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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  October 20, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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this is a fox news alert. tonight the manhunt for two killers is over. police have captured convicted murderers charles walker and joseph jenkins in panama city, florida at a motor inn. they were mistakenly released from a florida prison using forged documents. with me on the phone now is u.s. marshal from the northern district of florida, ed spooner. ed, are you there? >> yes. >> all right, ed. what can you tell us about the capture of these two men? >> we developed information yesterday they might be in the panama city area. worked through the night and into the day today to identify where they were.
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found their location and they both surrendered without problem and were brought into custody. >> all right. now, so you were receiving tips you followed up on those tips. were you surprised to see two of them together? >> we didn't really have an idea if they were together or separate. there were comments they might be together they might be separate but until we had information confirming they were together we weren't sure where they were. >> how far, marshal, was the coconut grow motor inn from the prison they were released? >> no more than 65, 70 miles. >> do you have any idea how long they were at that motor inn? >> no. we just know they were there tonight late this afternoon when we made the arrest. >> when they checked into the motor inn can you tell us whether or not they use ad credit card or they had to have put some money down in order to even access the room, correct? >> that would be correct but i
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don't have any information as to whether they paid cash or used a credit card. >> these two were released at different times. do we know anything other than those forged documents that forged the name of judge belvin perry, whether there was any connection between these two at all, different murders, but interestingly both 34 years of age. both sentenced to life in prison. any connection at all between them before they were released? >> that's not the information we have. other agencies were involved that have that information. >> when they escaped or released i should say from the franklin correctional institution, the release documents were apparently given to the prison from the court, do you know whether that's accurate? >> no, ma'am, i don't know that. the only involvement the marshal
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service has had with the department of florida law enforcement has been the apprehension and arrest. >> well then let me ask you, did you guys knock on the door? did you call them? i mean tell me -- take me through the take down of these two? >> basically we identified where they were. called the room and called them out and they came out without resistance. >> you called them out. did either of them have a weapon? >> not that i'm aware of. >> i suspect now they are either on their way back to state prison or is going a local jail >> they will be housed in the county jail. >> did they make any statements when they were captured? >> i don't have any information regarding statements they may have made. >> all right. i would like to thank you u.s. marshal ed spooner for joining us tonight on this breaking story. again, the two men who were released on those bogus papers from a florida prison have been
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captured, apparently without incident together at a motor inn in panama city, florida. all right. on the show tonight. does president obama want to destroy the republican party? congressman trey gowdy is with us. two teens are criminally charged after bullying a girl to death. and a doctor on trial for murder of his beauty queen wife. it's a system that's supposed to be used by everybody. so obama care can be bought by anybody. but so far the health care website has worked for practically nobody. welcome to the land of oz. and now we find out the people who were supposed to guide us through the obama care maze and enter our private data, social
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security numbers, date of bitter and personal identifiable information the obama navigateors don't go through basic background or fingerprint checks. it gets better, ladies and gentlemen. if those navigators have a prior conviction it will not disqualify them anyway. an outstanding warrant? no problem. in the midst of a bankruptcy? no problem. now, forget the obvious piracy issues. has anyone in washington ever heard of identity theft? but then again why would we be shocked to learn there's no screening by these washington bozos. you remember edward snowden, the nsa leaker. and the navy yard shooter. they obviously were not properly screened. so why is it that a key part of the president's signature
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legislation for which the secretary of health and human services kathleen sebelius has had more than three years to prepare can't even get the website off the ground? and, the administration refuses to tell us how many people have signed up for obama care. the reason is they don't know. and the reason they don't know is because no one can get past the first page. simple sebelius. she doesn't know how many people have signed up but she does know it's getting better. >> started a little rockier than we liked. it's better today than yesterday. it's going to keep getting better. >> really it's getting better? how would you know? not to worry she says. 85% of us already have health care. and it's only 15% of us who need to worry about this.
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now let me see if i understand this. we have spent $400 million on a system based on a 10-year-old technology that will need to be overhauled from a company from canada with a french name who, by the way, double their profits in one quarter so that none of us can sign up for this m ira cuc -- miraculous health care. now initially the administration said this burden on our children would not be used to pay for health care for illegal aliens. well that's a bunch of hog wash. you open the national mall for them to protest in the middle of a shutdown when our veterans
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can't access their memorial, and you give them transgender horse monies while in prison and we spend $2 billion on a program that provides hospital emergency care mostly to illegals and you really want me to believe that my kids are not going to be paying for those undocumented workers who you want to give amnesty to in a minute anyway. so why can't the administration tell us how many people have signed on? >> across the country people are getting health insurance although the glitches are unacceptable so the idea of leaving millions of americans on their own including families across the country who have access to health care that they didn't have two weeks ago. >> really? what does a glitch mean? a glitch is when your cable goes out for a few seconds. this isn't just a glitch. a dismal failure.
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it's a damn disaster. and jay carney say families have access to health care? how the hell are they supposed to access this? and you say the reason for the glitch is that the number of websites visitors is extremely high. that more states are lining up than you expected. what, you didn't know how many states there are in this country? and, you know what i think the heart of all this is? it's all about money. a company called cgi, the one from in canada, you know with the french name that i can't even pronounce, won the contract to set up the obama care website in october of 2011. the same company fired by the canadian government for failing to build an online medical registry on time. and our government accountability office in june predicted that the website would
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not be ready to go live. you remember the general accountability office. they are the ones who predicted the bankruptcy of solendra. we gave our taxpayer money to that went bust like the gao predicted. my question a simple one why not use a smart, successful american company like apple, microsoft, google, one with a record of success? and why is it the biggest obama care contractor didn't start writing the software code until a few months ago. what does this woman simple sebelius do other than go on jon stewart? you and i would be fired for such incompetence. >> you're fired! >> but i didn't --
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>> i got to fire you. >> i got fire you. >> you're fired >> you're fired. >> but, hey, hope springs eternal. there's good news for all of us. since the government is here to help us, if you can't sign on you'll make new friends with the irs. you know, the agency that doesn't target anyone who will now oversee the implementation of this miraculous health care law. the real shame is what it will do to our kids who are drowning in debt, our kids who now get to pay for this unholy obama care debacle. and coming up, did the obama administration make the shutdown more painful than it had to be? congressman trey gowdy on the hunt for answers. and two crime stories you can't
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make up. could parents of teen bullies face charges themselves? and did a prominent doctor murder his beauty queen wife? and vote in our instant poll tonight. what would you rather dothan to try to get on the obama care website? facebook or tweet me at judge jeanine. we'll read your answers later in the show.
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. the hits keep coming for obama care and you start to wonder, will the administration ever admit that this was not ready for primetime? with me conservative columnist and author of the new book
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"never trust a over 3 ems a republican" ann coulter. how are you? >> fantastic. >> now, if the obama website doesn't get fixed on time from december 15th so you have insurance on january 1, what happens? >> looking at the numbers, i think maybe they were pulling our legs on 40 million uninsured unless they were including all the illegal aliens coming in through amnesty and their relatives. 36,000 have signed up. but i think you have to understand what obama care is designed to fail doing a great job on that so far so they can move to single payer. >> why do we have single payer. what's the whole point much these exchanges. we have medicare, medicaid. >> right. >> what's with all these exchanges? what's that all about? >> well, it's intended to look like the free market but it's
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actually the department of motor vehicles. >> in cyber space. >> yes. because everything that was wrong with health care was as a result of government intervention with mandates on what insurance had to cover. you couldn't get insurance in america for things that any normal person wanted insurance for. it would be like saying yes you could buy a car but the government says it has to be a fully loaded mini and then they say there's a crisis then we need to provide cars to people. >> do you think ultimately they've delay this or at the very least give people a year on the individual mandate? >> when they try to delay it the house republicans should say no i'm sorry we gave you that option. no i think the republicans have been really great and it's clear the republican party is the anti-obama care party after this
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shutdown. >> it didn't do them much good. >> i think did it. >> why. >> the united states senate the difference between this shutdown and 1995 shutdown, a there was no fox news or internet in 1995. b this was over the hated obama care. majority of americans hate it and never asked for it. the third difference is and this cuts again the shutdown in 1995 republicans had huge majorities in the house and senate. so america you want us to end this plague just give republicans a majority of the senate. >> but now, if they don't delay it, is it possible that they can start fining people who don't have snins how are they going to know it? >> of course they will but they won't fine their buddies, big business, the unions. >> that's because they all get the delay. >> they get delays. this is what happens under tyranny, people with connections will still have good doctors,
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they will have good health care but the vast majority of americans the middle class the people that the republican party has traditionally represented they are totally screwed. >> the shame of it is then the irs gets involved not just in terms of your taxes but in terms of your health care and now fining you and -- >> and having all that personal information about you. >> right. the navigator, a few arrest warrants here and there, bankruptcy, theft, all that stuff. >> yeah. one was an illegal alien. >> all right, ann coulter always good to see you. and coming up, why one congressman thinks president obama is out to destroy
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that day also included as part of that order, that first amendment activities would be permitted on the national mall. >> do you consider first amendment activity to walk to a monument you helped build or is it only smoking pot at mcpherson square. >> that was national park director john jarvis grilled by trey gowdy on why our monuments were closed during the shutdown. earlier i had a chance to talk to trey gowdy about the state of republican party and what he thought about the actions of the national park service. >> my first exposure to jarvis was occupy washington wherefore 100 days he didn't lift a finger to enforce a statute, a plainly written statute about no camping and he kept citing the first amendment to me as if first amendment covers camping and smoking pot at mcpherson.
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the second veterans wanted to walk to a monument that they helped build he greets them with barricades even though there's no law that prevented them from doing so and he let a group of members of congress -- >> what does that tell you? this guy didn't decide on his own let me put up these barricades. what does it tell you about this administration? >> well, it was an orchestrated attempt to make life as painful and embarrassing for house republicans as possible and in interest of full disclosure we helped make things embarrassing for us here during the shutdown but the executive branch was ainu knick position to inflict as much pain as possible including closing private entities on public property. and for whatever reason certain elements in the media let them get away with it but the notion that house democrats can protest immigration law on the national mall and get away with it and
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veterans can't walk to a monument that they built without being greeted with barricades you would think the jury would say you know what? this is duplicity at its worst. >> was it worth it? did the republicans and, you know, it seems to be the consensus that they hurt themselves and when he a president coming out maybe a little limited strike and the disastrous start of the website for obama care for signing up. i mean did the republicans totally mess this up? >> well, hindsight is obviously really good and you have to start with a period of self-reflection so, you know, i'm not one to cast stones at my colleague, they have to figure that out for themselves. i know this, judge and you do too because you were an accomplished prosecutor. it's not so much what you know or think it's what you can prove.
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in terms of proving to the jury, the american people, that affordable care act was worth 15 days of a government shutdown and precipice of default i did not carry my burden of persuasion. can you be right but your strategy has to be effective. again hindsight is 20/20. there were voices warning this was not a good strategy to begin with, i think there's a hunger, people want to see fight. they want to see you believe in something enough to suffer the consequences, but -- >> but then again, congressman the issue, i mean, do you cut your nose to spite your face? i mean was it worth this dance. let me go the next issue about kicking the can down the road. when is the next deadline, december 15th, january 15th. was anything accomplished? >> no, ma'am. other than if anyone in america doubted the dysfunction of washington they should not doubt it any more. all of this was essentially 45
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days, december 15th we're right back having this same divisive debate. the debt ceiling will be reached in february. we're optimistic we'll be reaching a grand bargain. so no, i would have a hard time pointing to any concrete victories that we won during this shut down. >> downing the president's goal is to destroy the republican party? >> yes, ma'am. and part of what we have to do is make sure that's also not our goal. we have to be a little -- i mean that. you know, the democrats are unified because they are in the minority in the house. they are unified in their one objective which is to become the majority. we are in the majority in the house and we need to find those areas where we can agree both strategy and ideology and i'm not saying we want to be a bunch of ninnies but we can find
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enough good things that we can build a cogent cohesive message around and not fight with each other quite so much because he would love nothing more for us to be a minority party and have an unabated line to whatever legislative goals he wants to have for the remainder of his two years and we're crazy if we don't see that. >> all right, congressman trey gowdy thanks so much for being with us. and coming up, two blockbuster cases. a 12-year-old middle school girl literally bullied to death. should her tormentors go to jail and a doctor on trial for the murder in the case of fatal face lift. and what would you rather dothan get on the obama care website. facebook or tweet me at judge jeanine. nds sold to unsuspectin
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investors. now back to "justice."
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investigators say 12-year-old rebecca was bullied for almost a year she ended up jumping to her death last month. police in florida arrested two girls 12 and 14 years old. charging them with felony aggravated stalking. now the stepmother of the 14-year-old bully is arrested on unrelated abuse charges. should she also be responsible and will she face charges for her step-daughter's bullying? earlier i spoke with florida sheriff. you have start ad firestorm, and for years we've been trying as a nation to deal with tissue of bullying. and you pretty much taken the whole conversation to the next level, making the decision to charge these young girls 12 and 14 with a felony of aggravated
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stalking. tell us why. >> we found out it wasn't just from bullying but from this long term pattern of bullying that in florida went past bullying which is not against the law into aggravated stalking. and as a i figured here is the time. we got criminal charges. >> did you think twice about charging a 12 and 14-year-old? >> no, judge, we did not think twice about it. we wanted to one, make sure they were held accountable for their actions and the way that we could make sure that that occurred was to put them into the department of juvenile justice system. otherwise what methods do we have in our society today to make sure that this conduct stops? >> we do not yet know if the parents of the 12 and 14-year-old girls were aware of what happened, do we? >> well, i can tell you that the 14-year-old girl's parents were in total denial whenever we
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began this investigation all the way through until this week when they still denied knowing anything at all. oh, my child would never do that. >> we know that the parents of the girl who committed suicide, rebecca, knew and complained to the school but did the school notify the parents of the bullies, the girls that you have charged? >> yes, judge, they did. quite frankly this went on for like ten months. but there was simply not the interest or the input from the parents of the bullies. and that was part of the problem. and i think that's part of the problem nationwide. >> well, it is. so we get, of course, sheriff the issue of parental responsibility and with bullying we talk about suing the schools, suing this person, suing the other parents. now we're talking about not just a tort issue but a criminal issue. that being when is it time to charge parents for the actions
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of their children, especially if the school notified the bullies of their behavior and this young girl who ultimately committed suicide was taken out of school. her parents did everything they could have. >> that's correct. you're exactly right. we have looked diligently and at this point in the investigation we can't find a way to bring criminal charges against the parents under current florida law. >> thank you, sheriff. >> thank you, judge. >> now in a justice exclusive, the attorney for the 14-year-old bully reacts to the charges against her client. >> charged two young girls 12 and 14 with felony aggravated stalking and saying that their actions caused someone to kill themselves is pretty extreme in my point of view. in terms of her case she's really worried about what's going to happen to her. she feels she was doing the same
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thing everyone else in the school was doing and she's not responsible for it and she doesn't quite grasp the significance of things going on yet. not sure what the schools have done or this school in particular did in terms of this situation. but it seems that there obviously wasn't enough. i know that the parents are involved say they knew nothing about what was happening at school and had they they would have addressed it. in this case i don't necessarily think it's a criminal charge. like i said this is probably the only way for the sheriff to make a point with these charges. this is the only thing he can possibly charge them with but maybe the legislator will pick up some slack and address fit they think criminal charges are necessary. with regard to the specific post that the sheriff made him take action, that is supposed, to my client is saying she did not
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make. she said somebody brought to it her attention and that's the story she's standing by. >> joining me now, pat jones, the grandmother of rebecca. pat, thanks so much for being with us and our condolences to you for everything that you've been through. i understand that today was a particularly hard day for all of you. >> yes, it was. >> tell us why. >> very hard. because today was rebecca's 13th birthday. and instead of being able to have a party for her and celebrate when he to go to her grave and it was very hard on everyone. >> i can't imagine. you know, rebecca had a lot of pain that she went through the last ten months before she died and i understand that her mom, your daughter, took her out of school and, you know, ended up home schooling her, but they
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continued to bully her. how did that happen? >> well, when initially it got really to the point, trisha took the phone away from rebecca. she didn't give the phone back to her until she re-enrolled her in the new school this school year and after she confirmed rebecca was doing better. >> go ahead. >> she thought everything was fine. >> when rebecca got her phone back did you have any idea did her mom have any idea that the tormenting was continuing? >> no. all of us in the family had asked rebecca and trisha was very vigilante and she just kept insisting everything was fine but we all believed at that point she just believed that nothing would to be done. >> what should happen to these girls, pat? >> what should happen to these
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girls? honestly, do you want my opinion? i believe they should be in a stable home somewhere other where they are living now where they can get proper supervision and love. it doesn't seem like they are getting that from what i can tell. they really need a lot of psychiatric help, i believe that. >> very quickly because i'm coming up against the break should the parents who, the parents of the bully, the school apparently notified about their bullying should they be charged with a crime, pat? >> i believe they should be charged with something, yes. because this has gone on since november of last year. >> pat, thanks so much for being with us. i do agree with you. i think they should be charged and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. >> thank you, judge. >> all right. coming up, he says his wife died of complications after a face lift. prosecutors say he killed her to
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be with his mistress. the medical examiner, he just doesn't know. who to believe.
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with his mistress named gypsy. first medical examiner who did the autopsy said she died of heart disease. the second said it was a combination of heart disease and drugs. the third medical examiner said she drowned. >> the third who looked at the records for the family said drowning. none of them says it's homicide. >> so how did the prosecution prove its case? >> the prosecutor probably has additional information that hasn't come out yet in court. we haven't even seen the autopsy report yet or toxicology levels and what studies were done to look for drownings considering she was found under water in clothing, wearing clothing. >> she's in the bathtub with her clothes on. >> didn't these guys learn from
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drew peterson? >> that happened the same time as drew peterson. 2007. both of them in a small bathtub. >> steve, reasonable doubt? the medical examiner doesn't think it's a homicide. >> that's what the defense is going to say. they are is going to point to that. what the prosecution has to do is treat this case for what is it, a circumstantial case. they've build everything together including his admissions -- >> what admissions? >> there's going to be -- >> he's having an affair with gypsy. >> that's true. >> doesn't mean he killed her. >> there's the motive. number two supposedly going to be witnesses that want say gypsy actually had said to somebody else that they were planning to kill her and that he had admitted to killing her to other inmates. >> in the jail. before i go mark fuhrman. if the medical examiner thinks it was a heart attack, and she was in the tub taking a bath but had her clothes on. how did she die?
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do we even know? >> well the medical examiner seems to disagree whether heart disease, drugs or drowning. >> doctor, you can tell if she has heart disease. >> yes. >> i'm not a doctor. >> you've been down this path before as a district attorney, drowning can tell from the lungs. so it's very concerning that until we see the autopsy report which will come out at the trial shortly to be able to evaluate why the three of them see it differently. >> you're chomping at the bit. >> we have to mention the fact he did cover up this crime as well. >> how? >> supposedly he got rid of the drugs. supposedly he had taken off some of the clothes from her because the child that first saw the body saw the body fully clothed. very, very suspicious. jury will not like that. >> mark fuhrman motive means an opportunity. is it all there? >> well, they spend a whole lot of time on motive which is an
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element of murder. we look at the crime. if we give the prosecution the benefit of the doubt and say she died as an overdose or drowning or drowning and overdose you still have to connect up the suspect, you know, dr. martin with the administration of the drugs. >> but he didn't administer the drugs. mark, he didn't administer the drugs. >> we don't know. >> no, no. my understanding is, tell me if i'm wrong steve but my understand is he suggested to her -- >> another doctor -- >> that's fine. but you still have to make -- >> go ahead. >> you have to make that connection that he gave the lethal amount of drugs at that moment that caused her death and i think that nexus is missing. >> mark, if in fact she died of a drug overdose because the first doctor out there in utah had all those toxicology results
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and felt the toxicology was normal amounts that had nothing to do with the cause of death. three years later chief medical examiner included it in the cause of death, and the medical examiner for the family just recently said it was drowning but nobody said it's homicide. >> go ahead, steve, quickly. >> from a defense perspective this is exactly what they want to see is confusion. they want to see things that are going to create a loud of mystery about this case and, therefore, that means reasonable doubt. >> what we didn't get to talk to is the fact this guy has several convictions for fraud and identity theft and gypsy, gypsy -- >> that's why he won't be testifying in this case. >> and his children think he did it. >> right all of his kids do. mark fuhrman and steve and doctor, thanks. >> thank you. >> coming up 50 years after the
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jfk assassination conspiracy theorys continue. we'll separate fact from fiction opinion your last chance to vote in our instant poll. what would you rather try to do other you rather do to get on the obama care website? this ought to be good. facebook or tweet me.
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next month marx tks the 60t anniversary of john f. kennedy the death. there have been a lot of books written about jfk and this assassination. larry, what makes your book different? >> among other things, we prove
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that the second investigation of president kennedy's assassination in the 1970s by the house of representatives was completely wrong. they concluded that president kennedy was probably killed as a result of a conspiracy. that was the opposite of the warren commission result in the early 1960s. warren commission was also poorly done but the select committee's conclusion was based on evidence and audio recording at the police headquarters on november 22, 1963. they completely misinterpreted it. we have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with an extensive, highly sophisticated study they simply got it wrong. there is no bullet on the dictabelt. >> you said, larry, there is no bullet on the what belt? >> the dictabelt, a recording in
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the police headquarters. primitive device at the time, and it only recorded this because by accident one of the policeman helping with the motorcade that day had a stuck microphone on his motorcycle. you see, the select committee thought that motorcycle was right behind the presidential limousine. we've preserven proven it pa w away. >> so that turns the whole thing in your mind? that -- that one issue is what convinces you that it was not a conspiracy? >> well, it certainly removes a strong argument in favor of conspiracy. you know, judge, the warren commission did such a poor job, and lee harvey oswald was killed so soon after being arrested that i don't think anybody can eliminate the possibility that someone encouraged him or someone helped him in some way. we will never know.
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100 years from now we'll be debating the subject, but i'll tell you. i went into this conspiracy that i'm coming out of it. i've spent five years studying this and i can tell you, a lot of things that you read on the internet just don't hold up. now, there's a headline. the internet mislead. >> but, larry, why would oswald shoot him? i know that he was shot so quickly that they couldn't interrogate him. but what do you think? where does this guy come out of, to shoot the president of the united states? what was his agenda? >> his agenda really wasn't very political. he was a communist but very mixed up. judge, he was at the end of his rope in november of 1963. he had failed at everything he had tried. he had delusions of grandeur. by accident the president was moving past the very place where he had worked for six weeks. >> all right. larry, thanks so much.
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and now it's time for the results of tonight's insta-poll. we asked what would you rather do than get obama care website? joe says, battery acid enema. and preston>> technology gives you security. technology gives you control
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teachers forced to join unions and pay dues. >> my union uses my money to fight against something i believe in strongly. >> bullied and silenced by her union she is suing to cope politics out of the education. and the body was left on the tarmac three hours. >> the father of one of the four americans killed in benghazi demanding answers from the president. >> i wished he had sent the troops that everybody knows was vaebl. >> tonight charles woods with the response from the commander in chie


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