tv Americas Newsroom FOX News October 17, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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>> marching band at np state? >> i don't know about that. >> tomorrow, geraldo will drop by, also chris wallace and dr. ben carson, along with chef tyler florence. going to be a busy day. see you tomorrow. >> stay out of trouble. >> see you tomorrow. bill: no room left on the couch. nicely done, guys. fox news alert. it is over but only for now, only for now. while you were sleeping congress passing a bill to end the debt ceiling and standoff. john boehner saying it was a fight worth having for republicans. >> we've been locked in a fight over here trying to bring government down to size. trying to do our best to stop obamacare. we fought the good fight. we just didn't win. bill: john boehner with bill cunningham on wlw radio. that is only public comment we heard from him. welcome to "america's newsroom." what is going on? >> i'm heather childress. bill: you are. >> in for martha maccallum.
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the shutdown may be over but the clock just started ticking again. the deal that funds the government through january 15th. that means we'll do it all over again, bill, in 90 days. bill: it hikes the debt ceiling to the 7th of february. >> it negotiate as long-term deal but no mention of obamacare. bill: meanwhile tea party leaders saying the fight has just begun. >> some say we shouldn't have fought because we couldn't win. but, this country wasn't built by fighting only when victory was absolutely certain. >> but this fight is not over. it really only has just begun. for in the months to come millions of americans will confront the costs and consequences of this law. >> the fight continues because the american people only gotten a taste of just how bad this bill is going to be. bill: all right. byron york now, chief political correspondent, "washington examiner," fox news contributor.
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byron, good morning to you. >> good morning. bill: late last night. this was a question thrown the president's way in the briefing room. >> mr. president is this going to happen all over again in a few months? >> no. [laughter] >> do you believe it? >> he may be a little too optimistic there. i think when you look, look at the issues that underlay this. there were really two big issues, obamacare around general federal spending. nothing has changed. the republicans almost unanimous opposition to obamacare. they always disagreed on the tactics they pursued against it. but they will keep at it. john boehner yesterday in the interview yesterday promised what he called aggressive oversight of obamacare. meaning house republicans will keep their eye on every single thing. as far as federal spending is concerned the whole fight is over the sequestration cuts. the republicans basically want to keep of the lower levels of spending. democrats want to end them as soon as possible. just so happens when the spending deal runs out in
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mid-january, that is when the new round of sequestration cuts are supposed to take effect. we'll probably see a lot more scare stories out of the administration. we'll talk about exchanging changing some of those cuts for different cuts, we'll hear about the defense department, the whole fight will go on. bill: the focus goes back on obamacare to some degree and also the spending. you believe sequestration the next time around will be the big battle. you know what democrats will do? want that spending put back into the budget. republicans will say no. who wins? >> well there are two things that republicans want here. one, they do want more spending for defense defense and two, they would be happy to exchange discretionary cuts for longer term reforms in entitlement. the president agreed to some of that stuff. maybe that he can come to agreement. my sense we'll probably have little tiny movements on either side. on obamacare, what we played
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with marco rubio is extremely important. a lot of republicans believe as obamacare becomes a real presence in american life, they think it will be a burden on millions of americans. so they think they will get growing political support for their anti-obamacare efforts. we have to see if that actually happens before republicans can reap any benefits. bill: quickly. i have 30 seconds. john boehner, then ted cruz. what comes of both? >> boehner has come out of this not unscathed at all but he came out without any threats inside his republican caucus. some of the people who you might thought, if he gave up in the end like they would want to challenge him or depose him as speaker. they're saying good things about him. that is not a problem. ted cruz, will depend on true believers really supported him the whole time if they're with him. as far as his senate colleagues he is not in good reputation at this moment. they're very unhappy with a lot of things he has done. his standing in the senate has been diminished. bill: that, byron.
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tees it up pretty well. byron york. heather has more. >> republicans remain split about the whole showdown. some say it is time to get back to normal. others say normal, that is the problem. >> after two long weeks, it is time to end the government shutdown. it is time to take the threat of default off the table. it is time to restore some sanity to this place. to do this, we all have to give a little. >> financially irresponsible to increase america's debt by roughly half a trillion dollars in order to delay this by four months. we need to get to the underlying cause of the problem which is our out of control spending and deficits and fix it before it is too late and we go down the toilet into bankruptcy because that is where america is headed. >> down the toilet. the debt limit was actually 16.67 trillion. we passed that a while ago. but what is unusual here is that the debt ceiling was raised to a date, not to a dollar amount.
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>> 17 trillion very soon. meanwhile hundreds of thousands of federal workers back on the job today. congress worked out a deal to make sure they get back pay for their 11 days off. we expected that. however, states will not be reimbursed for of the fund to keep national parks and monuments open. several states working out deals on their own to keep popular tourist attractions in business including the great smokey mountains in tennessee. it opened up just yesterday. >> there were people waiting at gates before we could make sure the roads were cleared and ready for traffic. just as soon as we could open them we did. bill: all the parks and monuments affected by the shutdown are back open today. so what did this cost? standard and poor's estimates the tab at about 24 billion. not so much the revenue lost in the economy. the credit agency also cutting back its economic growth forecasts for the u.s., pointing out this is only temporary fix, we all know that. people will be afraid to spend
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money in lasting deal in place. wonder if they're right, what do you think at home? what do you think d.c. learned with the shutdown and the debt showdown? send me a tweet throughout the show here @billhemmer. put that out a while ago. they are rolling in, heather. everybody has has an opinion so keep them coming. >> the government is open again for business but how much has really changed? buried in this stopgap spending bill is $3 billion in pork barrel projects. those are of course the various pet projects for the lawmakers. it is not sitting well with senator john mccain. here is what he had to say last night on greta van susteren. >> it contributes to the cynicism americans have. they want us to live like they do and obviously that exemption exists. the other, they added money for a dam, that i frankly never even heard of. they stuck in some stuff which of course they couldn't have gotten through a regular
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legislative process. that is disgraceful. >> stu varney, host of "varney & company." he joins me now. $3 billion of earmarks buried in this bill. is it just back to normal? we're trying to get the debt under control and we're still spending? >> that is precisely what it is. it is back to normal. it is same ol' same ol'. excessive spending, unnecessary spending and plain ol' pork. you mention ad $3 million for a dam project in ohio. that is four times the original cost estimate for that project. how about $174,000 for the widow of senator frank lautenberg? senator lautenberg was one of the richest men in washington, d.c. how about obamacare? it churns on totally untouched by this deal or any other new spending or borrowing plan. by the way, thent, congress, administration officials, they keep their exemption. they get, they get a subsidy for obamacare that we do not get.
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how about the debt? still piling up. 17 trillion now. it will be 21 trillion by the end of the president's term. $21 trillion. so the bottom line here is, that the morning after the deal, the spending resumes. the debt continues to pile up. and the federal reserve will keep on printing money, heather. >> but, stu, we have the markets and they have not been hit harder yet, right? why? why is that? >> wall street loves spending of government money. it loves printing lots of and lots of dollars. it loves it. that is exactly, that is the lifeblood of wall street at the moment. and the market will open up this morning, it will open down but because of one particular stock, ibm, which is not doing very well. the dow industrials, right around 15,370. that is a couple hundred points from an all-time record high. by the way, heather, the price of gold is zooming.
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that is because people do not trust the government with all this borrowing and all this spending. there you have it. martha: >> no pay raise for congress, right? >> whoop-te-do. that is the death benefit paid to the widow of frank lautenberg, $174,000. but no pay raise for congress. >> thank you, stu. bill: this appeared to be a meltdown. watch her quickly. >> constitution would not have been written by free masons. they grow against god! bill: that is stenographer's outburst, happened 10:00. she is diane ready, takeing a podium shouting about god and free masons. warning lawmakers they can not serve two masters end quote. security officers were there escorting her from the floor. and a bizarre couple of weeks. that was a bizarre moment to top
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it all off. >> absolutely. bill: one of the more controversial provisions not in this bill. first year elected officials and every member of the administration to take part in obamacare without subsidies. >> it should be the first rule of american democracy that washington lives by the same rules as america. bill: guess what? washington was having none of that. this was all senator david vitter's idea. he is our guest live from the hill to talk about this next. >> plus terrifying moments 30,000 feet in the air when an engine explodes mid-flight. we'll tell you what happened up next. bill: police say these two young, this young woman was driven to suicide on behalf of two of her friends, ages 12 and 14. a question today, whether or not their parents should face charges. we'll ask the man who brought the case to national attention. that is the sheriff in florida, grady judd, next. >> parents, you be responsible so that you discipline your
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heather: welcome back. new jersey has a new senator. newark mayor, cory booker, winning the special election to replace the late senator frank lautenberg. booker will have to run for re-election next november to win a full six-year term. in his acceptance speech booker referred to, or he preferred to enjoy the moment rather than look ahead. >> three weeks, let's not forget this, before we have yet another important election. and folks, despite the cynicism and negativity we often see on tv, despite a special, special
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election, folks in new jersey, tens of thousands, hundred of thousands rejected all of that and came out and booker. heather: booker defeated steve lonegan with 55% of the vote. >> members of congress and the administration will get their subsidies under this deal. are you okay with that? republican senator david vitter is not. >> look, it should be the first rule of american democracy that washington lives by the same rules as america operates in the same way around that is what my language would insure. that is what the obamacare statute says about congress and staff. it just this illegal obama administration rule takes the sting out of that and essentially tries to undo that. bill: that is david vitter from last night. he is here today. senator, good morning to us. >> good morning, bill. bill: help us understand this. >> it is real simple. in the obamacare statute there is very clear language that
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every member of congress and fish congressional staff have to go to so-called exchanges for their health care, the same fallback plan as is there for other americans and there is absolutely no mention of any special exemption or special privileges or a big subsidy. apparently its with a case of what pell -- nancy pelosi said. they had to pass the obamacare statute to figure out what is in it. bill: now we know what's in it. we hear from viewers all the time. they are frankly ticked off about this. >> oh, yeah. bill: they look at members of congress and the administration writing legislation, voting on it, passing it, signing it into law and changing the rules for themselves. why is that right? >> absolutely. it isn't. that is what my language would correct. the obama administration came in with this special rule to essentially undo or take the sting out of that language. it is an illegal rule. it is contrary to the statute. we shouldn't stand for that.
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>> what are lawmakers afraid of? >> they're afraid of losing cash. they're afraid of losing special privileges. they're afraid of that. and they're afraid to be subjected to obamacare in the same way as other americans. bill: is this the type of thing that can come back again? >> absolutely. bill: how so then, senator? >> well i guaranty you it will be back. i'm not going away and this issue is certainly not going away. and i'm going to use every opportunity on the senate floor to get a vote straight up-or-down vote on this issue. bill: all right. >> i don't have a crystal ball. i don't know when or on what bill but i'm going to get that vote and it will give every senator a chance to either stand with america or stand with washington. bill: i tell you what will drive you crazy. democrats didn't want it. they wanted to keep their subsidies. but i hear a lot of members of the republican party wanted to keep them too. >> sadly, opposition to this is
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pretty bipartisan, if we get a vote, that will change a lot. a lot of votes will come our way and i think we can pass it. that is the key, demanding and geting a vote. bill: well, harry reid allow a vote on this measure? >> he resisted it in every way he can for four weeks but there are a lot of tools available to any single member of of the senate. i'm going to use everyone to demand a vote. bill: let me remind our viewers about all the exchange waivers and, i mean, this is list we have right now. medicare cuts delayed. employer mandate deplayed. verification delayed. out-of-pocket cash delayed. got waivers for businesses and you've got congress with the waiver regarding subsidies. >> there is one group that gets no help, no exemption, no waiver, no special subsy did i and that's average, middle class americans. bill: senator, thank you. we're going to talk to you again in the new year. >> absolutely. bill: if it comes back we'll track this and see if indeed it
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does. thank you for your time today. david vitter on the hill. heather. heather: we're not done. terrifying moments on board a packed airplane. passengers looking out the window and seeing the plane's engine on fire! can you imagine? we have video inside the cabin. bill: remember this? watch and listen. >> [scream] >> that was a meteor seen heard shrieking through the sky earlier in the year. what scientists are learning about the gigantic space rock today. [siren]
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raging. it was only reported 5:30 local time which is less than an hour ago. just getting going now. hearing about possible casualties inside. we're watching them. there is a full-out assault on the fire right now. redwood city, california, five-alarm blaze at this apartment complex. back to the breaking news in just a moment here. divers working to recover a huge space rock that crashed into the earth back in february. you might remember this, i'm happy to forget it. [screaming] bill: hearing that woman's voice every time. salvage crews removing the largest piece that exploded over central russia earlier this year. it took nearly a month to lift it from the bottom of the lake. they say it weighs half a ton and scientists will study the rock to learn what it is made of
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and where it came from. heather: is should be interesting. bill: good luck with that. heather: sexual assault case in missouri involveing a 14-year-old girl is reopened. the they are asking for the appointment of special prosecutor to take another look. garrett tenney streaming live from maryville. bill: missouri. tell us more about the case and why it is being reopened. >> reporter: heather, it was almost two years ago, daisy coleman, who was then only 14 years old went to a party with football players from the local high school. the last thing she remembers the boys giving her a couple of drinks before she woke up outside of her home in the front yard with her mother finding her there in 40-degree weather. police arrested and charged several of the boys. one of them admitting to having sex with her. another admitting to recording it on his iphone. it seemed like a close case until all the charges were drop ad few months later. of the daisy's mother has been pushing for the case to be
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reopened ever since. which is why while fox news doesn't typically identify victims of sexual assault we're doing so in this case with the full knowledge of the families. they are trying to get this case publicized so it does get reexamined. yesterday at a press conference, the county prosecutor said that the charges though were only dropped because the colemans refused to testify. >> when i asked them, are you invoking the fifth amendment? you understand that the entire case will have to be dismissed, they said they understood. that they were giving the statement voluntarily. that no one was threatening them or forcing them to plead the fifth when they other wouldn't. >> reporter: he went on to say that because the colemans have now come out saying they are willing to testify, that that is why he has asked the court to appoint a special prosecutor to relook at this case to see if charges should be refiled. heather?
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heather: so, garrett, what are the mother daughter saying about the case being reopened? >> reporter: we spoke with them last night right after that announcement was made and they said, that they are both excited to see this case reopened and relieved and feel like they will finally get a chance to see justice brought about. >> we tried all along and i think, that is part of the reason that the prosecuting attorney and the sheriffs dislike me so intensely because i was the pain in the butt mom that wouldn't let go of it. >> reporter: we're told there is no set timeline as to when the judge will assign that special prosecutor and when this will unfold. heather? heather: garrett tenney, live for us from missouri. thank you. bill: there is a search for survivors in this massive fire engulfing a huge department store. we'll bring you details on that in a moment. that's a big one. heather: plus authorities say this little girl, she was
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bullied without mercy to the point that she took her own life. now the sheriff weighing charges against the parents of one of those accused of bullying her. we will ask the sheriff some more details when he joins us live. >> our statement to all of the people in the community, and across the state and across the nation is, watch what your children do online. pay attention. quit being their best french and be their best parent. i'm only in my 60's.
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bill: breaking news from the national mall. the barriers now being removed from the lincoln men moral. a moment ago we took this picture. there they go. as they should. monuments are back open today. we expect to see a lot more of that throughout the morning at 9:30 local time here in washington. meantime we're seeing a jobs picture. new numbers out today, unemployment applications down slightly. 358,000 for the week, off about 15,000 from the previous week but that number was expected to be a bit lower actually. the dow is reacting. we're down 137. reacting to the news last night and also the economy and it is earnings season again. we go back to the fundamentals when it comes to investing. this a day after the dow was flying, up 202, on hopes congress would reach the deal. that's what they did. nasdaq was up 42. we'll watch the market.
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heather: a little positivity there in all of this. bill: yesterday. today not so much. heather: half and half. a florida sheriff now weighing new charges for the parents of one of the suspects allegedly involved in this young girl's debt. investigators say 12-year-old rebecca sedwick, she was bullied so relentlessly that she took her own life. polk county police already arresting these two girls, 12 and 14 years owed, charging them with third-degree aggravated stalking. the sheriff says one of the girls is particularly cold. >> 14-year-old did a post early on saturday morning about 1:00 that said, yes, i bullied rebecca. yes, she killed herself and i don't give a blank. we knew that there was total disregard for life and if she would say those things after she bullied rebecca, and after the parents knew that, then we had
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to act more quickly. heather: that girl's parents in total denial. her father saying this, quote. my daughter is a good girl and i'm 100% sure that whatever they're saying about my daughter is not true. polk county, florida, sheriff grady judd, joins us with more. thank you so much for joining us first of all. you were quoted saying this young girl, rebecca, she was absolutely terrorized. those were your words. what happened to her? what was done to her? >> well, this was over a period of time, heather. it started about november of last year when there was a fallout over boyfriends. and the 14-year-old started bullying rebecca and she also convinced the 12-year-old, who was rebecca's best friend to bully her as well. even to fight her at school. that resulted in a suspension. there were efforts made to calm down the situation and it just went on and on and ended up on
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the internet in the cyber world and ultimately rebecca, who was very fragile, saw these words, took them to heart and this tomorrow meanting that she endured forever and ever and ever, caused her to send a post to a friend of hers saying, i can't take it anymore. i'm jumping. that is exactly what she did. heather: these social media posts said things like drink bleach and die. go kill yourself. wait a minute, why are you still alive? but initially you were not going to charge the parents until you saw this, and you mentioned it earlier, and we can pull this up. this was a facebook posting i believe was put on one of the young girls after the fact and in it she says, yes, i bullied rebecca and she killed herself but, fill in the blank, i don't care basically is what she is saying. that is what caused you to
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decide to go after the parents in this case, is that correct? >> well, we know that the parents are morally responsible for their children and we have investigated. at this point we're not able to bring criminal charges against the parents but the investigation's not over. i can tell you that the 14-year-old's parents are in total denial. oh, my daughter didn't do that. she would never do that. she has never bullied. we know there has been a pattern of activity for the last 10 months. on the other hand the 12-year-old's parents are very contrite. they recognized that there's a major problem here. and they have been apologetic to rebecca's parents and family. so you see there's a diverse attitude here between the two suspects. that is why we are dotting our eyes, crossing our ts. if there were criminal charges we would have already brought them. if we can develop those in the future, certainly we will. heather: what would that be?
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what would that involve? what type of criminal activity on the part of the parents could cause them then to be chargeed? >> well we, would have to show culpability. we would have to show they encouraged it, allowed it, didn't do anything to stop it, so we can charge a contributing to the delinquency or dependency. quite frankly at this point in our investigation we don't have evidence to charge them, but, the investigation is not complete. and our goal is, let's just get the parents to recognize there's a problem with their daughter. these girls that are not charged with the death of this child, they are charged with stalking and tomorrow meanting this child. we want to make sure that the juvenile system deals appropriately with these children so that they're not back in the juvenile system. they're not ever charged with a crime again and certainly not bullying any other little girl. heather: this is a problem that is really a community-wide
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problem. it really outrages me. i'm very angry about this but you have to talk about the school. is the school culpable? other people who may have known, other students. did they, is any blame laid on them that they knew this was going on and didn't do anything to stop it? so where does it end when you decide, you know, to press charges to other people? >> we can see several interventions that the school tried. we see several interventions that rebecca's mother tried. but you know, you're exactly right. we're all angry. and heather, if you could have been with me that morning when i saw that 12-year-old baby dead at the base of that seem meant tower -- cement tower, you would have been heartbroken as we were. i have grandchildren about that age and granddaughters about that age and they should never ever be bullied. frankly, bullying should never come to the attention of the
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police. but here's the deal, if the family doesn't take care of it, if the friend don't take care of it, if it rises to the level of criminal conduct, we will take care of it. heather: thank you so much for joining us. adults lead by example as well on social media. thank you. we appreciate it. >> take care. >> really respect that man and the message he is trying to get out to make sure the people pay attention to him. heather: yeah. just stop it. bill: for parents who make sure to keep an eye on their kids when they're online. it is not easy thing to do. it's a big challenge. his message really hit home. we mentioned this, heather. megashopping mall nearly burned to the ground. more than a thousand tourists and employees inside. the showdown is over but the next one is right around the corner america. will democrats and the president agree to work with republicans next time? >> what's really bad, is what we did to so many americans, disrupting their lives so terribly, because we couldn't work together.
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heather: investigation now underway after a massive fire destroys a mega-sized department store. look at this. this is on a resort island in thailand. plumes of smoke and flames going high into the air. also forcing the evacuation of the neighborhood. officials not able to confirm the number of deaths. survivors are feared trapped in the burning wreckage. but the heat of the fire so far preventing crews from searching for any survivors inside. bill: big tourist spot. your government is now fully open america, after the partial shut down, the biggest critics, tea party republicans are none too pleased about this deal. >> well, this is a lousy deal for the american people. this is sadly a classic instance of the washington establishment selling the american people down the river. >> we've got to emphasize the fact this is really the end of the beginning. this is fight that is going to
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continue. >> we can't restrain ourselves to live within our means. we're mortgaging labor of children yet to be born. i think it is immoral to do that. bill: in the end, what gets done? doug schoen, former advisor to president bill clinton. monica crowley, radio talk show host. both are fox news contributors. good morning to both of you. marco rubio said, the fight is not over. it really only has just begun. monica, do republicans believe that? >> yeah, think they do. i think they understand they lost this short-term political battle. i think that is indisputable truth. think they also understand what's matters is not the short-term split school battle but longer term political issues that didn't get solved or even addressed in this most recent battle. what they understand is look, this country is facing serious and grave problems. what is required is real and meaningful spending reform, entitlement reform and on the pro-growth side tax reform. none of that stuff was addressed this time. those are battles republicans
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are looking forward to in the next round. given the current batch of actors, president obama, harry reid on the senate side. democrats biand large, you may not reach a big dealing in the foreseeable future. that doesn't mean that the republicans are not ready to rock and roll and really start to fight on these issues. bill: what do you think o doug? >> i agree the long-term issues, bill, haven't been dealt with. to me it is not issue of reock and roll, issue of bipartisanship, seriousness of purpose, dealing with entitlement reform, tax reform, budgetary reform and trying to deal with the sequester in a bipartisan way that puts everything on the table to put the american people first, bill, not politics. bill: they went down this road in december of 2011. speaker boehner said the president lost his nerve, doug? >> you know what? he did. there is plenty of blame to go around. bill, because we failed in 2011, doesn't mean when the problems are arguably gotten more serious now we shouldn't redouble our efforts.
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bill: let me come back to that. here is house speaker john bainwer bill cunningham on 700 wlw cincinnati just yesterday afternoon. >> listen, we've been locked in a fight over here trying to bring government down to size, trying to do our best to stop obamacare. we fought the good fight. we just didn't win. bill: monica, pretty plainspoken there. apparently was the same message he delivered to his members day 1/2 ago. >> yeah. bill: winning the next fight, how do you do that? >> i'm not sure that you can, bill. this gets to my original point about the current batch of actors. we've been down this road where we had super committees. we had simpson-bowles. we had congressional committees take a look at the big budget issues and nobody has been able to come together. and i think, you know, given the grave problems that this country faces we really do need to address these things but there seems to be a serious lack on one side, on the left, of doing anything about this then on the right, you have a serious lack of political will and courage.
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so for the time-being, i think it is up to the republicans to, conservative movement, the tea party, to start addressing these issues. you may not win the fight given the political realities but you have to start talking about it. one of the beauties of what ted cruz and mike lee did, they're taking a lot of slings and arrows, a lot of people are piling on them within the republican party to their shame by the way, but what they did, they started to break some ground where you can have the conversation of, say, the mother of all entitlements which is obamacare. you can't deal with entitlement reform without dealing with obamacare. this is the kind of conversation that has to start now. american people have to be educated about it. >> to your point on doug's side then, does anything change so long as you have harry reid leading the senate and the president in the white house? >> i'm not confident that it will but i think the president and the congressional leadership on both sides have to change their approach and put the problems first. because it isn't just politics. it is not who will win the next
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battle. it is who will save and reclaim a country that is falling and fading around the world. bill: that is the point that needs to be underlined, doug. the american people lose in this. >> that's correct. this isn't politics, bill. this is our futures. our children's futures. bill: monica? >> doug is absolutely right and we're addressing the congressional actors here. and i think you may have some movement here and there among some of those actors. but when you get down to it. this is the president of the united states. he is the leader of the country. it is up to him. what we've seep for five years is no desire to tackle these things. once in a while he will say, well, i may be interested in doing this on entitlements or that. when push comes to shove or all the cards are on the table he is not willing to move because his agenda is so much bigger and it doesn't involve actually reforming these things. it involves the fundamental transformation of america. >> to be continued. >> bill in fairness. monica is right. the president hasn't shown
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enough leadership, nor have the republicans. plenty of blame to go around. bill: thank you, doug. thank you, monica. looking for a leader. when you find one come on back. >> absolutely. bill: heather. heather: still to come, passengers thought they were going to die as smoke fill as packed airplane. how hundreds of people survived this nightmare in the sky. bill: also you spend a lot of time sitting in the old office chair, doen't you now, staring at a computer, logging on to facebook. heather: never, not at work, no, no. bill: there is a new study about how much weight you could lose if you work standing up. heather: work standing up? bill: try that. we'll give it a shot. heather: i'll stand up right now. ♪ what does that first spoonful taste like? ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats.
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bill: this is a big one here. fox news alert, redwood city, california. that fire is still burning. as far as we can tell very little control at the moment. five-alarm blaze, redwood city, california, five miles south of san francisco. it broke out at an apartment complex 5:30 local time which is a little less than 90 minutes ago. we heard about the possibility of casualties inside. there is strong reaction on behalf of the fire departments in the area so we're watching this. the view is a little wide at the moment. the further this camera goes in on the fire on the ground, you can see this is a big, big challenge for firefighters right there in redwood city. back to that in a moment. breaking news. want to bring you updated. drama at 30,000 feet. a plane blowing an engine in midair, packed passenger cabin filled with smoke.
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chaos captured on cell phone video. when is it not these days? casey stiegel has a look. he is live in dallas. what happened, casey? >> reporter: ntsb call this uncontained engine failure. that is far more dangerous. that is when pieces of the actual engine come out of the engine housing, in other words debris is flying around. take a look at this video shot by a passenger on board and you can see the cabin filled with smoke. after hearing two explosions, some passengers say they witness ad fireball fly past the windows. can you imagine. this all happening on spirit airlines flight 1656789 an airbus a-319 with more than 140 people on board. it had just taken off from dfw airport on tuesday heading to atlanta. the man recorded the video on cell phone. the plane was shaking so violently. it was difficult for for him to type what he thought was the very last text message to his
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wife, that he loved her and loved his children. listen. >> shortly after the big explosion went off which lit up the whole side of the airplane. it poured in. all the vents on the side of the aircraft was pouring smoke. i mean this, full white smoke. before you knew it you couldn't really see. that is when everyone got really scared. >> reporter: ntsb is currently investigating what would have caused that engine to explode, bill. bill: what is spirit airlines saying about all this, casey? >> reporter: spokesperson for the discount carrier got back with me this morning and really commended the flight crew getting the aircraft back on the ground safety here in dallas without any injuries. even with a crippled engine in a statement to fox news, spirit continued to say, and i'm quoting here, all of our aircraft are designed to safely operate effectively on one engine if necessary. following procedures and as a safety precaution, the plane returned to dfw. it was a normal landing and
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customers deplaned safely. bill, i don't know if you could call it a normal landing after what had just happened in the sky but of course the good news here, nobody hurt. finally got back to atlanta on another spirit flight by the way. >> thank you, casey. wow. casey stiegel in dallas. heather: still to come some red faces in florida after two convicted murderers are let out of prison by mistake. where are they now? bill: good question, right? obamacare apparently getting some window shoppers but very few buyers as new problems loom yet again down the road. marco rubio. >> we're talking about millions of people starting early next year are going to be directly impacted by what this law, and a lot of people will wake up and realize, hold on a second. this is not free health insurance.
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plan in the debt scramble. and welcome to a brand new hour inside "america's newsroom," i'm heather childers. bill: nice to see you, heather, martha has some time with her family, we're going to see the president later this hour. he made a brief comment last night, but what's he going to say today? i'm bill hemmer, good morning, everybody. both sides coming out in defense of deal to end that shutdown. >> there's a lot more we need to do to get our nation's fiscal house in order. hopefully, once we've gotten past the drama of the moment, we can get to work on it. >> concluding this crisis is his historic. let's be honest, this is pain inflicted on our nation for no good reason and not make, we cannot make the same mistake again. >> they should be rolling theirize -- their ice, because it kicks the can down the road. it's hard for me to believe since we're all damaged.
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>> that is one big can. heather: it is. bill: rolling down the road. heather: and we keep on kicking it. bill: last night's deal funds the government through january 15, raises the debt limit through february 7th. heather: wendell goler live at the white house. so, wendell, what do we need to keep from going through this again? >> reporter: well, heather, we need a budget agreement to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year and an agreement to raise the debt ceiling again, probably for the rest of the calendar year. white house chief of staff dennis mcdonough greeted workers coming back to their jobs for the first time in a couple of weeks. vice president biden did the same at the epa's headquarters. the president last night seemed anxious to get back to business as usual, but he also made clear he hasn't given up his hope for job-creating investments. >> we still need to pass a law to fix our broken immigration system, we still need to pass a farm bill, and with the shutdown behind us and budget committees forming, we now have an
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opportunity to focus on a sensible budget that is responsible, that is fair and that helps hard working people all across this country. >> reporter: the congressional budget office says the so-called sequester is holding back economic growth. standard & poor's says the government's shutdown cost the economy about $24 billion. the president will have comments within the hour. heather? heather: wendell, how are republicans looking at the coming budget talks? >> reporter: well, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell says holding spending at the level of the sequester is a priority for him, can one of the house budget negotiators is georgia republican congressman tom price who says the government shutdown and debt ceiling crisis were manufactured by the president and a democratic 35er9 content on the nation's fiscal ruin. there is nothing historic about the agreement that avoided default, and utah senator mike lee called the past few weeks just the end of the beginning of the fight against obamacare. >> this is a fight that's going
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to continue. you know, when a publication like "the chicago tribune", the president's hometown newspaper, has come out and said that like us, they believe that we should have a one-year timeout on obamacare, this law's not ready to be implemented, you know something's wrong. >> reporter: lee is already fundraising off the fight of the past few weeks, heather? heather: wendell goler, thank you. bill: a little context now on the debt increase which does not have a dollar amount. isn't thatgislation permits they to borrow normally through february 7th. under president obama that debt limit has been raised five times, not including the deal last night. it's been raised 53 times by congress since 1978. federal debt approaching $17 trillion. so you know that $17 trillion figure will be shown all across america. thought we were going to see it there, matter of fact, when we come back around to this in a couple of weeks. what do you think washington,
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d.c. learned with the partial shutdown, the debt showdown? send me a tweet @billhemmer, we'll read a couple of those later in our broadcast. earlier today i asked you what you thought washington, d.c. had learned from this. it's your turn now, what do you think you learned watching from the outside? heather: fox news alert, new threats to americans overseas following the capture of al-qaeda suspect al-libi. now, jihadists now being urged to retaliate by kidnapping u.s. citizens immediately and without approval from a higher authority. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live for us from washington. so, catherine, what are we learning? >> reporter: well, thank you, health err. the capture of al-libi by u.s. special forces in tripoli, libya, has become a lightning rod for jihadists throughout north africa and the middle east. after his capture october 5th in this street by delta force soldiers where he was snatched
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from his vehicle after months of planning and surveillance, al-libi was briefly questioned and transferred to new york city for a federal trial. two sources who track jihadist social media messaging tell fox news there are new calls to kidnap american citizens in retaliation, and jihadists are being urged to act immediately. one twitter message reads in part, quote: there is no need to consult with anyone to kidnap an american citizen. and after demonstrations protesting the al-libi raid, a previously unknown group calling its the white benghazi rebels is posting social media to kidnap american citizens as well. analysts who track the messaging tell fox news the chatter is significant, and it suggests the kidnapping of americans has a tacit approval of al-qaeda's senior leadership. let's health so is security going to be stepped up in response to this? >> reporter: fox news asked the state department whether it would revise its worldwide
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caution that urged american citizens in north africa can and the middle east to exercise caution. it reads in part, quote: >> r eporter: both the cia and the national counterterrorism center, this is the nation's hub for threat analysis, they are aware of these threats on social media, but they declined to comment, and the state department has yet to respond, heather. heather: catherine herridge live for us, thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. bill: charges could be filed today in that dry ice bombing case. los angeles international, lax, two dry ice bottle bombs exploded there sunday night, again on monday night, a third exploded after that. the suspect is dicarlo bennett currently being held on a million dollars' bail. investigators believe he set the bombs out of, quote, a desire to experience a device exploding.
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go figure. back to that breaking news, fox news alert, redwood is city, california, a little bit past 7:00 in the morning. now the sun comes up, and we can get a better view now of this apartment complex in redwood city, california, 20 miles south of san francisco, and it appears to be -- well, that's a fire that just continues to rage. first reported at 8:30 eastern time, about 5:30 local time, so that's, you know, still in the darkness. and so we're an hour and a half into this right now. five alarm fire. heather: yeah. bill: that's just ripping through this building. heather: hopefully, there were firewalls in between those apartments. it would appear some of them are not affected and that would, at least, relatively good news. bill: sometimes the construction lends itself to that, firewalls. we are hearing, though, about possible casualties. we don't know if that involves residents who were living inside that building or firefighters, but we're in touch with some
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folksing in redwood city, so we'll keep you posted. heather: thank you, bill. from a quiet fishing trip to this, the video capturing a great white shark, a little too close for comfort though. bill: also a manhunt on for two convicted murderers accidentally released from jail. how does that happen and better question, where are they? heather: but this, a substitute teacher caught on camera lashing out at her students. we will show you the controversial video going viral. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's crabfest,
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sentences had been reduced. walker had been serving a life sentence for a killing in 1999, jenkins also doing life for the 998 murders of a father and six children. those forged documents are now being investigated. no word on where the killers are now. bill? bill: thank you, heather. stunning new analysis now revealing that many people have visited, the obamacare web site, but not many out of 9.5 million who logged on in the first week, fewer than 1% signed up for insurance. florida senator marco rubio says the problems with the law are far from over. >> we're talking about millions of people starting early next year are going to be directly impacted, and a lot of people are going to wake up and say, hold on, this is not free health
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insurance. this is something that's hurt us at work, it's cost us our relationship with our doctor, our premiums have gone up, and they're going to be angry about that. there is going to be an all-out revolt in this country over that, and that is, i think, the moment to absolutely act and say we're going to get rid of this law and then look for opportunities in the future to replace it. bill: gerri willis, host of "the willis report" on the fox business network, with me now. these are the numbers we've been waiting on, and you've been excellent on this trying to track it down. jay carney was asked yesterday afternoon give us the numbers on enrollment, and he deferred. the white house has said they'll do it once a month -- >> so the private sector coming through with real numbers, 9.5 million people visited, the obamacare web site, in the first week. 3.7 million tried to register, one million succeeded, only 36,000 are now enrolled. and i've got to tell you, bill, people are now saying that enrollment number, it sounds like the end game, right?
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but those people actually a have to pay for coverage, and you're seeing people being charged hundreds of dollars a month. one report out of delaware, $700 a month -- bill: let me get back to delaware because it's a rather interesting story. 36,000 have enrolled. >> correct. bill: that means they have, they've actually paid money to receive obamacare. >> they still have to stroke a check. so their enrolled, they have checked the box, yes, i want this coverage -- bill: really? >> i am signed on for this, so when you see those enrollment figures, that doesn't people people -- bill: i thought the registration is one thing, but enrollment means you have to pay money, and you're saying even the enrollment numbers aren't proof -- >> if everybody was getting free coverage, it would be a done deal, but they are not. as rubio just said, people are going to have to stroke a check. and we don't have those yet. bill: i, let me know if this number's right, seven million you need to enroll by march, is that the number?
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>> that's the number the administration is targeting. i've got to tell you, traffic on this site is now down 88%. so you had this big bang at the front end where all the interest, all the advertising, all the push from the white house coming with actors and actresses and performers, that's over now, and it's trickling down. bill: gotcha, but you need seven million by march to make sure that the numbers match, right? >> yes. bill: and we think we're at 36,000 now? >> 36,000. bill: so what happens next spring then? what happens in april in. >> here's the problem, look, you know, you are legally obligated to be able to prove coverage, right? by obamacare? that's what the law says. the chances are you won't be able to because you may not be able to get through the system. here's what insurers are talking about behind closed doors because they don't know how many people are signing up for services. they're saying we may set up our own private web sites to sign people up. that is the talk behind closed doors -- bill: can they do that based on
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this law? >> it's a completely open question, they are so frustrated. bill: i saw an editorial two days ago in the chicago tribune, and it was scathing. fun too happy with anything it has seen so far. what did npr say about this? >> npr said this morning, who you would expect to be on the president's side, said it's a joke. the web site is a joke. and that is because the way this thing is constructed nobody can get through, the information is not reliable, people are getting bad information, they can't find what they want, they're told what they're charged without knowing how much of a subsidy they're getting -- bill: subsidies are a big deal. do you think if the software were better, that we'd be seeing better results? request we answer that -- can we answer that? >> i think you'd see more enrollees if the software was better, and that's just the problem. from a point of view of people who care about how much money this government spends, if there's an onslaught of people signing up and getting free health care or subsidies, it's
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going to be very expensive. bill: the other thing we talked about is the sticker shock many people have reported. this is the news journal in wilmington, delaware. one woman in the state has now enrolled? >> one. bill: and she -- they want 90,000 in delaware alone? that's what their expectation is? >> see, this is the problem, you know, these expectations are sky high, they're not coming in where people want. this woman is being charged $700 a month for her coverage, that's what her premium is under this plan. and as you know, delaware is not part of, they're their own thing. so this is one of the state exchanges. and the performance on the state exchanges, it's a mixed bag, i've got to tell you. some are doing great, like kentucky, others are not. bill: i saw something late yesterday in "the washington post," it says at least 385,000 have applied for obamacare, but application and enrollment are two different -- >> and paying the price. if you owe $700 a month, you've got to stroke that check to get
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that coverage. bill: we'll see you at 6:00. you had a panel the other night, you were taking a lot of calls. >> yeah, we get a lot of response. we are the place to go on fox business network for any information on obamacare. we're happy to answer your calls @gerri willis fbn. bill: thank you gerri. heather: still to come, the white house getting what it wanted in the debt feel, but what happens -- in the debt deal, but what happens in 90 days? the president set to speak, and we will have that live for you when it happens. bill: also the speaker of the house in his words fighting the good fight, will he come out of this even stronger? ♪ ♪ when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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♪ ♪ bill: terrifying moments for a teenager in california when he saw this while out fishing. >> look at this white shark. oh, my god. bill: you're going to need a bigger boat, my friend. great white circling his boat, the young fisherman saying he saw the shark kill a seal before it swam toward him. >> big pool of blood, you know in and there was a half eaten harbor seal, and so i went up on the bow, and i was looking around. i thought it was going to be a may coe shark, and it was a big old white shark. heather: feel sorry for the seal, but maybe it wasn't as hungry when he saw the boat. bill: better the seal.
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heather: yes, exactly. well, speaker john boehner has been at the center of the budget battle in washington from the very bin beginning, taking hits at times even from his own party. speaking yesterday, boehner said that the house fought the good fight but did not win. and now that a temporary deal has been reached, what effect will the showdown have on boehner's speakership? chief political correspondent carl cameron joins us live from washington with more on that angle. so, carl, what do you think? >> reporter: well, it's going to take some time to know, obviously. the speaker is a job that requires some brinksmanship, and house speaker john boehner certainly played it right up until the last couple of hours last night, and there's going to be an ongoing debate about whether or not what happened in the house and senate over the last two and a half weeks of shutdown was a fool's errand by tea party conservatives that was doomed to failure or a heroic stand by principled people trying to save the government
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the from what they think is massive government growth. that is yet to be seen, but as for his speakership, as for his power, his influence in the conference, even the tea party conservatives who had wanted to push this over mr. boehner's objections have essentially said that, no, they're not going to try to topple him. there was, in fact, a coup attempt earlier this year when the new senate came in -- house came in after the 2012 elections. one of the leaders was louie duo merit of texas, a tea party darling who has said on fox news just this week that boehner's probably going to be fine. watch. >> i've heard so many people say that if speaker babier does this, that or the other he's over, he's out, and as you remember, i was the only one that nominated somebody else last november and was by myself in january, we had 13, i'd be surprised to see enough stand up. >> reporter: and a lot of the conservatives say that really
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they appreciate what mr. boehner has done, giving them the opportunity to bring attention to this issue, and as all of them have said, the republican leadership, excuse me, in the house and senate, this does not end the fight. they will continue to battle. folks like ted cruz and mike lee, marco rubio in the senate and numerous members in the house intend to campaign on it in 204. heather: from what i understand, he even got a standing ovation at a conference meeting. >> reporter: oh, sure. he did not want to pursue this strategy, said it was probably going to fail, and yet he let the conservatives in his conference battle this out all the way to the 11th hour, for that they're mostly appreciative. heather: carl cameron, thank you for joining us. bill? bill: a live look at the white house. we'll see the president set to speak for the first time since it was passed, rather, in the house and signing that bill into law to raise the debt limit and ending the 16-day partial government standoff. as soon as he comes out, we'll take you to it live.
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republicans saying the fight is not over, in fact, these two men believe the fight has just begun. listen. >> i think we could have made more progress. so it was an important missed opportunity. but, again, we've got to emphasize the fact that this is really just the end of the beginning. this is a fight that's going to continue. if you think a prune is a prune, you haven't tried sunsweet, the amazing prune. enjoy plum amazins, diced prunes. i'd put these on a salad. these would be perfect for cookies. delicious and nutritious sunsweet, the amazing prune.
7:27 am
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so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching.
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tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. bill: all right, folks, we should hear from the president any moment now. the first time he has spoken since the house voted and he signed the, well, the new deal
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into law late last night, it happened after midnight, i do believe. so the deadlines ahead, well, about 90 days from now we might be back at it again. here was the question from the room at the white house last night. >> mr. president, do you think it's going to happen all over again in a few months? >> no. bill: will it? republican congressman charles pew stainny of louisiana, he's on the house ways and means committee. good good morning to you. thank you for your time. as we await the president, we may interrupt you. our viewers are aware of that as well. are we just back here again in a matter of months? >> well, i hope not, but i'm concerned, that is one of my biggest concerns. it's incumbent upon us now, especially members of the ways and means committee where a lot of these big issues need to be worked out whether it's a deficit reduction package or pro-growth tax reform, we have to get to work. and the dysfunction we've seen in washington which came to a head over the last three weeks
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is something that's worked against us. we have to get back to work on this, we have to redouble our efforts to get this economy going with good policies, pro-growth tax reform, deficit reduction package, trade policy that's going to open new markets for our small and mid-sized firms. all those things kind of came to a screeching halt over the last -- bill: well, i tell you, sir, a lot of folks are, frankly, shaking their head in agreement. do you believe you have a partner you can work with to get a deal? >> well, that is the big question. and we won't know until we try, and we have to keep working on this. you know, we're in a divided government, it's very difficult, but there are pathways to getting things done, and i, you know, if we don't try, then shame on us. bill: the fact of the matter is we have to fight smart. i got ya, if there is a smart battle to be waged here, how do you avoid this next time? >> well, i don't have a crystal ball, but i just know that we have to start talking, and we have to find out where we can
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come to some negotiated agreement on some of these things. you know, tax reform, we're moving forward, we've been working on this for two and a half years, and i'm optimistic we'll have a very good pro-growth package that will be fair, it will eliminate all the inequities in the tax code, it will actually make the tax code fair for americans across the board, lower rates and promote growth especially for our small enterprises that are trying to, you know, struggle through this difficult economy. bill: do you think democrats will dance with you on that onesome. >> well, we have some positive signs. you know -- bill: you do? >> the chairman of the senate finance committee, a democrat, has been working with dave camp, chairman of our ways and means committee, a republican, and we have some common ground. we have to continue to pursue the common ground. but we also have to fight smart. there are ways to deal with obamacare in a smart way that brings democrats onboard, ultimately, so we can actually repeal parts of it. i've been successful in getting the class act repealed. initially, we had no democratic
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support, but after we exposed the problems with it, we got democrats to come on board, and we've repealed it after two and a half years of working. bill: what was the class act? >> class act was a long-term care entitlement program, it was about a $100 billion program that was very, very poorly conceived, and it took a while, but we finally convinced the administration to put it on hold and then subsequently repealed it. bill: that's interesting. so that's one idea on obamacare. how else would you go at it? >> well, right now we're seeing the terrible failure of these exchanges. and if we had not had this protracted fight, we might be in a better position with democrats to get them on board to actually really delay the implementation or repeal parts of this. so you have to fight smart. we have to get results. and that's what i'm looking to do. bill: sounds to me -- >> that's the real conservative agenda in the house. bill: sounds to me like you've got an issue with the tactics that have been employed over the
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last 16 days, do you? >> well, that's right. we can argue about tactics, but once we decide on a pathway, we've got to follow through, and if we have divisions within the house and the speaker and the leaders of the house cannot martial at least 218 votes, we have no negotiating clout, and that's why we ended up having to deal with the senate proposal which was watered down from what we wanted. just the night before last we were planning to sol toly something over -- volley something over to put ourselves in a better negotiating position, but it was undermined by other members in the house. we have to stick together in this, and if we don't stick together and we don't, you know, fight smart, we're going to lose. bill: did you think the fight was worth it? >> well, it was a brutal fight. i questioned some of the tactics. i think we could have done things better, but that's past. the question now remains are we going to learn from this and fight smart going forward, and that's where i'm hopeful we can pull everybody together in the house to do that. bill: the house speaker was
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asked about in this yesterday on a radio program in cincinnati, and he said we fought a good fight, you know, on behalf of you and other members of the house. how do you feel about john boehner now? >> well, i think john boehner's done a very good job as speaker in that he's working under very adverse conditions. he's tried to pull us together. he's listened to all members in the republican conference and tried to work with through the concerns. but it's time for members in the house to step up and support what we're trying to do with our conservative agenda in the house, and if we have factions that keep breaking up and not supporting the game plan, we're not going to get anything. with. bill: in a word -- >> strongest negotiating position. bill: in a word, do you still support john boehner as speaker of the house? >> oh, yes, absolutely. i don't think there's anybody else that could step up and do what he's done at this point in time. and i think that's the consensus in the house right now. bill: we're about to see the president as we await this. what did you think of his level
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of leadership during this shutdown? >> well, he was missing in action. when you have a big, a big dispute going on and people are suffering across this country as a result of the impasse and the dysfunction, that requires leadership, and it requires leadership in the house, senate and the white house to come to an agreement and negotiate a settlement. but to simply walk away and say i will not negotiate on any of this, i will not talk, i will not work with you, i will not meet you halfway is unacceptable. and, basically, it defies what our constitution's all about. congress makes the laws. now, in a divided government, yeah, there are going to be disputed, and we have to work that out. but the president needs to provide leadership because none of the big issues of the day will be decided until he steps forward and works with both the house and the senate. and he's got to work with republicans. bill: why do you think that has been the case? >> well, i think part of it is it's not his style, and i
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question whether one of his tactics all along, and that is he's failed to develop relationships with members in both the house can and senate. and i hear that from democrats as well as, obviously, republicans. we need a president that's engaged and is willing to get himself involved in the day-to-day on some of these issues. because if we're going to get a deficit reduction package, real pro-growth tax reform at the end of the day, we've got to pass legislation that gets through both the house, the senate and is signed by the white house. but if they refuse to get involved, we're not going to get anywhere, and we're going to see more of this dysfunction. bill: so you believe the president has no interest in cutting a deal with republicans, is that what you're saying? >> well, what we saw back in 1986 with the tax reform act, we had tip o'neill who was speaker of the house, a democrat, working with the republican president, ronald reagan, and in
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a divided government we saw a historic tax package that was passed that led to unprecedented growth. we can do that again today, but we need the white house to get involved and to work with us. the president, i have to think, knows that we have to get tax reform. but to refuse to engage, to refuse to have the secretary of treasury work with the ways and means committee and senate finance committee is just unacceptable. i would say come to the table, and let's negotiate. bill: you said -- you said something that's very interesting. you don't believe he has the relationships with members of congress, be it in the house or the senate. >> that's correct. bill: is that what you think? who would you consider his closest allies then? >> well, i can't name one, and that's a problem. the fact of the matter is getting things done in this town requires building working relationships and a little element of trust even though we've got our own partisan differences. and the fact of the matter is if you just ignore that, ignore the possibility of cooperation and building relationships, we're not going to get anything done
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here, and the american people are going to suffer. bill: just one more point -- >> again, it's about fighting smart and getting results. bill: one more point here. speaker boehner often talks about a meeting he had with the president in december of 2011. he says they were very close to the grand bargain, i think he even describes it as a handshake, and the president, in the speaker's words, ross his nerve. >> well, i think that -- bill: let me just ask the question here, is it possible that we can get back to that point, or do you believe this is an administration that has no interest in that grand bargain that will ultimately, as you just described, help the american -- >> well, i'm doubtful right now that the administration has an interest in trying to get to some major budget agreement. i wouldn't call it a grand bargain, but if we can get to a budget agreement that puts us further along the way of getting testify sit reduction in place -- deficit reduction in place and pro-growth tax reform, that's a big step forward. and, but, again, i think the president has the willingness to engage many these
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issues -- in these issues. and, in fact, when he has initially engaged, he walks away from the deal and changes the goalpost. and that's no way to negotiate in good faith. bill: sir, thank you for your time. charles pew stainny's republican congressman from louisiana. went a bit longer than we expected, sir, but i appreciate your patience. thank you, sir, we'll speak again. mart of moments we do believe, heather. heather: charles krauthammer had something interesting to say, he compared it to, you know, lucy when she's holding the football down, the peanuts episode and every time is it charlie brown goes to hit the football, she picks it back up. he compared that to, you know, how president obama negotiates. bill: we should hear from him in a matter of moments, huh? heather: very interesting. wu bill this'll be the first statement he makes since it was signed and passed by the house late last night. don't go anywhere, just want to get a quick commercial break. it's a two minute timeout the
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heather: we are waiting for president obama set to speak for the first time since congress passed the short-term debt deal. during the standoff the president refused to negotiate with republicans, something that charles krauthammer says will now happen again and again. >> this is lucy and the football squared. every time obama's had a chance to do the thing that you would expect him to do if he has a vision of the world that most of us which is that the deficit is insport bl, we're going over a cliff, you've got to do something, you know, all of us sort of know that instinctively. the man is not interested in that. he's the man of the left. heather: lucy was such a tease with that football. daniel henninger is the deputy
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editorial page editor of "the wall street journal." so president obama teasing republicans as well? >> oh, i think so, he's been teasing them for his entire presidency, heather. charles krauthammer is right. i mean,ty back to the blair house health care summit in which all republicans presented very substantive ideas, none of them were incorporated into the health care act, obamacare, passed with zero republican votes. the supercommittee was trying to make progress, collapsed, it accomplished nothing. and now we've just been through the same thing again in which the republicans, essentially, have had their head handed to them over these negotiations are in a difficult position negotiating with a president who does not want to produce anything of substance with them. and the question is, what do they do now? heather: and what is the answer to that? do you have an answer? what can they possibly do? >> yeah. i think something is emerging here, heather, and, you know, on the one hand ted cruz -- while i do not free with the strategy that he adopted -- agree with
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the strategy that he adopted, the one good thing he did was went on offense. and i think the leadership in the republican party of the house and the senate is going to have to go more public than they have describing in details the difficulties they have had negotiating in private with barack obama. normally you don't do that because you try to have good relationships with your negotiating partners. but barack obama has destroyed virtually his relationship with john boehner. the whole time in this thing was going on over the shutdown in the government, he's standing there in public acting presidential while as i wrote today in my column his organization under his name is sending out thousands and thousands of tweets ridiculing boehner and mocking and attacking the republicans, undermining the whole time he was purporting to be negotiating with them. i think the republican leadership has got to go public with the nature of their problems dealing with barack obama, put some of the burden back on him to explain why these negotiations are failing. he bears a large responsibility.
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heather: one of the things he's very good at is public relations and his image in the public. you know, one of the things that president obama said last night is that, you know, we have to get rid of the habit of governing by crisis. but is he one of the main reasons that we've been doing that not only economically, but also in terms of foreign policy in. >> well, he has been, this crisis is something that he likes to use these crises, as his first chief of staff, rahm emanuel said, to produce results for him. let no one forget, heather, that after he got elected second term, top of his agenda was taking back control of the house of representatives in 2014 and stopping republicans in the senate from gaining control of the senate in 2014. something, before all this happened they had a or very good chance of doing, taking the senate, holding the house. i think now that they're in a weakened position, he's going to use any negotiations going forward to further try to weaken their possibilities of succeeding in 2014, and they've
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got to be aware of that. heather: all right. so he's moving on to immigration with, the farm bill, a lot of things that he thinks we can accomplish them in a year. dan henninger, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. bill: as we await -- dan, thanks again. jon scott "happening now" coming your way, you're in washington. good day to you. jon: good day, bill. yes, they are back open for business in the capitol building behind me. eighteen senators voted no on this deal to reopen the government and extend the debt ceiling, one of them marco rubio of florida. amid reports that all of this means the demise of the tea party, what will this tea party favorite say? he will be joining us live in just a few minutes. also there's an avalanche of economic reports coming out now that the government is back open and reporting again. what will they say? jenna lee will talk to an expert about that. and who wins and who loses in all of this? a.b. stoddard and jonah goldberg join us with their thoughts
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coming up, "happening now" in just about 12 minutes. bill? bill: all right, jon, we'll see you at the top of the hour. getting word from the white house, our producers at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, might be ten minutes away still. we'll keep an eye on it, the president's first comments since signing the debt deal into law at midnight last night.
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bill: a little more guidance now, we're hearing from the white house, statement expect today last about 15 minutes in the state dining room, so we will bring that to you. dan henninger's been waiting and watching as well, welcome again. we were listening and talking to charles boustany, republican from louisiana, talked a lot about tax reform. i don't know if that goes anywhere. he seemed to be a little more optimistic than i think a lot of other people might have been, but how he described his
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relationship or maybe the lack of relationship he has with the president, i thought, was very telling. you know, we've heard about in this quite a bit in some places that have reported it, but to hear actually somebody say it, i think, is another thing. >> well, i think they should be saying it more often. you know, this was a very interesting interview that you had with boustany, bill. he was essentially saying that he thought that the democratic and republican leadership in the senate and the house could, if left alone, i think, work out compromises on the issues that are most important going forward, tax reform, entitlement reform, the sequester levels and things like that. this is what these guys come to washington to do. they're politicians. they want to do politics. and i think what the congressman was saying is that those people in the congress can do politics if they are allowed to. now, the problem is that they may do a deal, get one put together, take it up to the white house, and the problem is
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that the president will -- for reasons of his own -- blow it up. in this case it would probably be by saying he wants more revenue out of the deal which, of course, is a showstopper for the republicans. they gave him a tax increase about a year ago. they're not going to do it again. so there is a dilemma. i think the congress, which is really taking it in the neck with the public in the opinion polls, would like to try to get past this impasse. the question is, will the president allow the congress to do that? bill: was your expectation? >> it's very hard to see, it's very hard to see. i think, as i said, some pressure has to be brought to bear on barack obama one way or another to suggest that he is part of the problem. this was, the deficit supercommittee negotiations in 2011 was making progress until barack obama got involved. and during the immigration bill that we just went through a couple of months ago, recall that the democrats asked the president to stay out of those negotiations this they were over -- until they were over.
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and i think perhaps the burden is on maybe the democratic leadership to tell the president you have got to understand that your involvement will blow up anything we're trying to achieve and will damage all of us. please stay away until we've got this thing completed. bill: do you think they have the stomach to do this again? at the end of january, first part of february? >> i don't think anyone wants to go through this fight mare again other than perhaps -- nightmare again other than perhaps the white house -- bill: now, that's interesting. so then change the question. do you think the president has the stomach to go through this again? >> you know, bill, that's a very interesting question because what we have to wonder is, is the president's standing with the public being damaged by this? you know, his daily tracking approval in the gallup poll is not trending upward. it's just kind of blipping down below 45%, around 43 or 42%. if the that number starts trending downward because of all this -- and i think the american
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people are beginning to become really impatient with everyone involved -- then the president has to think about where there's any upside anymore to trying to hang the republicans out to dry and whether it's better to try to get some sort of deal and then move forward with all this. with. bill: appreciate your analysis. thank you, dan. dan henninger with "the wall street journal" with us. break here, back in a moment when the president comes out.
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bill: for sure. heather: i'll give you a call. [laughter] bill: heather, good to be back with you. we've got to run, everybody, the president should be out momentarily, see you again at 1:00 on hq. heather: bye. jon: and we begin this edition of "happening now" with a fox news alert, awaiting president obama. he is in the state dining room there at the white house surrounded mostly by white house staff, we understand, they're all back if business today. -- in business today. good morning, i'm jon scott. jenna lee, how you doing in new york? jenna: i'm going well, jon. nice of you to get a closer look to washington, d.c., waking up a day after the shutdown and now seemingly back to business. but how long that will last is a big question. and, jon, as we've been talking about timeline wise, we only really get through the holidays, and then negotiations have to start all over again. so we'll see what the next few days, weeks bring us.
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