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tv   FOX News Reporting  FOX News  November 10, 2013 1:00am-2:01am PST

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i'm bill henry, reporting from the museum in washington, d.c., and this is a special photo exhibit on the legacy of president kennedy. they're gentle reminder of president kennedy's 36 days in the white house. why do so many people have questions about what happened during those six seconds in dallas? you're about to see why.
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i first met -- >> ruth payne invited a russian immigrant, marina oswald to live with her while her husband looked for a job. lee harvey oswald. >> basically he was saying he didn't like the u.s., and they went to the soviet union thinking it would be better, but tfrtn't better. >> ruth thinks oswald was the lone assassin. >> it's not that i had known the assassin, but that we lost a really wonderful president. and all the things that he might have been able to do. >> my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. >> he gave people hope,
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optimism. >> a presidential historian's latest book called "camelot court." it's a shining moment in history. the idea that he was something special. >> november 22, 1963, the day give begins with an excited welcome for president kennedy outside his ft. worth texas hotel. outside dallas, oswald is going to work with a rifle. >> i think it never occurred to michael that there might be a gun. >> it is 8:45 central time. in less than four hours, president kennedy will be dead. back inside the hotel, jacqueline kennedy makes a grand entrance. >> i'm getting that same sensation.
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>> john kennedy was highly intelligent, witty, and charming man. >> after breakfast, the kennedys fly to dallas, a stop some of his advisors thought was unfriendly territory. they landed at love field at 11:37 a.m., for the next leg of their two-day trip. the election is two months away. >> secret service agent clint hill is assigned to protect mrs. kennedy. >> the crowds were enormous outside the city of dallas. >> traveling with the president are vice president john connelly and his wife nellie. >> he headed into the crowd to shake hands. >> they shake hands, because the whole idea of being there in texas was to demonstrate his popularity, and his appeal. >> 11:50 a.m. t motorcade leaves love field for lunch at the
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trade mart. as the clock ticks away on kennedy's life, people like abraham zapruda film his last minutes. >> the crowd was very exuberant, very friendly. some people are on balconies and on rooftops. toward the end of the parade, we had to -- >> i remember seeing the motorcade turn right on houston street. >> bill and gail newman are the closest eyewitnesses, they're on the grassy noll. >> i turned around to the president. and i said, mr. president, you can't say that dallas doesn't love you. just as we were approaching the book depository. >> oswald has a clear shot from hiss sniper's perch on the sixth floor, but he doesn't take it.
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>> we made the last turn on to elm. >> we saw the car turning towards us. >> i was standing there in the grassy area. >> we had gone, i suspect, 150, 200 feet when i heard what i thought was a rifle shot. i heard this explosion noise over my right shoulder. i immediately started to scan towards that noise. i saw president kennedy grabbing his throat. so i jumped and ran toward the presidential car. >> i was turning to look over my shoulder. i was hit. i was knocked over. >> james tague is standing in the median of the triple underpass. a fragment puts a woungd on his face. >> tague's testimony is first
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ignored by the government, suggesting one of oswald's three shots missed the car. >> i heard mrs. kennedy say, they have shot my husband. >> as we got closer, i could see that something was wrong. i could see governor connelly stretched out in the car, and president kennedy was looking into the crowd with a puzzled look on his face. as i approached the presidential vehicle, i was almost there. and i heard another shot. >> the eruption of blood and brain matter and bone fragments came over the car and over me. >> i then managed to get up on the back of the car, and the driver hit the gas and the car surged floor. and i slipped. and i took a short step and continued to get back up on the car. mrs. kennedy was trying to
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retrieve some of the material that came on the back of the car. i grabbed her and put her in the back seat. unfortunately, i wasn't able to get there. his eyes were fixed, there was a hole in the upper right rear of the skull. i screamed at the driver to get us to a hospital. >> we thought the shots had come from over our heads, behind us, from the grassy noll. >> they like some others were never interviewed by the fbi. their statements to the media and police did not support the conclusion of the lone gunman. >> the fatal head shot came from the left rear. >> federal investigator felt the -- >> in my research at the archives, i was one of the few private citizens to be given access to the magic bullet, the president's clothing, and the
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bullet fragments. >> orr wrote a detailed analysis on his own time. he spoke skooufly -- >> the fbi tested some of the fibers and found tiny pieces of human skin still on it. could this break through in a mod everyone crime lab finally confirm or dismiss the lone assassin conclusion?
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if le lee harvey oswald wasn't the lone assassin, who else had the skill to murder the president in a moving, open
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limousine and get away with it. >> the first thing robert kennedy did when he heard that his brother was killed, was call the house and secure his files. >> they don't want johnson or hoover getting those files. jfk did not trust linden johnson, hated him. they had been taught that by their father, always protects the president. >> mark lane was one of the first to question the government's findings that oswald was the lone assassin. >> blaming oswald and having osz walled killed. no trial. >> more than 40 years ago, lane published his book "rush to judgment." >> i was contacted by the central intelligence agency. >> 50 years later, a clear majority of americans don't
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believe the warren commission's lone gunman conclusion. linden johnson -- early warren to hear it. >> when earl warren was brought into linden johnson's office, he broke into tears because he knew the burden that had been put on his shoulders. >> we have got to take this out of the arena where they're testifying that krusz che and castro did this. >> world war 3 might break out because the trail might point toward cuba and ultimately russia. >> the commission was supposed to investigate the assassination. the warren commission in the end, just flat ass lied to us. >> garry cornwell was deputy chief council on assassinations. he reopened kennedy's case in 1967 to see if there was a
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conspiracy. >> that memo that he wrote to bill moyers who were president johnson's white house assistant, they wanted a blue ribbon panel of highly respected people to convince the american public that lee harvey oswald was the sole asass seven. 50 years later, ypeople still have doubts about the investigation. >> because it wasn't a clear investigation, and i have some unanswered questions, but there's no doubt that oswald killed him. he was such a crazy guy that he could have confederates that were helping him in some way. >> did the fbi, did they drop the ball in their tagging of oswald? >> the fbi was watching oz waltd, but they never really took him seriously as a threat.
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>> the fbi came out and left his card and visited and came out a second time as well. i gave the card to oswald when he came out on the weekend. my feeling was, sure the fbi is going to want to know where he is. he's been in the soviet yu unio he's been back. the cold war was in full tilt. >> after oswald was killed, hosti said he destroyed the letter. but that wwasn't known until 20 later. >> most people heard three shots, three empty shells were found in the sniper's nest in the depository. >> garry mack, the sixth floor museum cure rate for. >> even though some people heard more. >> i believe when james tague had indicated that he had possibly been the victim of a
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bullet or a bullet fragment. the warren commission had a bit of a problem. >> they no longer had three shots that hit three targets in the limousine. >> the commission's revised conclusion was the single bullet theory, one bullet that wound. >> all of the things that should be done in a homicide case, were never done by the warren commission. if it was a conspiracy, they would do whatever the minimal investigation they thought was required to drop it. >> 15 years after the warren commission, the hsca concluded the assassination was probably the result of a conspiracy, partially based on controversial acoustics testing that proposed a second shooter was behind the grassy noll. >> but if oswald did not act alone, who was he working with?
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who else wanted president kennedy dead? >> the russians had motive. the right wingers in the south had motive. >> the kennedy administration was trying to undermine fidel castro's cuban dictator ship. >> it is clear the forces of come in addition are not to be underestimated in cuba or anywhere in the world. >> he confronted a person, behind the fence and the man had secret service credentials, let's remember, the cia created all the credentials. >> garry cornwell offers a different conclusion. >> mafia come police si. we can't discount the possibility that individual members did not have a role in the assassination. >> is there new evidence linking organized crime to the assassination? and later, why one man insists
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as we're surrounded by these stunning imageses of jacqueline kennedy here at the museum. we're also reminded that strip club owner jack ruby claimed that he killed oswald so the first lady would not have to sit through a lengthy trial. was oswald's murder just a loan act. >> did you kill the president? >> nobody has said that to me yet. >> just two days after the assassination of john f. kennedy. accused killer lee harvey woz walled -- >> i attempted to turn oswald behind me, but i was too close
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to him. >> we'll never know what oswald was going to say. was he just a lone nut case? >> a trial might have answered questions of conspiracy, but with oswald dead, investigators focused on ruby. >> how was he able to get that close to the most wanted man in the world. >> because all the cops in dallas liked him because he gave them free stuff including hookers. >> the actions by ruby in shootishoot ing oswald were not spontaneous in that he probably had assistance. >> he examined ruby's activities and unusual access to police headquarters. >> i certainly believe that officer dean who was in charge of security let jack ruby into the basement. >> pat trick dean's involvement has remained a question. >> he had failed a polygraph at the time of the investigation. investigation i'm not sure was turned over to the fbi. >> but ruby's time with law enforcement went beyond dallas.
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>> j. edgar hoover said back in '69 that they had had regular contact with jack ruby. >> david kaiser is a historian and author of "the road to dallas." >> he couldn't make the payoff. he was looking for help wherever he could get it. >> jack ruby made calls to individuals associated with organized crime. >> the report about ruby's sister, ruby got a phone call right at this time and went in the other room and threw up. maybe he got a phone call that said, ruby, we need you to do something for us. >> but mark lane insists the cia had the means and the motive to kill kennedy. >> the cia decided better him than us and killed him. >> following the disastrous attempt to topple castro in the bay of pigs invasion, the president was furious with the cia. >> this was a struggle of cuban patriots. >> castro's troops outnumbered
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the cia-backed operation. the president felt humiliated and promised to, quote, splinter the cia into 1,000 pieces. >> he already had plans to set up a new intelligence agency where robert kennedy was going to head this new vacancy. what robert kennedy didn't know when he first came into office, was that they had been recruited by the cia, but also marcello to assassinate fidel castro. >> they had enterprises, gambling, horseracing, they wanted to get back into the business of making money in cuba. >> two months before kennedy's murder, odds walled applied for a cuban visa at the cuban embassy in new york city. >> oswald was try -- there were numerous such plots, they were ongoing in 1963. some were organized by the cia, some by the mob, exactly who was behind this one, i don't know. >> but the mob grew angrier with
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the attorney general's all out war against organized crime. >> did you say that sob, i'll break his back. >> if they could kill john kennedy, linden johnson would become president. they hated each other bitterly and that would be the end of robert kennedy. >> cornwell tracked mob indictments during the hsca. >> this enormously effective organized crime program that bobby kennediy eheaded at the department of justice disintegrated after john f. kennedy was assassinated. >> he was in the united states illegally. he was not a citizen. >> our investigation led us to a special sting operation in 1985. fbi files recombed through at
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the national archives reveal informant jack van landingham shared a cell with ruby. >> he told us about jack ruby, marcello had met him in dallas, texas. he was talking about his favorite subject, the kennedys and being deported. hi flew into a rage, cussing the kennedys, he said yeah, i had that little sob killed and i would do it again. >> marcello of course denied it and that indicated to me that there was an informal report to that effect. >> the fbi has the classified recordings and then landingham says the tapes also have marcello naming oswald as his hired gun. >> you got to explain ruby and oswald. both of them had years associations with mafia figures,
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and ruby knew the head of the mafia in dallas. >> oswald had grown up in new orleans. his uncle, dutch moraff. >> that's the reason the mafia case is probably the stronger of any of them. >> next, how a 3-d animation along with the
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welcome back to our program. 50 years of questions, the jfk assassination, i'm bill hemmer. the year was 1963 and the air of the modern crime lab we see on csi, it was still decades away. but new computer technology can describe how a rifle bullet like this became a single bullet conclusion back then. >> there was some question as to
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whether president kennedy was struck by one or two bullets. this is the gun that fired the shot. >> it's a bolt action rifle. >> lou keg, a forensic firearms expert believes oswald acted alone and supports the warren commission single bullet theory. >> oswald put a bullet through kennedy that went on to hit connelly. it did exactly what it's supposed to do, it got two with one shot. >> it's microwave radiation, it follows a bullet right through the object and through the other side. the wound ballistic labs had never fired it. they shot animals, they shot meat, they shot gelitan. >> investigator allen specter, he created the controversial
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single bullet theory. >> which is admittedly an extraordinary path of a bullet. >> president kennedy was hit in the back of the neck and slashed his trachea, exited through his tie. the bullet entered the governor's right armpit. it exited from his chest, leaving a four-inch hole under his right nipple, went through his wrist, and lodged in his thigh. sometimes truth is stranger than ficti fiction. >> but in 50 years, our ability to enhance visual images has gotten better. >> with a new digitized version of the zapruda film really indicates that there are questions about the single bullet theory. governor connelly believes he was hit by a single second shot and not a bullet attributed to
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the single butt let theory. >> the president slumped simultaneously. as i turned, i was hit. >> if you look at the trajectory, there was no way that bullet would have struck governor connelly behind the right armpit. >> dr. sero wect has been challenging that theory for years. >> i think it's important to be as realistic as we can. we'll use a different car than the limb zone in question, or not even the same model. >> because kennedy's car was unavailable. the secret service car was used. but both rows of seats were a different height. the stand in for the president, was measured ten inches higher when measured off the street. the commission tried to make allowances for the different dimensions and the single bullet
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theory was born. >> we compared john orr's analysis to our own animation, based on the enhanced version of the zapruda film. >> this is the second shot at z 236. and we have used the actual zapruda frame, it exactly matches the positions of the bodies. >> this is not a restructuring photograph in order to make sinmake -- >> they moved connelly over to his left. to get the right armpit lined up. that bullet indeed would have continued on, missing john connelly and could well have been the bullet that went on to strike the windshield in the car. >> given that oswald in his window in the sixth floor, was at all times to the right rear
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of the limb zone, is there any way that oswald could have fired this single head shot? >> with the president's head in the position, there's no way that that head shot could have been fired by oswald. >> the animate for actually set up the positions of the bodies, and it led to this spot in the county records building annex and if you were going to fire the shot to mimic oswald's angle as close as possible from the different buildings, this would be the logical place. >> the warren commission determined only three shots were fired. orr disagrees. >> this shot was fired about three-quarters of a second a after the fatal head shot. >> if i'm to believe you, this has to be incredible coordination. >> not indiacredible -- >> these are hard military bullets.
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you can see the lead corps, that's where the lead fragments come from. it's an expanding soft point bullet. the jacket peels back as soon as it enters tissue or a skull. >> the snowflaking pattern seen in the president's brain and the x rays of the skull raises a serious question, because military ammunition should not beginni begin to ddisintegrate in that fashion. >> whether it's softed nosed or hard bone, the bullets will strike the skull and be left behind. >> military bullets are unique in several respects. it's got to be a bullet that stays instability. >> now let's shooth the same bullet weight, 160 grain bullet.
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but it's a soft point, it's an expanding bullet. the same kind of target, and you'll see something very different. >> everything was recorded on the doppler, it shows
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the moment president kennedy's body left dallas, the investigation would be riddled with doubts and suspicion. mistakes were made during his
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autopsy. and many tried to keep jfk's health history a family secret. these two reasons helped fuel many conspiracy theories. >> president kennedy has been given a blood transfusion at park land hospital. >> there's so many things about this case that just cry out, what in the world was going on here? >> the government decided to keep things secret. >> doctors michael baud and seral wect agree that the president's office was botched. >> if the autopsy had been done by a board certified pathologist, there would be no doubt where the bullet holes were. >> protocols were broken, starting with the body itself. >> they had improperly moved the body to bethesda. >> we didn't want mrs. kennedy sitting there for a long period
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of time. >> hands on guns, a lot of profanity, actual physical threats. it became somewhat heated and they forced their way out. >> to call in two people who had never done a gunshot wound case, this is unbelievable. >> dr. hume should not have been chosen to do the autopsy. >> dr. hume's never identified the exact locations of the wounds. >> by the time the autopsy is finished, lots of mistakes had been made. there was a naval photographer who was trained to take autopsy photos. and then -- exposing the film and chases him out of the autopsy room. they had somebody else from the secret service who had never taken photos of a dead body and didn't take the right photos. >> a lot of problems in terms of how the documentation of the autopsy was conducted. >> bobby kennedy wanted to protect that president kennedy had addison's disease. >> the adrenal glands are not
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mentioned in the autopsy report. >> he was taking all sorts of med skins, steroids and painkillers. >> bobby kennedy told his brother jack, who knows what's in this stuff. and kennedy said, i don't care if there's horse piss in this, it makes me feel better. >> adding to the secrecy, the warren commission with held gruesome autopsy photographs from evidence. come conspiracy theoryists think the photos were tampered with. john orr believes he noticed something the forensics panel dismissed. a disk that he says proves that kennedy's head shot was not from oswald's rifle. >> the rifle that oswald was firing does not have a 6.4 millimeter disk. >> that was just part of the bullet fragment. >> dr. baud still maintains there was only one gunman, while dr. wect believes there were more.
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>> there was a different kind of bullet that has a circular disk at its base which can then become detached upon impact with the skull. >> the presence of the circular disk rules out any doubt this -- >> orr found another piece of evidence that points to a second shooter, a bone fracture in the president's back. dr. wect who had never considered a bone fracture agrees. >> you can see a clear defect there at the level of the first thoracic vertebrae. >> orr says after the bullet hit kennedy's back it hit bone and traveled upwards. the warren commission -- the panel's measurements were wrong. instead he used the hsca's dimensions, which placed the wound about four inches lower. >> the only thing that's going to cause it to be defect tiff would be something firm and here that means bone.
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>> i decemberisagree with that, not thick enough to cause any kind of bone -- >> anrnold purdi -- as i look a those facts that the bodies lined up, that speed and the angle and the impact of a bullet, i came to conclude, much to my shock the single bullet here which was possible. >> single bullet theory people say that the bullet was yawing or tumbling. >> i examined governor connelly's back and it was struck sideways. >> but the doctor who actually treated connelly at park land is a strong indication that the governor was struck by a completely different bullet from kennedy's. >> he said it was not indicative
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of a tumbling or yawing. >> if they reexamine governor connelly's clothes, what would you be able to prove? >> the punchout holes in the shirt and the coat leading into that back industry wound, they're all completely consistent, typical of a pristine bullet. >> photos and x rays proved to orr the governor's wrist injury was actually from a third shot through the head, not from the magic bullet. >> when i saw the picture from the zapruda film, i drew a line from the governor's -- >> strong confirmation to orr, the wrist wound was caused by a tumbling missile. >> it's a perfect shot almost dead center to the back of the head, far beyond oswald's capability. it came from a different shooter from a different building. it exited above the year and o
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u. for 50 years, there had been persistent questions about this case. what happened in the missing frames of the zapruda film. in the late 1990s--suddenly, that testing stopped. >> i saw his head practically open up, all blood and everything. >> i think that pretty well expresses the entire feelings of the whole world. >> this is a very strange sensation being up here with a camera, identical to what zapruda used. >> then when kennedy's limousine appeared, he followed the car staying in the center lane and
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then shot started being fired. and how he was able to keep filming, i don't know. >> kodak developed his .8 millimeter film. he sold the original to "life" magazine for $150,000. >> it's the only complete film of the assassination known to exist. >> four frames were damaged to the point that they could not be reinserted into the film. where you see president kennedy's head literally explode, that takes about four frames also. so clearly, a lot can happen in those missing frames. >> the warren commission thought kennedy was first shot between frames 210 and 225. >> you can see kennedy who was wounded and connelly reacting. but not necessarily at the same point in time. >> rarely seen by researchers, we located a secret service copy of the film and 35 millimeter enlargementses of the missing frames. >> the four missing frames have been extremely hard to come by
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over the years. >> these missing frames allow us to see what experts refer to as the jiggle effect. it's when zaprud erker flinched the sound of the gunshots. >> these are flames that are a split second after that. >> the missing frames indicate a strong jiggle effect at 209. orr believes it helps confirm the first shot by oswald at 204. >> the first shot was aiming at the president's head. he missed it by more than a foot down low. >> five bullet fragments were recovered from inside the limb zone. >> the fragment that was found on the front seat of the limousine, went through the president's back, exited above his neck and hit the chrome strip above the windshield. >> he spotted some trace
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evidence still attached to it and wrote his own gunshot analysis. >> the justice department originally recommended that i be basically detached from my regular job with the anti-trust division to work with the fbi in setting up this test and helping them carry it out. >> if orr's analysis proved correct, it would destroy the single bullet theory and scientifically prove a two-money began theory. >> the national archives turned to a unique expert to test orr's discovery. >> there were fragments of material on the bullet that killed president kennedy. >> dr. michael -- i was called in on this case because these fragments had become dried out and mummified. they were all maybe two or three millimeters in the greatest dimension. and i felt that it would be worth while to rehydrate them
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for microscopic examination. >> and zimmerman found something remarkable. >> this is skin and muscle tissue. it could be from literally anywhere in the body. >> while technology still can't determine the part of the body the skin came from, sophisticated dna tests can match it to the blood in kennedy's clothing. >> could that tissue have come from the scalp of the president? >> i didn't find any hair. >> could it have come from the wrist of the governor? >> there's never anything wrong with investigating things. again, and a positive result can lead you someplace else. >> there are things that some of the top dna testing laboratories are doing today that were not available 20 and 15 years a ago. so you're talking about key evidence that absolutely should be re-evaluated at this time. dna, remember, has no temporal
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death testing. >> we showed the fbi memo by the -- u it it suggested a bat think of tests including fiber analysis. >> all these other tests, i don't think they were actually ordered by the fbi, at least not from my reading of the report. >> we asked the fbi for a comment about the test and they responded, it would not be appropriate for the fbi to revisit the results of forensic tests conducted on the -- material already included in the narrow release. >> i expected all that material to be tested, to be scientifically analyzed to determine if they could isolate what those white cotton fibers were, what the other apparent miscellaneous fibers were, what the little black speck was and they weren't, according to their own report. >> our investigation also found this bullet worksheet omitted from the hsca's final report in 1979. it again refers to the same fibrous material on the same
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fragment and recommended further analysis. >> in 2013, the level of testing we have now is so further advanced that we have ever had, would you be opposed to further testing? >> no i would not be opposed to further testing at all. it would be interesting to see what the findings are, not just the skin, but also the muscle tissue on the slide. those fragments of tissue can yield dna. >> they found small black particles that they suggested was ammunition residue, but they made no effort to confirm that. why not complete that testing? >> i agree with what you say, a lot can be learned. i don't think anything that's going to be learned is going to satisfy all the different conspiracy theorists. >> congress passed the jfk act in 1992 so americans could have access to some 5 million government pages. it also requires all asass
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nation records to go public by the year 2018, unless they jeopardy national security. from the museum in washington, d.c., thanks for watching, i'm bill hemmer.
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huckabee in two seconds, have a great night. >> tonight on huckabee. >> i am sorry that they are finding themselves in the situation based on assurances they got from me. >> with his credibility on the line the president apologizes after lying about the health care. you will be able to keep your plan, period. >> was the damage done? >> he would tell anyone who cared to listen, he would be a navy seal. >> betrayed and demanding answers from the white house. >> our president has gloried in their excesses and exposing them they have put a target on their back. >> partners of aaron vaughn


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