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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 4, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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for you. welcome to "red eye." it is like the man in the iron mask if by iron mask you mean a silk shorty robe that may fall from time to time so there is no reason to call hr now, is there? now let's welcome our guests. she knows legal ease like i know stripping cheese. my favorite bedtime snack. i am here with a first time guest. she is deborah blum. and filling in for andy levy is the bike messenger. he once road to brussels and back to pick up a pocket square for king albert the second. and he uses his own arm pit to make soup. my resols -- my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz.
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and -- sitting next to me best selling author eric and his latest book is called "7 men." that sounded like last weekend and the secret of their greatness. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. who is with me? >> half of america. the twerk nie g twit is now an outfit. it is the most popular costumes of the year. the red-nailed foam finger look is the current fave. rejoice, america. and in other miley news, after the pop tart compared her wrecking ball video to shaw neighed o'connor's "nothing compares to you" she decided to write an open letter to the 20-year-old and it wasn't pretty. i think we know what this means.
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>> anyway. i am pleased to announce that fox business' lou dobbs who was a huge hannah montana fan will read the excerpt of the letter to miley. >> none of the men ogling you give an explative about you. mini is the woman who mistook lust for love. if they want you sexually it doesn't mean they give an explative about you. your body is for you and your boyfriend. it isn't for every greedy record company executive to buy his mistress' diamonds with. us females in the industry are role models and as such we have to be extremely careful what messages we send to other women. the message you keep sending is that it is somehow to be prostituted. it is so not cool.
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we aren't merely objects of desire. kindly fire any mother explative who hasn't expressed alarm because they don't care about you. word to all, your respective mothers. >> i don't know whether you to hug you or kiss you, lou. so maybe later it will be both. meet new a few hours. that was amazing. miley has already responded on twitter to shaw neighed -- sinead, basically comparing her to the by polar rants of amanda bynes. apparently she has learned her lesson, right? >> exactly. it is disturbing that she could be that cavalier. i have to say i have not been a big fan ofsinead o'connor in fact no fan. everything she said except the mf stuff was segacious and motherly. i was surprised.
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i was amazed she has that much perspective. miley, if she will follow in sinead's foot steps she could go on "snl -- remember when sinead tore up the photo of the pope on" snl" really edgy? i am thinking miley could go on "sn l" or maybe the home shopping net wok and tear up a photo of joel osteen. there is not much to say about it. >> but you managed to say a lot. deborah, what are your thoughts on the whole milely cyrus thing? you haven't been on the show where we talked about it every night for the last three months and would you dress up as miley for halloween? >> i hope those who dress up like miley go to the gym before they put on their costumes or it won't be a pretty scene. i think sinead o'connor went on an angry rant. milely was appropriate in comparing to amanda bynes. i wish i was her criminal defense attorney. >> really? i thought sinead everything
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she said was meant to help miley and you thought it was insane? >> most people don't like free advice. >> most people don't to what milely did though publicly. >> that's a good point. i don't like free advice either. andy, you went out as hannah montana several years ago. are you looking to update that show stopper. >> that is a lie, greg and i will tell you why it is a lie. i don't dress up for halloween because i am 70 years old. second of all, when it comes to halloween costumes i am a pure wrist and they are supposed to be scary. i don't mean honey you can't pull off that teddy bear outfit. something demon nick. >> going as a goblin? >> halloween or all hallow's eve goes back to the celtic festival and it represents the veil when our world and the spirit world is lifted. you people who don't respect that and dress up like your stupid miley cyrus or your stupid nurse or sexy cowboy, you will learn and i i will laugh. >> those are good costumes though.
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>> she saw right through the logic. >> you dress as a sexy nurse, right? >> a mummy. >> a mummy is okay. sinead o'connor is okay, but i like the cover of "nothing compares to you." >> is sinead the best person to give advice to anyone, you dumb jerk? >> still cuts like a knife. sinead is not the best person to give advice. i remind the jury that a few years ago sinead went out on her own blog and called out to any and all males to come and have sex with her at their convenience. the kind of sex shea was ask -- she was asking for, well, it won't get you pregnant, i put it at that. she was not the best person to give advice about those things. who ever took her up on the offer, they are not dying from sineads. they are living with it. >> maybe that makes it an
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example or a good person to go to that sinead has done the mistakes that women have made in life. >> but has she? i can't think of anything she has done in 22 years. >> what bill said is accurate. she married some guy and then the guy turned out to be a horrible person. i don't know what happened. i think she almost wanted to kill herself. but she has come out of it it seems like a sensible person. >> if you read that rant it is the nicest and most wise rant i ever read. >> i admit it is motherly, but how many of us have mothers that look like uncle fester? something to think about. >> why do you have to go -- bill, you are the last person in the world who could attack somebody over their looks. >> sure i am. mine looks like billy gene king. there is nothing fester about it. >> there is a lot festering about it. >> underneath it. >> thank god for make up. just so you know, we couldn't use the new photos of miley cyrus which is an edgy, new york photographer and it makes
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everything she has done before look like leave it to beaver. and that is probably not an appropriate comparison. it goes beyond that. >> there was nothing left. >> it was a salute to the camel toe. i'm telling you, it is un-- how much does she hate her dad? >> not as much as we do. >> that's a good point. >> you know who loves her dad right now? terry richardson. good lord, man. try not sleeping with one of the people you take shots of. >> if you have a chance google terry richardson and miley cyrus. diswhrie is a picture of both of them going. she has the camel toe going and he has a moose knuckle. >> what is a moose knuckle? >> he is from alaska and is a hunter. >> that's a legitimate term. it is the male equivalent of the camel toe. >> i like how pleased you are that you heard it. interesting. i will drop it in a conversation. >> i learned something new
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today. >> it is a wonderful drink. >> you may be the only guest who has ever said that on the set of "red eye." usually you unlearn something. >> by the end of the show it will balance out. >> you will unlearn it. from stale cos styl -- costumes to stalemates britney spears wants them to get back to work and president obama agrees with her. you know what that means. it is day four of -- >> shutdown. >> on wednesday the pop princess weighed in tweeting go call the police. go call the govena. someone tell congress to get to work. i'm assuming that's the b-word. and then on thursday president obama echoed her message. speakingonstruction workers in maryland he compared some republicans in congress to workers who decide to stop working. >> if you are, woulding here and in the middle of the day you just stopped and said, you know what, i want to get
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something, but i don't know exactly what i'm gonna get, but i'm gonna stop working until i get something and i will shutdown the whole plant until i get something. you'd get fired. >> actually that sounds like a strike which i believe is allowed in some cases. meanwhile, how much is the shutdown costing? estimates on the impact vary from 40 million to $80 million a day or what o'reilly spends on gum. but the standoff will continue as long as both sides are as per sis extent as this dog. as persistent as this dog.
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>> you know what that is? that's a metaphor for america. that little dog is a working man trying to make a living and he is getting close and then in comes the beurocracy and the government and takes away the wet tennis ball that is his salary. >> i thought we were craving bully dog awareness. >> i thought the little dog was obama and the big dog was putin. >> oh, interesting. deborah, did obama just bash the idea of strikes and unions which pretty much paid for his election? >> look, president obama did not go to cornell school of industrial and labor relations as i did where no one that graduated from cornell ilr and make that mistake. he made that mistake. that's all this is. i think a professor of constitutional law like he was at the university of chicago law school understands the concept of a strike and that it is allowed in certain situations.
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>> what do you think, eric? she is saying because he is a professor it is okay. she sounds like a communist. >> you know what, i want say communist. >> not on this channel. >> i wouldn't say communist. i say lennonist or something along those lines. but not publicly. when the cameras are rolling i say socialist. >> we willed dit it all out. >> it wasn't a miley thing. it was a britney thing. is britney the one -- the pretty one who shaved her head to get attention? or that sinead o'connor or was it miley cyrus? >> they all cut their hair one way or another. all pretty girls who sing who shave their heads particularly to get attention. >> i think she did it because she had to take a court ordered drug test. she didn't want to have too many hair follicles. >> that works? >> they don't usually do hair tieses. tests. it is a urine test. >> she wanted to cover all of the bases so she shaved her
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head and then pumped some gas. when i see hershey reminds me -- her she reminds me of jim norton. >> if she wanted to cover all of her bases she had to cover more than her head. >> a, woulder getting fired for breech of contract, is he a secret libertarian on top of being a secret muslim? >> i will say if he is a secret libertarian he would be doing a phenomenal job of hiding it and a much better job of hiding the fact he was a secret muslim. i want to talk about britney. she has apparently turned into a conservative. the lyrics to her no song which is work -- can i say the b-word or not? >> we can bleep it later. >> the lyrics, you want a hot, body, you want a bigodi, you want a maserati. you better work, bitch. you want to live fancy and party in france and you better work, bitch. that's a conservative and nice lesson for the kids out there.
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>> that's true. >> you are not getting things unless you work bitch and that's what she is saying. and she picked up madonna's fake british accent. that's not good. >> that's one of the few things that is contagious. bill, britney weighed in. is her opinion on the shutdown almost -- almost as useless as yours? >> well, i am kind of a little taken a back by you, sir. you seem to be implying that she was more using twitter's publicity as a single rather than weighing in on the current struggles. >> i don't believe i said any such things. >> there are those that get brit and there are those that don't. you fall in the camp of the latter and you make me sick sick. call me brit brit. >> one more quip thing. quick thing. if they say the shutdown is losing $40 million to $80 million a day with a shutdown, theoretically, if you expand the government shouldn't you
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save money? this doesn't make sense to me. does it it make sense to you, deborah? >> i preferred this whole thing when it was on hbo's show, "vip." i feel bad for the government employees on furlough right now. >> i feel bad for the many unemployed young people in obama's america. eric. >> yes, i am not one of them. i am not that young and i am employed now. thank you. i am flattered. >> from obstruction to obscenity. does the number you dial reveal your guile? obamacare spells doom for america. its national call center however spells something else. yes, to reach your next available health care provider the number to call is 1-800-318-2596. as many have pointed out if you skip the number one because there is no letter assigned on a phone the number reads 1-800- 1-800-f -- you know what -- uckyo.
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>> they called about health care options on thursday. and so you get it on red eye. >> i am feeling like i knew that was going to happen. there was no way he was standing there. >> to have yourself permanently sterile for the rest of your life i don't think it is worth it. >> well, it has been for me. >> you allowed me to chemically castrate you. >> the f-u number makes sense because not everybody wanted it, but we got it anyway. the number fits. >> it -- one gets the sense that it is appropriate. i know is true. you are not making this up.
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has anyone else publicized this? this is extraordinary. >> it has been reported a thousand times before we get to it, like all stories. >> it is oddly appropriate. those how most americans feel. we don't want this, but it is being shoved down our throat and there is nothing we can do except shutdown the government, ha. >> and then that doesn't help. should they fix the number or just go with it since it is out there? >> they should fix it. it is a mess up on somebody's part. don't you think somebody looks at these things before they give out the number to the united states of america to call in? >> i don't know. there are a lot of things that get out there that hospital be out there. >> i think it is more proof that the government doesn't work all that swell compared to the private sector as far as i can see it. >> it got us. again a hugely successful show to repeat the number to our 17 million, 18 million viewers
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who now know about obamacare. andy, there are probably plenty other words you can spell with those numbers, but why focus on that when these are so good? >> i have to disagree with you. look, the number also spells duckym which i am fairly certain sin tensional as a shoutout to duckym. and also it spells out eta596 which i think is code -- that's the estimated time of arrival for the working obamacare websites which is may, 2096. the numbers mean something, but it doesn't mean what you think. >> are you forgetting that over 20 million people benefit from having health insurance? >> yes, we are. >> the purposes of the angle we are spyring indeed. spewing indeed. >> we can't forget the fact that the rest of america is getting screwed over a program that does president work. >> bill, how many times must we say this in the one block? >> we have under a minute. you refuse to use the phone
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and will commune -- communicate by carrier pigeon. i do not communicate, period. and it spells etalym or eat a lime. that's against the long fight against scurvy. so eat your vitamin c and call obama. it never went away and it is anti-pirate to say otherwise. >> i was happy to let the pirates die. >> i want to see you swab some decks during the commercial break. >> thank god you said decks. coming up, and i miss you like the deserts miss the rain. not a tease, just another heart broken voicemail that steve dues see left me. i feel bad, but we are two ships in the night. is the military developing self-cleaning clothes? we report and you stop buying tide.
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female announcer: the savings really stack up during sleep train's during sleep train's inventory clearance sale. save 10, 20, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. the inventory clearance sale is on now! guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ you ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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it was a test? the head of the nsa says his agency experimented with keeping tabs on americans' locations through their cell phones. on wednesday, a day of the week, general keith alexzander told the senate judiciary committee that in 2010 and in 2011 the nsa tested its ability to use cell site data to track americans. explain the test information was never used for intelligence analysis and that it remains the fbi's job to use locational data when authorized by a court. that is a long sentence. but one democratic senator wasn't pleased saying the intelligence leadership has decided to leave most of the real story's secret even when
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the truth would not compromise national security. speaking of threats close to home. >> we thought we were going to see a broken mirror. it is a metaphor for the cold war i think. deborah, you claim to be an attorney. is there anything wrong with the nsa testing its capabilities like this? >> big brother is watching us. we don't have a regional expectation of privacy in our phones. but a lot of my clients have a big problem when they are arrested and their cell phone is taken from them and sometimes the prosecutor will get a search warrant to go through their phone. all i have to say is like i tell all of my clients, you have to be very careful. if you are trying to buy marijuana or do something illegal you shouldn't do it on
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your phone and you shouldn't post things all over facebook like so many people do. >> do your clients do that? >> yes. >> you say that to your clients when they are not high. but when they are high they post the photo. >> it is true. when you are a defense attorney you probably have to sit there and go why do you go on facebook and tell them you punched a cop? or that you just robbed a house? that's the beauty of social network is they catch really dumb criminals and it makes your job hard. >> you actually cannot use things posted on facebook and they cannot be used in court. >> really? >> yeah, but it could still have an impact on the case. >> it has an impact on my homies. >> i kind of agree with deborah. i think the nsa should have the tech gnaw cal ability to track people -- the particular nick cal ability to track people. they have to practice. >> oh terrorists. i never considered that. yes, i suppose. i suppose. and bad people. if you are a good person you have nothing to fear.
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yes, i agree. >> are you being sarcastic? >> why because i am on "red eye"? no, no, no. i think you are reading too much into my -- >> well, are you saying you were worried this will be misused? >> i am saying that given the fact that mankind has fallen and is prone to sin -- i don't know what prone means. >> the thing is that when you have that kind of technology, the temptation is strong. i think we are getting to a point or we are way beyond the point where we do trough men tocly -- tremendously invasive things. it is disturbing because there is something fundamentally unamerican. people know what you are and what you are doing. i don't know how we deal with it, but i think the left and the right are agreeing on this. it tells me there is something bigger than a political thing. >> it is time for the supreme court to reexamine the issue.
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right now it is completely legal. the fourth amendment doesn't provide protection. >> i agree with deborah. however, i have a problem with the gays on the right and i am -- i consider myself a libertarian even though andy will disagree with me. >> so will wib sister's diction -- webster's dictionary. >> and so does webster. >> well, you keep getting referred to as the white webster. >> anyway, i was making it a point, my point is -- i was making a point, everyone who is critical of the nsa does not of oner an alternative. they don't say okay -- if you go to somebody and say let's get rid of the nsa. no, no. we won't get rid of it. you need it. you need it. you do. without it -- if you could track a phone call from outside of the united states into the united states we could have prevented 9/11. we could have. >> no one is saying get rid of the we just say work within the
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boundaries of the constitution. cruz is primarily responsible for the shutdown and they lost 70% of their workers in the nsa because of furloughs and the shutdown. the nsa is working below capacity right now and that should be a benefit to our terrorists. >> andy, you get the last word. >> first, i agree with deborah. we need a new batch of supreme court cases to clarify what is and what is not legal. the court held unanimously that the police and the fbi violated the fourth amendment of a suspect when they attached a gps device to the car and tracked him for 28 days without a warrant. once they weren't allowed to do that they tracked their cell records. so it seems to me if you can't do one without the warrant you shouldn't be able to do the other one without a warrant. we need the supreme court. >> what about the band warrant? cherry pie?
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>> i don't know if we need them to jump in on anything really. >> i don't know. if somebody knows anything about warrant, it would be the band warrant. >> where are they on all of this? >> they have been strangely silent. >> they have. >> the european commission and the european central bank have approved portugal's economic progress. we are not doing that story. what is the difference between stairing and looking? well for starters when i am at the gym you are always staring and i don't blame you.
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will laundry be gondry? the future is here and it is bad news for cheer. also tide and wisk. the u.s. military, the greatest thing l has invented self-cleaning clothes. a good friend of mine has been, woulding for five years at u.s -- what? >> the u.s. army. >> the u.s. army soldier research development and engineering center in massachusetts on what he calls an omni-phobic coating. >> we want to make a coating that once applied to fabric will repel everything. >> he has found a way to end odor on clothes by adding
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anti-microbial coating. >> we will discuss this in -- >> lightning roooooooooouuunnnd. lightning round. >> deborah, are you excited about a laundry list future? i am. >> have i to say i love the lightning roooouunnd. i do. i don't think it will work for all materials. the dress i will wearing right now won't be able to have that coating. i think we need a real test. we need people to wear these clothes, for the soldiers to wear them in combat and then we can really decide if they will work. >> interesting. eric, is big laundry like big oil? tide is powerful. >> tide executives already put a hit out on the guy. in fact, he is already dead now. i happen to know that because i have friends on the inside. i think clearly this kind of technology may work on military clothes, but as
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deborah was saying i don't think it will work on nice clothes for a time but eventually they will figure it out. >> all it has to work on is underwear. that's all we really are talking about here. everyone is talking about laundry. we are talking about men's underwear. let's face it, andy. it is the number one chal -- challenge. not just facing the u.s. army, but the world. men's dirty underwear. >> there may be bigger concerns facing the u.s. army. barack obama's unwinnable war. i think this sounds great and i have one concern though. what about sweat? the fabric, is it going to breathe or will it trap heat and sweat inside? that sounds like something you don't want when you are in, i don't know, afghanistan. that sounds like a really bad thing.
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>> are you saying you are smarter than clock? >> in this one time i was. 33% of the soldiers recommended the uniforms. maybe it doesn't trap the sweat. >> bill, you generally wire no clothing at all -- wear no clothing at all. you do have an omni-phobic coating. does that help? >> you are an omni-phobe. send your letters to him. >> you alienated all of that. >> they are eight-legged asexuals. i kind of feel like i might not be real. for no other reason than the scientist's name is tron. this does not -- it is the name of a game we are sucked into and forced to ride little bikes around a poor computer graphic made in 1983.
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wise up. although i will say none of those guys had stains on them. jeff bridges was white from the begins and whiter at the end. this is a massive, massive advance. anybody that has ever had to use a high efficiency washer and dryer knows what i am talking about. they are a fraud. they use less water. they use less water and you watch your clothing sit there and not move. and then are you going like, this isn't right. and then the clothes come out and it hasn't changed. do you people have high efficiency laundry? >> i have never heard of this. >> if you go into apart meant buildings -- >> the low pressure shower heads. >> exactly. it is a fraud. and then when they mean high efficiency, they don't mean in cleaning. >> i think tide will have a hit out for you also. >> i think so too. >> not everyone is trying to get out blood and animal dna, greg. you are in a rarefied area. >> are we sure it is animal
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dna? >> that's what he tells me when he forces me to wash it. >> and wear it. >> is a look a stair if the brain is aware? the "boston globe"'s etiquette manager says the difference between looking and staring is all about when the conscious mind focuses on who you are looking at. you crossed the line when the other person realizes that he or she is the object of your stare. in other words i paid too much attention to your tricep work out this morning mr. hemmer. i'm sorry, don't wear that outfit. eric, my theory is a person who can't tell the difference between staring and looking is a psycho path. >> what? >> well, it is a weird thing that some people don't get the social cues. it is tougher to pick up on those things. it has happened to all of us. you get staired at and you think why doesn't this person know that is rude?
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it is rude. >> subways you get a lot of staring. i don't know what it is. people just look at you and actually no it is me looking at you. >> in the new york subway you imagine the person with clothes on. >> as a woman who has men staring at you all the time, are you buying this argument? >> i could win any staring contest i enter into. i do think people should know the difference between staring and glancing. some people stare, but some can't control. it -- can't control it. >> somebody needs to tell them. >> oh it is all our fault. we didn't ask you to wear the sexy white dress. >> i don't know what you are talking about. >> thousands of people stair at you at night, but out of concern and sad niece.
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-- sadness. it is not a problem for them. it is a problem for you. >> we all have this problem. we are paired to get stared at. my problem is when we are not on the air i can feel them staring, greg, and it is not a good feeling. i think this comes out to -- it is like what seinfield said about cleavage. looking at cleavage is like looking at sun. you don't stair at it -- stare at it. it is too risky. you take a quick look and look away. >> you have two lazy eyes from years of using narcotics so maybe it is not your fault. >> thank you for not saying illegal narcotics. all of them were prescription and look at me now. >> the worst is getting caught stairing and what do you do then? >> so it is staring when they catch you. it is okay to look at someone as long as you want as long as they don't see you.
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>> there is glass in between. >> there is glass in your binoculars. >> by the way, nobody says peeping tom anymore. do you notice that? >> you are absolutely right. >> it is a crime. there are a lot of names for it. >> what would you call a guy that is caught looking in your window? would you call that -- what is the legal term? >> i think it is peeping greg. >> my neighbor called it horny bill. >> come on, do you know? >> it could be charged a lot of different ways. it depends. what is going so inside? if the person is clothed or not clothed or if it is a child. >> thanks for taking it down a dark road. >> what is going on outside. >> one thing i have noticed and i almost wonder if this is where a creepy old man comes from, being good at glancing does not get better with age.
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in my 20s i could do it and now i just find myself like -- -- >> we have to take a break. don't think of leaving us now. remember, "the joy of hate" is a great book. get an autographed copy by going to g go there. i need more money to pay for my large collared30.
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all right. it put the hex on a vengeful ex. jerry brown made it illegal to post explicit pictures of partners on-line with the intent of humiliating them. those who engage in revenge porn as it is called on the streets can face up to six months in jail and a thousand dollar fine. says the bill's author, quote, there was no tool for law enforcement to protect victims. too many have had their lives up ended because of the actions of someone they trusted. they claimed it may restrict
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though remember users pre speech. i always say the best revenge is living well. here is a video i filmed last weekend. well, got belies them. got bless them. >> right? >> that's what everybody in america was thinking. >> deborah, are you a lawyer. the aclu opposed this bill saying it restricts free speech. do they have a point or not? >> i don't think so. i don't know what this country is coming to where people post pictures of their exes or their exspouse on-line. >> what does it matter if it is exorie venge? it is a hate crime. posting something on-line of
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somebody nude without their permission is not that a crime. >> i get mad when people put pick 250ur -- pictures of me up without asking. >> are you a lea. is it not illegal to post a nude picture of somebody on-line? there is no law that says you can't do that. >> you could be prosecuted in certain ways, but there is no law in the books that i know of. you could apply the existing laws to prosecute somebody for doing that. it could be harassment. it could be a lot of things. you could be prosecuted for doing it and they are showing here you can't do it. >> but they say you can't do it if it is a revenge thing. >> you are getting very specific . >> this is why you are not in a relationship. >> we didn't bring you on the show to get legal advice. >> thank you, thank you. seriously, this is hate crime stuff. you can't do it because it is revenge. you can't do it because it is
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your ex. why should you be able to do it to any human being? why does it matter? >> that's a good point. i am not going to get involved in a relationship because i want to post naked pictures of everybody so i will stay out of a relationship because then it is legal. >> maybe you shouldn't let people take naked pictures of you. >> i wouldn't go there. >> back to reality. >> that's the question. why are the nude pictures floating around? why? >> the lack of parental guidance. >> but we have talked about this and i brought this up the last time. this law only applies to people who photograph or record the image of another person. it doesn't apply to selfies. if you take a any cede selfie and you send it to somebody and they post-it on-line this does not apply. the organization called end revenges porn says four of five photos posted on-line are photos the victims had taken
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and shared with their exes. so four out of five cases and this law will not apply. earlier versions included selfies and they took it out. >> they need to put selfies back in there. i have a minute hard. >> i win. $5. i bet we would say selfies five times. >> you did. >> pay up, buddy. >> i don't have a question for you. you can zoom in on my eyes. see, not red. >> why do they listen to him? >> i don't know. they are not supposed to do that. >> stay over here. stay over here. >> the show has my name on it of the we have another topic. it is a good one. so stick around. female announcer: save up to 35%
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female announcer: on a huge selection of clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. sleep train's inventory clearance sale is on now. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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story with gretchen carlson. what is she think ?g and a new "red eye" airs on saturday. we have michael moynahan and jesse joyce. that's 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. pacific. >> e block. the last story.
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that's the last story. >> a montana man got a $500 check from the u.s. treasury after sending them five $100 bills he reassembled after his muttate them. the guy picked through the poop to pick up the bills and he actually had to wait until the snow melted in april to get access. he put the bills back together and he cleaned them and then sent them to the treasury along with a note explaining what happened. six months later the check arrived and he said it is great to get the check after all of the crap i went through. ha, ha. i love this story and we only have two minutes. eric, what would you have sifted through? >> i would have moved on with my life. i would have written it off and moved on with my life. the fact that he did that, i don't know, i have no point in life where i would do that for $5,000. >> that's basically saying you are rich. >> no, i would go into debt.
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i am fascinated you could get the bills out. >> it looked like it was partially digested. >> kudos to the photographer. that was a great shot. >> would you ever do this for something? >> this is real dedication. i don't know if i could be that dedicated to go through dog pooh to get your money back? >> what if there was jewelry or a momento? >> that you could easily clean of on. that's -- clean off. that's money and the government took it back and sent a refund check? >> that's a beautiful story. would you do this with your cats? >> i'm sure a $500 bill is a lot. to me i would be pissed and get the fire going. i will not judge this guy. if he needed the money -- >> bill, you would have gone through the dog poop just to
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pick through the dog poop. >> i will pay $500 to do this. i refed them to the dog. >> you can buy the caraway seeds in the store. >> this is why i need a money manager. >> dogs are a terrible investment and a terrible piggybank, bill. >> i never get it all back. i keep losing money. >> i hope he wore gloves. >> why would you do that? >> half of the fun is getting in there. >> this is the greatest story i ever heard. >> that dog absolutely did that on purpose. did you see that one of the dog in the sideview and he is like, mmm. now go through it. >> in the article it said he ate the $500 bill and left the $100 uneaten.
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>> special thanks to deborah blum and bill schulz and andy levy and that does it for me. hide your wallets from your pets if you have learned anything.
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>> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> shots fired after reports that this happened just moments ago. right now the u.s. capitol on lockdown. >> bill: another violent incident. this one in washington, d.c. and it forces congress people to run for their lives we will have the very latest tonight. >> there is one way out of this reckless and damaging republican shutdown. congress has to pass a budget that funds our government with no partisan strings attached. >> while the president continues to rail against republicans. what is the press doing? are they reporting the obama care government fairown story in a way? i will deal with that in the talking points memo. >> my obligation as a host of the kelly file is to make sur


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