tv The Five FOX News November 2, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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hello, everyone. i'm andrea tan tear rose, dana perino, greg gutfeld filled. it's 5:00 o'clock if new york city and this is "the five". >> millions of americans are o visiting, which is great news. unfortunately, the site was only designed to handle six users at a >> who would have guessed that saturday night live was so prophetic?t cbs evening news first reportedv last night, they were right on the mark.ophe >> the web site launched on tuesday. publicly, the government said there were 4.7 million unique visits in the first 24 hours. but at a meeting wednesday morning, the war room notes say six enrollments occurred so fare
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>> six enrollees out of 4.7 million visits? let's see, that's an impresssive hit rate of one 10,000th of 1%. these embarrassing results might explain why the white house claimed all along that they didn't have the numbers. >> we don't have -- 48 hours, wn don't have that data and won't have that data on a daily ornot hourly basis for you. >> well, i don't have the numbers yet. >> how many have signed up thus far? >> fully enrolled? i can't tell you, because i don'tr know.t t >> okay, greg, they still don'to know andka they aren't projected to know any time soon. >> yeah. six people. there are more bodies inple. beckel's bed right now than that. this is the upside for cnn. it's the only number appears morgan beats modemo. amazing. almost as though you can't beas this incompetent by accident. it's like there is a secret.
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olympic event among bureaucratsr to see howet bad they could be, how much money they can spend to do the very worst thing 'cause nobody does this by accident! this is like incredible. it's almost inspiring how awful they are. >> dana, how could this happen? you look back at president obama, the first digital president, how well he ran his campaign. do you actually think that david axelrod would have let only six people per day donate to obama's reelection? io doubt that. >> or admitted it. when you're governing, it's different. if the president wants an answer to something like how many people enrolled on obamacare, p that's an answer that the a president of the united statesom could get.ople if they wanted to. i'm surprised at the number. it isre obviously low. but i love to imagine the scene of what it would be like to govt in on wednesday morning to the oval office for the morning briefing for the president and to have to tell him that onlyg six people signed up forave obamacare. i mean, that would have been a
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very embarrassing moment. >> they had to know. they know exactly what the v number was day one, day two. if you have six per day in order to get to the 7 million you need, it's 28,417 years. no wonder they're holding back the number. even if the number is 6,000 or 60,000 when they finally release them, it doesn't matter. the system -- it will never be where they need it to be in march. they have to, right now, they probable will he should do isprb sooner rather than later say we're going to delay it.han either delay the individual mandate or being penalized. not >> juan, they'll have to do one of the two. what do you think they'll do, if anything? how do you think the white house not just theessage continued decline in enrollment, or i should say no increasene whatsoever, but what about the people that are losing theireopl health care? how are they going to continue to spin this as the numbersthis grow? >> i hate to get in the midst of this, but gee whiz, i don't
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think anything so shocking -- i -- >> i don't like people losing their health care. >> nobody is losing their healt care. i'm just tellingei you this business there are only six enrollees? guess what, the whole rollout was botched. the computer is not working so well. yous get 4 million people -- >> why don't they just admit ity then? why did they lie? >> oh, gee, guess what? politics, because they felt it was embarrassing. >> okay. you're okay with that? >> i'm just telling you this is premature dancing on the graves. >> this is why it matters. they have six enrollees. they had three years to get this up and running. here is a system that's going to handle -- forget one sixth of the economy. it will handle our healthit's insurance. >> now we come to the real. story. you don't want this at all. >> no, because i'm worried that -- >> you don't want any part of obamacare. >> the post office, dmv, amtrak have been, that's what we'll en up with obamacare. >> why don't you -- here is your argument. i'll play eric bowling. saying government is too big,
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too many people on entitlements. let me play mitt romney. that 47%, they're terrible people. bunch of bums. >> really, a romney throwback? >> that's what this is about. >> i know you're in a tough position. >> what position? >> having to defend obamacare. >> i'm not defending. most people want obamacare toto work. they think republicans shouldsh stopou harassing the guy. >> we'd. why should we stop harassing the white house? they were intentionally deceitful, if you could keep your doctor.rass intentionally deceitful withth premiums not going up. now more people are enrolling in medicaid, which we at this table are going to be paying for and everybody watching. so why shouldn't we be able to give the white house a hard time? >> absolutely. especially when you're right. the democratic senator, max baucus, compared obamacare to humpty dumpty.e li it's more like humpty dump. that's why it's important that you just can't talk about the web site because the web site is
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part of this mountain of misery of obamacare, with the cancellations, employer mandate. the only thing that worked with obamacare was obama's golft swing. so once the web site gets fixed which had probably will, the media is going to say, everything is fine. and that's where it starts. that's where you have the republicans have to start saying, no, it's not just about the web site. web site was one of 17 problemss >> hold on. you brought up max baucus. >> let's see how much can be put together and how much humpty dumpty can be put together. then maybe we should start thinking about delaying the penalties. >> what was it, eric, all the king's horses and all the king' men -- >> and all the liberals in dc couldn't put obamacare back together again.uldn greg is right, as soon as they fix the web site -- 'cause thean
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other shoe to drop is 90 or 95% of the people who are logging o0 who are enrolling enrolling for medicaid. not for obamacare.are they realize that all thatllin medicaid, when you enroll it, it's taking money out of the, system, not putting it i 95% are going to be taking out,t juan. this thing is doomed for failure. >> i'm glad you feel that way. but let me say that those people are eligible. they could have signed on any time. >> right. >> but the reason they signed on now is because of the higher the profile and the promise that obamacare gives to americans of all stripes who say you know what?all people should have insurance -- >> that's not accurate.lari >> here is go to the web site and u realize you can either sign up for medicaid or enroll in obamacarer and pay out of my own pocket anr hope the government pays me back, subsidizes it through my taxes. so what am i going to do? i'm going to let you pay for it 'cause i'm guaranteed to get it.
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>> you have to be eligible. you can't lie. if you're eligible or not eligible. - >> juan, they took away the requirement to have a child. you used to be eligible for medicaid.ow y now anyone can get it. itib costs nothing! the states that you're eligible to took that medicaid money, millions will be enrolling and we're on the hooke dana, jay carney also said the a reason for all of this, the reason for six enrollees is solely because of the web site. here is carney. >> let me just tell you now, ont november 1, we don't expectmber those numbers to be very high'te and we never did.ry but they're going to be even lower because of the challenges we've had with the web site. >> that's interesting. he says they never did know thah becausee earlier in the week, te answer was that the president had no idea that the web site was not going to work. they constantly try have it both ways and that's annoying. i am surprised that the experts seemed so surprised about consumer behavior. if you can't get on to the web site, you're not going to be able to shop around. can as the president said, just shop
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around. that's not work. plus, when you go on,le if you decide, if you choose, juan, to look at the subsidies, you could get a more generous one throughy the obamacare exchanges. however, consumer behavior isnsm one of -- i don't want the hassle. i'm just going to sign for medicaid. it might be a less generous med subsidy than what you could getl after thee hassle, but that's what people do. but once you get on medicaid, which is substandard, it's not m good enough health care system for what i want for people in america. once they get on medicaid, you think they're going to switch and go on obamacare and pay a premium and deductible? i doubt they will. me, that means health care gets worse in america. >> and more costly to budgets. >> the weird thing is that thest firm that has been hired to repair the site is the firm that was hired to build the site. that's like hiring the captain of the costa concordia rose cue the passengers.
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also, when will the mediapas vindicate and apologize to the tea party who are the very firs people on the spot to call this a nightmare years ago. they were the paul revere of this disaster. and they've been mocked for the last i don't know how many years for basically saying look.ho this thing is a boondoggle and instead, they were mocked by everybody in the media. >> wait a minute, wait aer minu. >> you want to apologize to the tea party, juan? >> let me get this straight. get out of here. you mean i hear from day in a, dana says, i want a health care system that works for more americans. i think dana makes a legitimate point. why not register for medicaid, because you'll get better coverage under obamacare. but then i hear, wait a minute.r we don't want anything. we don't want any kind from you, greg. >> you're probably right. market guy. i don't like any government intrusion at all because when i look at all the areas where government has intruded, whether it's retirement or education orl health care, it's been an abject failure.
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i like the free market. >> the military, social security, terrible. medicare?e. terrible. >> social security is going bankrupt. >> social security is terrible!i call your mother right now,ur m gregory. >> i will. >> you hate social security? >> yes! >> but it's going bankrupt. you brought up the military. >> everything stinks. >> no, the military is awesome because it's run separately from this bureaucracy. >> oh, yeah, that's not the united states government. >> they have actual standards. and the achievement is measured in the military. if you're not good in the military, you're out. in if you fail in government, you stay in and go up. >> can we quick israeli -- quickly have a you know it's bad moment. d when formereba president jimmy carter criticizes you.
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listen. accomplishment cass obamacare and the implementation of it now is questionable at best.ti eric, what do you say whenon jit carter is d criticizing you? >> i don't care about jimmy carter. i care about what juan just said. we don't want a system. we have the perfect system. here it is, what we had in place before obamacare allowed people to -- you want health care y exchanges? knock yourself out. make them. but allow someone in colorado tl buy insurance from someone in c new jersey who wants to offer it at a competitive price. drop those borders and regulations and you have the system we had before with prices going that's the onegu that would wor. >> i'm all for the exchanges. you said exchanges, right? >> with the free market. >> yeah, okay.mark guess what? first the republicans in the congress say have the states in charge of the exchanges and they guess what, the republican governors say, we're not formine the exchanges. we're not too long it. >> because you can't -- aetna oa new jersey, you can't buy it in
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hawaii or colorado. that's the problem. >> they don't want -- >> they don't want competition. >> they will be a race to the bottom, i'm serious. >> dana, do you think the white house is going toou have to make changes or change something? besides the web site?bes >> probably. but i think when they do, thenpb the media will let it blow by. i think jimmy carter's criticisi was very mild. he was trying to be kind. he was just stating the facts.ut what he said was nothing that the white house hasn't saidwhat about his own program. >> it's nothing that hasn't been said. >> i have to say, juan, for as important as you think education is in america and for as screwed up you think the federal government has done to federal education policy across the board, why don't you think that the same thing is going to happen in health care? why do you have faith in the government being able to --o >> no, no. i'm a cynic. and when i look at the insurance companies and i say oh, my gosh,
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people whoothe tonight have health insurance insurance -- >> who did you think is more insidious, the unions orus, insurance companies? >> for education, the unions aru insidious. you're saying what the insuranct companies have been doing is a okay. come on, dana, you not fair. >> are you sure that obamacare, is it really like a jackass stunt and we're all -- >> i wish. >> we've got to go. >> next on "the five," is itwe true? did joe biden almost get knocked off the president's ticket in 2012 for hillary? we've got that scoop on that reelection rumor and a bunch of others coming up. but before we go, check out our facebook page at fnc [ male announcer ] a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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election called "double down." these are the same guys whoit wrote game change, which was a big hit. one of the claims is that the president's campaign was debating knocking joe biden off the ticket and replacing him with hillary clinton. two of the president's top guns are saying that that is not true. david plouffe tweeted lastary night, it wasn't even in consideration and jay carney said this today. >> i know for a fact that president obama never considers this. never thought aboutr it, never entertained it.r >> but obama's chief of staffobm during the election said a swapw was considered. here is bill dahly. >> it was looked at, but never>i seriously looked at in the sense that there was a belief that it ought to be done. in 2011, as you remember, it was a very difficult political year. so my sense was we ought to look at p everything here. >> i wonder if bill daley took a look at any of these clips ofoo joek biden's greatest hits. let's look at my favorite.
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>> the three letter word, jobs, j-0-b-s. >> god rest your soul and although, wait, your mom is still alive. it's your dad passed. i promise you, the president has a big stick. i promise you. >> believe me. i love joe biden. i juan, not unusual for aen. presidential reelection campaign to take a look at the vice presidential candidate and there is always these rumors. do you think there is any truth to -- any serious consideration of this? >> no. i think the story would have leaked a lot bigger than just now in this book. but the thing i will say is i do believe that bill daley is right, that someone like bill daley might have thought, we're not doing so well. they were not doing well at that juncture and he probably thoughl who could we get and guess what? we know somebody who is very popular with women and independents, her name is hillary clinton. >> do you think that hillaryth would have considered it,
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andrea, or do you think shed would have wanted to say no ands go for a run for the presidency herself? >> yes. probably she would have not wanted to be the vice president. i would think. if you read ed klein's book "the amateur" or talk to him, it's a great book. he talks about the behind thefac scenes relationship between the clintons and the obamas.el i think daley has probably got the best scenario, which is that it was considered,ai unemploymet was high. it was a rough situation. but the reason why i think it was considered was because thetn same reason they considered her to be secretary ofns state. friends close, enemies closer. one of the things in this book that they say is that there was concern in the white house about joe biden and his politicalin t aspirations. not just that he was gaffel prone. i think there is deep concern today in the white house, notis just about what biden will dot and say, but what hillary will do and say when they both decide to run. will they turn on observe eastbound. >> did you look at any of this today? >> yeah. it wasn't hillary clinton. it was hillary duff.
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how do we know that biden hasn' been replaced? has anyone seen him? i think he made my sandwich at quizno's. so many things about this book that bug me.-- one, it underlines how much the media is willing to overlook that's been going on -- the media is basically obama's t mabelline, it covers up everything. maybe it would be great for thek country if you reported it first. >> oh, yeah. that was a problem for bobyo woodward at the "washington post." yeah. people say yeah, why are you at saving that for your book? >> there is no there there. so bill daley says they thought, about replacing biden 'cause at the time he was gaffe prone. remember the chains and all that. >> he said he was? you're being kind to him? he still is gaffe prone.
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what are you talking about. >> he still is. there there? they talked about it and said let's keep it 'cause it will look back if we replaced him. >> i think president obama has thought vice president biden hae been a very good vice president. there is another viceer presidential story about somebody who is possibly relevant in 2016, has an election next week and that's chris christie, the governor of new jersey. andrea, in this book the questions were raised of whether or not the romney campaign got scared off when they were looking at some of the background stuff. >> yeah. and they were concerned about his wait and his health and hish fitness. this is what troubled me if this is true. a this book says that chris christie didn't want republicans, mitt romney namelyc campaigning in his home state and fundraising in his home state of new jersey. which i thought was very, very strange and not a good sign to party insiders. >> something i've heard before. >> campaigning in the state of new jersey. tha but also this name game that. they played, this fish name game where they had nicknames forme, each of the con tenders, marco
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rubio being pescado, i think loo makes them look childish. >> i call bs on this book. they were this far from reality on "game change." if you listen to sarah palin, they were terrible. they weren't accurate. it was entertaining, but not accurate. i'm going to say there isac nothing here. why are we listening to them?man i think they're just trying to sell a few books, get on morning joe and pat themselves on thee" back. >> what is morning joe? something in the morning? is it about coffee? >> yeah. here is the thing, if you wante, to figure out who leaks thee information for a book, this is such an easy thing. find out in the leaks who is described well. dan pheiffer is described as whip smart in the book. sma gee, i wonder why? because he provided all the
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information. >> he's also quoted as saying he wrote a memo to presidented a obama -- i can't find it here,wr but i've got it -- i can summarize it. where he basic lie cease, sir, we're going to portray you as a reasonable person because you can't please both david brooks and paul, so we have to choose. why not go with the best policy? >> what about this rumor aboutot this mormon feud between harry reid and mitt romney? why don't you mention that story? >> oatlike one? >> i don't know if i like it --i >> remember when senate majorite leader harry reid suggested that mitt romney hadn't paid his income taxes. everyone wondered where he got that information. the book says it was john huntsman, also from utah, and he said this book says that he told harry reid that. now, the huntsman people are disputing that today. >> so far nothing in the book is -- >> no, but what are they going to say? yes, i did it?
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>> i think it makes -- >> there is nothing sexier than a mormon feud. >> that's why we had to let people know that "the five" is on top of it. we got it covered.ow t >> next, we'll talk about howdym klum ho is known for her stunning great looks and her great halloween costumes and this year did not disappoint. we have those pictures. ♪ columbia heidi klum
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researchers carey o'brien tells the daily news, quote, there had already been research showing blacks are more likely to be shot, so we thought there mustg be something happening between the concept of being black and some whites wanting guns. idiotic! somehow carey manages not to finish his thought. blacks are more likely to beacks shot by other blacks. over 91% of blacks are murder youer had by other blacks. even the promise is false! e-mailed gun expert john lott on the study. exp he found the racist findings were the same for both whites and nonwhites. how can that be?e this is nonsense. no wonder the researchers hid that part. finally, legal gun ownership benefits blacks more than anyone. as lott points out, poor blacks are more likely to be crimekely victims. they need guns.ti left wing effortsms to impose large fees on gun ownershiprge resulted in hefty price tags to register and license guns in cities like dc or chicago,
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making guns a luxury for the rich and the whites. so who is racist now? if there is anything worse than bad science, it's really badst science. you make bad science by using your academic perch to pushsc ideological stereo types.m what do you expect? they're probably in the kkk. >> whatever. that was a very, very goodoo monologue. >> thank you. >> you say that like it surprising. >> what else? you're. right. there is no arguing with that. >> wait a second. who said he was a right? first of all, i happen to agree that on the big points you were right. by wait, i'm so glad to hear you guys agreeing that black people are most likely to kill blacklea people. white people most likely to dile white people. oh, no. let me -- >> on this show, we deal in facts. >> we have to worry about the black people. they're very scary.
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>> who said that? >> you shouldn't have told my wife that. but anyway, this business about who is most likely to own a gun, according to alt polls, it is a white man in america, even a white southern >> most likely?ly >> most likely, highest percentage of gun ownership.hat' >> but so?e >> you're not making the correlation. >> there are more --ng >> what percentage of that group? it doesn't matter. >> can i make two points here. if you're talking about the south, there are probably white people living in desolate areas. where you have to have a gunou' because the police take a long time to get out there. if you're on a farm on 200-acres, you better have a gun. that could be a better explanation than just saying, oh, they're that's the problem. >> that could be way tooul complicated for somebody in australia to work on. >> i believe there are more
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metropolitan places in england, so they don't have a lot of me people out in the woods with guns. >> but it sounds like they had their theory, and you can ha conduct a theory it show whatever you want it to show. he says it's noteworthy thatever symbolic racism, i guess that means if you own a gun, guns equal racist. if you have a gun, you'reist. racist, that these guns are in the presence of, look, i conservative ideology, political affiliation, opposition to government control, oh, and being from the south. i mean, this is someone who is the most racist of all who saids sitting in their cubicle going, how can we conduct a study to show people who own guns are right wing, bigoted racist? >> besides, you're from the furthest south. >> that's true. >> i have one thought, so yousot want me to get a gun because i live in a black neighborhood in washington, d.c. and i'm just telling you, the biggest danger would be that i'd shoot my old lady. that's the biggest danger. or she'd shoot me. >> i don't believe that because
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you would take -- you're a bec responsible citizen, so you would take firearm lessons, and you would go shooting at the range and you would enjoy it immensely. >> thank you. >> it's the male version of knitting. i don't know. why am i evenio talking? nfl player walks away from the miami dolphins, which is a team, not an actual group ofam, dolphins, after reports he was bullied by his teammates. jonathan martin was a no show last night. but made the offensive tackle snap. he's a nice guy. >> it's a school of dolphins i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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last night miami dolphins jonathan martin sat out the out dolphins-bengals game. the reason? he was being bullied. when i first heard the story, mt reaction was wow. the details tell a completely different story. jonathan barton was being hazed. by hess teammates, bad. he was nicknamed big weirdo. when he sits down at a table, this all ceremony requestiously get up and move to a different table, leaving him to sit alone. they're tough places. after months and months of this, it should stop.enan we'll tell you, i'd be the guyae to stand up and clock the sobs. he was pushed to the brink and left the team. he's off the team now. the team needs some serious butu kicking. the coach, get your stuff together. okay. so you read it and like, oh, my gosh. man up,. martin. >> i felt terrible for him. i felt bad for sebelius at the hearings.
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so of course i'm going to feel bad for him.n't i don't understand. the immature behavior at the cafeteria is incredible. you should see what greg does to me in the hallway. >> i read the story. i don't know enough to make an't opinion on t i know that the media has a huge obsession with bullying stories and when the media grabs a story like this, i always know it's, exaggerated and overplayed. and i do believe this story -- there is another side tod thisi story. studies suggest bullying remained constant or decreased and very few teens are impactedn by bullying. although thee stories that are tragic are played out more. i think there is something else going on here with a personality issue that we don't know about. >> but what's interesting, 6' 55 315 pounds and he can still be bullied. >> that's why i'm skeptical of this. he's a lineman, 6' 5, he's the
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bully on the field. so i find it hard to believe that all of a sudden he's audde shrinking violet in the locker room. i think there is more to thegi h story. the even martin took to his facebool page. don't believe everythingyo you read. teammates said he has personal issues. we all have those moments.e i just think talking to former nfl players, they say this isrs, really, really rare., re they raz each other action but this kind of stuff doesn't locker rooms. i'm skeptical. >> let me say something. the fact that he's 6' 5, has nothing to do with it. >> maybe he's mentally weak to play in the nfl. >> i don't know. >> he made the team, right? >> he not only made the team, ha started every one of the 23 games he's been on the team. he was a second round draft choice. he's a good football player. >> that's my point. you have tceo. have such mental strength to play that game and t at the highest level. that's why i'm just not buyingl.
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that all of a sudden this guy who has this fortitude on theis field is like, i'm being belayed. >> i totally believe it. how many people have thelike vertebra have a-- bravado on tha field and inside they're a crumpled mess. >> can i say something? i wasng bullied, but i also wasa bully. everybody was a bully. everybody has been bullied. that's the nature of life. >> you know what? nobody bullied b me. thank god. unless i come here. eric actually played pro sports. i think people get bullied all the time. but you rise above it.ts. you move beyond it. that's why i think maybe you'ret right. something else is going on in this story. so >> yeah. >> if he does need help, i hope they're trying to reach out and help him. >> the guy walked. he said, i can't do this anymore and he's a starting nfl lineman. still ahead, associated press slams the self-proclaimed most
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transparent presidential administration to put out staged prop began at that like this one. shep has an update on the shooting at lax from the fox news desk. >> we reported earlier that we now know who the suspect is. paul he lists his residence in los angeles. this is his family home in pennsville, new jersey, not too far from philadelphia in pennsylvania. the cops are there talking toia. the family. they're telling us now that they say paul ciancia, the allegedhot shooter in the lax shooting thio morning, 23-year-old, was suicidal, that he talked to the family about suicide, that theau father had tried to file a f missing person's report and in the end he wasn't allowed to because his son was too old ford that. flights are now coming into los angeles international airport. this is flight tracker we're watching. this is a pacific flight from
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hong kong allowed to land. things are getting more back top normal in los angeles. m more on the suspect, the familyo investigation as get it from the fox news from the fox news "the five" continues right afted this with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pai it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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♪ >> the associated press has taken a lot of pictures of president obamloat outside the white house. but they don't get much access inside the oval office. the a.p.'s director of photography says his agency has only been allowed to photograph the president twice in histo office. pho instead, the administrationffic relies on pictures taken by his own photographer, pictures that lions says amount to propaganda. let's look at some of these pictures. andrea, take alo look. >> this isn't an official photo. this was taken outside.iate but remember this infamous photo with president obama trying to convince the public at the time that doctors in the united states supported obamacare. of course, these doctors didn't show up in lab coats, so they graciously handed them a lab coat and staged a photo op to make it seem like yep. doctors love this. of course, as we talked about earlier on "the five," 40% of doctors are now even deciding if they want to participate in the exchanges.
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so a lot of politicians stage. i've staged press conferences. >> you? >> yes, i have. i have. but it just seemsge likere theyo it a little more in this white house. >> dana, what about you?eem you're a pro photographer. >> i think the photo journalists never get enough credit foro being the journalists they are.o they capture moments, they help. us recognize history for all of our lives. they're easy going guys. they let them in. it's the easiest thing you can do as press secretary. say let them in, it takes 30 seconds. president obama never takes a bad picture. so i think they should let them in. i understand why the a.p. isy complaining. my favorite staged photo was this one of president bush. i believe it was karen hughes who gave him -- goldberg's book about media bias. and as hese walked out to marine one, he held it so everybody could get a picture of it. >> cool. >> greg, do you like a picture? >> i thought long and hardpi abt
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the picture i thought best reflected who i thought president obama was in spirit and i came up with this one. i made ha mistake. can we get the actual picture. oh, there you go. >> krrl marx.the >> dana said president obama doesn't take a bad picture. i have a couple unofficial photo which is are actually presidenta obama. look at the first one. remember this. >> mom jeans. >> i got another one. there he is with the mom jeanse throwing like a girl. those are both a.p. photos. >> there is too little access to president obama. i mean, they protect this guy like he was somehow goinprg to explode if he gets actual -- it's not only the press because dana is right. most times the photos help theel politicians.
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but this is a larger complaint about the congress. the congress says they never see the guy. the response that comes back from the white house is, look, a he's got two young children. he wants to spend time. dude, you're the president. you got to do the job. you've got to play the game. that's the only way you're goino tob. get these things done.g you've got to make the sacrifice. >> you should do a sefy like geraldo. >> what? don't listen to this guy!uy. >> it's brilliant. >> this is crazy. can you put up the first picture you put up when he's in the oval office with biden over there? can you scroll back to that? is that possible to do? >> there it is. >> they staged that, right? so help me out here. >> i don't think they staged>> i this and said -- >> put your left leg up.side joe, look like you're busy overl there, do something. mr. president, point your finger like that 'cause it looks like you're really -- >> we've already seen as much o-
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it's that magical time. one more thing.on dana, cake it off. >> so i'm having a beckel moment. earlier in the show i said that governor john huntsman was behind the leaks to harry reid about mitt romney's the rumor in the book it was john huntsman, senior. fo both of those things have been o debunked by thef family. who knows who is right? i apologize for that. >> that was very beckel of you. >> yeah. although it was sincere. >> greg? >> let's ban this phrase, debauchle. there is too many other words we can use. can great disaster, calamity, complete failure, fiasco and my favorite, obama. o oh, that's an obama. you're an obama. >> bourque became a verb. >> i like it. you can start something right here.
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>> all rightng.c. eric? >> hosting o'reilley tonight. but "cashin' in" tomorrow morning. interview with again greenwold. i asked him if president obama regarding the nsa was uninformed or misinformed. here he is. >> so the question is, do youor think president obama was misinformed or uninformed? >> no. i think neither. i think he was informed, but chose to tell the public thingse that he knew to be false. b >> then we go on and on. 11:30 tomorrow morning. >> "cashin' in."hing your turn, juan.. >> it's the day after. the day after i halloween and we have to pick a winner for best costume and the winner is heidi klum. 40-year-old heidi klum looking like a 100-year-old woman. unbelievable! 'cause she is gorgeous. i think she's a gorgeous 100-year-old woman, but she -- >> you're allowing her to walk around in old face? >> what's wrong with that?>> what are you upset with?
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>> nothing. >> okay. i must tell you, my granddaughters, my one-year-old granddaughters were dressed as cat and mouse. so i think they're better looking. >> do you have a picture? >> no, i didn't bring a picture. >> if you followed ralphyill williams. you can do that. >> okay. i rarely play with the audience for anything. but i'm going to beg you guys. please, if you know anybody that lives in new york city or the five burrows, have them check out this guy running for mayor. election day is on tuesday. he is a form deputy mayor under rudy guiliani. he's fantastic. and he would make a great mayor. call them up. it will them to get out and vote for joe. he's running against this man a who you heard greg warn you about. he's this european socialist. he's going to throw new york city back into the doll drum, yr make it unsafe to live here andm all the experiments they tryuns here in new york city, this is where they copy them. they put them in your town. this is why it's important. c >> you're the best thing about
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next wednesday. his commercial will be off the c air. >> that's it for us.air. thanks for watching. have aor great weekend. "special report" up next. hello, everybody. i'm arthel neville. welcome to a brand new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> i'm gregg jarrett. topping the news, the obamacare web site, well, it's down again tonight. now hear why republican lawmakers are saying the disaster is, quote, the tip of the iceberg. >> bill clinton delivering curious comments. what mr. clinton has been saying at state level campaign rallies that have hillary 2016 watchers raising their antennas. >> the new york city marathon will be kick off bright and early tomorrow morning. next, we'll show you hot
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