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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  November 2, 2013 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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it's south, november 22nd. i'm joran van der sloot huddy and we begin with a fox news alert. chilling video at the moment a gunman opened fire at the lax airport. people caught as you see on tape. live in los angeles with the latest on this tragedy and what we're learning today about the suspect. -- team facing a hefty payout after a fan got hit in the eye with a flying
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wiener. >> what? >> are they libel? >> this is no joke. >> $20,000 lawsuit. we report. you decide. "fox & friends" begins right now. these how we wake you up. >> hi this is loser stage manager. welcome to the show. you are watching "fox & friends." >> i thought she said loser stage manager. i thought she said that. >> that's not what she said. >> there is no loser stage manager on this show. >> not here. they are all winners. >> seriously, at this hour, you are really the star of the show. you manage to get us here awake and alive this morning. i don't know how did you it. >> there you go. that's not a loser stage manager. >> look who is here this morning. juliet huddy. >> i forget how much paperwork there is. >> oh there is a lot of paperwork. >> there is a lot to know at 6:00 a.m. >> if you were watching yesterday or sleeping, brand new video this morning, showing the moment that
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complete chaos at the international los angeles international airport. killing a tsa agent and wounding six others. watch this video. >> on the floor. on the floor now. at this hour the suspect' is in custody. we are learning a lot about him, including a motive. >> will carr is in los angeles with the latest on the story. what you can tell us? bring us up to date. >> good morning, guys. overnight we learned a lot more about the man who was shot and killed yesterday morning. police say that 39-year-old hernandez was shot inside of lax. he was a tsa agent and father of two. at the same time we are learning more about the gunman. he still alive. the fbi says 23-year-old paul ciancia walked into the terminal and started
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shooting. he actually looked like he was targeting it sa agents. he would walk up to people and ask if he thrp tsa if they said no, he would let them go and leave the airport. when he was taken into custody evidently he had a handwritten note threatening the tsa. we now can see his pickerington. he is originally from new jersey. he evidently texted his brother saying he wanted to kill himself. while authorities look at that an yell. a neighbor who grew up with him in new jersey said he never saw this come. >> >> he was just a normal every day guy. friendly. evening right now i'm still trying to process about d. this really happen? did think get the wrong guy? if they told me they got the wrong guy that would make more sense to me. >> the fbi says they got the right guy at this point. the shooting disrupted air travel all day yesterday not
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only at lax but all across the country. if you are either flying into lax or out of lax you might want to check your airline to make sure that your flight is on time, guys. >> will carr, thank you. with shepard. strange scene seeing people carrying all their bags and walking miles and miles to get to the satellite car parking lots. >> questions about securities and protocols that lax hasn't put in place. we will talk about some of the things that lax could have could have done. there was shooting at entranceway at lax when i will people were trying to get their tickets from the ticket area. >> you wonder if an airport is not secure enough. what is? >> right. think about all the insphra structure for transportation in this country. bus terminals and trains. whenever arises we have these questions. much more on that coming up this morning. >> let's get to headlines. a lot of breaking news
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overnight including. this one of the cia's most wanted terrorists dead, taken out by a u.s. drone strike. chief of the pakistani taliban is connected to a 2009 suicide bombing that killed seven americans at cia outpost in afghanistan. also believed behind car becoming. confirming the kill. promote number two commander to replace him. we want to preface this story by saying the person in this video is doing just fine now. very important to know he that. scary moment for fans at the denver nugget's. the team mascot rocky was lowered from the ceiling but he was out cold and totally motionless. luckily media reports say that rocky just got a little kidsy. he was a little high up there answered passed out. but, again, rocky is doing okay. probably won't be doing that again. the government can't force businesses to provide birth control. ruling coming in from appeals court. siding with business owners
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in ohio. business owners say being offered birth control to employees under obama care violates their beliefs as roman catholics. divided ruling is one of several on the birth control issue and will likely have to be resolved by the supreme court. it's almost marathon day. everyone is coming into new york city. the top cop commissioner ray kelly says he is ready. last week's race is cancelled because of super storm sandy. this year security is tight. obviously because of the boston bombings. 43 specially trained police dogs will be part of the massive security detail and that's not all. in addition to the cameras in our lower midtown manhattan initiative. it established mobile units and video collection teams. >> and there are all sorts of other measures that they don't talk about spectators, meantime are being asked to gather at the finish line. not to bring backpacks and things like that. opening ceremonies, most runners including this guy who ran in boston say they
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are not worried. >> anything can happen anywhere. you but to come back this is special. they had to cancel last year because of the hurricane. this is really something. >> that reporter is a fantastic reporter. by the way. >> he looks like you. >> he is my brother. at least 48,000 runners are expected at the it marathon this year. it kicks off bright and early tomorrow morning. very, very exciting. >> last year super storm sandy, of course, we didn't get to celebrate halloween all sort of cancelled. this year it's like 71 degrees out there. >> today. tomorrow though it's it going to be cold. it's going to be in the mid 40s. >> like that. >> you like the cold. >> good running weather. >> we would be running but we have to work glsks, exactly. >> opening ceremonies to it walking through the park. suddenly the most amazing fireworks show went off. >> that was just for you. >> that's what i started to think it was.
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>> here comes rick. do you know what happens tonight? >> oh, yes. daylight savings? >> this is kind of a bummer tomorrow when you are at the end of your day and it's dark so early but tonight we get one extra hour sleep. later in the show today how to maximize that extra hour. we he have guests we have specialize. get one extra hour hour of sleep how we maximize it. here is are your temps the rain moved through yesterday, mostly gone. rain across the carolina coast line. rain across florida that will slowly throughout the day pull off across the east. behind it though much colder air move. this rain across the great lakes. that will turn in lake effect snow. temperatures are going to plummet for everybody. west, you are looking good. specific northwest. cold snow moving. in rain and heavy mountain snow across the higher
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elevations of the syria nevadas. temperaturewise today, this is what i am talking about. 66 in new york. take a look at tomorrow, clayton, we are dropping those temperatures back into the 40s. >> downward slope. >> more like fall it. >> it is november, after all. >> let's talk about the white house and they are in damage control this morning. because needless to say after new information comes out about how many people actually signed up for obama care on day one and day two. we now know that only six people signed up on day one. and about 248 people signed up on day 2. for obama care. >> in many states like, for example, oregon, not a single person signed up. jay carney had an answer though. listen to his explanation for these numbers. watch. >> what you have learned from selected cherry picked leaks from republican committee is that there are notes out there from a contractor that make estimates about figures related to enrollees in the early days of this process.
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the web site wasn't functioning very well on october 1st or october 2nd. in fact, it hasn't been functioning well in the first month since the launch. if the implication from this disclosure is that the web site wasn't working effectively on october 1st. i think that is a dog bites man story. we know that. and when we have fully compiled data about enrollment in the middle of this month for october. we're going to release it. >> how long does it take to get data from a web site. can i look up any web site. >> it has to work, first. >> you can find out who is on the site instantly. they claim they don't have these numbers. they are mad that the numbers that they don't have leaked. >> sometimes i feel sorry for jay carney sometimes i just look you are in a no-win situation in this one. there is nothing that you can possibly say but talk in circles. >> that's a good point. his defense is that the web site doesn't work.
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the entire linchpin of doesn't work. that's why these numbers you are citing doesn't necessarily work. steve hayes says this goes beyond the numbers for the administration. listen. >> this has moved from a theoretical debate over the past three years to real numbers where people are doing real math. i mean, people are getting these letters. these are not made up things. people who have household budgets are trying to find a way to make this work. and the problem for the administration is they can spin it and jay carney can refuse to geoff i. give out the enrollment numbers and they can play games with the timing of some of this but it doesn't matter. ultimately the numbers are what they are. >> meanwhile democrats running for re-election are upset and nervous about this as rightly they should be. they held a closed door meeting. they are concerned that this goes beyond just the web site problems. but there are real structural issues with obama care. and they are having to go back to our district and answer for this and probably won't win the election. >> it's pretty simple.
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you have to have a a lot of healthy people who don't need healthcare, sign up and pay into the system in order to support the sick people who do need it or else it collapses. and that is not happening. >> one of the things that a lot of folks aren't talking about sort of get buries a little bit we are talking about individuals. obviously we all talk bower healthcare but talking to hospitals under the microscope that may lose their support. their tax exempt status including the big hospital up in boston that's where, what is it, the patriots, new england patriots get their rehab done. >> that's right. it may lose its tax exempt status. sort of under the microscope under obama care. >> unbefore the boston -- in fact, the last boston marathon victim who had to have a leg amputateds a result of the boston bombing, there he is sadly, it's called the spalding rehabilitation hospital. it's run by a 501 c 3, non-private hospital. under obama care, one of the
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sicious obama care would provide charity to people coming in off the streets that don't have healthcare coverage. now that law because of obama care scrutinized where they are having to roll back the charitable contributions they give to the community in the case of folks that come in off the street that don't have health insurance. >> former president jimmy carter whose name has become synonymous with oppressing attacked obama care yesterday saying this doesn't work very well. when jimmy carter calls you ineffect actual that's 6 people signing up because the web site ♪ working that's a disaster. you can't argue with that. >> it's safe to say obama care has hit a bit of -- >> excuse me. >> anyone's worst fear, a gunman opening fire inside an airport. how can we help something like this from happening
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again? >> brand new way cops are catching drivers who text. you have got to see it we will show it coming up. so ally bank has a raise your rate cd that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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nice sleep. 6:17. tomorrow marks the end of daylight saving time. >> no s. >> it's a change that can hazardous to your health. >> according to a recent study, workers slept 40 minutes less and lost work days at the start of daylight saving time than they did on non-daylight saving days. >> how you can make it a smooth transition for yourself and for your family and for your kids? >> with us this morning is dr. shelby harris behavioral sleep medicine here in new york city. nice to see you doc. you are welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> what do we need to do to
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make sure that we maximize. headaches when this switch happens. this is not a joke. people getting headaches from a switch. why is this happening? >> we have these internal biological clocks. hour change. even if thyme when we gain that hour it sets off and makes things happen inside our bodies. >> be honest you are a doctor you hate daylight savings time. why are we still doing this? >> that's a very complicated question. it's not great for a lot of my patients who we tell keep the same sleep schedule every single day. it can throw you off. >> tips is jump the gun. >> right. >> what does that mean. >> i like patients who struggle with this change to spend the daytime before the change to actually set your clocks. get used to this newer schedule before the clocks actually change that night. your eating and sleeping earlier. >> how do you convince a 1-year-old to do this as well? >> very challenging. that what you would do is really a lot of these younger kids wake up too early and they don't know to reclock so you really have
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to encourage them to be quiet in their bed. dim the lights, read if they need, to but really not to get up until your new set time. there are lamps you can buy that have a light that turns on that tells them when they can actually officially get up. >> that's the thing the whole light exposure thing is so kiwi all work these weird hours. i still feel like i'm half asleep in the middle of the day. light is really important. definitely important component. go to the light you say. >> it's going to get darker a lot earlier now. make sure you are having a lot of light, natural light or light inside up to an about before bedtime. things like dawn similarities that make it look like the sun is coming up that you set an alarm to to help bathe yourself in light. >> when you look at gadget is like ipads like a whether you light. don't touch those? put those down. >> regardless of the time change, it's the hour before bed you should limit anything that has a screen on it because it can interfere with sleep. >> that's how i fall asleep
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though. >> with an ipad. >> that's a mistake. i don't get a good sleep. one of the big things also, you know, is not drinking a lot. the caffeine intake. that's all really important. it's not just an old wives tale. >> it can help you fall asleep broken sleep. nicotine and alcohol do the same thing. especially around the time of a time change where time sun stable. >> fake the wake, what does that mean? >> fake the wake. so it's it really for those little kids in the morning. if they get up and they just want to start getting up and it's a little too early now for the parents. really encourage them to lay in bed and try and just be quiet until your normal wake time will come around. after two weeks kids your honorly start-to-a just and then it should be fine. >> you have a very comforting voice, too. >> that's why you work in sleep. >> thank you, dr. harris. >> thank you. >> coming up here on the show, the associated press slamming transparent administration in history
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for blocking photographers from the white house oval office. we report you decide. do thought change the channel a sure fire way to make a work out count. mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down
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the nsa's secret playbook and faces espionage charges in the u.s. tucker. >> hey, clayton what needs to be done to prevent these kind of attacks. jonathan gillian. thank you for joining thus morning. >> good to be with you. >> i want to put up on the scene -- screen. there have been couple of shootings. gunman killed himself in houston. 2010, new orleans, one dead, one wounded and famously in los angeles 2002, two dead and three wounded. do you see a pattern here? >> well, obviously we see a pattern of individuals that are drawn to this for some reason. i'm not exactly clear why people who have rage are drawn to this. but, yeah, we definitely do see an issue with this. and i think probably one of the things that allows people to go there and do or
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draws them there is the access to the airport. and the importance of the airport. so they probably look at this as something that almost like a government entity where they know people are going to be. it's tense. but for whatever reason with this individual i'm not really sure clear yet exactly why he chose that but we're definitely seeing a pattern of people drawn to the airport. >> yes. so discouraging about this is that any airport has unusually intense amount of security. it's a pretty secure facility rather than the rest of america. you have to disrobe, go through magnetometer, et cetera. if you can't secure an airport, what can you secure? >> tucker, i think you kind of hit the nail on the head. it's very secure but it's really secure after you get past the security. before you get into the security, there is, basically, nobody really walking around, looking that's aware of what's going on. you can drive up and get out of a car and walk straight
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into an airport. what you have to understand about the airline industry is that they took the greatest part of democracy. it works better than obama care is working right now. sounds like a joke but it's absolutely true. when you take bureaucracy and you stick it into security, what you see is things like all the security bottlenecked in one place. no focus on that security. very secure on the inside. but what we don't see is any type of behavioral analysis before people get into that point. so, it's very easy to walk in there and stand in line and start shooting. it has happened multiple times. >> if you were serious about this. congress would never allowed the tsa to unionize. go to israel they don't have x-ray machines. they have conventional magnetometers.
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they ask you questions rather than just let the machines do the work is that model we need to pay closer attention to, do you think? >> i think so. i think if we look at israel. if we look at the military. i was a navy seal before i became an fbi agent. multitude of agencies i worked with i was also an air marshall for a short period of time. one thing i definitely saw the difference between the military and the federal government working as an agent is that the bureaucracy level when you get into the agency is quite different than it is in the military. the military, like israel, is mission-oriented. they are looking for something that is going to give them mission success. and when it comes to security. security is layered. and that's the way israel does it they have layers of security. >> right. >> what we see here in airports is just, they throw everything into one area where there is this huge bottleneck. and it becomes aggravating for people. people's tempers flare.
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i don't know what particular beef he had with tsa it puts nerve a big predicament. i think if we start to the see more layers, even if it's just analysis and i tell people this over and over. the number one key he to fighting terrorism or seeing odd behavior before it happens, is with awareness. >> jonathan, thanks a lot this morning. we appreciate it it? >> sure. >> next on the rundown, he wants a cut of the bin laden reward money. the man who claims he helped track down the world's most wanted terrorist. major league lawsuit. a man hit by a flying foil-covered hot dog thrown bye bye a mascot. he wants the team to pay him. should they pay up? we report. you decide. ♪ i'm all shook up. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon
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>> they have a lot of outfits left. speaking of political statements, the associated press, the organization of largest news organization in the world, i believe, the photo who has covered the president for years came out against the obama administration saying the control over photographs is so tight that in effect it equals propaganda. they have said in the past five years there have been only two photographs allowed in the oval office of the president. >> yes, santiago lion is the director of photograph for the associated press, basically says he has only been allowed into the oval office two times, which, in historically has not been the case. what they do is release the photos from the white house. so the white house, their own photographer, who, by the way is, a fantastic photographer, not to take anything away from pete sousa who is the official white house photographer, and who has photographed the second reagan administration wells the obama administration. is he a great photographer but it's like basically saying here are the photos
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we are going to hand out to you the press to put in the newspapers this day. >> it seems like it's propaganda. you want to see things that are authentic and genuine. we don't like to see things forced on us. you know you are going to seat president walking to church with the kids. >> let me play -- for a moment. >> no, no, no. not argue with you. >> this is the people's house. he lives there it's his office. so if you have people come over to your house and take rap dom photos of you for a holiday party. >> i do. i have it all the time. >> wait eakd is, i wouldn't put that up on facebook i'm wiping off my face would you not put that on facebook. >> no president wants to reveal anything about himself other than things that have been tested and focus group. this is the price you pay for 24 hour room service and living in the white house. you are under a moral obligation to let the public know what you are doing.
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it's their government. >> also you know deign that perino he who has worked for the administration. she has totally different take on this. so does juan williams. listen to what he had to sayen othe five. >> it's a larger point here though. there is too little access to president obama. i mean, they protect this guy like, you know, he was somehow going to explode if he gets actual -- and it's not only the press, because day that is right. most times the photos help the politician. but this is a larger complaint about. >> access. >> the congress. the congress says they never gu. now the response that comes back from the white house is look, he has got two young children he wants to spend time have dinner and go to their soccer games. >> dude, you are the president, do the job. >> three more years. >> play the game. that's the only way you are going to get these things done. >> he makes a really good point. by the way, the press, which has been treat sod poorly and dismissively by this administration still sucks up to the guy which tells you something about their politics and skills.
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>> >> five years in they have kept lockdown on the white house press corps and for four years nobody said a word about it. >> let us know what you think about this. is this part of a larger narrative about the secrecy out of the white house? email us at >> let's get to other headlines. two delta force operators called into action in the night. the nit of the benghazi attack. will be honored for their bravery. the commandos volunteered to join other u.s. forces when the consulate was hit. at least one made his way into a terrorist control hospital to retrieve the body of ambassador chris stevens. both have been nominated for the distinguished service cross, the military's second highest metal for valor as well as the silver star. a guy in michigan, listen to this. wants his cut of the $25 million reward for usama bin laden. tom lee claims he told the fbi where bin laden was hiding back in 2003 when he learned about it from a pakistani intelligence agent. his attorney claims lee has
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been asking the fbi for the reward ever since he found out. the 9/11 mastermind was killed in the exact location he says he told them about. u.s. officials say they found bin laden through intelligence, not an informant. so there is no reward that is going to be given for this guy. highway patrol officers in tennessee are swapping their squad cars for big rigs. why? well, sitting higher up, they are going to have a better chance spotting people texting and driving. >> good for them. put awareness back on the road not on your cell phone. if you are not paying attention you can't see that vehicle changing lanes and that vehicle pulling out in front of. >> you dozens of drivers were ticketed during the two day swept. what was that over there? tucker? >> baseball fan, this is a serious story. he was seriously hurt by a hot dog. suing the kansas city royals. the man says he was hit in the eye when the team's mascot slugger is the
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mascot's name through the wiener at him as part of a fan participation. he since had to have two surgeries paying $4,800 in medical costs. the missouri supreme court is actually going to be looking into this. they are going to decide if the baseball rule will apply. that's the rule that protects teams from being sued over fan injuries at events like if somebody a bat and. >> during the seventh inning stretch slugger worst mascot in baseball is going to throw a hot dog at your face. >> you know things are going to be flying around. you know the vendors are throwing stuff. >> there is no inspection you could get hit with a foil-wrapped weany. every baseball fan knows that. >> walking down the street of manhattan you never know what's going to happen. >> got your wieners here you know you have got to be careful. watch out. >> but he had a detached retina by being hit in the face with this sphbling
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which is not good. >> which is not to make light of it at all but it happens. >> epidemic. all right, this video, this incredible video going viral this morning. firefighters in austin texas, rescuing a dog from floodwaters. more than 15 inches of rain, washed out areas in texas earlier this week. rick is here with the latest on how that area is recovering this morning. hey, rick. >> incredible flash flooding that they had there. about 12 inches of rain falling in a period of four to five hours. that caused the river levels in some cases to group by 20 feet in a matter of a couple of hours. flash flooding there. dry route now for the next couple days. see a repeat of that same pattern. watch again tuesday and wednesday this coming week kind of exact same kind of storm set up across the same area. more rain headed across areas like dallas up towards oklahoma city and tulsa. at this point that looks to be the bulls eye of it we're a few days out. anywhere in this area. that rain was further south of boston. these are your temps as you are waking up this morning.
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cool out across the west. that's what we are going to see. moving across the west this week. again across areas of the great lakes and in towards the great lakes today. temps not that bad. behind this little piece of energy you see here across the great lakes is much colder air, temps around 15-degrees colder for everybody. today feeling like spring or early fall tomorrow, we will feel much more like winter. that's the next storm we are going to watch across the pacific northwest. thanks, rick. ready for your morning workout? of course you are. don't change the channel because we have one sure fire way to make it count. >> remember when the president promised if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it? well, that's not quite the case as we are starting to find out now. the president says just shop around. is that enough for our next guest? her costs with about to skyrocket. she doesn't want to go shopping. stick around. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped sta over 1 million businesses.
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viagra. talk to your doctor. this is the age of taking action. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. an arm wrestling match that mr. clean realized the way to handle bigger, tougher messes was better leverage. that's why he created his new magic eraser handy grip. it has a handle that firmly attaches to the eraser so you get better leverage and more oomph with less effort. it's the perfect magic eraser for making stuff that's big and tough not so tough, after all. mr. clean's handy grip -- the newest member of the magic eraser family.
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in all purpose and bath. [ engine revs ] near the site of the boston marathon bombings of course to pay tribute to the victim. would you like to enhance your exercises? put on your favorite tunes. from captain audience studies, they find music is a good kind of distraction. participants concentrating on the rhythm rather than the difficulty made them train longer and harder. >> thank you, captain obvious. remember when president obama said if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it. >> two million americans gotten notices their policies have been cancelled. president obama says you may
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be better off. >> if you are getting one of these letters, just shop around in the new marketplace. that's what it it's for. most people are going to be able to get better, comprehensive healthcare plans for the same price or even cheaper than projected. >> you are going to get a better deal. >> a better deal. what happens if your plan doesn't meet the standards of the affordable care act? let's ask natalie willis sheevmentd is self-employed. and she buys her own insurance policy. she a sleep consultant from los angeles. nice to see you, natalie, welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. >> pick your brain about daylight saving time. when you went to go renew your own health insurance policy, what did you find? >> that all the plans that my insurer had, all 10 plans they offered were going to be replaced with new plans. i was going to have to switch to a different plan. i wasn't going to be able to keep the one i had before. >> did you vote for president obama. >> i sure didn't. everybody thinks that i did but i didn't. >> there are a number of
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people signed up for the affordable care act. president's approval rating is down. 42% of people approve. lowest point right now in his presidency. have you tried signing up for obama care online as a result of this once you found out you couldn't renew your own? >> california web site is actually up and running. i have been able to get on it it. it still isn't terribly user friendly. there are issues with my browser. but i have been on it i have been learning more and morning information about obama care regulations i'm still not finding on the california web site which is the percentage limitations and things like than 00 bronze and gold and platinum mans. i'm trying but it's not super clear. >> when you were shopping around, what were you paying for old plan. >> $200 a month. >> what was it quoting you after the new plan? >> i have maybe 30 different plans to choose from, six different providers within my own provider that i would really love to stay with because i love my doctor and hospital. i'm either looking for drastically reduced coverage
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for about the same price or 40% increase for something that's a lot more than what i was already getting there really isn't a comparable plan available to me within my provider. >> so, when you looked around at these other plans did, any of them appeal to you and you thought well, this is actually better than my current plan? >> well. >> that's what the president is saying by the way. the president is saying because your plan didn't meet the standards there was a lot of fine print, you weren't getting the kind of coverage that you needed and deserved. >> right. did i a lot of research before i picked the plan i had in the first place. if i wanted more coverage i would have gotten a different plan. i actually really liked the plan. i was aware of its limitations and so,, i don't want more. that's why i didn't have more in the first place. >> so as a small business owner bottom line can you see your cost go up by 40%. >> exactly. if i choose to get a comparable plan and that's what i will have to do. >> all right. natalie willis, small business owner from los angeles this morning, we appreciate it. >> thanks. coming up on the show, the
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president president's latest power grab. and kim kardashian and kanye west sue over leaked proposal video. for two people who love their entire lives -- who live their entire lives in the public eye. do they have a case? did they leak the video in the conspiracy theory i have about it coming up. vo: it's that time of year again.
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medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. buit never hurts to see if u can find bettoverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care la open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare
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celebrity stars are suing youtube founder chad hurley over leaking engagement video. is this another cry for attention from a power couple or is this will he he jit? do they have the right. arthur aidala and the lovely and talented defense attorney jona silber. >> i agree lovely and talented. >> people are glut tens for publicity and press. propose with girlfriend. you have attention. everybody that was there had to sign an agreement. so i'm going to start with you on this one. >> i don't know anything about these two people except, you know, what you read -- >> -- you are the only one. >> i'm bored with them and i'm not really fans of theirs. i'm happy that they did this. because these confidentiality agreements which i prepare on a regular basis for people, because when the parent comes in to paint your house, is he not supposed to run out and tell the "new york post" oh, you know what? she didn't have toilet paper
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in the bathroom or she left her blah blah blah laying around. they are supposed to have meaning. everyone who went to their little party had to sign this confidentiality agreement saying you won't release it because they had a deal with the echannel to release the money -- video and make money. >> let me tell you, here is the lawsuit's statement. exclusive rights such as filled by plaintiffs to publication of the video of the event are particularly valuable. if people violate these rights they are substantially diminished values. yes, sir as arthur said -- what's your name? this is going to go on othe shows and all that business. now it loses some of its umph. >> supposedly. if it weren't for videos kim k. wouldn't have a career. >> thank you. >> they probably have a legitimate lawsuit if people sign the confidentiality contract. what are the damages? i say the damages are nothing. it's not like they are saying listen, we had a million-dollar contract that now has gone away.
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>> but they would have alleged that in here. they are really nebulous in the language. they go after chad like he is the worst scum of the earth or something and they don't -- >> -- he violated the agreement. >> they don't state certain sum of money. >> we create. don't mean anything. then we might as well just rip them up. >> put it in the complaint. how much did they lose? if we can't determine that, they get nothing. >> let me ask you though. this chad hurley guy has got a lot of money himself. he knew what he was doing when he was going in there. he knew signing an agreement he was going to use that i had haveio. shooting the video they saw him. what do you think is going on here. how will that play into the lawsuit? >> personal vendetta. this is getting publicity for them and for chad hurley. so i don't know they could each be in cahoots. now more people are going to be interested in looking at the actual video because the video that was leaked. you can't see the whole. >> i do hope this gets litigated to enough of a degree where a judge writes
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some opinion, even preliminary opinion saying these documents matter, these agreements are binding, and, therefore, you are in trouble for violating. >> how much trouble could they get for this? >> it depends on what that contract is. >> they are never going to be able to prove that. >> hold on, wait a minute. what if they have a signed contract. >> with a jumbotron and 1200 really. and all their friends? how confidential is it? >> yes, you may. >> what if they have a signed contract from the echannel saying that they were going to get $3 million of this and now it's not worth anything? >> if they had that, then they should have put that in the complaint. >> complaint up front. >> i kind of agree with you. it gives you a little taste. >> it doesn't really tell you -- >> -- we have got to go. so exciting talking about kim and kanye. kimye. >> did i say that outloud. >> yes, you did. >> thank you. just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, explosive new report on obama care, the ceo of one of the biggest exchange
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contractors is facing a potential investigation for fraud. the bombshell report you need to hear. and scary moment for fans at the denver nugget's game. they look up and see the team's mascot basically not even moving coming down from the rafters. we will tell you what happened to him. @@ huh, fifteen minutes @@ could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ohhh...oh boy! i'm falling. everybody look out!
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ahhhhh...ugh. little help here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. anybody? hmm. ♪ mm-hmm. [ engine revs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] oh what fun it is to ride. get the mercedes-benz on your wish list at the winter event going on now -- but hurry, the offer ends soon. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease the 2014 ml350 for $599 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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when a governman opened fire sending people scrambling for safety. [. >> everyone on the floor. on the floor now. on the floor. >> we're live in l.a. with the very latest and what we're learning today about the suspect. including a possible motive. >> and while you were sleeping, the president's latest power grab, a late night executive order, obama targeting climate change policies. we will tell you what it means coming up. >> and it's it the disturbing new selfie trend. pictures behind the wheel of a moving car what could
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possibly go wrong? "fox & friends" starts right now. >> this is jane cirkowski from 30 rock you are watching "fox & friends" and they rock. >> thank you, jane. >> thank you, jane. >> welcome in to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. juliet huddy is here this morning. >> hello. >> good morning, juliet. >> blast from the past. >> how are you doing. >> i'm doing very very well. >> are you running ago marathon tomorrow. >> i would be but. >> working. >> actually runs. he is very athletic. >> so not athletic. i do run because i have to. >> if i were ever to run with you, i would collapse after half a mile and you would have to pick me up off the ground. can you. >> french toast and start the day. >> run something so overrated. >> it is overrated. >> more of the boston marathon and all the security preparations here in the city a n. a little bit. >> while you were sleeping, a fox news alert. brand new video we have for
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you. terrifying moment chaos breaks out at los angeles international airport. a gunman opens fire tilling a tsa agent and wounding rather six others. >> >> everybody on the floor. on the floor now. on the floor. >> i can't tell if it's the gunman or the police. i think it's the police officer. >> at this hour the suspect is in custody. we are learning a whole lot more about him, including a possible motive. will carr is in los angeles and he has the latest. what do you think? >> good morning, guys. we have learned a lot about the shooter. first and maybe more importantly, i want to tell you president man who police say he actually shot and killed. authorities say that 39-year-old hernandez died after he was shot in lax. hernandez was a tsa agent. first ever killed in the line of duty. he was also a father of two. now, at the same time, we're learning more about the gunman. he is actually still alive.
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police say that 23-year-old paul ciancia walked in the terminal around 9:30 yesterday. pulled out a rifle and started shooting. >> everyone hit the floor and there was tons of like kids crying and people freaking out. >> now, some witnesses say that ciancia was targeted tsa agent. they would say he would walk up to people and specifically ask if he worked for the tsa. when he was taken into custody apparently he had a handwritten note threatening the tsa. we have learned that he was originally from new jersey. according to police apparently he texted his brother in new at some point over the past couple of days saying he wanted to commit suicide. authorities are looking into that angle. by coastal investigation with the fbi. as you know this really disrupted air travel all day
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yesterday. lax actually tweeted this morning that more than 160,000 passengers were impacted by this all across the country. they also say that if you are flying in or out of lax today, you might want to check with your airlines just to make sure that your flight is okay. guys, back to you. >> will carr live for us this morning in los angeles. thanks, will. >> let's get you some of the other headlines. we have news breaking. including. this one of the cia's most wanted terrorist is dead taken out by u.s. drone strike. chief of the pakistani taliban is connected to a 2009 suicide bombing that killed seven americans at a cia outpost in afghanistan. also believed to be behind that failed times square car bombing. overnight confirming the kill and promote number two commander to replace him we're going to preface this. scary moment for the denver nuggets game.
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team mascot rocky lowered from the rafters as part of the player introductions. not moving, out cold, motionless, luckily local media is reporting that rocky got a biz dizzy and passed out. >> mile high city and all the way up in the rafters? smart move. >> wearing a bear suit which can be constricting which i know firsthand. >> he would will get on to that later on in the show. the mystery is multiplying. everybody is talking about it. another barge, number three, just been spotted under construction in san francisco bay. another identical barge was spotted thousands of miles away in portland maine this week. no confirmation of what the will be used for. probably floating showrooms for google glass or top secret data centers cooled by sea water. come on. what? >> they need that cooling -- it works. >> this is the coolest thing ever. have you ever flown with the blue angels. >> i have seen them. >> fly over before the navy
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notre dame football game today in south bend. it's the first public appearance for the angels since their funding was cut by the sequester back in april. >> we have been shut down for quite some time. community outreach across the country. >> thank goodness. squadron back in the air in 2014 performing in 65 shows across the country. it is something to see. >> those guy amazing. >> they are. get it over to rick reichmuth for a look at the fall first alert forecast which we are finally experiencing. >> i need some expertise from you, clayton. most people use iphones as alarm clocks. >> >> yeah. >> there is always this thing on the night the daylight savings changes is your iphone going to work in the morning? >> it should about five software updates ago they fixed that issue where people were not waking up on new year's day. if we set our alarm at the time we really think we have to get up tomorrow morning it will work. >> here is the key, if i'm not here tomorrow morning it
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won't work. >> if i'm not here tomorrow morning. you guys iphone alarm people? >> yeah. >> wow. well, there you go. we will see what we can figure out. tonight at 2:00 in the morning. it goes back to 1:00 so you get your extra hour tonight which is great thing which also means it's going to be dark really early tomorrow. enjoy your longer day today. temps still waking up. rain went through yesterday with this cold front right here. but it's not really the cold front. this is where all the moisture was. still bringing some showers all across the coastal areas of the carolinas down across parts of north florida inching off towards the east so why the afternoon you will look better. behind that the colder air comes. in next storm is across the pacific northwest. it's bringing rain and will bring significant snow across the higher investigations. that storm as well as a tropical storm across parts of the pacific will merge across parts of the pacific plains tuesday and wednesday and will be another big rainmaker across the areas that saw the significant flooding this week. we will track that and have to watch out for that temps
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today though, looking pretty good for everybody. we start to see that colder air move in tomorrow across parts of the northeast as well as coming in out across areas of the west. all right, guys. >> oh, rick, thank you very much. >> you are welcome. >> here is news from washington. it turns out the fact that the obama care web site doesn't work at all, that's not news. we knew that. according to white house spokesman jay carney, that's a dog bite's man's story. in other words, it happens every day. by the way, you are lame if you are focusing on something that old. >> that's what he said at his press conference yesterday. >> yes, it is. >> when asked to respond to why only six people signed up on day one. and on day two there were 248 people that signed up. he says, look, because of this web south, that's why you have these issues. however, want the know the answers about. this transparent nation in
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history. listen to george will on "special report" last night. >> there is an old adage in washington if you don't like the news go out and make some of your own. go out to boston with other predictability turn attack on insurance companies. bad apple insurers who soon were selling customer policies the customers wanted but that the administration thinks they shouldn't want. now, this is, again, the most transparent administration in history by its own description. complaining today about leaks from itself from documents that leaked numbers that it claims it doesn't have. it's not a pretty picture. >> made that point earlier last hour that i thought they didn't have the numbers. wait a second. >> they leaked out. the numbers don't exist. >> well, this very argued simultaneously that the web site crashed because there were too many people on the web site. overwhelmed by the traffic. now they are saying well, no one was on the web site because it didn't work. so what is it? >> which came first in the
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chicken or the heck. >> the irony is this is the internet. this is a web site. the one thing can you do with the web site since i have one. can you measure who is on it. instantly at any time of day you will know who is on it and where they are coming from. >> get analytics anywhere. what continent and state and gratification but the government can't handle that. >> one day failure, one thing, two days, three days, now weeks a bit much. >> want to do something where the press won't cover it do it late night on friday night. that appears to be what the white house did last night. president obama using signing an executive order which would now give the government sort of sweeping power over its climate change policies. that means that the infrastructure related to forest fires, flooding. any sort of big storm is now going to be given over to seven governors, all graduate democrat by the way except for one republican governor from guam. all democratic governor in charge of this will be able
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to dole out money and force businesses to change their structures based on climate change. >> all on the heels of super storm sandy. when you are will ifing in new york sand saying there may be better infrastructure. more money put to infrastructure. it comes at a cost. let's remember that. >> how you can lump together forest fires with rising sea levels in one sort of government task force. >> scientists i love watching members of congress pose as scientists. the truth is the climate hasn't risen -- temperatures have not risen in the past several years they have gone down. there is in fact emerging scientific consensus that we may be in for a period of global cooking caused not by greenhouse gases but by fluctuations in solar energy, sun spots. they don't know. and by the way they disagree. not only disagree, anybody who expresses any kind of scientific skepticism denier like holocaust denier. evil.
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inquiry asking questions that's not allowed. >> they haven't been able to reduce the emissions that they tried to do so far. they haven't been able to reduce the 2% in carbon dioxide missions that they said about their goal so far. they want 17% reduction by 2020. good luck with that you have to get car makers on board with that force the hand of all of these manufacturers of airconditioning units on and on. they say though that look, over the past 12 years we have seen the hottest years in record, 126 the hottest years on record. >> why hasn't it gotten cooler in the last several years. that's not one crackpot's opinion. it's a being if a, it's measurable. now maybe there is a solution that's consistent with their theories much you can't tell me that global warming is destroying the earth when we have more ice in the arctic than we had five years ago. >> when we have the president going out and saying to the american people definitively this is what is happening. gets into people's heads. >> what they don't know definitively there is the truth. fully understand why not admit most troubled by what small businesses are going to have to do if you tell
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someone suddenly they have to change the insulation of their walls, their business, who is going to foot the bill for that. we heard repeated stories on the show, the government comes in and hands in new regulation raise their fence by 17 feet suddenly. >> and then all of the sudden they are out of business. >> it's not rooted in science. congress shouldn't be messing around with things it doesn't understand. >> congress likes to do that remember last week they pretended they understood how the internet worked. coming up on the show, just when you thought obama care couldn't get any worse it, does the ceo of one of the biggest investigation for fraud of the bombshell report you need to hear next. just in the nick of time meet the woman who claims the lottery ticket with just hours to spare. moments really. >> that could happen to you, oh, wait, no. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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as if thingsenned n. obama care weren't discouraging enough, britain company received largest contract to process applications has resigned amid allegations that the company he headed defrauded the british government out of millions of pounds. this wasn't the first red flag raised about this firm. joining me now from the franklin center for government and public integrity is jillian, she has been following this closely. the company is called circo it has a contract worth $1.3 billion. by should would he be concerned about that. >> it's a lot of money. if you look at this company's history. allegations have come out that it it has defrauded the
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british government of millions of dollars, potentially, that it's falsified performance records, potentially, and it imagined immigration center in the uk for immigrant detainees. women have come out saying that they were sexually co-othersed. those are significant things. >> i would say they are very significant. and, yet, the obama administration, after these allegations came to light, increased the amount of federal dollars that this company could be receiving. is there any connection between the people who run the company and the obama administration? >> there is not a direct connection. but i do think that if you look at sort of their lobbying record. they have spent more than a million dollars in recent years on lobbying and political contributions. and you really see that kind of playing out. >> political contributions to the obama campaign? >> yeah, there was about $6,000 worth. >> right. so they basically made a rational economical could you legs, we're going to spend this much money lobbying to get a government contract from the obama
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administration and it paid off? >> yeah, and i think that's true. you look at the guy they chose to do it. he actually works on capitol hill. involved in the health law. left for the private sector and very quickly actually found himself under investigation for insider trading. >> waited, wait. i know that can't be true because i remember candidate obama saying in 2008 i'm not going to allow people who work in my duration line up as lobbyists trying to make money for the administration. >> exactly. you see a the love the same sort of complaints that obama echoed back during the bush administration. this is a company that has just a terrible history. major multinational corporation. yet we are giving it billion dollars and increasing contracts. >> at the same time people are looking to join obama care can't get on, 6 people first day. people losing health insurance, millions of them, this company making over a billion dollars. >> this company making over a billion dollars. >> that's absolutely right. their role even more important now, handle the paper applications.
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if you send it in, these are the guys who will be receiving it and looking at it do we really trust them? >> sounds like we shouldn't. jillian thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> remember this guy, the bus driver who talked a woman off a bridge. we have a big update to the story. donald trump making him an offer he might not be able to refuse. details on that ahead. and, are you marathon ready? even if you are running around the block this morning. we are debunking top myths with our medical a-team. should you really load up on carbs the night before? we will tell you. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health.
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150, how many calls the owner of a brooklyn bakery got after she says her phone number was listed on the obama care web site. the site listed her place as a place to sign up for obama care advisor. >> canadian compani' charging for easy to assemble microhome. 10 by 10 feet. comes with bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. that's all you need. basically new york city apartment. 28 hours and auto minutes. that's how long a man says it took him to drive from new york city to l.a. break a 2006 record of 31 hours and four minutes. why would you ever do that? >> thanks juliet. well, that 48,000 runners will hit the payment tomorrow morning for the new york city marathon. >> whether you are running the race tomorrow or hitting the trails for exercise, we are going to break and debunk some of those common
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marathon myths out there. here to help us do that is dr. mark seagull from the fox news medical a team. good to see you this morning. >> good to he see you. >> you always hear this before a big marathon and big sporting event. carbo load load up on carbohydrates. >> that is a myth. actually you can have a little more carbohydrates than usual a week before the race. a study shows that carbo loading doesn't work. the day of the race, you can could actually have some fruit, some juice, maybe some rice, you know, something to give you a little carb boost but not carbo loading. that snickers bar you had l.s.u. night is not helping you this morning. >> now, you often hear people say you need to keep hoop hydrated. the fear is dehydration. load up. >> that is a fact. six to 8 ounces of flood every 20 minutes of a race like a marathon not casual running. but a race like a marathon
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or mountain biking which i do you have really got to keep the fluid going dehigh create ease. >> thinking of jumping in and doing the race tomorrow. do you need to train for a marathon. >> you absoluly have to train for a marathon. weekend warriors are in big trouble with marathons. you actually have to start about six months before and start recommended is about 15 to 20 miles a week to start. if you can't get into that range, where you are running 15 to 20 miles a week, don't even think about a marathon. don't go from an occasional mile or two to suddenly getting stuck out there. you are like a dear in the headlights if do you that. >> muscle cramps are rare in marathon runners. >> myth. 41% of marathon runners have muscle cramps. how do you avoid them? eat those bananas as you are running. things with electrolytes in them. jelly beans will electrolytes. gatorade, things like that. replace potassium. >> is there potassium in
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snickers? >> i will have to analyze that under the microscope. >> what about the stress fractures in your bones. are runners more susceptible to those from hitting the pavement regularly. >> absolutely. what is a stress fracture? it's a tiny chip at the surface of the bone. a lot of times you can't even see it under an x-ray. if you are limping along for a while afterwards and your bones are hurting you, like your legs, you might have a stress fracture. you better osee your physician. it's very common, especially if you don't train properly the way we were just talking about. you have to gradually get into it you have got to warm up, you have got to cool down and do this the right way. >> basically what i'm picking up from what you are saying the human body is not cut out to run 26 miles? >> that's right. it's not. if the human body is going to run 26 miles. it better do it in a very slow way where you get your body used to it you can't do last-minute carb loading. you can't do last minute running. you can't get ready for it a week before. >> eating ravioli is not
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enough. >> ravioli and snickers. >> i'm amazed tucker. >> i run every day. >> not 26 miles. >> not 26 miles. don't do it unless you are ready. >> next on the rundown. parents you are going to want to see this. new disturbing trend selfies behind the wheel of the moving car. what does it say about america that this is popular. >> broadway blockbuster has one big surprise for one of our nation's heros. we have got the wicked details. ♪ wow...look at you. i've always tried to give it my best shot. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat,
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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. life by the gills.tate agent and get a quote now. go take a road trip to a place with no roads. go to bass pro shops for great deals like this redhead camo duffle bag for under $20. and a 30 quart aluminum turkey fryer for under $50.
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our commitment has never been stronger. >> well, this is your shot of the morning. a not so sneaky little devil caught red-handed stealing halloween candy in a pretty ambitious way. it's wriggly township, pennsylvania. one homeowner put out a bowl of candy with a sign take one. little girl dressed in devil costume seen on halloween night seen on surveillance video dumped the entire bowl of candy into her bag. >> is that her mom standing out there watching that happen? >> no, another little friend. >> see, you know what? >> another little scamp. >> we had the most respectful little kids come to our door year. they asked how many. instead of one take two. i was throwing them in there at them. >> you can imagine stealing -- what always drives me nuts the jack lantern someone comes up and smashes the pumpkin. >> it happens year because i
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live in the city. one year i heard them taking the bowl and i chased them down the street. >> really. >> yes, i did. it sounds a little lunatic. >> i hid in the bushes with cold water hose one year when i was like in my teens because i didn't want them to egg our house. >> it's always the 15-year-olds. the boys just show up and steal all the candy. >> the punks. that's a trend back then. new trend taking the world by storm. you know selfies you take with a camera this way. >> like kim kardashian. but now, a new trend really problematic trend is happening called selfies on the road. people in cars taking selfie pictures while they are driving. not just stuck in traffic either. some of them not even stuck in traffic. but they will use the hash tag behind the wheel. if you do a search rit now on instagram, you will find these. >> this is a picture this guy actually tagged hash tag traffic and hash tag driving like this is a really cool thing to do. >> me, me, me, me.
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i'm not bothered by this anymore than i'm bothered by the more general trend of selfies. sending pictures of yourself to strangers? what is that? >> yesterday my wife was driving we got cut off by an ambulance. he drove right through a red light. lights weren't on. he was tooling around. you know why? because he was looking down at his phone while he was driving. i feel much safer knowing that an ambulance just drove right through. take a look at some more of these. >> what is the impulse -- aren't people a little bit embarrassed? >> apparently not. >> like here is another picture of me. i'm really interesting. i'm so unbelievably interesting. here is another picture of me. >> this is what the kids are doing this day. socialed me is so so strange. updating people on the fact that you ate cereal. >> natural outgrowth of the self-esteem movement. little kids were taught in school the most important thing is to feel good about yourself. you are special. it reaches its natural end in selfies. i'm so special i'm going to send you another picture of
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myself. how about another picture of me. >> maybe this behind the wheel selfie driving is the end of it maybe we have reached the wall and this is the in. >> they won't last long. that's. >> that's true. move on to serious headlines. two delta force operators called into action the night of the benghazi attack will be honored for their bravery. listen to this. these commandos volunteered to join other u.s. forces when the consulate was hit. at least one made his way into a terrorist controlled hospital to retrieve the body of ambassador chris stevens. both of these heros have been nominated for the distinguished service cross, the military's second highest metal for valor and silver star. investigation continues into the shooting of georgia mayor chris wright. 23-year-old mayor of dawson was home with his family when the apparent late night home robbery took place. according it reports, wright was shot multiple times. his mother was tied up during the incident. wright is recovering at a local hospital. no one else was injured in the shooting, and there have been no arrests at this point. the hero bus driver who
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stopped a woman from killing herself is getting a big reward from mr. trump, the donald. yesterday, trump tweeted the bus driver who saved the woman from jumping off the bridge was really cool. great guy. i'm going to send him $10,000. he deserves it earlier this week, darnell barton spotted a woman who looked like she was going to jump from the bridge overpass into the traffic. he calmly got her off the ledge and sit down with her. there were a bus full of passengers. he waited until help arrived. right in the nick of time a virginia women redeems winning lottery ticket four hours before it expires. after karen gentry purchased the tickets she forgot about it just as the 180 day window to claim almost closed, she remembered she happened to catch a news story about the missing ticket. gentry is now $100,000 richer. >> another example of the news saving lives. she saw a news story. >> so i want to make it totally clear you are not going to win the lottery. let me repeat.
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you are not going to win the lottery. >> it's interesting to get a lot of interesting things about you. >> this is tucker's personal mission. >> i'm anti-lottery. >> it's the government stealing from dumb people. i hate it. >> i play the lottery all the time. >> you did not just say that. >> present company excluded, rick. >> yeah, right, i have got five tickets in my pocket right now, tucker. >> you are going to win, rick. you really are a tax on those bad at math. >> amazing. so tucker, you are running the marathon in the morning? we will show you your first alert forecast for your marathon run. take a look at the weather map. it's going to be a cooler day tomorrow. in fact, we have got today a spectacular day. tomorrow tempts are going to drop about 15 degrees. so you are starting the race 45 degrees, i think that's kind of a great running temperature, actually. it's winds out of the north at 19 miles per hour. pretty consistent win is going to be, i think, a bit of a bummer for a lot of the runner today. they don't like running in
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that by the end of the race still winds out of the north about 18 miles per hour. temps staying the same at about 45 degrees. a cool one for tomorrow. today, looking great, so for that carb loading that the doctor just told everybody not to do, well, if you are doing it, it's kind of a great day across much of the northeast for that down to the southeast there is a little bit of leftover rain across areas of central florida. that's that front that stalled out there. anywhere else in the south you looking spectacular. a ton of sunshine. very nice day across the northern plains as well. cool temps but a the love sunshine. out across the west, the southwest is great. it's the northwest that's got the rain and the snow. all right. guys, back to you inside. >> thank you very, rick. we will see you in a manipulate. >> all right. this week wicked marked tenth anniversary on broadway to. celebrate the show had a 30 days of flight promotion. surprising fans and thanking them for their support. >> michael tamara was there grand prize winner for all the details. we now step into the spotlight. michael good morning. >> good morning, guys. >> juliet, our first doing.
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this we go way back together. >> we go way back. >> he knows many things about me from way back when. >> all the details. wicked's tenth anniversary. >> the fans have been such a huge part of the success of the show. when it premiered in 2003. critics were not so kind. calling it overblown, overproduced, meandering. fans rallied around it and nine tours later. $3 billion and 38 million. >> $3 billion? >> made a the lo of money. >> not a bad sum of change there, tucker. >> so the give back to the fans they came up with the social media program called 30 days of flight where they gave each night it a different fan was honored with various prizes and all of that we were there for the grand prize. they honored a veteran of afghanistan lt. colonel tim senacot and his daughter free trip to new york city and their picture on the mural that's back stage of the gershwin theater. >> i know he came back and took his daughter. >> he and his daughter saw
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the show in january they were so moved and they wrote a letter and producers loved it and they decided to fly him in and this is what. >> appreciation to you guys thank you and everything, is we have added you guys to the mural as well. visitor center. >> oh, wow. >> thank you so much. >> you are welcome. you are very welcome. >> very cool. >> you guys have just been immoralityized into broadway history. how does it feel? >> pretty incredible. absolutely amazing. >> when i came back from leave in afghanistan, i wrote some thank you notes. that's all it was. thank these people that bent over backwards and made the trip special for us. >> sure. >> a few weeks ago we got the note from wicked, asking me if i was in the united states and invited us back. >> so cool. >> really nice. >> his daughter liked the show better than macy's. you can check out the entire
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interview and our back stage tour of wicked in the fox and as always, can you follow me on twitter, juliet, at fox light michael. >> i would love to. i love the fact he took time out of his life to go and write a letter. no one does that. >> i know. >> thanks, michael coming up on the show want to be a millionaire? stick arend, a degree that will help you get there that's next. and what if you are not a millionaire and you are running low on cash? well, you could go on a date. one many with's confession that she uses men for free dinner. sweeping the internet, think that's okay? it's our facebook question of the day. so, let us know if you approve? >> man eater. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles?
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i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®.
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he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump
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or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. some quick headlines for you, the stepmother of the florida bullying suspect is
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out of jail this morning. vivian released after a judge reduced her bail on child abuse charges. her stepdaughter is facing her own charges in the bullying case of a teenager who killed herself. police say the two cases are not related. and, so you want to become a millionaire? here is a degree that could help you get there. number one on the list. wealth insight is engineering. that's followed by a masters of business administration. economics law and a bachelors in business administration. also make the list. the study noted that most of the world's pellettiest people are entrepreneurs. juliet? >> my political science degree apparently is not doing the trick. all right. welcome back, everybody. meet the woman who says she only goes out on dates for a free meal. that's erin, erin weatherspoon is her name. she says i have a pretty face also pretty umable. pretty urban wish list. and we all know that getting what you want in life is tough. which is why i decided to let someone else finance my
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dreams. my dreams to eat in pretty restaurants without costing me a pretty. is this behavior more common than we think? here to discuss this is dating coach john keegan and one of the she knows coaches among us gibson. >> my first reaction when i saw this was i have a problem with people who rely on other people to take care of the basic fundamental things that they should be doing for themselves like feeding themselves. then you take it another level. these guys are being used essentially. she just totally enjoying herself. what do you think. >> she is definitely an entitled person. she feels she entitled to have have anything. victim mentality i'm just an actor so i'm never going to make any money but can i take it from suckers. and then, on the other hand, the guys who are kind of falling for it, there is something wrong with them, too. there is something wrong on both sides. >> what's wrong with them. >> their self-esteem is low. i think hers is too. their self-esteem is low and kind of looking at her as a sex object. >> kind of?
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maybe? >> and then she is the looking at them just as like a thing, a success object. just looking at each other not as people. >> christina, what do you think about this. >> i think it was so tacky. cringing as you read the blog. thinks it is funny right now. what you do on the internet is forever. a couple years from now she is going to meet someone she likes and they will google her and this is what you find out. who wants a girl like that. >> we were talking about the segment started i said never in my life when i would go out to the bars and there would be a gentleman who could come up to me, if i wasn't interested in talking to him but he offered to buy me a drink i would decline. i think it's kind of using somebody. you disagree on this. how extreme is she taking this here. >> she is taking it to it a total extreme. if you are out at a bar. sometimes they are offended if you say. no a drink from a guy at a bar blatantly going out with guys strictly for free dinners that you have no interesting in seeing them. that's just sad.
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>> does she lack -- i'm so pretty. does she lack possibly self-esteem and self-confidence in that she is just -- she is turning herself off to the potential of actually meeting somebody worthwhile by just coldly going on these dates and just like acting like whatever? >> she absolutely has no self-confidence. she doesn't believe she can make her own money. she doesn't believe she can generate for herself. imagine having to sit there with the most boring place on earth sit in a space and eat food. >> that's what she does. >> just so can i be here. the guy with the unibrow. sit here with a guy drooling on something. like having the worse job in the world. >> not the most wonderful table manners, this is what she said, yes, i had good food but was it worth my time keeping up with the silly text messages don't care about. figuring out who the blank is who. >> she has a really tough life. i mean, i feel like if she wants to try all these fancy restaurants go during happy
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hour. go when it's restaurant week. don't rely on somebody else to take you to it nice places even if you are a budget can you can still make it work. >> meeting people online. >> onlibrary dating. >> jj activated her. >> and she is not jewish. >> and if you are a guy going out there and nice to meet a nice young lady. how do you know whether or not you are being completely used. >> my tip would be don't agree to take dinner on a first date. you tent know the person. never met them go. to drinks. it's a cheaper, shorter time alternative not stuck with somebody for hours and huge bill. >> i have a feeling you are. >> i never take a woman for a first date out for dinner. >> we will have more on that in a later show. thanks for joining me. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> what do you think of her tactic? just fine or over the line? let us if he. and now you see it, now you don't. politician wore an american flag pin for his official portrait. somebody thought it was a good idea to crop it out. he is outraged and he is
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joining us live. and it's it the car that you want to go out and buy right now. the least stolen car. well, maybe you don't maybe there is a reason it's the least stolen. we will be right back. wisest kid in the whole world? we need a new recipe. hmmm. let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. ♪ oh! perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love. like easy chicken and cheese enchiladas. so good! can i keep this? you already have it at nice. [ blows ] [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good!
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and better is so easy withrning you cabenefiber.o something better for yourself. [ blows ] fiber that's taste-free, grit-free and dissolves completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber.
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well he is an army veteran and retired new york city police department captain running for queens city council. after taking his official candidate photo. joe called -- noticed something he called anti-america. decided to crop out the american flag pin on his lapel. how did this happen? joe joins us this morning to explain. nice to see you this morning. >> good morning, clayton. love to see you as well. thanks for having me on this morning. >> explain to me exactly
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what happened here. >> what happened was i got involved in the race very, very late because of what the city council had done in new york city. they paled this community safety act. and basically blindfolded and handcuffed every cop in the city of new york from being able to do their routine duties. the cops have really done a stunning job of reducing crime here in the city. so what do i do? i entered the race in august. i submit my petitions on the 20th. i get qualified as a candidate in september. and now all of a sudden i have to -- i'm being asked by the campaign finance board to submit profile information. they emailed me over half a dozen times requesting information from me. so what do i do? i submit the information through my campaign. well, then they come back to us and said oh, well, you missed deadline. and i said, you know to my campaign manager i missed what deadline? they said the deadline was june 26th. i said june 26th? i wasn't even a candidate june 26th. how could i miss the deadline? then after a whole lot of
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back and forth, what they do is they said hey, look, we'll you a favor. submit your photo. >> so you took the photo, your own campaign took the photo? >> our campaign photo has -- this is a stock photo of what i look like in the campaign. >> so drop that banner if you would on the screen there because we will show. >> this is my official voter going out to auto thousand in the district. >> describe to people what they did when they see your photo. this is the cropped photo now. this is what they officially then released. cropped out from shoulder down. the flag pin. >> right. >> why do you think think did that? >> well, this very what i call these arbitrary and quite frankly what i think is capricious rules, all right? they say they don't want to do any work behind the scenes, all right? and what they say is nobody can have a flag, nobody can have a flag pin, nobody can have any kind of pin of any sort whatsoever. i make the argument. my discussion is that this is not just a pin.
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this is the flag of the united states of america. this is our image in likeness in old glory. when people see this flag all around the world in all sorts of different areas, especially since we are still at war as a nation people celebrate the flag as it comes. in only in new york city government could you have an agency say oh, we saw the flag, bad thing. take it away. >> new york city campaign finance board had it this to say it is long standing condition date in the photo for the guide should not contain any buttons or pins. the csb is happy to consider suggestions from candidates and the public for approving as part of our post election review process. >> yes, post election. they didn't tell you guide for 4 million people in the city of new york that they left my entire name out, my entire image and likeness out. my entire biography and profile out.
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they mailed that to four million houses in the city of new york. and then they gave me a hard time about the online presence. >> joe is a candidate. we appreciate you joining us this morning. keep up the good fight. >> thanks,appreciate it. >> thanks,appreciate it. more "fox & friends" in two hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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good morning, everybody, saturday, november 2ened. new video of lax, security guard sending people to safety. on the floor. on the floor now. >> live from los angeles with the very latest. what we're learning with about the suspect, including a possible motive. >> despite the failure, democrats continue to defend obama care. j we he have got to make the law work. we can't just trash. >> why do we have to make a law work sold under false pretense. >> law of the land. >> governor mike huckabee
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joins us in a moment. he says that statement is completely disingenuous. >> and are you worried that you're driving hot wheels? now we know the cars, thieves don't want to steal is on the list? the question is do you want to drive them if they are not even desirable to the criminals? "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. >> hey, i'm joe biden, you are watching "fox & friends." i will tell you what, you will enjoy it. >> god love you, mr. vice president. >> god love you. >> i drive a theft proof car myself. >> what is it. >> 2006 saab with dents in it no one has ever stolen a 2006 assault and battery. it's like a four cylinder car. >> i thought they stopped making them in 198 a. >> exactly people stopped stealing them. >> after market parts we are not going to be able to fix it. >> it's not even worth it. we can't even send that to el salvador. they won't even take it. >> good morning, welcome into "fox & friends" on this saturday morning.
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governor mike huckabee joining us in moments. first. this it's a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, brand new video shows the terrifying moment that hundreds of cheaferls were forced to three for their lives at los angeles international airport. yesterday morning, a gunman sparked a deadly rampage killing a tsa agent and wounding six others. watch. >> everyone on the floor. on the floor now. on the floor. >> trying to figure out if that is a police officer or if that's the gunman. sounds like the police officer. gunman in custody. learning more about him. including will carr, life from los angeles including the latest. will, good morning. >> good morning, guys, a lot of new details on the shooter but, first, we are also learning a lot about the man who police say he shot and killed. that's 39-year-old heraldo hernandez. first killed in the line of duty and father of two.
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ciancia still alive. yesterday around 9:30 he walked into terminal 3 at lax and pulled out a rifle and started shooting. >> the shooting was on the left-hand side from where we heard the gun shots. and it was just -- it was horrible, you know. but, it was -- it was vietnam all again. >> sounded like a war zone that witness said. now, another witness said that it looked like actually targeting tsa agents. he asked one person did he work for the tsa when he said no, he let him go. originally from new jersey. according to police in new jersey he evidently texted his brother earlier this week and mentioned maybe he wanted to commit suicide. investigation has been
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launched in new jersey. this has become a bi coastal investigation with the fbi in the lead. ciancia is actually in custody. he is alive. we don't know his condition. he was shot before he was taken into custody. guys, as you know, this had a major impact on travel throughout the country. lax actually tweeted this morning that more than 16' thousand passengers all across the country were impacted by this yesterday and is continuing to have inare pell effects today. they say if you have any flights in or out of lax today, make sure you check with your airlines just to make sure that your flight is on time. >> father of two. all right, will, thanks for joining us this morning. live in los angeles with the latest. >> all right. let's go to some other headlines. a major blow to the war on terror. one of the cia's most wanted is dead. taken out by a u.s. drone strike. hakim masou. chief of the pakistani taliban is connected to a 2009 suicide bombing that killed seven americans at
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outpost in afghanistan. is he believed to be behind that failed times square car bombing. overnight the taliban confirming the kill. they say they will promote their number two commander to replace them. a man in michigan wants his cut of the $25 million reward for usama bin laden. 63-year-old tom lee claims he told the fbi where bin laden was hiding back in 2003 when he learned it from a pakistani intelligence agency. his attorney claims lee has beening the fbi for the reward ever since he found out the 9/11 mastermind was killed in the exact location he says he told them about. u.s. officials say they found bin laden through intelligence, not an informant. no reward will be given. the government can't force business owners to provide birth control. that is the ruling from the d.c. circuit of appeals. the judge is siding with a group of business owners in ohio. they say being forced to offer birth control to employees under obama care violates their religious beliefs. the divided ruling is one of several pending court cases on the birth control
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mandate. including one going before the u.s. supreme court. so here is how you make sure your car does not get stolen. get one of these cars. the five models thieves do not really like. the toyota matrix. >> never even heard of it. >> acura rdx, the dodge journey. volkswagen tiguan. >> all popular. >> you don't know the tiguan. >> i don't have seven children so i don't. i'm just kidding all of you people who have the tiguan. families who have garages that makes -- missed the first part. popular all of these with families who have garages which makes it hard for crooks to steal. >> not that they are bad cars. >> the audi a 4 harder to steal antitheft. >> thieves are not targeting minivans? is that what you are saying? >> you think well, plus, and being in garages. >> human nature. >> i think it's more than
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minivans. >> rick, you drive a tiguan, right? >> i do. >> what is. >> mythical two headed beast? >> i do. >> what is it? >> it's a manipulate any suv. >> minute any suv. >> what is a tigua in. >> what is a segway. >> i drive a bicycle. that's the only thing i drive. so hey tonight turn your clocks pack before you go to bed. clayton assures us if you are using the iphone as your only source of time that you will wake up on time tomorrow. turn on your tv at 6:00 tomorrow morning and see if we're all here. if that ha happens at 2:00 this morning 1:00. don't forget to turn your clocks back. east coast looking pretty good yesterday. a lot of rain. same storm that brought snow across many solve the rockies. brought very heavy flooding rain across the austin area. the tail end of this front is moving very very slowly. we will see the rain exiting the socked in across the a thin sliver there of florida for much of the day today.
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elsewhere behind that you are looking very good. out across the west watching next storm. in the pacific northwest. rain and big snow maker across much of the west for the early part of this week. >> marathon. >> cold and windy weather. the cold is good but the wind is tough for ruppers. running to the north. wind coming out. wind mind behind. >> you 19 mile-per-hour winds. >> jet stream? >> only the strong survive. >> thanks, rick. >> talk about obama care this morning governor mike huckabee is joining us now the host of huckabee on the fox news channel. governor, nice to see you this morning. >> hello everybody. hello juliet good to he sue. >> you had interesting folks on your set ever the other day talking about obama care. doug schoen had some interesting things to say. >> big thing is "it's the law of the land," which so such profound sense of emphasis. look the only law that can't be re peeled came postmark mount sinai written on two
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tablets of stone. every other law can be revised. here is the real question. if it's the law of the land how come obama was able to make exceptions arbitrarily and i think perhaps illegally to a law that he thought was so sacrosanct that it was untouchable oh, big business you are exempt. congress and staff, we will let you have a special break. this nonsense about it's the law of the land, if that's true, the debt ceiling is the law of the land. >> it was on hannity's show by the way clarify that. >> not really a argument they are making. more of a statement. shut up and obey it's the law. >> exactly. sort of like a way to end the discussion. it's a democrat talking point. i just wir that somewhere the democrats could begin to be a little unique and they wouldn't all say the same thing that comes from the wizard of oz. >> i listened in on it before, no, seriously, the democratic spokes men. >> you will safe this. >> here's our position. >> if obama care had been programmed with the same
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precision with which the democratic spokes men are, it wouldn't be the disaster it is. >> let's listen to doug schoen former advisor to president -- >> i love the guy. >> well-spoken. >> listen to him last night on hannity for context. >> it's clear didn't tell the truth about it. it's clear we have got to figure out why and what we do about it we have got to make the the law work. we can't just trash obama care. >> why do we have to make the law work. >> law of the land. >> supreme court settled. >> no such thing as settled law. that's what law is all with the genius of our system in america is that the laws can be changed. when we find out that they don't work or that they are inappropriate or somehow hurting more than they are helping, i mean, that's what laws are about. they get changed. >> you said something fascinating and i like the analogy as a fan of technology, the president lately over the last couple of weeks has been compared his administration and the rollout of obama care to' a pell and rolling out new ios
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7. apple send out fliches and fixed. >> first of all, apple fixed it and obama care is not working right. we found out now almost like "saturday night live" was prophetic in saying there were only six people could use it at a time. they said it as a joke. only six people sound up the first day. let me ask you something. what if apple, after all of its build up for the iphone 5 sold six iphones worldwide on the first day instead of the millions that they sold? tim cook would be selling hot dogs and apples out front of the store on 59th street. i mean, that's what is so ironic. you don't have something that is touted as such a success have something be a disaster and do anything other than fire somebody. >> meanwhile vice president
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joe biden one of the members in attendance. worried upon their re-election campaigns next year that, look, this goes beyond the web site problems. it's an infrastructure problem. we are going to have to go back to our districts and tell med5 they open it, it's there if you like it, vote for it if you don't get in there and get somebody to clear it up.
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>> governor huckabee, always a pleasure to see you sir. -- >> we're going to be talking to two younger people one who got on medicaid who is in law school so he gets his free. and another person who is losing her health insurance, well, i say losing it, it's going to more than double in price. what we are seeing and this is really the tragedy of obama care. some more people are going to get it free so few people can afford the new version that they pay for that the economics of it is absolutely unsustainable. >> exactly. it's not just a web site. that sounds like a great show. >> thanks. >> thanks, governor. >> coming up here on our show it's the top security at lax. next guest developing a security plan for that same airport. so what went wrong. >> the president promised more jobs and car sales. cash for clunkers program
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was a clunker. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life.
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campbell's healthy request. (coffee be♪ng poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. that's the sound of car insunce companies these days. here a cheap, there a cheap. everywhere a cheap... you get it. so what if instead ofjust a cheachoice, you could make a smart choice? like esurance for example they were born online and built to save people money from the beginning.
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that's what they've always ne. not just somhing they...cheep about. that's insurance for the modern world. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. welcome back. shooting yesterday raises concerns. whether security lapses at lax. ken hoenig is the certified emergency manager. jfk and lawrgsd airports in new york. also the father of one of our great producers here at "fox & friends." nice to see you this morning, ken. >> good morning. >> i understand you have an intimate experience of what was unfolding at los angeles international airport. in fact, the security procedures. you were working with them in the past. actually put some procedures in place to make sure something like this maybe wouldn't happen? >> we worked with the los
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angeles world airport to develop a series of emergency plans to cover all sorts of emergencies that could occur at the airport. anything from airplane crashes to fires. and we also did some planning for active shooter. >> so did that ever get implemented? >> the planning was implemented. the plans were tested and they were approved and they have been out there. and it was how to deal with this kind of event. >> so, did it seem to go according to protocol? i mean, what's a amazing is that this happened prior to the security georgia's. where there more security beyond those gates. do so do those plan take into account someone coming through the front door in the beginning in the gate in the terminal area? >> everyone is well aware as we increase the sciewrst in the sterile area to protect the aircraft, you are now making -- you still have that vulnerability before the front doors. los angeles world airports they do a number of things
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as other airports do around the country to try to mitigate that including setting up checkpoints at the entrance to the airport where people are spoken to. both the los angeles world airport's police and the l.a.p.d. at the airport specialized training so they can intercede immediately should an event like this happen. >> there seems to be maybe perhaps more people killed in previous incidents. take a look at your screen back in houston a gunman killed him sself in 2013; new orleans airport there and 2002 remember that shootings at the terminal. perhaps of what happened in los angeles fewer people killed here. were they adhearing to protocol. we understand he may have had upwards of 100 rounds. by falling this protocol were people's lives saved? >> absolutely. in the the last number of years things occurred. police officers have learned you can't wait for the
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specialized swat team or emergency service people to come. regular patrol officers r. giving specialized training in how to immediately intercede. you are not waiting for specialized people to come in with heavy weapons. the police officers were their normal weapons go in and they have tactics where they can immediately intercede and they were able to do that. >> we have that video running through here through your interview. was it a police officer yelling get down, get down? it was hard for us to see in the video. >> i did not see the video you just showed there were police officers yelling get down, get down. the person i am seeing now looks like a los angeles world police officer. >> so a bullet flying wouldn't get in the way. >> we appreciate you young us this morning. >> thank you very much. glad to be here. >> coming up here on the show, stop and frisk here to stay. a judge who tried to block it gets the boot is this a victory for common sense. nypd inspector. >> if you running low on cash go on a date.
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woman confesses uses by for free dinner sweeping the internet gone viral. that's shocking, right? it's our facebook question of the day. let us know. well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool only from progressive.
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are ending soon the mattress price wars are ending soon at sleep train. we've challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest
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with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ good morning, headlines, honda is recalling minivans because of a break problem. software and parts problem could cause the 2007 and 2008 models to brake suddenly. and tomorrow's sunrise could look something like this. there is going to be a partial solar eclipse that will be visible to most of the east coast if the skies are clear. it it's a rare kind of a moan blocks part of the sun
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in some areas of the world and blocks it off completely for other areas. >> maybe we will see it we are up early. 8:24 east coast time. critics are up in arms after a federal appeals court blocks the judge's decision to dismantle nypd's stop and frisk program. reporter say without it crime will soar. he is retired nypd inspector and founder of the cordaro group. >> thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> you say immediately stop and frisk should not be what it's called stop and question. explain that. >> that's part of the problem here. a lot of rhetoric around this very sensitive issue general lay police officer will stop s reasonable suspicion, that's practiced throughout the country depending on the situation. the officer may feel a need
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to frisk. not every stop or reasonable decision stop results in an actual risk. fulkss in new york city have been up in arms. stop and question, whatever you want to call it stop and frisk now as i'm used to say iting it. some say that it is racial profiling at its worse. your response to that? >> my sense is, you know, again, police officers are deployed generally, and rightfully, into high crime areas. and higher numbers. strand if you are going to prevent crime, then, you know, you have to us into information you have about criminal trends and patterns, make ohs based on your training and experience and say, you know what? this looks suspicious. this may be a crime about to occur. let me intervene. that's indispensable tool of law enforcement and proactive crime. >> new york city before and after stop and frisk 2003, 7.4. 2012, 5.0. it has gone down it definitely has gone down. we are looking at per
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100,000 people here. >> absolutely. >> get rid of it would mean what? >> well, you know, back to the policies of the 1970s, 1980s, and early 90's when new york had over 2300 murders. part of the problem back then was that police didn't get involved until criminals dictated the crime and police work feverishly. got to ask about your response what happened though it ray kelly police commissioner of new york city. when he went to brown city he was booed and heckled to the point where he couldn't even get to speak. there was no opportunity for political discourse. he came on a local fox news show in the morning here in new york city and said on friday that he was told that it was people from basically out of the school. it wasn't necessarily students. it was people who had agenda. >> sad day for brown university in general. say that because, you know, at what point did we decide as a society there is no room for civil discourse,
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for disagreement and there is no learning opportunity in so doing. >> joe cordero thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> we could talk about all day. thank you. somebody left her with no way to get to work taking off her her bike. she left this for the thief. her letter gone viral. and this morning she has the last laugh. the very happy ending coming up next. joe is very interested in this as a former nypd. what are you going to do with all that leftover halloween candy? send it my way. send it joe's way. tucker's way? >> when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts
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and check out the new 2014 lineup of tracker boats. get no payments 'til 2014 low financing, and a free boat cover with purchase of select models.
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♪ you were singing along in the eighth grade. you give me way too much credit here. getting ready for the big new york city marathon. >> did you see the guy during one of the interviews in the middle of the street jumping and posing and the cop god mad and yelled at him. >> no jumping and posing here in new york city. >> middle of the street in traffic either? let's talk about dating, shall we? >> [ laughter ] >> what are you looking oat at&t me for? >> i think this is a fascinating. this is my favorite story of the morning by the way. this woman, i guess she has
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posted a blog post now and maybe she is doing this for attention, of course, her name is aaron watherspoon. >> i have a pretty face and extensive list yelp wish list of getting what you want to eat. she goes on dates pretty much every night with guys i don't know what happens afterwards but she gets free meals on their backs for life basically. >> that's a tough way to fill your stomach. considering he is bowl of gruel for free. having to sit with some creepy guy while he breathes on you just to get an an tray? there has got to be an easier way. >> two hours of your life you will never get back. is a meal worth it? >> as a woman. >> completely not worth it. let's ask what you have to say. facebook, here is from dan,
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just crazy, shameful. society has become so much like this. let everyone pay your bills with no remorse. i'm so with you on that one. it's true. >> scott writes this on facebook. he says karma will catch up with her. >> why is it so much karma with her? what about these guys? she is out online dating. they think she is actually interested in dating but all she wants is a free meal. >> the joke will be on her when one day she falls in love. >> said by a true romantic. >> women have been dating guys for a night out since eve. >> back off, paul. calm down there, buddy. here is what karen says: as a working woman i never expect my dates to pick up my tab. while they usually do pay for dinner it is not the expectation. >> it ought to be the expectation. >> when you go out a couple times. >> any guy who is let's split it, that's not the guy for you. >> why do you say that? >> because it's appalling behavior. cattish behavior. you are the man. suck it up. you are the man.
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pay for dinner. expectations on men. open the door, pay for dinner, be the gentleman. >> make the overture. you guys are dating for a while and she wants to take you out for a special dinner, of course, that's empowering. she wants to do that she makes her own wage. >> i know plenty of girls who want to at least make the offer. >> that's empowering? >> sure. absolutely it's empowering. talk to any woman who is self-employed and doesn't want to have to rely on manget sure they want the chivalry they don't want the man to pay for everything. >> no, we do. >> yeah, that's right. i think they feel disempowered when they pay. >> the opposite. keep going, forget headlines. let us know what you think. go to our facebook page this morning and weigh in on all of this. >> we can blog about it afterwards. >> make it go viral. >> get to the rest of the headlines now. two delta force operators called into action the night of the benghazi attack will be honored for their bravery. the command toes volumed to join other u.s. forces when consulate was hit.
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one made his way into terrorist controlled hospital to redrive the body of ambassador chris stevens both have been nominated for the distinguished service cross. valor and silver staff. we are going to preface this story by saying what you are seeing now is a moss scott who looks like is he passed out and he probably is it's okay. because he is okay now but it was a scary moment for the denver nugget fans at the game last night. the mascot rocky was lowered from the ceiling as part of player introductions. he was out cold. he was motionless. people started to realize something was going on. local media reports rockie got dizzy because it is a mile high city as someone pointed out earlier. cash for clunkers help the environment. new study reveals it was just a lemon. the reason loose fuel economy requirements and only a small boost in employment. researchers say other programs like reducing payroll taxes would have done a lot more to promote
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job growth. americans traded in 700,000 clunkers during the program in 2009. a woman posts an angry letter to the thief who stole her bike. a good samaritan reads it instead. her bike was stolen while she was working. she wrote a book and taped it on a lamp post. the story of her note caught the attention of a man named bob curry who remembered how it felt to have his own bike stolen. curry and his daughter took her to a bike shop and bought her a new one. that is so unusual. wow. >> so nice though. >> a nice person. yeah. >> speaking of nice people. >> red a bedtime story. >> >> so funny you say that. >> a bowl of mush. >> rick and i -- i was thinking the same thing. hansel and gretel. >> across areas of the northeast, get ready for some changes. we have been very warmer to the last couple of days and here is how we are starting
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out. the rain is offshore. temps to the that bag along the coast. watch that rain there off great lakes. through the day today. see temperatures by tonight. begin to drop off. you start to see that white stuff fly. snow across the central parts of the appalachians and lake-effect snow as well. temps for everybody tomorrow around 15 to 18 degrees below where you are today. eni didn't today if you are going to be outside. down towards the south we still have some rain across parts of florida and in then in towards the carolina coast line. that is going to pull offshore. the rain will taper off the coast line soon. the tail end of that across florida will continue to be with us. eickly throughout much of the remainder of the day. out across the west you are looking great. bringing rain and snow. there is pacific cowgill kind of tropical entity down there. those two will meet up this week and bring us big rain showers across parts of the central plains. all right, clayton, i'm coming over to you. >> i'm going to combine two of the things that you love candy and alcohol in one segment. mark addison is here designer and entertaining expert founder of events
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style. my wife said what are we going to do with all this candy? unique way. >> i have. you can say we have this candy. you don't have to at the eat itl as candy. >> you don't have to teeth all. coming up with different things that are fun and family-friendly as well as something for the adults. we're going to start. >> with alcohol. >> liquor infused with hard candy. this is really great. take your hard candy. use broken candy, i have a little trick i put them into a ball jar. i have my candy in here and add my spirit and put it in the dishwasher. it helps melt the candy. it comes out nice. so i have got here butter scott rum. white rum and melted butter scotch nice to sip on winter cordial. >> like grandma used to put out in her candy dish. >> i don't know if she mixed it with rum. >> where is my candy. >> i don't know, miles where is your candy? i have no idea. >> i took watermelon life
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savers and infused it into tequila great cocktail. red hots great in vodka. letted who apple martini. >> does it take a lot of candy. >> you do it by case. -- taste. i had half a cup of red hot. >> spice it it up. >> there is a ton of chocolate left over. >> tiny little chocolate bars and this is a great way you can extend the life of your candy bar by turning it into a popcorn candy bar. chop them up a little bit. put them in the microwave and toss them with your popcorn to add great flavor. >> my wife was crazy she would take the reisss pieces and throw them in there at the movie theater. you are ruining, you can't combine it. >> salt and peanut and chocolate together. it's amazing. all right. >> this is kit kat flavor. we have twix and also have snickers flavor. lightly melt them. >> you are correct. this does taste delicious. >> you are turning this stuff that's already.
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>> mixed matched stuff. >> at love work. >> it's not. put candy corn and put it into yellow cake mix. candy corn cake mix. beautiful mosaic candy as a' toker. took more candy bars and chopped them up and put them in plondy rest pay. instead of chocolate chips. >> get away. >> and then kids really love the gummy things. gummy worms put into a rice crispy treat. a the love gun fun, great color. >> and finally with your costumes. >> kids wear costumes once. grow out of them and get bored with it great way to extend the life of costume turn into decor item. i took out spider man cisz costume. took out the center logo and blood it on to pillow. hang out with characters a lot longer. >> mark addison, thank you very much. >> cheers. >> thanks, mark. >> happy holidays. >> if you missed any of these they will be up on
5:42 am >> cheers. >> they go for the alcohol not the candy. >> happy morning for you. she lost her husband in iraq and one thing that kept her going, running. now she is helping others. she is here to explain along with the man helping her. the president of folds of honor. >> it's a great story. also, are you guilty of texting behind the wheel? we are going to watch out for brand new way that cops are catching you. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions
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or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don'drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem . . . twins. i didn't see them cing. i need a new investment pn. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. ishares core etfs are low-cost funds. so you can keep more of what you earn. get started with the new ishares core builder. design a personalized plan that can help you achieve your investment goals. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing.
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risk includes possible loss of principal.
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>> 8:45 east coast time. let's check out the -- swapping for pasta may help reduce your chance of breast cancer. researchers found eating a lot of bread after menopause raised the risk of developing the disease by 600%. however, eating pasta
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instead of bread lowers the risk. highway patrol officers in tennessee are swapping their squad cars for big rigs. why? well, sitting higher up they have a chance to look down and watch you, well hopefully not you but maybe people that you know texting. dozens of drivers were ticket during the two day sweep. >> thanks, juliet. after she lost her husband in iraq, lisa began running to deal with the pain and the more steps she took, the more she realized she could help other war his or hers heal through running. >> she founded wear blue, run to remember to honor their fallen loved ones. >> now she is partnering up with folds of honor in the new york city marathon tomorrow. we are joined with the marathon. lisa and major dan rooney. welcome to you both. you are both running tomorrow? >> yeah. it's just an amazing thing. you began running after your husband was killed in afghanistan in 2009? >> yes. running has always been a great way to deal with the challenges military life
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brought after john passed away. it was something really tangible hold on to. >> did it make a difference? >> absolutely. healthy and life affirming. i think that when john is a part of me. i think when i'm running and challenging myself i'm at my fullest. and if john is with me, that means is he more vibrant and with me. >> tell us about we are seeing images here of captain john. tell us about him of what he meant to you and what he meant to his crun country? >> john was my best friend and bottom line is he loved me and loved our kids. he was sin spider leader with a tireless work ethic and he was passionate about his soldiers and family and he was funny and athletic and strong and smart. loved to organize. but he is just this very real man who loved his country. >> >> did you run together? what we he think of you running now? would he be super impressed. >> when john went to ranger school i did my first marathon. i wanted to mimic his challenge with one of my own. when we would go to do training runs together he
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would be walking next to me and i would be slowly jogging. i said you are making me feel bad. he said, no, no. >> now you are running ultra marathons. is he not a casualty number. is he my husband. a redhead who loved swimming to ho forgets to wear his shoes. it brings home the point you realize this is a person and not just a number. how did you get involved with each other? >> so, one of my favorite terms in life is synchronicity chance and purpose comes together. my wife was reading "runner's world" and read the article on lisa and said you have to find this person. we saw in there she had three kids. jackson, heidi and brice. and that's what we do at folds of honor is provides scholarships for the spouses and the kids of the fallen and disabled and we have over 5,000 recipients and through a little bit of work to get through runner's world they connected, lisa and i. and she, you know, we were back in the green room and she said do you realize folds of honor will pay $180,000 to take care of all
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three of my kids' education? that's what we are here tomorrow to do. we are running to honor all these incredible men like her husband that have made these ache faces for our country. very unapologetically celebrate our freedoms as a nation tomorrow. >> amen. are you raising money tomorrow? >> yes, so our goal, is to raise $26,200. we certainly need all the viewers out there. >> and i know our viewers will want to help. how exactly would they? >> so they can visit folds of and go right to the marathon portal and make a donation and those dollars will go to help lisa's kids go to school. >> lisa, i have got to ask you, what has this relationship meant to you, folds of honor. >> it's been incredible to me. as a parent i'm constantly saying to my kids look them in the eyes and say thank you. every time i pick up my kids from school and they're smiling and their lips are bubbling with the knowledge they learned, i hear and see my country saying thank you.
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thank you to my kids, my family. and that is paramount. >> we will be cheering you guys on tomorrow. definitely. >> thank you. >> the web site again. >> are you sure you are not going to run with us, right? >> well. he has to work tomorrow. >> i have to work tomorrow morning. >> and i to work tomorrow morning. >> and i need six month 0s of leave time. you're in shape. i just ate a butterscotch bowl of food there. running with honor and folds of gold. >> and we'll celebrate god and country without apology on the streets of new york city. our next guest wanted his health care plan and wanted to keep it. but he got a letter from obama care giving him the boot. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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like, scoring the perfect table? ♪ or getting a better seat? ♪ or let's say there's an accident. if you he esurance, you can use their mobile app to start a claim... upload a few photos... anget your money fast. maybe that doesn't make you a control freak. more like a control enthusiast. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. [ ding ] i sense you've overpacked, your stomach. try pepto to-go. it's pepto-bismol that fits in your pocket. relief can be yours, but your peanuts... are mine. ♪
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turns out you can't keep your health care after all. our next guest just received a health insurance cancellation read. it reads, "to make sure your policy includes new requirements, your existing policy will end and be replaced by a new policy and a new premium upon renewal in 2014. this is all because of the so-called affordable care act." that's unbelievable. >> tucker, i was told 200 times by the president if i like my health care plan, i can keep my health care plan. here it is, i can't keep my health care plan. i got this two mondays ago. it says my plan has been canceled as of december 31st and i'm supposed to shop around for something else. >> nothing in your health stat has changed, you didn't forget to pay. this is purely because of obama care. >> a couple of beers a week. >> the letter says that, this is
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because of the aca. >> it says because of the affordable care act. this is something obama has run around and said these bad apple insurance companies. this is a good insurance company. they treated me very well with great service. they are required by federal law. if they sold me the plan exactly as i had before, they would be breaking federal law. this is a requirement of federal law. it wasn't their idea. >> to be clear, when the president and his many surrogates in the press and congress say these were bad insurance plans, they are saying this insurance plan didn't pay for other people's birth control or transplants. this is a health care plan you wanted. >> now we have these essential health benefits. maternity care. if you're a 60-year-old woman, post menopause, you still have to pay for maternity care. these plans are supposed to cover pediatric vision service. i don't have children. i'm supposed to pay for eyeglasses for children i don't have. this is why costs are shooting up.
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>> anybody paying any attention here realizes this is unsustainable. not just the website. we'll fix that at some point, but the system itself is doomed to fail. this cannot continue. what is going to replace it, do you think? >> i think this thing is going to collapse. they will not have enough young healthy people signing up because they see this as a rip-off. i don't see a 22-year-old guy saying i want to sign up for maternity care and stuff i don't need at a tremendous price. i'm invincible and i'll do what i want and stay on my mom and dad's plan. the economics of it will go like that and this will go upside down. six months, nine months people will say throw it out and obama will have to buckle in or we'll have an election and people will put in folks who will right the ship. >> you heard it here first. save this tape. i agree with you, too. sorry about your health care plan. i thought you got to keep it. >> that's what i heard.
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>> the joke's on us. we have another jam-packed out with dana perino and all the tips you need for your finances and a prosthetic hand. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. ♪ switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness... ...from the stevia leaf.
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good morning, everybody. it is saturday november 2nd. we begin with a fox news alert. we have chilling video to show you of the chaos inside l.a.x. when a gunman opens fire sending people scrambling for safety. >> on the floor, on the floor now! >> we are getting our first look at the face of the killer. what we are learning including why he might have gone on this rampage. live in los angeles. just when you thought obama care couldn't get worse, it does. the ceo of one of the biggest exchange contractors is facing potential investigation for
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fraud. the bombshell report you need to hear is coming up. injured by an ied in iraq, burned on his hands and face. a true american hero this morning a special honor for him. we share this brave marine's story. >> "fox and friends" hour four, can you believe it? it starts right now. >> welcome to the show, you're watching fox and friends. >> she said liz your stage manager. >> she is one of our lovely -- >> we are protecting her identity. welcome to "fox and friends." thank you for making us the number one cable news morning show. >> i take credit for all of it. >> julia, nice to see you this morning. good to be back. >> i thought it was tomorrow.
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they are getting a head start now? oh, it's the 5k. >> it's like a marathon except not at all. >> can you believe that last guest we had did an ultramarathon? >> she was an amazing woman. her husband killed in afghanistan in 2009. in to honor him she has done the full aeroman, marathon 110 mile bike ride, 2.4 mile swim, amazing. >> you can cheer them on tomorrow. >> more on the marathon. first a fox news alert because hundreds of travelers forced to run for their lives as a gunman goes on a deadly rampage through the los angeles international airport. one tsa agent is dead and six others wounded. shocking new video shows the moments this terrifying chaos broke out. >> on the floor now! on the floor! >> this hour, this suspect is in custody apparently wounded. we are learning a whole lot more
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about him including a possible motive. will carr is live in los angeles with the very latest. what do you know? >> good morning, guys. overnight we learned a lot more about the shooting suspect. we learned about the man who police say he shot and killed yesterday. that is 39-year-old gerardo hernandez. he was a tsa agent. in fact, he was the first tsa agent ever shot and killed in the line of duty. he was also the father of two. at the same time we are learning more about the gunman. police say 23-year-old paul ciansio pulled out a rifle and started shooting. >> shooting was on the left-hand side from where we heard the gun shot. it was horrible, you know. it was vietnam all again. >> authorities say it could have
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been worse. that's because he was found with more than 100 rounds left when he was finally taken into custody. witnesses think he was targeting tsa agents. they say he walked up to them, asked them if they were working for tsa. when he was taken into custody he had a had written note that said he wanted to harm tsa agents. he is from new jersey. apparently earlier in the week he texted his brother in new jersey saying he wanted to try to kill himself. authorities looking into that. he was shot before taken into custody, but he is still alive and they are trying to figure out exactly what his status is and what led him into l.a.x. yesterday to start shooting so many people. back to you guys. >> thanks, will. let's get to other headlines now. we had a lot of breaking news overnight. a blajor blow to the war on terror. one of the cia's most wanted is dead taken out by a u.s. drone
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strike. chief of the pakistani taliban connected to a 2009 suicide bombing that killed seven americans at a cia outpost in afghanistan. he is believed to be behind that failed times square bombing. overnight the taliban confirming the kill. they say they will promote their number two commander to replace him. the investigation continues into the shooting of georgia mayor chris wright. he was home with his family when the late night home robbery took place. according to reports, wright was shot multiple times, his mother was tied up, as well. wright is recovering at a local hospital. nobody else was injured. no arrests have been made. the government can't force business owners to provide birth control. that is the ruling from the d.c. circuit court of appeals, citing with business owners in ohio. they say they've been forced to offer birth control to employees under the obama care act and it violates their religious belief. the divided ruling has won several pending court cases on
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the birth control mandate, including one going before the u.s. supreme court. and the blue angels are back. the showcase navy squad will perform a flyover before the navy/notre dame football game today in south bend. it's the first public appearance since their funding was cut by the sequester back in april. >> we've been shut down for quite some time now. we are thrilled to be doing something, some community outreach around the country. >> you'll get to go to air shows and see the squadron in the air 2014. 65 shows. >>. >> let's check in with rick outside with a look at this fall forecast almost upon us. >> the new york road runners have this race the day before the marathon. everybody can get in on it. you don't have to qualify or register. goes from the u.n. up to the park. you run through the actual new york city marathon finish line so you can have your picture taken right there at the finish
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line, which is cool. i cannot believe how many people are out here running. it's a 5k. i bet all of us can do this next year. it's only three miles. take a look at your weather maps. tonight you have to turn your clocks. tonight is the night. set your clocks back before you go. iphones will work. tonight is the night you get an extra hour sleep. the sun is rising earlier tomorrow and setting earlier tomorrow night into monday morning possibly a rough one for people getting back to work. here is the storm we saw exit the seaboard. still bringing rain to the coastal areas in carolina and florida. it's rain and snow across higher elevations. take a look how this plays out over the next 24 hours. snow moving in towards the northern rockies. eventually seeing some of the rain begin to develop across parts of the central plains.
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you guys, you think could you do a 5k? >> how far is that? >> i don't understand the metric system. say 100 yards. that means 100 yard a mile, what is it? >> be that is 3.1 miles. you can do that. >> most people cannot, i don't think. >> you can do that without training. >> thank you, rick. let's run down what we learned this week from obama care. you might have had a busy week with your family out there for halloween. you might not have been up on all the news. turns out this week they have more than just some website problems. in addition to the website problems which is still not working, by the way. end of the november we are told it will work. we have surging medicaid enrollment which is not much of a surprise. >> people able to get on it, i talked to folks in new york city, they said once they are able to get on, it is so confusing and difficult to
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navigate through the site. to be able to compare options you have to make phone calls to all the different insurance companies and it gets to a point where you want to rip why you are hair out. >> and this is a trend that is going to continue. medicare and medicaid are popular programs. they are expensive programs. one of the reasons we have obama care is because the president and nancy pelosi argue our current system is too expensive and obama care would be the way to control the costs, but it will become more expensive. >> there are so many people flooding the website and signing up, it shut down. >> it was a grand total of six people. six people signed up on day one for obama care. >> the question is is that only because six people were able to get through it? >> that is what the white house wants you to believe. jay carney saying because of the website glitches, the democrats have come out.
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senator joe mansion out of west virginia. >> this is information we deserve as voters and taxpayers. the idea learning a truth is a cherry-picked leak? they have a moral obligation to tell us where our tax dollars are going to. it's embarrassing to them. >> i want to ask dana perino about this next story. something happened last night in washington. if you don't want news headlines about it, you do something on a friday afternoon and the weekend is approaching. last night president obama issuing an executive order to take over the nation's climate change policies, creating a tax force. who is on that tax force? a number of democrats. seven different democratic
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governors. there is a republican governor, the governor of guam, i believe. i'm not making that up. >> which is not a state. >> they wanted to have a republican on the task force so they went to guam. >> is that because no other republicans were volunteering? >> why would the white house want a republican? >> this is a takeover of a larger portion of our economy. anyone who thinks the white house has a right to act unilaterally on climate change ought to exchange why global warming is causing lower temperatures. we haven't seen a rise of global temperatures. >> scientists say that contradicts what their scientists say. >> they are years behind. this is not a question of scientific debate. the temperatures have gone down. i'm not saying we are going to see a new ice age. the reality on the ground
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doesn't match their theory. >> they'll be covering forest fires and rising sea levels. why would you lump that together as part of this task force? they say it doesn't make a lot of sense. >> unless your goal is to gain more power. >> let us know what you think about this friends @fox much more coming up including this, he wanted to see who would follow the honor system on halloween. this little devil caught on camera -- take a look at this. walk up to the door, take one piece of candy. instead snags the whole bowl of candy and it's a little girl. >> from benghazi to the irs, now the disasters of obama care rollout. the president managed to keep his hands clean. i don't know, i didn't know what what is going on. can he get away with it? that's the big question. dana perino will talk about it. >> she knows. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good.
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[ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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health and human secretary kathleen sebelius says the president didn't know about obama care website problems. this isn't the first time we heard that excuse he didn't know. >> do you know when he first knew there was a problem? >> well, i think it became fairly clear early on the first couple of days -- >> not before that, not before october 1st there was no concern at that point in the white house or hhs? >> let me take the irs situation first. i first learned about it from the same news reports i think most people learned about this. i think it was on friday. >> we weren't told they wanted more security. >> not sure the exact date but i probably heard about fast and furious the first time over the last few weeks. >> we are honored to have on our set dana perino, co-host of "the
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five" and white house press secretary for george w. bush. >> and the owner of jasper. >> if you don't follow dana on twitter, you should. the world's most handsome dog. you were at the podium for a long time. what's the impulse to say the president didn't know. is it an effort to protect him? is it true? >> well, it's curious what they decide to protect the president from. there are some things you might want to tell the president like if there is some corruption scandal or something that is brewing and you don't want to get him involved in it. i could see that. protecting the president from his own signature initiatives, the thing he campaigned on, the thing he wants to take into his legacy, to not tell him that they knew a month before that the website wasn't going to work. i would have been mortified to have to go to the president the next morning and when he said, how did it go? sir, we had six people sign up.
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oh, six, pretty good. 6 million? no, sir. six. oh, 600,000? >> no, sir, six. that is mortifying. i think their excuse has worn thin. for a long time they used to blame bush. that became the butt of the "saturday night live" joke. now he doesn't know anything important. that's become the joke. that is dangerous. >> i know james carney very well. very smart guy. it's so implausible. i wonder is there a point where the press secretary gets his marching orders and says, i can't say that? >> i'm waiting for that moment where he says to a reporter, i don't know why the president doesn't know either. i'd like to know why the president doesn't know. i think that's preposterous the president doesn't know. >> at some point the administration will end and you have to get a new job.
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what's the point of humiliating yourself day after day? >> i think he is just a daily pinata. when your friends start using the word incompetent to describe your administration, then you have bigger problems than what your press secretary is trying to do at the podium every day. you have a systemic problem much deeper than a political problem. it runs deep into the policy. now that all of this is baked into the cake, you can't take out certain ingredients from the cake and try to fix obama care. i don't know how this ends. i think a problem for republicans is i don't know if they understand if they know what success will look like at the end of this debacle. while democrats have the most political problem right now, republicans you've got to be thinking three, four steps ahead. >> now you have to think what you want. are you surprised by how little the obama people, and some of
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them are smart, how little they thought this through. they had three years to think how obama care would work. they don't seem to have thought about it. >> they don't seem to have learned the lesson when the president doesn't know something, on the irs scandal, the irs targeting tea party groups, the president didn't know anything about it. they were investigating it for almost 18 months. then he finds out, he has to do a live east room appearance. it would seem then the tendency is tooverbrief the president. tell the president more than he needs to know. at the top, does the president have -- i don't know what his bearing is. does he say to people, i don't need to be bothered with the details of who is signing up with the website, you deal with that? the problem is the political people did not protect the president from a major political embarrassment and the word "incompetent" starts being used. >> dana perino, great to have you here this morning. >> i love being here.
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thank you. don't wait for the new year to be fiscally fit. what you need to know to keep your cash in order. wisest kid? we need a new recipe. let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love. so good! [ wisest kid ] at [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises.
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welcome back. fall is the season of change. preparing yourself for the new year which means new financial worries. a recent study found americans are only saving 4.6% compared to people in european countries who are saving over 30%. they have to safe because they have to go on all those vacations. thanks for being here today. >> thanks for having me. >> you've got tips for us. first thing you should do in preparation of the new year is
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start an automatic savings plan. >> that means get yourself into a savings account that gives you the most yield, high yield interest rate in terms of the money that you're earning on your savings and divide that by 12 and set it up in your checking account money automatically goes into it. you don't think about depositing money. it goes in there. by the end of the year you have a nice chunk of change. >> asterisk for people who are like i don't have money or i'm living paycheck by paycheck. >> right. just take $5, even if it's 50 cents, the idea is to get in the habit of putting money away. $50 or $100, even a little bit, put money away. >> go digital. >> right. this is important. there's all this software where you can go and it's trying to make yourself better. self-help software is what i call it. same applies to financial
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software. the first one i like is it's free. these are all free apps. you can go on it, helps you manage your budget. you put in all your budgets, home budgets, et cetera. just to put it in perspective. the average mint users, the average american saves about $1,000. the average mint user saves $2,100 a year. it helps you save here. there's paypal which is good. when you're using paypal, you can take additional pictures of your checks deposited, transfer money back and forth. there's other software -- i'm blanking on the name here. it organizes your online purchases. >> we want to lower interest rates. that is an important thing to do. go to the credit card companies but set up a bill pay calendar. >> this is key here.
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i'm a little bad at this but now i'm getting better. if you put on your calendar what you have to pay every month and you're seeing it -- again, key is organization. if you know what you have to pay, you can set up alerts, you know what you have to pay and it cuts down on the overdrafts and overcharges you might incur. >> adjusting the w-4. people don't trust themselves to be able to hold on and pay everything at the end there. >> right. me, too. that is why i at first we talked about setting up that savings account. this is a way, again, to put that money away. again, if you get in the habit of putting money away savings, you can do the same thing with a w-4. let me let everyone know out there, when you want that big change at the end, that big return, you're basically giving the government an unsecured loan. you're just giving them away free money. to put that in the perspective
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there, change your w-2. why would we want to give the government a loan? we can't trust them. >> thank you very much. good seeing you. next on the rundown, parents, the disturbing new selfy trend pictures behind the wheel of a moving car. your kids, your adult kids are taking pictures. also of movement that's changing the face of men's health one stash at a time. what november means and how you can get involved. [ male announcer ] a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day
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can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. rab life by the gills. and ask your doctor about celebrex. go to bass pro shops for great deals.
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your shot of the morning. we are kicking off -- it does look like me. we are kicking off november with a clean shave. >> that's right. it's time for guys to get ready to grow their -- i swear that looks exactly like you. this is so weird. can you explain what's going on? >> i don't know if i can. it is movember. to help them get clean shaven for november, that is a serious stash you have growing on. but movember has taken off. i don't know if people notice there is a ton of facial hair
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going on. >> november is the global men's health movement that challenges men to grow a mustache for the 30 days of november to raise awareness and funds for men's health. >> what we did this morning to get people excited about it, we've got the guy from truman's here shaving you now. some people do full beards, some people have a handlebar. what are you going to go for, jeff? >> i'm thinking handlebar. go big or go home. >> how long does it take to grow a handlebar mustache? >> i say two or three months to get it long enough. november is just 30 days. you have to start clean shaven and just grow a mustache. >> if people want to participate because this is ultimately to raise money. if people want to do this, they get sponsored? >> exactly. it's like a marathon. you register. share it with friends and family. raise some awareness and have fun. >> how do people do that? >> to
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awareness is the key to everything. the mustache sparks the conversation, gets guys thinking. raises awareness of prostate and testicular cancer. >> how much money have you raised from the past? >> i go through my company and last year we raised $15,000. >> $15,000 to grow a mustache. that is amazing. you guys, thanks for guessing up and doing this this morning. great cause. did that explain it to you guys? >> i want to get one of those wet shaves some time. the trust involved is remarkable. this is what they should do for teen trust building exercises. >> i think we should do the rest of the headlines. >> let's go to the rest of the headlines now. this is an interesting story. two delta force operators called
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into action the night of the benghazi attack will be honored for their bravery. at least one made his way into a terrorist-controlled hospital to retrieve the body of ambassador chris stevens. they have been distinguished. second highest medal for valor as well as silver star. >> a man in michigan wants his cut of the $25 million reward for osama bin laden. 63-year-old tom lee claims he told the fbi where bin laden was hiding in 2003 when he learned about it from a pakistani intelligence agent. his attorney claims lee has been asking the fbi for the reward ever since he found out that the 9/11 master mind was killed in the exact location he says he told the fbi about. u.s. officials say they found bin laden through intelligence, not an informant so no reward. a not so sneaky little devil caught red-handed stealing not
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one, not five, not ten but the entire bowl of treats in ridley township, pennsylvania. a homeowner put a bowl out with a sign saying take just one. this girl decided that wasn't the way she rolled. i guess he had a surveillance camera. she dumps the bowl into her bag. >> i didn't know what to think. i was chuckling at the same time but other kids came up and they didn't have anything. >> the homeowner says next year he will not be leaving candy out. >> i think he was setting them up. >> here is my favorite story of the day. do you mind? baseball fans hurt by a hot dog is suing the kansas city royals. he says he was hit in the eye when the worst mascot in all of baseball threw the food at him as part of the fan participation part of the show like in the
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seventh-inning stretch. he had two surgeries. the missouri supreme court is looking at this right now. they are trying to decide if the baseball rule will apply which protect teams from being sued over fan sxwrinjuries at eventse a ball in the stand or errant bat. how do you get two eye surgeries for $4,800? those must be discount eye surgeries. >> he got hit in the eye by a flying hot dog wrapped in foil and has a detached retina. >> you can be hit by a bat or ball or flying foil-covered weenie. >> you know they are coming. >> if you go to a game, you should expect things will be flying in the stand. >> a t-shirt could fly out with a thing in the back.
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the latest trend, you knnoyw when people sake selfies. >> driving and pulling out your phone. but doing selfies and driving. is that less dangerous than texting? we caught an ambulance driver cutting us off, he didn't have red lights or anything, he was texting and writing. >> they are writing cute hash tag, under semi, caught in traffic. it's not cute. >> not only the danger part that bothers me, but the narcissism part. this is what happens when you teach little kids self-esteem is the most important thing. it's not. achievement, decency, kindness, those are the most important things.
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loving yourself? i would say that's down on the list. >> my wife and i shouldn't have taught our son first thing selfy? >> no. there was a site this morning, selfies at funeral. >> is it over the line to take a selfy at a funeral? if you have to ask that question, the answer is yes. >> next it will be under semi or caused some traffic. here is another one from donna, get off the phone. invest in a blue tooth and get over yourselves. >> stuck on stupid is moo i thought. >> a little while ago we had people on to talk about a segment where this woman has written a blog. 23-year-old girl. she wrote a blog. it went viral because she admitted that she goes on websites and meets guys specifically so they will take her to very nice places. she is a foodie from toronto.
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>> he is pompous. listen to her own blog post. this is erin. i've got a pretty face and a pretty extensive urban spoon wish list. you tag the restaurants you would like to eat at. we all know getting what you want in life can be tough. i decided to let someone else finance my dreams. my dream is to eat in pretty restaurants without costing me a penny. i've decided to let someone else finance my dreams. >> i wonder who she voted for in the last election. >> she is canadian. >> diane has a facebook post responding to this. it's great she's honest. real men always pay for the meal. >> i agree with that. not for the sake of the woman, but their own dignity. >> the men don't know she's written a separate blog post. she went on j-date. she is not jewish. >> what do we have here.
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here is m.w. some guy should take her to a pricey place to eat, eat like a king, head to the bathroom and slip out. that is a great idea. that is an old school solution. >> drats, another super secret of women's dating strategies exposed. >> is it that big of a secret? >> leave your house without a purse. >> i've known guys i would do the same thing. >> if a guy leaves the house and expect as woman to pay for his meals -- >> and doesn't bring his purse? >> take care of yourself. >> go to our facebook page. that is the question of the day. you can answer that there. coming up on the show, injured by an ied in iraq. burned on his hands and face, he is a true american hero. this morning he's here live to share his incredible story. his son was born without fingers. one dad printed him a prosthetic on a 3-d printer.
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we'll meet this awesome dad and son next. but first neil cavuto on the cost of freedom business blog. sticker shock from obama care. it could be the grinch that steals the holiday shopping season. if the tax man collected a reported amount of cash, why are democrats causing for more tax hikes? forget about all that leftover candy at halloween, workers are accused of padding their paychecks from a candy bowl of taxpayer cash. that is the cost of freedom. heart healthy, huh?! ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute!
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[ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. surprisingly bold flavor so ally bank has a that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. [ male announcer ] staying warmnd dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be . 2 specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to $50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the united states postal service.
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[ man ] we are the united states postal service. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. go to® and try it today. man: [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. but they were some pretty good moves. and the best move of all? having the right partner at my side. it's so much better that way. ♪
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[ male announcer ] take the next step. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pay expenses that medicare doesn't cover and lets you choose or keep any doctor who accepts medicare patients. call or go online and request your free decision guide. use this guide to help you choose from a range of aarp medicare supplement insurance plans. have the right partner at your side. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. go long. welcome back. take a look at your screen. gabbing the backpack is hardly the feat of a superhero but for leon mccarthy, a cyborg hand is
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a reality. the dad created the hand for his son who was born missing a few fingers. welcome to the show. >> good morning. thanks for having us. >> paul, how did you come up with this idea? >> well, i found it on the internet. i had an interest in 3-d printing. i obviously had an interest in prosthetics. there is a boy in south africa named liam and a a man who collaborated to build him a hand like this. i saw it and contacted them. they helped me. they have an open source design. i was able to take the design and print it locally and make it like would you make a model airplane here. >> unbelievable. how does it feel? what was your response when your dad said he was working on this for you? >> it's a little unbelievable how you can print your own pieces and put them together and you have a hand.
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i thought he was a little crazy. >> growing up, it must have been difficult growing up without fingers. what are you able to do with that hand? how does it work? >> well, i was able to do a lot of things just with my normal hand but with this prosthetic hand, it allows me to do a lot of stuff better. i can carry shopping bags for my mom. it works by me moving my wrist down. when i move my wrist down, it closes my fingers. when i release my wrist, it opens up. >> it looks so cool. what did your friends think about it? >> they wouldn't leave me alone. they kept asking questions. >> that's great. think about the price tag on this stuff. we've done a couple of segments here on 3-d printing when just folks at m.i.t. were starting to scratch the surface what you could do with prosthetics and 3-d printing. give me this price tag, $10 to
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make that hand with the materials? >> yeah. this is an adaptation of the original design that uses pins. it's all plastic. everything is 3-d printed except for duct tape. there are a bunch of people working on it together with us now. literally this cost me nothing, this one. you have to have a 3-d printer which is a $2,400 investment. leon's teacher bill sullivan at the charter school, wrote a grant like kismet, he wrote a grant to get a 3-d printer for the school coincidentally. we moved our 3-d printing right to the school. we are hoping to be able to teach a class next in january with kids from the school to print hands for other kids like leon. >> that is amazing. you've been doing google plus hangouts with people around the world getting together to do prosthetics.
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leon, what do you want to be when you grow up? >> i want to be just like my dad. >> your dad is a pretty great guy. you are as well, congratulations. for people who want to get involved, paul, and help out with this community, where can they go to learn more about what you've been able to do here? >> there are two places. richard van as has a group called robo hands and they make hands for people. they have the social fund-raising stuff going on. he is helping a lot of people. then the google plus group is e-nable. there is a group, do-it-yourselfers like leon and i. it's a good project to do with your son. >> i will push that out on my google plus page, as well. great to see you this morning. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having us. >> thank you. >> coming up next on the show,
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injured by an ied in iraq, burned on his hands and face. he is a true american hero. this morning he is here live to share his incredible story. more fox and friends. ♪ ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving.
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i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there.
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good morning. here's some quick headlines. right now a live look at the red sox world series parade. as the celebration kicks off in the city of boston, the parade will make two special stops near the site of the boston marathon bombings to pay tribute to the victims there. and don't forget to set your clocks back an hour when you go to sleep tonight. d daylight saving time ends
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tomorrow morning, meaning you get an extra hour of sleep. all right. an ied attack in 2004 left marine sergeant jason sims critically injured. but that hasn't stopped him from overcoming his injuries and helping other wounded warriors. and that is what makes him the 2013 dickies american hero. >> joining us now with his remarkable story is sergeant jason sims and the head of marketing at dickies, matthew mark. thank you both. >> thank you for having us. >> tell us what happened. >> i was in fallujah, iraq. on july 1, 2004, we were on a routine patrol. and an ied went off. i heard a bang and saw a flash. next thing i know, i was kind of slumped over the side of the vehicle. and my hands were in flames. and then i tried to climb out but my helmet was attacked to my communications. when i removed my helmet, my hand ignited my face. and my face and my head. and then i climbed up to the
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top, and as i was about to jump, i had taken three bullets in my right leg. my friends drug me to the side of the road and put out the flames. and then i was loaded into the back of my platoon vehicle and taken away. that was july 1. then the next thing i remember, i woke up and it was july 8 and i was in texas. >> wow. >> this is a story that now you go around and utah you can you people that have been injured. now explain how you came to know each other. >> well, dickies has a program. and really it's a platform and way for us to recognize people like jason and what they have done and the sacrifices they have had. we like to acknowledge the military and also their families. we created an award, dickies hero of the year. we want to acknowledge their sacrifice and what they have done. it's grown year over year. we had over 800 people put in
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nominations. in this case, jason's story was so amazing. his wife did a tribute to him without him knowing. she made the nomination. we picked five finalists of the 800. over the five finalists, the general population votes. and jason's story is truly an inspiration to us at dickies. >> and you have a surprise for jason this morning? >> we do. jason has been such an inspiration for us and his story. one of the men that you lost that day was lance corporal kenneth creeker. what dickies wants to do is make a donation of $10,000 to the midshipmen fund in honor of him and in his name. and especially for the tribute that you have done. so thank you so much. >> oh, wow. that's great. thank you very much. >> that's fantastic. we'll have more with both of you when we come back in just a moment. more "fox & friends." see you in j
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[ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.®
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thank you so much for joining us. log onto our for our after the show show. think if you have insurance from your work obama care won't hit you? well, why wouldn't you? >> if your employer provides you health insurance on the job, nobody is talking about messing with that. >> so no problem for workers getting coverage from employers, right? wrong. fox confirming a report revealing the law actually expects 66% of small business plans and 45% of large company plans to get hit by obama care. that could mean up to 93 million americans may get cancellation letters. are you one of them? hi, everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is "bulls and bears." let's get right to it. here they are.


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