tv The Kelly File FOX News October 11, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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hate." every one comes with a shiny cover at no extra cost. the spin stops here because we are looking out for you. tonight on "the kelly file," a country in crisis. >> i think it's a shame. it's a fantastic country. a growing number of americans across a series of polls are alarmed with what's happening in america. we'll look at why. plus, a powerful message from my dream guest b about personal responsibility. >> when somebody lies to me, hackles go up. the hair on the back of my neck stands up. >> judge judy is here live tonight. it's happening! and what about our vets? i see soldiers coming home. their families aren't getting benefits. it's a disgrace.
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>> after a tough week for the troops one man is now summoning soldiers to the capitol. and a true profile in courage. the young pakistani girl shot in the head by the taliban because she dared to go to school. diane sawyer has malala's story and joins me tonight. >> from the world headquarters of fox news it's kwo ee's "the file" with megyn kelly . >> welcome. i'm megyn kelly. tonight as the clock ticks down on day 11 of the federal shutdown, lawmakers are trying to work out a deal to get the government up and running again. stories of barricades at memorials, benefits denied to the family thes of soldiers killed on the battlefields. the fights over health care, the threat of growing entitlements, where does it end? one thing is dleer there is a growing sense of alarm among americans. poll after poll, headline after headline pointing to a fed up
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public. the new york post calling this the u.s. of angry. americans finding little the to like headed into the 2014 midterms. gallup finds dysfunctional government surpasses economy as top u.s. problem. now a wallet street journal poll finds 60% of americans would kick every member of congress to the curb b if they could. that sentiment echoed on the streets of new york city when "the kelly file" asked folks from america to weigh in. >> i think it is e es a disgrac. i see soldiers coming home and their families aren't getting benefits. >> not to let the world war ii veterans or any veteran in. they gave their life, sweat and tears for the country. if that's the best this country has then the democrats ought to jump out of office. >> they are just we being selfish. not agreesing upon nothing and
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just thinking of themselves. >> i'm old. i am. i have been through from president kennedy's assassination to this. this is a mess . >> we are not what we used to be. i think the rest of the world probably looks at america right now and has a lot of questions about the direction that we are headed. >> government meddling and people just re-eliing on government too much. we need to get back to basics and the common foundation of what america is. >> so where does the solution start? my next guest believes we have infantalized the nation. she says we must demand the best from ourselves and our children to keep america a great nation. judge judy sheindlin is presiding judge on "judge judy" and author of "what would judy say"? she's here! if i'm dreaming, don't pinch me.
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>> this ises a joy for me. congratulations. >> thank you very much. the number one television show in america, highest paid, hugely successful and there is a reason for that. it's not just your tvence. it is your personal philosophies which we get to hear from you on the air. this is something you have been railing about since you wrote the book that's my dierks ane tics "don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining". this was written in 1996. you talk b about personal responsibility. about not accepting mediocrity as the norm. >> oh, my goodness. do we have a lot of time? >> all the time you need. >> let's start with the fact that this month -- november actually, november 19 is the 150th anniversary of when lincoln delivered the gettysburg address. >> mm-hmm.
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>> you know, we all learned in school about the gettysburg address, what it stood for, what it said and that the president was commemorating a cemetery for the fallen union soldiers at gettysburg. the last line, if i remember it correctly, is we shouldn't forget that this is a nation of the people by the people and for the people. let's start with that. if it is a government of the people and by the people, we are talking about people who have to act responsibly. we are also talking about the fact that government is there to serve us -- not the other way around. i want to go back to a story. when i was a supervising judge in family court in manhattan back in the '80s, i had a judge who didn't take the bench on time. i like to get there early. people are waiting.
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citizens paid for an expensive court system just like the public pays for an ex-pe pepens government. i felt i was a public servant. they paid my salary. they were entitled for a day's work for a day's pay. court started at 9:15. i was on the bench at 9:00 ready to get going and everybody else was there waiting for me. court officers, clerks. this judge had a house in the hamptons. he couldn't get to work on time on monday before 11:00. i would say to him, judge, it's not the right thing. you left people sitting outside. he said, they can't do anything unless i'm here. i said, you know, you're a public servant. this public is not there to serve your needs. well, that's a lot of what we are seeing in government today. we are seeing mediocre people elected to substantial positions
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because very often substantial people don't want to run for government office anymore because of all the hassles of it. and we have mediocre people taking positions where they can affect the lives of 300 million people. i mean, whether you believe in obama care or don't, that's the law right now. let's get moving, folks. whatever uh your position is on it, that's what the public voted for at a particular time in our history. so that's what we have now. we have to work around that. that being said, i think that the government today is too big. and the government has forgotten its vision that it is there to serve the public. >> you write in this book which i love so much -- don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. you talk about shifting from personal responsibility to government responsibility we ex expect too much from our government. >> absolutely right.
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i think 150 years ago when abe lincoln delivered the gettysburg address, everybody served in the army. big ones, tall ones, strong ones, not so strong ones. if you had an ear infection you served. if you could see out of only one eye you served. you did what you had to do in order to the take that responsibility to the next level. i think if you have children, you have to do whatever it takes to support them. that's your job. i made children. i supported the children and brought them up. the ones that i made. i actually don't want to support your children. >> right. >> i don't. you have three children. you had three children because you know it's expensive the to raise children. it's very nice. you could pop out a baby every year. >> and i have been. >> and then have a television program named in your honor.
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but if you are responsibly parenting you have only the number of children you can afford to take care of. when the government says, you know what, you have them, we'll take care of them. when the government says -- in my view and this sounds harsh and i will get mail. don't send me negative e-mail. i don't read it. i'm too old. if you are a drug addict or an alcoholic, i don't think that's the kind of disability that should be subsidized by the american public who work hard for their money. those people who are working. if you choose drugs and choose alcohol you may let your family take care of you. when i have cases, and i have had them for 30 year years, of e receiving disability because they are drug addicts, alcoholics, some have bad backs, some suffer from -- you know, i
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have carpal tunnel in my hands, i have lupus. i have a daughter-in-law with lupus. sometimes she's tired, but most of the time shell she gets up and does what she has to do. sometimes it's debilitatindebil. sometimes not. what we have done to a group of people is say, don't worry. if you can't take care of yourself, we'll take care of you. >> we'll do it for you. >> i have a perfectly capable able-bodied man going to college and getting $20,000 a year from the government. the only thing he can do after seven years is play the guitar. >> lots of people go to college for seven years. yeah, they're called doctor thes. to steal a line from "tommy boy." i want to talk about mediocrity and how you are upset about the fact that now everybody is a winner. there is no second place anymore. everybody get as blue ribbon.
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we'll pick up with judge judy there. the producers are making me go to or follow me on twitter for behind-the-scenes pictures of our interview with the judge. retweet it. we'll pick up on the issue of mediocrity and everybody is a winner in two minutes. and just to make this night more incredible i will chat later with diane sawyer about a young girl shot by the taliban who's going to change the world. >> on the 9th of october 2012, the taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead. they shot my friend s, too. they thought the bullet would silence us. but they failed. and
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appealing two years in a row. ron: it's ron jc: ron... exactly. vo: get 0 down, 0 due at signing, 0 deposit, and 0 first month's payment on passat or any new 2014 volkswagen. i love judge judy. >> you're a fan. >> i have a conflict of interest in discussing anything fairly with her. i'm her number one fan. she re fuses to give me an interview. i love you. i have asked her many, many times to come on. i can't get her. i don't know why. love her anyway. as you can the tell. i'm a big fan of judge judy. >> i was very pregnant there. >> you look great.
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>> thank you! i'm thrilled to have you here. i want to talk about it. there have been stories valedictorians, getting rid of sports where anybody loses. you say when you play cards with your grandkids, if they lost, they lost. >> i don't annihilate them which i could do. i leave them with some spirit. i don't understand the practical results of this. when you run a race, the object of the race is to win the race. somebody is going to whiin and somebody will lose. you may have a gold, silver and bronze. but not efb gets a merit badge. not everybody gets the award for cleanest bunk or cleanest cubby hole or nicest to their bed partner. it's ridiculous. >> what damage is it doing? >> i think it gives young people
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a false sense of reality. i think it actually does the opposite of what it is intended to do. it creates mediocrity. it prevents people from wanting to strive to do better. that's what i think is happening to this country. i think it started in the public school system. when i went to public school in new york city it was a great public school system. wonderful people came out of the public school systems in new york. and then at that time if you were bad -- really bad, a behavior problem -- they would put you in what they called 600 school which was for the bad kids. then i believe some misguided person said, that's not fair to all the bad kids. if we take the bad kids and sprinkle them around and put them in the classes with the good kids, the good kids will bring them up. >> going to rub off. >> let me give you my analogy. i don't cook much but there was a time in my life i did. i'm sure you have fruit in the
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house. did you ever guy boou a box of blueberries at the store? when you get home you find one of the moldy white blueberries in the box? >> yes. >> you take that one out because you know from experience if you leave that one in, tomorrow morning there are going to be ten moldy blueberries and the next morning 20. all those good blueberries cannot fix the one bad one. that's the idea of the public school system. they created a public school system in new york city and many major cities that's creating a mediocre generation of students and worse. if you don't have a great public school education system in your country, you will have a mediocre country. >> o'reilly talks about the entitlement society. almost 50% of homes receive government assistance. how does that play into it?
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>> well, as long as you are giving me a couple of seconds i will tell you my idea. >> i think if you receive an entitlement because the government determined you are unable to work because of x and you have young children that go to school and you are receiving some sort of public stanassista i think in order to continue with it you have to dmon state you get your children to school every day. your children need a certificate of attendance in school in order to continue with your assistance. i also think that people who take a deduction for their children, working people who take a deduction on their tax returns because they are participating, in order to be able to get that deduction you have to attach to your tax return a certificate of attendance for the children in a school. you're going to see to it that your kids get to school. you want that couple of grand. >> that's dollars and cent s. >> reward and punishment.
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>> we don't have much time. i want to ask you. online social media. would you let your kids do it? >> i know so little about it. it's so abused. i really can't tell you. i don't think there is anything we can do b about it. >> another question. bullying. if you had to prevent your kids from being bullied in today's society, any thoughts on it? >> oh, gee. you know, the only thing i can say is if you are advised as a parent that your child is bullying another child and you take no steps to remediate that situation, i think that has to be an actionable offense -- whether civil or criminal. number one show in all of daytime. 10 million viewers watch her show every day. how much longer? we want you to go on forever. >> i will give you my stock answer. i'm signed up until 2017 which
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is a nice number. if i go beyond 2017 it depends on two things -- whether the public likes it and how my face is holding up. >> so far so great! you used to make no money. now you're a rich lady. how has it change ed you? >> i like to think in not so many ways. i still put my pants on one leg at a time. i still love my family. i still get a kick out of my husband. i still like to do a little bit of vacationing. we live relatively simply. >> one story about tyou the makeup artist asked who is that and you said, that's the wind be beneath my wings. what a way to describe the man you love. >> have me back. >> more from judge judy we'll
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talk and put it online -- on facebook. i'll figure it out. up next, one great veteran. want to cover and correct spots? try this: cc creams from covergirl + olay. covers spots and lines instantly as you correct skin tone over time. goodbye, spots, hello, beautiful. cc creams from covergirl + olay. get 'em on the spot. female announcer: save up to 35%
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♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ she just left for i hope the beginning of a long soul mate relationship between us. americans fighting back. after seeing the government shut out some of the greatest generation. after seeing veterans break through the world war ii memorial thousands will take part in a million vet march. larry bailey, a former navy s.e.a.l. joins us. thank you for your service. >> thanks. >> why did you feel the need to
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do this. >> we felt people who should be recognized were being neglected. somebody needed to do something. for too long we have let the administration and people who tend to be anti-military in their attitudes work their will with us. we have sat back and took it being accustomed as we are to accepting what's put before us. i think we have decided the world war ii vets can want do anything for themselves so much. so we'll do it for them. hopefully the generations that come through will make sure the same thing doesn't happen to our generation. >> nancy pelosi was on the mall saying i thank the president for opening the mall up and the national monuments up. you know, there are still barrica barricades. do you feel this has been solved or not? >> no, it's not solved. with don't know what obama's game is or the administration's game is. they may be trying to provoke
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things. i can assure them we won't have confrontation out there. i i suspect if there are barriers up to impede our access to the world war ii memorial, i suspect they will be moved one way or the other. we would like the park police or the capitol police move them rather than our people moving them themselves s. that's totally unacceptable, totally illegal as far as i'm concerned and totally obscene. if the it weren't so funny, it would be obscene. i don't know what they think they are proving. >> in your letter that's got about 15,000 signatures to re-open the memorials you write, we have a right to visit these sacred places. we are outraged that the vets had the to storm their own war memorials. monuments already paid for with their blood, sweat and tears. you put quite a point on it. >> that's a point that needs to be made. we hope by having the rally, that we'll put a fine point on
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that whole issue so the american public can -- what the white house is trying to do. we feel once american people know what's happening that they will just rise up and forbid it to happen. >> the congress led to the government shutdown. that's bipartisan. >> well, that's suppose ed to be bipartisan. but there is no question that the senate, for example, is reflecting the attitude of the white house. the senate, if i had to characterize one of the other houses as being more pro military than the other it would be the house is more pro emil tear by virtue of being republican than the senate is. we want to make sure that the senate doesn't work its will unimpeded over the nation's veterans. we hear all the stories about veterans being short shrifted
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and denied v.a. care. they should be happily i don't need v.a. assistance. i haven't been sick so far. the veterans have been promised the medical help. it seems that the congress will try to take it away. >> thank you for being here. all the best to you, captain. >> thank you. an incredible interview coming up. when i get a chance to speak with dinosa diane sawyer about malala yousafzai. and then what does this mean for the midterm elections and beyond? kwo "the kelly file" has answers next. ♪ [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires reech ] ♪
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fox news can now project that republican uhs will retain control of the u.s. house of representative s. the democrats fell te short of picking up 25 house seat s which would have given them control of the legislative chamber but there are now early indications that republicans may pick up seats. >> that was election night 2012. now here we are in 2013. an historic number of americans are alarmed over the state of the nation. a new survey finds congress is less popular than witches, hemorrhoids and cockroaches. i love the picture we have for the hemorrhoids. i was wondering what we would do. lars larson host of the lars larson show, alex mcgill, executive director of the american values institute and dr. keith ablow, fox news
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contributor. lars, i will start with you. your thoughts on what it means for 2014? >> i think that americans will like seeing when the government shuts down it really doesn't shut down. that the president refuses to negotiate and that republicans have grown a backbone and the tea party is acting as the rudder. i think they are in the right direction this time. >> alexis? >> what do you mean americans aren't feel ing the consequences? what the republican party is doing is pit ing mothers against soldiers. there was a young girl who passed away in philadelphia because her school nurse was furloughed. you're telling me either not seeing the consequences of it? they will go down because of this. >> doctor, what do you make of the malaise coming over the country now, to quote jimmy carter? >> here is the translation psychologically of the malaise. when we elected someone out of
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fear after 9/11, we elected a president who we acknowledged the world would consider not so bad. not so utterly american. not so on our side in a certain way. i think what's happening now is that people are starting to wake up a little bit and say, now wait a second. that's a crisis. when you have somebody who doesn't embrace free enterprise and the thing that is make the country great we have to shift course again. the course will now be shifted. >> president obama has a record low approval rating now. >> record low for him. >> 37%. >> congress is 24. >> congress is even lower than 24. >> not only that, do we have to the put the hemorrhoid cream back up? not only that 60% of the american people say they would throw them all out, every single one of them out now if we could. what does it say to you, alexis?
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it must include democrat thes and republicans. >> it will fall on the shoulders of the republicans now. when you look at the numbers. when you look at the fundamental contradictions. they are supposed to be the party of american values. again, they are pitting americans against americans. >> megyn -- >> go ahead, lars. >> that's just not true. here is the president who uh sai will not negotiate. he's not. the president said it would be the end of the world with sequestration, end of the world if the government shut down, end of the world if we don't raise the debt ceiling. the president shut people out of the memorials and the national mall. >> what do you make of the numbers for the republicans? the poll was bad for the gop. >> it uh may be some of the people in the polls are saying i don't like the republicans because i'm afraid they will lose their backbone and cave in. i think a lot of people i talk
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to are frustrated that conservatives aren't more conservative and we don't hold a line. >> you saw the usa today or new york post headline, u.s. of angry. >> when they are angry, eventually they take action rather than being in malaise. the bottom line is you can uh sell people fear and dependency, only for so long. people who have been getting a prescription to be tranquilized with food stamps or unemployment for 99 weeks, they get mad. why? they get the game being played to disempower them. this is the disempowerment president. while the anger may be multi faceted, it uh will settle on the oval office eventually. it has to. the truth always wins. >> alexis? >> the president is not running again. so the real challenge the republicans had -- >> thank god. >> no one could put this up against except for themselves.
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they have a pass to leadership forward here . they are not taking it. they are shutting everything down because they are trying to hold onto something, to fight something that's already lost. >> america. hold onto that. >> right. >> it's not a lost cause. >> deny them basic health care, basic benefits is a challenge. >> they want to preserve health care. >> it's insulting to suggest that they areal feeling en titled about this. these are hard-working americans out there fighting every day for their kids. >> the republicans said it's not that they want to deny people health care . they don't like the solution proposed. thank you. >> thank you. >> up next , tv legend diane sawyer joins me. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy.
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truly incredible segment now about two women who have become global icons for very different reasons. malala yousafzai is a 16-year-old girl from pakistan shot by the taliban a little over a year ago after she defied their orders banning women and girls from going to school. when she sat down with tv news legend diane sawyer she shared thoughts about one of the most inspiring global advocates you
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will likely ever hear. >> reporter: the one year ago malala yousafzai was on a school bus with other girls. >> on the uh day when i was shot, all of my friends faces were covered except mine. >> reporter: was that wise? it was brave, but was it wise? >> i wanted to live my life as i i want. >> reporter: a man with a beard and a gun stopped the bus and asked, who is malala? then fired three shots at her point blank. >> it went here, down here, and here. >> reporter: through a series of astonishing miracles from the way the bullet traveled to the doctor who just happened to be there, she woke up ready to lead girls everywhere for the new day. >> out of this, thousands of voices. >> i am malala. >> i am malala. >> courage was born. >> we are malala!
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>> gives you chills. joining me now anchor of abc world news. diane sawyer, great to have you here. >> great to be here. congratulations on your first week . >> thank you very much. what a way for you to make a point with malala. the interview is powerful. i have seen large portions of it. i want to pick up on the piece mentioned about the series of astonishing miracles. tell us more about it. >> impossibilities. the trajectory of the bullet alone. you hear the doctor say, we don't know what to make of it. we have never seen anything like it. the way it deflected from her brain at at the last minute and the fact that there were doctors in country, never been there before. happened to be in country who rushed in and saved her breath by breath, organ by organ. >> when you talk to her because i see from the interview her strength and her presence. was that what you took away?
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>> she's tiny. she comes up to my waist. she does little magic tricks for me. one minute she 's child like. then she's elect identielectrif. she talks about school and what a diamond it is. she had fear but she said sometimes you have to turn fear into courage. only courage will move you forward. she is an inspiration. >> here is a little bit of that. let's listen. >> the terrorists thought that they would change my aims and stop my ambitions. nothing changed in my life except this. weakness, fear and hopelessness died. strength, fervor and courage was born. [ applause ] >> that was from her u.n. speech. you asked her specifically about
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the pain she went through and the fact that she has yet to cry. >> her doctor said she never saw her cry. her doctor said she was so stoic. malala said, i felt god had given me a new life. i had to decide what to do with the uh new life. >> i know you took a broader look at the taliban and houma louisiana found herself in this position. you interviewed a fund mentalist woman. i want to listen to that. >> freedom and democracy and islam cannot exist. there is either islam or noniz lamb. muslim or nonmuslim. there is no in between. >> when you see someone completely uncovered like me, what do you think? >> oppressed. >> i believe anyone who is not muslim is oppressed because you are not subservient to the one who created you. you are a slave to your own
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desires. >> that's a sample of what they are up against. >> there were hundreds of millions of muslims around the the world who disagree extremely and want to say that is not islam. that's not their islam. >> this little girl is one of them. she is fighting for a different way forward. now they are talking about she did not win the nobel prize but was honored by president obama and mrs. obama today. she was honored by great britain. she now is saying she wants to become prime minister. she thinks politicians can do more than perhaps even educators. >> she is unbreakable. her horizon is not even visible to anyone on this earth. she has lived inside a dream. her dream is that 31 million young girls who can't go to school will have someone
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speaking up for them. she eel do it. >> when i see her clips it makes me want to be a better perpendicular. be a better friend, better wife, better mother, better everything . it's the most uplifting thing i have seen all week. we just had a gallup poll that showed 81% of the country now is dissatisfied with government and that there is a certain malaise, for lack of a better term, that people are feeling in the country now. you have been covering news for a long time. you had a bit of a stint in politics. have you ever seen it like this? >> i have been through contentious times in my long life and career. i haven't had people come up to me the way they said, we are so smart in america. we believe in the future. why are we living crisis to crisis? why are we doing this? i know you are hearing it too. we are reporting it every night. >> you are definitely my role model in television news.
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i loved your career. i said many times if i could have half the career you have had i would be a happy woman. you did it at a time when women weren't in the business anywhere near today. i understand your first job in kentucky tv in 1967. you were the first female correspondent for "60 minutes." you're a trail blazer. do you think women are where we need to be in the news business? >> i look around and i see all the women with their intelligence and able to bring to television the passion, what they truly believe. they are everywhere. congratulations to you on this show. i am so proud. i think we are here. >> i'm glad to hear it. thank you very much for being here. we'll be watching tonight. up breakable with diane sawyer. >> two of my role models and favorite people. for me this was a great bloed cast. i appreciate watching with me.
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breaking now. several national parks will be re-opening but there is a big catch. tonight on "hannity," americans already affected by obama care speak out. >> let's talk about obama care. what's the impact? i read you are going up 35% in costs. >> that's what we are with looking at now. with the law as it stands it will increase costs 35%. we don't have a treasury room with $10.5 million to cover the costs. for us that's a concern. we know one in four of the white castle team members have been with us ten years or more. these are our friends and family. in the neighborhood where is we live and work, you know, it makes a when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up.
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government may still be shut down but some of the national treasures are open for business. how can that be? grace gallagher is live in the west coast newsroom with developments. trace? >> what's happening is the federal government is leasing back the national parks to the states at least for a short time. in return the states get to keep all the money the parks generate. so the governors have to sit down and figure t out if the math works and if it's worth it. the governors of washington state, wyoming have said no thanks. several other states struck deals. take a look at this. utah is paying $166,000 per day to keep open its eight parks. arizona, 93,000 per day to re-open the grand canyon. new york paying $61,000 plus to open the statue of lib ertliber. colorado $40,000 for rocky mountain park. and $15,000 plus for south dakota to re-open mt. rushmore.
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>> we have talked in utah b about the ability for us to take over the management and responsibilities. we take on the expense and keep the revenue side. there probably is a break even there. i think there is optimalzation of what can be done with states having more management responsibilities. >> at first jan brewer had the idea of paying the feds but then those outside the grand canyon said he they would pay because they were lose ing hundreds of thousands in revenue. here is a business owner. listen. >> there are people in this community all over the state, people flying in, waiting to be able to go to grand canyon, walk around and see nobody there is surreal. >> some of the parks will are open this weekend. as it stands some 385 national park wills remain shut down. 20,000 park service employees remain furlough ed. somewhere out there a child in a
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bear hat is sitting outside of a gate wondering why he cannot get in. that picture sums up the shutdown. >> oh, little buddy. trace, thank you. we just posted the behind-the-scenes interview with judge judy. stuff you have to see. i asked for her number one piece of advice for parents and all about her show. go to kelly file to see it now. plus, see what happens when the the five became the six today. and a fun moment when i joined the cast this afternoon. jc: lunch at that one restaurant we all like? jc: i'm your coworker! c'mon guys. i'm driving. hey, you guys comfortable? it's best-in-class rear legroom. and with a turbo engine that gets 35 highway m-p-g. you know j.d. power ranked passat the most appealing midsize car two years in a row? i bet, uh, dan here wishes somebody found him most appealing two years in a row.
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it is the best of what we're made of. well-qualified lessees can lease the 2014 grand cherokee laredo 4x4 for $359 a month. i think you really i don't want to be with your husband and talk to him, you married the wrong guy. my husband is the first opinion i want, first feedback i want. there is something different when you have a drink with your girlfriends. there is a different energy. i understand what either saying. by the way, number one favorite woman, judge judy is coming on my show tonight. god bless her. i love her . i can't wait to be her friend. >> i don't think i have girlfriends in new york. >> what are we ? hello! >> we have socialized many times. >> why do you i say that? >> with our husbands. >> okay. >> dana said that was a cry for help. that was fun.
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the must see moment, behind-the-scenes interview with judge judy watch it on kelly file. like and share it."the kelly f." thanks for watching. welcome to "hannity." tonight we need to set the record straight. the obama/reid shutdown. rising tensions. americans losing trust in elected leaders. this happened because of one thing only -- obama care. over the next hour with the help of the studio audience made up of distinguished guests and experts from both sides of the aisle we'll explain why. since washington won't have an honest conversation, we will right here on this show. >> i want to be absolutely crystal
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