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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  October 29, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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period. >> sean tweeted what a great idea. i see families out to dinner and their children are texting. i've seen that too. >> i happen to agree with both. thanks so much for joining us. we'll see you tomorrow morning. "fox & friends" starts right now. good morning. it's tuesday, october 29. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. so remember when the president said this? >> if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. period. >> now the white house is admitting they were wrong. but when did they know exactly? >> tragedy on the road for one country music star when his tour bus hit a pedestrian and kills him. we'll tell you all we know this morning. >> how do you scare a somali pirate? just blast a little britney spears. how she is our secret weapon on the high seas. it didn't work for "american idol." actually the "x factor."
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"fox & friends" starts now. >> where did the year go? it's hard to believe it was a year ago we were on a different curvy couch in this room talking about this. it's been one year since superstorm sandy roared up the east coast. the storm destroyed the jet star roller coaster in seaside heights, new jersey, as you can see there parked in the ocean for awhile. now the site is empty. there is nothing but sand and surf. that is where craig boswell joins us. craig, one year and a lot of cleaning up but still a lot more to do. >> reporter: a ton to do. it's all about recovery and rebuilding. the landscape was completely redefined a year ago when superstorm sandy
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roared up the east coast and came up ashore. here where we are in seaside heights, there was this massive rush to rebuild the boardwalk. where we're standing they got it done by may so they could try to be open for that summer season and get tourists back in here. this is a huge destination here when this population swells and they come to seaside heights and seaside park. then last month in september a massive six-alarm fire that started in a shop to spread along the boardwalk, took out almost 60 businesses. i'm standing where the fire line ripped up part of the boardwalk. huge blow to this area. now i can see some of those businesses shut terd at this point. they had to rebuild. today it is not just about the businesses. it's about homeowners. they're trying to rebuild. still thousands of people without their houses. in the ocean breeze section of staten island, that neighborhood is actually
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desserted. a year later but there are homeowners there still not giving up. they're vowing to rebuild. listen to this. >> a year later it's under repair. no kitchen, no bathroom. this room is painted and the floor just went down a year later. but we still have a long way to go. >> reporter: today it is about the memories. one of the things i remember the most is being in atlantic city or just north of atlantic city and saw a family go into basically what was a shell of a house. what i heard was a scream but it was a scream of joy when someone found actually a family picture, one little momento they could hold on to that gave them hope to begin the rebuilding. that is one of my memories of this storm that came ashore a year ago today. back to you guys. >> thanks. keep in mind lower manhattan was wiped out and all throughout long island, most of that region still
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destroyed, still trying to work its way back. overall, i thought fema was pretty strong. i think the thing that stands out too is when you lose electric and you lose gas. this is the first time i can remember for the longest period of time you couldn't get gas to do anything. >> some people are facing a second winter going into a structureless cold season. but getting gas was an issue. i remember my gas was on level 2 of the fema inspectors to go in. you know what's great? the american spirit and those in their private life that stepped out to help. i thought it was incredible and such a sign of hope. >> the adjustments they made, a lot of people are rebuilding, and i think they said you can't rebuild unless you jack up your house. you can't rebuild unless you move it back. you can't rebuild unless the walls are restructured. i think it cost a lot of money but you're putting more money in now because you don't know what's happening again. what the u.k. is experiencing now seems to be very similar. >> we'll be talking about
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that. in the meantime the white house admitted in the form of jay carney, it's true, some medical policies don't meet the affordable care act's minimum standard and so they don't qualify, you won't be able to keep them. think about that. the white house is now admitting that they have known for, as it turns out, since 2010, according to nbc news and the "wall street journal," they knew back then that there are many, in fact millions of americans who would lose their health insurance policies. and yet the president was out all the way from 2009 until recently saying this. >> we will keep this promise to the american people. if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. period. if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. period.
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no one will take it away. no matter what. first, if you're one of the more than 250 million americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance. this law will only make it more secure and more affordable. >> anyone frustrated yet? what was sold versus what's being told to the american people now has such a gap that, i mean, you can understand why millions of people right now can't -- are holding their hands up in distress, number one, because they're losing their insurance policies. they talked about that grandfathered-in clause buried in obamacare. there was an estimate in there. h.h.s. went in and they said things are grandfathered in according to that march date, where if you have a policy, up to that point in 2010, you can keep it. but they went in and narrowed it. but only if your insurance company makes any changes to your benefits, makes any adjustments to your up fronts, then they can
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actually drop you. the estimate was there. >> so they knew all along, 40% to 60% would not be able to hold on to their insurance plans. on top of that, instead of saying that's true, they're saying i blame insurance companies for that. soon they're going to blame the private sector for that. now all the problems with the rollout, they're blaming companies hired on the outside. nobody is taking responsibility. but they knew in particular they're not telling you to get rid of your plan but it doesn't make it economically feasible for you to hold on to your plan for those insurance companies. meanwhile the administration is pushing back on the nbc report that says they knew it all along. however, that's not going to fly. in fact, look at valerie jarrett's tweet last night. she says this. the obamacare forces people out of their health plan saying no change is required unless insurance companies change existing plans. why wouldn't they figure out that the private sector will react to what the new
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government plan is. >> where was that information at the top? where was it in 2009? 2010? 2012? where was that information? >> with all due respect, valerie jarrett, to elisabeth's point right there in the affordable care act it says it grandfathered you in unless there are changes. then the department of health and human services made changes. now millions of americans will lose their health care as they thought they were going to be able to keep it. so far 1.5 million policies have been canceled. rudy giuliani was on the channel last night, and he remembered, remember the rollout, the computer rollout for the affordable care act, it's been a catastrophe. but remember the gigantic worry with the computer known as y2k as we changed from 1999 to 2000. the worry was nuclear power plants would melt down, there would be blackouts, airplanes would fall from the sky, our bank accounts would be wiped out. you know what?
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rudy headed up new york city, the biggest town in the united states, during y2k, and unlike the president who apparently was uncurious about the sign on to the affordable care act, rudy was a take-charge guy, as he said last night. listen to this. >> i had to face y2k, everybody was afraid all the computers were going to go down, people would be let out of jails, trains wouldn't run. we spent a couple hundred million to make sure that worked. i started getting briefings on that 15 months before. i would be briefed on it once a month and then when we got closer, once a week, a couple of times there were breakdowns but we fixed them six, seven, eight months in advance because i knew if it failed i would look like a fool. it wasn't my signature achievement. i guess reducing crime or welfare was. >> rudy giuliani with the best track record in 2008.
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the only thing the president of the united states was into the play-by-play on, the details on, was campaigning. he was on every element of his 2008 and 2012 campaign. when it comes to actually governing and leading he's totally hands off. that's the only thing consistent, is that he never knows about what goes bad while it happens, when it happens and after it hans. >> lack the leadership both in leading government and business is now coming to a hot boil. >> do you think? >> yeah. heather nauert, good morning. >> good morning to you. hope you're to have a great day. the tour bus of country music star jason aldean hit a man and it left him dead. the victim walked right into the road in indiana and was hit by that tour bus. aldean just wrapped up his tour and was apparently headed for vacation. he was the only passenger on the bus at this time and he recently released this statement a short time ago. in all the years i've been touring, all the miles we've driven, nothing prepares me for something
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like this to happen. i'm praying for albert kennedy's family and friends today. no charges are being filed. police offering $10,000 for the capture of this man. he tried snatching a little girl from her bedroom in the middle of the night. take a close look at this picture. it happened in aurora, colorado, and thankfully the eight-year-old managed to escape. >> this young girl immediately cried out, immediately put up a fuss and a struggle. who knows if that might have saved her life. >> the girl's father went after the suspect, but the guy got away in a gray bmw. police need your help this morning. another person has been hurt at the north carolina state fair by a ride with the same name. a worker was taking an older vortex ride, taking it apart when a piece fell on him and broke his back in three places. >> it was crushing him. >> you would never want to see anybody like that. i said are you okay? he said no.
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i said no. i don't mean are you okay, your body physically. are you going to live through the situation? >> he is in critical situation. in the meantime, the ride operator, timothy tutterrow is being held on $2,000 bond. >> she soared to the top of the chart with this song. ♪ ♪ >> of course a whole lot of teenagers loved that britney spears tune, but it turns out that pirates, as in the somali pirates, can't stand the stuff so the u.k.'s navy is blasting the music to try to fend off those pirates. you know pirates despise western culture, especially our music. how about that? those are your headlines at this hour. >> it seems to me when they were trying to blast -- thank you, heather -- blast
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noriega out of the embassy when he was wanted, were they playing boy george? >> van halen. let me tell you what's coming up ahead in the show. waefrl -- welfare is killing our military and national security. we will connect the dots after the break. >> it's like nothing you've seen before. we will show you america's newest weapon in the war on terror coming up. my name is mike and i quit smoking. ♪
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almost half of americans receive some sort of government benefit. according to a new census report, in 2011, 108.6 million americans were on
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welfare. aside from creating an entitlement nation we've been talking about here on the channel, are the president's poeulgs hurting our -- president's policies hurting our country's future. let's talk to professor peter moreci. professor, good morning to you. you wrote a column talking about how the euro sclerosis has come to america. what do you mean? >> we're adopting italy's policy. lots of entitlements, income support and so on to the point that more americans, typical americans are collecting a means-tested benefit that are working which slows growth and the rest of us who do work have to pay much higher taxes, which we are now. as a consequence, we can't afford the basic things in government that we need, like a decent national defense or expenditures on science and technology. the chinese seem to have a better space program than we do these days. >> you mention defense. we've got a graphic that
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shows how defense spending as a percentage of the tkpwopd has gone -- as a percent of the g.d.p. has gone down. in 2012 it was 12.3%. fast forward to the 2016 estimate and it looks like just 3.1%. what's the matter with spending less on our national defense, professor? >> let's look at what's happening in the middle east and asia. in the middle east we've abandoned egypt, for example, narrowing our focus. they justify this by saying we're shifting resources to asia. look at what has shifted to asia. not that much. now the japanese, the prime minister is saying that japan has to rearm to protect itself from china because they understand that just as the president abandoned morsi to the mob in the streets, when it really counts on those islands, the americans might not have the punch to do what's needed and they're going to have to look at for themselves. >> you say beware, america. if half the country right now is on some sort of
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entitlement and now we've got a brand-new entitlement which is known as obamacare, once it starts, there is no putting the tooth paste back in the tube. >> all the health plans people had that they were supposed to be able to keep that have now disappeared, they wouldn't be there if we repealed obamacare. we can't unscramble the eggs and go back to what we had. so all we can do is modify this. of course you can count on nancy pelosi to say, you know what we really need to do, medicare is working. put everybody on medicare. single-payer system, national health service. they're going to try to pull us in the opposite direction. >> you never know. peter moreci, professor of economics from the university of maryland. professor, thanks for waking up with us today. take care now. that's quite a wakeup call. 19 minutes after the top of the hour. remember president obama walking down that hallway to announce binn's death? it turns out that wasn't the original plan. we've got details coming
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up. celebrities like beyonce credit juice diets for their fabulous figures but are they safe? do they work? dr. samadi is here with everything you need to know. good morning, doctor. heart healthy, huh?! ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute! [ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. surat any minute...lavor could be a victim of fraud. most people don't even know it.
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quick headlines. please get up. occupy protesters under arrest accused of hacking u.s. military systems. u.s. prosecutors say a woman was trying to steal confidential data and disrupt operations. the navy'sçó destroyer now in the water. it looks nothing like you've seen before. the new design hides antennas and radar maps. it has a hull for a smoother ride. the 610 foot ship is the
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longest destroyer ever built. elisabeth? >> juice diets gained popularity from celebrities like beyonce, ann hathaway and megan fox assuring you'll lose weight fast while getting rid of toxins. do they really work? are they safe? dr. david samadi is here. we need to know. they seem to be the latest fad in terms of diets, the acceptable diet. talk about what are the benefits of doing a juice cleanse or putting juice into your day? >> these are becoming more popular. we are always looking for some quick fix. what's the easiest way to lose the weight. >> i have a wedding coming up. >> exactly. fit into that tux and feel great about ourselves. more and more people are using some of these. i was reading about that. this particular one has beets, apple, carrot, lemon andñi ginger. with beet juice, you can
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dilate vessels. if you take this for a couple of weeks you can lower your blood pressure and you have to be careful. people may be on pwhraof medications and -- people may be on blood pressure medications and not know it may interact. you're going to feel great, lose some of the water, this suit fits well on you. you feel great initially. then you get a swing of sugars. if you do this for a week you're going to be high and low, and that's not good. that's why as doctors we always recommend fruits and vegetables because you get the fiber with your fruits and vegetables and not so much over here. it's a low glycemic kind of food. you keep your sugar the same as opposed to this. that is the problem i have with some of these. >> what are some of the dangers? you only have juice to
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maintain the weight. >> people can go on for weeks doing this. you're not going to get enough nutrients, not going to get enough protein. you can lose your muscle mass. it can hurt your kidneys and your heart because all the calcium and potassium you're supposed to get, you're not going to get with this. i would caution people not to go on this for a long time. a couple ofw3 days to replace maybe one of your processed meals, i have no problem with that. three months ago i started drinking some of this. i was going through transition and i wanted to get some nutrients, so taking lunch out and put this instead, it worked for me. you don't want to do this for a long time. >> a sensible substitution rather than an all-out diet plan. >> you got it. you can get some nutrients, sugar for a short period. the detox part of this, you don't really need of this because the body is prepared. your liver and kidneys, they get gallons and gallons of blood going through them. >> they convince us we're
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detoxing, getting rid of toxins because of the juice. >> a lot of it is advertisement. you better be careful. you're going to lose a lot of water. i have no problem with juicing. i think it's good to have it at home. add it to your diet. but not to have this on a long period and replace good food. you need protein, you need carbohydrates in order to get your energy. >> dr. samadi, great to have you. we love having you here. for a long time the president was unaware the n.s.a. was spying on our allies and it's not the first time he's been out of the loop. >> i can assure you that i certainly did not know anything about the i.g. report. not aware of what was happening in fast and furious. certainly i was not. >> shouldn't the commander in chief know what's going on in his own administration? plus the story of john belushi coming to the big screen, but who will play him?
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♪ twins. i didn't see them cing.
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[ male announcer ] staying warmnd dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. now with tracking up to eleven scans, specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to $50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the united states postal service. [ man ] we are the united states postal service. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. go to® and try it today. the president has apparently asked joe biden to party select candidates to run for congress in key states. and obama was like just kidding. happy halloween, everybody.
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a little scare. yeah, that will do it. >> lead story in "the new york times" this morning. obama may ban spying on -- >> may do it. >> this on the heels of the fact that we discovered yesterday that the president of the united states, who oversees the whole federal government, the federal government has been spying on world leaders for five years. and the president didn't know about it. >> he didn't know about a lot. he didn't know about fast and furious. he didn't know about the i.r.s. it was new to him. he didn't know what was going on with obamacare and the problem with the rollout october 1, it wasn't ready. it was new to him. does this sound like a trend, elisabeth? >> it does. president "i didn't know" bama. may be trending now. >> i didn't recognize it. >> i didn't use hash tag. i didn't know-bama.
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we're not just talking here. this is actually happening. take a listen. >> the president did say that he was angry about this. do you know when he first knew that there was a problem? >> well, i think it became clear fairly early on. the first couple of days. >> but not before that? not before october 1, this was no concern at this point in the white house or h.h.s.? >> i think that we talked about having testing going forward. >> i can assure you that i certainly did not know anything about the i.g. report before the i.g. report had been leaked to the press. i first learned about it from the same news reports that i think most people learned about this. i think it was on friday. >> what did the president
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find out about the department of justice'sñi subpoena for -- [inaudible] >> yesterday. >> let me just be clear. we don't have any independent knowledge of that. he found out about the news reports yesterday on the road. >> there have been problems. i heard on the news about this story that fast and furious. >> he's indicated that he was not aware of what was happening in fast and furious. certainly i was not. >> i was not personally aware of any request. obviously we have an infrastructure that's set up to manage requests. >> here's the problem. >> so many. there is no disputing any of it. those were his words and we know it actually happened. everyone compares him to president eisenhower. they say eisenhower looked like his hands were off but in reality he was all over it. it looks like the president
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is just golfing all the time. the reality is maybe it's a lack of interest. is that the same guy that campaigned and knew every nuance of his election, that came out of nowhere to beat hillary clinton and destroy john mccain and trounce mitt romney? if that attitude was his attitude during election and eelection, he never would have won. >> when does ignorance become gross negligence when it comes to leading our nation? a lot of people are asking at this point. >> i know jay carney and he said he learned from the news accounts and saw it on tv and stuff like that. i don't necessarily believe it. there's plausible detphaoeublt. the -- deniability. the president didn't know about it. maybe he didn't know about fast and furious, didn't know about extra security in benghazi. but how can you not know you're bugging world leaders? >> isn't that what the
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n.s.a. is supposed to do. i hear this sort of i don't know when i ask my boys, who put yogurt in mommy's shoe? i don't know. >> when you get caught, that's what you say. what do you think? do you think he really didn't know about those things? or is this just their way with dealing with the news? e-mail us at you can twitter us at "fox & friends." you can facebook at fox first at ten. or you can send -- you can tpaeubs us at "fox & friends" or you can send us a smoke signal. >> i have an interesting story. there is a stunning new report out this morning, a former white house official says that the administration considered keeping the news of osama bin laden's death a secret. a former national security communications aide says that the administration was concerned with sovereignty issues with pakistan. but because of tweets that took place during the raid, social media helped push
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the white house to release the information. the aide said there was no option at that point. we parked a helicopter in pakistan and the sun was coming out. two of the four inmates who escaped through the plumbing system are back behind bars in oklahoma this morning. officers spotting them at this convenience store less than 20 miles from the jail. >> they paid for their stuff and then they walked out. the cops were out there. that one just like stopped, dropped his stuff. >> the other one took off down that alley. >> the four men climbed through a trap door above their shower and that is how they made their way to freedom. at this hour these two suspects are still on the loose. keep an eye out for these guys. brand-new video this morning showing the monster storm hammering the u.k., france and the nether land. the scaffold no match for mother nature's fury. the storm leaving more than
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a dozen people dead. more than a half a million people are without electricity there. john belushi's life story coming to the b screen. >> where's the cadillac? >> the caddie. where's the caddie? >> the what? >> the cadillac we used to have. the blues mobile. >> you know who's going to play him? this guy. emille hirsch. the movie is going to cover belushi's rise to fame in the 1970's starting with saturday night live, the blues brothers and animal house. he died of a drug overdose at age 33. hirsch is known for his roles in savages and speed racer. >> they did this movie already but hollywood didn't want to do it. he was the guy, the star of the shield.
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he starred as john belushi. remember the star of the shield? >> if dan akroyd is going to be the guy producing it, i'm sure it will be accurate. she's here for our weather high jinx. maria molina. >> good morning. hello everyone. we're tracking a storm system out west that is producing more snow across parts of the rockies, locally up to ten inches of snow in some of the higher elevations. lower elevations, you're talking freezing rain. a rough day for commuting in parts of colorado, parts of utah and even up into sections of montana and wyoming. on the warm side we have a lot of heavy rain, wednesday into thursday across texas, arkansas, locally six inches of rain and even higher amounts. flooding a big concern. especially across texas and
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into oklahoma. temperature-wise, east of the system it is warming up. upper 80's in parts of texas. in the northeast it is also going to be warming up. i want to show the extended forecast for philadelphia. today you're still on the cool side, only in the 50's. look at wednesday and thursday. 6's. by friday in philadelphia parts of the northeast could reach the 70's. steve, elisabeth and brian, that also includes new york city. friday here it could be 70 degrees. >> i love that. my kind of temperature, maria. thank you. >> from the weather to this. coming up, if an asteroid was about to hit the earth, who you call for help? ben affleck? no. call the united nations. we'll tell you y. >> this player was on the dream team but didn't do it alone. how his family and faith led him to the hall of
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fame. fame. john stockton live. [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good.
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on america's most reliable network. welcome back. it's time for a quick look at headlines. a texas judge ruling an abortion research kpwa*s by the state legislature is unconstitutional. -- abortion research impasse by the state legislature is unconstitutional. the u.n. delegating a committee for the job of coming up of stopping an asteroid. >> he's an nba hall of famer known as the greatest point guard ever. john stockton, 19 seasons with the utah jazz, original dream teamer.
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now he's adding one more accomplishment: author. check out this book. his autobiography for every kid who wants to play sports. it comes out today and is called "assisted." first off, why is this book the right time to put it out now? >> it's a good time in my life to do something different. i had time on my hands until the kids got out of school and started sports. i'm coaching a bunch of their teams. it gave me a chance to use my education a little bit. >> you say you're one of the most unlikely people to get to the hall of fame, in fact most unlikely to get to the nba. why? >> i didn't fit any of the profiles. i'm a very small guy and there's nothing about me that stood out. i needed teammates to be good. i didn't go out there and score a million points or do anything by myself. i needed guys around me. little by little things pointed in that direction. >> you go to gonzaga, after your second year you begin to shine. you say your parents didn't think you would play past
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ninth grade. >> we had chances to raise money for basketball tournaments and they always were willing to buck up for one of their four children because they figured it would be my last harrah. >> you came up in an era where there was no parents organizing things. you were playing pickup football, pickup basketball, anything else. >> riding books anywhere. right around the neighborhood, see what you can find. >> you talk about going into the hall of fame. you go in with who? david robinson and a guy named? >> michael jordan. >> you've got to try amongst those stars. >> those guys are special people. i had a chance to meet them at the olympics. we spent a lot of time together. even still, they're way up there. >> john, the other element that comes up is your relationship with karl malone. 6'10 *eurpblgs -- 6 foot
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ten african-american. you're a white guy. why do you guys gel? >> he was drafted the year after i was with the jazz. we picked up where we left off in the lunchroom one of those days in bloomington, indiana. he's a good man, good people. we built on a relationship for 19 years. >> your choice of shorts. you came up in the tight short era. the short, tight, what were they? nylon shorts? >> i never made that choice. >> you were given the uniform. >> give me the uniform, i'll play. i think it was the 19th year, my trainer said would you like longer shorts? i said you can do that. >> you're a humble guy by nature but you also say you're a guy brought up with strict values and a deep belief in faith. what role did that play in your success? >> it is intermeshed with everything you do.
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when you grow up in a catholic neighborhood where the church is the center of it, it is part of my life. but it's not something i brag about or preach about. but it's there and meshed. >> looking back, what are you proudest of? >> proudest of my children. every day they do something that makes me proud. and that will never change. i look forward to my time with them. >> some people say no championship. it really bothers me. are you over it, the fact that you didn't win one? charles barkley talks about it all the time. patrick ewing talks about it all the time. you got so close. >> if we would have won one of those, i probably would think we had done something. now i have something to look forward to. >> every year it was john stockton, karl malone. good to see you in the studio. i'm sad to see how you let yourself go. look at you, ready to go. no body fat. good luck with the book "assisted." a great read with a forward
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by karl malone. ferris beuller was the master of calling in sick, but he's not alone. and a black box in your car taxing how much you drive? is this another example of big brother gone too far? justice napolitano here. i can't wait to see what his black box says. ♪ ♪
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good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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am. we all expect black box recorders like these to be installed in airplanes when we're trying on them. but what about the cars that we drive, like those? >> this is such a descriptive
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info. states are considering making smaller versions mandatory in an attempt to tax you for how much you drive. >> is this an invasion of privacy? judge andrew napolitano is here to weigh in. >> i have often argued when the federal government does something on a massive scale and gets away with it, states will mimic it. the states want their piece of spying, they figured out a way to make money off the spying, but putting black boxes in your car and charging you for how long you idle, how fast you drive, how much gas you use. this provides the government with all kinds of information about you to which it does not have access now. do we want to be observed by the government everywhere we go and everything we do? it's a fundamental decision americans need to make about the quality of life to come. >> but at the same time, you think okay, the state -- our highways are crumbling, the bridges are crumbling.
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we need more money. seems like such an innocent way to do it. but they should stay out of our damn business. >> okay. the two things. you and i live in new jersey. what's wrong with charging people when they get on the turnpike, a major thoroughfare. >> all it does is say when you got on or left and other information about you. but here is the kicker. most people think that the gas tax, which we now pay when we buy gas that they want to transfer into this black box tax, goes to maintaining the roads and highways. it doesn't! it goes right into the general treasury of the state. it's just another tax. so to say we need the black box so the drivers pay their fair share of using the highway is ridiculous. drivers don't pay their fair share of using the highway through this kind of tax. it's just more money for the
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bureaucrats to spend. as was once said, there is nothing more permanent than a temporary government tax. >> the best thing that ever happened, the tax and tolls is e.z. pass. i don't even know what they cross. >> george washington bridge has been paid for over 50 times because of the tolls collected. >> speak of -- during the commercial i asked the judge if he believed that the president of the united states did not know that our nsa was talking angela merkel's cell phone. >> think of it this way, if the nsa is tracking her cell phone and the president of the united states is speaking to her on the cell phone, then the nsa is spying on the president of the united states. if he know it is and permits it, then that's absurd. and he knows --
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>> so take your pick. >> i'm not sure which is worse. >> any claim of law, claiming you don't know is a protective device, right? >> except when your claim lax credibility. >> his interview yesterday, seems to straddle the line. saying i'm thinking of banning it from now on. >> he didn't know he's being spied on. he didn't know 10 million people policies. he didn't know about benghazi. who believes him? >> in other words, the buck starts here. it's all a new day. >> you won't see that harry trueman sign on his desk. >> thank you very much. >> coming up, bad crash test scores, the three models being cut from "consumer reports" recommended list next hour. >> plus, long lost star wars clip just discovered. how fans -- take a look. stay with us. some bloopers with hans solo [ male announcer ] progresso's so passionate about its new
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tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste.
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good morning. it's tuesday, october 29. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. remember when the president said this? >> if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. period. >> well, the white house now admitting millions of americans may not be able to keep their health care. but when exactly did they know? >> all right. tragedy on the road for one country music star when his tour bus hits a pedestrian. that pedestrian dies. >> then we all know ferris bueller got his day off. but what about you? we've got the best and worst sick day excuses you can come up with. if you've got a gem, e-mail it to us right now because "fox & friends" hour two for tuesday starts right now.
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one of the great excuses that one of the employees said, my fake eye was falling out of its socket. i can't come to work today. >> that's a good idea. >> you can't go against that comment. take two days off is what i say. >> my false teeth flew out window while driving down the highway. i can't make it into work today. can you beat that? e-mail us. >> if you were the boss, how do you respond? >> sure. what do you say? >> find those teeth and get into the office. >> bring a doctor's note. >> thanks for being with us. i really can't believe when we were talking earlier that it has been a year since super storm sandy recorder up the east coast causing so much damage, the parking garages in new york city looked more like a marina. brian, you were talking about your neighborhood as well. you can actually now for the first time see the blacktop again. >> yep. craig boswell joins us live from
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one of the hardest hit towns in new jersey, seaside heights. when you look around, what do you see? >> reporter: good morning to you. here at seaside heights, a couple things. first we can look out behind me at the boardwalk that was rebuilt. there was a huge rush to rebuild this boardwalk in month right after super storm sandy came ashore. the goal was to get it done by may. they actually accomplished that. this was a huge and massive restructuring. then i can look in front of us and i see businesses that were burned out by a fire last month. so after they got rebuilt, this fire came along and took out about 50 to 60 of these businesses. right in front of me is where they ripped up portions of the boardwalk, piled up sand to create a fire line to stop that fire from spreading 'cause the winds were just whipping it up and whipping it right along there. the other thing we're focusing on the businesses. the other thing, we have to think about today are the homeowners still struggling now a year later.
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just yesterday we were in long beach. there was a gentleman living in front of basically a shell of a house, living in a trailer. didn't have any running water. we have families in the ocean breeze section of staten island where there is just a neighborhood that's completely abandoned. those types of areas still dots of landscape a year after this storm came ashore. of course, it came ashore in and i can recall where they're trying to get recovered a year later. here we are trying to get things together now one year to the day. guys, back to you. >> thank you very much. this morning coming in, what it reminded me of sandy, it's cold outside. it's really cold. a lot of people looking in, they just saw the waves and the rain and the destruction of the winds, but it was also really cold. >> it was kind of warm around that week, but then the nor'easter hit about three days in and suddenly it became winter. all those people who had no gas and electric for weeks, then
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it's like okay, now i'm cold and i'm without power. so i got to get out of my house. >> this may be the second winter for many families still facing a homeless winter. >> before you started with this, last year, brian lost his entire downstairs. >> yeah. the whole downstairs. just like my whole neighborhood. the house across from me, i haven't seen the people. i guess they decided not to rebuild. all you see is fence. everyone is in their own unique situation. on a lighter note, let's talk about obamacare. it's off to a great start. elizabeth warren came out and said president obama blew the rollout of obamacare. no kidding. but what's significant is for 4 1/2 years, there wasn't any democratic criticism of this president at all, certainly of oakey's pet funeral home & crematory. if you didn't like obama, you don't like old people and you want them to die. >> there will be a six-week extension. the law was vague and now if you
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buy it by the end of march, you will be okay. but the headline is this: how many times did we hear the president promise that he's going to bend down the cost curve and stuff like that and that if you liked your health insurance, you would be able to keep it? now it has been revealed, in fact, jay carney pretty much revealed yesterday that there would be millions of americans whose current policies do not meet the standards of the affordable care act. so they're going to have to buy new insurance because they're going to lose it. so far 1.5 million americans have gotten cancellation notices in the mail and you know when the administration knew the millions would lose it? july of 2010. so you've seen the president and a number of democrats, high ranking officials say if you like your insurance, you can keep it. in 2010, they knew millions would lose it and they didn't say a word. >> no. going back to that, steve, you're absolutely right. there is this buried provision
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saying if all those changes happen, they have the right to drop it. now we have 1.4 million people being dropped from their insurance policies. they went from being people who believed in obamacare to people knowing now that they were, in fact, deceived. listen to what the president said in 2009 and then in 2012, the promise that they made now broken. >> we will keep this promise to the american people: if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. period. no one will take it away. no matter what. first, if you're one of the more than 250 million americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance. this law will only make it more secure and more affordable.
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>> david axelrod said yesterday, you know very well, senator coburn, most americans will keep their plans. really? i thought all of them could keep their plans. now most will keep their plans. >> some. >> i know we disagree on this, this is why i say you can not delay this. republicans should say no. forget about the delay. the president won reelection. if they knew this in -- last supper, the president wouldn't have won reelection. if they knew he knew in 2010 all these facts, if they knew how bad the web site was set up, how little hands on he was, how little detail he knows about his hallmark piece of legislation, he wouldn't have beat mitt romney. >> that estimate was there. to your point, 40 to 67% of customers will not be able to keep their policy, according to something buried in obamacare. >> why bail him out now and say hey, okay. we'll give that you delay until the mid terms are over? >> here is what's going to happen. in the elections about a year from now, republicans are going to be able to say, you know
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what? obamacare has been a complete catastrophe and we tried to stop it. we tried to warn you. it's interesting because the president also said yesterday in an interview that for a young person, it's going to cost you less than 50 bucks a month. now, okay. if you're a young person, he says that's true. if you are a young person and you've gotten an estimate from one of the exchanges for 50 bucks or less, please e-mail us. instead we have stories like this, a man 62 in north carolina. he and his wife have a policy with blue cross-blue shield. they've been paying $228 a month. he is perfectly happy with his policy. but he got a letter in september saying that his policy would no longer qualify under the affordable care act. so he's been shopping around. best thing he can find, he had been paying 280 bucks, best thing he can find is $1,200 a month, $5,000 deductible. on the exchange, a jump of 415%, $1,000 a month. and that doesn't -- the
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deductible is less. but he says the plan doesn't meet my needs. it's unaffordable. to the president and the people in the white house who said people will be happy with their choices, a lot of people who are just absolutely furious as they open up the mail and see, wait a minute. we've been -- >> sure. and talk about pouring salt on a wound, many americans feel, how cavalier can you get with the language about our money? just 100 bucks a month? what is this a gym membership? this is something so important. don't call my hard-earned dollars just 100 bucks a month. they are furious at the fact that the president can be so flippant about the money he said they would actually save and now they have to spend. >> we sign up and still can't take a spin class. >> our heads are spinning! >> heather issues -- heather, tell us what else is happening. >> thanks so much. got some headlines to bring you now. sad news to tell you about out of indiana. the tour bus of country music star jason aldine hit a man and
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left him dead. the victim walked in the road and in front of the bus on a state highway in southern indiana. aldean, the only passenger on board the bus, it just wrapped up his tour and apparently headed on vacation. he released this statement saying, in all the years i've been touring and all the miles we've driven, nothing prepares you for something like this to happen. i'm praying for albert kennedy's friends and family. no charges have being filed. we'll keep you posted on any developments. police are offering a $10,000 for the capture of this man, take a close look at the person we're going to show you. he tried snatching a little girl from her bedroom in the middle of the night. this happened in aurora, colorado, just outside of denver. police are describing this crime as both bold and brazen. thankfully, the eight-year-old girl managed to escape. >> this young girl immediately cried out, immediately put up a fuss and a struggle and who
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knows if that might have saved her life. >> the father heard that struggle. he went out after the suspect. but he got away in a late model bmw. police need your help there looking for that man. another person has been hurt at the north carolina state fair by a ride with the same name. a worker was taken at a park when a seat fell on him and broke his back in three places. >> it was on top of his body. >> you would never want to see nobody like that. >> i asked are you okay. he said no. i said no, are you going to live through the situation? >> that worker is in critical condition. in the meantime, the ride operator, the one we told you about accused in that accident that left five people hurt is now being held on $225,000 bond. > this is a fun story for all the star wars fans. you've got something to be really excited about today. there is a newly released
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blooper reel. take a look at this. >> we have no weapons -- >> a military target, then name the -- name it! now! >> that's just one little clip right there. it was first screened this year at comic con in san diego. look at the storm troopers, they get stuck in the wall. yep. they start to trip. the clips' first 48 seconds are silent. we know actions speak louder than words. you can check it outearntube. this is all from george lucas' file. someone posted it ontube yesterday. it's 2 minutes and 36 seconds. >> some of those i think are just made up. the ones i really believe are the ones that entered "toy story." they crack me up. let's tell you what's coming up on our show. >> a world war ii vet brutally attacked in his driveway of his own home. four teen-agers charged with his murder. the victim's wife and son join us live with a message to those
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teen-agers coming up. then they say lightning never strikes the same place twice. tell it to this guy. he was hit two times on the same day. hear his amazing story of survival. ♪ at od, whatever busi with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records ana
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so they're actually built to save you money... and time... and whiplash. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. one of our nation's greatest heroses, 87-year-old world war ii veteran was brutally attacked in the driveway of his own home. he sadly passed away from injuries from that attack and now these four teens have been arrested and charged with these murders. joining us is his son and wife.
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thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. >> i know that the services were just last week and this is all fresh for you, so i want to give you an especially warm thanks for being with us and know that we've been on this from the beginning. when you think about that day, your dad was fully -- full minded out there in his own driveway, attacked by these teens and died as a result of that. if you could be face-to-face with the four teens, they called them, they were 18 and 19, that did this to your father, what would you say? >> i've had a little bit of time to think about that and it's very difficult. i would probably say to them that why did you do this to our father? i mean, he was an older man. he was 87 years old. he was basically defenseless.
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he didn't have to be roughed up. he didn't have to be shoved to the ground or his hip broken and all the bruises that he received. thankfully he was not beaten, but he was severely injured when he was pushed to the ground and it just seems senseless for people that young to prey on someone that old. i think that's one reason why they did it is because they saw him as an easy target. >> your father makes it back from world war ii, lives a full life, 87 years, to literally suffer at the hands of these men, how much relief, if any, did you feel when you heard that they were charged with capital murder? >> it was a relief, but then again, too, it's kind of a sweet-sour situation because they were charged with capital
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murder because our dad had died and that was very difficult for us. i was there in the room when he passed away and it was extremely difficult. i just hope that in the end after everything is said and done that justice will be served, whether it's several years in prison, life in prison, or the death penalty, i mean, i'm roman catholic, so i'm really not a proponent of the death penalty, but these people need to be punished severely for what they did to my dad and i just hope that justice is served. >> sure. what would your dad want to happen to these young men? what would he say if he could? he seemed like such a loving guy. >> he was, elisabeth. he loved life.
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he loved to be around people. that's one reason why he was so well liked in the community and in the region where he lived is because he was a very kind and caring person. it was nothing for him to do things for other people and a lot of times he would pay people for doing things for him, like he would give them things and one of the things that he gave out a lot was the food that he made, which was the at that malies that he -- tamales that he used to make all the time. and he would give those to people just to be kind to them, whether it was something that they -- a favor they did for him or whatever, or just out of the kindness of his heart. that was his way of paying people back. and it was really a sad situation when all this took place. i just -- especially someone like a veteran like he was that fought for his country and he had been through several personal battles because this is
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not the first time he had been attacked. about 30 years ago it happened as well and he was able to -- i'm sorry. >> we absolutely want you to know that we honor your dad and thank you for being with us today wisest kid in the whole world? we need a new recipe. hmmm. let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. ♪ oh! perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love.
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like easy chicken and cheese enchiladas. so good! can i keep this? you already have it at nice. [ blows ] [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good!
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time for news by the numbers. firsters 38. that's the percentage of government workers who missed work for personal reasons compared to private sector workers, according to the bureau of labor statistics. great. next, 450. that's how many salad products are being recalled by one company due to a possible listeria contamination. the recalled packages are marked with an i.d. code of 20 next to the best buy date. and finally, three. that's how many toyota cars are receiving poor crash test
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results. "consumer reports" will no longer recommend the camry, the rav 4 or the prius d or 5. she won olympic gold and captured america's hearts with her ice skating and iconic hair style. short and sassy. >> dorothy hamill competed on "dancing with the stars" but had to bow out due to an injury and she has been on the road to recovery and literally bouncing back. >> joining us is olympic figure skating legend dorothy hamill, ladies and gentlemen. >> oh, my. yes. thank you. >> how are you? >> i'm great. it's so nice to see you and nice to meet you in person. >> to nice to meet you. i'm a huge fan. >> you are one of our first biggests. we went and greeted you at the ice rink. >> i remember that. you and i at one point had a little table in the studio.
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>> right. just the two of us. >> who exposed that? >> your wife. >> that's right. >> so we go way back. i'm glad to see y'all look exactly the same. i'm the only one grayer and older. >> no, no. i remember when you came, brian and i both had our hair done in the wedge, of course. kinda. last time we saw you on television, you had to bow out of "dancing with the stars." you were in great pain. tell us about it. >> i had a cyst in my lumbar spine and it had just completely pinched the nerve, so i got to the point where i really couldn't even stand on my leg. it wasn't the pain, 'cause i'm used to sort of pushing through pain. >> it had to be heart breaking for you to stop, right? >> it was. i wanted to learn to dance, but i couldn't fake it. i couldn't even fake it. in my high heels and my leg would... . >> what was it, the cyst is the thing that knocked you out or did you go in there with something? >> apparently the cyst had been
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there a long time and it was just the combination of i was touring with stars on ice in japan and the u.s. and dancing, if you can call it that, on the side. the combination just compressed the nerve so muchthat i lost all stability and it happened really fast. it had been there a while. >> you've been getting better and you want to get everyone else moving, right? you have a campaign to share with everyone. >> yes. we have a facebook page, a campaign to reach out to americans that have osteoarthritis, which i was diagnosed with over maybe 12 years ago. and arthritis has been something that's bothered me and i've learned to manage it. >> no kidding. a high level of arthritis? >> yeah. but sports injuries and things like that. >> it's related, right? >> yes. it's very good to manage the pain and the stiffness that is associated with osteoarthritis. building a community,
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facebook/get moving america. and you can log on, join the campaign and people will demonstrate gentle exercises and gentle stretching and little movements to keep it moving. it's not about the olympic skating. no triple lutzes for me, but just to encourage people and find a support group. >> that's wonderful. >> and learn how. >> there are a lot of people who suffer from it. so just remember these three letters, gma, get moving america. wait. gma? some remember that part. >> i sort of teamed up to really develop a community in an outreach for -- and an outreach for people to learn more about it and feel better. >> that's great, because people can relate to dorothy hamill. they know you're performing still. >> trying. i'm trying. >> unbelievable you are. >> i'm out there a little bit. not as much as i'd like to be. doesn't work the same at this age. >> you got to work with the cards you're dealt with and that's exactly what you're doing and we appreciate that.
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get moving, america with dorothy hamill. all right. coming up as we roll on live from new york city. >> people that don't want to get moving. >> ferris bueller was a master at calling in sick. but he's not alone. we expose the best and worst sick day excuses. >> then, a surfer riding what may be the biggest wave ever. >> is that real? >> i just got a chill. have you done that?
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how do you combine halloween and baseball? just take a look at our shot of the morning. >> that is my pumpkin. >> you made this. >> that's my get beard pumpkin for the red sox. >> they're one win away. >> i know. so i think if i keep him there, he'll just be spooky and make sure they take home the world series. >> you make human cookies and now you make pumpkins that are full of beard? >> i do. my son who is a yankees fan is not happy. i'm hoping that pumpkin -- you have to send us your creative pumpkin picks to our facebook. >> e-mail those to "fox & friends" or twitter us as well. if you took off that red sox hat and just put on something camo,
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"duck dynasty. >> who was at the game last night. willie was at the game. >> he had that hat on. is he a sox fan? >> he was wearing his normal red, white and blue banda at that. >> we love that guy. career builders got their annual study of the most outrageous excuses people call in sick with. think about this, three in ten workers go to work sick so they will have a sick day later from when they're feeling okay and they can play hooky. >> right. or when your kids are sick, 'cause that's when you end up using your sick days. they have some. here is one, my favorite football team lost on sunday and i need monday to get over it. >> that's honesty and that's also going to get you in trouble. another one, i'm too grouchy to work is another big one. >> stay home if you're grouchy. >> i ate too much turkey and fell asleep for my shift. really buy that? >> definitely send in your most outrageous sick days excuses to
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facebook and we will show them later on. >> here is one, an employee received a threatening phone call from the electric company and need to do report it to the f.b.i. >> took all day. >> all real excuses people have used. heather nauert did not use an excuse. she actually showed up for work today. >> that's right. but a lot of people around here complain about brian. they say they can't come in 'cause brian keeps harassing them. that's a popular complaint. >> that's real. >> yeah, just got off the phone with h.r. just kidding. got some headlines to bring you. there is a stunning new report to tell but this morning. a former white house official is now saying that the administration considered keeping the news of osama bin laden's death a secret. the former national security communications aide says they were concerned with sovereignty issues with pakistan. but because tweets started taking place during the raid, social media helped push the white house to release that information. interesting.
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and we've been following the story of earline davis, the obamacare operator who was fired from her job after she spoke with sean hannity. not only did hannity give her a year's salary of $26,000, he offered to help her find a new job. listen to this. >> so you had an interview today and give us the good news. >> i got the job. i get vacation time, bonuses. not too far from my kids as well. >> so it's a better all the way around for you. in other words, you're in a better position than you were? >> yes, sir, i am. >> how about that? the job provides better benefit benefits, and put her on a stronger career path. congratulations for her. they say lightning doesn't strike twice, but that wasn't the case for this one man. >> what i remember is just a loud boom and it dropped me to my knees and right when i was going to my knees, it hit me
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again. when i got hit, it was two big old flashes and sparks went everywhere. >> he was attending an annual offroad event in north texas. that's when a storm blew in. he ran for shelter under a tree and then was hit with lightning twice. doctors say he'll be fine, but feel a tingling sensation in his body for about the next week. ouch. and now you have to see this to believe it. a brazilian surfer riding what may be the biggest wave ever. take a look. ♪ >> just being on land near that wave. >> i just got a chill. >> no kidding! he's believed to have broken the world record for riding the estimated 100-foot wave off the coast of portugal. 100 feet! the previous record was 78 feet.
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that was set back in 2011 at the very same location. >> where is the tape measure? >> i don't know. >> let me give you an approximate and run for my life. >> i have chills from looking at that. >> i see on the streets of new york city right now, it's 45 degrees and maria molina is right there and it's a little breezy. >> yeah, a little on the chilly side. very impresssive with the surfer. i can't even get out of rip current, so good for him. let's look at the weather conditions across parts of the northeast. we're talking a very chilly start to the day. temperatures only in the 40s out here. but over the next several days, it is going to be warming up. that is welcome news here across parts of northeast, mid-atlantic and even across the southeast. many people will be looking at temperatures well into the 70s. before we get there, we do have a storm system across parts of the rockies. today is producing winter
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weather, even freezing rain here and also winter storm warnings in effect because of significant snowfall that can fall. we're talking about wind gusts as well in excess of 40 miles per hour possible. those winter storm warnings and basically advisories are going to remain in effect throughout the day today as that snow continues to fall. otherwise on the warm side of that storm system, heavy rainfalling across parts of the center of the country and we're expecting that to continue wednesday into thursday. now let's head over to brian. >> let me tell you what happened yesterday in the world series on fox. battle of the birds. the beards, i should say. we are tied two games apiece. let's go to the 7th inning where as you see, david ross rips one right down the line and the red sox take a 2-1 lead. two batters later, a drive to center. another run comes in. red sox go up 3-1. david ross, he throws him out in the inning. red sox win 3-1. they're one game away, one game away as they go to boston to win
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in the world series. it will be the first time in 95 years, elisabeth, that they won at home if they are able to do it. but st. louis is not going to quit. if you're a st. louis sports fan, you have some hope. the rams took on the seahawks. wilson did not look strong. he did throw for two touchdowns. watch him hot dogging this. one thing i hate about -- just score. okay? there you go. flag on the play. last play, the rams trying to win. clemens, he's still playing. incomplete pass. the upset is not going to happen. seattle wins 14-0. and can you guess who this baby is supposed to be for halloween? a hint, he's an nfl coach! a family from kansas city dressing up their baby to look like chiefs head coach andy reid. parents hope to get a picture of those two together. we'll see if that indeed happens. coming up on radio, a little bit later. dick cheney, grover norquist, jennifer griffin and the author
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of "this town." >> thanks, brian. i do think the red sox will pull it off. coming up, occupy protester occupying a prison cell. he's accused of hack the u.s. military. >> great. meanwhile, ever get calls like this from a debt collector? >> you're just a loser. you're a loser. that's why you're in collections 'cause you owe money you can't pay. >> so what's the legal way to deal with collection agencies? that's coming up. the information you need on this tuesday morning. >> who trained that guy? ♪
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[ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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brand-new video showing the monster storm hammering the u.k., netherlands, france and germany. take a look. the scaffold no match for mother nature's fury. the storm leaving more than a dozen people dead, more than a half million without electricity. going to be so hard to listen to their phone calls. a british occupy protester arrested in england, accused of hacking military computer systems. prosecutors say he was trying to steal confidential data and disrupt operations. steve? >> thank you, brian. have you ever gotten phone calls like these from debt collectors who will stop at nothing to get some dough? >> where is my $40,000 that you owe me? >> you're just a loser. you're a loser. that's why you're in collections, 'cause you owe money you can't pay. >> i won't call you no more. i'll speak with the payroll department. >> you're not paying anyway.
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>> if the law is on your side, how do you hold your own against aggressive debt collectors like those? let's talk to peter johnson, jr. you got some great tips. >> the law can be on your side and let's prove together that those people are the losers 'cause that's illegal. first thing, protect your rights. debt collectors cannot harass you with repeated calls, cannot. they can't call before 8:00 a.m. or after 9 p.m now they can't talk to anyone but you or your attorney about the debt that you owe. >> also they can not lie, threaten or threat of violence. >> or pretend they are lawyers. that's my job. and they can't say this, i'm going to take your social security. i'm going to take your pension. i'm going to take your ssi benefits. absolutely illegal. the other question becomes, do you really owe the money? within five days a collector must send you written notice of the money you owe to whom and what action to take if you believe you don't owe the money. so you need to put it in
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writing. if you don't want them to call anymore, send them a cease letter. you heard the term cease and desist. then anything you write must be confirmed in writing, especially before you send them any payments whatsoever. >> sure. also none of your business, right? what are the things you should not -- they may ask for a lot of stuff on the phone. what should you not do? >> they'll ask for everything. they'll ask for your child's -- bring your child out. >> college fund. >> hole them as collateral. don't give them your social security number or name of the bank. don't give them your bank account number. don't give them credit card numbers unless you really want to pay. if things get out of control like the people who are calling you losers, or they're calling your employer, or they're act not guilty a way -- this has happened before -- they're going to take your pet. they're going to make sure you get arrested. then go and file a complaint at consumer.fdcgov and you can
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contact your state attorney general's office. they will also go after them, or you can sue them under the fdcp, a fair credit reporting act. >> so as it turns out, even though the person on the phone, they sound like an authority figure, they're just working -- >> they're not authority fission. a lot of them are work for commissions. they're working on quotas. they're working like a loft other americans, but sometimes they're acting in a really vicious, sick, malignant way. if you exercise the law, you can beat them. >> you told me something yesterday that i did not know before and that is with a debt collector agency, there is just a narrow window of time they can collect the debt. >> they have a very narrow window of time, sometimes 30 days. it's important to know exactly how long they will have. a lot of people wrote and said, the best way to stop a debt collector is to pay the debt. but sometimes people are coming after you unfairly and illegally for things you don't know. so it's time to stand up. tomorrow we're going to talk about how to make the debt
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collector your very best friend in the world. there are ways to beat these folks with a smile and sometimes a smaller check to get that monkey off your back. so we're going to talk about that tomorrow. how to beat the debt collector at their own game. that's called winning with the law. >> there you go. peter johnson, jr., you were able to get in a lot of helpful tips and you did it 'cause i had your back. >> and it will be on-line. >> very good. thank you very much. up next, america's mayor calling out president obama, rudy says he had to deal with y2k, so why wasn't president prepared for the rollout of that signature healthcare law involving a big computer program? and how does working from the comfort of your home sound? stick around. cheryl casone up next with the top work from home companies hiring reit -- right now. you can work from the couch.
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♪ for only 50 delicious calori. for only 50 delicious calori. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. ♪ switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness... ...from the stevia leaf. with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] havg a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles
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in order to go vis my family, which means lot to me. ♪
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you want to work from home? many of you are writing us here on "fox & friends" asking. so how do we work from home? i'm tired of getting dressed. cheryl casone is on that case. she has some of the top work from home companies right now. >> this could be more than work in your pajamas, but that's part of the deal today. this is the most common e-mail i get. the most i get by far, hundreds is work from home opportunities. so this is for all of you that have you been writing me for the last year or so. >> first stop, a rise virtual solution. >> this was back in the day, this was a company that was
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formed by the state of florida to address people with disabilities. one of the reasons you want to work from home, you've got some type of disability. they've got 7500 jobs open right now by the end of the year, more than 12,000 next year. salary, from 9 to 30 bucks. i want to say this is customer care. so like say you're calling from triple a or staples, they signed on a new big on-line retailer, they wouldn't say who. you're that customer care person. but you're at home. they're not calling a call center. they're calling you. >> you make between 9 and $30 an hour, depending on the department? >> absolutely. >> aspire lifestyle. >> this is basically a concierge by phone. people that are busy and traveling and need things done and handled and appointments made and things like that, you're a concierge, but over the phone. >> so for example, if i have to be in utah or kansas, i call them up and they handle this stuff for me? >> yeah. or vice-versa. you're in new york, but your personal concierge that handles
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brian's busy lifestyle, which we all know you do have a busy lifestyle, everything is set up by somebody in another state. so this is the job. anyway, they're going to be hiring 50 to 60 people. this is full time. this has benefits. >> lion's bridge, an internet assessment, makes web searchers -- >> you're doing computer work at home. thousands to 1500 jobs are open. web content assessors. >> i know that's even a major in college now, convergeest corporation. >> we're following them on the business network. this customer management customer service. customer service home, but you're doing it from home. 1400 jobs in the next three months. 2500 over the next six months. again, full time with benefits. i think that's important to point out. >> live ops, inc. a contact center and consumer services. >> say that ten times fast.
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they're going to hire 3,000 people. this is independent contractors. so you don't get benefits with this. but it's customer service. we work with a lot of small businesses. say you've got a flower shop, but don't want to pick up the phone all the time. you could hire these guys to do that. agents can earn 10 to 12 bucks per hour. it depends what you want to do. with all of these, you can pick your own hours. you want to work -- most work at home people work 18 hours a week. that's about their average. you can work 80 and make more money. but you set your own schedule. >> you have that flexibility. ten to $12 per hour. if we want to know more, go to which you never have been to, i bet. you've never been to my blog ever. i tell you every week. >> i'm going to read your blog today out loud. >> please. >> it's going to be great.
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>> thank you very much. always great to see you. how do you scare a somali pirate? blast a little britney spears. she's our secret weapon on the high seas. ♪ too big.
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too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. good morning. today is tuesday, october 29. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. consider this a promise broken. >> if you like your healthcare plan, ultimate be able to keep your healthcare plan, period. >> the white house admitting that statement just wasn't true. the question now, how long have they known? >> wait 'til you find that out. tragedy on the road after country music superstar jason aldean's tour bus hit and killed a man. the singer speaking out on this tuesday morning, brian. >> absolutely. he's been making us laugh for decades. >> take a firm hold of the
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hypodermic needle. >> tim conway live in studio with a brand-new book which is flat out hysterical. "fox & friends" starts now. i just spent ten minutes with tim conway. >> and? >> hilarious. his book is called "what's to funny." he's so funny and will be with us shortly. and harvey korman. remember how tim conway would try so hard to make harvey korman laugh during the program and he wasn't supposed to and he always would. >> i didn't know he was a dentist. >> i thought i heard you laughing back there. >> hilarious. >> meanwhile, did you realize today marks one year since super storm sandy roared up the east coast after the storm, this parking garage here in new york city looked like a flooded marina. today you can finally see the
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blacktop again. >> right. downtown is still a mess. this morning, craig boswell joins us from one of the hardest hit towns in new jersey, seaside heights. >> reporter: good morning to you. there certainly are some advances going on. there is certainly things not happening. basically a mixture of recovery and rebuilding mode. here at seaside heights, there was an effort to rebuild the boardwalk that. did happen. there was a quick effort to try to get it up by may. that did take place. then last month, in september, a fire that tore out about 58 to 60 of these businesses here right down at seaside park. they basically ripped up a portion of the boardwalk forward to create a fire line to stop that. they did actually stop the fire there. now those businesses are rebuilding. while we're focusing on that, we still can't forward there are 27,000 households in new york and new jersey still displaced just by the storm. that is in a complete different
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level of frustration. >> it came right in, with the families, completely flooded. didn't want to live there no more. it's going to happen again. >> reporter: there are a number of lessons learned also as we talk about this. let's talk about the power companies. they're teaming up with electrical workers unions to get additional support for -- to restore the power. there is infrastructure that's being set up around substations. they're improving communications methods. there is new evacuation plans and you talk about long island power authority where so many millions of people were without power so long, they took the brunt of the criticism. they spent some $270 million in upgrades and i think they're going under another power grid system pretty soon. as we were talking, august -- you were seeing a little bit of seaside heights. it's going to be a beautiful day, a different scenario than it was a year ago. tonight around 6:30, people will be coming out to beach front communities all along the beach
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front bringing out candles and candle lights and flashlights just to shed light on what's going on and provide some hope to those still struggling. back to you. >> there are plenty of them. thank you very much. >> also worthy to point out because people get ticked off because people in new york city got absolutely flooded. that place was wiped out and people moved out. still aren't back in. i think for the longest time they had generators in the middle of the streets. on long island, the south shore especially was flooded. a lot of those areas were built on where marsh was. they said this is going good, let's put landfill in. this is my house here. >> i remember you talk being this. >> this is the next day, two days later. we cut the water line. this is just two feet of water. can you imagine people that actual lea had their house where you had to be stuck on the second floor? that's just the back room. we stripped out there. that's where the bar was. that's all got soaked and destroyed. appliances were wiped out. i don't say this because i got it better than almost my entire
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neighborhood. then the other room. you have to rip up your floor because within one or two days, it starts buckling, even if it's brand-new or very old. >> and gets mold. >> that's the dining room. over there is the kitchen. >> and a year later, your neighborhood still not back to normal. >> you got two houses across the street from me just haven't been rebuilt. they said it doesn't pay. and they're just going to sell the land. i don't know what kind of deal they worked out. and with shrubs and everything, that -- you're not covered on that. so your trees die because salt water wipes out not the trees, but the shrubs. that cost thousands of dollars. >> that's heartbreaking. so sandy, one year later and still a mess. >> sure is and some people facing their second winter without homes. our hearts go out to them this morning and our hearts are beating as we understand now that obamacare officially getting a six-week delay as the white house admits that millions of americans will not be able to keep their healthcare.
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this is shocking. right? the president knew this! this was actually in the verbiage of obamacare in 2010. so it obviously has a ton of people furious because they predicted -- get this -- that buried in these regulations, that 40 to 67% of customers would not be able to keep their policy. >> now the white house says not so. but in the -- this -- they were investigating that up to 14 million who buy insurance on the individual market, they knew, they did the studies that said that they all -- they would be losing their insurance to the tune of 14 million people. that's 40 to 67%! >> so since 2010, according to the law itself, they have known in the white house that millions of americans would lose their health care. millions would lose their healthcare. the white house knew that and yet the president, starting in
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2009 when they knew it was not true, he continued to spin that story. here he is, then and closer to now. >> we will keep this promise to the american people, if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. >> if you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan, period. >> no one will take it away. no matter what. >> first, if you're more than one of the 250 million americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance. this law will only make it more secure and more affordable. >> unfortunately, that simply is not true. there are millions of americans who for years have bought their own insurance and under the government's own estimates, millions of them are going to lose it to the tune of up to 80% of the people who buy their own
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insurance. not company provided, but by -- buy their own insurance, could get a note in the mail that says sorry, you're canceled. so what the president said right there, either he's lying or he is simply telling something that is completely untrue. >> he puts a period at the end of that. meanwhile, americans left with a huge question mark to how much money they're really going to have to pay after getting these letters. and an exclamation point goes at the end of that for many of them who are receiving these letters saying, wait a minute. i believed. now i'm feeling quite deceived by this plan. >> a little don kingish the way you said that. the web site doesn't work. it went down on sunday. the press secretary comes up and says, everything is fine. they go no, it isn't. it was 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. it still wasn't work. then we find out that you can't log on, you can't get through and in alaska they suspended it. in kentucky, it's almost all medicare. the same thing around 35,000 state residents, it's all been medicaid. the question is, why wasn't the president more prepared for
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this? why wasn't the president more ready for this? that compared to where another imminent catastrophe was looming, compared to rudy guiliani handled this back in 2000. >> i had to face y2k when i was the mayor, the switchover, everybody was afraid the computers would go down, people would be let out of jails. we spent a couple hundred million to make sure that that worked. i started getting briefings on that 16 months before. i would be briefed on it once a month. then when we got closer, once a week. a couple of times there were breakdowns, but we fixed them, six, seven, eight months in advance. 'cause i knew if this failed, i would look like a fool. and it wasn't my signature achievement. i guess reducing crime or welfare was. >> keep in mind, y2k was impacting every computer in the world, where this particular computer snafu was just one web site they couldn't get right.
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how many people do you think have registered so far and gotten health care in alaska? >> three. >> three. >> and they've suspended it 'cause they say something is not working right. duh. >> from three to one fabulous woman, heather nauert. >> good morning, everyone. hope you're off to a great day. this tour bus of country music star jason aldean hit a man and left him dead. the victim walked into the road and in front of the bus that was on a state highway in southern indiana. he was the only passenger on board that bus. he had just wrapped up his tour and was apparently headed away for vacation. the statement was released by him a short time ago. in all the years i've been touring and all the miles we've driven, nothing prepares you for something like this to happen. i'm praying for albert kennedy's family and friends today. no charges are being filed. police are offering a a $10,000 reward for the capture of the man you're about to see.
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he tried snatching a little girl from her bedroom in the middle of the night in aurora, colorado, outside of denver. thankfully, the eight-year-old girl managed to escape. >> this young girl immediately cried out, immediately put up a fuss and a struggle and who knows if that might have saved her life. >> the little girl's father heard her screams. he ran outside the house and he found her in an alley. he ran after the suspect who got away in a gray bmw. police need your help finding him. and she soared to the top of the charts with this song. ♪ give me a sign ♪ ♪ hit me baby one more time >> a whole lot of teen-agers love that song. but turns out pirates can't stand it. the u.k.'s navy has been blasting her music to fend off somali pirates. they despise our western cultures, so they can't stand
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hearing her. remember barney was played at gitmo detainees? >> yeah. >> "born in the usa." good stuff for these guys. >> thank you very much. >> thanks. remember the hero doctor who helped us capture and kill bin laden? he's locked up in a pakinstani prison. but this morning there is a major update to this. then his rendition of "god bless america" gave everybody goose bumps at the world series. this navy veteran is here to perform it live this hour of "fox & friends." ♪ sweet home ♪ i'm a careful investor. when you do what io, you think about risk.
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new hope this morning for afridi, the pakinstani doctor locked up for helping the united
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states capture and kill osama bin laden. >> several members of congress, along with private activists, convinced pakistan's prime minister to consider his release. dr. robert has been leading the free dr. afridi campaign since his story first made news. we thank you for being with us. >> good morning. >> what's the latest update on this case? >> when i heard that the prime minister of pakistan was visiting washington last week, i contacted the foreign relations committee through congressman ed royse's office who is chairman of the committee. i asked for a meeting with the prime minister and his aides and his ministers so that i could express to them how concerned the american people were watching a man who actually was responsible for pinpointing the location of osama bin laden who was responsible for killing 3,000 people in the 9-11 disaster and why this man is sitting in prison being tortured on a day-to-day basis.
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>> yeah. so you talked -- you get to sharif and basically your explanation, why he's in prison is that his treasonous behavior, but now you get the sense that there is a help, somewhat of a break in the case. >> first of all, the treason ous behavior is their excuse for what the government knows is wrongful imprisonment. when i was sitting with the prime minister, he assured me that afridi's 33-year prison sentence was being overturned or had been overturned and he was being retried on these trumped up treason charges. the fact of the matter is that since they announced that, he's had three postponements of that trial and what i said to the prime minister was, if you're going to retry him, you have to go back and actually do the retrial. he assured congressman royse and myself and the entire foreign relations committee that that would be a major priority to get that trial completed so that
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afridi could either be let free or finish his sentence and we could put this chapter behind us. >> is it true he would have to be convicted again in order to be pardoned? >> there was a conversation where the congressman discussed the possibility of a pardon. the prime minister said, well, in order to pardon somebody, they have to complete their trial. which was very awkward because they've held this man for three years and if he hasn't had a trial, why are they holding him? >> it would help a lot if the president of the united states would push for it. after all, it's his hallmark achievement outside obamacare. has hollywood stepped up and helped like they promised? >> hollywood has been remarkable. the lead personalities from "zero dark thirty" were all over the red carpet last year and i gave the prime minister a copy of the ad in the hollywood
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reporter, free afridi. i said what you do is going to dictate what the next ad says. it is going to -- your actions are going to define what hollywood says on the world stage next year at the academy awards and right now i think you want to be recognized as a humanitarian friend of the united states for doing the right thing. not keeping the man who was responsible for getting the man that killed everybody in the twin towers and keeping him behind bars. you don't want that in your legacy. >> he's the ceo of the free dr. afridi campaign, a one-man wrecking crew over there. thanks so much for doing this. >> all credit, it's a two-man wrecking crew. i want my wife to get credit. she's worked very hard and took the ad in the hollywood reporter as a valentine card last year. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i hope we have good news in that case soon because the next person that steps forward, what kind of example are we showing
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if you help america out, you still go to jail for no reason? remember when the president walked down this hallway to announce the death of osama bin laden? it turns out that wasn't the original plan. details -- that wasn't the hallway. but details coming your way. >> and he's been making us laugh for decades. that's right, funny man tim conway is here live in the studio. >> through the yellow hall. >> over here. sorry. ♪ ♪ good job!
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still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables (coffee be♪ng poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf.
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we are already smiling and you know why. funny man tim conway had america laughing for decades and is best known for some of the zany characters he created on "the carol burnett show," including the dentist. >> let's see how this works here. novocaine. come here. take firm hold of the hypodermic needle. right. >> tim con way got a brand-new book about his hilarious life called "what's to funny" and tim conway is on the couch. how happy are you to be here? >> very. oh, yeah. i am so happy, i watch your show every day out in california. a little blurry. >> put on your glasses. >> yes. >> it's early. >> in that clip that we were just watching right there, it continued on and eventually you
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did what you -- apparently you loved to do during the program, was you eventually made harvey korman laugh out loud. >> very poor performer. i don't understand how he ever got the gig. how he was in this business. >> when you watch this back, do you laugh? >> yeah. oh, yeah. it's hysterical, isn't it? yeah. i do recall the times, yes, that poor harvey, such a shame, you know, that he was such a poor performer. >> right. he dragged you down. >> yes, he did. i could have gone to the top or to the middle. >> i think the book gives an insight into the genesis of your -- >> really? >> so funny. you're going to want to read it. >> i've got to read that. >> a lot of people say they realize they're funny in a time of challenge. was yours at school?
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>> when you're small, you either have to be funny or get beat up a lot. so i chose funny. and then -- >> you made a career out of it. >> you're the only one i'm going to talk to because you were intense. they wanted to go on, but i wanted -- >> tell the story. you've got a bunch of photographs in there and something i did not realize, you and told me in the green room, we've got a picture of you wearing a played suit up against a played wall. you made that suit. >> yes. and the wall, too. yes. >> how did you become a seamstress? >> my mother was a seamstress. >> so you were a tailor or seamstress? >> no, i was a seamstress. yes. she made slip covers and things. so i made these pants. i could actually slip cover this. >> you cut your own clothing. >> we need it. >> you weren't an original
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conway? >> yes. what else would i be? i don't understand. i was a jones when i was born, but then conway slipped in. yeah. >> who are some of the characters based on? who is the deputies based on? >> that was a real dentist who was showing me about novocaine and how it would -- >> put you to sleep? >> no. does that put you to sleep? >> i think so. >> parts of you to sleep. >> yeah, parts of me are asleep right now. yes. he went through my cheek and into his own thumb. >> in real life? >> yes, in real life and didn't realize it. you would think a a guy would go ow or something like that. he immobilized his thumb. >> just like that. what about dorf? >> yes. well, i thought it would be funny if i put my shoes on my
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knees and so then i said, would be even funnier if you drilled a couple of holes in the studio floor and i could put my legs in there and then put the shoes on so it would look like i'm standing there. >> next thing you know, you have a franchise and you made zillions of dollars off this. >> did i? >> yes, you did. if you could find those -- any part of that fortune. >> you think america is ready for another variety show like "the carol burnett show? >> i don't. i don't think you'll ever see one again. >> why? >> they're too expensive. >> because of your salary? >> yeah. i went right over the top. i said, i want $11 more than he gets. >> worth every penny. >> yeah. no. it's too expensive to do. the talent and the -- it just isn't worth it. >> the book is fantastic. it starts with his father coming over from ireland and then a kid from cleveland and now he's a big star. tim conway, what's so funny, my
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hilarious life. with a forehead written by your pal, carol burnett. >> yeah. never liked her. and she wrote a long one, too. >> very nice. >> great to have you here. >> you don't mind if i sit here for the rest of the show? >> no. >> all day you can on the curvy couch. coming up, a call center worker fired after talking to sean hannity about the problems with obamacare. this morning a major update on her job status. and it's the patriotic performance that's got everybody talking. this navy veteran's rendition of "god bless america" will give you goose bumps. you'll meet him and he'll perform that song live right here as soon as we get rid of tim conway. ♪ and guide her through the night with the light from above ♪ from the mountain to the prairi
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♪ a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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♪ hey lady! noooo! no! [ tires screech ] ♪ nooo! nooo! nooo! hey lady, that's diesel! i know. ♪
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it's the no-games, no-messing-'round, no-earning-limit-having, do-i-look-like-i'm-joking, turbo-boosting, heavyweight-champion- of-the-world cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every damn day. now, tell me, what's in your wallet? problems continue for the web site. you see the latest? they got rid of the woman on the original page. remember this woman here? this is -- you see who they replaced her with today? dr. conrad murray. terrible. that's bad! that's terrible! >> by the way, jay carney yesterday at the press conference, we got the bugs out, we're ready to go, we're up and running. no, we're not, jay.
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>> where did the girl go? >> we don't know. >> she's the first one fired. sorry. >> paid a price. heather nauert got the latest. >> that's so funny. you see conrad murray trying to get back his medical license after he gets out of jail. what a mess. got some headlines now to bring you. remember we told you about this? four inmates who escaped through the plumbing system? two of them are back behind bars in oklahoma today. officers spotted them at a convenience store less than 20 miles from that jail they broke out of. >> they paid for their stuff and then they walked out. the cops were out there. that one just like saw them, dropped his stuff and the other one took off down the alley. >> those guys had climbed through a trap door that was above the shower and that's how they made their way to freedom. at this hour, these two suspects are still on the loose. so police need your help. then a stunning report out. a form white house official says the administration considered keeping news of osama bin
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laden's death a secret. the former national security communications aide says they were concerned with sovereignty issues with pakistan. but because of tweets that started taking place during that raid, social media helped push the white house to release that information. they knew folks would find out anyway. we've been following this story of allergyine davis, the obamacare phone operator who was fired from speaking to sean hannity. she was fired from her job for that. not only did hannity give her a year's salary of $26,000, but he offered to help her find a new job. listen to this. >> so you had an interview today and give us the good news. >> i got the job. i get vacation time, bonuses. not being too far from my kids as well. >> so it's a better -- better all the way around for you, this work -- in other words, you're in a better position than you were? >> yes, sir, i am. >> davis says the new job
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provides her with better health benefits than the old one and put her on a stronger career path. congratulations. cell phones can do a whole lot of things, including stopping a bullet. a guy pulled a gun on a gas station clerk and demanded money. when the clerk didn't open the safe, the would be robber fired a shot and took off. later when the clerk grabbed his cell phone, he found a bullet was lodged in the screen. the clerk wasn't injured and he considers himself to be very lucky. wow. have you ever called in sick to work when you weren't really sick? a lot of folks have. roughly one third of american workers admit to doing this. career is breaking down some of the most outrageous excuses. here is one of them, my favorite football team lost on sunday and i need monday to get over it. another one, i quit smoking and now i'm too grouchy to work. so we want to know, what are your most outrageous excuses. on facebook, tom said, it's raining so hard, i can't get out my front door. that's a good one. and wayne's excuse, i'm having a
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problem with my eyes. i can't see myself coming to work. very cute. i think you guys had good ones in your day. >> yeah, but we don't want to repeat them outside because we want to use them in the future. >> okay. i'll see new a bit. >> thank you very much. >> maria is out and wants to tell us what's happening with weather. >> good morning. and today we're talking chilly temperatures across parts of the northeast. right now only in the 40s across parts of the corridor, including new york city. you do need that coat as we head out the door throughout the morning hours. later on in the afternoon, we'll be warming up into temperatures that are a little more seasonable for this time of the year. otherwise i want to take you out west. we have a storm system out here in the rockies and we do have winter storm warnings in effect and freezing rain advisories because we'll be seeing some snow and also wintery mix in parts of the rockies out here. so traveling can be dangerous. otherwise add we head into the next several days, the storm will continue to slowly head eastward and it will be producing some areas of heavy rain, especially across parts of
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texas, arkansas, and eastern oklahoma. flooding will be a concern. severe weather, another big problem across sections of texas and also oklahoma. so we could be seeing rough weather out there with those thunderstorms. temperature wise, heating up east of the storm into the 80s across texas. also in new orleans and in the northeast, regular right now. near normal. but it's going to get warmer over the next several days. let's head back inside. >> we'll take it. thank you. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. let's change gears. this performance during game 3 of the world series you're about to hear on saturday night blew the audience away. ♪ god bless america ♪ my home sweet home >> that inspiring singer, retired navy petty officer first class general wilson joins us live to my immediate left on the
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couch in full uniform. welcome. >> good morning. >> great job. how did you end up in center square before that game -- at the game three of the world series? >> i've been singing the national anthem and "god bless america" in st. louis since 1999. >> for the rams? >> for the rams. different events that came in. like ncaa. >> general, i love your story. why did you join the navy? >> well, first of all, because i wasn't going to college. i didn't like studying. really, i didn't have a real good life as far as my parents didn't have a whole lot of money to send me to college and different things like that. i knew that i had to do something besides working at a movie theater to succeed in life. >> you wanted to break the cycle. >> right. so i joined the united states
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navy. took me in and it's great thing, for 21 years. >> we thank you for your service. when you sang -- first of all, everyone's heart just stopped. i know that "god bless america" you say is a prayer and that's why you sing it the way you do. but did you realize you would have this effect on everyone watching the game? millions of people. >> i was telling my wife just yesterday, it's amazing that 2011 i did it twice for the world series. game two and game six. and i never had this much, you know, acknowledgment. >> you've gone viral. >> it's crazy. >> is it better or do you think america wanted to hear it? >> i would have to say it's because they wanted to hear it, because of exactly what's going on with the united states at this time. >> who taught you how to sing like that? >> i would have to say my mother. as she's cleaning the house, i would wake up to her singing. >> what would she sing? >> old songs, "amazing grace." then she'll play gospel music.
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old blues singer. and just waking up to that. then my whole family would get together, my grandfather had 12 kids. >> wow. here is the thing, the biggest question, can you replicate that song that you did in the evening, can you do it in the morning? >> how about in ten minutes? >> let's do it. >> let's do it. we'll have a live performance by him ten minutes from right now here on the program. thank you very much for your service. >> thank you. >> put down that remote. he's coming back. >> cardinals still have two more games. >> i'm a red sox girl, but you're okay with me. >> sorry. >> no bottle opener, no problems. just call in a chopper to open your brewsky. >> what do these three people have in common? they were all canned for speaking out against the president. so why are they gone, but people like kathleen sebelius and eric holder still have their jobs? we're going to talk about that
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because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. it's time for quick headlines. the navy destroyer in the water and it looks like nothing you've ever seen before. it's the new design. it also has a wave piercing call. the ship will be delivered to the navy in 2015. and check out this awesome video. pilots in china skills to the test. an unusual helicopter tournament, the object of the game, well, pop the top off that bottle of beer. the winner had to open the most bottles in eight minutes. the champ did three. steve, how many can you open?
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>> with my chopper or my chop pers? meanwhile, people all across the country have been e-mailing us asking how health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius has been allowed to keep her job despite the botched rollout of the obamacare web site. despite that disaster, she's still being praised. >> thank you, all of you for the great work you're doing and thank you, kathleen sebelius, for the outstanding work she's doing making sure that millions of americans can get health insurance. >> or could they? scotty hughes is the news director for the tea party news network. she joins us live today. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> a lot of people are going, what exactly does it take to get fired by this administration? we've got a graphic of some people who have famously left the administration, including recently a guy who actually -- screen left -- that's the guy who had the fake twitter, he got fired. >> yes. he was in the national security
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department and he had a supposed anonymous twitter account that wrote some comments about republicans and democrats, except he went a little too far when he said that #obama in three words has an explicit staff. >> so he got fired because of the twitter and bath mouthed the boss. >> that's what it takes. >> you also saw stanley mccrystal. >> another great example. 2010 interview in rolling stone, where supposedly he took a dig at the president. but he still considers himself to be completely loyal from it. that runs into general petraeus because you know in washington, you get fired when you have extramarital affairs, not really. but for some reason, he was pushed into resignation. a lot of people think benghazi was going on at the same time. >> you could be right and there was an election coming. and the president says he didn't know that his f.b.i. was investigating his head of the c.i.a. >> the president doesn't know a lot of things. here is my theory, i think that actually every single --
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considering the president played 176 rounds of golf, every single one of the president's caddy needs to sign up -- cabinet needs to sign up to be a caddy. >> these are three people who you say should be fired, but haven't been fired. they include, of course, kathleen sebelius, screen right. got eric holder in the middle. and susan rice famously on the left who said that benghazi was all about that video. >> we all know what the three of them have done. instead of being terminated, they're being promoted. joe biden is sweating because the more she does, the more she's promoted. in this case, i think the d's hire the f's. literally the president is surrounding himself that he can reliability on. they take the brunt. he still looks good. >> you're saying the president hired f-troop there at the white house? >> literally people not
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qualified for the job. if he wanted obamacare to look good, he would have gone back to a former governor who ran a health care system. >> i was thinking mitt romney. >> that didn't go so well. but in tennessee, you can sit there and go call up his friends in facebook. there is a lot of friends. instead, he we want for a woman who had no private business success. >> she is a news director, tea party news network, thank you very much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> ten minutes before the top of the hour. it's a patriotic performance that's going to give you goose bumps. ♪ god less america ♪ my home sweet home >> we just introduced you to that navy vet. now he's become to perform live. good morning, sir. you're next ng rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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we got a live performance of "god bless america" in a moment. but first let's check in with martha mccallum for what happens in eight minutes. >> she might sing her promo. >> watch capitol hill this morning because congressman fred upton will be the chair and he previews with us before he heads in there about the government now on the hot seat about the web site. and jose baez, attorney for casey anthony, representing a girl accused of bullying a friend until she jumped from a water tower. he's getting some heat from the sheriff. he's going to be here live. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour. >> thanks. his performance of "god bless america" wowed a world series crowd and now he's here to
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perform for us now. retired petty officer first class general wilson. >> let her rip. ♪ god bless america ♪ land that i love ♪ stand beside her and guide her ♪ ♪ through the night with the light from above ♪ ♪ from the mountain to the prairies ♪ ♪ to the ocean white with foam ♪ god bless america ♪ my home sweet home
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♪ we asked you to send in pictures of your pumpkin creations and you did. becky sent in this, her little pumpkin right here. how cute is that? >> adorable. barb e-mailed this picture of her great pumpkin. >> wow. >> there is some "duck dynasty" pumpkins.
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>> i heard me released their christmas album available. >> and there is a cookbook coming out. >> we've got one more. this "hunger games" inspired. >> creative. >> raquel wrote in. seattle seahawks fan sent in a picture of her two creations, the seahawks won a barn burner last night 14-10. >> fantastic. tomorrow melissa jones ha are, t will be joining us live. that is not her. that was the pumpkin that elisabeth carved. >> that is my my red sox pumpki. >> we got two more games, you got to win both. >> you were fantastic. tell us what you do right now for veterans. >> i'm a human resource specialist for the department of veteran affairs in st. louis, missouri. >> fantastic. >> really nice job. >> thank you very much for your service. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming out to sing. >> that was beautiful.
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>> usa! is what i'll say. we'll talk after the game. >> allall right. log on for our after the show show. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow, same time, same channel. bill: we've got a hot morning here. good morning, everybody. fox news alert. did the white house knowingly mislead the american people? stunning new details showing that the administration knew as early as three years ago, that millions of americans would lose their health plans under obamacare this is unfolding by the hour. good morning, this is what we have this hour on "america's newsroom." martha: we have a lot. good morning, bill. good morning, everybody. i'm martha maccallum. these numbers are staggering. our own reporting shows that the white house knew 67% of the 14 million people who buy their own insurance can expect a cancellation letter in the mail. nbc news put that is number as high as 80%. that isor


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