tv Hannity FOX News November 8, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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could easily fly your child to you if it's the same as being a soldier on the field of afghanistan. i will leave toyota you to decide. so farther not buying it, mr. cruise. follow me on twitter. have a great weekend. welcome to "hannity." the country was played and lied to by the administration about obama care. tonight to help us set the record straight about what the health care overhaul means for you and your families for the entire hour we'll be joined by a studio audience made up of doctors and pundits. you will hear from medical professionals about how your coverage will change thanks to this law. first let's remind the viewers how from the beginning the administration tried to use doctors to help sell the big lie. remember this? [ applause ] >> i am thrilled to have all of
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you here today. you look very spiffy in your coats. we have heard the arguments on both sides of the aisle from the crazy claims about death panels to misleading warnings about a government takeover of our health care system. some of the people who are most supportive of reform are the very medical professionals who know the health care system best -- the doctors and nurses of america. [ applause ] they have seen what happens when their patients can't get the care they need because some insurance company has decided to drop their coverage or water it down. these doctors know what needs to be fixed about our health care system. you are the experts. nobody has more credibility with the american people on this issue than you do. >> you know, i couldn't agree more. the opinion of medical professionals is crucial which is why tonight they are going to be more than just cherrypicked bystanders in an audience. instead we'll ask doctors to help us uncover the truth.
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let's remember that what you just saw was the same 2009 speech where members of the administration ripped a page out of the obama play book of deception and they were the ones handing out the white coats to doctors in the audience. a ploy clearly designed to give them a message of credibility. now to get real conversations started. first i have gifts for you medical professionals and doctors. gener jennings, sterling and hope work on the show. we'll give you all a white coat. dr. siegel has no intention of putting it on. ainsley, you can be a doctor. >> dock for tr the day. >> don't give one to terry in the back or congresswoman buono. i wanted to be a doctor. if i had my life to do over
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again, some of my best friends are doctors. i would love to be a surgeon. >> you wear a white coat for the show. >> i'm not a doctor. i have not earned the right. let me ask you. we are going to start with ainsley. you called a lot of doctors today. >> right. >> you asked a fascinating question. >> one of my doctors said i have never once been b contacted by the federal government to find out if i'm interested in participating in the this plan. what if i want to? they never called many me, never reached out. i started asking all the doctors, have you been contacted? no, no, no. one doctor was contacted by blue cross blue choice which is one of the three options you have with obama care. he said he was contacted by blue cross blue choice but not the other two. the federal government never reached out. my pop that wi-- ophthalmologis on and entered his zip code and
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said two popped up. he said how were they contacted? why wasn't sni. >> were any of you contacted by the government? >> no. >> not one? wow. you were? >> irs. >> by the irs. by the way, we have two shrinks next to you if you need help. >> i said i would call them back later. >> you were seriously contacted by the irs? >> i don't think it was related to my anti-obama care activity. >> do you have any idea what to expect? go ahead. >> we are being asked to sign on the dotted line. we have no idea what it entails wechl don't know what it means. no idea whatsoever. >> yeah. >> i'm a surgeon from austin, texas. it's important to know doctors were not involved in the decision-making of this. the insurance plans aren't the health care providers, the doctors are. if we weren't involved how do we
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provide care being promised and overpromised to millions of people? the math isn't there. it's not right. >> what kind of surgeon? >> plastic surgeon. >> do i need help? >> they got me. >> you are a psychiatrist. >> i'm a psychotherapist ins massachusetts. i have a large group practice, very busy. >> have you ever had talk show hosts on the couch? >> i have to keep that under -- >> confidentiality. >> yeah. with higher co-pays, higher deductibles, lower reimbursement rates, higher premiums what happens to client care? clients literally cannot afford the affordable health care act. so therefore they don't go for treatments and therapists have to start dropping out because the lower reimbursement rates are so awful. i'm not talking about grub hungry therapists. i'm talking b about therapists who want to keep their lights on and help people. there is a grave concern here.
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>> i have a friend of mine. you are raising a good point. i have a friend that's a doctor. went to -- brilliant guy. great grades in high school. got into a great college. four years of college. four years of medical school. internship, residency. you have been through it. then you have to open an office, turn on the light bill. it's a lot of money. pay back the student loans. identifying with this? now because reimbursements are so low he can't afford to keep the light on. dr. manning, do you know people in that position? i'm sorry. dr. siegel. >> absolutely. to the point that was made we have precedent for this in the 1990s when the hmos started and networks shrunk down because people couldn't afford to take the insurance. doctors couldn't afford to work with with those insurances. that's what happens now. if i sign up to one of the obama care networks i will find dr. manning isn't there. i will say that woman needs an
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ultrasound. this is a specialized problem. i want to refer and dr. manning isn't on the network. that's the big b problem. people don't know it. practicing medicine isn't a solo art. it is a team. if you don't have the team you can't help. >> dr. louden, i hear from doctors that you are getting pennies on the dollar in a lot of cases because of either insurance reimbursement or if it's medicaid, medicare. >> and because they are going to have to save money somehow because this is an expensive endeavor. they will be picking doctors who maybe are assistants normally. maybe physicians assistants or instead of having a ph.d. psychologist you may go to someone with an undergrad degree in counseling or something. not that it's all bad and not to be judge mental. it will mean less service, but from the patient perspective this is devastating. think about the fact that when you sign up for obama care you are signing away that they are going to share the information
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with the irs, law enforcement. this blows hipaa out of the water. >> med privacy is gone. all right. your thoughts? >> i think the question should be asked is are private practitioners going to survive in private practice. a lot of comments here have to do with the individual practitioner, like you say. you open an office, have a staff and overhead. that won't be the way medicine b will be practiced. >> either a line at the hospital -- >> that's it. no other way. in markets like new york you may have individual private practitioners. in the rest of the country you will be an employee of a hospital, a health care system. then you will just get a salary, hourly wages, 40 hours a weeg and go home. >> or the client pays up front because the -- >> if the you have access to medical care. just because the doctor is on a plan you may have to wait six
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months. >> that's what will happen. >> doctor, what kind of care is that offering the patient? >> if i need your help -- >> i will see you immediately. maybe privately, right? >> i'd pay cash. you're in good shape. >> he'll be forced to have insurance. so the only way you will be able to accept him as a client is if you say you are only accepting private pay client and he has to submit for reimbursement. >> it's devaluing. >> with a two-tier system because we went concierge ten years ago. we found if patients -- patients would pay. if they had cable tv, a cell phone, they had the ability to pay. i understand that there is another issue, but we are calling them patients but they're people. >> consumers. >> people with needs. >> patients are people, too. i want to sit down with a human being and have a conversation and develop a relationship with
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them and do it profitably and not have to compromise the care. >> i know everybody at home wants to hear from what you and what to expect. stay right there. we have a political pundit class coming up. two lawmakers who have been fighting obama care since day one and who are medical doctors. they will join us to tell us where the battle against this horrific law stands today and what, if anything, can be done to stop it. that and more. our studio audience edition. doctors really talking, not used as props. continuing straight ahead. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico.
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us from their home states. louisiana congressman charles boustani and tom price, both of whom are medical doctors. welcome back. >> thanks, sean. >> you have been fighting hard. is there anything at this late hour you see that can be done to stop the train wreck? >> we have to keep bringing out the individuals that are beg harmed by it. we knew it would happen. we talked about it. what's going to happen is the democrats have to wake up. the senate democrats have to say, look, this isn't ready for prime. in fact, it will never be ready but we ought not impose this incredible government takeover of health care on the american people. there are better solutions. patients and families and doctors ought to make medical decisions, not washington, d.c. at this point it will take the democrats waking up. i'm not sure that's going to happen. >> your thoughts, doctor? are there are tl thoughts or are we forever now governed by
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kathleen sebelius and obama care? is there hope? >> we have to keep fighting. we can't stop. i agree with tom. we have to get democrats on board in the senate. there are senators now in the democratic side of the aisle who are taking the heat on this. i will tell you, people are angry b about the this and upset. the fact is we have to keep the heat on. we've got to keep pushing. revealing, shedding light on all the flaws in this as we have been doing and not let up. >> is there any hope for this website? i talked to some i.t. guys, professionals, congressman price is laughing. >> yeah. >> after hundreds of millions of dollars, do we have to scrap it? >> absolutely. the problem isn't just the website. the problem is the program itself. but the website is a symptom of the entire challenge that we have when the government tries
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to tell you what doctor you must see. what health care coverage plan you must purchase and cross all of the things through the irs and other governmental entitieses. it isn't going to work. we have now spent pushing $600 million on the website. i was told the other day google cost $2 million. it doesn't make sense. it's government at its best which is spending too much money to do the wrong thing. >> do you think there is all the red state democrats now meeting with the president, sending out statements. they themselves on tape saying if you like your plan you can keep your plan. do you think they are going to have big political b problems come 2014? >> oh, absolutely. this is the biggest political problem they will face going forward. we heard last week in a hearing that obama care is more than just a website. my god, if they can't get the
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website correct we know what's coming beyond that. this is a more complicated takeover of american health care. almost 20% of the u.s. economy. they won't get any of it right. it's nothing short of a disaster. >> thank you so much. >> remember, sean, we haven't even seen the output of the independent payment advisory board. that doesn't take effect until january 1. >> that's right. >> this will continue to roll out. we have to stop it. >> thank you very much for being with us. >> and massive tax increases, too. >> what a shock. good to see you. former congresswoman buono, you were here for the debate. >> i was. >> with ted cruz and all that happened there, any chance this could be rolled back? >> if we start winning elections again. little by little, we can. charles and tom are both right. i call it the cockroach theory. we see one here. it's the ones we can't see we
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have to worry about. when i listen to the doctors talk what strikes me is they are orchestrating health care through the bill. i look at reb has been and -- rehab and alcoholism, tyrannosaurus rfor example. the bill says people will be treated outpatient only. in health care they realize the only way to treat them is 30 days in patient to start. they changed it because it fits the description of the bill. >> it's almost girl, sara murnahan. her doctor. she was on the pediatric lung transplant list. she was on the list for 18 months. her doctor wanted her to get on the adult transplant list because that's what he thought would be best. kathleen sebelius's answer was some people live, some die. >> all they needed was one signature. >> thankfully they got a judge. she was going to be dead in four
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weeks. you are a congressional candidate. >> currently in the state assembly in california. it's a democrat dom that itted state. two-thirds is democratic. i thought since they embraced obama care in the legislature i thought it would be appropriate for all legislators to get insurance through obama care. so i'm introducing a mandate. >> i read in the san francisco chronicle that a million californians will lose coverage. one million. >> i think it's more. and we we'll add two million or oh three million more to the medical rolls. you won't be able to find doctors. it's important that legislators experience the same thing the common folks are experiencing. >> i see terry surrounded. right, emily? you're a big liberal. >> huge. >> when we come back, more political debate and also coming up when "hannity's" doctor
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summit continues ahead. >> physicians are up in arms. >> when you layer bureaucrats on top of the doctor who is the executive of the patient health you're going to increase costs. >> we'll play more of the dire warnings from doctors issued before obama care became the law. plus, president obama's own cousin doctor milton wolf, his cousin, will be here to accept the record straight about the debacle. he has harsh words for his family members on the health care over haul. that and more coming up straight ahead. [ will ] on my right is the new dodge durango.
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welcome back to "hannity." for years we have sounded the alarm about how destructive obama care would be if implemented. we asked doctors for their take. >> physicians are up in arms. >> when you layer bureaucrats on top of the doctor who is the executive of the patient health you will increase costs. >> the plan on the table now will not only harm health care it will destroy the quality of health care in the nation. >> outrage is a good word for it. >> one specific point almost all the doctors were against, support of the president's reform by the am argos. >> the ama signed onto this bill within a day and a half or two days. the obama administration announced the doctors are on our side. only 17% of the physicians in the country are ama members. so the ama may have officially been on their side, but for the
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administration to say that doctors are on our side is not correct. many of the princess catherines have become a reality. my next guest who is the president's own cousin agreed to join us in our effort to set the record straight about obama care. he's a medical doctor now running for the united states sena senate. dr. wolf, thank you for being here. >> sean, you're a great american. >> how were you related to president obama? >> president obama and i are cousins. i'm quick to remind people that you cannot choose your family. what you can do is choose to rise up and stop your family from destroying america. >> i appreciate that. when your cousin said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period. if you lake your plan, you can keep your plan, period. was he honest?
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>> i'm from kansas. i don't mind telling the truth. the truth is that was a lie. i have written b about it in my washington times column. i have talked about this to anybody who will listen. that lie about being able to keep your doctor and keep your plan started, if you will recall, one week before obama care was voted on when kathleen sebelius from kansas, when she had her own report that showed 14 million americans would lose their health insurance from obama care. she hid that from the congress and ensured that obama care would pass. she has a b history of having trouble telling the truth. in her confirmation hearings you will recall they were delayed because she was caught withholding information about receiving money from the late-term abortionists in kansas. yet our congress -- our senate confirmed her. in fact, senator pat b roberts, my oh poebt, was one of only two republican senators who gave her the two critical votes she needed to run obama care. that was olympia snowe and our
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own kansas senator pat b roberts. if it wasn't for pat roberts, i know he's asking for her to resign today but kathleen sebelius wouldn't be in charge of obama care today if it wasn't for pat roberts. >> interesting race unfolding there. from your understanding of the law and i will ask our panel here of doctors. gave them free white coats which is more than obama care will give them, and they get to talk. in your opinion, how does this impact the average american that all these people getting cancellation letters, seeing rate shock. as you understand the law how do you think it will imb pact the average person? >> this is so difficult, sean. i'm a doctor, not a politician. i deal every day with kansans, families. they are worried about rates going up. we talk about access to health care. the surest way to keep a patient
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away from a doctor is to make it expensive. they call it the affordable care act. not a word of that's true. it's not affordable and it doesn't provide care. >> doctor, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, sean. >> let me turn to my doctor friends here. show of hands. how many believe the president when he said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, was being honest. >> i was there in 2009 when he said it. >> you got a coat? >> i was in the audience. i got a coat. he said you can keep your health plan in you like it, period. you can keep your doctor, period. >> he lied. >> absolutely. i feel bamboozled. >> does anyone think he told the truth? >> i have to assume it. bureaucrats don't understand health care.
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>> this is what we found out. we know in 2010 they knew -- go ahead. >> the draft regulations came out in june 2010 that said you could not keep your insurance plan. it covered small business, large businesses and the individual market. as far as keeping your doctor, think b about that. where are the doctors? did we get a vote? we may not be able to keep seeing you. if you can't cop to us, you can't keep your doctor. it was a lie. >> how many of you know you will lose patients because of the law? >> that's what's going on with our practice. people coming up saying, we're supposed to keep you, right? i say, we don't take your insurance anymore. they don't know where to go, who is going to see them and what's going to happen next. lots of patients are going through cancer treatments, pregnancies in the middle of life altering events now finding out that's happening to them.
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>> i'm the only dentist in the group. the 800-pound gorilla in the room is we have insurance premiums that historically continued to go up and reimbursement to doctors has gone down. as a country, our citizens are getting sicker and sicker. there was a study by aetna health care in 2006 that found on a quarter million patients at columbia university they found improving the health of the mouth dropped health care costs by an average of 21%. that study was repeated in japan. it was the same result. i think we have to move from a disease-based model to a wellness-based model. what we have here is, you know, pandora's box opened by obama care. >> if i get sick, i want to pick my doctor. >> exactly. >> what kind of oh doctor are you? >> i'm pain management as well. i'm primarily concerned about the long term health of people who are sick.
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we have to look at investments in research and medical education. there b will be a doctor shortage, cuts to the nih and federal funding. we can give people health insurance. unless we make advances in technology, knowledge, application of the knowledge, patients won't benefit. >> what kind of insurance are we giving them here? we don't know. just because you have health care coverage, what's it covering? prescription drugs, the doctor you want to see? we have no idea what it is. you could have insurance and it doesn't matter. >> the question you asked is can you keep your doctor today. or you want to pick your doctor. you can't pick it even today. if you have an hmo, if i decide not to take the hmo well, good-bye to your doctor. >> that's the problem with obama care. obama care is worse. even worse than hmos. >> it's a modification of the things we got. >> if you want to know what
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obama care will look like, look at medicaid. that's the model for obama care. medicaid pays doctors pennies. very few good top doctors participate. >> who wants to work for pennies? >> medicare is approaching that level. he's forcing us out of the programs by the crappy payment. all of the sudden they will say, doctors, you must participate or we won't license you. >> they are moving in that direction. >> they are. we have to take a break. we'll be right back. coming up next tonight on "hannity" -- >> hey, do you have that obama care? >> obama care, what's that? >> oh, it's great! [ cheers and applause ] >> it's great! >> what is it? >> i started signing up last thursday and i'm almost done. >> two of country music's biggest stars mocking the president's health care roll out at the cmas. more coming up after the break. we always want to hear from you. log onto follow the show. share your thoughts on this and
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for a body in motion. welcome back to "hannity." while the batched obama care roll out caused anger and frustration it's causing americans a great deal of laughter. at the cma awards carrie underwood and brad paisley took a whack at the law with this skit. >> hey, do you have that obama care? >> obama care, what's that? >> oh, it's great! >> it's great? what is it? >> i started signing up last thursday and i'm almost done. let's go to the website and get you signed up. can't be too hard. >> why is it spinning? >> it does that. >> why is it smoking? >> i don't. maybe we should restart it. ♪ obama care by morning ♪ why is it taking so long
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♪ i'm gonna wind up with hemorrhoids ♪ ♪ if i sit here 'til dawn ♪ we'll have cataracts and dementia ♪ ♪ oh, this is getting on my last nerve ♪ ♪ obama care by morning ♪ over six people served >> making fun of the president. he's in trouble. chris conover, a health care economist. you do research. you are a research scholar at the center for health policy and in equali inequality. you do research for duke university. >> i do. >> anybody say, hannity keeps mentioning you? >> wonderful. somebody has to get the truth out. >> you have studied this law. you have studied the impact it will have on people. >> right. >> you have concluded 129 million americans will not be able to keep their health care. >> exactly.
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>> how did you get to that number? >> i calculated people who can't stay in their plans in the individual market and the employer market. p many people will lose plans. i estimate 18 to 50 million will lose their plans and have to start from scratch. >> wait a minute. the government made the same estimates. >> they did? >> in july of 2010. >> that's correct. >> they said the small employer market, 60-some-odd percent will lose insurance. >> they made the prediction, sure. >> 40-some-odd percent in the big employer. and in the individual market, 85%? >> something like that. >> they knew in july of 2010. >> that's correct. >> by what point will 129 million americans lose their health insurance they like -- if you like it, you can keep it. >> i estimate by the end of 2014. >> a year from now we'll be close to 129 million americans
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that are going to be losing health care. >> keep in mind, 18 to 50 totally lose their plan. they have to buy a new plan. the rest are paying more for whatever coverage they have in order to add on the bells and whistles that obama care requires. >> emily, miss liberal democrat, social democrat. we have a president you love. >> absolutely. >> you voted for him twice. >> worked on his campaign. >> even worse. >> i'm getting a lot of love on twitter from your audience. >> the president says if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. he did all the study, all the background and numbers he got from the government the numbers. >> that's correct. >> he didn't make them up. how do you justify the president of the united states repeating 30 times if you like your plan, you can keep your plan and 129 million americans can't keep their plan. explain to the audience how you justify that. >> i think we should put it in conte
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context. >> the president made a promise. 5% of the market is the in individual market and there is a lot of natural turnover there. people in the individual market, only 17% keep their plans more than two years. >> excuse me. you're missing the point. the president said if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. you understand that, right? >> absolutely. >> period. 129 million americans, most of whom like their plan can't keep it. why would you justify that? isn't a promise your solemn vow? >> it's partisanship, sean. we democrats have to acknowledge there is a problem and fix the law with the republicans to make it work for doctors and patients. >> doug, you would support revising the law to say if you like your doctor, you keep it. like your plan, you keep it. >> i'd pass the legislation tomorrow. >> why can't you be as honest as doug? >> they have brought out bills. i don't think they will pass.
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it takes out consumer protections. >> you know better. the government knows better? i think the doctors know better. i trust them. >> on the insurance company s to make decisions for a person's care. we are in serious trouble. the moment we choose to give obama a get out of jail free card for saying, do you know what this reminds me of? it depends on what "is" is. >> terry, you were a great analyst, great writer. why am i shocked? there are very few doug schoens who will admit the president lied. >> he did not tell the truth as i know it. >> the president lied. >> i don't like to call anyone by those names. i'm not disagreeing with you. >> the president is a graduate of harvard law, extremely intelligent guy. he can look at obama care and know people couldn't keep their insurance. let me add something. center for medicare and medicaid
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services say 116 million americans will get their insurance from them next year. that's 37, 38% of people. 4 4 million people will be uninsured. 43% of americans who have insurance will get it directly from the government. eventually these doctors aren't going to be working for you or me. they are not working for insurance companies. they will be working for the federal government as wards of the state. >> go ahead. >> it's almost as if we are agreeing that doctors have to do certain things. they will retire. a recent study showed 9 of 10 -- >> would you retire? >> if someone was going to tell me how to diagnose and treat my patients, i would. most doctors said they would retire. >> after four years of medical school, college, residency, internship. >> patient safety is at stake. >> interesting point. we have to take a break. >> this is very important. he knew in 2010 because we
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reported it. we reported the regulations and he knew. it was all over in media in june of 2010. >> do we have the slow mo? i have the slow mo when the president contradicted that statement he read it. they planned the lie. we have that coming up. also on "hannity" -- >> all of the implementation has gone well. there is a glitch in the technology. i will come back to it in a moment. >> you have to pass the bill to find out what's in it. i don't know what planet she's living on. we'll get answers on how well the rollout is going from those serving on the front lines of the medical system of america, the best in the world being dedede fighting constipation by eating healthier,
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has gone well. the glitch in the technology -- and i will come back to that in a moment. they are saying he said one thing and another. the president said if you like your plan, you can keep it. for 95% of the american people who have health insurance, that's the case. for a small number in the private market, they will do better. because of the patient's bill of rights that's built into our legislation. >> not 95% as we just revealed in the last segment. it's 128 million americans. that's delusional on her part. she thinks the implementation is going well. is that the case? we bring back our panel of doctors and pundits. monica crowley, look at the camera closely. when the president after all the times saying if you like your plan, you can keep it. then he looks down and reads. it was written, prepared, approved. this is a planned lie. let's roll the tape.
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>> if you have or had one of these plans before the affordable care act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you could keep it. you can keep it. right? i didn't have -- >> i know. post traumatic stress syndrome watching that clip let's take a look at the big picture, socialized medicine has been the dream of the left for decades. it's the crown jewel of government dependency and well ware state. this is what he meant. socialized medicine is the corner stone of the socialist state. so when you hear all of this from obama about well, if you like the plan, you can keep it, none mattered because his agenda is
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ideological. this is the most massive wealth redistribution scheme this country has seen. this is meant to destroy wealth this, is the truth. why obama is not breaking a sweat about the web site because he doesn't care. it's about remaking the decision. i agree. doctors do you agree with that? >> yes. >> so -- julie, we'll go to dr. roberts. >> i mean, a lot of respect for the doctors but you're complaining about something that exists today you're not happy with the insurance system. >> i'll tell you from my own experience, i was pregnant, i couldn't see to get in in to see many obgyns. so it's not like there is a massive panacea going on, going to be treated for this. >> yes. yes. >> so much more sinister, they're counting on mental
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health patients not seeking mental health because they're going to be concerned about privacy issues. we have things happened with irs and nsa. they're counting on people not wanting to tell doctors secrets because they might be disclosed. they're counting on less people seeking care single most devastating law. >> there is no violation in signing up for obamacare. let me just say this. sor richl because nobody else is saying it here f you're doctors before obamacare, i got cancer my insurance company wanted to throw me off, they can throw me off. >> go ahead. >> no. no. >> yeah. >> i am, one thing i do like sthau can't be kicked off a plan if you have a preexisting condition. if we're talking about quality of care that is just not going to happen. mental health patients goring to fall through the cracks
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we have enough problems already. so, i mean it's just, there are going to be people not getting treated by doctors. one article said would you like to get diagnose bid your pharmacist? no. i would not. there is a reason why doctors are the best and brightest. >> i got to break they're yelling in my ear. is there an ear doctor here? ♪ [ male announcer ] how could switchgrass in argentina, change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing.
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mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. welcome back to hannity. we continue with our distinguished studio audience. ainsley, health >> second paragraph down talking about obamacare. quote, it said if you like your plan, you can keep it. and you don't have to change a thing, due to the health care law. plain as day, still on the web site. >> let's go to chris. chris? you're a democrat. let me go through promises if you like your plan you can
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keep it. and average family per family, per year going to save $2500 a year, average increase? how much a year? $7400. >> right. >> explain to me broken promises but you're going to defend it? >> i'll defend some aspects of it the program hasn't gone into affect. it has not gone into affect. yes. yes. >> there are problems with exchanges and web site. yes. there are problems. >> what about rate shock? >> in terms after dressing the core problem here, and i hope all of the doctors here -- >> wait a minute. isn't that bait and switch? isn't that a lie? seriously. that is -- >> they got into the perfect fegs to help people. there were tens of millions before obamacare that did not have
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health insurance are people going to be helped? yes. >> health insurance is not health care. because you have health insurance, doesn't mean you're going to get health care. health savings accounts has a built in disincentive for use. >> the reason why it's worked, pieces missing of the puzzle is this, in massachusetts there is a high -- >> why massachusetts? >> people compare romney care to obamacare. obamacare is worse. check this out. there is a deductible, right? $2000 individual, 4,000 family, max. obamacare there is no maximum. by the time -- >> houchl you support health care savings accounts? >> love them. love them. >> it's not insurance. >> with health savings accounts >> health insurance is not insurance. it's prepaid care. how much better if we paid our
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own? >> it's the patient on how to manage their own health care. finances are in their control. doctor-patient relationship. >> give yourselves a hand. that is all the time we have eta goet now. have a great weekend. okay, don't worry, folks. if you like your apology, you can keep it. but apparently not everyone is convinced. >> if you like the plan you have -- you'll be able to keep your doctor -- you should be able to keep your health care. you can't do a thing. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. >> he's not apologizing for what he said, folks. >> small percentage of folks that may be disadvantaged, i am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. >> he's not apologizing to the nation, which was systematically and deliberately misled. >> he fundamentally misled the american people. >> so he goes out and now compounds the original lie with a fake apology. >> i think it's
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