tv The Five FOX News October 14, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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on the fox business network. that will be varney and company. we arrive on your doorstep promptly at 9:20 eastern. terrific show. i can recommend it. "the five" is next. hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." well, it's day 14 of the government shutdown and this week brings yet another deadline. the one over the debt ceiling. the president is talking about a potential default and he's blaming republicans. >> not only is it untenable for us to continue this shootdown, this week, if we don't start making some real progress both in the house and the senate and if republicans aren't willing to set aside some of their partisan
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concerns in order to do what's right for the country, we stand a good chance of defaulting. >> now, president obama and vice president biden were supposed to meet with the four congressional leaders but that meeting was abruptly postponed. we're getting word mitch mcconnell will present a potential plan to senate republicans tomorrow morning. ed henry is following it from washington. he joins us from the white house. >> the bottom line is that that's actually good news, that the meeting here at the white house was delayed. normally you would say, wait, is this thing falling apart, is the president not ready to meet with democratic and republican leaders. this time, we're hearing white house aides signal to the senate leaders, if you need more type, take it. it appears they at least have a framework, we're told, from sources in both the democrat and republican party in the senate to move all this forward. it would basically extend the debt ceiling until february 15th. they would reopen the government until january 15th.
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and then they would have broader budget talks that would sort of have an expiration date, to try to have some other bigger budget deal before the holidays. the key here, it may be able to get through the senate but can it get through the house? conservatives are saying there's no changes to the president's health care law, there's not spending cuts. the pushback is this will happen in the broader budget talks in late november. obviously we've heard that before with the super committee of a couple years ago that ended up not following through on deficit reduction and whatnot. so that conversation is going to continue, as you say, senator mcconnell now will be briefing senate republicans early tomorrow, 11:00 a.m., eastern time. look, the clock is ticking. we're just three days away from the government not being able to have the power to borrow more money. in the senate, as you know, it can take three or four days to push all of this through. so they're going to have to start, you know, they're going
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to have to get moving quickly and we anticipate if not a late-night meeting today, we'd anticipate a meeting here at the white house tomorrow to try to seal all this, andrea. >> by the way, there's some rumors floating around the internet about you, that you stormed out of the white house briefing on friday, because allegedly you were mad at jay carner but that's not really true, is it? >> not really true. look, the bottom line, what i was mad at is i wasn't getting called on and jay carney was clearly ignoring me for some 40 minutes. but the real story is that at about 1:00 p.m., he was supposed to be briefing on friday and he pushed it back several types because, look, the negotiations were going on, that's fine, it happens. it was not until about 4:00 p.m. that it was happening. i was walking out because after 40 minutes of not being called on, i had people telling me i had to get out of on the north lawn to do a hit for "the five." if the bloggers who are
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attacking me would look they would see i came out and talked to you guys. i was also trying to finish my script for 6:00. otherwise, i would have had brett mad at me and the executive producer. >> i heard the rumor was you had to to the little boy's room and you were embarrassed. >> not true. shockingly, something you said is false. >> ed, it didn't look like you were storming out. that's smart though. we're happy to be your alibi. >> jay carney can be mad at me, i do not want "the five" mad at me. >> bob, you have been following these behind the scenes negotiations. how close do you think they are? >> i think they've got a deal. i think it's just turning it into legislative language that works. the question now is -- i mean, this thing came off of obama care by the end of last week it and went back under spending, particularly on the
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sequestration numbers. this deal now is -- in some ways, i mean, framework, but the difference is they've moved the c.r. up and they've moved the debt ceiling back. i think it makes sense all the way around. the thing that scared everybody last night is the futures market for stock, had fallen something like 300 upon thepoints, scaredl out of people. the real question now, as ed pointed out, or should have pointed out -- >> you were listening. >> is boehner going to be able to do what he's going to have to do, which is take votes from democrats, combined with 20 republicans to pass this thing? that for boehner is a political, difficult political call but i don't think he had any option. >> falls on boehner's shoulders now it looks like mcconnell and reid and the white house are cobbling something together. going back to boehner, the man at the center of the storm, divided conference.
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he's looking at the poll numbers. he's feeling pressure. >> it's official, he's got the worst job in america right now because he's about to get an old-fashioned karate kid leg sweep out from under him because it looks like they're going to put this through. what kind of position does that leave him in? the republicans made a big point about this. on priority and principle. what they thought was best for the country and what should be done. now it looks like it's been chips away at. they have to get together and think about what's next not only for the country but how they're going to group this together. and also, how are they going to spin this? so it doesn't look like they took a big hit or loss. >> so, greg, if this deal goes through, it looks like the good news for you and for everyone at this table is we get to talk about it. in just a couple of months again. >> exactly, it never ends. it's like the sequel of "nightmare on elm street." >> it's still scary. >> to quote new kids on the
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block, the republicans have to stand tough. i'm sorry, the whole point for the democrats is demanding an increase in debt. what is the common sense response for that? hell no. it's over. we're done. doesn't matter what party is involved. there's always asking for an increase in debt. if some guy owes you a lot of money and they come back and they want more money, you have to say screw you, we've had enough. the media drives me nuts because they're calling for a middle ground. their middle ground is between the left and the far left. between maniacal and homicidal. it's the argument between being hit by one boulder and being hit by two. the democrats want to raise tax because they can't stop spending and we don't stop spending because we're fed these apocalyptic lies that the world's going to hell in a hand basket when it's not. we can spend the money. we can spend the money without actually raising it. we need long term cuts. sorry, i'm done.
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>> what about -- we shouldn't be in this to begin with. i know you have tea party ties and republicans finally are standing up for something. and i think that's what the base has really wanted. they felt john boehner caved last december. he conceded too much to the democrats. they're standing firm. so as far as the republican party is concerned, they're finally standing for something. are they going to be really ticked off if boehner caves? will they perceive it as caving? >> either american should be ticked off if the republicans cave. if they do, frankly, then, it's time to call the republican leadership of the deal makers that have been there for 20, 30, 40 years. the problem we have is what greg said. we have a debt ceiling, which is no ceiling. everybody goes through it over and other. i'm sick of hearing whether reagan did it this many times or clinton did it or bush did it. the problem is you can't do it anymore. you pay the interest on the debt, you don't default. you rick a downgrade but moody's and the rating agencies look at
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what you do legislatively. if the republicans cave on this, we call that leadership, we get rid of the guys making bad deals. here's the real loser, the american people. here are the worst losers in this, the democrats claim to be for the little man, the people on the lower rung of the socioeconomic ladder. they are going to lose the worst of this bunch because of the value of the dollar goes down, as purchase cost, as costs go up, and we look at this, they can't afford food. so for everybody that's looking at this that's going, how do i get out of this. do you want to be able to buy food at low coast? do you want to be able to feed your family and pay your bills? >> it's 15 days till halloween, don't scare everybody now. >> reality can be scary, bob. >> the base, most of the republican party in this country, represented by republican governors, all of whom think the reasons in the house are crazy, want this thing other with. the base -- >> wait, wait --
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>> hold on, i'm not talking about -- >> no, no, we got to get to this sound because you're talking about the base being crazy. the issue here is that the president's taking a lot of heat for not negotiating. george will was on fox news sunday. he says he's an ideologue. that's why republicans shouldn't trust him. take a listen. >> the fact is, we have a very polarizing president. i'm not criticizing him for this. he's a progressive. he exists to enlarge the power of government as an engine of the redistribution of wealth and opportunity. that's his agenda. he's not interested in a grand bargain. he's not interested in compromising. he doesn't think he needs to. >> why, kimberly, then should republicans? >> they shouldn't. that's the point. it's what you believed in from the get-go. i take them at their word. this is somewhat they believed is in the best interest of the country. then you got to hold your position. otherwise, it's meaningless. you can't just say, we've got to meet a middle ground. not if the middle ground is bad.
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not if it's bad for the country and for the economy. it's going to hurt the lower and middle class who will be shouldering this burden. the rich can't pawn off and say we're going to tax them and make them fix it. it's going to impact everybody. >> you know something, most of the economists in the world don't know this -- us defaulting is going to send shockwaves -- >> you don't have to default -- >> -- you try to collect that, so we tried that, it didn't work. the fact of the matter is, you're taking a very big risk here over a very small percentage of people in this case -- >> so bob, do you go off a ten-foot cliff, which is where you are now, or kick this can down the road? the poor can. and then -- >> banned phrase. >> okay, you can survive a ten-foot fall, you might get broken up. you go over 100-foot cliff, you're not going to live. >> that's a tea party -- >> -- hurdling to the cliff, time to put the brakes on.
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>> do you think by the time 2014 rolls around, do you think this is going to be remembered? anybody's going to be blamed for it, both parties? or do you think they'll forget about republicans and democrats and focus on obama care? >> i think it will be -- this is the first quarter of preseason nba game. everybody's getting popcorn. the most important thing that the republicans have to do is they have to stick with obama care. every time there's a candidate running, you got to have somebody next to you that's been a victim of obama care. that's what you got to run against. i think this other thing will probably move away. >> well, listen, let me tell you something. my man teddy cruz -- >> here we go. >> i'm a big teddy cruz -- he and sarah palin from -- whatever it's called -- >> -- make fun of where she's from -- >> -- because i want to be where history is made, and that is to have cruz and palin. that's the ticket for the republicans s in 2016. it will be perfect. he is a good candidate. >> can i point out you're talk
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about the fact they were down there at the world war ii memorials where the vets marched and to a collective snicker of the media, who looked at this as wing nut and right wing cranks. because they managed to find a confederate flag, one confederate flag, and they said, look at all these whack jobs. meanwhile, there were no rapes. there was no deaf catio. they conveniently avoid the fringe on the left, and they -- and they seek like mad just one little example of the fringe on the right. there's fringe on the right. there's fringe on the left. the media can't bear to look at the fringe on the left because they agree with them. >> should be your monologue for tomorrow. >> thank you. >> before we go, check out our facebook page. and also our brand-new website at fox five. you can do it during the commercial break. but come up, you won't want to miss this, the grand rollout of
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"the new york times" says the white house put off issuing major rule s regarding obama cae until after the last election. the reason, not wanting to give any republicans firepower. the translation, this administration sucks and if people find out about it, we're going to lose. that's four disasters buried in order to win an election. benghazi, the irs, the doj and now obama care. this is not white house, it's a mass lium of mistakes where they spend more time stashing skeletons than a medical college. why this corrupt strategy not a
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win in november? those scandals refused to die. are emerging, demanding their pound of flesh. obama fears latest of the undead, who just heard the free part of obama care. now it's time to pay and the zombies are hungry. how hilarious is it a program meant to enhance your health requires its own warning label. it was never about helping people it the real zombie is the amoral beast of big government marching forward with soulless eyes. seeking nothing but demanding everything. somewhere george romero is laughing his butt off, if it's still there. i love the fact that "the new york times" was saying there was a problem with the start. think maybe they might have noticed that before it came out. >> they were deliberately try not to notice. think they were all under their desks crossing their fingers. now, they almost have to.
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i mean, their own credibility's on the line. it's a shame republicans aren't talking more about obama care because today, big story in "usa today," hospitals are cutting staff in connecticut. doctors are being fired as part of medicare advantage. everything we said would happen. everything republicans said would happen. everything mitt romney said would happen. they can't really make the point though because they're tied into these d.c. deals. >> it's almost like the republicans have this huge beautiful meal in their living room and they're eating twizzles in the bathroom. >> i like twizzlers. >> the new york tooips art we, a lot of people quoted in it anonymously because they were worried about getting their -- don't know, something happening. >> they might have to take obama care. that's why. look "the new york times," for lack of a better term, nothing. i was trying to think of something nice to say. but not really. they ran the gamut for the obama campaign no matter what it is. even right now. he's been elected.
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they sold us this gigantic nightmare as good for people. now some of them may have to take it. all those folks that were not the bosses at the "times" building, they might have to take obama care because they owe money. a couple hundred million dollars. they're underwater. what happens? they're going to cut costs. they're going to find out they're going to have to eat this meal by the way which has now been there a week, maybe months, and it's rotten and it tastes exactly like obama care, bad. >> bob has indigestion after that description. >> i'm being cool though. >> i have no idea what that means. >> i don't either but that's -- >> no, no -- >> i'm sorry, apparently i don't -- apparently -- >> for our audience -- >> can i just make one point? do i think they kept this quiet before the election? yes. for the election. yes. are they the first presidential candidate to do that? no.
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republicans have done it. that's part of campaigns. you don't bring out your bad news. there were a there. but, look, the in end, keep talking about obama care, how the computer's crashed and all that. if i were this guy who built this, i'd be out in the woods somewhere. >> ridiculous -- >> -- where the states took responsibility for their health care, like california, it's working fine. the exchanges are working fine -- >> whoa, whoa, whoa -- >> and the states who didn't were all red states, republicans, who threw it all on the federal government. 5 million hits. readvised it 87%. like 600, whatever, 42,000. and it still crashed. and nobody signed up. it worked really great. by the way, there's -- >> it's really nice to have you here, but get used to it, okay, because it is the law of the land and you're not going to repeal it. certainly not with teddy and my
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pals -- >> you know, bob, there are many examples of laws that have been repealed. >> the problem is, bob just keeping saying, like on autopilot, it's the law of the land, like it or not. you heard me. okay. nobody's signing up for it. you can't pay for it. you need how many millions of people to sign up to make this work? lastly, you were talking about, oh, everyone's signing up, no, they're not. >> you know what else is happening too? >> it's two weeks old. >> you know this, bob, a number of individuals who have current policies are getting dropped because the policies don't meet the crazy new standards -- >> the criteria. so what are these people doing? they have to go into the exchanges. they're turning over all their privacy information. the difference between this and benghazi, no one has died yet from obama care. but, greg, this touches every single person. they can't run from this. even if the media never covers it again. people are figuring out when
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they're getting their premiums. people are figuring out -- >> it's only going to get worse. very, very quickly. >> why do you keep messing with the government? you're so sure it's going to fall apart, people are going to die. let it go and be a great campaign -- >> because we care about the country. >> we care about the people. >> oh, yeah -- >> i will say i don't care about the country. want to go to paul krugman who works for "the new york times." you might know. i think his nickname is captain cuckoo. what he had to say about obama care. >> the obama care thing will also be long passed. they messed up software for the federal version of it. but we have the exchanges working just fine in many states which means it will be fixed. california has a well-functioned exchange. if you can do it for 30 million people, you can do it for 300 million. obama care will be working fine. >> oh, and roses and unicorns and fairies. by the way, the pixie dust will come down and this will work
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great. >> whenever he talks, i just feel like he should be petting a cat. obama care will work. by the way, can we just show some of the happy faces on the obama care website? i love this. this is my rule, the happy faces are inversely proportional to the misery this is causing. there's not one person who happy on this website. it's on the stock photography. >> or have they signed up? >> those are actors. >> like the doctor -- >> -- it's going to work, it's going to work fine. it's like everything else. >> krugman -- -- >> bob backing off a little bit -- >> i love how you liberals and warlords -- >> who are you catching a warlord -- >> optimistic, like halloween every day for you people. everything's horrible. you know what, this is america. be optimistic. >> i don't know any leftists who
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are apocalyptic about the world and climate warnings and the oceans -- >> no, this is america. if we stop global warming, we're going to continue to be optimistic. >> i cannot believe -- >> -- there are 30 million people who are not ensured -- >> they're not going to be -- >> -- not worried about their health care. >> are you worried about yours? >> yes. >> oh, really? >> because if my company decides to drop it -- >> i'll take care of it -- >> all right, get some -- >> if they can start by taking whatever that thing is crawling up inside you that is making you so negative -- >> geez, bob -- >> i drank the tea, bob, what can i say? >> that's for sure, that's for sure. >> all right, get out of here. >> try to forget everything we learned. still to come, you might have heard nbc's bob costas deliver a new rant at halftime last night. i believe that's football.
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said this about the controversy. >> objections to napes like braves, chiefs, warriors and the like strike many of us as political correctness run amok. these names honorary than demean. ask yourself what the equivalent would be if directed towards african-americans, hispanics, asians or other ethnic groups. when considered that way, redskins can't possibly honor a heritage or a noble character trait. nor could it be considered a neutral term. it's an insult, a slur, no matter how benign the present day intent. >> was there any blowback for his comments? you might be wondering. here's costas this morning. >> from what i've been able to determine from nbc people, it's much more muted than the gun thing, and any negative reaction comes from an extreme fringe. >> please. i mean, every tyime i hear that it irritates me.
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the extreme fringe. actually the majority of americans think it's perfectly fine to have this name. >> i don't really care about his opinions. and he can have them. i'm not that far away from what he believes in. but he's pretending to be daring. i have a bob costas rule. he only makes a stand when it's safe to do so. and his stands are always reflective of the media world he belongs in. he comes out about gun because everybody in the media feels the same way. compa companies out against the redskins because everybody in the media feels the same way. you've got costas. they don't reflect the people in professional sport. but the medium they're in, they're basically serving their media masters, instead of the athletes they are supposed to cover. >> i don't think you should pay attention to the media anymore. >> no, no, that's my only job, bob. >> do you have something interesting to say, bob?
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>> yes. let me just say, being from washington, we've been through this for 30 years. we hear it over and over again every year. it is the right of the owner of the washington redskins to call it the redskins. whether costas likes it or not. whether some of my friends on left who think that i've sold out -- i think it's fine. it just, i mean, i don't -- i don't know why it's such a big deal. it's one football franchise out of 32, i guess. 28 or 32. something like that. anyway, somewhere around there. >> liberal numbers. >> a few chiefs here. >> has anyone heard -- i heard he made these comments. i just went, oh, figures. if you're watching the game, you're like why is he weighing in on this, talking about this instead of what's happening on the field? because fans are probably listening going, shut up, bob. >> oh, kind of like what they do here, this show.
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>> very familiar thought. >> if he came back from the concussion. >> no, because that affects his bottom line. by the way, bob personally, i'm aoffended. unless you can tell me what tribe you're from, you're black and an american. what about the chicago blackhawks. shouldn't i be offended? i want the blackhawks to change their name. >> i want the trojans to change theirs. i'm so offended. >> can i just say one thing -- >> let's all be offended. >> i think what greg had to say about costas, why in the world, in the middle of a football game, do you begin to editorialize about stuff like this? i don't get it. >> trying to steal alec baldwin's new show -- >> seriously, why in the world -- the people who watch this game did not tune in to listen to bob costas give his opinion. >> he can't help himself. when he walks into the cocktail party on friday night, everybody can go, bravo, bob, that was so brave of you. >> do they really do the bravo thing? >> yes, they do, with their "new
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york times" in their hand. >> i love the olives. all right. >> -- have you -- yet? >> i'm trying, you destroyed the beginning of it. do the hosts at this show think it's better than ours? we'll show you. later, bob beckle and rand paul agree on something. you have to stick around to find out why. both maxwell and ted have hail damage to their cars. ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about...
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especially when you compare us to europe. that's what the hosts over at the "today" show struggled to come up with substantive examples. check this out. >> are europeans just better at life than americans are? >> i think we do have a very good job of cheese here. >> develvelveeta. >> fantastic cheeses. >> what else? >> binge tv watching. >> baseball. >> sports. >> pickup trucks. >> right, yes. >> i was going to say burgers and hot dogs. >> i wanted to say french fries but they're french. >> we create fast food, they copy it. >> better action movies. >> you know, is there a language restriction? they don't add up to one of us. greg. >> i would say that the winning of wars has enabled vast industry and wealth. which allows people like matt
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lauer to make $30 million a year despite look like an overgrown bald eagle chick. >> does that guy make 30 million bucks a year? kimberly? >> how about all the innovation and technology that we've developed here. and especially even in the field of medicine that has been life saving throughout the world. yes, i agree. >> -- in europe? >> yes, absolutely. three quarters of the world's innovation technology comes from this country. deal with it, people. >> are you an exceptional man? >> i would say people think so but it's not the case. >> people? >> let me just say this is the only form of government that was formed from a constitution based on the american people. the other, are women shaved? >> oh, my goodness. >> with that note, and no transfer of thought -- >> that's the best you can come up with? >> you've been where i've been,
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that's best you'd come up with, yes. >> please, let's do this -- >> again with no transfer, andrea. >> constitution and hygiene, those are two very good ones and very true ones. >> look at greg. >> it's true. >> -- wouldn't even really be a europe without the united states of america. not only did we help save europe so everyone's not speaking german, we rebuilt europe, then started trading with europe. there's all these other things. i can't believe they missed -- internet, aviation, all the inventions. >> how about all the -- >> oil wells, movies. mean -- >> real movies. >> and how about hurricanes, natural disasters. who's the first one in with the cash, with the supply, with the medical help, right, the united states. >> here's my three. i'll pick my top three. the constitution, the first amendment. which means the "today" show can throw anything they want and not get thrown in the human rights council. elvis. rock 'n' roll. the beatles.
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and bourbon. >> bourbon. >> some of the world's best. that kentucky brown tea. so europe and all you elitists from "today" show. >> by the way, our ratings are better. >> i lived in france for a year. when people always say the grass is always greener, i mowed those lawns. it's really not. i wouldn't want to get sick in france. i wouldn't want to get sick in greece. >> all right, we got to wrap. >> can you imagine -- the british who hate the french -- they shouldn't have built a tunnel to them. are you kidding me? >> next, eye to eye with republicans on anything, but he's found some common ground with senator rand paul on a very serious issue. bob will try to explain when we come back. >> will try? peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business.
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i was happy to see republican senator rand paul when he said this. >> i want to talk about a war that the mainstream media's ignoring. from boston to zanzibar, there's an attack on christianity. you won't hear much about it on the evening news because the answer's not convenient. it doesn't fit the narrative we've been told about radical islam. a worldwide war on christians is being waged by fanatical element of islam. >> exactly right. other thing, look forward now to some of these muslim countries, is that christians were there before you were, number one. there may be more of you. you may have bred faster. the fact of the matter is, they have every right to practice their religion. if you don't stop it, there are
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going to be consequences. just say this again, fatwa this. go ahead. >> i'm not going to argue on this one. i tell you what we do need to do, where are the so-called moderate muslims? >> they don't exist. >>. >> where the so-called muslims? where are they? >> they are hiding in some country, pa and i get it that you will be killed in some countries, but here in america with the exception of a few people, you don't hear a thing from them. they come out, and by the way, where are the liberals on the feminists or the education, and where are the moderate liberals and muslims, and not you, bob n this case. >> okay. >> go ahead. >> and it is the last acceptable form of discrimination in the country, and it is happening all over the world, and we have christians being killed an persecuted in syria, and the president who took to the podium to plea to go into seyria never even mentioned the persecution of christians and the same for egypt. they are being persecuted in
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egypt and worse under the muslim brotherhood, and the president says absolute nothing, and it is despicable that they don't call attention to this. >> i couldn't agree more, and why obama has not said anything about this is amazing. >> and you know, christians know that they should convert to islam, and then obama will be sympathetic. >> oh, my goodness. >> well, i think that what really bothers me is the crimes committed gaiagainst the young girls and the women in these countries in the name of religion and you see it in egypt and pakistan and the christian girls raped and sold off to the muslim men to marry them, and it is atrocious in the number of deaths that has occurred and why is the international community so deafeningly silent. >> well, what is it about my side, and why for example now, who i have supported all along, are you keeping your mouth shut about this is beyond me, and why is that people who believe in
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liberalism can sit back and be silent in the face of the fanatical murdering bums is amazing to me. and i wi and i will say it again. i get jumped on this all of the time. oh, bob, you could shot say it about the muslims, and i will, because i am one of the few who has the guts to stand up to say something about it. >> well, it is not to not say anything, but they go out of the way in the administration to talk about the shared history of tolerance. that is bull. >> when is the last muslim of state who came out to talk about this? nobo nobody. they are all cowards. ♪ and i wonder ♪ still i wonder ♪ who'll stop the rain
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it is now time for one more thing. greg? >> well, as you can tell by the glasses that i'm wearing, i lost a valuable friend this weekend, and please roll. ♪ >> oh. i'm so sorry. >> and didn't you hear from kimmerly a couple of years ago and that ri broken, so you guys bid on these, and the winning bid will go to some kind of charity that will be named la r
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later. >> are you going to tell us what happened? >> i sat on them in a bar. >> and they should have been on supervised visitation. >> yes, and we shared a lot of great times here, and we saw a lot of stuff. >> if those glasses could talk. >> or a videotape. >> kill me now. >> kind of sad. >> roberto? >> well, i have read a lot of political books in my life, but this is by far the single best book i have ever read, and it is the "kennedy half century" by larry sabato, and it is not partisan or liberal or conservative, but a great history book. any of you who like politics, get this book and read it, because you will learn so much from this. i thought i knew a lot about politics and i read the book, and i will tell you that very few political scientists do i have respect for, but for larry sabato, i do. and get this book if you get nothing else, get this one. >> what about my book?
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>> no. i am telling you that i was spellbound by it. >> and he is the bomb, isn't he? >> yes, unbelievably good. >> yesterday, i had the opportunity to emcee the cure cancer watch in lehigh valley in bethlehem, pennsylvania, and people turned out to raise money for a cure for pediatric cancer. i am pictured with a little boy there, duncan, and he is a survivor and beat the disease, and so it was a grive back. if you want to learn more, yo can go the curesearch it is a really good cause and a fun day. >> and so how about you? >> well, did not get a hot dog at yacos or a chicken lounge. >> well, speaking of dieting, i have good news for you chocolate lovers out there, because studies are showing, and this is coming from the daily mail reporter, and they are saying that people who go ahead to
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starve themselves on the diet and they don't want to eat anything, because like chocolate and things like that, you are doing yourself a disservice, and 65% of people put on more weight by putting on more and more, and so have what you like. and one study says that if you eat the chocolate like this, you could live longer, so i won't be giving bob any of, this and he has been trying to eat it. >> okay. >> thank you with the foil. okay. you get that part. >> that's all? >> i get my chocolate for the -- >> i am saving it for you. >> well, as a new york giant and mets fan i have to begrudgingly give love to boston. first the patriots' classic td. look at this. >> into the end zone. and it is caught! >> tom brady is awesome. >> and he is good at football. >> and here is the red sox, and look at that, a grand slam. great day for sports in boston, and what can i say, good luck to
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them, and frankly since dean got through that thing called the tea party, i can always call them my second home. >> and thank you everybody. this has been "fox at five" and coming up next is "special report with bret baier" coming up next. the end may be in sight, or not. talks to shutdown the shutdown and raise the debt e creceiling postponed at the last minute. this is "special report." good evening, i'm bret baier. two days ahead of a debt ceiling crunch, the momentum is increasing towards some type of a deal. and bitter rhetoric with comparisons to kidnappers and terr terrorists had given way to talk of good faith among friends and the latest high-level talks were supposed to have taken place
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