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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 12, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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confusing. >> it is. >> all right. well, some people are not signing up. what does that say about the person who is in charge signing people up? former health and human services of what we should do. tonight. hello, everyone. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." you know, things must be really grim at the white house when bill clinton is criticizing the president's broken promises on obama care. this story can be so depressing, it helps to laugh about it. for that, we have to thank "south park." a managerial advice from them on the president or for the president on how to deal with people who aren't doing their job. >> i hired a new faculty member who whose sole responsibility
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will be to oversee the system and make sure it runs smoothly. i want you all to meet pat connors. >> hello, everyone. >> don't hello us, pat. this is -- you are responsible for it now and it is not working out what a the hell are you going to do about it? >> oh. well, i'm just sort of getting acclimated to the situation. >> getting lack mated? do you know how much money we waste order this thing? how much you take some damned responsibility? get out of here. you are fired! get out! >> here is some advice from bill clinton. >> so i personally believe that even if it takes changing the law, the president should honor the commitment to the federal government made though-to-those people and let them keep what they've got. >> thanks, bubba. all right. it looks like the president was backed -- >> i'm sorry i'm laughing. >> you don't like the music. >> it was like they made it at home on a youtube individual go
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first let's go "south park" even though you were laughing more about bill clinton than "south park." they are going after the administration. >> right. you can look at any comedy show when obama care has been going on for five months now and ridicule set in. it has been accepted that you can make fun of it. then bill clinton, you add that today on the substantive point, and all the democrats that were holding back criticism of the white house because they were trying to be loyal and trying to be supportive, now they have entree to take the full step to criticize it themselves. you see that today not just in the poll lane but comments from lawmakers like steny hoyer on the democrat side, on the house, who said he's not closed -- minded to the idea of the -- congressman upton's bill which would allow people to keep the insurance if they like this. >> greg, what do you think is worse -- when south park criticize it is president in an episode like this so it permeate it is culture and maybe people that aren't reading the "wall street journal" or a headline on the wall street journal? >> i don't know.
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i think it is always -- always scary when pop culture finally wakes up and finds out that you suck. but bill clinton accusing barack obama breaking promise, he have broken more promises than bill moore. this is a weird -- i have a conspiracy. so far 50 50,000 people signed up for obama care. that's the same number of obama care navigators. that's what -- the health desk for obama care. so either each navigator signed up one person or they just signed up themselves which is even more hilarious they couldn't find anybody. how do we not know that? it could just be navigators that signed up for obama care. >> before we get into the numbers of obama care, weigh in on bill clinton. the president is in a box. bill clinton just made this box even smaller. his comments not designed to help the president.
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>> remember -- i remember a press conference in the briefing room. obama for -- one of whom wouldn't leave. i can't remember which one wouldn't leave. clinton wouldn't leave. he said he was holding the stage. but this has been going on. it is a while -- in d.c. circles, well-known fact they don't get along. a lot of people are speculate why he would do this. this didn't help president obama out at all. he's now -- he has to do something. president obama has to address the issue. what do you do? do you continue to have 50,000 or 100,000 enrollees or make changes. jay carney this afternoon in the briefing room said, well, you know, we understood what clinton had to say and maybe -- the president is looking at all options. >> i think that -- look at it anot bill clinton actually really helped president obama today. because he gave -- he basically took -- took away the dam and now the water can flow out.
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so obama can say all right, i have to make changes here. it stops the guess work out of it. now that they know they have to do something, maybe there will be -- it could be a forcing action. the only workable thing that i see, the only thing i -- i thought about this, talked to different people, would be to delay the penalty. because there is a number of bills out there, mary landrieu has a bill out there. bill clinton said he should honor his commitment which i think still screw it is president because there is no way you can honor them. the plans are gone. as long as they have the mandates in place unless you have a time machine in place. there is no way that you can fix this thing. what do you think they are going to end up doing? >> first of all, it is nice to be back. we are bringing the level of the show back to its normal excellence. the -- a couple of things. first of all, about clinton, a lot of mix in here. part is the animosity. i think it is much more to do with hillary than anything else. that she needs that kind of breathing space. it also, from obama's
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standpoint, it has to be the most fearful thing, it open it is gates for other democrats to come out. what clinton is trying to do is protect democrats in 2014. if you can delay this thing somehow, do something to get out from underneath it. one thing he said which is impossible do which is put a bill on the floor and open this bill up. can you imagine what that would look like? imagine the debate over that? you can. >> it would be great. >> i would say it would be outrageously impossible. "south park," the people they need -- to sign up for this thing are young people. they go -- listen the crap like that. >> it is great crap. it is true. the funny thing is that -- probably the benefit of "south park, fts they are talking to the people that are getting screwed. somebody has to. there are a lot of young people that are going to figure this out until they end up paying and maybe "south park" may get to them.
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>> the young people aren't going pay. i know a couple of young people that say wry care, i will pay the penalty. i don't care. eric, bob talked about bill clinton trying to help out his wife, of course, inoculate her from the bill which is probably still tough do. how do other dem droots it? they are trying to run from this thing. they try to meet with obama to ask for a solution. how do you do it? the bill passes without one republican vote. so how? how do they defend the numbers you are about to take? >> they don't. there is no defense. i think that's what you are seeing. watch jay carney's face in the briefing room. watch democrats when they are in front of the camera. they are petrified. there is no way out of this. right now, they are saying oh, it is the website. in massachusetts it started slow also. it has nothing do with that. that's just the first one. we used the analogy. stripper with the cold sore. eventually the cold sore goes away. she is still the stripper. you are ending up with obama care and when they get beyond the website we realize what obama care is, the enrollment
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numbers aren't going to come anywhere near where they expect it to be or what they want it to be, then they will realize they have nothing to run on. my suggestion wouldn't be to delay as -- look, let's get this thing over with. >> so far is the increase in medicaid and states where the republicans haven't screwed around with it. >> how is that successful? all have you done is put more people on and no people enrolling to pay for the people. >> because if we had a single payer plan, everybody could be covered. >> my solution is call it socialism. obama needs to pivot. he loves to pivot. he pivots more than bolshoi. carbon emissions some how interfered with the website launch and they should start thinking about replacing computers with solar panelled windows and get him into the climate change debate and get him away from obama care.
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>> please, give me a break, bob. you don't know crap about that. you want to get into that, i will go head-to-head -- >> hold it. dana, over 3 million people -- 3.2 million have lost their health care. 50,000 people have enrolled. how do you message this? i want to play one -- the first clip from ed schultz because democrats are busy now trying to figure out who to blame. listen to ed schultz. hay says republicans should be apologizing for this. >> it was reported in the media that the president has apologized to all of those people out there who were losing their insurance. really? the way i saw the interview is the president was apologizing for the inconvenience that people are having to go through totally go to a policy where they are going to get real coverage. the apology should be coming from the conservatives. they should be apologizing to the 50 million americans who have been without insurance because damn it, theysi havck!
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>> what do you think about that? >> i think -- okay. you can tell why their rate rings so bad. i could not watch that except for -- i read that -- i read it this morning and had to wacht because i was intrigued by the idea of an apology. and i think it is reverse. i think liberals should apologize to conservatives. because we were the ones in a were trying to argue on the merits and to say this is not going to work. there is a better way. there is way we can protect people who are sick but can do this in the free market. give us a chance to look at the way the competitive market works. they were called everything from racist to you name any other words. i have to think the apology should come to us because now they actually think that the conservatives should help them come fix it. >> i have been waiting a long time for an apology. conservatives have done everything they can. >> that's because they were right, bob. they were right. >> how do you know they are
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right? >> we are watching it. it is a disaster. >> best argument of obama care. best argument against obama care. we are watching it unfold. >> we owe our -- >> we owe the viewers an apology for putting that buffoon on the air. >> for warning the public, american public, this is coming? no, no. conservatives don't owe liberals an apology. >> conservatives -- it is the conservatives' fault. >> bob, shut up. >> shut up. you are wrong. >> it is conservatives' that 3% of people enrolled? is that the conservatives fault? that's like getting your wrong on the s.a.t.s. that's your fault. >> you talk about people -- >> i won't say shutup anymore but you deserved it. >> how do democrats defend -- 3.2 are the latest numbers. have you all these people enrolling in medicaid which is going to cost states a lot of money. there's 15,000 people -- 50,000
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enrolled and now they changed the formula. right. this is a story out today. in order to get those numbers inflated it is not just people that purchased plans. it is people who have plans in their shopping carts. you know how many shoes i have in different shopping carts on websites across america? what if stores tried to say that their total sales at the end of the year were based on products we have in our shopping carts? the feds would kick down the door. >> jobs created and save and jobs saved was totally bogus number. they just fudged with it. media didn't call them on it now. i don't think they will get away with it now. leaving something in the shopping cart like i did, i went to the container store, i had a panic attack and i left everything in the cart and i felt so guilty. i couldn't stand in line. i couldn't wait. they didn't count that in sales. >> they are padding it. why can't we do that with our taxes? why can't we pad and say we have already paid this amount of
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taxes even -- if we 00, no different than their argument about obama care. >> i'm going to use this money to pay my taxes. vicinity done it yet but i will. the shopping cart analogy. it doesn't work. they don't get to count that in sales. walmart checkout counsel, until have you run register you haven't paid. then can't use those. the math, enrollees, 50,000 the first month. 5 million. we are going with 5 million. i believes the "the wall street journal" that estimates 5 million people have been thrown off their health insurance so far. your great obama care rollout, 4.550 million fewer people. >> leaving that aside, when say let's put it back in the hands of the free market, 40 million people. now what? >> you have to answer the
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question. what are you going to do about poor people uninsured? >> i have an answer. number one -- >> free market remove the mandate portion of this. remove it. >> no, no, no! >> remove the mandate portion. let insurance companies sell insurance across the state lines and very importantly, you want a government option? knock yourself out. let the government get involved and undercut the insurance company. it will drive the prices down. it is the one thing that will work. >> we already have medicaid for people who are poor. >> not -- >> they are enrolling -- >> no. excuse me. i should have said you can't qualify for medicaid. what about those people who are caught there that don't have the money to buy outrageous -- amounts of money -- >> tax correct. give them a tax credit. >> yeah. you know what, this was never about getting people covered. it was never about lowering premiums. >> come on. >> it was about getting votes. that's what this thing about. that's why it doesn't work. we p didn't have time to play
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the sound but debbie wassermann schultz saying democrats should run on this and use it to their advantage. i say, bring it on. i hope they do run on it. i don't see how. i welcome the debate. liberals in hollywood love to pop off about how americans need fewer guns. why are they style ennow about the new report more guns than ever are being shown on the big screen? more hollywood hypocrisy coming up. ♪ [ alarm sound for malfunctioning printer ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. [ metal clanks ] ♪ this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? [ gears whirring ] talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have.
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ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. [ cellphone beeps ] this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. this is the age of taking action. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ohhh...oh boy! i'm falling. everybody look out! ahhhhh...ugh. little help here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. anybody?
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going from under one gunfight per hour to three per hour. modern pg films blast more films than r-rated films from way back then which goes to show you how much hollywood loves their guns. unless they belong to you and you use them for protection and not pictures. i bet if matt damon had to shoot
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a gun he would shoot himself. i'm not sure you can blame hollywood for gun violence. how about all violence? to me one fact rears its ghoulish heads, resentment. which brews in luxury in unquestionable desire for intimacy. it is a performance for worldwide audience from shooting up a school to firing up on an ice skater to hacking a harmless family to death. the need is ever present. look at me. look at what i have done. we called the perks insane but it is way worse than that. beneath it all is pattern of entitled recognition, desire you must be known forever. where does that come from? as families and communities decline, recognition finds another route. and in hollywood, a place where dreams are rewarded with wealth and sex point threw. if you can't be famous forgiving you can live forever by taking
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away. sorry i told to you shut up but you ticked me off about climate change. did you that on purpose. i know you did. you hadn't seen me for three days and had to come at me. the movies you watch on your computer they don't have any ratings system. >> no, they don't. the thing about this, isn't pg-13-isn't that the 13-year-olds and under watch it? probably a lot of the effect of this has not been seen. i find it a little bit -- for these -- to come out and be against guns as i am, but i don't -- put movies together that have guns and shoot people. i think your bonnie violence is -- first of all, what's the undercurrent of the entitlement? we all know what it is. liberal universities and professions. every one of them. that's the reason we have them. >> if there weren't any liberal college professors there wouldn't in violence. >> can i make a comment about bob's movies? they do have guns in them. just not the ones you can shoot.
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>> i don't know what you are talking about. >> you only watch films that have cartoon bunnies in them. >> documentary chant well is there a link? is there any link between gun violence and gun -- apparently not. >> i'm not positive. do i think that -- the -- video game industry, which -- it has lot of gun violence as a part of video games. it doesn't actually compute when you look at what you pointed out. gun crime is down. is it because of the 24/7 news cycle? we know more about individual crimes or crimes that make the news. i really don't know. >> that's a good answer. eric, you are a father. does it disturb you -- >> don't blame me. it wasn't me. >> do you -- does it disturb you these movies have gotten more violent. >> no. no. i don't have a hard time with
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that. i don't have a hard time with the -- video games either. like son -- let my son watch them and i have a theory. gun vial sense going down because of the proliferation of guns. the statistics will show. more americans with guns, murder rates by gun have been shattered. dropped by 40%. sometimes even more. depending. in cities, where the gun control laws are the highest, highest crime rate. heist rates of murder. >> do you think it has anything to do with the concentration of people? >> no-no, i don't. >> take new york and chicago, philadelphia, take chicago, one was the higher, more -- rigorous gun controls have higher murder rates. >> of course they are going to have higher murder rates. >> with guns. >> with guns because -- >> fewer guns -- >> talking about a concentration of a lot of people and major drug access markets of the
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world, gangs fight each other all the time to get at -- >> you are stating fact but not making your point. higher concentration of people has noing do with the murder rate by gun. nothing. >> if you have a house with a gun in it, let me ask you, are you going to be more pt to rob that house or less? >> that's the biggest influence when they pick a place, whether or not it might be armed. >> precisely. most people who have guns, it is better to have them and not need them and need them and not have them. these hollywood celebrity, they like guns because guns equal money to them. big money at the box office. that's all they care about. the movies are sold worldwide, in countries they have gun bans. in europe they love socialism but love our explosive movies. new york is one step away from chicago. we are getting closer and closer and closer, i think, to that city. it is because of that type of anti-gun, anti-police-type of
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mentality pet have in chicago. it is -- going to spread. >> we will see if they are willing to risk thing amazing advance that has been -- this murder rate in which is going to a record low in new york. willing to give this up. >> maybe they will ban movies. i think he will. he is willing to give up ray kelly which is a stupid thing think we are done here. directly ahead, should an ex-girlfriend get a slice of her ex-boyfriend's powerball pie? she dated him for a decade before he dumped her. the $338 million breakup battle next on "the five."
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welcome back. a couple of interesting money stories in the news 37
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intriguing circumstances begging the question what would you do. in march, a new jersey man named pedro turned over a winning lottery ticket he just won $338 million. then it got interesting. his girlfriend inez is suing him because he won't share the winnings there's more. the girlfriend inez is also mother inez to their child. and more the couple have lived together for ten years. they have run a convenience store together as well. add a final twist. also recently moved out of pedro's place claiming domestic abuse. what would you do? first, what would you do? if you are pedro, first. >> pedro, okay. it is an ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend. i wouldn't give them a nickel. here is where they may have a problem. if this goes to a jury the fact they have the grocery store, she is arguing he used the money to buy the ticket, their shared income, from their grocery store. so maybe she has a bit of a case but i am with pay zroe, i
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wouldn't give my ex a nick. >> they bought the ticket together when they were still together. they have been together for ten years and have a kid together. >> i don't think there is any question she deserves money out of this thing. this punk sent $54 million to dominican republic. don't ever go there. the -- it is a dump. >> it is beautiful. >> it is a dump. >> you are mean to the haitians. >> they also -- occupy half of northern manhattan. leaving that aside for a second -- a situation like this, they had shared -- she is raising his children. the guy was behind on child support and beat her up. come on. he ought to be in jail. she ought to get all the money. >> what about you? >> i completely agree with bob. >> i also -- well, i don't know. sure. half. maybe more than that. maybe 60% because of the child. if she is raising the child. i think -- should be a wakeup call and reminder to everybody
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that there is -- the important answ -- importance after contract called marriage. marriage is what can protect you and help be a fulfilling part of your life. now it has all gone to s-h-you know what and no one will come out of this richer. >> pedro. >> no, he's not. he will have a crappy life because he treated her terribly. >> he can give the kid money. >> here is my problem. why does he walk around after winning all that with a giant check? don't you realize you have a target our back? somebody sees you with that check, he is an idiot. she could actually save his life. you look at that time research on people that win these big lotteries. their life gets worse. they spend it all. he is thinking i'm going get -- go get strippers, go to vegas. i'm going to do all this stuff. he should actually go back and move in with this woman and live with the kid and live a normal life because she is going to keep him from destroying himself. >> the dominican side of this, i agree with dana about how badly
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treat the haitians. i think that -- look, the dominicans -- i know a lot of dominicans. most of them are wonderful people. a lot of them know me. i'm a wonderful guy. >> who cares if he is from the dominican republic? he pays tax tows the united states government. who cares if he sent the money to his family? who cares how he spends his money? >> shouldn't there be a rule if you win the lottery everything you buy the rest of your life has to be made in america? >> all right. how about some shock. 98 grand was found a desk he bought on craigslist. here is the good rabbi. >> behind it, the drawer, this plastic bag. shopping bag. and -- in that bag i could see through the bag there's -- looks like $100 bill.
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open it up and it is -- full of cash. we count it up and there's $98,000 cash sitting in the bag. right away -- my wife and i sort of -- you know, looked at each other and said we can't keep this money. >> the man of the cloth did the right thing. good samaritan. before you answer, recall the old british proverb which says a fool and his money are soon parted. when i say fool i'm talking about the guy behind the december. >> when this happens you never keep the money because you could die. anybody that has that kind of money around also knows people who can kill you. return it. don't return it to the person. go to the police. never meet the person. never go to the person or meet the person that left that money behind. because he will kill you. >> you give it back. >> yes. >> only money i find is in my winter coat pockets which has been actually lucrative this year. about $47 and two cents. dog poop bags and things like that.
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>> great. >> you carry a bag. >> in case. i'm a responsible citizen. >> there are people out there running around picking that stuff up? >> yes. they have to. >> that's why i don't have them. >> i think it is a wonderful thing he did. it may have been -- what we read, it is -- a woman and her -- retirement funds. >> according to greg, this little old lady is going to murder this rabbi if she meets him. the congregation is lucky to have this guy as the leader. it reminds me of a story. i was in the bathroom of a nail salon. a woman left a massive diamond ring. i -- okay. first tried it on and looked at it in the mirror. then i immediately returned it because the guilt -- this ring had to be worth hundreds of -- at least $100,000.
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it was so big. she came screaming and crying. >> maybe you were on candid camera. >> right. that's what i was thinking. whenever anybody leaves something, this is a test. >> $20 bill. should i give it to somebody? should i pick it up? >> it was on a string. >> this is all great. time to go. wannabe tough guy alec baldwin in court today started crying like a little baby girl. >> the gun chewing stopped. honely, as much as i love this job, i plan to do a lot re. i needed a new lapp for my pre-med classes, something that runs office and has a keyboard. but i wanted a tablet for me, for stuff like twitter and xbox, so my downtime can be more like uptime. that's why i got a windows 2 in 1 which does both -- works as a laptop and a tablet. so i can manage my crazyife, and also have a life.
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you see, i have to fill out a form and -- well, ate most of it already. >> see that sign? it says 100% guaranteed. you know what the meaning of guarantee is? do they teach you that here? >> if you wait wait a minute. >> put your little hand back in the cash register and give me my $2.75 back, please. brad. >> sir, if you just give me minute i will find the forms. i will take care of everything. >> i don't have a minute. i am so tired of dealing with incompetence. it says 100% guaranteed, you moron! >> poor brad. that guy is a jerk. we have all seen that kind of character before. a blogger came up with a list of how to know if you are a thoughtless and inconsiderate jerk of a person. here are a couple of things that annoy other people. if you -- you should -- you are a jerk if you don't hold the door open for people. that's one, obviously. if you chew with your mouth open. i hate that. looking through the list of
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different things. i decided my biggest pet peeve is the loud gum chewing. very annoying. what about you, bob? >> believe it or not, except for the dog thing, which i don't -- i don't own one, wouldn't own one, but -- everything else i passed. >> you are not an inconsiderate jerk. >> no, i'm not. political. thank you very much. >> actually i think everybody here that i know of -- is considerate. person that microwaves salmon on the 18th floor, that's annoying. what about you, andrea? what things bother you the most on this list? >> of the thing that bothers me the most is not on the list. it is -- people who cough or sneeze and don't cover their mouth and just wipe their hand on their shirt. i think those people are jerks because then they get you sick. you look guilty right now. >> it is notes on the list. >> yeah. >> eric, what do you -- what do you teach your -- on the things in terms of manners and being polite, what are some of the
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most important things you can teach them? >> i like all of these. all of them. every one of them opinion don't cut in line. don't blast music. he does blast music. the one that hit me. you know, i think that's really, really -- >> if you were a bad tipper. you are a jerk. >> absolutely. i think -- i always go out of my way. >> you are an overboard big tipper. >> big tipper. i start at 30 and then move up. >> you have to. these people are the hardest working people. >> i agree. >> a lot of these have to do with people's phones and phone etiquette. iphone etiquette. cell phone etiquette. you see a lot of that. >> you know what i hate? started with reality shows where people talk to their phones like the. we have to see mr. trump by 10:00. we have to make specialized doughnuts. they talk like this. that drives me mutts. i don't think this is the definition of a jerk. i think this is just -- the decline of society. a lot of this stuff doesn't happen in certain generations.
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it is happening -- who litters? who litters? >> i see people spitting their gum out. people that -- by the subway. >> who are these people? >> young people mostly. >> there you go. my point. >> kids today. >> i made my kids stand up when adults walked into the room. everybody thought that was crazy. make them call them ma'am or sir. if i was sitting down when an adult walked into the room and didn't get up, my old man kicked me up. there was no question. >> when you go to dinner and a lady present, she gets up, do you stand up, too? >> yes. >> oh, wow. i also don't sit down before a lady sits down. >> i don't think you have ever done that, bob. >> what? >> i have gotten up many times. >> no, no, no. you are talking about when i took you to dinner and paid for dinner and you were on your texting the whole time. >> if you are taking out your phone in the middle of a conversation and start -- texting instead. that drives people crazy. >> anyone that doesn't do that? >> i'm zbilty of that.
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>> i'm guilty. >> i guess we are all guilty of that time but we try. >> not all. >> every day. >> we are human. >> hillary clinton get a challenge from her left if she decides to run in 2016. that's what obama did to her in 2008. some leaders may be hoping history repeats itself. details when "the five" returns.
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you have time to shop for car insurance today? yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive.
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landslide victory last week for chris christie. democratic side all eyes are on hillary clinton. according to a new report some liberal leaders are hoping he faces a challenge in the primaries. this is -- they are talking about -- elizabeth warren out of massachusetts is a potential recipient of liberal money. is there a chance? >> i think there is a chance warren will definitely run and i think the left is searching for a candidate. but it is not this liberal leaders excited about the prospect of warren running. it is republicans that should be excited about it. i mean, bob, i think -- the
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biggest fear on the right is that it is a coronation with hillary clinton and just a bunch of white guys on the right that are going to be battling it out like we did last time around and she gets to be anointed but i think that if she had a primary. evening if she has a primary challenge, it will force hillary clinton to run to the left which will be the best thing for the republican candidate to make her run left first before she runs to the middle. >> given the fact the first three states are iowa, new hampshire and south carolina, two of which are very strong in terms of social issues, iowa and south carolina, aren't the republicans going to force whoever -- if chris christie runs, isn't he going to be forced to the right? >> yes. i would think he'd start to the right but we need to pointing out there was a new nbc poll out that had christie up against hillary clinton and hillary nails him by 10%. just obliterates him so i can't imagine chris christie will be the ultimate choice here. i can't imagine they run anyone against hillary clinton too. your read said that liberal leaders think -- why would
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liberal leaders want to mess with that other than maybe just to say, look, she thought about it and then realized there was no beating hillary, so it's hillary. >> this is the problem when you use liberal so broad brush like that. there are certain liberals -- the biggest issue is income inequality among the fartherer left. they think hillary clinton getting all the money she gets from wall street and now getting $400,000 from goldman sachs for two speeches is like her husband tied into wall street and lost track of the income inequality. my problem they use the analogy of barack obama. he had a war going on then and that was a real driving force when he took on clinton. she was for it, he was against it. that brought out a lot of support. elizabeth warren does not have that issue. >> i think it's all an elaborate ruse. >> that was my point. >> but i'm smarter than you and faster. >> no, you were just before me. >> that's true, that's true. i think it's conspiracy. so this is the clinton people
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sega nms leadeaying anonymous l whispering that elizabeth warren might run because they don't want it to look like a coronation so they had to fake it and make it look like hillary has to work for it when she doesn't. the people who are concerned about her getting from wall street, there's about six of them. they won't matter at all. >> you actually think this is well? as well as joe biden wanting to run? >> there are really people in the democratic party on the left who do not want to see hillary clinton as the nominee. now, do they think she can win a general election over any republican, absolutely. would they like to see her get there, yes. >> and elizabeth warren being that person, it's not just that hillary is winning because she's a woman, there's another woman running. it's all baloney. >> well, you got your issue stolen, but go ahead. >> three points. it's to portray hillary as a moderate, which always helps by having somebody to the left of her. also it's native american. you have a native american running, that's exciting.
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and the thing that the republicans really have to think about is the strategy of being the first person, whether it's the first black president, first woman, so far it's one for one, it works. the republicans should try to get condoleezza rice out of moth balls and get her back in there because she's a strong candidate, she's a black woman. it would be a good choice. >> and a golfer. >> that woman point is a really good one because you can start to hill the crescen dpchltdo. people wanting to be a part of history and they want to vote for a one. >> one more thing is up next. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough.
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2:55 pm
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it's now time for "one more thing." eric bolling. >> we just learned alec baldwin was in court, the trial of his stalker, and her name is miss saborin. during the trial alec took the stand and apparently he started to choke up. he was crying. he was relating a story how he was coming out of his house one day the stalker approached him and he was so scared for his wife and himself. now, this is a guy who beats up photographers. but he was scared of this female stalker and was crying. i hope tomorrow we'll have courtroom sketches. we'll just hoping. >> good actor, right? or a big one.
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bob. >> u.s. christian pastor is being held in iran in the notorious prison where they receive inadequate food, no health care, nothing. so his father tried to get medication he needed because he was sick. he started to get better. they denied it. the iranians did. once again, you're picking on our pastors and our religion and you ought to leave him alone and treat him right. you wonder why you're a pariah nation? because you're a pariah. >> dana. >> bob, i did this for your benefit because i wanted you -- i know you probably missed seeing and hearing about jasper, who had the first snow at central park today. look at that cute little -- he's so cute. >> there's no snow. >> that's for you, bob. >> bob is covering his eyes. >> oh, come on. that's jasper.
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all right. well, obama care is so bad that the company has to come up with these type of ads to try to get women to sign up for obama care. you have a woman on the left and it's called got insurance? the caption reads let's hope he's as easy as this free birth control. what a great message to send to women everywhere. i don't think it's going to work an it's cheap and tacky. >> i thought it was a joke. >> it's not a joke. >> apparently it's not. we're covering them ineye" tonight. i haven't done a baz bad phrase in a while. today, subpar. the administration has called various insurance companies subpar when in fact they are a subpar administration. who are you to say what is subpar. >> and just remember, in golf subpar is good. >> i just thought of something. if she gets pregnant because she can't get on the website, is that obama's fault? >> it could be. is there obama care for obama
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care? >> i tell you one thing, being a politician is being another democratic voter. >> that's it for us on "the 5." thanks for watching. we'll see you right back here tomorrow. "special report with bret baier" is up next. one of the biggest voices in the democratic party added to the chorus calling for serious changes to obama care. this is "special report." good evening. i'm bret baier. what a difference a year makes. about one year ago, former president bill clinton was obama care's explainer in chief. clinton was not only in support of the president's policy objectives, he was the one to put those objectives in plain english, according to president obama. fast forward, mr. clinton says it's president obama who's got some


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