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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 26, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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race new technology instead? ♪ imagine a company's future with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. coming up on "red eye." nude models, will we ever know how smart they really are?
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>> please don't do that to the audience, it only arouses them. michael moynihan. and sitting right next to me and we frankly can't believe he agreed, it's lou dobbs of "lou dobbs tonight." kind of egotistical that he named the show after himself. >> we begin by doing drugs. scandal has struck the world of bird racing if belgium again. belgian media reports birds were filled with doping drugs. south africa labs found cocaine in one and pain killers and
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anti-fever drugs in another. the sport's been growing in popularity in belgium and its top competitor named bolt was recently sold for over $400,000. the fda wants to put vicodin and other pain killers in the same category of oxycontin. it would be harder to get details. you know who really needs pain killers? this is what happens, my friend, when you abuse pain killers. he's now a pair of mittens. lou, a two-part question for you. drug enhancement in sports. is it wrong whether you're a bird or a human being? and the second part of the question is are you already regretting coming on "red eye"?
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>> i'm delighted to be with you and everyone here. as to sports and drugs, it seems sort of absolutely related over the course of decades. do you think that they should stop? yes. will they? we'll see. >> lou has a tell. when he lies, he rubs his eyebrow. he said "i'm delighted to be here." you'd be a horrible poker player. >> that's where he hides his oxycontin. >> i disagree with lou. i believe drugs should be part of sports because people who do media are often using performance- performance-enhancing drugs, some people use coffee. isn't it hypocritical to condemn these birds when you yourself
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are drunk? >> you're saying we should all be doing drugs and drinking to equalize things? should cats and dogs be drugged as well? >> no. >> i feel i can rehabilitate pigeons and other animals. if you have an animal that's addicted to a drug, come find me. >> moynihan, the bird scandal. >> and what a scandal it is. >> at the daily beast, i'm sure you're going to be covering this. it's a wild live ply popular sp. could this do to racing what armstrong did to cycling? >> who -- oh, lance. i didn't know who that was. this is really just sad but blowing this whole scandal open
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in belgium. previously known for -- >> not having a government. >> not being a real country. i was really surprised. you were listing all the drugs, all of which i do. i was unaware that a performance-enhancing drug is cocaine. >> yes. >> i never saw it that day. because when i do it before work, i get a little jittery and get very angry at people. i think it's fine of birds are doing this and they're doing it on their own accord. it's not some guy pushing it on them. >> and as long as the birds aren't cornering you in a bar twirping about their screen play. >> andy, for someone who exists on warm milk, what do you think?
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>> first of all, i'm lactose intolerant. >> my doctor gave me a script for vicodin. they didn't have any. they couldn't even call another of their own pharmacies to see if they had it in stock. it was the third or fourth one i got to, they finally had it, it was a hot day and i'm sweating look crazy. so i'm asking for vicodin while i'm sweating like crazy and i felt like a complete and utter junkie because of these rules. that's my point, greg. you had the same experience, that is true. >> but you were looking for a pusher. i think the fda has a legitimate issue with these drugs.
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there are overdoses. they're mixing drugs. people take a sleeping medication and then a pane killer and anti-anxiety drug and the next thing you know, they're dead. the fda has to react to a small percentage of addicts. what that does is hurts everybody else , which i believ is unfair. given the nature of humanity, you have to allow people to figure things out themselves. lou's looking at my me like i'm crazy. >> no, i'm saying don't people have a sense of responsibility themselves? >> yes. >> the other thuing before we move on, why is oxycodone so popular? >> because it's so fun.
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>> it's called a pain killer. it's not really a physical pain killer. it is a psychological pain killer that cures the issues of life. you talk about the abuses of anti-depressants? there a lot of people who take anti-depressants that don't work. oxycodone actually makes people feel better. that's the problem. so it's a problem because it works. >> why is it a problem? >> that's my point. >> i mean, there has to be a balance between regulation of these drugs and personal responsibility. i don't think we've found that balance. people have to make the decisions for themselves, if you want to go harm your body, that's your business. same for fast food and what not. the problem is you deal with kids. people underage get their hands on these things and chemical con kdock -- concoctions and what
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not. >> how does the fda regulate this in the home? >> they can't. >> they may be a little intrusive sitting on a sofa sometime but they've got to regulate. if you're going to regulate, you've got to regulate. >> for everybody at home when you're selling your home, get rid of everything in your medicine cap net during an open house. something i learned recently. >> the hard way. >> the learning. >> i am learning so much. i can't wait to put this to practice. >> i'm going to stop coming to your weekly open houses. >> all right. anyway, enough this. should he have known to stay off the phone? former nsa chief was ride willing amtrak, this train, that goes from d.c. to new york. on thursday for some reason he was talking to reporters on his cell and he's dropping passenger
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names. tom macedoniay figured out who he was and had to start tweeting about it. former nsa spie boss behind me blabbing. meanwhile, brazil and dprm, two countries somewhere far away want the u.n. calling for a resolution for the right to nsa privacy. for more, let's go live to the united nations. >> come on. come on. >> oh, my god. >> the fda should be regulating
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that. that's far more dangerous than perk set. >> a little embarrassing for the former head of the nsa? >> one would think it would be a little embarrassing to be sitting there talking on background. for michael hayden to be doing this, the former nsa director himself, it's unseemly at best. >> what do you make -- the nsaers is have i has created a rift between conservatives and libertarians -- even at this table it's a rift. >> i can't imagine. >> how do you feel about the spying in general? my theory is you see the press reporting on spying as though it's some revelation that spies spy. >> i think there's about as much nonsense floating on this story around the web and media generally.
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the fact is if this hadn't occurred, the real outrage would have been, had there been a terrorist attack, why in the world isn't the nsa who is spying in either the house and the senate criticizing the nsa and others, it is such a political show and such a farce. and so insincere. >> it's to appeal to talk radio, i like to say. moynihan, i think you and i disagree very strongly on this issue. >> if we don't, i can make that happen. >> is this how the world works? you spy on other countries? >> we just do it better than they are and that makes me mad. >> we'res heard that the brazil ia
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ians. >> it won't be their first cooperative exercise. >> it's usually very easily slipping things to brad brazil. it is funny, though, because they do this. mad lengthal bright yesterday was told her calls were being listened to by the french. so what this amounts to is a very, very perfect for certain european companies to make a sort of political play. especially if you have a government that is not very popular. y you. >> jed diyala, what is the nsa head doing in a train? shouldn't he be fraflg in an
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underground private tube? >> i assume that everything i do is public. really, everything i do on the internet, every i do everywhere in my apartment, i. >> he shouldn't be surprised if someone overheard his conversation and someone treated about it. >> i've actually done that to somebody. and i didn't name the person. there was a well-known writer at
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a coffee shop. >> you a bad person. >> aren't stories about us spying on other countries is proof that your hero, edwin snoeden is in fact a track. as the sound goes. this is where i break with ♪en demically i think it grael. everyone knows they do this and everyone knows they try to do it, too. making it public serves no interest other than to let the companies go around and try to be outraged when what they're mad at is that they're better at it than we are.
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>> mike: yes. they're either doing it to, and if they're not, they're stupid. >> why do people think spying is wrong? if you think spying is wrong, stop going to james bond movie. who doesn't walk down the street thinking they're a spy? >> me! >> me, and then it's a dummy. but first, should the government be investigating the meaning of life? no. guess i won't have to do that story.
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in the uk illegally? prime minister david cameron has promised to cut annual net immigration to the u.k. for more, let's go live to "red eye"'s london pureio chief. -- bureau chief. keeps saying he's going to do out and do some actual reporting but he never goes anywhere.
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>> what a great gig. >> gets 300 grand a year for doing that. he'll be dead, though, soon. lou, i go to you first for no particular reason. you have very strong views on immigration. do you think they were blunt or not blunt enough? >> i think they were very british. i'm not quite sure about the strategy there. it isn't working, i do know that. but then again none of the strategies the british have employed are working and the french just keep telling everybody to cross the channel, we'll help you. >> do you think bill boards were offensive or -- >> i think it's a little mean, a little offensive, the strategy. with in a being said, do i understand the philosophy,
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whatever the country may be, of not having open borders and have an immigration policy where people who break the law, doesn't have to pay the consequence. so i kind of get that but this strategy is not going to work. >> moynihan, let's talk about immigration here. shall we? >> yes. >> it's so much easier talking about the british. >> it's going to be big now. i think obama is going to be moving into this despite the other stuff going on. you have mickey, they talk about how open immigration and amnesty helps the wealthy and hurts the poor. and they don't care if it's a low-income american or whatever. >> you're trying to tell me that the "huffington post" is run by
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dominicans? or are you talking about her house? >> what should happen? >> in what sense? if baum wants to clearly do, it's going to be a can do an backle. >> i haven't heard that enough. >> there's an economic benefit. i can talk about the brits. can you please go home? as this pertains to the u.s., if obama wants to go from health care to this, i think that is strategically a bad move and i think that americans are less inclined to believe. i mean, the populous message on immigration is one that always resonates with americans.
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they believe it's a zero sum game, that an american goes over and lou dobbs does not want to -- >> he acts like you're not here, lou. >> i appreciate that. and i'm going to reciprocate. >> to me it's interesting that people always talk about the american people. michael, i know you didn't mean to be offensively elitist. the american people don't really comprehend the impact of the economics of this. we have 20 million people unemployed, underemployed and the people being brought in are not physicists, nuclear scientists and most advanced brain surgeons. the fact of the matter is we're bringing in more uneducated and unskilled people than we need.
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108 million people are on means tested welfare. it seems a bit of a stretch to suggest we need to bring more people in, rather than educate and to bring skills to our own citizens. >> he's flattened you, moynihan. >> you know what, polite got you nowhere. i want to bring andy in here. hugh can you have a socialist utopia that president obama wants without borders. >> anyone who is in the country illegally and nexts home to the british government to alert them where ne are, so they can track
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their cell phone pand come and get them and deport them. only the smart illegal immigrants it -- >> don't want to my cold. >> lou just thought. >> the problem isn't so much more than some but we're talking about half a million to 750,000 out of a nation of about 65 million. i think they're getting a little ex
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exerci exercise. >> they rarely exercise in any other passion. i want to repeat my met a pore because the fact is great. if you want to have a socialist utopia, which is what the president wants, you can't do it with orders. if you have don't have a bath fun tub and the borders are long time no see. and who is the greatest villain of all time? jedda diyala says american imperial sich. but i did agreed. 
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the texas football program, is there any other kind, has stopped turning out youth association awards. the association says it doesn't send the right message to children. adding, "life does just hand it offer. like they'll start to realize at an early age if they want something, they have to work
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hard to give it. we don't want this sentle sin? >> "lightning round." >> good decision, bad decision? >> i think it's a good decision. >> it does hurt people like me who only got partition trophies. when i was a kid they were called most improved or best spirit, nicest kid, best oranges at halftime. >> perfect attendance. i got a lot of awards for showering. i don't know why the coaches kept giving me the award.
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>> that isn't good. >> no. they kept saying i was great at shower erin eing they would say. >> i think it's great they're not giving kids trophies they don't deserve. and i love the article that the organization spends at much of its budget off trophies. it is first and foremost an issue of budget concern. no trophies, by the way. >> no trophies? >> no trophies. >> it's a $500 billion industry in the united states. >> no, made that up. >> are you kidding me? 500 billion? what are you stupid? >> don't answer that. >> will this spread to other youth sports, like nascar? >> when i used to teach, i'd
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have to sit through these long ceremonies where there's like first through 20th place and i used to one run out of those little gold stars. it was a gold star because the least they tried. i think it's a good message for kids. not everyone should get an water, nod. >> mike: there's a difference between not wanting them. >> i don't want pun. i don't want one in my womb. >> so you're going to let the other people have the children. >> you just called a womb a nice play. >> all right, andy, do you cover trophies in his new box, the obamaification of participation?
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we had talked about this before. big trophy and ig engraving are neff going to let this happen on a large scale. they let little towns do this so they can say, see, we're not behind this. >> by the way, in those small towns that arin grafd by big engravings. their water tap is on fire.
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>> would you say he's an american hero or something that isn't an american hero? >> i'd say an american hero. i mean, you could just see the prokcy on the run here. >> it's like ordering a meat lover's super size pizza and then picking one olive off. yup, i'm on diet. you have to start somewhere. >> true. >> the meaning of life, it costs
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25 grand. is that just smoking 25 grand of marijuana? >> pretty much. >> would also like to get this job if someone will want to misson with me. >> a big tur. that is on used -- i have made this argument on judge napolitano, making the argument that you do have to start where. i'm actually of the mind now that jeff sessions has to start
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somewhere else. i mean, this is a guy that could start cutting the absurdly inflated military budget. i'm not a little mid cade and it's in the news, it's a news theater. >> a will there be a imagine being mime 2? >> no. eem going to make two points here. one is i'm not arguing that taxpayer money should go to these programs. but they're not stupid. the idea of this stuff is to support faculty members in teaching and developing courses
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like what is good government? are there universals in five all is plenty pb the other this evening is here let's go the real reason he's going this way is -- >> i love the defense to it. on 10% is going to muslim relief. >> yes, 90% does not go to muslim relief. >> i did the bath. >> cris: and you did it backwards. we have about a minute left. what is the meaning of life? eat, sleep, try to be happy.
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>> what is the loud do yoest -- >> 42. >> has nobody read the hitchhiker's guide to -- >> oh, boy. >> our floor director is laughing at an obscure joke. >> it's a book that sold millions and millions of copies. >> the only people who read that book is you, successful men with hats. >> virility and power that they keep within them hidden. >> moynihan, what is the meaning of life? >> i'm just trying to get my kid out of jail. >> meaning of life, two parts,
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maintaining your bloodline? that's what it is. >> just about procreation. that's it? i like sleep eating to try to be happy. >> well, you know, you can do that, too. all right, we got to take a break. how did we get into this weird, weird place? we got more stuff when we come back. if you haven't purchased this book you're a communist or socialist. if you buy one now, you can buy another one for exactly the same price.
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the university of colorado
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at boulder noted "making the choice to dress up as someone from another culture can lead to inaccurate and hurtful portrayals of other people's cultures. and a school spokesman who amazingly wasn't kidding wrote -- >> when you dress up as a cowboy and you have why are sheriff badge on, that's not a representation of a cowboy, that's kind of a crude stereotype. >> and here's an offensive to tanning beds.
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>> their parliament is so strange. >> which of these -- are these costumes offensive, some of them offensive, all of them offensive? >> to me i don't think any of them are offensive. offending cowboys -- the fact that colorado is engaged in this sensitivity and sense ability, i'm thinking it must be something of a celebration, their return to number three as the national party school. >> that could be true. will there come a time when all costumes will be deemed offensive? >> it gets worse and worse and it happens at every level, middle school, high school,
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college. it's like they put this out to protect themselves. it's the philosophy of just in case it ruins everything, and it does ruin their halloween. >> it's about they're terrified of activists getting in their face. what i like to call victim hoods. i coined in the last few days. you can't be going around with a black face. we all know that. but a cowboy, you dress like a cowboy out in chelsea -- >> chelsea and a couple neighborhoods. it's totally ridiculous, of course. and you can see right in the chyron my name is michael
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moynihan, i'm an irish-american and i don't think they'll be banning any st. patrick's day celebration where people -- they never talk about that, do they? >> no, no, no. >> i think you're both actually wrong. i think they believe in this stuff. the interesting this evening about campuses is it's the race/class paradigm. it where hate crimes come from. the idea is race imis everywhere and it's so pervasive, it's kinds of disappointing when nobody was around. let's have a bunch of sessions about sensitivity, it.
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>> i don't know. white privilege. >> i actually agree with this to a certain extent, the expent being it is a bit insensitive to dress up as a stereotype if it's not your reality. so i don't really have a beef with that. i do think dressing up with a big black hat and people that know the dead people. not all dead people are hot. some of them keep to themselves. they don't stand over there and go it's all a lie. >> all right, coming up, our last story.
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who's on top of the pile when it comes to vile? the smarties at mensa have
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looked for the best villeans. among the matchups -- i'm already bored: >> who is your favorite villain? >> i was going to say kaiser wilhe wilhelm. but it has to be a fictional character? >> it says character.
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>> and all ville ains have to b rich? >> hannibal lechter without question to me is so frightening that my wife actually gets scared so that's a pretty good judge right there. >> women scare easily, though. let's face it. >> that's not true. i live watching horror films. i love to be scared. >> my wife sleeps with the light on every time we watch a scary movie. it's funny. you tried to write in barack obama. is did they allow it? because it is a fictional name. >> it is a fictional name. lou stole mine. hannibal lechter is my favorite.
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>> can we agree people luke making bracket challenges? >> sure. >> who is he's not the fictional character. are you the fictional americans? >> mensa has howe 9,000 on this list. he was given conflicting information by humans which caused him to act the way he did. truly the hume answer were the villains. i'm not sure who the sexiest -- that is jonathan reese myers from nbc's new "dracula" which premiered last night. super sexy. i have two villainan from last year. and the reason these are the scariest villains is because they're about as real as can you
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get. they're not super natural, not science fiction. i've met all of them in my travels through eastern pennsylvania. that's it for me. i'll see you next time. i love the south.
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