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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  October 2, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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the news continues. greta van susteren joins us "on the record." take it away. >> this is a fox news alert. check your watch. our government has been shut down 4 hours and still there is no plan to get the government bath back to work. tonight president obama and top congressional leaders meeting at the white house for the first time since this shutdown started testimony the president reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate. >> we are where we are. we are not going to play. we are through playing little games on. it's all focused on obama care. that's all this is about. >> for the latest, live to chief congressional correspondent mike emmanuel. mike? >> hi, greta. we understand it was an hour plus conversation at the white house. white house aides say the president was fwlad to get leaders together for the important conversation. as you heard from house speaker
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john boehner it didn't produce break throughs. the president didn't want to negotiate. harry reid said he was proud of the president, he was very strong on the issues on the table. so bottom line, house leaders are going forward, passing individual bills, areas of interest they think have great bipartisan support. for example, tonight they passed bills to allow the monuments, the museums, and the national parks to be re-opened. they passed a bill to allow medical re search to go forward at the national institutes of health. they passed a bill to make sure the district of columbia government can function. tomorrow ex expect the house of representatives to pass bills to allow veterans to get benefits to make sure the national guard is funded. in the coming days expect them to pass bills for popular programs like the children's program headstart. the hope is as senate democrats are asked questions about do you want veterans do get benefits? do you want war heroes to go to the world war ii memorial that
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pressure will build and force lawmakers back to the table with the president of the united states to try to hammer out a deal? they think timing is critical. we are only two weeks out from another critical deadline when the u.s. government hits its debt limit. >> if the house is going to pass the bills, they passed some tonight. there will be some tomorrow. then they go to the senate. what kind of reception will they get at the senate and should the senate give the bills a fine reare sepgs and vote for them. what reception will they get when they get to the president's desk in the oval office? >> senator reid said no, no, no. the senate democrats' line is we want to fund the entire government. bottom line he's asked questions about, well, don't you want to do medical research so save children with cancer? that's a tough question to ask at a press conference. the republicans hope it will build pressure on the senate democrats to pass the bills and send them to the president or sit down at the table and try to
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find common ground to re-open the government. then with two weeks before the debt limit, to get together and talk about that critical issue which could have worldwide economic ramifications. >> tonight's meeting which the white house described as important conversation was a dud. nothing resolved. senator rand paul hoping capitol cough -- cougffee talk will he. we spoke with rand paul. trying to figure out a solution for the problem in b washington. you have sent a deer colleague letter to your colleague suggesting maybe getting together tomorrow. what's your letter? >> i think we're going to have coffee tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. on the steps. really, people think this is one party or the other. my understanding is the american people are frustrated with both parties not talking. i think there is symbolism to it. we could have cough fee and talk
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about what is the final posit n position. the problem is negotiating. the other side is saying they will not negotiate. how do you compromise if you don't negotiate? >> why won't they negotiate? do they feel they have given up so much for so long or do they want to bloody the nose of the republicans? >> i'm not sure. i think it is an untenable position. ultimately americans do want us to talk to each other. they recognize we don't agree on everything. they do want us to find middle ground. right now, we started out with us wanting no obama care and them wanting 100% of obama care. i think really there is going to be somewhere in the middle we could find that fixes some of the worst parts of obama care. >> where is the middle ground?
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if you could step ahead or step outside the problem what do you think is attractive that both parties could and should agree upon now? >> i think we have already hit one of them or we should have. we talked about a one-year delay to sort out differences. the democrats didn't accept that. we talked about a delay of the individual mandate. they didn't accept that either. there is discussion of whether or not getting rid of the medical device tax. 80 senators including about 20 democrats voted -- maybe 30 democrats voted to re peel that medical devices tax. that would go a long way toward getting rid of a tax we think will hurt jobs and be onerous on innovation in medical technology. >> one of the proposals coming out of the democratic side of the aisle is to vote on a clean continuing resolution. they are willing to figure out way s to tinker with obama care to make it what they be a better
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law than it is now in their view and yours. as well as discussing the tax on medical devices. sounds like they are willing to separate the discussion out. is it that republicans don't trust the democrats or you have no leverage at that point? >> we have had at least a year or two to fix some of the problems. they don't bring them to congress. they go around congress and the president does what he wants to do, i think, in an extra constitutional or illegal fashion. he does what he wants to do by executive fiat. i'm not sure they will come to congress. here is the other b problem. we wouldn't be here with the shutdown if harry reid was passing appropriation bills. if he passed all his appropriation bills this year you couldn't shut down anything. people complain about the terrible people shut down government. if harry reid had done his b job and passed the appropriation bills there would be no spending the to shut down or hold hostage. >> things have gotten rugged today. you tweeted the president sent
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more security to world war ii memorial than he sent to benghazi. senator durbin said every parent know ifs you give no to a spoiled choild -- making a slap at the republican party. if you give in today to a spoiled child it's worse tomorrow. both sides are taking out the knives. >> we had fun with the tweet today. i uh still am laughing thinking about it. it's serious and kind of sad. there was a time during the attack in the benghazi when there were five people there protecting four people and the ambassador. today seven people tried to keep the world war ii vets from seeing a monument. somebody did make a political decision, i promise you. someone didn't get all the employees out there putting barricades up for hundreds of yards if they didn't want to make a political statement. they are trying to blame republicans. in the end it's just stupid to
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block an open monument and say, you can't look at the monument. we have thousands of veterans coming here, traveling across the country. some being flown here. then we'll not let them look at the monument? absurd, whoever made the decision. >> is the fight over the debt ceiling which is next on our horizon. will that be more rugged than this battle? >> i think all of these things should have some kind of reform associated with them. the democrats say we won't be held hostage. we won't negotiate. they won't negotiate when there is no deadline. even with the deadline they are not willing to negotiate. to put it in perspective, this isn't just about paying interest. it isn't just about slowing down a portion of the government now. it's about a government that spend s a trillion dollars every year we borrow. it's a $17 trillion debt and fiscal responsibility. this is not a small matter. this has been accumulating. some of us think the financial
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structure and stability of the country depend on doing something about the debt. we don't do this lightly for partisan reasons. i'm truly worried about the fiscal stability of the country. >> is there a sense of friendship across the aisle now in the senate between republicans and democrats? is it divided? what's be hind the scenes? people often think we hate each other and other networks but we are often times friends in private. is it like that in the senate? >> i think it is much less acrimonious than you think. people are pitted against each other. even sometimes the person calling you an anarchist on tv 20 minutes earlier said, how is your family? i think there is more rapport than you would think if you just watch television. i think there could be more. i offered a year and a half ago to have a regular lunch where republicans and democrats came the together for lunch and breakfast. i'm not pollyanna thinking we'll
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all be singing kumbaya and get everything done but we would get more done if we have a little more interaction. >> any takers on your coffee tomorrow? >> a few. i'm still hoping it becomes a bipartisan coffee. we have invited every democrat and every republican. really, it doesn't have to be a high powered thing. chatting, having coffee saying, what would it take for you to re-open government? what is something we can negotiate? >> do you have a maybe from a democrat? >> you know, some. a few said they don't want to appear to be negotiating. that's a problem. i hope people will show up tomorrow. it isn't a high pressure thing. we are trying to make it a one on one. just have some coffee and see if we have ideas to work together. >> thank you.
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nice to see you, sir. >> the house approving a my uh any spending bill to operate the national parks. now the parks and monuments are closed except for one. today the national parks service announced it will keep the world war ii memorial open during this shutdown for veteran visits only. that news after more veterans defied the shutdown breaching barricades to get to the memorial. >> it's crazy seeing those people out there wanting to come in and can't come in. you're meet the senators out here and they are causing the damn b problems. >> it's a granite sidewalk. the sidewalk. they spent extra money to find barriers to put in front of the vets. >> when you heard it was barricaded was uh that going to stop you in. >> we were going to fight like hell. >> we would be speaking german if not for these guys.
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>> we will open these monuments and museums. >> the senate will never take up the bills. the president has already said he would veto that. >> for political purposes president obama and har ray reid wanted the government to shut down so they could say look at the evil republicans. they want it to happen. they want world war ii veterans shut out. >> thanks to republican government shutdown, a group of world war ii veteranses traveled from iowa and mississippi and had to break down barricades to visit a washington, d.c. memorial in their honor. >> this is the last thing i expected -- it to be closed. what's next? hang a drapery over mount rushmore? >> we did our job. we would like for america to settle down and do their job. we really would. >> with brit hume now. that last one, the jagentleman said, we did our job.
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>> that's right. the fact about the memorial close ing is it backfired. there was no reason to close it. it's adjacent to the sidewalk. it's an open air memorial. much of the time there is nobody there to attend it anyway. you can just walk through. closing it took more effort than leaving it open would have. but uh the effort was clear ly made to try to get people to get that the government was closed and that it was a bad thing. it backfired. >> this is not a building. it's not some place you have to go in. it's just out in the open. it's like the steps to the capitol or the steps any place. it's out in the open. what in the world? if anyone has been to normandy and has seen what the vets did, it's stunning. >> it was a mistake. remember when the sequester began and the administration wanted people to believe the
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sequester would be a real blow to the country and remember they shut off white house tours. it came across as petty and unnecessary which i think it was. people reacted that way. they backed off that to some extent. this look us like that. the democrats and the president may have the stronger hand here. republicans may get the lion's share of the blame. that doesn't mean mean the president and his group are overplaying their hand. i think they are. if you think about it, there is said to be no real negotiation going on. there isn't in the usual sense of the word. look at the measures that the house has been sending to the senate. i'm talking about the mini funding bills, different positions related to obama care. each one marked to some extent a retreat from the house's previous position. the senate rejected every one of them. in a way there is a negotiation going on. it's just that one side is negotiating by legislation and
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the other side is refusing. >> brit, now we have had 800,000 plus federal workers furloughed, sent home. but essential government employees are t at work. is this a shutdown or is the word slimdown more accurate and does this distinction even matter when we discuss this? >> it does. look, there is a great many people not at work. their government functions aren't being carried out. there are applications for programs and so forth not processed. there is a lot of work not being done. people will in time if they don't already feel that. whether they will feel it to the extent that the original idea of defunding obama care failed completely. it's dead. it was a bad idea. it didn't work. that doesn't mean there isn't
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the possibility that some reform to obama care may be extracted by republicans if they hold firm. they are in a position where they are out on a limb. if they backed down completely now, it would be a disaster for them politically. i don't think they will. i think this shutdown is going to go on for a while. >> the lion's share of pain, it seem, for the shutdown or slim down is felt at least immediately, i think by government employees worried about mortgages, paying day care or whatever. that's the immediate. then you have the show piece things like the monument. we had a couple on who wanted to get married at the grand canyon. they couldn't. it was shut down. that's where the pain is isolated. i'm curious. how long can this drag out. >> it dragged out in 1995-96 for three weeks.
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at the end there was a snowstorm that prolonged the government being closed. it was noticeable. now remember, we have this thing i think the administration is more worried about. the debt limit is coming up. the white house is saying things about that that i have never heard that amazed me . the president said today in an interview with cnbc that this time the markets should be worried. there might be a default. the fact is in the usual meaning of the word default means you don't make payments on the national debt, there is no possibility of that. no realistic possibility unless the treasury department chose not to make payments. there would be tax revenue still coming in even if we weren't borrowing money. jay carney said, republicans demands to tank the world economy, collapse the world
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economy. that's an amazing allegation. we are at a place here where i haven't often, if ever, seen this before in terms of the level of intensity and bitterness between the two parties. this is where we are. i have been here 44 years. i can't remember anything like this. i'm curious how uh the world sees this food fight, unable to handle it. does this have an impact as we try to broker deals, fix things? >> it doesn't make us look like a country that's united. doesn't look like the country that should be leading the world in a host of ways. this follows, of course; event s that happened with regard to syria where the president walked up to the line. he was going to take action, backed off. he was going to congress and
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vladimir putin intercedes and the president leaps at the opportunity. of course you see him seemingly dying to talk to the new iranian leader. perhaps he had an obligation but it creates an image of weakness and uncertainty and hesitant leadership and governmental failure. it looks terrible in the eyes of the world. >> brit, thank you, as always. >> you bet. >> as the shutdown closes in on the 48-hour mark, stay tuned. when news breaks you will have it here. and big news about military academy games. john micah is next. news tonight in the terrifying case of road rage. a pack of bikers chasing a young family on a new york highway for miles. we'll take you back to the scene of the violence coming up. plus president obama and congressional leaders couldn't do it. did britney spears just come up with a way to re-open the government? you came up with it. britney spears has an idea. stay tuned.
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this is a fox news alert. for the first time i since the government shutdown, president obama meeting with congressional leaders at the white house. it happened a short time ago. the results -- it was a dud. there was no progress at all. house speaker john boehner saying the president said he will not negotiate. on capitol hill today, congressman john micah accused the obama administration of using the shutdown to inflict pain on the american people. he joins us. good evening, sir. >> good to be with you. miss you in washington, greta. >> i'm sorry i'm not here. we have prime minister netanyahu tomorrow. i'm in new york to interview him. >> i hope they didn't deem you nonessential. >> they might have.
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there is always the risk of that. all right. you're pretty har on the democrats and president obama on this shutdown. do you see any responsibility in your party? >> well, yes. but i think we have been trying to negotiate for some time. but i think the poke in your eye to the veterans and putting that fence around, again, the world war ii memorial was over the top. the veterans said that. they can be mad, too, at republicans and democrats in congress. just no common sense. that's an open memorial. they did the same thing. i uh brought a copy of the martin luther king memorial which you walk through. here look at the personnel they had to use. that costs money to put a fence up. it's crazy. we found out what they did in
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sequestration when they closed down the white house. that's been closed down for some six, seven months. we are going to try to find out who made the bad decisions, look at who and what is essential. should we be closing down an open memorial like this? >> i'm stunned by the poor strategy, the pettiness. the idea that you want to do this to veterans from world war ii who fought the cliffs at normandy and unbelievably he ro rick things or to african-americans and other americans who want to visit the new martin luther king memorial which is a new spectacular memorial out in the open which is a source of great inspiration to many. what in the world are you dragging the american people into the poor performance by our leaders? that's the thing.
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unnecessarily so. it's unbelievable. what's the point? >> well, that's absolutely what we are saying. just use some common sense. nobody is happy about this. they sent us here to get the job done. i was pleased that the president finally brought people together. now we have to get them talking. we have held a conference. we compromised. we showed up for work sunday morning. the senate didn't even come to work on sunday. they didn't show up until monday. manual not showing up for work until 2:00 on monday. >> let me back it up. i was scandalized in august when everybody -- republicans, democrats, house, senate, took a five-week vacation knowing september 30 was going to roll
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around. you should have taken care of it then before the five-week vacation. republicans, democrats, house, senate, everybody. everybody else in america are b looking and saying, i did my job. you all took five weeks off. even if you did constituent work this is more important. we bear the brunt of it because you all can't get along, can't do your b job. >>. >> again, it could have been a more productive time. we tried. i serve on government reform to do many of the things that backed up in the investigative committee. it's important that people come together. this can be resolved. i was chief of staff in the senate for senator hawkins. i remember are ro nald reagan calling me, engaging with me to try to get vote this is the senate. i voted to impeach bill clinton. then clinton and i worked together to solve problems for
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the american people. the president has to show leadership. the election is over. he can't run for anything else. >> i agree . we don't need fighters. we don't need boxers. we don't need people to throw punches. we need leadership. i hope we find some in the next day or so. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. you're right on target. >> this is a fox news alert. we are getting big news about the fate of the military academy football games. a senior defense official telling the ap this weekend's games will go on despite the government shutdown. the the teams will be allowed to play because the games are paid for with nonproep rated funds. they have been planned for a long time. army is scheduled to play at boston college and air force will play at navy in annapolis. the decision affects this weekend's games only. coming up, news about the latest on the bikers.
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and we take you to the scene of the crime next. get ready for this. britney spears has a message for congress. is it the kick they need to restart the government? you will hear britney spears's message coming up. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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new information tonight in the terrifying case of road rage caught on camera. an angry pack of motorcyclists chasing a family's suv. husband, wife and small child, along a new york city highway. tonight, the biker who allegedly set off the incident is now criminally charged with reckless driving and unlawful imprisonment. he got out on bail today. how did this violent incident unfold? well, we went back to the scene to get a better idea so we could now take you there. were on the west side highway in manhattan at 116th street. if you remember the story, about
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mid-day, around 1:00 in the afternoon on sunday, this is where the confrontation began between the suv driver and the swarm of bikers. it happened about riegs here at 116th. if you look, this is the west side uh highway you are looking at with the hudson river over there. it's quite crowded. a lot of traffic today. on sunday afternoon you probably see less traffic. it is unpredictable. because the suv driver was driving and at some point was swarmed. a biker came in front of him, christopher cruz pulled in front of him, got his bike bumped. you have seen the video from the helmet camera of one of the other bikers. you will see what happened here at 116th street on sunday.
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>> we are on the west side highway at 171st street. if you look, there are three signs up there. the middle sign gives you an option to go into manhattan or bronx. the other two to take the george washington bridge. what the driver of the suv did was took the route to go into manhattan, the bronx. he took the exit. before he got there you can see it on the tape. he slowed down for a second here. he was swarmed by bikers and someone tried to rip open the door. he zoomed off again. that's when he headed into manhattan. you saw the video going on from there. we are at 178th street in upper manhattan. you may recognize the area around here, if you have seen the video. i have no doubt you have seen video of the suv and bikers. this is the final incident caught on tape. this is where the suv driver came up. he was swarmed by the
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motorcyclists. he was stopped by traffic. that's why they were able to swarm him. the motorcyclists got off the bikes, went over, banged on the suv. they dragged him out of the suv. his wife and child were still inside. no doubt terrorized. but they drag him out. the tape stops. then we know he was beaten on the street and ended up going to the hospital. what we don't know, and the question i have is, what happened to the video ? why did it just stop right before the beating? the video was taken by a camera that was on the helmet of one of the bikers. where is the rest of the video ? why can't we see that? right now, christopher cruz is the only one facing criminal charges. other bikers involved say the suv driver should share the blame. here is what i they told w wny wfox new york. >> in the beginning it was an accident. what the range rover driver did
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was anning act of road rage. >> as he took off, he hit me and kept going. once he hit me off my bike, i got angry and chased him. two minutes prior to that this guy almost took my life from me. i'm the aggressor because i smashed the window. pay back for him hitting my bike. he hit me off my bike. >> so we see more charges coming. defense lawyer ted williams joins us. tonight in new york there is a rally of bikers to support some of the bikers. this is dividing. a lot of people are upset. would you expect more bikers to be charged and would you expect that the suv driver would face charges? >> that's a good question. i anticipate that the law enforcement working with the prosecutor in this case, greta, is walking back, trying to conduct an investigation to
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determine what charges should be brought against the various cast and characters involved in this road rage incident. as you know, greta, cruz was charged with reckless driving. unimprisonme unimprisonment. two misdemeanors. he was not charged with the assault. quite naturally, and they put out a bulletin looking for two individuals who may very well have been involved in this assault. yes, greta. the driver could be facing charges in this after they have conducted their investigation. >> you can see the level of emotion in this. here is one tweet i'm reading on twitter. it said someone identifies themselves as nancy. why didn't is suv driver control his vehicle ? bikers don't attack cars. most bikers i know are patriots. it is almost taking sides. are you a biker person or an suv
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family person which is unfortunate. the prosecutor won't make decisions based on that. the prosecutor will make decisions based on facts people say. the last sound bite where the man said he was hit. he got angry and he went after the suv driver, he's in big trouble. after he got hit and got angry by chasing him it's no longer self-defense. you become the aggressor. >> you absolutely become the aggressor. there is so much we don't know. there is quite a bit we do know. there is vid owe to show cruz the did, in fact, allegedly slow his bike down in front of this driver, the suv driver. he was hit. you've got to understand here the suv driver at that time was faced with about 30 different bikers all on his suv. some of them even were alleged to have slashed his tires.
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he had his 2-year-old in there and his wife he was in fear. >> this was not an exchange of phone numbers and insurance information at an accident. clearly the bikers were trying to terrorize and egs scalate it >> the question was is it reasonable for him to accelerate the way he did trying to get out of there? one of the things that will be crucial in this would be the 911 phone calls. when the phone calls were made and what was being said and what could law enforcement re construct as a result of the incident, greta? >> ted, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> tonight's hot button issue on greta is now that you have heard more, you have seen our video going out to the scene. a little discussion. are you angrier with the bikers or sympathetic? go to and vote in the poll. news in the irs targeting scandal. good news for the tea party?
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tonight a verdict in the michael jackson wrongful death case. a los angeles jury deciding a concert promoter isn't liable in the pop star's death. the jury rejecting a lawsuit brought by jackson's mother. the suit claiming ae g live was negligent in hiring conrad murray who gave jackson the fatal dose of a powerful an stet tick. if the jury decided in her favor she and michael jackson's children would have collected millions in damages. >> nobody wins. we still didn't get michael back.
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it's t not about money. it's about my brother. we lost somebody very dear. money means nothing. money comes and goes. we lost an incredible human being. that's what's most important. b nobody wins. >> do you miss michael jackson? yes, he was a music genius, no, he was a terrible role model. vote in the poll. we're back in two. ♪ [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪
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just out of the blue that sure enough we finally have our c oh 4 status after four years of being harassed by the irs. >> tell me about the four years. what was it like? >> unbelievable. i'm an american citizen. a dad from gilbert, arizona. started a tea party organization. wanted to help my country and didn't know about the legal ramifications of filing for c-4. we won't out, did the necessary paperwork. did everything we are supposed to do. we had several rounds of letters we received and our attorney received. the first was okay. just a normal vetting process. then the letters started to get intrusive and scary and actually would make a chill run up and down your spine asking for things like our donor records which are not required under a 501-c-4 application. our private e-mails, our
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facebook post ohs, twitter post what party affiliation we were in, if i was planning to run for office. questions that aren't asked. >> you're an ordinary dad. what's your occupation? >> i i own a marketing, consulting company. i was in the finance industry for years. back in 2010 i was sitting on the sofa like a lot of regular americans just living my life as a dad. obama care was the flash point for me when the democrats shoved that law down our throats against the will of the people. not a single republican voted for it. i thought as a dad i was comp compelled to protect our constitution. i wanted to get off the sofa and do what i could. my background was in marketing and the internet. that's how we have grown the tea to over 3 million active people and growing by a thousand every day. >> what do you think when you
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are called an anarchist by politicians? >> i like it when the democrats call me names. they called ronald reagan a lot of names that i remember when i was a youth. to me, any time you get called a name as ted cruz has been called and we have been called, i'm just a citizen. you would think the president of the united states was up against the soviet empire or china the way they treat average citizens that are just using our first amendment right of free speech and dissent. >> thank you very much. congratulations on getting what you sought. your tax exempt status. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, greta. love the show. >> thank you. watch at 7:00 p.m. eastern! straight ahead, has it come to this? britney spears offering an idea to get the government back to work. work. copd makes it hard to breathe...
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>> greta: okay everyone, it's time to hash it out. britney spears sounding off on the shut down tweeting go call the police, go call the governor, someone tell congress to get to work. the song happens to be called work expletive.
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nice timing britney. maybe congress will listen, maybe not this, is not your typical spaghetti dinner. a photo of himself on instagram shows a couple chowing down on pasta announcing we're preggo. the couple's clever photo going viral. tonight fan the famed writer of best selling thrillers, tom clancy has died. secretary rumsfeld tweeting detailed ask suspenseful, p military thrillers will stand among america's captivating works. tweet us your favorite cansy book at hash tag greta. and this couple refusing to
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let the government shut down
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at quickbooks-dot-com. >> greta: last night you met a couple that had to rye arrange their wedding after the government shut down the grand canyon. today they did get married, the couple now married despite the government shut down them. have advice for congress. >> actually work on making a decision and not fighting over obama care and fighting over their way. you know? so congress needs to act like a newly-married couple. >> yes. get married. come on. >> greta: thank you for being with us tonight. two more before we >> this republican shutdown
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did not have to happen. >> is the president backing down a bit? late this afternoon there was a meeting at the white house over the government shutdown and we will have the very latest for you. >> i am glad the government is shut down. for the first time in years it's safe to talk on the phone and send emails without anybody listening in. >> let the mocking begin over obama care. is america becoming a joke all over the world? we will answer that question. ♪ >> bill: also tonight, a professor at notre dame criticizes me for not saying jesus would support obama care in my new


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