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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 5, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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you're always there for me. shh! i'll get you a rental car. i could also use an umbrella. fall in love with progressive's claims service. welcome to "red eye." he said screw this, it's saturday night. i'm going to bar. let's welcome our guests. she's smart, attractive and a joy to be around. he wowed audiences all over the world with his unique style and deliverly but sam kennison died in 1992, so instead we have writer and comedian jesse. sitting right next to me is
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buck. he's national security editor. sine sinead o' connor has written a third letter. on wednesday she expressed concern for 20-year-old twerker saying she's letting herself become prostituted. she compared her to amanda bynes. she wrote another letter
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slamming cyrus to which cyrus replied i don't have time to write you an open letter because i'm hosting and performing on snl this week. if you'd like to meet up and talk, let me know in your next letter. on friday, sinead posted a third letter. fox business's very own lou dobbs has agreed to read part of her words to milemiley. >> i have no interest in meeting you. you had plenty of time yesterday to abuse amanda bynes, an entirely innocent party. you can take five minutes today between g string exchanges and replooufr your abusive tweets. if you do not, then you don't give an expletive who you mock
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and what damage you do by being so ignorant. you have no business abusing amanda bynes and no one else. word to your mother. >> sinead o' connor looks terrific. >> this is an important story effecting millions of americans. break it down for us. >> i felt like you did a good job. i was glad how you can pronounce sinead's name expertly well. >> you think it shouldn't be our lead story. >> maybe if it's a different one. it's fine. i think have you seen her "wrecking ball" music video.
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>> no. >> you should. it looks like the "nothing compares to you" video. >> that's why she first responded. >> you should have been breaking this down. she's now threatening legal action against miley. >> it's hard to make a case in court that somebody who is crazy shouldn't be called crazy publicly. m you have miley cyrus who is so classless makes her father's mullet looks highbrow. i think we should jump on the band wagon and make it clear she's really gross.
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sinead, it's like getting life advice from stringer bell. not necessary. >> you still need your old job. >> i know. >> i know. it started already. >> miley was making light of sinead's mental health issues. is that a little messed up? >> what better way to prove you're not crazy than to threaten to sue someone unless they apologize to all crazy people for calling you crazy. i don't know if you saw it but she sent out another follow up letter that said she's going to need, it was going to hurt her ability to get work. she said i need you to apologize to my boss who is a giant invisible lizard because he might fire me.
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>> how do you know? >> because it knocks over buildings. >> bill, as the miley cyrus of fox news channel, what do you make of this? >> wish i was the miley cyrus of fox news channel. i'm like not even the billy lay ray. >> you do have the mullet. >> the big question now is who will be playing sinead on saturday night live. they have to address this. i think we should go old school and bring jan hook back. jan did an excellent sinead. that's many being old school but the big thing here is none of this. it's the terry richardson photos. they are borderline porn. they are soft core porn. miley 20 years old, topless. we have seen it. she's pretty much shown her crotch too. she's doing suggestive things to
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bottl bottles. this is not the story. that's the story. >> i just promoted a show on we're on opposite of right now as well. >> that's a good point. >> that me being dumb. >> probably whatever sketch they're doing is awful. >> he's going with the nudity and the bottle. >> if you're already on google that. >> i know you're so into this story. the first letter was almost kind of motherly in tone. not so much where the third one where she's calling miley a prostitute. she flipped out quickly. >> she did. i don't think she should have sent the first letter. she has no business telling anyone what to do. the last letter, i would say tears on bullying. just to target her in public like that, there's no real reason for any of it.
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>> could it be someone who is older and been through a lot of this giving advice. >> you can send an e-mail where earn doesn't have to see it. >> that's like a shaming thing. >> that's what we do these days. everything on twitter. >> jesse, how do you see this ending? >> i don't think she will start writing letters to inanimate objects. >> dear refrigerator. >> shame on you. all right. i think we have exhausted this one until monday. from fights to tykes. a genetics testing company called 23 and me has been granted a long awaiting patent that would allow parents to design their ideal baby. you order up characteristics and traits, long life span.
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then the baby building calculator determine a database of your genes that will produce your perfect not bill child. t they have received 168 million doll dollars in funding. let's check in with our deer man. that's the future right there. >> or the past. think about it. >> cycle of life. >> buck, 23 and me, they say their family traits calculator is a fun way to see what traits potential offspring may have. do you think it's true or is it the smoke screen for the biggest project of man kind? >> can i go with something in the middle? >> no.
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you cannot go with something in the middle. >> there's always going to be good reason to get involved in the genetics of a child. there's going to be some kind of meddling. this will open the door for people to say i want a baby with -- they will want weird things for their babies. eyesights that's laser beams. s >> get out of my ahead. >> alison, if you're eliminating your kid getting a disease, this isn't bad. should we be worried that governments will use this technology to breed a center gender, ie, males. >> you reach a point where technology could develop and people will using it for sex elective abortions. i would say it's a big smoke screen. you're taking traits that are
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desirable. i think that's a bad precedent to set for anything. it's inaccurate. >> aren't you though? >> no. you guys are not perfect. >> whoa! >> i'm not done. >> all right. on the flip side couldn't this lead to super babies who are awesomely handsome. >> that's a great point. >> no, it's not. >> i don't ever listen to the actual question. i have to acknowledge that i responded to it so i can go into the joke i was going to do any way. the guy dressed like a deer if given the option of deciding who of the two being the guy next to me on my left or that guy, which one was named buck sexton, i
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would go with him. it gives you the option to choose high risk for congenital heart disease. you can pick, which is an amazing world. back when i was growing up if you wanted your kid to grow up with congenital heart failure you had to bang george went without a condom and maybe chain smoke during pregnancy. you had to work for it. >> i don't think you know how pregnancy works. >> there's an argument that most people already kind of select partners for desirable traits. that's why women ignore you. >> didn't you insult me three times in the actual build up of the story. >> he's just jealous of your
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sweater. >> when we first had the build a bears and everyone was like that's a cute and went on their way. now we have build a baby. you saw how disgusting and messing with science it was and you ignored it. now there's build baby and you're all silent. >> you're saying they had build a baby. >> wait a second. build a bright bear. >> you put them on the body of a teddy bear. sell them at that's a million dollar idea. >> probably not. >> that's a thousand dollar idea. >> one of the traits is hair color. isn't that important. who wants a dark haired baby. >> it's not like you can go dye it. no one wants a dark haired baby. i feel like we're on the same side and we don't support this.
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we would have perfect children without this type of thing. that's why we don't support it. >> this side of table got very jealous. >> this is becoming the best show ever. >> i'm nauseous than jealous. >> separate. >> we're going to kill that gnat. >> make me look awesome. >> i'm going to say that black couples want a dark haired baby. that would be weird. asians, perhaps. dennis rodman. half the world. >> what about red? >> way to kill this story. >> i think you're confusing everyone with sweds. >> i just think you're racist. i don't know why you have to bring race into this. from pat teents to patients.
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he was one of the few people that successfully purchased insurance on it was all just a dream. the 21-year-old from georgia said it's a two-step process and while he's enrolled in the marketplace he hasn't picked plan. america waits on pins and needles. celebs are continuing to coax them into signing up. here is nina. i thought that was going to be tape. >> you held for applause. >> i had a lot of time. i do that at home at night. i sit there and wait for nina dobrav to talk to me. stars have posted similar less toless picks. many americans are suspicious of
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obama care. i believe we have some tape. >> you don't sit on the hedgehog. >> you don't sit on obama care america. i don't know what that means. that was scripted. washington post, politico, a bunch of other news organizations ran his claim he's enrolled in obama care. somehow they didn't verify it first. if you didn't know any better you might think they wanted it to be true so they didn't check it. that can't be the case. >> these are the news organizations everyo organizations every time there's a shooting they start postulating things. they start throwing out crazy ideas. it's clear this is like when
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north korea troughs out the least malnourishl nour isish so square off. it shows you how gross and not fine things are. the fact they focused on one guy. this is supposed to apply to 30 million people. this is ridiculous. these are people that are supposed to be taking all kinds of crazy risks with their lives but they want insurance. >> that's why they want insurance. >> none of them are getting obama care. >> this is just a misunderstanding. when he said he enrolled in obama care, he meant he enrolled on the website but hadn't picked plan yet. he said we enrolled in and got quality affordable health care for the first time. that doesn't sound like someone who didn't pick a plan.
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>> it kind of stuck with the lie. we know this wasn't an easy thing to sign up for. they had so many problems and you had multiple news out lets zero in on one success story doesn't bode well for the success of enrollment in general. >> when he tweeted he just signed up, he tweeted@three different news organizations. he was looking for attention in all of this. jesse you haven't been able to get health insurance because you're a bad risk because your diet consists of auntie pretzels. you have to be excited about obama care. >> you got it. >> did that make a lick of sense? >> a bit. it's the only thing that keeps me standing up. if i removed one of those things
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like the hot dogs pretzels or the cigarette, i might not stand up. >> we did point out you're not a health care professional. >> no. >> to our viewers out there. >> if you had no sgenintention getting health insurance until lady gaga told you to, it's probably better. >> i don't understand how this is a story. it's bad from the regular lame street media to get on the this guy and turn him into a thing and maybe not confirming. you wouldn't be able to go into his account to begin with and also i've never seen anyone look more like a chad in my life. >> got to go. how should you get ready for fall?
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jesse discussing his new book. first, video game crimes in battle. remember to write it backwards. you're watching "red
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should crimes in game be treated the same? they're called for video games to punish by following conventions. they're concerned about first person shooters where they can carry out war crimes or what bryan calls a good saturday night. a spokesman said the icrc is
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concerned certain games could lead to triviaization of war crimes. crimes i'd like to be focused on. [ makes sounds ] >> lion or goat? >> i think it's both. >> loat. >> what do you make of this idea and what do you make of grown men who spend their weekend nights playing video games. it's pretty hot, right? >> yeah. i feel like they are actually real war crimes going on that they show be focusing on.
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i feel like since international organizations haven't had a great track record of picking up the people doing it, i would put the video games on the back burner. >> doesn't it take away from the legitimate effort to impeach obama. >> i thought he meant moving he was born in kenya. >> we'll get to that later. >> if you would limit people's ability to take a bat from beating old people, you wouldn't sell a billion dollars worth of grand theft auto five, so i'm told. every time you go into these chat rooms, so i've heard. if it's when they get down to the real caliber that's creepy.
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i'm not a puritan about this stuff, it's a little weird. >> jesse what do you make of this? >> i quit. i sell weed out of back of carpeted van. >> a step up. >> we'll talk after the show. >> you could probably tell this from my hoodie. >> well done. >> if you want to make combat games more realistic then women can't play until 2015. i have a lot of friends, black friends who play red redemption. it's an old western in 1911 where the red cross is implying they should get jailed for looking at a white woman. is that the implication. red cross. >> i don't think that's what they're saying. i don't think anywhere in the story did it mention it. >> the setting is 1911.
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you've have to apply 1911 criminal activity to the game. red cross was the burning kind. >> i don't think they have that much of a history in this area. >> i'm saying it's a slippery slope. >> bill, the red cross did make it clear that any violence no matter how cruel or illegal that's committed against character that looks like you is fine. >> i don't think they said that. >> they did. >> there's no virtual punishment that you could give a gamer that is anywhere near what they suffer in real life. carpal tunnel, lack of pigment, virgini virginity. their sale. >> push it. >> is their life.
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we didn't get close enough. it flakes the up if i move. come close to me and cup your hand. >> if you committed an atrocity you would be locked up and have to face trail and that would be part of your game. are we suggesting this? >> i am now. i want realism in my game. >> it's always about realism. give me realism. if you're going to have war game then there would be war crimes in said war games. there would be long periods talking about who is hotter, jessica biel or jessica alba. what are we going to do? the captain is after us. >> and a lot of cleaning equipment. >> i'm taking you home now or you're taking me home. >> a lot of cps reports. i've been meaning to ask you how
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realistic level five is. i know you're at that level. >> shut up. >> it cut like a knife because that's what he does. >> coming up, dirk laser hook. buck defends his new book. that was ruined by people laughing. what's appropriate attire at work? for one thing no nudity. hr had to spell that out for steve. do that on your own time.
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do shirts and ties help profits rise? international business times which bought the struggling magazine issued an employee hand back which strips guidelines for work attire. banned clothes are sweatshirts and halter tops. the hand book says well groomed business style hair of natural color is required and tattoos and body piercings other than earrings must be covered. let's discuss. jessei go to you first for no particular reason.
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>> i can't imagine why. >> do you think they came up with this dress code by writing down what you wear and just putting do not in front of it. >> they just took pictures of my closet. >> there's no dress code at good nights in raleigh, north carolina where i'm performing. >> is that right? >> there will not be. that's where i work. "newsweek" is doing this. it's like showing up to the last remaining blockbuster and going where's your waistcoat, mister. >> does this go too far or too far or too far or not far enough? >> i'm going say somewhere in the middle. just to steal buck's line fp i have lii feel like there's lee
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way. i would much prefer to have it in writing beforehand and go from there. >> why did you look at me when giving that example? >> you make of it what you will. >> i just have to write it down because i'll have to bleep that. >> really. i said [ muted ] three times. >> there's an article about dress code. google doesn't have a dress code and everyone says it's the best place in the world to work. should that attitude apply to all professions? >> it depends on what you're doing. i don't know what all the employees of google do. we have the search engine. it's been the same. they change the photo once every six months. it's not exactly a very exciting thing. it's like facebook too. >> they read all our e-mails. >> they have to turn them over
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to obama. he reads them himself. i don't know if you knew that. the dress code like if you worked in government, people are suspicious of you if you dress nicely. there's a dress code. jacket and tie but it's got to be like a little size too big and like a mustard stain here. they turn into sports writer in the '60s. >> bill, honestly, i don't know how to ask you a question for this story given what you think is appropriate work attire so just go ahead. >> i pretty much dress exactly the way buck just described. i will say this. >> you wear flip-flops. >> i wear flip-flops because i have horrible bunions. >> yet you wear flip-flops so we can see them. >> because it hurts. i don't want to get into the problems with my feet. in the 21st century, the only
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dress code should be clothes. if you're working from home, after a while you forget about things. sigh you're in the middle of a freelance article an you hear the doorbell and you're porky pigging it. you tip the guy extra because of what he had to say. just wear clothes. the mustard stains won't be on your shirt. >> even if google people would say something. >> what about hair is natural color? how weird is that? >> that's so offensive. >> it says a natural color. >> oh! >> you can dye it but you can't dye it purple. >> i was going to say how would that be natural. >> is this a carpet drape situation? >> does that mean any color that
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exists in nature? >> i think so. >> there's purple grapes. >> you could get away with red. >> what about micro minis? >> what about them? >> mini skirts okay but micro mini. >> that was created by a perv. >> there's one woman who dresses in it and to all of you out there, we appreciate it. >> let's move onto something less sexist. reuters sent out a questionnaire. it doesn't have to be based on actual gender but a person's
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psychological identification. the tcategories were male, female, transgender, female to male. i've dated all nine. buck, why did you mutter few when i know i read prefer not to say was a choice? >> i was going to answer to be any question. i prefer not to say. >> we're talking about the hot secretary in every office and now you want to ask mae about people that question their gender. >> the results helped reuters win 100% rating from a corporate equality index. they got to be doing something
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right, right? >> if that's the selective options, i've never taken that quiz. i think the question is stupid to send to people. your sexual orientation does nothing to effect the way you do your job. >> do they just want a sense of their demographics of their p y employees? >> maybe. >> i was going to ask you what box do you think orange julius would check? >> i don't see why they're getting so much attention. fox news has had a policy of
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explori explori exploring genders. look at "red eye." they hired you who is only 3% human and robot, cat, caretaker. >> you want to read that again. >> i was 99% -- >> don't make fun of greg. he's not excitable. >> bill, i would fall under the intercept category. will you be moving over to reuters and say yes? >> i've moving from one gender to another. you're saying that it will not affect your job no matter how you fill it out. there's a blank and they say yes, please. that's an addict and they are probably scrolling for porn the entire time. >> there's an issue with bathroo bathrooms. you may need to change up your bathroom situation. >> the bathroom says wtf you can
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go either way. >> you can mix and match. >> i say good for reuters. you go boy, girl and gender queer. time to take a break. a special performance from tonight's musical guest.
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would a company town get rid of frowns? facebook is shelling out 120 bucks. the community will have communities within its walking distance. amenities will include a sports bar and yoga facility.
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does this sound appealing? >> yes. have you been to celebration in florida? >> i haven't been there because i have a soul. >> i'd love to. it sounds like a great little town. >> they won't let you porky pig it. >> it's kind of like living in mall so you'd probably love it. >> i would. i don't want too many people sleeping in the stalls by the food court because then it will get crowded. >> there's a reason. >> what i think is nice is the facebook community is providing a bicycle repair shop and a pet spa and wood working classes. the bad news is you have to live around people who are into sicksicer cycling and pet spas.
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>> does this sound like the refuse to grow up culture like let's not grow up? >> yeah. when the ceo walks around in a hoodie. there should be separation between the workplace and the rest of your life. i don't want to play ping-pong with you after we've worked for 12 hours. it's important i go home so i don't throw the paddle at you and we have an incident. what do they do all day? pet grooming and this other stuff. every time i search for suze smith there's some guy who pops up on my screen. i don't know why. >> why are you searching for suze smith? >> i'm going get an e-mail from suze smith. hi. that's creepy.
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>> i asked you to imagine what rick leventhal or judge that po napolitano's joint. >> we always make fun of the whole facebook work environment. work is place. play is work. they have the skee ball machine. they made it big. now work is life and life is work. this sounds horrible. all i remember from "the social network" is they fired the one fun guy. now let's go play some paddle ball. >> you take that personally. >> i sure do. call me sean parker. >> when i moved new york i had an interview at an ad agency to be a writer and i just remember
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all ad agencies are like so much funnier. we stick around till 10:00 on friday an there's a basketball hoop. i was like [ bleep ] this. i'm going to be a writer. >> the whole point of being a writer is to be around other people as little as possible. >> what did we have when we shared a floor with myspace? they had a beer pong table. >> they didn't realize it was a beer pong. it was collecting dust. >> do you have a comment? e-mail us. got a video of your animal doing something and click on submit at video. stay right there. [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets.
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[ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground.
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[ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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>> brand new "red eye" is returning monday night at 3:00 a.m. >> e block, last story. that's the last story. >> my favorite graphic. are you too old for your
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clothes? this is a very important question for details writer catherine wheellock who takes middle aged men to task for dressing like they are younger than they are. among other types she describes the man pushing 40 wearing the clothes he wore a decade ago and the bike wearing the leather and ear rings. what it does is get much, much less cute as you age. >> jesse, again, i go to you first for no reason. i will go ahead and guess you do not agree with this woman? >> you guys are totally doing this on purpose, this is the third time i've been on the show and the second time on the episode that you have have talked about not dressing your acknowledge, enough is enough. >> every time i invited bill on. there was a coincidence about eddie money's haircuts, or the
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property of iguana skin -- >> i'm starting to feel bad. i did not know my skin was so bad. >> when you are this close to it, it's crazy. it's like my grand pa's wallet. >> you are sweating a special sauce at the food table. save it. >> i agree to an extent with it, the aging rocker in particular look issed a. a lot of it comes to how well a guy pulls off a look. if he is in good shape and 50 or whatever he can certain things. >> i agree with that. it that is a lot to do wit, if it's a cute guy, it's like okay, that is fine. there's a big different in not dressing your age and not dressing appropriately. i don't see why it matters to a person who is an outsider
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looking in. you can dress however you want. >> i'm only hearing this is the kind of semiage appropriate. >> she told you she is not interested in dating you. >> i know that was inadvertently what she said. she smiled and she is pretty so i was like, okay, that counts. >> do you dress this way, probably most of your life and it's never going to change? >> i think i'm on my 12 pair of boating shoes actually. to be honest with you, i had my first ascott in third grade and i still have it. i am a proponent of wearing old man sneakers. i go the he other way. i don't care that it's only for people from california, i wear new balance sneakers because they are comfortable on my feet. >> that's not okay. new balance, that is not okay. >> bill, you have ten seconds. >> i realize most of the time i wear a t-shirt and jacket, and i look like a comedian from the'
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80s. i hate ironing. ironing sucks. >> we have to go, thanks to our panel. that does it for me. good night.updates on
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twitter. i will see you on huckabee with a live up date. >> tonight on huckabee. finger pointing. >> if you hope to end the republican shut down get rid of the tea party direction. >> this is harry reid's shut down because he wants it. and refuses to listen to the american people. >> speaker john boehner will not let the bill get a yes or no vote. >> the wall street journal out. we are winning. it is not a damn game. >> they are talking tough, but where is the action. >> the former congressman jason a tmire said the private sector can clean up the mess that the government created


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