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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  November 1, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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and varicose veins. heidi, that is more power to you. that is the last thing i would ever dress up on halloween. reality is scary enough. >> never look at her the same way. martha: "happening now" starts right now. bye-bye. jon: we begin with brand new stories and breaking news. jenna: the obamacare rollout worse than anyone thought apparently. embarrassingly low sign up numbers in one report. how the white house is explaining them. survivors of the benghazi terror attack preparing to break silence despite government best efforts to keep them quiet when we could hear their stories from the ground. the holiday shopping season is officially underway, november first, that is what happens, right? we'll explain why you could see the deepest discounts ever and before black friday even rolls around. it is all "happening now"
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jenna: some shocking new information this morning about how rough apparently the rollout of the obamacare exchanges really is as new documents show you could almost count the number of people who enrolled in the first day on one hand. again one report, but a stunning one at that. great to see you, everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: those numbers are unbelievable. i'm jon scott. for weeks the administration told us millions of people visited but they dodged all the questions how many people actually purchased polys. now administration documents show only six people managed to sign up for insurance policies on the first day of the exchanges. although the white house says these numbers are not official. and to add to the technical issues keeping people off the site, thousands are now getting letters in the mail telling them their current plans are canceled because of the arrival of obamacare. we have all remember the president selling the affordable care act to the american voters by saying, if they liked their insurance policy, they could keep it.
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listen. >> like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, period. if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. >> well now the president is trying to clarify that promise. here he is in boston on wednesday. >> if you had one of these substandard plans before the affordable care act became law and you really liked that plan, you are able to keep it. that's what i said when i was running for office. that was part of the promise we made. but ever since the law was passed, if insurers decided to downgrade or cancel these substandard plans, what we said under the law is, you have to replace them with quality comprehensive coverage because that too was a central premise of the affordable care act from the very beginning. jon: senior white house foreign affairs correspondent bowl goal is live outside the -- wendell
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goler is live outside the white house. wendell. >> reporter: as you heard the president say part of the reason for obamacare to get rid of what he called substandard insurance plans sold primarily on individual market which covers 5% of the country. though the president's focus back in 2009 seemed to be expanding health insurance coverage to people who didn't have any insurance, press secretary jay carney essentially says that it makes no essential to replace no insurance with inadequate health insurance. >> no hospitalization, no, you know, let's go back to where insurance companies could throw you off whenever they want. maybe slap a annual limit on you. or, a lifetime limit. exclude you if you have a preexisting condition. charge you double if you're a woman, like that's, you know the world prior to the affordable care act that there, they want to return to because there has been no alternative offered. >> reporter: but the president's critics say setting minimum
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standards for health care coverage is hardly in the spirit of his promise if you like your plan you can keep it. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell says some of the standards themselves are questionable. he read a letter from one of his constituents on the senate floor. >> he is not happy about this at all. especially given the fact that a plan on the obamacare exchanges will dramatically drive up his insurance costs from $400 a month to more than $700 a month with zero subsidies available. here's what he had to say. said my wife and i are 54. we don't need maternity care and we don't need obamacare. well, he's right to be upset. >> reporter: while it appears different members of congress have different opinions whether obamacare requires their staffers to switch from federal health insurance to the insurance exchanges.
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iowa senator chuck grassley said his goal were to make the exchanges were as good as federal insurance when he proposed amendment to force everyone to switch. the amendment says official staffers go into the exchanges and office of personal management ruled lawmakers can decide for themselves who is official and who's not. jon? jon: always seems to be carveouts for the politicians, wendell. see if you can get that straightened out for us, would you? thank you. wendell goler at the white house. jenna: speaking of politicians, house oversight and government reform committee released new details of only six people signing up on one day, that of course being day one, this after the committee obtained notes taken at an obama administration meeting about the problem-plagued obamacare when site. california congressman darrell issa chairs that committee. he judges us this morning. great to have you, jenna. >> thank you for covering these notes taken in the war room on the days this program was rolling out and failing. >> that is what we're hearing. that is the background from the
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notes. we're hearing from the administration they are not official numbers. they're waiting to give more accurate numbers to the public. what is your reaction to that? is this data worthless? >> jenna, it is november 1st. it is my birthday, a month since the rollout. let's understand something the president had $600 million, 100% control and notes taken in their war room say six the first day. later, on october 2nd it looked like they hit 100. the following day they had 248. 248 over two full days. and the numbers don't get better. and just yesterday, marilyn tavenner told us she doesn't have numbers. i'm sorry, but if you spend $600 million on your signature legislation and you have internal numbers and you're not willing to give external numbers, what you're doing is the kind of propaganda that this administration has done since day one. 4.7 million unique views. that is what they put out. they seem to get that number but couldn't get the number of
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enrollments when it was less than a thousand as the days rolled on. jenna: congressman -- >> the truth we don't know if the enrollments actually occurred. it could have been insiders playing test games. jenna: we're glad you're spending part of your birthday with us by the way. that is nice way to spend a party and your birthday this way. tell you what supporters of health care law say about this they point to the state of massachusetts, there's the model. the state of massachusetts during the first month signed up barely over 100 people. this is the same thing. what is your reaction to that? is it the same thing? is it just a slow rollout? >> well the state of massachusetts didn't throw off more people every day than were able to sign up. the state of massachusetts didn't spend $600 million and have 3 1/2 years to get this ready. and just, i think it was yesterday, the governor of vermont took action to delay at least a month the implementation. this is a very liberal democratic governor in a very liberal state saying this isn't
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ready. if the administration had been honest about the figures on day one, day two, day three, the truth is, we would have already had some sort of a reasonable time out to give an opportunity for the american people to properly judge cost benefit and hopefully, reverse this terrible trend of throwing people off health care plans that they liked, that did in fact cover them and costs less. that is something that is going on every day in america. jenna: other than repealing the law, do you have a solution to fix this? >> well there's a number of them, and one of the easiest ones, president and 8.2 federal workers are in something called fehbp. the president has it. vice president has it. secretary sebelius has it. but you know they won't make that available as one of the exchanges when in fact that exchange has the kinds of rules americans would like, not these new rules created under obamacare. jenna: congressman, are you spending rest of the day talking about health care, for the rest
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of your birthday day or is this it? a party? >> jenna, for the american people nothing is more important than getting things right in washington. affordable care, we're talking about 1/5 of our economy. certainly there are other important issues and we're working on those. we're having to subpoena documents, get documents from contractors because the secretary and the president won't cooperate, yeah, it will occupy a lot of my birthday but it is worthwhile for the american people. jenna: we understand that you subpoenaed those documents from the health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius. we look forward to checking back in with you. thanks for spending part of your day with us. >> thank you, jenna. jon: for more on the political fallout on all this, i'm joined by monica crowley a familiar face here and fox news contribute to, author of the what the bleep just happened. with us simon rosenberg, former clinton advisor and president and founder of ndn. simon, what about it?
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six people on the first day, at least according to those notes from the rollout in the war room there? is this, do you fear this is going to be damaging to either your president or your party? >> no because i think what will matter is where we are the at de again at the end of march, which are the two key periods for people signing up. i mean, look, if you look back at world series the red sox were losing after the third game 2-1. they came back to win. you can't take an early number like this and sort of extrapolate out. in fact the one example we do have as jenna said in massachusetts, very slow sign-ups in the first month. increased every month after. that is what we hope will happen the rollout of obamacare. jon: and, monica, the administration has said these are the early days and there is going to be a deadline coming up. most people, well, i'm certainly a procrastinator, they're saying that, most americans are going to wait to sign up until the deadline is actually here. >> well, we'll have to see but
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last weekend when "saturday night live" made fun of obamacare and mocked the obamacare website they actually joked that it was only set up to accommodate six people at a time and they pretty much nailed that, didn't they, jon? look, day one, month one, sort of like the opening of a movie where the opening weekend is so critical to the ultimate box office. this was supposed to be the time when the maximum number of people would be checking it out and enrolling and we just haven't seen it. and i think the big problem for the administration is, first of all, it is not really about the website. it is about the law and how bad the law actually is. when you go back to early days here as simon is talking about, this website is such a disaster. people can't get on it. they're timing out. errors are all over the place. this week we heard about security issues with this, exposing potentially millions of americans to identity theft and fraud and god knows what else, if enough people felt burned by this website the likelihood they will go back and try it again is minimal.
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>> so i want to play a bit of the sound bite from marilyn tavenner's testimony in front of congress on wednesday, get your reaction. listen. >> sure. >> no one in the entire obama administration has asked you not to release those numbers? >> we have made a group, we made the decision that we were not releasing the numbers till mid-november. >> but then you don't know, you have no idea what those numbers are at this point? >> told you we release the numbers in mid-november. >> i take that as you don't want to answer the question. jon: what about it, simon? they had some numbers. they just don't want to talk about them yet. >> i don't think it is any secret this rollout hasn't gone particularly well and there have been problems with the website and movement of data around. i think they're taking, i think they're doing the right thing now, which is they're not putting out partial numbers and not putting itout stuff and say we screwed this up later.
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they're cautious and coming out in mid-november and releasing them every month afterwards, i think that is reasonable, given the trouble that has happened. that is reasonable path forward. we'll know a lot more in two weeks, jon. jon: they need seven to nine million healthy young americans to sign up? is that the number, monica? they're about a millionth of the way there. o. >> that is the target number they themselves laid out. remember the critical component to this, so many of those seven million are the young and healthy types they need to get into the system to uphold the whole system. if you're only enrolling six the first day and 250 by day three, i wonder how many are young and healthy? sort of moot any way because if the numbers remain low, which i suspect they will, they will never have this thing working. it will implode on itself. jon: we're only two weeks from mid-november when we get the official, official numbers. so we'll look forward to seeing those. monica crowley, simon rosenberg.
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>> thanks, jon. jenna: we'll watch "saturday night live" and announce the numbers. maybe they had the scoop all along. jon: they have been right so far. jenna: we'll see and watch for that. meantime we have a lot of other news to get to today. more details about the benghazi terror attack could soon surface as eyewitnesses prepare to talk to house lawmakers even as the government tries to intervene. how soon could we hear these survivors stories? and do you have a question about obamacare. it has been quite a week, right? we have a couple experts to answer your questions. tweet us @happeningnow or email us, happening we'll get back to your questions after a quick commercial break. ! ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute!
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jenna: new information on the investigation into the benghazi terror attacks. fox news learning three
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survivors will meet with congressional lawmakers behind closed doors later this month. the house oversight committee speaking to several witnesses despite the justice department attempts to block access to those with first-hand knowledge about the assault that left four americans dead. our chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is live in washington with more. >> reporter: thank you, jenna and good morning. three sources tell fox news that the cia contractors are expected to testify live before a house committee, we believe the house intelligence committee, week of november 11th and they were providing security to the annex and case officers. of the this morning a republican on house oversight committee, this committee held the lion's shares of public hearings into benghazi criticized the delays. >> memories don't get better. evidence doesn't get better. crime scenes don't get better with time. we should have had access to the witnesses months and months ago. now is better than never. three will not cut it. i want access to everyone who has first-hand knowledge and
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we'll go wherever the faxes take us. >> reporter: after ambassador chris stevens, foreign service officer, sean might and navy seal officers, tyrone smith and glen doherty were killed they wanted to question survivors within 4hours after the attack. survivors were evacuated from benghazi to an american airbase in germany and questioned about the assault. republicans want access to the transcript because they believe it will be shown that immediately it was known to the fbi it was a terrorist attack. with at least three cia contractors writing a book on benghazi, there are questions whether they withheld information during that initial questioning n a recent interview the chairman of the house intelligence committee confirmed to fox news a handful of the contractors were refusing to appear before his committee and subpoenas were an option. >> they're represented by counsel. we're going through negotiations with counsel. i will lose my patience at some point. they will have to come testify. now either you come voluntarily or come with a subpoena.
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>> reporter: rogers also told fox news based on the accounts so far he said all roads lead to the state department and failure at the state department to accept the deteriorating security conditions on the ground, jenna. jenna: more on the story as always as it continues to develop. catherine. thank you. jon: and from nsa spying to huge problems with the health care website. the president, pleading ignorance but his go-to explanation that he just didn't know could impact his legacy. we will take that up. and do you have questions, we have answers. our panel is joining us to clear up some of the confusion surrounding obamacare. tweet your questions to us @happeningnow or email them to
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jenna: right now some new information on a few stories we're watching around the world today. supporters of egyptian ousted president mohammed morsi. he was ousted on charges of inciting murder. we told you about sophisticated border tunnel between san diego and tijuana. we have video of the tunnel that might have been used to smuggle drugs from the united to the und states from mexico. we have the video of the lantern festival. jon: president obama coming under intense criticism in recent stays for pleading ignorance to a couple major controversies slamming his administration. as peter baker explains it in the opinion pages of "the new york times," president obama finds himself under fire these days both for the botched rollout of his signature health
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care program and secret spying on allied heads of state. in both instances his explanation roughly boils down to this, i didn't know. and scott wilson is calling him out in the "washington post", quote, nearly a year into his second-term president obama has yesterday yet to master the management information in his administration that failure left him knowing too little at times about the issues that matter most to his legacy. let's talk about it with judith miller, pulitzer prize-winning investigate to have author and kirsten power, columnist for "the daily beast." both fox news contributors. both of those newspapers, "new york times" and "washington post", kirsten, have been generally supportive of the president. they both came out with similar pieces on the same day. what does that say about the media treating this president now? >> there has been a lot of criticism in particular over the obamacare website and it still
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hasn't really been explained how it is possible that the president didn't know what was going on considering there has been a lot of good reporting about how they knew in advance that the website wasn't working. even in the weeks leading up, months leading up as they would test it wouldn't function properly. either the president isn't asking questions, such as, can the website handle, you know, all the people that will be logging on? or, he asks the question and somebody lied to him. i think what is noteworthy in these situations nobody gets fired. so that means either the president was lied to and he doesn't fire somebody or the president doesn't care that nobody flagged it for him. i think that is a real problem because he should be very angry that people weren't warning him about these things. that he could have possibly headed off. >> judy, the "investors business daily" had a similar piece this week. they ended with this question. can we really trust a leader who so so utterly clueless what is
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happening right under his nose? how are they answering that at the white house? >> that is the charitable interpretation of this utterly preposterous explanation that he didn't know. he didn't know about this. he didn't know about the obamacare rollout. he didn't know about "fast & furious," about benghazi. about the scope of justice department targeting of leak investigation that is included journalists. don't know, he doesn't know whenever it is convenient not to know. it took a german newspaper to raise the ugly question is it possible how he didn't know? of course he knew. in fact they reported keith alexander, the head of the nsa at least on the spying scandal had briefed the president about this two years ago. so you know i think it's, of course the president wants plausible deniability, but in this case, i think the decision to say, i didn't know, makes him either look clueless, or irresponsible, or a man who simply has insufficient interest in the job we pay him to do. i don't think it is working to
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his advantage. i think they just ought to stop it. jon: kirsten, think back to the reagan administration. when ronald reagan was president, the media were all over him, especially in the latter years, you know suggesting that that this was a president who was, you know, totally uninvolved in his own administration. didn't know about this kind of thing or that kind of thing. i mean, are the media really giving an honest, critical assessment of what is going on in this white house? >> i think they are think they n the past. i think that he has gotten passes on a lot of different things, in particular benghazi. now we have a "60 minutes" report out that is, i think showing that a lot of the reporting that was done by fox news was correct and by handful of other people including cheryl atkinson at cbs news was correct and completely poo-pooed by the mainstream media. so he has gotten a pass on a lot of things and people have accepted his stories like on benghazi, when we still don't, we still don't know where the
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president was the night of gauze guard and reporters seem to be okay with that for the most part. so, but i think on something like the obamacare rollout that everybody, most of liberal reporters were really bought into you have to remember. so to have that not rollout the way it was supposed to. so to have the president so disengaged is a bit of betrayal i think. jon: he has three years left in his term, judy. are the media going to continue to pursue this line of questioning? or will he get a pass? >> well i hope so. i hope the mainstream media have kind of woken up and realized on many occasions they have just been lied to, or they have been misled or given partial information. the administration's response saying that the president doesn't know and he is shocked, shocked to learn there is gambling in this establishment, on top of everything else, he is paid to know and his people, as kirsten pointed out have not been held accountable for these
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enormous screw ups. someone at some point has to say, the buck stops at his desk. that is the media's job. fox has been doing it and has been denounced for doing it. now i think the rest of the media are beginning to give us a little bit of company. jon: judy miller, kirsten powers, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. jenna: well today we're learning that early reports show only six americans signed up for insurance the day the obamacare health exchanges went online. so many of you have questions about what these massive changes mean for your families. we want to provide answers for you today. our panel breaks it down and will answer some questions you've been sending. you join us after the break. we'll have those for you. dangerous weather for folks in some part of the country. a gray rainy day outside "happening now" studios just before the marathon this weekend of the we can't forget that is happening. maria molina is in the fox extreme weather center with your foxcasts next.
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jenna: still to come this hour, obamacare and what it really means to you and your family. beyond the politics and partisanship, our panel takes questions about health care in a few moments. nasa scientists make amazing
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discovery. could it be the new home away from home? we'll look at that. boat sales are booming after sinking during the recession. what it means for the recovery. a live report just ahead. jon: dangerous weather around the country including severe storms and flooding near houston, texas. heavy rain dumped on that area yesterday, submerging some streets under three feet of water. in northeastern arkansas, halloween storms devastating homes and businesses, leaving hundreds without power. and in western indiana, an apartment building roof collapses under sheets of rain, forcing nearly 100 people out into the street. meteorologist maria molina is live in the fox extreme weather center. what is going on today, maria? >> hi, jon. talk about scary, so we had severe weather for halloween for some states around the country from texas to upper parts of the midwest. also we had to deal with flooding. i want to show you exactly how much rain we saw yesterday. this is short amount of time
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across parts of eastern texas. many areas picked up over eight inches of rain across eastern texas. parts of the city of tyler and right around the city of austin, a very populated city, austin, getting more than eight inches of rain. this is short amount of tile. that is why we had to deal with all the flooding across texas. the storm moved eastward. this is pretty quick mover. doesn't have a lost heavy rain associated with it. a how many of thunderstorms across sections of the northeast. rain amounts are not too bad. we're concerned with the amount of win across parts of the northeast. we have a number of advisories in effect and several high wind warnings. we're talking wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour. this is causing all kinds of headaches traveling in and out of the airports. i want to read you travel delays we're dealing with right now. philly international more than an hour delay on average. looking at average of hour delay at new york international and same for laguardia. very big airport hubs here in
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the northeast, dealing with delays averaging over an hour. temperatures to the east of this storm system are very mild, well above average. it will be3 today in new york city. you're in the 70s as well in philadelphia. much keep in mind it is november 1st. in washington, d.c. you will get a degree shy of 80 degrees. it will be much cooler as we head into the weekend across the northeast. by sunday, new york city, high temperature just 48 degrees. 35 for the high in binghamton. only 50 degrees for your high temperature coming up on sunday in philadelphia. it is getting a lot cooler, jon. for the new york city marathon weather looks dry but nice and chilly. >> they would rather run in 48 than 73, i understand. i'm not a marathon runner. jenna is. jenna: i can confirm that. jon: there you go. maria, thank you. jenna: the health insurance exchange rollout and affordable care act as a whole, so much what we hear is part of this big political battle.
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a lot of partisan one-upmanship. you've seen this. this comes down to you, your family and type of care we hope to receive. what it means when you need to see a doctor? how much will it cost when you have to go to the hospital. it's a huge deal for the country as a whole. the health care industry represents nearly 1/6 of the entire economy. we want to take time out here and answer your questions to our great panel. we have director of health policy studies at cato institute. we have igor volsky. great, to have you here, gentlemen. i'm in awe of our viewers. they have amazing questions. this is round one. you will be back next hour in case we don't get all of them. igor, let me start with you. he asks this, having better insurance make sure our doctors or our hospitals will provide better health care? what would you say to mike? >> mike, very good question. it is one thing to have
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insurance and that's important but really the key to keeping costs low is making sure you have efficient health care. so that is why the health law really has a lost incentives to make sure doctors are coordinating care, that they're providing better care and rewarded for that. so it is really kind of a two-part game. on the other hand you want to give everyone insurance and on the other you want to make sure the care they get is effective, quality care that mon can buy. jenna: mike, is there quality control system that to insure we get taken care of better? >> no. what you look at what is better care or better coverage you have to ask that from the perspective of the consumer and we know from studies like the rand health insurance, that anything more than a basic level of coverage doesn't improve health. so, for the president to say, oh, you're getting better health care because you're getting more comprehensive coverage is not accurate. you already have consumers who
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are buying the amount of coverage they think they want, for their perspective, is the right amount. they have turned down the opportunity to buy more coverage because they don't want to pay the added premiums. and the president is forcing them to give up their current plans and buy more coverage which from their perspective is not better coverage but worse coverage. >> but, jenna, the whole nature of health insurance you don't know what disease you will develop down the road. you don't know what kind of care you're going to need. so you got to make sure if you develop cancer or something else all of those services are covered. you don't buy health insurance to remain healthy. you buy health insurance in case you're sick and need the coverage when you do. >> we're not talking about excluding canser around president mandating coverage. >> we are, mike, on the plans are excluded. >> instead of hypotheticals, take it on a real life level. igor, if someone is going to family doctor for 10 years and find out that their health insurance is changing and the doctor is not accepting
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insurance anymore are they out of luck staying with their doctor and getting care they like and potentially have to go to a doctor where the care is good? >> i don't know. that will depend on that individual case but i think the fact is for the overwhelming majority of people who get health care through health insurance, through their employer, nothing changes. when we talk about the -- >> that is false. that is flat-out false. >> individual market, jenna -- jenna: brings in a great distinction between the individual market where a lot of the debate is going on and a also market where you getting your health care through your employer. those are kind of two different things. we'll get a little bit more into that. mike, take a stab at this question though. sherry had a great question. if a person get as raise in middle of year will they have to repay subsidies they qualified for at beginning when shopping for health care through the exchanges. >> first if i respond to igor, patently false claim. jenna: respond to this, mike, if you could.
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>> could you repeat the question? jenna: sure. people are shopping on exchanges now and they realize they qualify for subsidies, what happens if in the middle. year they end up earning more money? do they not qualify for subsidies or how does that work? >> they will owe the government a lot more money because they claw back subsidies if you underreported or underprojected your earnings for that year. but, igor, you should be embarassed to make that claim nothing changes for the vast majority of people with employers sponsored health insurance. the obama administration has said things will change for the majority of people with employer sponsored -- >> michael you've been studying health care for a long time. you noem employers change policies year to year all the time. that is fluid nature of the market. >> at their discretion. at their discretion. jenna: you're growing to be back next hour. so we can continue this. igor, a quick question from larry, what if my insurance is canceled and website glitches continue until january 1st,
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i'm at hospital, i don't have insurance, what happens to the bill? >> larry i encourage you to go to the navigators in your hometown to call the numb per president gave. sign up that way. hopefully website will be fixed by end of the november it will be important to get coverage, if you end up in the hospital you don't go bankrupt from kind 6 expensive care that, as people have for years, now, you got to make sure you have coverage, so you can afford care. jenna: you guys will be back. hang tight. we have a lot more questions coming. great to have you both. we'll introduce a new person into the panel next hour so it will get really exciting. thanks to you both. jon: even experts disagree about all this. nasa scientists discover a distant planet that reminds them a lot like ours. why they are calling this planet, a second earth. plus good news, shoppers. halloween is barely behind us and retailers already are pushing some amazing holiday deals. the latest on why some experts say this could be the most competitive holiday season for
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stores in years. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. (dad) just feather it out.s... (son) ok. feather it out. (dad) all right. that's ok. (dad) put it in cond, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) st like i showed you. dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car! (dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (d) put your blinker on. (son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat!
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(mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband. (dad) you guys are doing a great job. seriously. (announcer) love a car that lasts. love. it's what makes subaru, a subaru.
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jenna: new next hour, our legal panel breaks down the latest testimony from the trial of a utah doctor accused killing his wife with a lethal cocktail of prescription drugs. we'll keep up with that. growing controversy in new york city over the area's first major natural gas pipeline in decades. why some city residents oppose it. what it could mean for the new york city economy. israeli warplanes target israel and what it could mean -- target syria and what it could mean for the civil war. jon: we're barely past halloween and major retail remembers looking to boost holiday seas offering black friday deals today! fox business network's liz
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macdonald is here. why the risch to start everything so early, liz? >> i know. many people haven't digested their halloween candy and getting hit with holiday deals. here is what is going on. this is one of the shortest holiday shopping seasons in years. there are six fewer shopping days between thanksgiving and christmas this year. companies like walmart, toys 'r us, macy's target, doing intense promotions even starting back in september, jon. jon: well i guess the question always is though, on my mind at least, if you go shopping now on one of these deals, is it possible the deal will get better if you wait two or three weeks? >> i was talking to one analyst, holiday shopping, many consumers feel they have to gear up for a small military battle to get the deals that they want in the stores. and this is the key. those door buster deals may be gone by the time thaw get into the store. so you can still get really sweet deals online or ahead of
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time at these stores. in other words, and the other thing too is analysts are saying if you wait until the last minute you may not get the deal you want and go ahead and spend more money on something you doesn't want. we're seeing, for example, walmart is pitching a jcc 42-inch screen tv for less than 300 bucks. you will see cheap ipads for as low as 79, excuse me, tablets, as low as about 80 bucks and xboxs for as low as $179. jcpenney is jumping in with intense discount you. this is one of the weakest shopping season we'll see since 2008 and 2009. that is according to morgan stanley. that is why the retailers are out in force right now promoting these discounted holiday shopping deals a month early, you know, than black friday or cyber monday. jon: get them in the door and try to persuade them to open their pocketbookses. >> reporter: that's right. jon: liz, thanks very much. >> reporter: sure. jenna: admittedly it works for
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me. that's true. with the economy. nasa said they made a big discovery. kepler telescope found the first earth-sized rocky planet 400 light years away. it is called -- jon: kepler 28 i think. jenna: not write an original name, is it? kepler 78-d actually. scientists believe the planet is make of rock and iron and doesn't likely support life. and hit as star every eight hours and researchers say it is a giant fireball in space. some are suggesting it would be our twin, our twin planet somewhere far away. jon: take your own marshmellows. they roast automatically. there are new signs that boating is booming in the united states. phil keating is live at the international boat show in fort lauderdale. phil? >> reporter: jon, this is the place to be in south florida
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this weekend. every year, 38% of americans get on a boat. if you have got the money, well here's a $40 million super yacht. comes with its own helicopter. coming up after the break, i will tell you why boat manufacturers are so happy these days.
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are ending soon the mattress price wars are ending soon at sleep train. we've challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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jenna: right now potentially another sign the u.s. economy is recovering. new boat sales are on the rise. great recession certainly sank boat sales nearly 30% in 2010. once again the boating economy is rideing a wave and manufacturing orders are way up. phil keating taking a closer look at this all on the fort lauderdale international boat show. not a bad assignment, phil? >> not bad, jenna. ahoy. optimism is high at the boat show this year because better than 2010's rock bottom of the great recession, right now
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consumer confidence as far as the $35 billion a year nationwide boat economy is booming. it is hard to find a boat manufacturer or a distributor of boats or anything in the marine scene who is not happy right now, making money, expectation is high. florida has close to 200 boat manufacturers in the state. that is more than any other. now a deep impact, where they build three sizes of go fast boats. they tell me that orders right now can not be filled until well into next year. they are that backed up. demand is that good. and their boats are called go fast for a darn good reason. we went 72 miles an hour with them on biscayne bay which i highly recommend for anybody who has the opportunity. >> whole another thing, man. it is like business is booming now. you know the excitement's back. people are more confident about what is happening. two or three years ago it wasn't happening like that. people were not thinking about spending 250, 300, 400, 500
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grand on a boat. it wasn't happening. >> reporter: feretti group sell seven different lines of boat. they have some that go for a million dollars. some are buying million dollar boats with cash. inside the yachts, dreams there, they are amazed just walking through them. according to the national marine manufacturers association, america has 11 million boats in use. 38% of all americans boat at least once a year. 93% of all boats sold in the u.s. are made in the u.s. 76% of boat owners make under 100 grand a year. you don't have to be rich to get into it but if you want the $40 million, westport, which comes for an extra, a helicopter, you want to be in the top 1%. jenna: i do like the helicopter, phil. thank you. a great look, thank you. >> reporter: thank you. jon: the utah doctor accused of killing his wife to carry on an affair with his mistress is back
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in court this morning. dramatic new testimony with all the latest developments in the martin mcneil murder trial. we'll have that for you just ahead. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. she loves to shop online with her debit card.
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jon: right now brand new stories and breaking news. thousands of americans losing their health care coverage because of obamacare. one "wall street journal" editorial writer says that's by design. we'll ask him about that. plus, new details after a senior administration official confirms to fox news israeli war planes struck a target at this port city in syria. we'll get a live report from our mideast bureau. and former cell mates of martin macneill testify that the utah doctor told them he was glad his wife was dead. will the jury deciding his murder trial believe them? our legal panel weighs in, and it's all "happening now." ♪ ♪
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jenna: well, "happening now," just after noon on the east coast. we're awaiting new reaction from the white house now that documents are out showing only six people signed p for obamacare on its very first day. hi, everybody, great to see you on this friday, i'm jenna lee. jon: the weekend is here, i'm jon scott. welcome to the second hour of "happening now." the documents are internal white house notes released by a house committee. that number far fewer than the millions of enrollees ultimately needed to make the health care law a success. will they sign up? chief white house correspondent ed henry live at the white house. so we have these early numbers. is the administration still saying they will not release the official numbers til mid november? is. >> reporter: that's right, jon. so far they have not done that, but they've promised us that after the first month of enrollment they would release numbers. we're obviously, now, at the end of the first month, and the question is do they release them today or some point next week? because they've been telling us they still have information pouring in from call centers and
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various different sources. given all the web site problems, obviously, it's going to be difficult in the early days here for them to come up with the real number. so far those notes, which were actually from the department of health and human services, give us an early look with only six people signing up on day one. that adds to the embarrassment for this administration from this rollout. these notes, of course, released by a republican critic of the administration, darrell issa, who had this to say. >> marilyn tavenner told us she doesn't have numbers. i'm sorry, but if you spend $600 million on your signature legislation and you have internal numbers and you're not willing to give external numbers, what you're doing is the kind of propaganda that this administration has done since day one. >> reporter: bottom line is a lot of pressure had been on this white house even before this latest revelation, of course. they're under pressure to get the web site fixed by the end of november as they've promised, they're under pressure to get millions of people to actually enroll in the program so they
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can fund it, all of that pressure now building as we look at these early numbers that suggest things not going well at all, jon. jon: yeah. so those early numbers again out of health and human services, only six people enrolled on day one according to the notes. what does the white house have to say about that? >> reporter: the bottom line from the administration's standpoint, in fairness, they say, look, in early days you just have people shopping around, they're not making decisions. they're seeing the numbers increasing, and obviously, because of their own mistakes with the web site, that slowed down enrollment as well. so their hope inside the administration, of course, is as they get the web site fixed, these numbers are going to come back up. here's a statement we received from a spokeswoman at the health and human services department, quote:
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>> r eporter: so, again, you've got all of this. you've got the federal exchange, some individual states with their own exchanges, they've got numbers coming in. but interesting it was on "saturday night live" last weekend that had this spoof of the whole computer problem issue, and they said at one point during the spoof, we should stress, that the good news is millions of people are logging on, the bad news is we only tested it for having six people on at once. they used that number, six. it turned out to be kind of an ironic number to pick. jon: yeah. very embarrassing for the white house, at least to this point. ed henry, thank you. jenna: well, one big issue with obamacare is americans are losing their current insurance coverage. we reported that thousands of people are getting cancellation notices because their plans don't conform to some of the new rules and regulations. the white house will take issue with saying they're losing their coverage and would rather say they're being moved to better plans. the editorial board of the "wall street journal" put out a scat editorial suggesting americans are losing their coverage by political design, and here was the accusation.
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quote: for all of the affordable care act's technical problems, at least one part is working on schedule, the law is systematically dismantling the individual insurance market. as its architects intended from the start. heavy accusation there. joseph rago is an editorial board member of the "wall street journal," and this is something that a lot of our viewers will hear about and have heard about over the last week or so. this is by design, this is for a single-payer health care system. why do you believe that? >> look, i don't think it's necessarily for a single-payer health care system, but you've got the president coming out, leading democrats coming out and saying, of course, we were trying to do this. these are substandard policies, these are -- this is terrible coverage, and people are getting transitioned to a better policy. so i think even as liberals coming out and saying, well, of course this is what we intended all along. jenna: is that a bad thing? i mean, if the policies do provide better coverage than the
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ones that consumers were opting for, you know, liberals would say that is good, that's great for the consumer. >> well, look, what you have in the individual market today is a very wide variety of choices, a lot of different prices, different levels of benefits, and people are choosing the level that meets their own needs and preferences. what you have is hhs and the administration coming in here and reviewing their choices and finding them wanting, saying you need to move to more expensive coverage, more comprehensive benefits. and, you know, if this were or intentional, what they could is, well, you know, you've made your choice, now we're offering you a better policy, we're giving you subsidies for it. you can take that or leave that. they're not doing that. they're systematically wiping out this market because it doesn't conform to their goals. jenna: so, ultimately, what do you think is the goal? >> i think the goal is to stuff as many people into the exchanges as possible, get them off the ground. as the president said this week,
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grind it out. they need these people in the exchanges to finance it and for reasons of political control. jenna: as far as the gop side of this, all the critics of the obamacare web site, conservative or moderate, the obamacare system overall, the solution thus far has been to repeal the law. that has not worked. we've seen that several times. do you think the go to p needs to offer -- gop needs to offer a solution at this point? when should the gop step in and say this is what we're seeing, this is how we can improve it, or here's a solution that maybe isn't repealing the law, but doing something else? >> right. i mean, i think they should have been doing that years ago. they really haven't put out a genuine reform alternative, but this is a great moment for them to do it. here's all kinds of people losing their choices, losing the freedom to select their own coverage, and reforms that actually increase choice, actually increase competition. people might be more receptive to those now that they're seeing
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the result of the regulations that republicans oppose. jenna: just real quick, could you give us an example of one of those things? shopping in different exchanges in different states, for example? what would a potential reform even look like at this point? >> right. i think right now reform is looking more like a deregulatory project where you increase choices and competition. i think you need to provide a universal tax credit, flat to all consumers so they have choices outside of their workplace, for example. but right now it's really moving away from third party payer to more individual choice. jenna: we're going to get more into that because, again, there's a little bit of a discrepancy, maybe not even a little bit, between the individual market and the market you can shop or -- or you can't shop for when you get your health care through your employer. so the difference in that is important, and we're going to tackle that with our possible that you're going to -- with our panel that you're going to join.
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we'll see you in a few minutes. >> thanks for having me. jon: there's a i new perspective on the hard. reality of the -- hard. reality. everyday americans are seeing those insurance policies that they had canceled and sky-high premiums for a variety of reasons. many say all they can do now is hope for the best. josh roberts live from our -- john roberts live from our atlanta bureau with that. >> reporter: good afternoon to you. let's just say at the top that there have been people who have been helped by obamacare and the new exchanges, no question about that. but the unintended consequences of the changes brought about by obamacare are hurting an awful lot of people. take betsy tatter, for example, an administrator in illinois. she recently got notification that her health care policy -- the one that she currently has -- is being canceled because it does not include obamacare-mandated maternity coverage. she's 52. her son is 24. she doesn't need maternity coverage. she went on the health care exchange to get back a similar
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plan to what she had. premiums will double. if she wants to stay within the premium window, her out of pocket expenses will skyrocket. she says she can't afford either option, so she has no choice but to let her coverage lapse, pay the penalty and roll the dice with her family's health care. >> my federal tax dollars will fund president obama's insurance plan, but yet he's going to fine me and penalize me for something that i can't afford to buy. it makes me very angry. >> reporter: she is very hot under the collar, no question about that. now, because of obamacare she has been able to keep her adult son -- he's now 24 years old -- on her insurance policy. but she says as of january the 1st no one in her family will have health care, jon. jon: what about the problems with higher out-of-pocket expenses? we're not hearing a lot about that. >> reporter: yeah. we've been hearing mostly about premiums and how much people's premiums will increase or whether or not obamacare will actually bring people's premiums
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down. let's take another example we found in the state of illinois, stephen curry is a benefits analyst, he's also a financial planner. he got notification that his current health care plan -- which is a good one, very comprehensive one -- is going to be canceled. his current out--pocket maximums are $3,000. above $3,000 the insurance pays for all the expenses. to keep his premium within the current ballpark when he goes out to find a new plan, those maximums are going to rise to $12,000. and he says he's hearing a lot of the same from his clients. >> i was very happy with the plan. and i think a lot of the people that we actually sold policy to had very good plans as well, and i've been getting a lot of phone calls saying what do i do now? the premiums and the out of pockets are going up. >> reporter: here's another contrast if all of this, both curry and tatter make too much money to qualify for subsidies, but in tatter's case at least she makes too much for the subsidies but not enough to
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afford health care insurance. caught between a rock and a hard place. jon: john roberts in atlanta, thank you. jenna: and all sorts of examples. there's the people that are being helped by this, the people that are getting hurt by it, and we know that there's a lot of confusion and questions about the law, so we want to know what your questions are. tweet them to us, the handle here on your screen is @"happening now," we're going to take all your questions, you can also send us an e-mail telling us what you would like to know. our panel will answer as many of them as we can at the bottom of the hour, so around 12:30 eastern time. we look forward to hearing from you. also deep cuts to the country's food stamps program go into effect today. what it means for millions who rely on them. also some new testimony in the trial of a utah doctor accused of killing his wife. >> if you were to learn that the defendant here had told somebody or others that he had drugged up michele macneill and convinced
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her to get into the tub and held her down for a little bit and it caused her death, would that scenario be consistent with how michele macneill may have died here? >> yes. certainly, it's possible. [ male announcer ] this is brad. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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jon: speaking of funding that was allocated to the federal food stamp program, it expires today. that means some 48 million food stamp recipients will see their benefits significantly reduced. as the largest anti-hunger program in the country today experiences cuts, members of the senate and house farm bill conference committee are debating future cuts leaving many anti-poverty groups warning millions of americans will be left vulnerable. jenna: well, "happening now," some new details on israeli
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aircraft carrying out a strike near a syrian coastal city. obama administration officials say their targets were russian-made missiles heading for hezbollah fighters. leland vittert is live from jerusalem with more on this story. leland? >> reporter: jenna, the israelis have long said that they will act to prevent any type of sophisticated weapon systems moving from syria down to syria's friends in lebanon, namely the militant group hezbollah. the location of this air strike, the syrian port city, one of the real regime strongholds there in syria, tells us about what likely was involved. they were trying to hit surface-to-air missiles that if they were transferred to hezbollah, would give that lebanese group the real ability to go after israeli planes over the skies of lebanon, something the israelis have acted before to prevent. a number of strikes over the past few months here against these syrian locations to try and prevent those missile transfers. what really has the israelis
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irked here is that they never talk about these strikes as they have happened. however, now this is the third time the united states has been the one to confirm that the israelis were behind these kinds of explosions. the israelis have a policy of ambiguity, they say i that it makes it less likely for the syrians to retaliate, also they say they don't really have a side here in the syrian civil war, they're most interested in preventing either side from getting stronger. just to give you an idea how angry the israelis are about this leak from the united states, front page of the major daily newspaper here, israel to the united states: you are hurting us is the rough translation from the hebrew here. inside one of the columnists said our american friends have essentially sold us out. jenna, back to you. jenna: powerful words there, leland, thank you. jon: and some dramatic new testimony in the murder trial of a utah doctor accused of killing his own wife. he says she died of natural causes, but his own daughters say they believe he's guilty. the latest from that utah courtroom.
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are ending soon the mattress price wars are ending soon at sleep train. we've challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing,
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plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ jenna: right now a utah doctor is black in court accused -- back in court accused of killing his wife. his defense team insists that his wife died of natural causes. several medical witnesses are expected to take the stand today in what is expected to be another dramatic day in this murder trial. alicia acuna is live from our denver bureau with more on this. >> reporter: hi, jenna. we're hearing from a forensic pathologist, an expert witness who was hired by the prosecution. some people know him as the medical examiner from florida who performed the autopsy on anna nicole smith. he testified he was brought on to the case and given tissue
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sample slides and autopsy reports of michelle macneill to study. take a listen. >> my opinion was michele died as a result of drowning and in addition to that she had some drugs which were not in fox kohl logical levels but, in my opinion, could have contributed to her death. >> reporter: she was found in a bathtub in her home fully clothed by her 6-year-old daughter in 2007. her death was initially ruled natural causes as a result of cardiovascular disease. that was amended by utah's chief medical examiner to undetermined and to include drug toxicity in the report. dr. martin macneill is accused of killing his wife, pushing her into a facelift that required powerful prescription medication, four including valium and ambien found if her system when she died. the prosecution isn't buying the
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heart issue listed on the death certificate, and this morning a cardiologist testified after reviewing michelle macneill's heart history that she did not have signs of major heart disease. >> what can you tell us about these ekgs and as it relates to her heart prior to her death? >> both ekgs looked quite normal. there were no changes that might suggest on east ekg -- either ekg, no changes of any significance to suggest significant underlying coronary disease or other heart disease. >> reporter: now, of course, this goes against, jenna, the defense's argument that the victim had a heart attack and then fell into the bathtub. now, later on today we're expecting to hear from four inmates who were in jail with dr. macneill. they're expected to testify that dr. macneill said that he was glad his wife was dead. jenna? jenna: alicia, thank you. jon: let's talk about this with our legal panel, criminal defense attorney john man orwellian along with rebecca
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rose woodland. there was also testimony from a former alleged mistress, anna osborn walthal who said that about two years before his wife died dr. macneill said, quote: there's something you can give someone that's not detectable that causes them to have a heart attack. two years later, lo and behold, his wife is dead. rebecca, it's an awful lot of circumstantial evidence, but is it enough to convict? >> what we're looking at here, jon, is evidence the prosecution is putting on that will go to motive. so what the prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this man committed murder. murder is the intentional killing with a motive. so the prosecution's putting these people on, person after person, methodically to show the motive. not only did he have a mistress prior to the mistress that came into the home, today claim weeks after his wife had passed away,
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but this prior mistress said, well, he's already told me that he had a plan. she's not saying it was a plan, but that's the inference the jury will get, hopefully, from the prosecution when they close in their closing statements. yes, there was a motive here because he already two years prior had concocted a scheme to toxicate his wife. it's pretty sad. jon: john, you have a pretty good record in criminal cases, what do you think ant this one? >> accusations and suspicions aren't enough to convict somebody, and motive is not an element of murder. it could be something that the jury could consider, in fact, the jury instructions say that motive is not an element of the murder. so the problem in this days, jon, is that we don't have causation, and as a defense attorney, that's what i would be hitting. how did she die? without absolute or concrete evidence to show that his wife
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died in a certain manner, specifically that she drowned at the hands of the doctor, that's not going to be enough to convict him. but then again, if you hate him enough like in the scott peterson case, the jury could convict him based on the fact that his daughters are against him, based on the fact that his mistresses have testified to these other incidents about insinuations of killing her through drugs. so, yeah, it's possible that he could be convicted. but, again, it's the highest level of certainty that's required under law. the defense attorney needs to point it out, and if he does that, he may have a chance of an acquittal. jon: well, rebecca, what about the cause of death? originally, her cause of death was listed as an accident only after her two daughters and her sister started pushing for an investigation and for criminal charges. did they change the cause of death to undetermined. >> well, that, i think, will be very, very dramatic for a jury. a jury's going to see there was a change, and the change benefited the prosecution in this case. yes, the daughters did push. the daughters pushed so hard
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that they actually were able to find out their father not only possibly committed this murder, but was forging social security numbers and checks, and he actually was found guilty of that. now, what he did was replace one of the adopted children's social security number with his mistress nanny and then, supposedly, future wife's information, and they started, basically, a complete forgery on the federal government that both of them were found guilty. the mistress then pled out so that she would get immunity so she could testify, supposedly, against him, but she was seen as a hostile witness in this case anyway. what we're seeing, though, is a situation where, yes, i absolutely agree with my counterpart. all of these facts and all of this situation will lead, i think, to a very bad situation for the defense here. jon: well, it's all going to depend on what this jury takes reasonable doubt to be. there's an awful lot of evidence, but is it enough in
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compilation? rebecca, john, thank you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. jenna: well, we're taking your questions on obamacare. let us know what you want answered. you can tweet at the handle on your screen or send us an e-mail as well. we're sharing these questions with our panel. they're going to join us right after the break to, hopefully, provide some answers. also, first a change in tone from some democrats who previously supported obamacare. as the president's signature legislative achievement comes under fire from both sides of the aisle, the latest complaints on capitol hill, next. >> architect of the whole program, and you won't go into it with the rest of the american public. >> i did not say that, sir. i think it's illegal -- >> it is not illegal! will you go? >> mr. chairman? >> come on in, the water's fine.
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jenna: well, "happening now," some new troubles for obamacare as we now know, according to one report, that only six people signed up for the health care law on the very first day of the rollout. right now we're continuing to watch what's happening on capitol hill where some democrats are already pulling back support of the president's health care law. so one of the questions is, are more planning to jump ship? what about the opposition from members of his own party? our chief congressional correspondent, mike emanuel, is live from washington with more on this. >> reporter: hi, jenna. there's clearly anxiety among many washington democrats will r a rough first month of
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obamacare. steny hoyer expressed regret for the marketing pitch if you like your health care, you'll be able to keep it. he told reporters, quote: i don't think the message was wrong, but it was not precise enough. a georgia house democrat told health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius he's concerned short-term enrollment problems could become long-term insurance market issues. >> we also need to take time to make sure additional fits and starts won't cause larger problems. right now i'm less concerned about who's to blame and more concerned about what went wrong and how to fix it and how we're going to assure that it doesn't happen again. >> reporter: white house chief of staff dennis mcdonough and key administration officials went to capitol hill to allow senate democrats to vent. he heard democrats have lost confidence, obamacare is not working well, and senate allies are anxious. meanwhile, republican leaders are emphasizing that washington democrats have resisted attempts to delay the law or bring relief to the american people. >> this isn't fair, it's not
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what americans were promised, and republicans intend to keep fighting for the middle class families suffering under this law. i hope more of our democratic colleagues will join us in this battle in the future. >> reporter: new hampshire senator jeanne shaheen and ten other democrats are backing a letter to secretary sebelius asking for more time to allow people to enroll. shaheen notes the enrollment clock is ticking, and if consumers are not signed up by march 31st, they'll face a fine. she calls that unacceptable at the launch was, in her words, a disaster. jenna: and she's up for election next year, isn't she, mike? >> reporter: that's right. absolutely. jenna: mike, always great to see you. thank you. >> reporter: thank you. jon: so we have been soliciting your questions on obamacare, and now we want to try to get some of them answered. whether you are one of those americans who just got a cancellation notice because your insurance plan doesn't meet the new guidelines, or if you're finding it impossible to enroll on the web site.
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there's also this, a new report that shows those who sign up for the insurance exchanges, insurance on the exchanges, i should say, might not have access to the nation's top hospitals. let's bring in our panel, michael cannon is director of health policy studies at the cato institute, igor -- a health care expert and joining us once again, jost rago -- joseph rago of "the wall street journal." michael, to you first. this question comes to us from a woman named sandy who writes: what happens if there are not enough sign-ups to support the law? does it just become another taxpayer bill to pay? do you know? >> the risk is because people cannot sign up true the web sites or -- through the web sites or it takes a long time to do so, the only people who will sign up are the very sickest. if that happens, you're going to get a process known as adverse selection death spiral where because only the sickest signed up, the premiums will be sky high, no one will be able to afford them or the healthy
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people will stay away from these plans, and eventually insurers will leave the market, and people won't be able to buy health insurance at any price. that is a very real danger that we face under this law. jon: so, igor, then what happens? i mean, who steps in to pick up the tab? >> well, i don't want to go down the doom's day road just yet. certainly, young and healthy people are very, very important. you've got to make sure they're part of system, and if the web site functions by the end of november like the administration says, that's going to be the goal. that's the next step, making sure those young and healthy people who think they'll never get sick, they'll never get coverage, bringing them in and making sure the pools work. look, the insurers are invested in this. they've spent a lot of money. they want this to work. the system really can't function without that core group, so they've got to come in. that's really the only option here. jon: here's a question for joseph, this comes from mr. or mrs. ratt. people are talking a lot about
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higher premiums but very little about deductibles. what's the use of insurance if you have a $12,000 deductible? >> well, sure. i mean, it would be a protection against catastrophic costs, but we are seeing very weird insurance designs on the exchanges as the insurers try to make policies that fit all these mandates, structural mandates as well about cost-sharing deductibles, premiums and so forth. so you're also seeing very narrow networks, for example, where patients won't really have very much choice of physician. now, that's fine as a tool to control costs in some cases, but it's also a problem if you can't, if there's no other alternative on the regulatory side. jenna: on that we have a great question from glenn, and we've seen a lot of stories, gentlemen, about medicaid and what it looks like in the medicaid expansion for states that have some statistics about how many folks signed up. igor, you're nodding here. here's the question, did something change with medicaid?
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why are so many people signing up for it instead of opting for private health care insurance? >> the law really expands medicaid for lower income americans, and it's really the silver lining of health care reform. i think it's the only kind of good news story or one of the few that we're seeing. was you can sign up for -- because you can sign up for medicaid outside of the web site structure, and medicaid has been doing sign-ups for so long, it's fairly easy. and a lot of the states, thousands and thousands of people are going into medicaid, and they finally have coverage for the very first time. the sickest americans -- i'm sorry, the most low income americans now finally have coverage, and that's a very good thing. and it's a lot, i think, that the exchanges can learn from and adopt some of the simplification procedures that are already currently in medicaid. jenna: joe, medicaid, of course, is supported by all taxpayers, not just the taxpayers in the individual states where these sign-ups are happening. do you agree, is this the silver lining of all of this? >> well, i wouldn't say that. you know, one thing that we've
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supported, the wall street journal, is fixing medicaid before dumping more people into it. if you look at the research, it really doesn't increase in any kind of material way people's health benefits. it provides some financial security in some cases, but you've got doctors and hospitals fleeing this program, and it would really be better instead of pouring more resources into it to actually target it to the poorest americans. >> you've got to increase the reimbursement rates which is exactly what the law does, but that's really up to the states, you're right, to keep those doctors and to keep those networks, you've got to start paying them more, and the law brings us down that road. jenna: mike, you want to say something. >> the medicaid numbers we're getting are only from the 25 states that have not rejected the medicaid expansion. the federal government tried to make it free for states, but still half of them rejected it. the reason so many people are enrolling in medicaid is because the government already knows who those people are --
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>> yes. >> -- who are eligible because they're eligible for other government programs, so it's almost like automatic enrollment. and yet we're enrolling them in a program that, as joe suggested, there's no evidence to show that medicaid improves the health of these people. so how is that a success when we're spending half a trillion a year on this program and expanding it even when we have no evidence to show that improves people's physical health? this is bizarre that we're calling this a success story. jon: what about our veterans? we did get an e-mail from a veteran who wants to know about tricare, says it's always been there for us and as a precondition of serving for more than 20 years, we've always expected our health care would be there, that from gayle rockwell. michael, do you know anything about what happens with veterans under obamacare? >> i have to confess, gayle, that that's a gap in my knowledge. >> nothing -- let me start by saying nothing happens with veterans. veterans already have great government-sponsored health care. they actually have a version of
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single-payer health care, and it's working great for them, and obamacare doesn't touch that system at all. jon: joseph, you want to weigh this on that? >> tell you the truth, i have no idea. jon: it is a fairly specific area. >> there's a robust debate over whether the veterans health administration is good care or not. >> oh, it's very good care. it's comprehensive care. it delivers care very efficiently. it's really -- there was a rand report a couple of years back, it's really the envy of a lot of health care systems in this country and other countries. l it has problems, certainly -- jon: there were some -- >> there's a lot we could say about that -- >> yeah. it was reformed in the 1990s. now it's doing better. jon: all right. some serious problems, as we said. jenna: well, it's great to have you all. joe, thank you very much. mike and igor, hope to have you all back. we have a lot of questions coming from our viewers, and it's something we'd like to continue to do. we appreciate it very much. >> thank you. jon: now this fox news alert. we're getting word that part of
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los angeles airport has been evacuated because of an unknown incident. part of terminal three, in fact, terminal three we understand has been evacuated. not a lot of details, however, you know, passengers have reported that they have been kicked out of terminal three. these are live pictures coming into us now. you can see a tsa agent there in the royal blue shirt and a couple of, apparently, law enforcement officers assisting him. we don't, again, have a great deal of information. this is about 45 minutes ago all started, and you can see from the body language that they're moving pretty quickly. jenna: he's holding up his hand, it's hard to tell if he's injured, but it's difficult to know from this vantage point, we're seeing exactly what you're seeing as well, this is our live shot from our affiliate out there. there have been some reports of shots fired, but we have nothing officially on the record, so it's difficult to understand the circumstances. but we do have reports from
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passengers that they have been evacuated from the terminal. quite early out there, 9:45 in the morning. so you have to imagine it's a busy time. friday morning flights out of lax which is a huge airport, we're going to work on getting some information for you including terminal three, a little bit more information on that. we'll work on exactly what flights are coming in and out of that. as jon mentioned, what you're seeing on your screen, it looks like a tsa sergeant. it looked like potentially his hand is injured, but it's tough to know from this vantage point. jon: and, obviously, by and large they do their work inside the terminal. clearly -- well, and there's somebody in a wheelchair as well. clearly, you've got a tsa agent and a couple of, we believe, uniformed officers. whether they are security officers or police is not clear. but they are out on the ramp outside the airport, and this would sort of fit in with the idea of shots fired. okay, there they are on the street, actually, out many front
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of the airport. -- out in front of the airport. again, terminal three at los angeles international airport, lax, evacuated as of about 45 minutes ago this all started. reports of shots fired. you can see an emergency response vehicle there. looks like an ambulance. but more about this we do not foe at the moment. jenna: this is the best information we have at point. we're going to take a quick break, be right back with more details, breaking news out of lax, terminal three evacuated, more as we get it. clients are always learning more to make their money do more. (ann) to help me plan my next move, i take scottrade's free, in-branch seminars... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy. and my local scottrade office guides my learning every step of the way. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates.
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having a little bit of trouble, also, finding the details of what exactly transpired. but here's what is being reported in the area, that passengers have been evacuated from the terminal, that there have been reports of shots fired, but we haven't received confirmation of that. we did find, jon, what terminal three is in lax, it's just a big airport, but flying in and out is a lot of domestic airlines. these are names that you know, and as we mentioned, early morning on a friday morning, weekend trip, perhaps, this could be a very busy time at the airport. jon: one of the local l.a. stations, knbc, is reporting that a man with a rifle somehow got into the airport and started firing shots with a rifle inside. whether or not he actually got past the security checkpoint is not clear at this point. and, again, that's just one report from local media. this is going to cause just a huge mess for traffic, anybody going into any terminal at lax
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because it's a gigantic u. you pull into the terminal, and you'll pass, you know, terminal one and two and three and so forth. so they've got the road shut down because of this chaos inside terminal three, and that means the road is going to be shut down for everybody at all of the terminals. it's going to be a traffic nightmare. if you're out there and heading for lax, good luck, because it's going to be really tough to get in there. effectively, this shuts down all the terminals, in my view. jenna: it's tough to know from some of the reports we get from social media, but the l.a. fire department is announcing from their twitter account that the los angeles fire department, and you can see some of the vehicles on your screen, is assisting law enforcement at a multi-patient incident at lax. we're getting some direction to follow the lax official account on twitter. they also have a twitter account in these days and ages. just to give you even more
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context, there was already warnings about a rough travel day in this country because of weather along the east coast. that's what the lax official twitter account has to say. that happened about an hour ago, 12 minutes ago that twitter account posted this: there is an incident underway at lax. law enforcement is on the scene, more information to follow. as we watch what's happening on the screen, jon. jon: you can see that they have been bringing in the ambulances. in fact, they brought one in during the commercial break. again, this reportedly started about 45 minutes ago, and i'm not at all being critical of the first responders, but perhaps because of the traffic situation outside the airport it may have taken that long to get an ambulance in here. but the ambulance we saw rolling in about 45 minutes after reportedly this all first started. if this is a rifle being used inside the airport, i mean, rifle bullets, i mean, you can go as local bear as a .22 which might not necessarily do a lot
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of damage, but, you know, a hunting rifle or something worse, this could be a very big situation. at this point we just do not know. again, terminal three at lax has been evacuated. you can see there is no traffic moving outside terminal three, and that's effectively shutting down passenger access to lax at least by car. and so if you're planning on getting a flight out of that airport in the next few hours, you're going to have trouble getting there. jenna: let's just recap if we can at this moment. we've just heard about these reports of shots being fired and an evacuation at terminal three in lax airport this morning, so around 9:00 west coast time. we can see what you can on the screen, which is a wide response from firefighters. just a few moments ago, and hopefully we can get that video back up for you, we saw a tsa agent being helped by some first responders as well. it was difficult to tell from our vantage point, but it appeared that he was injured.
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jon, you could probably -- actually, guys, can we go with back to the live shot? i'd like to go back if we can because what we did see, jon, is an important part of first responding. jon: yeah. they've got those triage tarps that they are bringing onto the roadway outside the airport. that's something they do in a situation when there are multiple victims, and they color -- they use color-coded tarps generally, a red tarp anybody who's placed on a red tarp not a good sign. green tarp generally means that the person is in the reasonably good shape and will not need an awful lot of medical care. now, again, every department may have its own rules. this may be standard operating procedure and maybe we're jumping to conclusions, assuming that there are multiple vehicle -- multiple injuries inside because they are bringing out the tarps. but that is what is often done at trauma situations like this. by first responders, fire and rescue teams, who are trying to
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be able to categorize the people who come out of there and treat the worst injured as quickly as possible. jenna: it's tough with the eyewitness reports as well, jon. some of the first reports we get on a breaking news situation oftentimes they're not the ones that later prove to be fact. but here's what we are hearing from inside lax. there were reports of shots fired. we also have eyewitnesses telling local media that they did see officers walking through the terminal with their guns drawn as well. so we're piecing together what we can of the situation. again, terminal three seems to be mostly domestic terminals, sprint airlines, jetblue, frontier. the helicopter shot that we're getting can show you what we believe to be either passengers or workers that were evacuated just under an hour ago from the terminal. jon: i believe it was the el al counter a few years ago at lax that was the site of an
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attempted shooting. that was quite a few years ago and, again, it was an international, the israeli airline. but this that we're talking about today, just to be specific, this is a terminal that involves, well, it serves as domestic airlines, allegiant air, frontier, jetblue, spirit, virgin america and virgin australia. well, i guess virgin australia would, obviously, tell you that's an international airline. but, again, the motive here, the exact chain of events we do not know. but the report from local media in l.a. is that a man with a rifle entered terminal three and opened fire. be you can see the black and whites there on the tarmac in -- outside the gate area where the planes normally would be and where people normally would be boarding. jenna: interesting, i'm just looking at bill ritter, he's fox sports national columnist for fox sports, he covers the nba, fox football, and i was taking a look at his twitter account.
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apparently, he was the one that was going to get on the plane, and i'm actually seeing -- and i'm going to read through this a little bit, apparently he was there while this was happening. so let me read through this and get caught up. in the meantime, we have a guest standing by on the phone. patrick brosnan is retired nypd joining us. you know, we have very little details, pat, but in this type of situation, what's the first thing you do? >> first of all, it's an extraordinary situation, and it's unfolding rapidly. we don't have many facts as to what exactly apart from the individual with the rifle opening fire, but you can be certain that there's a frozen zone established, both local, state, federal and the airport police at lax are scrambling to establish perimeters and to get civilians moving out, you know? to preserve the safety in terms of the individuals who are stuck at the airport -- jon: pat, hold on -- >> we basically have an open shooter -- jon: hold on just a second,
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because jenna has some information. jenna: i'm seeing what looked like a very injured person being rolled out. i want to get back to an apparently eyewitness account from one of our colleagues at fox who says this: i was at the virgin terminal of lax when gunfire broke out. i don't know what's happening, but i'm fine. he's sending us a picture, and i'm going to try to get that to our producers. he goes on to say when gunfire broke out, there was a stampede of people, all of us hiding under seats we didn't fit under. we burst through the doors outside. and lax employees just told me there was a shooting in the terminal. i asked if the shooter was down, he said he couldn't tell me. that is a kind of fear unlike anything i've ever experienced. in those moments, it's true, you think about your kids and your wife. there was gunfire. he goes on to say there are alarms sounding and a police helicopter overhead, people all over the tarmac getting too close to the planes, being ushered back. a dozen tsa officials are
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standing nearby. they have no idea what's going on. some are calling loved ones, so that's our number kind of first picture of what actually transpired at lax. jon: well, you can listen to that and just understand the kind of chaos that erupted inside the airport. and first of all, the fact that he is there at a gate where they are ready to board planes suggests that, you know, this gunfire may have taken place past the tsa frozen zone or at least was audible past the frozen zone. it also tells you that this is going to be a daylong event at lax, and it is going to really put the air traffic system in this country, transportation system into chaos because if they've got people walking around outside on the tarmac up against the planes, they are not going to be letting planes take off from lax until they can sweep everything and every aircraft and make sure that they've got the entire tarmac cleared of people. the alarms that he was talking about likely come from the same kind of emergency exit that he
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burst through when you go through those things, they set up alarms. they don't want people doing that, but in an emergency stampede situation like this, that's what folks are going to do. so they have got dozens maybe, hundreds of people out wandering the tarmac at lax, they're not going to be letting those jets take off until they get all of that situation sorted out. jenna: we are now getting a report from reuters that the police have shot the gunman. now, we have also some additional report from inside the terminal getting back to bill ritter's twitter account saying that there was a conversation between people that have, had heard the gunfire as he did that maybe there was more than one shooter. at this point we don't have any information to indicate that, and we do have that one report from reuters that is suggesting that the gunman is down. there's so many questions that still remain, jon. one of the things that we're hearing, again, from the reports, early reports as they are, that perhaps the shooting
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began around what's being described as the reception area or perhaps the ticketing area. so, again, a lot to try to piece together as we take in the scene. quite a response there in l.a. jon: multiple victims, we are told, at lax. jenna just mentioned this reuters report suggests that a gunman with a high-powered rifle entered the airport terminal and started shooting, and police were successful in taking down that gunman. but how many victims there are, we do not yet know. as you can see, the traffic outsideairport is totally shutdown, in effect the airport is totally shut down even though this is reportedly terminal three. town. this is reportedly terminal three, other terminals will not so passengers able to access them. i would say that you could say lax is shut down.
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the los angeles airport is full of law enforcement. >> it is going to throw air traffic at that airport and others in chaos throughout the day. >> and picking up coverage on america's news headquarters. alisyn camerota and gregg jarret. fox news report, shots are fired and they have prompted an evacuation in one of the terminals. welcome to hq. i am alisyn camerota. sdmshgs i am gregg jarret in for bill hemmer. we have shed you shots of a chopper overhead and what is going on on the ground. most of the activity in terminal three and houses a domestic airlines in the united states coming in and out and a man reportedly with


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