tv Happening Now FOX News November 4, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PST
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new jersey? martha: new jersey. bill: see what new jersey is looking for you. martha: big election. bill: it says get started. create an account. fabulous. martha: "happening now" starts right now. jenna: brand new stories and breaking news. jon: despite bill hemmer's success there are many new problems to tell you about with the obama healthcare exchange. web psy crashing so oven, now there are plans to should i down for several hours each night. huge demonstrations in tehran to mark 34 years since iranian hostage crisis. protesters chanting, death to america, raises new concerns about american efforts to negotiate with iran on its nuclear program. much. a man charged with walking into one of america's busiest airport, opening fire, terrorizing travelers and shooting one tsa agent dead. what it means about the future
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of airport security in this country. it is all "happening now." jon: well, that there's a new push to hit the pause button on rollout of obamacare amid brand new troubles with the federal health care website. welcome to the monday edition of "happening now." i'm jon scott. >> hi, everybody, great to see you today. i'm jenna lee. anxiety is rising across the country as americans experience growing frustration with this dysfunctional website. now the outages are going to become a regular thing over the next few days. the obama administration announcing that the website will be down every day from 1:00 to five a.m. eastern time while it is being fixed. if you're out on the west coast, by 10 p.m. tonight you won't have access to the website for several hours. so no late night shopping for any of you on the west coast. senator kelly ayote is calling on president obama to order a timeout.
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the new new hampshire republican wants a bipartisan group to convene about the problems with the website and the law. there are serious concerns about obamacare's long term financial liability. early numbers from state exchanges, nearly all of those enrolled are being funneled into medicaid, not insurance plans that the system will depend upon for financeing. >> look, the system will never look unless there are five to seven million people in the private side of this exchange, not the medicaid side side. they are no near that. jenna: the architect of obamacare says he is not worried. >> we have until all the way to march 31st to get to five to seven million, we expect naturally, i don't pay attention to the numbers. wait, let me finish. people will put off buying until the end and those numbers are irrelevant. jenna: he said by end of november he might have some concerns. peter doocy is live in washington with more on all of this peter.
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>> reporter: jenna, consumers are still having problems signing up online, on the phone and in person. and the obama administration knows that it is because no matter how someone tries to enroll, everything goes through a memo, from october 11th, shows, quote, the same portal is used to determine eligibility no matter how the application is submitted, paper or online. so improving that experience for everyone matters and there is coordination to improve that experience. that was written 10 days before president obama said the 800 number is an easy alternative to the website. now the white house says, they will not meet their target of nearly 500,000 enrollments one. >> i can promise you the first enrollment numbers released later this month will not be where we want them to be. no question about that. the website has not worked the way we want to work. we take responsibility for that. take responsibility for the errors. and take responsibility for fixing it.
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if we get the website working as we expect to do by the end of the month we think it will be in a good place. >> reporter: one man in south carolina created that account unknowingly had the information transmitted to random stranger until the stranger left him a voice mail. now laak makers are worried problems like that could get a lot worse. >> the real threat to the systems when you have nation states and organized crime groups and criminals trying to get information now available on these websites, they need to take the site down, stablize it. >> reporter: this weekend we also heard democratic senator dianne feinstein say she told the white house chief of staff that the website should come down completely for repairs. so far the only planned outages are 1:00 a.m., to five a.m. every day until further notice. jenna? jenna: very interesting. peter, thank you. jon: former republican presidential candidate mitt romney is taking aim at some consider president obama's broken campaign promise that
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americans who like their health insurance can keep it. >> whether you like the model of obamacare or not the fact that the president sold it on basis that was not true, has undermined the foundation of his second term. i think it is rotting it away. jon: talk about it with bob cusack, the managing editor of "the hill." it is interesting to watch the spin in washington. president obama could not have been more clear, bob, if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. if you like your doctor, you can keep him. said that over and over and over again. >> yeah. that's right. i mean, remember a the time the democrats, it was tough getting the votes. so they had to make a lot of promises. this one was clearly broken the way the president said it. 3.5 million people have now lost their plans. obviously some will get new plans but some of them, we've seen anecdotes they liked their plan even though it was not a cadillac plan and were not playing -- paying a lot per
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month. we don't know the what enrollment numbers. dan five every says they will be lower than expected. the website is still broken. the administration hasn't acknowledged they broke the promise. that is why this story will go on perhaps, days, weeks, months. jon: that's why i talk the spin. they're not saying the president broke his promise. oh, no. take a listen to this on "fox news sunday." >> grandfathering is so narrow. >> it is not so fair know. >> if the insurance company changes co-pay over $5 over the course of three years since 2010. that is no longer grandfathered in. >> that is 25% change. that is big change. >> 5-dollars change in the co-pay, now it is not grandfathered. >> how many planks do you change in a boat before it ace different boat. that is the same thing here. we had a plan. we argued about it. >> you didn't tell the american people. >> no, we did. we grandfathered in the plans -- you. >> said, now if this plan is in effect until march of 2010, you
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can keep it. >> that is what it says. grandfathered. grandfathered plans were allowed. >> i didn't hear the president mention the word grand fathered in those pledges. >> that is how we fulfilled his pledge. >> dr. ezekiel emanuel, one of architects of obamacare for the administration. how does his argument fly with voters, bob? >> if you're explaining in a long explanation in politics you're losing. that is why we've seen some in the administration pointing at health insurers, the health insurers, remember they were demonized. the administration used them as boogeyman to get the bill passed. the problem is with the president when are going up against an opponent the most damaging thing the opponent can use in politics your own words against you. that is what romney certainly was using. that is what republicans are using against the president. i think the president will have to shift gears of act noning something he was not as precise as steny hoyer said as he should have been.
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but there will have to be some type of admission. independent fact checkers basically ripped the administration for that promise. jon: he was so clear and i think most people remember those promises. now this president doesn't have to run again but will there be others who are affected by the broken promise? >> no, absolutely. congressional democrats, senate democrats trying to hold on to the majority. house democrats trying to win back control of the lower chamber. this will have major, major effects if it continues to be a storyline going into the midterm election. only good news for democrats that the midterm election is not tomorrow. jon: bob cusack from "the hill." thanks, bob. >> thanks. jenna: we're learning new details about the deadly shooting at los angeles international airport. alleged shooter paul has apparently told police he acted alone. he is under armed guard at a los angeles hospital. he is facing hurt chars for the death of tsa agent. gerardo hernandez, a father of
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two. the only tsa officer ever killed in the line of duty. the terrifying moments were caught on video by a photographer with "tmz." you can see passengers running for their lives. we'll speak to an eyewitness. first we go to adam housley live at los angeles international airport with more. adam? >> reporter: that agent hernandez is being remembered here as someone nice, always smiled, a father, a husband. here in los angeles it has been quite a few days as you might imagine. people here are very upset about what happened. a lot of coworkers here whether they knew him or not feeling for him and his family. they already have a couple of memorials. as you come into lax if you have not been here before, there are a couple of pillars they have, four or five out front a art project that sets off the airport and they change colors. in honor of him they were illuminated blue over the weekend. inside the terminal they have a makeshift memorial put up there with flowers and candles and some of his favorite snacks and drinks being left by his friends
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and some passengers as they pass through terminal 3 all in memorial of gerado hernandez, the first tsa agent killed in the line of duty. one of the victims is a teacher from calabasas, california. a suburb of southern california of last loss. he was shot in the leg. he was near the tsa inend when he was shot into the leg. he dragged himself in a closet and use ad sweatshirt to tie a tourniquet and doctors say that may have saved his life. he has to go through surgery and other things to recover from the surgery. friday's scene again, chaotic as you showed the suspect walked in and opened fire. the idea was to kill as many tsa agents as possible. as part of the investigation his roommates didn't have any idea that this was going on. one drove him here to the airport that morning with intention of taking a flight. they knew he was takeing a flight. they didn't know where he was
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going. no details according to the fbi investigators talked to him and done some of the interview process. when you talk to the fbi and some investigators they're not geting a lot of information about the suspect because of his condition. take a listen. >> is receiving medical treatment. i will not talk about his gunshot wounds. at this point he is unresponsive and we're unable to interview him. >> reporter: unable to interview him right now but before he was taken to the hospital, when he was taken into custody he told agents he acted alone, jenna. we're told he was shot multiple times. one of the reasons why it was difficult to interview him. he was shot in the face as well and heavily sedated. jenna. jenna: more as the story develops, adam, thank you very much. the story broke during "happening now" as viewers saw pictures of wounded being brought out of terminal 3. one of the first eyewitness accounts came in from fox including a member of the fox family. fox sports columnist bill ryder
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who witnessed chaos in terminal 3. we're lucky to have him as our guest. great to be see you. >> hi, jenna. great to be seen. jenna: you probably don't know this, you were busy on friday, but i was reading your twitter account live on the air because it was one of the first eyewitness accounts we had of what was happening inside terminal 3. we appreciate you supplying us with that report, tell us, take us back to friday, sort of walk us through what happened? >> sure. my flight was delayed a few hours. i had been walking around looking for a charger for my phone, talking to my parents on the phone right next to where the shooting had happened a few minutes later. couldn't find a charger. went down to my terminal at the very end, 33b, sequestered area, sort of very end of hallway, sat down, two minutes later people were running toward me and screaming in animal listtic fear. shortly there after there was gunfire, rapid bursts of
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gunfire. i have never been in a war zone. it was clear what it was. people were diving under chairs and benches. i did the same thing. i didn't know what was going on. the fear -- there was another round of gunfire i thought i was probably going to die. i got out my phone and called my wife and told her that i loved her and my kids. all around me people were screaming and very scared. jenna: we were able to see photos you took from the tarmac, shortly after you were inside the gate. how did you make it from the gate to the tarmac? what did you make of the response from safety officials either at the airport or coming in, first-responders? >> yeah, i was under this bench and people were pressing against me. all of us trying to hide, to make ourselves as small as possible. they started to move away from me and i knew gunman had gone away or something changed. there was open door. someone forced their way through. i got up, ran on benches, jumped over people and pushed my way along with others outside on to the tarmac. for others i don't know how it
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was, time was both fast and slow. from the time on the tarmac, for me and people out there, it was very hard to know what was going on. so i just started tweeting. there were maybe 15 tsa officials on the tarmac with me. they had no idea what was going on. i walked over to listen what they were saying. several were calling loved ones they were okay. they had no idea what was happening. jenna: will you be writing on a this further, bill? >> i don't know. the first thing i did when i got out of lax, i walked four miles to get a taxi and went to get my son and saw my wife and my daughter and we spent the weekend together and went to my daughter's soccer game. i was a dad and thankfully to be alive and with my family. to be honest, jenna, i haven't thought about work. i guess i will get back to work. i'm a writer. i went instinctively went into journalism mode. and tweet egg t was coping mechanism instead of feeling like a victim.
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at some point i imagine i will write on it. jenna: we'll read the description an follow you on twitter and viewers can. we'll talk but this is all the time with have. appreciate it very much [ male announcer ] there will be more powerful storms. that's why there's new duracell quantum. only duracell quantum has a hi-density core. and that means more fuel, more power, more performance than the next leading brand. new duracell quantu trusted everywhere.
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jon: an unbelievable story now. a soldier serving overseas looks on as his pregnant wife is brutally attacked. justin poole was video chatting with his wife rachel when an intruder breaks into their house and she is beaten and stabbed. their baby girl was delivered safely at a texas hospital. rachel has injuries that could last a lifetime. rick leventhal joins us with more. >> reporter: according to police, rachel and justin poole knew the suspect. he wrecked it and owed money for repairs. that is 19-year-old cory moss, private in training now charged with attempted criminal capital murder. police believe he broke into
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their home through a back door. use ad face time app to chat with her husband in southeast asia and she was attacked. while being beaten and stabbed, rachel poole he yelled out the suspect as name so her husband could get it by going on a facebook if you're seeing message, find out what f-ing hospital my wife is in and tell the whereabouts of cory moss. went to my house while i was deployed and stabbed her today. moss was caught soon after by military police returning to fort list allegedly in possession of the silver knife used in the stabbing. they performed a caesarean section delivering a girl names isabella. rachel is still hospitalized in critical condition, stab wounds and fractures to the taste and body and a collapsed lung. he has returned from asia to be with his wife. he said it won't happen again.
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they set up facebook page and go fund me page to help care for rachel and the baby. donations already totaling somewhere near $20,000. moss is being held in jail. his bond was originallynal $60,000 but was raised to 150 grand and the case it headed to a grand jury. jon: it was apparently about the money. >> apparently he was upset for pay having to pay for the damage to the car. according to police that may have sparked this beating. jon: wow. rick leventhal, thank you. >> she is okay. good thing the little baby is doing fine, isabella. is bullying happening in the nfl? jonathan martin walks away from the miami dolphins team after allegedly being harassed. shocking accusation led to a teammate's suspension. we'll talk more about the story and what is going on here. a major upset at the inaugural youtube music awards. find out who beat out big-name stars like lady gaga and justin bieber. that is next in the "fox 411".
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jenna: some developing stories we're following for you here on "happening now." a new york university student rescued from a crawl space between two buildings after being stuck for two days. first-responders say the student somehow got lodged between his dorm building and a parking garage. they had to break a wall to get him out eventually. now to indianapolis where a driver run as red light, ramming into a church van, killing the van's driver. 18 people in the van. 11 were in minor injuries. the driver ran from the scene but capture ad few blocks away from the accident.
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democratic challenger to maine's governor announcing he is gay. six-term congressman mike micheau needed to address this because of a whisper campaign about his sex life. jon: for the "fox 411". a lot of surprises at inaugural youtube music awards in new york city. the biggest shocker of the night, a south korean girl group, virtually unknown in the u.s., beats outlaid did i gaga and katy perry for best video. julie banderas with the "fox 411". >> i sense you're a big lady gaga fan. written all over your face. jon: not so much. >> we'll predenned. last night the you inaugural youtube music awards were on there for a reason because it did not belong on tv the 90-minute show kicked off with avideo after the life starting greta gerwig danced her way
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through fake kitchen and snowy woods on to the stage here at pier 36 at new york city joined by a bunch of kids while arcade fire performed. that is where it all went downhill. most award shows are scripted. this one was not. and the unscripted show spiraled into hysterical toddlers, crying babies and moms singing badly. and, speaking of bad singing. out came a barefoot lady gaga dressed in a black ball cap and buttoned up checkered shirt, singing way off tune. she was crying tune. during the three-minute performance tears ran down her favors as mics cut in and out. as for the hosts, jason schwartzman and comedian and musician, reggie watts, seemed overwhelmed trying to control the whacky webcast. all in all 115,000 viewers watched the train wreck streamed
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live with peak of 215,000 viewers. it is an event 60 million people voted for. the awards are entirely fan voted. yes, awards were handed out. taylor swift's i knew you were in trouble won the youtube phenomenon award. online sensation mackally more and ryan lewis won breakthrough. eminem artist of the word. barack obama and met romney epic rap battles of history. are you familiar with this one, john? jon: i was not. >> i googled it as well. it was a parody and spoofed on mitt romney and barack obama rapping toward each other, two actors poking fun at presidential candidates. jenna: too bad that didn't happen in real life. >> no. i wonder if our president can rap? i haven't seen that. jenna: we'll leave that question to be answered. jon: clearly lady gaga didn't want to shell out for the meat dress budget for this one. this was more down scale award.
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>> didn't spend money on makeup. wanted to go all natural. she pretended she never took singing lessons. jon is very savvy. jon: that's right, yeah. thanks, julie. >> see ya. jenna: there is new questions following friday's deadly shooting at lax. do security measures need to change at our nation's airports? we're going to speak with a former deputy direct to the tsa, what if anything really should be done in light of what we saw on friday. also as loyal muslim brotherhood supporters push for his freedom, delay in the trial of egypt's ousted president mohammed morsi. the latest from the middle east coming up. [shouting] across america people are taking charge
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which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. jenna: the gunman charged in a deadly shooting at a los angeles airport apparently acting alone. what this may mean for airport security going forward. former egyptian president morsi is in a courtroom after he was overthrown from a coup. we have a live report and what it means for egypt. tens of thousands of demonstrators chanting death to america outside the former u.s. embassy in tehran. it is the anniversary of the hostage crisis. what it means for the latest effort to curb iran's nuclear ambitions. that's coming up. jon: friday's deadly shooting at l.a.x. airport raises new questions about airport security across this country. police say the suspect, paul
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ciancia, pulled out an automatic assault rifle and opened fire on t.s.a. agents, killing one of them. guns and other weapons turn up at the airport all the time. just a week before at l.a.x., t.s.a. officers seized 39 gunz at airports across country. joining us is the deputy director for the ntsb. the t.s.a. agents that, you know, screen people as they're going through the airports, make sure they're not carrying weapons aboard planes, they don't have weapons themselves, tom. is that going to change as a result of this? >> well, that probably won't change. i think there will be a reassessment because what we now know is that t.s.a. is the most visible reminder of the aftermath of 9/11. we know that aviation sector remains of interest to the bad guys, whether it's one off or whether it's coordinated terrorism. so i think the entire security
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regime at individual airports administered by t.s.a. and airport management, that has to be reassessed to see if there are steps we can take to improve things, whether we did as good as we could in terms of response and getting things back to normal. jon: this came from t.m.z. it shows the panic in the studio -- or in the airport, i should say. people running obviously away from the gunshots and you'll see a police officer right there. he pulls out his gun, directs people out of the way and then starts running toward the shooter. that's really what police are trained to do and what you want to see in a situation like this, right? >> you've seen the current risk scenario unfold. in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, there were law enforcement officers stationed at every major check point. as a result of the ongoing risk evaluation, t.s.a. and its partners determined that those
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>> i do think that what will happen now is that whether or not we need to do more beginning to evaluate risks at the perimeter, whether we need to have increased surveillance of airport lobbies, begin some random checks before you get to the check point, those are the kinds of things that will be examined and ask about and evaluated. jon: the union representing t.s.a. agents says this shooting shows the need for t.s.a. agents to be armed. now, i took a flight over the weekend and at the pittsburgh airport, i noticed that there was sort of a praise billboard for t.s.a. agents reminding us that one out of every four of them is a veteran. most veterans are trained to use weapons. is that a possibility to arm part of the t.s.a. force? >> i think it's too soon to evaluate that. in other words, we have to find
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out really more about the motivation of this individual than we know. we have to see whether or not this is a risk just to one or a series of airports or whether this is a systemwide vulnerability that needs to be corrected. i don't think we should shut the door but i don't think we should at this point say more guns in the airport environment, even in the hands of qualified individuals, is precisely what we want to automatically determine to do. jon: tom blank is the former deputy directly of the transportation security administration. thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me. jenna: a judge is delaying the trial of former egyptian president morsi. he and other former officials are charged with inciting the killing of protestors in egypt. morsi was defiant in court today, interrupting the proceedings telling the judge he can't be on trial because he is egypt's true leader. despite the military coup that overthrew him in july. still a crowd gathering outside the courthouse today showing support for the now deposed
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president. we have the very latest on all of this. >> you might say deja vu all over again. a deposed egyptian president in court on a sham trial that was postponed for months. in this case, morsi is due in court in january. he had been held since july. we haven't seen him since then. he was taken into court. he looked healthy and he was there in the dock with a number of his muslim brotherhood party members who have all been arrested since then. m morsi was defiant that he was not going to participate in the court proceedings. what happened outside the courtroom is probably equally important. we saw some protests outside there. no violence. the army held its fire and also you didn't see the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people out in the
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streets that we have seen before. this really shows how much support the muslim brotherhood has lost. at the same time, how much stronger the army has gotten inside egypt. the army has a firm hold on power now inside that country. they don't have a very good hold on their relationship with the united states, though. just yesterday secretary of state john kerry showed up in egypt to show a little damage control. at one point washington, d.c. and cairo were close in terms of relations. just to give you an idea of how much the u.s. has lost influence inside egypt for the first time now in more than 30 years, a russian president, in this case vladmir putin, is now scheduled to visit egypt to talk about having relations with that government. a very different situation that we used to see here in the middle east in terms of egypt's alliances. back to you. jenna: certainly a meeting we should watch. thank you. jon: there are new indications that the games from the u.s. surge in iraq have pretty much
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jon: a bomb shell in a murder trial of a utah doctor. expert witness saying that michelle died from drowning, not heart disease. this could affect the case of her husband who killed her in order to carry on her affair. the coach for the houston texans collapses on the field. what we're learning about his condition. plus voters getting ready to head to the polls and the governor's race in virginia is heating up. the latest on the campaigns as they make their final push before election day. jenna: also happening now, a massive anti-american rally
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today in tehran marking the day the iranian hostage crisis began back in 1979. demonstrators burning the american flag and stomping on images of our president outside the former u.s. embassy that still stands today. it's a museum in part for iranian students to visit. now, ties between the two countries have been severed since 1979 when those americans were taken hostage inside the embassy after the islamic revolution. 52 americans were held hostage. the crisis lasted 444 days. the hostages were finally freed on the day of president reagan's inauguration. peter brooks is a senior fellow for national security affairs, heritage foundation and former c.i.a. officer. so the protests in iran are not new. it happens every year on this day. but according to our sources on the ground, the protests this
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year are bigger and bolder and louder than usual. how do you take that into consideration along with the fact that it looks like iran and america are trying to reengage again on the nuclear issue? >> well, there's probably a couple of things at play here, a couple of dynamics. one is that their people probably oppose former relations with the united states. once again, the nuclear negotiations will come down to iran and the united states, even though others are taking part in them. the other thing is that there's always a possibility that iran is trying to take a tougher stand publicly so that they can affect the negotiations which will start again this week in geneva. they're gaming us a little bit. there's a number of things. iran is a very difficult place to figure outs because of the break in relations for so many years, the lack of diplomatic contact between the two sides so we need to be very careful, very sober and look at these issues very, very closely before we make any moves. jenna: the former ambassador to afghanistan and iraq has an
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editorial in the "new york times" today and the title is talk to iran. it works. he writes although most american may be unaware of it, talks with iraq have worked in the past. he still believes that there's a way to engage with iran and the reason he he believes this is because iran wants security and stability in the region. not a nuclear arms race. do you agree with that, that talks with iran have worked and potentially can work this time around? >> i read the same ad and ambassador crocker is a capable diplomat. first of all, the idea that the axis of evil speech changed everything in u.s.-iranian relations is a red herring. iran says nasty things about us every day so it's the height of hypocrisy for the iranians to claim that, that it has to do with president bush's speech in early 2002.
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he said there were successful talks but remember that we were -- it was a common enemy. it was a common enemy in the taliban. iran and the taliban were enemies at the time of 9/11. i also took a little bit of issue in the op ad where he talked about that al qaeda was an enemy of iran. well, we know from the 9/11 report that they targeted iran regularly. we've not seen anything that iran knew anything about 9/11 but they also gave safe haven to operatives after 9/11. there were a number of al qaeda operatives who lived in tehran for a number of years. many people believe they were actually operating from iran globally. i didn't take everything he said there and iran, like i said, i didn't take everything he said there as comporting with what i think. i also think that iran is very much a practical actor. i think he says that and that they are willing to work in our national interests match up,
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then they're willing to work with us. if our national issues don't match up, they're not. that's what i worry about with the nuclear program. the idea the iranians don't want nuclear arms races is appealing to certain people who want to work that way but they're the most power frl country in that part of the world and having that nuclear weapon will achieve just that. jenna: there is confusion because we don't have diplomatic ties but there are countries where we do have diplomatic ties where i wonder how that impacts that conversation like we're having right now. john kerry in saudi arabia, the timing of that interesting ahead of the big talks in geneva but also you have the prime minister of iraq visiting president obama last week. these are the neighboring countries. how about our relationships with those countries? how are those impacting our ability to negotiate with iran if at all? >> sometimes it's a
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controversial partner of the united states over the years. it's a major player in that part of the world, one of the most powerful countries, important to our presence in that part of the world and what happens in that part of the world. they're very unhappy with us at the moment. they're unhappy about syria which we didn't even mention because of what's going on there and the bloodshed that's going on there, 100,000 people killed and they're also concerned about these negotiations with iran and that we'll go soft on iran. there's nobody more concerned perhaps other than israel than about the iranian nuclear program than the saudis right across the gulf, there's a large sea of population in saudi arabia that the iranians occasionally incite. you know, so there's many things. both countries want to be the leader of the middle east and the leader of the muslim world so they're very, very concerned with us right now. iraq is a whole other thing. what a mess. what i think about when i think about iraq which is going on another tangent, is this a preview of what we'll see in afghanistan when we'll withdraw
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in 2014? iraq has had 5,000 to 7,000 people killed in sectarian and terrorist violence just this year. there may have been a thousand killed last month and even in september. so it's really a mess. what i'm worried about is how these things affect our presence in the middle east, our national interests in that part of the world and how the bap bam -- obama administration is hand thing these things. jenna: it's hard to have a limited conversation about it because there's so many people at the dinner table. thank you. >> thanks for having me. jon: arguments over labelling genetically modified food. several states are considering plans requiring manufacturers to let buyers know what they're getting. are those warnings helpful or simply unnecessary? we'll get into that. and an nfl team tackles bullying, suspending one player for picking on a teammate. details ahead. over 1 million b. if you have business idea,
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jenna: right now some new claims bringing attention to what some are calling bullying among adults. dolphins suspending their starting guard for his conduct which reports say may have targeted martin. we have the details live from miami. >> pull -- bullying among some of the strongest americans on the planet. starting tackle for the golf ins left the practice facility last week when several players refused to eat with him. he and his representatives say this is just the latest in a series of harassments against him that have gone more than a year. the dophins taking these claims very seriously. last night they suspended starting guard richie incognito
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for his conduct detrimental to the team. he is fighting back, denying the charges saying on twitter that they are several sports writers who have a vendetta against him. there's a tradition of hazing in the nfl but things have gone too far in miami for the club and the league that's now investigating. those investigations will look at $15,000 that martin said he was pressured to give other players for a luxury trip to las vegas and a $10,000 dinner that rookies were forced to pay for earlier in the season. as the investigation continues, it could be tough for miami next monday night against the buccaneers. they'll be without two of the five starting offensive linemen. jenna: interesting. we look forward to hearing more about this story. thank you. jon: those are expensive dinners, too. the white house is doing damage control over obamacare vowing to have the problem plagued website running correctly by the end of this month. put it on your calendars.
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for my frequent heartburn. 'cause it gives me a big fat zero heartburn. woo hoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. [ larry ] you can't beat zero heartburn. and best of all, it means i can enjoy all the foods i love. oh, zero heartburn is awesome. just like zero clery. ♪ [ male announcer ] prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. jenna: breaking news this hour and top stories. jon: more problems for obamacare. this time the website will go off line regularly. bret joins us for how obamacare latest woes could boost republican chances of retaking the senate next year. plus another blow to obamacare. this time in the courts. what a ruling means for owners of businesses forced to provide birth control coverage. and electrifying testimony in the sensational bathtub murder
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trial in utah. what an expert for the prosecution said about the cause of death for a doctor's wife that could blow the case wide open. it's all happening now. and welcome to a brand new hour of "happening now." jenna: great to see you today. apparently obamacare is off line. at least a little bit. administration says the website outages will be routine for the time being to give its technology team time to fix the site's flaws and glitches as they're called. this as the white house finds itself on defense over a poor signup numbers to date. >> our goal is to get as many people done as possible. i can promise you the first enrollment numbers which are released later this month are not going to be what we want them to be. no question about that. website hasn't worked really when it's worked but we take responsibility for that, take responsibility for the errors, responsibility for fixing it. >> i think the government is inherently inhe want.
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government has to do certain things. there's a certain safety net. there's national defense, there's roads, a judiciary but government shouldn't take on new opportunities or new things to do when it's not managing what it has now. jenna: two different opinions there. chief white house for respondent ed henry talking to us. we encourage people to sign up for obamacare. we have very limited numbers at this point but do we have any indication about how this is affecting enrollment? >> certainly one interesting piece of new information today, jenna, you have republicans releasing new documents from inside the health and human services offices, their war room that was going through and has been going through enrollment figures in recent weeks. those are the folks that gave us the essential early look of the first day of only six people enrolling. now there are new documents suggesting that this idea of applying through the paper process is not moving things
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along very swiftly at all, even though the administration has given that impression. one document saying the paper applications allow people to feel like they're moving forward in the process. at the end of the day, we're all stuck in the same cue. the point, republican critic trying to make is that as administration has said, you can do it by phone, you can do it by paper, it's just as easy as the website. all of this is moving forward. the internal documents sort of paint a different picture. oez are saying it's time for the president to make some serious changes. take a listen. >> i'm calling on the president now to say, let's have a time out on this. mr. president, you call a time out on this. convene a group of bipartisan leaders to address health care concerns in this country because this is not working. >> the real pressure that's coming is not just from like republicans but at least 10 senate democrats who have suggested they don't to want do
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away with the law but they want to improve it, make changes, maybe delay the enrollment deadline beyond the end of march 2014. you've got democrats in the house and senate who are facing the voters next year and are nervous about how the early stages have gone. jenna: and you know better that words matter here. it looks like the white house is trying to adjust a little bit this question about whether or not you can keep your insurance plan. what sort of adjustments does it seem like the white house is making? >> you're right. the president has been on defense for at least a couple of weeks now on this idea that he sold it one way through years ago and is about -- you know, if you like your plan, you can keep it. now we're not seeing that actually work out for everyone. at least some people are being booted off. hundreds of thousands are booted off their plans. administration says, look. in the long run they'll have better insurance. another shift yesterday with the white house senior adviser suggesting, look. this is really the insurance
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companies' fault. not the president's. >> here's the point is that if you had a plan before the affordable care act, you can keep it. disrespect bottom line, if it hasn't been changed or cancelled by the insurance industry, that's a pretty huge caveat that the president didn't use three years ago. interesting this morning on msnbc, former white house press secretary who was here three years ago while they were trying to figure out the message, he acknowledged today that it was a mistake to have suggested that if you like your plan, you can keep it. you can see how there's still a lot of tension here among democrats about how to move forward. jenna: interesting to hear reaction from the insurance companies as well on some of this. it's been very quiet so far. thank you. >> good to see you. jon: could the obamacare failed rollout boost republicans' chances in the midterm electi s elections? also some democrats whose votes were key to the passage of obamacare seem to be running for
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the hills. bret anchors "special report." we're one year this week from the 2014 elections and as ed henry just said, a loft candidates facing the voters one year from now are pretty nervous about this rollout. who in the senate is especially nervous right now? >> well, you can tell, jon, from the actions that some have taken in recent days and what they're saying about obamacare. there's a proposed piece of legislation to keep your insurance plan if you like your insurance plan. essentially trying to keep the promise that the president is not keeping as you just heard from ed's report. that's a proposed piece of legislation that goes against exactly what the administration is doing now. you have mark pryor in arkansas. you have alaska. you have several people who are
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up for re-election in red states talking out and then you have senator dianne feinstein who comes from the blue state of california, a democrat, who said that she told the white house chief of staff that they need to bring this website down, essentially shut it down temporarily, until they fix everything and then get it back up and running. she said that this weekend. it's not happening that way. jon: so if you like your health plan, you can keep it. she wants to introduce legislation as you say, that would accomplish that. is that realistic or is that just something that somebody campaigns on? it seems like it would be a real mess. already the health care system in this country or at least the insurance system seems to be in a mess because of obamacare. if you suddenly introduce legislation that undoes part of that, that would seem to be almost impossible to implement. >> no. it's not realistic and it's not -- it's probably just posturing but she'll put it forward and
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whether harry reid actually voted on it or put it on the calendar, we would have to see but you're right. it would cause all kinds of problems for the way that this is all tied together. it's important for the way the law is structured that people get on to the exchanges. most importantly as we talked about before, that healthy young people get on in big numbers. so far we don't know what the enrollment breakdown is. we have anecdotal information from different states and it seems to be tipping more towards medicaid patients and a little older and people who use insurance more. so we'll see what those enrollment numbers are. those have been, as you know, difficult to come by. jon: where does it lead republicans? obviously in the house they voted more than 40 times to undo obamacare. are republican candidates who will also be on the ballot a year from now, are they saying we told you so? >> yeah.
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this is a bit of a wind in the sails for republicans but remember, you have a lng time to go before the elections next year. and a lot can happen. but i will say that the government shutdown seems like a distant memory and that was seen just when you talk to political analysts that this was going to be something they remembered into next year, significantly it was going to make a big deal. obamacare seems to have taken some of the steam out of the government's shut down woes for the g.o.p. if you look quickly to the virginia governor's race, that is coming to a vote tomorrow, most analysts will say that the republican has closed in recent days because of obamacare. and he had some real shutdown woes himself. jon: we will continue to watch this issue, watch those election returns tomorrow. thank you. bret brings you all the political news you neat on "special report" here at 6:00
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p.m. eastern. jenna: in the meantime, another legal blow to obama kai. a key federal court citing with business owners who say the contraception mandate that forces them to provide employees with access to birth control for free violates religious belief. both sides of the debate are asking the supreme court to step in. shannon, what does the latest ruling mean to employers who object to the mandate? >> well, it was an interesting mix. d.c. circuit sides with business owners who they believe have legitimate objections. here's what the court had to say. quote, they can either abide by the sacred tenants of their faith and cripple the companies they have spent a lifetime building or they become complicity in a grave, moral wrong. if that's not substantial pressure to violate his beliefs,
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we fail to see how the standard could be met. it is important to note that the court did not find that the businesses themselves as secular organizations could exercise religion. this was for the owners as individuals. jenna: interesting discrepancy there. what are the odds that the supreme court gets involved and how soon would they get involved? >> nearly everyone who has been tracking more than 70 challenges to the h.h.s. contraception mandate believes that the supreme court is going to take up one of these cases. administration has been on both the winning and losing side of these cases and have petitioned justices to hear the biggest employer pushing back against the mandate. that's hobby lobby. in its petition the government writes to the supreme court, the question is one of exceptional importance and notes the various decisions that have come down in the lower courts and the conflict in the courts of appeals that is likely to deepen soon as more circuits address the question in the many pending cases presenting it. justices are scheduled to vote
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behind closed doors whether to take up one of the legal challenges in days. jenna: we'll watch for that. thank you. jon: washington is paying hundreds of millions of dollars to dead people. a new report unglitches that can keep federal entitlement checks going out even after the recipient passes away. plus a frightening scene. an nfl coach collapses. we have the latest on his condition. the day we rescued riley,
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was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at medicare open enrollment. of year again. time to compare plans and costs.
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jenna: now an update on the condition of an nfl coach who collapsed on the field during yesterday's game. the houston texans say their coach did not have a heart attack but he was taken to the hospital to be check out by specialists just in case. that's where he is today. our jonathan hunt has the very latest from new york city on
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this. a surprise. i hope he's all right. >> disturbing scenes on the field last night at half-time as the coach collapsed at about the 24-yard line. take a look at that scene now. you can see him there. he just goes down onto both knees. now, i just got off the phone with kevin cooper of the houston texans organization. he tells me that the coach is n indeed still in the hospital, he's in good spirits and coherent and alert. last night as you see, he was stretchered off the field, put into a waiting ambulance and taken to a hospital. now, officials aren't saying much about what caused his collapse except to point out he did not have a heart attack. his defensive coordinator, wade phillips. listen. >> the doctors and our medical staff took care of him here and then he went to a local hospital, all his vital signs are good.
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he did not have a heart attack. but they're still checking on everything with him. >> now, the coach has been and continues to go through what officials are describing as a battery of tests to try to find out exactly what happened to him, what caused that collapse. he is, of course, not the only nfl coach to have health issues. the broncos head coach, john fox, felt dizzy during a round of golf on saturday. he had previously been told he needed an operation heart condition. he had hoped to leave that until february after the season ended but he went to the hospital after the dizzy spell and was told he needs that heart surgery immediately. just another reminder, i guess, of the pressures all of these nfl coaches feel pretty much every day of every week during the season. jenna: well put. thank you. jon: there's a bomb shell in the
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cosmetic surgery. now prosecutors say dr. mark mc neil killed his wife by giving her a cocktail of prescription drugs to keep his affair with his mistress going. but electrifying testimony on friday by a forensic pathologist hired by the prosecution which may have blown the case open about his thoughts on the cause of death. >> my opinion was that michelle died of a vital drowning and in addition to that, she had some -- [inaudible] in my opinion could have contributed to her death. >> your question is not a clear question. i'm sorry. >> if the heart isn't pumping, water could not enter the bloodstream and dilute the blood, right? >> yes. the blood is not pumping -- >> you didn't answer my
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question. jon: joining us, our legal panel for today. the point that the doctor seems to make there is, you know, that nobody has called this a murder. there's been a lot of testimony about the fact that independent medical examiners would not say this was a homicide but if she died by drowning, he said there was no evidence of heart disease. >> yes. i think the prosecution is looking for a smoking gun because frankly, jon, they need one in order to get a conviction. this expert testimony is not it. let's say the jury believes that, okay. of the three medical examiners that have testified so far, only one of whom has said she died of drowning, let's suppose they believe that. we still don't know what happened before she fell into that tub or if she was placed into the tub. if they can't determine which it was, there you have reasonable doubt. jon: so phil, if they cannot --
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i mean, they've established the drowning as the cause of death. they don't have heart disease. what does that do for the prosecution? >> i think the doctor's testimony is crucial. you have to remember, dr. mc neill said she was found in a tub with her head placed over the basin and the daughters and other witnesses say she was laying face up in the bathtub. it looks dr. macneill to the murder and contradicts his testimony. jon: how does it link him to the murder? >> his story comes in and he's saying she fell over. that would lead someone to believe she has a heart failure or something that caused her to fall in. the way that the doctor explains it, it's because she died of drowning would lead me to believe she was actually in the tub and if that's true, what stories he gave to the police is contradicted and it makes the story that the cocktail of drugs he gave her, that holds water, no pun intended.
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jon: the doctor suggested she had inhaled perhaps half a gallon of water that the e.m.t.'s who were trying to revive her pumped a lot of water out of her chest. what does that suggest? >> it suggests she was breathing when she went into the water but it still doesn't bring us any closer to how she got there to begin with. i think one of the crucial questions in this case is did her husband hold her under the water or did she fall in when nobody was around? and again, when it comes to proving beyond a reasonable doubt to have multiple theories does not help the prosecution. and right now, they are still working on proving whether or not a crime has been committed and frankly, they're not making a lot of headway between me and you. jon: do you agree? it would seem that if she didn't die of a heart condition as has been suggested, that would be a pretty significant development in the eyes of the jury.
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>> you have the first medical examiner say it was heart failure, the second one saying it was heart fill you're mixed with drugs and the third saying it's drowning. this is the weakest part of the state's case which is a huge problem. however, the fact that dr dr. macneill gave a clear statement how he found michelle and that's contradictory to the doctor's testimony saying she drowned could sway the jury for a murder conviction. jon: if there had been heart failure and this was alluded to in that exchange that he had with the defense attorney, if there had been some sort of heart failure and she dropped dead and fell into the tub, she wouldn't have water in her lungs, what the doctor said was diluted drugs. >> she wouldn't but again, this medical examiner is only one of three and i don't think the jury will determine if she had passed out and then fell into the tub
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and then had a heart failure. we don't know the order because three professional medical examiners whose job it is to determine the cause and manner of death can't do it, jon. that does not help the prosecution. jon: all right. we'll continue to watch this case. that testimony resumes as i said, tomorrow. thank you both. >> thank you. jenna: the mainstream media appears to be taking a different tone on the new health care law but is the "new york times" having a change of heart? what the newspaper is saying today, a report that is stirring a loft reaction as well. we'll take a look at that fair and balanced. there's a panel coming up. plus we're just hours away from voters heading to the polls in the virginia governor's race. we have the candidates' final appeals and in an election that could be an early referendum on obamacare and a predictor of next year's midterm elections.
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jenna: it's election eve for some states and just hours until virginians hit the polls, it appears the democrat is maintaining his lead over the republican state attorney general. both candidates making their final push to come out on top and our chief political correspondent is live in virginia with the very latest and less than 36 hours until the polls close in virginia. what does it look like now? >> like it usually does when we're on the eve of an election. both candidates are bringing out surrogates and super stars in their parties to energize the
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base. it's going to be very low turnout, less than two million people. that's half what it was in the presidential election last year and behind us is what will soon be a rally. the republican will bring in senator marco rubio of florida today and this will be an attempt with mr. roub yoe to keep republicans interested and get out to polls. a lot of surveys recently have said there's more passion on the republican side and that mcauliffe has a lead by six points. this has been a very, very negative race and so it's six points and cuccinelli has closed that, largely by trying to make this a referendum on obamacare. he leads with men and the poll and others have suggested there's a passion on his side more so than mcauliffe but
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mcauliffe has a significant advantage with women. that's what many have said is driving the democrats. there's a lot of rhetoric about that in the past couple of days. there's an opportunity for a comeback but it would be surprise at this point. democrats increasingly enthusiastic about what's unfolding here. jenna: you said that marco rubio is coming out. there have been a lot of democratic stars also the last few days. >> sure. vice president joe biden was campaigning with mcauliffe this morning. they've known each other for deck ateds in american politics over the course of the weekend. barack obama was campaigning for mcauliffe as well. hillary clinton and bill clinton has been on the campaign trail for him. democrats are saying that this should be about the republicans just being too radical, too extreme.
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listen. >> ladies and gentlemen, a guy he's running against is the loudest voice in america against health care for women and access to it. the choice between, if you could ever say it in any race i've been involved with, and i've been through a lot, between the mainstream and the extreme. >> the last component of this is the lib either tearian candidate. he's got about 8% of polls. there is a real possibility of the third party candidates, voters or supporters don't show up at the polls tomorrow. those votes could split and help cuccinelli. jenna: it's a race we'll continue to watch. thank you. jon: happening now, harsh words for obamacare's rollout and the president's promise that no one could lose their health care plans. from the man the white house says is the model for obamacare, former governor and presidential
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candidate mitt romney. >> obamacare barely made it through washington as you know, and there's no question in my mind but had the president been truthful and told the american people that millions would lose their insurance and millions more would see their premiums skyrocket, had he told them that at the time it was going through washington, there would have been such a huge cry against it, it would not have passed. jon: but the so-called architect of obamacare pushing back against claims that mr. obama misled anyone. >> when we passed the law, we said any plan that existed before the date the law was passed would be grandfathered in unless lots of changes were made. now, you know we have to imagine obamacare not against the blank slate but against what insurance companies regularly do. jon: if the peeds any more help explaining what he really meant, it appears he can count on some quarters of the mainstream media. "new york times" saying in an editorial over the weekend, quote, mr. obama clearly misspoke when he said that.
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by law, insurers cannot continue to sell policies that don't provide the minimum benefits and consumer protections required as of next year. they've sent cancellation notices to hundreds of thousands of people who hold the sub standard policies. let's talk about covering the coverage here with alan colmes, host of the alan colmes show and author of thank the liberals for saving america. we have the writer for the american conservative may go zone, both are fox news contributors. so what do you think about what the times had to say, jim? >> well, i thought it was very striking that the times has made this heroic effort on behalf of the obama administration to shift the subject. i think the last month has been the biggest -- well, don't take my word for it. bob schieffer said that the biggest flop he'd ever seen in all his four decades in washington. there's your baseline. that was october. now we're into november and the times are saying, look. you didn't want that insurance policy. the president misspoke. we make it sound like he said it
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once. he said it hundreds of times the last four years. i think it's the flagship of the mainstream media is now going to say, look. good liberals, get on board. the new enemy is the insurance company. that's familiar territory for democrats. it's not the president's fault. he's just a victim. it's actually -- and as msnbc said this morning, the president is too smart for this job. now we go and do what we always do which is blame corporate america. jon: why should people not be upset if they like the insurance policies they had and now they're being forced to other policies? the president said that wouldn't happen. >> the president not only misspoke, i think it was misleading what he said and what he should have said is that it was all dependent on whether the insurance companies were good actors here and kept the policies they had but insurance companies don't tend to do that and as a matter of fact, talking points memo online, talks about how the insurance companies are
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misleading their customers by not letting them know in some cases they have other alternatives and go to exchanges and in some cases where there have been examples of those saying they're paying more, what hasn't been told is some cases, those people are entitled to subsidies so the media hasn't told the whole story, even those who tried to present those unhappy with obamacare. jon: is that a part of the job? >> it is part of the job to tell the whole story. jon: is it part of the job of the media to tell people what their insurance offerings available are? >> if you're going to present somebody and say here is somebody not particularly happy because their rates are going up, it's important to say, not really because once you have put in the subsidies, the rate isn't going up. jon: is it important for the media to say the president didn't tell the truth here? >> i don't know if it was a willful lie.
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jon: mitt romney was on shows over the weekend, jim, and said this is a fundamental dishonesty that is going to rock president obama's second term in his opinion. how is that being covered? >> romney got attention. of course, got more attention for puffer fish and other the presidential stuff. however, listen to what alan just said. it proves that the "new york times" is working. the president wouldn't have gotten his health care plan through if he told the truth. we a degree on that. okay. in the minds of the mainstream media, that's a sunk cost. that's over and done with. we did what we had to do to get the obamacare enacted by congress. now we move on to shifting the blame. the daily call they are morning says that up to 129 million americans could lose health care. that's a big number. now, it's going to take not only the "new york times" but also
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very influential liberal blogs to say, no. the real enemy is the insurance company. let's get them. and pass new regulations and that's what we should have done. >> they are the bad actors here. also justin wolfers has a chart that shows really the people who are the losers. he had the win he weres and losers of obamacare. 3% of losers, 80% worked for companies that keep what they got. 15% get new coverage and 3% switched to other plans comparable in price so there are really 3%, a very small percentage of americans who are not winners here. losers stay the same. jon: good discussion. we'll have you back another time. continue to watch this as it rolls out. thank you both. >> thank you. jenna: in the meantime, new report says u.s. taxpayers are shelling out more than a half billion dollars to dead people. the federal government keeps sending social security and retierpment and aids checks to thousands of recipients even
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after they passed away. here are the details from washington. are those checks being cashed? that's the big question. >> in some cases they are by relatives, by people who know that the recipient is dead but want the money for themselves. not only does this shell out money to dead people but it also routinely categorizes people as dead who are very much alive. in fact, the government finds an average of 750 people every month to be dead who are, in fact, alive. a clerical error that's hard to undo. take the case of the utah man quoted by "the washington post" that says the man visited the social security office to protest his death in person. but the clerksmented more evidence so they gave him a piece of paper the man's son recalled. they asked him to write on it, i'm alive. over the past few years, social security doled out $133 million to dead people. even worse, from a smaller pool of people, federal retirees, the federal employee retirement system shelled out $400 million
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to dead retirees. here's another example. taxpayers spent money on heating and a.c. bills for dead people. the post fights the case of a son who uses his father's dead government benefits for 26 years. >> government is too big. it has grown too fast. it doesn't do anything well. in most cases shelling up and doing a job is enough to get a bonus in the federal government. >> the problem lies with social security's death master file which the agency compiles from funeral homes, state and family notices and more. the social security administration told us this morning, and i'm quoting here, social security's accuracy rate with the death master file is more than 99.5%. that's indeed a good record but it means that out of 235 death reports the agency gets every month, there are 750 to 800 cases that need correcting. in all, government agencies use the death master file so those
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errors are harder to get as they make their way through bureaucracy. jenna: what a report. thank you. jon: want feds say there is nothing to worry about but genetically modified foods are not going down well with some. the growing fight to put warning labels on what some call franken foods. plus one world series winner wants to ride out his victory a little longer. find out how he's doing it. [ male announcer ] this is brad.
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his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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jon: a hot debate across america over the labelling of genetically modified food. f.d.a. says the foods are safe while opponents and they are very vocal, say there haven't been enough independent testing. in particular, the critics say we don't know enough about the long term effects. mike takes a look at that live from chicago. mike? >> if you boy food with that organic label on it, that tells you a number of things including the food that you're buying has not been genetically modified. lawmakers, particularly in illinois, want to take that a step further and put a label on anything derived from foods like corn or soybeans that have been through genetic modification. corn and soybeans are not what they used to be. scientists have modified their
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genetics to create a greater yield at harvest time to make them resistant to disease, or herbicides. one illinois lawmaker wants the law to mandate any food dedrived from genetically modified orringism be labelled as just that in the grocery store. >> this bill is about giving consumers a chance to know what's in their food and for them to make a choice. that's all it is. >> researchers have never found health consequences in humans from genetically modified foods, only in rats. that does not stop protestors. they've gathered everywhere. chicago to dallas and portland. activists are convinced that g.m.o. is franken food. there's too much unknown, too little testing. although there is no link, they point to things like an increase in childhood peanut allergies. >> the science is just overwhelming. and they keep repeating the same things. they keep saying there have been no studies on this. there have been hundreds of studies.
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>> illinois is just one of the states jumping in on the g.m.o. debate. maine and connecticut have passed laws but they need neighboring states to pass laws before they go into effect. washington state will vote tomorrow on an interesting law because it doesn't depend on neighboring states. jon: mike in chicago, thank you. jenna: one red sox player wants to cherish the team's world series win forever and he's doing it by buying one of the duck boats that carried the team through the streets of boston during the parade. jake peavy confirming that the boat purchased was this one on twitter. he said it's his and he hopes it stays in his family forever. no word yet whether fenway will make duck boat parking available to him at the ball park. excellent question we should ask. jon: just buy your own duck boat. why not? a new problem emerges for
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obamacare. not only are millions of americans find they cannot keep their coverage. now some of the country's top hospitals are opting out as well. and a new look at a time honored tradition. pregnant mothers singing to babies even before they're born. now the doctor is here to talk about what the tunes could mean for your child's development. jenna: he's going to sing a little bit, too, right?
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as many who watch ponder what's going through the baby's mind while listening to the sad love song that her mother is singing. and how much babies understand is a question that surfaces even before birth and a new study, mothers repeatedly played twinkle, twinkle little star while they are -- their children were in the womb and they could recognize the song after they were born. they didn't come out singing but they recognized it. >> i played led zepplin for my own children and i'm paying the consequences now. jenna: how much are babies in the womb taking in >> for sure, we know for a fact that sound travels into the womb and we know that after the second trimester or so, the whole neuro development of sound is well developed in children. i use sound to wake up kids when i need them to move if i'm doing an ultra sound or something like this. i just put it on the belly and i
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zap the kid and the kid wakes up. jenna: a disturbing sound. >> it's a harsh sound and they hear it and i'll move. take your picture as die the analysis of the ultra sound. we know that and use the tools all the time. now we have scientific evidence that the sound has been memorized to some degree and a newborn, especially if it gets exposed to sounds in utero. jenna: i'm sure viewers hear that pregnant women want to play classical music. how far does this go? if you're playing, let's say, another language while the child is in utero, will the child then suddenly years later be better at language? >> you're not going to develop the classical music player just because you play mozart but the bigger picture here is since sound in children are well aware of the environment going on around them take away the negative sounds. the yelling, screaming, the
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social unrest. you know, i tell a lot of parents, don't fight so much when -- you know, verbally because negative sounds also are remembered, the screaming. remember, when a woman gets upset and she's fighting with her significant other, that negative energy along with the negative sound now can really have an impact. so i look at sound, yes, if you like classical music and you enjoy it and it makes you happy, you want to play it. all that good energy and good sound is coming into the child. jenna: one of the doctors quoted in the article in "the washington post" said when he's asked by a pregnant woman should i be listening to classical music, he said if you like it, great. but if it's disturbing to you, don't do it. sgho >> exactly. that's the whole point but it makes a difference you should start thinking how the child will develop. if you have pleasant sounds in the womb when the baby is teething, right, and the baby is crying and it's very restless,
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you can play familiar sounds and many times, they stop crying. they become more calm. so you can use that psychological development as you now have a newborn at home. but keep away from the negative sounds because they do carry consequences. jenna: a good balance conversation for us. appreciate it as always. thank you. >> led zepplin. that's it. jon: we are getting word and it's a fox news alert of the lockdown underway right now at central connecticut state university. the authorities there have told students to find shelter, lock their doors and stay inside. this is not a drill. police are on scene. that's a shot of the website there of the school. we'll keep an eye on this situation, be back with more information as soon as we can get it about central connecticut state university.
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of a report of a possible gunman seen entering introo into a housing hall in central state university. no confirmation of that from the police. students are told to stay inside and keep it looked douvenlt more on fox. thanks, guys, take two aspirin and call us in the morning. the white house is hoping r& r will patch up >> i am bill hemmer. two aspirin? the site will go off line and suspending it entirely the administration will not budge on. that eric hello to you. >> reporter: hi, there. >> there is no mea cullpa. >> they have a great talking
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