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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  November 14, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PST

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7 p.m. eastern. up next the o'reilly factor and go to good night. welcome to "red eye." tonight -- >> coming up on "red eye." why are giant spaes monsters attacking our largest cities? the behind the scenes look at these massive warriors. plus, does the president think greg gutfeld is good at making bad tv? >> he has quietly been very successful at it. >> and finally, the liberty bell. iconic symbol of american independence or secret surveillance device designed to spy on foreign tourists. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> let's welcome our guest. she is a -- as hideous as ever. how can you stand to look at that? it is miss new york. she is two and a half times better looking than miss america we have been told.
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joe pollack, author and political commentator and gavin mcguinness. his great book "the death of cool" paperback and if you haven't purchased it go there and get it right now. sitting next to me for an ungodly reason is andy levy. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. man up, greg. >> all right. mount up. anyway, the head of lulu made a boo-boo. the billionaire founder of louisiana lemon. lululemon has issued a teary apology for making comments. the hugely successful workout wear company recalled 70% of their yoga pants after discovering you can see through them. that's a bad thing?
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last week when confronted about the disaster founder chip wilson blamed women's thighs and their tendency to touch the material. >> frankly some women's bodies just actually don't work for us. it is the rubbing of the thighs and how much pressure is there. >> finally somebody says what everybody has been thinking. the commentary sparked on-line outrage and he was criticized for fat shaming. so on friday he did what every guy has to do, posts this video. >> i would like to talk about the last few days of media that occurred around the bloomburg interview. i am sad. i am really sad for the repercussions of my actions. i am sad for the people of lululemon i care so much about that have had to face the brunt of my actions. i take responsibility for all that has occurred and the impact it has had on you. >> i am so embarrassed for all of us. he also promised to make yoga wear for larger mammals.
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>> ♪ >> 6. 7. 8. >> i look at that tape and every time i look at it i go, okay, how much horrible, awful training went into that to get that poor mammal to do that. the prodding and the poking -- >> it is a bunch of fish. >> that's closer to you -- >> they rewarded him with fish. >> this apology, gavin -- >> don't call me apology, gavin. >> all all right, gavin, do you accept his apology or does it make you sad because it made me cry while i was watching it. >> i don't even know where to begin with this. he's right that his pants aren't designed for fatsos who rub their thighs together.
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>> there you go. that wasn't the beef. the beef was we can see a woman's butt in their pants. so those two are not aligned at all. and then the apology was like saying i don't want to say anyone is fat, and it was all about fat shaming. but people are fat. i don't know if you have ever been to a public swimming area, but men wear swim shirts in doors now. they are ashamed of their own [bleep]. >> as you know i collect photographs of male breasts. >> well i go to family water parks and i see these guys in doors with these scuba suits and i'm like if are you so against body shaming cut holes here. let them hang out. own it. yeah! wall russ heads. >> it can't be seen onemñ screen. i have never heard of lululemon. it sounds to me like a weird cult. was what he said that bad? >> i mean, really, this has
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nothing to do with me. i really don't care that much. my thighs do not rub together. i am not fat. i also can't afford lululemon. it is an expensive line. their yoga pants can be $100. i would rather spend that on booze and shoes. he shouldn't have said that. you are a huge demographic and it is these women who don't work out. they just wear it to go to starbucks. you are going to get backlash for it. >> yoga pants is like one of the worst -- it is two words that when you put them together is awful. i can't think of anything at this time that is as bad as yoga pants. maybe stretch undies? >> are we still yoga is exercis? >> yoga is just stretching. they have done studies and stretching yoga has been defined as nothing more than going like this. >> you have to make that noise
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too. >> in the park. are public figures too quick to apologize and why are my hands like this? >> i think so and i was very surprised first of all to find out the co was a man. it is such a female label. i figure women love this and it must have been designed by a person with intuitive sense of what women love. it was the exact opposite. i live in santa monica, california and lululemons are everywhere like starbucks. it won't hurt them. people love the clothes not because they are see through, but they are a status symbol. people like to wear them and they walk around with them as if they have been to yoga. by the way, yoga is really hard. really hard. >> i know what else is hard? algebra. that doesn't mean it it is exercise. >> so is eating glasses. >> is that an attack on my glasses? >> yoga has many spiritual qualities that brings you closer to being one with the
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universe. it is a shame you can't understand that because quite frankly you could use it. >> from you saying that yoga is a religion, that's an interesting idea. >> i am not religious. i am spiritual. >> people love getting people to break down. it is like an amateur sport. people compete. they got this guy to cry, a billionaire, and then there are people who got him to do that probably will forget about it and move to something else. >> did you listen to the apology? never once did he apologize to the customers he offended. his entire apology was to the people who work at lulu -- whatever the company's name is. >> as a good ceo would. >> everyone says do you accept his apology? he didn't uh apologize to anybody who would accept his apology. he may be right that the problem with the pants only showed up with women who are say larger thighs than others. >> lt's? >> yeah.
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but he is also running a business and i don't think blaming the customer is a good way to help your company. in fact your stock took a nose-dive after this happened. >> really? oh my lord. >> that's the country we live in, gavin. >> wait, the most interesting thing about this story? >> what. >> they recalled the yoga pants because you can see the butt. i poked around ebay and there is a guy selling 50 of the recalled pants. the high bidder is a g gutfeld. >> that is gary. he is a drummer out in california. i am actually not kidding. that's disgusting. it is not me. i don't buy anything used on ebay. i only sell it. he wants another crack at being mayor. on wednesday toronto city, they have them there, their leaders urged rob ford to quit office or take time to, quote, address your challenges privately. the mayor who admitted to smoking crack is going to take a pass on that. i hope he told him how much he
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is humiliated by this. he can't change the past. he can just move on. >> i am humiliated and i cannot change the past. all i can do is move on and that's what i am doing. >> he took my advice. one councilman asked a poignant question. >> have you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years? >> yes, i have. >> thank you. >> if he said two weeks he would still say the same answer. >> it that exchange prompted rob's ford doug to talk to the antagonist. >> have you ever smoked marijuana? hold it. have you ever smoked marijuana? it is a question and it is simple.
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a yes or a no. have you smoked marijuana? the answer i guess is yes. >> he got her. you know what else is getting pushed out? oh they make luscious steaks. joanne, you are a crack head, but yet are you miss new york. i don't know how you got through that. the make up is incredible. should he step down for the good of the city? >> i just hate people who think they are above the law. who wants someone governing them and making decisions for their well being when they are not making good choices for themselves? so i think it is time to go. >> well that was definitely a pageant answer.
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>> you were like one of those people meticulously climbing a mountain. you didn't want to say who cares? he is fine. i like to party with him. it is like, no, wait a minute. this is "red eye" and i don't want to lose my job. gavin, you claim to be a canadian. >> yes. >> but you don't smell like one, meaning you smell bad and they smell great. is he capable of being mayor? >> he is the best thing that happened to toronto. nobody talks about that. i don't know what the fuss is bout. who has not smoked crack when they were wasted? it is the only way to sober up. i am not kidding. i smoked crack while i was wasted and i am not ashamed of that. >> how did it feel? >> great. it is a wonderful drug. it is like a lot of cocaine packed into a small rock. marion barry did it a million times and he was re-elected. barack obama brags about it in his book. he is the second coming of
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christ. >> that's not true. >> yes, it is true. >> he did cocaine. >> what is cocaine? >> exrak is cocaine. >> crack is wet cocaine. we all love him. the difference is -- the difference between marion barry and barack obama and this guy is clear. one is canadian. liberals will not give canadians a pass, but they will let americans do anything. what is with that cross border bias? >> i don't know, but are you absolutely right. that is the distinction. >> that's the only difference. >> what are his politics ? he is a republican and an ass kicker. he is liberating them from the qawg meyer. >> now you changed my mind about everything. all mayors should be doing crack. >> think about all of the stuff you did while wasted. you probably killed a squirrel at some point. it is dying anyway. >> i never did step on a squirrel. >> i killed a bird the other
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day. >> tell me more. >> it was dying and i thought, well let's put it out of its misery and i crumped it. it felt like a feather. the bones are so fragile it felt like stepping on a tissue. >> i am hoping the bird was dying. >> it was. if you are capable of stepping on a bird it is obviously not without its drutters and it is dying. >> it could have been sleeping. >> just sleeping on the street? i will have a sidewalk nap. >> maybe it is drunk and smoked crack. >> all right, joel. because of his politics should we look at scant? no that's not the word. >> there is the accusation of the crack addiction. there is an accusation of wild parties and prostitutes. in italy you can run on that and win. maybe we should disik with them. maybe we that stick with them. can he whether the storm?
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>> he has delicious jowls. >> some of the toronto police reports came out. among other things, repeated drunk driving. it is alleged by multiple people that he drank half a bottle of vodka. he smoked weed with a woman believed to be an escort. this is one night. if he did all of that and it was one night you might be tempted to say this guy sounds fun. i want to party with this guy. the fact of the matter is he is going kill himself. forget his political life. this guy is an alcoholic. it is not like he got drunk once and smoked crack. >> he is obviously not a crack addict. >> he is big, fat crack at district. addict. i like the fact that people like this say they are moving on which means they expect you to move on. let's move on. he is not going to quit anything. he wants you to forget about it. >> it is not up to him to decide to move on.
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>> exactly. speaking of. this is my favorite story. she gotten gauged on stage. courtney reagan was doing a story on holiday shopping and it ended with a question popping. warning to our viewers. the video you are about to see may make you throw up. >> engagement rings, very big season in the christmas holiday. >> i can only imagine. i can only imagine. what about the middle level jewelers, the one like jarod. jarod is the one i am thinking. they got any deals going? >> they do. they definitely have deals. they are probably going to struggle like many of the other middle-sized retailers because it is a tough time. >> deals? jarod? >> jarod. hi. oh my gosh. >> it has been a longtime. seven years. i love you so much. i have since the day i met you. i have always known you were the one.
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i love your smile. i love your laugh and i even love the way you dance. will you marry me? >> yes. >> over there. >> come here. thank you. i love you. [applause]. >> i couldn't believe we were watching it. you said this is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen and those people should go to jail. >> i was just wondering why is this not me? really that is the most disgusting thing. >> you should be a man who proposes to a woman? >> don't we all? >> should we bring rick out? >> rick. >> who's here? who's here for me?
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>> where is jack? jack? jack? even our sound guy won't come in. that's amazing. he is blient. he is blind. >> he is so sweet. >> anyway, will you mary me? will you marry me? are you here for me? >> yeah. >> thank you. >> all right, jack, go away. that's it for tonight. is it your birthday? >> no. >> it is the show. >> he is gone, joanne. do you like public -- would you like this to happen to you? >> no, this is how i want to get engaged. are you ready?
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i wake up in the morning in his bed or whatever. we have a sleepover. >> that's disgusting. >> i wake up in the morning and the ring is on my finger. that's what i want. done. >> are you kidding me? >> wait a minute. they just put in my ear we have two minutes. wait a second. how can you say that you are in bed before uh married? what is the point of getting married? >> very private. no people there. no family. i just think that is weird. >> what if you woke up and your finger was missing? >> he couldn't get it on and he had to cut it off. >> you had a better idea what should have happened there you said. >> i did? >> you said it would be great if it was a public break up. >> there is that possibility. the chances are low, but there is all the dash there is always the chance of oh no.
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oh god. you have a spare and a pair? you are my spare. >> i don't think so. i think the public engagement is like black mail. you are forcing them to say yes. they would be too embarrassing if they said no. chances are they are not under gauged anymore. i put it at 50/50. >> quickly am i being a cynical jerk? >> it was a shame less ploy for ratings. and we should fire the lighting director. we never saw the rock. >> it was cnbc so it didn't work. >> can i -- do we have time to show the tape of the guy in the back? i love how he handles this. the newscaster is like, what am i doing here? i have been in the business for 40 years. >> i covered the kennedy assassination. >> we have to take a break. feelings when you are in love are chemical and then you put this attention gratification and it is not safe, people.
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attention grates pho location is -- gratification will wear off and all you will have left is each other. and then what will you do then? there are no tv cameras for you and no one will be watching you. you will be alone, really alone. announcer: you're on the right track
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announcer: to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempurpedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale on now at sleep train! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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i still want to talk about this. >> let's talk about this. >> you still want to talk about this? >> joel, you were saying a friend of yours was climbing a mountain and when they got to the top of the mountain it was, what, everest? >> something like that. >> and the dude proposes to her on the top of the mountain, but she is terrified because she says no he could kill her. >> that's what happened and she got to the bottom of the mountain and said no. >> that's an awesome story.
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it happy when i hear things like that. if you do this -- actually i enjoyed it. but you are going to get divorced it should be public too. if you are going to do -- if the proposal is in public, the ending should be in public. no, gavin? >> do you honestly believe these things? this is a good bookend to my theory? it matches, the beginning and the end. >> i'm telling you. it makes sense. >> my brother gotten gauged last week so congratulations to him. he propose with one of those lollipop rings. >> i am not that kind of woman. that would not fly. >> let me tell you, it was the biggest rock anybody had ever seen. but it was edible. i would like to say the two rules for proposing is a you may not cry. that guy was crying and not a good look. you can't cry at your wedding either. think l 9/11 or whatever stay serious and put your arms behind your back and don't cry.
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number two, don't get down on one knee. let's stop that. that sends out a bad message for the rest of the wedding. i'm the boss. i'm standing. please marry me. it is like will you marry me? good. >> what did you marry a dwarf? >> i married a small cat. >> shall we do this story? go to the tease? wow. all right. i didn't know we were just talking for two minutes. all right, coming up, we will do this story next. anyway, tonight's lightning round is sponsored by water towers. thanks, water tower. you are welcome, greg. women rate former flames. for the record, i have had that tail removed.
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it is fatigue with intrigue. a columnist for the telegraph claims the world is suffering from a social disease she calls competitive interestingness. this is genius. vernon says we are all obsessed with trying to out interesting each other whether it is on social media or in an
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actual social situation. she points to a party she was at where one guest explained he had an actual fear of chives. another made sure to let everyone know she never owned a cell phone. for more let's go to the world's most interesting dog. >> yeah, epilepsy is funny, america. it makes me sick to my stomach. joanne, it is like everyone thinks they are in a pageant and they have to say something clever. >> this story is about me. it is great. >> how so? >> i get to talk about me more. i think it is really funny. this idea is interesting. she is the one at the cocktail party who is telling everyone about her new book.
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her interesting theory and so it is really her auto-biography. >> i didn't look at it that way. gavin, it does explain the rise of people who walk around a saying things like i don't have a tv. >> that is irritating. of course you want to be interesting at a table. it is just frustrating people like me are literally interesting. we want to tell stories and oh you want to tell me about your dad? my dad doesn't know who mick jagger is. shut up. that's boring. that's why a lot of us will do stand up comedy. it is a way to say shut up. i will stand up here with a microphone and handle the rest of the dinner conversation. stop trying to be superman to my batman. it is barely robin. >> did your dad kill someone? >> no, but he beat the crap
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out of a lot of guys. including me. >> that explains why you think you are interesting. joel, it must suck being surrounded by people like gavin. >> yes, my strategy is always to be the most interesting at the table. you must have something interesting about you if you come across so boring. that's my strategy. andy, you are a boring person. do you even understand this story? you can walk into a room and suck the life out. >> i didn't even read the article. i don't have a computer. and i was rereading it. what a great book. like you said, everything she said is true. it is the reason malcolm gladwell is successful. shut up. he said nothing. >> she says she is one of these people. she needs to decide to stop it.
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>> she is aware she is part of it. >> people are trying to be interesting. >> i will tell you why. the mistake of the fact or whatever -- the adjective of their lives as original. i will use this one because it has been driving me nuts. when johnny depp announced he had a fear of clowns and then all of a sudden when other celebrities were on other talk shows i say you have a fear of clowns. they would be less boring for a fear of clowns. and then it leads into the johnny depp i will buy paintings done by serial killers. >> it is not cool to the victims. >> if you killed a guy or you eat lizards, i want to hear about it. >> the p oi nt is not -- it is just that. if you are legitimately interesting that's great.
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if you say i am a vee began. >> -- veegan. >> she made the point that it causes us not to connect. >> i am not listening because i have a point and it is way better than that. it is important i get my point across. >> you just described "the five." >> what he did there was describe exactly what she was saying. >> thank you for that. >> wake up call. wow. all right. >> longest pause ever on "red eye." >> i am taking my time. >> good. it has been a long day. >> for me especially. a lot of things happening to me and also in my body. british scientists are developing a drug that mimics the buzz from booze without the hangover. the alcohol substitute works on the brain creating feelings of pleasure and lack of inhibition and it can be blocked by taking an
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antidote. so they could potentially drive or go back to work right away. the drug's pioneer david nuts, and that's his real name. he believes it could lead to a revolution in health. hetwould say that though because he stands to make trillions out of this. i hate him. what do you make of him, joanne? will this destroy or help the bar business. are you a bar bartender. >> i am. let's remind everyone of that. i hope i get to keep my job for of. i think it would definitely change it if it produces the same effect and sold like alcohol, i think people would be all for it. i am more concerned about the calorie content. if it is less, i am going to try this stuff. >> it is like what would you rather have? food with no calories or food that is free? that's the same thing with alcohol of the i would rather have it be cheaper than not
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have a hangover. >> i am rich so everything is free. >> throw paper at them when i am done. >> that's so funny because you are such a cheap bastard. >> gavin i'm sorry. >> apology gavin. >> apology gavin. if this ruins the addiction -- or the effects of drinking, then what is the point it of drinking. shouldn't there be a risk involved? >> i have known people who don't get hangovers and they become brutal alcoholics. they are brutal alcoholics. i have tried a thing that mimics the effects of alcohol and it is called heroin. it is pretty great. it is like being hugged by a nude lady and if you are not greedy you feel great the next day. >> there is no hangover from it? >> you just go bananas.
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>> i don't want people at home to take any advice from gavin about drugs. >> i think they know that. all drugs -- people are like should i try add deer roll, coke? try a tiny, tiny, tiny bit. try a 10th of the tablet and say the walls are breathing, but i am fine. if the walls are not breathing cutoff another little piece. >> it is funny, because it is true. >> that's the issue with present day marijuana. if you smoke it the way you thought you smoked it 20 years ago you would be dead. you can barely smoke marijuana without going completely -- >> it is too strong. the future of republicans, conservatives and fox news is to get over gays, stop this lunacy war on drugs and embrace it. most of them are pretty great. embrace the youth. get over this whole pop culture that you are afraid of rap. that's the future of the network. >> i agree, gavin.
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i agree. joel i had no idea he would give us advice. >> it looks exactly like water. >> he basically just said the future of the network is "red eye." >> what do you think of the antidote? >> i am one of those people who doesn't get hangovers. a bottle of bourbon. you can consume a bottle of bourbon. >> i don't like drinking that much. i think this would take the fun. there has to be risk involved. >> i'm sorry you can drink a bottle of bourbon and then play tennis at 8:00 a.m.? liver death is different from a hangover. >> could you die? i >> i think the hangover is pulling yourself together and not just physically, but what did i do? >> no, your brain is dehydrated because your liver used up all of your body's water cleaning your filthy bod.
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>> hangovers -- the physical hangover goes over with the guilt of gotten drunk because i am jewish i have enough guilt. >> i need to say this. this drunk pill is nothing new. the cia has had it for years. they use it on people who have seen something they weren't supposed to see or ask too many questions. why is the government conducively shooting material into the sky to make its heart program more eye efficient. they strip your clothes off and they smell like you are drunk. the next thing you know you are being arrested for public intoxication and nobody believes you. >> has this happened to you? >> that's important. that's where you get all of the true stuff. i am done with this story. >> it sounds like steve mcqueen or something. >> are you a wierdo. we have to take a break. by the way "the joy of hate"
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is a great book. look at that cover. my book is actually believe it or not one year old today. yes, look at that. one year survived. it is the toughest year for most books.
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what did you do, gavin? >> i may have wettenned a bed or two. >> wettenned a bed. talking about drinking again. they say nice things about former flings. i speak of the many weep who raided their ex-boyfriends on the april lou-lou. when it launched many said they would use it to bash their exes using pre written hash tags like -- are you yawning? loser, friends, no goals or
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knows -- knows greg. the funny thing about this is the reviews have been positive. the average score for the dude is 7.5. and among ex-girlfriends the review is 7 or higher. the most popular hash tag are will act silly, cleans up good and looks like lieu -- lou dobbs. >> i am old-fashioned. i go to a bar and i find somebody who is hash tag not creepy and then i regret spending anytime with them. and then i just come -- complain to my girlfriends over cos mows. i don't like to put it out there. it is interesting. they said it in a study they do it to tell their friends if it is worth while or not. girl code, you do not date somebody your girlfriend already dated. i don't want used baggage. >> but then again if you use
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the philosophy you can't date anybody. >> which is why i stopped dating. >> that's nice. >> just buy shoes. they keep me happy. >> gavin, you are a jerk. you admit you are a jerk. are you surprised that women are nice to their ex's? if this existed when you were single -- >> that's women on the internet typing stuff up. it is 8 not how they honestly feel. i have been married so long i have no game at all like the cowardly lion. in my heyday i would get you in a heartbeat. >> what would your hash tag be? >> you know how? i would be a total -- [bleep]. >> from you on this site and have good reviews that's worse than having a vagina. you have to get a bad reputation so then the girls want to fix you. you are like [burp] i am buying it. >> that's romantic. >> he is a fixer upper and
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then you get laid, laid, laid, laid, laid. nice guys finish very last. >> joel, what do you make of that shear re? >> explains a lot about my life. >> you had to go halfway across the world to get a wife. >> so did i. >> i am going to cry. >> we all did. >> if women didn't rate -- if they had to rate each other it would be like 1 and 2 because women are so mean to each other. >> maybe that's why they like jerks because they are [bleep]. throwing it out there as a possibility. >> i'm trying to catch it, but i don't know. >> i think you are missing the most obvious explanation. the reason women are leaving nice comments is they are devious. they are leaving nice comments so the other women date guys who suck. >> healthy means claw midyaw. >> exactly.
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and the reason lou dabbs hash tag was to popular was they dated l ow dabbs. >> that makes sense. i am glad this did not exist when i was single. i know that i was -- i wasn't like you, gavin. i was a miserable, miserable person. >> what do you mean? you weren't a jerk to women? >> i was a jerk. >> you got tons of [bleep]. >> this is an upgraded version of "hot or not." by the way, i think there was significant grade inflation on "hot or not." harvey lange is drowning in chicks. women don't care what you look like. you don't have to be successful. just be ambitious and a [bleep]. the end. >> andy, do you agree?
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>> sure. >> will it get us out of the segment? i agree. >> do you have a comment on the show like how awesome it is? e-mail us at red eye at fox we are getting a lot of weird e-mails. they are like people who watch "the five" and write to us to complain about" the five." just because i am on "red eye" does president mean you can write to me. >> people off 80 have trouble with e-mail. >> terrible. >> have you seen the commercials? this chair goes upstairs. >> do you have a video of your animal doing something? go to fox eye and click on submit a video. we may use it. coming up, justin bieber and a selfie.
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye." return appearances from jedediah bila and liz mcdonald. love her. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> all right. so will his cash help make a splash? a new photo app dedicated to
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taking and sharing selfies, the worst word invented launched thanks from justin bieber. he reportedly dumped over a million dollars to, quote, shots of mes. it locks the use of the phone's rear cameras to encourage users to take self-portraits. it also disables comments to keep people from leaving hateful or insulting messages which to me is totally gnaw -- negating the idea of looking at your selfie. joanne, i have a feeling you spend a lot of time not only doing selfies, but planning them. what do you make of this and how do you do it? >> it is an art form. it depends on my today too that day if i am feeling especially confident. the usual 20 tries comes down to about 15 and then i pick the one where the light expght angles and the contouring looks the best. here is the thing, i want the comments. they are pretty much always
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good. i don't understand the hateful comments. people love me. it should be called shots of ugly. >> you are terrible of the this is discriminatory against ugly people. it really is. >> we don't mind. >> any tips? you said you shoot from above. >> you have to find what angle works for you. if you have a large chin you don't want to go from below. above helps, but you don't want there to be shadows and it doesn't look like eyelids. i can teach lessons if anyone wants to pay me. >> i want to take lessons. i want to do selfies too. >> can you hold the phone? >> i want to be a gorgeous babe. >> gavin? you are canadian much like justin bieber. >> yeah. >> are you proud of his
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success or ashamed? >> i think he is a real turd. i am not just saying that because he is justin bieber. i was doing my research. when he was on "snl" he was in the basement the whole time smoking pot and was a do cru he the -- douche. as opposed to my miley who was helping out. if you are a little kid and a billionaire you will do something as stupid as funding a selfie software that is just instagram. i think the story is relevant because i think the whole culture of selfies perfectly sums up what is wrong with the kids. they are megla-maniacs who have -- their self-worth is through the roof. they think they are available. most are incapable of changing a toilet seat. >> i can't change a toilet seat, but then again, why would i? i have had the same one for 40 years.
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>> they wear out. >> it is called franky. >> it molds. >> plastic only lasts 60, 70 years and then you have to undo those things and put a new seat on it. you have to do it once in your life. >> that's what he wants you to believe. >> i'm sorry i used that as an example. >> joel, stupid app? smart app? >> i think it is disaccept tiff. deceptive. i tried it out and every selfie looked like justin bieber. you do look like a gorgeous child. >> my wife says that too. >> quickly, andy. >> this is the dumbest, most pointless thing ever. it is idiotic and i predict it will be hugely successful. >> that is true. this is a delightful show. they need an app called ruin me and market it to kids. they take all of these horrible pictures. >> you can't get a job. >> isn't that what booze is?
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>> all right. joanne, gavin, joel, tv's andy levy. i'm greg gutfeld and i shall see you next time. goodbye, america. >> and canada. >> canada as well. housing.
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are we about to find that out with health care? tonight at 8:00, fbn. >> this is a fox news lart. moments ago they released the numbers for obamacare. they war numbers would be low. with regard to anything obama they are right. after a month of operations it is only a fraction of what they expected. as few as 106,000 people made it through the process. many of those enrollees haven't even paid a penny yet. also recalled by partisan ceo said they need 7 million paying customers by march to make obamacare by financially. the obamacare


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