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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 5, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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monstrocity. this is the best of the political stuff and economic stuff. a one-stop shop. i'm sort of a la carte. hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." president obama's honesty and credibility may now be in question. as we reported, he wasn't shooting straight with the american people when he promised that everyone could keep their doctor and health care plan period. now he is trying to spin his way out of that promise. here is what he said last night. >> if you have or had one of these plans before the affordable care act came into law, and you really liked that
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plan, what we said was you could keep it. if it hasn't changed since the law's passed. >> so does he really expect us to accept this change in language after being told this multiple times for multiple years? >> under the reform we seek, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. if you like your private health insurance plan, you can keep your plan. period. >> if you've got health insurance, you like your doctor, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. >> if americans like their doctor, they will keep their doctor. if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. to one will be able to take that away from you. >> if you're one of the more than 250 million americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance. >> if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. >> if you like yush health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, period. >> we've got a simple and
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perhaps provocative question tonight. is the president of the united states a liar? eric, the president's excuse on this one is not passing the smell test. he is saying you can keep it if it hasn't changed since the law's passed. it's almost like saying, andrea, you can keep your hair color if you like it but january 1st, you're mandated to go blonde. >> you would look cute. >> he would look terrible as a blonde. >> liar is a big word. it's a very big word. >> only four letters. >> as joe biden would say, a three-letter word liar. how does he say one thing and stop with you can keep it if you want it, you can keep it period and not do the qualifier he said last night. then say this is what we said. he wasn't a liar back then, i don't think. he may have been told that. maybe he honestly was told by
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his people's handlers you're not going to be thrown off. >> disagree. >> maybe he was. give him the benefit of the doubt. up until he realized what's going on, he may not have lied. he looked to this group and said, i said you can keep it if things don't change and if. last night the president is a liar last night. >> i disagree. he's not lying. he's footnoting. footnoting is common. he does this with michelle. michelle, i quit smoking. cigarettes. i do it all the time. obama loves to campaign. he's not big on leading. what happens when you campaign a lot is, your words are weightless. in a way he's like a talk show host who can keep talking and talking and talking and realize that there is never any action committed to what we are doing as the talk show host.
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however, he is president. he is not a talk show host. therefore, his words have consequence. they have action. he doesn't realize that. he thinks in a way what he is doing right now is beneath him. there is another job that's bigger than president of the united states and it's a job that allows him to lie because it's for the greater good. the greater good means expanding coercive power. that's bigger than being president. >> do you think he thinks he can get away with it? think about all the things he said before. the media hasn't held him accountable. i happen to believe the president is supposed to be the smartest guy in the room. he can't just believe what his aides tell him. he should know better. i think people are looking at what he said and what he promised and it's affecting them personally. they're thinking he lied to them. >> we need somebody to pull all the reporting together, which we can do here on "the five" because we read it over the weekend. if you look at the "wall street journal" saturday and "the washington post" sunday, these are reports how they decided over and over again to allow the
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political judgment to trump the policy judgment. when they were trying to say we think we have a problem here with the website, or when they were doing rule makings, they said, they specifically said we don't want the republicans to have ammunition. let's not announce that yet for another couple of months. they made political decisions that ended up embarrassing the president of the united states. what he said last night were his own words. his credibility is on the line. he didn't say you can keep your insurance if you want it, if you like it parenthesis. here is an interesting thing. you know who told us all of this was going to happen in 2008? >> me. >> hillary clinton. she warned us. she said this is going to be a catastrophic presidency. that is what ended up happening. at this moment they have a serious problem. the rnc and senator john thune have been collecting numbers but
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stories of people as the waves of cancellations start coming through. when you start putting people to the numbers, that's when you have even more problems. they look like keystone cops over at the white house. >> it's ironic hillary clinton warned us because hillary care looked like obama care. now she gets to distance herself from it. linus, he was always waiting for the great pumpkin to come. how would you describe linus, not a liar, delusional. >> linus? >> it's a peanuts cartoon. is the president a liar or is he linus, delusional? >> let me just say that dana is a slacker. i myself was up at 5:00 saturday morning reading all day long then sunday i get up at 4:30. if you are going to get into this stuff, read more than what you're reading. >> you didn't get up, you were staying up. >> with all due respect to this statement, this is like groundhog day all over again.
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>> he said it last night. it's the basis of the segment. last night president obama walked back everything he said 24, 29 times and lied about saying "i told you that, i said that before" and he never said it. he never added that qualifier. >> he gave the speech after our show. >> he probably listened carefully and changed his position. same thing you can keep your health care. we've been running this son of a bitch -- >> no, bob. >> last night he said, i said you can keep your health care with the caveat after, if the insurance companies don't change it. >> the reason they're losing their plan is because these essential benefits, the ten essential benefits were passed by kathleen sebelius executive order out of hhs after the bill
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was passed. he is trying to say i didn't mean it, i meant until the bill took effect. >> the truth is if you had a plan before the bill was passed and they didn't change it, could you or could you not keep it? >> president obama should have manned up and said things changed. the environment changed. some things had to change in the law and guess what? we missed this one. instead of doing that, he said, no, no. remember i said that? which he never, ever said. >> he thinks that because he is so much smarter than all of us, right? we are supposed to understand what he meant. no, you're not smart enough to understand that obviously i had caveated in air quotes. >> didn't he say we don't
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understand obama care. >> can't you blame him? all of this is born of a singular belief that half the american people aren't paying any attention or are dumb. hey, they must have voted for me. i'm inexperienced. i'm a community organizer. i can get away with this because america are a bunch of distracted morons stuck to their ipads and their iphones and nobody cares. plus, he's got the media behind him who are always rooting him on. by the way, he's not mad about the obama care fiasco, he's mad that we're mad. he's mad people aren't giving him the benefit of the doubt. and because of for the greater good is the free pass to expand power and we are not letting him do it. >> this time around canandy car says his credibility is on the line. it's not just the united states, it's around the world, because of the nsa and all the statements he made. former white house chief of
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staff. >> i fault not only the president, i fault the people around the president for allowing him to mislead the american people for so long. his statements were made not just as a candidate but president of the united states. president obama lost the confidence of telling the truth to the american people. he's done the same thing around the world. >> does anybody believe for a second the insurance companies did not change those policies? that they didn't change those policies to push you into a bigger, more expensive policy? >> i don't. i believe the regulations and changes required in obama care was so that they would cover all these other pre-existing conditions. >> you can't change -- >> you ran a business. it's insulting to business owners for us to question their business acumen to deal with and manage the government regulations they have to deal with. president obama never had to figure out how to pay for
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employees' insurance, for his own. as a community organizer and then working at the law firm or if he was on michelle obama's insurance, he never had to do any of this on his own. >> i'll grant you that. >> i think then you go to blame the insurance companies. i don't get it. >> you're saying it's not his fault because he didn't have business experience, yet he is going to reshape the way we do business. >> having business experience would be helpful. >> here is the segment. is president obama lying, is he a liar, did he lie last night? you have to conclude yes if you have a brain and see what he said. here's the problem. there is another lie that he has to make another lie with the numbers coming in, they're trickling in that the people enrolling in obama care are older than they thought they were going to be. it's going to cost more money and more people are signing up for medicaid. i'm all about the numbers.
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we said this. it's $1.8 trillion now. get ready for $3 trillion or $4 trillion. and he'll have to lie. >> can i get you to react to one other thing? it's not just the president now that's lying. it's all democrats that voted for this thing or having to defend this. debby wasserman schultz was pushing for obama care, mary landrieu. listen to them lie. >> there was nothing about president obama or i or any other democrat said that was not true. >> she said the same thing the president did. >> for the brainless people, i don't believe he lied. >> can i get a quick response? >> red rover, red rover. remember that game? you had to hold really tight so no matter what came through they don't breakthrough. that's what the democrats are doing right now. i don't think they are going to
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be able to succeed. >> red rover? >> republican senate 2014? >> i would think so. you look back four years ago, he yelled at the state of the union and said you lied. he was talking about obama care. he got crucified for that. joe wilson was right. >> greg, his poll numbers dipped to 39%. he does have a credibility issue. >> it's because no one wants what he's selling. that's why they're older. selling obama care to young people is like selling life insurance to zombies or nutri-system to kate smith -- kate moss, kate smith is dead. it has to be enforced because nobody wants it. this is the nature of progressive government. they don't care if it's not good for you.
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it's good for them. it's if i like your health care you can keep it. >> that woman in highlighted they highlighted on nbc. she said what a blessing this is, i get a much better health care. >> and that other woman who had cancer. >> and the made-up guy. >> democrats made an art of using antidotes. >> that's coming from you? >> the republicans are finally doing it. so what? >> i think eric brings up a great point. all these young people are not going to sign up. they are going to continue to throw millions of dollars. the next shoe to fall is all the advertising dollars. they raided medicare to do it. look out, buddy. >> another shoe to drop which eric brought up is they are going to have to increase the penalty, $ 95 is not a big enough penalty. >> i hope these shoes are nice
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shoes. i don't like shoes dropping. today is election day. we are going to bring you up to speed on some of the hottest races around the country. chris christie made a bold prediction about his re-election bid and had interesting comments about the tea party. make sure to check out our facebook page. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh.
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geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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it's tuesday, november 5th, election day. we are keeping close watch on a bunch of big races in new york city, boston, detroit and elsewhere. then there are the governor's races. in virginia terry mcauliffe is batt battling ken cuccinelli. >> 750,000 more democrats than
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republicans registered in new jersey. tomorrow night, i bet you a whole bunch of those democrats are coming to our side. i had all kinds of folks whispering in my ear today, i'm a democratic but i'm voting for you. >> one voting block he is not depending on is the tea party. >> i think what you're going to find is you don't have to worry about that. we appeal to everybody. we'll get 94%, 95% tomorrow night. it hasn't affected us here at all and i don't think it will affect me or politics in the country. people want things to get done. that's the message here. they want government to work for them. >> let's start with our new jersey resident eric bowling. are you ready for this governor's race to be over? do you think it is the preview to 2016? >> i think so.
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i watched an interview with him 40 minutes ago. he had a different take on the tea party at the time. he must have changed his tune. he said he wanted a 50% number, 51% would be a record. he said he is doing in new jersey what if they did that in washington, he would be a hero. he is right. the far right does have a problem with him. going back what went on with president obama, the big bear hug during hurricane sandy. >> does that make him the republican front-runner at this moment? >> i've been looking at the numbers and the polling numbers. >> that's why i went to you. >> i'm lying. i don't look at anything. people like positive people. i think that christy is a likable guy and speaks like most americans. he is funny and interesting.
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i like christie because he wants to win first then fight. what is the plan for the republican party? last year's primary looked like a cross between the bachelor and offtrack betting. it seemed half the people running for president under the republicans were running for a job on television. i think that's the problem. the republicans should have candidates that are actually running for office. i think christie runs for office. >> can i qualify that? i guess if he ran against a real libertarian he would have a hard time. there are a lot of things that wouldn't be considered libertarian in his platform. >> guns for one. >> he will win this race 61-39. in virginia it's for the first time up ballot/down ballot.
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it's possible the tea party having a convention and all these right wing people lose every statewide race. the first time since 1950, democrats will hold everything from governor to two senators. that is the price you pay for the tea party. that's what you got. in new york city, who cares? >> i care. i live here. it's important. >> i take christie any day compared to what we've got tomorrow. >> i criticized republicans for going after christie. i don't believe you can be too hard on republican governors in blue states. you chew them up, we are not going to have any left. i don't like when he goes after other republicans. it made me uncomfortable when he went after rand paul. i don't like how he went after the tea party. i racked my brain and thought, have i ever heard of a candidate discount a group of people in their own party like the tea party? no. i don't think that is
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politically wise. the arrogance is never a good thing discounting a group of your own party is never a good thing. he needs crossover support to turn in a blue state. these democrats making out with him and in love with him now on other news networks, they will not pull the lever for him in 2016. be very, very careful. they will turn in two seconds and vote for hillary clinton. >> he was to go through the iowa caucuses which are very, very conservative. he goes to new hampshire, very, very conservative. then to south carolina. they are so conservative they are off the map. >> i love them. >> he's got a rough road. >> he does. we should allow him to have an election night win before we start talking about 2016. i want to get greg's take on something. in colorado the voters are weighing tonight, there is a ballot initiative to approve a 25% tax on marijuana. one of the things you talked about and i learned from you about legalization of marijuana
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is it shouldn't be considered a revenue-razr. you shouldn't legalize it to raise money. a 25% tax is what they need in colorado. >> by the way i need my bong back. >> i'll get that down to you. >> i hate the argument for criminalization or legalization based on taxes. you have a sound argument to legalize drugs because a human being has a right to oblivion. he has a right to get out of his mind if he wants to, without hurting anybody else. it's about time we grow up when it comes to this stuff. saying we should legalize it because the government gets more money. that's idiotic. >> you don't believe that about heroin, do you? >> i believe heroin could be legalized if done in a delivery system, which makes it more like a cigarette. >> same thing with gambling, too. when you see people's personal lives falling apart, it shouldn't be away to pay your bloated budgets. if you want to do it, do it.
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don't look at it to fix big spending. >> i funded about 12 states. >> what do you think you can learn tonight from a ballot initiative in washington state about genetically modified schools and sales tax initiative in colorado. >> there is $1 billion than. >> it takes money from some school districts to send to other school districts. it looks like it will not pass. i guess we'll have to see. what could you tell about 2014 elections, if anything, after the results tonight? >> i would hope taxes become an issue. i would hope 2014 people realize that everything, everything is going to be taxed. all these municipalities, states are going to try to raise revenue taxing different things. if it moves, we'll tax it. gasoline tax. taxes on miles driven. all these initiatives, they've got to be shot down to send a
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message we want smaller government. >> user fees. >> how about, remember what john roberts says? it's a penalty. >> our john roberts? >> yes. my john roberts. directly ahead, some comments from the 2009 nobel peace prize winner. who is that? president obama. he talks about war. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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he's killed tons of terrorists and others. the price you pay for ridding freaks who see your death as an easy pass to heaven. the quote from "double down" turns out i'm really good at killing people, obama said quietly. didn't know that was going to be a strong suit of mine. the media pretends that's shocking. it's so manufactured. he's not bragging, he's lamenting an odd term of events. a young peaceful man is stopping pulses in pakistan, dirty harry with a soul, diehard with heart. i'm sure he didn't say this before catching a falling orphan from a window. obama kills bad guys, but doesn't have to like it. only obama's american detached destruction seem as cool. you're never darth, only luke. this would be mccain killing robots. it's an example of eoua,
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everything's okay under obama. i'm for drones, too, and i always have been. you wonder what obama must do to rile the left. for them drones are the price you pay for transforming america. that might be may worse. >> we are about excited about that as i was writing it. >> it's thought provoking. >> they can't all be winners. >> i thought it was interesting. can i defend president obama? on the quote in "double down" when he says i didn't know that would be a strong suit of mine. i think he has a behind the scenes good sense of humor and he was joking. >> really? >> i do. >> but that's not funny. >> the punchline ends with him dead. >> all these years you've been saying democrats are wussies. now we are doing something and we are bad people. >> no. i said i agree.
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>> sorry. your words are too long. >> where is the left on this? >> quiet. >> they're quiet. >> red rover, red rover. >> what crazy lady said. >> they took a long time to get up in the national security issue for the '70s and '80s. finally got back in the game and are not about to give it up. >> is that the point? if you are on the left, you have to kill more people? >> it's easier, too. where is he going to bring them? this is our next topic, but he said he is going to close gitmo, now making an effort to close gitmo. if he wants to do it, he should do it and should have done it the first two years he was in office. now he is in a bit of a pickle. where is he going to put these terrorists? easier to kill them. you don't have to bring them back here and deal with the political fallout. >> a bit of a pickle? >> a pickle. it doesn't sound like something i'd say. >> a baseball term. >> it might be my conspiracy in this is that the left in the
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media are okay with drones because it allows president obama to get on with his revolutionary agenda here. we don't have to worry about terrorists we can deal with the other stuff. >> the most valid part of that is even if they are not okay with it, it's okay because it's president obama doing it. it's interesting that if it were a republican and they had a kill list and were droning people, it would be the worst thing they ever heard of. >> bush had a remarkable good record of that. >> it's not that. president obama came in and said i'm against all those things that are going on under president bush. i'm against gitmo. he said he was going to revamp the intel system. what happens within a couple of weeks of him taking office? he said no. >> it was the first day. it was inauguration day. there was credible threat. as every president says soon as you sit at the desk, it's a very
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different world. >> it was the first. peter baker. we talked about him a bit. they want me to go. look it up on "new york times" magazine, peter baker wrote a long piece how president obama's intel, this whole way of thinking about drones changed minute one. ahead, someone get this man obama care because jay carney is losing it. >> we are all stuck in the same cue because they have to go through the same portal. >> john, i get it. >> that's so cute. >> the prognosis next. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough.
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he's got a tough job. he's got to face the public, the media and explain how president obama didn't really mean you could keep your doctor and insurance period, what the president meant was you can keep them if a bunch of things didn't happen, if the plan didn't change, if the doctors didn't run and hide, and if the red sox never win another world series. unfortunately, the president lied and jay's frustrated and taking it out on the media. >> but these memos say at the end of the day we are all stuck in the same cue because they all have to go through the same portal. >> john, i get it, but the person who calls isn't the one who continues to wait after the paper application is filled. >> your mocking is entertaining, but the president said you can apply in 25 minutes that. was not true. >> i think everybody else is looking quizzically. >> he's taking shots at cbs and fox and anyone who dared to ask the question what obama was
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thinking. >> john, i'm having a conversation here. the way you phrase that question makes me think you're still working on a typewriter. it's available online. the proposal is there. it's not that i say they are on the table, they are on the table. i would say when it comes to, and i know they are creating an exchange here for fox. i'm mindful of that. i invite you to read the federal register. that would be a lot to ask. >> don't take it out on the media they are doing their job. you're bigger than that. even you have to admit he's feeling frustrated. >> this is what you call a press secretary slightly out of control because he has a president isn't giving him the straight answers and he has to deal with it every day. dana knows better than most people would. it's tough when you're trying to defend a president and know what you're trying to defend is not accurate. >> thoughts? >> i think he looks like a real
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jerk. he studdered and stammered before, but snark and the arrogant comment about the typewriter to mara liaison? that's rude. i don't think the jokes are suiting him at all. he's not used to this. remember, this is new for him. he doesn't really know how to deal with his own kind. he used to work at "time" magazine. he should feel their pain. he hasn't had to deal with this rapid fire. the media has woken up finally. >> how long has he had this job? >> he's like a crazed proctologist. >> he's not out of his depth. it's out of him. he's like obama's dog. when you feed a dog chocolate he poops everywhere. he's not getting the right information. that's what you're seeing right there. back to the "time" magazine thing. that contempt reveals the
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immutable bias in the media. how could that not be separate from his editorial duties? >> dana, we saved you for last. what's going through his mind? >> remember the book by shel silverstein and there was a poem "the no bad terrible day." as press secretary you can have those often. you can have 99 good answers and one day that everyone remembers. the best medicine in that briefing room is when you're on your heels is not necessarily aggression. >> valium? >> everybody on the left remember, they want you to be more aggressive. when aggression crosses the line into being a jerk, people get upset. my suggestion for them, however, he's getting asked all these tiny questions about the detail how the website works. he should say, guys, i don't do that here. call hhs.
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i'm not doing that here. push it out of the briefing room so they can focus on president obama. >> you are assault on the left in the media, why don't the conservatives go to media schools an get themselves jobs? >> why would they bother? seriously. breaking news out of toronto where mayor ford finally admitted to smoking crack. will he step down? you'll hear from him next. bizarre video emerged of the miami dolphin accused of bullying fellow player. richie incognito shirtless going bananas in a bar. you're givi away pie? would you like apple or cherry? cherry. oil...or cream? definitely cream. [ male announcer ] never made wi hydrogenated oil. oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] always made with real cream.
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the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy.
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do you smoke crack cocaine? >> exactly. yes, i have smoked crack cocaine. but do i? am i an addict? no. have i tried it? probably in one of my drunken stupors, approximately about a year ago. >> after six months of denial, today mayor of toronto finally admitted that rumors were true, he has smoked crack and he insists he's not an addict. a few hours later, rob ford held a dramatic news conference to apologize. >> i know i embarrassed everyone in this city and i will be
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forever sorry. there is only one person to blame for this and that is myself. i know that admitting my mistake was the right thing to do, and i feel like a thousand pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. >> and probably put in your closet. i find it hard to believe he only did that once. in he can run again, and he get a 90-day suspension. >> he's now qualified to be the mayor of d.c. that's the good news. >> that's true. >> i would have to say, you would have to smoke crack to wear that tie to a national or global press conference. and by the way, he has.
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dropped 1,000 pounds of weight from that. >> see the tie he was wearing? it's an nfl teams tie. >> that's great. a lot of these guys keep coming up here saying i'm sorry, now i've got to go to work. >> i do kind of feel for him. so he did drugs, and now he's coming out and saying look, i had a problem. when you're publicly embarrassed and your trust with the public -- i feel for him a little bit. although i have to say, i really don't understand why we care about the toronto mayor. i don't get it. we have a huge mayor's race tomorrow that is about to ruin the city. >> we will all be smoking crack tomorrow. >> want me to read my poem? i wrote this during the commercial break. why do we care about toronto's mayor? why do you do that to me? how do you have that power?
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it's really good. >> is that it? >> if there's one upshot, he didn't say he didn't inhale, right? so you have to give him a little credit. >> i feel for him too as a former addict, but you don't go back to your job, what you ought to do is go to rehab. dana's poetry is stupendous. if you have a chance to buy some, she has a collection available on various different lists. >> why do we care about toronto's mayor, i would rather focus on deblazio's lair. >> never going to get me. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels.
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but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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♪ it's now time for one more thing, so if you missed jimmy kimmel, he did his annual halloween prank where parents decide to tell their little ones that they ate all their candy. >> last night, we ate every bit of your halloween candy. >> no! >> i'm so sorry. >> i hate you! 6 >> i was just kidding. >> well, that's not very funny. >> do you love us? >> yeah.
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>> great, great video. greg? >> that's like child abuse. but fun child abuse. >> you do worse things on this show every single day. >> that is true. i hate these people! nyu student fell in a narrow crevice between buildings, all right? he got stuck there for 36 hours. happily, he's okay. the cops pulled him out. he had been drinking. i hate people who can't handle their booze. they make drinkers like me look bad. >> that ain't too hard to do. >> you know what? >> you better be careful out there. >> good thing we don't have pictures from our old christmas party, greg. dana? >> yesterday, at the freedom
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institute in dallas at the bush library, president and mrs. bush, it was mrs. bush's birthday, they had a special guest, dr. charles krauthammer. he's one of the sound bites. >> my very best friend. hmmm, before i give you the answer, i'll remind you what harry truman once said. if you want a friend in washington, get a dog. [ laughter ] the krauthammers have improved on that. we have two dogs in case one turns on us. [ laughter ] >> always thinking ahead. i love charles. he has his new book, "thanks that matter." >> beckel? >> we've been follow thing story about the miami dolphins, ritchie incognito, who was bounced off the team because he was bullying one of the other players. they caught him on a video, and here's good ole ritchie.
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>> [ bleep ] you! [ bleep ] [ bleep ]! >> yeah, okay, ritchie. >> i think it's ironic that his last name is incognito. >> can you imagine somebody marrying that dude? >> no. >> bob says that, you know it's bad. >> he calls for drug testing for football players. this guy is clearly on a roid rage right there. >> or he's just a big jerk. some people can be jerks without drugs. >> he's incognito and he's masked as a total jackass. eric, you're up. >> we only have 15 seconds. ppp just put out a poll with
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rand paul and chris christie leading for the republicans for 2016. >> never too early to start talking about 20 16. that is it for us. thanks for watching. we'll see you back here tomorrow. "special report with bret baier" up next. it's election day, 2013. and the president, a year after his re-election, may be trying to save his legacy with some revisionist history. this is "special report." good evening. i'm bret baier. tonight, it appears president obama's health care damage control campaign is in critical condition. his approval rating has dropped under 40% in the latest gallup poll. the 39% figure is just one point above his personal low two years ago. this comes as the president tries to rewrite


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