tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 10, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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our little grandson and deana and i, we went to eat. so i came out here to call you and she said to be sure and tell you she's thinking about you. >> good night -- got to say good night. thank you, brett. good night. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight -- >> jay, when will they know specific lick when the death benefits will be paid? >> i don't know sfeskly. >> he should know. it's his job know. why is he stonewalling. tonight we'll continue the reporting on the shameful denial of benefits to grieving families. >> how dare we. >> the house pass as resolution to fund funerals for military people killed in action. also tonight, are you mad as hell? some factor viewers are and we'll feel tirr their passionate
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letter. what do you say we cut the chitchat a-hole. >> you are about to enter the spin. "the o'reilly factor" begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us. bad news for democrats, bad news for republicans but maybe good news for the country. let's take it step by step. the u.s. government is allowing a private charity, the fisher house, to fund the funerals for at least 26 people killed in afghanistan. as we reported last night, that's an outrageous scandal. president obama could have signed an executive order that would have stopped the madness, but he did not. yesterday the house voted 425-0 to allow funding. the senate under heavy pressure followed the afternoon. so fisher house will be reimbursed if any money went out. again, there's no excuse for this ever to have happened.
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it's a huge embarrassment to nation. also embarrassing, this exchange between white house correspondent ed henry and jay carney. >> jay, when did the president learn specifically that the military death benefits would not be paid. >> again, ed, for the third time. >> i didn't hear that question. >> it was asked. i can tell you when he did learn -- >> was that yesterday? >> ed, i don't know specifically. >> but carney certainly should know. he's stonewalling. president obama know whence he learned of it. so why doesn't jay carney? that's exactly what happened in the benghazi scandal. stonewalling. the left was outraged when richard nixon did that kind of stuff but is largely silent now. this is not a partisan analysis. stonewalling is not what our leekted officials are supposed to do. now, there is some movement in washington on the shutdown. reports say there may be a dale on short-term debt. there's no question that both parties have taken a major hit. president obama's approval
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rating is down to 37% in the latest associated press poll and a new gallup poll says the party is at a record low with just 28% of americans approving it. this was predicted when i talked with amy kremer of the tea party express. they well know that if the government were shut down by some kind of defunding that independepedependencpedependencn party needs to gain in the 2014 elections would be angry. after i said that i receive add lot of grain mail from hard right viewers. while i understand some of you are angry over obama care and i respect that because i don't like it either, it's my job to tell you the truth, not tell you what you want to hear as so many other parties do. obama care is not going to be be defund and the gop will have to make a deal with the president.
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and you know who's most happy about this? hillary clinton, that's who. hard right americans should understand the democrats will win next year's mid-term elections and the presidency of 2016 if the republican party does not begin to solve problems. again, talking points understands obama care is not good for the country, but that must be vividly proven in order for the democrats to take a massive hit. and the only way that will happen is if the law collapses, which it well might. when americans begin to see their insurance premiums, co-pays and deductibles go up and their doctors not readily available, there's going to be a lot of anger and the tide will turn. in the meantime, there is disarray in washington, dishonor directed at military heroes, and general chaos all around. that's a memo. now for the top story tonight, let's bring in fox news political analyst rick hume.
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first what kind of deal do you think is happening? >> it's possible the house will pass a short-term increase in the debt ceiling to help pay for things that have been agreed to and money that's been appropriate and so on. but that's short term. so we'll be presumably back in the same situation with the debt ceiling in a few weeks. and in addition, of course, this will not reopen the government. the government would remain closed. so this impasse remains and somebody is going to have to finally give something in order to get that to -- in order to get the government reopened. >> okay. but there will be talks. the important thing about this is if they do the six-week extension, whatever it may be -- and we're hearing six weeks -- then talks start on the other matters, right? >> well, one presumes so. >> yeah. i mean e mean but that's got be deal. >> the fact -- you know, we're always talking about back room
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deals and people getting to the table. there's been no deal, there's been no table, there's been no back room. >> no, i know, but soon. >> i'll believe that when it happens an it starts. >> okay. but think you and i both know something has to give with the president taking a beating in the polls and the republican party taking a beating and the democrats in general on the run. nowhere has the public vented its anger more than in the military family situation. now, today harry reid says that his senate vote wasn't necessary. i think reid's a real villain, by the way. i think he's villainous. i think he wants to break the republican party and he'll do anything to do it. but he said, you know, we really didn't need this but he was under such pressure he had to have the vote, so he was. it was so embarrassing for the fisher house, a private charity, to have to do this. it shouldn't have happened.
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president obama could have written an executive order the second he learned of this and it never would have come to any of this. am i wrong? >> there's an interesting question, bill, about whether the decision, the legal decision that was made that said that the -- they couldn't legally pay these benefit because good faith decision or whether it was possibly a corrupt decision. there's a sequence of events that's worth noting here. back on october 27th, the president's comptroller mr. hale said if we didn't have it, a moing the things that would be halted would be these death gratuities, dealt payments. on september 30th the house passed -- the house passed, the senate passed and sent to the president pay ourary act cha which was designed that the payments to the military members' families would continue. the bill spoke of what are called payments and allowances. and in the pentagon's list of announces, these death
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gratuities have frequently been included. so the members of congress who acted on this and those signing it thought these death benefits were covered and there wouldn't be a problem with it. lawyers then got into the act when the issue arose and decided that, no, it didn't really cover it. we're hearing at fox news today there's a possibility the justice department may have gotten involved. there's a lot of -- >> i want the name of the lawyers who stopped it. let's cut through it. >> the point being that this, it seems to me, could have been interpreted -- >> hume, you don't give it to the pinheaded lawyer. nobody's going to challenge it, okay, and it's funded. you take the stupid lawyers out of it. that's what you do if you're a leader and that's what this is all about, this military thing. this is about leadership. where's chuck ham snl have you seen chuck around? where? where is the interview he did? where is this man? the department of defense
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secretary? where is he? this guy should be fired immediately. he has no right to be there. he's lost all credibility with the military. get out of here. you see, this is what drives me crazy. they're not leaders. these aren't leaders. come on. >> bill, keep in mind what they may believe their leader, president obama, is trying to accomplish in this shutdown. we've seen all this monkey shine with the national park service and the closing of open air monuments and things that are plainly unnecessary designed to make the government shutdown hit as hard as possible. it is not inconceivable that this was part of that. now, i'm not saying -- >> if it was, then president obama is in big trouble. wait. let me get to this. >> bill, i can't prove that. >> i know. that's why i've not engaged in it because it's speculation. here's what's not speculation. carney, what's the matter with carney. he knew.
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he stonewalled it. you covered knicks p. carney's doing exactly what they did. >> if i were carney -- look. there's a distinct possibility that carney didn't find out. he may have -- press secretaries do it all the time. >> get out of there. it's not his job to stone wall. hagel, carney, go. you know, i'm tired of this. >> i'm confident you are and that a lot of other americans are too. >> all right. well, i'm sorry i got a little out of hand but i am really hot. i want these weasels to knock it off. >> bill, you and i are charter members of the rhinos and charter caucus so i know you're not angry with me. >> no, i'm not angry with you. i want hagel. i want hagel. i want him. thanks, brit. a democrat will respond to my
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histrionics. and later megan kelly on one of the worst judges in america. there he is. wait till you hear what this guy did. the factor's coming right back. [ paper rustles, outdoor sounds ] ♪ [ male announcer ] laura's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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story, chaos in washington. joining us from new orleans, democrat james carville. you know i'm hot here, carville. >> i know. >> don't exacerbate the situation. >> well, i've got to tell the truth. >> yeah, i want you to tell the truth. where's hagel? >> okay. well, first of all, the truth is this is that harry reid and john boehner made a deal to fund the continued resolution at a level insisted on by republicans much less than they voted on. reid kept his end of the bargained then boehner reneged which caused the whole thing to -- >> that's baloney. >> that's true. >> i want to keep it on the military stuff right now. >> i know, but you can't.
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that funds everything. that funds everything. >> no, no, no. this is a micro issue that -- look. it was dealt with today after all of these pressures, these pinheads finally dealt with it. >> again, bill, that's the same thing with the food safety, salmonella, cancer trials, same thing for the center for disease control. if you shut the government down, there are consequences and you don't pick and choose where you're going do. >> this is the issue. the president of the united states has the power to issue executive order. you work for one. you know that's true. all the president had to do was issue an executive order the moment he found out that this was going happen to these families saying we will fund military funerals. $100,000 will go to the families of those killed in afghanistan. president barack obama signs the executive order. it's over. it's over. could have done it, didn't do it, and now a spokesman won't tell the people, whoenlt even tell you, carville, he won't even tell you when the president knew about this coming down the
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pipe. >> it is not clear at all, and you would have to get a lawyer that the president by executive order can extend unappropriated money. >> he can do it. >> it niece the executive money that the president can't spend money that congress doesn't appropriate. >> they should have had the money to do it. carville, carville, the war in afghanistan hasn't stopped, all right? they have the money to fund the war and to do this as an adjacency to the war. this is just bull. all right. go ahead. >> you need ta lawyer to tell you -- >> i don't need a lawyer to do anything. >> he could be impeached. >> stop. nobody would challenge that. there's not one person in the country who would challenge that. >> now they fixed it, so there you go. but it's not altogether clear he can. light a lot of these others. look, i'll tell you this. what we're finding out now is the government does a lot of useful things whamd they need to do is let the whole house vote. why don't cow call john boehner and -- >> you're not dealing with the major problems that are arising.
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you're giving this a partisan play. >> no, i'm not giving you a partisan play. >> i expect more of you. >> bill, i'm not giving a partisan play. what i'm saying is let the house of representatives vote on the deal that speaker boehner and senator reid made. that's not a partisan play. that's saying put it to a vote. >> baloney. they i'm come to some kind of deal. they will. they're going to come to some kind of deal. they're all looking stupid. i said the biggest winner here is hillary clinton. the biggest winner in this is the former secretary of state. >> sif she's a big winner, i'm happy. this should go back to the deal they made and let the house vote on it. >> is hillary clinton the biggest winner? >> that's your opinion. join think she thing she's a winner in this. >> what do you think? >> my honest opinion, the
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republicans are getting slaughter here. when are they going to -- they're looking for a way out and they teev fwomt to find a way out. you know that and you predicted it. what's predicted has happened. they're getting really beat up bad and the smarter ones know it and they're looking for a way out and at some point the democrats are going to have to let them -- >> i'll tell you who else is getting beat up bad. barack obama. >> not -- yeah, everybody's losing but the republicans are getting slaughtered? >> no, no, no. his image coming off the heels of syria? all right, james. always appreciate you coming on. >> absolutely. >> directly ahead, laura engle. and you, the ones who have lost loved one in afghanistan, we'll tell you how, upcoming. if you think a prune is a prune, you haven't tried sunsweet, the amazing prune.
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we get a review from the ingel segment. the republican part is low. joining us now to fr. washington to react. laura ingram. you and i discussed this in weeks past. you know, i hate to say i told you so, but i did. but i feel bad about it somehow. >> i'm sure you're broken up. >> i do. >> oh, come on. >> i really do. i think the republicans are right about this. i think they're right about obama care. i don't think obama care is good for the country. >> let's unpack this poll, okay? it's true. the numbers don't look good for the republicans. 28%. democrats fair poorly in the poll as well. >> 48%. >> very low for them. the president had a bit of an uptick. not by much. indeed the republicans are facing one really big problem, bill. they are, you know, not unified.
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they weren't unified in the strategy going into this with cruz, and it's a little bit confusing now to people. so i think when people answer that question, they have two views of the republican party. there's the more establishment wing of the republican party. >> the rhinos. >> hippos, rhinos, giraffes, whatever we're calling them. they have a view that, look, it's better to cut the deals with obama, take the victories where you can get them and put some points on the board, okay? they have a certain view on trade, more open borders, a view of a whole host of issues. they're not into the social issues. they want to do more fiscal issues. then there's cruz, rand, paul, mike lee, they're very popular. they want to fight obama everywhere, on every issue, every front. that's really appealing to a segment of the people. >> to the hard right, they absolutely want -- >> yeah. >> that's the media, the conservative media is primarily
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on that side. so that's what you hear. the there are very few moderate yad owe talk show hosts. >> why is that? because moderates and the republican party have delivered up two losing elections and a lot of failures. >> did the radio "factor" for several years and i know the world in which you live in now. >> yeah. >> you've got be really strong and you've got to be passionate. and when you're in the middle, you're not. so it's easier for the far left and the far right to get into these venues and pound the table. that's why it happens. >> i understand what you're saying, but, look, from the beginning of this strategy, said and i said on the fak, to i'm in spirit with cruz. i like the fight. i like the fact that you're challenging obama. the deal that he would be investigating the failure of obama care and trumping him on "nightly news" casts, i don't think that would happen if we didn't have the cruze push in the beginning.
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>> you're right. the issue became more finitely defined with cruz. i said it before. hillary clinton is the big winner here i don't know about that. you know what i'll say to you, bill. for every poll you've shown me today, i can show you other polls that will demonstrate that more people today know about government waste, fraud, abuse, and outrages than they knew a month ago. i think more people are tuned in to the failures of government today and the dangers of bureaucratic uncontrolled government -- >> if that's true. if that's true and more people are understanding the difference between smaller government and fiscal restraint and larger government which is what the democrats want and way, way out of control spending, then why is the 28% number there. >> well, because i think the tea party republicans answer that poll question and they're frustrated because they see -- they see folks about to cave, d
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so they're upset. meanwhile the establishment is upset because they thing that the tea party has too much control. so i think people answer the question coming from their own view about which republican party is failing. so i think it's a little bit more complicated than that. i also think that we're seeing huge victories and huge gains with gop leadership on the state level and i think those governors from scott walker to john kasich to rick perry in texas and to bobby jindal, i think those guys and chris christie, i think those guys are enjoying a huge uptick in a popularity amidst all of this. now, that's a good thing because they're running their state. so before we get all, you know, giddy about, you know, hillary is going to love this, i don't think so. i think this whole thing looks terrible for obama, and you pointed it out with that military death benefits story. >> that is really, really -- >> i mean that and the world war ii memorial issue, bill, that kills obama. its makes him look terrible.
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tonight, outrageous decision-making some of the american public schools in kentucky. they've banned postgame hand shakes at athletic events because so many brawls among players develop after the game. in port washington where i live they've band any recreational equipment they think might hurt smp. dr. mooney, the superintendent, says she wanted to make sure our children have fun but are also protected. protected from what? life? what the heck is really going here? what's behind all this? >> tlink are two polar problems that can be true at the same time. there can be the woosification of american schools, banning handshakes after football games. the banning of peanut butter. there was a kid who had a 2-inch key chain token, gun token on
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his key chain, banned for three days. >> we see those stories all over where little kid, 7, 8, they're pantomiming a shooting and they're suspended. i'm not -- i'm not getting big picture here. i taught at school but it was in a private school, high school, all right? what is the goal in your opinion? now, we're talking generally because each school district is different. but there's a trend here. you can't have footballs and baseballs because somebody might get hurt? i mean life is somebody might get hurt. >> right. >> so what is the trend? to just neuter everything? >> right. >> is that what it is? >> well, yes, and i would say participation trophies because we're worried about the fragile egos of our princes and princesses if they actually lose in game, we don't want to damage their self-esteem. that seems to be somewhat more important than losing with grace. there's also another problem which is real violence. >> and that's what happened in
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kentucky. they were brawling after the games and when you have the handshake they come toque and start to beat each other up. okay. so on one hand you have an increasing amount of violence and on the other hand school authorities are saying you can't have a soccer ball because it might hit you in the nose. there doesn't seem to be any consistency here at all. >> i think part of it is the over reaction to the attention to bullying in schools which was deserved, a conversation that needed to happen, but like many social trends there are those who take the pendulum in the other direction. >> a football bullies you? a baseball bullies you? this is crazy stuff. >> no, but you had a 12-year-old girl who killed herself. >> but there is internet bullying. in the schoolyard, at least you could fight back. but i'm not getting it and maybe the viewers can help me out with some mail -- what the prevailing wisdom is on the part of the superintendents. what do they want in their school?
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do they want a bunch of zombies who just go in like this and never compete or never take a chance? is that what they want? >> well, they're afraid of lawsuits. let's not forget that. >> they have lawyers. they pay lawyers to defend. >> but they pay more when they lose cases or when they settle cases. >> you know, it was the same when we were in school. there were always lawsuits. >> not as many as there are now. i would also say the schools of education are playing a part, too, where they're teaching the prospective teachers, the teachers of tomorrow, a kind of philosophy of competition can be bad if it creates losers. >> that's interesting. so you believe in the nation's colleges that are training the teachers and administrators. the philosophy is touchy feely and the urchins need to be protect from everything i would not call them bastions of capitalism. >> or competition. >> exactly. >> they don't want that. they want nurturing. >> indeed. and if you have a top-down bureaucratic educational model, it's certainly not based on
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competition. >> and the solution is to have more school choice, i guess, right? >> that's certainly a solution where parents could find the level of discipline they want that fits their kids. even in the same family siblings could allow for different -- >> there could be charter schools that allow baseballs and some that don't. baseball schools and no baseball schools. >> exactly. >> insane. thank you, mr. bowdon. thank you. appreciate it. we have a poll question for you. when you're at leisure, how much time do you spend on the net including e-mail and texting each day. less than an hour, between one hour and three hours or more than three hours? we'll review that on friday. we're told the super bowl will sell out. more details. we'll come right back. megyn kelly.
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the judge is being sued. kelly is next. when our little g, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the two-thousand-fourteen subaru forester. (girl)hat? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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texas judge. terry flanagan order add 15-year-old girl to keep living with her legal guardian even though the teen told the judge she was continuously being assaulted by her guardian' boilfriend. he didn't care. afterward, the sex offender murdered the guardian and raped the girl. lee was sentenced to life in prison, but the murder and rape is on the judge as well. here now to explain further is attorney and fox news contributor megyn kelly. is this true? >> it is. there's no question the guy committed the rape and murder because he pleaded guilt. >> there's no question he was a registered sex offender because the state of texas made him do that. >> he had served 15 years in prison. >> 15 years in prison for assaulting a girl. this idiot judge has 15-year-old girl -- putting girl near the guy. >> what happened was she went
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into court before judge because because she was claiming the guard yapd and the boyfriend were trying to fers her to have an abortion. during that 30-minute conversation she tells him not only are they trying to make me have an abortion but this guy is sexually molesting me. the judge does not, from what we know right now, report it or do anything about it and when he issues the rule that says she has to stay in the home he say is have no evidence that this is an unsuitable environmental and she needs to be removed. >> even though the guy is a convicted sex offender, served 13 years. >> 15. >> 15 years for raping a 13-year-old. okay, now. the judge. in a lot of places, judges have immunity from lawsuits, right? >> yes. and that's going to be an uphill battle for the plaintiffs in this case. >> he's retired now. >> he just retired.
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>> just retired. >> we give judges immunity because we don't want people coming badge and seouling them for ball rulings all the time. we need judge touslingly take the bench and they don't get paid a lot and so on and so forth but there are potential exception when you have a mandatory reporting duty like he may have had here. it's not about the part of putting her back in over her claims that they wanted her to have an abortion. it's that she told shim she was violated and he allegedly ignore thad. >> we have one in montana too, this baugh. i don't know how they live with that. it's always a personal snieng in his defense -- i don't know what his defense is going to be. we've all asked for a statement. he's not making it now. sometimeses witnesses lie. that i don't like their -- >> not when you have a convicted sex oh fejder, okay? then the evidence starts to tilt in your direction.
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let's go to wisconsin, wausau school district. here's your first christmas story of the season. they have a choir there, high school choir and they traditionally go around wausau singing christmas songs and in their repertoire are christmas cheryls, well this year, what happened, kelly? >> well, it's not like anybody complained. they liked it. >> they love it. it's a big hit. >> there you are. >> you can see. they look good. however, the district decided to change the position of fine arts coordinator, and a woman named marie northrop stepped in and took the decision and decided to form a committee of music educators to examine this choir and get to the bottom about whether they were singing too many christmas carols and this commission decided that they needed to do one of three things to comply with the law on a separation of church and state and let me tell you what they wanted them to do. number one, you have to choose
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five secular songs for each religious song you sing. number two, no holiday music at all in your choir performs or number three, my favorite one,n december. >> to when they're really relevant in february. >> so these pinheads, these -- and this is a -- this goes back to the story we just reported. we can't have a baseball or football. so these pinheads in the public school system wreck the choir, okay. >> yes. the music director said i can't deal with the choir under these circumstances. i'm out. >> so now i want everybody in wisconsin and wausau to contact who? the wausau school district. >> right. and they're reviewing this today. >> okay. we expect they'll overturn this insanity, but if they don't, mavi to go out there. kelly and i may have to go out there. >> you know what we should do, sing our hearts out. >> we'll sing carols, have a giant carol. >> i'll do the religious ones.
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you do the sec u lar ones. >> we won't do neck suck lar songs. with east just sing religious. >> for every religious song you have to sing five? miley cyrus? >> miley cyrus "let it snow." you have show called the "kelly files." what have you got coming up tonight? >> we're going to be all over this hagel thing. >> where is hagel? >> that's good question. >> where is he? >> let me tell you with dual respect to the secretary of defense, itthe first time he we to dove r air force base, the first time. he went to grieve the bodies. the controversy that he's created, helped create. >> is he coming on your show? >> yeah. not at so much. >> we invited him on "the
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factor." he's a big fan of mine. >> i'm sure he is. listen. here's what we're going to be pressing for. >> his resignation. i want him out of there. >> no. we don't advocate but we want answers. the pentagon says we realize that the attempt by congress to fix this, we realize -- >> we want names, kelly. get me names. i just want him out of there. i want all the kelly file viewers to know i want him out. kelly's not going to say anything like that, but i want him out. are you mad as hello? thousands of viewers are. we'll read some of that mail in just a few moments. my wife takes centrum silver. i've been on the fence about it.
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what are you passionate about? what really ticks you off? each week we'll select letters. you can write us. friends". >> hi, bill. >> first is from texas. i'm mad as hell at being demonized by the president and members of congress for being a tea party member. what's radical about wanting to curtail government spending? i'm not an extremist. >> that's a good letter. there are extremists in the tea party as there are in every party. this is a media play. the media positioned the tea party in a certain way. >> no surprise members of the media don't like people who support smaller government. >> absolutely. >> i would argue she and members of the tea party are ahead of the curve. ten years from now when we are looking at fatter government spending than we have now, more people will be like-minded with members of the tea party.
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this is no fringe group now. we are talking 30 to 75 million according to estimates of people who support the tea party movement. >> though the polling on the tea party isn't good now, their numbers are growing? >> i would have to think so. >> if obama care goes south they will grow bigger. harriet, hang in there. letter two from elizabeth johnson in washington. i'm mad because i have to serve with service people in india or other countries they can't even understand me. >> i had a problem with dell computer and the guy in india was clueless. i was going to track him down in india. that's how bad it was. how prevalent is the outsourcing of people to help? >> your complaint and her complaint isn't uncommon. fewer american companies are outsourcing call centers today than in the past. >> they are cuttinging back now. >> right now the figure is 12% of american companies who have the call centers do outsourcing.
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a few years ago, according to somebody at the white house. >> 12%. >> 12% today according to a firm that does this business. they spoke at the white house a few years ago. it was 30%. >> so india, industry knee shah, singapore, bulgaria. bulgaria is good. >> i'm trying to the picture you on the phone. >> with raj. oh! i was trying to be nice because i need ed raj to help me . i said, are you in bang lore? where are you? i'm not going to do it. >> in america we have a week do it attitude. you have a problem, let's fix it. >> there are people who would do this for money. we want everybody to come back. >> culturally in other countries and france is a prime example that's a no can do attitude. you ask for a big cup of coffee, they only give you the small. >> two more. from florida. your segment on drunk fans teed me off.
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i would love to take my family to a football game but drunken lunatics frighten them. i can't see the giants or jets and sit there. >> you're famous. >> no. they're all drunk when they get in. the tailgating is doing this. >> people have always tailgated. >> they start at 7:30 in the morning. >> you're right. it's got out of control. i agree with you and the person who wrote in. but the stadiums have cu culpability. airlines don't let people in. >> security guards, all through the parking lots looking for people who are out of control. i have to do this one. richard from troy, michigan. i'm mad as hell because dogs have to be on leashes but not cats. there is nothing creepier than a howling cat chase uhhing squirrels. cats should be treated like dogs. i'm staying out of it. heather, we appreciate it.
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vent at mad as hell@fox still ahead, how you are helping the grieving families. how you're helping them. the tip is two minutes away. [ male announcer ] marie callender's knows all white meat chicken was made to be blanketed in golden breadcrumbs. with whipped mashed potatoes, topped with a thick homemade gravy. so she makes her country fried chicken to be eaten together. so they savor every last bite. marie callender's. or treat gas with these after you get it. now that's like sunblock before or sun burn cream later. oh, somebody out there's saying, now i get it! take beano before and there'll be no gas.
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factor tip of the day. how factor viewers are helping grieving families in a moment. first, "killing jesus" is the best sell ing book in america and the world. as for e-books, "killing jesus" is number one. "killing kennedy" number 14. "killing lincoln" number 23 after 87 weeks in the marketplace. this is unpress dented. has never happened before in publishing history. we thank you all. now marie from syracuse, new york. just like eric holder wasn't
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fired chuck hagel won't be either. they are just following the president's orders. you are smarter than that. >> who says i think otherwise? my job is fact-based analysis. that's what i do. you may be completely correct, marie. until factual data the surfaces i can't make those accusations. bill from virginia. as a vietnam vet, i say denying fallen heroes their benefits is beyond imagination. >> an army vet for 28 years, i'm ashamed of defense secretary hagel. ryan schroeder, california. the situation makes me sick. i just made a donation to the fisher house. good, ryan. i wonder if hagel has donated to fisher house, wounded warriors or another military charity. if he surfaces we'll ask him. andrew from kentucky. thanks for scolding kate for laughing at kirsten powers. he her actions were contimilius.
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word of the day. mr. o'reilly your arrogance knows no bounds. you fail to show respect for your guests. why should kate? kathy from virginia. while watching you and miller i laughed so hard i almost dropped my drink. vitamin water, right? lake village, arkansas. you and miller were totally lacking in civility last night. at least we're consistent. sue from california. what a waste of time listening to o'reilly and miller making fun of indonesian shirts and watters is boring and stupid. from california, when you get inspiration don't attribute it to the holy spirit as you did in the discussion about "killing jesus." we know what nonbelievers will say. i'm not hiding my belief system because i might be mocked. finally tonight the tip of the
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day. fisher house helps families of those killed in afghanistan after our government botched it. the factor viewers, you donated $1.3 million from the fisher house in a promotion featuring questions from my interview with president obama. remember that? you guys directly helped the military families now involved in this incredible screw-up. tip of the day, factor viewers are the best. the fisher house is a worthy charity. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website. different from we want you to spout off about the program. name and town, name and town if you wish to opine. do not be contumelious. great word. i had to look it up. i'm not going to be that. i'm not.
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we don't want you to be either. thanks for watching. always remember that the spin stops here. we are definitely looking out for you. a meeting is under way on capitol hill now. new questions about whether the gop is about to cave to white house demands on a debt deal. plus -- intentional, a fired up lawmaker attacking the defense department for the decision to withhold benefits for grieving families of fallen troops. >> you chose to do an interpretation to maximize pain. >> duncan hunter on what he's learning about the decision some now claim was no accident. also, an 18- wheel revolt in washington. in just hours, thousands of truckers plan to shut down the capitol. we'll hear from one with a
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