tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 17, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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that is the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us, start each morning with fox and friends 5:00 to 9:00 right here on fox news channel. we'll see you with students audience. a lively show tomorrow night. g. tell me about obama care. has it been good for you? bill o'reilly is next. the o'reilly factor is on tonight. >> all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists and the bloggers and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict. >> president obama scorching his opponents in the aftermath of the funding settlement. we'll have analysis tonight with laura ingraham and carl bernstein. >> there's congressional people who want to paralyze the system. i think what sits underneath it, unfortunately, is probably some racism involved. >> once again, a famous liberal using the race card in political analysis. i will analyze that. in is the world stage, not
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an oprah panel, for god's sakes. >> dennis miller mad as hell over the government in general and so are you. we'll read some of your angry letters this evening. caution, you are about to open the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. what happened last night? that's the evening of this evening's talking points. first of all, i promise never to say, kick the can down the road. i swear. i will also never say, move the goal posts. if i hear those cliches one more time, there's going to be trouble. now, last night, the senate in the house approved a temporary spending measure. it's a good thing. it avoids chaos in the marketplace and maybe, maybe
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these people will finally produce a responsible budget. i'm not optimistic but at least there's a chance. in political circles, it is widely perceived that republicans lost, as i told dana perino last night on "the factor," i don't believe that. everyone in america lost. and president obama knows it. >> now, there's been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this shutdown. but let's be clear, there are no winners here. these last few weeks have inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy. >> ah-ha, damage to our economy. his rerns ference to an economi picture is a rouse. he wants to convince you that if the economy gets worse, the reason it remains stagnant is obama care. as you know, many companies are
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cutting back because they fear high health insurance costs and it really is obama care that's driving much of the discord in america right now. many republicans despise the law so much they are willing to blow up the entire government. as i've seaid, that's wrong. not good for the folks. in fact, the folks will decide whether or not obama care lives or dies. once the new law kicks in in january and the damage becomes apparent, i believe all hell is going to break loose. but back to the shutdown. it's hard to believe that so many people said so many dumb things. let's begin with the national media. a guy named thomas roberts is an anchor at msnbc, not a commentator, but a person who presents hard news, allegedly. mr. roberts interviewed republican congresswoman marsha blackburn on tuesday. >> when it comes to obama care, do you hate obama care more than you love your country? >> i've got to tell you something, i think that comments like that, that you are making
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are just incredibly inappropriate. what we have to realize is -- >> you don't think it's incredibly inappropriate to shut down our government -- you've taken the government hostage to a shutdown and now the american people you are walking to them a cliff, the economy, and you're going to push them over one by one based on the fact that you don't like the aca. that's all it is. >> listen to yourself. we didn't want a government shutdown. just listen to the way you're sounding. my goodness. >> but why is congresswoman blackburn surprised? did she really believe she'd get a fair shake in those precincts? really? the facts are clear, both republicans and democrats try to drive agendas in the federal funding debate. that's usually what happens in washington. both parties are responsible for the government shutdown and so is president obama. but when you devote your life to ideology, the facts really don't
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matter. do they? do you want proof of that? listen to robert redford. >> i think he's a good man. i think he's an intelligent man, a compassionate man. i think what sits underneath it, unfortunately, is there's probably some racism involved which i think is really awful. just the idea of giving credit to this president for anything is be a hour rent for them. never mind that it's for the good of the people. never mind that they are supposed to be in office representing the interests of the public. they are representing their own self-interests which are very narrow and in some cases just bigoted. >> and that's just sad. robert redford is an icon and a man who has done good work on the environment. but to accuse of racism is simply vial. he should know better.
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and finally, the rapper nelly, he's apparently following the government shutdown deal from his showbiz perch. >> i'm trying to campaign since the government ain't working, we shouldn't have to pay taxes because paying taxes is supposed to pay are to the government which in turn is not working. so if it's not working, i should not have to pay taxes and me being in the upper eschelon of the tax bracket feel the money i could be spending could be very vital to my survival. that's how i feel about it. >> somehow i believe nelly will survive in the upper erb shell lon. if gloria guy nor can survive, nelly can, too. he should not be frightened. but his point about paying federal employees who are not there is somehow quite poetic. if a tree falls in the forest. never mind. next on the rundown, laura
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ah, this is just what the eight layers needed. hey, guys. sorry we're late. milk looks warm. finally got the gang together: maple brown sugar, strawberry, blueberry. yeah, a little family reunion. strawberry, your whole grains arshowing. ooops! [ female announcer ] try frosted mini-wheats hoor cold. in 8 delicious flavors.
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>> and now that the government is reopened and this threat to our economy is removed, all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists and the bloggers and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict and focus on what the majority of americans sent us here to do, and that's grow this economy. >> joining us now from washington, radio talk show star laura ingraham. i believe he had you in mind, the president, when he made that statement. >> let me get this straight,
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bill. now he's against professional activists? isn't that what he was? that is his whole background. so now anyone who disagrees with him is not operating in good faith, they are merely being manipulated by talk radio and bloggers. i mean, what a condescending view of red state america and that's part of the problem with the obama approach. he doesn't understand that about half of the country doesn't agree with his policies and they want to block his policies. it's not that they don't like him as a person or they are racist or they don't like michelle. it's that the policies don't work but he keeps doing the same thing over and over again and keeps thinking he's going to get a different result. it's not going to happen. >> about the human cry that the republicans lost. >> yeah. >> okay. now, i think that -- and i don't want your opinion on it. i think that i've been very fair in this coverage and everything i said came true, by the way, 100%. i had my guys go back and look. everything we predicted came
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true and everything we said came true. and the fair presentation of it, why it was happening, who was saying what, who was a loon and who was sane. so the factor is a winner. >> always. isn't it always a winner? >> angry, angry mail. >> you're a rhino. you're a -- you don't count. your views are -- >> but isn't that what obama's talking about, though, that crazy kind of stuff that polarizes everybody? >> again, obama comes out today and says there are no winners or losers. >> he said everybody lost. >> yeah. he said washington has to get its act together. bill, the guy has been here for five years. >> he's in charge of washington. >> he still wants -- he wants us to all -- >> that's a great point. >> he's floating. >> let me reiterate, the president comes out and says washington has to get its act together and he's in charge. he's the boss. >> right. >> that would be like me saying "the factor" has to --
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>> talking points needs to do a better job. >> i am talking points. >> i am talking points. so he's in charge. i never even thought of it. if i had thought of it, i would have worked it into my memo. >> that's why you have me on. >> but i think that goes to the polarization, that it's always our fault, never those knit wits. both sides are doing that. >> and i think the establishment in both sides has failed. that is a correct formulation. that's why ted cruz is out there and he's getting a huge amount of publicity and raising a lot of money and has a huge following among republican mostly grassroots folks. they are frustrated and they have been frustrated since about 2003, bill, with the direction of the country. so it's not -- it's not that, you know, mike lee was out there fighting for the defunding of obama care that caused us to spend $7 trillion that we don't have over the last five years. >> look, i think there's a legitimate debate within the
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republican party about tactics and strategy. >> yes. >> and most people are not e ideologues. ted cruz can go around and do whatever he wants. but if they do -- if they do that and they destroy the republican prarty in the proces in the eyes of independence, everybody loses. >> i don't think this is going to have any long lasting effect. you and i talked about this before. >> only if the same shenanigans appear in january. if they start to do the same thing again, then it's really going to be -- >> i think most people think the government is too big, too unaccountable and we've got to get control of it. that's a right of center understanding. i think conservatism is winning in the heartland, it's winning across the states. we've got a lot of good leadership coming out of the states but the party's divided and the democrats are together.
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every time republicans come out on an issue like this, the democrats are going to hammer them in the press and then the republicans scatter and there's a lose on strategy when that happens. >> final question. this whole mess, i think, has just raised the cynicism of government, from the president on down. americans just don't want to hear about it anymore. >> no, they want to hear what nelly has to say, though. >> nelly and redford on the left. they are just saying, look, these pinheads, they just can -- and as i said, the nonideological american, which is about 60, 65%, all right, they just don't want to hear it anymore. i think that's dangerous. >> it is. and what's happenings in italy and what's happening in france, what's happening in london and england with the third parties rising and a lot of the times the third parties are on the right, we're seeing that in france with the national front and with an independence in
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britain. >> i'd like to see a well organized third party. i think the country would be better for it. however, right now it would help the democrats if that happened. >> bill, can we nominate nelly for the fed chairman and get rid of nelly? >> i want to hang with nelly in the upper echelon. i'm not in that. i am, but i'm not. but i like nelly. >> i like the way he said that. >> if he wants to come on this program, we'd be happy to have him. laura, thank you very much. on the other side, bernstein. and a house segment featuring you sounding off. that will please dennis miller
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yesterday carl bernstein said this. >> the republican party today has become a rabid organization from the top down. the leadership, it's cancerous. we have to go back to the party -- to the democratic party of segregation to find this kind of scorched earth politics putting the national interests nowhere and putting ideology and ideology above all else. >> mr. bernstein joins us now. i think that was a little bit unfair because the republican party is so all over the place on this. there isn't a consensus in it. i thought you demonized the party unfairly there. >> well, let's go back to what i said about ideology, which is the exact same thing you said at the top of the show, almost word for word, about ideology becoming secondary to facts and to the national interests. i could have quoted bill o'reilly. i use the example f segregation and the horrible example of the democratic party and the apiecement by others in the
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democratic party of the segregationists, the same way that the leadership of the republican party has appeased this no nothing fashion that has brought on this -- >> i think we get your point. >> let me finish, bill. i'm talking about the leadership, meaning eric cantor, boehner who went along with this craziness for a while, mcconnell who didn't say to his party, stop this. this is hurting the country. that is rabid leadership. this is what mccarthyism is all about. >> i don't see it that way and let me tell you why. >> and segregationists. >> there are extremists in the republican party as there are in the democratic party. >> absolutely. >> so you have john mccain, former presidential nominee, we said, we don't need this, karl rove said the same thing. >> bobby jindal, haley barbour. but not the leadership of the congress. not boehner, not mcconnell.
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>> but that's because -- >> because what? >> that's because they wanted to give ted cruz and some of the other congressman -- ted cruz is a senator -- they wanted them to give their case that obama care is harming the folks. >> and so you shut down the government to -- >> i was never for shutting down the government. >> no. but that's what they knew was going to happen. >> well -- >> so you shut down the government to make your case because the supreme court has upheld, a republican chief justice, has upheld obama care which really is romney care that was started by the republican party. this is an insanity bill that is so nuts. >> early on, including boehner and mcconnell, we don't want to shut down the government. >> but they didn't stop. >> wait a minute. let's stop here. >> they can't stop. >> of course they can. they say, we're the leaders of the party. >> not to these guys. >> yes, you can. >> that's what you don't understand. they can't. >> eric cantor could have.
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you're absolutely -- >> no. >> let's try. >> nobody could have stopped ted cruz and nobody could have stopped the tea party congress people who don't need the republican establishment people. but let me get back to your segregation point. >> let's stop there. let's look at fact. eric cantor is the whip of the party. >> so. >> so he could have said to his membership, let these tea party do this. we're not going to shut down the government. we're going to say obama care is ruining the country. we are going to make it the first order of business to bring it before the country in the next session of congress. >> we have a gentlemen disagreement about that. but when you refer to the democratic party being irresponsible and inhumane about civil rights, you're right. you're correct. but here it's a different situation. obama care is not civil rights and obama care, i submit, is going to harm the american people. it's bad for the folks. so therefore, you're basically saying, carl bernstein is
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saying, even though this law is going to hurt the majority of americans by making them pay more and the doctors are going to flee, it's going to be a mess, it's already a mess, let it go. let is go. don't challenge it. don't go after it. let it go. and i don't think that's right. >> that's not what i'm saying. i'm saying, you have a place to debate if you want it. >> obama care. that's the big one. >> well, as was social security which was opposed by republicans in the '30s. >> and now we have data it isn't working. >> that's right. it's eventually become overwhelmed by the trust fund. >> listen, do you think obama care is going to work and do you think it's a good thing? >> i think it's a first step like romney care to do something about a broken health care system and the answer is, let's let republicans and democrats get together and fix the health care system. >> so you say the debate should be fixed, right? you're for that? >> i am all for improving the health care system, including -- let's look at obama care as 1.0, the same way that google or
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somebody rolls out 1.0, it's got a lot wrong with it, it's got some really good stuff, let's look at medicare how it was rolled out. medicare works. you guys like medicare now. meaning people on the right. it needs reform. look, this is a work in progress. >> so if it needs reform -- of >> i'll give you the last word. here's the bottom line. what the tea party people would have agreed to was is president obama had agreed to a one-year individual mandate delay, as he did with companies, all of this would have gone away, yet you don't see any validity to that stance. that's where your argument falls down. there was a way to do it, but the president was too stubborn to embrace that compromise. >> you said i could have the last words. let's go back to segregation which indeed the democratic party set up, we have the law of the land, forget the law of the
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land. the leadership said to those southern segregationists, you obey the law of the land, you want to change it, go ahead and try to change it and the same is true here. you don't shut down the country, do what was done to the united states in the eyes of the world to working people, to our economic system because you disagree with a law that passed congress, bill. >> all right. very good debate. that was fun, right? >> i liked it. >> thank you. this evening, a teacher in california said this to her class. >> i know my [ bleep ]. don't [ bleep ] that. i'm tired trying to educate you. >> whether any laws are broken in that expedition. and then the government chaos ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] eeny, meeny, miny, go. ♪
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kelly file segment tonight beginning with a high school english teacher in harbor city, california, south of los angeles. apparently she's being heckled in the classroom and said this -- >> i know my [ bleep ]. don't you [ bleep ] that. i'm tired trying to educate you and you guys read this every step of the [ bleep ] way. get the [ bleep ] out of here.
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>> all right. so a lot of f words, a lot of giggling by the students. that teacher's identity has not been released but there may be legal involved here. anchor of the hit, hit, hit, hit, that's four, the program, the kelly files, immediately after "the factor," what's the legal action? >> i don't think there is one. but they are both potentially in trouble. i don't think they are going to get in trouble with the law. >> who is they? >> the student who taped the teacher and the teacher itself. the student bathed the teacher. she didn't like the teacher, tried to antagonize her, according to the teacher, and so the teacher unleashes on the student, shares with another teacher with whom the teacher has a rivalry, according to the first teacher, the second teacher exploited it for maximum value which would hurt her career. >> let me stop you there. as a former high school teacher,
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you don't swear to your kids. >> did they drive you to that point? >> never. >> did you ever -- >> i never, ever, ever said a bad word in the classroom. >> is that right? >> but they did bait. >> you have better anger management skills than this teacher. >> it wasn't about anger management. it's about being a teacher. >> anger is fine. you can be angry but you can't do what she did. because this is a classroom and this is an authority figure. >> you're supposed to maintain your cool. >> it's minors. if someone challenged me or bathed me on the street, they'd get a stream of words from me, probably. >> that's happened to me with you. >> but here in california, it is illegal to secretly tape anyone under any circumstance. >> you need two-party consent in california. it's very rare. 38 states in the country say you only need one party consent. >> that's wrong. you should need two. >> it's different in the classroom. generally if there's not a reasonable expectation of
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privacy, so the teacher is speaking and other people are there, there's some wriggle room there. i don't think this student is going to be in trouble for taping her but there's a policy you can't have the cell phone in the classroom. >> what happened to the kid? >> that remains to be seen. >> so nothing yet? >> nothing yet. the student could be disciplined for taping the teacher without getting her consent. >> what would you do if you were the principal of the teacher? >> i would reprimand her, give her a short suspension. >> i would suspend her for the semester. you realize if there's a heroine, addictive teacher here. >> new york city? >> yeah, new york city. >> and that teacher would probably get teacher of the year. >> now, government shutdown has now launched a controversy in the department of defense over a chaplain. tell me what happened to the chaplain. >> this guy wanted to go to sunday mass and he was -- he's a
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civilian -- >> father ray? >> he's a civilian employee. he's not in a military employee. the military employees were allowed to keep saying the mass but he couldn't. it was -- the suit was in washington, d.c. i think that must be where it was. >> okay. any way, he's a contractor -- >> south georgia. he wanted to go in and say mass and he was told, you can't. you've been furloughed, basically, you can't do it. he said i'll go do it for free. i have a separate contract with god so i've got to go fulfill that and they said no, he claims. >> who said? >> the department of defense. >> that's insane. >> the department of defense admits, apparently, that there is a policy when you furlough the civilian workers you can't accept volunteer services and i can tell you, i don't know this for sure, but i guarantee you that is because of the lawyers who say once there's been a furlough we can't have them come back on, what if somebody slips and falls, they are not supposed to be here, that guy is not
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going to sue god, they are going to sue the department of defense. >> so now what? >> didn't you see it last night, the government is back to work, father ray -- >> the government is back? >> yes. the father says they are going to continue with the lawsuit because they don't want this to happen again. >> that's right. >> but i have a question about whether a court will hear it now that the dispute is -- >> because they don't want to get involved with the religion issues. >> and it's over. >> it really isn't over, though, because this is going to happen again in january. surely you know that. >> you didn't believe the president when he said, we're not going to be right back here in, you know, a few months? >> is this the same president who said that obama care is going to lower health costs for everyone? is that the one? >> that is the one. >> maybe i'm a little skeptical of a it, then. i know i'm going to be ideologued. >> is there anyone to believe in washington? >> i don't know. you can't root for the redskins
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anymore. >> i have no sympathy for that. i went to syracuse university. we're the syracuse orange. how is orange intimidating. >> and that's offensive to we irish because the irish and the orange -- >> i don't get it. >> megyn kelly coming up at 9:00. again, watch it. when we [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. new fast acting advil. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price.
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the o'reilly factor, the number one cable news show for 13 years running. tonight, the d man was here in new york city last night, so we taped a segment with him and angsted immediately broke out. >> you must be really excited about the deal in washington, right? >> i tell you, bill, i'm at o'hare. frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn. i was going to watch baseball tonight. i'm having dinner with my son. i'm going to bed early tonight and no doubt they will charge me for the pox vaccine. all i can say is this, it's not working and i'm 60 years old later this month and i'm not going to spend any more days wondering about these morons up on the hill. figure out what you want me to pay, i'll give you a thousand
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extra bucks. let's never talk again. how's that? >> very generous. very generous. >> and i'll give you a little tip money. >> i tell you what they want, they want 40% federal. >> yeah. >> you have like 18 homes. they want property taxes on all of that. >> fine. >> and your lamborghini, they are going to charge you to fill it up with a buck federal tax on the lamborghini. you're going to have to sell your tie. >> oh, i'm sorry, mr. president, i did well. guess what, not all of us go into the bubble when we're 20 and have everything comped for the next 40 years. >> you sound a little -- >> i am po. i worked my arse off. i didn't wake up every morning asking how do i game it? i find those guys creepy. because really, just figure out what you want and leave me alone. i'm sick of it. all right? >> i like that. >> i kind of like that, you know. >> you can't get any crazier than putting up saw horses outside of the world war ii
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memorial and mock an old man that gave us our country and saw horses outside of the consulate in benghazi, libya. it's insane. we fell through the bunny hole. >> and we don't have any leadership at the executive level. >> and that guy makes sense to me. i'm joining his crew. >> nelly. he's in the upper echelon like you. >> my name is really old white ice and your rap name is killing ice. >> all right. now, i'm going to get you more worked up, miller. more worked up. >> is obama care -- >> they don't have hospital visits. bill ayers, yeah, has a book out. he wants you to buy it. so he makes money. >> you're a waste of a dust jacket, okay? you're a man, a ponytail in search of a man your entire life. is there anything said than the boy who feared the man becoming
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the old man who is the man? do you think he would stand at a pharmacy counter arguing over a co-pay? you're a hack, all right? >> we invited him on and he wouldn't come on. are you surprised? >> no. is there anything sadder than a radical who's on pension? you are sitting on a log telling me not to trust anyone over 30. he's the guy. >> jesus" has sold copies. what do you think? >> he doesn't even know what that book is about. >> i say this book is going to sell 2,000 copies. a lot of giveaways in that. all right. we haven't seen one of your close, personal friends. vice president biden. and your theory why we haven't seen him? >> because plugs mckenzie.
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they can't talk when it hits the fan. they've got him up at camp david. he's running around all day in a line clock going, hey, are you david? thanks for having me? are you david? thanks for having me. and i tell you what, when they do spill benghazi, it's going to be him because hillary flipped a dime on him yesterday. did you hear that? saying he was a wooz about benghazi. >> let me set it up. if you haven't heard this, apparently there was an off the record behind closed door meeting with hillary clinton. she's raising money. she's going to run for president. and she dissed biden saying that he wasn't man enough to go after bin laden, which she was. >> diner talk with other people, he's a big guy who thinks he's big joe biden and question his manhood. i'll telling you, the person who is going to flip on her, benghazi when it hits that nomination, it's going to be
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mckenzie. >> you think so? >> went after his manhood. listen, a guy who fakes his iq on his college record, yeah. >> but you went after his manhood. >> i'm not running for president. i don't think i'm important. figure out what i owe you and leave me alone. >> you're back to that team. >> yeah, that's it. i want to put the hood on these people like falcons. i want to get some sleep. >> let me ask you a question. if you had an opportunity to have dinner with either the president or vice president, who would you go with? >> billy i've told you this before -- >> and they pay. >> barack obama is not my kind of guy. >> but you can have dinner with either/or. >> and i cannot eat. >> you would starve? >> i would care less about those people. i don't find them noble men. >> but maybe you could persuade them. >> you have dinner with them. they gave you a cookie at their dinner party years ago and you're still on that diet. >> you might be able to change
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them. >> and the brightest thing i do on a daily basis is avoid creeps at dinner. >> i guess he's not going to go. all right. miller, it's always good to see you. >> i'm a little angry today. >> we have security standing by. >> that's a cute tie. >> thank you. >> and it ends up for everybody in southern california friday night, february 21st, rolling into san diego at the copley theater. i promise, miller and i will try to stay classy, san diego. also, orlando, florida, january 18th at the bob carr center, 95% sold out. on deck, are you mad as hell? fact of the matter is,
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segment where you guys vent, make your feelings known. please visit, all right. i'm going to browse the information section on the obama care website. for the silver plan, the cost to my family is approximately $6,000 for a nonspoker. everyone needs to read beyond the monthly premium. nobody is talking about the fact that the deductible is $12,700 for coverage kicks in.
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>> a huge wake-up. the whole premise of the obama health care exchanges is to provide affordable insurance to low and moderate income people. but the problem is, a family of paying a lot of money to provide coverage for those people making less. >> 94k in new york city, that's middle class. in l.a., san francisco, boston -- >> but the point is -- >> not in urban places. >> in other places, it is -- >> how many people signed up for obama care. >> 36,000 so far. the administration disagrees with that number. they say it's still not working. it may be ready around thanksgiving. >> that may be something we can all be thankful for. number two. he's mad as hell because fox news hazlet charlie larangel gi
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an opinion again. i get a lot of letters, what do you have this one on, that one on? mostly right wingaers. it's boring. >> do you remember you had barney frank on? >> look, you were so frightened, i know. heather was very frightened. nancy bradley, we go to north carolina. i'm one-fourth cherokee, but i don't call myself an indian american, i'm an american. 95% of america has never been native american. i think that's level headed. >> i think that's fair of her, but on the other hand don't you feel a sense of pride of where your ancestors come from? i think we all have a sense of that. >> but you don't use that as
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your cloak. >> that's right, and people coming to the united states should understand that. >> bill, i went into the post office today in san antonio. i asked the salesperson for christmas stamps. her answer was, we don't have christmas stamps. all we have is a poinsettia and mother and child. >> just this little mother and child. >> they don't know what the mother and child is. really. this is where we are. these are the secularists. mother and child. it's like that mother and child reunion, paul simon song. it's not what it is, you see? >> i'm just thankful they have the stamp. you and i both live on long island. i asked the postmaster where i live. he says it's the most popular seller. >> but they don't identify who the people are. it could be madonna and one of her kids. >> give me a break. >> we know who it is. it doesn't say jesus and mary. heathe
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fact of the tip of the day from paul mccartney and elton john in a minute. there will be a town meeting on november 7. everybody is invited, but premium members will get 50% of the questions. if you become a bill o'reilly premium member, you get killing kennedy and lincoln, they make fantastic gifts. o'reilly, your talking points about obamacare were right on. thanks for looking after me. you're we will lcome, keith. o'reilly, you and karl roef sit there and talk about the destruction of the republican
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party. see, this is sad. senator mccain spent years in a communist prison, he was beaten and tortured and this guy dishonors him. there's no excuse for that. good for you, bill. you secretly like obama care. you should try to convince the tea party. you're delusional, jay. obama care is a mess and i've laid that out pretty vividly. o'reilly, you opined that many secular people dislike religion because of the gay issue and abortion. while true, the fundamental attacks think they're the power in the universe. also, it is embarrassing in the current age that people still cling to superstition as a way of looking at reality. many progressives reject religion because they are statists and believe all allegiance should be given to the state. john robison, san antonio, texas. i was able to put killing jesus down. you are a master ful writer but
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a poor interviewer. you ask a question and then answer it. it saves time, john. p.j. mullenberg, oklahoma. drove to florida and was very entertained listening to the audio of "killing lincoln." coming back i listened to "killing jesus" and it was more exhilerating. bill, liked your tip about helping senior citizens. with that in mind, i'd like to take you to dinner. there is a future for you in comedy, brian, but it may not be in this country. maybe lapland. all right. tip of the day on the senior citizen circuit. as you may know, paul mccartney, age 71, elton john, 66, have each released new albums. think about that. both men are rock icons, have sold hundreds of millions of records and are still creating stuff. elton john's entitled "diving
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bell" sold about 70 million a month. not bad, but paul mccartney's is doing better. ♪ ♪ just in time, when i was searching for the rock, you come around ♪ ♪ we can do what we want, we can live as we choose ♪ >> not under obama care, you can't. you have to do what they tell you to do. this week sir paul is number 8 on the chart behind miley cyrus, which is kind of sad when you think about it. anyway, here's your tip of the day. no matter how old you are, continue to be creative. there is no down side. and that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news website. premium members, please continue to graze the factor each
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evening. you have that opportunity. we have news waiting for you right now so become a premium member. i am bill o'reilly. please always remember the spin starts here, so definitely looking out for you. welcome to the kelly file. a new fallout from an ugly fight. president obama today slamming the right for its, quote, damaging rhetoric in a strategy he says em boboldened enemies. sarah palin and james carville on that. liberal groups calling for the arrest and trial of republican leaders for crimes against the country. harvard law professor alan der sho wits reacts. plus i'll ask about o.j. simpson o.j. simpson's plans for just after prison. tv host? plus, did the army throw this soldier under the bus. a
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