tv The Five FOX News November 15, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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now making their way -- those comments were made before the election. they're starting to make the rounds now because people are worried about him. >> bill de blasio always welcome on this home. look for us at 8:00 p.m. tonight. hello, everyone, i'm greg gotfeld. it's dana perino. it's 5:00 somewhere. remember way back when, when you noted failures, the media called you a racist? remember when you were curious about fast and furious, the media called you a racist? apology accepted. remember the tea parties uniting other small government? they were called bigots too? apology accepted.
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remember your anger that the irs targeted obama critics, that meant your hated a black president, apology accebeing a . remember as you fretted over the economy msnbc called you racist for expecting better. apology accepted. remember benghazi? apology accepted. remember when voting for obama once but not twice meant you were racist from the start? apology accepted. yes, i'm a forgiving type. it's time to retire the engine that enabled the obama care disaster. a disaster that in its present state causes much suffering to americans, minorities included. if you disagree with me, you're racist. why else would you defend this abject failure? it's the bigotry of low standards. you just don't expect competition from a black leader. by smearing helpful critics, you weren't hiding under a hood but you didn't have to. you had the false armor of political correctness as cover.
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as everyone is finally admitting, our emperor in the white house has no clothes. even obama admits obama care's a disaster. i guess he's racist too. hopefully this whole thing is ending, a.t., because everybody was scared. >> yes, so no one focused on what was in the bill. they were too busy on who is criticizing him and is there raci racism? >> i should be encouraging it. although if you look at his -- for people who work for him, i don't want him to be nude. bob, is it a problem that if all criticism is deemed racist, that no one will criticize? >> i don't agree with the premise. i know we're going to pick out some -- we've got some sound on tape here about some liberals who have made comments about people being racist.
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the lion's share, massive majority of people on the left do not believe that people are racist because they disagree with barack obama. i don't believe that gives people cover for anything. some liberal opens his mouth and says the wrong thing. >> being here for 2 1/2 years, eric, how many stories have we done on this very topic? >> it's usually the michael moore or bill maher who claims, you know, if you disagree with barack obama, clearly, you don't get it, you must be a racist. d. also, a lot of democrats now are jumping ship on obama care. are they racist? 39 house members voted in favor of upholding congressman upton's bill. that if you want to keep your insurance, you can. are they racist? >> this is where it's getting a little confusing already here. i don't understand. we're try to make the connection with obama care. when you talk about michael moore, michael moore does not
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represent a vast majority of the democratic party or liberals or anything else. >> okay, oprah says because he's a black president, joe wilson yelled out -- i know we're playing it. they're yelling in my ear we're going to play it. let's do it then. otherwise bob says you guys are making stuff up. no, the people on left, a lot of the barack obama supporters -- >> a lot of? >> his money people in hollywood say if you don't agree with him it's likely because you're racist. >> you know what, let's play that. oprah on the bbc. i don't know what the bbc is. i think it's a type of candy. she says criticism -- >>er crossed your mind some of the treatment obama and the challenges he's faced and some of the reporting he's received is because he's an african-american? >> probably it's crossed my mind more times than it's crossed your mind. think there's a level of disrespect for the office that occurs and that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases
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because he's african-american. >> dana, you're a huge oprah fan. do you agree or disagree? >> i disagree with her on this. i think from a communications standpoint and reality is she believes it. there's a lot of people that believe this. did not necessarily start with the tea party or anybody that was conservative or republican. remember in 2000, during the clinton -- during the clinton/obama primary, in south carolina, the word went out that bill clinton was a racist. and the obama people, hands off, it's all right, we don't know who did it. but they know exactly who did it. how do we get beyond it? that's something i've been thinking about today. i really think you need a person who is going to -- a leader who can be like a ronald regular be type and bring people together. we're not going to see it in the next three years. >> it was the hillary campaign that pushed the whole -- >> birth certificate issue. that's where it started, on the
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democratic side. but they hide it. so if hillary clinton gets elected, then are we all anti-women or woman? is that going to be the -- >> that will be the strategy. >> i just have a point on oprah. let me ask oprah -- i'd love to ask her this question. if somebody like president obama was working at her company and had done something the equivalent of obama care at harpo, do we think for one second obama would keep him employed, white, black or anything? the beauty of oprah was she didn't play the race card in her career. she created a product everybody wanted to buy. president obama created a mess that nobody wanted to own including himself. >> oprah here is talking about specifically joe wilson, who yelled out to obama "you lie." >> cherry picking, bob. >> huh? >> cherry picking like you say. >> picking one person and -- same thing this segment is doing. but does anybody believe -- i have to say this, i wonder whether joe wilson would have said the same thing to clinton.
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>> you remember what he said "you lie" about? >> yes, it was about obama care. if bill clinton had said the same thing -- >> plenty of republicans said bill clinton lied, bob. does that make them what then? >> stand up to the house of representatives -- >> they did it all the -- >> depraved -- >> because bill clinton did lie. all of a sudden we're racist because we disagree with the president? >> you don't stand up in the middle of the house of representatives and say "you lie" to the president of the united states. >> people on the right believe that obama care is a major drastic change. violating constitution. but changed the way we've done business in the country for 237 years. >> what does that have to do with racist? >> it was joe wilson yelling "you lie" because president obama was talking about changing the way -- he completely changed. he took something that was a property, that was not a fine or a fee or a tax, and mandated something. mandated the american people to buy a product. it's never been done before.
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people on the right including joe wilson at the time were ticked off. >> do you think that bum should have been allowed to say that on the floor of the house of representatives? >> i don't. >> although in england, you know, parliament -- >> by the way, speaking of which, if disrespect means racism, then how can you explain george w. bush? who i think was the beneficiary of more disrespect than obama ever encountered as president. >> the war in iraq had everybody's emotions very raw. so it's the comparison to today is probably not exact. when the speaker of the house and the leader of the senate started calling the president a liar and a loser, that basically i think broke the dam on civility. i don't think joe wilson was the first. i think that started at the top. >> let's go back to a man by the name of oliver stone. what he said about what the republicans are doing to the united states. >> i don't know why these republican white people frankly, the mcconnells and the --
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they're strange to me. it's almost as if we're in an apart tight state and they're still fighting for the rights of whites in africa. they're still scared. >> that's what i was getting at. they're threatened by something. it may not be the he's doing anything, but they are threatened by something. >> threatened by the fact he is black and that's enough. >> andrea, it seems like oliver stone is living in one of his movies from 1975. like he has not seen progress. he hasn't left his house. >> he hasn't left l.a. or wherever he lives. in his bubble. so, yeah, just like we talked about earlier in the week with richard cohen from "the washington post." an example of racism worse than we've seen on the right. oliver stone, republican white people? but there's no outrage about that? he can just label white people as being bad and republicans and racist and get away with it. president obama was elected with a tremendous amount of good will. the first thing he did with the
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democratic congress and the will of the people -- a lot of people were on his side to reform health care. he got a total pass on that. people questioned that was going to be his first legislative accomplishment, why not the economy? people went out of their way to not criticize him and give him that pass and let him do what he wanted. >> don't you think this is a huge reach we're playing here? oliver stone? is he supposed to represent the left? come on. this guy, we don't pay attention to this guy. i didn't even know he was still alive to be honest with you. >> lefty saying something as ridiculous as oliver stone says or oprah says or bill maher. it just goes on and on. >> -- right wingers -- i mean, if i had all the editors available to me to pick out the -- >> they're easy. everywhere. every week. >> you don't think we had enough people looking for what conservative right wingers say, we couldn't come up with a package like this? >> i think there are a number of
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wa wackos on both sides, there's just more on your side. >> there's a difference when it comes from hollywood. in terms of the culture and popular media. when you have someone as big a star as oprah. when she says it, i think she's being sincere, she really believes that. then you have oliver stone who basically -- these are the leaders of most of the ways people get information in the united states. i do think that is different than finding some two-bit congressman or state representative in north carolina who might have said something at some point in his career. >> there's no impact on pop culture. that's a good point. "new york times" made this comparison to obama care, to hurricane katrina. can i read this very long quote? the disastrous rollout not only threatened the rest of his agenda but raises questions about his competence. in the same way that the bush administration botched response to hurricane katrina undermined any semblance of republican
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efficiency. so there is a difference here. president bush did not create katrina. >> one is a natural disaster. one is a self-inflicted mortal wound. >> he's an oil man so he actually caused it. >> there's a connection there. i think the end result's going to be the same though. this is going to be a lasting impression on the obama legacy. hard for him to ever get over. >> -- ask your political analysis, tell you that -- >> except katrina affected one region -- >> how are you going to reverse something? >> you can't. >> let's talk about this. he'll never reverse this. this will go with him for the rest of his entire life. when you look back 30 or 40 years from now, remember barack obama, oh, yeah, he's the guy who blew obama care. >> katrina was one region. this is across the country. >> bob, how do you think he actually overcomes this? honestly. >> i don't think he does overcome it in the short term.
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i'm not ready to say this doesn't -- i mean, i go back for singer payer. i'd much prefer to live with this than live with the insurance company and the free market trying to decide who's going to be healthy and who's not. >> there. >> it is talk about pick and choose. they'll pick and choose wealthy people over poor people. >> corporate welfare. >> the middle class didn't fare too well either. >> even in this catastrophe, "new york times" -- >> they can't help themselves. i was a spokesperson for the press secretary that was in charge of the homeland security for the katrina issue. we all dealt with that. all hands on deck. it was a horrible period. if i'm being charitable to "the new york times" if they're talking about the political aftermath, and i don't think the two issues are at all comparable, but the political aftermath in disarray with the white house and how that had to get fixed, and it did, several months later, that's what i think they're talking about.
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>> can i also just throw this last thought in? the right warned about obama care. there was no -- >> actually, president bush did tell them to evacuate. >> all right. we must evacuate but only for a little bit. hours after president obama told you he wants to win back your trust, he vowed to push back against those who don't trust his health care plan. plus, the wait is over. you know it's my favorite thing of the week. facebook friday. that was my nickname in high school. your chance to ask us all sorts stuff. log on at that's really easy, you know? we'll answer some of the questions later. [ male announcer ] this is jowoods' first day of work.
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it's legitimate to expect me to have to win back some credibility. that's on me. that's on us. it's not on them, it's on us. that one's deserved, right, it's on us. >> just a couple hours later, the real president eamericaned again with a warning for those who dare not support obama care. >> we are not going to gut this law, we will fix what needs to be fixed, but we're going to make the affordable care act work and those who say they're opposed to it and can't offer a solution, we'll push back. >> he's already pushing back after 261 lawmakers in the house, including 39 democrats, voted today on a measure to let insurance companies sell health coverage to anyone regardless of whether the plans meet the president's own standards. the white house says the bill was designed to undermine obama care and the president will veto it if it gets to his desk. eric, i can't even follow this.
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just a week ago, jay carney was standing at the podium calling these plans substandard. bob was saying, they were terrible anyway, they shouldn't worry about keeping them. now they want people to keep them? aren't these plans illegal? aren't they in violation of his law? >> with the law that he created? by going around congress and then change and now wants to change back? i'm not sure where he is. he used the executive pen more than i do when i make my notes here. so he golfed through fast and furious. went to vegas while benghazi was still burning. hours after his big fix to obama care, he's fund-raising again, going -- i think it's really, it's disingenuous. if this was ceo obama and obama was obama care inc. those shareholders would throw him out. i just hope in 2014 everyone who
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is running against a democrat who supported this bill through law makes everyone realize exactly what they supported. >> this effort in the house, this upton bill, it's similar to what the president a saying, right, if you can keep your plan. the white house is saying we're going to veto this if this ends up on his desk. harry reid has no intention of taking up these bills in the senate. what did that say when the white house -- does it just reek of politics? >> this is like the 39 bills the house republicans have passed that would help on the economy, they go nowhere in the senate? that happens when you have a split congress. either way, you can choose to bring it up or not. i think the fact that harry reid and the senate doesn't intend to do anything about this, he might get pushback from some of the red state democrats. so obviously, a vote today, they know they have a political
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problem. and the white house probably looked at those 39 and said we understand you got to do what you got to do in order to try to win re-election. we'll let you go on this one. the problem is no one believes either the president's fix or the upton fix in the long run is going to solve anything. pretty much an exercise in futility. >> i don't see how this does anything. i don't see how insurance companies go back to their old plans. i don't see how people can keep their plans internalnabley. >> i wonder if president obama really cares about the consequences of this. because in a way, he's like d.b. cooper, he's already pulled off this amazing height. it's made history with one of the greatest wealth transferser. now that you've got all these bodies in all this mess, it doesn't matter, because it's
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historical. the only upside to this is i really do believe he's helped the republican party. because the republican party needed a good churn. and he helped rebuild the right by inflating the perniciousness of the left. this has created such a convulsion in america that perhaps you're creating new leaders. one point i got out of reason, cuccinelli in virginia lost but he won the youth vote. the time is right to target the youth who have been betrayed by obama's wealth removal machine. the republicans have to explain why they're better than that. >> democrats running for the tall grass on this one. how can they escape? a lot of these democrats, the footage of them try to push for this bill, trying to say this was a fair deal. now all a sudden they're trying to save people from the plan? how big of a task is that? >> these 39, as i look back, 34 of them are in districts questionable for democrats so i
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can understand why they're playing politics the way they are. if i was there consultant, i would say the same thing. line up on this one. it's a vote you have to make. is it going anywhere? no. you're right, it's split legislatures. we didn't want the 39 bills from the house because we didn't believe they were going to do anything. except disastrous. that's the problem of being in the majority, right? in this case, i don't know whether you can accept the fact it was only 12 months ago the people of the united states re-elected this president. the fact of the matter is, he is here. something needs to get done. it seeps to be just once. just once the republicans can lean back and say, you know, you've gotten kicked enough. you deserved what you got here, mr. president. so let's sit down and see what we can work down. like the democrats did with george bush on his prescription drug deal. >> is that -- is there some chapter i didn't see, you let up on your opposition? why should republicans sit back
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and say let's see what we can work out? i think republicans should say you deal with it. it has your name. >> because you have 40 million people who are uninsured in this country. there are poor people uninsured. >> more people are uninsured now than before. it didn't work. >> ten years down the road, guess how many -- z >> i don't think the republican party cares about people getting insured. >> we're awful people, all of us. >> and we're racist. >> i hate babies and old people. i only like myself. >> i'm an awful person because i have to cut everyone off. our facebook free for all is coming up. log on to our page right now, post any questions you have for us. and up next, the muscles from brussels wows the world again with a new sensational split show. the question is, though, is it real. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
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capitalism has become somewhat of a dirty word. a lot of kids are being taught it's a bad thing to profit from success. same thing is true in britain and the country's prime minister wants to change that. here's david cameron. >> we need to support reward and celebrate enterprise. that requires a fundamental change of culture in our country. a culture that's on the side of those who work hard, that values typically british spirit and rewards people with the ambition
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to make things, sell things and create jobs for others up and down the country. i want to make sure it is boosted everywhere. promoted in schools. taught in colleges. celebrated in communities. >> he said buccaneering spirit. so don't worry. he doesn't have to put any money into the swear jar. greg, that was very "downon abbey." >> smashing speech. >> 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, largely due to capital ideas. he wants to bring capitalistic ideas and teaching back in schools. good idea? >> yes, don't accept the principles of your losers which is what's happening in the united states. and moving towards countries that we vanquished. kids, their idea of an economy stops at their dad's wallet. they don't connect costs to consequences. you got to teach capitalism in school like it's a sport. it's a sport any kid can play.
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you can compete. you can play stocks. you could have socialism for a day where you imagine government mandating that everybody has a right to an iphone but the iphone must have an air bag so the iphone must be the size of a baby's head and weigh 40 bounds because that's how government works. then the next day you have capitalism for a day. >> and your iphone has no baby head. i love it. your favorite class that you ever took was your economics class. >> loved it. >> you think this is a good idea? >> i think it's a great idea. i think they get socialism every other day so they at least get one day of capitalism. all the redistribution. it's refreshing to hear cameron say that. it's refreshing to hear a leader say we need more capitalism. it brings people out of poverty. even though president obama wants to push away from it.
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don't laugh. redistribu redistributive socialist -- >> you're a capitalist -- >> i am, and i'm proud of it, bob, darn proud of it. i've been called a capitalist. it's about time -- >> narco? >> a narco capitalist. about time you stand up for the system that works. >> you grew up living capitalism. working for your dad's business. the people of britain are a very generous people. but you need to have a growing economy and have money in your pocket in order to be generous. maybe that would be a different way of looking at this if you're in britain. >> also, i think cameron's trying to stem the trend of europe. he's got the french close by, the greeks. he sees what's happening in these cultures. i think the british are a little bit more advanced. i mean that because they hit rock bottom first.
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the country pivoted towards conservative. we pivoted towards more liberalism. i think it's a great lesson for kids. you take a little kid, the little kid gets an "a" and you say, the guy who sits next to you got an "f" so you're both going to get cs. that's called redistribution. the easiest lesson to learn. >> you hear the president of france, hollande, guess what his approval rating was today. >> what? >> 15%. >> there you go. >> by comparison, president obama is doing great. >> socialists everywhere. i guess we'll have to meet in a phone booth. listen, i don't agree with the idea that everybody in the whole american education system is teaching socialism and is against capitalism. i would say this, i will say just teach them how to make out a check. how to put a budget together. some simple things. that to me -- instead of turning me into an atm. that's what my kids are --
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>> -- a metaphor for the government -- >> who is going to teach obama how to put a budget together? that's a great idea. >> -- public schools, teach them how to do some simple things -- >> a debt limit is smart. >> stay right there. our facebook free for all is coming up and we've got a big surprise. there, welcome to the gallery. how do you react when you first see this? it looks kind of like a dancer? reality check: some 4g lte coverage maps
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>> first question, what will be bob's birthday wish if it would come true? >> it's a family show, bob. >> i appreciate you asked me that question but i'd get myself in a whole lot of trouble if i answered it. let me just put it this way, it would be at night. it would not be alone. it would be a lot of fun. >> a midnight movie. >> that's right. >> and a good meal. >> you want to hang out with eric bolling? >> eric bolling's your birthday wish? >> number two, monica d. asked, do you have a hot date for your birthday? if i weren't married, i would love to go on a date with you. i'd even pay. >> that would be different. >> it's very nice of you to say that. monica, right?
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thank you very much for saying that. >> number three. for greg. do you choose some of the music that lines up for your breaks? what is your favorite music genre? >> i choose all of the music for my break, which is why it's so awesome. and why everybody here doesn't like it. i like electron ka. my favorite is boards of canada. i like a band called fuzz out of san francisco. the melvins has a new record out which is interesting. >> i haven't heard of one of those groups. >> boards of canada is -- they're scottish. they're obviously -- >> all right, number four, this one's for you. betty says, did dana ever say a bad word? >> i have a few lined up. >> she has a trucker mouth. >> nothing like my really good
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friend from north carolina whose mom doesn't know she cusses. >> dana once said her mother wanted to wash my mouth out with soap. let me tell you something, she's turned into an absolute -- >> new york. >> really? >> yes. >> proximity to -- i don't know. eric, catherine asked, how did you meet your wife and what advice do you give to your son about women? i won't go into the second part. all right. i met my wife at el mcpherson's birthday party. >> name dropper. >> yeah, i'd love to go to a super model's berirthday party. she was across the bar and i was leaving and some guy was hitting on her. i literally said to her, you're not going to fall for that line, are you? she said maybe not. we ended up, make a long story
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short -- >> sweet romance. advice about women to my son, i really don't go there other than be safe, just be safe. >> can't live with them, can't live without them and you can't shoot them. >> andrea. >> that's really deep, bob. very romantic. >> what's your absolute favorite food? >> oh, asian. >> asian? >> yeah, i like asian food. >> what a traitor to your country. >> oh, i'm sorry. greek food. >> i'm for develvelveeta. >> you pick up the phone and order what would it be? >> chinese food. or thai food. i like thai. >> thai's amazing. all right. let's describe -- >> what a boring question. >> what's your number one guilty pleasure? ooh. let's do a round of this. you got a guilty pressure? >> my guilty pleasure is i don't have any guilty pleasures. in fact, i hate guilty
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pleasures. i like everything that i do. i drink. i do drugs. i sleep in streets. i don't care. >> you're not guilty about any of it? >> do you have a guilty pleasure? >> red wine and online shopping. yeah, if you do it together, you could end up with 27 tubes of toothpaste that you thought were travel sized but they're real sized. >> you are nuts. you do it when you do ambien, too, don't you? >> what are you talking about? >> honestly, "the walking dead." i love the zombie stuff. crazy, i know. bob. >> high-stakes poker game. >> why would you be guilty about that? >> because you can lose a whole lot of money. >> it's a sin. >> the same. >> chinese food. >> more food. dancing. >> dancing? >> why are you guilty about that? >> i like to dance in my apartment by myself.
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and with my friends downtown when i don't know anyone in the establishment. >> what are your middle names? and where will each of you be spending -- >> what is your middle name, bob? >> still to come, john claude van damme in a new volvo ad. watch. >> why of us do you think could pull off that stunt? here's my guess. the day we rescued riley, was a truly amazing day. without angie's list,
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>> wow. >> man, that's got to hurt. it's got over 10 million views on youtube and a volvo spokesperson says it's real. are you buying that, eric? >> i get to go first on that one? >> yeah. >> um no. because if he falls right there, he's done. >> do you think that's real that he did that? >> they're saying that it's real. you know what would make that video so much better if they were not playing enya and playing acdc's "highway to hell." i used to be able to do a split like that in my gymnastics days. if i did that now, i'd be in a wheelchair. >> you can't do a split? >> i can't now. >> can you still do a split? >> not that way. the other way. >> can you do a real split
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really seriously? >> the other way? >> not laterally but this way. >> is that right leg or left leg first? >> you can still do that? >> yeah. >> you think this guy really did this really? >> no. i don't. >> is that all you have to say? >> it's really boring and the music is horrendous. if he was playing ac/dc it would be more believable. >> i agree. >> greg, what do you think? >> i think number one he's an inspiration to millions of young men who want to do splits. but the real point here is you got to have a point -- you got to have a plan b in life. my life is nothing but plan bs. this is a man who did not diversify his life. so when all the options ran out, he's doing splits between trucks. so i tell young people, don't just do a tv gig right. don't just write, have something else. have three things in case one doesn't work out because then
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you're going to be doing that. diversify. >> i think in between trucks just in a different way. >> i go to a lot of truck stops, i make some extra money. i'm called captain lizard. >> i hope everyone tries that this weekend. >> what? tries that split? >> yeah. >> eric, were you ever able to do a split? >> no. >> no? did you ever come close to doing a split? >> no. i'm really not that limber. >> you should try it. >> i don't trust people that limber quite frankly. >> have you tried to do a split lately? >> you know what, it's the first thing i'm going to do after this show tonight. >> you should do that. and get the paramedics around when you do it. one more thing is up next. for over a decade
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the lotion's working. thanks for asking. time for one more thing. roll the nexio. >> i hate these people. >> all right. there's been an outbreak of m z measl measles, an outbreak of whooping cough, mumps in adults. why is this happening? because there are parents who are listening to quacks and celebrities telling them not to get their kids vaccinated. the consequence of this is that their kids are infecting other kids and adults are getting diseases that have been eradicated for decades.
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please don't listen to celebrities for health advice. i'm not a celebrity at all, so you can listen to me. i was an editor for "men's health." that makes me almost a doctor. where am i? dana. >> you know it's bob's birthday today. and we have a big annual date on sunday. he's coming over for chili and some taco dip. i thought it was funny today. my husband had to go to long island where he's taking pilot lessons to learn to fly and i asked if he could stop by walmart to get velveeta cheese to put in the crockpot to make the famous dip. he calls me and tells me they're out. i was like, really, that's kind of strange. he's like i'll stop by whole foods on my way home and try to get it. he didn't realize velveeta wasn't real cheese and he wasn't asking for the right place, the location in the store. there's not a shortage of velveeta. it's processed cheese. >> that's a great story.
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>> is it better than jean claude van damme? >> no. >> that's not fair. anyway, there was going to be a picture. >> if you're going to have taco chili, you might want medicated wipes as well. >> for who? bob? >> anybody. >> can we move on from visual? >> >> this is a better visual. a san francisco teen had his wish come true by the make a wish foundation. they transformed the entire city for a young leukemia patient, miles scott, he's 5 years old, he's in remission. the entire city pitched in the mayor's office and the san francisco giants, they turned the city into gotham. they have lam ber gee knees and all these other items. it's so cool. what a neat thing to do for a little boy. isn't that cool? >> how far could you push and make a wish? i want to be able to kill the villain. i don't think you can do that. no, it's make a wish, right? >> right.
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you can't make a wish come true. >> exactly. anyway. >> one more thing, right? >> right. >> we're going to run out of time. i'll forego my time to mr. beckel, watch cash in tomorrow. >> deconstruction of obama care? that's brand new. we put up the fact that i had my 49th birthday today on the web page. and i want to tell you that there were thousands and thousands of people who left wonderful messages. i know i drive you crazy and i want to drive you crazy. that's probably one of my goals in life of you conservatives out there, although you're not all conservativ conservatives. thank you very much. you've been kind to me and i appreciate that and i appreciate the well wishes and back at you. >> now you have time for your one more thing. >> real quickly. we deconstruct obama care, tomorrow we also highlight who's the worst president in modern american history? is it barack obama? >> gee, there's a -- oh, wow. oh, i see. >> i wonder who will win.
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>> tune in tomorrow at 11:30. >> going to be a nail-biter. >> they have the best teeth. they have the greatest presidential teeth. >> the next president should have knocked out grill. >> no george washington. >> george washington had wooden teeth. "special report" is up next. crashed planes, unraveling sweaters, the president faces some tough metaphors over obama care. this is "special report." good evening. i'm chris wallace in for bret baier. a day after president obama presented his fix for the millions of canceled health insurance policies the house passed a fix of its own with bipartisan support. it's not clear what the eventual solution will be, but like a growing number of people insurance companies aren't happy. we have fox team coverage. james rosen investigates whether the president's fix is even
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