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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 2, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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you're one of my favorite people. i like hearing you though i don't agree with you much. >> i loved him and loved him in "divo." one of the greatest writers ever. >> i don't get the middle welcome to "red eye." it is like friday night lights if by lights you mean exclusive party. they don't want you there. let's welcome our guest. she is so hot that hot wings order her when they watch football. that's hot. i am here with patti ann browne, pab for short. give as you smile. and filling in for andy levy, mick mar teen. he holds a record for spotting whales and a greater record for being miserable and alone. and we had initter vengeses to get him to do more drugs. it is my sidekick, bill schulz. you know him as the guy who opened for that guy who opened for that other guy who once
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opened by byron allen in 1998. it is writer and comedian, i guess, paul mecurio. join the tens of fans who check out his pod cast oi -- on itunes. guess what it is called? it is the paul mecurio show. >> that's a good picture of me. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. you put the it in you hot. >> thank you. a pop star drift needed a lift. on monday, a day of the week, justin bieber visited the great wall of china, in china pab, and was crushed to find the 2,000-year-old photo op didn't have an escalator so the pint sized pimp did what any playa would do, he perched his caboose on the shoulders of his bodyguards and ordered them upward. there was video of the biebs
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skating down a chinese road with his bodyguards going along with him like a teeny-bopper secret service. meanwhile at his house in the united states. let the dogs do your hard work you jackass. patti ann browne, won't even justin's most ardent fans who defend him day in and day out think this behavior is absolutely reprehensible and ridiculous and another word that begins with r? >> yes. i am no belieber, but what it demonstrates is he is a pathetic little out of shape wimp. i understand it is a difficult climb, but he is a young, healthy kid. doesn't he have any shame? did you see the faces of the bodyguards? they are grimacing. it is hard enough to do this without carrying him. >> it was like carrying a giant turd.
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that's what it was. maybe that's what it is. >> this guy makes you look masculine. what kind of loser is this punk using a scale of one being not quite a punk and to 10 for paul mecurio. >> he is young. his bodyguards halfway up stopped and breastfed him. the chinese say what is the big deal? to us it is terrible and they are like so what? we developed the ri ckshaw and three billion of us do this happily. >> he was trying to be cultural part of it. almost made a point there. >> can't you just say nice and that was good? >> because you are a weird owe. >> how can you think this is acceptable in the modern era? >> this is his reality. he is married to it. this is a ripoff. does anybody remember the making the band sketch where
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chappelle was p-diddy and they kept picking him up and carrying him off camera? >> no. >> white people. this is a ripoff of that. i am not suggesting this should happen, but how amazing is it that bieber hasn't had his ass kicked yet? i am not suggesting it would happen because it would be wrong . it might teachers and him a available lesson, but it would be wrong. maybe it would make him think before doing stupid things, but it would still be wrong, greg. there is a chance he would become a much better person, but it would be wrong and don't kick bieber's ass. >> even if it did perhaps change his life for the better. >> but still you can't go around kicking people's asses. it would help them to become a better person. it is wrong. >> it is wrong. >> bill, people carry your lifeless body out of dumpsters all the time. this is different, is it not? you useless half dead hobo. >> wow. there is a subtle tee.
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>> i will contribute to a compost pile. that is useful. >> even you as compost would be worthless. >> i don't know. >> good for justin bieber. this etiface can be seen from outerspace and i am told it is 300 years older than christ. just two feet contribute to the destruction of this thing. every time tourists go up there and take their picture, two left feet, that's doing some good rather than bad. he believes this to be the artifact that it is and he is trying to protect it. good for him. >> wait a minute. he also used four feet of his bouncers to carry up his two feet. >> wait, but those feats are not kicking over anything. two less feet kicking anything. >> you are assuming he would kick something over. you know what, i think the story will come out he twisted his ankle and that's why he was carried. >> skateboarding.
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>> i think he is so out of touch he will not bother with an excuse. but then there is a miley cyrus thing sticking her tongue out and this guy is getting carried and these are supposed to be rock stars and pop stars. it is hard to see where mtv ends and lifetime for women begins anymore. we don't know where the two -- >> it has to drive you crazy seeing people like that immensely successful and you still struggling. >> it does, and then i look at you and i feel much better about myself. >> it is good to know a famous celebrity. >> love the target shirt by the way. >> wrinkles don't show up on tv, bill. >> sometimes you have to take the hit, just take the hit. jay a cheap shot at middle america -- >> cheap shot at middle america. >> there you go. >> from bieber to budgets. is it much a do about a zoo? thanks to the federal government shutdown, the national zoo in washington, d.c. is closed. all of the animals have been killed. >> what? >> no, not really. they will be fine sadly.
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at least the live animal cams are still, woulding, right? let's check in to see how the baby panda is doing. well anyway the zoo tweeted earlier the cams including the panda m cays require -- panda cams rier require federal resources. they were not deemed essential. meanwhile, members of congress are reaping what they sew. they must push their own elevator but tons. a senator only elevator was furloughed because of the hash tag shutdown. also congressmen were forced to car car -- carpool. let's take a look. >> are the animals getting a break from people staring at
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them? it is win-win, right? >> i don't think so. everyone in america and i assume that includes pandas wants to exercise their right to have every single thing they do broadcast on the internet. once they realize no one is watching what is the point behind doing anything if you don't have an audience. seriously though what i wonder is would anybody notice if they recorded what they did yesterday and then ran it on a loop today? >> i do -- by the way i do disagree with you doing something without an audience. piers morgan is still on. the national zoo wants to put you behind glass so people can stair at your freakishly large lips. it might attract a crowd. thoughts? >> you actually wrote that down and then read it. >> i am not even bothering. >> a couple of things here. first of all, i am upset to know that i just found out there has been this panda video of baby pandas. somebody made a decision to run cspan all of these years.
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>> thank you for making the obvious. >> i blame the fan -- i blame the pandas. america would never have let the government shutdown if that were a video of pandas cooking meth to support their family. >> without the panda cams how will you pledge yourself? congress will have to push their own elevator button. that's a tough reality to adapt to. >> it they are like the justin biebers of dc. i have to say a couple things about the panda cam. it is my understanding you can make a lot of money running these cams. the pandas are taking a hit here. if you get enough subscribers my understanding is you can earn a good living doing that. i am glad the panda cams have been deemed non-essential. you know what else is nonessential, pandas. the sooner they die off as a species the better off the planet is.
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>> they are an animal that is totally and completely adorable and nothing else. they add nothing to the world and they haven't built anything. >> they are socialists. if it weren't for the government there would be no more pandas. >> it is true. they are bar gnaw cals on the earth that is this boat. >> you just don't like things that are half black and half white because are you bigots. >> bill, now that you are talking, the democrats and republicans say they will end the standoff only if you shoot yourself in the face. will you do what is right for the country and bring us >> shows what coming knows. they have a brilliant idea. it is called the speed tactic. what you do is you figure out a way to put it on a loop. you have the baby panda driving the thing and the big mama panda doing this and they have to hold their pose until the thing goes on a loop and it looks like it is going on and on and on. here is why no one will figure
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it out. dennis hopper is dead. that's the only way. >> this is how they were able to rob the casino in "oceans 12". >> what? >> really? >> did you write that down ahead of time? >> no, i am not like you you. i can think off the cuff. >> you can if you are doing crystal meth. what are you talking about? >> i will go to this tweet. they say the twitter account of the first lady her updates will be limited because of the shutdown. i don't know. do you really think it cost a lot of money for the first lady to tweet every now and then or is this a symbolic gesture or an excuse to get off a social network? >> i think probably all of the above. obviously it is a joke, but only they don't realize it is funny. they are trying to be dramatic about the shutdown saying we are not going to have instagram anymore and we are shutting down our twitter feed. the biggest farce is that we have discovered that there is no longer a shoe shine people
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available for congress. i personally didn't realize our money is going to shine shoes. >> the people who push the buttons and shine the shoes are gentler, older people. they should have their jobs. it should be the senators and the congressmen going home and not the people working there. >> i was going to say, that's the thing. you want to say why are these -- it is like stay home. but it is these kindly old people and it is like their grandfather did it. >> they have a pension. we know how that works. >> don't you think they could keep their jobs and the congress members could pay to have their shoes shined? >> or pay those guys. >> that's what i'm saying. >> or not wear shoe. >> you are the guy who wouldn't tip when you shine your shoes. >> how come? >> are you a racist bigot as bill said jie. don't put this on me.
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>> none of it touches shutting down, quote, unquote, the war memorials in dc. >> how do you shutdown the vietnam wall? do you push a button and it goes into the ground? i don't understand how you shut that down. >> i don't know, but president obama was talking today about the shutdown, but he also talked about the prep work for obamacare's opening day jie. there is a hotline where you can apply over the phone and get help with the application. or get questions you have answered by real people in 150 different languages. let me give you the number. the number is 1-800-318-2596. >> giving out an 800-number. 150 languages for people who want to get free health care in america. what is wrong with english, spanish and what is the other ones? >> chinese. >> chinese, french, russian, polish. once you get to like 40 isn't
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that enough? you have to hire people to do 150. i am confused jie. chinese has like 76 dialects. >> really? >> no, not really. >> i'm sure they have -- paul, i'm sure there have a signage. >> excellent question. how about you find out? >> i don't want to. i already know it. i already know it is taken care of. >> what if the person who is deaf in chinese, what do they do? >> you know what they do? they dislike you. >> that's been happening a lot. >> i am jealous though because they can't hear you. >> well what does rob u from beijing have to do with this guy? leave him out. >> 9% approval rating in congress. >> we are doing shut ins now. does robin thicke make you sick? students at five british universities have outlawed the song "blurs lines" which i have never heard. it is overly sexual and it may
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make men behave badly. they say the song, quote, de grates women and promotes unhealthy attitude toward sex and consents. it was because of the policy and culture on campus. the controversy long followed this song for the music video featuring naked models and lyrics like "you know you want it." we have tape of the un edited video in england. >> give me a kiss. >> if only politicians could get along like that. >> you make love that way. >> pab, are you offended by the song, and are the students right to ban it?
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>> well, i don't really great with banning -- i mean where would you stop? there are so many stoppings that are at the same level in terms of offensiveness, but robin thicke acknowledges that it is offensive. he says specifically people ask if it is degrading to women? of course it is. what a pleasure to degrade a woman. i have never gotten to do that before. i always respected women. >> was he being facetious? >> clearly. but he does -- i think he does think it is degrading to women. >> he was not being facetious because he doesn't know what that means. >> neither do i, actually. paul, the song "blurred lines" is as popular as your comedy is unpopular. and it makes you think. >> it makes me think why do i come? first of all i wish somebody had done this to paradise by the dashboard. that song needed it. secondly they say this is about rape. it is not about rape and it is not about original national tee. the only person being raped is
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marvin gaye. >> because of the similarities. >> there was a suit and everything to it. i don't know, is this song anymore offensive than most other songs out there? j does this cross the line? >> students are so narrow minded about specific gender roles and they are bothered by straight affection, but not by anything else. >> but they are pissed off about bad behavior you have benny hill and margaret thatcher and mcbeth and mr. bean, all of those people with bad behavior. >> andy you shake your head because you knew what i was thinking. >> the students who banned the song, they are becoming more like the dean wormers of the world? >> that's a good way to put it. a lot of time it is the young people on the left that act like dean wormer. they are the scolds. they would never cop to that because they insist they are doing for a noble reason, but they always say they have a good reason for it. there is a racial come --
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component. they would never ban a song by a black artist. i like the rap music. >> i like the rap music. >> by sthaig i am the target audience. but let's face it, there is a lot of massage knee in wrap music. >> aren't there two black artists on this? >> but he is not the black artist. >> but it is robin thicke. >> have i to get to -- i have to get to bill first. >> where is the research? if you do the cocaine after you drink the lines are a little less blurred and that's a message for you kids out there. they are thinking about the video and the lyrics are in the air and it is not him saying anything aside from he has had too many drinks in the club. the video is when the world are topless and he does a bad rhyme with his name, dhicke.
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dash thicke. it is not a big issue. why not ban "baby got back" for everybody who has a flat butt? why not ban "material girl" for promoting materialism and girls. i am against that, period. >> coming up, death, horror, pain and destruction. patti ann browns discusses her new book "things i love about the fall." and we report and i don't go outside.
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you know who is is at fault with the brutal assault? this man who was beaten by
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members of a motorcycle gaping after a high speed chase. the video posted on-line by one of the gang members shows them surrounding an suv on the highway. cops say that the bikers were trying to get him to slow down so they could take over the west side highway. they dented a side of his car and slashed his tires. he panicked and hit the gas and slamming into a few of the riders starting the chase which ended with the gang dragging him out of the vehicle and beating him. on tuesday cops arrested the men who instigated the confrontation. in the green room this happened to you. >> it d. >> was driving with my husband and our young son and we were on the highway and this larming group of -- this large group of motorcycle bikers surrounded us and another couple of cars and completely trapped us on the highway and slowed down to like 20 miles an hour. we were terrified. it is a scary feeling. we didn't know if this was the whole thing.
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they like messing with innocent looking families to terrorize them or whether something worse was about to happen. we had no idea. you are sitting there panicked and we had no idea what would happen. they did eventually -- after a long period of time they sped up again and let us go. but i can tell you it is terrifying. this guy, he should not have mowed down those bikers because look what happened next, but what do you do? you are panicking. >> i don't think you can say he did the wrong thing. he might have been -- he had a baby in the car. you have a child a in the car -- in the car and it is fighting for your child. it is not about you anymore. maybe they recognized you, pab. paul, you are a lawyer, you claim to be a lawyer and who will get in trouble over this? will they sue the driver or are these guys -- how is this not against the law? >> it is against the law. they had no permit from the
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city to shutdown the highway. this is ridiculous. you feel badly for anybody injured in this including the people on the bike, but of course they will try to sue this guy. these guys are not even tough. it is a pack, a huge pack of guys picking on a family and they were heading to time square in the middle of the day to hang out. nothing says bad as than hanging out in the m and m store. come at me. >> yeah, come a paul! >> he will be performing at the funny bone tomorrow night. but there is something to be said, this is not a typical motorcycle gang of the 1970s and 1980s where they wore pit helmets and were on harleys. these are guys on trites. they are on rockets. i don't see old school biker gangs doing this sort of thing. they take over taverns and they drank beer. they didn't mess with people.
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or maybe they did and i was too young. >> altimont? >> they were hired by the rolling stones. >> to kill people. >> i'm sorry and i don't want anybody to be paralyzed, but you have to be kidding me saying somebody has to pay for me? if a bully starts a fight i don't feel bad if he starts a fight. i watch the tape and i was like, i don't believe any of that. i think the bikers bikers are great. i'm sure they are lovely people and out trying to have fun. that's all i have to say. >> i saw them on sunday because they were coming across downtown. it was a whole bunch of noise. i don't know if this was happening while it was happening, but they were happen together west side highway where this happened, but they were crossing broadway. when they come down everything stops and they run every light.
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it is a bullying mentality. as long as we are together -- the only thing is if they surrounded bill and they beat you to the pulp would be okay. >> yeah. >> that was kind of a question. >> i was waiting for the pulp and then the inflection at the end that makes it a question. >> you examine the actual stuff and you say the irs is a good, good part of the government. you wish them well. >> it is called keeping it real. >> i need to learn to keep this real. the guy that got paralyzed, no one wants him paralyzed. don't want angry letters from other bikers, but the guy didn't just get in front of the car. he got in front of the car and slowed the car down. the car bumped him a little bit and he got back in front of the car. after awhile you have to be accountable for your actions as bad as they may be. >> technically what the wife said was that her husband, the guy who got paralyzed, was one
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of the people who was hit in the second go round. my husband got off his bike and came over to help the guy who was hit first. that guy who was hit first, first you see him slowing down and looking in the suv's window to check out the driver to decide whether or not he wants to pick on him and then he says yeah i do and pulls up in front of him. >> and they videotaped it. the stupidity of that alone. >> to show their innocence, paul. >> what was that suv doing on the west side highway that time of day, with a family on the west side highway? you don't do that. >> and to show america he is serious he watches "sons of anarchy." >> coming up, can hatred bring you wealth and fame? we discuss paul mccure yow's new book. >> and do former porn stars have workplace discrimination? this woman says yes. is that a problem?
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we weren't listening because we were busy googling her old movies and wow.
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have their gripes turned into swipes? occupy wall street has their own credit card. that is one more than wall. meaning you will be able to feel like you are part of the movement without defecating in public. something called the occupy
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money cooperative is behind the prepaid piece of plastic. it is prepaid. and its eventual goal is to be like a bank, but better. according to the website, the cooperative will be run by its members which means we won't have to answer to wall street or to profit hungry directors. oh i hate profit. profit is so bad. not all occupiers like the idea with one telling the new york times, quote, too much blood, sweat and tears have been going into the occupy to have that turned into a piece of plastic. clearly let's discuss this. >> lightning rooooouuuuunnnndddd. lightning round. >> paul, your lips hung out for weeks trying to pick up chicks. do you see this as a mockery of everything occupy stands for? >> i dropped my pen. let me barrow your pen. >> i need it for something. yes, a couple of things.
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first of all, i'm all for this as long as there is a provision on the card that says you cannot use it to by a conga drum. does anybody see the irony in this? this is like revolutionary fighters going to england to get for free from evening land. this is so ridiculous on so many levels. and how do you get your bank statement? do people shout it at you across the park? i am done, good night! >> it is like a tea party starting a commune. >> i was excited there because i thought he was done and saying he was going to leave. >> pab, would you trust an occupy bank? >> no. but it is ironic because the whole point is they didn't want to actually deal with real banks because there are dirty and greedy and corrupt. but they are already saying now they will start a relationship with visa because otherwise the card is not going to be accepted anywhere. they are already getting in business with one of the dirty
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companies. >> and i don't know how they will stay afloat when you become a sponsored card. that's the whole point of getting a certain percentage. you are a scholar of the occupy movement. what do you think this means? >> i guess it is a little ironic given they have to use visa and they have it set up so you can reload the card using the swipe machines at wal-mart. it seems a little odd to me. but other than that, they are setting up a co-op. it is standard brooklyn, portland behavior. and let's be honest. banks suck. are we going pretend banks don't suck and charge ridiculous fees? they do. i am always open to alternatives. that's capitalism. >> and by the way, as much as i hate and make fun of occupy wall street, at least they are doing something. >> i totally agree. they are actually saying rather than sit around and bang drums and be [bleep] in front of your apartment -- i have to say i would like to see what happens.
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>> i don't think it has to do with the spirit of the movement. it seems like it is being run by crusty the clown. if you talk to the core people that establish the movement i don't think it reflects their values. i understand it is to help the movement and to help the people in the movement and can't get credit otherwise and all of that, but there is just something that doesn't feel right much like being around a greg all the time. you say eh, it does president -- it doesn't pass the smell test. >> they condemned visa for not passing occupy movement. >> they refused to let you join even though you wreak the same way they do. >> i don't like that part. that's my thought on that. the card, good for them. i am still confused on how this will all work. they had me at low atm fees. and both spectrums got what they want this week. the tea party faction of congress shutdown the government. that's kind of what they
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want. the occupy wall street guys provided us with an atm card minus a lot of the rigamarole, yes, i said rigamarole and we will see what they provide. >> i don't think the tea party wants them to shutdown. >> i want to go back to the low fees. this is the issue of naive tee of progressives and anarchists. sooner or later you will not be able to pay for your atm if you are not paying -- the -- gite fees are not going to stay low. it was 50 cents -- >> but this is not a co-op. the banks charge you fees to make a profit. if they get enough people to get into this, they might. >> it might. >> you don't know about that. >> that was unnecessary. >> just a few weeks ago the l.a. unified school district was handing out free ipads to students at the start of a billion dollar program. it is giving the tablets to
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all schoolkids. students were easily able to hack through the security measures to put them in place for freely surfing the internet using social networks. now two of the schools have taken the ipads back with one official saying we don't know when or if we will be able to use the ipads again for classroom instruction, this week, this semester or this year. pab, how can they not see this coming? it is children giving them free technology we pay for. it angers me. >> it is an excellent question. how could you not? teenagers knowing how to get around the security feature. and also they have told the kids to return these things. they have gotten two-thirds of them back. and they say they paid $700 per ipad. they start at $500 which means either they went for really high end ipads and why would you do that? or they overpaid. is there any concern for cost here? >> paul, couldn't they have
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found a better way to spend $1 billion like maybe deflation surgery for your lips? >> your arms are weird. you have no hair above your elbow. >> thank you for that. >> it is creepy. did you nair it? it is weird. >> he couldn't afford the whole bottle. >> here is my theory. why are the school administrators shocked this didn't work? you are going to give kids -- nothing will give uh good education like surfing the web all day. this is like being shocked your dog crashed the car because you let him drive it. this is a disaster waiting to happen. it is apple trying to get kids hooked on their products and stop thinking about the next thing you are going to say. i can tell the way you are looking at the camera. >> i was waiting for your sentence to end. i am much like america. >> and by the way, let me just say, pandas are adorable. >> exactly. andy, does this make you worry your cats are hacking your electronic stuff while are you at work? >> no, i will tell you why.
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it is a stupid question. i think a billion dollars of taxpayer money to give kids access to porn is fantastic. let them learn. this is the stupidity of adults. they think a half ass security measure will stop teens from doing what they want. now they may ask some of the teens who hacked it to join them on an anti-hacking count that will help prevent the hacking and they are not going to do that. >> i always love that. we have actually turned the hacker into a blah, blah, blah. it is the subject of a made for tv movie. >> but apple could be better. apple is terrible on that level. they should stick to what they know best like mismanaging the cloud so you can't find your itunes. they could create a device and put apps in place that -- that these kids can't crack. >> i want to create an app you could choke on and die. bill, last word to you, have you ever hacked into hobo
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carl's ipad? >> that's why i did it. it turns out it is not even made by apple. i don't understand how having an ipad will help you learn? it will take away from the process of regurgitating to your teacher. when i was a kid somebody asked me a question and i answer it wrongly. now all you have to do is type into google what the question was and then answer what you find on your search engine. i feel like this will change their tiny little brains and not, wait for it, in a good way. >> why is your question always that you -- it is claire danes nude. >> it is not always claire danes. there are a variety of women. >> you are not even at -- you just want it. >> you have to put the quotation marks around claire danes. >> when was claire danes nude? >> she was. it might have been little women. >> no. >> there was a weird scene in the first episode of "homeland" that was not nude, but extremely disturbing involving her in a bathroom. i will not get into that. it is -- it scars me because i
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was a fan of my so-called life. >> it is time to take a break. >> i would have thought i would have said that. >> don't even think of leaving me now. "the joy of hate" the greatest book written. autographed copy g i just signed a bunch. if you order now you can get one. buy two, buy three. the holidays are coming up.
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they still say scorn years after porn. former adult stars can be fired for their past, but you can't do anything about it. that's according to a writer at they retired in 2005 and went to school to become a surgical tech. after the co-workers recognized her after they recognized her word spread
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among the hospital staff. she says everybody wanted me in the room and they started treating me like -- [bleep]. they made me feel like i was contaminating everything. when she applied for jobs she would get passed over for someone with less experience and training. after eight years of beating treated she returned to porn. pab, apparently the industry is filled with similar stories. shouldn't everybody get a pass for doing something crazy while they were young and broke? >> i was young and broke and i managed to get by without striping or having sex with strangers. >> boo. >> seriously, porn is legal and jz just admitted that he was a drug dealer when he was young and broke and nobody cared about that. that didn't hinder him about getting jobs. i think there is a gender
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thing.dy wasn't selling crack and destroying people's lives which is what jay-z did. why are the porn stars looked down upon when struggling comedians like you get to be on tv? they are entertaining. >> wait a minute. she had a trademark move which was a handstand. really it is a trademark move and i am not getting you bleeped or anything. shut up, matt. you did it the other day. and yet the fact they wouldn't sign her hours sheet is the thing that wounded her. >> she can't work in an office place because a lot of the scenes happen in office spaces and suddenly she is on a copy machine and it is uncomfortable and i disagree. you are not discriminating based on something she didn't have control over. it is not about her gender or ethnicities. i think the employer should have a right to not hire people like this if they don't
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want to. >> what do you say about that? >> a co-worker recognizes her and she is treated like crap, but the co-worker is not treated like crap. >> so it is okay to view it, but he couldn't view it if she hadn't done it. >> it is like the guy who gets shot is just like the guy who shoots it. >> how is that even remotely -- >> how is that even -- >> in six and a half years of the show that is the single dumbest thing i have heard. >> you say that every time. get a new line. >> it is okay to watch porn, but the people who make porn are bad people, but you can't watch the porn unless they make the porn. >> he doesn't want somebody in his business. >> if you are going to fire her you will make her life miserable. >> she made 140 films and still has a day job.
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>> [inaudible]. [bleep]. inaudible [ >> all right. if somebody agrees with you thisy are a [bleep] idiot. >> [bleep]. [inaudible]. >> the government shutdown and we got to this story? there was barely a back and forth in that one. we don't have a government, but the porn at the office with the girl with the handstand, that's world war 3. >> do you have a comment on the show? our poor editors. do you have a video of your animal doing something? go to fox eye. up next, one more topic. female announcer: save up to 35%
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female announcer: on a huge selection of clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. sleep train's inventory clearance sale is on now. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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last story. that's the last story. >> that is so bad. is it time to name names when it comes time for fun games? the national toy hall of fame has released its nominees for the class of 20 13 and the decade of greed is in the lead. classics such as my little
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pony and teenage mutant ninja turtles and nerf toys are on the ballot, the scooter, rubber duck keys green army men and magic 8 ball, not that, bill, fisher-price's little people and the board game clue which paul needs round out the top 12. only two will be in the rochester-based museum on november 7th. as usual greg's magic play-doh failed to make the grade. they reject things that are homemade, pab. chess is not a kid's game, pab. anything else not seem right to you? >> bubbles, i can't believe they are not in there already. the most brilliant toy idea ever, soapy water filled with air. you get a bunch of three-year-olds and they are board and you blow bubbles. >> now you can make giant bubbles and walk in them. it is fun, paul. >> most awesome toy ever. >> your son claims that you not being there as a father is better than any toy he could possibly own. >> should you be mentioned?
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>> my son was killed yesterday. >> i blame the motorcycles. >> that's terrible. >> the ninja turtles, you have to disequal them. the ooze coming out of them, clearly a performance enhancing drug. they cannot get in the hall of fame. and clue, you can't put a ball there if there is a blackout. and magic eight balls knows it is going to win. >> obviously clear is the best game on the game you idiot. >> the ending changed every time you played. it what more could you ask for out of a toy? >> here is what we don't like. i did the story which i had no idea was five years ago and they end up with a stick. the stick can poke an eye out. the website admits that the stick, quote, can be turned into a sword. that's a dangerous weapon, greg. we need a zero tolerance policy for this type of thing. what will they do next? the finger gun?
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the finger gun was nominated. bill, your favorite toy was hyper deer mick needles. did that have an impact on your life? >> yes because they were not clean. leave it at that. this brings up a bigger point. i look at the 80s toys that were inducted this year. i look at the ones that were still popular. you have he-man and transformers. where it wall dough and riew bikes -- rubix cube. my generation is the greatest generation of making toys. they are all still here. we have the best and they are still around. >> my perfect toy, matches. >> and bags of broken glass.
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>> and matches so much fun with matches. so much fun i was in the hospital for a good period of my life. and then they let me out after i was able to fake my own santee. >> is that what happened to your arm? >> i hate paul mec ru io. back
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the other bill is up nor. "the factor" is next as we say, go reds. >> o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> this shutdown is not about deficits or budgets. this shutdown is about rolling back the affordable care act. this more than anything else sees to be what the republican party stands for these days. >> my view and a t view of a great many republicans is obama care is the disaster of a train wreck, a nightmare. >> it is now very personal in the obama care debate as the government is halted. will anyone compromise? senator ted cruz will be here tonight. >> such an amazing person. i'm going to miss him forever. >> the brutal murder of a


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