasn't roger ailes. it wasn't elisabeth's storied career. it was me. i made this happen. >>elisabeth: then, james, we're comforted by the fact you're there today so that maybe you can will through today and get something passed there. >> i'll see what i can do. i brought you to fox. that's my big contribution. >>elisabeth: you are funny. >>steve: thank you very much, james. a lot of people don't know this, but during the commercials he bends spoons. in his hands. any way, there you've got in that report from james, you heard the president of the united states. there he is right there. he was at the prince george's community college in largo, maryland, talking about those republicans.
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they're crazy. they're trying to blackmail the president. of course he was talking about ted cruz who had that kind of filibuster where he talked for over 20 hours. ted cruz was on with sean last night and had this to say about the president's comments. >> i think those comments suggest that he's worried. when he'sçó throwing around insults like irrational, like blackmail, the first thing i thought listening to that is i wonder if he things james hoffa, president of the teamsters, was irrational. james wrote a letter to nancy was speaking to obamañr because he was speak -- speaking to obamacare and speaking on behalf of the millions of families because obamacare was destroying american families. i guess what i was saying if he means to be saying that about the president of the teamsters?
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>>brian: one in five americans said their health care costs are going up and they blame obamacare. i think it is extraordinary the president is using words like extortion, blackmail. dan pfeiffer isçó said like negotiating with republicans is like negotiating with somebody with a bomb strapped to theirñi chest. what kind of rhetoric is this? can you just say this is what i want. can you work it out. it is unbelievable that just across the way we've got a high-ranking official negotiating with iran, syria and russia but we can't walk across capitol hill and negotiates with the house. >>elisabeth: there is a clear reason. it is redistribution of wealth, redistribution of care and redistribution of aggression where it doesn'tçó belong. i think the words he has chosen and the so far clearly indicate that. >>steve: you knowñiç(pá?xd the president doesn't like the fact that there is at leastñr one television channel out there that is talking about what kind of changes will happen when this affordable care act goes into business.
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and that would beñi the one you're watching right now. and i don't think the president likes us. >> if you talk to somebody who said, i don't know, i was watching fox news andñi they said it's horrible, and you can say, you know what? don't take my word for it. go on the website, see for yourself what the prices are, see for yourself what the choices are, then make up your own mind. >>brian: that's part of the problem. insurance choices are going down the tubes. aetna, united, major companies are taking a step aside. blue cross-blue shield is the only one sitting there. look at your deductible. because your costs might be less but your deductible might be extraordinary. >>elisabeth: if you walked out, you are looking at, a single adult, $95 for
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penalties. is that freedom? i'm not sure. >>steve: i guess the president doesn't want anybody talking about that. we've been talking about the consequences of the affordable care act here on this program and throughout this channel over the last couple of years. just the fact that the exchanges are supposed to kick in in a couple of days, and yet in many spots they're not ready even though they had a three-year head start to get things up and running. that tells you something is not going to work out right, and that's why we've been trying to tell you the truth all along. >>brian: for the next two hours and 50 minutes, joe manchin, senator, is starting to say i'm starting to agree with some of the elements. heather nauert. the lady will be slimed? >>elisabeth: that would be fun. >>steve: it doesn't stain. >> only on this show can you do health care and then the slime. >>brian: john scott might try it. >> he might.
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love him. all right. let me bring you the headlines. the news to bring you now at ten minutes after the hour, and while you were sleeping a real scare in the air for fliers after their pilot had a heart attack at 30,000 feet. that united flight was on its way from houston to seattle and it was forced to make an emergency landing in boise, idaho. the pilot was taken to the hospital for treatment. no passengers were hurt and no word on his condition. interpol issued an arrest warrant for samantha luthwaite married to one of the suicide bombers. she is believed to be a key player in the al qaeda-linked group to al-shabab. the arrest warrant is linked to bomb resorts in kenya but there is a lot of concern she may have also participated in the mall massacre in nigh row belast week. the u.s. and russia
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coming to an agreement on a syrian weapons deal. the u.n. security council resolution forces syria to give up its chemical weapon stockpile and orders russian troops to visit chemical weapons sites but it falls short of military force if that country doesn't follow through. >> this is the first time since the syria conflict began two and a half years ago that the security council imposed binding obligations on syria, binding obligations of any kind. >> the council met last night to review that agreement. a coat could come next -- a vote could come next friday. a stockpile inspection next week. are you sick of apple's new operating system yet? internet boards have been filled with posts with people saying the transmissions are giving them motion sickness and vertigo. this is because of its new
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zooming animation. those are your headlines. i haven't downloaded that or uploaded. >>steve: my wife did it yesterday, and the zooming is fast. but i haven't gotten nauseous yet. it's early. >> i think it's maybe for older people shall maybe get a little sick. >>elisabeth: he escaped from jail, then had a change of heart. >> what's your emergency? >> i'm a cruiser in a van and i'm here with a couple of other cats. >>elisabeth: the most unlikely call we've heard. >>brian: the man who caught a cop red handed joins us next. [ male announcer ] progresso's so passionate about its new ♪ tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪
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but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. as your life changes, fidelity is there r your personal economy, helping you readjust along the way, refocus as careers change and kids head off to college, and revisit your investments as retirement gets closer. wherever you are today, fidelity's guidance can help you fine-tune your personal economy. start today with a free one-on-one review of your retirement plan.
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>>steve: it's a no nonsense message defending americans' rights to bear arms but this sign to protect the second amendment kept disappearing off a new york guy's front lawn so he set up a camera to catch whoever was knocking it down and taking it away. as it turns out the culprit was a local police officer. jonathan gibson made that sign and caught the officer red handed. he joins us live here in our new york studio. john, good morning to you. first of all, what was the message on the sign? >> the message was protect the second amendment. >>steve: and you put that sign up, and then it disappeared. and you put up another, it disappeared. you put up a third, it disappeared. on the fourth one, what did you do? >> my wife informed me that the fourth sign went missing. i went home, set up a camera, put up the u.s.b. card, looked at the film and saw it was a local police officer.
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>>steve: when you saw a police officer, you thought what? >> i was beyond disappointed. i was expecting to catch a neighborhood person who didn't like my message supporting the second amendment and i was prepared to call the police and file a complaint because i would expect the police to be there to protect our rights and i was terribly disappointed to find out it was a police officer stomping on my rights. >>steve: what does the town say? what do the police say? >> the town is saying the sign was on public property which because of a town ordinance they say there is a right of way for the first 15 feet from the edge of the road. >>steve: how far was it from the edge of the road? >> four feet. it is my contention this is my property. what i pay taxes on. i have a survey of my property that shows it is within my boundaries and i don't believe the town ordinance supersedes my first amendment right of free speech. >>steve: you don't know whether or not it was the police that took down the first couple of signs but you do know it was a police officer who took done the fourth sign. why didn't they just knock
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on your door and say that sign is too close to the road? >> that's the same exact question that my wife and i asked each other and every neighbor that's come to my house to show support for this has said to me, why didn't they just come knock on your door? eventually that's a question i'd like to have answered. >>steve: would you have moved it back 15 feet then? >> i may have moved it back to a degree, but i feel very strongly about our rights. and with the advice of my lawyer, he supports me and says that i'm within my first amendment rights. >>steve: here's what the police chief in your town says. i stand by the officer 100%. he was doing his job which was responding to a violation of town code. it had nothing to do with the content of the sign. apparently you've got a neighbor who does not like the whole sign business? >> funny enough, that same neighbor had a sign up of their own at one point. besides that, whether the town doesn't like the message that i put out
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there or not, it's the fact that they took my sign down, which is an expression of myself and my speech and my belief, which is a violation of my constitutional rights, and i'm a very big believer in the constitution. >>steve: i think in my town they would have knocked on the door. john gibson, keep us posted on what happens next. you going to put up another sign? >> absolutely. >>steve: very good. 19 minutes after the top of the hour. they got starbucks to ban guns. now gun control activists reveal their next big target. did you hear this? water on mars. does that open the door for human exploration. an expert explains our options coming up live from new york city and, well, the red planet. ♪ ♪
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>>steve: we've got some quick friday morning headlines for you. a bitter baseball rivalry turning deadly. overnight police arrested a 21-year-old man accused of stabbing a dodgers fan to death after wednesday's game in san francisco. after successfully stopping gun owners from bringing firearms into starbucks, now gun control advocates have a new target in theirçó sights. the store staples. antigun groups want a nationwide no-gun rule in the chain's 1,500 stores after an accidental shooting last summer. over to elisabeth and the other brian. >>brian: this morning we can answer a question that scientists have been asking each other for decades. is there water on mars?
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>>elisabeth: according to nasa's curiosity rover, the answer is yet. in fact there's a lot. we just can't see it. does this mean maybe brian can go one day? >>brian: the scientist behind the study at poly tech nick institute joins us to explain. this is great news, isn't it, laurie? >> yes. we're excited to have discovered water in the dirt beneath our wheels. >>brian: what does it mean? >> what we did, we landed curiosity on mars a year ago and been exploring the floor of this wonderful crater. one of the first things we did was to scoop you up soil and feed about half a baby aspirin's worth into our oven and heat it up to three times hotter than your ovens at home. about 2% of the soil by weight is water that's chemically balanced.
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it's a very exciting find to find that pretty much wherever we were we scooped up soil and found water. >> when you find that, does that indicate life or living things there? >> to me, it's an exciting find for the potential for future human exploration because we think that the dirt on mars is kind of the same everywhere. by studying it in this one place, we learn about what it's probably like everywhere on mars. it's still pretty dry by earth's standard. it doesn't really mean life but it does mean a great resource for future explorers. >>brian: when we talk about having a manned space travel to mars, does this make it more possible? and does this mean possibly there could have been life prior to our existence? >> it's definitely right that curiosity's goal in going to mars was to explore the red planet to see if it could habitable
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in the past and how easy it might be to live there in the future. this study does answer those questions. it is more focused on whether or not humans might be able to go there in the future. if you think about what this find might mean for humans, if you take a cubic foot of mars dirt and heat it up like we did, you can get out almost a couple of bottles of water worth of water out of it. that is a great resource for human explorers. >>elisabeth: that is good news. brian can go. we've been waiting to send him all week. >>brian: i'd like to see a different vacation. we're watching exactly what you discussed, this unmanned probe worked this plant and it is incredible, the technology and what's been done. laurie, thanks so much for sharing with us. anything happens, i want you calling us; okay? >>elisabeth: that's right. up next, his buddy busted him out of jail, but he wanted to go back. take a listen. >> 911. what is your emergency?
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>> yes ma'am. you're probably not going to believe this, but i'm a prisoner in a van and i'm here with a couple of of these other cats. >>elisabeth: the most unlikely call for help we've ever heard. >>brian: you saw her right here on "fox & friends." miss teen u.s.a. claiming her web cam got hacked. this morning we have a big update. ♪ ♪ ♪ ho ho ho ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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>>brian: we're talking union high school in utah at which time after a big loss last week the coach shocked his team by going into the locker room and saying all 80 guys hand in your uniforms. this team is being disbanded. the next day he came with a piece of paper and said if you want to play in friday's homecoming game you must meet these requirements. >>elisabeth: they had to hang on to their jerseys, hang them up for the week, do the community service. i think there were a couple of in violation of cyber bullying. he brought forward the person getting bullied and apologized to the kid on behalf of the team. is this a decent punishment? i think it is great, immediate consequence. >>steve: you're just like, it seems like every parent. they didn't get a complaint from a single parent after
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the coach suspended all 80 members of the team. we've got some good news. homecoming is tonight, and it looks as if all but nine of the team's 41 seniors have been reinstated. they're going to be able to play the game. among the community service, they went to places and pulled weed, cleaned up things. they learned a valuable lesson during the time when they normally would have been practicing. and the players' reaction? listen. >> i think we deserve every little bit of it. hopefully it will show to everybody that football is not just about playing the game. you've got to learn. being a great person is what all this amounts to when you get older. >> even though i wasn't part of the disrespect but i saw it go on just as much as everybody else. i'm just as much at fault for not making it stop. >>brian: they picked two new captains. they had to do two things at home. they had to be respectful to the teachers, stop
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skippingabeth: in terms of their person it is a development period. they probably have a boosted version of their character thanks to this coach. >>brian: good luck to the emory spartan tonight in your homecoming game. >>steve: they are already winners. if they lose they can say look, we lost two days of practice -- >>brian: winners don't make excuses. >>elisabeth: you guys can settle this later. heather is over there with headlines. she's neutral. >> i love what the coach did on that one.ñi 33 minutes after the hour and headlines to bring you. she may have lasted 13 hours in a filibuster for abortion but can she last in the texas governor's race? next week democratic texas state senator wendy davis is expected to announce her run for governor. she took to twitter to make a vague announcement saying
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a week from today i'm announcing something big. can you chip in to show the strength of our grass roots network. no democrat has won a statewide office in texas since 1994. lawmakers on the senate intelligence committee are working on legislation that would limit the n.s.a.'s ability to accessñr sensitive data. this legislation would add oversight and also limit the n.s.a.'s use of phone and e-mail records obtained domestically. but it would broaden its ability to monitor foreign suspects who travel to the united states. got all that? the n.s.a. director keith alexander stressing that the agency isn't doing anything illegal and got emotional defending surveillance. listen. >> i'd much rather be sitting here today defending what we are doing than being here today tellingxd you why we failed to connect the dots once again. >> during that same hearing the director of national intelligence, james clapper, who, by the way, already admitted that he lied to congress about the n.s.a. meta data program,
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said he's willing to consider limits on monitoring in order to ease public concern. we've heard so much froó folks about that one. the guy accused of preying on miss teenñi u.s.a.çó captured by theñi f.b.i. the 19-year-old was arrested and charged with extortion and cyber crime. police say he hacked into theçó web cam on her computer and then threatened to go public with pictures he took as she undressed. cassidy talked about thatok invõqó)jz]-q(q'tlyñr on "fox & friends." listen to this. >> you just immediate to be so extremely -!r you need to be careful with what you do on-line these days because you never know what people can be doing to you on-line. >> this was in her very own >> this was in her very own home. were classmates. they attended the same high school in california. remember this story. eight prisoners left alone in añi running van who were able to escape. now weñr now how police found them. one of theçóñi prisoners calling 911.çó
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listen to this. >> 911. what's your emergency? >> yes ma'am. you're probably not going to believe this but i'm a prisoner in açó van and, here with a couple of other cats and a couple of the guys that were in the van jacked theñi van at the hospital and stole the van. >> where are you, sir? >> weatherford. >> don't you love how they can always stay straight,ñi the 911 operators. this guy stayed on the phone with the dispatcher until cops arrived. all theñi inmates arrested within twoñiçóçó hours. just two hours of freedom. those areñi yourñi headlines. >>steve: of course theñr officers could figure out where that cell phone was. ÷yáeçisabeth: maria islong. here with weatherxd updates. >> good morning. today we're tracking that same storm system that yesterdayq produced significant snowfall across sections of the northern rockies. some areas picking up well over a foot of snow. this is along parts of montana, wyoming and also
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the state of idaho. this storm system is headed eastbound. we're talking the possibility of severe weather. tornadoes, damaging winds in excess of 60 miles an hour and large hail possible anywhere from sections of nebraska, kansas, kwro*ebg and parts of the -- oklahoma and parts of the texas panhandle. a lot of rain forecast as we head into saturday and sunday with the storm system. the one bit of good news is we need the rain across sections of texas. we are under a drought out here so this is beneficial rain. three, four, even locally higher amounts of rainfall possible. temperatures wise head of the front, ahead of the cold front we see a surge in heat. 90's in texas, evenñi minneapolis, your high temperature today 84çó degrees. behind it, much cooler. in rapid city your high today will reach 51. tomorrow, minneapolis in theçó 60's, 71 in kansas
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city. rapidñr city, nice rebound. high temperature ummorrow,ñi 70çóñi degrees. back over toñiñi brian. >>brian: the 49ers against the rams, colin kaepernick, no interceptions. san francisco came outñr to play on this day. frank coors could be headed to the hall ofçó fame. they went on to win 35-11. rams have absolutely no offense but a solid defense. six people arrested for }tuaking into form england patriot brian ome and throwing a massive bash that was broadcast on twitter. police say the suspects range from 17 to 21. the ringleader apparently a young man holloway had taken in as a homeless team. holloway was on "fox &ñi friends." >> i start getting tweets from my son saying dad
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something is going down at the house. i said what do you mean? he said there are people at the house giving a party. at first i thought it was a prank. then when i started looking at it i was like this is goingjf down. i've seen pictures from inside the house. >>brian: says he'sçó pressing charges against everyone whoçó broke the law. next hour an emotional scene at yankee stadium. comingñi up betweençó 9 and noon, paul mercurio, one of the many guests we have coming up. >>steve: if you thought elisabeth's first week, last week was crazy, it didn't stop in week number two. >>elisabeth: if you missed anything, we've got you covered. take a look. >> "fox & friends" live from new york city, keep those words off my face. >>brian: do your teens have questions about the
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birds and the bees? lest anyone suggest we paid for it for five straight days. >>elisabeth: steve, how is your shoulder doing? >>steve: doing better. elisabeth and maria made sure i got my share of mud. >>elisabeth: that's right. >>steve: she's a little muddy. ♪ ♪ >>brian: let's go! hit it. ♪ >> i have anna parading the mascots. >>brian: i married my wife and hers come out like patties. >>brian: do you want to do a dance number? >> i used to heard sheep, cattle and pigs. >>brian: get a brace hr-t.
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wwkr. -- get a bracelet. wwkr, what would karl rove do? >>steve: you've scared the living daylights out of -- i'm going back to c.b. radio. >>brian: sitting next to me is kurt busch. >> can i start by welcoming elisabeth? >>brian: "fox & friends" final hour unless maccallum overslept again. >> how are the fellows treating you? >>elisabeth: they're great except for brian. >>steve: we need to stretch out ten seconds so maria can stand where heather was. >> brian can ruin a day for a child. >>brian: i can't be a parent all the time. >>elisabeth: good morning. a beautiful day in new york city. >>brian: can we ask the audience to trend us for
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the first time? >>steve: we've been doing that since she started. our hash tag, better with friend, number-one hash tag around. >>elisabeth: had that's pretty cool. >>brian: thanks to justin timberlake for making that happen. >>steve: thanks for watching and making us number one. >>elisabeth: up next, forget the fridays, mcdonald's offering a different side dish but will you buy it? >>steve: guess what day it is? happy deficit day! ñi ♪ ♪ run, go, go! did he just fumble?
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"i" formation! "i" formation! we have got to get the three-technique block! i'm not angry. i'm not yellin'. nobody's tackling anybody! we got absolutely... i don't think this was such a good idea. i'm on it. if we can't secure the quarterback center exchange... you're doing a great job, coach. well they're coming along better than i anticipated. very pleased. who told you to take a break? [ male announcer ] want to win yourwn football ntasy? just tell us. then use your visa card for a chanceo win it.
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be getting help. the actress will spend the next year and a half in a mental health facility. this postpones her court date over her alleged bong throwing incident. forget the fries. mcdonald's offering salad, fruit or vegetables. no extra cost and it starts next year. so many times my daughter will say i'd like to have apples but i don't want to charge any more. >>steve: i want thai apple pie they justç"showed. >>brian: not healthy. >>elisabeth: it is no secret the u.s. is spending more than $10 billion a day but did you know it is all borrowed? >>steve: this past week the u.s. hit deficit day, the day when technically all the revenue we take in is used up and the rest of the budget is paid for with debt that we borrowed. >>brian: we've got 95 days until the new year, new fiscal year.
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will the house be able to get itself in order? stuart, how significant is this? >> we are not in the process of getting our spending under control. there is no reform of entitlements on the table. it is not there. entitlements -- medicare, medicaid especially -- they are the killers of this budget. you've got another huge and expensive entitlement program. it's called obamacare. the answer to your question is, no, we do not have a handle on spending. and, yes, we are borrowing a ton of money every day starting right now because we just passed deficit day. >>elisabeth: 61% of americans are opposed to having the debt ceiling raised without cutting spending; correct? >> that's right. that is a very significant number. that means that the voting public is very concerned about debt and is quite prepared to cut spending even if it means going right up to that debt limit ceiling and going over it and risking a shutdown of government to potential default.
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americans say get that debt under control. >>steve: and we're in debt. in other words, with deficit day, what that means is we take in fees and take in taxes and stuff like that. that covered us through today. from now on we've got to borrow the money in the form of government obligation, bonds and what not. china pwaoeuz a lot of our -- buys a lot of our debt. >> on a calendar year basis, we take in $2.7 trillion. we've already spent that. as of september 25 that was all spent. for every day for the rest of the year, every dime, every dollar we spend that goes out there, we've gotñi to borrow it. >>brian: the presidentxd was semi correct in saying his budget deficit was over $1 trillion. it is going down a littleñi bit. because theñiñr taxes.
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+ stillñi theñii biggest annual deficitçó of any year in america's history exceptçó for the obama years. >>brian: a man of your education should not be saying whoop-de-do. what does that mean? >> it comes from the latin. >>brian: okay. my native tongue. >>steve: stuart, thank you very much. we're going to be watching youçóçó 9:20 eastern.ñi meanwhile, can't stop texting? that's okay because the government is nowñr creatingçó safety lanes forñi you for when you're drivingçó and when you're walking. >>elisabeth: you have to stop, though; right? >>brian:çó guys, don't you hate chick flicks? kevin mccarthy says he found one you will actually like. >>steve: this must be gun play. >>brian: and some sports. too small. too soft.
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too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. new creamy alfredo soup. dad! dad! katy perry is coming to town. can we get tickets, tickets? hmm, sure. how many? well, there's hannah, maddie, jen, sara m., sara b., sa -- whoa, whoa. hold on. (under his breath) here it comes... we can't forget about your older sister! thank you, thank you, thank you! seriously? what? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. can i come? yep. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. to apply, go to
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brown: on my third day asudentsd morale was low. my first job was getting everyone to believe... that we could turn this around. i needed my staff to see what was possible. turning around a school, is not some, mystical, magical thing. it does take hard, dedicated work each day. i was a chemistry major in college, and then... i joined teach for america. that's the reason i'm here.
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>> steve: it's looking like it will be a good weekend at the box office. >> elisabeth: that's right. this week there is something for everyone. here to break down your options, kevin mccarthy, fox news contributor, and founder of is with us. good morning. >> good morning, elisabeth. good, steve and brian. it's awesome to hear you say ned tears. >> elisabeth: i love the web site. now he alm a fan of the what did you think of "don john"? >> this is an interesting film. pg related. it makes a correlation between adult films and romantic comedy ies. >> steve: you're make it sound a certain way. this is about a guy who is hooked on adult films, right?
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>> correct. he's addicts to do adult films, but his girlfriend is addicted to romantic comedies and they're trying to find a middle ground of what true love really is. it's honestly so well directed, he made this movie for 3 or $4 million. we're in a day and time where everything is predictable, cliche, this is an original script. it's funny, witty. also reunites joseph levin and tony danza. i was hoping they would do the wave, but they didn't do that. i gave it 4 1/2 out of five stars. it's one of my top ten of the year. it's not for kids. it was originally almost nc-17. we had to cut some sections down. do not take your kid. it's very explicit, but very well done. >> elisabeth: what about "rush"? >> that's interesting because i didn't know this story going in. i sat next to somebody who did.
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story about a rivalry that took place in the '70s between james hunt and nicky louder. chris hemsworth is one of the actors, directed by ron howard. the interesting thing is the -- when they're not racing, the dialogue between the characters is incredible. it's intense, it's really well done. it's one of ron howard's best films of his career so far. i gave it a four out of five. i think ron howard did a great job. $38 million film, laos like it cost over $100 million to make. four out of five. >> steve: real quickly, "cloudy a chance of meat balls part 2"? >> i will say this, for parents out there, skip the 3d on this. don't waste your three or four extra dollars out of this. 3 1/2 out of five. it's not adds good as the first one, but good for the family. >> elisabeth: that's a good tip. >> yeah. >> elisabeth: we'll skip the glasses. >> steve: so we got a movie fort
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kids, kind, and one for the adults. >> elisabeth: an adult date movie. >> steve: coming up, what's really going on behind the scenes at your favorite restaurant? >> the mystery diners revealed newly hired chef david owns his own competing catering company. >> david. >> is stealing customers. >> call my number. >> steve: the host of "mystery diners" is here live. i love that show. >> elisabeth: and there is an epic celebrity battle brewing. whose side are you on? let us know with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh!
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[ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? [ crows ] would you rather be watching a bobber than the tv. then you belong at bass pro shops for big savings. check out the new look of tracker boats for 2014. plus get a free boat cover with purchase of select models.
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that's not much, you think. except it's 2% every year. go to e-trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert: it's low. it's guidance on your terms, not ours. e-trade. less for us. more for you. >> elisabeth: good morning. today is friday, september 27. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a showdown in the senate set for high noon today. will republicans be able to
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approve an obamacare delay? meet the democrats who agrees with them. >> brian: all right. then it was supposed to be affordable, right? wrong! the white house says it won't raise taxes to implement obamacare. but if that's true, who is paying for it? >> steve: good question. and if you can't stop texting, that's okay. the government is creating safety lanes just for you whether you are driving or whether you are walking. safety lanes for walking. ridiculous or necessary because of things like this? "fox & friends" hour two for friday starts right now. >> brian: going to be a big hour. we have a lot going on. think about the drama taking place across town. think about the fact that our
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foreign secretary met with the secretary of state. what does iran do? i have to meet with the iraqi defense minister. we're not even talking to iraq. we're watching that bond, seeing the syrian chemical weapons situation unfold before our eyes, and the nonmeeting that took place on monday between our president and their president. >> steve: that's a lot going on internationally. but elisabeth, we've got a lot going on in this country. >> elisabeth: we do. the countdown continues. days away from a government shutdown. one of the most important votes just hours away. can the republicans come together to defund obamacare? james rosen is live in washington with details. good morning. >> elisabeth, good morning to you and steve and brian. as the health care industry braces for obamacare to begin taking effect despite some delays to some parts of it, the senate faces at high noon today what tea party favorite senator ted cruz, republican of texas, calls the most important vote this year. that wasn't lost on president obama who used an appearance at a community college in suburban maryland yesterday to ridicule
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republicans for trying to use the current crisis over funding the government to try to defund obamacare. mr. obama peppering his remarks with humorous digs at the gop, including the use of quotes he attributed to republican lawmakers about his signature law. >> we have to, and i'm quoting here -- we have to repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. now, i have to say, that one was from six months ago. i just want to point out we still have women. we still have children. we still have senior citizens. >> we still have politicians. the democrat-controlled senate face has key controller vote this afternoon. if the democrats prevail, the upper chamber will take the government funding bill that it received from the republican-controlled house, strip it of language to defund obamacare, and kick it back to the house where the top
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republican made clear he will continue to -- he will continue to fight obamacare. >> the american people don't want the president's health care bill and they don't want the government to shut down. republicans are listening. we passed a bill last week that could do just what the american people have asked. it's time for the senate to listen and pass the bill that we sent over there. >> what this all means, you'll probably see this legislative jockeying continue even into the weekend and we could see the shutdown of the federal government on a temporary basis as early as tuesday. so elisabeth, if you have business to transact with the feds, you just might want to nail that down before close of business on monday. >> elisabeth: you got it. >> steve: what business do you got? >> elisabeth: i keep it to myself. james, thank you. you know who might be getting a talking to right away? one democratic senator, joe manchin, west virginia. he actually supported compromise. imagine that, to delay
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obamacare, individual mandate. he said why not more of this? we actually have marco rubio talk being it. >> we have democrats that are from states where mitt romney run. so i can tell you obamacare is not popular in those states. but they're so afraid of the left wing base of their own party, they're so afraid of being attacked by the liberal wing of the democratic party that they can't even express their sentiments about obamacare. just today one of my colleagues here said he would be open to delaying it for a year. the reaction was almost immediate. again, there is a lot of pressure on some of these democrats from the left wing base of their party. obamacare has become like the holy grail. the only one allowed to ignore and make changes is barak obama in their eyes. >> brian: yesterday what else did we find out? he decided for small businesses to lift that mandate. so another waiver on obamacare. why wouldn't he use his negotiation tactic to get some other fixes into this plan before we go forward and get a
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compromise cr? >> steve: they didn't exactly lift the small businessmandate. what it's really kind of these glitches where the small business exchanges were supposed to be open. it's called the shop exchange, supposed to be open on the first day of october. because of software glitches and they haven't figured out quite how to do it, they're going to say essentially, you can fill out a paper, however, it won't be available on-line probably until november. they've had three years to get this thing ready. and yet, they won't be ready 'til november. remember during the original argument about whether or not we should go ahead and pass the affordable care act, also now known as obamacare, very famously karl rove said on this program, he said, 85% of the country has health care and likes it. so why blow up the entire system for 15%? there is a new poll out this morning that says that, take a guess, how many people in this
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country, what percentage have insurance now for the very first time because of the affordable care act? how many? what percent? >> elisabeth: i mean, i'd go 20. let's go 20%. >> steve: 1%. >> elisabeth: oh, great. >> steve: 1% of the country now has insurance because of the affordable care act. >> elisabeth: that's it? >> steve: we were told we're helping out 15%. but so far just 1. >> elisabeth: but credit to joe manchin to get in there and step aside from the party and say look, let's give it a year. why not? let's extend this and think about it. if you're going to offer it to corporations through a glitch or not, why not to the individual americans out there? >> brian: there is a lot of senators up for election in red states, like over in alaska, that say if joe can do it, i can do it. so this is one element in which it could be -- you could have a democratic senator saying i'm open to what the house is proposing and that could really shift the sand underneath harry reid's feet. >> steve: if enough democrats later today at high noon say, you know what? maybe we should put it off and
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vote with the republicans, it's a whole new ball game. here in new york city, she's got the news. >> i hope you're having a good day. this mornings interpoll issued an arrest warrant for the white widow we've been telling you about. british foreign samantha luthwait, once married to one of the suicide bombers responsible for killing 52 in the 20:05 subway attack. she is believed to be a key player in the al-qaeda-linked terror group al-shabab. that arrest warrant linked to a plot to bomb resorts in kenya. there is a whole lot of concern she participated in the mall massacre in nairobi last week. a bitter baseball rivalry turning deadly. overnight police arrested a 21-year-old man who is accused of stabbing a dodger's fan to death after wednesday's game in san francisco. police say after leaving the ballpark, the victim, 24-year-old jonathan denver,
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exchanged words with a group of giants fans and that's when things became violent. >> i don't understand who could even do that over giants or dodgers. it's ridiculous. >> police are looking for two more suspects. a new u.n. sponsored report says that scientists are extremely confident that humans are to blame for global warming, but this report barely mentions the details that for 15 years, global warming slowed down. they call this a staticcal mirage and claims it cites random changes in the weather and others say it cast doubt on the whole global warming theory. kanye west launching a twitter tirade against jimmy kimmel after he made fun of the rapper on his show. the skit used can yes' interview where he describes himself as the biggest rock star ever. but kimmel uses kids to play the part. take a look at this spoof.
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>> six years ago and they say no! how many (bleep) have you seen? where is the culture at? >> yeah, so? >> where's culture! we're the rock stars! i'm the biggest of all of them! >> what's not funny about that? kanye west went nuts on twitter and here are some of the tweets. this out loud. >> here are some that weren't obscene. jimmy kimmel is out of line to try to spoof in any way an honest piece of media in years. and here is another one. sarah silverman is 1,000 times funnier than you are and the whole world knows it. that's a reference to his old girlfriend. the rest are pretty dirty there. he needs to cool out with a k. >> steve: when you're the biggest star in the world, you hate criticism. >> this guy takes himself way too seriously.
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>> steve: you think? >> yeah. >> brian: what do you do with george washington university if you know that two kids actually got hit by cars in 2011 and if you can't get people to listen to you and stop texting? what do you do? what do you do? >> elisabeth: they actually -- the student body tried to take it into their own hands. they asked for speed bumps, but it's residential only. so they had these stickers. they're texting lanes for walks that say look up. ridiculous. would you like that? let us know on twitter. do you need a sticker that says look up 'cause you're tweeting us right now. >> steve: let me get this straight, you're texting like this, how are you going to see that sticker over there? >> brian: you put it on the ground maybe? that would probably be the best place. >> steve: in new york state, what they're doing is they're repurposing rest stops and now they're calling them text stops so that people, rather than drive like this and do some texting and responding, they'll
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pull over, over at the vince lombardi rest stop and they'll go ahead and do their texting business there. it will be safer, they say. >> elisabeth: yeah. i think the incidents of being pulled over for distracted driving went up 365% this year. >> brian: incredible. >> elisabeth: yeah. so they have a -- they have apps you can put on your phone and programs that automatically convert text to voice system. >> brian: unless there is somebody else in the car and it gets embarrassing. i left my voice text on and the person is on like a kanye west tirade against you. that's a little embarrassing. i'm not saying that ever happened to me of the that could be one issue. remember nancy reagan, just say no? we had impactful statements and campaigns. now it's the look up campaign. what have we come down to? we can't get people to look up because of situations like this. this should be enough of a scary situation. once you witness this, you see a woman who is texting, she goes
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into a fountain, that should be enough to get you to stop texting and walking. >> steve: remember back before people had texting machines, personal digital assisted pda's, remember when people used to walk around and think and not constantly think i've got to update people? >> brian: i did. >> steve: i've got to talk on the phone all the time. >> brian: i would never think. that was me. i saw this. i saw one of ainsley's stories at the 5:00 a.m. i don't know if it's valid now. but i heard that one of the things is the worst thing duke in a car is day dream. how can you legislate against day dreaming? >> elisabeth: there is no time for day dreaming anymore. who day dreams? >> brian: i know, 'cause you weren't driving in the city. but when you're wherever you live, i have no idea, but when you're driving on the open road, if you were caught day dreaming, could you get a ticket? >> steve: if it's distracted driving. i saw that. -- >> brian: you were thinking about your high school years. >> steve: i think it's interesting that you say if it's
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still valid. like our stories a sell by date. >> brian: it didn't make a cut in one of our producer's lives. they said we should get rid of that story. >> steve: 13 minutes after the top of the hour. this guy was celebrating becoming a doctor when he stumbled onto the train tracks. >> brian: is that real? >> steve: yeah. a future doctor, what happens next is truly unbelievable. >> brian: then it was supposed to be affordable, right? wrong! the white house says it won't raise taxes to implement obamacare. if that's true, who is paying for it? you are! check your wallet. it's empty ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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>> brian: here we go. four days and counting. the obama administration repeatedly assured america it will not raise taxes to implement obamacare. but if that's true, who is paying for it? where is the revenue coming from? here to break down some of the secret taxes or the taxes you don't know about that are funding this bill, which is now a law, speaker of the florida house, will weatherford. welcome. >> thank you. >> brian: marco rubio had that gig. >> yes. >> brian: hopefully you're on the same path. first of all, on this cadillac plan, what's happening to them? >> first of all, you just mentioned it, they said they weren't going to raise taxes, obamacare is the largest tax increase on the american people. there is numerous taxes. that cadillac tax says if your company or your employer gives awe really good tax plan, if it's too good, we're going to tax you for it and make you pay 40% on the dollar in taxes. it's ridiculous. >> brian: that's part of why the unions are so upset. they don't make the most money.
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people think cadillac, but they get the best benefits and now they're up in arms about that. >> that's the funniest part is that they've pushed it off. they pushed it out to 2018 so hopefully the unions wouldn't get too upset. now the unions are freak out. >> brian: now flexible spending accounts. people use this sometimes when they want to eat up some of their deductible. now they'll be taxed and capped? >> they could. not only that, people with special needs children use flexible spending accounts. it's a way for you to set money aside that's not taxable to spend on major medical needs. now they've capped it at $2,500. there used to be no cap. >> brian: this will help the spray on tan people. 10% for indoor tanning services. remember? >> i call it the snooki tax. you have to feel sorry for the cast of "jersey shore" because now how are they going to function without this? i live in florida, so i've got the natural sunlight. it's another tax that putting on the american people to make their life more miserable. >> brian: when you say things like we're going to be covering everybody, it is not a charity.
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this money is coming from other people to get the 30%, 30 million covered. on medical devices, this might be the most unpopular element and most universally disdained element in this plan. >> we've got a lot of medical device companies in the state of florida. what this does is it puts a 2.3% tax on every single medical device. it's one tax after another. the fact is they sold the american people that this wasn't going to increase taxes on them. when you look at the individual mandate, the cadillac tax, the premium increases we're seeing now, it's the biggest tax increase in america's history. >> brian: this is as it comes down right now, we have a situation where the president of the united states is saying, waiver, waiver, waiver, individual mandate. what's happening is it's going out of balance. the revenue side that was not going to balance anyway, now it has no chance of balancing because he's putting it all on hold. >> right. it's a train wreck. they're delaying their own laws. over half of the dates that they set forth and said we're going
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to follow these dates in law, they've ignored them. they can't stick to their own dates. now they want states and they want all the american citizens to pay for this thing that they can't even implement with their own powers. >> brian: the people of florida are going to decide elections and they're going to have local and national. we'll see how this goes. he's the speaker of the house in florida. thanks so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> happy to be here. >> brian: coming up straight ahead on this show, they're the nation's largest gun store. one credit card company says they will not work with them anymore because they sell guns. then what's really going on behind the scenes at your favorite restaurant? >> the mystery diners have revealed newly hired chef david owns his own competing catering company. >> david. >> is stealing customers. >> it's all about numbers. >> brian: the host of "mystery diners" here live. ♪
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>> elisabeth: time for news by the numbers. first, two. that's how many car makers are actually issuing recalls this morning. nissan pulling 300,000 vehicles for accelerator sensor problems. toyota recalling 615,000 cars for shifting problems. next, $100 million. that's how much the u.s. government is giving bankrupt detroit to help tear down vacant buildings. the motor city is $18 billion in debt. finally, three years old. that's the age of an arizona boy who saved his mother's life by calling 911 when she was having a seizure. >> 911 emergency.
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>> yeah. >> hello? >> my mom. >> elisabeth: heroic job. as a reward, he got a tour of a fire truck at the local fire station. >> steve: that's great. >> elisabeth: isn't that cute? >> steve: his tv show dishes up a shock behind the scenes look at what goes on when restaurant employees think the bosses aren't looking at them. >> we're conducting an undercover sting operation at the groves bar and grill. mystery diners revealed the newly hired chef owns his own competing catering company. >> david italian eats. >> stealing customers. and using his supplies and kitchen to operate his business. >> i just love to sample something. >> he's using my recipes, my kitchen. >> i look forward to having you guys cater it. >> steve: i'd do the same thing. charles styles is the host of
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"mystery diners," a great show on the food network. >> thank you. >> steve: for over 20 years you had a business where you try to help restaurant owners figure out what's going wrong. with the tv show, you've actually imbedded your people on the wait staff, bring in mystery diner, you plant cameras and figure out what's going on. >> absolutely. >> elisabeth: it's fascinating to watch. the operation is like a big sting. >> it's a very big sting and operation and it takes a lot of effort, but there are a loft things that happen behind the scenes that people are not prepared for. >> elisabeth: what are some of the wildest things you found? >> it varies. obviously you always find people that are stealing, taking food out and putting it out in the dumpster to walk out the back door or taking food home for personal parties at home. >> brian: how dare they. that sounds like something steve would do. what about whiskey dix in las vegas? >> that was very interesting. it was a bar/restaurant concept
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and they basically were having a -- >> brian: escort? >> escort, if you will, coming out of the back end of that. obviously vegas offers those services, but it was not supposed to be at whiskey dicks. >> elisabeth: not at all. then la traviata in california? >> forgive me, there are so many different places we've been. >> brian: you said seafood found to be purchasing lower grade seafood. >> unfortunately, the chef was using subpar food and not organics as they were supposedly serving. >> steve: so during the television show, people doing the crazy stuff and at the end, there is a confrontation. generally people get fired. but sometimes the boss looks at somebody and says, okay. you've been stealing from me blind, but i'm going to keep you around. why would they do that? >> a lot of it depends on the
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situation that the people are in. generally if it's a theft situation, they do let them go. if it's a situation where the person is salvageable and they can work with the person, they will. but generally if it's a theft situation, they're gone. >> brian: first off, cool shirt. i love that. extra button. i don't know why i'm noticing that. number two. >> steve: look, there is something shiny. >> brian: do they have to okay you putting them on? with impractical jokers, they have to get a person to sign a waiver. when you catch someone, they probably don't want to be on. >> in some cases, the businesses have a policy that you may be recorded at some point ahead of time. it's their business. so generally they have that already in place. so the point -- >> brian: when you come in, they're all cleared. >> they're all cleared. >> elisabeth: they don't like seeing you. >> well. >> brian: we do. >> steve: it is on the food network wednesdays at 10 p.m charles, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> steve: he was celebrating
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becoming a doctor, that guy right there, when he stumbled onto the tracks. but what happens next is truly unbelievable. >> elisabeth: then imagine driving all along and all of a sudden, you lose control of the wheel because your car has been hacked. it can happen. we're not lying. clayton morris is here to explain exactly how. [ male announcer ] progresso's so passionate about its new tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you.
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>> obama. [ laughter ] obama. can i get a large pizza, lover's delight with cheese. throw in some bread sticks. make it quick. my name is ted and i'm here to say i like the pumpkin spice latte in a major way. hey, hi, who. [ laughter ] >> brian: jimmy fallon last night, obviously the show mobbing senator ted cruz's 21-hour marathon pseudo filibuster. so it was time for him to do a tv interview, he chose sean hannity's show. and here is what he said about how he handled that one problem he had about not using the restroom for 21 hours. >> i went home and took a nap
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yesterday about 4:00 p.m., got up about 8:45, we want and made myself a sandwich, sat down, the first thing i did is watch hannity and greta. >> steve: so that's what he did after he concluded his marathon talk. what prosecute you talking about -- what were you talking about? >> brian: that was one of the bad tosses. are we going to knock that out for the west coast? >> steve: absolutely. >> brian: i actually had -- i watched last night. he said that he was told by rand paul to take tiny sips of water so in 21 hours, he took cumulatively, one glass of water. he never really had to go to the restroom. >> elisabeth: like an astronaut. >> brian: yeah. like an astronaut. how did they do it? we don't talk about it? >> steve: i'll tell you during the commercial. >> brian: a lot of times you don't tell me during the commercial. >> steve: actually, i'll tell you during heather nauert's headlines. >> it is better what he did than what that texas legislator did. remember when she hooked up the catheter? >> steve: yeah. >> pretty gross. let's transition to headlines.
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serious story now. potential mass shooting at a mcdonald's in texas is averted when the robber's gun malfunctions. take a look at this surveillance video. it shows the suspect pulling the trigger at least five times, but the gun won't go off. the man even went outside to unjam his weapon. but when he came back in, it jammed up again. police cannot plain why the gun didn't fire inside the mcdonald's. they're suggesting it was a moment of divine intervention. indeed. subsidiary that specializes in credit card transactions has stopped servicing the nation's largest gun store because they sell guns. the owners of hyatt gun shop says they were sent an e-mail by the firm announcing the sudden end of their business relationship after four years. the letter cited the sale of firearms or any similar product as the reason. you are not welcome here. that is a shocking message. illinois neighborhood has for
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one wound veteran who bravely fought for our country in afghanistan. residents started a petition there protesting the habitat for humanity house that's being built for army sergeant brian wood and his family. the reason they say, is that the home is not made of brick or stone like the rest of the houses there and it, quote, won't fit in. amazing rescue caught on video in boston. a man falls onto the subway tracks and people waiting to board rush in to help him. police say that the man woke up confused and told them he had had a couple of drinks before hand. he celebrated the passing of his medical boards. congratulations for that. transit workers say the man was never in any danger of being hit by a train. but boy, is that nerve racking. those are your headlines. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. >> brian: before we had the surveillance video, the only time i ever saw a train on the tracks was underdog when that diabolical scientist used to tie up policy -- polly pure bread
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and leave him on the tracks. always got saved. >> elisabeth: always. who will save us now? maria is. >> steve: she always saves us. >> good morning. hello, everyone. today we're tracking a storm system that's across parts of the northern rockies. this storm system is going to be producing some areas that have picked up over a foot of snow out here. you can see it's still coming down, that white stuff across parts of montana and wyoming. it's headed east. ahead of the system we have an air mass very humid, very warm, and it's going to be firing up thunderstorms anywhere from parts of nebraska all the way down to texas. some of those storms could unfortunately produce some severe weather, damaging winds in excess of 60 miles an hour, large hail and even tornadoes will be possible. please have a way to get the warnings today. if you live out there across the plains. otherwise we do need the rain from the storm system. so it's welcome across sections of texas that have that ongoing drought. temperature wise, 88 for your high across parts of the center of the country. kansas city, 90s in texas.
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behind the storm system, much cooler, headed east. you'll start to feel that cooler air coming up as we head into the weekend. back inside. >> steve: they'd love to you bring that on of the thank you very much. streets of new york city. >> brian: 23 minutes before the 207 of the hour. it's been more than 200 years since george washington was named president of the united states. now our founding fathers finally getting his well-deserved presidential library? >> elisabeth: that's right. now the grand opening. good morning. >> hey, good morning to everyone at home. we're giving you a step back into the 18th century this morning here at mount vernon. a lot of people think that president george washington was buried under the capitol building and congress did have a vault just for that. but he's not. he wanted to be buried right here below his house on the premises at mount vernon, some 80 million people have come to visit. it's the most popular historical landsmark in all of america. today we're celebrating the opening of the library. douglas bradbury joins me.
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good morning. we're in an exciting place. what's behind us? >> the vault itself holds washington's library. one of the best books in the library is this, the acts of congress, which represents washington's original constitution. >> right. of course, after his military career, he did leave the constitutional -- lead the constitutional convention. i wish we could open it. also this is a pewter representation of what? >> of washington's book plates. in the books in this library, he often put his book plates to show his ownership. >> this is $106.4 million facility, not just the library, but the operating cost as well. >> that's right. it's completely paid for by private funds. there is no government money involved. it was raised by the mount vernon ladies association to educate the country. >> we're going to give you a tour here. although george washington's education did end very early because of his father's death, he cared so much about inspiring
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intelligence and scholarly activity, which is what this place is meant to do. >> that's exactly right. washington often said that the road to public happiness is through education. >> okay. let's walk through here where the letters letters and manuscr. this is so interesting that this is a letter that he wrote to martha washington just before he left for the revolutionary war. >> this is an extraordinary letter. he's right about to go commit treason against the king. there was only three existing letters between him and martha. he expresses his affection for her. >> it's very sweet actually. what it says. i retain an unalterable affection for you which neither time nor distance can change. my best love to jack and nellie and regard fort rest of the family concludes me with the utmost truth and sincerity. your, george washington. it's so sweet and we're really excited to be here today. thank you so much for having us. back to you on the curvy couch. >> steve: anna, the letter right there, how is george washington's penmanship?
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>> well, it's a little faded. [ laughter ] it's beautiful. there are so many things that i learned this morning. i learned george washington, he did have false teeth. they were not wooden teeth. he did not wear a wig, although it was popular. did he cut down the cherry tree? >> steve: no. >> elisabeth: we say no. >> no, he didn't. did he throw a silver dollar across the potomac? >> steve: it might have been the rapahanac? >> what happened is, because so little is known about him, there are a lot of anecdotes that have been put into place since his death. we're learning a lot this morning. >> brian: we're jealous of your shoot as usual. thanks a lot. we'll check in with you again. >> steve: very nice. >> brian: coming up straight ahead. think your new iphone is cool, huh? well, think again! brand-new reports this morning, it's making people sick. >> elisabeth: then imagine driving along and all of a sudden losing control of the
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wheel because your car has been hacked. yes. it can happen. our own clayton morris is here to explain exactly how. say it isn't so [ sneezes ] [ coughs ] i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. hmm? [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. thanks for the tip. [ male announcer ] no problem. oh...and hair products. aisle 9. [ inhales deeply ] oh what a relief it is. ♪
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oh what a relief it is. (announcer) at scottrade, our cexactly how they want.t with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade-proud to be ranked "best overall client experience." [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪
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we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance... affordability... adaptability... and when the world asked for the future. staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. but at least i can help keep their underwear clean. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that's soft and more durable to help your kids get clean while still using less. and its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. wow, you cleaned up a lot! you did too, pal! [ laughs ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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>> steve: we've got quick headlines for you. this morning, two brothers who own a cantaloupe farm in colorado have been charged in a deadly listeria outbreak from 2011. 33 people died. remember this news story? the f.d.a. now saying they did not properly clean the fruit. they didn't use the chlorination system. they could face up to six years in> are you sick of apple's new operating system?
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some people are, literally. they're taking to the internet, saying the ios 7 animations and transitions are making them sick, a little vertigo. you complain about it -- >> elisabeth: that's right. we all know about computer hacking. this week we've been showing you about some of the latest hacking crimes going on. today imagine a hacker taking control of your steering brakes while you're cruising down the highway, turning your car into a weapon on wheels. >> steve: great. >> brian: imagine when your co-host reads your copy. >> elisabeth: that's right. >> brian: can you believe you just read mine? >> elisabeth: i want to take as much as i can. >> brian: does this happen on the weekends, clayton? >> all the time. >> brian: you want to talk about hacking. >> yeah. we think about it in computers and on your phones. i hacked into your phone this morning, brian, there is outrageous stuff. imagine this, i traveled to pittsburgh and met with two tech guys who received grants from the pentagon's project to find
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and study security faults in automobiles. in other words, to hack into cars. i got to experience their research firsthand, stay 'til the end because they crash me. the world famous car hackers. is this the hacked car? >> this is the hacked car, 2010 toyota prius. >> why did you decide to do this? >> i'm not against adding new gadgets, i think that's great. we need to worry about the security. >> i knew there was a security in your car, there's a screen and map. there is 30 or 40 computers in your car. they all talk to each other. the computer's job is to do seatbelts, one to do steering, one to do brakes. the interesting thing is how they're interact and that's how we can do things. over here we're going to hook up and those actually go to the odt 24, right below your knee here. every car has one of these. they're for reading diagnostic information. but at the same time they're hooked up to the car's network where we can read and write
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information to this. >> some of the things you can do to hack into a car, you don't even need to be driving. the seatbelt is controlled by the computer as well. crossing my chest. >> the horn forever. you can press the button. >> i'm not even pressing the button. >> we're going to lock all the doors. >> right now we're parked. it's time to hit the road. these guys are going to hack the car while i'm on the road driving. let's go. nice day in the beautiful city of pittsburgh. i'm driving -- whoa. >> you can try to go. >> pressing the accelerator, nothing is happening. i'm doing 30 miles an hour now. >> press the gas pedal all the way down and hold it there. >> i've got it floored right now. i've got the gas floored.
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nothing is happening. >> that will release you. >> i can see how that could be a problem. >> yeah. being in a couple lanes of traffic and that happens. >> i did have total -- whoa! [ laughter ] >> so we can control the steering. >> wow. you just ran me right into an embankment. i'm stuck. i can't get out. >> now come out. as much fun as that was, i think i'm going to walk back. >> have a good trip.
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>> steve: shouldn't you have done that on a closed track? >> we should have. these guys, they really want this research to go to the car companies. they've gotten back from the car companies, they're canned pr response. they're saying, wouldn't you rather have us do it than some terrorists who will get a hands on this type of technology. >> brian: hopefully they're watching now. >> good stuff. >> steve: glad you're in one piece. >> my back still hurts. >> elisabeth: dangerous mission. we're glad you're okay. coming up next, we've been showing you all week the mistakes millenials make in the workplace. cheryl casone with more. she's answering your e-mails [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil.
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>> brian: we've been showing you some common mistakes millenials make, those young people in the workplace, all week long. here to wrap up the entire week with more advice is cheryl casone from the "fox business" network. you've been watching this from afar, but now elisabeth hasselbeck, you get to be part of it. >> elisabeth: i love the voice. it's so useful. >> millenials have been e-mailing and tweeting me. first, a couple last lessons for the 20 somethings out there. we all usually can work maybe one or two days a week, we work with somebody we don't like. anyway, here is how to handle it and here is not how to handle it. >> you know what i heard? the only reason sam got a job is she is the favorite. she's terrible otherwise. [ laughter ] >> maybe, maybe sam is my favorite. just saying. but you don't want to trash your co-workers. that actually damages you. it's a bad reflection on you. >> elisabeth: what do you do? >> if you really have an issue
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with the person, a true issue, go to the person directly. sit down and have a conversation. >> elisabeth: i have a problem, brian, that i'd like to discuss. >> i can moderate it. >> brian: i think it will take away from other millenials who need this advice. >> elisabeth: we're way past. >> brian: talk about reputation, kind of what -- >> the same type of situation here. you really want to be careful how you're perceived at work. here is maybe what not to do. >> brian, was that you that was riding the bull at the christmas party two years ago? >> brian: yeah. >> elisabeth: is that real? >> yep. that was real. >> brian: it's a mistake, isn't it? >> you were great on the bull, but don't want to be drunk person at the christmas party 'cause your reputation will follow you for years. i know you were sober.
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your reputation will follow you. you can make some mistakes in your 20s. people move around to different companies. >> brian: is that the kilmeade mistake? you have e-mails and feedback? >> i do. i've gotten some e-mails. people have been e-mailing me, it's been great to give you advice. i'll put some stuff up on the blog. brian kilmeade, thank you for playing this week. i have to thank antonio and charlie and a.j. as well. those were my actors and actresses. i paid them nothing because i'm so cheap. i want to thank them. they're great kids. >> elisabeth: excellent series and great contribution from you. thank you. >> thanks for playing, brian. >> brian: okay. thanks for having me. >> elisabeth: coming up, geraldo is here. his exclusive interview with iranian foreign minister fresh off the meeting with john kerry. top of the hour. who knows. >> brian: wait a second! >> elisabeth: you might get slimed. >> brian: you never know
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>> elisabeth: good morning. it's friday, september 27, i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. we have just learned a united airlines pilot is dead after suffering a heart attack mid flight overnight. the breaking details coming up. >> steve: can you imagine being on that plane? and the united states and iran talking nukes and geraldo rivera getting right in the middle of it with an exclusive interview. >> i believe it's a nonissue, but at least we need to remove any doubt on the exclusivity of the program. >> steve: geraldo will be with us in about two minutes to tell us what he found out. >> brian: by the way, during that time, it's spinning. the football coach who dumped his entire team to teach them a lesson in character -- you'll love this story -- just might have succeeded this morning. they are playing tonight. they got their jerseys back.
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wait until you hear the details, although i might have given them all. "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ >> elisabeth: that's a live look at the double dare set up on our plaza. the original host, mark summers is here. the big question is who will get slimed today? will it be geraldo? >> brian: he'll do it. absolutely. we talked to mark. he's got the new nickelodeon book out. geraldo, you'll be slimed at large. >> steve: we're all wearing red. green slime would clash. >> brian: and it's cold. >> steve: we've got sporty clothes we're going to change into. >> ever since elisabeth came,
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this has been a very wet show. wet t-shirts last week. >> steve: wasn't a wet t-shirt day. they were hosing off -- >> i'm not complaining. >> steve: hey, we're going to talk a little bit about the interview you had with foreign minister of iran and it's quite an eye opener. first we're going to do some headlines. >> i'm here. >> fox news alert to bring you. united airlines pilot is dead after he suffered a heart attack mid flight. the hospital in boise, idaho, where he was taken now confirming to fox news this information just moments ago. the united airplane was on its way from houston to seattle when it was forced to land in boise overnight. this happened overnight. no passengers were hurt, but we'll bring you more information as it comes in. all of this coming in to fox. another fox news alert to bring you. two gitmo prisoners released by the obama administration last year and transferred to el salvador are now lost. fox news can confirm at least
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one, but likely both r in turkey. one of the guys was deemed high risk, but released because no charges could be brought against him. el salvador gave them refugee status. could be in turkey now. major vote on obamacare happening later today. the senate votes on a government funding measure that is stripped of the provision that would defund obamacare. if it passes, it will be kicked back to the republican-controlled house. this game of political football happening as the countdown to the government shutdown begins on october 1. it is a story we've been following on "fox & friends." the utah coach suspended his entire football team in order to help build character. he had grown so frustrated with reports of his players skipping class, receiving bad grades and allegedly cyber bullying a fellow students. it turns out most of those players did community service all week and then they got their jerseys back just in time for the homecoming game this weekend. >> i think we deserve every little bit of it.
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>> hopefully it's going to show to everybody that football is not about just playing the game. you got to learn and being a great person is really what all this amounts to when you get older. >> i wasn't part of the disrespect, but i saw it go on just as much as everybody else and i'm just as much at fault for not making it stop. >> here is what our viewers had to say. meghan said, this is a real coach. he cares about his team, his community, and that's who we want molding our students and children. clay from texas said i give this coach kudos for having the character and the courage. how about that? those are your headlines. >> steve: geraldo got an exclusive interview and you can thank the "fox & friends" show. >> they were watching me on this couch. >> steve: the iranians were watching. >> the iranians were watching when we spoke about the president's desire to bomb syria and we were opposed to it. i certainly was. they looked at that and said this is a guy who is open minded to giving peace a chance, so
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they invited me last night to this meeting with the council of foreign relations and the asia society with the president of iran, rouhani, and with the foreign minister and what happened is zarif had just met with secretary of state john kerry, the highest level meeting between a u.s. and iranian official since the iranian hostage crisis in 1979. so they had this historic meeting. zarif and john kerry talking about iran's nukes. syria's chemical weapons are one thing. iran's nuclear program is more serious to the world. they had this face-to-face meeting, john kerry and foreign minister zarif and right after that meeting, he left the united nations, came to the hilton hotel and here is what foreign minister zarif had to say. >> this first test seems to have gone well. you and secretary kerry looking each other in the eye, having a face-to-face, one on one meeting
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>> well, i believe that political leaders need to be optimistic about the future and make every commitment to go for the cause of peace and i think the cause is very important for the two countries and for the world. we need to resolve this issue. i believe it's a nonissue, but at least we need to remove any doubt on the exclusivity of the program and at the same time, make sure that everybody respects our rights. i think this was a good beginning. i sense that secretary kerry and president obama want to resolve this and if they do indeed want to resolve it, it can be resolved and it can be resolved within a short period of time. >> brian: they don't even admit there is a weapons program. >> right. he said that their contention is they have no intention of forging ahead to make a nuclear weapon. they call it a pseudo issue, but they understand the concerns of the united states and the world
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and they want to put those concerns to rest. i have to say, you can be extremely skeptical, trust but verify and all the rest of it. but when you consider it has been 35 years we have been arch enemies, this, to me, is an opening and i hope it's real. we don't know, but it certainly is worth pursuing. >> brian: there is only one geraldo rivera. in all honesty, you're the only one who gets that. you find him in his car, hunt him down. awesome. here is my worry, he met with farrakhan yesterday and didn't rsvp to our president. and the president rouhani in 2004 bragged to a supreme cultural revolutionary council, while we were talking in tehran, we were installing equipment in parts of iranian conversion facility. by creating the calm environment, we were able to complete the work. >> i applaud your skepticism, we have to be, but you have to admit, brian, that this is a far more optimistic, possible
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scenario than what we've been going through for the last four decades, right? let's try. >> elisabeth: you left this encounters feeling hopeful? you left feeling what? >> as an experienced war correspondent, as a person who cares deeply about israel and israel's so profoundly concerned about iran's nuclear weapons, i have to say that this is the most optimistic development in my entire career since 1979 in terms of iran, israel, america, and the rest of the world. >> steve: there are a lot of people out there who say, look, the reason they came to town this past week and they're here for two weeks -- is to put a happy face on it and say yeah, we've changed, when in actuality what they're doing is stalling for time. and once their nuke system is actually up -- >> i totally get that. but there are two things that happened. number one is these economic sanctions have really been hurting iran. they are basically a middle
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class society. you see l.a., half of l.a. has these persian people, they're all persian people. they want to have colored tv's and new cars. these sanctions are biting and hurting badly. they want the sanctions lifted. the sanctions will only be lifted if the world is convinced they're getting away from their nuclear program. and rouhani, the moderate, the iranian people have spoken at the ballot box and said, we want someone who is going to make peace with the world. not someone who will be a jerk. >> brian: as you know better than anybody, 690 other candidates were rejected by the supreme leader. he was the one ok'd. so the supreme leader knows what he got. number two, the reason we have to learn from what we did in north korea. they were flat on their backs! we stopped their money from coming in! we said okay, they're serious. let the money flow in. they're off the terror list. now they got nukes! >> we could negotiate together. you could be the gloomy guy. i could be the sunny guy. together you get sunny, partly cloudy, you go forward. we trio make a difference here.
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>> brian: could i be sady? >> you would be grumpy if we had the seven dwarfs. >> brian: street smarty. that's what i want. >> trust but verify. don't cut them any slack unless we see it. >> elisabeth: we'll be able to see this interview this weekend. >> yes, 10:00 o'clock eastern time. thank you for the plug. saturday night, 10:00 o'clock eastern. geraldo at large, you'll see the entire interview with the foreign minister, the historic interview after the historic meeting with secretary of state john kerry. >> steve: 's always historical. often his stairic. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> steve: next up, his buddies busted him out of jail, so why would he want to go back? >> 911. what's your emergency? >> yes, ma'am. you probably not going to believe, but i'm a prisoner in a van and i'm here with a couple of these other cats. >> steve: yeah, one of the most unlikely calls for help you've ever heard.
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>> probably hungry. >> brian: that's about it. where is my porridge. plus, overwhelming number of americans against obamacare. president obama says it's fox's fault. is that fair? up next, you can decide ♪ ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
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[ coughs ] i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. hmm? [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. thanks for the tip. [ male announcer ] no problem. oh...and hair products. aisle 9. [ inhales deeply ] oh what a relief it is. ♪
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♪ performing together with a single, united purpose. ♪ that's what makes the world's leading airline... flyer friendly. ♪ >> steve: quarter after the top of the hour. after his historic filibuster, texas senator ted cruz calling today's senate vote one of the most important votes ever. this as a new survey finds that 48% of small business owners would rather shut down the government than fund obamacare. look at that. sounds like the president is right back where he started when it comes to obamacare. so why is he still pointing the finger at fox news?
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fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr., he'd be pointing his finger at you if you were sitting here. >> when you're in the dumper, when you're really up against the world, say oh, no, you know who is responsible? fox news. watch it. >> first of all, i've got one television station entirely devoted to attacking my administration. that's a -- >> talking about fox. >> that's a pretty big megaphone. >> you're a democrat, you read the "new york times," if you're a republican, you're watching fox news. right? just in case some of your friends or neighbors, you know, uncle jim who is a little stubborn and been watching fox news, but you don't have to take my word for it. if you talk to somebody who said, i don't know. i was watching fox news and they said it's horrible. >> steve: so he's been speaking out against fox news and the last sound bite was from yesterday. >> when you're up against the wall politically, you say, oh,
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fox news. let me illicit a jon stewart, colbert reaction. i need their help at this point. let's make the audience laugh in maryland. let's attack rich people. let's attack republicans. let's invoke the fugitive slave act, allegedly referring to some tea party reference and then invoking in front of a crowd the fugitive slave act. let's bring slavery into the discussion. let's have people divided in this country. let's dredge up old wounds. let's get angry at each other. let's not talk about the real issues, about debt, the cost of efficacy of obamacare. what you talked about, the 15% people would be added to the rolls, it's only 1% additional added to the rolls. so we have this kind of class warfare that seeks to divide and seeks to distract from the real issues. that's an effective political
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tool. it's a scapegoat tool. it's gone on for centuries. >> steve: peter, i think you hit the nail on the head because rather than talk about facts, the president would rather talk about the boogie man and we are the boogie man. >> it's destructive. it's distracking. it's bad for the fabric of this country and it shows this poll shows what a rent in the fabric of america when a president cannot lead in a way that makes people say, we want the government to continue. too many americans are saying, yes, i'll pay the price of a government shutdown in order to show the congress and the president what they're doing wrong. that is staggering in this country, that so many people had lost confidence in our government. that is really sad and disturbing. so he needs to pull this thing back together. not pull it apart, talking about the koch brothers and wealthy folks and fox news and a lot of nonsense that has nothing to do
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with the debt or obamacare. hopefully sanity prevails over the weekend, or the president is going to cause a shutdown of this government on tuesday, which is not a good thing. as much as some people would like it. >> steve: if that happens, you'll hear about it right here on fox. >> we're watching it all weekend. >> steve: peter johnson, jr. v a good weekend. all right. still ahead on this friday morning, going up in flames, a multi-million-dollar beverly hills mansion burned to the ground. whose house is that? the incredible new video while you were sleeping coming up next. then madonna's new project just launched ontube. there is just one problem, nobody is paying attention. why they'd rather watch "bat dads." bat daddy! ith an ultra-thin coag and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse.
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nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900.
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>> brian: quick headlines. new video of a massive fire burn not guilty a $5 million beverly hills mansion. it took dozens of firefighters nearly three hours to put it out. no one was hurt. arson not been ruled out. and she may have lasted 13 hours n she last in theor abortion governor's race? democratic texas state senator wendy davis rumored to be running for governor of the state. she's expected to announce a run next week. elisabeth? ♪ >> elisabeth: thanks. our special series celebrating hispanic heritage month continues with a modern day rocket man. when jose hernandez was born, many people thought his life was mapped out for him. raised by migrant workers. it was assumed he would continue working in the fields. but jose defied those expectations by dreaming big, working hard, and believing that
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one day he would reach for the stars. now his story. >> i was nine, ten years old when i started working in the fields. >> i just remember getting up early in the morning, at 4:30 in the morning, it was all dark. >> those days were hard days. we're here. >> brings back a lot of memories. as a kid, we used to come out here and used to pick strawberries. it taught me to work hard, to be patient and you got to work for it. every time i collected that paycheck, believe me, i felt i earned every penny of it. >> like any typical migrant farm working family, every spring jose's family would make the two-day journey from mexico to the central valley of
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california. there they would spend the next nine months work from farm to farm, picking whatever fruit or vegetable was in season. >> we'd go from place to place, in a two bedroom little house, shack basically, and my parents would work in the fields monday through friday. we would go to school, come saturday and sunday, we would be right alongside them working in the fields. while all my friends loved summer vacation, the hernandez kids hated it 'cause we knew that represented seven days of work in the fields picking crops. >> in spite of having just a third grade education, his parents understood the importance of school and demand jose and his siblings work just as hard in the classroom. >> i remember one day we finished picking cucumbers and all got in the back of the car, all muddied up and tired and he turned around and looked at each one of us, made eye contact and said how did you guys feel? i was the one that answered first. how do you expect us to feel?
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we're tired. he said good. remember this feeling because you guys have the privilege of living your future now. i'm not going to force you to go to school. i'm not going to force to you get good grades, but if you don't, this is your future. so you think about it. you be the judge. >> in 1972, apole low 17 captured the imagination of a nation and inspired a little boy tuning in on television. >> go for orbit. >> i was holding the antenna when i was watching the walk on the moon. i was hearing nasa and walter cronkite narrate the moon walk. then i would go outside and i would see the moon outside. i would come back inside and see the moon walk. did that about three or four times. i said, you know, papa, mama, that's what i want to do. i want to be an astronaut. >> instead of steering jose away
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from such a big dream, his father sat him down and gave him something more important. belief. >> he looked at me in a challenging way, said, that's what you really want to be? yes, sir. then he said, i think you can do it. my eyes got this big. you just have to follow a simple recipe. what are the steps needed to get there? you can't skip steps. you got to pay your dues, he said. then he said, you got to have a good work ethic and heart. said, you mix all that up together, that's the recipe for you to be an astronaut. i remember going to bed that evening so happy because i said, wow. my parents think i can be an astronaut. therefore, i'm going to be an astronaut. >> it wouldn't be easy. jose applied 12 times in as many years before getting accepted into nasa's 2004 astronaut candidate class. then aboard the space shuttle discovery in august 28 of 2009,
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his dream became a reality. >> there i am sitting in my orange suit with the helmet on and thinking, you know, wow. just 32 years ago i was working in the fields picking cucumbers at 50 cents a bucket. and now here i am with the american flag, my shoulder, getting ready to blast off to space representing nasa and the united states. what a great country. what opportunities we have if we only know how to take advantage of them and work hard, this country offers a lot to us. >> in 2011 with the space shuttle program winding down, jose left nasa to spend more time with his family and decided to run for congress. he lost in a narrowly decided race to the incumbent, but vows to run again and one day serve his neighbors. >> took me 12 tries to be an
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astronaut. do you think i'm going to quit my first time as a congressman? i don't think that's in my nature. >> belief is a big thing in jose's life. it's carried him to this point and it's something he hopes to pass on to his children. >> i would like to be remembered as someone who inspired others to reach their full potential. folks should not be afraid to dream for something big. you don't have to do it in one day. you don't have to do it in one year. you don't have to do it in five years. little by little, as long as you're moving forward, just keep moving forward. don't ever give up on yourself. >> elisabeth: that is pure inspiration. that was alicia reporting. next week you'll meet the first latina military pilot, when people told olga she would never fly with the big boys, it just
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inspired her to try even harder. it's an amazing story of perseverance next friday. to see more stories celebrating hispanic heritage month, visit us at our web site. this incredible series has been sponsored by the ailes apprentice program. next up, remember this story? an ex nfl player's house trashed by a bunch of teens. this morning, justice has arrived. and showdown in the senate. it's set for high noon today. will republicans be able to approve an obamacare delay? the host of fox news sunday chris wallace is on deck. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. >> a letter to john boehner, the treasury secretary, jacob lieu says the government will run out of money in three weeks. i'm no financial whiz, but we're $16 trillion in debt. doesn't that mean we already ran out of money, plus like $16 trillion ago! we are out of money. >> steve: a that's a good point. as we continue our welcome to fox tour, joining us right now from our nation's capitol is the great chris wallace. say hello to elisabeth hasselbeck! >> you know, i got to say, elisabeth, when they talked about me coming on, i said, look, i'll come on when you got elisabeth hasselbeck, figuring you were way out of their
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league. somehow they pulled this off. >> brian: you were right. >> you know, anyway, welcome to fox. we're delighted to have you. i don't know why you're with those two guys, but we're delighted. >> steve: it's just like the old days. >> brian: you want it to be wallis and hasselbeck in the morning. >> that would be good. but you've got the billing wrong. it should be hasselbeck and wallace in the morning. >> steve: you are a sweet talker. >> elisabeth: thanks, chris, for that welcome. >> steve: you start. >> elisabeth: let's discuss this showdown today. will republicans stand together against obamacare? will the ceiling be lifted and will the delay be put in there? >> they may all stand together, but the point is on the procedural vote whether or not to block consideration, they're not going to stand together and at that point it doesn't matter because the democrats have a sort. all they're going to need then to strip the obamacare out, the defunding of obamacare is 51 votes. the key, and some people -- this
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is why some people are mad at ted cruz. they say instead of the pressure being on the republicans, it should be on those four red state democrats who are up for election in november of 2014. they say put the pressure on them. in fact, i think what's going to happen is they're going to take out the defunding of obamacare. they're going to pass a clean bill to keep the government funded just for two months. and send is back to the house. and then nobody has an idea what the house is going to do. >> brian: the house is making it clear they're not just going to send it back and say okay, you win. i give up. how significant, in your mind, is it that joe manchin went out of his way to say, i am for suspending the individual mandate for a year. do you think this could be the beginning of those others joining him or is he going to stand alone? >> steve: because he's a democrat. >> yeah. i don't know. that was the problem i think with this current plan. they made it too easy on the democrats to say no by saying
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let's defund obamacare. i can understand where people may want that, but it was easy for the democrats to say that's not acceptable. if you go over a specific thing that's not very popular, like delaying the individual mandate. >> brian: medical devices. >> or getting rid of the tax on medical devices, or saying to members of congress and their staff, no, you're not going to get a subsidy that nobody else makes the kind of money you do would get to go into the public exchanges, that's the kind of thing that becomes a really tough vote. saying kill obamacare is kind of an easy vote for most democrats. >> steve: one of the scary things about obamacare, the affordable care act, is the individual mandate, if all goes as the president would like, is going to kick in on october 1. and chris, we're seeing across the plain in different states and whatnot, they're not ready. they haven't figured out the software. people are getting laid off from their jobs. >> brian: what would you say about the hispanic side? >> steve: that's right. the hispanic site so that the people can apply through
5:37 am not going to be up and ready. it doesn't look like it's going to be ready. so why not kick it down the road a year? >> well, i mean, you have a lot of logic on your side, steve. but remember, i'm in washington and what the democrats would say is, look, the program doesn't actually start until january. more importantly than that, we'll work out kinks has one of their arguments. the other argument that the democrats would make is, look, if we don't have the individual mandate, which is going to get a lot of healthy people in, who aren't -- they'll pay in their premiums but not going to end up costing us anything 'cause they're not going to get sick, the whole obamacare plan doesn't work. that's why the insurance companies signed up for this. they're going to get a lot of customers, new customers who aren't going to cost them anything. that helps subsidize the care for people who are sick. so basically if you pull that thread, the whole blanket comes apart. >> steve: one of the reasons chris comes on, it's just to
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make a plug for his show on sunday. who do you have on, by the way? >> i didn't know that i was supposed -- yes. we're going to have kevin mccarthy, who is the number three republican in the house. i don't know now, nobody knows what they're going to do. we'll talk to him live sunday morning and find out, now that they've gotten the bill back, what specifically new conditions are republicans in the house going to put on to keep funding the government? it may not be defunding obamacare, but may be a delay in the band-aid or medical devices tax. and then we'll have a debate, because you're exactly right, the public exchanges kick in october 1. we'll have a debate about obamacare. mike lee, who along with ted cruz, one of the leaders of the opposition, and tim kaine, democrat, we're not going to talk politics. we'll talk the substance. what does it mean for jobs and premium as soon as one of the big things that the president promised in 2009, you'll be able to keep your coverage.
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no in a lot of cases you're not. >> brian: those guests are great. but the real people watch is to see chris wallace. >> elisabeth: that's right. that's why i watch. >> elisabeth, listen, any time you would like a vacation, you've been there, what, two weeks with these guys. you come down here to washington. >> elisabeth: will do, thank you. i'll be watching sunday. i want to hear all the meat on obamacare. >> steve: he's got it. great show. >> brian: for the right price, we could pay the sound bite on monday. >> steve: heather has the news. >> did you know you had a big fan in chris wallace? >> elisabeth: flattering? >> i got big headlines. a bitter baseball rivalry turning deadly. overnight police arresting a 21-year-old man who is accused of stabbing a dodger's fan to death after wednesday's game in san francisco. police say that after leaving the ballpark, the victim, 24-year-old jonathan denver, exchanged words with a group of giants fans and that's when things became violent. >> i don't understand who could even do that over giants or
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dodgers. it's ridiculous. >> police are look for two suspects in that. this is a story we told you about yesterday. eight prisoners left alone in a running van who were able to escape. now we know how police went about finding them. one of the prisoners called 911. listen to this. >> 911. what's your emergency? >> yes, ma'am. you're probable lea not going to believe this, but i'm a prisoner in a van and i'm here with a couple of these other cats. couple of the guys that were in the van, jacked the van, we're at the hospital. >> where are you, sir? >> weatherford. >> all right. he stayed on the phone with the dispatcher until cops arrived. after two hours of freedom, all the inmates were sent back to the pokey. six people arrested for breaking into former new england patriots' brian hollowway's home and throwing that party that was broadcast on twitter. police say that the suspects range in ages from 17 to 21. the ring leader was apparently a young man that hollowway had
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taken in as a homeless teen-ager. hole will heway, on "fox & friends" on friday, listen to what he had to say about it. >> they start getting tweets from my son who is a usf and said dad, something is going down at the house. he said, there are people at the house throwing a party. at first i thought it was a prank because of my son is an audio gentleman other and producer. i was like, no, but then when i started looking, i said, it's going down. seeing pictures from inside the house. >> he says he's pressing charges against everyone who broke the law at his house. and one of the best stories of the day, madonna launching a brand-new project on youtube. but there is just one problem. no one is watching. >> okay. but i still want to start a revolution. >> oh, my goodness. it's a bizarre 17-minute protest against what she calls social injustice. this thing has barely drawn
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300,000 views. that is way behind the latest youtube hit, bad dad. look at that. -- bat dad. more than 6 million people have seen this batman look alike doing regular household chores. i want to bring him over to my house. >> steve: fantastic. >> brian: that's all part of super friends. remember batman was -- they teamed up together. remember that? they solved everything. in the water with awe i can'tman. >> brian, you're fired. >> elisabeth: that's called team work. thank you. next, forget the fries. mcdonald's now offering a a different side dish. will you buy it? >> brian: finally kids get apples. >> steve: and we're going back to the host of double dare, mark summers. good morning to you. he's even brought the slime machine. not the time machine, the slime machine. >> brian: talk about super friends, clayton morris and alisyn camerota are here with what's going to show what's
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happening this weekend. >> coming up this weekend on "fox & friends," governor mike huckabee joins us and congressman jeff hensarling weigh in on a possible government shut down. >> college costs a lot. what majors should your kids take? we're going to break down the college degrees that pay off and those that don't. >> your art degree is not paying off. then doctors have been telling us for years, don't eat before bedtime. now they're changing their tune. why that late night snack could help you sleep and shed the pounds. that's good news for me. i had a block of cheese last night. >> plus, as temperatures start to drop, are you unsure about what to wear? we're going to help you freshen up your closet for fall, clayton. >> you bet. be sure to tune in 6 to 9:00 a.m. eastern time saturday and sunday morning right here on the fox news channel. we'll see you
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i got verizon! that's powerful. verizon. >> elisabeth: 47 minutes after the hour. steve, brian and elisabeth, are getting ready to get slimed right now. but we've got business to tell you about this morning. so are you tired of having to turn off your cell phone and your ipad during takeoffs on an airplane? cry no more and that is because the faa has some good news. lauren has more on this story and other top business news this morning. hi, lauren. >> i'm glad you're not getting slimed. lot of people get annoyed by that. perhaps as early as next year you can read from your kindle, listen to your music on your ipod or play a game on your mart phone during takeoff and landing the next time you're flying. faa advisory committee republicking that flyers be allowed to use the electronic devices under 10,000 feet. they say new planes are equipped to prevent electronic interference and if this
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proposal is approved, it could be implemented as early as 2014. of course, downloading data, surfing the internet and talking on the phone would be an absolute no-no. >> that's good thing. especially the latter one. now several recalls to tell you about. nissan is recalling more than 900,000 vehicles around the world, including the mini vans for defective accelerator sensors. those sensors were made in japan and when they malfunction, they can cause the vehicle to slow down and just stop out of nowhere. and toyota is recalling 615,000 sienna mini vans, mostly from 2004 through 2009. here in the u.s. because they can shift out of park and roll away. that problem has been blamed for 21 accidents, causing two minor injuries. heather, did you know that, do you want fries with that, that is so out of style? mcdonald's is going to soon ask you, do you want a side salad, fruit or vegetables with your big mac or whatever the
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main entree is, as they're trying to cater to folks trying to be more healthy. >> all right. i'm going to say no to that. i'll stick with the fries. thanks so much from the "fox business" network. >> bye. >> coming up next, brian, steve and elisabeth are about to take a trip back in time to the golden age of nickelodeon with a slime competition. how fun is that? first, let's check in with martha mccallum to see what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> you better run downstairs to watch that live. thank you very much. so folks at home, what is going on in washington? the white house is now compared the gop to terrorists. so what happens to you at home if the government does shut down in a few days? senator kelly ayotte will be here with us on that. hot on the trail of the white widow. an update there. and cory booker and the twittering stripper? oh, boy. we'll see you at the top of the hour coming up why do people count on sunsweet prune juice to stay fit on the inside?
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>> on your mark, get set, go! >> steve: who is that guy? >> brian: some young person. my son. talk about a blast from the past, double dare was one of nickelodeon's hit shows. it was a game changer for kids' television. here to bring it back is the former host of nickelodeon himself, mark summers. he forwarded this new book called "slime." great book for parents and kids. >> it is. >> brian: who are now parents! >> exactly right. a man wrote this book grew up watching nickelodeon. loved it. they said he would never pull it off. he got 260 of the original folks back together, wrote a
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phenomenal book. tonight, bringing back everybody. we've got over 600 people. it will be fantastic. >> steve: you know my kids. we all grew up watching that. >> i remember. >> steve: the slime, though, really came to depict in this case rode on. >> it really was. it started on "you can't do that on television." the real contents are apple sauce, vanilla pudding. but what we have for you guys is a little different. we're going to give them an obstacle course. >> brian: first off, they got to hop through here. correct? climb up to the top. >> steve: i got hurt on this last week. >> brian: they will slide down. >> then there is a pool of slime with balloons. the first person to pop two balloons is the winner and that means they get to slime the loser. my money is on you. not grandpa. [ laughter ] >> steve: my money is on her, not grandpa! >> elisabeth: i always wanted to get slimed until right now.
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>> that's what happens. >> brian: right now we're going to see i guess steve against elisabeth. >> that's right. >> brian: steve weighs 157 sounds. 6' 1. elisabeth weighs less, is a little shorter. and is in the prime of her athletic career. mark, i set the stage. take over. >> here we go. on your mark, get set, go! okay, here we go. up the ladder. look at that! moving ahead! i can't believe this. who is going to come up the other side quick? we're going to find out now! i can't believe steve is beating her. here is the thing! can they pop these balloons? there is one for steve. steve did it! steve did it right there! we have a winner, which means elisabeth must come over here and have a seat right in the chair. have a seat here, elisabeth. >> brian: do you really want to see elisabeth slimed? [ cheers and applause ] >> somebody's got to sit here. what are we doing? right over there. all right. go right over there. you're going to do it. turn the crank over there.
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>> brian: wait a second. does steve doocy pull the bucket? >> yeah. you know what? just do this. hit that right there. there you go. oh, my. >> brian: what does it feel like to lose to steve? how does the slime feel? >> elisabeth: what a slime ball! honestly, i started in the '90s wanting to get slimed, so this is a dream come true. >> steve: i'm not getting over there. >> i have a meeting afterwards. get away from me! >> elisabeth: be careful what you wish for. >> brian: now you know why kids and parents were laughing for years. all in a new book. more with mark and the loser and a round of applause for these great sports. [ applause ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse.
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[ male announcer ] and our priority is you. small business owners are using tools like email and social media marketing from constant contact to grow their business. they're getting customers coming back. fans following their business online. and new customers through the door. see how constant contact's products and people can help you grow your business. start your free trial at >> brian: don't forget monday's
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show, "killing jesus," author bill o'reilly, he's tall and smart. >> elisabeth: you want to log on for our after the show show. >> brian: see a replay of this woman getting slimed. >> steve: thank you. >> good seeing you guys. bill: that's the highlight of the week. we are one step closer to a possible government shutdown. conservatives in both houses of congress standing their ground. what's going to give here? i'm bill hemmer live in new york on america's newsroom. martha: you have got the senate set to vote today for funding the government but removing the house's plan to defund obama-care. then we have the ted cruz and mike lee 21-plus hour delay of that and
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