tv The Kelly File FOX News October 24, 2013 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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to the factor. a man can't be one. only women. don't be one. thanks for watching. megyn is next. ooking out for you.stops here. >> breaking tonight on "the kelly file," kathleen sebelius finding time to deliver this message. she doesn't answer to the american people who want her fired. plus -- tonight on "the kelly file," questions turn eed shoutg on capitol hill. >> you keep speaking about unexpected volume. i think that's a lame excuse. >> as lawmakers try to get to the bottom of the problems with the health care roll out we speak with the chair of the committee leading the investigation. and we'll have a special look at the health care promises the president made to pass the law. have they been kept? and the shocking report of how much of your tax dollars are being spent on welfare. here is a clue.
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it's five times more than we spend on education, transportation, and nasa combineded. plus, critics call it the girly hat. the proposed change to the marine corps uniform and the millions it could cost. >> from the world headquarters of fox news, it's "the kelly file." with megyn kelly. >> breaking tonight the woman at the center of the failed obama care roll out taking fire. welcome to "the kelly file." i'm megyn kelly. we heard from secretary kathleen sebelius an hour ago. she was visiting a call center in phoenix after saying she was too busy to testify in front of congress today, in front of your representatives. out of the gate she was defending obama care and herself. >> there is no question. the website doesn't function efficient
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efficiently yet. >> what do you say to people calling for you to resign? >> the majority of people calling for me to resign are people i don't work for and who do not want this program to work in the first place. >> she works for the american people. you know, president obama is her boss. but we employ her. the american people. she may have wanted the to rethink the answer. >> she may want to rethink that answer. she may want to be rethinking her decision to go out on the campaign trail now instead of going back to face the music in congress. they are playing for time now. but what they ended up having happen today was these contractors go and point the finger at her and her agency instead of getting in front of the story she's now behind it. >> we'll have the chairman of the committee that was cross examining the website designers
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in a moment. saying we basically did what we were told to do by the feds which means her. >> they gave a strong intimation that they told her agency it would not work. they didn't mince words when it came down to talking about how much time did you need to get it ready, did you have enough time? absolutely not. how would you have done it? the consensus was very differently than the agency had them do it. >> they said we uh knew there would be trouble and raise aid left arm bells. it wasn't our decision about whether it was time to launch. we want to talk about the person whose decision it was. they are going to get a chance next week. we'll talk to fred uptop in two minutes. i want to ask you about a poll that came out that speaks to the issue. the question is how are things going in the country?
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you can see it here. satisfied, 41%. dissatisfied, 57%. democrats feel dissatisfied 59%. in july it was 45. in october only 22% of democrats were dissatisfied. now it is almost 60. what does that tell you? >> how do you get a 37-point slide amopg democrats who are going to say in almost any circumstance that things are going in the right direction because their guy is in charge. before the last election they said things are going fine. now the president is not delivering what he said he was going to deliver and kathleen sebelius is a part of that. the law would be great and would launch and make democrats and liberals feel good because they were going to be the smart, high tech party instead of republicans. they go to do the things they are supposed to be good at and
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they can't make it work. the best they can say is it will be bad for some additional period of time but then it will be good later. >> how much of this is about a website. how much of this is about the hundreds of thousands or millions getting notices in the mail today, yesterday, the day before saying your insurance is cancelled, good-bye. >> the remaining weeks of the year will get worse. the heat will be on this administration. they may have to throw sebelius over board. >> i query whether that will change the numbers. thank you. >> you bet. we are joined by the man who led the fiery hearing today on capitol hill grilling the contractors behind the failed health care roll out that cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. a taste of a tense few hours in washington. >> the denial of the debacle is incredible. it's like trying to watch the three stooges in hd and expect it to work. >> i'm damn angry that i and
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700,000 texans i represent have been misled, misled and misled. >> there are thousands of websites that carry far more traffic. i think that is a lame excuse. amazon and ebay don't crash the week before christmas. proflowers doesn't crash on valentine's day. >> what's the standard protocol, the recommended industry standard for end to end tests before rolling up a major website like this? >> months would be nice. >> months would be nice. ms. campbell is that accurate for your company as well? >> that's correct. >> you were given two weeks and months would have been nice. >> obviously there is a problem. not like on ostrich we can bury our heads in the sand. we have to deal with it. >> do you think that should be a requirement to sign up for obama care that you give up reasonable expectation of privacy? >> sir, that is not my jurisdiction. >> you are a u.s. citizen. >> this is not a game of cat and
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mouse. this is the people of the united states. >> i'm more nervous than when i got here. i'm shocked. >> when speaker pelosi said we have to pass the bill before we know what is in it, we are finding out the flowed tech system that's a mockery. >> michigan congressman fred upton is a republican and chairman of the committee you saw some of there. good of you to be with us. what was the most important thing you learned today in this testimony? >> we learned a lot. it was a five-hour hearing but the administration said they were ready when october came the launch date they would be ready. they told us last summer. a number of times in terms of formal testimony before our committee in letters and everything else. today we learned that this was so compartmentalized they didn't test the whole system until only two weeks before october 1.
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so they didn't have a clue if it was going to work or not. it still doesn't work three, four weeks after october 1. >> have we found out who the captain of the ship was? who was calling the shots? >> they were pointing the fingers at each other but it goes up the ladder. it will be cms and hhs. >> cms is the medicare services group. >> over hhs. >> kathleen sebelius ultimately oversees. >> she'll testify next wednesday before the committee. cms will be testifying before the ways & means committee on tuesday, i believe. we can get more answers out of them. she was in arizona earlier and boston this afternoon. meanwhile there are millions of americans still unable to be able to sign up for this program. lots of hours of frustrationm. t
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>> people are trying to log on, can't do it, get halfway through. >> this is the easy thing. it's like when you order a book at amazon or a pizza from domino's or get a ticket from delta. you've got it down and you then wait to, you know, take the flight at the airport or pick up the pizza or have it delivered or whatever. who knows if those services are ever going to be delivered? people have been told they lost their insurance. millions of americans have to sign up. they can't figure it out. it's just a mess. january of next year when their family gets sick, when they go to the doctor, the hospital, who know ifs the hospital will have the right information? who know ifs the hospital or doctor will get paid. we may have a bunch of medical providers saying, you know,
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you're on your own. we are not going to participate. >> before i let you go, frank palone of new jersey had this to say about today's proceedings. >> once again here we have my republican colleagues trying to scare everybody. >> will the gentleman yield? >> i will not yield to this monkey court or whatever. >> this is not a monkey court. >> do whatever you want. i am not yielding. i'm trying to tell you the problem here -- >> the gentleman has a legitimate concern of the committee. >> pre-existing conditions don't matter. hipaa doesn't apply. you are asked for your address, your date of birth. you are not asked health information. why are we going down this path. >> what do you make of those comments? >> this is a serious attempt to figure out what went wrong. taxpayers spent hundreds of millions to develop a system. the administration said it would work. they looked us in the eye.
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no problems at all. a month later it's still on half life. no one knows how it's working at all. the it was a serious attempt. there were good comments by republicans and democrats. we want answers. that's what our role is to figure out where we need to go. >> we'll be watching as the secretary intends to appear next week. >> she better be there. >> thank you for being here. we are not done with the health care roll out. next, see how some of the president's biggest media backers are now reporting on this. plus a marine is here to weigh in on the proposal to spend millions of your dollars outfitting our fighters in what critics call girly hats. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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back to health care coverage and how the media is handling the problems with the roll out. the beacon newspaper put together clips of recent network reports. watch this. >> the patient has been suffering from extreme sluggishness, enormous stress and at times appeared headed for a break down. >> the internet roll out of the t new package of health care coverage has been a debacle. >> why is the obama care launch such a mess? the website cost $400 million and yet it is riddled with glitches. >> a rough start to obama care. >> it's been a complete disaster. we don't know how many people
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have ep rolled. we can't even find anyone who enrolled. the miami herald calls them urban legends. >> the president gave out a toll free number and said there is no excuse for what happened. millions are looking for consumer satisfaction. >> this is turning into a black eye. 12% think the sign-up is going well. >> the host of media buzz joins us. howy, why are they doing this? >> first of all, it's a fiasco. nobody can deny it. journalists love a good washington mess. and the 16-day shutdown which i think diverted attention from the obama care roll out and boomeranged on the republicans is over. more than that i think many reporters feel misled by the repeated assurances that everything would be fine and aring having difficulty getting answers to basic questions about the problems with the rollout. therefore, that tends to feed a
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narrative of we need to get answers and we need to get them now. >> they feel they were misled. wasn't it their b job to probe deeper in order to find out whether the claims when they were first made were legit or not? >> in fairness, i think there are a couple of news organization thes, the new york times among them, that did stories. sometimes they ran inside the paper b about potential problems with who would be covered. for example, just today the new york times reporting that the prices aren't being lowered in rural areas as was hoped. there aren't enough insurers participating t. washington post saying the system crashed in the days before the roll out. there was digging, paying attention. you have everybody piling on. you have jay carney in the briefings getting hammered. what did the president know. why wasn't he told earlier? what about secretary sebelius. a dramatic change in tone. once it hit broadway, primetime
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there was no denying the magnitude of the problems. >> they are looking into more than the rollout. we are starti questions raised in the new york times article about the program and whether it is what it was sold to be. my question for you is whether there is some amount of guilt by some of the map stream media that the questions weren't looked at more seriously, more objectively when obama care was just a bill and not a law. >> i think there is some disappointment, i would say. perhaps bitter disappointment amopg the liberal commentators who believe in the program, who support president obama. they are not supporting him on this. because b obviously it's not working well. it is hard to predict if a website will be a mess and reporters could go online, call the 800 number, not get through. beyond that we are starting to see the ripple effects critics long predicted people couldn't keep coverage, the prices
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couldn't come down. the final barometer of how badly things are going for the administration in this is jon stewart beating up on the obama care roll out. >> it's not just the main stream media the president is losing. it is folks like jon stewart. i don't have time for the clip. but he speaks to a young de mo. he has an important voice with that demo. we have seen the president go on jon stewart six or seven times. when you lose the jon stewarts of the world your universe starts to change. >> i don't want to turn jon stewart into lbj losing cronkite over the vietnam war, but he is a bellwether. he is left leaning and reaches a different audience. people who watch cable news, read newspaper, they know about
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the problems. a lot of other people, it is seeping into the culture. other late night comics taking it on. even if they improve the website and so forth it's nice to change that this thing isn't working well. >> great to see you, sir. >> thanks, megyn. >> just ahead the president promised you could keep your insurance, your doctor and that washington would keep costs down on obama care. we'll take a hard look at the promises made to pass the health care bill into law and the president's credibility today. up next, a new report out on just how much money we have spent on welfare in recent years. it is not in the millions or even in the billions.
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we are seeing new numbers on what washington is shelling out for welfare and even in the land of stunning spending this seems like a lot of money. research from republicans on the senate budget committee says uncle sam mailed out checks for $3.7 trillion over the last five fiscal years. according to their calculations that's nearly five times what we as a country spend on nasa, education, and federal transportation projects combined. david webb is the cofounder of tea party 365. alan koem is here from thank the liberals. for this? >> i have heard this is a good time slot. >> you recommend it? >> just saying.
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>> what do you make of this? that's a lot of spending. >> out of the worst economic times in 2008 we have had since the great depression. people are hurting. want i don't use the numbers from the last five years people have been hurting the most. >> it's not like we paid a lot in 2009 and it went down. it's done up every year. >> by the way, mark zandy at moody's said on food stamps more people getting them now than ever. puts money back in the economy. for every dollar in food stamps $1.73 goes back in the economy because they spend the the money immediately. even people with unemployment spend the money immediately and it's been good for the economy. >> david? the whole crew was laughing. >> glad i could make you laugh. >> thanks for the humor. >> glad to entertain. >> this is the most ridiculous principle that if you take money from somewhere else and they spend money you are creating wealth. >> you are. >> let's put aside economic
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algebra. this is part of the problem. we have a fund membership tall shift in this country. we can debate the politics. whose fault and whatever ad nauseamment with t 90,000 adults out of the work force wand a system that requires tax dollars to support it and $3.7 trillion it's not sustainable for a long time. i want to fix welfare, means test it, get rid of fraud and waste. the president in june of 2011 talks about how the welfare culture creates dependency. his words, not mine. i played that before coming over here on my show. you are saying we are not having a b problem with dependency. >> what about it? we were talking before the segment that the stats show in 11 states welfare benefits pay more than a first year teacher makes. in 39 states they may more than the starting wage for a secretary. welfare benefits pay more than $20 an hour. >> we don't pay enough to
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teachers and secretaries. they should make more money. >> $20 an hour? >> absolutely. educators, the people we entrust our children to should be making more. >> do you not find that a lot? >> not based on the attitude. >> it's not the attitude at all. you're wrong. >> find me the person who says that. >> people want to work. but can they? people have criticized this economy. >> 90 million adults and people can't find work. >> people are finding work. >> the centralized government approach believes they can lower the bar and let people participate and you're doing the right thing. [ speaking simultaneously ]
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>> let him finish. >> there are people making $40,000 to $80,000 a year in total value in entitlements. >> how are they doing that? they means test before a welfare check, right? >> in new york city, for example. i have been told by social workers they will open a file on a young person when they reach 18 even if they don't qualify for it. the system is designed to suck people into it. generationally people are raised thinking this is how i get my money versus opportunity. >> o'reilly took a buchbl bunch of heat after obama won re-election for saying people want free stuff. >> i don't buy it. it that's insulting. it says people want to tag from the government, they are not mote vated to work and don't have the good intention to get back on track with their lives. people have been hurting. people want to work.
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i believe they don't want the to sit back and take government money. people have pride. >> all right. >> look at the fraud and waste. some people want to work, that's fair. fraud, waste and the ability to get into the system, it's easy to game it. >> thank you very much. good debate. good to have you here. follow up tonight after a teacher found herself screaming at the tv over the story about teachers' unions. she joins us coming up plus, the democrats and president made a t lot of promises when they pitched health care to the american people. have they kept their word to you? an in depth investigation. right after the break. >> if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period. if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan, period. it will brick down skyrocketing costs, save families and businesses money and save government money. (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade
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in the midst of the troubled health care roll out the president and democrats assured the american people that the law itself remain as good one. in fact the law was passed based on the same promise and many, many others. but are they panning out? >> you've got health insurance, you like your doctor, your plan, keep your doctor. keep your plan. >> you like your doctor or health care provider, you can keep them. >> everybody will have lower rates. >> if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. this is for people who have health insurance. you will save money. >> if you like your health care plan you will be able to keep your health care plan, period. >> obama care has been wonderful for america. >> if you like your health care plan, you can keep that, too. >> if you like your doctor, you
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keep your doctor. if you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. period, end of story. >> the nay sayers and cynics doubt we can do it. >> no one will take it away, no matter what. >> it was a promise at the heart of the sales pitch for obama care and one many americans doubted. >> what makes you think the government could run a new health care program? >> this is not a federal government issue. this is a people issue. >> leave us alone. that's all we ask. would you leave us alone? >> the nay sayers are seeing their worst fears realized as hundreds of thousands get letters cancelling health insurance or significantly hiking premiums. that number is expected to rise. >> i was infuriated. the president kept saying, you know, if you like your plan you can keep your plan. your premiums will be going down. but, in fact, the letter is
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completely contradictory to that. >> reporter: debra got a letter from anthem blue cross cancelling her policy and offering her a new one that would hike her monthly payment from $292 to $484. >> it's forcing you to walk the plank. >> reporter: she's not alone. andy and amy of louisville, kentucky, got a letter from humana informing them their monthly premium would triple from $333 to $965. >> this is a high deductible plan where i assume a lot of risk for health insurance for my family. nothing has changed. our boys are young, healthy. my wife and i are healthy. nothing in our medical history changed to warrant a tripling of the premium. >> reporter: why is this happening? obama care requires policies sold in the individual market to cover what the law deems essential services like
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preventative care, reb has been and maternity services. basically it's no longer up to you to choose what's best for your family. the government has chosen for you and the new policies come at a price. z some insurers are hiking their rates. others are bowing out. an estimated 600,000 have seen their policies cancelled already. florida blue terminating 300,000 policies. kaiser permanente in california sending letters to over 150,000 customers. and the list goes on. an estimated 14 million people purchased coverage on the individual market because they don't get insurance through their b jobs. that's why experts say millions could potentially lose coverage despite the president's repeated promises. when confronted with the facts of cancellations and rate hikes those defending the law scrambled for explanations. >> i don't remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium of. >> there are certain types of
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plans that are going to be illegal. >> they should have been allowed to keep their insurance at least until the it expired and then buy plans through the exchange. that's a transition issue. i know it is difficult for people. i'm sorry about that. >> affordable health care was never meant to be if you have insurance now you have to buy insurance more costly and not as good. that has to be fix. >> reporter: so far there is little appetite in congress for a fix to obama care which leaves open the question of whether the president can still live up to his promises. >> it will bring down skyrocketing costs, save families and businesses money and it will save government money. >> so has all of this damaged the president's credibility? in particular on the issue of obama care. kirsten powers from the daily beast and a fox news political analyst joins me. when you see it rolled out it tells the story. >> yeah.
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>> that promise that if you like your plan, keep it. if you like your doctor, you can keep him. it is not proving true for millions of americans. >> that's not proving true for me. i'm in the individual market. i got the letter everyone is talking about. i live in d.c. i went to the state exchange. i could roughly get the same insurance so it's not completely clear, but it will go up from $160 a month and a $2500 deductible. it will go up to $300 a month if i want to keep that deductible. i think the administration would say you're young and healthy so you are among the people who will see premiums go up. i don't think that's the way they sold it. >> listen to the sound bites. if you like your insurance, you will keep your insurance, period. period.
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there is no asterisk, no unless, but there's going to have to be, but if you have a crappy plan then we'll have to force you to improve it. none of that. you saw at town halls people saying, i don't believe you. >> that's the problem now. with the roll out and the way everything has been handled it's hard to know whether what they are saying is true even if you look at the excuses they were giving in the beginning about the roll out saying it's just because traffic is high and there is interest. now we know that's not what was happening. there were glitches they knew about before they launched. what they were telling us wasn't true. flu i have been a huge supporter of obama care and i still support it. but this is a problem. i'm actually willing to pay more money if people will be insured. if they say you pay $150 a month
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more but 30 million people get insurance i'm willing to do that. however, i'm not sure if i believe anymore that 30 million people are going to be insured. i will be upset if it turns out i'm paying extra money and people aren't getting insurance. >> we talked last night about how it is possible we could have a net loss in number of people insured because of hundreds of thousands and by some estimates millions of people being booted off insurance plans, like you right now who will then look at tex change options and say those are too expensive. i'm not doing it. so january 1 they are saying, i have no insurance and now they are going to fine me. i used to have perfectly good insurance. now i don't because of obama care and i have to pay a fee because of banl. >> it's definitely not the way it was sold.
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i don't have kids. i'm not supporting a family. for a lot of people they can't afford another $150 a month. i will have to forego things but not food or rent or things like that. it is a significant amount of money to go from $150 to $300. >> one of the people in the story said his tripled. >> a lot of people on the policy, obviously. this is just for me. i can only imagine if i had more people on the policy how much it would go up. >> and now we'll see new numbers about how people feel about obama care. it's been holding but we'll see if the letters continue to go out. >> it's very kiss appointing. for people who gave them the benefit of the doubt and believed what they were saying, they need to come out and give an explanation for what's going on and why people are being forced to switch their plans. >> i don't know if an explanation will do it at this
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top choice was a female hat. the marines say quoting here improved female cap is sim tloor uniform cap worn by sargeant major daniel daily who won the medal of honor twice and who wo make an acceptable universal cap for all marines so the female hat won again, just barely. now they're going to give all
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marines a chance to weigh in. dhek out. male cap costs $32. female costs $82. if they went to universal male cap they'd save $284,000, go together female cap it costs $8 million. d.o.d.says this is just in the planning stages. no decision yet but looks like they're leaning towards the girly hat. >> why is it so much more expensive? >> because they're more complicated. men's hats are better prestamped and easier to turn out. >> welcome to our world. what it's like to be a woman. >> coming up, a sargeant serving 20 years on active duty now on the organizing
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committee for concerned veterans for american. the girly hat. what do you think of it? >> i'm apalled the department of defense thinks a gender neutral uniform is a priority now. we aren't able to pay death benefits of soldiers killed on the battlefield? when do they have time to come up with hats? women need an identity. we're very elite. we're the fewer and prouder. why would you want to blend us in with men? men are almost 95% of the marine corps. they need to keep their identity and be the manly men they are and females need to remain female. >> was this a problem when you're on active duty? were they sitting around saying if only we can get better hats. >> the cover for female, which we called a hat, if you sat on it it was crushed and you had to replace it but they've
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redesigned it. what is up with this gender neutral idea? marines of all service? we have less than 6% feem yailz why would we need a gender neutral uniform? we don't need frills or fluff. they're the meanest, toughest fighting force in the world. >> you think this is about masculinizing the women or fem nizing the men? >> i think the women. we have had standard change looking at women in the infan tri, doing a male physical fitness test. females have been supporting those air wing units will be on seal yot. -- obsolete. we have been what the marine corps is all about. >> looks a little french. >> it looks too delicate for me, even. i'm a little apalled they
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would want men to wear it. >> who answers these surveys? it's like they were wearing full length bathing suits back then. >> yes z a black cover. looks nothing like dress blues. this is an insult to male marines in my opinion. i don't think they should modify their uniform, 95% going gender neutral? that is apalling. >> thank you for being here with your important view. >> thank you for having me. >> tell us your thoughts. coming up after our story on teacher unions got one teacher very fired up. she wanted to share the very with us live and will do so, next. [ woman #1 ] why do i cook?
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p last night we told you about teachers unions b objecting to the language of a bill that passed the house and now is going to the senate that bans sex offenders, rapists, murderers and other criminals from working in schools with our children. apparently this is controversial for some unions. it angered a teacher who was watching and she was determined to tell us about her fight against forced unionization in her state. rememb rebecca frederick is part of a lieutenant trying to stop forced unionization. you were throwing things at the tv. >> yes, i was. >> what's the story? why? i mean, unions say they do a lot of good and can't have people opting out or they can't do good so people like you have to go along to get along. >> the truth is we need to
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protect the children in our care. >> right. but the unions, i should tell the viewers the union came out and said it's not that we oppose the bill. it's that it could be improveded. i'm looking at the statements that say it's going to have a racially disparate impact. and they are worried about how it doesn't take into account people who rehabilitate. so i don't know. it sounds like they object and they have filed paper objections to the language. you tell me. >> the average teacher works hard to protect children in our care and the parents who trust us with their children every day. this is not common sense. this is not going to protect children or teachers or parents.
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>> how much in dues do you pay them a year to take these positions whether you support them or don't. >> in california the union takes $1,000 a year from teach rs. in some districts it's as high as $1200. you are correct. they do not speak for a large majority of teachers. i'm sure they speak for some. in my case and in the case of my friends they are not speaking for us at all. >> unusual to see a teacher come on national television and say these things. the union has a lot of power. >> right. the union, in my opinion, they are bullies. teachers are terrified to speak out against the union. each time i speak out i get all sortses of e-mails and telephone
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calls from teachers who quietly support me and say, thank you so much for standing up for the truth. [ male announcer ] has your phone turned you into a control freak? like, scoring the perfect table? ♪ or getting a better seat? ♪ or let's say there's an accident. if you he esurance, you can use their mobile app to start a claim... upload a few photos... anget your money fast. maybe that doesn't make you a control freak. more like a control enthusiast. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. esurance. insurance for the modern world. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national.
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10:00 pm
one. also talking about the girly hats. i read them when i leave the set on my way home. always interesting. go to kelly file to see the package on health care and the one the other thiegt. thanks for watching, everybody. i'm megyn kelly. b it's simple. it is a website where you can compare and purchase affordable health insurance plans side by side the same way you would shop for a plane ticket on kayak. the same way you shop for a tv on amazon. >> i'm not interested in just capping ream yums. i want to lower them. >> by as much as $2500 per family. it is time to bring down costs for the entire country. >> you don't have to do anything. >> you can keep your health care plan, period. >> if you have health insurance through your employer, you can keep it. >> if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. >> the plan i'm proposing
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