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tv   Stossel  FOX News  September 29, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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insurance plans. have the right partner at your side. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. go long. [cheers] [cheers] john: hundreds of union teachers once showed up outside of my office to shout shame on me. most professions don't have ten yaur. unions there don't like it either. yet outside the protests there is progress. the>> it taught me a lot of things. >> now ron paul has a new school for home schools. i hear home schoolers don't make friends. >> i kind of made more friends. >> let me hear your voice. >> the unions make it hard. actually, you can't just be
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union. student reformers called them a blob. it is like this java the put thing that can't be bothered. the blob includes the janitor's unions politicians school board bureaucrats. if you try to make a change the blob says we don't do that here. we to requisition downtown. the deputy director of curriculum has to say it is this okay. >> at least today some kids escape the education block. >> do i look forward to going to school in the morning? >> yes. >> that's hou show tonight. >> america' school children have been trapped in a government run mondaopol monopoly. the blob. it cycles most all innovation.
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it is not for lack of money we have tripled what we spend on k 12 education. test scores don't go up. the good news is there are all kinds of alternatives that allow government to escape. here is one more you will be interested in it is because it was created none other than libertarian hi libertarian po libertarian politician rand paul. >> it is a freedom curriculum. it is based on the freedom philosophy. i have talked about them 30 years for the last five-years. if you are talking about economics it is not. >> you are not going to go to every home and teach? >> it will be home schooling and through the internet. the if they study the constitution you don't want to read it out of a textbook.
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they will read the constitution. they will have video lecture you ares the young people can watch at their own speed. it will-designed to get people to read and write and designed to think about businesses and how to react oh, i am very encouraged this. hopefully we can participate in the reaction. >> you are going to charge 250 bucks. >> who needs to pay you. >> charity it's free and teachers can get the free videos. part of which you are on. >> in the book we mention about some of the free ones. ours will be free from kindergarten up to 5th grade. a pretty good start. i went through the public school system 12 years of it.
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it is different today. people are suffering. we don't know what to do. there is so much poor education so much crime, the parents are can looking for something. you have private school option. whom schooling is affordable. some are inextensive and they gravitate. when it comes to competing -- now they don't even want to keech it any more but the major case in texas was won. will you may have had to have the uniforms and education. will parents won't-a good job. if they close down home schooling and private schooling which they are going to continue to try to do.
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because what i am afraid of is they are going to have a legislation when they do well on homecoming to come off. one of the things you have to do from college is have a degree in such-and-such school no matter how smart they are. otherwise we will take the money from you. if push comes oh shove they might try that althey debt more money. they are paid affording the strongest group is it the digest home schoolers. are told they don't realize. i believed that for a long time. you didn't home school your kids. >> i did. things have gotten worse. >> you were talking about socializing. the i believe at one time it
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wouldn't cbe good. i learned home schoolers were strong supporters of mine in texas. we have a lot of home schoolers. we would them kout. the mother would be there. but they were asking question they will be -- can kids dom out? this is veronica andriota. jeremiah is 12 both are home schooled by different families in new york city. you guys must have no plans. >> some people have said that. >> some people have. >> do you have friends? >> i find it entirely not true that home schoolers have flow friends. i made a ton of more friends with the homecoming program.
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>> how if you are home all of the time? >> there's a group of 7,000 parents and they do a little social activities. >> your mother made a video of a dance where home schoolers get together. >> this is in a church basement and this is the kind of thing. >> yes, hosted a little dance there for all of the home schoolers in if the community. they have soccer classes, i went to the metropolitan museum of art, made a bunch of new friends there. they do like three to five different plays a year. i was in one of them rand i made
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it. v veroni veronica>> what sdou like about being home and your mom? >> you bike this? >> i do. it allows me to more of my curriculum into my interests rand direct what i am learning to help me terne more about what i want to do when i grow up. am i found that home school alu allows my views. >> but the high school or you can keep on motivated to do work
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a and>> you wrote a wall street journal op ed. >> i did. >> jeremiah you have regrets at all. will things you missed? >> no. >> sounds pretty certain. >> you weren't always home schooled just the past four years you tried private school that was too expensive. in public school you were bullied?c school you were >> yes, i was. i was bullied almost on a weekly basis. i was so small. i was in kindergarten. i sdoont know hdidn't know how myself. >> one guy threatened to take his watch. so are you heyeding from my fom
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and it is good because i can have like a big audition one day and i can do school the other day if if i am puz zee all day with a show. i usually do it on weekend and sometimes holidays. that is when the schools are closed and auditions are going on. >> i attend barry top press scholars. i go on and i attend. brother paul how would your dirk lum. >> it is in. the extra activity one is self directed do they pick and pooz whoif they want them to do their
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program. seems to me they are enjoying what they are doing all you have to do is look at what's it is lord behm. it is no one. dangerous. i am going to stop you. i should have stopped myself. we don't call it government tools. >> thank you dr. paul, veronica something more than others. i. >> it's so amazing that i can come here everyday and do whatever i want >> i can come here every day knowing i can do whatever i want. [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box.
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the all-new 2014 lexus is. how'd you d9 out of 10.iz today? 9 out of ten? that's great. ♪ nothing says, "i'm happy to see you too," like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪ say it with milk-bone. [ male announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. ♪ introducing at&t digital life... ♪ ...personalized home security and automation...
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[ lock clicks ] ...that lets you be cloto home. that's so cool. [ male announcer ] get $100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. limited availability in select markets. ♪
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a ask>> i went to public school or i mean government school. a good one in a suburb outside of chicago. routinely make list of top high schools. i got to go there because i lived in a nice neighborhood. of course most americans are assigned a school based on where we live. people expect that. that is crazy. if what you were assigned to your hneighborhood proesh gregr
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just like today's government schools. fo fortunately some states allow a croucher and expect a coat ter most use it to go to a private school. so parents love it, kids like it, but erik holder u.s. attorney general doesn't. last month the department of justice went to court to stop louisiana from issuing some of those vouchers. why? those are claims that will interfere with his desegregation effort. he wouldn't come on to the show to explain. let's ask congressman steve scalia. >> how are you doing? . lease gnaw. we have no pochgss if you are a bailing school. >> these stu it dernts rudd be
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dropped you can give them an opportunity for future in life. it is one of these perplexing things you are seain -- seeing. ion in these budget times. >> wait a second. they have a reason for this. they say the vouchers em peeded the indiana and camera for 42 schools. >> i don't know where we are talking from. about 90 percent in louisiana paur parents to be this filed to be moved or go somewhere elsewhere we have the opportunity at life. why should i do this i don't want to be trapped in a school that is rated 5 for failing.
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there are only c, d or f schools for the record we think of government schools as this big melting pot. they are more segregated. one study found in rufrn wrooms more likely to stick together and not still seg great in private school. >> absolutely. you will help desegregation by allowing this program to go forward. the investigation pregrams shouldn't withis be about helpi they're children. holder said i don't tire these should be crafted and engage in experiments in ush with a dc. >> laet me toss an idea from you to the left. inflate is an argument that if you save your kid to private school you are a bad,ing bad
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person. he writes it would rule in one of the most essentials institutions of what is best for you are kied. that's not for the common good. >> anybody who is disgraceful enough to try to cake cheap shots. if you look at the kid across the con try whether it be white can black, rich, poor. if someone is standing is there give you a a private school. mow that is one thing if the school hadz to educahe had me. it isn't taken away how it looks stool when you commute down dense ser's fill a vile witho de >> why indeed. thank you congressman scalia.
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>> coming up. the union preacher some privileges hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
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♪ that's what makes the world's leading airline... flyer friendly. ♪ >> who are we? >> chanting.e? >> that was a teacher outside of my office. >> they chanted stossel shame on you. still mad at me because i criticized tenure and union rules that make it almost impossible to fire bad teachers. they are even bad for good teachers. as bad as america's union rules are there is a place where they work. in mexico union teachers have been able to sell their teaching
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or give them to other family members. they, too,ing could never be fired. now teachers in mexico are rioting because the government am changed the rules. here to explain this is mary ann as ta anastasia brady. i thought it was good news but maybe the protestors will win. >> it's the first step. there's a long way to go. the teacher's union in mexico is the largest union in p latin america. presidenteds have been unwilling to touch the teacher's union for almost 80 years. >> they could really sell their job as a part of the union deal? >> they had presidents who were more incredible than that. when you graduated from the teaching school you were ga
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guaranteed a job. once you started that job you had tenure for the rest of yao you are life. >> you gotten your immediately. >> i asked an american teacher's union boss, one of the few who will still talk to me, joe toroso. why have tenure? >> when you went into organized crime you got to be a made person. it was like a ceremony. >> it is like organized crime. you are in forever unless you die or are killed? >> there is that perspective of it. >> he is laughing and this is just the way it is in most schools. why do we accept this? >> we go for a long time against a poor country. people thought what they really want to get is access. it is only recently that the awareness is growing in if the
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country that if mexicans are not educated they will not be able to be a part of the middle class. >> if the new president says i want to change this these riots have gone off and on for about a month they went on before they voted on the new rules but the rules did pass. >> yeah, i think the schools passed because they are not like throwing corn in the backyard any more. they want high-tech jobs because of the north american free trade agreement. even though the teacher's union remains powerful and very activist. a large percentage backed the president on this one. >> in the teacher's union protest they are noisy and disruptive. in mexico they take hostages and shut the whole city down on them. >> this back fired on them when they did this in new mexico city
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and people couldn't get to the airport. they have a big traffic problem already. >> why did they protest? they athey think they can get i changed back. >> they can push back against implementati implementation. they changed the law in the books but is this going to be really implemented. >> a few years ago a teacher's un oo onhad 59 brand new top union officials until people heard about it protested>> this explains why the teacher's union is so powerful. they have 1.4 million members. they collect dues from all of those teachers and go into a pot and there's no transparency. there is no law that says you have to show how it was spent. t the president had her arrested. the other thing is they could
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use the nun to spread it around to the poll. it has always been one big bad back off. we are going to tank the apos tajs until you darn tee graduates of one of the school. >> the problem remains except they have kind of moved on. >> the teacher's union exists in many countries because the world copies america. schools get government funding and have little competition. as far as the goals are even worse than ours. a british researcher was surprised to discover even from the poolest places parents will
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pay to send their kids to a private school. >> where they earn only a dollar a day they will often take kids out of three government schools instead pay typically a dollar a week. their children can attend prooif skrat schools like this one. >> can you image that? no village 6 private tools. in poor areas like this the majority of school children are in private cool it was a praks. peacher coughed aren't. they know that that is their ticket into the middle class. and without it they are going to have a rough time. >> because of the government on the teachers don't show up, just
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sit there. >> they have performed very badly. mexican schools are at the bottom of the obcd ranking. 34 out of 34 country. they are doing a very poor job. thank y -- or pace book andous. coming up some rare schools where kids actually like learning. reading is work but it's awesome. >> next a school>> what did you do the same. >> you get to have fun all day. from ush flush
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>> you have heard of home schooling. we talked about that tonight. home schooling was considered radical. politicians said we must be in charge of education. parents can't teach. if if they do their kids won't socialize. now whie know it is not true. home schooled kids do very well. even home schooling has structure. the parents are the teacher the state often deck tats te -- dictates curriculum. now a trend is unschooling. there's no tests the kids do whatever they want. there are also schools who do this. >> if i go to school what's my day? >> beats me. >> sudbury valley school there are no classes, no tests, and no
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curriculum. students are only required to show up for five hours a day. >> when you get here you have to check in. >> okay. >> when you leave you have to check out. these are the only have tos in the day. >> it is so amazing to come here every day and know that i can do whatever i want. >> sometimes what they want to do is play video games. others play music for hours. >> my wife and i had children and my wife achild was starting school aged. it was an awful prospect to put them in the regular school system. >> here nothing worse than kids not even learning to read. >> children will figure that out. >> i learned to read when i was
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11. >> i taught myself read. >> had you did you do that? >> i don't know. i just tried and tried. >> one of the cool things being here i didn't know if i wanted to go to college. yeah, you need to go to college. my path led me to going to college. >> at first it seemed like there were no rules. the kids have an equal say in making the rules. one vote per kid. >> you decide everything. by the committee i mean collection of students and adults. there is no high road whatsoever. >> when they opened the school everyone was skeptical. >> the lead lawyer was pacing back and forth. 4-year-olds have the vote. my god they will vote candy fan that will never run. >> the kids run a court system. >> so this is the meding of the judicial committee.
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>> it is a courtroom. >> instead of going up and saying blah, blah, blah did this it's a meeting. >> i am surprised they don't give themselves candy they give themselves control. >> they are in charge of their education they are in charge of the school and much harder on themselves than any teacher or administrators would be. you have an age from 4 to 19. a bunch of 19-year-olds don't want 4-year-olds bouncing off the walls all high on sugar. >> we showed the kid playing video games. my son would have played a-- spent all day playing video games. >> i was surprised to see many kids were gathered around computers with each other, they were collaborating. many of them were in the art studio, they were painting, playing music. >> were any learning math and difficult things?
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>> they said they do. it was hard for an outsider to measure. we saw they were engaged on computers. they weren't necessarily playing computer games. many were maybe doing intense research. many were sit pg around reading by themselves. >> it is a private school. they have to pay 8,000 dollars. >> there are parents who are non-traditional for whom public school doesn't work. they don't like the model it doesn't work for their kids. they seek this out for kids to be in charge of themselves. they trust their kids will learn. >> most go to college? >> 85 percent go on to college. >> i would be nervous about rolling my kids in an unschool. this school gets kids to like learning. >> what is it about the school
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that attracts you? >> he wants to come which has not been the case in several other schools. he told me the other day, mom, wake me up for sure. who are you and what have you done with my teenager who sleeps until 2 in the afternoon. >> it like teaches you. >> what did you do at the other school that is different from here? >> everything is different. you get to have fun all day. >> you go to a public school they let them out for recess it's like they are let out of prison. our kids aren't in prison. >> your friends very jealous? >> they want to go to colleges. they want transcript, grades. >> there are no grades or
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transcripts or classes. nothing like that. they prepare themselves for the sat. they teach themselves higher math. they organize their own education. last year but they manage to get into college when they want to go. >> there are dozens of schools arou like this around the world. it is hard to measure success. this is not new. that school is how old? >> it has been around since 1968. >> they have survived and thrived regardless of political affiliations trying to keep them down. >> you have kadz would you go back. there's a giant chasm to over come. i don't think i have over come that quite kwet but it is
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interesting. >> so kennedy, thank you. coming up. a way to he is tape a computer. we will explain next. ♪ if you have high cholesterol, here's some information that may be worth looking into. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. getting to goal is important, especially if you have high cholesterol
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>> finally technology is getting into schools making things easier tofor teachers often mor money for students. there's a web site which helps people find the best web pages for them. 24-year-old aaron gin. his latest project is finding new ways that technology can enhance education. you are going to do this through something called "a hack-a-thon." my wife would say he must be a crook. >> we call it a marathon coding event. >> also we old people understood the use of the phrase hack, too. >> hack doesn't mean break in? >> in the 90s they had that con notatio notation. today is means creativity. you have a limited amount of time. how do you create the -- you
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have a 24-hours to solve a prosh. >> you were doing it in miami. winner gets a 5,000 dollar prize if after coding for 24-hours straight. >> they make a project, wow, it is a problem we been around for years. >> what makes you so certain technology has solutions? >> it is already working right now. there are several populations coming up. con academy. >> con academy is an on-line academy started by hedge fund anl lais who tout tored his young people. >> i started with her friends and fathbrother and all that wa
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left. thousands of people he offers web lectures on everything from history to economics to computer science. >> you just happen to be good teaching? is>> i will take that as a compliment. >> bringing the skill the government school threatens to block. >> there's a huge bureaucracy. >> it is the blob what spun from our point of view is we were able to reach stuf dents outside of the blob. >> inside, too. at first teachers felt threatened but most came around when they saw how their kids got excited about learning. >> they are happy to walk in every morning. oh my gosh we have math this morning. it is great. >> finally after being bored in
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if school learning math it's over. >> we have another hill share what i like to call the itunes for education in you can go on there search a topic like playing volleyball or a coating. around you you can do a one-on one type session or on-line. consumers can pick a topic and learn from your best oo. >> it is whatever the teacher wants to set. it is the same group of teachers competing for the students. >> you have a place where you can trap the progress of your child. >> get a daily report card. >> where they can communicate comb their grades or report cards orb participation and ex traup curricular activities. >> the parent no longer has to
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wait over a month for the first report card. with this you can make changes very quickly. >> there is remind 101. >> that was started by one of my friends. he always had trouble remembering give me the next day. what do do you have to turn in? >> remind 101 ask some michigan students and teachers how they use the app. will>> they use remind 101 to remind us of up coming procedures and tests. they tend not to look there but they turn to their phone instantly. oo increased classroom participation and homework being turned in. >> the response rates for text messages is usually over 80
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percent. someone sends it to you and the space you fill there you have to rye to open if. kids are always texting. >> thank you, aaron. next more good news. school is so much better. the kids like school. >> if you teach it in a fun way. [ male announcer ] let's say you pay your guy around 2% to manage your money. that's not much, you think. except it's 2% every year. go to e-trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert: it's low. it's guidance on your terms, not ours. e-trade. less for us. more for you. ♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy. ge is revolutioning power. supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software.
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>> many americans say public schools, government schools are one of the best parts of america. they are a melting pot. we are all in it together. those schools built the country. i believe that until i started reporting from it schools. now i say government schools are one of the worst parts of america. they are boring more segregated than private schools and much more expensive. >> the education blog claims schools are unstaunded. kids would do good. spending has gone through the roof.
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test scores. they demanded smaller class am oos. smaller class prices did not increase performance. this didn't help either. i give dates, credit. when we try no improvement. when their experiments fail no bisque get away with that. almost every servant hz gotten better faster cheaper but not education. monday nopcallies don't improve there is no competition they don't know the truth. international tests show even the good suburban schools where mediocre compared to the rest of the world but with no
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competition parents don't know what their kids might have had. few of us can imagine the possibility and tell me see the options. when all calls were expensive only with the monopoly was best adapted begin competition in the cheap phone calls in the cool phones that we have now. competition makes the difference. the postal service could not get there overnight none of their billion managers could make it happen in. but once fed ex. appeared? >> positively has to be there overnight. john: then suddenly the postal service could get there overnight. sometimes. it is not that the government is staffed by these the people but we really think of better ways to do things intel competition forces us. if it were free market and education school would get
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much better in compete for the best teachers that might make $200,000 per year. they already spend more than the per classroom and it would create all sorts of innovation. i don't know which would be best but as hayek put it competition is a discovering process. nobody knows which is best until they try. they have finally given that blob some competition thanks to birchers and tax credits they like going to school but i never did. is boring. >> no. >> can teach us in a fun way >> you like school? been the guest. >> they were in school in harlem.
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once they realize he likes to go to school then maybe they will join the fight. then eventually all of us will have much better. few seconds. >> tonight on huckabee, targeted by the federal government. >> the first contact we had in the irs just a general round of questions, at some point those questions crossed the line. >> after years of harrassment, they are getting tax exempt status, but is she satisfied? >> it is an honor to put on the school jersey. and it is a me, me, me. and representing the whole school. >> the high school football coach who suspended the team on the life lessons you can't learn studying a play bock. >> americans you want the repolled and i wont be surprised


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