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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  October 27, 2013 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT

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al t at fnc. thank you for joining me. until next time i hope you are learning for more of a healthy h you. i am arthel nestle and it is time for sunday house cal. >> joining us is dr. mark siegel president at nyu's medical center and the author of the inner pulse,ñr unlocking the secret code of sickness and health. >> and the chairman of urology at lennox hill hospital and the chief of robotic surgery.ure good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> let's start with this. there is an underage drinkingged growing problem in the u.s. and new studies show that its long-term effects are worse than first thought. it is national collegegeñi alcol uh -- awareness week to combat
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underage drinking. usually when we all started college and you go, oaks i am going to pack on the freshman 15 because i will drink.but >> fox news did a report and i will ask you to follow thepo bouncing ball.rtth we went to three places.çólp the alcohol is alcoholism is a disease. as a disease you can prevent it. once you have it you can treat it. it isse a serious disease and affects almost every organ in af the body and the hearte terribly and brain and liverthe we know about, but it is a serious problem. we found that college students are particularly susceptible. as a matter of fact, this timens for the first time in several years the amount of serious alcohol problems among college students is on the increase. you have over 100,000 cases of i date rapse or sexual abuse related to alcohol. you have 700,000 injurju&ñiñi d 2,000 deaths due to alcohol every year. so we went to trinity college where they have a program called nightwatch where theyight have sober people going to
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parties trying to prevent drinking. then we went to a play called bill w and dr. bob in soho where they go to theñr origins of alcohol where a surgeon, ifge you can believe this -- >> he was looking at you. >> the drunk stockbroker used the buddy system to quit. alcoholics anonymous is the best way for college students to quit and the demographic is going down, 11% between the ages of 20 and 30.çó we have a package to show and i want everyone to take a look. >> excess drinking leads to over 1800 deaths per year among college students. it injuries over 600,000. some colleges are fighting back. trinity college has several programs including nightwatch, nondrinking peers attending parties to keep drinking in kee check. >> i believe in this age we still have the opportunity tount make a difference. they are not set in their ways. they are still inhe thatonal
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maturational process. >> prevention is just part ofjut it. the buddy system can help a recovery. this is the principal behind alcoholics anonymous. one drinker can increaser he healing and members are 2020ars and -- 20 and 30 years off. j >> the off broadway play based on the founders of aa a drunk stockbroker and drunk surgeon is becoming a major force inbe the fight against alcoholism.nst the creators are launching ars a national college andm dical tour. >> the biggest problem when kids get to college is they are isolated. a it is a whole new social network they have to get intont, and they are not used to it because they have done all ofdo thisne dating on screens and so to break down the socialcial barriers they start to drink. alcoholism is called a disease of isolation. connection is the healing. >> funded by donations to>> hazel ton, a nonprofit treatment center, revenue from the play will be used for
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youth treatment scholarships. >> the fellowship and the connection and the community that comes from aa and otherfrom self-help programs is a corner stone for a lot of people's recovery. >> in the audience after the play, college students in thetsi group shared their stories. >> the program is completely -- has completely saved my life. i love learning about the history because if it didn't play out the way it did ioul wouldn't be here today. >> the audience there, the emotions ran very, very deep. you can see though that wasn'tu an aa meeting. the aa meetings they commune together, they share stories and they build togetherçó strength to quit.her >> what is your take on this? >> i think this is a normal t process when the teenagers gos to college. they are under a lot of pressure. they are being separated fromr a their families. there is apr peer pressure and a cool thing to do all of thesehig thursday nights and saturday nights. t you are working hard. there is no excuse for this,ha but everyone is doing this soth
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it must be a cool thing to do. what we need to do as parents and as doctors and physicians is to educate the nextys generation.ic binge drinking is a seriousge problem in this country, over 45% of college students are doingó binge drinking. over 600,000 injuries are as a result of this.ñr if you areñr drinking over fivei drinks of alcohol fast in a short period, you are going to affect your judgment, your cognitive skills and it is going to affect overall judgment and we will get into trouble.and the bottom line is, you need to have somebody next to you the whole time to watch over you. if somebody passes out call911. 9-1-1. they can as -- they can -- aspirate and die. the next day they won't wake up. >> i teased a little at the top saying, you know, the old freshman 15 that you pack on because you get to college andsa start drinking. we are talking about something serious and not your normal go to happy hour and have a fewthin drinks you normally may notl g have had when were yound h
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younger. this is real a problem. >> it is a serious problem. it it is becoming like a real disease. long-term it is going to affect your heart, something called cardiomyopathy. it affects the liver and causes liver cancer, but the mouth and the gi cancers aregi also as a result of alcohol. overall this is just not a good situation for a lot ofod tone agers. we see the number of rapes on the rise and the sexual you a -- the sexual assaults. it even affects sexual function. >> we do stories about alcohol poisoning on campus and fatal poisoning. >> it is a social lubricant. you try to get along and spend your life on facebook and then you are at a party and want too, relax and self-esteem is down. the last thing i want to sayrt it is a gateway drug. i agree with everything david said and it is a gateway drug to other drugs. you don't just drink. people drink and they use drugs. >> it is true. if you started before the age of 15 you have four times
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higher chance of being addicted to this. the other message to a lot ofdit women out there is womento missing a lot of enzymes thatg men have. they don't digest alcohol the same way. you can get more intoxicated faster so watch out for this. >> it is not just a weightu' thing. are you a bigger guy so you can absorb more than me. guy guy bigger -- >> bigger, but not intoxicating. >> he is not a stockbroker and>> you are not a surgeon. >> stick around. lots more ahead. how important is vitamin d? how worried should you be if you are not getting enough vitamin d?. the doctors weigh in on that.noh >> and there has been a newn report on what has been leftf inside a growing number ofave patients after they havehat surgery. details on that next.
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that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. grandpa! [ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost.
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it is time now for should i worry? it is a segment about everything that worries us. this viewer asks, my doctor v says my vitamin d level is say low. should i worry? all right, i would answer that she should move to california whereçó the sunshines all the time and problem steve vitamin d that way, right? >> and pay more taxes there. vitamin d is considered a wonder vitamin. the most important segment we have ever done is right now.we you need to know what your level is, and the blood tests for this is the 25 high droksy vitamin -- high -- hydroxyok. vitamin d. if it is between 50 to 80 it is in good shape.ak take 1,000 to 2,000 iu of vitamin d.tami if it is less than that, then te talk to your doctor and maybend even go up to 5,000 units
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until you come to the normalme zone. the lack of vitamin d has been b connected to anemia and children and people have talked about multiple sclerosis. low vitamin d can increase breast cancer and prostate cancer and colon cancer. you really need to know what your levels are and where you get your vitamin d, through the sun. 15 minutes a day, two days ahe week is the people that were concerned about them are the african-americans because their skin is very. resistant to the sun and they won'tesis absorb it. obesity is a problem because they are fat and this is a fat s sol youable vitamin. it can absorb the vitamin dt and those are important ones. make sure to get your level and find out what it is and make sure you supply yourselfsup with it. >> and dr. siegel, you prescribed vitamin d for me. >> i check vitamin d levels,
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25hydroxy on every patient. the 1hydroxy is what the kidneys do. we we want to check the 25hydroxy. every patient out there should have it checked. where do you get vitamin d from?do you can get it from oily fish like salmon. f you can get it from tuna and fortified cereals and grains and you can get it from sunlight, but we are busy telling you to wear sunscreenyou all the time. i like sunscreen. so supplement it and get it in the food you eat. i usually recommend at least a thousand units of vitamin d3 a day. it is not 2,000. a thousand to 2,000. you have to watch out because it is a fat sol youable vitamin. if you take too much there is a tokes said range. -- a toxic range. i also want to say thattami vitamin d supplements are something i recommend. i don't recommend all
1:44 pm heart disease is something that has been associated with low vitamin d levels. 7 out of 10 anemic children lacked vitamin d. i it is an enormous study withhild 10,000 people involved. vitamin d is good for bones. if you are feeling fatigued yo and having muscle aches and feeling exhausted it could be m vitamin d deficiency. 234 many parts of the country it ifis severe. in the northeast it tends to be mild. i don't like people to to have vitamin d deficiency. we were talking about salmon and sardines and i take the vitamin d. an talk about too much though. >> you have to be careful abou tt taking sardines and salmon because while it is good to have three fatty acids, too much is not going to be good for you.a-3 the people i am concerned about are the vegetarian ones because we are not gettingth enough of vitamin d. and if you have crohn'ss b disease, if you have thed, inflammatory bowel disease, even though your vitamin d mayin be in the normal range you may not be able to absorb enough
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calcium. talk to your doctor about this. as mark mentioned, vitamin d has a vital role in reducing inflammation.l it reduces all of the inflammatory bowel disease. it reduces cell division whichit is important in cancer and on and on and on. so i think tomorrow morning if you haven't had this checkou your blood level for would 5 high droksy vitamin d. if it is less than m5 you need to supplement that with vitamin d3.s >> you mentioned calcium. is it good to take vitamin d with calcium or mott? >> it is a good combination to o take vitamin d. all of that has to be under control of your doctor. >> it helps you absorb calcium.mi it is more of a hormone, a super hormone and we need it in the body. w vitamin d helps the immune system. it may help you fight off infection.port you want a normal vitamin dt level. >> we don't see the sun for five or six months and wewe don't need to panic. we can get the vitamin d. >> not a bad idea to move to
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california. >> i am up for that. >> you and i are both on the campaign. not together though, let's get the record straight. >> just kidding. let's move on to this guy. the operating table, on the operating table your life iso literally in your doctor's we are learning just how oftenng doctors leave their surgical tools inside a patient. >> oh yeah.yeah the lawyers love that. and if you don't believe bald is beautiful there is hope. sunday house call returns in aoe flash. ñi
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic
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a disturbing new report warns that since 2005 hundreds of
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patients have had surgical tools left inside them following procedures. we are talking about sponges, towels, needles, all puttingedle people at risk for seriousutti harm. harm. i will start with you and ask, why does this happen? how does it happen? >> this data is coming from 2005. we have 50 million surgeries done in this surgery each year. there have been wrong legs removed, strums behind -- instruments being left behind. some are surgeons' mistakes, but now we have counts. when you are the captain of the ship and you run the operating room you should think like a pilot. there is a tyke off where everyone checks the number of sponges, needles and that goes through many checkpoints. we should check the concept form.
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the nurses mark the side of the country and where the surgery is. the landing, or recount everything. despite all of this and the fact that there are barcodes that can be scanned on the sponge, mistakes can happen. there is no excuse. the hospitals have community with the doctor, as the patient. >> i ask, which knee are you going for. tell me. >> doctor? >> there is a survey from "usa today" that shows more than this study the number of cases. i agree with every point but here are a couple of additional: nine times more likely when it is an emergency. four times more likely if they switch the procedure. you are supposed to get one thing but you get a different procedure. usually it is sponges left inside found after with an x-ray or an examination or the patient has pain and does not feel well.
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sponges can be tracked when you use dye on the sponge. 15 percent of the hospitals do that you have to have people counting them. i have been in the operating room and the protocol is in case. and your surgeon if he goes from room to room. is he the one actually doing the operation? that is key. the surgeon should not have multiple rooms going at once. david is very organized. many people are involved. they are carefully doing the counts. >> i didn't tell him to say this as we move forward with the robotic cases, these mistakes will go further and further lower. when there is a trauma, an emergency, you have to explore someone and there is chaos in the operating room. labor delivery is stop along with the surgery centers where they may not keep a close cry on the count there are issues but
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there are a lot of good surgeons. operating rooms are safe. >> problems are rare. amen with nonexistent hairlines, rejoice. a group of researchers say they have discovered the cure for baldness the our doctors are here to weigh in on what they found next. weigh in on what the [ sneezes, coughs ] i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is. than any other behind the counter liquid gel. dad! dad! katy perry is coming to town. can we get tickets, tickets? hmm, sure. how many?
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well, there's hannah, maddie, jen, sara m., sara b., sa -- whoa, whoa. hold on. (under his breath) here it comes... we can't forget about your older sister! thank you, thank you, thank you! seriously? what? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. can i come? yep. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. to apply, go to
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>> here is a story for the kojak's out there, have researchers found the cure for baldness? we have heard this song and dance before, doctor. >> why i am starring in this segment? this is technology that has been around for 30 years but they used realities and they used the upper two layer of rats and got
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them to reproduce and stuck them back in the rat and the rat grew hair. humans, it does not work. you tame the scalp cells and put them in culture, they are plat and do not grow. now they are hang it from the petri dish, and they found that they did reproduce. they took the skin cells, put it on the back of a rat, now it is growing hair. is this ready for prime time? not yet. but they could be able to use the technique to figure out what drugs work really well. better than rograine, but my treatment is, i walk around like this. this hat comes from "the five," and i advertise fox news. this is my cure. my cure. >> lost people, for men, bald is beautiful and michael jordan made it beautiful currently. it is a problem for a lost men.
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they fight with it can they hang on to whatever hair they can. >> it looks great, especially with the hat. is there, really, something more immediate? >> this is a very, very exciting news and every dermatologist says this is as close as we have come for treatment of hair loss. they have put these cells on the skin or use add skin graft and let it grow and five out the seven mice had hair growth. we are getting close. it is about three years away. if you look where we have come, 1988, we had a cream and then we got an improvement in 1997. now we are getting to it at the
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level of the molecule so i see in the future increase the number of hairs. we have located the hair from the back of the doctor to the front and sometimes it may take or not. >> but if you are bald is it possible you could get the hair back? >> hair transplants are improving and you actually can do it with less pain. there are other treatments but they are looking at vitamin d, our favorite. they are looking at testosterone along with other possibilities. >> do they work? >> they do. if you are taking drugs for we hair, you have to double your p.s.a. because it can reduce your p.s.a. level, the test you use for diagnosis of prostate cancer. i will post that. >> we ought to do a segment on
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the topical stuff. that is great information. we are out of time. that will do it for us. many thanks to our doctors. thank you. >> we have "media buzz," coming up next so stick around. mean extreme media rising up, ticked off. expressing outrage, this time about obama care. >> who misled them? who misled the president on this? are you telling me five days before that somebody let the president go out to the american public to give this speech and say this and make this ? t are


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