tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News October 26, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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jamie colby and kelly wright take over. and republican congresswoman marsha blackburn. "fox news sunday." hi, everybody, i'm jamie colby. >> good to be with you, jamie, i'm kelly wright. president obama now trying to ensure americans that the federal health care website should be running at full speed in just a few more weeks. this after nearly a week of technical failures and delays. >> and there is brand-new backlash against government spying. hundreds gathering right now in our nation's capital and they're protesting the u.s. surveillance programs. plus, a double edge sword. u.s. manufacturers pushing for
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consumers to buy american but brand-new reports suggest similar trends in other countries could impact u.s. exports. we'll explore that, straight ahead. first, though, a fox news alert on breaking details on a new effort to free the pakistani doctor that helped the u.s. track down osama bin laden. pakistan's prime minister is now vowing to review the case of after meeting privately with several u.s. lawmakers in washington this week. he has been serving a 33-year sentence in pakistan on what the u.s. believes are trumped up charges. all in retaliation for leading u.s. authorities to bin laden's hideout. following all this live from our west coast newsroom with the exclusive details. >> hi, jamie. this has come about by a rare and private meeting between a world leader, congressional
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representative and a closed door shington that took epresentative place on tuesday. fox news has learned from those who attended that meeting that the newly elected prime minister sharif committed to task his officials with reviewing the prosecution process for afridi. the chairman of the affairs and pakistan's prime minister into committing to take action on the case. you can see him in the photo on the screen right now. instructed national security adviser with him in that meeting to look into reviewing the prosecution process for him. he told fox news that it was only after talking to the pakistani realize just how much of a deal getting him released was to the united states. >> if he gets this done, really impacts the perception of pakistan to the average man on the street in america, it's the
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one thing that the public is most aware of. getting dr. afridi free. >> chairman royce later join who pressur pressured shareef. he told fox news "i am hopeful that our strong message spurs action opthis case but there was nothing definitive from the meeting that justice is going to be done." more on the story that is published online today. pakistani's prime minister said afridi is awaiting a retrial and couldn't issue a pardon unless reconvicted. the problem is the court that would actually try him is under the control of pakistan's spy agency which, jamie, is at odds with the cia over the bin laden raid and other issues. check out for all the details on that. jamie, back to you. >> in our continuing coverage, thank you so much, dominic. kelly? promise obama promising a
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cure for the crippled website just weeks ago. the federal health care portal launched october 1st should be glitch and error free by the end of october. molly has more details on this. how is it looking so far? >> it's a tall order, kelly. president obama says, okay, the obama care website isn't perfect but getting fixed and in the meantime he will continue to champion the obama care law. but in his weekly radio address the president did not repeat one of his most famous statements about obama care that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it. here's what he said today. >> every one who already has health insurance, whether through your employer, medicare or medicaid will keep the benefits and protections this law already has put into place. >> republican congressman fred upton says, "millions of americans are getting notices that, in fact, they're about to lose their health insurance because of obama care and he
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says something needs to be done about that." >> we should look for bipartisan solutions to allow americans to keep their current insurance. after all, that was president obama's solemn promise during the health care debate. >> meanwhile, the management expert brought in by the white house to fix the website said yesterday, "there's a punch list of fixes and we're going to punch them out one by one. by the end of november, will work smoothly for the vast majority of users. still, lawmakers want to hear from health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius about the disastrous obama web care website rollout and the hundreds of millions spent on it. she will testify before a house committee on wednesday. kelly? >> like you said, it's a tall order. thank you. >> molly, thanks so much. we just heard from malla that white house fixer jeffrey zeint is in charge of cracking the whip to clean up the website
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mess and the "washington post" is describing him as president obama's weed whacker. he's been doing this as january since director of the economic council and replaced gene sterling and filled in as act joined the president's team in 2009 as chief performance officer to streamline the government and oversee efforts to fix glitches in the federal cash for clunkers website in 2009. remember that? and in 2002, he ranked 25 on "fortu "fortune" magazine list list of 40 under 40 richest americans. in case you haven't noticed, it's cold in some spots out there. freeze warnings and frost
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advisories issued for the southeastern part of the nation and cool temperatures heading to the northeast. this comes as recovery efforts are under way after, check this out now, a powerful snow storm in ohio. the early season snow dropping many broken branches on the power lines. meteorologist janice dean is live in the extreme weather center for fox news. janice, this is really bad out there. >> yeah, especially because you still have the foliage on the trees so when you get heavy snow that is just added weight on the trees. trees come down, power lines come down and that's what is happening across portions of the country and we've got cold air in place. courtesy of our friends in canada. it's cold as far south as atlanta, georgia. the temperatures are going to moderate across the east coast this week, but we're going to see the temperatures drop out across the northwest, which i'll talk about in just a second. but wind chill factor here, 36 it feels like in minneapolis and 47 in rapid city and 37 in missoula and you get the
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picture, 37 in cleveland. cold enough for snow in the upper midwest and interior northeast and new england. not a big snow storm event. we are looking at the potential for severe weather today across parts of northern texas keeping an eye on this region. winds, hail, maybe isolated tornadoes and then we watch our next storm system move into the rockies. this could bring us over two feet of snow and the potential for severe weather tuesday into wednesday. so, kelly and jamie, this is the one we're going to have to watch, not only a snow storm potential but severe storms, including tornadoes, so, we'll keep you up to date. >> janice, thank you. >> everybody needs to be careful out there. i thought for sure, kelly, you'd give us a baby it's cold outs e outside. >> not yet. >> it's coming. kelly has an amazing voice. an amateur preservationest, did you hear this story, kelly? possibly making an amazing
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discovery and happened right here in new york city, folks. the very place general george washington is said to have enjoyed a revolutionary war winning pint. in our new york city newsroom with the exciting new details. what did he drink? >> hi, jamie. we don't know that, but picture this, it's 1783, the end of the american revolutionary war. it's evacuation day. the last of the british troops march out of manhattan, new york, after seven years of occupation. george washington leads the continental army through new york streets and stops to have a celebratory drink with new york governor george clinton at the bulls head tavern. adam woodward says he believes the site of the legendary watering hole is located at 50 bowery in lower manhattan. today it's a demolition site slated to become a hotel but the address has been long suggested as the location for the tavern.
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these photos he took in the basbase mment of the building prove it. the photos seem to show the tavern's colonel era bricks and stone foundation walls. >> during the 18th century, the bullshead tavern was an important stopping place for many travelers, it was a place for recreation for new yorkers. it was probably one of the hot spots, if you will, of its day. >> the tavern was built around 1750 and historians believe it is very likely that the oldest building remaining in manhattan. today several local organizations are working with the owner of the building to put the demolition on hold just long enough for a proper arkia logical dig to be made. it also is a very rare reminder of the president of the revolutionary war here in new york and not just any site associated with the war, but a site of triumph.
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a symbol of the success, finally, of this long struggle. >> and just this week the owner of the building has agreed to let a cultural resource firm start a preliminary evaluation of the site. jamie? >> we took a vote here in our studio and we want them to keep it. that's incredible history, brian. >> it really, really is. >> thanks for telling us about it. >> of course. >> kelly, we'll see what happens. >> we will, indeed. terrifying situation right now for a group of students in tennessee. their school bus bursting into flames. the question is, did everyone make it out okay? we have the latest details coming up next. and we already know that it helps you when you get up in the morning and you probably already know but what about protection from cancer? is that true, too? he'll join us to tell us. plus, how a 10-year-old boy helped save the day after he saw his mother having a seizure behind the wheel of the car.
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time for a quick check of your headlines. a gunman suspected of wounding three police officers surrendering after an hour's long standoff near sacramento. police say one of the victims is in serious condition. a bus carrying high school students bursting into flames on a tennessee highway. they were returning from a field trip. all 33 people onboard, i'm happy to say, managed to escape. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. a man driving on to the philadelphia museum of art steps made famous in the movie rocky. the car caused more than $8,000 in damage. the driver now facing a charge of criminal mischief. well, right now president obama is struggling to overcome the embarrassing setback to his signature health care law, but setting a new deadline during his weekly saturday address to
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get the website up and running the way it's supposed to. his new target is the end of november and in the meantime, the white house is scrambling to control the damage as the botched rollout is turned into a, well, self-inflicted wound. a fox news political analyst and radio show host mark levine a former attorney and great to have you both with us this morning or this afternoon now. mark, i want is to start with you and ask you the white house has been very clear in saying that this is an alignment, not a retreat. do you agree? >> absolutely. there were glitches when president bush rolled out his medicare part d. the website went down and took weeks to get it started. didn't get started until november 8th, which is a couple weeks after this week and low and behold it worked by december 31 and today most seniors like their medicare prescription part
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d. in fact, obama extended the bush program in obama care. this will all work out just fine. it's a minor glitch. >> medicare part d is totally different, mark, than people being penalized by the irs and not enrolling in obama care and the bottom line is this, jamie. the law is not ready for primetime and that's evident with the website not being ready for primetime. the whole thing should be delayed. >> so you're saying it's the law, as well as the glitches in the website, angela? >> you're exactly right, jamie. when you have democrats joining republicans saying that this law should be delayed, the president should listen. and even, mark, one democrat said that the president should man up and fix it. i believe he was talking about the website, but the law needs to be fixed and that's what members of congress should do with the administration. >> let me take a step back, angela. you have said that you believe that this law is all about politics. but there's a lot of people out there that don't have insurance that have been successful, maybe it took a little longer or they
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couldn't figure it out immediately, but there are some people that are getting coverage that wouldn't have it otherwise. how can you argue against that? >> how many people is that, jamie? we don't know. this president -- >> well, how do we know it's millions because this presidency is supposed to be the most transparent presidency, but we don't know those numbers. we're saying that people are enrolling, but are they? >> do you have more specifics on this? >> we know that 700,000 people set up an application and they have until december 15th to do it. there have been glitches in the website, it will take more time. i tried to get in myself on october 1 and i got up on october 13th and set it up and i went in just before this broadcast i went in quickly and went in in a minute and i saw a bunch of different plans and i can't wait to enroll for obama care, but i know i have time. i have until december 15th. >> mark, what are the chances and i'd love to know from you, angela, people because the penalties are not all that stiff
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will get so frustrated that rather than signing up for obama care, they'll pay the penalty and how will that help our government, mark? >> well, i don't think many people will do that. i think you're really foolish if you never think you're going to get sick. some people think they're invincib you get hit by a car. if i get sick, i'll go to the emergency room and make other americans pay for it. the vast majority of americans know they need health care insurance. >> if you show up at an emergency room, citizen or not, you'll get treated. is that part of the system broken? >> i think that part of the system is broken. i'm sorry, maybe that was going to angela. >> i think the entire system is broken regarding obama care. to answer your question, jamie. in 201248 million americans were not insured. some of those people are young folks that choose not to be insured. so, those irs penalties are supposed to actually pay for the law. i think that certain people are not going to enroll and they
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will be penalized. >> angela, would you ever recommend someone not getting health insurance or not getting fire insurance or car insurance? it's a foolish thing to do. >> did i say i recommended that, jamie? i asked the questions how the irs penalties would play. i was answering her questions. i believe all should be insured. it should be your choice, not a mandate from the federal government. that is unconstitutional, even though the supreme court said it isn't, it is. >> you know you will make me take out of my constitution if you say something is unconstitutional. look, you should get health care insurance just like people should have car insurance and fire insurance. >> let me ask you one question, mark, before i let you go. during the period of time that this did go up to the supreme court and we know that doesn't happen overnight, how much work was being done to get this website ready or was the
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administration just sitting back and saying, you know what, we're not going to deal with that until we know for sure it's going. >> you're absolutely right, they didn't have enough time to get the website ready. >> did you say i said they didn't have enough time? >> one reason they didn't have enough time because states took a long time to decide if they were going to opt out. >> they had extra time. they believed it was constitutional or they wouldn't have argued it before the supreme court. what work was going on before that period of time. they had extra time. >> they believed it was constitutional. you may recall in the supreme court opinion, the supreme court threw the obama administration for a loop. they said states didn't have to cover the medicaid provision and a bunch of states, including my home state of virginia waited until the last minute, but you're absolutely right. they should have planned out for it more and just like the bush administration should have ten years ago and i'm confident it will be done in a month or two. >> jamie, you have liberals that are saying they sabotaged the
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website. >> not the website, but the plan. >> we need to stop blaming people and fix it. not only fix the website, fix the law. >> the administration has pledged now to move the deadline and get it organized for folks. you know we'll stay on it. thanks to both of you. >> thank you, jamie. >> take care. a 14-year-old boy kills his teacher and a 12-year-old child in nevada. two tragic results. we have a crisis our on hands and it's about our youth. a man who works with youth every day. his name is jim clark, executive director of the boys and girls club of america. clark's vision for the children of this country and around the world is to instill them with hope and inspiration for developing greater futures. that's our focus in today's "beyond the dream." >> what is your favorite sport? >> football. >> should i try golf?
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>> yeah. >> i like golf. >> jim clark is on a mission. he wants to serve more of america's youth with programs that will help them achieve their dreams. but as executive director as the boys and girls club of america, he is very aware of the challenges confronting america's youth. >> the statistics we all read and hear about every day are challenging and i think we spend a lot of time and rightfully so concerned about the success of kids in america. we all know that the graduation rate for kids across america is dismal. 25% of kids this year will drop out of high school. >> every 26 seconds a child is dropping out of high school. that's staggering. so, what do the clubs do to try to mitigate that and try to stop it? >> well, our vision is for all kids coming through boys and girls club to be on track and graduate from high school with a plan for the future. we do it with a very unique club
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experience that kiona was a part of. caring professional adults, safe environment, having fun, creating expectations and standards and recognition. >> clark says in many cases the men and women who work as men r mentors at the club often become the extended family members of the kids they serve. helping them navigate through the difficulties they face. >> over 20% of kids today also live in poverty. it is the largest segment of our population living in poverty as children. so, we've got a lot work to do. >> clark is a hands-on kind of leader and he enjoys spending time with the 4 million kids who are members of the club. he gets involved with them on every level, whether it's playing academic games with younger children on the computer or getting involved in candid dialogue with teens. >> i've been in the club for nine years. >> nine years, great. >> i come for, well, at first it was my mom couldn't take care of my brother and i but i
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eventually came to love the club because i learned so much here that i wouldn't have learned just going to school and coming home. i learned about college and i learned about myself and i met many people and i traveled the nation through the boys and girls club and i just learned so much being in this building for nine years. >> what are you thinking the biggest issue you guys face? >> i think the biggest issue is finding the right crowd and with the boys and girls club gives you a chance, everyone here is really positive towards us. everyone here is really just a big family. all work together to accomplish one big goal. see each other to get better in life. >> the best part of my job, honestly, getting ready to see you and kids throughout the country in terms of being at boys and girls clubs and what happens. everything you said. what comes out of being at a boys and girls club. that's what drives me in life. >> of course, that video provided by the boys and girls club of jim clark.
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jim clark says our kids are a mere reflection of our future and because of that he hopes to see more kids join the clubs to build a greater future for america and, by the way, the clubs are so effective now that more than 60 foreign countries are now seeking to create clubs like they see here in america for their children. >> told us only great stories about them so far, kelly. >> they're really good. >> thank you so much. women in saudi arabia are kicking off a new habit. we're going to take a look at a groundbreaking demand in the conservative nation. plus, one of our closest allies is expressing outrage over the national security agency spy program and now sending a delegation to washington. the latest on a mounting scandal. that and so much more is just ahead. >> information that is happening around the world to help protect our citizens, our allies and our homeland. so does every intelligence service in the world. max and penny kept our bookstore
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but as time passed, i stted to notice max just wasn't himself.e and i knew he'd feel better if heost a little weight. so i switched to purina cat ow healthy weight formula. i just fed the recommended amount... and they both loved the taste. after a few months max's "speal powers" returned... and i got my hero back. purina cat chow healthy weight. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you?
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welcome back, everybody. growing backlash this weekend against u.s. surveillance programs. hundreds of folks showing up at a rally at our nation's capital this afternoon. you're taking a look at it right now. lawmakers are in the process of drafting new legislation that will limit the government's ability to spy on u.s. citizens. give us a look live at today's rally. hi, peter. >> jamie, you look around here there are many of hundreds of people. this event started at union station, the big amtrak hub up the road and here on the lawn of the u.s. capital now and the thing that all these folks,
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hundreds of folks out here on the lawn want the lawmakers inside to know. they want to just get the message across. please, stop spying on us. and it is remarkable, jamie, how diverse politically this event is. one of the first things the first speaker said was this was not about right and left. this is about right and wrong. they think that wire taps that go along with the surveillance program are wrong. what they think is right. what edward snowden did. one of the most common signs we have seen here say thank you edward snowten. some of the other signs that we see all over the place say please stop mad spying. but snowden's face is everywhere here and they are going to read a statement from him that he gave to the aclu a little bit later. he really is the inspiration for a lot of the people here. we know that folks are here from all across the country and they
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announced earlier that bus loads of them were arriving in washington earlier today. so, right now, we're hearing from some of the organizers and what is really a spectacular shot just in front of the capital rotunda. later on, we are going to hear from former governor gary johnson and then a former nsa executive thomas drake. jamie? >> all right, peter, thank you so much. hard to know how many people are inside that capital listening. but they're all out there on the plaza. this protest is happening as we get word that a your pen delegation is planning to meet in washington. arriving at our nation's capital amid claims that the u.s. has been tapping into the cell phones of some top world leaders including angela merkel. aaron david miller is a former adviser and six secretaries of state and the vice president of the woodrow wilson center. he joins us to weigh in on this issue.
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german chancellor angela merkel says that trust must be built anew. she is very upset that her cell phone was listened to. but isn't it true, however, that members of the european union are doing the same thing to us, conducting surveillance on each other and even the united states. >> well, i think they don't have the capacity that we have. but, clearly, using cyberand internet access they are trying to get access. and spying on adversaries and friends continue, but the fact is in anige where you've got internet access and you've got contractors capable of creating security breaches. you have a situation where more and more of what the intelligence community in this country does may well be exposed. and the question is, the
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question is how to deal with that problem. we now have a real challenge. you have a u.n. general assembly resolution introduced and the euros very angry coming here to try to demand assurances or some sort of agreement, gentlemen's agreement or otherwise that we won't violate privacy of their leaders. we'll get through this and it's going to be increasingly fractious and very embarrassing. >> aaron, the bottom line is that these are allegations of this eavesdropping that they're talking about. so, why is the delegation of lawmakers from the eu coming here to the u.s. to point fingers at the nsa when they could also be doing the same thing for the sake of transparency. >> part of the reality is that this became a public problem. if, in fact, we were monitoring angela merkel's cell phone and had the german intelligence agencies found out about it.
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i doubt, frankly, they would have raised it and they would have figured out a way to combat it, these are political pressure, clearly, from their publics. in the european world privacy, well, you saw the demonstrations here and in european world privacy seems to be a much more sensitive allergic issue for most europeans. and one of the reality, you know, merkel, merkel is from east germany and east german intelligence organization clearly was watching and monitoring and tapping the phones of many germans. you combine that with experience, all these things combined to create this flap and i suspect some sort of reassurance will be necessary. we have an agreement with canada, australia and new zealand and great britain. in which there is a consensus
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that we do not and will not monitor and eavesdrop among the five. now, whether it's respected or not, i'm not altogether clear. but it may well be that there will be great pressure for that sort of agreement with the germans and the french. >> of course, they might be pursuing that. but the bottom line is we live in a very insecure world, right? the threat is always crouching at every country's door. you have to conduct some sort of surveillance, do you not? >> look, i'm not arguing against it. i think the germans frankly have to be much better and others at, look, you want to talk on a cell phone that is unencrypted. you are a world leader, you run the risk that the conversations will be monitored. traveled with half a dozen secretaries of state. no matter where we went and it was quite clear that all of our conversations will be monitored. if you wanted to have a secure conversation, you take it outside of the hotel and take it
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in the park. adversaries will continue to spy on one another and it may not be a good enough explanation for the europeans, but it is a reality in today's world. >> aaron david miller, thank you. we want to tell you about a story that doesn't happen very often. the women in saudi arabia speaking up to the men. saudi women getting behind the wheel to protest their country's strict policies that prevent women from getting driver's licenses. it's the latest act in a movement that began in 2011 when a woman was arrested for posting a video of herself driving. the protest gaining attention on social media and adopting a new hash tag, #october26driving. interesting. a new sign of economic trouble on the horizon going to be talking about as americans make a conscious effort to buy product made here in the u.s. folks around the world are doing the same thing buying local. so what does that mean for the future of global growth? also an incredible story of
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a 10-year-old boy facing a life or death situation. his mother was suffering a seizure behind the wheel. but his quick reaction has folks calling him a hero. [ male announcer ] this is brad. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve.
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the 10-year-old boy who is being hailed a hero this weekend and with good reason. he saved his mom's life and his little brother from a terrifying situation. check this out. all three were driving home from school when their mom suddenly began having a seizure behind the wheel. the 10-year-old tyler knew exactly what to do. immediately springing into action. he put the car in park and then he dialed 911. essentially saving all their lives. >> all of a sudden i'm driving to leave the parking lot and it just gets really busy. >> i was scared and i didn't know if she was sick or anything before she stepped on the gas. i put it in park and i called 911. >> he's my hero. he's my super hero. >> wow, so, what do you imagine he will be for halloween? i hope he gets to be a super hero. meantime, something else going on. international trade had been growing twice as fast as the global economy for the past
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three decades. but now there's a brand-new study suggesting that simply no longer the case. experts say buying american is good for u.s. manufacturers but this new report of a fast-growing trend away from globalization is a double-edge sword. because america is one of the world's exporters. kyle harrington is founder and managing partner. he joins us now to shed his perspective on this. you know for 30 years since the implementation we've seen the global economy grow rapidly, but now it seems to be slowing down. what factors do you believe have attributed to this trend. >> kelly, let's start with the fact that the three countries that are the largest exporters of merchandise in the world are china, the u.s. and then germany, according to a world trade organization study in 2013. now, there has been, like you highlighted, a big push for this
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globalization trend via policies like nafta. i think that some of the slower growth going forward here in the last couple years forced some of this commerce and trade has to do with an array of things. i think, for one, the chinese low cost of labor some of these workers have demanded higher prices for their wages. so, that has slowed some. i think that there is hesitation from people buying products from china in the last couple years. and let's just highlight, you know, the united states government shutdown and this debt ceiling discussion that has taken place here for a period of time in the united states has definitely derailed our participation and trade talks with respect to asia and the euro zone. so, those are three areas that i think have caused the slow down. now, when you look historically, kelly, you'll see that trade is
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roughly double the gdb growth in the united states. and that has slowed significantly. >> it has, kyle. some analysts are actually reading into that. the concerns for the world trade organization about the sluggish growth. they're looking at it with some pessimism now because the "financial times" is quoting one senior economic adviser structural economic problems and you allude to it political leadership has gone missing. >> i think that's definitely one trend. i want to highlight something else, kelly. i'm all for globalization and selling product and manufacturing product that costs, that enable companies in the u.s. to remain profitable. but the flip side of that, kelly, is that i don't mind a little bit of a slow down, if, in fact, we can have disruptive technologies, for example, like 3d printing or robotic technologies that can replace some of the reasons why we've gone over to asia for lower costs labor. if we can produce those, keep
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those jobs here and keep the consumption here in the united states as a result of disruptive areas like 3d printing or lower skilled jobs or jobs, i think the more consumption here and the more manufacturing here in the u.s., the flipside is i think that's a good thing going forward for gdp growth domestically. >> that is a good thing and ultimately leads to, one, if you're going to create american manufacturing, that means you're going to create more jobs that could fulfill the need here in america to get people back to work. but in that context, there also has to be training, right? >> there has to be training and there is costs associated with that. remember, kelly, that this robotic technology, people say, well, the robots are going to replace the lower skilled worker in say an automotive factory and then jobs that need to be created in order to manufacture those robots. so, i think what you're going to see here is kind of a
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renaissance in the manufacturing sector and in the global economy that seems to be taking shape here with a bit of a slowdown in the ratio between trade and gdp growth. >> kyle harrington, we thank you. globalization, it can be a blessing, it can be a curse. thank you. >> thank you, kelly. and for many of us, i don't know about you, kelly, big coffee drinkers. the only way to get your day rolling for a lot of us. well, it turns out coffee could actually be better for your health than you thought. that's according to a member of our fox medical aid team. dr. david samadi is here to explain, next. ness: do more with less with less energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees.
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i'm still waiting for the chocolate study that says i could have all the chocolate i want, in the meantime i got permission to have more coffee. a brand-new study reveals three cups of coffee a day may lower your risk of liver cancer by as much as 40%, maybe even 50%. dr. david samadi professor of yourology at hofstra school of medicine and he loves coffee. who knews, you talked about it with alzheimer's and cancer in general and liver cancer, as much as 50%. that's huge. >> nobody knows their coffee better than italians.
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a study coming from italy and they're claiming that there is a reduction of 40% in liver cancer, if you drink three to four cups of coffee a day. you're 100% right that there has been so many studies about reduction in diabetes by 34%. parkinson's disease and alzheimer's. a lot of it has to do with perhaps causing vase odilation and reducing the inflammation. what's going on with liver cancer? sorosis is a major factor for liver cancer. you can reduce inflammation and therefore reduce the risk of liver cancer. big news. >> can you reduce the impact of alcohol on your liver by drinking coffee? a lot of people would want to know that. >> alcohol is a major risk factor for liver cancer. we want you to avoid drinking alcohol, but if you drink alcohol you should be drinking coffee because, you're right, it can reduce. the big question that comes,
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usually, how many cups do you need? you have been saying one or two. and that's okay if you have remrur reflux or heart disease and you should talk to your doctor and use only minimum amount. the only time you get the full effect is either three to four and i know a lot of people are going to say, well, this is a lot of coffee. it's not for everybody. >> space it out okay. >> drink a lot of water with that and be careful not to put too much sugar or milk. that's a big part of it. >> decafokay? >> excellent question. it's not the caffeine that gives you this kind of boost, it's decafversus caffeine. it has magnesium, chromium and a lot of antioxidants. tons of vitamin bs and it's great for you big fan of it. obviously, you need to talk to your doctor but now liver cancer. >> why did you bring empty cups, doc? >> tomorrow on "house call." >> that's right 10:30 a.m.
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tomorrow morning. you can always catch more information on what dr. samadi teaches us and on their facebook pages. be great to see all of you. >> i'm kelly wright, we'll see you next time. >> have a great day, everybody. ? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth.
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this week on had "the journal" obama care web woes continue and the fingerpointing begins on capitol hill with even some democrats expressing concern. could we see a delay in law after all? new jersey governor chris christie on track for a big re-election win but could the gay marriage controversy derail his 2016 presidential ambitions? a growing risk with one of america's staunchest allies and what it means for americans standing in the middle east. welcome to "the journal editorial report" i'm paul
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