tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News September 27, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> that's all the time we have left for tonight. thank you for being with us. tonight, even the senate chaplain is fed up. >> lord, deliver us from governing by crisis. >> obama care is the single largest job killer in this country. >> the house republicans are so concerned with appeasing the tea party that they have threatened the government shutdown or worse. unless i gut or repeal the affordable care act. >> we are at one of the most dangerous points in our history right now. every bit as dangerous of the breakup of the union before the civil war. >> senate democrats are not listening to the millions of americans hurt by obama care. >> don't kid yourself to think this isn't a road to socialized
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medicine. >> we're not negotiating with people with bombs stroped their chest. >> i hope the senate democrats begin listening to young people, listening to single moms, listening to immigrants, listening to people who are retired, people with disabilities, listening to married people, listening to union workers. >> to the old, to the sick, to the needy, to every single principle of the united states of america that we stand for, it's off with their heads. >> because a handful of right wing extremists are so determined to try to destroy this president. >> this is how a country goes broke. this is how a country goes broke. >> i hope the good guys win. >> we listened to the american people the way senate democrats are not. >> knock ate you have. pass a budget and move on. >> he is not giving up the fight to defeat obama care. senator cruz joins us, night to see you, sir. >> always nice to be back.
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>> 95 republicans crossed over and voted with the democrats and you say it's not over. where does it go from here? >> to the house of representatives. last week the house stood strong. they passed a strong bill that defunded obama care. they listened to the people. i'm hopeful and optimistic they'll sign a strong bill and send it back to the senate and senate that senate republicans come together and stand shoulder to shoulder with house republicans to actually fix this disaster of a law. >> what makes you think that would happen? because if it goes -- it is going back to the house an say the house puts back in the defunding of obama care, the same bill and ships it back across to the senate, why would you expect the senate to vote any different this time around? >> i don't know if they'll put in the same language or something else. what i think is critical is that they act to stop the harmful consequences that millions of americans are feeling because of
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obama care. one of the things we tried to focus on this week is all of the millions of american who is are struggling to find jobs because of obama care, facing the threat of being forceably forced into premiums and seeing the health care threatened to be taken away because of obama care and i think it's critical in the house step up and stop that damage, stand for the american people and if they do that, i hope the second time around is an opportunity for senate republicans to come home and stand united and i hope that's what we do. >> i guess i'm a little bit -- i'm -- i don't think that's likely to happen in the senate. you know the senate better than i do. i don't think the vote is likely to change. would you be satisfied if the house bill that came back to the senate was one that delayed obama care for one year? didn't defund it but declared it for a year. is that something to stand behind? >> i don't think to dictate
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terms to the house of representatives. they're 435 members. each is elected in their district and has to be accountable. >> is that something that you consider it something that would be effective in your strategy if you could put it off for one year? just for you. >> for me, what i have said is that i will not vote for any continuing resolution that funds obama care because i think obama care is a disaster, a train wreck, a nightmare. you know? i'll note the last two terms, train wreck is what the lead author of obama care called it and nightmare is what james hoff president of the teamsters called it. i hope that the house continues to do what they do. i want to salute speaker boehner and leader cantor and house leadership for joining arm in arm, bringing together the republicans in the house, to listen to the american people. that's what they did last time and i hope and believe they'll continue to do that.
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>> i guess, i don't want to beat a dead horse, so if they came back, the house, and said two choices, one is to revisit in a year or postpone it in a year, i guess revisit in a year would not be a funding. right? that's probably something to live with? don't know? >> anything that stops the harmful consequences of obama care for millions of americans is a good thing. >> for a year or do you want it decided now? >> look. if you ask me what i like, i like it for all time but i'm certainly someone to take what's critical is are we fighting for the people and we making the lives better? if we are doing that, we're doing our jobs and to i'm much more interested in the substance. are we stopping the harms from obama care that millions of americans are suffering? and if we are, that's good. if we're not, you know, what i'm not interested in that a lot of people in washington sometimes focus on is just a political victory. what matters is the substance,
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standing up and stopping this train wreck of a law. >> suppose hypothetically that the vote went your way and it's defunded but the continuing resolution funds the government for 45 days. do you have any problem with that limping along aspect of it? that's a second part is that we have these ridiculous -- that's my view -- 45 days to fund the government and back talking about it instead of a real solid economic plan. >> well, you know, there are a couple of causes for that. one is that congress for a long time hasn't done its job and passed the appropriation bill to pass and if we passed the appropriation bill, if we made the hard decisions about where to spend and where to cut, we wouldn't have a continuing resolution at all. that only happens when congress hasn't appropriated as we haven't this year. but secondly, if you look at the government by crisis, it doesn't have to happen. senator rob portman, republican from ohio, has a bill he's
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introduced that would take continuing resolutions and take shut downs off the table, would say, in the event that a continuing resolution doesn't pass, you don't have a shutdown. you continue and gradually government funding goes down but it doesn't just go off a cliff. the democrats don't want to pass that. why? because they want government by crisis. the house and the continuing resolution they just passed had a provision of the full faith and credit law and what i like to call is a default prevention act saying if the debt ceiling isn't raised the united states will never, ever, ever default on its debt. it's a great common sense provision. the democrats just voted to strip it out. the democrats stood together and what they said, interesting, harry reid ridicules that as the pay china first law and the democrats are now all on record saying they affirmatively want to use the risk of a default to scare the american people and want to use the risk of a government shutdown to scare the
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american people. i think that's irresponsible and we should do our jobs. >> give me little behind the scenes. when you see harry reid on the floor in the last 24 hours, did you look each other in the face or look away or hi, how are you doing? >> all the senators are cordial with each other. they're not necessarily the warmest chummiest relationships but everyone treats each other civilly. >> that's pretty -- doesn't sound so civil. i heard on the floor when the time ran out, senator harry reid, it was a waste of time was his response. there was no sort of i don't agree with you, senator, but 20 hours and 19.s, pretty amazing. he could have said it that way. he was insulting. >> well, you know, may not have been the height of graciousness but look, at the end of the day, doesn't matter. it doesn't matter bickering back and forth between a handful of washington politicians. most people don't care. what matters i think is the
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substance. >> i think it does matter a little bit and tells the american people, watching sort of a school yard brawl or are we watching people with deep ideological differences and, you know, we're having a debate and maybe sometimes you can convince or persuade or negotiate and then with the name calling, it is unseemly, i think. >> harry reid made that decision to do that before. he's called, gi eai guess, thos us trying to defund obama care anarchists and i think a schoolyard bully and, greta, i don't reciprocate and i don't intend to. >> senator mccain thinks some ways the republicans that don't agree, appeasers. they weren't insulted by that. >> the focus that i try to keep throughout the filibuster and throughout this discussion is on the substance of the bill and the point i immediate, look, there's an extended discussion there when we started to defunding, there were voices,
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pundits, those in the republican parties saying we can't win, we can't win, we can't, we can't win and the more you say that it's a self-fulfilling prophesy. if republicans turn their guns on themselves and shoot us trying to stop it, it makes it much harder to win. i went through the centuries of all of the battles in the united states, all of the great challenges we have taken on, whether it was the revolutionary or civil war or world war ii or going to the moon or winning the cold war, where the voices of conventional wisdom said it can't be done and american spirit, when we united, said it could be done. >> how about the phone call you have with the house republicans yesterday? what was that like? >> oh, we have had ongoing conversations with house members for a long time and certainly will continue to do so. >> how many were on the call? the american people don't know this behind the scenes. 20, 30, 45. >> i don't want to get in to the specifics of internal
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conversations but there have been and will continue to be ongoing conversations with individual members who share the objective of stopping obama care and certainly brainstorming, sharing ideas, sharing my views of what i think will happen in the senate and trying to think through and strategize and ought to be doing more of that. one of the strange things about washington, one of the things that i think people would be really surprised about is how little coordination there usually is between the house and senate and two separate nations and given we have to both work together to pass something in the law, there ought to be more conversations like the ones we have been having. >> in terms of -- i heard you speak before and pat buchanan spoke on the show the other night and the continuing resolution pinged back to the house now, what if it were split in to different pieces, funding for different aspects like the defense department, pentagon, is that a -- is there any impediment to doing that at snaul. >> look. >> and why would that be a strategy that the republicans
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would not 'embrace? why would they not embrace that? >> i think that's a terrific idea. >> that wasn't my idea. i think that was your idea. >> okay. >> it's terrific. >> i may be a little bit biassed towards it, but listen. everyone's wondering now are we going to have a government shutdown and that depends on harry reid and president obama. if they decide they want to force a government shutdown, then we'll have one. i don't think we should. we should keep the government runs and irresponsible for harry reid and president obama to force a shutdown but if that happens, and we have had many shutdowns in the past. not the end of the world. i don't think we should have one now. but if that happens, a very effective tool the house can use. part of the games that this administration is likely to play in the shutdown is to try to pick the most sympathetic instances and hold them hostage like the debt ceiling. they want to threaten a default to scare the american people. and it's -- there's no rule to say a continuing resolution to
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cover every bit of the federal government and in my view, particularly if harry reid forced a shutdown with president obama, it makes sense to focus first on the military. if understood the military, no matter what happens, we should never threaten to cut off funding for the men and women in the military. existing federal law gives president obama all the authority he needs to fund the military even if there is a shutdown. but the democrats are threatening that and so if they pass a simple cr that funds the military, sends it over to the senate, i think it's very, very difficult for harry reid to refuse to fund the military. don't mention obama care. should we fund the military, yes or no? i don't know that you get democrats to vote no on that on a clean vote and one at a time, one after the other after the other. >> why wouldn't speaker boehner want to use that strategy? what's the argument against it in the house? >> i don't know. i don't know.
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i haven't had that conversation with the speaker so i don't want to put words in his mouth and i don't know. he may well follow that strategy. i don't know if he will or not. i've suggested it to some folks. they may decide to follow another strategy. >> nice to see you. >> it's always great to see you. thank you. and today's majority leader reid threatening saying pass the resolution or it is a shutdown. what will house republicans do next? michele bachmann joins us. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> what's the plan in the house? >> the plan is going to be discussed by all the members of the house tomorrow. we'll gather at noon and we'll make a decision. i know there's a very large contingent in the house that wants to see us defund obama care for a year and delay obama care for a year. and i think if the truth is told there's a lot of democrats out there who hope that we succeed because it's not ready for prime time, this bill. a lot of people are going to suffer economic misery. we have heard about that.
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all we want to do is delay this and defund it for a year. we want to get this right. it's not right now and it only seems to make some common sense to do this. >> suppose you do that. you defund it for a year. delay it for a year and ship it back to the senate. and it's going to land there like it goes over like a lead balloon over there and the president said that he's not going -- he's not going to bargain over defunding obama care. what happens when it's back to the senate if that's what happens in the house? >> that's the position. they have to do something with it because at a certain point we have to make a decision. and 17 times since the 1970s the government has gone through this. it's called brinksmanship in negotiation and then make a decision. sometimes you have to get to a crisis point to finally make a decision. >> but who's going to blink first? >> that's the question. that's the question. right now, harry reid thinks that the house republicans will blink. we are not ready to blink. we are not blinking. we are taking no doz.
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our goal right now to make sure that we do what we've been told to do and sent to do and that's get it right with obama care. >> all right. but i just can't see -- unfortunately, i can't see the house republicans giving in on this or caving and i can't see the democrats in the senate either because the democrats in the senate are as passionate about their position as the house republicans are. >> but the american people want us to do something about this bill. and so, it isn't just my way or the highway on either side. we think a big compromise because -- remember, the bill we sent over to the senate was defunding of obama care forever. forever. so what we're saying now is defund obama care for a year. completely delay obama care for a year. and take a look at that bill over the next year. that's what we're saying so we're -- this is what -- i'm not saying that's what the position will be tomorrow. i'm saying that's what a large group was in the house believes
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that we should do. so we'll find out tomorrow what we actually do but again harry reid and barack obama can't just have it their way the whole time. they draw a red line in the sand. he's busy negotiating with putin, the president of teheran but we won't pick up the phone and call us? >> can you call him? can speaker boehner call him? >> of course he can. the president called speaker boehner. he told us this. he got to dallas. he picked up the cell phone and the president of the united states. hi, john. i'm not negotiating. i'm not going to negotiate. this is the way it is. well, i'm sorry, mr. president, but that's not what we're hearing from the american people. they want us to do something because people are getting envelopes in the mail today, greta, this is this is serious. where they were paying $33 a month for health insurance and now they're told they have to pay $965 a month for health insurance. and where are they going to get
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the scratch? they don't have it. we won't stand by. >> if you have another year, two things can happen. from your perspective. one is that -- you have a change to things in the bill and the other is perhaps get some wind behind sails with the american people to dislike obama care and come to your aid. is that sort of your thinking? i'm going to ask you a question from there. >> i think it is. all you have to do is look at what did the head of the dnc say? she said, look, democrats, we have got to change obama care because the american people are turning against it. >> all right. >> so we have to reform this bill. >> all right. >> as a matter of fact, let me add one more thing. president obama reformed the bill on his own at least 19 times. so he's unilaterally changing this bill so let's not have just a president do it. let's let some other people in with other ideas. >> all right. i think what would be interesting is what happens on october 1st. because if on october 1st people go to the exchanges and they
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decide, well, this isn't so bad after all or if i like it, you lose the wind behind the sails or if they go to the exchanges and say, i'm not paying that, this is a very important, you know, who's going to get the american people beginning october 1st with the exchanges? >> well, again, i think ted cruz is right when we said this isn't about politics but getting it right for the american people. this isn't a small -- it's every single american. is going to be impacted by this bill. this isn't politics. >> but i think if the american people think they're getting a good deal on tuesday, october 1st, if that's october 1st, that helps the president. if they go there and discover it's really expensive, that helps you. >> remember a lot of exchanges aren't even up and ready. you know? for the federal employees, the exchanges aren't up and ready for us in congress and the state of oregon. >> i don't want to get started there. a lot of people on capitol hill don't get the same deal as the american people get. that's the rub with the american
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people. >> well, remember, we have had 17 times in modern times where we have gotten to this point. nobody should panic. government is going to continue to go on. it's no such thing as a shutdown. it's a slow down. we need to get it right and we're here to fight. that's what we're saying. we are here to fight just like senator cruz. >> nice to see you. >> thank you. if there's a government shutdown, senators and members of the house and not the staffs get paid. that's because of the 27th amendment to the constitution prohibited a variant of house for house and senate members. so, should the constitutional provision be changed? yes or no. go to and vote. straight ahead, president obama and iran's president talking on a cell phone? is this a step forward or is this a diplomatic trap by a country that sponsors terrorism? a former nfl's house is trashed tonight there's news. hear that nuts from that football star coming up.
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this is a fox news alert. tonight, the u.n. security council voting unanimously to secure and destroy syria's chemical weapons. now, the adopted resolution demands syria to get rid of the stockpile and does not threaten automatic punitive action if the government doesn't comply. enforcement is another resolution. former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us. good evening. >> good evening. glad to be with you. >> this resolution by the u.n. security council, good or bad? >> well, it's simply a continuation of the agreement that was reached in geneva last
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weekend and doesn't really add or detract from that one way or another. i think the underlying agreement is flawed. i don't think syria will declare or destroy all of the chemical weapons, some of them. but the rest i think have been hidden or moved out of the country. think i the real victory is with assad and the russians, it give it is assad regime time to strengthen its position. so i don't think the security council resolution really adds or detracts from that original analysis. >> tell me if i'm wrong but since it has no punitive or military enforcement, they have do go back for action, we'd have to go back and get sort of an agreement or not and i assume the president didn't seem like he was too patient with the u.n. is that he would go it alone without the u.n. and then am i wrong that that would create some sort of issue?
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>> are you suggesting that president obama would ignore the u.n. security council? i'm just shocked to hear that. you know, he was prepared to ignore it before. this resolution doesn't change that calculus before much either. >> except now that they have spoken. except now that they've spoken and now specifically not included the approval of military action. >> well, but that was never going to happen anyway. because the russians were not going to permit it so in that sense the russians prevailed yet again. i don't think that changes the underlying reality that existed from the time of the geneva agreement. >> all right. now the president speaking to the iranian president today. first time i think in 34 years. two presidents of iran and united states talking. your thoughts about that, sir? >> symbolism is terrible after the white house leaks that they're desperate for a photo-op of a hand shake between obama and rowhani and rowhani's too
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busy, other things to do, shopping i guess in new york. the president of the united states calls the joe biden equivalent, the number two official in iran of a state sponsor of terrorism and wants to talk to him. and rowhani graciously takes the call. the symbolism is ter shl but what's worse is the substance. the president said he believes a comprehensive solution to the nuclear weapons project is at hand. with no basis to say this. i think this is the visible, public collapse of the president's policy supposedly against the iranian nuclear weapons program. i have a very bad feeling. we are headed in the direction of an agreement that effectively legitimizes the iranian nuclear weapons program and leaves the decision when and under what circumstances to break out to
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nuclear weapons entirely in iran's hands. >> we have a minute left, but i would like to be the fly on the wall when prime minister netanyahu -- i think he's coming to washington in the next couple of days and i'm curious what the prime minister thinks about this. >> well, i think he probably believes it's a terrible deal and provides obama with something i think he prizes more than really ending the iranian nuclear weapons program. this is the leverage he will use to prevent an israeli military strike against iran and i think for years it's been clear that what obama fears most is that israeli strike. he fears it more than the iranian nuclear weapons program. i believe for that long time israel would decide to use military force as it has twice before in its history against a hostile nuclear weapons project. i'm not sure there's going to be a strike. i think we can look forward to a future with iranian nuclear
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weapons. >> nice to talk to you, sir. >> thank you. coming up, former nfl star is here. his house was trashed by between 100 and 200 teenagers and tonight there's news. the nfl star is here next. also george zimmerman has more trouble. florida police called to his house again. that's coming up. [ rob ] our daughter is all kate. same grin, same walk. and the same beautiful hair. [ female announcer ] nice 'n easy. in one step get expert highlights and lowlights. for color they may just think you were born with. [ rob ] i'm a lucky guy. [ female announcer ] with nice 'n easy, get the most natural shade of you. coffee should come in one size: mug. stay grounded with the rich, bold taste of maxwell house coffee. always good to the last drop.
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former nfl star's house trashed, hundreds of teens throwing an out of control party and tonight some of those party goers are under arrest and former football player brian halloway is back with us. nice to see you, brian. >> good to see you, too. it's been a very, very long two weeks. >> indeed it has. tell me, when's the latest on the arrests? you are happy or unhappy this is
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pursued by the police? >> well, i think we wanted to approach this with a common sense approach of reconciliation. let's get the kids to talk about what went on and start fixing stuff. that didn't happen and then invited the parents to come up and stand and be accountable. that didn't happen and went on for two weeks and then they gave us a resounding message not showing up and so it was the day to have them fully accountable for their actions and so the first wave of the arrests were made yesterday. >> did the prosecutor or the police indicate whether they intended to try to round up 100 or 200 or 6 arrested so far? >> no. it's a sweeping investigation. and they have, in fact, now 400 names and everyone who was committed a crime will be arrested. >> one of the people who's arrested, i think -- i mean, i
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know i feel a little betrayed. a young man you helped, your family took in when he was homeless. >> yeah. you know, i didn't understand. this was a young man i have known for literally six, seven years and when he was homeless, he would stay with us. when he got in trouble, he would stay with us. we were his anchor. we had discipline, rules, regimens, curfews and in the morning, getting up he has chores. i don't know how in his mind whether it was the drugs or alcohol that it made sense to plan the party, to break in the house and to stage this tremendous horrific event where there was drugs and alcohol and damage and sexual assault. i don't know what he was thinking. it just didn't make sex and his mother and i have been working for years to save his life. we are hoping that this is his moment where his life is saved by this fully being accountable and being arrested. >> we have about 30 seconds left. but the other thing i'm sort of
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scandalized by, the parents haven't apologized to you and dragged their kids over and made the kids to apologize to you. sort of stunning what the parents have been absent. >> well, that's a back hand slap in the face and obviously we now have to ask a bigger question, where did we get off track and how to find our way back and what do we do now? the parents must stand and be accountable for all of this going on. they didn't show up. that's a larger question to ask in communities around the country right now. are you standing in the place of your child's greatest need and are you taking a stand for their greatness? that means being accountable for what you did. >> you know, i told you last time, brian, i'm team holloway on this. good luck, sir. >> okay. thank you. now to the legal panel. san francisco former prosecutor james hammern and bernie and ted. ted? >> i'm team accountable to
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brian. look. the bottom line is these parents, if they knew about this, they should have taken responsibility. they should have -- as we say in louisiana, whipped their behinds. >> we use a different word in wisconsin but go ahead. >> bottom line is i don't know if you get 400 kids arrested in this. rational is simply if they would have to show that they knew or should have known that there was some illegal activity going on in that house. >> bernie? >> yeah. not to get boring because it's a long week in court for me but all 400, unlawful entry, assault inside. it was out of control. he tried having a party and the whole problem is a kid he's trying to help. it is like no good deed goes unpunished. ted is agreeing with the football player. i played football. i'm not afraid but i'm on his team. >> the thing is that the parents don't have any responsibility and then paying for lawyers when
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it's unlawful entry and every single window is another count of destruction of property and the parents will look at the picture pretty loud and clear. >> you're right. and these kids from -- the adults will lose the case and prosecuted and the most shocking thing in reading the packet, greta, some of the parents threatened to sue holloway because he exposed what they had done. it's the absence of morality. threatening to sue and hire lawyers. i hope somehow they're taken to task, too. my mother would have dragged me by the ear to say sorry and pay for the damage. >> the pictures of kids on the internet on the facebook and the parents object to it. they were partying. i mean, these parents, you know, the parents must be delusional. >> they are screwed up. you see where the kids come from. the fact that the parent doesn't say you did wrong but stick up for these kids. that's the really sick part of
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this. >> absolutely right. if the parents are not willing to take responsibility, how in the hell can you expect the kids to take responsibility? >> legal bills will do that. >> oh, absolutely. i think if there's a lawsuit and very well could be some. >> bernie, you'd have -- you will have your son down there so fast his head would be spinning. >> i mean, my kids know that they commit a crime, they run to the police and say lock me up. my father is on the way down. my daughter in scotland. she is at st. andrews. how's it going? great. guess what? there's a pub in the dorm. christ almighty. >> $20,000 wasn't damage. they smashed windows. >> 200,000. >> yeah. well, it was quite a bit of damage they did to this home. >> when you watch the progression of the -- holloway tried to resolve this ammic bring. >> this guy is like a model guy. helped this young man sort of a catalyst for this. given him a home.
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done everything. when this broke, he tried to give him a chance to own up and to clean up and they wouldn't and then threatened by -- >> jim's point is trying to sue him. they tried to sue him. >> 20,000. >> the sick part, the moral decay part is we all did bad things as kid. i got drunk when i was 16 but then to brag about it. after destroying this guy's house, they're glorifying it in ruining the property. it's a really, really sick indication about the culture. >> the parents should have went over there and apologized immediately and took the kid over there. >> it was 20,000. not 200. got it wrong. anyway, gentlemen, thank you. coming up, government can't pay the bills and now the obama administration just gave $100 million of your dollars away. $100 million of your dollars? would you say okay?
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in two minutes, the workers showed goodwill and landed him in jail. hear the story and be the judge. two minutes away. ] campbell's homestyle soup with farm grown veggies. just like yours. huh. [ male announcer ] and roasted white meat chicken. just like yours. [ male announcer ] you'll think it's homemade. i love this show. [ male announcer ] try campbell's homestyle soup.
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and the next thing on our list is bungee jumping. [ male announcer ] helping you -- now that's what's important to us. tonight, a florida teenager in big legal trouble. the alleged crime? discounts to needy families at goodwill store. why? 18-year-old andrew anderson said he was heartbroken of the poverty of the customers and giving the neediest shoppers big discounts up to 50% but when goodwill officials found out, they were not happy about the teen freelancing on prices and fired him. that's not all. they reported anderson to the police and arrested for grand theft, felony charge. anderson said he had good intentions and wanted to help people and offered to pay goodwill and the company said they intend to press charges. they said they prosecute this kind of case. should the teen be prosecuted? yes or no. we're back in two minutes. ♪
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car charger with purchase. to locate a store near you, visit greatcall-- people you can count on. you know detroit is broke. so's the nation. we don't have tours at white house. we can't afford them. a short time ago the obama administration announced you the taxpayers are giving detroit $100 million. detroit is $18 billion in debt. now, the administration claiming the federal aid of 100 million is not a bailout but a detroit city council member told president obama it should be. >> our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo and exercise leadership on that. of course not just that, but why not? >> chief political correspondent
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byron york joins us. 100 million from the government and 200 million from some other pocket, private entity. >> it's close to 300 million and then officials are saying it's not a bailout because detroit is so deeply in debt. >> it's not enough money? >> right. it has between 15 billion and 20 billion in debt and unfunded pension and health care liabilities and detroit is so far in the hole and never qualify as a bailout. also, this is the kind of thing that you would think that congress would have approved and they would appropriate the money and send it to detroit. that won't happen. the president basically kind of looked all around and in the drawers and the couch, found some extra money. >> how can that -- if he found 100 million, first of all, the insanity of 100 million lying around, that's just insane. >> right. >> where did he find it? we can't do tours at the white house. >> some of the things were programs in which money was supposed to go to michigan or to
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detroit in the future and they say, well, we can just accelerate that. some of that stuff. not like the money is lost and said look what i found but the fact is they did have the ability just on the president's authority to send all this money there. >> and doing research for tonight, i saw one story saying that $200,000 meant for the poor people in detroit spent on furniture for the department that was supposed to give out the money to the poor people. i mean, this is not -- is there any sort of policing that this $100 million will go to the intended target? >> detroit has an emergency manager. they're in such bad shape but "the new york times" had a story a couple of days ago about waste in the pension system in detroit. and basically, officials had just kind of given out a little extra money to people on a regular basis if they were in trouble, they needed a little extra to the tune of $2 billion over the last 20 years. remember their entire debt is $15 billion or $16 billion.
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the amount of money thrown away and wasted in detroit is amazing. on the other hand, the extent of the devastation in detroit i think would surprise people who haven't been there. >> horrible. >> $100 million of this is spent on tearing buildings down. i mean, if you go to a residential area in detroit, maybe 12 houses, a couple or 3 of them are just -- they're not there. there's steps leading up to just grass. others are burned out shells and then maybe a light on in one of them. that goes on for block after block after block. >> disgraceful. thank you. >> thank you. george zimmerman back in hot water? find out why police showed up at his house again. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants,
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>> greta: okay everyone it's time to hash it out. more legal trouble for george zimmerman? tmz tweeting latest george zimmerman mother-in-law filed police report, he stole from plea. florida police called to the house the another law owns his wife, shelly lived there until ease lently. the mother claims a tv was stolen and she named george zimmerman as the thief. an anonymous inmate making an unexpected 911 call reporting
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the inmate calls 911 to report a prisoner. and attended to two inmates jumped and stole the van. silverman gave up a chance at freedom and called 911 instead. >> 911 what is the emergency? >> yes, ma'am, i'm a prisoner in a van i'm here with a couple guys in the van jacked the van. >> police quickly catching the inmate. >> and it's hard to turn down a free beer. that is what jaguars are hoping. "sports illustrated" tweeting free beer, jaguars try this give away to fill empty seats. the team struggling to get fans so they're offering two free drinks for a ticket.
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now it's your turn to hash it out with us and don't forget to follow me on twitter after the gretawire. coming up, former congressman ron paul has advise for his son, senator rand paul. you're going to hear it, next. [ mixer whirring ] my turn daddy, my turn! hold it steady now. i know daddy. [ dad ] oh boy, fasten your seatbelts everybody. [ mixer whirring ] good thing we've got bounty. bounty select-a-size. it's the smaller powerful sheet, that acts like a big sheet.
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bring muscle -- technology muscle, efficiency muscle. get it racing. get it in a calendar. more calendars. aww. polish it. punish it. and you're done. wt. one more. now you're done. ♪ senator ron paul has political advise for his son, senator rand paul. >> let's talk about 2016. do you think your son will run for president? >> i'm going to talk to him about it. dad, pass potatoes, are you going to be a presidential candidate? what advice would you give him? >> be cautious, you can get elected. that is -- that is the the
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thing about politics. >> greta: remember, five more on the records at 10:00 p.m. we'll see you again on monday. only five more at 10:00 then we're going to be at 7:00 p.m. isn't that great? >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> i suppose if you are of. >> anna: arckist -- anarchist mind which i think some of them may be, then you do not want government. you want to create chaos. >> there is chaos because of obama care as congress fights bitterly over the new healthcare law. he we will take it step-by-step tonight telling you who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. >> some of the tea party anger is racist. having a nonblack person on 00 ticket will diffuse it. >> bill: once again a pundit playing the race card in presidential politics. we will take a hard look at that. >> you believe the holy spirit directed to write killin
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