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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  November 6, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PST

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website, o'reilly @ fox, again, thank you for joining us tonight. ms. megyn up next, i'm bill o'reilly hello. welcome to "red eye." tonight death, murder and kitten videos. >> tonight on "red eye." why did a deranged family of mier cats take two young brothers hostage? the behind the scenes look from the daring escape. plus is president obama secretly plotting to have his face added to mount rushmore? >> there is no reason we can't get this done before the end of the year. >> and finally is the government building a secret weapon that can control the weather? when will it be fully operational? >> there is no reason we can't get this done before the end of the year. >> none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> it is a shame. let's welcome our guests. i am here with diane macedo.
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she is on weekdays on fox business network. and tv's andy levy and my repulsive sidekick bill schulz and a first time guest. he is les gold, the star of the awesome true tv reality series and one of my favorite shows on cable, "hard core pawn." >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. i didn't know you were my lucky charm. >> these jokes never end. should they replace his ruddy face? rob ford admitted to smoking crack. what is that? i have never heard of it. it was years ago in a drunken stupor. the toronto mayor was forced to come clean after police obtained a video, evidence of him getting high. >> do you smoke crack cocaine? >> exactly. yes i have smoked crack cocaine. but no -- do i? am i an addict? no. have i tried it?
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probably in one of my drunken stupors probably a year ago. >> why do you have to blame it on booze? >> later in the day he made another statement. >> to the residents of for -- of toronto i know i have let you down and i can't do anything else but apologize, and apologize and i'm so sorry. i know -- i know i have to regain your trust and your confidence. >> probably could have gotten through that with a little crack. anyway there was more. >> there is only one person to blame for this. that is myself. i know that admitting my mistake was the right thing to
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do. i feel like a thousand pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. >> not a great analogy or metaphor. let's go live to my cousin, carl. >> see, he didn't quit. he just said no i am not going to give up on it. i am going to keep going. les, welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> this mayor, you think he hillary sign, but then he will just keep going. should he? >> should he keep going or keep smoking crack? >> both i think. >> here is a guy that admits to smoking crack. how many people that you heard of smoking crack only did it once? unless he takes a drug test i wouldn't vote him in. i wouldn't keep him there.
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>> he is pretty fat for a crack head. it is like he has eaten five crack heads. there are like five crack heads inside of him. he is like a russian crack head dolls like you open him up and there is another crack head. >> he looks like a kid in the middle of a tantrum. >> maybe it is because he says he does it through a drunken stupor. when you are drunk you like to eat a lot and then do the crack. >> if this was a thousand pounds off his shoulders he must have weighed 1300. >> i don't believe him. >> marion berry didn't have to quit. it helped his career. >> it helped his career, but i don't see it for this guy from toronto, i don't think it is the same situation. he is definitely still on crack. >> you never, ever get off crack. diane you were able to kick an addiction to heroin and i congratulate you for that. do you have advice for this mayor battling his demons?
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>> i like the fact that he shared the fact that admitting his mistake is the right thing to do. it is great to pride yourself on all of the good things have you done like admitting your mistake after the videotape was released and then finally you find out the tape exists so you have to admit to it. well done. >> wonder if he joined na? is crack a narcotic? >> i know alcohol is different, but not crack. >> crack is a weird thing. i didn't even know anybody was still doing crack. it is so 90s. >> well it is canada. >> canada is two seconds behind. >> they are just getting it now. >> by the way they love "friends." huge fans of "friends." >> they are rooting for ross and rachel. >> even the novelty tie he was wearing. i got that with my "sports illustrated" subscription in 1995. it is back to that era. >> andy, the thing that bugs me the most is he blame itself on booze.
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when somebody does something bad it is never the drug. it was like, i was in a drunken stupor. alcohol is not at fault here. >> isn't it though, greg? >> how dare you? >> i don't even know what i'm saying. all i know is the biggest thing i learned today is canadians have louder cameras than we do. >> oh my god yeah. >> unbelievable. the coolest thing here is the toronto police don't have the videotape. they just said they did to get him to admit it. he was denying it the whole time and the tape never surfaced. they say we have the videotape and we have seen it. they won't make it public. i am thinking they made the whole thing up just to catch him and he fell for it. >> that would be so mean. what an awful prank. then again, you think -- if he was working in a private company he would be fired, but you can't -- you can't fire somebody who -- you can't recall a mayor. >> i wonder if he should do drug testing. he can go in a cup to see if he was really telling the
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truth. >> but he would still play the victim. >> thought to worry. he has nothing left to hide. >> nobody resigns anymore. people used to resign. filner didn't resign for months. everyone was like he will have to resign after the 12th woman comes forward. he didn't resign. nobody resigns anymore. none of these guys resign. >> are you saying the only other thing addictive to crack is power? >> maybe i am, bill. >> maybe you should become the mayor of a major canadian city. >> is toronto considered that? i thought it was vancouver. >> this is the biggest thing to happen to toronto, ever. >> they are get august lot of tension. i just wish when he was doing the press conference and he says there is only one person to blame. and the lights went down low and he says, bitch set me up just like barry. is the line multiplying? it is the day who cares of
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obama apocalypso gate. >> "red eye" obtained footage of president obama making a promise he couldn't keep. >> if you like your health care plan you will be able to keep your health care plan, period. if you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor, period. [applause]. >> well at least we are not beating that into the ground at fox news. >> i have never seen that. >> neither have i. our alleged kenyan lady hating interloper wants you to know the thing he said over and over again is not really the thing he said. >> if you have or had one of these plans before the affordable care act came to law and you like that plan what we said was you could keep it. if it hasn't changed since
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laws passed. >> i don't remember him saying that. national journal's ron fornea says he is reading the obvious lie from prepared notes making it, in his words, an orchestrated deception. the statement wasn't true, but he went with it anyway or as he puts it, the cynics won and the truth was buried. let's go to puppy who can't walk. >> you can do it. >> did it ever occur to him that the puppy is dead? diane you were saying you don't care. you said you said you don't care the president lied because he did it for a good cause m. >> i think he did seal the deal.
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i don't think anyone can argue he has lied. you can give him the benefit of the doubt. maybe he didn't know that what he was saying wasn't accurate or maybe that's not what he meant to say. when he came outlast night he didn't say what i meant to say was this or what we should have explained was this. he said what we said was this. we all heard you. she basically calling the american public, all of us, i idiots. it is insulting. >> do you think he think he's is lying or he believes the lie? >> here we go. i am getting my toe step done now. make sure you know what you are saying when you tell a fib or you expand on the truth what you think is the truth. make sure you consistently say the same thing. >> when you are looking at be ons for sale, you can tell a liar? >> i can look them dead in the eye and know they are lying to me. people have a tendency of making things sound better than they are. customers do that. i can walk through that pile of stuff and discern what is true and what isn't.
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>> basically what obama did was he came into the store and tried to sell you a broken vcr and tried to pass it off as a brand-new dvd player? >> well i wouldn't go that far, but possibly. >> you never know. >> i think it is interesting you can tell when people are lying. we told you, you were going to be on the owe riley factor. >> this isn't? >> caution. this is my finger. >> i knew that was it. >> i practiced that. i don't know where i am. andy, debbie wasser man schulz, no relation to bill, but they have similar hair. she is the -- >> my perm is natural. >> she is the preparer of the dnc. she has something to say and because you wrote this question -- questio -- >> she said this and can we
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roll the tape? >> at the end of the day americans -- we are not mizeled by the president, but the overwhelming majority of americans are already insured. >> what did she just say? >> she pronounced the word misled mizeled. >> it would be easy to say she miss pronounced the word, but we know that progressives are smarter than us because they tell us this all the time. the only explanation is we have been miss pronouncing it this whole time. we have been mizled how to pronounce it and i am not happy about it. thank you for setting us straight. >> i need to hear that again. i will ask bill a question you need to get that thing set up. maybe she was trying to say mozeltof. >> then i would understand. >> i would too. i don't know what is going on. >> the weirdest part she was a guest on the show. >> she didn't have -- >> she didn't have prepared
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remarks, but if she did that is weird to be a guest on the show and have answers to questions scripted. >> let's watch it again because you are right. >> at the end of the day americans -- we're not -- not only not mizelid by the president, the overwhelming majority of americans are already insured. >> first she said miled and then realizes there is a s in there. >> it must have been misspelled. >> it is like she had to have been reading it. >> she was. you don't do that if it is in your head. you screw up when you are reading something. you right there it says savy-ore and not savior, but you i president do -- i don't do that. >> i was telling debbie and we were geeing -- getting our hair did and the best way is
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to distract people. come up with a mascot. come up with mizled the health care cat. she was doing that. it was not a miss pronunciation. it was a bob and weave. >> a well that is interesting. i am glad you brought that up. i thought it was a written quote. i learned something. she is a strange person. it was hooters or bust. an oregon middle school football coach, is there they other kind was fired for planning a dinner at hooters. he refused to cave to pressure to move the party elsewhere because he always told his boys for standing up what they believe in. and he felt hooters was inproat interpret for dash darrin appropriate for families. administrators sent a letter home to parents saying the
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hooters party would no longer be a school event. we asked a hooter employee to comment. >> have i no idea what is going on there. perhaps it would be interesting to or asian fans at home. >> i am told we have no asian fans. >> asian fans, okay. >> if you had a 12-year-old kid, and i am not saying you don't, would you let him attend a party like this? >> only if i can go. if i can go, heck yes. when i played football when i was young -- well we didn't have hooter's, but we had playboy. we read playboy magazine. >> coach says go and celebrate and i am going to my fort and read "playboy."
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>> we were good with that. >> i guess it used to be called brassy bra swreers. diane he brings up a good point though. you get your parents involved if you pick places parents like. dads are going to -- say you have a bowling team, girl's bowling all of the dads will go to hooters. >> you wouldn't do it? what if there were restaurants that em emphasize out well endowed the servers were. would you want your wife and daughter to go? >> hi, greg, how are you doing? >> what are we doing here? i think it is a clear double standard. it is totally inappropriate. if a parent wants to make that call, fine, your per prerogative, but not a school
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event. >> don't you think kids will see much wore things on the internet? >> let them see this it on the internet. just because they do i don't want their teacher to show it to them. >> who are you to call it gross? >> how dare you judge my habits? >> i think -- an be, i -- i dan i believe she is suffering from a brestaphobe. you have a fear of press and -- breasts and you don't like hooters because of that reason. >> i am not saying brises are gross. if the kids want to see inappropriate things let them do it on their own time. >> aren't they wearing clothing? it is not a topless place. >> it is not called hooters because of the owl logo. >> really? >> can you prove that? >> i have been telling everybody that. that's why i go there.
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>> losing a job to a trip to hooters, is it sad? >> it is pathetically pathetic. regardless if you degree with the athletic director that it is a bad place for april awarding -- for an award. there this is about a grown man throwing a san strum because he didn't get his way. the coach said no you can't and now he is saying you are bullying me. you are not being bullied because you can't take your kids to hooters. >> have i to get bill in because we have to take a break. >> you slept outside a hooters regularly and covered in your own fillet so that makes you an expert. do you have comments? >> i have a question. isn't hooters made for middle schoolers? what card carrier would go to hooter if you can go to the buffet.
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there may be more hepatitis-c, but no adult would go to hooters. >> i find hooters to be a dlaitful place and the food is good. in small towns it may be the only thing going. >> and they wear pan tee hose with the shorts. >> how do you know? do you frequent it? >> when i was a child. i came of age in hooters. >> that's how the truth comes out. >> imagine making going to hooters a deal breaker for a job. >> have i to go to this tease. coming up, another round of what pill i did just swallow? why are the walls bleeding. what does sponge bob have to say about the social safety net? most under see creatures do.
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dismie all right. there is no sponge in sponge bob. the nickelodeon kids show known for social commentary has weighed in on welfare and labor laws. in an upcoming episode sponge bob is fired from the crusty crab after the owner realizes he can save a nickel. >> you are canned. here is your pink slip. i am giving you the ax. you're fired. >> i'm bad. anything but that. >> if you can just hand over your spatula. >> i will get that for you. >> one day later he is a sponge slob and his free loader friend patrick is eager to show him the ways of glorious unemployment which he explains is the best gig he knows. our hero has a revelation and announces that unemployment may be good for you, but he is
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trans formed into these clean and energetic self. sponge bob memorabilia remains at an all time high. >> i am disturbed by everything tonight. sponge bob square pants is he sending a message about the social safety net and is it about time we heard from him? >> i haven't watched the cartoon in awhile. if i were to watch that, he lost his job. what are you going to do? >> it is a real thing. people have to deal with it. >> what about the safety message? the social safety net message? >> really? are kids going to understand this? maybe one day they will.
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be prepared to lose your job. and then when it happens, get your ass to work. >> diane, is sponge bob square pants indoctrinating kids not to be lazy like andy levy? >> sponge bob says to brush your teeth, wear underwear and strive to be the best at what you do. hopefully it will help adults do the same thing. especially the first two parts. >> are we reading too much into this episode or not enough? >> i say not enough. it is a searing indictment of the obama pho location of the economy and that's how we should be reported by everyone. >> i don't think conservatives should get excited about this. let's look at why sponge bob was fired. it was because his boss could save a nickel. >> he was also fired because the other guy had senority which is the only reason you are a less good employee.
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>> it is a union thing. >> every other word that came to mind. >> he was actually fired because he was gay. pretty shocking stuff. >> bill, every sponge is gay if you see what he does with it. >> they can change gender at will. >> only with you it is against their will. >> sponges are sponge worthy. don't know where i am right now. you know what, cartoons want to have a message that is refreshing. that's a refreshing message. could be be doo has the best messages. they would drive around the van and get a high, no the haunted house was a guy pulling the scam. he is teaching kids that there are a lot of things you are scared of that is not really
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what this turn out to be. >> and old people should not be trusted. >> if you run out of human food eat scooby snacks. >> i remember it less. look what happened to you. >> i don't know what he okay. except for the consultsions -- con as a -- con convulsions. >> we are going to c block. i will ask him what i could get for my jar ofed toes.
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should colleges balk at gay talk? the university of oregon, go curly tries, paid a sex columnist to conduct a super graphic seminar. a local newspaper said the taxpayer funded university brought him to campus to answer sex-related questions and topics. that evening included everything from fisting -- i don't even know what that is. >> me neither. >> and gorilla suit fetishes. the visit was intended to publicize the lawfn of the safe sex app that allows users
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to link sexual positions and body parts. in discuss we must this. >> lightning roooooouuuuunnnndd. lightning round. >> so diane, here is my beef with anything sexual on campus. i don't care if it is gay, straight, hemaphrodite. do they need seminars on sex? if anything they need seminars on anything but sex to get a job. >> they are in college and they have the internet. this is the one area they will be sure to look up. they don't need help here. >> in this world as we were talking earlier, people need to find real jobs and not [bleep] jobs. >> maybe. >> by the way, they can co-exist. it is in a perfect world. the thing is, it is true. the internet has made a lot of this staff boring. should taxpayers be paying for
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this? >> hell no. if you will do it, pay for it yourself. >> that is illegal. >> not if you do it on craigslist as an auction. if i auction a night with greg that gets beyond the prostitution and i get many, many offers, some of which are disgusting. mr. daabs, why is the you have the making a sex act to bin -- to begin with? >> it informs about sti and special concerns. you spin two wheels on the app and you align two body parts and a body part and a sex toy and the device displays -- it is free. >> you go to itunes and it is sex positive, one word. >> i would never look the a it
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it -- look at it. >> andy i suppose is there anything cat related on the sex app? >> nothing to discuss there. i looked up the daily emerald is the university of soring organize student newspaper and they had a gushing write up of dan savage and saidy vent was sold out. savage was witty and vevacios. it says the performance was free and most went for extra credit. >> not only did the pax payers ask to have him. >> bill, dan savage has been known to make negative comments toward by sexuals. do you feel their pain? >> i don't think you know what a sequential hemaphrodite is. i don't have a mob -- a
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problem necessarily, but don't say it is educational. the fisting part is educational, but the rest is purely ebbet tanment. call it what it is, that. >> i just think when you are critical of something like this, they always accuse you of being puritanical or repressive. in their world it is hip and edgy. i think it is the opposite. the bad stuff is repressed stuff. people that never talk about sex are the dirty ones. the ones that are talking about it and talking about it, they are lousy in bed. that's a greg gutfeld sex minute. where am i? >> love to be on your show. >> next topic -- go ahead. stop it! it is like being prodded with an andy prod. >> you're welcome. >> 48 hours -- >> did you learn that from savage? >> yes. >> after the miami dolphins
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suspended richy incognito indefinitely, high released a video of him acting more of a d-bag. warning. may contain] pictures not to be be -- >> nice. and then he saw the bleeps and incognito can be heard referring to another player as an n-word. in an apparent attempt to show he is okay with other colors richie had a black ferrari delivered to his home early tuesday morning. people can change, you guys. you saw that tape. if he walked into hard core
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pawn what would you do? >> first we would control the guy. then we would kick his ass and throw him out. he was out of control. we would have to gain control of the situation. >> he is a big, monstrous, fat, probably steroidal freak. something tells me you would have to use a weapon. >> have you seen my security tape? he would be chopped liver. >> i like chopped liver. >> diane, i know you are a huge fan of incognito and you were defending hem all day. do you think another team will hire him? >> i hope not. i am surprised people from the nfl, the players and the coaches have come out against jonathon martin. that makes me think it is a bigger problem. it is a culture thing thea are afraid is brrrr to get
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disposed. >> have i seen players come out a martin's side. this guy should keep his mouth shut and this is a bigger problem. >> i was surprised at how many players and explayers came out against incognito. this is typical locker room stuff and this is hazing. it is amazing how many said this way crossed the line and it needs to be gotten rid of. >> snitches bilge in ditches. >> he was named one of the dirtiest players. as the dirtiest news corp em playy do you empathize? >> he took his quarterback's credit card and we are not sure if he knew and he and the other line men decided to buy jetskis with the credit cord. he lives on another planet. this is the stuff we make fun of and then there is this
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dude. >> here is the thing. high probably -- if you play professional sports everybody knows what you make. offensive line men probably don't make as much. >> he does by stealing it from esh else. >> they just signed a $13 million three-year deal. >> he won't be playing. >> i think it is weird he order ordered an expensive car and could be out of a job. i expected him to be smarter. >> you expect a lot. >> i do, i do. >> it is time to go on a break. don't think of leaving me now. and by the way, have you purchased "voi of hate" new york times best seller, best book i have written i think.
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>> the zombie apocalypse is
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coming. >> i'm pretty sure. >> weather is changing. the meteors falling from the sky. >> i can't say i believe in the zombie apocalypse, but you know what? as long as they are buying i willisen to any [bleep] they will throw at me. >> it is a family owned and operated pawnshop in detroit. it is on true -- trutv and i love it. i had 907 questions for him so i don't want to waste time. first off, is detroit full of crazy people? that's all you have are crazy people. it is a dorritos bag of nuts. >> walk down the streets by time square and we are a pawnshop. in reality, where are people going to go when we tell them no? we are their last resort. 25 million people don't have a bank account and we are a
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short-term lender and they come in for help. sometimes when we say no they go crazy. >> they do go crazy. what is interesting is i have to say -- the key to the show's success is that it teaches people how to react to crazy. for example, when you take the subway -- >> you are entitled. >> because of the ring. if you are on the subway, people don't know how to handle crazy people. but hard core pawn is like an instructional video on what to do which is to basically get -- just make eye contact with mr. crazy and show you are not scared. >> you never back down. i am a little older than most of you at the table and one of the oldest at the store. darn that's hard to say. but you know what, i have never backed down. i lift weights and make sure i am in good physical shape. if they saw weakness in my eyes they would take
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advantage. people take advantage of weak people. that's the nature of the base. nature of the beast. >> i always wonder how you will deal with a nuty person. it always ends happily with somebody being beaten up in the parking lot. >> they are not that happy. you know who takes the worst are my cones. we have these parking cones and everybody beats the hell out of them. i don't know why. i can't figure that out. >> andy thought you were talking about a jewish family. >> oh very good. you are quick tonight. >> he is always worried about that sort of >> i made a note. >> you already had 120 episodes. >> 135, but who's counting? we were happy with two pilots when we did that. >> so was bill. >> i won't gouthere, i promise. now we are into the mid130 shows and oh my god i can't believe it. we are hoping to go into 200. we are all around the world in australia and the middle east. i don't know why i said that.
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we are in south africa and all over the world. it is great. who would have thought? >> i thought. i watch it. you know what is great? when you have them in a row it is like "law and order" where you would start watching and you would go i have to watch this one too. and then next thing you know my plans going to the gym are gone. i want to learn what it is like to be a pawnbroker. >> who is that person? >> who are these people? these are things that belong to me. that's me actually. >> where is my camera. this is a doll version of greg gutfeld. don't say actual size at home. if somebody walked in and said i have a doll version of greg gutfeld what could i get for this? >> here is how it is done. you come into the store and you say i have greg gutfeld. how much do you want for it?
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>> this guy is kind of famous and it is a one of a kind and $5,000. >> why? >> because when i am dead which could be in a few years because i am self-destructive. when i am dead i will sign the abs, but then $5,000. and also my brother is in the hospital, and my house has a leak and i just lost my job. >> that doesn't mean anything to me. those reasons have no bearing on what i will give on that. if you were dead maybe it would be worth the money. can we come to a reasonable middle? >> three bucks. >> you say 3 and i say 5,000. the middle is 2,501. >> now he is going to beat up the lovely cohen family.
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it is all your fault. >> is anybody taking note of greg gutfeld's little hands? >> that is a congenital mall form tee. this is guner. he is my stunted half brother. he disappeared and now he is back. i'm sorry, kids ssments. >> $100. >> there is only one. >> that's one arm, who has the other arm? >> it has everything in here. >> $1? >> $2? i have to get something for this. >> i will go $1.10. >> boy you have a bunch of crap. if this is all you have gt you are in trouble. it is one of a kind and it has been all over the country. look at this beauty. $2,000. >> why?
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>> there is only one. >> there used to be a lot, but they put a sticker on them. >> that was the original one he traveled on. >> we have to take a break. i have two more things and we may be able to do one more story. don't throw the bus away. >> no, no, no. if obama was here he would throw somebody under the bus. >> i knew that was coming. >> a new season of "hard core pawn" december 17th. coming up our last story.
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female narrator: through veterans day, it's posturepedic through veterans day, it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars end monday at sleep train.
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last story. that's the last story. >> anyway. before i go to the story. this head moves, right? it has a remote control and it makes noises. i don't have batteries and i can't find the remote. >> so it used to move and used to make noise. >> it gets better by the minute. >> i would be there. >> then that's a different story. >> basically you can hire me at your story to go like
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this. >> are you expensive or inexpensive? >> i can be bought cheaply. >> i have heard. >> i have to price. >> lastly this is a bottle of my own invention. it is called impeach scnaaps. you can have this. >> for $50,000. >> you heard him say i can have it. i am putting it on my desk here. the last story, there is no dirt in places like earth. new data shows there could be up to 40 billion earth-like planets in our lal geeksy. that's -- galaxy. that's like one per person. it shows 20% of the stars have an earth-sized planet circling them in the goldie locks zone where it is not too hot or too cold. plaw, blah, blah. that was boring. >> my first thought was finally i can get some peace and quiet. you have to be a nearby planet that delivers food and high speed access to the gww,
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galaxy wide web. other than that you will be fine. >> always thinking about porn. >> space porn. things having sex with different things. i don't even know what they are doing, but i would watch. it has to be great for business. pawn planet. >> we could get a whole new generation of pawn customers. >> aliens trying to sell their space junk. >> did you see the zombie uh apocalypse. >> but you should call it space junk. sometimes my cleverness makes me spit all over the table. would you want to live on the plan ?et? >> depends on who i will go with. >> you didn't say your husband so thinks are rocky? >> seriously, for real? >> i will take your ring.
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>> do you want to talk about it? >> it is okay. you rush into a marriage and then you realize -- >> you grow apart. >> you -- what you need are drinks and lots of them. >> there you go. >> i think we are all on a different planet. >> oh my god. w40 would have thought of a stupid story about planets could end up on diane's unhappy marriage. >> i am very happily married. >> i know. >> he is not watching the show. >> we willed dit that all out. >> by the way, we can up grade your diamond. >> your first anniversary was when? >> excellent. that was a fun show. lis -- les, you coming back? >> when you invite me. >> we will always have a place for you. we have to go.
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diane, great job, andy levy, that does it for me. i will waive using my little likeness. bye.
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america's election headquarters. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> what we said was you could >> what we said what you can keep it. if it wasn't changed. >> the president getting deeper and deeper contradicting himself over obamacare drawing attention to the whole mess. perhaps he should remember these words. >> he never recovered from that statement. we will have announcements this evening about mr. obama's current status. >> why is the national football league allowing thugs


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