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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  September 28, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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thank you for watching. huckabee starts in just a now -- few seconds. >> tonight on huckabee, targeted by the federal government. >> the first contact we had in the irs just a general round of questions, at some point those questions crossed the line. >> after years of harrassment, they are getting tax exempt status, but is she satisfied? >> it is an honor to put on the school jersey. and it is a me, me, me. and representing the whole school. >> the high school football coach who suspended the team on the life lessons you can't learn studying a play bock. >> americans you want the repolled and i wont be surprised if the democrats secretly wanted
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it repolled. the show down on capitol hill. ♪ >> welcome to huckabee. we are coming to you from little rock, arkansas. brace yourself, because i think there may be one aspect of obama care where the president is absolutely right. >> if it was as bad as they said it was going to be, they could let it happen and everybody would hate it so much and then everybody vote to repeal it and that would be the end of it. >> the republicans need to stop fighting among themselves about who dislikes obama care the most. every single republican in the house and senate voted against it. everyone. not one republican is on the hook for obama care. the democrats own it totally and completely.
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and if the republicans in the house and senate feel it is it a job- killing and economy busting disaster and increase costs and limit medical choices and leave people in the lurches, there is a way to fight it more effectively. all of the republicans voted to defund and delay obama care, but they didn't have the votes. here's my advice, give the democrats obama care under the conditions, no delays for anyone. not big business and not small business. and not labor unions and states or members of congress or their staffs and no exemptions. not one group gets an exemption from obama care especially not congress or the staff. make the democrats oat their own cooking, because if they think it is good for our plates, they need to take the first bite. republicans can't defund obama care because the votes just are
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not there. and so, draft a bill that funds it, but which allows no exemptions or delays and no exceptition. and right in the bill a sunset clause. the bill expires and it has to be reauthorized on january 15th, 2015. if it is good as president obama and democrats say it is, the public will love it so much, they will insist that it is reauthorized and if it is disastrous as the republicans and general public and i think it is going to be, the republicans will win enough lecs to gain control of the senate with a super mangity and add enough members in the house to override a presidential veto. learn things through bibliical
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lessons. this is a mount carmel moment. remember that great moment from i kings chapter 18 when prophet elija h 450 prophet was ba a l to meet him on mount carmet. he didn't try to delay or fund the false prophets. take their best shot to call down fire from heaven. he would do the same thing. 450 of them and just one of him. they tried for hours to call for fire to tall and they had no fire. elija h didn't mind being outnumbered 450 and ordered the water to be drenched with water so that any fire would have a hard time consuming his offering. he so believed he was following the right god, he put everything on the line. in public for the world to see. no middle of the night back room
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deals. all of it in the open. and elijah called and the four fell and the altar and sacrifice. >> give the democrats what they want for a year. make it clear to the american public that it belongs to the democrats and if works like president obama and nancy pelosi and reid claims america will be better off and i will take to the stage to acknowledge they were right and we were wrong. but if the people in america are disgusted as i
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weekend takeneding our 40th year class reunion from the hope high school in hope, arkansas. now, i got to tell you tis little disgusting so many of my classmates look much younger than me. i do have a lot of miles on me and i have always felt so blessed to be a group of lifelong friends they cherisbi and respect. we became teen agers in the turbulent 60s and the first-class to end racial segregation in our community as we started high school. we loved each other as true friends do. 40 years ago we had bell bottoms and side burns and shoulder length hair and now we have grandkids and we wonder what is wrong with the younger
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generation? my gosh, we pecame our parents. to my class in hope, arkansas 1973, i dedicate tonight's show. unless congress reaches a deal, the government could shut down on tuesday, october 1st. i oner how many americans know what a shutdown would do to them. redeye bill shut z took to the streets of new york city. >> what will happen when the government shuts down. >> it is a croiing shame the congress hasn't done that. >> government shutdown, what do you think? >> i continuing is it dangerous. i am concerned about it. >> are you worried about what is happening on october 1st? >> i have no idea what is happening on october 1st. >> judging by your acent you are from florida? >> new wre land. >> i thought that was a mythical place and mermaids and what have
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you. what about your wife where are you from? >> ask you a couple of questions. >> no, thank you. >> they are so upset about the government shutdown. they will not talk. >> stupid. >> i want people firm in my opinion that it is stupid. >> what do you think will happen to the government shutdown. >> i don't think it will happen. >> they have done it before? >> i am optimistic. >> i blame newt gipping rich. he doesn't have going to do with it but i don't trust his big head. >> who do you blame more congress or the senate. >> i blame obama. >> that will make the cut. >> are you angry in congress or september or all of them and do we agree we like butter and eggs. >> i love it but i am disappointed in congress. >> hear that congress, you have eggs and butter after you. >> how mad are you that congress
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gets paid when the government shuts down? >> that kind of pisses me off. >> we'll have to bloep the word. >> i don't think they will do. it >> what will happen if they do? >> not much. >> you might be right. why do we not pay taxes until the government starts dpaen. >> that is grade. >> what will happen? >> all i know is what i read and there are certain departments that will close down and will have the necessary services that we. >> i like being serviced. >> i like being serviced to. >> we'll talk about that. >> despite ted cruz' 21 hour speech the senate passed a bill follow-upping obama care money. njoining me. i endorsed senator mcconnell in the bid for reelection. >> let me start with a question
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of how the senate might react to a house bill if it delayed obama care for a year and stripped out medical equipment tax and things such as that? >> all republicans in the senate would be enthusiastic about a bill. procedural stuff is confusing. every senate republican voted to defund obama care and all on the same side with obama care. it has not divided us from the beginning. and we would be in favor of any other version of that, too. defund can't get democrats to vote for it. medical device tax is in there and interesting to note that 79 senators voteed to repeal the medical device tax. it would be tough for all of those democrats who earlier in the year voted to repeal the medical tax divided not to.
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>> and you know, this week, republicans that maybe had a different point of view about the strategy, but the strategy to defeat it, folks like you are called rhino and squish. and member of the surrender caucus and other things i can't repeat on television. so tell me, what is it that really happen and try to walk us through the procedure of the cloture vote which is a 60 vote threshold versus a simple majority that you favored and only required 51 votes to defound obama care. >> the problem with the strategy that was advocated. it been followed senate republicans would have shut down the government. polls she that 80 percent of the americans are opposed to a government shutdown. we didn't feel and a majority of the senate republican colleagues didn't feel a strategy for a government shutdown is a winner for us and obama care
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would still stand because it would be unaffected. >> we wanted a strategy that gets an outcome and when we had an opportunity to vote on defunding obama care, every single republican voted to defund obama care, but the problem we had, motorcycle. 54 of them and 46 of us. and 54 is more than 46. and so the senate democrats got their way. that is simple mathematical problem. >> if obama care stands, you think it will fall on its own w >> it can't possibly work. it is creating chaos in the country. a record number of part- time jobs and insurance premiums are going up and the promise that the president made if you have a health care plan you like you will keep. it that's not happening.
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none of the promises are coming through. a trillion in tax increases and reimbursement cuts to hospitals and hospice and home health care and the like. chaos in the country. this will not stand. you know, it may or may not be ended this week and i think that is uplikely given who is the president and who will run the senate. it will crack and fall. i guarantee you. >> i know president obama had harsh words for republicans on friday. you wonder why the white white and congress can't make headway. senator mcconnell will answer that question and more. stay with us. i would like to hear from you. go to my web site and tell me what you think. seen up for our facebook page and follow me on twitter. find the link to that on [ sneezes ]
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>> on friday, the president put the blame on a potential government shutdown totally on republicans. >> house republicans are so concerned with appeasing the tea party they threaten the government shutdown or worse unless i gut for repeal the affordable care act. i said this afternoon, let me repeat it. that's not going to happen. >> the president says he's not willing to negotiate. do you think we are very close or likely to have a government shutdown this week? >> the president is more than willing to negotiate with iranians. i don't know why he would not negotiate with us. they are trying to make positive
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changes in the catastrophic law that americans hachlt obama care is the worst legislation past in the half century. it is indeed a train wreck. look, we need to try to get it changed. you had a senate democrat come out for a one year delay earlier this week. and 79 septemberors including a heck of a lot of democrats voted earlier this year to repole the medical equipment tax. democrats are beginning to crack. jimmy hoffa wrote a letter to the president that you are destroying the 40 hour work woke and health care plan. democrats are dping to crack and we are nudging them in the right trekz to save the american people. >> there is friction and tension, but going forward, is
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the senate going to come together? is there a deep wound that is going to take time to heal among the republicans by the way? >> no, look, this is a difference in opinion about tactics. that's all it is. we are all in favor of getting rid of obama care, we just voted that way friday. there is no difference of opinion on obama care. but i, for example didn't think a government shutdown which 80 percent of the american people are against was a good idea. we will not shut the government down. the bill is back from the house and hope it will be more appealing to the senate democrats, we know they are nervous about obama care as well. >> senator tis it a pleasure to visit with you. there is a lot going on in washington and glad there is, maybe this will get resolved.
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it is a plosure. >> thank you, mike. nthree years she was targeted and harassed by the irs after her organization sought tax exempt status. wusaw her on this show. she finally got the status, but the battle is not over. catherine will tell us why when we return. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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catherine was harassed by the irs and other of the part government. back in 2010 she spoke to me about her ordeal in may.
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>> you foil for the irs and you are hearing from the fbi and dtef what did they want to know? >> all manner of things. the fbi was interested in people coming to our programs. the bureau of alcohol, and tobacco and firearms was interested in having us pull out our guns and open the safe. what is concerning is the rapid succession of their visit ands unplanned audits upon their a arrival and the fact in 20 years we haven't sewn any agencies. >> three years of abuse, last week the irs finally agreed to do tax exempt status. fighting with the irs is not over. catherine great to have you back and i understand you got word. you received documents from the
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irs. >> yes, governor, we have. the typical cthroe organization takes nine months to hear from the irs and throw years and three months later, true the vote has our letter and we are official. >> and so some people say it took longer and are you done and is this it or is there something to press forward with? >> no, there is it an awful lot to press forward with. there is a lot of unanswered questions of what happened to us in the last three years and the lawsuit that we filed in may is pressing forward. we want to understand why the irs felt they could ask us the things and what they intend to do with that information and somebody needs to be held accountable for abridging our free spoech for three years and we are determined to press forward until we get the answers. >> i remember talking to you in may, you spent a lot of money
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with lawyers and accountants fighting this. it was a huge sum of money. at this point, paul park figure how much are you out trying to get the federal government off of your neck because you applied for a tax exempt status for an election organization? >> the application process north of $80,000. and personally it is well in express of 100,000 and the lawsuit, those dollars and zeros add up here. it is not an inexpensive thing i rather pay it and what price is freedom. and if we don't press forward, there is no doubt that organizations like ours are not going to be around much longer. >> the department of justice were like you got your exemption status and we'll call an end to this and we are done with it and
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have they passed you back off and drop the lawsuit? >> part of our lawsuit was requesting our determination letter. we are a cthroe or rrnt. after throw years and three moppings we wanted to be and foim dead lone was september 20th and six clock they came back okay, we have agreed to give you your determination and cthroe status, but now, the rest of the lawsuit can be dismissed it is moot because you have gotten the letter and what more could you want to know. there is a lot more we want to know and they consider it moot and it is far, far from over. >> what all is important to get out of the lawsuit. i realize that for you, it is not the money anymore. you have been out hundreds of thousands of dollars. but what dow want to know when it is all over and ask them to
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know? >> we want to know, who anyhow what, when? who put the word out to begin targeting orged like ours? frankly how dope into the west wing does this really go? we believe that the beginning of the layers have been revealed thus far. it goes much doper than we have had a chaps to fully explore. and we hope that our lawsuit and discovery process in the lawsuit, that we will be able to put the pieces together and so just how extensive this conspiracy was. >> one of the things we learned last week. lois lerner finally decided to retire after paid leave from the irs. should she continually have to answer for the division of the aenls and irs and what they did to you.
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and hundreds what happen to you. but i don't know anyone that had it to your degree. when you heard about the loweris learner, what was your reaction? >> it was par for the course. when she announced she was going to retire, at lost she can't do anymore damage. but now i heard that she's being talked to about immunicipality and a package deal might look like for her, and if an arrangement can be made with immunity so she will talk about all of the things she knows and certainly to discuss just how far this goes, i think it would be worth immunity if we can talk to her to get to the bottom of what really happen. >> catherine, thank you and we are glad you got the status, thank you for coming back. >> thank you for having me. >> a chemical attack in syria
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ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives,risks, . read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. >> fox news alert. i am harris faulkner. straight to the live look in the u.s. house of representatives on the floor a debate over the bill to keep the government running beyond the midnight dead line. the republican house will vote tonight. voting on two key amendment tots continuing resolution or the legislation to avoid a government shutdown. the first would delay president obama's signature health care law for individuals for a full year and the second eshg race the medical devices tax. the president said he will veto anything that touches obama care. the white white accused republicans of moving to shut
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the government down to make a idea logical point. if it passes the house it would go to the senate until monday. we are squeaky tight on the midnight dead line. >> back to huckabee. >> chemical investigators conif i wered the use of sarin gas in syria. and the un report didn't say who's to blame. president obama is. he's pointing the finger at assad. >> it is a insult to human reason to suggest that anyone other than the regime carried out the attack. >> it is the u.s. mulls over to the next move in syria many americans will ask themselves what is sarin and is it something to worry about here at home. a warning that the images you are about to see are graphic.
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>> created in the germans, sarin is a clear colorless and odorless and tasteless liquid and low concentrations of sarin can affect the human body central and become lethal and resulting in blindness and vomiting and suffocations. and once released in the air, it evaporates and spreads. it can be swallowed and absorbed in the skin. it can lead to death in just minutes. nazi, germany mass produced it and never used it in world war ii. saddam hussein killed 5,000 kurdish people in northern iraq. and seven years later, a terrorist group unleased it in the subway system killing 13. and in august a sarin attack in
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syria killed more than 1400 people. foreing an attack. syrians in damascus have turned to making gas mask after the disaster. >> the trauma surgeon and swat term leader and a expert on chemical warfare preparedness. >> what actually happens to the body when subjected to sarin gas? >> governor, thank you for bringing this important topic forward. it is colorless and odorless. gradually within seconds, you will tearing and get mucus built up and feel like you are drowning if your own secretions and depending on the intenseit of the attack it could take minutes or hours if it lands on your clothes and has to be absorbed. it is a painful way to go and just, just to think of somebody suffocating if you will.
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that's what it is like. it is a very painful experience. >> is there any way a person can protect themselves if there is sarin gas present? >> the problem is, governor, you don't know what it is. you feel like you are having trouble breathing and secretions continue and tearing and choking and respiratory system shuts down. there is no protection other than the first responders who have special gas mask and self contained broething and coming in and save us and not succumb to the same gas. >> is there any coined of treatment that isective if it is begin quickly. >> it is. the channel is getting them there quickly and the right treatment. a trophoin and drugs can surcouple vent. but you have to do is quickly.
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and if you have a mass situation like in syria with over a thousand. it is unlikely you will save most of those people because of the meager resources they have on the first day and a poremergency medical system. >> images from syria were so disturbing. how prepared are we in the united states. hospitals and first responders. are we ready for something like this? >> i don't know that condition can say we are prepared. most of our first responders have had training and in the bigger picture of all hazard preparedness. they respond to everything from hurricanes and nuclear and convention of weapons of mass destruction bombs bullets and fire. emergency responders are trained and the equipment is out there, but it is a problem, because large populations can be put at risk and overwhelm the infrastructure in place. we are far better off today than
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in the past decade because of all of the challenges in the world and our country ramping up to be prepared for the challenges and we are at risk to have thrust on us as well. appreciate your expertise and give us comfort in a frightening subject. >> thank you, governor. >> the high school coach who benched his time for bowling and did it for one week. did the players complain and did the players go nuts much we'll ask the coach. he's with us next. this is for you.
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... ... ... ... ... ... coaches with the win at all cost mentality. but my next coach believes that character is more important than winning a game. and last weekdays before the homecoming game, the coach suspended the entire team and did it for bullying and disrespecting teachers and made the players earn the right to back bock through character classes. and joaning me is coach matt
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labrum. >> coach, pretty surprising that the coach would suspend the entire team as a result of bad behavior, were you just fed up with a lack of discipline on the part of the kids? >> it was. there was a few things that led up to the decision, we felt like it was not a huge amount of kids, but there was a lot of kids that knew things were going on and we weren't taking care of those. we wanted kids to stand up and say this doesn't happen and we wanted the other kids to learn this is not how we act. >> coach, proud of what i was of your action following the do right rule which i admired, the biggest spur prize the partners supported sxut community supported you. were you surprised by that? >> no, i was not surprised. we have a tremendous community
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and football tavand faculty and everybody got on board and i think that's why we were able to have a successful week. >> in order for the students to get back on the team, what do they have to do? >> we laid out five criteria, one of them to make sure that they are in class and behaving well in class. another was to make sure that their grades were up to par, and they were passing all of their classes and doing the best they could in the classes. we had service projects that they had to attend. and then we had service projects that they were to do for their family and bring a type written report back to what they did to their family and how they felt about that. and the last one was to memorrize and quote about character. >> your team was back on the fold last night and how did the game turn out and the team
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respond to the over all experience? >> the game department turn out how we would like. we ended up losing the game. but each day throughout the process, our young men and community grow and coaching staff grow and our school did and i saw positive influence go throughout our school. >> coach, if i had a son playing football anywhere in america, i would hope he played for a coach like you. you ought to be commended and you are a hero and thank you for standing up for what is right. that is a better lesson than winning a football game. it is an honor to be on our show. >> we appreciate the positive media that happen and it is having a positive influence and appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today. >> coach labrum, thank you very much. what a refreshing story.
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>> coming up. radio stations would not play a hit. jimmy is going to play the song and other classics when we return. [ rob ] our daughter is all kate. same grin, same walk. and the same beautiful hair. [ female announcer ] nice 'n easy. in one step get expert highlights and lowlights. for color they may just think you were born with. [ rob ] i'm a lucky guy. [ female announcer ] with nice 'n easy, get the most natural shade of you.
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jimmy webb is a have hail. songwriter who has written hits for great artists like glen campbell. johnny cash, willy nelson, many more. he he has a new c.d. and the stopped by our new york studio recently and performed some of his classics. i'm amazed how many different genres of music you have covered. one big son you did with glen exam -- glen campbell. from delight arkansas, you
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did'm by the time i get to phoenix, and galveston, and maybe the bibbest is wichita lineman. would you play a little it? >> i would. ♪ i am a lineman for the county ♪ ♪ and i drive the main road ♪ searching in the sun for another overload ♪ ♪ i hear you singing in the wires ♪ ♪ i can hear you through the lines ♪ ♪ and the wichita lineman ♪ is still on the line
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♪ sunset. >> how many hits from the album? your teamed up with brian wilson, one of the musical geniuses or all time, for one song that everybody knows but you have a new arrangement or macarthur park. >> everybody knows but few understand. >> why don't you -- >> yes. we sort of recent invented mac park for, if you love that southern california beach boy sound, only bryan -- brian can do that, and he came in and did that for us. ♪ i recall the yellow cotton dress. ♪ it as foamy like a wave. ♪ on the ground around your knees. ♪ and the tender baby in your
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hand and the old man playing checkers ♪ ♪ by the trees. ♪ macarthur park is melting in the dark. ♪ all the sweet green icing flowing down. ♪ someone left the cake out in the rain. ♪ and i don't think i can take it. ♪ took so long to bake it --... >> then goes on and on and on. >> but it's beautiful. we love it going on and on and on. >> thank you very much. [applause] >> some of the songs i remember that you have written, like the one by the brooklyn bridge, the worst that can happen, and then one of the great and uplifting hits from the fifth dimension. the up, up and away, but it had
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a little controversy. >> i'd like to say briefly the song was very successful. i won a grammy for song of the year in 1967 for up, up and away,. [applause] >> as you should have. >> but there was some rough going, and one of the worst moments is when the song was halfway up the charts, my manager called and said, jimmy, bad news for you. koma, oklahoma city, 50,000 watts, your arkansas residents know that station pretty well. they've gone off your record. they're not playing it anymore. i said why on earth not? he said, well, they think it's about drugs. and i'm laughing now, but i was really heartbroken. and -- because just for the record, the song was about balloons. i'd call my dad, who is
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pastoring in oklahoma city, and i just call him to cry on his shoulder. i was 19 years old. and i said, dad, they took my song off the radio. he says, well, why did they do that? i said, dad, they've say it's about drugs. he said, we'll see about that. and hung up the phone, and my dad, who is ex-marine, served in the south pacific for 37 months, got his 45 and his bible and went down to the radio station. >> my guess is the 45 had more influence than did the bible in that instance, but who knows. >> either way there was some praying going on. >> that's right. either way the song got back on the air. >> yes, sir. >> let's hear a little bit of it. >> i'm so glad it did. ♪ would you like to ride in my
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beautiful balloon. ♪ would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon. ♪ we can float among the stars together you and i. ♪ or we can fly. ♪ up, up and away in my beautiful balloon, my beautiful balloon. ♪ up, up and away. stinct with me. ♪ up, up and away. up, up and away. ♪ up, up and away. [laughter] [applause] >> jimmy webb. thank you so much, jimmy, for being here. what a blessing. >> thank you. >> the album is called still within the sound of my voice. i hope you'll get a copy of it. you'll love the music of jimmy webb.
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thankses for being with us. this is mike huckabee from new york. good night and god bless. [applause] humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, to policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what ee comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. ♪
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