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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  November 5, 2013 2:00am-3:01am PST

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from new jersey. >> he has a history of drug abuse. the main motive for what he did tonight was suicide. >> cell phone video posted on youtube of the moment before the mall went on lock down. officers walked past businesses telling mall workers to get out. >> (inaudible). >> police say that no one was hurt. everyone locked inside the mall is now out. investigation now underway into what exactly led shoop to open fire inside the mall. one of the victims from the deadly tsa rampage at lax airport that killed a tsa agent and wounded three people is speaking out about that tragedy. tony grigsby is a tsa officer who was shot in the foot. >> i am just a regular person.
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i am not here for no fame or no glory. i came to tsa to protect people. my mother works at tsa, too. she has been there for six years. i am a regular person. >> the family of the suspected gunman paul anthony is speaking out. they released a statement saying they are shocked and numb by the events. the suspect is still? the hospital in critical condition. here he is. la prosecutors say he could face the death penalty. >> a big mystery to tell you about. this happening in mississippi. a family of three vanishes after a car reck. atrea hill and their son jaden they were last seen driving in their car on friday. their suv was found overturned and burning in it a ditch. a wallet and other belongings they were found in a gas station dumpster. her mother says her daughter called after midnight it was on saturday saying she suddenly had
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to leave town for a couple of days. >> she said something came up. are you sure? everything okay? are you all right? she said, i am okay. >> she said shortly after that the phone went dead and she has not been heard from since. >> wheree know texan's coach ku suffered a mini stroke. he was lifted off the field and taken away by ambulance. the texans have since announced kubiak is alert, he is could i hear re -- coherent and in good condition. >> i am going to slap your mouth. i will kill you. these are the aalleged threats made by ritchie incognito.
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the person of car gtarget? his teammate jonathan martin. there are words the dolphins might be cutting ties with incognito. >> the national foot ball league is looking in bull ding. they are bowne two key players jonathan martin offensive tackle wearing number 71 left the dolphins last week to seek treatment for an emotional issue. ritchie incognito a washington guard wearing number 68 has been suspended indefinitely. martin was allegedly bullied by incogni incognito. allegations of hazing harassment and racial over tones in the dolphin's organization. the coach is promising full cooperation with the nfl probe. >> if the review shows this is not a safe atmosphere i will take whatever measures necessary to ensure that it is.
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>> while addressing incogniuldi neat's status of t -- incognitoe on the team -- >> it is not a demeaning way at the expense of the individual. >> some expressing concern over nfl locker room culture. >> knows people don't put themselves through pain. i don't think it's fair for every day people to judge what goes on in the atmosphere. >> in 2009 was voted the sporting news as the league's dirtiest player. >> a florida man is found guilty in the death of redskins player shante lower. they converted eric rivera jr. of second degree murder. he kicked in taylor's bedroom door and shot him. rivera was also convicted of armed burglary and could face life in prison.
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a central connecticut state university professor's son is charged in connection with a campus wide lock down. 21-year-old david time was arrested after a massive three-hour manhunt. he has been released on bond. 911 calls came pouring in reporting an armed man on that campus. he was wearing a halloween costume and didn't carry a real gun. his father calling it all a misunderstanding. two other people of interest also taken into custody. >> the obama care headache continues in washington now back pedalling on promises and is passing around the blame. this as the web site to sign up for the program goes down once again. steve sent any sen ton /* /- i calling it for us. >> the president has a new ex an nation of what he promised in the tirs place shifting the blame of canceled coverage on the insurance company. >> what we said was you could keep it.
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if it hasn't changed since the laws passed. we wrote into the affordable care act, you are grandfathered in on that plan. if the insurance company changes it, what we are saying is they have to change it to a higher standard. they have to make it better. >> republicans are blasting the president for changing the language of his original promise and for the shortcomings of the troubled new healthcare system. we have pat buchanan saying the president gave us assurances or many of us said we could keep our doctors and/or healthcare plan and his credibility as well as incompetence over this web site have been severely damaged. others saying similar things, questioning the president's credibility saying it is undermining his presidency even democrats are having a hard time
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defending the president. >> look, they are trying to spin their way out of this. that i cthink is a mistake. the only spin is total transparency, again they should be on a campaign to get 7 million people signed up. if it's 100,000 people that's all it is right now we need 6 6.9 million. >> then be honest. >> the obamacare web site was up yesterday down again for repairs. seems to be running right now at the moment at least for the time being. back to you in new york. >> stef seve centanni live for . thank you. >> here are two big races we are following closely. first in the race for governor down in virginia state attorney general is trying to over come the polls. both sides have obamacare front
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and center in the final days of campaigning. >> to send them a message we say no to obamacare i need your vote tomorrow. >> we know the issues you have heard me speak many times i will be there and fight for you as governor. >> both camps are getting big support from washington. senator marco rubio stumping for cuccinelli and vice president biden stumping for mcauliffe. >> governor chris christie urging supporters not to be too confident heading into the vote today as he has a solid lead over his opponent barbara buono. he could get 50 percent of the vote first in 25 years. >> chicago verses the green bay packers in monday night football. mcclellan sax rogers and sending him into the locker room and ultimately out for the rest of the game.
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he finds marshall with a 23 yard touchdown. bears up 7-3. first quarter james stark with the 32 yard touchdown run. parkers up 10-7. two yard run, that is in the third quarter. the bears would clinch the win 27-20. exciting game last night. eblt exciting for these folks more than 2200 couples will rush to the altar next tuesday to tie the knot. the date will be 11-12-13. it keeps the data base to track wedding trends, particularly iconic dates with sec when shall numbers. next year 12, 13, 14 falls on a saturday, which could mean record breaking numbers. i have a feeling ainsley. >> i agree. tuesday is a different day to get married. >> saturday next year. >> johnson & johnson penalty to
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the tune of $2 billion. lauren simonetti joins us with that. >> good morning. >> johnson & johnson paying $2.2 billion to settle criminal as well as civil charges related to schizophrenia drug ryes p risperdral. they provided a kickback for things they did not make it for. the deal is one of the largest settlements in history. are you ready for the holiday shopping all nighter? kmart opening its doors at 6:00 a.m. thanksgiving morning and keeping the lights on for 41 straight hours. and plans to open at 8:00 p.m. thanksgiving night and run specials until 1:00 p.m. on friday? well polls like this. national credit counseling says half of shoppers plan to spend
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lesson holiday gifts this year. good news. paramount is teaming up with anc theaters to offer you a super ticket for anchor man 2. you can pay to see the comedy two-days before it is released on september 20th. but fans bought super techities f -- super tickets for world war z. they got popcorn and a poster. the tickets go on sale november 26th. >> writing that on my calendar. >> how much would you pay? we asked folks on twitter they said not much. >> so far. >> i want to see that movie. >> thanks so much, lauren. >> we have maria molina. >> tracking a storm from the midwest that could bring storms and flooding. >> right across the center of the country we will be seeing both types of weather. winter weather and more summer like weather with a lot of heavy
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rain, thunderstorms even flooding possible. i want to show you what we are talking about. pretty good accumulations for some of you. from colorado up to wisconsin some of these advisories are in effect through tomorrow. the storm system will be moving from west toest oo. some of you will start to see the snow developing later on today. how much snow are we talking about? 6-8 inches of snow possible across sections of nebraska. generally speaking 3-5 inches of snow. we are talking about flooding that's across parts of oklahoma, northeastern sections of texas up into illinois and missouri. that's the area that could be picking up several inches of rain as we head into tomorrow and thursday. otherwise temperatures on the backside of this storm very cold. this is what it feels like early this morning in denver. it feels like 22 degrees. feels like the teens across parts of utah only in the 20's in rapid city.
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32 in minneapolis. this will be the first significant snowfall for the season for the twin cities. see how much shnow they get coming up later today. >> the time is 12 minutes after the top of the hour. what would you do if this happened to you. face to face with an armed robber one man making a move that could have cost him his life. oh deer it looks can more like vandals in this restaurant. sweet bambi. >> bambi gone wild. [woman]ask me... [announcer]...if you think the best bed for one of you might be a compromise for the other one...
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after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. so i deserve a small business credit card
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with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! ibz>> george zimmerman might not be totally off the hook in the shooting death of trayvon martin. the jistis departme-- justice d not decided whether to file
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civil rights charges against him. he was acquitted charges in july. the agency's investigation is underway. a wisconsin couple was found safe on a highway in wyoming after being reported missing during a visit to yellowstone national park. the owner of the guest ranch in that area went out and looked for them. he canvassed the area for miles and police spotted their car. they were cold and hungry but otherwise they were fine. the couple says they did not see the road closed sign as they were following their gps up that highway. luckily for them they were found. delaware man comes face to face with a robber. instead of handing over his money he puts his life on the line and he fights back. reporter chris o'connell has the amazing story. >> his car just got totalled and his night was about to get even worse. >> i said look at this guy. halloween was yesterday.
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>> surveillance video shows a masked man walked in and pointed a gun inches from mcgowan as faes and said give me the money. i said you are (bleep) with the wrong guy. the wrong guy indeed no stranger to a street fight went after the guy tackling him right into the rack of potato chips. >> i started wrestling with him. we went to the ground and i put him in a brazilian choke hold and beat him with his own gun. two shots fired one of them missing him. >> i swear one of the rounds of the went through my shoe. just missed my foot. >> police arrived a minute later. inside the troubling of the 20-year-old suspect police found an ar 15 rifle with 60 rounz of ammunition. mcgowan who injured his hand
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although police wouldn't advise it this gas station vigil anti would do it all over again. >> the 20-year-old suspect is facing 33 charges including robbery and assault. >> that brings us to our brew on this question, we want to know would you do that? what would you do in that situation? tweet us at fox friends first or e-mail at 19 after the top of the hour. bad news for an american pastor imprisoned in iran because he practiced christianity. his situation just became even more serious. what happens when you send o'reilly's jessie waters to the sexiest school in america? >> is it hard for you to be this sexy? >> it would make it hard. >> what? we visit watters' world next.
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>> the iranian pastor has been moved to a more dangerous prison. it is located an hour from iran's capital. it houses the docountry's most violent murderers and rapists. it is unclear why he was moved but it came shortly after president obama and the historic
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phone call about dismanted elling the nuclear program. abedeni was imprisoned for working with the chris nan church movement. >> he is spending 36 days in jail for the dry ice explosion. prosecutors say in may when barns worked at disney land he planted two water bottles full of dry ice and it exploded. no one was hurt. barns has been ordered to stay away from the theme park. ainsley? >> talk about a cold case. researchers say they might have finally solved the mystery of the teen's death. they found injuries on one side of his body making them think a chariot crashed into him when he was kneeling. he died in 1323 b.c. >> university of wisconsin madison ranked the sexiest tool
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in america by the daily beach. >> o'reilly's jessie waters visiting the campus. i didn't knowed ut why the student topped the list. >> why do you think? >> everyone cares a ton about how they look. >> genetics i guess. >> it's like the sexual olympics here. >> let's get started. >> do you think you are giving the sexy vibe off right now? >> probably not. >> i think it's best the university withdraw. why don't you run along. >> you are fired. >> you people flock here. everyone thinks you are sexy. >> you live and breathe sexiness, do i have that right? >> sure. >> what are you doing to contribute to that? >> look at me. >> we are all really really good looking. >> we are well behaved, classy, nonhigh maintenance girls.
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>> being that sexy, does it have a down side to it? i mean, heavy is the head that wears the crown. >> what is sexy according to you? >> sexy is smart. >> focusing on school rather than what is sexy this class. >> brains are sexy. i am really smart. >> i wouldn't know that just looking at you. >> the helmet you are wearing is that sexy? >> sure, why not. >> i love his stories. he also visited the least sexy school, and look at what those students had to say friday morning. >> 26 after the top of the hour a scare just before the air at one airport. a luggage belt burst into flames while they were loading bags on the plane. >> oh no. is my luggage there. david's bride tal saying i don't for health insurance for hundreds of employees. the major change they are making because of obamacare. it brent, a real gate keeper.
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here's kevin in the nissan sentra. lamb to the slaughter. mom's baked cookies but he'll be lucky to make it inside and here's the play. oh, dad did not see this coming. [ crowd cheering ] now if kevin can just seize e opportunity. he's seen it. it's all over. nothing but daylight. yes i'd love cookie. [ male announcer ] make a powerful first impression. the nissan sentra. now get one fifty nine per month lease on a two-thousand thirteen nissan sentra. ♪
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on a two-thousand thirteen nissan sentra. have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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>> it is november 5th. a fox news alert. moments ago police announcing the armed gunman who terrorized a mall. we are live with the breaking details befoabout the suspect. one plane bursting into flames on the ground. what caught on fire? a lot worse than lost luggage. >> the obama administration
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turning to hollywood to turn around obamacare. why a lot of your favorite shows could soon be talking about healthcare. fox and friends first starts right now. good morning. new details breaking at this moment. the man who opened fire inside a new jersey mall is dead. >> police say he killed himself. his body was found in a construction area just hours after firing a gun inside the garden state plaza. his name richard shoop. a 20-year-old restaurant worker from new jersey. >> he does have a history of drug abuse but we do believe the main motive for what he did tonight was suicide. >> police say that no one was hurt. everyone locked inside the mall is now out.
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an investigation is underway into what exactly led shoop to open fire inside the mall. coming up at 5:40 we will have a live report from the mall. stay tuned. >> terrifying moments on the tarmac. take a look at this as passengers on board a royal airflight was forced to climb out of an emergency exit after a fire broke out in montreal. it started on the luggage belt. five people were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. others treated for smoke inhalation. no word on what caused the fire. >> a vote scheduled today over the washing ton krredskins team name. dc council cannot force the team to change its name but can't strongly recommend a change. the teen is urteam is urging fa speak out say it is not an offensive racial slur. >> ritchie incognito's career is
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over. this after details of him allegedly bullying a teammate jonathan martin. he gave copies of racist text messages and voice mails. the dolphin's head coach is promising full cooperation with the nfl investigation. >> the review shows that this is not a safe atmosphere i will take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that it is. >> incognito will be a free agent starting this year. the obamacare mess continues in washington with president obama passing the blame around and back pedalling on his promis promises. this as goes down yet again. we are live in washington with the latest on these details. >> good morning. the deal with the web site. we learned this yesterday it is supposed to have a regularly scheduled maintenance period every night. since we heard that it went down
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again yesterday in the middle of the day without much explanation. meantime later today the head of the centers for medicare and medicaid the woman responsible for building this web site she will be back on capitol hill as her boss tries to salvage her signature program speaking of gathering his most ar dent supporters president obama seemed to almost acknowledge his repeated claims could keep their health insurance if they like it weren't quite true. >> if we had allowed these old plans to be downgraded or sold to new enrollees once the law had already passed we would have broken an even more important promise making sure that americans gain access to healthcare that doesn't leave them one illness away from financial ruin. >> while experts continue to rebuild the web site there are more respect questions. the latest from an attorney in south carolina who registered. he tennentered his personal
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information and a person in north carolina received the same information from >> no political ax to grind. i just want my information off of this web site. >> meantime there is going to be an effort in the house to move a bill that would in fact guarantee that if people like their health insurance they can keep it instead of creating a law based around the promises that the president repeatedly made. >> and was unable to keep apparently. doug luzader live for us this morning. thank you. a mystery this morning in mississippi. a family of three vanishes after a car wreck. atera hill, her husband vlader resmith and their 7-year-old son zi jaden were last seen driving in their car friday. the suv was found overturned and burning in a ditch. a wallet and other belongings were found in a gas station
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dumpster. her daughter called after midnight on saturday saying she suddenly had to leave town for a couple of days. >> i said this late? this time of night? she said, well, something just came up. i said are you sure? is everything okay, are you all right? she said shl, i am okay. >> shortly after that the phone went dead and she loo heahasn't from her daughter since. >> one of the victims from the deadly rampage shooting is speaking out about the tragedy. tony briggs bee is a tsa officer who was shot in the foot. >> i am a regular person. i am not here for no flaame or glory. i tame to tsa that protect people. my mother works there she has been there six years. i am a regular person i felt i had to do something at a particular time. >> this as the family of suspected gunman paul anthony ciancia speaking out. they are shocked and numb by the
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event. the suspect is still? the hospital. he's in critical condition. la prosecutors say he could face the death penalty. >> it is election day as voters head to the polls across the country. here are two of the races we are following closely for you. in new jersey governor chris christie is urging supporters not to be too confident heading into the vote today as he runs for a second term. polls showing a hefty 20 point lead over his opponent democratic candidate buono. >> i am used to over coming obstacles in high limy life andg the odds. >> these counties are up we are going to work really hard. >> if things go his way he could become the state's first republican to get more than 50 percent of the vote in 25 years. and over in virginia the race for governor there state
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attorney general ken cuccinelli is trying to over come a deficit in the polls over rival terry mccull li mcmcauliffe. they have obamacare front and center in the campaign. they will launch the fist mission to mars. this afternoon beginning a 300 day journey to study the martian atmosphere. it will enter the mars orbit on september the 24th next year. once it is there they will measure methane and sources on mars. >> we may not be alone ainsley. perhaps as fron medsh -- astronomers say there are billions of earth like planets in oir galaxy. they have planets that are nearly the size of earth and they have temperatures conducive to the development of life. >> mmm. >> time for the first degree weather update with maria
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molina. >> a storm in the midwest that could bring snow and another area that could bring flooding. >> that's right. our storm system is exiting the rocki rockies. it will be producing snow and rain across parts of the midwest and parts of the plains. take a look at where you have the winter weather advisory especially across parts of any mexico, colorado and parts of northern wisconsin. this entire area along this line can be picking up accumulating snowfall today. we are looking at accumulations of 3-5 inches. there will be areas especially across parts of central nebraska that could be picking up 6 to possibly even 8 inches of snow. south of the snow where temperatures are much warmer we have areas of heavy rain that are forecast. oklahoma, missouri, parts of northwestern arkansas several inches of rain so flash flooding is a concern through out the day today. behind the storm temperatures getting much colder windchill temperature only 22 in denver. feels like 30 as you head out the door in rapid city. in new york city it feels like 40. take a look at atlanta and
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raleigh it feels colder out there. in the 30's. >> thank you very much. >> it is 40 minutes after the top of the hour. we are following that fox news alert in new jersey for you where a gunman has been found dead. we will have a live report from the mall next. >> and can come hollywood magic turn around obama care? the administration hopes so. they are turning to your favorite tv shows. [ horn honks ] [ passenger ] airport, please. what airline? united. [ indian accent ] which airline, sir? [ passenger ] united. whoa taxi! [ british accent ] what airline, then? [ passenger ] united. all right. [ spanish ] what airline? [ passenger ] united. ♪ [ mandarin ] which airline? [ passenger ] united. [ arabic ] which airline? [ passenger ] united. [ italian ] where are we going? [ passenger ] united. [ male announcer ] more stinations than any other airline. [ thai ] which airline do you fly? [ passenger ] united. [ male announcer ] that's great, big world frieny. ♪
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ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute! [ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup.
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>> welcome back. the pentagon says about 5,000 are being affected by cuts to the federal food stamp program. the program is reducing benefits about 47 million americans because president obama's stimulus bill from 2009 is ending. congress's failure to pass another farm bill is also hurting the program.
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in the military the benefits goes primarily to young troops with families. >> david's bridal is the bratla company to be hit by obama care. a memo was sent out that all of the full-time employees were going to be part-time. their health insurance have been eliminated. all as a result of obamacare. employees were told to can a september the new ter-- accept new terms or they had to quit. >> could obamacare be the next hollywood star. they have plans to spend thousands of dollars to stitch the act into writer's and producer's plot line. diane macedo joins us more with the story. >> the california endowment is smending millions to promote the affordable care act. they they have a grant for the hollywood health and society program to educate entertainment
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industry officials on the healthcare rollout. the program aims to provide industry professionals like television writers and producers with timely information on story lines on healthcare or climate change. this 18 month rant will be used to inform them on obamacare facts and i am mrinimplementati briefings expert panels and public service announcements. the goal is to produce compelling prime time narratives that encourage people to enroll. the california endowment says quote our partnership with hollywood health and society will help to ensure that we reach people where they are in their homes and living rooms and compliment our efforts and efforts by california to reach californian's through the news on-line and print media. inserting themes like this will come across as a partisan political message. the big question is assuming
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these story lines do take hold if they present the problems and all. the funds with no strings attached how it is all portrayed will be there for the writers and producers. >> very interesting. see what happens. thank you, diane. >> the time is about 15 minutes to the top of the hour. coming up, it is a child's drawing of a ninja. a star war's character and soldier. wait until you hear why the school says one boy was out of line. >> it looks like something out of a movie. the amazing encounter with mother nature that you will not believe. look at that. >> first let's check in with brian kilmeade to see what's coming up on his show next "fox & friends". >> nice to show up. glad you had time in your schedule. "fox & friends", we have a great show on tap. lindsay graham will be here live. oliver north in the studio live. can you indeed work yourself sick? medical a team looks at that.
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and what's happening to the coaches as of late. bruno mars, the brand new reality show. big and rich will join us. our dog week continues. we are going to meet the dog chaser. all right. the dog who knows 1,000 words. nine more than ian working behind camera one. was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends.
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asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect mfamily. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma.
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>> i hate you! >> you are not nice. >> i'm sorry. >> it's okay.
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>> that was late-night host jimmy kimmel talking to parents who were tricking their kids for the third year in a row telling their children they ate all of their hard-earned candy. >> how sweet was that one little one. >> these pictures are stirring up controversy at a charter school in arizona, the headmaster threatening to expel a eight-year-old student over them calling them highly disturbing. the three pictures in question are a soldier, ninja and star wars character all holding weapons. the headmaster told the boy's parents he could not guarantee the safety of other students with him still in the school. the couple pulled their son out. the school not commenting. >> don't mess with this nice guy. jerry goldman, the insurance broker who overcharged tom hanks and his wife thousands of dollars will have to pay the price. between 1998 and 2011 the
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broker inflated premiums by as much as 600% and created phony invoices to hide the scam. goldman has been sentenced to more than two years in federal prison and will have to pay about $840,000 in restitution. not such a nice guy. >> this story stings. thousands of bees escape after a truck carrying hundred ni overturns on a motor way. officials were battling to control that swarm. no one was hurt in the accident and the sticky scene has reportedly been cleaned. >> a fox news alert breaking moments ago. a man who opened fire inside a new jersey mall is dead. let's get right to the scene. >> reporter: good morning to you and good morning
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everyone. authorities here at the garden state plaza mall in paramus identified the shooter as richard shoop. they say he came to the mall with the intention of shooting not anybody else but himself. it is important shooters know he had ample opportunity according to investigators to kill a lot of people, harm a lot of people inside of thisl. it was quite busy at the time. when you talk to law enforcement they say it is probably one of the busiest areas of the state. 9:20 p.m. this mall is incredibly crowded as it is all day long. he chose one of the busiest areas in the state, one of the busiest areas in his home county to commit suicide in an area of the mall inaccessible to anyone including shoppers. they don't know why exactly he chose that mall. he was not an kphraoe.
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-- employee. he was not employed at the time this incident occurred. take a listen to the paramus county prosecutor. >> he does have a history of drug use and drug abuse, but we do believe that the main motive for what he did tonight was suicide. >> according to police here, he stole the gun that he used to commit suicide from his brother. it was a lawfully obtained weapon by his brother that he then stole. according to police richard shoop's body is still inside the mall. it was discovered about 3:20 this morning. >> thank you so much for working on this breaking development. six minutes till the top of the hour. what would you do if you came face-to-face with an armed robber? one man making a move that could have cost him his life. ♪
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wow...look at you. i've always tried to give it my best shot. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my doctor told me about eliquis. and three important reasons to take eliquis instead. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin.
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and three... unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis ifyou have an artificial heart valve abnormal bleing. while taking eliquis, yomay bruise more easily and it m take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i've got three important reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you.
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before you leave the house here's what's happening. breaking overnight, a gunman who opened fire inside a mall in new jersey turned the gun on himself according to police. no one else was hurt. police now koepblg -- combing his house for anything to help in the investigation. election results will come tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. the d.c. council is voting today on the washington redskins team name. the team is urging fans to speak out saying the name is important because of the team's heritage. >> time to look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. up first, the good. passengers on a ferry in canada were treated to a pod of 1,000 specific white dolphins swimming beside the boat. ed bad, a british family
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was forced to leave their home for three days after finding brazilian wandering spiders on bananas though bought from a local market. they are believed to be the deadliest in the world. finally the ugly. a wild break-in in a long island restaurant. deer breaking through a window causing nearly $3,000 in damage. disciple time for your brew on -- time for your brew on question of the day responses. a man who came face-to-face with a robber, instead of handing over his money, he fights back. we wanted to know what you would do. debra on facebook writes give them what they want. if it became apparent they would kill me during an armed assault i would elect to preserve my life >> robert responds i would remove my legal handgun and see how far he wanted to take it. >> bedazzler says no one knows what they would do
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unless they are in the situation. you must be sure the robber won't shoot. >> you agreed with b dazzler. you don't know. >> until i was in the situation, i don't know what i would do. >> you have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> bye. good morning. it is tuesday, november 5. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. a gunman opens fire at the country's second largest mall. overnight the manhunt coming to an end. we've got the late-breaking details. >> the president promised if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. we know that's not true but it doesn't stop there. more dishonesty from the white house coming up. >> just because you are a 300 pound nfl player does not mean -- doesn't mean you are too big to be bullied. the nfl hazing story that paints a troubling twist. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> hi everyone. this is olivia


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