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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  October 4, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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you all go to great colleges. give yourselves a big hand. you did a great job. thank you all. that's all the time we have left. as always, thanks for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. continues. we'll see you back here soon on "hannity." tonight, 94 hours. that's how long your government has been shutdown. today speaker boehner clobbering the obama administration over the head with the wall street journal which reported that the anonymous administration official said, we're winning. >> this morning, i get "the wall street journal out" and it says we don't care how long this lasts because we're winning. this isn't some damn game. >> there is no winning. when families don't have certainty about whether they are going to get paid or not. >> the shutdown closing national parks and mon mens for a fourth day. today it got worse at the world war ii memorial. i they added wires to reinforce
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locked gates. that's not stopping the veterans. as we saw first hand when we went to the memorial. >> we are outside the world war ii memorial on the mall in washington, d.c. to my left, all the way up the hill is the the united states capitol. behind me is the white house. what's attracting our attention today is this memorial and not just because it's one of the more spectacular memorials around the wall. it says the site is closed, do not enter and this open air mall has been closed down with the shutdown. everybody is breaching the fence. the rangers here will say they can't stop you. people are essentially ignoring it. >> these are your constituents. >> from the dallas-ft. worth area. we weren't going opportunity to welcome here to the nation's capital. we have a group from forthcoming next week. >> who are they? what wars did they fight in?
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>> all of the above. i didn't get a chance to ask them. i'm sure you have korean war veterans, vietnam, afghanistan, iraq, all of the i above. >> how about world war ii. >> yeah. all the way back. >> what about me? >> you weren't. >> nice to see the monument. >> nothing else did. >> where were you? >> europe. >> what division? >> 82nd airborne. >> what did you see over there. >> i saw hitler. >> you actually saw hitler? >> i actually saw hitler. the last american to see him when he left over there. >> no kidding. tell me what it was like. >> well, he was driving by in
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his big mercedes, i guess. three of them. they had guards on top. i was a prisoner over there. >> you were a prisoner? >> yeah. just walking by though. sort of released us at the end of the war there. i was free. they come along in these cars and stopped right there. hitler looked at me and i looked at him. >> what do you make of the fence around the world war ii memorial with the sign that says closed? >> what a bunch of -- stuff. you don't want me to say what i really think. >> go ahead. this is cable. >> unconscionable. unbelievable that they would pull this crap on people like us. >> how about proud of the fact that there is a fence around the world war ii memorial right now? >> you know what? that's a slap in the face.
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i didn't go overseas but i feel sorry for these guys that went and saw the bad stuff. >> the people want to see the memorial. >> they should. they are going to see the memorial. we had a large texas delegation here to welcome the world war ii vet s from texas here to see their memorial. it is a disgrace that the obama administration has put up barricades and put up wire to keep the veterans out. you know, just this morn iing i spent nearly an hour on the floor urging the senate to push legislation that the house already passed to open every federal park, every memorial in this country. it's bipartisan legislatio doesn't address obama care or anything. says open the parks, the memorials. another bill the house passed to fund the v.a., fund our
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veterans. unfortunately harry reid and the democrats objected. they said, no, they want to keep the parks closed, the v.a. not funded. they want to not fund the national guard. that's cynical and wrong. i hope they back off that position. >> i boarded the bus. spoke to your texas world war ii vets. when i asked questions about locking up the memorial, they almost laughed. the idea that the government thinks they can keep world war ii veterans after all they have done out of the memorial, if they can do the cliffs at normandy, they are not afraid of barricades at this memorial. >> everyone understands the games president obama is playing. it's like sequestration when the obama administration furloughed the air traffic controllers. i think the view is if we can delay flights it will make them mad at republicans. they were playing games. there have been stories about the federal government blockading the parking lot at
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mount vernon. it's privately owned and operated. it's not on the federal government but they spent money to blockade the parking lot. >> who makes that decision? i really don't believe president of the united states said, let's block this off. i think somebody else way down the food chain did it. no one made the decision to pull back. >> president obama's political operatives decided throughout the government to implement this shutdown in a way that maximizes the pain for the american people. senator john spoon said the government spent the money to erect barricades on the roads leading to mount rushmore, but they are state roads. you don't do that unless you are trying to play games. right now president obama and harry reid think the shutdown benefits them politically. they want to maximize the pain inflicteded. i think that's wrong, cynical.
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we ought to work at a bipartisan way to focus on areas of agreement. we should honor the commitments we made to veterans. i hope they will b listen to reason and come around. >> what do you say to the government about opening this hon meant? >> it's past time. some of them have never been closed. it's certainly not necessary. it really isn't. it's for show. >> hundreds of thousands of government workers who want to work aren't allowed to. why isn't congress working around the clock to end the shutdown? congressman reed ribble from wisconsin calling on his colleagues to stay and do their jobs this weekend. >> thanks for having me on. >> thanks for being here. everyone isn't sticking around? we'll work into saturday. i don't know why we wouldn't work saturday night, sunday, sunday night and keep moving
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forward. we ought to be sending the bills over to the senate, showing them we'll fund these programs. programs that all of us agree on. democrats and republicans. nothing about obama care in any of them. get it done and put people back to work. harry reid says unless i i can't put everybody back to work i'm not putting anybody back to work. that's ridiculous. >> why take the five-week vacation in august? if you watch our show every night and i hope you do because you're from appleton. why take the five-week vacation -- all of you -- knowing september 30 would roll around? >> i opposed that break. we have to look at the congress ohhal calendar. the congressional calendar ought to reflect our values and workload. we should have postpone ed the august recess. we should have stayed in washington, d.c. and got our work done. in reality -- and there is a little bit of oh argument. we were talking about the department of defense, memorials closed down.
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we passed the defense appropriations bill in july. we passed the v.a. bill in june. none of it has to happen. this shows the break down in appropriations and budgeting. that's what this c.r. is about. >> the democratic viewpoint is that you are just trying to defund obama care. gut the law. >> the law of the land, channelled in the supreme court. the republicans in the house won't accept it. >> that's the democratic view but it doesn't reflect reality. with the last major c.r. we did, b it realigned the launch day of the individual mandate with the corporate mandate the president moved pack. it didn't defund obama care or delay the law. in fact, the government shut down today, but obama care is up and running. >> what do you make that some people get waivers and exemptions? it seems to me that whether it
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is a good or a bad idea, they are all people or organization that is have a tremendous amount of lobbying power and access. a small business owner in our hometown would not have that access. >> that's correct. i have been opposed toyota. it creates a quandary. i want to see it delayed for everybody. on one hand i i think we ought to delay it for everybody. rather than saying let's take the waivers back or the corporate delay. let's let them opt to delay a year as well. that's all we have been asking. there is no cost to it. it didn't defund it. >> what's your view on the debt ceiling? that comes up on the 17th of october. how will you vote? >> i don't know what the bill is. >> tell me your thoughts. >> my statement is we have to pay our bills. the bills we have, the deficit
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we have and negative cash flow is deficits and revenue not being in balance. we can make the issue centered around the debt limit. that's not the b problem. the issue is we are spend ing more than we take in. that's where we ought to to the attention. fixing entitlements. >> we are 13 days out. the estimate is the 17th we hit the ceiling. while congress is squawking about the battle over the resolution, the clock is ticking on the debt ceiling. why didn't you work earlier on oh it? you should work this weekend on it, i might add. why isn't the debt ceiling -- or is it talked about now? >> you are seeing them merge now. the continuinging resolution and the debt ceiling are moving away from obama care to the debt limit and broader fiscal problems. over two weeks ago i sent a dear colleague to every republican member of congress and said let's stop kicking the can down the road.
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social security is easy to fix. we agree on what levers to pull. let's turn the tide on a $10 trillion unfunded obligation. then you have the space in there to do things with the debt limit so you don't have this crazy dance every year. >> any responses back from your colleagues? >> it's favorable. i have over 50 members of congress that signed it. >> nice to see you. >> good to see you, greta. thanks. >> now the critical question. is the shutdown jeopardizing our national security at home and overseas? congressman jason chafit skrks joins us. >> last 10:00 show. it's an honor to be on with you. this is great. >> we are t excited. sean is going to do a fabulous job here. national security.
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he's been giving him unilateral authority. if he wants the to deem somebody essentially to national security in the intelligence sector or otherwise he can deem that person essential. no excuses from this administration that they lack the personnel . mike hoffman sponsored a bill that passed the house unanimously to make sure the troops were funded. that passed first. it's interesting, greta. that passed. the democrats were okay with piecemeal ing that bill. they caught on that, oh, they will do that for every program. oh, no, that's wrong. they all voted for the first one. >> if the president or any of his administration says this is having an impact on it they are, what, mistaken, wrong, misleading? what's your description? >> he has the authority to take care of it. if it dragged on for weeks language training school and other processesing at embassies and things. there would be more of an effect. when you're talking about days or a week or two, there is no
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day to day excuse for the president to say we as a nation let our guard down. he has the authority. >> how long will it go on? >> it should have been done a couple of weeks ago. >> i gave the last congressman a hard time about august. he said he thought it was a good idea to the wosh in august. how long can it last? >> remember the book "all i ever need ed to know i learned in kindergarten"? i love that book. day after day harry reid and president obama said we have nothing to talk about. we are not discussing this. the founders of our nation set i it up purposely. they knew there would be conflict between the people's house and the states represented by senators. there is supposed to be tension. to take the position that there is nothing to talk about when we have a crisis is irresponsible.
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>> i went down to the world war ii memorial and saw gentleman who fought for us in world war ii in unbelievable conditions. they couldn't skype home or get letters. horror stories from the pacific theater and normandy. then we have this silly, ridiculous barricade up. you just pull the sign aside and walk in. they could do it in their wheelchairs. many of them are wheelchair-bound. then the wires on it. it's just -- it would take nothing to are move those. they shouldn't have been put up in the first place. i'm sure there was a mistake. get rid of it. this is embarrassing. >> it is an embarrassment. talking with darryl issa, jim jordan, langford the. there are a number of people on the oversight committee when the dust settles we'll have hear ins
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and find out who made the directions. >> take them down. you guys are strong men. >> i'll take reed. i guarantee you an appleton person. >> we should get congressman ribble to go, too. just knock them over. >> knock them down. >> in colorado they are having this problem. senator thune is talking about it. this one sticks. the historic things they did and we're so dirty we put up barricades. incidentally, my generation didn't pay for it. they had to create their own monument. we never did it for them and we should have. >> my understanding at the lincoln memorial has never been closed before.
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somehow when we do this government shutdown and can't come to an agreement they spend money, time, re sources to put a barrier around the lincoln me moirl? it's so fundamentally wrong. >> i hope maybe in the night you guys will sneak down and do something. maybe get arrested, too. i will get ted williams to represent you. >> i'm glad you want me arrested, greta. i will do my part. >> thank you. now tonight's hot button issue. why do you think the obama administration put up in effective barriers at the world war ii memorial? with were they looking to cut costs or trying to inflict pain on the american people? go to to vote in the poll. straight ahead, rick per erie is trying to steal from california. another one try uhhing to get in trouble. what's he trying to take back to texas? governor perry will tell you coming up. and kant, natalee holloway, brett favre and mike tyson. you have seen it all here "on
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the record". coming back, a look back at the highlights of the last 11 and a half years. we want your favorite on the record moments. use # greta for your posts. you may see them right here on the ai both maxwell and ted have hail damage to their cars. ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on [ male announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. ♪ introducing at&t digital life... ♪ ...personalized home security and automation... [ lock clicks ] ...that lets you be cloto home.
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ton violent road rage caught on camera. the biker crushed by the suv's partner speaking out. when the suv driver tried to flee he drove over a biker leaving him severely injured. today his partner and their lawyer gloria allred speaking to reporters. >> edwin is a devoted family man. he has been a wonderful, loving partner to me he for almost 17
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years. he is an adoring and caring father to our two children. until he was run over by this suv he has been there for our two children. it tears me up that anyone could think edwin deserves this. >> he was an innocent victim trying to help the driver of the suv when he was run over. >> so far the only person facing criminal charges is biker christopher cruz. police are looking for more suspects including a man who allegedly assaulted the suv driver. from the crime scene to the courtrooms, on the record bringing you the biggest legal stories of the last 11 1/2 years. we hit the road for the most fascinating interviews and dug in deep for the factsen over case from natalee holloway to kant to sergeant drew peterson.
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peterson's wife vanished. sergeant peterson is a suspect. >> we have the playboy jet set lifestyle of drew peterson. [ laughter ] >> it was right around valentine's day. i was able to kill two birds with one stone. nothing says i love you like a glock. >> natalee holloway disappear ed. >> is she dead or alive? >> i don't know. there is no evidence the to prove anything. not to say she's alive or something happened to her. deep down inside i don't think she's alive anymore. anything could have happened. >> we, the jury, find george zimmerman not guilty. >> george's brother robert joins us. how is your brother? >> his life has changed. his life changed the moment those words were uttered -- not
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guilty. >> this is the area to my right which is where the body was found and where george zimmerman says he was lying and his head was pounded against the cement was here. caylee anthony is dead. the prougs says it is murder. the mother says it is an accident. the mother said the accident occurred in the backyard in a swimming pool. >> i specifically asked them to check around the pool area in case maybe an accident had occurred. >> this is casey's room. >> you told me caylee often slept with her mother? >> every night she slept in here from the time she was born. casey breastfed her. >> this is how the room was is this. >> always. >> nicole is posing in front of the hard rock hotel & kas though. that's where she was when she died. >> do you have a best friend? >> my best friend is my lawyer. >> do you think that's odd that
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your best friend is your lawyer? >> that's where the loneliness comes in. >> explain. >> i don't have anyone around me. >> where is the biggest sense of heartache? >> my relationship with anna was never a fairy tale story like carry her over the threshold. we'd have arguments. no t matter what kind of argument it was, you know, it would take time. everything would go away. >> the jailhouse interview with girls gone wild founder. what life is like. >> i was in a lawsuit. i had never been to jail before. they would shackle me in a shower. make me walk naked around. i was fantasizinging about a abu grabe stories. these people are getting off on destroying my life, you know.
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it's sick. i can't believe it can happen. it's happening. we are in the united states. i sit in this cell every night and i wake up and scream. >> colorado police arrested a man named john mark carr in relation with jon be net ramsey's death. >> did you have anything to do with it? >> i can't answer that. >> most people who don't have involvement say absolutely not. >> i understand you. >> you can't say absolutely not? >> no. >> it's been ten years since nicole brown simpson was murder ed at her home. >> we the jury find the defendant o.j. simpson t not guilty of the crime of murder. >> do you think of think coal anymore? >> yeah. yeah. i thought about her the other day when it was her birthday obviously. yeah. from time to time. there's times i'm angry at her. >> republican meg whitman's
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former maid and illegal immigrant said whitman knew she was in the country illegally and was abusive to her. >> that's defamation of character. >> it is not. your client lied. >> no. >> your client lied. >> a lot of people like you and a lot of people on fox news channel would like her -- >> stop that. gloria, don't you dare do that to me. stop it right now, gloria. you know i have represented more people than you have in situations -- in terms of people who need representation. so don't pull that stunt on me . >> okay. >> up next, texas governor rick perry. governor rick perry is here to tell you what's next. plus, looking back at 11 1/2 years at t 10:00 p.m. monday we move to 7:00 p.m. eastern and 2:00 a.m. eastern. [ man ] on december 17, 1903, the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing
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tonight rick perry is in california. he joins us. nice to see you, sir. >> good to be with you, greta. thank you. >> governor, what's the message? are you trying to rip off the business in california? >> not at all. actually americans for economic freedom 501-c-4 created 60 days ago asked me to participate and talk about plu state versus red state policy. we are out doing just that. dr. art lafr, one of the most renowned economists in the country joined us as we talk about policies that drive the economy of the country and the states are the laboratories of innovation don't look to washington, d.c. for the issues that are challenging this country. look to the capitals of the states and those governors and
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legislators, particularly red state governors. they are the ones coming up with solutions on job creation and the economy. >> play a hypothetical with me. assume tonight you are the president of the united states and we have all the dischord in washington and all the probles.s what would you do? >> you negotiate. i have been the governor coming on by 15 years. the fact i would have said it's my way or the highway is beyond me. i understand politics and not giving up your position. we have a country to run here. the president of the united states is the leader. for him to basically be so bull headed as to say i'm not dealing with you and he and harry reid said they are not going to
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negotiate. find middle ground here. boehner and his crew had come forward with pieces of legislation to keep government working as we go forward. >> let me ask you this. >> i don't understand what's going on. >> we have a few minutes. but what are the republicans willing to theg yat, throw on the table the. they want to defund obama care or oh alternatively delay the mandate. where did they negotiate beyond that? >> well, again, the details are there on the table with with speaker boehner and the republicans. uh i think the idea when you have the unions as much against this implementation of obama care when the teamsters talk about it being the demise of the 40-hour work week. joe machin who was a governor and understands the art of negotiating. when he says it makes sense to push this off for a year, there
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is room for negotiation here. the president of the united states is more interested in playing politics, shutting down memorials, t not paying for the air force to play in the air force/navy game this weekend. usa a. picked up the cost. that's the type of political gimmicks i think the american people will see through in a hurry. trying to hurt americans purposely to make a political statement, that's not leadership, mr. president. >> do you have a problem with this being pushed up beyond september 30th? i'm hard on members of both sides not anticipating this and starting this earlier. do you share my criticism? or does it take a crisis to ge people to act? >> absolutely. there is plenty of blame to go around on this. when i talked about a part-time congress in the 2011, 2012 time period, some people may have
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thought it was a joke. they come back and live under the laws they pass. maybe it's time for us to start having that conversation seriously in washington, d.c. >> governor, always nice to see you. we are moving to an earlier -- >> anita sends her best. >> we are moving the to an earlier time slot. i hope you will join us when we move to 7:00 p.m. monday. hope you will join us, sir. >> count on it. so long. >> en joy california. coming up, from the nfl to major league baseball and from hollywood to vegas, the biggest and brightest stars going "on the record." our most memorable celebrity moments in 11 1/2 years on the record is next. tell us your favorite celebrity interviews from our show. use # greta the to see yours live on air. and more about the fox news primetime line-up.
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our new line-up starts monday. >> next week with the new primetime, i love this. it's going to start next week. you have a new way to cover news. you have greta. they will be taller for this. i want you to be aware. i do want to remind you that we are still following this tonight. we'll be live, okay? uh it will be at 8:00 p.m. all right? i uh can't afford what they are doing, but i uh think it will be every bit -- we'll be live. 8:00 p.m.
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it is kim il sung square. >> live in boston where terrible violence and killing today at the annual marathon race here. >> this young man at 20 years old. i i told him to stay down. he's okay. the help is on the way right now. we want to help you. i pretty much stayed with him. because the scene what i was seeing on this young man, his legs were really tragic. >> who called who to come down here? >> we have done this. this is the third time. >> he did. this is his hometown. >> he called you? >> yeah. i said, sign me up. >> how did the call go? does the call from bush 41, how does that work? >> whatever he asks, i say yes. >> a call from roger, same thing. >> every time you call, he says yes? >> he's generous with his time? >> i'm a just say yes guy.
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>> we are live where police say a fiery stand off ended the hunt for christopher dorner, accused cop killer. police can't say for certain the body pulled from a burned cabin is his but they say the manhunt is over. >> four minutes after takeoff and then hell. live at the scene in new york city where hours ago u.s. air flight 1549 safely landed in the frigid waters of the hudson of striking a flak of birds. an unbelievable story. >> why do you do your job? >> i love it. i'm doing what i was born to do. i love radio. radio is the single greatest opportunity i have to be who i am. >> tonight we are in new orleans. it is worse than i i thought. you have to avoid the cars as we float around. that is unusual. >> you have to avoid cars, wires. it's treacherous. >> have you gone into homes? >> yeah. usually to bring people out. >> what do you do with a
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scorpion. >> eat it! >> you et eat that? >> oh, yes. bottoms up. >> eat it, greta. >> is it impolite to eat in front of people? i would. i would be so willing but it would be impolite. that's disgusting. >> ready? >> yep. >> here we go. 30, 35. on the wing. watching the target down here. wait for it. we're rolling in on it. and rolling out. >> brett favre, cal ripkin, jr., mike tyson, the giant names in sports "on the record" over the last 1 # 1/2 years. hollywood a-listers joining our list of celebrity guests. here are our most entertaining moments. >> it's in your hair. >> i don't mind. maybe he can fix it. take care of the gray. >> put it up there. >> can he do highlights?
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♪ the >> i have a scarf fetish. if you want to borrow one tonight -- >> i may have to. >> this is your makeup. >> don't play in my makeup. it's all black. >> all black. i have a complaint about the book. >> what? >> you listed your favorite shows. there was one missing. >> greta! >> i just assumed you ran out of space on the page. >> we did. >> you do watch, right? >> yes, yes. >> of course. >> i'm just teasing. ♪ tell me why ♪ ain't nothing but a heartache ♪ >> can you guys walk anywhere without being mobbed? >> if you really want to do it, you can, whether you wear a mask or -- i just bought a mask
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yesterday. i'm going to start using that. >> it's his face? >> yes. i have a nick carter mask. >> what does your family say? >> before i started the magazine i ran out of money in the summer. i went to my father and asked him if he would loan me money or invest in it. he felt the magazine would be a poor investment and declined. >> here we go. this is it. >> yeah! ♪ the 25,000 concerts? have you done that many? >> that was probably ten years ago. i have done more than that. i'm still trying to get it right. that's all. >> you might have a future. >> i know .
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>> there's not much else to do up in green bay. >> what's it like to walk into the stadium and have everyone cheer? >> i wish i could actually describe it. and people could feel what it's like. ♪ >> do you know what makes me nervous? live television. american live television. oh, my god. i don't know how you do it. >> that's easier than taped. >> do you think? >> uh-oh oh. >> i'm not so bad. >> okay, okay, okay. greta! oh, my god. >> that's it. did you see that? >> greta's arm doesn't make the sound when she throws. >> you have to be a professional to have it happen. >> not bad. let's listen for greta. no, nothing.
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>> how fast was that? >> 97. >> i clocked 98 on that. ♪ >> i was so down on myself. i would say the wrong thing. i tend to beat myself up. >> you get down on yourself? >> i'm terrible. >> what do you say to yourself? >> just nothing but -- >> all right. >> i wish i was born this way. just when you find out about the processed stuff you have been eating. no wonder i was crazy all those years. >> the food? >> no wonder. got me running around. drugs didn't help either. >> i make a bad throw once in a while.
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>> oh! >> did you get that on film? >> straight ahead, your favorite moments from "on the record" at 10:00 p.m. your tweets, posts and a special surprise. stay tuned. [ ship horn blows ] no, no, no! stop! humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, the next... not so much. but that's okay -- you're covered with great ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? it's been that way ysince e day you met.. but your erectile dysfunction - itld be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you cabe more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph
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10:52 pm
10:53 pm
>> greta: it's time to hash it
10:54 pm
out. here are some of your favorite moments over the past 11 and a half years, i liked it when you caught paul vander sloot hiding in the bushes. ruth tweets my favorite was your fridge nal interview was sara palin and her family in alaska. didn't you go moose hunt hg? and peterson case was my favorite case. love you and your panel a leasha posting on facebook, doing volunteer work in haiti was great. it's nice to see other things you reporters do. and also posting i like when you're wearing cheese on your head because your home team was playing football that week. patty tweets oh, yeah. the farm interview was super and steven needham tweets there have been so many i'm having trouble choosing just one. thank you. you can still hash it out with us, too. don't forget starting monday,
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7:00 p.m. eastern we're still here, 7:00 p.m. eastern. and coming up, a moment we're going to nevering for ♪ lyrics: 'take on me...' ♪ 'take me home...' ♪ 'i'll be gone...' ♪ 'in a day or...' man: twooooooooooooooooo! is that me, was i nging? vo: not paying for scheduled maintenance feels pretty good. no-charge scheduled maintenance now on every new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering over 20 million drivers are insured with geico. so get a free rate quote today. i love it! how much do you love it? animation is hot...and i think it makes geico's 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. this is some really strong stuff!
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10:59 pm
good night from new york. >> that is our final last call. yes, you know who that is, that was our first show signed off from on the record on february 4th, 2002. tonight is our team's final night at 10:00 p.m. eastern now you can catch us earlier, if it doesn't fit your schedule pick up your dvr remote and set up a series recording for fox news channel mondays, 7:00 p.m. we've loved finishing the night with you for 11 and a half years but can't wait for to you help us kick off the evening so be sure to join us monday night at our brand new time, 7:00 p.m. eastern we have all kinds of surprises for you.
11:00 pm
and donald west and bill o'reilly will join us. see you then from our brand new studio. go to gretawire. good night going to blow you away. we've got it covered. fancy graphics. >> excuse me, bob, we have a show, we're live. >> oh, we are? >> hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." if you listened to president obama and his allies, you might think they're angry about the government shutdown. >> take a vote and end the shutdown right now. >> republicans put legislation t t floor that was intended to shut down government. for then, that's a victory. because they're


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